The Huron Expositor, 1943-03-12, Page 4rtOtt":•!ttVa.
110' N'fitalgalaWMVOSITOR "."
fied Mkt will be inserted at new low cash rates:
yRide. 160ef and Inanad, Consfuer vendEta—Per weeds
21361, Week
% Gem
, ,'• ' ' srfl week % Cent
Mina charge, Mat insertlea,25 Caste
tint% initial and ablareviatibn counts in mak Word.
. ,
'. iihiya et Thin*. 10 Hemarlant Notice --41 cent Per wort Minimenk 50 eon* Per wea. -a
ihntuiries may be * Box limber. eie The Huron lib(Posior, for 10 Cents extra.
' Eat gents addition:a 6Der week will be charged If ads in above ohms ere not paid by the
.1 . . .' Saturday night in- the we hs which the sd. was sun.
Birthe, Marriages and Deaths ingested ,Ixes of charge.
Auction Bake. Entices) te Oredithals„ Eitc—Ratta on oiMOIcsdesnu
-. '.
For Sale ari Rent 1 Lost and Found
heuse., Side Street; insulated; modern Finder Please leave at Mitt, EXPOSITOR
conveniences. Stable, garage. Pasture lot if OFFICE and receive reward. 3926-2
desired. Possession Mew 1st. Apply Sc, J. C.
LAING, Seafanth. 3924-4 t,OST—ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 23rd,
j'4 between the home of Harold Jackson,
Huron Road East, and Crich's Store, some
valuable papers. Will finder plame leave
Property For Sale same at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE.
" and garage. likely situated on corner
lot. Apply A. W. E. HEMPHILL, Hensel'.
In Memoriam
' hacated on Coleman Street, Seat orth. Ap- '"-' of our father, Roland Cudmore, who IMES-
'S/1y MARTIN RYAN, Executor, Mary O'Reilly ed away in Hensall on 'March 16th, 1928.
Estate, or McCONNELT & HAYS, Seaf or th , , ..,
• 3926x1
Ontario, his Solicitors. 3925-3 ,
Help Wanted
" general housewcn-k, for )3. few weeks, in
town- AWAY to Box 367, HURON EXPOSI-
TOR. 3926-1
I Y adults, Good wages. MRS. W. E,
GOODWIN, 131 Front St., Stratford.
"" eral farm work. Separate house all
found and good wages for suitable roast Must
have references and outline past experiences
in first letter. Apply to Box 363, EXPOSI-
TOR OFFICE. 3925-2
" County Home. an Assistant Matron, also
1 cook and 1 maid. Apply nearest EMPLOY-
Refer to R.O. 466. 392,5-2
For Sale
now weaned. Enquire of DAVID DIG-
NAN, Hensel'. Phone Zurich, 91 ring 18:
'plOR - SALT -1941 LODGE 2 -TON TRUCK,
stake .lody, in very good condition_ For
quick sale, L. SCHIT,RE & SON, Zurich.
with calves by their sides: others due
shortly. Breeds are Durham, Ayrshire and
Guernsey. I. A. McKENZIF,, second farm
west of Egnoondville. Phone 660 r 25.
"- machine. As the manufacture of electric
washers is discontinued or the duration, this
• is en opportunity which should net be over -
Rooked. J. W. MODELAND. name 660 ring
4, Sead'orth. UMW
house Seaforth. 'Apply to Box 366,
" of pasture land, close to Seaforth.
ply to Box 364, EXPOSITOR OFFICE.
,, 3925-8
on -Shasia,-.. Would aceept from 10 to 100
acres. In replyVhtate acreage, etc." Box
"ply to CATHERINE MeEWEN, first
farm west of Hensali, or Box 92, Hensall.
For Rent
brick house. All conveniences. Situated
on corner of Market and Ord Streets. Apply
to MSS. J. A. MaKENZIE. Phone 25, or
write Box 27, Sesatiortb- 3925-tf
roomed house on George St-, Seatforth; 1
block from Library. Apply MRS. F. E.
PHILLIPS, Londesboro R. R. 1.
Farms For Sale,
palms FOR SALE --(1) 100 ACRES FN
smith, on Highway NO. 8. Let 29,
Huron Road, frame barn on cement founda-
tion; "frame house. Very productive soil
plenty of water. (2) 50 acre* in Hullett,
north half of Let 5, Concession 2; frame
born on ortIone foundation; frame bonze;
wells. Choice farm. Apply WILLIAM LIV-
INGSTON or JAMES F. scoTr. R.R. 2, Sea-
ford), Executors of the late Thomas 1414141110.'
ston estate. 1912-tf
" Clinton, Phone 75-3. For conar,
plate lines of Palter brushes and service for
same- In Seeforth on Tuesdays. Leave or-
ders at Bax 860, Tab, HURON EXPOSITOR.
'6` iced tonic for bogs, poultry and stock, see
your Watkins' Dealer, WM. BRADSHAW, 54
George, St., Seaforth, or phone 60.
Township of McKillop
&fleet -17e Service, we are requested that
farmers in the Township ef MoR8llop relkuir-
fug hell') send in their requirements to tie
undersigned on or before March 16th„ etatiest
hey rewired, 'length of time and:wages they
are 'wiRing 'to pay,
JOHN McNA.Y,' Clerk,
IL R. 2, Seatforth.
Births , •
81.1191tItLADM-4n Seett Memorial Hospital,
on March 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell
81114mA/cud, Seaforth, a daughter.
latMnien8010—te Scott Memorial HlesPitai, on
March 8th, to Mr. and MrS. Ivan Rigger -
son, Dublin, a daughter.
� ddey, March 9th,
Editidita00110;;Ettse; srae .
SC?XIa &
?i:itet • 'year$,,,,.,
Cards of Thanks
wish 'to , thank their friends and neigh -
burs for the kind expressions of sympathy in
their bereavement, also the Scott Memorial
lIcepital Stall., those who sent flowers, and
those who kindly loaned their cars or assisted
in any way.
' aline O'Connor wish to express their sin-
cere appreciation to their friends sad neigh-
bors for the man),. 'Pres:A ms of sympathy
tendered them during. their recent bereavo-
merit, for the many, spiri6.uil bouquets, incl
for the loan of cam
of Dublin,wish to thank their many
friends, neighbors and acquaintanc.4.'" for their
kindness and sympathy shown during their
recent bereavement in their loss of a loving
wife and mother: also Lor the beautiful floral
tributes and 'those who so kindly loaned their
oars: special thanks to Rev. R. Hur-
ford, D.D., Seaforth..
Bright wish to extend to their rieighbors
Mg several He was mttellkd-
ed by Dr. D. G. Steer, of HensalL
IVIr. and Mrs. Robert Drysdale spent
the week -end with relatives in Lon-
Friends 'of Mrs. William Chapman
will regret to learn is continuing quite
ill at her home in Hay Township. "
Mrs. M. G. Drysdale, accompanied
by Mrs: R. Drysdale, were in Toron-
to for a few day's last week on busi-
Bob Hess, who has been in Victoria
Hospital, London, for the pa$t week,
taking treatments in the interests of
his laealth, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and
little daughter, of Kippen, spent the
week -end with the latter's sister, Mrs.
Sam Rennie and Penally.
Pte.' Wesley Jones, of London,
spent the week -end in Hensall. He was
accompanied back by his wife and
little daughter, Patsy, who will re-
main there for a while.
Owing to weather and road condi-
tions, the euchre and dance in aid of
the Russian Relief Fund., sponsored 'by
Kippen East Women's Institute, sche-
duled for Monday evening in the town
hall, has been postponed indefinitely.
Pte, R. C. Slater, medical section, of
the Kent Regiment, who has spent
the past year in British Columbia,
spent a couple of days on leave, the
guest of Miss Edna Saundercock.
At the last dance sponsored by the
Girls' Dance Club, $25.00 was realiz-
ed for the Chinese Relief Fund.
1'b local lire 'brigade received a
call Friday vening at 9.30 to the home
of Miss Clarissa. Mitchell, owing to a
:49rious chimney fire at her home. The
call was promptly anSvv•ered, and
from the time the siren rang the
brigade was at the scene in less than
'five minutes, and did splendid work in
getting the blaze undercontrol.
Miss Circle Holds Meeting
Miss M. Ellis was hostess at her
home Monday evening for the March
meeting of Hensall United Church
:Mission Circle, seventeen members
and guests being 'present.. Mrs. E
Kennedy was co -hostess. Miss Edna
and friends their heartfelt appreciation for Saundercock was in 'the chair and
the many kind ne3*0'... and tokens of sympathy Miss Gladys Luker was pianist. The
received during their recent illness and sor-
rew in their home. !theme was "Christian Homes." The
!meeting carne to otter with the theme
Henso.11, wish to expr s to • the friends
! song, followed
with the opening Irymn,
and neighbors their • sincere anDreciat ion for "My Father is Rich in Houses and
the kindness' and sympathy extended to them
'Lands " and the Lord's Prayer in uni.
'during their recsad bereavedent. special
thanks to Rev. W. Weir, Dr. D. G. Steer. the son. Roll call was answered with
Exeter-Hensall brarch-of the Canadian Legion, "signs of a Christian home." The
choir of Carmel Presbyterian Church, pall-
bearers and those who seat 'lovely floral tri- Scripture reading, Psalm 1, was read
butes and loaned cars, alternately, and the hymn, "Blest Be
the Tie That Binds," wag' followed
with the devotional, "Gratitude For a
Christian Home," ably given by Mrs.
J. Morris. The topic, "Christian
LHomes," was presented by Miss El-
lis in a very able manner. Interest-
ing points taken from the topic re-
vealed that Christian homes are the
most important thing in the world,
the basis of a Christie nature, the re-
lationship makes the horne, and that
some of the greatest men the world
has produced were raised under the
influence of Christian homes. Inter-
esting discussions led by the speaker
were' featured. Christianity, Love Di-
vine, Human Love and Faith were
four very important factors in the
building—of a Christian home. The
secretary, .Mrs. McNaughton, read a
very interesting letter from Miss Ir-
ene Douglas, of London, past super
inten'dent of the circle, in which she
.stated that she always follows the
progress of the Circle through the
press, and has their interests at•beert.
Articles for the layette• -were on dis-
play and were much admired, the
members deserving much credit. it
was decided .to make four toilet bags
to be forwarded to Missions and In:
dian schools. The April meeting will
Friday evening..March 12-th. 8.15, a' be held at the home of Mrs. Lorne
play, "Mystery At Midnight." sponsor: Elder. With the singing of "Take
ed by the Wohelo Clas's of the United Time To Be Holy". and the Mizpah
Church, will be' presented by the Exe- benediction, the meeting concluded.
ter Jetties St. Young People's Society, Luncheon was served by Mrs. W.
in the Town Hall. Hensall. Earl Hey- iSmale, Mrs, E. Kennedy, Edna Saun-
'wood and his sister, CKNX radio art-
ists, will be gueliartists"..
by the V3eter Yelling People, of Seines
St. rrat%'f-ctiuroxji ticw TOWat Hall,
Hensall. VIOS Ptlay is in popillar de-
mand, hgv4ig been, presented twice in
4xetoir, Znrich, Fairfield and Grand
. Mr. A. L. Case, popular C.N.R. ag-
ettnitaa 04ea conkned to his home
suffering INA nu. His many friends
hope he Vitall niaon 'Make a apeedy re-
covery and be able to •return to his
duties 64011, •
Br: J, Cali/I:hope, of Teronto, visit-
ed his Xacither, Mts. Jean Gawthorpe,
over .the wgek7end.
Mrs. Johi:njeliniten,' well known ren -
;dent, who will Celebrate 'her 92nd
birthday 'April 30, has been ,very 111
for the Peet week, *suffering with
pneumonia. Her •daughter, Mrs. Ed.
Douglas„ of Hyde Park, is at present
wf,th. iher. 'Mrs. Johnston's nurnerons
friends trust she will soon recover
her normal health and live to cele -
In ate her 92nd birthday.
Members of the Wohelo Class of the
United Church plan to pack three box-
es eaeh xn�nth for boys who are in
service and who are associated with
the church. Any members of the con-
gregation wishing to contribute dona-
tions are requested to hand in same
nr.t later than March 12 to any of
the following committee: Margaret
'Shepherd, Edna Saundercock, Bob
Hess and Howard Brook.
The •many friends of Mrs. Norman
i Long will regret to learn is ill at her
home in Kippen. Mrs. Long had re-
turned from St `Joseph's Hospital,
London, where she was a patient. .
The Young People's Union of the
United Church will hold a St. Pat-
rick's social in the school room of
the church on Monday evening, Mar.
1F,th, under the convenership •oc Miss
Gladys Luker.
The Late Rev. E. R. Tell
• Rev. Ellsworth R. Toll, late minis-
ter of Port Carling United' Church,
passed away at the home ,of his par-
ents, Rev. S. L. and Mrs, Toll, Lon-
don, after a lengthy illness, in his 35th
• year, He was 'born in Hensall, his
father beinga Methodist minister here
for aortae 'time. He was well known.
in Canada .fnr his many appearances
before Canadian church audiences, in-
cluding Hensall United Church, on the
topic of his trips, around, the world,
and for many travelogues' and inter-
esting missionary talks which he gave
on that subject. A graduate of. the
University of Toronto and gold. med-
alist in theosOphy and history, he re-
ceived his M.A. degree at the same
university. In 1934' and 1935 he and
his brother, Leroy, made a trip around
the worldonuch of it on bicycles, vis-
iting Europe, Africa, Asia and South
America, and it was this trip that
bronght him international fame, on
the fine piptorial work and lectures
that culminated from the trip. He
was married in 1941 to Ruth Draper
of London,.
Pirake Presentation
The Late Mrs. Michael Murray
The death took place in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, on Wednesday,
March 3rd., of Julia Linnane, beloved
wife of Mr. Michael Murray, of Mc-
Killop. Mrs, Murray was born in
County Galway, Ireland, and came
later to Canada and was married
twenty-three years ago to Mr. Murray.
They lived, in Kinkora for three years
and then -moved to McKillop, where
she has resided ever since. She is
survived ,by her sorrowing husband
and a familyof one daughter, Flor-
ence, and three sons, Lawrence. Ken-
neth and, Joseph, all at home; ,also
one brother, Thomas, who.lives
land. Solemn High Mass was sung
by- Rev. T. P. Hussey at St. James'
Church ,on Friday ,'nalarning, and in-
terment followed_ ie.,St. Patrick's cem-
etery, Kinkora. Tile pallbearers were
Albert Harrison. Milton Stewart,
Thos. Scott, Harvey Mclllwain, John
Lane and Frank Ryan.
• (Continued from Page l)
dercocdlt Mrs. Norminton and Miss
‘A box social and euchre was held
in S.S. 10, Hay, school on Friday last,
The choir and mlisic wa under the sponsored by Hensall South Branch
I of the Red Cross. Fifteen tables were
directioh 'of Miss Irene Hoggarth.
Hymns sung were "The Lord's 'My
Shepherd" and "Abide. With Me."
Folldwing the service the cortege
proceeded to Exeter cemetery where
burilal took place. The pallbearers
were Comrades A. E. Clark, W. E.
Stone, George Thompson, T. J. Sher-
ritt, iP. McNaught4 any H. W. Hor-
ton. P..McNaughton, trst vice-presi-
dent, directed proceedings for 'the
Legion at Hensel]. and R. E. Pooley,
president of the Legion, had charge of
the graveside service. The casket
was "draped with the 'Union Jack and
Floral tributes included wreaths
and sprays from' his children, Mrs.
Harry Watcher (Nora. McEwan),
Grand Prairie. Alta.; Mr. and Mrs.
Ewan McEwan, Earl McEwan, Tor-
onto; Alinond McFwa.n. Hensallf, Miss-
es Edith and Lillian McEwan, Lon-
don; Mr. and Mrs. E. McEwan,
Hensel); Staff of Thompson's Mill;
Head Office and Staff Parliament
branch of Ontario Savings Office, To-
ronto; former schoolmates of S.S. No,
10, Hay, where he received his early
education, Robert Mann, Basil Ed-
wards, W. R. Dougail, Wesly Cole-
man, Reeve George Armstrong, Ed-
ward Munn. Royy Todd, Arthur Dick.
Attending the funeral from a dis-
tance were his two sons. Norris, of
B,eundry Bay. B.C.. and Alpine, Jr., of
Galt; Mr. and Mrs, Ewan Mctwan
and ,Bari .1VicEwan, TOronto; James
Priest Port Hueon, 1Viich.;, Robert
karrison,. Woodstock. The sympathy
Of the community is extended to Mrs.
Metwan and fainily in their sad loss.
kr. Jim Venner, young district far-
mer, while cutting logs at Bildgetown
for Vitelsb's lit Hensel', had
the raisfortilhe to let the'axg, Oa en
his foot, causing a deep imitt6i• rectuir-
in play for the euchre, prize winners
being: Ladies, Mrs. Elgin Rowcliffe;
gents, • Robert ,Munn. Twenty-seven
dollars was realized .for the Red
Cross. Mrs. Elgin Rownliffe Present-
ed a report of work, accomplished by
the organization, and Reeve George
Armstrong addressed those present in
a brief speech. Dancing to the strains
of the Hyde orcheStta was enjoyed
following luncheon.
Death of Mrs. Fern McLean
Residents of Hensel] and district
Were shocked on Tuesday to learn of.
the very sudden passing of Mrs. Fern
McLean, of Exeter, who died at her
hone in Exeter on Monday evening
in her 30th year. She was the former
Mildred Johnson, of Hensall, daughter
of Mrs, Adeline Johnson and the. late
James Johnson. She was, biarn on the
homestead farm in Hay Township,
corning to Hensall with her•pare.nts.
Following her marriage she resided
in Hensel' for a few years before
moving to Exeter. Surviving are her
husband and four site!!l children, all
tinder six yeats of age: Beverley,
Merlin, Eileen and Ruth; Ave brothers
anti four sisters, 1VIertyn, Windsor;•
Clarence, Melbourne; Allan, Hensall;
Gerald, overseas; Elgin, with. the R.C.
0.C., London; Mrs. Cook (Margaret),
London; Mrs, George Ingrain (Laura),
Hensall; Gordon, Parker (Vera),
Hensall, and Mrs.- Alex Melaurtrie
Mthel), Centralia.
The Exoter-Hensall branch of the
Canadian Legion is sponsoring a bingo
and dance in the Town Hall, Hensel!,
oe Wednesday, March 4.
Remember the date, Friday evenimg,
Mardi' 14 at 8.15, ,a play entitled;
"Mystery At Midnight," spontioredby
the, Wohelo Class, will be presented
The sergeants' mess at Clinton Ra-
dio School was the scene of a delight-
ful affair Sunday evening, when
friends of Sgt. Draige, who is leaving
camp this week, presented him with
a Waterman's-fountain pen and pencil
set. The accompanying address was
read 'by Reeve E. R. Shaddick, of Hen-
sall, and the presentation made by
Ted Oliver of the New Commercial
Hotel. Music was featured during the
evening and an informal time spent.
Friends from Hensall who arranged
the event and who attended from here
were; Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer,
Reeve E R. Shaddiek and Mrs. Shad -
dick, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor, Mr.
Ted Oliver, Mr "and Mrs. Ed, Fink,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed.-, McClinchey, Miss
June Saundereock, Mr. and Mrs, John
Farquhar, Cornelius Faber, Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, Mrs. Jean Boyd,
Miss Beryl Pfaff, Mr. Orville Work -
Man, Wni. Fairbairh, George Thotap-
son, Byran Kyle, Mrs. Sararas, Jack
Simmons, James Parkins, Harold Wil -
Hard, Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Moffatt, Kip -
pen, and Jack Tudor, R.C.A.F., Oen-
tralia. °
" The Late Mrs. A. H. King
Word has reached Hensill of the
death of Mrs. A. H. King, who paSsed
away at the Porter Memorial Hogpi-
tal, Chesterton, Indiana, a.c. 'the age of
56 years, 10 months and 21 days. She
had been in ill health for some time,
but had been confined to the house
for only a short while. Edna :Louise
King, daughter of the ,late- Thomas
Neelands and Louise Carique, was
born in Stayner, Ont., April 7, 1887.
Her early life was spent in Hensall,
until she moved to Chicago with her
family in 1918. Her father was edi-
tor of the Hensall Observe: for many
years. In June, 4908; she NV as united
in marriage to Artbur H. King, who
was station agent at, Hensel!, the mar-
riage being solemnized in Hensall. To
this union • were born two children,
William who is now in the U.S. army
overseas, and a daughter, Elizabeth
Louise, w,ho passed away in 1934. Be-
stdes her husband and sen, Mrs. King
is survived byi„two 'brothers, Roy M.
Neelands, Chestterton, and Ray D.
Neelands, of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs.
King -Was a member of the Order of
the Eastern Star and the Firat Metho-
dist Church of Chesterton. She was
a hard worker in. her community and
her church, always finding time shome-
how to .fulfill her duty.
W. M. S. Holds Regular Meeting
The March meeting of the
of the United Church was held at the
home of Mrs. R. A. Brook on Thurs-
day afternoon last with a splendid at-
tendance of theliabers and guests pres-
ent despite the Inclemency of the
weather. The Iiivellident, Mrs. Brook,
was in the chair., "He Liveth Long
Whir Liveth Well" wag the opening
hymn, followed With the Lord's Pray-
er, bhe Bible lesson, Micah 4th chap -
. .
lit s 1"„ •
,la •
ter and 14ie 40.6, was reed by Iffra-
N. B. copk. ws, 0, l*Ronetli• la* in
prayer: "There is Work Tg' Do For
Jetitis',! was sung Audi a spenial offering
taken up in aid ef the Chinese relief.
The president reported re the quilts
which were• recently quilted. It was
decided to forward two quilts. to Mna.
Cqlciough at Blyth, supply secretary
for Huron County, for the bale to be
Packed in May, and the remainder to
be donated to the Red Cross. The an-
nual birthday party will be held in
the school rocnai of the church Thurs-
day afternoon, March 18. The pro-
gram committee is Mrs. George Hess,
Mrs, Maude Hedden and Wit. W. 11.
Cross; lunch committee,'Mrs. Ballan-
tyne and Mrs. C. Cook. The 'anneal
day of prayer will be held in St. Paul's
Anglican Church on Friday afternoon,
March 12, and will be a union meet-
ing. It was decidedto discontinue
the lunches for the duration at the
regular meetings, with the exception
of any special event. Mrs. C. Cook
favored with a reading and Mrs.
Maude Hedden contributed a solo, ac-
conipanied at the piano by Mrs. Grace
Harpole. The topic,, 'The Church,' the
City, the Work," was taken from the
study book. "The Church in the City
Streets", was ably handled by Mr&
George Glenn. The closing hymn,
"What a Fellowship, What a Joy Div.-
ine," was f011Owed by the Mizpah
'benediction, and the' roll call answer-
ed with payment of fees. Dainty re-
freshments were served by the hos-
tess, Mrs. J. Passmore and Mrs. Grace
Harpole. Mrs. A. Spencer' will be the
hostess for the 'April meeting.
The following are the names ,of the
members of the United Church of
Hensall Sunday School who wrote on
the examinations of the Fifteenth Na-
tional Temperance Study course and
obtained prizes. The names are in
order of merit: Intermediate Group
—June Kennedy 96%, Harold Dining,
Helen Noakes, Doris Buchanan, Doro-
thy McNaughton. Juniors, 10 and 11
years—Billy Mickle 100r/, Bernice
Dilling, Betty Mickle, Jean Armstrong,
Charles Pee,."Betty Rowcliffe, Patsy
Mitchell, Hannah Pepper. Juniors, 9
Years and under — Lloyd Buchanan
100%, Ross Corbett. The percentage
of the ,highest in each group is given
as above. Those whose papers were
sent to the Provincial examining
board are as follows: June Kennedy,
Billy Mickle, Bernice Dining, .Betty
Mickle and Lloyd Buchanan. Prizes
for the above were given out at the
conclusion of the Sunday School on
Sunday morning last.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson •Carille spent
ast week with their &lighten, and 80-
wlaw, Mr, 114. Mrs, Wesley intehard-
hin, andflrnifly, baron Aun and Ken,••
ietkor Gederioll, f)4.
-One .f our local well .known young
men had a surprise the other even-
ing, having oceasioit to go into a latnne
for a -few moments :and upon returning
to his car discovered it had been stol-
en. Chief Thomas Kyle was called to
imVestigate and found Ike car parked
a`few blocks away with tke gas tank
drained of every drop of gasoline. Na-
turally he had to walk home. Moral:
De net.leave your keys in the car in
this time of gasoline .rationing.
Window peepers hate been buy 41),
Hensall recently'. ThkI is a serious
offence and anyone caught ,trespass-
ing on people's property will be sev-
erely dealt with.'
Spr. Glenn Love and Spr. Arthur
Lelay, of the Toronto Trade School,
were week -end guests with the for-
ruer's . sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. 1VicEwan.
Mrs, J. Wilson, of Stratford, is vis-
iting with her mother, Mrs. Mary
Brown, and her brother, Mervyn.
Hockey Game Ends in Tie
A large number of hockey fans at-
tended the hockey game Wednesday
night at the Clinton Arena, when Var-
na and Hensall played in the last
game between these two evenly
matched teams in the Rural Hockey
League series before the play-off, re-
sulting in a'tie of V7 Morley Saun-
ders, principal of Hensall Continua-
tion school, and Ted Oliver, of the
New Commercial Hotel, the former
with the University team, at Toronto,
and the latter wwith the Nev 'York
Rovers, assisted. The game was onk.
of the best of the season. Line-up for
Hensall: Goal, Bill Mickle; defence,
Bioses - and Schwalm; forward lines,
Saunthars, Campbell and Joynt; lett
wing, Campbell; 'right wing, W. Joynt;
centre, Saunders; subs., Sangster and
Campbell. Varna line-up. Goal —
Thompson; defence, McCartney and
Johnston; left wing, W. Hayter, right
Wing, Adam Wilson; centre, Wilson;
subs., Peck, Mustard ; Stephenson,
Keys, Elliott. Goals for Varna were
scored by George 'and Adam Wilson,
Stephenson, McCartney. Referee—
Wllson Allan, kensali.
Red Cross Notes
�h tract
...Barley-, •
We are again taking contracts
for Malting Barley for the Can-
ada Malting Company.
Phone or write to—
Geo.T.Mickle& Sons
Friday, March- 12, and they are asked
to makea special effort to have all
their knitting in by the time of ship-
ment. These are days In which we
all appreciate the need for warm
clothing and woollen good's. Let us
see that we get our knitted socks,
milts, gloves, etc., away as' soon as
Another quota has come to. the
hands of the knitting convener, Mrs.
W U. Goodwin. It calls fcir forty
sweaters for boys, girls and ladies.
These sweaters will be some of the
many that will be given to those un-
fortunate people w!ho lose their homes
and all their possessions due to the
ruthless bombings of the Nazi Luft-
waffe. 11' you want to help one of the
victims, ill you have to do is to get
some wool and knit a sweater, This
is just another opportunity to serve
others through the Red Cross.
This columfl wishes to thank all
those who so generously donated the
new and used clothing for the relief
of the Russian people. Last week
Mrs. A.-R..C.a.mpbell and Mrs, W. Weir
packed five large (oversize) cartons,
each .bulging to the lirnit ..with this
fine warm clothing and it won't be
long until many a man, woman, boy or
girl in Russia will be snugly clothed
because of these gifts provided by the'
people of this area. • We feel, sure.
that the knowledge that many will
enefit because of these gifts is suf-
ficient thanks for yon all, but we just
want to add our word of gratitude.
The knitters or the local Red Cross Once again you have shoWn that when
SocietY are advised that another ship- the need is known the people of Hen-
ment of finished goods will be made sal] and district never fail.
ARE YOU one of the Canadian householders !igho burned fences, doors, IP
and even flooring to keep warm in this winter's sub -zero weather?
' Or perhaps you are one of the lucky ones who just =tinged to scrape
through? - •
In either case, you will want to be prepared for next winter when greater
nardships loom unless you take immediate action.
The shortage already has affected many communities .. . total, stocks of
dry wood are nearly exhausted ... in some places the small supply Of green
wood cut for next winter is being used now to meet the present emergency.
Throughout most of \C nada, fuel -wood is obtained not far from where it is
consumed. Its production and distribution are the business of local citizens.
The Dominion Gov Aiment recOgniies that the wood -fuel shortage is
so serious that even with the hill co-operation of everyone in affected 'com-
munities an adequate supply is not assured. Accordingly, it has been decided
to stimulate the output of wood -fuel by assisting those normally engaged
in its production and distribution.. To this end, the following measures
will be adopted'
'1 A subsidy of $1.00 per cord will be paid to dealers on all
commercial fuel-wOod contracted for and cut on or before
June 30, 1943, and held to dealers' account on that date.
2 The. Coal Controller has been authorized to arrange in his
discretion for the payment of such portion of the transportation
costs as he considers proper in respect of fuel -wood, particul-
arly in cases where dealers, to procure supplies, find it necessary
to contract for fuel -wood at locations outside the area from
which they normally derive their supplies. In order to obtain
any such reimbursement, dealers must, obtain a ,permit from
the Coal Controller before contracting, for such supplies.
3 The Coal Controller will repurcha •from dealers at dealer's
of $1 per cord has been paid and, Xvhich are s
cost all commercial grades of fuel; ood on whoilclhina dsueabiseirdsy,
-`5 hands as at May 31, 1944.
4 Assistance will be given in providing prioies for necessary
5 Fanners now on the farm, and who leive the farm temporarily
'in response to this appeal to engage'in fuel -wood cutting, will
be deemed by National Selective Seririce to be carrying out,
their regular occupation as farmers and will be given all the
rights of deferment' of military service which such an occupa-
tion now carries. Such temporary absence should not, howei,er,
interfere with agricultural production.
Municipal councils, farmers, fuel dealers, individual citizens, service clubs,
and all other groups in communities where wood -fuel is burned, are urged
to begin at onceer rapid survey of their local situation, and to take imme-
diate action to relieve the shortage.
tionouratile Howe, Minister
• .7
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