HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-03-05, Page 44 OSITOR MARC 5, 194 =qhs....•-� s. 0 ed Ads will be inserted at- new low cash rates: qed. Lost and !nand. Coming Events. te. -. 1'4ar word: week ek xdaiaa week a Cea4 imam charge. first insertion26 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviataion counts as one word. Minim 60 t9 week 43ayd of Th season of 1943 O' sate conditlens as former years; tenders to be opened at a apeeia1 meeting of the, council en Saturday evening, Marsh 13th, at 8 O'clock. That accounts covering paY- ments on township roads, Hay Tele- phone, relief and general accounns be passed as per vouchers: Township Roads -Wilson Allen, snow removal, $440.55; H. Steinbach, road suet., $5.40; L. Zimmer, account,, $8..35; A. Crerar, repairs culvert, 60c. Hay Telephone --T: H. Hoffman, salary, axtlm, In Memo Notice 1 caws per word it um, ten Her 2salary, $21Zi0' be directed w a Box Number, ted if a Huron bOve las for 30 Dents exits $ 25.43; H,'• G. Hess, , itioiral pet week will he chanted if 'rag in strove class are not Heid by the Northern Elertrie Co., material. 3QGixiRa mals to pp, Cents add ,9atardas night in $�ik*1'bi 5, Mayr'18Q;ee and Deaths inserted free of charge. A,wztion sales. Notices. to Crediton, °: c - s..•, -e. on application. Property For Sale c'ncia1 Treasurer, insulin, $5.32; G. + SALE OR RENT - E1GHT-ROOMED e ul: SALE -SM 41.1, FRAME COTTAGE. Ni a;:t' 0nK delegate to Good Roads • house Side Street: insulated; modern •,•„ n kaanene Street, Seaforth, AP-' Convention, $30.00; Whittier Co,, as- im,• stable. garage, Pasture lot ,f V and M LRYAANF.[ Executor, y Rohl es.,::)Pnt roll. $30:95: Hensall Spring the week in a tach the, ad. teas run. ?101.39; Bell Telephone Co., tolls,• $185.51. General Accounts and Re- • Pro - For 2 10 0 c 6. •.,1 - n allowance, e .T a let all a $ , S For Sale or Rent A ioired to J. 1. t.. e. ..r Mot. iim}red. Possession May tat Appb Seaforth. 3924 of .. hu Solicitors. 3925-3 LAING., Lost and Found Help Wanted ANTED—GIRL, OR WOSLkN TO DO ,- general home work. ?PPllin the even- J. .• ' A. WFISTor COTT,3y,,,•l roes- _ t," l' NNTANTED-GENER-4S. HOUSEMAID ; TWO l' ,. vv adults. Good wage_.- MRS. W. E. • , ru. GOODWIN, 131 Front St.. Stratford, 3924-3 WANTED— MARRIED MAN FOR GEN- eral farm work. Separate house all foufor have referenand ces od iand�outlineuipaste experience, iu first letter. Apply to Box 36'3, EXPOSI- TOR OFFICE. 3925-22 016.00 IN CASH, BETWEEN MAIN and Victoria Street, on Saturday and 6,30 p.m. Abply to Joh.' 1'. Reward, 3925-1 t;v AIRMAN--111.uL1'rARY \i'1LIs•r be;.wr, n and Dublin.on :•s !7th Finder please communicate 1,/,..MON. Seaforth, or EXPOSrlux ,.1:. Resvard. 3925-1 The V.A. of St, John's Anglican' - Church met on Thursday afternoon at N t'SATURDAY. JANUARY `23rd, the home of -Mrs. M. Reid. After quilt - .,on the home of Harold Jackson, ire a quilt, arrangements were made ,,•. ,1 East, and Cr eh'a Store, some e ,,. piers. Will finder please leave for the World's Day of Prayer which rHE EXPOSITOR OFFICE. will be held in St. John's Anglican Fair, grant, etc., $25.00; Wn3. Haugh, delegate to Good ••Roads Convention, °30 00. The council adjourned to meet again for regular monthly meeting on Monday. April 5th, at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon. -A. F. Hess, Clerk. 117 .arch p~1 t oil t�tite $'Brae's l ' 3A ted, Church sS;ol{l.. G`l;rcle. on Monday, Mar'e4.1. P,ht i~xEO�' 14, Atka, ;ittlric KennodY' co -hostess.. She theme 'will be "()kris- tian Homea`fm;t,i b roll call is to be an- swered with '`'Signs of a Christian rose, of Exeter, on Tlitunday, March home." The—devotional, "Gratitude 25th. The closing, bYTAIl, "Jeans Calls For Christian Homes," will be taken ,Us • O'er the Tumult" and the Mizpah by Mrs. J;'*erris, I benediction concluded the meeting, ef- Tho Teeing People of. James Str'eet'ter,which dainty refreslanients were United tour Exeter, are presenting their threeact play, "Mystery At Mid- night," in the; basement of the Unit- ed Church on eil'rida•y evening, March 12th, under the auspices of the Wohelo " alar de- Thi is in P po Class. 1a lZ P..y �r\! N"\. • T,U. by the preeideat.eTeral lis,- etissione, an religions education in schools, were led by the. Eneter MeM- hers.. The March meeting will. be held at the 'home of Miss E'r'a Pen - Church on Friday afternoon, March 12th. when Mrs. (Rev.) John Graham 3920-tf served by ,the hostess. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Brook for the loan of her home. ,The Late Mrs. John Caldwell Th@ funeral of the late Mrs. John wand, having been presented twice m Caldwell, the former Eliza Wiaahburn, Jameis Street ;Ohuroh, Esteter, Zurich widow of the late John Caldwell, who died in Wingham General Hospital in her 83rd year, was held last Thursday afternoon from R. N. Rowe's Funeral Parlor, at Exeter, with burial in Kirk - ton cemetery. The deceased had been i11 for a year and had been a. patient in thb hospital for a month. She was a native of the Kirkton community and was twice married. Her first hus- band was the late George Godbolt ;Following their marriage they resid- ed on a farm at Elimvi1le, later tak- i ing up residence' at Sunshine. Mr. Godbolt predeceased her 45 years ago. Her marriage to the late John Cald- well, a well known' district farmer, was solemnized in 1910, taking up farming a mile and a quarter east of and ,Fairfield. It will also be present- ed at Grand Bend on March 10th and at Hurondale :school the middle of March, Members of the Wohelo Class are requested to bring their donations to the overseas box that same even- ing. Mrs. Claude Blowes will be hostess for the March meeting of the Hensall'; Senior Women's Institute on Wednes- day, March 10th, with Mrs. W. B. Cross coihostess. The theme of the evening will be "Agriculture," and roll call will -tie answered with "What Can- adian product did I have on my din- ner table." The motto, "What We Give We Keep; What We Plant, We Reap,", will be given by Mrs. James McAllister, and a demonstration, "Children's- Parties," by Mrs. E. Norm- inton; current "events, Mrs. Hedden, bl! .par Pent Who bane done their bit, mad because of misfortune are pre- vented from "doing more. Udder, the capable direction of Mr. Midia:leltozl, the finance commit- tee of the 1ncal •branch of the Red .Cross, has made arranguennents to be- gin the: • canvass, in Hensall , and stir• rounding berriteryy on Monday, March 8th. Please be ready to give all you can. We dare not let those who need cur help ever want it, simply because we did not open our heart strings and ouu' purse strings. . Hensall. • Mr. Caldwell died in 1928. For ten years after the death of her husband and p ANTErevious to leer death WANTED • Cards of Thanks � and Rev. Reba Hern, will be the lead- land a recipe, Mrs. H. Dayman. Dr. A. I she had been living with her young-. Council Meets The regular meeting of the village council was held Monday evening at 8 p.m. in the council chamber .with all members being present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on motion by E. Flint and A. Kerslake. R. J. Paterson, tax • collec- tor, reported as having collected $26.93, plus $2.27 interest and penalty, since last meeting, and asked for an extension for handing in' the roll. J. Parkins .and F. W. Smaldacombe: That we instruct the tax collector to hand in the tax roll April 5th. Carried. J. A. Paterson reported re the conven- tion oP the Ontario Rural Municipal Association held in Toronto, also the financial report on the rink. Dr, 'A, R. Campbell, V.S., appeared as a dele- gate from the Spring Seed and Stock Show, asking for the usual grant, al- so asking for a rebate on the hall rent for the Russian Relief. J. Park- ins and A. Kerslake: That we grant the Spring Seed' and Stock Show $60. Carried. F. W. Smallacombe and E. est daughter, _Mrs. Harold Pym, of Fink: That we refund $24.00 hall WANTED FOR v d with County Home an 1 cook and 1 maid. APIA?: nearest -n,nruOt- Oliver desire to erpnes their cin ap- IF.N'T AND SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE.. ^e-rsrion of the many kindnesH$ extended Refer to R.O. 66. 3925-2 ., them by the neighbors and friends during he illness and death of their mother, also' to thank Rev . Hugh Jack, those who sent flowers :Ind those who loaned cars. WESTERN cion oto ere. The meeting close vvi scrip- R Campbell, the guest speaker, will a.,�stant Matron, aro. THE FAMILI. OF THE LATE MRS. WM• lure reading, followed by the •mem-i cere speab on "Canadian Industries in the For Sale port SALE—A BABY CRRIAGE REASON - able. PHONE 251-11. Also wanted to buy, child's go-cart, • in good condition. PHONE 251-R 3925-1 VOWSALE—,EONEY EXTRACTOR, 13 Larustroth bee hive;. smoker, excluders,escapes, frames. etc. D. C. GALBRAITH. B , ayfield; One x1 VOW q9JY 1 NEW ELECTRIC W,ASBING j. machine. As the manufacture of electricSm.washers is' discontinued Sthe duration. this • is an opportunity which should not be over- ' looked. J. W. MODELAND. Phone 680 ring f 4. Seaforth. Wanted MR S- AND MRJ. D. STEWART. OF Hensall, wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for the sympathy shown them during the recent death of Mrs. Stewart's inter, the late Miss Isabella Moir, for kind-. Hess extended to Mis Moir while a ,patient at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, and Mas. Paterson's Nursing Home. Hensall: spe- cial thanks to Rev. R. A. Brook for the mes- sage of sympathy, and for the lovely duet rendered by Rev. R. A. Brook and Mr. W. O. Goodwin. and at the funeral serice, and to those, who Loaned ears. WANTED TO RENT -200 TO 300 AGRES "•"-1 of pasture land, close to Seaforth. Ap- Mly to Box 364, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 3925-3 Applicantions ,Wanted APPLICATIONS WILL BE 'RECEIVED for the position of County Constable for Western Ontario County. Temporary employ- ment for six months with possibility of perm- anent appointment at the end of that time. Applications to be submitted on or before 12 o'clock noon. March 10. Apply to EMPLOY- MENT & SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE, Goderich, Ont 3924-2 For Rent MR. AND MRS. J. D. STEWART. OF 'Hensall, swish to express their sincere thanks to their many neighbours and friends who so, kindly rerpembered Mrs. Stewart with gifts of flowers, fruit and cards during • her recent illness, having been .confined' oto her home for the past twelve Weeks with a back injury, the result of a' fall on the ice side- walk. ViOR RENT—APARTMENT, 6 ROOMS, IN .PP brick house- All conveniences- Situated on corner of Market and Ord Streets. Phone A� ly to MRS. J. A. Mt>1 LIE•25.39r er write Box 27, seaflorth- Vj OR RENT OR SALE—COMFORTABLE G- roomed house on George St., Seadorthc; '1 block from Library. Apply MR$. F. E. pErn.t.fpS, Londesboro R. R. 1. ber's prayers in, unison and' benedic Maritime Provinces." tion by the Rector, Rev, John Gra- ham. A hot supper was served by the The W.M.S. of the United Church met inthe school room of the Church t and' uilt- hostess. A little son has come to board at the home of Mr. John Smith, Jr. HENSALL Euchre and Dance, Hensall, Town Hall, Friday eve., March 5th, at 8.30. 9'furdock's orchestra. No lunch. •Ad- mission 35c, sponsored'by' Kippen• East War Charities. Proceeds for ,Russian Relief. Donations of warm clothing also accepted.on that evening ' for the Russians. 3925-1 PEP PER-Jn Scott Memorial Hospital- on February 2Sth. to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pep - Per, Clinton, a son. . MALONE-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 3rd. to Mr. and Mrs. John Malone. McKillop, a daughter. Deaths OLIVER-In Seaforth, on Friday, February 26th, Margaret McLellan. widow of the tate William Oliver, in her 91st 'year. MURRAY-In London, on Wednesday, March 3rd. Julia Linnane, beloved wife of Michael Murray, McKillop. in -her 54th year. DOBLE-In Seaforth. on Thursday. March 4. Clara S. Moble, KIPPEN _ Miss Mildred Forrest, RN.. of Pe- aaaaas trolia Hospital, has resigned and has accepted a position in the Brantford Vt ARM LAND TO RENT—GOOD PRODUC- •P tive soil for pasture or cropping. Apply to ANDREW BUCHANAN, Hensall. 3924-2 Farms For Sale • FARM pus 'SALE—U) 100 ACRES IN Tnckeramith,' on Highway No. 8, Let 29, Huron Road. frame barn on cement founda- tion; frame house. Very productive soil • Plenty, of . water. (2) 60 Beres in Hallett. smith ' half of Let . 5, Cam:emioia 2 : frame barn on stone feundatian; .� .rhouse; wells. Ohoiee • farm. Apply IV- INGSTON or JAMES F. SCOTT, R.H.. 2, Sea - forth, Executors of the late Thomas 19 i stop• estate Notices NoTBDE—ANYONE WISHING MINERAL - bled tonic for hogs, poultry.and stock, s'ee your Watkins' Dealer, WM. BRADSHAW. 54 George St., Seafortb, or phone 50. 3922x6 NOTICE - Township of McKillop AT THE REQUEST OF • 1 a.t. NATIONAL S°�ective Service, we are requested that farmers in the Township of McKilloP requir- ing help send in their requirements to the unde on or before March 15th..stating help required, length of time and wages they are willing to pay. JOHN McNAY, Clerk, R. R 2, Seafonth- 392 i-2 Auction Sales Hospital. Mrs. William F. Bell visited With relatives in London recently. The W.M.S. has planned to hold the' Women's World Day of Prayer on the afternoon of. Friday, March 12th. at the home of Mrs. Isaac Jarrott- -All women are urged to attend. In these days prayer is as necessary as .pro- viding for our fighting men -the in- spiration of the uplifted hands and 'bended 'knees" as the hussy fingers that knit and sew.• Mrs, W. W. Cooper was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital,; Seaforth. at the beginning of the week. Her friends wish her a speedy recovery.. Jean and Arthur Long are:spending this week at ,home in the absence of their mother, who is 'undergoing treat- ment at St. Joseph's Hospital.. Lon- don. Mrs. Isaac Jarrott spent a few days last week at Stratford with Dr. Jar- rott. who has had the misfortune of a bone breaking in a fall on an icy street. 'The service on Sunday will be in charge of the minister, who announc- ed, he csill liscuss -"A Disciple's Sha- dow." Tuckersmith Can. 2 and 3 Farm Forum' held their March 1st meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. McLean, with a good attendance, de- spite the unfavorable weather., Miss Smith cohdueted a contest, which was amusing and educational. , The next meeting will be held , at the home of Mr: and Mrs, Joe McLellan on March 8th. Lunch was served by the 'hos- tess. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. .McLean by ,Mr. Edison Forrest. Winners from Hensall in the na- tional study course, sponsored by the Ontario Provincial W.C.T.U., are as follows: Junior, 10-11, Billy ..tickle, Hensall, 'first place; Junior, 8-9, Lloyd Buchanan, Hensall. One thousand, five hundred and eighty-four ration books were issued from the, Town Hall, Hensall, on Feb. `'5th, 26th and 27th. The committee in charge was Mrs- R. H. Middleton and Mr. E. L. Mickle, who were assist- ed by a number of volunteer workers, whose services were much, appreciat- ed by the 'committee in charge. Mr, Fred Corbett, prominent farm- er of Hay Township,, in the Hensall district, celebrated his 60th birthday on Thursday, March 4th,- a family din- ner marking the event. Chicken, with all the trimmings, Was the menu served. Mr. Corbett, who has been ill for several years, is enjoying good health now and is able to do light work. Members of the family attend- ing' from Hensall were, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cprbett, Ross and Connie, Mrs. Roy M.acLaren and Donald, Mrs. Wes- - d Pats -. M P H Dev- on Thursday afternoon las q ed six quilts, some of which will be donated to the Red Cross. Some thirty-five members assisted with. the quilting, and lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Williani' Hildebrandt, well-known Hensall residents, left for London on Wednesday of this week, where they, will take up residence. Prior to 'leaving,. Mrs. Hildebrandt was presented with a lovely blanket from friends. . Mr.. and Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson.spen- the past week in Toronto attending he Huron dounty council convention hrld at the Royal York. Mr. Wilson Carlile; prominent resi- dent of this' village, who in the latter part of October had the misfortune to meet with an accident when he fell from a scaffold while working .at Ren- nie's onion .elevator, . fracturing his right foot and crushing the heel of the left foot, and after receiving hos- pitalization at Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth, and Toronto General Hospital, was in• Toronto last week, receiving very encouraging reports from Dr. Harris, bone specialist, who informed ,him that he had made won- derful progress 'and could 'go, home and start work. Mrs. Carlile accom- panied him, and when rteurning home visited their daughter, Mrs. James Stokes, and little granddaughter, Sharon Marie, of London. AUCTION 'SALE.—.HAROLD. JACKSON, auctioneer, has received instructiat>_v to sell by public auction on Friday. Manch 12th. at 1.30 p.m., at Lot 25. Concession 4, L.R.S.. Tuckersmith— the following: One colony house; Sugar kettle; steel water trough: half dozen steel 'fence posts: 80 rode barbed wire: 1 long ladder; 1 barn cupboard; wheelbar- row; carpenter tools : quantity of.,, plank and lumber; 1, block and tackle: quantity of used brick ; 50 Brown Leghorn hens : several bush- els of wheat: forks, shovels. etc. Household Effects -1 oak sideboard: extension table; 6 dining. room chairs; 5 kitck+en chairs : 1 cor- ner glees cupboard: 1 Quebec ,chairs atbfre.; 1 bedroom suite; 1 couch: I dropleaf table; 3 -burner coal oil stove and oven: 8 -day clods dishes, tabs and boiler and other kitchen utencits. Terms -- Cash. MRS. ANGUS BROWN, Proprietress ; Harold Jackson. Auc- tioneer. • . 3925-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. The undersigned has receiv- ed instruot6ons. to sell by public auction on Lot 29, N.E•R., Usborne, on Tuesday, Marco 9. .1943, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following : HORSES --3 work horses. 1 gelding rising' 3 years old CATTLE -Cow due March 5th: cow due March 20th : cow due in April: 1 farrow eow;'2 'Cows milking: 1 yearling heif- er: 1 yearling steer: 2 baby beef calves. All but two cows are eligible for registration. Eighteen chunks 10 weeks old ; 10 chunks 3 months old: a number of hens, , docks and drake, gorse and gander. IMPLEMENTS -- Massey' -Harris binder 6 -foot eat; , Maxwell mower 6 -foot cut; 13 -hoe. Frost & Wood drill With grass seeder attached; S.4,orse Mo ey- Harris cultivator: Jahn Deere sines* epMad- er: 2-drnm Cockebutt steel roller; 10 -foot Ito- Corrnitly steel rake: 2 -horse disc • No. 21 Ver- ity walking plow;' 2-fnrrew, Trop] > no. pIaw; iftrrrow riding plowti Eniex 36 vitaattli *tidier r g tri acuities' ngle w'isl[tin[?; sbtrf0er, atrlµ tiler49l Sz aro ;, barrel churn; tiilLMa is : CCiirtteU 'hay erllcati &liable her- liannina :. a7 ley lin, war old hon use her old Chu Moi was Tid led Hel ed Mis by son and Mrs. L:Baynham, Jones an y. . rs. . . Miss Evelyn Corbett and Mr. Ed- d Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. Har - Parker and family. ,The guest of br received some very nice and ful gifts. 1frs. Melvin Moir was hostess at home for the meeting of the Arn- Circle of Carmel Presbyterian rch. The president. Mrs. Melvin r, was in the chair. The program taken from. the study in the, Glad Ings, and responsive readings -were by the president. "0 God, Our. p in Kges Past" was sung, follow- w-ibh the ,scripture lesson read by s Violet Hyde and responses led Miss Helen Moir, Miss Sally Man- Mrs- Orr offered prayer. and the topic was ab- Ty, taken by Miss Beryl Pfaff. The. meeting concluded with the singing of the national anthem and benediction. Pte. Dick Parke, of Chatham, spent the week -end with Mrs. Parke and, Mrs. Gordon Bolton. ' Mrs. Taylor, of Toronto, visited re- cently with Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Weir. Miss Norma Cook visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook.. Hay, Mar, ospi- 'SWEET.i CAPORAL "THE PUREST 6 • RM IN WHICH TOBACCO CAN in SMOKED.", penses, Carried. Constable T. Kyles was instructed to get all band instru- ments and uniforms and place in their proper place in the hall. Councillor Fink reported progress re the change in the fire equipment. Carried. J Parkins and F. W, !Smallacombe;. e That we now adjourn to met April 5th. Carried. -J. A. Paterson, Clerk. The many friends of Mr. Hilt-oa, Laing, of Exeter, son of Tem Laing, of Hensall, well known in Hensall, will regret to learn is seriously ill in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. His physician, Dr. D. ,G. Steer, - of Hensall, had him removed to Seaforth hospital on Saturday evening, and three operations have been perform- ed since then until Tuesday. His many, friends wish him a speedy re- Wingbam, Mr, Pym being organist of rent for Russian Relief Fund. Carried. Wingham Presbyterian Church. Two sons and three daughters survive: George Godbolt, Centralia; Mrs. Dun- can McDougall, Kingston;' Mrs. E. Russel, St. Paul, Minn.; Charles God - bolt, Exeter, and Mrs. Pym; two bro- thers, Thomas Washburn, of Kirkton, and Frank, Guelph, twin brothers, and One sister, Miss Sarah Washburn, of Toronto. . Red Cross Notes The drive will be on soon. We don't mean in Tunisia or in. Russia; we mean right here in Hensall and district. Our share is $2,300.00 and your share in that is the most 'you can give. Just try to see and to feel that you, are not.giving to an organ- ization or to a canvasser. -you are giving to some brother or sister who HAY • The regular monthly meeting of the council of the Township of Hay was .,held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, Marob Istt with all the. mem- bers present. Minutes of February Meeting were adopted as read. Cor- respondence was considered and filed. The following resolutions were pass- ed: That salaries and remunerations for officia.is for year 1943 be fixed as follows:. Clerk, re township, $360.00. re township roads, $75.00; re Hay Telephone $350.00, and extra for as- sistance needed; assessor, $150.00 and Postage; caretaker of ball, $55.00; se- lectors of jurors, Reeve $3.00,. asses- sor $3,00, clerk. $6.00; Board of Health $2.00 per meeting, to be conflrified by Wren. ' That rate of pay ,fin td lrnship roads fir 1943 he liked-- as follows: Mato, 3 c'ente per hour . mai and wain, .60 dents, per -1 of tr, fifi and three horses, 64 ent c l onig'wan, 0414 rod l aiwer, 44 eerita. i dohotir, tiiit.'th'ittgi >f e a .dtt'eltieett fo,I i- ting Little ffd^%ti`A�ili' ni .t "a9t�# The Red Cross of S. S. No. 10, is holding a box social on Friday, 5th. in aid of the Red Cross. Mr. Bob Hess'is in Victoria H tal, London,. receiving treatment. Dr, and Mrs. Geiger, of Waterloo, and Mr. Edmund Geiger, of London,. visited their sister. , Mrs- Eric Ken- nedy. and their brother. Mr. Ira ger. Mra and Mrs. Harry Hoffman Dashwood. spent Sunday last their' aunt 'and uncle. Mr. and John Bolton. of Usberne. - Miss Jean McDougall. who is attend- ing Technical School at London, spent the week -end with her paren ,s, Mr. and Mrs. Horton McDougall, of the Boundary. Horton McDougall and John Bolton s'p'ent a day last week in Preston and Kitchener. LAC. Ken Passmore, of Brantford, visited for, a few days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Piss - more. Corporal Wilfred Klopp and Mrs. Klopp.' of Kitchener, spent the week- end with the latter s parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. James Parkins. ' The many friends of Mrs. P. H. Dev- lin will regret to learn had the mis- fortune while returning home from the bingo on Wednesday last, to slip in. a rut on the -sidewalk, reeeivinig a badly sprained aik -Mr. and Ml's: Alla Davidson, of Loddon, spent the W; ik'end With Mr. atidMrs. W. R, Dattt w,on dtld .1k r.' aindr Mfa. (,iirviile `1' 'tthen. •.'Mss itti. ` lig wi be T. Kyle reported re the water tank in' the fire hall. Correspondence was read from: Canadian Aid, to Russia Fund, Capt. E. G. Fullerton, R.C.A.F., Monteith & Monteith, Motion Picture Censorship and Theatre Inspection Branch, County Treasurer, Ontario Association Rural Municipalities ; same considered and filed. Bills and accounts: J. A. Paterson, expenses at Toronto, $15.00; T. Kyle, salary; $70; Huron Farmers' Co-operative, soal, rink and hall, $25.55; Municipal World; • supplies, $17.61; Dr. D. G. Steer, expenses re A. Me,E-wen, $15; Drysdale's Hardware, supplies, hall and rink, $31.05; F. G. Bonthron, in- surance, rink, $25.00; J. A. Paterson, insurance hall, $32.00; I. Geiger, team- ing, S.R.-and snowplowing, $6.00; R. Dick, labour, S.R., $2:70; W. Hilde- brand, labor, S.R., $2.10; T. Richard', son, labor, S.R., $2.10, rink $6.45; A. is in need, or it may be that your gift McEwen, labor S.R., 90c,' rink $2.10; will be the means of wiping the tears J= Pfaff, labor rink, $52.50; W. Taylor, labor, rink, $8.40; G. Schwalm,, labor away from the frightened eyes of a rink, $1.80; A. Smale, labor rink, tiny child to whom this war is more $1.80; J. Corbett, labor rink, $2.25; of a reality than ever it will be to G. M. Case, coal, hall, $23.95; R. A. Orr, repairs hall, 45c; G. R. Hess, printing, $4.5.25; Hydro Commission, Hydro, hall, $8.68. Total, $398.64. J. Parkins and A. Kerslake: . That, bills covert', The Young People's Union of the United Church met Monday evening, March 1st. 'Phe theme, "Missionary Department," was taken by Miss Len- ore Norminton, The opening hymn, "Yield Not To Temptation," was fol. lowed with prayer by Rev. R. A. Brook, and the Scripture lesson by alis .Mina MacEwan, The guest speaker, Miss Ellis, gave a splendid discourse on "Mission 1Iork in the Slum Di.Striets," taken from the Mis- sion study book. The next meeting, to be held March 15th, will take the form of a St. Patrick's social under the convenership of Miss Gladys Mc - Kinzie. Miss Marion Sangster favor- ed with a reading. The closing hymn was "Songs of Joy," followed with the Mizpah benediction. Miss Lenore Norminton presided over the meeting. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Steer, of Mount Brydges; and • their daughter, Lila, R.C.A.F., Brantford; Mr. .and . Mrt.`dameroti Steer and baby daugh- ter, of London, were Sunday guests -with • Dr. and' Mrs. D. G. Steer. Patricia Steer returned with her grandparents to Mount 'Brydges for a week's vacation. Miss Vera Decker and Miss Nellie Carmichael, of Exeter, were week -end guests with friends in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. HarolalFoster and son Billy, of Blyth, were week -end 'visitors with Mr: and Mrs. A. Foster. Remember the date, Friday even- ing, March 12th, 8.15: A play, entit- led, "'Mystery,. At Midnight" (sponsor- ed by the Wohelo Class) will be pres- ented by the Exeter James St. Young • People's Society in the United Church Sunday school room. The class mem-, bers.• plan to pack three boxes each month for boys who are in service 'and Who are associated with . the church. Any members of the eongre- you. Perhaps your gift will send a parcel to 'a lonely young man in Ger- many. He Will be a prisoner of, war Women's Institute Holds Meeting • The Hurondale Women's Institute held their meeting' at the home of Mrs. W. Welsh of the London Road. Mrs, Kirkland. the president, occupied the chair. At the conclusion of the business period Mrs. C. Down pres- ented the topic, "Social Welfare." in a very able manner. Mrs. W. D. Saunders, of Exeter, contributed a talk on "Home , Nursing"; Mrs. H. Strang, Jr:, "Food Values and How to Cook To Save Vitamins," and Mrs. A. Rundle, "Historical Research." Mrs. W. Sillery favored `with Scotch solos and Miss Margaret Dougall, piand solos. Arrangements are being made Ifo present a three -act drama, "Mys- tery At Night," by. the Young People of James Street tinted Church, Exe- ter, this play to: be presented , the middle .of March in the Hurondale school. A draw for a lovely quilt, donated by Mrs. i.- Reynolds, will also be drawn for at that event, and for whish tickets have been 'sold by the members Who report splendid success. Froceeds from the play and quilt' will be donated to the Red Cross.. Re- frshments were served at the close of the meeting. W. C. T. U. Holds Interesting Meeting and when that parcel arrives his' Kation wishing to contribute dona- heart will be a lot happier, for then and accounts as read be pair. Carried. tions, are requested to .hand in same he will know for sure `that.the folks F. W. Smallacombe and E. Fink: not later 'than: March 12th, to any of That we charge the Hydro $20.00„ the following committee: Margaret back in Canada have not forgotten. School Board $20.00 and Library $5.00 Shepherd, Edna gaundercock, Bob This is your opportunity• to do your i being their share of the auditing ex- Hess or Howard Brook, , of with' Mrs, • The W.C.T.U. held their February meeting at the home of Mrs. It. A. Brook' on Friday afternoon last at 3 p.m., with a splendid attendance of members from Henhall and Exeter Present. The devotional' period was presided over by Mrs. C. L. Jinks: The opening hymn, "'Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross," was followed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Bible lesson, Corinthians, 13th` chap ter, repeated in unison, was followed with the devotional reading by, Mrs. Hedden. Prayers Wereoffered by Miss Eva Penrose, Mrs. James Smil- lie and Mrs. Ea -W. Christie, with the singing of "Blessed Assurance" and prayer by Mrs. Jinks. This portion of the meeting concluded after which - the president was in the obafr for the r.emainde: of the program. The roll call was answered with the word. "Trust" from a Bilble verse. The ap- pointment, of a lfecording secretary was laid over until the annual meet- ing. Magazint}s, papers. etc., for sail- ors and soldiers will be donated at the March meeting. An alcohol quiz led by the president, disclosed many important facts. MTS. James Smillie and Mrs , ,ri'1,*e: tverb appointed a committee r t ,arfange for the `making of a qugtt`%i fit rsd'onated to the fled Cross, Elie r1Iers to' Inatke #the blocks b aiw'inches:. Bliss tra Penrose and' Mrs. Pybus were the enmmittee tlointe . for the Exeter members. 171s Bkbd Presented an interesting on to a211`* ite'''history of, Frauiees ,W111aadcl, 'w*ic'h was prec'ehd- ed witli.vd " , t> i"it tAllP• the ostesa tOr fibs' IMPORTANT .NOTICE TO ALL HOLDERS OF SLAUGHTER PERMITS and of LICENCES TO SLAUGHTER HOGS Because of the urgent need of securing the quantities of BACON and, other PORK PRODUCTS necessary to meet the wartime requirements of the United Kingdom, and the consequent necessity of curtailing slaughter for domestic use in Canada,,,,' the. following action has been taken under a new Order of . THE BACON BOARD, concurred in by THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD. ON AND AFTER MARCH .1st, 1943 Persons not already licensed to slailghterdhogs under previous orders of THE IjACON BOARD, but holding slaughter.- permits, „from THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD, shall not exceed 75% of their 1941' average weekly number of hogd., slaughtered'by or fir them for sale or further process- ing in Canada. (See following ,paragraphs for filirther explanation regarding areas concerned.) . THIS ORDER APPLIES . . to all who hold slaughter permits from THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD and who are located in what is generally known as Old Ontario; to all those holding such permits and located in or slaughtering for sale in any town or city with a population of over 5,000 in the Maritimes, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, and that part of British Columbia known as greater Vancouver,. , THIS ORDER DOES NOT APPLY .. . to holders of slaughter perdlits in any pail of what is generally known as New or Northern Ontario, or British Colutilbia excepting the greater Van- couver area: . it does not apply to farmers slaughtering hogs for coftsumption on their own farms only. (These do not require slaughter permits and are not subject 'te this lew Order.) • • k . OeFitatte. ae already licensed to -slaughter hogs under previous order;; of THir AO `OARD will continue, operations finder"their present statue That i -u, , ;bi, 'lstill restricted to 5b%, of itheir' 1 • weer averal e`'fo � � . �� �' g r' llisi�illution :ori lq`fn anada. Approved ane "l'Ofieitl'red: D. Gordon, Chairman,: Tho11iaattitne,Pl;icesand, • "l't'slile board; '1 . 4, Approved: J. G. Takatt, Chairman The Baton. Board. t r, rf r$ l 4