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The Huron Expositor, 1943-02-26, Page 8
Ti lr G'r eoveFaga, IOneiYa orrery Agate:at leas in ]!•nits,, etc„ and which is Under statutory fire po1- " 4Qverage is granted free Rverfxne4t regalatioue. aria unnttIe to contaet our tet i,dividuauy, we would 99'01411 or telephonee toir full on -AATSON & REID M, AQ REIT) Proprietor same 214 • Seaford OPF©IALISTS IN A.Li. LINES OF INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c' S. T. Holmes & Son O 0 - FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 o e.;- -- 0 0 Ogarles Holmes' residence, 0 0 Goderich StreetEast. Phone 0 O No. 808. 0 0 Ambulance Service , O O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 rent. " 0 til Night Calls—Phone 308 0 0 Day Calls—Phone 119 0 O Charges moderate. 0 o law.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000 o J. A. BURHE 0 o Funeral Service , O 0 Dwblia Ont. O ..0 Mar day nails: Phone 4S r 10 O 0 (J' O 000000000000 royf4t' f S OF TIM TOWN Oddfellowe Entertain Rebekahs.-r- ']'he 1.O.O.F. entertained the Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday 'evening of last week to a most enjoyable euchre. The following were the .prize winners: Ladies' firet, Mrs. Thos. Habit -irk; lone hands, Mrs. Thos. a4abkirk; consola- tion, Mrs. Green; men's first, Charles Cunningham; lone hands; Miss Edna Rafritsch; mens consolation, Mrs. Frank Kling. Northside Y. P. S. Meets.e-Phe reg- ular meeting' of Northside Young Peo- ple was held Tuesday night. The meeting was opened by singing the hymn, "From Greenland's Icy Moun- taihs," followed by the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as correct. The roll call was taken and the collection was received. "We Have Beard a Joyful Sound" was sung. Janie Moffat read the scripture and Rev. Workman took the topic. The meeting closed by singing "Jesus Shall Reign Where'er ,the Sun," followed by the benediction. Girl Guides.—The Girl Guide's meet- ing on Thursday night last was open- ed with raising of the flag by Colour Party from No. 6 Wren Patrol.„ "0 Canada" was sung and inspection and roll call taken. Patrols went to their corners. Some Guides are trying their second class tests and much progress was made in teaching them the Morse Code. A game was played. The Guides former a horseshoe and the flag was lowered by the Colour Party. "God Save the King' was sung and the Guides were then dismissed. The Second Division Court County of Huron Odie. in the Dominion Bonk Bm78- eog. Seaforth., Office 8a.®: Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday. 1.99 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday evening 1.40 p.m. to9pm. , E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk Insurance Life, Fixe, Auto. Sickness and Acci- dent. Windstorm and guarantee bonds. Bates 'reasonable. All rials placed m fret -class companies. Information cheerfully given. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS (PORMERLY W. 'E. CHAPMAN) Operated by Cunningham & Pryde leo ere invited to a aspect our stock of CEMETERY 'MEMORIALS Seaforth: Tuesdays`&. Saturdays Bos . Dr. Harburn for appointment any ether time — Phone 150 Box 150 EXETER Phone 41 THE' McKiLI.OP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE —= SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: *Alex McDwing, Blyth - - Pres. W. R. AMeblbald, Seaforth - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. DIRECTORS: William Knox, Londesboro; Chris. Leonitiardt, Brodhagen; . E. J. Tre- ewurthd. `Clinton; AIex Broadfoot, R. 'R. 2, aforth; Alexander McEveing, BB. 1, Myth; Frank McGregor, R.R. 8, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 2, Walton; Thomas Moylan, R.R. 5, Sea - forth; William R. Archibald, . R.R. 4, -$safe nth: AGENTS: Finlay McKereher, R.R. 1, Dublin; M. Pepper, Brucefield; J. E. P.rueter, Rradlhagen; James Watt, Blyth. SPENCE'S Prod ,ice GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth w ear feel' Sales Books are the best -;Counter Check Books --made in Cariada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give sathhffactiort. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or ,t City rerquire& See %sur HOMO- !Mittel fait l Lhuuches St. Thomas' Church.—Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford: 11 a.m., "Building, With God"; 7 p.m., "The Divine Comfort"; Sunday School at 10 a.m. St. Mary's Church, Dublin. — 2.25 p.m., Sunday School; 3 p.m., "Build- ing With God." • Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, )Minister: 11 a.m., "One Who Helped Many"; Junior Choir will lead the Service of Praise; 2.30 p.m., Sunday, School; 7. p.m., "The Saint and Hie Enemies." Thursday, 7.45 p.m., Prayer Service. . First Presbyterian 'Church Sunday School at 10 a.m.; morning service at 11 a.m.; evening service at 7 p.m.; mid -week meeting Thursday, 8 p.m. Y.P. meeting Tuesday, 8 p.m. — Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Egmondville Y. P. U. Meets.—The regular meeting of Egmondville Young People .was held Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Mayme Watson. The president, Warden Haney, open- ed the meeting with Hymn 494, fol- lowed with prayer by Mr. Gardiner. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the busines's was then dis- cussed. The devotional convener, Mrs. Gardiner, took charge of the meeting by reading Hymn 437 as a prayer. The scripture lesson was read from John 2, commencing at the 20th verse, af- ter which .the convener discussed the scripture reading. A' short skit_, was presented by the young people and th.e offering was taken up. The meet- ing closed by singing the National An- them and repeating the Mizpah ltene- diction. Death' of 'Mrs. William Butt. — Mrs. William Butt -Massed away at her borne„ on Centre Street, Seaforth, on Friday, Feb, 20th, after a lengthy ill- ness. She' was formerly Catherine Workman, daughter of. the late John. Workman and Mary Moffatt, and was born in- Hay Township in 1867. In 1877 she mar -riled William D. Butt, who died • in October,. 1941. They farmed on the 2nd'concession of Tuckersmith for 30 years and, retired to .Seaforth 25 years ago. The :'Puberal was held from her late home on Monday. The service was conducted by Rev. H. V. Workman, Who tookk, as his text, "lie giveth sleep." Rev. Hugh Jack read the 23rd Psalm . and' two favorite hymns were sung. Surviving e.re four sons: Edgar and Thomas, of Kippen; Roy, o'f Seaforth, and John, of Flint, 'Mich., ands $our grandchildren, Stew- art, Marilyn, Murray and Joy Batt, and two sisters, Mrs. R. P. Bell and Mrs. A. McGregor, of S.eaforth•. Interment was made in Exeter cemetery. The pallbearers were Orville Workman, James Petty, Alfred Moffatt, William Bell, Robert Dayinan ' and Percival Dale. AI►in - Houston.—The marriage of Helen Marie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew" Houston, Tucker - smith, and Mr. John Reginald Arlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John, .Adlin, Col- borne Townshifl, took, place on Satur- day, Feb. 20th, in the Egmondville United Church Manse with Rev. A. W. Gardiner officiating. The bride wore •a • street -length dress of glider blue _wibh•.blaek accessories and a corsage of red roses. She was attended by Mrs. Ray Arlin, Goderich, Who 'wore a street -length dress of poudre blue with black aeceseories and a corsage of pink roses. The groom wee' attend- ed by his brother, Mr. Roy Alan, of Goderich. Folio'vhig the ceremony the young couple left on a motor trip to points east. For travelling the bride chose, a red printed• two -piste suit and u, Mack coat with red fox fur and Week accessories. They will reside In 'Lioroate. ,Prior to their marriage;• abottt fifty neighbors and firiendd gath. ered at the home of the ,bride's' par. tlrsts to present them with a shower. The ov'ening roma spent playing pro- g'redairo'e euchre. the ' tilde '!de Iveis- efittd *Oh red and *tette is tahetivtaro - an tad taltI '... atm •a la 'Wad 1 f the Preea 14,••1011.14401, 'vitt =.s people wM ek'y ably given by re; H, R. Se atlthY Mrs,, 3, A. Munni gee a pleasing •vsolo and. Mee. W. J. Free aa�d .ann G'ay ,took up the offering. t, MotherTi is in Torento —Mrs. Geo. P. Harrison;, mother of Mar. R. H. Flar- rison, of Egmgndville, passed away at her hone fie Toronta on Wednesday, Feb. 17tH, Mrs. Harrison Was former- ly Miss Mary, Jae Stratton. Her hus- band, Georg; ,; P. Harrison, predeceas- ed her. Bereaving are one son, Rob- ert H:, of S afor91; and four daugh- ters, Mrs. ' garold Stone (Lillian), Mrs. W. J S with . (Buda,. Mre, Conrad White (Geat'gia), Vancouver, and Mrs. Charles Stanton (Winnifred), Wind- sor. The remains are resting at the Rose J. Craig pa}dors, Toronto, for service on Friday at 3.30 p.m. Inter- ment will be made in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. At Seaforth Fri., Feb. 26, 8.30 p.m. EXETER "FLIERS" SEAFORTH UBEAVERS" 3 Out of Five Games Exeter won the first. It's now up to the Beavers. Can they do it? They think so! NQ ADVANCE IN PRICF7 ADULTS 35c CHILDREN 15o Service Men in Uniform, 25c read by Mrs. Peter Simpson and Mrs. John McLachlan and Mrs. James Love presented the gifts. The bride .also displayed bee trousseau which was shown by Mis>j Grace Wallace and Miss Rosamond Appleby. Lunch was served following the presentation. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary. — The February meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyter- ian Church was held on Tuesday eve- nitig. The meeting.was opened ,by the president, Mrs. Thompson, .who al- so conducted the necessary business for the evening and received the re- ports. The program was in charge of the McArthur group of which Mrs. Reg. Kerslake is, -convener and who occupied the chair: Mrs. F. W. Wigg read the' Scripture lesson and Mrs. W. Theall gave, the Glad Tidings prayer. Mrs. M. A. Reid gave 'some points of interest iii the second book from the library called "New Life in China:" Mrs. Earl Bell read a pamph- let written by Mme. Chiang Kai- Shek. in which she eulogizes her mother and her religion and tells how that influenced her own life The chapter of the study' book on the Chinese in Canada and the work of No writing. No money orders. No bother. Just call or phone. 100% live delivery guaranteed. Wm. 'Stapleton Dublin or— Alvin W. Kerslake - Hensall SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE We have received notice that a car of. 5X B. C. . Shingles have been shipped, and 'should arrive here the end of the mouth. ' Let us have your Fertilizer and Grass Seed orders as soon as pos- sible. We have a complete line of Co - Op. Feeds on hand, including Baby Chick. Starter. PHONE 9 SEAFORTH You Are Invited to Inspect the -BOND- TAILORED-TO-MEASURE SUITS 'AND OVERCOATS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IN 7 PRiCE RANGES $22.50 to $42.00 . SOLD ONLY by GIL.LES.PIE'S . CLEANERS - .D' ERS TAILORS IF you THINK YOU'RE HARD TO FIT, WE'RE HERE' TO CHANGE, YOUR MIND _ON. CLOTHESS SHOP SEAPO `E Egmondville W. M. S. Holds Regu- lar Meeting.—The Egmondville W.M.S. met in the vestry of the church on Thursday, Feb. 11th, with the presi- dent in the chair. The meeting open- ed with the reading of Hymn 286 and Psalm selection 746 and prayer by Mrs. Keyes. ;The minutes of the last meeting*were read and approved. Roll call was. responded to by eight mem- bers. The offering Was received and the secretary's report given. Mrs. Watson, Friendship Circle convener, reported eight calls to sick and shut- ins. Mrs. Keys, temperance convener, gave a reading on "Drinking Mothers Now a Problem." Mrs. Gardiner took the study book, the topic being re- creation,, Mrs. McMillan conducted the worship service from the Mission- ary' Monthly. Let us resolve to do all in our- power to provide wholesome recreation for all in this community, especially to be given to hospitality in our homes and in our church. The meeting closed with Hymn 513, "Land Of Our Birbh," and' prayer. SIt�+4Y Jahn ADO F ' 'QOM Taylor, of Sarnia; Miaa Kate Co'Paha of Cobourg; M. ,E, ,);+*, I-Igwari1a p . Toronto; Mrs.-. rercy Lancaetet, oi', Vancouver , Mist E.- J. Cowan, Iran-la" ta0n; Vas. 4110. Maitland 4•71.),, WW1" cbeeter, Fangland, and Mrs. A. Buzat, 7 iterates. . Pi�l�lw®IIAp.1�.RPP��P11.�P9®Flgei4�pm a®1®R,a' LOCAL 'BRIEFS • Mae Lane Auxiliary Holds Meeting. —The February meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was held on Tuesday last at the home of Mrs'. E. C. Cham- berlain. The devotional period, under the direction of Mrs. F J. Be'chely, consisted of a reading, "Consolation," the' hymn, '.Father, Again in Jesus' Name We Meet" and prayer by Miss Lester. The president, Miss Fennell, conducted 'the business. It was decid- ed to hold the spring thankoffering in April.. ' Mrs.- E. B. ,Goudie, captain of Circle 2, led the, remainder of the meeting. The hymn, "The Whole Wide World For Jesus," was followed by Prayer by Mrs. E. H. Close. The scrip- ture was read by Mrs. H. Snell and Miss Lester gave an interesting paper on the church's responsibility toward social security. This was followed by a very pleasing solo by Mrs. Bechely, and lunch served by the hostess, Mrs. Chamberlain,,. • died in Windsor. — Mr. William Ament received word on Tuesday of the death of his brother, Mr. John Ament, which occurred at his home in Windsor that afternoon. Mr. Airrint was a son of the late John G. Amen- and was born' in Waterloo. County SS years ago. He came to Seaforth with Lis, parents in 18713 when 'his father started the stave and cooperage fac- ah-;c; which wa,s then one of Seaferth's largest industries. In 1877 his father opened a cooperage plant in 'Brussels which'was purchased by his two sons, John and Philip. The deceased later resided in Millbank. St: Thomas and London, but for the past 20 years had been a resident of Windsor. Besides his wife, formerly Miss. Moore, `of Brussels, Mr. Ament is survived by one son, John, of Windsor, and by two brothers and tine, sister, Mr. Philip Ani•ent, of 'Brussels; Mr. • William Ament, of Seaforth, and Mrs: Robert Coates, of London. • Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Habkirk, of Listowel, were,, guests over the week-' end of Mrs. 3.. Flett. • Miss Loretto Faulkner, who has been. #il for the past five .weeks, turned to her position at N. Clufi' & Sons lumber office this week. • Lieut. Arnold Scott, of Brockville, is spending a few days at his home here. • .Miss Lois Wright, nurse -in -train- ing at Guelph Hospital, spent the. week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Wright. • Mrs. Geakge Love, •of Bluevake, rias a guest of her mother, Mrs. Scott, over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner, of Kitchener, spent the week -end at :the home of Mrs. Frank Faulkner. • Mrs: Frank Devereaux and son, Mr. Edward Devereaux, were in Dur- and, Michigan, last week attending the funeral of the late Dr. E. 3. Car- ney, of that city, Mrs. Carney being a sister of the late. Frank and L. Dev- ereaux.' They also visited, friends in Detroit. • • Mr. William Ament was in Wind- sor on Wednesday attending the fun- eral of his . brother, Mr. John Ament. • Mr. John C: Crich was a Toronto visitor this week. • Mr. Kenneth Southgate returned to his home last Friday after spend- ing a week in Toronto. • LAO. Bruce C. Wright, of Sky Harbor, Goderich, has been 'transfer- red ••to Centralia, and left for there on Sunday: • Miss Betty Sputhgate, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W: E. Southgate. so • Mrs. J. H. Grant left. on Sunday for Toronto, prior to going to King- ston where Mr. Grant is stationed. • Messrs. J. E. Willis, D. H. Wil- son, Charles Holmes, Ralph McFaddin and Archie Hubert 'attended the Strat- ford -Brantford hockey gam,e held in Stratford on Tuesday evening. • Flight. -Lt. Ian MaicTavish, of Camp Borden,: spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MacTavish, • Lieut. M. C. Milliken,. of Camp Borden, was a guest at his home here over the week -end. —• Mrs. M. McKellar is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKellar in Toron- to. • Able Seaman Tliomas. Kahle, R.C. N.V.R., of Hamilton, spent Saturday at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Ruby Crowell. • atr. R. M. Southgate, of Kitchen- er, spent,the week -end at his hone here. • AC. Neville McMillan, of Jarvis, is spending• his leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M., McMil- lan. •' Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Milison an'? daughter, carol Ann, of Ingersoll, were guests of Mr, Ed. Mole and daughters, Misses Vera and Laura Mole.. • Mrs. John Modeland spent a week visiting her' 'sister, Mrs. John Quail, in London, • Mrs. E. A. McMaster spent a few days visiting her parents in London. • Miss June Everson, of Viceroy, Sask., spent the week -end with Mr. Ed. Mole and family. Vii. Mrs. James G. Martin, of Calgary, Alta.4, and Mrs. Richmond, of Blyth, were guests of Rev. and Mrs, C. C. Keine this week, • Airwoman Vera Hudson, of Jar- vis, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Habkirk.• • Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell; of Toronto, spent a few days with friends 1 town. They leave for Ports- mouth on Monday where Mr. Camp- ;beil will begin work on the beats. ' • Mr. Harold Jackson is spending his vacation in Toronto this week. Death of David, Leitch.—The death took place of .David Leitch on Thee- day uesday evening at his home in Egmond- ville.- Even' though he had not enjoy- ed veey good health during the past year, be,was not confined to the house until two weeiiS'. ago. Mr. Leitch was born on the 8th concession of Hibbert, near Staffs, and was the son of the late William Leitch and Isabella .,Mc- Farlane, He was educated at Seaforth Collegiate and later went to Red Deer, Alta., where he taught school for a short time. When his• father passed away he returned to Hibbert and farmed on the 10th concession, but bas resided in Egmondville for the past 15 years. He .is survived by his sister, Missy Laving Leitch, of Eg- mondville, and , Mrs. Margaret Ann Ryckman, of Dakota. The funeral wiil4 be held on Friday afternoon with in- terment in Egmondville cemetery, Rev. A. W. Gardiner will officiate. Died in Sarnia.—Miss Agnes Cowan, a member of bee of the well known families of Sarnia, who gave many years of her life in the service of the Presbyterian Church, died Monday, February 22nd, at the residence of her, niece, Mrs. HeTaylor, and Mr. Taylor, 322 North Chtistina St., Sarnia. She had been i11 for almost two months. Miss Cowan, who was 93 years of age, was born of Scottish parents, the late John and 'Catlerilfe Cowan, of •Huron County. She *as born near Seaforth and as a young woman taught echoot at Seaforth and in Huron County, Sub. sequently she trained as a deaconess In the Presbyterian church and spent some years as a, deaconess in St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church in Ed- monton, Alta. Later she went to To- ronto and performed similar duties In Cooke's Presbyterian Chitrdii. About 25 years'ago she relinquie+hed her du- ties and went`' toSarnia 'whereMie 'eontini ed to .fate till active part in the affairs of ' Sty Andrew's Church.- 7t'1re#e are no IMMedhtto relativeeo but ,riles td' n01;0111 frielttdo, BRU'CEFIELD Pte. Glen Swan, of Ipperwash Caine, spent the week -end at his home here. Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. G. Swan were: Mr, and Mrs. Frank Strange, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E. Sc'hilbe and son, of Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. E. Munn and Elaine, of Hensall. Miss Frieda: Hill, of St. Catharines, spent Sunday at her home here. Miss . Ina Scott, of London, is : at her home here owing to the serious illness of cher mother, Mrs. A. T. Scott who is in Seaforth hospital. We hope soon to hear she is better. • Contributions to the Russian Re- lief: Patriotic Society, $'50; Red Cross, $50; Y.P.W., $20; sale of tick- ets on quilt, $30; also two boxes of clothing weighing over 100 pounds.. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Keys and fam- ily and Mrs. Sears, 'of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. • Corn- ish, ' Mrs. J. J: O'Brien was called to Kirkton on alonda.y owing to . the death of her brother. Mr. H. Collins and Miss Norma Col- lin's, of London, visited their grated;,, mother, Mrs, McKenzie, on Priddy. Mrs. C. Haugh was taken suddenly ill on Sunday. At time of writing she is a little better. Her daughter, Mfss Hazel Haugh, R.N., of Toronto, is iisltin'g her. 1VIr. and Mrs. A. Moore and family, of l;gmgmondyille, spent Sunday with' faro, M. lileKenzie. W. M. S. Meets o- The regular meet ig Of the W.M.S.: :was held on. Friday, Feb. 12, 1n 'Che enhool room. Mrs. %I. Daityrmple opens, edi the trieeting with sfriging' tbltiu 265. No. 946 4'onii the WOO* wag heafre Se4fo NOW PLAYING -- THURS., FRI, SAT. ,. TWO' JI ATURES' Second Show starts 8:45 GEORGE FORMBY - The funniest man In fllms in "FEATHER YOUR NEST" ALSO --- -- CAROLE LANDIS GEORGE MONTGOMERY in "CADET GIRL" She's armed with conga and beauty! MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY MARLENE 'DIETRICH FRED MacMURRAY in Mitchell Leisen'e "THE LADY IS WILLING" with BABY COREY You'll enjoy this laugh -hit of the season ! NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY GINGER ROGERS RAY MILLAND in *".MAJOR AND THE MINOR" with ROBERT BENCHLEY ' Conung = "MOON AND.:SIXPENCE" RITA JOHNSON read responsively, followed by the Lord's 'Prayer in unison. The minutes were read and adapted. A letter of appreciation from Mrs. Bremner 'and Edna was read, also letter telling our .allocation for bale to be one guilt- or blanket and secondhatd clothing. It was decided the next meeting will be one hour previous to the World's Day of Prayer service. The .'missionary program, "Wholesome Recreation," was taken by Miss M. Swan and Mrs. G., Atkinson. Mrs. Dalrymple opened the worship service by reading verses of Hymn 369. Hymn 15 was sung and Matthew 18:1-6 was read and grayer offered by Mrs. Dalrymple. Luke 1: 12-14 was read and Mrs. Haugh offer- ed prayer. Hymns 513 was sung and the leader closed the meeting by read- ing verses 5, 6 and 7 of Hymn 369. The regular meeting of the Mission Band will be held -on' Sunday, Feb. 28, during church service. ELIMVILLE Master Carman Herdman is able to be out after being ill with scarlet fever. Mr. Wesley Heywood passed away rather sudd'enly at his home there on Sunday morning. e, M`rs. (Sgt.) Bray and son, Douglas, of- Exeter, spent the week -end at Mr. Kenneth Johns. Mr. Will Johns was in •Goderich the first of the week on the grand jury. LAC. Clayton Herdman has been posted to Mountain View R.C.A.F. Sta- tion for further training. DUBLIN Sixteen hundred hew ration books for tea, coffee, butter and, sugar have arrived and are ready for distribution at the War Services rooms on Feb. 25, 26 and 27. ,A. staff of volunteer workers under the direction of the Dublin War Service will be in charge. Citizens are reminded to bring their old ration books with the card on the back properly filled in and signed by the holder. Several Dublin hockey players and fans had an unusual experience on Tuesday night when returning from a game in 'Mitchell. Their cars stalled. in a snowbank on the highway and had to spend the night in farmhous- es. One farmer had 26 guests.' James *echo underwent a minor operation in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaferth, recently. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. W. Math - ere and daughter, Helen, attended the funeral of the former's father, Robert Boyes, in St. Marys; Mrs. Patrick Jordan, Dublin, is ill in, St. Joseph's Hospital, London; Miss Mary "Beale attended the funeral of her cousin, Miss Mae Beale; in Tordnto, on Sat- urday morning; Pat Jordan in Lon- don; Roy Brown, Landon, at his home here; Gordon Kleinfeldt, Kitchener, with his parents;' Mr: and Mrs. Roland Kleiafeldt; Pte. James Looby, Sim - eve, with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby; Pte. Pat Maloney, Chatham, with Paul Mulligan; Marie Krauskopf, London, with her .parents, $4r. and Mrs. Louis Krauskopf. VARNA Mrs. Argo and little son, Jimmie Lee, of Halifax, after •spending a week with her., parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Connell, left for .Minneapolis to visit her aunts. On Tuesday a district meeting of farmers andrepresentatives was held in the Tohip Hall. There was a large turnout of •both junior and sen- ior farmers, and we believe they will meet on Wednesday also, of which de- tailswill appear later. Make Presentation On Saturday night Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Chuter were invited to the • hall where they were met and wel- comed by a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chuter were invited to the front when an address was read by l'loyd McAsh, followed by a well-filled purse - presented by Bobby Taylor, to which Harvey replied in a fitting manner. The remainder of the night was' spent, in dancing, and a very pleasant party' broke up wishing the young couple bon voyage through life. Mr. and 14trs. Chuter will reside in H•arriston. "My Wife and 1" - My wife and t don't disagree Except on things concerning me; Our tastes run" similarly straight, For twenty years no touch of hat Has marred our love; our only spats Have risen from my' choice of hats. My wife and I as one will think Concerning meat and bread: and drink,. My business judgment she respects, We have well mated intellects; Yet publicly she'll criticize My "most outlandish" choice of ties. My wife and 1 can•get along In things of literature and song; She likes the plays I like to see, We live almost harmoniously; ' She is only scornful when she views My awful taste in boots and shoes. "That awful hat again!" she crus, "I wish you'd let nae choose your',tiesl You've got those ugly shoes again, Why can't you dress like other men?"' I'm sure we'd lead a happy life, If I could dress to please my wife. —Varna Scrap- Book CONSTANCE iVir and Mrs. E. Adams received a cable from their son, Kelso, 'saying that he• had arrived safely in England. Mr. Wesley Hoggart, who lost all' his belongings at a serious fire some time ago in Newfoundland, has again lost all his belongings, but so far they have not had any details. Ile is a son of Mr. nd. Mrs. Charles Hoggart, of Lond'esboro. However, despite all these exciting times hn is . still alive and well. - Celebrate Silver Wedding. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Griinoldby, of Constance, entertained about ,12:: of their friends and relatives to a, recep- tion which was held in the Forrest- ers' Hall, ,Constance, on Friday even- ing of last week, it being the tiventy- 21111 aiuiiversary of their wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. Grimoldby were united in marriage by the Rev. Mr. Carswell of Winthrop , Presbyterian; Church. They were the recipients of many useful and lovely gifts which consist- ed of silver, linen, aluminum, war sav- ings 'stamps and a sum of money. The evening Was spent in dancing and a. good time .was, enjoyed by ,all. ATTENTION re Fertilizer, Fertilizer is under' Governrnl.ent supervision and is 'zoned. We are agents for . Shur -gain, which com- pany is zened for "Huron., The first Fertilizer you get will be the best. ; When curing space is refilled Ib t does not get proper time before it is put in use. • We are filling orders now and will deliver yours any time from now during Marsh, and date of delivery will be marked April lot. Do not delay. ' Firet ordered, first served. We have two trucks and can give you good service. You gain nothing by waiting, and may lose. Sproat & Sproat PHONE 655 r 2 - SEAFORTTH. 1V1 Rev. Mr. DISABLED Quickly- removed in Clean Sanitary trucks. Phone cblleet. 219 MITCHELL WIliar- Stolle Sons Limited .4 4 1! it ,