The Huron Expositor, 1943-01-22, Page 4, , • 4V111insert* at new !ow caeh rates. brit WWI E8coi"Pec words oeseeltooer,00tt,!*..”..•• I. Grail . .. till • IFOrill!thg the snin Of tf0suit; er1nte4lene and Matutenance cf the to!iFilship reads in 1943, tit 40 stobinit- ted tor cosideration, at VA. FebrUarY Meeting. A resolution was passed that the fl,eave and Clerk be hereby authorized. to sign the application. to the Department of Highways for a zubsidy on $6,363.28, actual net read expenditure in the Township MI Us - borne during 1942, clerk to affix cor- peration seal. The tak collector pre- sented his roll, $1,415.56 uncollected. He was instructed to continue with corlection of 1942 taxes until Feb. 8th. The auditor' report for 1942 was pre- sented by T. A. Wiseman, lieeneed 'Municipal auditor. The report shor- ed revenue assets amounting to8,- Ifosth Sim% 4404 VI. 4 1064'100km 0. -1*4411P, Wird• . direMoonorinno N011cera.1 onat,* ward. illitarieavea 0 elniho Per 'track. jaw cted to Box. Nucabote. 0/0 The Hetron Exposition for 10 emote extra. -•kiddifflonall per week will be eherEed ado in above elate Arse net paid by the °nighi in the week hi which the' ad Wall traa, E4ga. and Deaths inserted fres (# ammo. '.14#94 Salmi Notice* to Creditors. Etc. -Eaten on For Sale Sale Personals •SALE -12 ILOC K HNS. APPLY TO • ES. J.FLANNERY. Phone 268.-M., gelefeirtb. • 3919-1 11 e'rr.--olorg WANT11 SEWING MA- hine, in good condition. ApPIY to MS. W. O. MANSON, Sr., Egmondville. 3919x2 11/RST CLA,SS CASH , GROCERY 1311S1.- ness for sale at Henault. Rent oovers Oliartmen. Must sell owing to Arrny call. Apply WILLIA.M COOK, Eeter. 3319-1 'a • • . I" a von sALO-RCItisE Amp LOTS IN HAR- -1- purhey, being Lots 18 and 19, Lewis & Galt Survey. Apply to K. 1 McLEAN, Bar- rieter, Etc., Seaforth, Ont 39184 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR TENOR SAX0- phone, 120 Brass Hohner piano acordion; like new. Half price. Also tenor ban:fp; eheap. JOHN PLUMTREE, Clinton, Ont. 3917x4 Auction Sales te,glinVX. •,...ese-5Vs"-Wesseaexiaa'"4747iseagx:WN,,. eteress-aTe‘kreirerinoolga8a-••• • mi.,. a.ev.eosiew ....................... , ekt.48ce SLEisTDOR TAB -LETS . 079.17, including tax arrears of $2,- LFNDOR 873.49 and a cash balance of $332.93; QTABLETS HARMLESS AND " effective. Two omelet supply $1.00, at capital assets, $11,900; liabilities, KEATING'S 11)3,1)1 STORE. A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEMOLD FURN- -L?', ishings at the residence of Mrs. Margaret Fur' cll, George Street, Seaford& three blocks east of Library, cirt Saturdy, January 28rd, rat 1 p.m: One kitchen range in A-1 condi- tion; 6 dining roc& chairs:, 1 oval table; 1. organ; 1 invalid chair; 1 taint .ehair; 3r -burn- er coal «fi ElteVe With oven; 1 COM tar coat; 1 boiler; 1 oak bedroom suit; 1 bedstead; 1 set springs; 1 mattress; 1 feather tick; one wheelbarrow; 1 bucksaw; crosscut saw; three dezen sealers; 2 large credal: 14 -foot ladder. Terms -Oath. MRS. MARGARET PURCELL. Proprietress; Harbld Jackson, Auctioneer. Notices MOTICE-FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF 4.1 our friends and customers, we have in - Totalled the telephone. Wishing you the com pliments of the season. Your Watkin's Deal- er. vinuasin BRADSHAW. Phone 60, Sea - forth. 8914x8 NOTICE MCKillop Township LOPPLICATIMIS FOR ASSESSOR FOR the Township of McKillop will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Monday, February 1st 1943. JOHN McNAY. Clerk, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 8288"25. none. Statement of revenue and • ex- penditure revealed a surplus on tbe In Memoriam 'year's operations of $1,313.57. The tax levy for local purposes was 1.5 mills. la loving memory of William The report was adapted on -motion by eanteis, who passed away one year O. JarFisher and Cooper and instructions 19, 1942: tiod knew that he was suffering. That the hill, were hard La cimb, ie closed his weary eyelids And whispered, "eae be thine." ,where back of the sunset, neer dies, He lives in a and of glory The following >officials were all re - With the blue and the gold of the skies. 'appointed on motion by Hodgert and F:sher. The Clerk was required to connulate the bylaw confirming such .3919-2 Wanted • h, en to print 100 copies. On motion ,v -Derry and Cooper, the scale of ay end allowances for all township officials was set at the rate, paid in Wages were set at 35 cents and team labor at 60.ents per hoar.' IATANTED-EbIGLNEER FIREMAN, WITH " Second or Third Class papers, for wood- working rdard. Gdod conditions. Steady work. In first class south,western (Irk city, 12,000. State, fully, experince, age nd all partieuars. Apply to nearest EMP E- MMET & SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE. Refer to•R.O. 282. 391971 And 1. who have know -n and loved him, hose departure has brought sad tears, Will cherish his memory always brighten the passing years. appointments and salaries and to not- -Ever remembered by his Wife and Son, Jack. 3919-, ify all appointees: Clerk, A. W. Mon gan; treasurer, N. G. Clarke; asses- sor, W. .8. Routly; collector, William Jelmat medical officer, Dr. Dunlop; Card of Thanks ' road superintendent, W. J. Routly; re- lief officer, N. G. Clarke; sanitary in - MRS, SAM CARTER AND MISS MYRTLE. •L'-`• desire to express their sincere al:Predate -Pector, ThoraastoBell; caretaker, J. den o.e.tive many acts af kindness eltehdeLi• Kellett; livestock valuator, B. Wil - to them during their recentbereavement eeleee liame; school attendance officr, WM. Jehns; We -ed inspector, John Herd- man; inspector •re livestock •at large contrary to bylaw, W. J. Routly; poundkeepers, Earl Whiting, William Frayne, W. C. Keddy, Frank Ryck- man, James Andrson, Wellington Kerslake, John Brock, Harold Hern, Heber Shute, Thomas C. Allen; fenoe- vi ewers, .Clarence Down, Wellington Kerslake, John Prance, Win. Doupe, James Heyweod. , A bylaw was pass- ed giving the 'Peasurer and Reeve authority to borrow at the Beak --of Montreal, Exeter, as required up to $25000. A resolution' was pa,ssed euthorizing prepayment of •county rates by the Treasurer. Bills and ac- counts were passed amounting to $437.53. Council • adjourned to Meet on Feb- ruary 13th at 1 p.m. --A. W. Morgan, Clerk. Births WANTED -COCKERELS, SUITABLE FOR breeders, Barred Rocks, New Eianin-' shires, White Leghorn& Good ,price paid. Also flooks to tomtly hatching eggs for the 1943 hatohing season. Flocks culled and bloodtested under , GOverinnent supervision free pt .ehage....-Guarteriteed. ;beaus -.paid- for, eggs with additional premiums. Write for fuU particulars. ALao wanted to purchase Pullets. TM:OLE CHIC its..rcUttits LIMITED. Ferktm;:,(Inark. .3917-4 Farms For Sale palm „kon SALE -100 ACRES, LOT 85, • Concession 3, MeKillott Township; 8% miles' frome•..SeaXorth. Brick eottage, frame barns with fouridattera and cement flooring, concrete gaol Friar& Clay hiam, very pro- ent-44e aplenty of _water__ Fourteen acres fall .e wheat; 1 acres under plc.*, remainder -grass. Aprdy to JOHN McNAY, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 3918,12 FOX -In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seforth. on January 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fox, Stratford, a daughter. • Deaths • WILSON -At Bombay, India, Thomas James Wikon, D.D.S., second son of the late D. D. And Helen Wilson, of Seaforth. BOLTON -On December 14th, William John Bolton. of 3 America Lane, Haywards Heath, England, formerly of Seaforth, Ont., aged 87 years. 'WARMS FOR SALE -(1) 100 ACRES- IN ▪ Tuckersmith, on Highway No. 8, Lot 29. Huron Road, ,frame barn onaement founda- tion; Iran* house. Very productive mail; plenty of water. (2) 80 acres in 'Hullett, ' north half or Lot 5, Cone-maion 2; frame barn on atone foundation : • 9 rame heese; s well& -Choice -farm. • A-pply -wiELLAivi LIV- INGSTON or JAM_ES F. SCOTT, R.R. 2, Sea - forth, Fomenters ot the late Thomas Living- eton estate. 8912-13 Anatual Meetings ANNUAL MEETING, WINTHROP The Red Cross meeting has, been postponed until Tuesday, January 26. CLINTON • The W.M.S. of Ontario St. Church, Clinton, held its January meeting in the church hall on Tuesday, Jan. 12. Despite the stormy weather, about 45 ladies were present with the presi dent, Mrs. W. M. Aitken, in the*chair. The -annual -reports were read show- ing good work done during the, year, Mrs. George Shipley conducted the devotional period. A solo, "Somebody Did a Kindly Deed," was rendered by Mrs. Lawson, followed by a duet by Misses Florence Aitken and Joyce Cairns. The study book, "The Church in the City Streets," was introduced by Mrs. Farnham. Lunch in. the form of tomato soup with crackers was served by Mrs. B. J. Gibbings .and her group. The Senday school executive of Ch •tario Street Church was held Wedns- day evening at the home of the sup- erintendent, Mr. William Walker. About thirty-five teachers were 'pres- ent_ and work for the ensuing year was discussed. It was decided, to have a sleiga ride and supper for the children- on Friday, Jan. 29. Last Sun- . day was Promotion Sunday in the school: Lunch was served by the hostess. The Girls' Club held its January 'meeting at the home of Miss H. Cour tice on Thursday evening. The presi- dent, Miss L. Grant, was. in charge. Mrs. Burton led in the devotienal pr- iod and Miss M. Juan took chargeof the missionarypriod. Miss Courtice read an article on Missions in Burma and Mrs. Reid a talk on "Forecass of the Future." Mies Corona Wen. dorf favored with two piaao solos. Discussions on ways and means of collecting money and work for . the year followed. ' Tyndall and Mrs. Tborndyke were hostesses fbr the evening. THiE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE US - borne and Hibbert Mutbal Fire insurance, Company will be held in' the Public Hall, Farquhar, on Monday. February .1, 1943, at 2 p.m, for the purpose of receiving the re PO rit of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, and for the election of two Direc- tors for a three year term, and for any other business that may be in the intfeste, f the company. Th Directors whose term of office expires, but who axe eligible for' 're-election, are William A. 'Hamilton and Thomas G. Rattan- .. tyn. .. BEAVERS, Exeter, • - Secretary -Treasurer. 3919-2 ANNUAL MEETING rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SEA,. -`• forth Agricultural Society. will beheld in Carnegie Library, Seaforth, on Friday. Jan- uary 29th, at 2 p.m. Business: Financial statement and election of officers for 1948. J. M. GOVENLOCK, 81113.3.-A. KERR, President. • Secretary. 89184 • ANNUAL MEETING • THE ANNUAL MEETING OF,T}to SOUTH •-•-• Huron AgriculturaA Society will be held in the New Commercial Hotel, Hensel!, on • Saturday, January 23rd, 1943, at 2 p.m., for the purpose af receive* the Direetors' and Auditors' reports, the election of Directors for the current year, and the transaction of other business. I)R. A. R. CAMPBELL, K. M. McLEAN, President, Secretary. 3918-2 USBORNE • T,he municipal council of .the Town - hip OtUaborte for the year 1943 met at the township hall for the inangural session on Mondy, Jan. 11, at eleven o'clock a.m. The members subscrib- ed to the declaration of office as fol lows: Reeve, Percy Passmore; coun- cillors, Hugh Berr, Bruce Cooper, .Clerk Fisher and John Hodgert. Min- utes of Dec. 15, 1942, were adopted as reai on motion by Cooper and Fisher. On motion by Hodgert and Cooper, council deeided join the Ontario Good Roads Association and the On- tario Municipal Association, Member - $5.00 each. On motion by Fisher and Berry, 00.00 each was granted to the War Memorial Children's Hospi- tal and Queen Alexandra Sanatorium, both of London. Mmtrainication was receiVed from Director Generiol °titles l3ranch, granting' the mutant - Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN 'ME MATrEp OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE COOIPER PETTY, LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF IIENAL. DI THE COUN- TY OF HURON. DECEASED. LLPERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST aa the (rebate Of George Career Petty. tate of the Villaria et itensalle in the Count,' 09 Mirn, gentlemen, *ho died an or about the let day ot,Janediry, 1948; are hereby atitielied to gond to tlie undersigned Salleitof for the aredeem% or before the said cdtate9411,feronthiefflereas,s patity A-la•rating for repair, main th:eitIceltilt;6:1,$:thL—nie:1earitel'111:::4:i17eatlif.lorstiolf141,„teita:4riltaiesahiedialrliner: att-elitreurtedet:tatithd:r.t"Yhert. 811:11*aPoilei e Sa. f fah itantdi4i-'4Ifier Inaffer • MO% 6.1411'sotse.-741°44J'";:441rgtes"1"11' • elite so14n 4r omminited on kt44 6/1( " was :teceived frth, the floodtad, crnrilifitrafor Of the W.T..p4I3o,.,•she,,itt! ROYS Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dow and Mr. John Dow spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dow, Russelidale. Mr. John Morgan, Jr., of Londn, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John yorgan, Sr. Mrs Macintosh and Mrs. Ramsey and family, of Cromarty, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Dow. Mr. and Mrs. William Keariley and Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Kearney and son, Donald, visitedwith Mr. and Mrs. Erle Dow._ , Mr. Donald Cameron, of Baldereon, Ont., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Erie Dow recently. . Mr. and Mrs. Clifferd Dow, of Rus- selldale, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dow on Sunday. Mr. Alex Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dow, Betty and- Nelson spent New Year's with Mr. and Mts. Watson Gar- butt of Carlingferd, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Hocking, Bil- lie and Donald visited recently with Mr. and MrssRoa McCulloch of Crom- arty. Mr.- and Mts. Harald Pridhain and baby, Wayne, visited with Mr. and Mr. Clifford Dow.' • Mr. mat Mrs. .Campbell Dow; Mr. end Mrs. Erle Dow and family visit- ed on Sunday elith Mr. and Mrs. Wat- son Garbutt, of Carlingford. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott and fam- ily, df Munroe, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cambell Dow. The Sunday' school 'teachers of RoYs "United Churchemetaon Monday even- ing at Abe hOme of Mr. and Mrs.°Joha Hocking. Pte Kenneth Scott and, Pte. Feed Scott, of Stratford, sPent -New Year's day with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Dow. Miss Jean Scott, of Waterloo, visit- ed her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Campbell Dow. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McPhail have received a eab1,4gTAM from their son, Pilot Officer W. 1.1. McPhail, telling them of his safe arrival in Britain on January 14. Able Seaman Nelson Dow, of the Auxiliary Cruiser, Price Robert, is spending leave• at the, home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dow Mr. and Mrs. John Dalrymple and Bert visifed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalrymple of Brucefield. Mrs. Campbell Dow, Sr., and Mrs. Erie C. ,Dow and three child•ren have all been ander the dootor's care, with Miss Jean Ronnenberg; R.N., of Mit- chell, in. attendance. We are pleas- ed to know they are improving. Miss Billy Dow, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon. Dew, has also bsen on the sick list. The W.M.S. met at the bona* of Mrs. John Hocking on Wednesday last. The chief business Cif the, af- ternoon was making out the programs for 1943. It was decided to disp'ense with lunch for the duration. Instead ilf this the four ladies who would ord- inarily have provided lunch for the Sheeting, form a self-denial Coininittee lor the Month and bring to -the meet - rig -some article of di:Ailing for Red! ONUS rellef."It Waa decided to 20:00 Of the quilt fund to piirchatie Clothing fcit BAWL " 'neyelgoiwilx 6rie6 .0eilittiaLotx U4014440 ;0061111'064e 10404 tiV • EMERGENCY RATIONS Compressing maximum nourishment into minimum space was au important.ensideration in preparing the rations -to ,be .placed on life- saving fifts and floats. 'The smallstias in the foreground contain bis- cuits, whole milk tablets and chocolate bars, one man's ration of food for a day. 'The larger tins contaan the day's supply of water. Lieuten- ant R. W. Millard, of Vancouver, and -Surgeon Lieutenant-Commnder J. E. deBelle, of Montreal, abeve, were two of 'the Canadian Navy men who produced this new emergency ration kit which --is placed in secial: compartments on: the rafts and floats: . a tots iitinet yv ttieroltp: 'w/0•0 Was WAWA AP104.:A1180410" Xellher aSSOOMPanied at the plan% The )118411011t 'of the e'veuing virtleAhe Pres- entation of two ,deligltfeil lantern slid,e, "The Toifft of Ruth." and "Ell- oah, Ardn" With Misa A. Colleitt as narrater. Theee were Moat enjoyed. The February meeting will be held 9aMrdaYFeib"1,:idertiar: en ereisOfiSLe1e Natin•o. Women's institute Heara Talk Mrs. W. 0, Goodwin was Iscietess at her home Wednesday evening, Jame arY 13th, for the Hensel' Senior Wo- men's Intitute. Mrs. E. Ohipaliase vas chotess. There was a splendid aatendance of members 'and guests present. The theme of 'the meeting was "Education," Miss Gladys Luker, president, was in the chair, and also gave an opening patriotic selection, followed with the ode, "0 Canada" and the Lord's Prayer, The epecial collection taken at the -meeting for Seeds Far Britain Fund amounted to 5.00. The roll call was responded to with "famous sayings of famous people." The motto, "The foundation of every community is the education of its youth," Was ably given by Mrs. Chipehase, and was an excellent con- tributionf to the mee'4ag. Mrs. Fred Beer contributed "Ourreiat Events" in a very pleasing and able manner. Miss Irene Hoggarth favored with a de- lightful piano solo. For his address', Rev, M. A. Grant, minister of St. Andrew's United Ghurch, KiPpen, the guest speaker for the evening, chose for .his theme, "Education," dealing With the subject in a very informa- tive manner. Mrs. Goodwin contri buted a recipe, "Buttermilk Mille." A letter of thanks was read from Pte. Sohn Bea (overseas), 'received by Mrs. Minnie Sangster. A letter of thanks was read from the Sick Children's Hospital, London, for the lovely gitts sent at Christmas. Overseas boxes will be packed Febniary lst, the com- mittee in charge to be: Mrs. Claude Blowes, Mrs. Roy MacLaren; Mrs. A. W. Krslake, i(rs Williarn Smae, Mrs. Fred Beer and Miss Beryl Pfaff. Business discussed were a navy pro- ject, re knitting, and canvass for war savings,Arrangements were made for a rummage sale on February th at 2.30 p.m. The February me will be held at the home of Gladys Luker on February 17, owing to the bingo on February 10. Lunch- eon was served. • Red Cross Notes • The Y.P.S.• Was ih charge of the president, Gadys Dow,. Sunday even- ing. Rev. Wm. Mair had charge of, the topic and spoke on the subject, Had Rathr,' from the 84th Psalm. Wilma and Margaret Dow sang a duet. • M-rs. Fred Johns and Margaret vis- ited recently -with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fletcher. At a meeting on Thursday last held at the hom of Mrs. Bert Russell, the women of the congegation, divided in- to groups hoping that this would facil- itate the matter of Red. Cross' and re- lief work during -the period of bad roads and weather. The groups are as follows: Russeldale, with Mrs. Bert Russell as convener; "Twelfth, Mrs. Hugh Dalrymple, convener; Tenth, Mrs.'John Hocking, convener; the Boundary, Mrs. E. Hocking, con- vener; Staffa line, Mrs. ClffordaDow, convener. If your •convener has not already contacted you, call her; it's evrybody's job, so let's get at it. are asked to leave their contribetiona at any of the, Hensall stores, not lat- er than Tuesday, Feb.' 2nd, or remit money direct to lVfiss Mai:Is-Luker, or to Mrs. Roy MacLaren, of the 16.- 01 institute. Your co-operation is needed. ' Death of Alexander Burnett - Hen•sall and district were '-shocked on Monday to learn of the very sud- den passing of Mr. Alexaader §cott Burnett, who died Monday morning at his, home on No. 4 highway, half a mileSouthof Hensel]. His death was caused from Over -excitement from a chimney fire an his home The de ceased was i9 bis 48th year, and was a great sufferer fromasthma for Many yass, an affliction which he bore with much patience and fortitude. He was. a native of StOrnoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland, and had resided at different times • at Detroit, Toronto and Hensall, coming here from Tor- onto some four years ago. -Surviving are his Sidow, the former Helen Row cliffe, of Hensalt, and his mother, Mis, John. Burnett; of Calgary, Alta. Fun- eral services wete held from the resi- dence Wednesday, Jan. 20, at 2 p.m., and was conducted by -Rev. R. A. Brook. Interrdent was- in. Exeter cem- etery. The Late Herman Wolff Residents of Hensall and distribe were stocked to learn- of the very tragic death of .Herman Wolff, 23 years of age, son of . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolff of this village, who was killed instantly Monday evening at 9 pm. one mile south of Zurich, When he was run over by a snowplow that was battling drifts -in an attempt to clear district roads. Herman was assi-sting. Wileon Allan, of who was operating the plow owned by Hay Township. Mr. Allan said he was driving the plow into a anoVe drift which became efeck; Mr. Al- lan backed up and went ahead, then hacked hp again and went ahead some twenty feet *hen he felt a bump as if the Wheel of the vehicle had rn; over 'something. He stopped and g6t outa and found that the • rear wheel had run over Herman, causing instant death. At the time of the accident Herman- was working at the aide 'of the, prow -shovelling snow. He is be- lieved to ha.ve slippe4 and'fallen un- der one of the wheels. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer," Of Zurich, district cooner, was called and • decided an inquest was net necessary. Surviving are his widow, the termer Dorothy Steele, oX altferd; -one little son, Lloyd, about two years 'of age:, his parents, five sisters, Mrs. Jack 'Hohner (Edna), of London; Mrs. Norman Baird (Edith), brucelelfili- Mrs. Roberl Varley (Mae), Cati(a;ines; . Mrs., George Moir (Olive), • Hensel', . and Miss: Shirley Wolff, -St. Catharines, 'and. 'Cone bro- ther, Albert, of Goderich:Much sYm- pathy is extended- to hie Widow and little son, his parents and sisters and brother in the. tragic :lsS of a young - man in theeprime of life. Public fun- eral services were held, from the resi- dence of his parents an Thurt3clay af- ternoon, Tan. 21st, at 2 p.m. t• Rev, M. A, Hunt ogiciatin:g. Burial was " in Herman U-nion CenieterY. * • ' . Y., U, Meeta, The Y.P,11; of the 'United Church met Miinclay evening in the school- rodto _Of the Church under the 'den- Vnership of Mies :Margaret -Shep- herd, with Miss Gladls 1VIcEenz1e Pre- siding. With, the sin -ging of Lead- eth Me" the •Meeting eame4tto 'order. Mise MitredeoclWin offered prayer and the reed' by .Alisa twit.; ten. 11.• A. Brook preFeiaed period!. ,; kiti"Audrey Dinniz and Misln Rath Bess were appointed. te tae,10- errng.) for a Prograint ,1» Tireirenteit at the atilitial tengsgttuotto ell Meeting to be lielff.'Tifeltdaii,'jiiii.V Annual Meeting .Roy's Church The annual meeting of Ray's Church was held on Friday afternoon last in the church basement with Rev. Wm. Mair, chairman, and John G. Scott, secretary. The auditors' report, given by Andrew Christie, showed all accounts' with •a balance on hand. John Hocking was ap- pointed manager in place of Sterling Graham, the retiring manager. It was decided at the meeting to make a canvas Aof .the congregation fof Russian and Chinese relief th's week. The • anniversary will be en the first Sunday in June. Gift For Retiring Organist Miss Mary F. Scott bas• been ap- pointed organist in place of Mrs. G. W. Grant .whe retired. The choir met at. 'the home of John Ca Scott recentlY in honor of Mrs. Grants presenting er with a gift for her Very eff!cient .services 10 the past a& organist of Roy's Church. Billy Hocking spent the weak -end with Floyd Ward of Logan. • There are (mite a number in the community 'on, the sick list with colds and sore throats. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Graht 'have gone to ConistOn far a timee Miss Marion McLean spent the week -dna' with Mr. and Mrs: Frei Johns. Miss Esther Hocking i spending some holidays at her home here: Mr. and. Mrs. John Hunter, of Stratford, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dow. • Miss Kaye Russell -visited with Mis, Velma Dow of Kirkton over the week -end. Word has been received of the Safe arrival in ,Britain of Mervin Dow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley' Dow. Congratulations -to Mr. and Mrs. Andiaw Christie upon the birth of their grandson, David Roger, son- of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Christle, of Sud- bilry. HENSALL TheHensalfxetere breach of the W.C.T.U. 'will hold their January meeting at the home of Miss Jean Murray Thursday afternoon, January 28, at 3 p.m. The many friends of Mr. Grant Ryekraana well known- district farm- er, will -regret to learn is ill at his home, having Suffered a stroke on ViredneSday of &sit week. • The annual congregational meeting of the I:Tithed Chureh wit? belteld on. Thursday evening, January 24. • Annotincement An uNgent appeal is now,baing /nide for dortatidita Of money ad oth. er" gifts ter oboxes ter the Witt boye Oereas. All rutal and loetti eitizetie MRS. J. a. LAU:BERM now wakes up feeling fine. She never has headaches, backaches or constipation any more. "Fruit -a -fives" gave her the new health and pep of a healthy liver. Buck up yourliver withlFuit-a-tivear Canda's Largest Selling Liver Tblets. es with the best material that man can rnake, • and plenty of it This means buying War -Savings Stamps and Certkficates daily. You canna bdild an army without arms. BUY'. wtamps at your post office, at your bank, or from your merchant. Tle will be glad to give y,ou your change. in War Savings Stanaps. A nursing sister.- in a base hospital in England worked 52 hours with one hour relief at the 28 -hour period. She INEIRISMENW ASK FOR DALY GRANGE TEA, COFFEE and, COCOA Quality At Ordinary Prices YOU CAN NOW 'BUT YOUR FAVORITE BEVERAGE AT A. C. ROUTLEDGE . . . . Seaforth J. J. CLARY ROSS SPROAT Seafortli Seaforth • W. J. FINNEGAN ! ... Egmondvilli" T. J. MOLYNEAUX Dublin J. McCONNELL Dublin ° DILL & COMPANY Dublin D. SMYTH . . . . . Brodhagen QUERENGESSOR & DIEGEL , . . .... Brodhagen GEORGE MICHEL . . . . Cratibrook J. T. McASH — . . ..... Varna MRS. J. MOSSOP . . tr . . . Varna , G. SCOTT ESTATE Hensall JOHN HENDERSON Hensall R. M. MILLER . B. 0. MacDONALO Farquhar A. M.GREWAR Cromarty atwork e a good steak and returned to we Brussels Staffa J. A. SADLER for another 24 hiours. This, happ Brussels -:- S. B. ELLIOTT . en. D. ENNIS ..... . . . . Walton ed at the time of the Dieppe raid. A J. M. TAYLOR . . Sebringville' large scale raid can start any time. Are we going to be the ause of short hosPital isupplies at the Red Cross hospital? They count on you. Come to the Red Cross rooms and 'take home work. Get the hospitals prepar- ed .now; it is too late when the hour to strike arrives. .Pledge yourself to one hour Red' Cross -work a day. Let your dusting go oi• you will. be dust- ing Hitler's house. Red -Cross sup - lies mean life or death to a wound- ed soldier. The Red „Cross needs more workers uow. Be a Red Cross worker. Harr long will the- sear last? The length of the war de -pends 00 .the in- dividual effort each one of us puts in- to the prosecuting of it. The 'harder each one of us works to destroy the Hun and the Yellow Jap" and all they stand for, the shorter the war will be. •We must equip OUT fighting fore - 0. EDIGHOFFER & SON . . Mitchell C. H. PRUETER Mitchell H. F. BERRY . Brucefield T. R. THOMPSON . . . . Clinton ORVAL LOBB,. . . . . . . . Clinton T. J. RILEY . .,. . .e. ... . Clinton, W. E. BUTT lqppen JONES & MAY Exeter SOUTHCOTT BROS Exeter INSIST ON DALY GRANGE BLENDS ThereAs no substitute for Quality . . . 88 Years Importing and Blending. Daly Grange Teas Ltd. 64 DUNDAS "ST., LONDON, ONT. Listen to CFPL, London - 1.00 P.M.,. Tues. and Fri. CFCO,ChatIram - 9.30 A.M., Thursdays CKNX, Wingham - 135 P.M., weineseaye 13.1driffEllggi.11,11111=1111111/111ISINIMIll 4. ONECENT a word (minimum 2e) is all that it costs ybu for a classified ad. in The Huron Expositor. An Aa. that -each week will reach and be read by more , than 2,000 families. If you, want to buy or Sell anything, there is no ,cheaper or more effective way than using anExposi- toi classified ad. Phone 41, Seaforth. • On X tor • 7 • '1 !