HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-01-15, Page 8, - . ,-y- ,;77:X-7"'­­"� I'll""' ­'. lu,it P ' I -W ,. -��6' A 775�)�-`,',i:,`� � �141 "'I' I "t 1"Ail ,, " K. k"."', i. , ", , �t,., 11 ,, , ��' , '"'I��,,�IP,,.',,�:1-�ll,';.M,4t,l.', , � , _y -%,-'111 "I, ­.�. 11.� .�, . . I ­� F 60it _,Z", 11'.111�;!gl, ­`_Si`�.�"" , IfRip""',�, � t N , �'­', , " , NIZ-7-W , ­ , , �,�,A'-�,,­ -,7�, 1 , V­,,1,W_.)J;.­1'4, � 1, "'a 1'� ". ). I -1" ,T�,:A'�(�P,,,'�: �,,�-Jlll , ;: I , 'I . ­ ­,._� . -f. ;", �,,� "��X,T.%�",t� \11- . I., M"'4:MR, . . , ", , �_ 1 ­ 77 77 "': .11. ;:� � , 4 1 .W,I,WVA,��,Itli'�V,;`N�j � .�;t '���',',iill!�li;,k',,�A�,'�l�;'Ili,�,:,�,�,"�i�i,��,;,�,��lii'- �,��,�� , �,,.,.--��;�,,-t,,v, -, ,�, � .. ..... ; .. . .... . P'fQl� &11�,-%�""� � I -Ly;!1,46 " 0��, '�'� X.41�, ""? Q­­­­4W�� . ...... ­ N'�, r,� 11 . �, i i, : '1V � � .1 . I., I � ". 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'I.,, . �J ,',�. �� , "b", , � ., .. .�. 1. - r�, "'P..'a). ­-, - ,.", vi- .. 11111., ,� Ill � ��If�er,�tl,, .1 , , I I . � '' ,__ ',-,�, 141"'Al A"..."I" 7'1,;,",-�I�fj:§, 1 "I" I .?, " '4 , 4. 4 ,,, ., 1': ,,!"! .) , . , , -, J 11 1: I .11, , . I , � . 1 7 . . ! , "" - _; , ,� , , q., , ., ,. , � , ,_ :,",;,�It� , , , %, 'Ili R, !,j­11,,,q,­-,i�:­­11­ , ,..��',%,.��r�4!�ii���,�'i'-T-,'�':!�?",!,�,,�,i,,'�;���� '-,­%�'T,�,�:Iw, 11_111-1 11�;.P'­­ i��, ,1,­�,4wql ,­­­ I'_ � ,I';- ­­ ptk�,-. -,.v,� ,,; :. � . � I I I , I I 1: P� . � 1 ��!!,�.:: ", � �,. , ,��, ­ , . , , ., , "I I I . , 4 .7 111�, X N,�,,O ��': """ji'O , , . ,, " ., 1 _ � i�t ,. I - �� .T. -1�11-� , I I I � Ili " I ;1�,, , . 1.! j 1: ,, - - I ! � , 1, . 4',., ""; ­",�Iit�,�'-,. - S�, ,411't'v ,,,�v'00 ,P�T'.�' 1, , , .1, � � 1- � 1;:`Iie, . ,� �­ , �. 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I . . - ___ �_,,� `-.111-11-1- ........ __ -�­­ . ,­­­,", . I . . I I I i�. .�� � ,, �. .. ____ - __ - I I .1-, . - - �­ , 4 . . . . . F'41 "".1 _... — ,'� ____ 11-11-1111"..'_ _ ___ �­­­,""I"11, ­�­.­­',".; . ... .. !f. ,; .1 �', I", 7(-:-i"7 ; . . 7:1X-4. ol � . . 11 e�� '. -� . � " .;�!! _­__,� t��;�. 0 1-�11 - I ;. -, -4" VV � !4, 11 ­ .,� ; I � ��, _ ..... I ­­ k, ;11 I .1­1111­110,��ii4�� i,'r'�i­-. - - �, % � a ': ... ­:. I � . � �­ , ,�,,,­J.,, 1 5 , I . -.� 11. .. "I I I 11 � . " %�� _. . .1�1; � - , - � " - - . I - A` .�",.-"T�l-,,�l,,�""71!:,!..,� 11 �. ... , , , , 4 � I I I I I � . ' . � . I' . Visited - 440 qrq�p 14,P � ". �� �111�il`,Itl"71 . . . 1. �. '�, � f �­ - I � ; 11 � � "�,�'. � . 1, - "I ., , . '. . . ,,, 1 � .1� 4 , '" F,410 PA PAAA . * i r" I " 1. , 44 ­ � , . I , . . 1� i I . , 7 � , 1, . , :� ,,, qX I ,� g'e " , ipk , , ., ..... . . _,, , ... ........... ... __ iM �4 , W, 11,461 ,Q,,, 94-04*., . 11 ,,, ,,, I , ,, 1.11 ­��, " , " :�_, 7 1 ''I. , , 1'� " r% I , , " 1, ; g., L I , � . _,_,',_', F ,"�',�,,�,��,',.�N����!-",�.�t _h, , _% " ti ."� '. 4 ; 4 , .. ... ,aqy, eV,B�Ing,. a4d,. following -the arriv,� " : - -,`,�, �ii', ki �n�`:,,�� _,�,, , �,,,, i� . . . . . . �;t,','� , ,�!,,`,�,,,1, *­` g�ig . g,,Iq Ay, - , . j`?�,­j'tM­1' I I � " '' MR. : P �; . i 1. , �� , I .. .11 �,` �,­ I I.., ,, ,ZPA".'g,"�qp: . . , �: 4jpw, 411, � '�" r : Le , IFIV", R Pr , I .. �,,�gf p� J ".f" � , , , , a� i 1 A -6m, M� L r , :a , , . # ; c - � , MI , @,, ; " , .WqPi I�YX P)e­k�, � 11 , _ " . h I � I � " , E - .11 -of thL9 nocin train o - .� I, , - ".1 - I � L , at : - ._,.', - - � -1 � I'll - , � : , C,w al; � . S '. , I 11 .1 � ft., V, ; . , � �rU. . 9 ", ­',,, '­`,' ­ -1 , ` ­ �'., I W.- A!, 'r I 11 " , , "I ! I ,,,!�!M� I I ; , � -, t., �_ R I -_ I. . . . _ __t . .1 I 113f-1-11, t, �r,4* 'mRde in ,a . ., � � 1 .4, 1. , - T110", BAr t , 4.JtlandbgnU . I �. 1- , . � 11 r . I . I . `411, Ai .. � . � , I 115to a , Jx4i, T4 Moot. — . I ;,�.,. I � � , Vllfi­'� ermeA ;7 ­ N ' —11, , t', , .. 11 . A9 - U `10, 1101-'g�l "It., 10 .. , - i . . . I, , I I P ipplll.'.i.�,� . 11.1, I � " U�Itl C .. �­­­. I— .1 �..'�L,!":." ` 't:yll '��.­. rntl- . " � If _- q#, �WiAdn a., J_ , a _ Rov. ri*ay we � 1 ­ I'll, ""7 � I .! . I -;:F1 "' x§V wlll,m�et � esiapy 04 MI,* tb,e offici � I .1 � . V � ,. pa�ptery , , — '. , " . , � ! Z'', 43P �, '- , , .."I".",�t4" � I . " 1, ., , . 1. . . I , &I I , , , - . . I . " � . 1 �4�, . 1. . , , , .. . �_ , I It . k �& ; , � . . . . ? 90"wower:11,140,of '00. .1. NO K, , ­ � 11 , .. NOW � . ­ .. . P,`A* 1 6�rvicle ,­ - � ­­ - .1, "I ­;,­ � i �. I - , , _ i, , i 11.� � .. * . I . 11-1,11. .1 ­".. I I , operaUVO ".. ", 4l'i 'i A.' 44-49 , ­­­­ ""I ... i-11 'I 1 � . PLAYINP -Io,$ ,--, 1,1,!! �, , - , ��. ;',*6 I .eragq is Aow 3,dih, 4t the UaU41 .0mo, in the Sectut a4lug clergyman. In Toreato;'agdr Rev. 0 n I .. � � �� . � ;,' — T ,,,, , � . .�. " laUR8,2 FR AT 14 t tw )A Hall. I I - . H, V. Workman conducted t we nav It Z ,� ,be ., i'' 4�.Pp- uAro-, �,' ­�� .. 1.1 - UA .�.k '. Ro On rpand '041sa ".. #I vo,t W-1111011 19 A , n'd, . - ay ��, N .�i. , anu I _ rp I , , . ,j, , The btp, 0114amil �"Ox nylowilipp, , "', ,., ,Kr.pQ['FIyn,rt _ I # a I ,R ,_ I py. , . �, I I . I .. . , I . , , ,., at, the grave here. The pallbeare � shorts, I L At I I . I . , � �Ap ,9 . �,cod U, . . , . . . . . . . 11 . 0.�a­,4- y fire - -POV J. 0 �g it, . . - otautory., , - I I I . ; ;1 " 1, I . . 1, lan Girl Qvides mg .- The � §� �pg meat%g IkSea i .. .; � .. � '. ,q"j.F1L',,_1�,, "to w4y, , .. � I .. . . � I � � , pgt.", le, * 9q I JOURN -EV . I Cantad , were JoU4 P. Bell, Dr, F. Harburn, oil, se [ 0 . terv.ajlx� Western, I ,ft, _ ,.% I , .',Monday and) ap-Whied the . ` TE . , 1, %w , . tAng on . 14 ,.. "TMERA I . q P is granteld trpe Canadian. . Girl Ga'de'a mee L Malcolm McPhee, 'Fred Joh�aqtou,, J, wheat, oata­%-A ..h' .IeY,, mixi 4 chop. AP ­ I Thursday last opened With the �', ,� V '. � . I—— W#0 L. ,, 4� ar P ' - ,pificials, kg,r 1913: CIA,y-It', , X , - , 1� � ,� . ­ ,,, . *�04 As' raising C Mckenzie and John CUMMIngS. � ,,We are , ,orders for F rou0*1, � . , � ' siln theb,.e4TA.0f Ger�ianj! , And off ,they . . I e4 . I ,rags ay� treasurer, Jw M.'B*Ort; " * �, . t regula-D I .. - Box ­,b 'br "n .g , . p ,.I . -goo , ohn � � I , r, - p,w crA#.h4 � )� of, . , . 41, I ­ f ithe fl4g by the color Party trOm . I . .. seed. . I � 'T , . A once IN A � 1. I- i , . '. 4..& , N,Qr*w .1. - � go on 4 .; commAga I .. . 1 _440,11.Le LU contact our of , taxa, Xwdott � 14; school live:%Au WWd to Berlin And backi ,_­ . - I I - . - . &. "O'Ca ada" wa , r. 0. haniithan�,B y . 1-�, , 4. F FO 4140 . . . . I i �, lk,, I ',�ft - the Canary Patrol. 4 . IS , Death of U S &any PHONI�g,'q I George . .Eaton f LIFETIME A_DV.ENTU , - ­ � � , 9;,,-, ,-A , , RTH , . � ­ . attendahce -9#106r, RIE - - ", � I & 1 5# � .fUviduallY, we would ' I . I., . ­'. " � " �� . . � , inspectio and roU call tol- friends will sincerely' ;ret to fear . . �� drainage t4spector.- 01irence Regete,61 . I .. _... . i I.. I 11 I - � ... l $1�11 w%i,,"�tt, or telephone for n regr *1 . I r, .. I . .1 11 ., f.," � I �:I 11.0,1VI . - ,of the death of Daniel t5lianalian, "a .1 . �11 I I . - . � I . -.­ I . . 91 . ' seer ary a d ea u - wee - . " , ?I q h fult"I s= tith No. 2 Canary Patrol hav , Ir telephone for tP11 to ed �peotor, Frank Stor'ey . I- - � . , m , moNbAY, it I" ­ 1, . m Patrols went ' ;,u red at his .home -Victoria Betty, MQqrp 0 n tr s r d in; ,;, BRA U198DAY, WEDNESDAY � , , 01. - - _ . R...-, � ,, " I 4, I o r � I "n.''; , , N �Z�.' joelal -t ry"inspector, Davio, Boyd; ':t" I ' � = ." I a , !"', , I -�. . * I whic esday night. f t;* I*Mlst and, . . . .1 I �., , ,arks. �. �. . Ag - dn Mi - - IN -utson ' i � i; , " * _11, � ' & REED I I corners to learn their tests. S t i a at, . _Shina, ei, Xa�me of health, Dr. J. A. G it, . - - 11 I I "I %701 I �: IN � ... � .o - � ! , I '0�§'t&v, '' .0"r,'' NFW.. ban, who was one of the most widely con.v4n9r, - A�pjk ,W,atson; - recreation, ?McPr - ENT '. . I . ,. JOAN t ;,,, L _ , - sup GEORGE'BRF RZ, ,,, I .. ­ " I . Proprietor A game was enjoyed, and the Guides assessor (to he appointed) � road . - , I . � known men in the county, had'been Rey. Mr. q#-diaer. The literary con-' I 661*V1r1XBJgDW9,. - ,f� FA . to tftelrbig"At 111 gl'l ,� and lettera orf erintendent, W. j. Manley; patrg1w.en, BENNETT �. . 1. I ­ L ­� . : ' Seaforth formed their horsesbAte in failing health for the past year. vener, Betty, con- . .. � I . . - ' . f e X. . ,�, jxutzt, . wl�f.ql "I M _ , . . . John E. Murray, Henry Klehdr, Jas. - I FA I , *,6re, conducted a . . In . IN.. A,LL LINES OF thanks from thostit who race vel The funeral will be hold from We late *id, Geo. -LecAhardt, Joe Mur- Comical, confusing, complicated life in, a MODERN APARTMENT . I . I'll, �� 11��Nl i'k_�­ - . , �� . test, after which Donald Wallace tooli McQuai I . . zi... , V- l. M ,� 1.1- � � stmas. boxes of fruit and candy Xesidenc,e *on Saturday, January 16th � . I . ,q'y- , ,�, " - Chri I I . . I I URANGE . party lowered to St. James� Church, where service up -the offering. Mr. Gardiner ,took ray, Calvin Hillen, T. Scott, Thomas HOUSE! . I I ,,� �,, , . were read. Tye color I Dolmage, ituisair � .. . . -_ At t -11..;'. A,,�,­�k the flag -and "God S4ye the King" was winbe held at 10 a.m. Interment win Lliarge of -the games dud the meeting HackWell, Stewart . ___1 IMO�:.f . , 1-1 ! I I .1 4 ; ad by -singing -�the National An- Barrows, Joe Hugill, Vincent Lane, . ,,, C ­, ? - clos I � N'rNA".." " 1, � _ ery. F _ _k, . <> 0 * 0 'C' 0 '�> 'O' sung and, the Guides were dismissed. be made in St. James' comet .. .1 :,'�j",,�_.. �. 'O., 0 ? � . 0 them p - - � "".". X � --O-- . I ercher, Wm. Y�err,'- P. McLaugh- Macdonald Carey : <> and re eating the Mlzpah bene- Con Eckert, Matt. Murray, Finlay NEXT, THURSDAY, iRIDAY, SATURDAY -�� � - , 0 1 * McK . Brian Donlevy Robert Preston !�,w�.*�,: .. . ]E[olmes & Son Northside W. A. Elects Officers- Died in Gallfornia_�Mr. Walter Mur- diction. tin., R. C. Dodds, Win. Somerville, 99 I .... - 1. '5> - & T -o- ' 0 . pound- 4 . I ,Z.�,, '., ., �S �o The Women's Association of North- ray received the- sad news of his bi . ampbell; 'WAKE ISLAND . " 2, �,:.. I L DIRECTOR . Death of Joseph C. Eckert. -Word Sain, Bolton, Jos. 0 ­ - �,, . , . . IN -BRA I ..... 11 ... 1 .4> ,FU_ ,:> side United Church held their Febru- ther's death, Thomas F. Murray, who keepers, John Walsh, Jos, Carlin, 446 Marines . . . in their 14 -day stand against uncounted thou . ­' 0 . . , %� . %,, I I .M. 1��.. . . ..... ....5"il4i .0 , ' . Main Street,,.Seaforth <> ary meeting in the vestry on Tuesday passed away in Sutter Hospital, Sac- was received .by his wife of the death Henry Beuermann, Wm, Anderson, sands of Japanese . . . wrote in letters of Are an imperishable chapter. ', 1, "! ckert, 8f Seaforth, Pe leber, Geo. 'ad Nations. ./­­_ of Mr. Joseph C. IR ."�, 1 � -ith ramento Cal., On Sunday, Jan. 10th. In the history of the Unit 1� . <> — idende, -C� afterucion. The meeting opened NN Z,-:� _ .-.*, ' but who . had been working with the . I . .. I . ;. "I ,l . Charles Holmes' res <> prayer and Mrs. Robert Archibald He had 'not been w;ll for five years, McKee, Percy Taylor, Henry Benne- . _. I .1 ,.", I., I hone — . :: 0, I .<> 'Gisiderich Street East.' PI King Construction Co. at Abbotsford, . 1. � �,vlj!�, �- '':, ,0. n ad the scripture lesson. The re- but- death resulted from a broken hip D.C. Few particulars; have been re- weis; fence viewers, Jas. 1�olan, Wm, COMING- ' ' � 1! ,."', <> No. 308. of the officers were given and a O'Reilly, Wm. 139yd, Peter � H4#wrt, 1. , - ' Ambulance Service ,0 purts 26th. 64 py .. I I . j:, -�> , . sines$ discussion followed. It N,�*as received in a fall.on December ceived, butA is believed that he died Wm; Shaunon, R. W. Campbell, Fred Falcon, Takes Over I I . . 111.% le hospital bed for ,C� I)u . I Fill.. � I . -C> Adjustab en'tine last. The late Thomas Murray was very suddenly. He left here just 11 � " �,,;- " , I <�. cecided to hold the annual Val Scarleitt, .Tbos,- McMillan, Zack ', —_ 'Mexican Spitfire Sees a Ghost" I .,;w,�� . rent. 'ha i4c_ � __... . xb., � . . -_ _ . , s.-Phoue 308 .0� supper in the church on Wednesday, born in St. Catharines in 1874, but weeks ago to go to Abbotsford, B.C., . I I �Al i �v .. 4i> Night Call gpadd,en;. she&p valuators, Jo lie _­­_ . I .. . Y I 4 , i � ;� t�v I . � 4.> "DaY Calli-P <> Feb. 10. y4p following 91ticers for came to Seaforth when a small boy and his death comes. as a shock, i)ot Dow(�ll, John Shea, R. C. Dodds, an- � - _... � I I � hone 119 only to his, wife and family, but t.- a 1, 0 ry Weitbrsen; - building inspectors, = �,��, the ensuing years were elected: Hen- with his parents. He attended school � 11 . - . f �,,,�,,..* 0 Charges nioderat I a. 12-37 .0 , president-, Mrs. Ja�. B. ThOmP' here and later learned 'the cabinet large. circle of friends and relatives. ' � ____ , . . ------�_ I , I .. . I 1, �� .1., , . .0. orary Mr. Eckert was boi:n in McKillop,Aii Win. Beattie, Win. Somerville. A. . — ' at St. Joseph!a 4', .6 Isaac Hudson; trade with Broadfoot & Box, change .in the 6me of year for the � . v , * <> ,C, * <> <C> * <> Fon; president, Mrs. ,where -d was married in 1926 to twenty-three. A delicious lunch of went.an operation � �1- - �j�, �. 10 0 <> * , J,t vice-president, Mrs. Grace H-09' -he was employed for ten years. -Leav- the Year 1897 an assessment is propoped, and it will spital, London-; Mrs, F. 0. Byers . 11� to Miss Geraldine O'Connor, da:aghter hot dogs, tea and cookies was served. HP I �.. 111 . garth; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. I. H take place from February 15th- to April I from Burlington, - I ,'� . in 1,901 he went to Van- of the late Mr. and Mrs. Win.' O'Coly, 30th, hisitead, of " June. ll�axes � y Willie Robin- -has returned home - 14.. . Mrs' ing Seaforth in will Music Was supplied b I '13,AV , I Weedmark; recording secretary, - I oh� couver. After a short time there he vote. Of IoVa, where Ahf� visited her mother,' ".... '00 <> 'C> <> 0 0 0 <> 'C� A. r4gLellaix; ,treasurer, Mrs. J . nor, and is survived by a family of. be paid into the bank -the same. as last son at .the piano. A hearty -as. - 1 . <> 0 . . . .v . I . a J . �,.,. ��, "'. .0 went to San Fran,cisco at the time eight children, -two having- died in in P thanks was exttended to Mr. and Mrs. sister and son, Warren; Privat. ,1. .. � 1 4> . . Finlayson; corresponding secretary, .. year. . * .. 11 , <> I <> Mrs. P. B. Moaat. of the 1906 earthquake, later going fancy, also by' ,his wife and mother, McKinley -for their kind � -hospitality. L, Looby, Simcoe, with his mother,. I ,,,.,:, . J. A. BURKE __ I ,�., - - , he was Mrs. C.'Eckert, and seven sisters,, Mrs. Y 11 ) Funeral Service <> to Sacramento, Cal., where Death of Henry Erratt I Mrs. A. k., Loob ; Gerald Burns, of' � . .;. � "" r p, <> .0 ho passed Win. J. Manley, McKillop; Mrs., Win, ' Mr. arid - . r' .."., � : Ont- 10 . married to Dora Toll, w ' �BRUCEFIELD The ,death took place of a well- Clinton, with )its , parents, !J1, 1� .0 Dublin , I .. I . McKay, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. L. Brall, hi�irtns; .Priyata Leonard : .<> Night or day calls: Phone 4S r 10 * . - - ___ away five -years ago. - He conducted known and highly esteemed reside'ut Mrs. ,Frank ' home here; I r I ��i, ',, . I Detroit; Mrs. Thos. McKay, Galtl-, Friday, Janu--INagle, Kitchener, at'his I " ,- * .— a large grocery business from which , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, Of'St. df Stanley Township on . ),�%;L,- 4> . Mrs.'Klinkhammer, Detroit; Mrs. Gor- Clair, -Mich., ,spent the week -end with ary 8, at his holne when-Issac Henry Mr.'Clarence Krauskopf ,�'...,: , - * 0 1 he retired six years ago on, account - . .in Londaa;, 11 - , I . , ,, 0 ,<> <> 2757-& 1 doa Rays'; Detroit, and Mrs. C. P. Silts, their audts, Mrs. Brock and- Mrs. Jam- 'Erratt ,passed -away in.his sevelity- to, I 1R. , . Before leaving Seafotth d Mrs. Earl Hubbs, Toron " �'. _�, of Ill health. Seafortfi" also one brother, John M. uffered ... a heart Mr. an. ' ,,�, - , . ieson. . eighth year. He s ' -acent visitors with Mrs. Cath- I - . . %.1, ".._ . .. I ,,. he Nvas a member of the 33rd Bat- Eck�r� ireasUrar of McKillop, town- Mr. Alvin Smith, R.C.A.F., and Mrs. attack and passed away v a ry were i .. 4:- ton; Auguste Krausko : L�.� - ta'lion Band, and a football. player ship, The family lived for eight years Smilh and daughter, of Bluevale, Mr. sudden-ly. He was born in Stanley eri'Le Staple Pf, . . i � . .. . I I . Rev. with the Old Hurons. He leaves to ,in Oakville when Mr. Eckert was an- ,Mofrinville, Alberta, With" his ' bro- � .V' P , � The Secoind Division 'St. Tho,Fbas, Church -Rector, mourn his lose; three brothers, E., W. , gaged.. with-th-e-King. iQgliptruction. Co. and Mrs. 1. Smith and family aild Mr.' Township and lived there alV his life. art and Nicholas Krauskopf; .: ,. � I - - -John-4-ith, of Wilighana spent Sun, He was married to 'Miss Mary Ann tters, Alb . I , ., Dr. Hurford: il a.m., "The Forgive . Seaf6 fb��oj , � �",- . "The Ambi- M . there, but have lUred in r , H. t F. Berry. Robinson forty-oue y . I . I .. . Court ' , . urray, Regina; Jolint of Preston, and day with Mr. and Mrs, ears agb last. No- Mr. and Mrs. HarQld Thiel, Fullarton, &�, �, on ness Of the Soul"; 7 p:m. - Funeral arrange- some tim6.4 He was a mea%ber of St. . Mr. Murray Atkinson, R.C�A.F., Mal- vember, and is survived by. his - wife with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lannin"! I . ;,, .. � t . . I � . County of H . ur tion of a'Soul." Sunday Schbol at 1() Walter in Se Vorth. James' Church, Seaforth, and- also a , and Mrs. Atkinison, of Hamilton, Piid onle son, RusWl Erratt, apd two Mr. and Mrs.'-Araold De . Clute -and I , ; . i" . .�. office in the Dominion Bank Build- nients have not been coniplef6d. ton . . ", I offiee hou3z_; Tues- a.m. Annual vestry meeting Tuesday, � member of the Holy, Name SOCieLy spent a couple of days with Rev. and, daughters,*Mrs. George Anderson and family, Torgnto, and Miss E. Graham, I .. '. iug, Sesfort�. . I -4p , ­ . . �.: �11- . I day. Thursda.y'aud Saiturday, 1.80 P -m- Jall,'19th, at 18 p.m. . '-The funeral will be held next Tua� Mrs. Atkinson. � I . Mrs. George Stephenson, all of' Stan- Keewatin, with Mr. and Mrs. James � 1�'. ji I . . tx) 5 p.m..; saturgay evenimg 7.30 P.-_ St. Mary's Church, Dublin - -2.25 Egmondville Young .People's Union 'day to St. James, Oburch at 1.0 a'm. Donald Mclionald, R.C.A.F., Rivers, ley., Mn Erratt was a devoted mem- I � ,,� v . - Lie- - 11 , � W 19 P.n . Am- Meets. -The regular geting of the with intermerit'-in .St. James' Co' Miss Vera Ba . , � I . P.M., Sunday School; T.p.m., "The in t last week al his home ber of ,the Goshen United Church. T. Malcolm; rker, Bur - 1. ,(�'� , . - Clerk Eginondville Young People was held tery. - �­ Manitoba, span d. ,­ U,� -E. C.' C-HAMBERLAIN , bition -of a Soul." I I The funeral took place on ,Sunday lingtan, - with her par6nts. Mr. an . ;� . 0 I ­ I . . . ...... — . here. . I - . 11 �;,., 1. . -1 - " I - Rev. H. Monday night in the basement of the .111. W. M. S. Elects Officers �­from his late home -with Rev. Reba Mrs. B. Barker; Mrs. N. Malcolm and 1. , I 11 .Insurance Northside ,United Church,- ebure.h. Following a sing -song Ot Rennie�!- Woods. -.The marriage of .. -ack, attended the 25th annlvers� . . .. . . . I ,� �� ,-1 V. Workman minister. -Morning sub- The January meeting of the W.M.S. Here officiating. The pallbearers were son, J I :,, I Life, Fire. A*W, SickneSs and Aeei- � Legibmate Publicity"; favorite hymns, the' devotional con. Miss Floreage Sophia Woods, and . held Tuesday afternoon in the "MegsM Ben Ke�s, Lloyd,iKeys, R. M. ary supper of Mr. and Mrs. Wllfred� - . ;�t. , * . :- �- . . dent, Wim6bDrm an4i guarantee bonds. ject, "Faith' Alayine' Watson, 'opened the Rifi6:man Evan, Dougall Rennie, was . The worship period Peek, A. P. Keys. Clifford Keys. and Doupe ai Kirkton. . ... . I I . I 11 , : I Rates reasonable. All risles placed in Sunday school 2.30 P.M.; evening sub- vener, session room. I . � . Queen's .Own Rifles," 3rd Batt. C,A. - J . i I _,,_7__ro��. , , , � , .11 ?I I �� , I , I . V '' � " 11'� . I. " ,q ,J: �`i "I'll I ,;", -,,,,�, I 0 "',,o,�,"..i., I �,� eq� ,, i., �, .1 I ", .. �,v ,,, ,,, , 1, I ,.,,, ,,L�11.-, % ��, , k ­,i�i-,;`,§',�!'1,11 I , , , ,��.r��,,,..,,,,����,,�,��.,ll"; I" I - ,�� I -1 � � ` _11 _� "� , , r�",r I I , " " fi�"; � , , " i ; ! * , '. , i� ` 11 11 . � , � , g W # I , a i ­ , I - ", "' 11 , I - -, -�­ 4 , ,-,i I k �`11 I 1. I ,, IrIll , tl,� I � - I I �'.. _�.. first.ciass, companies. ..' . ject, "A Good Habit For a Bad Time." meetin- with Hymn" 458. Rev, Mr. . was taken by Mrs. Atkinson, and the Frank McClinchey. The flower bear .*."I" "., Information cheerfully given. - (A'L,, took,place- Mond -&,v afternoon, Mrs. Rathweli . ,, then took ers were f)Du.r nephews of the aeceas- Mrs. John A. Darling is criticallY 111 � , � �, .. , I First Presbyterian Church.-SundaY Gardiner then led in prayer., The. president, at her home, having suffered a strok.e. I L, . Ja�uaxy llth,: in Holy Name parish - ed Bruce Me iamr and . . �j;;J,;k-.. . AMBERLAIN . a.m.'; morning subject, Scripture 'lesson was read from Song . the chair. The roll call was answer Clinchey, Will Stricken With a severe heart attack . , . �:�.,, 1,,,�. -E. C. "CH School.at 10 " rectorye, 4itkland, Lake, with Father I inson. 1, I .? - I,- , NCE AGENCIES "Faithful in 'That Wliich� is"Least"; of Solomon, -8th chapter, after 'which T. Kavanagh,. officiating. The bride -As ad by a. Ne* Year's verse. After the John Robinson and Douglas Rob' while engaged in ptiffiting at the home . _� L ` y iNSURA business period the following group 14,ermenf was made in Bayfleld came- - I ��." �.. . evening subject, "'Near "and Par Hor- - . ner read a poem, "Wilder- the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur . bf Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harburn, Hib �� . . . the conve, I -, . tl:, izons.1, Y�uaig People's Society,,Tu'es- leaders were elected. No. 1, Mrs. tery.. ' ' died I "I",. 1w1=mmu,snw===__ . " based on the scripture reading. Woods., Government Rd. E'.,,.and the o':' 2, Mrs. The inaugural me �" I .11 . . . day, � .g Thurs. ness, .. Berry and Mrs. Dawson; N eting of council of �ert town -ship, James Sangster 11 ��:, � . . ., 3 p.m.; mid -week meetin president then took th4`1�chajr iroom is.. the -son OU, Mr. i and Mrs. I I I � 4C I I day, 8 P.M. -Rev. Hugh Jack, Minis. The I 11 11 �b --led Milne R. Rennie Seaforth. - The bride, T. Ba rd and -Mrs. Eyre; No. 3, Miss the Township of Stanley was held on suddenly in his 49th year. I "I � I T lliu -lowing nA t I TxTilli­, son of Mr and '�.. - , f��j ,. I __ � �_.. . ., . " I '�, �, � � '. 1 , _,� 4 xmz; ,�, , � ,'. ,, ,, . ,,�', I ��" 'V . , - ,%111' 2 .� I R. �'', !.,� 1� �,,, - �_ It'i .. � ,,, , IT11 , 111. . N_.., , .�'[", , Pl:,; �� 7". I'll. "r,. �;.. i - . 11"�-, i 11 - . .�: ;��!,� " 'V , 11� , 4'. L411 44, Ill" N4,14" I I .K.." , :, ti� . ": lel,'e�' ­,' 11, , M, I " �` t�, , , "45-L., ter. . I Egmondville United Church. -Rev, and COMIUPLed L a us - . h, . euring which" it was il�cided to hold I given in marriage by her father,,woreL Bowey And Mrs. Johnston; No. ,,, Mrs. . R. Scott and Mrs. Wilson. The me6t- Monday, an. , - I officers were appointed: 'Clerk, Chas. n e I . �. I Mrs. Daniel Williams, a student at 7 . 11 A. W. Gardifier, B.A., B.D.: 10 a.m., the meetings an Tuesday night in a smart French model of romance blue triple -sheer afid a cotpge of ros- Ing closed with the National Anthe !R c Plig)rim; treasurer, Geo. H. Beatty, . Dublin continulation school, fell in the '. I 1. s�nday School; 11 a.m. "Practical place of Monday''night. The state of ' Ps and liliasiof the valley. Her skull and the Mizi5ah benediction. Follow- ' assessor for Bayfleld, John. Parker* iax M. ki "i school basement striking ,his head on '. '.. Christianity"; .7 p,m., "Choosing the officers for 1943 was then presented cap style headdress , was of velvet ing ar a the officers for 1943: Presi- for Stanley, H. nley; c1-11 Mrs. 'Gertrude 'Reid; school at- the . cement,)floor, causing slight con- Right Way." � . a — as follows : Pres., Warden Haney; flowers in pastel s4ades with �small ' dent Mrs. Rat.hwell; Ist vica-pres., I ' Mrs. Waws6n; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. lector, . tendance -officer, Alex McConnell, . cassion. . r . .- , , . - I Northside Young People Meet. -,The devoti6nal convener, Mrs. Gardiner; .. . head veil, Phe wore a gold neck McQueeii; rec.-sec., Mrs. W. McBeath; sanitary inspector f or Stanley, Geo. - The Late:Mrs.' Teresa Jordan .1 0 "k) � regula . r meeting Northside., Young -Missionary convener, Edith Wallace; chain andi ci;gse, gift of the groom. ' ,treas,, Miss M, McDonald; correspond- . . Clarke; road supt., Wilfred Chuter; Mrs. Teresa Jordan, .a highly re- . �- � ':citizen 'of .of Peol3le was held Tuesday night with c�ttl/cnsbip, Thelma Parker; literary, , She, was`atte4ded by Mrs. Reta Me- ing,-sec., Mrs. J. Thompson; financial caretaker of ,cenotapr, George Clarke; spected Dublin, died irt t , , , . the new president, Maxine- Lawrence, '. I I. Lean, attired,, in a brown Nevagemble sec., Mrs. Haugh; pi�nist,, Mrs' John- weed'.inspector for west, Harold Pan- Imlay City, Mic ' higan, on Saturday, I � - . I � � presiding. The meeting open -ed by with fox fur .trim, brown accessories ston; Dec. -committee, Mrs. A_tilns0i, hale; for east, Fenwick Stewart; M. Jan. 9th: *glie suffered, it stroke three .. . I ., the hymn, Will 'lever q inging and'eorsage of roses. Jackson. Dev- Miss D. Bowey; Manse' committee, O.H., Dr. J. W. Shaw; solicitor, Frank I . weeks ago and fai.led to recover. Ow- I ,"God Fall Us," followed by the Lord's Pray- � . . . . 6 FARMERS" ATTENTION' lin attpn,ded the groom A rqce ption held the Kirkland Lake . Hotel Mrs. Wilson; flower committee, Mrs, Donnelly; engineer, G. A, McCubbin; . 11 I ing to faillag health she went to live . er The minutes of the last meeting . was 11� at , . It. Dalrymple; vip ing committee,. Mrs. I sheep valuator, Tihos; Snowden.; care- . � - ,&itih her son,'Pather J6rdan, Ili. Im� . . .- - . . . �(,,�, � . I I k - . ,�, I 9,0; . a! . I ,;. ------------------- � I . were read and adopted. Ernie Clarke, - Anthracite Coal is now hard, to "Stove -on Lor r al,Lves anu close frientis OL tue couple. For a wedding trip tp T -or- H. Zapfe; work, Mrs. Hohner. taker of township hall, Edwin �Chuter; . - Roy . I . . lay City, Mich., fifteen months ago., 11 .., . . . �,,� , I �, I_ I . I ,11:11 �.jl",. THEMWKII�LOP MUTUAL devotional 'conv, ener, took charge. The "All Way! My Saviour secur e. We have Coke" hand at $13.00 per ton, ,- onto and Seaforth, the bride wore a , .. o6erator of power inaintainer, Red Cross'An6u.1 Meeting Keys; p ' (Ikeep'ers,' Robt.' Greer, oun Mrs. Ardan. was born in Tottenham, � I 1 . 1_��`_41 _�,� �, �FIRE"INS'IM,ANCE Co'y. hymn, the Leads Me" waii sung and Wilm4 Hay Also & car ,of. ,1pocaliontlis" Nut blue tailored boucle suit with black - I - . David Oesch; Milt on Gerald Snider, 'The meeting the Red 'Keys, Tecumseh Township, 84 years ago. . . Casey, -;. , . � , � f.", .,. - � .. � % �11 � ,_, , � oem entitled,* "These Things Coal arriving this week at $12.00 accessories. , - . . . I annual .of a Louis Taylor, Pollock, Elinor Cross Society will be %held in the )f.o. an(Y She w . � , as 1ornierly, Terapa . to the late I " ", . I . �.�.V,;,., , ", I`N-t., , " , " " --�- SEAFORTH, 1P OFFICE . Shall B.e." Rev . H. V. Workman. gave . per ton, direct from car. fuels will burn in any Russell Consitt,, Norman Jones, Nel- O.F. rooms on Friday evening Of this Alex McHwen, was married in Winnipbg I then 4 . . l I . ' LOCAL BRIEFS , . ��- ��, . *lEAD ", i . . I . . I . I — - , " ��;�,; , . '. ,�_. * the address and brought in the idea . These equipmei -it, and keep a home com - I I son Reid, �Carl Diehl, 'Woll!t you c,ome out and show ' week. . Harvey Taylor, Geo. Dowson, -Drew Poter'Jbrdan 60 years, ago, and' to Mbbert tow nship until,her - I '. I ; 1 , I I .;�, . ..� i.� ** I I . "., 1.`�:o - . OFFICERS: of increasing the attendance and al-' - so making, the meetings _mdre sue- . .. , fortable. . I your interest? Red Cross shipments Swan, Lorne Coleman, Win., Pepper;.. 'to 154 hospital moved , ' . ' � husband's death in July, 1928. Shit ''' Mirs. George Parker, Owen Sound, and . 1. ,,,,, I ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,�. ,,, ". . - '.'.'. . I I .. '. tttt . . �­ i?­� - Alex MeEwing, Bl�th - - Pres; cessful. Ma,rguerite Wescott read a ' . We can deliver in town at 50 cent S. I ton over the above prices, in 0 Mr. Alex Mac K�nzle, of Orl-Ilia, Miss Rena MacKenzie, of Strat- up Dec. 31st were: -n " fen,ce viewers, Louis'Durand, Norma t, wi er bottle , handkerchiefs; 50 � ho at Elmore I - - then moved t6 Dublin. , She is sur I 11 . . ,.!,� . �r� - 1. .: I I hIbaI4, Seaf6rtb - Vice -Pres. 11 11 , i,.: W.'&� Arc i t ., poem entitl,ed. "Darkness and Ligh . -My Pei, lots 6f, one ton or Ovef.. and f6rd, visited their, mother ' Mks. D. , Steplipson, Henry D. Steckle, . covers, 49 suits pyjamas, 100.hospitAl Keys,, Elmer Turner, Alvin McBride, vived' by eight children� .,Michael � ' , - "t, I , . , ": aforth - Sec.-Treas. . 1, 1. m6rtoa, A. Reid, Se :. � F; � ... I ."Out'of - Bondage" -was sung, fol- - . . . . � . MacKenzie, on the occas' n, of her 19 towels. Refugeee-3 'large quilts, 25. J H. MdEwen, Murray Gibson, J��ed London- Frank., Hibbert townshi � P;1 I 1j."., ".. . . . . .1 - I . Wo , ,. . .. ��,!,.. - S: DIRECTOR , lowed by prayer by Maxine, Lawn The meetin -9 elbsed by'rebeat- I ... � J. H. SC T . . 90t t -h birthday. boys' ibirts' 30 Prs'. Aildren's rson. The. general ace I ^ boot. * ount for ' And6 Father John Jdrdan, ' Imlay' City, .1 . . . E� ,­: � ., . ­­_ 1. I . I . .�­.�, � . - . ...'. . . I % I ence. 1. Ing the M I izpah benediction. -, . . .1 I Phone' 33_6' . .1 ,....-O -Mrs.. Gordon Allen, of Wallace- -6 . turtle- -tees. : Seamen!s - Comforts ' $223.81 -:-was_ passed. and ordered p�bid, Mich,; Mrs,. Daug4l .M.oC6r&ick. (M -ax-. . . .. � I . I i�,�-�, - _� William kntox ri Londesboro; Cb is. - � 'J. BROOIVrE - Phone 136-i ' bur , 'is visiting her daughter,�­Miss. .9 . lieck sweaters, 3 sleevele $a sweaters, 11 ­ . I garet), Parkhill; Mrs. James'Dewaa . ; 1,; � _ :­ , ", .. 7 Brodbagen; , E. J. Tre- , .�', ,1Z. .. jueonliardt, 1. -1 . Samuel Carter Passes Suddenly.- I . . 11 I . . . I mmOmmm"`� Martha Allen of the Colleglate'staff. I 6 turtle tuckIns, . 18 prs_seamen's , * . .. I I �. -Air For ce-13 DUBLIN (Mary), Lucan; .Mrs. P. Fitzpatrick � e � �1 r, . , f ... .... , I w—artha,'t1inton; Alex Broidfoot,'. R. K. � Samuel Carter for.some years a well * Mr. Sam' dantelon, of Hamilton, stockings, Army and . � gloves, 4 tieevele ss sw,eaters, 2 (Anna), Hibbert; .Sister Alma. (Eliza- I I -- . 1. .�_­ . IL 2, S"forth; Alexander McEwing , I known r�sident -of Sea,forth, died sud- is visiting at the home- of Mrs. Sam Carter, North Main Street. - Prs. - . ribbed helmets. Non -Quota -2 .tuck- A group of n eighbors surprised Mrs. bath), Windsor; Sister Teresa, Sar-. I I I I :".�:- IELIL 1, Blyt1t; Frank McGregor, R.R. . �Pll' . . �, ,, Hugh Alexander, R.R. 2, denly at his -home. on North Main St. 9 Miss Ellen Slatherland, of Wood- I ome rect6ndy. A ins, prs. seamen's boot stobkings, P. Matthews at ,her It . nia, both of St. Joseph's Cornmunity. I .,. . ". 1. . . 5, Clinton; , , , � . Walton; Thomas Moylau, R.R. 5,. Sea- ­ on Saturday ingriling last in his 74th . . I NOTICE stock, was a gud�t over the wedk-end .18 - -W d6� 12 prs. mitts, 4 prs. two ELY mitts, 9 social afternoon was spent and a William'died in: 1921 ana Eleanor died. I . . . . I I "... I � 1, ,. 1, ;',William R. Archibald, R.R. 4, bith year. Previous to. his death lie bad health. r. " with Mr. - and.,. Mrs. K. M., 4cLean. scarves, 4 helmets, 15-searves, 4 pr8. licious lunch was served to all. ... in 1925. Also two s4sters, Mrs. John . . , ­, I I, I.. ;0. * Seaforth. . been in continued ,good .M Carter was born in Seafortli on Feb- � 11 a . 0* LAC. Jack Dualopt and, LAC. Joe - . mitts (khaki), 2 pT%. rifle mitts, 5 tUr Joseph Evans has returned to St. ; . Murphy, Dublin, and Sister Mary - .. . �'... , �. . . AGENTS, . . ' ruary 9, 1869, the son of the late Tolin mi., . " � Purcell have arrl,�ed at their station, 'first I tle-neck sweaters. . Peter's Seminary, London. I I I Ubald, of Holy Name- CommunitY, . 'grandehil- �,:-.;� 1,i , �` . Malay McKercher. R.R. 1, Dublin', 2 Carter and. Margaret Storey. He" ha's ' I Woodstock General Hospital Calgary,. after' -being with the Alcan __ I I St. Patrick's separate sch�ctl held - I I .. Montreal; also thirty-one ., ­ FIE . jo. Pepper Brucefleld; J. E' Prueter, , I k� lc�ed in man,v. different places bill School for Nursp�s will admit a Canadian convoy to cross the . its annual meeting with a rp.presenta- dreh. She receiVed-ber edileation..,in - rp�. - BrodhagW; James Watt, Blyth. . � . . Brussels ij)o.,;t of hi,, life was spent in class of student. nurses forthree -February, 1943. Highway. .. 0 Gnr. Fred Riley to Rall� STANLEY I tive attendance. Fol lowing oc resume i I . Tottenham separate school and Brant- . . . ],��'.. I � I , and Searorth. being a salesman. He . 11 years training in .1 returne4 fax� on Wednesday 4ifter spendling a On ihe clear frosty night ,of Frir of the. Iiiisinesa of the past year, the ford high-school., She"'taught , school . 6i- drove the stage UetWeeU DeaLOrth a- , ' He was I High School Graduates wishing few days with his. wife 'and son,'Ron- . n. Sth, the Goshen Young Peo- day"Jaii retiring trustee, Daniel C,Ccinnor, was ­ I . in Tecumseh io-F two yeat s. a was I Brussels for many years. to Emma Den-bougb, who sur- to enroll in this class kindly ad- nie. j. I ple's Society -held a sk�ting -party on ,replaced by Martin Feeney. Trustees A loving mother and took a keen in-, . 4 ' married vives him. Mr. Cartel- was a member dress application to the 0 Mrs. Howard Burgess, who has the ice pond'at the home of Xen-And , for, `1943 are. Hugh Benninger, Patrick terest in ,her family. Mrs. Jordan was 1 of Nortliside.United Church. Surviv- SUPERINTENDENT'70F NURSES spent the past two .months with her � , . .. Armstrong, withfifteeuskiters Woods and-Maxtin Feeney. - Members a devout .)Member of St. Patrick's 1. ' ing besides his wife are one daughter. , , , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rueben. Frost, .Leslie � . . Artificial lighting was . fur. of the --board for Dublin, Continuatio'n Church, Dublin, and A ]so a member ' Myrtle, at home; one brother, Davie. ­ W OODSTOCK left for her home In Flint, Mich., on 'Frost presdrit. I b6n-fire provid- n1shed by cars, and a 'High,Schoo . I are Hugh Benninger, s a of the A,Itak Soclet�. the funeral I Cartei,- McKil.IoP, and two sisters, . I. Saturday. Mrs. - aCco1i�panied hen as far as London, and spent the ed cheer and, warmth. After a. delight-. retary; John Walsh, treasurer; FranZ was held at ten o'clock on Tuesday ,� � A . . Mirs. George Parker, Owen Sound, and . Hospital �� week -end with her soti, Mr. John ' ful time was hQ:d, by all, they'went .to Wilson, and Patrick Moore, Harold . morning in St. Patric,k's ,Church, Dub- , Mrs. Mary Henderson, Tuc"K`ers�ffiitli. General Frost and'family, returnin . hoine 'the home of Anson and Bob MoKin. Woods. ' i lin �. followed by buridl In, St. Colum-, � 4 ', . I TLe funeral was held at two o'clock .. . . Dg Monday evening. -ane" Increased Personals-, Harold Meagher and er-'1ban cemiAery. . . " on Tuesday aftei-noon from his late oadstock Ontario -1 e, . ley where the attend a ., I . ., . . . I . 1. I . . I � Kl!-­ . I . ' - . . Y. I 1.7-2 . pl. Inulgany, of vaincotiv.er, , - . . . . . . I I � ____­ - . - . 1: I residence on North Main, Street., Rev, . 89" . - ------- _� . I I I �7, _. . I . . ..., '. . spent a few days visiting his aunts, . I ...1. . -1. � . . . I . , 4 I ­, ... I H. *V. Workman of Northside 'United: I .. - ­ . _� I . . I I -_ -_ . V"w.tt I .. t,fi __ � . . � Mrs, Melady'aidthe Misses Mulcaby�� ., � , 1 � I �, I �, Inswallwa%wrow, ii ,'%' ,� , . . I Church conducted the, service and in. � -1 . I . ­ He says that It: 19 not nearly so cold - . I 1 116 I . � _4:: . � 0 4 . I � . � .. I- � . �_ . , - - . .1 " I . I .� _____ ­_ - I : . terment was made -in Brussels came I . I -11 � I -1 . i :: :,,4 I . I I . I in Van,couv,er as it is here. - I 11 I I I . tery. Y6u'Are Invited to Inspebt the . 0 Mrs. Margaret Purcell has . sold 10 . . I I � I I I. I 4 . 1. . I 141 . . ., . ­ . — -0. . her residence on George Street to Interm'ediate -, . ,� I 11 I . . �. . , �- . 1: . I . . I 1. ,, . AM Mrs.'J. A. Kerr. 11 , I . I ,, . L � I I I . . 11. , . �. A . 1. . - The Late George Stogdill. - The - . I ,�, , -BOND , ,t,.�.'. . I .. -ur- I . I � , �, ­ I . h T6tonto on Sat 0 Mrs. R. S.'Hays, and Miso Mary . 'ORA , ; # R", . "A" - a � I �4,1,",, 1� day, January 9th, of George Stogdill, :TAILORP-D-1'6-MEASURE ,- . I -lays have returned after spending ' * ".1 I . I � � I - " - I the Cbri,stinas and New Year's holim . . . I �.�k 1, . . a former weft known and highly as- . SUITS AND ' ,days in Toronto. ' 1, 1. .,It �� . I � ..... teemed resident Of Seaf,orth for many I I'— � , . . . I ,�'. . e years. Mr. StogdIII passed. away In FOJI Eleanar..and Lorane, of Goderich, and 0 , OVERCOATS * Mr. and Mrs. Jameq Henderson, .... '. I er ex/ I eaforth, Tues..,, Jan' 19,'8.15- p.m. 1. . . St. Michael's Hospital wher 'Mrs. Allan. Lamont, of Brussels, were � . . . I I I I � �. d I �.:'.. ­ 1� ok. been for tea days, suffering from "LADIES AND guests of Mrs. ,Sam Carter thi.s week 11 '. .� I I �: . S . I . I - � . '. ­!. Sales Bo pneumonia. He was born Jn Stanley GENTLEMEN while attending the funeral, of the . . . I I I I 9 , . . . Township on the Goshen, Line eighty- IN 7 PRICE RANGES late. Mr. Carter. . I I 11 , . , I I 0 " � !.[,�, . 4 Mtos Beryl Bebkeft, of Strathr6y, �,_ , are the best Counter � five years ago, and was married to . ''I I ". ! . I'- CA! to I Qsdtdd bar si.5ter, Mrs. R.,C. Box, this r- R , ' I '. �­_ -Cifeck Books made in Miss Mildred Shaw, of SeafO,Tth, in I UU 10.00' I I .11, I I . . .1 ­ - EXET:1" Worth .%. $22,11, week. , I . � _ � Best , , ,, - f, I , " 1902. B6sides big sorrowing wife, he 0 Mr. and Mrs. William WallAsIek I : . . I 11FLIERVI , I I.- , . ­ Canada. They cost no ' SOLD ONLY, . - '�­ I , ,tWo sons, Plight-LIeut. IT 7" t ! .1 1"9 . , , ­, . is survi,v&d by . 4av6, returned tor,,,Pfiagam Falls after I ��, 1,1;� . � I more than ordinary Charles J, StogdII1 and Pte. i Kefth C, by d,ing,,.the-.hol,JA-ayofrwith,,Ur. and I I 4 A . VS. " ' I I I I � , . , , .11 ,,, . �� i I b60kS aOd'glWaYS.giVe Stogilill, both of Toronto; three brol "Pail, Jam r Wa-4.nsloy. - " I AL ,1111 a' OD,IrH . com 0 , I ' ' _ . a . therg, Frank Stogdill, of Los Angeles; GILLkSPIEISI. ' . Tre Morkman, of the Nor- � ' gra. . Y e 11 ',�r,., . 6 miss no ! I ft-- 11, - - L : .. 1. I 1k8EA,VERS01 �. 4 I 1� ... � 1. . . '�" -ad on I rpAIL0R.S . - ents, 1�ev..,�vtid7-Mra. -H.INoWdrkman, � � : I . . MFles , "' ' 14 satisfacti6h. I . WiludIm US mal, School, Stratford, VIsIted her par- . I I SEAr, n A tii.,,. . . , I 11 . 1�� � , ;. � .. 1:. We gre ,agents � am - Jack Stogdlll, of 6rillia, and I CLEANERS - tym . . ' 1. . . . StagAll, -of Detroit,, a -a sister, . Bar - - I I ."', �, 1, . . . - � 1. .11 I I .. � .. . - a`p e I 0 - '. - The _' this week. !, I .� A Here, it Is, Pans,1 The one yoAl I I !,�'r; - *i1lb I ased t am Lloy& of Detroit. 29 ,� �,� ,�*, . . � I . ..Mrs. Willl 'YOUIR"11 HAF10 . . , . ........ , , I I I I 1. , � 49te, MX. Stogdill received his early IF YOU 'fNrlNK * Cpl. 0ord9n Scott vigitaft hlg'par, have been waiting fori Booneof the , . 11'-4,��;: I I 1. I , I 1. , �." - �1, , . -:--I 1`0 ee � , , ::1, �,t,�-; ... I'll, _�n,t.,­�:,' 1. I , ' ;11 1�1 I , I ydu�­iprx ', any " st , 11 - or � 0OW06111119 �Iln Stanley and MeMI16P -to Pre - watiuk kafts tO ' 64ts, Mr. and Mro. SAW -09 T. -8c6tt, 11 I . . r66drd-btelking 6fowd, t6 Vais the fast- dMt-f q pequi 0 * , � , ", � I . �1' . 1�1 I :.. , I S , 11 "I - 1 ' ��, , I . . : � -thost thrilling games illyaarg-1 I .� .1 . 31 -, I � , 69A.602 VOUR MONO this 'week. I _ U dgt Rud , . , , � ,N; . ­ . . . , . . - . -�11, 4 ' 0W � I N, . I . . ,, I ,,,;,,­-­ ��.. .i_ . , 1',,",�.,''r'. � � � .-Ti6wn-81hip, g,ftd during Wit' f4sidA I I 1� ,. 1. �. . I .. ... Vl,'�,11,,�� .". � ..,� � , . I I . I 0 AW. Vera, 11,u4son, 1LOA.P., St, :, I �. I - . ­ __i '_ ... . __11. _� It. - .1 �. ­­ . " .1 ... � �� ...­V,2,� - .. 1-11, _ 660011111iII11�1111011iiiii . " L It. , , . I I i . �., . TbomaD, ,spent it. -few. &ys, with hdf ... 0- , 1, .1. . . ,,, 1. . I e i. , W4 1461111i fft,S�egx was a forewan In- 0 I . , I ., . I � ,, . � -,�.,�.,i, 1 , 1! , 11. � , . . . I I . , . ., � _ . I I . I .. .1. , 1��t�o�,' : , , I L. r �1; � , �i . I �' . I . .. . . . , t, ", . � I I � . .1 - UM.,; 'P.., o, I-, 1.11 11�. �, �_�O, - . ,�',:�,.,f�,�����i.,"�,,�,,�-,',:.."","�',� "I bof departitiftt at 66 dga- �%. � � sister, Mrs. ge-oft;, RAWIrk, and, Mr. 1 I . . , � . , c , , , " I �; '0 " 1 -, , � , the 1101111"' , , U ,,�,�.�t` .. . , �:,. d ,��, 1 ,hargo , , � !�;�i . , Am& - - , �.�11�j��'_ ''., I , . " ; i ,., (, 1 I , I -1" " �, " ", ..", � I I . ". " , , I � - . I '......­ , , - , - 0, , - $HOP oit Mr. Leslie �rb% i$f'Preflt i " *as. I " , , , . , C , , I - 0,T a S. ­ ... � � . I . 1- V , g. ", , AL, ta lve" -it, Toiftta ift 1,92t "a 6b- W , ," ,3 - � _y ;*��k�q 'I, 1 - 111"I , . . 11 ­ I . I I ,! ­_ 'T , , . . .. _ , , ,�, , , i � , .", 'I �`­ I 11 �,,:,,�, q# " .,�� .�� "i ''.0 . . �, - : 11 �n� � Uhif Orm, 25 �' %, . �,�� : ,, t%,;,�',. . ..,"�4 ".'y ... L, r..'�'�,: 4, � 11 ,�'!,��f). -�_t,-,'�I,,� �, - 1%dib" INVIAture, 404. The familp'W'61ft LL � . �'. It' .; 6 ., , L Hdbldrk. . . �', [� b 1, , L. i. �t,'.�:, - � � �#. �,, - 4 , , , . , I. - , " zA�, ,,� , .1 ic � a .:.:, i . , , i 'i . " , 11 I , Mou ',��, 6 . , st A o' I ,� : F -� �5 I R, _0;4 �'_ ., I �. � . Ad ail& ­,­­ , , p, I ... I .1 . . � - - 9 11-1117,11 1, ,�, ,_ ,k,�,§�, ­ ,,�,,,_',, �0.1 I I 'I - ;_ 0 e - 11. -i4, I R iio ,& *.�*M,F' :; a gul6st ;o*di fi- -,: Ok-dfid L, :.., � ­­ � �� ,,�, � I ... �­,.;z�.,:.,�., .,�,, _.I­�' I , 1 - e � bied ftilded , posftU Mi. and,U,t6,' W ,0.,r ,: , ­­­ "to 1. It �­ - 1. '. . � I �� ORIT I'. , 4 , 4.�L � " �11�111'�' ..... . _004aft"ArAm � � ,,,,,,,,,: r I ..� MI -111111M I I0, I ­101-.k�.,,�.'�,, , g, � � I SE . ' lt_ . . ,� 'w" � kw, &,'�! � "'! V 1� 11 . , " '' I 11 �11 � I . I -J", .. I � " �.. . . I .. � ­­, I I .1 . . . Y�11 . " 'd I - " 1'. ,_,.�", � �, '.. ..", 1, � .� I I'l." I ,�;06oi I I ­ W1111"i . . �,� 'J" :, I ,. . . 11 - " , A " ), t6t', , of * � , tlie ow ; I .� � ,�,h 11.,-11,1.1 -1 4 " Ak,, I'at a. P4, A 1q., o s-14 I.; pt i�� I , �� f .1.-, �__A�,$6:� . !I- � "i , * '�f�-'�Ijmj, §�,1'9'.,? -, , "' �; * ,; R. 11,3'1;�11�"'77 ,� ,,t� " .. ... . 1�1 F, - " 'i t, I � � ,� 1", 11, , � ,�� � . "I ,1.1. 111- 12 � . ;_ f . �� "I 6 I 'kh _! ,';.tte,�, Irt, ,Y� . . "�,� .1 ATOT�nt�W�111A to d - . . . 1� ­A:l I 1- '' _ ,, , ,, ... I..� ."',,.,� . . , 1 � Flt.� , �',` 11'. i- - - , # - .,!� " �, ,,, .. � " �1� , ,:, �, : I " �' - . . I . � . � - , l� �.. � I . ­ I ­ . .1 ­ , , I , � ,,­ F, . . .. ­ , ,%­ 11 11, . � � , , ., I � 1 , � ,� -, .� . : . ,! � . , " � 1.1, 17, . � . .1, . .:�;, - . �, I i 3 J � I '. 0 . . � I ­ ,t,� _ , . , t : " .�,,', 1. � �io, , I . :,,,,� lr�",�, ­ !�,. �, "'. -I! - V, - ,_ I . , , . . . , 1.� . . I ... . I , -, �;.. � , : I ": I—' � I !. I 0 1 1 . Ntld I � ! . � I * .� , , ., _,I', . I I., .. , ­ ­ I I "' ; I . ", � , , . . . . ­�,:�, ''I � I ,:­,�­ " �, . . I ....', . i � , � . - , , , " '�;:,�: � '' � . . . ... I � 1. .. . I I I ; . �'. , , ..� I-- � . 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