HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-01-01, Page 8.11,� 7 .", - ­1;,�,, I � "11. ,ii, ,i� �i�, , �,, --,JT -7 , i'll.— z 11 _�, -I " 111 � ,, �,,,, �1��,­jlll ­,­ 7,r',"­�I­ —, ,."-"i.; —,-­;,­­ ...... . I"- ��d'11�, ji "'��`.`-� ���. 41:$', 1�:;` �` "r "'T7 ,k', i�:"!. W, �111 �,,�� ,I,'. . .1 �, -�,,7�1_�,'11,,�, � ,r'i; :�;,&;,, �, �, I 11 � ,� `,�, , I 1".. 1; ��i :11� �,!, I I :�' ,�' . " � j � � , ,'! � , �, i, � ::� � i� -4 t4� 1:�'!�ili::,I"li!�"""-"��.�,,�,�.-i,,1-,r7,:��,�-�.��,,-���-i�,l-; "" '� , ;� , i i� 1 � . . ..... i" j� ,� � , , �,.� �11� iy:, 1, T." ,,�". 1,111, "I',1 "., ,17, I,- � , , , ��� , , ,,,,.�, �;'-,�, . 111��;11`1 ... i A;T:'. , ,,.; L , 1�: "', 't ,� , I �1 , 'I ,yi !­ 0 , :i, I �': , I" , 1". __ � - ; i- ,_,�,� � �. , ._ , 11 I ,e.,� , - d� � I �11', :,­K,�!,�., '.1 , , . f, , , � .. . ... " 1, I �� : �'i , � ,;�; � �, 1 � 1,11' , , I � � 1� , " . 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I I I I I � . !: �� I'. 7 .0;,,� , r � I , . , , . ", " , �. � - ,, .� I I ; . .... . !i3O`;!�l � . : ,� . I 1, �, 'I -; . � ) - i 1�', , !6 :� . � . i, . . . " I I I . � I . : ;: A' , ,� . , "� � � I I . -111. I , �,; " . : , , , . �',� , ,�i i . � . I I , � � - I , ; I I .. � , �, �, I I ' .1 : . 1'� ,. , ,, ,,, ! I " . , � I I -1 .. . . ; I . k r ! I ,, , I, ,� ,.,::,'$ , ��"41,�,.��, * t, ; I .. , , 11 1"­i,��­;,'j.j' I ­,� "I , ,,, 11, .. ... , ,� I I I , "' �,�,,', - A " , . I 11 .— . . lil­',�'1,111­ - .il� . . , . ­. I , I., �,, , 1;. " �:, .. ­ I 11 �,;.:""�,�, 1-1,INI, � . 1 I I ,. � , V .,!I- I � — � 11 ", - I ­ : -1- . I , , " 4, , I.. I 1: . ", - .1 � :�,�,:V, - � � lt.A�,,Q o,` ,� I., _4_; �, 1" a , I ,:�,I�j�,��'AMI �,��','. . i ... � . � . � W" ­� �, - � ,:: A � ". P . . , �` - r�4� � , , 11 ---.I— I,'­,",,! 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I, ­ I ,� " I -1-11.1-1 11111­�� ....... ... � 4. , I'' '', 11 11 I 9i ley and 4V*'JP0mI9. , t"'VY "I 1. 4. 1 , ,',� i1j, ". ;1 �' i , � , �17,7 � 1kiii'i"o 1445.0r, of Mrs" A.Ing RQ0, whicli opcUrreO, . ;.-;_-i- I-, I � 4111" .71 ,. 11 .� ill-Im.- . t , ";', il .. ... ... . !�.. I Vill * � I.I.- ... I ­�$, .1.1111.1 11� 1. - " I 11.1111. 1-1 I , " � I I—.. � � , . . ", I N I I 'V��. . ". - #,;,�" , a , I . I � - I I .1 i. . I ".1, I 0,1'­'� I—, ... - W 1 41 � I 1W , , . . . spent 0 1�1 " .:, We ""i ��,i ." �', 1: ": '' � 91.011MR,�l I � MOW 15 I , 11.1 11 .1 ,q1.tqJU . �J 4 er .., r 91 I .1 . 11 , , . I . 1, . � . , , � . I- , ,� 0 , . � . I � r 4 �p U I . I ! ;,�V`,Ni,' 1, , I 04­`1,�1!L:1'J:,2,r"1 lil,il�'_ I . V,V,v , 1M., . � . I , __ 1� , - Ra'a- Mutior Laveralp , s pu In 1 _:.Jw M a :. ,�! �, . ; ,� , , . " __ a , �,;� Y, o,� ___N TQWN� in an ` " :', '191 " ?�'111,.�10,,��V! , AA W YEAR -1 "......1.11,111,I.-.114 ­­­­ ­ I 1, I a _ —, -th. his sister. �.., Ir. I � I'l �3110 I TRE . _� i &,v , , , I 71 �11, ." ...... _;,:",: I Ad *Y$. W. T - . ': � I , , I Announce 4-9r- ,%� ro 011� 4tre seaforth';�,. ki, I ��:!,,-��,!,,ii ,:".� �,�-­ 1"I., I I 1� 11�',­_.' M�B.s Kleeber. � . . . I I . I.." 4,11 ,�,�Jf i: � , f"T". I,- , 11 - i� ��i,� Ili., .'E", 4 � Bennett, of-)DJ,uwgojre, Sask., announce v Mrs. ,.Q. ]_R, Sm.ervilj:e­�44 . CFhri%tm,4s visitors with 1*4 r. p, .., I., � i - . 4 ,.,� " ' ""; , ,44 ,, -1 . 11111 11�11 I, . �1�i,,�,ili; f�,�,T,�!,,`.$�'7 i ��� , , _4 i I., I ,.,-.,,tl.�fl;i0 I I . Were. %�hrlst - I I . . � , . � , �'i�l 01-1-11111i 4,4 .t1".0 holiday '�e of their only _daugll- .­.. .1 ., ,, �,, p the engagem . I . _,A�t . � , " �J�N'Jj ", �q, ' , , _ he. Uoiino of AIrs. Henry, Weltersien were: Mr. and ... d:i���,.�:.l m ,,, . SEASON'S : . Janet W311'sen,:or 140440,111, �� �'­, -1.--0 `�� '1`� `* ,a ' : ,t, t , 1_, <( �,i �'J!;, ,; ,­ �, �h , , ­ . as gaests, a . i�. J. A NOW SWWING VW ,:i , �!��!��, t�.,# - W ; ��; � f 14 o'Corpo -M M .. ,.# I 1�1� " , " r ter, IsA, ry 18001% to , Ac ral ' -wl Eisler And family and Mr. I . . I 0 .. " 'of Wilson and r. and Mrs, D. 0 Wi I � - .1 A , s near, it , I ''! -. I_ , � ]: Mrs. Ca . I . ;1, " T','P16,� , i;� § 4 I -, , ,41 i4 " . , , - " , "I ,�,��, ,,J 11 "I - , I.— I—' W ` Stew rt McDonald Humphries, . GREETINGS * F,eBlle Weitersea and fam- 9� 1 11,:hl 1, ,";ii ',I _!1.1Z` . . ., P � , . . , . I",, "GEORGE ,WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE I.I.I. ��,��,:�� ��!5 f ,., , y *1 , , ,�,i`: i� . ,61 � �� i,,-,, 0 � I son. I 0 . " 1.��.11-1,11��.111�'41' ..,,,.A"!""�4"",,�Ir,.,,C,1,41,1 pleasure t Vanclouvibr, R.,Q_ eldest son of, Mr. and � : I. . . fly, of Detroit. I . 1. '-- "I lit, I... ­1­5­�Q.qi�' . �_,.V � , k-,�J- , , g " -'i ��,i,pi�, "O I I . 1, I 1�1; 1, "', � - ;�i`P, �A,��,�,,, . " �,,�,;,'�:J�,��,Jf, 41�, 1 , , you the * Mrs. W. J. Humohriea, of Walton, the el Mrw a,u'd Mrs. S. McKenzie and � 1. . " , . ":,­; 1 ­,.� 1 , I I I MN,�N",Z, io?w A'. 0 AC2. Howard. McLean, of Manning 1. . Fi)lt , I I It" �', � �, I I " � `,�': ��'�%'6 , , " ", , , 1, � � � , -of G u, sp6nt Christ- ENNY ANN SHERIDAN - It, 41 1 � `,�, it, ��*,,t,�Ji� 10111'� ,!, - I FOR � _hi w JACK 5 I I ,�, � . � "�,N,111.�,''­) _' r ; wedding to take .Place early in �a4u I .. � dren, eo,%eto Pool, Toronto,, sijent the Christmas ' I � ,. � I % . - , , , "R ,;-&,_Q eetings. mas at the home or Pars. J. M. Card- I . . I . I ��, ''y I � I holidaya with friends aud-relatives in . N , ", � ,,� .. �'. ary. I A laugh 41ne of all times for all', .Iiill;� � "L, I . I " L" 11-1. I .A I 'Jw,;�,, ","IT , " � . ­ THE � no. 11 .� . I . � � 0 1`e r � .. . . !,",,�,`L.'; jr,'� ,",��, . . .. I I I . ,­�%,, ; �iie ., .�, W - to .­� I I ,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,1.4,�..,,,,.,.,ant you AnnouncemenlL - The en,gageallent to Mr. H. X. Jacksou, of Toronto, Quite a an . I � Matineb'Friday and Saturday — 3 P. - 1i rr� , this vicinity. . 11 '111 "q I -1 V. ,V�­.4. -1, 1. sm mber In this Vicinity .. - � �� , Z ',­­.. ." . . M r il tlia we sincere- is Anuoixace6 of Mina Rliiss Coleman, A spent Christmas with his brothers at I . . V, j; ,,. �,�:� 1� Q_W . t . COMING I I . gathered at the home of"Mr. and XTs - I � . . . .. . � I ; 1&� , 11 1: I Stratford, youngest daughter of Mr. . I -a the Jackson #�0me in Egmondville. Zach Elligson on Saturday evening I . .. I - . . I I.; '" , .t I � .. . ' . - I ?.�, �A ,,,!� % . 'light "'1 "'!VOL, 4-p r 1'�,,",4�, -.1. ,reciate y o ur ' 11 ,n" , ­ �,-�,QE, r , "I �� � _p Robert 4polemaA Staffa, and..tbe 11kte , 0 �, 1'�"�,�,­ 1,:11 ,�,­ .. .. , YEAR! ' ' J e, Miss Ruth Warner, of Toronto, and , presented them witha tit- MONDAY, TUESDAY, I � �11�11`111-'��ii!.P', , 0�11,4'Aip, good 'Will -, Mrs. R, Coiiiman, -to Mr. Albert . AX was a Chrdstmas guest 'at the home iamp and end table in fio ' ' ' I .� ; I NVEDNESDAY' . ;g .1 - I .- . I ;�",I� 1.� i��i,'-,j. 'A ';, I , nor of their � - . . I ; f :"�,; �,7­ i" Deicbert, Zurich, youngest son Of Mr. k. I �:�,�,:'�.;�It��� ntinued loyal of her auntand uncle, 'Miss Bethune silver wedding.' A very enjoyable . 6 ? "'k,", Vi:-- � I and Mrs. Peter Dedichert, Sr., Zurich, I , . I I 'GAY SISTERW �11� . � , "­��"";�� � and Mi. Alex Bethune. tlm�_was, spent by all present. '� , 'I' � . I I " ji r t., . . . lt;,� ". ­�, -, �r, I the marriage. to take Place q1 i "', , , "' �' " ' Crich's Bakery 0 Sgt. W. Q. Sutherland, R.C.&P., ' Mr. and Mrs. John C. Leonhardt , � "-;i _, ., eaxly in January. . . Barbara Stanwyck George' Brent Geraldine Fitzgerald' - of '' I . . . ' Nova Scotia Christmas wi tertained, at a wedding supper on . e 1, , ") I,` �.". :,� -0 ., spent th 011, I 1, i`�,;�, : I our PHONE34,-, Monday, Dec. 21st, in honor of thei.- 'The Siat6ra who lived up to Reputations they couldn't live down., ii, ,,, � ,, I I Please accept . De�th of Former Resident. -'Word' his family here. - ' I I . .. A � .1 "' 0, `�Iti�,�-.'!:.,.:� , I , . best wishes for was received here Wednesday of"o"! . .1111 . I daughter, .Florence, Whose marriage � . I . . I � - , I " the a Mr. Angelo Phillips, R.C.A.P., Red . 1111 �,Cl� I "I 1.11 ,very I ... to Harold Rock, �of Logan, took place "i 1, I 0 , il ��, I I , . . Frank Fr �, ;��ZW�,",� � eeman, which I Deer, Alberta, Mr. Prancls Phillips, " , I death Of Mrs. . . . M a, �, N ""'; , ,,* , ,.... . "A Happy N - NEXT THURSDAY, PRIDAt SATURDAY 0 - , 1. . ew Year" at Brodhagien that day. In the even . " .tqls 1. .. . . occurred at the home of her daugh- . . R.C.A.F., Galt, and, Mr. and Mrs. Dom- . g a reception was, held when it , . ­ I ! , iws�_ik", .. . - ­ 99 . 4, �', S� . Mrs. inic Scalis-1, If Woodstock, spent 'n 1. , �,C;�--, i � . ter, Mrs. W. Joynt,. Lucknow. "INTERNATIONAL SQUADRON !� I'� �.., I . � * , large number of friends and neigh- , I I;1reeman was a former well known dren are appnding the holiday season Chrdstmas at the home If' their par- . 11 . 1 n"I'll . "10 . . r i.at. An old -lime chiv.- "n, William Lundigan 01 'fo lliil�l , _�IWAI aree was staged by some young men 11�1 a , ST'i a UN'Routledge resident of Seaforth, but has resided in Stratford. ents, Mr and Mrs. Thomas Phillips. Ronald Reagan, Joan Perry, Olympe Bradn 11 11 I 1. .. 1: In time with the times comes another t&i1ling drama of the skys. 8 - . I ., * Mr. and Mrs. Hafry Watson, of . :::::11111 . :% . I in Lucknow for some years. The tun- . 9 Mr. -and Mrs. Don Kerslake and - - Their countries are conquered, but not their courage! I .!, ; I in the district, which was much er, . .1 �, `1 , � AND STAFF . eral will be hdld on Friday afternoon. little dauiliter, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Goderi,li; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wil- 30yed. . . I . I � ., l — . I . . , ,j,f,;, � - . daughter, Anne, (5f Tor- hs, of Cleveland, and" Mr. R. 0. - � '4 I ,� i, .,- - , I L. Purdy and 'Wil- .Rev- G. E. Morrow, of Burford,, and' , C�om — "NOW VOYAGER", I W �iF�, , I -1 , - .. - - .. ­ .. �� I . I r,nt,o, were, Christmas guests at the lis, of Toronto, were Christmas guests formerly a minister in the McKilloP ., ing --- 1: . ..... . I �,�'. � 1, � 11 _- hoine of Mrs.: W. E. Kerslake. at the home of their father, Mr. W. e, has been called. as a dhaplain ... I I . . . r " . - , I fflffi� Y - q Flight Officer Thos. Pryde, of the G. Willis,, and Dr. an& Mrs. P. J. of the R.C.N., and will assume his Children cannot be admitted to evening showings unless accompani d ... �� ,"R;J,�� . 1:1.1 ____ ­ - . - --- _­ . charg e . I `1� firm of'Cunningbam'& Pryde, marble Beebely. � � 1', �!�lliilll�ilili I ,1111, 111"Pl0i'1111,1:17 � . �i - 2i�, . 1. - �. ::: g: , � new duties the beginning of January. A 11 1�.�. , I . W� . I 4k : �� ; ;: � ;4 . w works, of Seaforth, has been promot- -- and Mrs. Gordon Little and, � by an adult. Last Shows start at 9.15 p.nn.,for above single bills. . �, . , '2'i" -, - 9 Mr. ' . ..­- � 11 ; . I . " � ��I,,. . . � : ed to the rank of Flight ,Lieutonant. family. of Galt, spent Christmas with T_�_ �, , 11F��,,� . � . 0 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gillespie, of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lowery. . . M I I . � 1�. ��i ,�',!�� AN ' I , Caledonia, are guests of Mrs. Violet DUBLIN � ­ �, I i" � . g! 1 Northoside United Church. -Rev* I . 9 Pte, James McGregor, of Orillia, - . 1. . � 11" I ... , , In V. Workmari, Minister: 11 a.m., "For- Gillespie. � . � . � - 0 " ,�'i`,! : " * Mrs. Herman Lindsay, of TOI.OE_, and Mrs. McGregor, of Toronto, were Died,i,ri, Burlington I . � �. ,,,,��,�, INSURANCE ward With Confidence ; 2.30 P.M., guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I I I I c IiPi . . . to, is a guest of her mother, Mrs. J. r', Eginondville. Word was received on Thursday of I I . I 01 .11 . -_ . 11 ,F I'll, I . . , Sunday School; 7 p.m., "God is Love." Thompson. I D. F. McGrego -the sudden death in Burlington " of I I � d I � . I � �� 1-4 I �Sunday beginB the Week of 'Prayer B I I � I I , � * Mr, Wright, who is acting Man- 0 Miss Louise Allen, of Hamilton, Mr. Louis Gormley, a, former well 11 I ,', . " OF , series. INTERMEDIATE,O.H.A.. I W1 r, , . i I ager for Mr. ,G..C, Brightrall of the spent Christmas with her parents, known resident of this community. - �. - I ­ . St. Thomas' Church. -Rector, Rev. . . M t��;,�:. . Canadian Bank of Coninxerqe, spent Mi. and Mrs. iTames Allen. Mr. Gormley has suffered from a . . ' ' ' .T. � �6.�.�, I Dr. Hurford: 11 a.m., Day of Prayer, . ' ' 1, �� %11 , . I GOOD WISIMS . Christmas At his home in Montreal. te Lieut. Alvin W. Sillery, of Ot- heart ailment for some time, ,but his - - ) 1. ,;�I, . I "A New Year's Mes$jge"; 7 p.m.' "I a Mr. and Mrs. James' Morris, of tawa, is a guest at the home. 6f Mr. death came unexpectedly. He had . '. � HOCKEY , . �.. 1. 14111� . Have Thee." Sunday ' I I all, . � I . I Hibbert Township, have moved. into and Mrs.. K. 1. McLean.- been. residing in Burlington for the I . I . , 1 I I ,School at 10 a.m. d - I 11 , . 4"_ FOR . h, Dublin. - 2.25 the home of the late Thomas Purcell. 9 Mr. and Mrs'. C. C. Hunt, of Lon- past year. The funeral will be hel I ., ,, � I i" I t son Campbell, I u � . � "I.. � St. Mary's Churc Miss Barbara 'Sproat, I Strat- d,on, and Mrs. Glad' f from the'residence of Mr. H gh 'Me- S. Seaforth " ., lli�', � I p.m., Sunday School; 3 p.m., Day of -, * Mi -Ilan in Tuckersmith on ,Saturday, Clinton ,�-v . I I � N, . . Prayer, "A New Year's Mersagi6." ford, is visiting her friend, Miss Hamilton, were Christmas gu�sts'with . . I . . , , .. p�-_­ A Joanne McMillan. Januiry 2nd.' I ­ ' ' ' I - . ,. ' . Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Hunt, MCKIIIOP. RADIO "SCHOOL BEAVERS � A "I 11 ­ . McKillop Charge.-S46rvices at Beth- - 9�16m!V-High Ma�s was _ .- � I I . . ' 9 Mr. .and Mrs. Ken Harrison and . �o celebrated .. . I ') . - ... � 1 I _ __ . I . _. I I 1. ei at i.1 a.m.; Cavan at 1.30 --p.m' ,, - fla - mily, ,of " Brantford, Pte.'Elmer Scott * wtss: cax6lyil 1161mes , i London, at ,St, Patrick'� Church at Christmas ' . I I .1", . 'flAPPY . " Duffs at 3.30 p.m. -Rev. W. J. Patton, and Miss- Mary Holmes, of Toronto, AT SEAFORTH . � , �'. and I-qrs. Scott, of London, and, Mr - with Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes- as celebrant, . . I , 1, ,,, . . ­ . , Minister. . and Mrs.. Arnold Scotf and fa,Q� .spent Christmas 'at the home of their assisted by a Redemptorist Father " : , I I . � ­.: 1. . . First Presbyterian Church.-Sunda.Y parents,, Mr. �and Mrs'. Charles Holmes. ,, , � . .1 . eat Christmas at the' home of Mr. , from London'anil Rdsv. Donald Ben- I 11 .1 .:�;,:, , I School at .10 a.m.;- morning subject, sp e Sgt. Paid Griff, R.C.A.F., Tor Bay, . . . I Thursda . I I NEW YEAR. . .., and Mrs. Wilmore Scott. . . I . ninger. - . . . y,Jam7th,8.15 P.M. I I ��.�t. I . . I . .. "The Beginning and the End"; 7 P. Mr. and Mrs. ,L. 'G. Kruse, of Newfoundland, was. a Christmas guest Personalq: Mr. and Mrs. J . oseph From all reports this "Radio School" team is smart, and as the �� I.. . ­ � 'A, . . .. I ... - I—, ­­ I � � I. .. I.. - . -,. -I..---.-.-- ____ - � ....... ____'______._ .. - .. This...-,%Iervi.c..e...--.F..ill._..4e taken by the at the home oi lir'. and Mrs. P....W._.:C­trrpenter;. Chatham, and Mr. and,Mrs. . I I 1,949 -edition,of -the "Beavors"191he "Best Ever" � . � -41-t;- -Mr, -and Mrs. Edgar Lawson .. ­­ 4. . . ..., 1. � - I J- I— - -_ 0 -C . . - "' ­­ . 1, I I Young People's So iety. Miss. ffic - wigg. . ,� . a ­ i . Mr. and Mrs., Oliver AudersQn Fergus� R,eyinlolds Detroit, with Mr. - I 11 ,S,..,I . WATSON ": Hunt, of the' Presbyterian Deaconness I ad 0 Dr. F. J. Burrows speft Christ- 'darpe'fiter; Mr. amd � ' ;7.'.;�., I , and son, -of Auburn, were Christmas . - and Mrs. Joseph . YOU SHOULD SEE THIS,ONE! ' �IT'S SURE TO BE GOOD! I ,ii:, �, . .. Training Home, will give the message. mas in ,St. Catharines. . I 1; 1.1,1111, ID guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the Col- Mrs Harvey Dantzer, Windsor, and � . ' I .4 ,-, Z. � B's' kitriha All I - I , do Mi ell, If . I . I .11 ,,,p I Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. John Finlayson.-, �,'�� . 1 Mr.* and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer, Lon- ADULTS 35c CHILDREN -:45c , &: � � 'I'll. � & REID .1, ' - -Egmondville United Church. -Rev. legiate stag,. underwent an operation 11 11$ ; iil,�: . o Mr. and Mrs. H. I,. Smith and don, with Mr. and Mrs. A.'Dantzer; . SERVICE MEN IN UNIFORM � 25c L, ., � . I I 1: A. W. Gardiner, B,A., B.D.:. 10 a.m., family I we're in Kitchener on Christ- on Monday'mo�nlng'for appenoicitis. inbach, of I . I I P'd, . . . " I ' . Mr, .and Mrs. Leormrd.,Ste � . ��', 11 A.", 1 1 . - - . .. - � Sunday School; 11 a.m., "A Larger Miss, A NcLaren, of Toronto . I �� , 1,; mas Da.y� - � , i�na� � � It . '. I London; Miss Vera Feeney, Miss Gen- - — . f', , . "Prayer in War ,, I - parents, Mr. I I �:r` . . �� Vis -ion"; 7 p.m., . a Mi�s Rhia'Hills, of Toronto, sp,J spent Christma,p with Nei evieve Feeney and Miss Rose Feeney, , . ,� I I I , -1 . . I N I I , , n �, M �s W . I-. lgqLai;�. 's, Kathleen ,Feeney; .1 . , I ..- I - Time.", -40 .1, the holiday with her mother, Mrs. -,.e ' , Toronto, with Mr I r, � _f, � . Mr. and, lkrs. �Ge,r�dd Stewart, of . . . . _; �'J,' � George Hills, in Egrnondville. I Thomas, McCarthy, Toronto, Daniel I . .- . i 1,� �!�_' -. . I . . � <> Stewart - Ballantyne. -The Presby- 0 , Dr. R. S. Peat, of Kingston and Toronto, si�ier&' Christmas at -their McCarthy, Windso;r, agd Miss Gen&- I . . �. . _. . ; ", '. . �,��;- 0, � , . . . ".,:,�., � * terian Church at Atwo,od was the his sister, Miss Marjorie Peat, of homes here. I , vieve McCarthy, Toronto, -with Mr. I I I I I . . I 0 1 11-1, 0 � 0 1 � ,11, . . . S. M Holmes & Son scene of a very pretty wedding -11 Glebe Collegiate, Ottawa, were guests Mrs. J. `W. - Thompscii spent and Mrs. Michael McCarthy;. MISS ' � .,J,i I I , 11, L DIRECTORS 0 Ion, Dec. �Oth, at Christmas *ith her mothe.r in Strat- I ; .. :,�,,i'.� . O� FUNERA Wednesday aftern f their aunt, Mrs. Hui -ford, for the . .'' . Mari e er � ", i� 0 -_ i�,Ualp Street, S"forth 0 3.30 p.m., ,when Helen Mw el, daugh- 0 ford. - I . I Mrs. - . � I ,�:e 0 Christmas holidays. 9 Pte. S. G.-Dbrianc6,'of Listowel paren ,, Louis Kraus An Appeal to Huion County Y-aimlers A. . ... ,, 1 . I 0 -ter of Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Ballantyne, * Anders I on.,Bell, R.C.N.T.R., of 'St. I kopf- Joseph Meagher, Stratford,and , ,. . I �(J, 0 4barles Holmes' realdenee. 0 Of Atwood, was' united in marriage to mia spent Christrd�s' with -his, 'mother and Miss' Anniq Meagher, London, with I I ; I 1:` . I . � , Hyacimthe, Que., spent Christ s at I . � �F,15� - 0. Goderich fkxeet East. PbMe � 0 Rev. Harry Douglas Stewart, soll Of the home of his pardats, Mr. and Mrs. gi­Andp�renfs' " . . � . I " �.� Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher; Mr. and - � I ".:I.j� 0 1%, 208. 1. <> Mr. and Mrs, Harry Stewart, Seaforth. . I -e Mr.,William Campbell, of Port I . I I I � I - I �N. 0 - J. L. Bell, Hullett. I Colborne, 'sbe�ij Christ . mas with Mrs. Philipi"Plariagan. and family, of ' I � 16, . , Arnbulanoe Service . . , ­�, - .1 his I ' ' ;;; �x Rev T. A. Bell, of London, was the e Pte. Ken Powell, son of Mr. and � Toronto, with M.r. and Mrs. Michael Food is an imprortant .weapon of ,v�ar. -, More . – I I . ._.� , 0 "u8tAble -hOsPIW' b6d 2W * offlc�iating minister. The church ww� wife here. , . "�, . ss Marion Dill, London, � I � ,. I., �' 0 .., rent. 0 beautifully decorated withwhite ever- Mrs. Baden Powell, wbo left recently 0 Miss Floience', Laidlawi of Tor- Flanagan; Mi ", , � hristmas holi�- - I 11" Nftht Oalls-­Phoua 30%__ * greens, bue, and silver tapers and with the .Medical Corps, has arrived onto, is spendlig tbe 'C and Kenneth Dill, Toronto� with Mr. bacon is wanted in Great Britain and Canda in 1943. . I "A � 0 . I I safely in England, and is now on ac- -and .Mrs. P. Dill; Mr.' and Mrs. Har - ' I ... . . 1. . I . , i,�� , i, � - 0 Day. 441le-Phone 119 * as given in days here. , . Huron is,one of the important swine'producing I 5". .. . . ' I silver bells, The bride tive duty' I I old Schmuck and daughter, Kiteneri- � I r I �t "I". 1100. rowhan" moderate. <> iaarriage by her father nd she chose 0 Mr. Be& bn Hamilton, spent ounties as, proved by the following figures: ," e Mr. John Powell Sr of McKillop, er, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Etue and baby c I I I am S. .. . f im �� : X), , wn of rose transparent velv6t . stmas in Wl�.ghanx,at his home. . . I . .. . I a go spent a few days iri. 4-tchener this Chri I of Zurich .and Edward Molyneaux, of . 11 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 <110 4*1 40 0 Lt, and shoul- ' Detective Alex 0 Miss Betty Smith, of Toronto, Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Thonias� J. I I .. . I ' ' '' . with matching pillbox he week visiting hiz sonT Number of hogs marketed in'1941 ........ 125,000 , 11 ;;-":31<_� :j; * 0 .0 0 <> 0 0 0 der length veil, and, carried a corsage . was a Christmas guest at her home . �. . ,- "�11, , PO-% ell. - . ' 1. . Molyneaux; Miss Mary Jordan-, Tor- ", ; I " 6 - . I 0 of orchids. The maid of Aonor was � i". I . o LAC. ,Glen Hildebrand, R.C.A.p.., here. . onto, and- Miss� Eileen, Jordan, London, I v ,. i� 0 her sister, Miss Eleanor BallantYne, - '6 Miss Rose Dorse,Y, ,of Toronto, No. of hogs marketed Jan. 1 to Oct. 3.1, 1942 10Z,000 .1 I . ,,,, .Centralia, spent Christmas with his I with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan; .. . I � I 1 't'. "i, 11 -P J. A. BURIKE silk transparent spent Christmas with Miss Minnie . I . . I �, . who wore:a wine barents, Mr. aiid Mrs. Louis Hilde- , miss, Mary Murphy, Welland, and Miss - . 1, ..�. I 10 ' Funeral Servioe . * velvet with -matching pillbok hat . Dorsey and Mr. -P. X.'Dorsey. , I Margaret Murphy, Londonj with their (Note -10 months only) . . ­ ,�;,­ � Dablin. : -0n1L 10 I ,brand. � I . - ,,,i�. . 10 ,* and shoulder length veil, and wore a 4k, Mrs. Mabel Habkirk, of 'Wingham, 9 Mr. Dan Shanahan, Who has been -grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Mur- I . I . , , ­ . � , ! � - 16 Nlater di7, call&: Ph;on*4$,r.0 gardenia corsage. The groomsman , le in, Sk. Joseph's Hospital, London for . Obj,ective for 1943 .......... ' .............. 150,000 1 ­ I I and son, Mae of. Victoriav,jj Camp, ' ' Gerald Jordan, Toronto, with . "I 10 0 ' phy; I 11 0 <> was Rev. Gordon, B&stedo, of Wood- Quebec, spent' Saturday wiAh 'Mr. and some, time, has - returned b0mC 'Mr. and 'Jm�s. James, Jordan; miss . . . . 1. ( I � . I - 1 I'll . � ., stock. Mr. Rolly Stewart, *brother of Mrs. Poster Bennett and. r. John ' ' I i . . Mary Do�se�j, London, with Mr. and A, The increase can be brought ,about by , - .1 .. I . an -01 - I W � I . I I . �7 � - 1, . , I 11 I ,�. : - . 11 . the grogm, and Private Mae Ballan Bennett. I- I ;1 I_ Mrs.- Louis Dorsey; Roy Brown, Lis- . ". I , I , I . . �y 41 - I .. ne, brother of the bnd,e, were ush- 9 LAC. David Grieve,, R.C.A.P., -TUCKERs*rTH . I tow,el, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I . !� I . . .1 (a) Reducing the mortality in young pigs. ,, - ft, . . Id S. Jackson, of Strat I 11 I ; ers. Rev..Pona Queensport, N.S., spent ChristmA8 . I "" Brown; James Curtin, R.C.A.F., Lon- , . I . I .. I . . . I ' -1. ' * ford, played the wedding music, and with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. John . The Tuckersmith Ladies? Club will don with Mr. and Mrs. William Cur- ' . � (b) By breeding,4n extra sow o1i each farm. F . .. I . � . I " , , TU Swond'-DiviSidn Miss Irene Workman, Seaforth, 'Sang 'Grieve. - I � . meet on-Wedniesday, Jan.'Iltb, at the tin; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Benninger, of � '. . . � .:.­ . . I " ' . . . . . Court - I . o Perfect Love." The bride's mother 0 Mr. Lloyd Hoggarth_ R.C.A.p., home of, Mrs.`wIlliam Pepper. The Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beu7 :11 . � .. . I . gre . en cr I ope with Ottawa, roll call I be a quiz contest when ninger; Rev. Joseph A. Feeney, Lon- Your co-operation is solicitedt- For information I . � . . % . . � . . . of Huron was gowned in and Harold Jamieson, 'R.A.F,,, h i ,Wtlr will be bring -a qu6stion don, with his'brother, Wilfred Fee on swifie diseases, feeding practices, sources of . - county bruwn accessories and. wore a, cOrsage . 1 ­ . . were guests at the. home Of r. A, P. eac . I n- I I i 11 . .. o" bi Q* Dominfion Bank 11011& of Johanna Hill roses,,- whild the . I I . . I , ".,. . . ey; Miss Loreen Looby, London, Pte. wri e � �_l . . I � 011 , I I 11 , �r 11 , �� I 4 � I,, I 9 I ; � " � ; I` 1, ''I , I I . ` I " "I OAK . ­ - � , � I 11 I I I I I I I I .,I I , I - ii, I , � i I .. I I 1141", AM I I I I , , . I Office hmn: ltw- ulull. - , � -recel ff a Jz,mes L. Looby, Simcoe, JOB. Lo' br6e'din"g.stock, ' ' te to th Ontario Department'bf . I I . i . - = 8109hM66 groom'a mother chose .a wine crepe I . I . 7111woda-Ir and Saturd&7; L38 V.- , . e Pte. Frank Lamont, of Montreal, Mrs. ''Thomas, Coleman Ve 6 oby, * . � � 1� . "I ., I . . . . . . . . . , L ft.* 9*6;!04tUrdaY,*venftx T-O'DilL, gown with yellow roses. A buffet was a guest at his home,here over ,telegram informing her of the death Windsor, Mr' and Mrs. C. Trott and Agricufture, Clinton. . " . . I i , : I ft I . . lunch was served at the home of the ' I . � of Pearl Carnochau, wife of Mr..Wil- bay Seaforth, with Mrs. A. M. , , �, I . I I I . /I t . ; % . ., P406 Clerk the Cbristmals hbliday. liam Mallot, and, daughter of Mrs I and I . . : . . I-, 4M CHAMBERLAIN - bride's parents and the table decora- r I ! � � .. . . .and 9 Miss S. 1. McLean is a visitor,ia , - Looby; Miss Mary Fitzpatrick ON' 7 I � ­ I tic,ns were whild'everg'reens, blu4 , ,Stratford this Week. . .. Myrtle Carnoch�n, of Garden City, MiBs Margaret . Fitzpatrick, Detroit, H . P. M. DEW -AN, J. C. SHEARER' - "'.11 . 11 . I hmurance silver tapers and. silver bells. For � .1 Ministerof Agriculture. . . Agricultural Rep. 4 1. I � ,� , . . e Lieut..Arnold Scott,. of Brockville, Michigan. Mrs. Mallot died of pneu- ,v,ith Mr. and Mrs. P. Pitzpatrick; Mr. . .1 I.. I 11 ljoe, Fbg, Anw, sickness and Aed- travelling the bride w�we a tailored was a guest at his home here. monia. The funeral -will be held on and Mrs. Michael McPhail, Wingham, . . , . . , iil�,' . I . &gn% Wind,tairm and guarantee leands. black suit with matching ac,6essories. Its Vr; 1 + 'Chesney Saturday. . 1. . . with Mr. and Mrs.' Alex Darling; Pie. - I I .. I � . . P 1. Ra(m reasonable. AR rbam Pkeed in . Cues,t8 were present from Toronto, 0 fy1r. and rs. , -- were kue'sts of Mrs. J. Plett. Mrs. Cecik Oke, Mrs, Robert John- Parke'i`� Listowel, with Mrs. . 1. � � . . . � . . I I � . I .. � - I Mr. William Sproat, who 1B attend- fiawl�� canwardes. . . wermatisn theerl,0117 61TWL Stratford,, Seaforth and .Nova Scotia. 0 Miss Dianne Mo�watt,, of London, ROT�, -of Varna, and Mr. ' Russel Cole, ' .Norval �hillp ,Kenny; Mr. 'and Mrs. Borden. - his father, Mr. H. B. Edge, and 5"�_ I � 1C. C. C]IAMB RLAJN E Rev. and Mrs. Stewart leave next is a guest at the home of Mr. and mafi.',- are in Detroit- this week attend- Bayes, and son, Toronto, with Mr. . � � __ - _ __ .__ . $ . . . f . I _ ' eek for Edmonton, where he has Mrs. E. H. Close. ". . � .1 ing the* funeral of the late Mrs. Win. and Mrs: John Walsh; Miss Cecelia - - - - . ... - � - I �� - J;NSURANCE AGENCIES ,�- appointed to a charge in that o Miss* Ethel McKay, of Toronto, MullOtt, formerly Miss Pearl Carno- kra'uskopf, Miss Margaret Krauskopf 'Waterloo, .1 0 . . A . I 11 I I I . I . - .been city. . - I is a guest at the home of her mother, I I chan. . I .. � . .0 . and Miss Edith Krauskopf, with Mr. and Mrs. I Albert Krauskopf; .. I Gerild Parson'8 -v�as takipn to Vic- ley. Kitchener, with their Mr.' I I U0111urches . I � im "I i ) ir " toria Hospital, London, last Saturday, . Mni. Hugh McKay. . ereaux. . . but is expected home this,week. eztym, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. .-i .1 "Christmas tree lightin I g shall be. permitted in connection .- . . te 'Mi I ss Be,ssfe Grieve, of Chatham, . I — - e Mr and Mrs G. D. Porguson '— — Miss Angela Rowland, Windsor,.'with ., -LIGHTING, I . 11 . LOCAL BRIEFS , I . — . . . were in Toronto for the Christmas . .. holisay. . . a Miss Janet Stewart, of Toronto, KIPPEN ! . * her mother, Mrs. Lillian Rowland, 0 Manley, LondQn, and Miss Stephen ' Bernice Manley, Kitchener, with Mr. I . ; - . I � I d - . . .. i I . . , ' C% - I CHRISTMASTREEa I I I . 1. � , ? Mr. E. W. Edge, of 'Toronto, Mr. William Sproat, who 1B attend- spent the Chrristmas week -end with was a Christmas gue�t of Mr. and ing Western University, spent f3hrlst- and Mrs. Win. Manley; Mrs. M. Schul- . . . his father, Mr. H. B. Edge, and 5"�_ M rs. M. A. Reid. mas week with his parents, Mr. and -_ man, Buff�lo, with her brother, Pa,t- t I . I . e � I I te'r, Miss Josephine Edge. � e Mrs. Arinle Jarvis, Toropto, Mrs. J: Earle Sproat. rock Maloney; �Qaptain Frank Staple- .. I � I . - I 0 Mr, ,and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, ,of w�ts a goest at the home of Mr. and Mr. Clarence McLean, B.A., on the ,;on, Petawawa, with his parents, Mr. . I . . I ? S . . - �� If Chatham, were guests If Mr. and . Mrs. Thomas Roe. - - . meteorological 'staff posted,at R.C.A. ' . and -T -Mrs. William Stapleton; Joseph R.C.A.F., Lon Paul GlvlIn, . . I � . . . .. I .1 0 Mrs. J. C. Crich. * Mr. Francis Devereaux, of Port 0 Miss Joan V11fton, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr.'an-d Mrs. P. School, Centralia, wwj it Chriotmas guest"'with Mr. and Mrs, Farle ,Sproat. Glvlfi� -don; London, and Mr. �nd Mrs. Dan Mai'_ 'father, . �. I I ,` � In " Elope, was a Christmas guest at -the G D- Ferguson. I . � Gerild Parson'8 -v�as takipn to Vic- ley. Kitchener, with their Mr.' I I U0111urches . I home of his mother, Mrs. T... Dev- *e, iArs. a S. I�arry, Ronald, and Stan-, toria Hospital, London, last Saturday, Joseph G1vlIn; Miss Margaret Dor- I . . I . 1, . . * ,� ereaux. . . but is expected home this,week. eztym, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. .-i .1 "Christmas tree lightin I g shall be. permitted in connection .- . I I I I . te 'Mi I ss Be,ssfe Grieve, of Chatham, Mrs.,Linden, of Denfleld, .18, visiting . AlNbrt Itramers; Miss Doris Mathers, �ff A : w . Ith Churches on Christmas Eve and on -Christmas Night. In- I I if . t . . �.. and Missp Peg Grieve, ,of Dresden I ,with Mr. and'Mrs. Archie Parsons. WU)MNOO, WkLU her pare s, r an -y be lighted and these trees may� b4�. . , . . . I W. Mathers; Mr. and Mrs, -Jas. f Aide Christmas trees only ma I R 0 . , � � � McKILLOP MUTUAL were home for the Christmas holi- You Are'Invit6d to Inspect ,the The Sacrainent of the Lord's Sup- Mrs, . 1. �located In' Churches, Sunday SchoolB, Pkrls� Halls or other 'I , . 11 ' CUY. days. per will be dispensed at the United Hanley and son, Toronto, with Mi, 1 '4 . _�. FM INSURANCE � I .. buildings connected with churches of any recognizeT religious .. � ' 0 . - . � .1 0 Mr. Ross Rennie, of Toronto, Church next Sunday_ and Mrs. W. J. Hanley; Miss Bernice, I I nizatlon." � . �� � I � spent the Christmas holidays with hl . s - ANOW I . . . Donnelly, Stratforia, with her parents, . orga, I . i I I I , I" NEAD OFFICE _' SEAFORTH, ONT. parents, Mf. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie. BOND, .. _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Donnelly; Kenny 4. I � I ', * - " . I , - ...- I .a Mr. W. J. ChbaneY, of the RX.A. , TAILORED_TO�MEASURE Burns, Windsor, and Miss Jean Burna, I I . , . . " ", OMCERS: � � 1 - 1. . 4. 21jix M6LIwiDg, I Blyth - - Pres. F " Kingston, spent the Christmas SUITS AND , MCKILLOP .., � ,Galt, With their parents, Mr. and Mris. �. - . . l, I holidays with Iris .brothers, Messrs . . Dan Burns, Miss Loretta Feeney, of I - I.,. Vice -P -res. i, . 11110" I i I 4f �; . . . JW. R. Arerlbald, Seaforth - Hugk M. and El. P� Chesney. I OVERCOATS� . Happy New Year! London, with her pir6nts, Mr. -and - t I I A0 _Q, � � 0 , , . Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - See.-Treas. In, H6 , I �", '. , � DIRRICTORS: 0 Mrs. D. H. Wilson and son, John I I FOR I I Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Muegge and Mrs.. Mae Feeney; Gerald Burns, of . I - W-1. �" � I � . � I � I., ", - I Gordon Wilson, are spend%g New Betty, ind Mr. and, Mrs. LOUIS HoegY Clinton; Miss Kathleen Burns, Strat, ' I I ".� I Will. lam .Kaox, Londeaboto; Chris. Years in Detroit, . L"IkS AND f Galt s , pent the Christmas' holidays ford, and Prilvate and Mrs., Dalton . 'Thrlstmas trees and.&rlstmiLs decorations, WITHIN THE I 1� ." . i.. I � . ardit, Brodhagen; E. J. Tre- ' , . at the home of -their parents, Mr. and Burns, Camp Borden,,with Mr.' and HOME, will ,be p6rmitted during the Period December 21th, '1942, . i�", - Zb6nh e Mr. John Beattib is spending the GENTLEMEN o , " ,� , - R. Mrs. Win. Hbegy, Mrs. Frank Burns; Mr. and Mrs Ed- Ist, 19431"Incluilve. I . 0� �, ,� VllrWa, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, holiday week in London. IN 7 PRICE RANGES , . atid January I : 11 i "' It. A, Seaforth; Alexande� MeRw1rig, te Mr and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner, of I . Mi'm Joy guether, of M6rrloton, Is mund O'Hearn ^,and daughter, &Ane, . .. I /�' I- - I AX, 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.) ' I and . I 11 � . k. 104 Miss Ethelyn 0114"fin, ,,, .. I T,1'1,,, Kitchener, and, Mr;, and Mrs. P. N. 0 spending a Week with, her bou sin, 'London, iill� . ' WAD t $42-00 "WITHIN THE HOME" does not. include the lighting of I I V, �,��,�'��',d/ S; Clinton; Hugh Aexinder, R.R. 2, Faulkner and Gloria and Fred, of Dei- ­ . MISS Della Pggeft. , , -Goderich, with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. ' ,,, "". . Walton; Thomas Moylan, R.R. 6, Sea?- trolt, spent Christmas with Mrs. F. SOLD ONLY Mesisis." 154Nby k6blitler, "lillmer 0"Hearn; Hubert Feeney, Kitchener, : Christmas trees on the.,front lawns ofhomes,�or any other deciora- I . I 0, ��� I . I 51 I I . , Koehler and Wank Forrester, of Galt, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs I ",!,;!i� - , baldl, R.R� 4, Faulkner. 'by . Mar- , tions not strictly vv�thinc the -house. It ddeu not -permit ,,Christmas , ��j.,�� . I %&W; Willim R. Atchl � �, , ler. ! . J,,L*; . wft&r th- . . to Mrs. Ron. MaclAren, of Red Lake ,spent the Christmas vacation at the tin Feeney; Pte. John Nagle, London, , tree lighti g or Christmas decorations In stores or . any o �,41' I - . 1 4) ,� . '. Dill i �_� I 1, , AGENTS! I lace except "WITHIN* TH'S� HOMF_.F0 ,,, . I . "t; i , I and Mr.'Edward ane, Of Hamilton, GILLES-PIEtS home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Koehler. with Mr. �rd Mts. E. O'Hearn; Pte., P I I , , I I gi�P " � 1118�y, McKerelic Martin Deltz enter- Leonard NfLgle, I p-." F1 �r, R.R. 1, Drilblin; were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ... Mr. and Mrs.., Provost Corps,' Mit- t . . . I t 1`1 �,­v . . I . �� '$��#', 1, .4 ; 1, E. Prueter, YERS , tained aome Of their friends and chener, with his The above Is an order from the'Dominion , A. , " per, Bruceflold . Johnstone Over Christmas, CLEANERS - 1) parents, Mr. and . I I , , I'll, i 'i P--evi 14ftidg WA;t4t, BLyth,, - Mrs. M. J.. Nagle; Miss Irene Muriel- - K!, 1, I &(h 9dul, 41' " 1141" k I . # Mrs..' Mie Moirrance, of Gghawa, neithbors at siII)per On AUU"Y even Power Controllee giving apl)ro�gl for .thei .. . 141" ,.�,4_1� ,,,,,,4_ ­ ". . I ,I . . . *'%,.; ­�,­. " :::::::::::::::::.' "', - ,j- ,, TAILORS - . ly and Miss Dorothy Donnelly, Gode- .. lightin" W16�hlu trees. �) Mri�i,�.:,�'��,;�,q,,­,� ",",,", ......... "I'll, r - , spent flie Christmas holiday with her . ng. . 41 ". � I IF VOU THINK YOU'RE HAR I 13*r,.n-,To Me. an& Mrs. 016tence rich, with their paxente, ildf. ,and Mrs. i . r I �;� _--'--1-:1-""- - '" �'!�"�"'17�!'.'_!7 11 ­­­­ �� 1, � -1 I V , $!','�,,�o, �,' " � �,' - D I , J,.r;" I , I FIT, WE'RE . .. I �, ��,, ,�;i, 1, "' I . parents, Mr, and Mrs.. J. M, Goven, . I .. I . �,`Fj,,IL '.'* I � " 4' . . I . HZI19 TO le,of McKiaop, ' �Monday, Dec. lbsopli Donnelly-; Mr. ; Bad - mii' J., , . �,.,, ..., , . ''I � ,. !.I. , . I ,on i. I �&',,� �' . . " ., . TO ileglo . . , i' I "' . I .r, look., , 0,1'&�, . r . . I- . �;FM,i:,�d`�J,� .. , ii. , . CHANGE YOUR MIND I I ,.#,,J r,:. - , . � .1 ­ � 4h, A, diiughtq�,f:_., . ' Jaetrolt, w I - I � I I . d p -, 'It, -A-0-0 ­ -_ - � I . . ' Ce . I � ' gus A -lice klo6bdr 6f4 'A" 'v " omiol� Mrs, 30. 41 B"re 'fB, I � !, , ) .11,0`1 ,;,�',�, . ' ; 4 Mr. .1ad Mrs. R. R PatteTs6n. Mid �11 " . ,'i�', ;'. �r;,."d I 1. I ­.. �L,""j. 4, .r; , ", "'. . -ghter, of J$rampton, Were guests, - 11". I . I ';J1ij;�J,,,�'L1.J'I",.' :_ - . � ,d&u 0 - — do . :,�, :� . . J,,­�­'�,,'4, '.'tO,­ I— Wll� " ,P o C'A '6 '' 'i" - ] � , , d * D n _ SEN � ED , -, l' I 6 Ith, Ur� and Mrs.. i�.L . ���';L,� I �, '' Nlrlrs`� 'f6d' _'�J " 11 ! �. i I - ,­­­ . ��', ��111_ I ­ ' I ' 11dkid 0 n ng I '' �, W 'fl, 1,11'�­ , ­­ I *�,ilcs *ith ,i6r son , . . " r ". � ", ��,,�,� ­'� 111011"I'll '"J010101-1kit'A ''A 'b 11 . "A. geott ov6i it'ho Toronto apent'�,, Chtlettaga three ) t I .. I , , i'' 1. .14-',�t�9 � ' ' ) " '46f Mr-Aild MA., Y. AN* e;e# L pe di , t M a 1. � " , I 14d , " ,,� 110 I r . ,�ihl - "' ,. ,Mft6tii, hi 01Tmi , 16 ;� r- , � 1. �P.M:6�Z��.4� , " dIbIT ,tl!��i��,�� � " I r,,k I 9T �Re, , , , L - � I __A- �, a `��, U I ��,"P,�',- N "holift, - 11 . 1. . . . .t . ..... 68 I ���.'�', ''�;J� , , 0150T., - , * , . I , , I A �� , feidn'dB', tjf , . ( - f , AT 0" �. " &,,�,!,!� � �,,�;,�kj,`��,,g,_,��, ,% i 1'44V , �dg&es .14, % 4bligb' nigham wit Na� k i i�' �"T ,�.�4,�, �" " �.', ': 0 HOND with'i , 1. 0 r 19,01446n "o", I ,.�� nj I . . . ftr . �4��-� � d, 11 � I _m 11 1 m, ,i . " . 'h* mt . - $sr 4 I -1. ­ 1��,;�� . , '. 4NN,40�1�1,1��Y "17TI" I ; � , , ;).',' , avk6 , 40i� �'�.4�'OLAY A0 060� sPent Chrittyh0, 10 11 , , 4, -ii,04 ��, me J , , ,voll 1- -, ";�'. .1 ,,, " , ,.. ,,�­, , #�#46h��' WAJJ`�k - . ib ­16gOD ... &M, U � ,Wtrt' 011d Mtg; i- - � '111� '411,��, I ot , SHOP M11, 0A 400, � 11 - � ". I- ­ ... 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