HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-01-01, Page 7.1943, 1. 14...14,41141r '111CAYI .44,44m, laxx4Atiw'W/i17 311' '.., . 74 , GREETINGS ... .t.. , ,• -v - Not only in appreCiution of ' :a." our plequant business rela- tient; throughout the past 11' k,‘A year, but in all sincerity, - . ... s't we wish you and yours • happiness in the year t.)„ come! Seaforth 7.4 r- ,re Time turns not ba,ek. ward in its flight, but readies ever forward • sure that its path leads to better days. May you follow that path during the New Year to learn that its promises are true ! That's our best vvish for you. ;444-.4, ;4,- I ell #4- , „4.44- '4,44 • 4., ..,4 1„ OUR pINCERE HOPE is that the New Year will bring C. E. SMITH , BOOTS ANO SHOES Phone 97 : Seaforth K .•'4'''•'•.'4 44 I 4/1 I 'r41 Cr,/ fr.?", EARTIEST GREETINGS! for— Health Happiness and Prosperity in the New Year. In • AppreciatiOn of our pleasant" busi- ness relations, we valiie -this oPportun7' ity of wishing you the Cardno Phone, 82 , SEASON'S GREETINGS Commercial Hotel •THE GREETINGS! and all, gobd wishes for the coming year. . S. T. Holmes & Son Seaforth Ont. 1;74'er;" Seaforth Phone 227 Seaforth !: 1.1.4 4. ;1- 4.14 g 143' z.4 4-.,' 4- K -N• GREETINGS ! May the year all through hold a wealth of gladness and joy for 'you. If in sharing trials and a d ver-sitiesv, friendships a r e ce- mented, then indeed may we' be sincere in wishing friends a 11 that is good during the coming,New Year. From Us to you is ,a sieeful shout, HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Prosperity V V V L E. Keating saac Hudson Phone 168 Seaforth 44 7,4 K. K. K. 7, '4,4 , yrKt ( 1Tc$ EXPOIT:0 EXTEND THE BEST\ OF WISHES TO ONE AND ALL ° FOR • • A' VERY HAPPY •NEW - 'YEAR! 474 4. 44 44 K '4.• K • ' r-, «4, • -, • - • - - • - • - - • • -- Greetings! Our year would not be complete unless we paused to wish you all A Happy, Prosperous and Health- ful New Year! We thank you for your liberal patronage during the past year and trust we may I continue to serve you., '0, 1, PLUMBING, TINSMITHING ELECTRICAL WIRING Phones: 52 & Seaforth RINGING IN THE NEW YEAR Our- good resolution for 1943 is to merit you kind esteem and approval even more than in the past! Frank Kling Greetings HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is our hope that the New Year will bring you a larger measure of Health, Happiness' and Prosperity. piatzazagatossepo • WE EXTEND to you the Compli- ments of the Season with - sincere wishes for a New Year of Before dosing the book upon an 'eventful year, which was good to us in the manner of making . known to us true friendships, real fellowships, and an appreciation of the finer qualities of fel- low citizens, we pause to thank all our friends and patrons and in turn to wish to each and every one of them A -Happy New Year! Phone 196 CLEANERS & DYERS • Seaforth 'WM-KW "--4, if -4 «4l if -4 ?-4 e4, ;ft -4., $,- , :4, '«4, r «4' «4' .),,,441 ,,,,,-.,0 p, -,i) el, p4, p.4, e.44..et e 1 1 .1 As old man time carries in a New Year, our wishes go out'.to all in Seaforth and district for Happiness and Prosperity and Health. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! -• 7.4 K r4, ,• 14!..• •,• • , • h' 74, 4„ KK., K, ‘ '44 ,4 r41'r--r-'4'r' .4i,er 4,r I 4.K. I 1••• K. • •14, 4,, Y'T 4' • . • ONCE AGAIN ! Once again we come to the starting line of a New Year. Once again we are happy to greet our friends and patrons with a joyful "Happy New Year!" Once again we thank our loyal friends for their patronage. We hope our service will merit their patronage through the years ahead. F. S. Savauge '-4, r41, ANOTHER - YEAR . inspires anew the old wish that you and all those dear to .you, will share in the Hap- , piness and Joys of this season and throughout the com- ing year. Beattie Bros. 5c TO $1.00 STORE Main, Street : Seaforth Peace, Happiness and Prosperity! SEAFORTH BARGAIN STORE S. SHINEN K K. • ', 44. K 11,4. , • , •-r 41. BEST WISHES For Health and • Happiness in the - New Year! Greetings • 1. TV ,V • Olt Regardless of world -condi- tions, one thing remains un- changed. — our message of good will and good Cheer— and so to our *friends and patrons we send greetings and good wishes for the New Year! ,rer ,74"47,74,4) I 4,4117 )4, ) , 04- 41,4 • 44. 44., VS 1••• 414., Jeweller 4k Optometrist Seaforth 1.% 774 K 44 774 44-4' ,44., K 7,4 .44 7,4 7,7 I iv 4 ( .744' 4.74 4,7' 74 et( 17,44; I ,r?„- J.4.• ).fre„.44 ,44-_4: ),4t, ; J.,..4) ) el) el: ) . 45. TS. A. 1S, • •,} i_Sincere G.00d Wishes Let your New Year enter with' a fanfare of trumpets --greet him with laughter and shout, of glee. He is a better, brighter and happii New Year foa4JWe hope that the joy we de rived from 4viftg you during the past year will be duplicated in 1943. We- hope our service may merit your highest approval. We thank you ! SMITH W. • GROCERIES Phone 12 41 : Seaforth Seaforth 44. 44T4'4'4),4'. , 'A. • : •111.41, I •e•- Y -74- 7 .4-1' I \ 44'.4 , 'Z.1' „,•77.'" )11111'•-•- '7941Pr4i, '81 *17 f • ANOLNItvi • 1‘ )1 ). 1-• oines the Hour Riding through the space of time conies the' hour when 1943 makes its bow to this world- of ours.- At that -very second we wish to extend to you our sincere greetings of FRUIT STORE Phone 63 Seaforth 44., 4; '474 . '44 ..,.. - ' • (, BEAUTY PARLOR Phone 229 • : Seaforth r ) ;4,41 ezit ja..4.1) 111 .11.. TS, 1.•• .1, 1'- 1.e. GREETINGS ! Wishing you the , joys of the Season and a 4) VERY .HAPPY NEW YEAR The Star Cafe Phone 242-W Seaforth THOM CHONG, Prop. 44) ;WA) «4) r4t4i' e44' TO OUR FRIENDS I A ••°' 11,k. Ring out the Old, , Ring in the New! 'Another ' year dawns with renewed hopes for all mankind. For' all our friends we wish for them A, Happy and Prosperous 1943 .• Phone 147 : Seaforth .1100Ittit 4 4 4 147.'Cr. 4 / , .,.....,, ......,..., ..,. .... .. / ( .ti:';....4,,,,,$.,..„,,,,,..,.,,,....., , ,, : . • ........,,,, . ,,, '.. ',."..'...;;;,,,',..,',11,,;•,;,:',."....',,,..,,,•!:,.,',',:,..,,,,,,c.,,rr.t..,,..)..,:.„,,,.„„,,„i1I,,,,...,,;-:..4......,,.,,",,:,,Ii,„.'46;...,4 1i,'.'t'1''',,';''':'''-%•:',',,,'''',F1'''i'ott,....'.! .,...,.,,,,,.....,,,,,..t,,,,, • . . . . . 41?!i'''''','"'(#.:;1:1.:''''',-,:i,i1",,,,i...''t,'......',...:',',,‘"4.,,''''''';';',,.?1';i1:1,,ii",,•:1',..",,ii"1,;.i';'",."•,..,];.re.'..41'''0'' '''',""' '''" 1,,. '1. ':',,;i,•tt•-'1.'.',. 1,l'' ''''1''''1,-4 4 ''1' ''-' • ' ,• • • -