HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1943-01-01, Page 4I , f!,!. 1.";'.1.�-11", ;,­­.�,, i I—' � - 7M�'-11`.`f.P1-F' - .,,_.!,j�4'I�,1,171.,7C ,I, .�' .,,i�,['­­V"_,,, ­�M ­ ­.­ "-".",-I,, � ", , "I'll.,, ", :41W 1 '7 T $V. 1- t �". � , 1, I . . . t SO , PIM� , , " , �. ", I I � I . , i .r1I W I . , I'll . I 7�7­11 11 I "I i�'.,, �o �'i '1,I 4-',.". .,� I.M., 11M. M. I '. , %F��,7,3; ,7, � ,::�., � ��."'),F�c,-13;,. . le ,, 0� "�.,�,�,��li,',,.,:��,',I�io,�,.!!�&.q4,i,,�l�',,., : , 1. _,­­� I "'I I'�. I . "r"T. qr, ,7��l � 1r, �-�-,f -� 1 1 7�,, I, 1, � , " - , , � . , , ? . , , , � I I , 1'. .." - . , . ­',,".�P,,�­f 'tVi'1qf;I`!�4441I`V,�"_ ­'­,�;­,1'11 . �11 i �i�7�;T? "-'-,7'�""-qT""�r,."V.I""�'i I —,1, 7 —, ,�­T­­-77.- , 1� ,; !,� � �11. I- I,— I I$ 111.1,11, ',�; ­ � '. I ". , 11 -1;, ..." I I � I 11 I , I o . I A ,; 11.1 _-� 'i , - "�qu,q;v,jr;,,� � '!0i,i'1.',' �i %mi, , " ,"i"Is"ji 0��. , I :I 1 I I , �. , , ,, , 1- ... I-- " 0, 11 i :�Q, �,,I:ii 'k, 1"',"', ; 1. 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O', a q -v1;1, lkwl �% � Aqlfftlt 0% , �! "�`6 ill� i WO ,,g- ,,,, ),,�.kl,:�4,��5)1'�,[�!?,il,,'.'�i,��,, , � I 11, -1. - , , - #A, " � �. ".. ..,­-­­,.,, , " , - � "I - Ill: , **W`� 0 P", W7, 1 �"; - K. � V"Al , . .d-ij, "'.4'r � i, �I �'.,,�, .: I,�,I',��IiT,q.-��:q T9, , 1* �� I :i;,it.." , ,�7", 4 ,4 , $I INFA ,X . _; TIAt. Q V _f, " - . � k� §,�WR��,,'V,-��.', 11'�­­­ . . , 1. , I .9t4w I 4t ,4 � . W.h ��Xil' . , i "'I'm . ....", I 11 ,k:�3; ,� , .... � � � , , ir Ima.41 %I.A4 1 -rip , ", V , , ,� " � " � R�� � ,,, mr, TO . 1�1 Ir �law * - Oiir ill" 1hil", W -AQ 9i, I, WPTIIAM� i �'t . 4P ro. her 4"1'404, IQ .0 �, !rF, , , , - � ,� I ; _" I u I % P i, leAft a, , , A .. .. I '. �, " ff **,, , I' " , i . I 1 Q �ejjpg li� I ��Aft � " 44 44 r. - I", , , ,.A,,,,,,.,1 .�, " , e � , ,,',� * % plifty rnA49r VAI.A. 110 4 or #er .. V 10101 , , "I I , . � " �, ain Wi4� � ,"I I ;,ii',,� ?�.J,,�­ I > ��� `� " 1, , , mg, � A; .4, . k Rb U... , , , . . , , , , . . R ',.'�t$"'41� . �1',-,J,., I W rqq�j 'i - ��t . � "' i, `�,Oli % , C '104") i 41, 41 1f1-1.'1. ­N , I .., I . 0� �, . � . r , , Tgi$,J,A�,0,40�-0.��poro,.,.,�W��40p,r,p A, . ., *14- '. I 141191,04to. ­,- '.,Jq%-*,1 ,li . I AAd broth,%NAAAw. Wr� 444, X Jj, 4#4 ", , -, ,W 4" 1'. �9 0 ­ ­ I I # 4,40 . .. ,J,s:� Arthur W110 I I r; ,004' xl*. 20, '(0--A., r#OtAi9p. , .,_.�­ '' ,_ � !i .,m, i P �19 il V� V� " ,--.-__P, V I ,i, ,� �­ ,Ww, Z� I � , 11 ­. MW I . . I I luo. - , '�N � , ­%�-�,�'. ,, " a , _., - 1, '­ I � � lop]] ,�, ", . � � . I1111. I'M , ron .1 I ,'*' . 1Z ,,7�,­,! il I I koltlgn.0: , .�,A "'UR " I , - . . . i %$ 1. �,[, - , %W. "t " 44 . ,*,, " �R. MCB WAA4 1 Du I �, 1.60 , cap! 04� , ,, . rt� Alt, - - . , F: U ii, -40 , . ;w " , �ei� pro* t Xv , .. I 4 % � . " .14 � I I IN 11 , I I I A A W , � � " pi, ., . . b, - . oldenO of. OW xUr �:�T�'.'�,�9,��-.7'.,�'��,,?I�l,.,L'�- I I I i ,or, . APKIT 1C.M.0 �. "A I � .0 'I I � . ".. . 'I , �a , , 4%, I'. �.l , lage, celebr.Med the.'' * 9 , � , , , . ., J .. . , ,� " � r1*104J.P" 0wrlile., V',�. I My', rgm. R 1, mv - . ".." , _4 t .1 � 9,PS Will, - ". Y. P. ,U. Hold Social gVenino W Qtk i ,,,.;��;�,,­4%r,,,'F'V,.,­ I I, � '" I 'In ..,A�. .. ."I �� � . i��, . 'ia . , 1-1, ,_�­ I . . - iql " . , 1. . - I I I ___ ___ ., Albe , 6 '1§1'0..i1.1`, �, -.� - ;9 � - , i '. . U0. Dollam ROXIAP" -0 0 IV04dum .i I "� �" F, ,.U; N, W , rta. is ap.94 _ IFIX . als. WiU f ,tu% .�.� ,'W, .ft_ k � Now' ef � � I,$ 40 11'1�1 -4.41M,5 . " - W04 -A .471 0, , , -� �%411 � 1, - 1'�, ., -OR4 49blu- A. so-olal - �'g , " I I'-- Irt " ' - Z1, M kilt, thi III`* , 1� puWAV . 1*01 Oversary *A _044 �, , 4 PKI. e .. I helo In. too Wr '' �.k' *Vear's with big wite'4nd fami '. J� % Q qW' 1) 4 ... I AWROr. A%04 . , , , , _a t1l. ,,�`.,��.�, rateg�, _11y, Don, onto, 444, Q4,q, rpoeiv., J.X_ � a - Z . en 4AV4641pX WAR Xd:j'l . . , ,ek, calefir#1 , '%4�. 11 1-,L*i1H b . e inserteill at new, *F- MI. h. . .UK the 000401pn Vtlb T",I��.,,��'��,;�EF,�,,I�".T-ii., - ald. Roliald and Billy. Doz, .. I 9 the luniteal 0)X%iTQA On we , . ald 4,a4 'a quets -of ;a�,MiA'from,I)r. .vg4 M ,, ,, 21PA�t, Pq4t.4, OAS, Rk"we, 0RXAAi St. school room o a ondon. W and, Wo. - " 14amix KV.01. ll %C —per - V102 , 3�Ahj u . - ' A ­ 1. 10 -, Thomw,, George,, Ps.IMA.Z. MouotoA. Vorrday.,e#,�rning, Dec. . , uder the , "1404 O". reaDe I�Ave of two weeks and Ilve da$s, . - Lauder Me � � lbeeg 000,049A �0,444x�3AVq­,�!-A .....­. . " erson havf . L ". of Wo 1�1_14%07"_Ik q11, A.. W. P un- P*�. I i� 4�1,11� ... 14 w I I . I 60*t Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle. BIft to, formorl d; 4vasall - N -R;; , And ,Tblii,x. at 749me, Alxd auspidias of- the Young Ve.,PP10, I 'g. � ,,,.,I',- -I �J ' % C . , I .91 - ' .Elv& , MeQUeen, the village,for 4 0 I i �-44-j - �­,_ week Betty and Charles are spending New .� � qui go .1 the, past . " years, *A , '. , ,�g .-.,� �, .,;��w6i, , ,,, -ent . three 4 .er, �(Mi p) Mrs. Leos- ion, wiih Mi I'll, �' " �,` , I I . � 1.1 I 'i . It . I., Geat . gr4 ..� .u,rd -to for- -olght Y04"_ 'I . , , I . 'Years with Mr, 'and Mrs. Qeorge T. -M ri . Makps, Hensa%,­and� Marion and president, -pr4miding so resided in Toron I I I , � 4 I 'e,� S cento ThO I,afe - Leah Klpfer , T.bg. ra,eeOng , h6 ,� J,P I *71"i 1! � , 0 . . . � ;I t " �, F71 154. . . _. � I , �, �, ,%vK,­,vZqR%aMJ�_ . I "it proceeding that. MM. FOW00.4 to, t I., I . I* , I I. . Laura, A . -Sea, - I 11 � % , ae word, . Mickle, R dgetown. " A home. The deceased also ,Opened with several phoru � I I I I Clleaei! and former. Miss Lill Ortwein, clau.94ter ot . 7�ol; '."r,_�,;., ; " �'J'�, P*eh fture, 'alti-I . Mrs. LeO Hipfer, or.Hay,Township, served on t,h V�Ilage qo4oll a - few Came U-11,ou the Midnight - , ., -1 �, ­ . .�ij5o Cow, I -K 0 11 � . for �. firela, service, 11 gels .�V,om- the I k � I M � N"I I I ;r� MrsAames Stokep, London; Mr. and died in St. Joseph's Hosi)ltal,, London, years -ago. A public hi � An rs. J. W. Ortwein, of Hen- ,, . V I Realms of. Glory," Mr. and M � .1 Z,-- :t, , to a "I-, " I � . 'b M In IL I 1. I . ,*. .1 �.' " Mrs. Wrsley Richardson and family, on Thurafty', Dec. 24th. ifollowing An which was largely aAendedl, !was held followed with the Lorft Prayer and Ball. Mr. Paterson, whO Wap I 0 - � . '... li'', " "`N ...... -, ,� _ .. � per week � (b ' . I Goderich, and Mr. .and Mrs. Leal,and I illness of,dve - mieAths, 'having been a tr,.9m III& late residence on Monday, scripture an4 Chestmas liaison in uni- Hensall, i6p the pqpgdar tWrn qlprk I ii . � ,:, i �, , !! X tbe'We,ek ,�.i,­­, ,,'; , , �, . . , �);,I,"�� Vill ;;�. , . ­ . ;,_­,,, I .. Willert and family, Zurich, are sliend- I patient at,',t,.#e hospital for the past Dec. 28, at'a- p:m., Rev. W. Weir, of lison. Contributing to the delightful The Week of Pra3wr will be. 6bsp.rv- , , , , W, � t,: , � _ . New Years with Mr., and,Mrs. 1 six weeks'in her 88th year. , She had ' Walsh' with A ed in the three local churche ­ .. , . Ing .4 ifift , 7�- I �, . � . . '19 . — i I Carmel Pre6yterda;n Church officiat- program were Audrey , , . 11" -,;1 I I 1. . Wilson Carlile. c�mlng week of January, 1943. On , �11X IRA; .1 '. . . Mrs. J. K. Cornish, ,been residdr)p with her daughter,Mra, Ing, asolsted, by R,e-�. R. A. Brook of her aetectloil, "Walk- I I , - Found ,�I 1, _Iii,�i,,, �� ; 1; :, .., Solo, singing for I!, " �, f i 1, � ,.. .7 I old Mr. and Mrs. Austin Zapfe, L;6ndolij - Mr RR -o Paterson returnid to To-: Aonie W.sjarding, of Grand Bend, -and 11 eusall Uinif�d Church. ,In his � mem- in in Winter WbnderJand." "She, wal� Tuesday, Jan. 4th, the service WIR 4" ­­ fe, , . ". ".., I . . j .9 . g,l��i ifie " 'Zc�t�,�: - iTient a few days with friends. rc-,tc Surda,. aftgr a pleasant Christ- formerly resided in Kitchener, alid criaW add,ress Rev. Weir paid' fitting accompanied b her mother a� the held�in the United Church when I 11 "�.,V'.4" " . .,.. __ ,p TO PIT . , _4 CHA1NS, d Gene- mRs '"ijdav spent with his parent�, was a Tnember of the Zurich Mennon- t y - , peaker ,, ­ � U,t " , pM OF OAU ' . . . I 45jQt�­�i',�' ,and Ale. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry an will be Rev. A. M. Grant, ".. 1�1',. L W� , q; 1r.#w',geu Sei - ribute to the, life of Mr., Slangster. piano; reading, "Advice," Miss, Len 5 �P��. . I �, - -, � , - Find- Ple"4' vievp Smith spent Christmas nea7 Mr. and Mrs. 11, J. Paterson. .1 it- Church. Her husband, Men -, ministpr of St. Andrew's i, � i �,",�,�, , I - , , 1, tseaborth . noz H,e Spoke of his skilled workmanship ore Norminton; a pJeasing solo, '�Glve B.A., BID .1 Rn,q� - ­ A'. . . I 10.0 HURON EXPOSITOR or . � ­ .��...,­'W,�t­ 'I "" I , W .. - Wingham. . Dr 1. ('Awt3-torpe, of Toronto, Kipfer, died twenty years ago. Sur- as a carpenter and how much his loss of Your Best to thd Master," Rev-. R. United Church, Kippen, and on Wed- W­I:�, ! . NEY, 660 r 12, SeaforLh- . . ... 11 ,.;;, . .t , 1 � W.-�Qne, . ;;. 3916-1 MISS Grace Dal�y,mvle, of Hensall, srent 00. Vh,ist-ias holiday w4th his vi�v;llv aTe five daughters: Mrs. Jacob will be felt ajong thait line Ao the resi: I A.'Broi Miss Uladys Luker accom- nesday, Jan. 5th, in St. Paiul's. Augli- , �'y � .. ; '.. . I . . ' ,§,!,; -L - * .. " ,�. . Xt�_ stmas at her home heU. mother, Mrs. Jean Ca*.tborpe, of Hen-Mever, Kitchener; Mrs.. Thomas Kyle tet. es of Christmas carol Rev. M. A. Hunt ip to . P. ... spent Chri , detits of the village and distri He r,anist. 'A Seri , . . 11.7�1' . -A 1$VK OF MONEY, ON DFACEM_ Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunlop. of Chats- sall. lye�,FRII; Mrst Des;ardhie, with -wliom referred ,to his sudden passin as a were featured with Miss Cladys Luk- be the speaker; if Mr. Hunt Is unable ..., �4. 11 . apertest Service Sta- 9 , ., I I .LOsT th Mr. and Mr. Fric Ken -roily, of Bran-teord, vis- she lived: Miss Edith Kipfer, 'Zurich, great calamity ve .'be present, Rev. W. Weir will be I . % I � ,bqr .16th, I'ther at S Christmas Nvi . , a ry sudden death er at the Piano. - �� �, . i�, . ,,"*ion or'between. 1h)mminon Bank and Kers- worth, spent i Bob "Hess directed to he services will con- , q 11 . :la,c% pei Store. Finder Please leave at Mrs. Ross Scott. ited with his wife and family, Ross and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, Zurich, and which had cast a gloom over the vil- ,several contests and 'light refresh- the speaker. T , TIAE uxlRoN EXPOS, . s-eve,i sons, Jacob, Dashwc Miss Gladys Me- elude Thursday, Jan. 6th,' In Carmel , --- , ,, TOR and receive lib- al e I e at Christmas time, a festive time merits wore served. I 1. F 1.�' I . 3916.-I - ssrs. lack Mustard, Wm. Mur- I and June. for the ("aristmas holiday iod; lohn, lag 1"..." , i � 1 I erdl,roward. -- . I n, of the R.C. This vear Alle, Christmas rush in Pig�on, Mieh.:'N,oa.h,. Rolf, Iowa; Ira, which had been turned into a day of Kenzie was convenier. The next meet- Presbyterian Church, when Rev. '1L �� � . �. , - I . . I ' r. 10"'v", � - , . �1. .., � . � - ___ - A.F., Lachine, Quebec, spent Christ- the local Post offitce reached a peak,. Hensall. Sihou, Penton, Iowa; also mourRug, "Lead Kindly Light" was ing will be held Monday evening,, A, Brook will be the gtiest ape i Q�,1, " . , .� I . - surpassing any rush in former years: two, sisters., Mrs. r'ag,, Zur- sung during the.service. . Following. January 11th, 9 P.m. - ,_ �_ I . . mas at their homes here. Chris. Sh under the convenershiP The services,will commence at �'.! , ... For,Sale i 'ch, and Miss Nancy Gingerich, of the service Ahe cortege proceeded to of Miss Margaret �Shepherd and her Paul Seddon, of Toronto, is a New � ,11:,, � I . I . - Mr. D. Swan,. M ss E. Bowey, Pte. The postma4ter at o mail counted I - .1 " � , 1. I '. and Mrs. J. Grain ?. t" . i I, qUKpER OF YOUNG PIGS Glen Swan and Mr - thirty-three hundred ters and cards. Stanley Townshim, and� two brothers, Hensall Unlorl Cernetery where burial cov;.Mittee. Ye,4r's guest with Robert and Doug I . ., , ;.1,11's. . - -FOR SALE__A 1 .,,,r 4 on S4, Z!L�ich. ger spent Christmas in Ilderton. . Mdss Amy Lammie, Windsor/ and,- Chris., of Hay Township, and Jacob, took place. The pallbearers - weje� Christmas visitors at the home of ]as Cook. . I'll � jer $We. P�*ne Nu � .. . : . � - i � �i, I . SOLOMON GINGERICH, R -P- 8, Zurich � Mr. Frank Strange, R.C.N.V.R.,, To- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, Cefitralia, , of Oregoh. She was the grandmother Reeve E. R. Shaddick, Dr. A. A. Camp- Mrs. John Johnston were: Mrs, A. AW2. Eva Street, of Vancouver, B. V;.� . 39i6X2 b4F o Ba Ir'i, - � . -onto, and Mrs. Strange spent a few were Christmas visitors, with Mrs. of fiftv-seven, - children and great- bell Alphone Poster, Wilson Allan, T. Douglas, Miss Norma Douglas, M�- C., and Margaret S pe, N rth t- , .. I I i I . ;�'., I ­_ WINTER CLOTH days with Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan, Lammie and Greta. I grand-othqy, of 49 children. The and" Maurice Farquhar, Hensall, and Gordon Arrand, of Hyde Park; Mr. tleford, Sask., who ar@ stationed wiih ii�, -,ro! SALF-LADIES' Can be ' 'A. Paterson and fam- % and Mrs. Harold Shepherd, of I body reked at the,home of her daugh- -al and Mrs. Allan Douglas Lind little son, the R.C,A.F. Women's Division- at Ex- � . I . � "I 7 . � 50. Mi �1111 I...' . I . cold With f= collar; Sim Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harburn, Staffa. The flor 01 I seen at GUJZSIqZ CLEANERS- - illy spent Christmas with Mr' andMrs. Toronto, were Christmas lyisitors with ter, where a private funeral war, held tributes were many a ,�, nd beautiful and ,Allan J., and Mr. and Mrs. H. VaJr .eter, were Christmas guests With Mr- , kl_ I ,i HEAVY Wn?MR O -V- Sholdice. -Mr. and Mrs. James Smillie and Mr, at I P.M., followed with a service in included wreaths and sprays froiia and son, Douglas, all of London.. and Mrs. N. U. Cook and family. Miss . " , . ,.-Z.,:. Sh pherd. e W iver at Hi� . ". �,,��. I F"E-B'"W'AT, i 'Gim"42; -d- WSAL � A1111 to Mr.. Dutot and Bessie are visiting and Mrs. .T,Dhn a the, Mennonite Church at Zurich at Stan Tudor and staff of th Ne Com- Mrs. Ivan Jones aad little daughter, Sharpe is an ambulance dr � I ,�`-- I B= M Expomma OFMM g90.,_tf tit Bayfield. � . I Mr. Matiley Jrkhks, an employee of 2.15 P.m.. Burial was in the Mennou- mercial. Hotel, the Family, Mr. and Carol, of Woodstock, Spent Christmas tAer. ,L . '11�: I . , � '. Mr. and Mrs. A. kikenhead and Mickle's mill, is, confine4 to his home ite Cemete I ry, Goshen -I4ne, I Mrs, James Vincent, Clinton; Reeve with Mrs. Jones' mothe�o Mrs. Minnie Mrs. W. Weir and Freddie were . .1 . . , 1, i . . I -tmas -ts with Mrs. Weir's , , s rl - ciaughter visited Mr. and Mrs. T. B. this week suffering a Sprained foot, . I... � Shaddick � and Mrs. Shaddick; ,Mrs. Little, at Kippsi r. Chris gue . . .... W ! . � . ! - ' . the result of a fall on the icy side- Injured in Motor Accident Minnie 'Sangster and family, of Asa- Miss Gwen Cooper, 'of Toronto; vis- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey of Hunts- �A; I 'r � Farms For Sale Ttiird on Monday. ,%valk,S&Iturda . I . ' 'Ile. Rev. and Mrs. Weir and Fred - I � I, �' . I . Mr. -and Mrs, L. Cummings and sou .y, evening. ' Sall; The Sunshine Club comp�Gsed of ited ,with her parents, Mr. -and Mrs. vl , ' .. 1, I) , ,. - Flight Lieutenant D. H. Peacock and Dr. W. T. Joynt, of London, on his - W. Cooper, of Kippen, for t e Christ- die will spend New Years iffith rdla- . ," � FA FOR SAIA-160 ACRUS, LOT 85, :)f Walton; Mr. and Mrs. G. CUM. way home to spend Christmas with Doris Buchanan, ,Elaine Carlile, Elean h � V ,i,:, . . patceseicin a. Memmop wownfti 8% nArgs, .of WIngham, and Miss Barley Mrs. Peacock, of Goderich, enjoyed or ,V,enner, Aud-rey , Walsh, Dorothy mas, .holiday. tives in.London. . ... I ; I :% . . . miled from Seaforth. Brick cottage -frame and friend, 1pf Toronto, visited Mr. Christmas dinner With Abe latter's his mother. Mrs. Alice JoYnt, Of . Hen- . . ....... . ., . ,VW w1th foupdakVqn and cem I ant flooring, I Sall, received cutd and bruises in. an, � . . I - and Mrs. T. H. Wbeelbr on Chri&.mas mother, Mrs. Grace Harpole, and ­ . I I . ­ _11.1 I I , 1. . conar clay loam36 very .. accident involving four cars on, No. 4 . I 1. � � I .,. ,ete, so*; Hyam, pro I � '. . dueiive; plenty of -tw- Fourteen rores fall rught. . . .1 grandfather, Mr. Henry Horton, and . . .. ­­�� �1,1-%­ � , � 111.1 I uncle, Harry Horton, at the .'Horton highway, nea,r Birr, oft. Christmas , I .. .. I . . ... . Wheat; 16 acres under plow, remainder grass- . I I . Eve. A 1929 Chrysler, . driven by Wm. ::- *, I - X. %:z . � . � r' Apply to JOHN McNAY., R.R. 2, Sei residence in Hensall. Following d -m- . ­ .. . � . -1 . . . . . 39ii-12 . . . ner they left for Toronto where Lawson, qf Windsor, was practically . ;...- .� I I I .. I . I " 'i �, . - VARNA . demolished when it left the highway ".;';­� L .. I I 100 ACRES IN . Flight Lieutenant and Mrs. � . 1. -WAR= FOR SALE ­(1) Peacock 1� . " .. . .. . U.I% . Twke,,miith, On Highvta�, No. 8, Lot 29, . I near -Strathburn and struck la tele- .. .." ::... . �. , � bad'an evening Christmas dinner with . " ... ­.�x , . is '.1 !"�;_ . Huron Road. frame barn on cement founda- 'On Christmas Day a nurriber of rel- the former's parents, Col. and Mrs. phone.- post. Lawson said the. lights . . `�,�:?��,,:� " ' ,.'i� � . tion -' frame bouse. Very productive soil; atives gathered at the home of Mr - G. W. Peacock. � of an oncoming car. blinded him. A . �, . geuf�, of water. (1) 50 acres - n Rullett, and Mrs. W. J. Clarke. Goshen Line. , Mrs. Edgar McQueen, promineilt fog which rolled over the district was I .. ..... : 'i I - �., ..,.�.: ii .... Morth half ej Lot a, concession z; frame ,."z,W!, ... � - I . xtt . i frame home; a during which, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford � 0�.,�_. . - I - barn on ailune foundation; e argelY to blame for the accidents. A I . ,:;::,:�;:%:z- ��. Hensall resident, bad 4he misfortun � . ... � -'i'?R�*:P!; I . - , choke1fir X I .-11..- _. . I I m. Apply Yeys, of the Babylon -Line, were pres- : �, "I ��i� . wem. WILMAM LIV- to fall an the ,ice this week. _rays tow. truck, hauling a car out of ..the � . . . . nqGST4DN or JAM F. SCOTT, R.F- 2. Sea- . forth. Emecadors of the aaite Thomas Livimg- ;.nted with a beautiful cabinet of sil- taken at Scott Memoria ditch, figured. in the highway., accident X..�, ... ... ��.-'i�l,*,.%..-.iA.,�...il�,�ii:k,.;",,.��,.'ii.�-.�I - I. I "' * .... I I 3912 -ti veri in honor of their t,Wen�y-flfth Aospitai I near Birr. A car driven by Mrs. Haz- , ..... 1 15:� - � i. I. 1 1$,"! . � . . i�.-.,�..-.-.-.-,,,,.-.,,�,-...-'�.'--', ��:.1-1, . I . �:: . . .1 ­ , Stan . estate. I . wedding anniversary. , SO,,afortb, revealed a fractured arm il Ovens, of Tiverton' �,::ii:ii�:ii,�li:�*.*iii:��.::i..,.;�i:::��*�'..�.i'$�,'�'I . � '.. 1. � . -above the',wrdst. . I swung sharply I K*,i*.K*i-:i . , ..;.; ­ I .1,, , . . I-- .. I Holiday , :R.: .., . 'k�;­; . , I . I . "k...- . I ._.yisit6rs:. Mr. Alvin Elliott LXC. Dbuglas Sangster,, of Mone. to avoid hlt$ing th6 tow truck and . " ­­; ,;. .. . SM .. , K Personals of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herd ton, New Brunswick, and- I dded 'along'the shoulder of the .... I I . . . . Mr. Robert ;;;: . ..:K�i:::`.,.. i. and family,' of Stratford; 'Mr.. and Mrs. Sangster of Elora, are spending ' ew load, .partly in -to -the ditch. I A 'few '� ',A, ..%j:".,..::�:�:j:j.j.;.:. I �, , N . ::::,�,..,:.i;;*:i:�:i.'.:�,;"",'. I .� ,'� ,. . 1. Harold Elliott, of Windsor, ,%,,�ith Mr. Years with their mother, . Minutes latef Mrs. MecAllist6r Greer, .... : ,.'�. I .. . J t'. . I . SLENDOR TABLETS . Mrs. M. Elliott; Miss Dori Mrs.. Minnie - . ..,xX . ::::. . ,�. I " I ,RAMffy_qS. AND kind o�,London, accompanied by ber'bro- ., . ...: I 0 . TABLEITS S Sangster, and sisters, Mairgare? -and . * ­ .. I .,LENDIRF Two weeks supply $1.00, at Chuter, of LondopI, Mrs. Townsend I Lher, Pte, Harold Bonthron, on their . I . -'�' " effee I I -Of Norma. , I . 1. , . " 3889-2r' Goderich Tow,nWp and Mr. Harvey Mr I . � , KEATINT-T DRUG,STORF- � N%ay home to. spend Christmas with . . " . the parental . and Mrs. Lorne Elder, of Ham- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. I I " - I � 1. I . � pILES__6UppEftERS OF BLENDING AND C ,hilter, of Clinton, �ft iltoll; Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Paismore and - I I . .. I _ �: . . pr�jmd,iug piles should know Bunkeles home; Pte. Walter Bratheston, of Lis- Lloyd Passmore, of Delhi; Mr. Bob 'Bonthron, of Hensall, styuck the I I . -, -1 truck a glancing blow. and careened ­ � . � 1 � Hei pins treaft the cause at its source. towel. barracks, 'at the parental home Passmore," of Toronto, and LAC. Ken ,� I I �, . - I I I Money back if not ..t6fa.t-- at NEATING'S.,, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Turner and fam- Paissmore; of' Brantford, spent Christ- into thcg ditch. The force of the lim- . , i:�,;�-�*i,!,�,'i�*.::. , . ,. DRUG STOR& I . I I . K:::::, -1. . � - " `,*:­��ii', -- . 3916-1 ily; , Mr. 'and Mrs. George Anders t turned the truck lights out. Har .............. . - ... ...:x.`X 1, .% I .. . o -"I mas 1vith Mr. and Mrs. -,,John Pass- 11ae _..-iii�i:i!i�;�Ii�i'.-i� ."�ii� ....�:j,..'!�:�:::jl:,:;.. I -1, ­ , . and family, with Mr. D. Anderson and more. old r6ceived a nasty cut over the -�::::�i:;�:�:i�::!,::i:::�:::!:i;::i:::i:;;;;!I:i- ... .. . : ,:;::::;T . - -dXd11`.-XX1: .... . ...... ... i - k . ;��!�::.,:�,;::i:�l::::;:.::�.;:::::!::�::- , . �i�;�i�i���'iiii:i��:i",Ili"".,.,.� ,.,.,.....:t: . 6 - family., eye. It was into the darkened truck I ......."... ��� :.. " , . Mr. and Mrs. George Walker wer I :�;..'.�, ,­i;X-_'-:-.'..: . ...'...., : , . I 11 *.. .,_... 1: �11 I I . .... '... ... ". . I . � ... " ".'n" X; ::: . I Out-of-town'vi-sit6rs: Mr. and Mrs the car driven by Dr. J,oyAt PIbwed_ ... ... ,;.::: ,.iiii. :!:::: ".....'... . ... ­­­. �j;, . il�ii�i��i"'-.�iiii]::i�i: _ .... , . . __­ Notices ' .- 1 visited over AII6 Christma& . � �, ,, . I �:j:j:j!j:i . I . ­ . holiday Th e - car Olt L ."I'll." a.-', %�:.'..X�:1:.i.i.i. �;::i' �;::�,::;;::: I 11, - ------- 7-- . U. Chutet with-, their. family in L611- by tbeir son, Donald, i�u " he Aeft �i.i.,,.;: - I .;.;.:.:.: ', .. �." Re CK, on t :;:;,%,%,-,�,iii�ii�ijij ::iii:�A�:i;i:i:�,i:i:�:,,�;i:�:i�,�:i�;::i:i: I and their 1. I . . - . ", I . , I : . ,�:��;::;-_,-:;i '1.­'::;:;K*::� i�;:i�l��;��gi��ii�iiiii � . To THE EJARCTORS OF STAXLEY' don; 'Mr. C. C. Pilgrim, Sr., Mr. and f,ont fe 11NI.`�1W, i1&&11­UV.;�pr( 'ithe 'i . .", ';..:;:,;-1�;.i: -:';I';'X':'i I . . .1. . I 1, . daughter and son-in-law, Mr. -and Mfs ' U,�X Ir - 11�`:" :: -";;..,;..%: I . " , NOMINATED FOR '.Mrs. C. Pilgrim, Jr., and little son, George Gould, all . Shoulder _6 f�,6 -road. Pollee, -Aidd . .... .,::. �:_,.��iii�iii! i��ii . . �-.---� i*i .. -..i -:*i**:,:..:;"; I i�� I , As 1 "VE BEEN . of Toronto.� * "" . ;�i:ili:,.,.iii'�'iiiiiiii;�;i;;�ii�.�...., - I I . I - I .-M .!:,:.":.;::...::!K.,::::::;:;::::::::!;::.: �--" tourePlor in &e TowmbiiP Of - Stfllay, with friends in'Clinton. 'Mr. Robert Passmore, BA., of Tor- ..each car .s touching the other -.iiii.�'110"!!' `_.....,*�.*1111.-, - --) .. " . . I Solicit your aussbort Three Years ago I ", : ., .....-..�.�-.�.,...-...-.;:.-..-,f,k...........-..--..,.-..�, . I . . -, was noanumted, but election, I .,,. Owing to the illness of Rev. John aloug the di ch of -the highway. The I , I— , ", I . I to "ve - _ Onto, is spending Christmas and New - . V.I. ,.'.'.'.'.'.".,.,.,.I.I......".'...,..'.'I'll""II'll"I . . . . . . . ...'..'..'..'..'..'.""'.'.".............'.'.'.'.'.'.�l.-Ii - 11, " ::;:::i::-:-:: . . . . . -_ .. - I I - v,1fhdr.e�.r.,qPd if P-10-C!"d I will -40 my. beat tlraham, there was no service in S-. Years holidays with his' parents, Mr. exciderit was caused by. Poor visibility 1 I I I . I ­ ..".". ...... . . . - I . I... , . More. . , 'I., . . . . . . 1. . . �,_�, .. . . in the intatest of Oe- T6"Bbbi- ` " , John's Angliegn ChuVh Sun6y. and Mrs. John Pas� . and a'wet pavement. .�; -.1 :::: .3 .�, - .. I I . SW Tfrommox, . T a out of town- . , k � .... .. ': :1:::`x:::":::::::::: .. - ;;;; , ;� - ,��: . Miss Margq,ret MacLdren, ,of , �i!�iiii�lii�_,.iji!�.,- i i , . . I .1 iii��i�iiilii'*,:i�sjij I . .. . Brueefiebl. . the I 'Sanders ,�'Glenn , �'�'_ � T� " � ':', - *�*i:i*'.,.,*S:j: -&%,.,**A � , "I , I - - ship eeletors at 'the' meeting in the Ladies, College, Waterloo, spent ;- . . . . (. ..'!! - " , I '-- 8 'It' � i, 71- � . . ,� . 1q.oT10E_�FQR THE. CONVENIENCE oF hall on Mqnday. Different ones were Chr a ; .1 . I.. .� : I � -'.'- , *.*I'. il F?'.`..�.-_i�il�i:;. � � ., our frientia and I Mas with, her parents, Mr. and Befbie the fireplabe, banked i�rtlf - I . ��� I custoxner6, we have in- nominated, -but we' are inclined I to Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren. . . ;�!�;iii!i�"iii!%,*��:i:i:i:i�ii�,."�ii�ii���i!�jijijij��i .... __ I *� ... IL" evergreens, th�e home of Mr. and Mrs. .. "., ;:: %:.'.-.X.X1' ": I I stalled the teleDhone- wis4ing Tm the cba� think the old council will be mstain- Mrs" A L. Caze, who has been - ". _ i : . . . .1 4 1 . � ": 16mxieuts a the sea3ent- Your Watkis 0, DS81- * * 1 a W. D. GI'enn,. Kippen, on Saturday, : :: .. �. I �11 . � . ed, with the exception of Mr. Fal- the I gl- 1. 7 --, .1. I ' I I. . ,,; WHJAAM. BRADSHAW. Phone 50, Ses- General .Hospital, Toronto, In the Dec. 26th, At 3 p.m., was the. getting i* ...M.- �, , - 11. 1. .. .;.:.;.:-:%!��­ . I . . ..0 . . i I . . . I . .. t�:j .,;: , ` � I ,, , . ,:, � . . . . X . . . I . . . � -1 . ...... .� I avelle, dider daughter ,of Mr. -and �: '�."-. .. " �:-%, .. _ , foF.14'. , - - � SO14*6 corYer, who,was rec6intli injured. ' . interests" Of hbr health, is back home ,of a 'winter wedding, when Helen , ��K*­ ` ­_ � _L ­ .The Late Mrs. Ralph Stephenson and is convalesding-micely.. 1. , c::$.* -121.. � . �;i . G ", : � I . t%>Z, .-%":�!... I . . 11 .. I . The death .occurred of Mrs. Ralph AC2. Howard Love, of Galt Aircraft Mrs. George A. Glenn, of Hensall, be `el>� . ...." :,:K*'.-: 0 - . I . . . :j I Card of Thanks - %. ...:�:., 1, .� I . � J . . School, spent Christmas with 1.10:M, I ,; I. -.. 1 . Stephenson,Axi, Scott Memorial Hospi- 'h'is'Par- cam, the. -bride offtorley C. Sand E., I � , . , '. , _. . I I .1 ,,, � . ers, '. ­ �. e.. . , . . vAMMy tal, Seaforth, on Sunday,. Dec. 241th. bnts, Mr, and Mrs. Milton Love. i::::�,:,.,.,W- " . - 11 C: I MRS. JAMP GAZtOSTER AND . I I B,A., son Of Mrs. lk" M. Sander's, of ,.,iiiix.�,.., �. I . , "I I . Mls�s­ Norma Cook, 'student at the ;%�'."Z.:% . ,iah to ch -k thei� friends _,�,, in amw The late Mrs.. Stdilienson had been in .­­_ . 1, R.1'ehmond Hill, and,irincipal of Men- - ".....- 1, ..".i ... �.:i . . :`.:�;v ,. `,� '. � . way helped them durmc the 1030 of their failing health for several months with University of Western Ontario, Lon- Sall continuation sc ool. The bere- . ,:%X.:;,. � 0-:, dear husband *xd,father. � . �::..::�j-.:� 1% . I . . I . a heart conditiox, from which she had don, Spent. ,the Christmas hoi ,n - I ' . "I ,::.. ... . I k . . � . . ': _,1 . . . . . I ,.uffered much. with;, patience.- D0ceai . . OnY was performed,b3�,. Rev. R. A. - . . . I I '. .. . I !" � . I- with her parents, Mr. and M-rs. N E. Brook, of Hensall United. Church. . . ' " ., I �. . . : ',�;. . � . , ­ 11 . I � Births. - I ,- ed Was a . wo an Ordin- Cook. ­ . . . I 1. . I I � . . ,� . I I Miss Florence Welsh, of Hensall, *as I � .. . I . ' . ! I I . . . I .. T -I �': . . ary intelligence and in her younger Mr. and 'Mrs, Enoch Parkei-, Of at the piano throughout the �ervlce, , 1. . ", . - .. . .. . . . . . s was an ardent member of the Bowmanville, are visiting w1th :tb­ . . I __ - . ; bAL8_ln Scott Memorial HosP L ' . y � I . eir and during the"signing of tite.register . .. . .. . -1 � i.i6ilf .1 . . I __ I . ,� Dbr- - . iaa.aa, - -_ ,�. . I . §alvation ! � 1. . - 11 . I . . I . , I I . . I ,. 1 2iithl to Mr. and, Mrs. S=17W.Z.l5u1_ . Array, and r4w many yeltrs son, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and ,Mrs. Mr. Carey Joyilt, of Hensall, ,sang i�-;Xii I . . . I .- . . - . .. .1 . I .i . I I . .. . ,�*7 �,V# was a Captain of tire game, and In Harold Parker. . . I 'Xi0ft! . . . : . I . .. I. 1;� . . ,,, I . . . � �:!iWixl'.. " . I Pats ]:i.i*..'.::::: 1'. . I . I I "Because." The loyely 'bild6, given � �:! I ,�, 1! 16tt, a don. . . �?Iil , . � .. . .1.11, . I I � 1,908 in Parry Sound she g�Lye up this Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer and . ��!:if:' i ­ ` I? I - I . 7 _ , . : . . I ": in marriage by her, father, wore a. . I .. ;i%i-il �% , : i ,. , . iii i!: I . . . � I . , 11 , '.. . I ,:i��'i,i:. � � ... I � I. . � . work . InIaddition to her Army work spent the ChriSitmas boii4,�ys with flooi gown of -white � chenille rii!��i5�i .:.: I . 1. . , . . I � I I I . 'ii,5 ':::: "' . .. I �,, . I � . Deaths . Mrs,'Drazzler'and family,* Lo ,� '. i�ij,: � 'Once yox,-tookthis man for granted. He . I.... '.. 1. . ,,�. . . � . . . I she taught school in the. C��adia)l f, ndon. embroidered satin, designed with a , I , � I , �.. . I I . i�:�i;�,*��i -: . I - e � as well as Oritario, land was Miss Grace Dalrymple spent the sw,e�beart neckline, long pointed i ��.::f?.`, scild you. fires; be chiour air pressures,and . . ,.. . . HOIZIES-In Seaforffi, on Tuesday, Deeem- . ". � lal pupilq. ,. And wr a '. 9 . . f� 1, , I I � I ber ?9th, "W ­h Mary Bette, .... , -by, hbr Christmas holiday at . her home-. in sleeves, fitted bodice and, a bouffant - ; . :!:�j I . , . Ifi , ibe -late David 3E[O . bues. � _ . _. church and missionary worker she Brucefleld. . . , 1, I .. he gave you the kind of,�erVi�e you Iliked to have. I . . , K:i I -_ �r 11 I- � . , had fel#- equals. it any, and.will be Miss Shirley Wolff, of .St. Mthar- skiTt. Her full fingertip veit of white 'i *K I ... ___ __ . . . . i'llud4on was draped from orange blos- �) --:;:,.! I . . . . greatly missed in these circles where ines, sp,n Cbilstmas :$:�: " : � . e -t with her par- � :-;,i�.',. For almost a year he,has hbd' no fires to sell . �ek - - I soms, white rosebuds ,and forget -me- 5 . ., . ' � .��,� ..... I 1. MORRIS . she.was. ever w9come., The funeral ents, Mr_ and Mrs'. Charles Wolff. -t at the .side of -the head. :: '113S.t-'4i . - � e I— p nots caugh . ­ except to thos ngagea in essenfal. ci4mafi I'— ,��ds . held fro , , : . I . ,� . � I I I ., , _. . � in h6r late home, Parr Mr. Roy MacLaren of St. Cathar, She carried a shower bouquet of �:,.��j servijce� but'he is still in busine's's. N&W he's more . I I � ,.. A Happy, 'New �Year to one and all! Line, to the Unitbd Church where her ines, visited With his' v�ife 'and son, White roses and wp"re' pearls, the gift . K, , I . I 1. - . . .. i. . holiday. 9' I' " . ' ' . " .. ��... . . Visitors at the. home of Mr.' and minister, Rev. Reba. Hern, paid high Donald, over the, Christmas �i�, � � �/�,: lnipqrtont to'you than ever. He is your Goodyear , , ,.. vll� I. I of the groom. Mrs. W. D. Glen M. I I . .. . `., . I �* Mrs�. Harvey' Johnson ,on Christmah tribute -to - the life of the departed. , Mr. a . n(I Mrs, Lorne Eld�r, - K- sister4n4aw of the bride, was � 11 . . ii . , day were Mr. 9md Mrs. Silas Johnson Her favorite hyrrins, "Sale in the. ?f ,'am IPIMPI I � I dealer. . . thwguaOdiail ofyour tire miles. 1 4 1 I I I Iton, were,. Christmas Visitors at the, illy attendant, frocked in a floor- ' '111211 . . . . . , 1. . . and Mr. and Mrs. Rob McFarlane. Arms of Jesus" and "Jesus Lover Of ibeir respective homes here, 0 . . 'r . ­ ' , - 11% . 'i'' .'' Mr. Arthur Beweley is spending -the My Soul" Were sung. Her. maiden Mr. 'And M'rs. J. W. Ortwe-in; highly length gown Of white sheer and wore , ; , I . Perhaps fres � I pu haven't realized that your tires I . I ,�'. I Grecian halo, and o9rried a ribbon . . , I I holidays with his' parents, Mr. and riame was Isalbella Fell and wa� born rfsPected, residents of the vullage a , ­ . I � , � . are now middle-aged. In fact,if times were . ,Oi��. I V_U" .. .;� . - I I . - , bouquet of deep red roads. Mt - John :::: . I i - " . �,.',,;., : , Mrs. Jos. Beweley. in Hibbert Townikib in 1868, and in will quietly observe their 53,rd Wed- Scott, of Pickering ,Q614ge, wab-,Ithii I. . . noiina1,'.ycW inght e�e6 be discarding thenh , ,; I 41111 I - I Mr. Donald Cimeron, of Perth, Ont., 1916 was libited iin wedlock to her ding anniversary at theit home here . : . . ::: . . . . . .: .. I� . I , . � I _­ . I , Is- -visiting with7 his daughter, Mrs. now bereaved -husband, who mourris on. X6w Year' Da . -7 . groomsman. Mrs. Glenn, .inother of I .. � � .."Your,.Goodyear, dealer knows this. HeknoWs, ' - �� 11 : M -W I I .4 ___7 1. � I . _ . ' ' . .,:,. . 1; Laws 'Itearney. - �, the loss of a kind and loving Dr byrit, df London, visited the bride, reuedv6d vrith' M6 brida . too, that you' * in for some kind of tire trouble wife, and .1 W. T. X UPId, ,i�earing a I Burgundy crepe . I i . I * 1"; � . " . . : I - , , The Christmas entertainment held ,has the sympathy of the comultinity. with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt, for ;�ith a.corsage bf Talisman roses. - 11 , if yotl�d6n',t get the ri 9 ht advicb ond� service . . I . I I . at BilttoWs -school on the 8th Line, She is also sorvived by one brothel- the ChIlstmas holiday.' - . I . . r1I . I. 'Was a I decided succeim 1. and one sister. The pallbearers were Mrs. Sanders, mother'of the groom, ,, .� 1� - .1 c h , ''. I— Mrs. M. Greer and Pte. Harold Pon- .J-. the kind., .e -has foe you in the, Goodyear - , ,.� . � :�:. .,: - I I ,� - asEl4ed 4n, � rei�elving dnd chose "for , . I � I ��,!� I Mr. und Mrs. James, McDonald and George and'Alfie Johnston, Lorne arld thron, of Loni . %;:�R: �, `,Tir.o4Jfe 6tension Plan. It's.the only complete I , George Reid and visitors with thVir parents, Mr. i and . - i .. . I . i, family spegi ,,Christiftis with' 'Mrs. Harvey Coleman, 1. were Christmas, the ,occasion black silk velv4t and. ili�, ; . I . . I � 'wore a. corst � P,�,qip:".:i� . . ' ' . I. - Lg,d of TaJisman roses. F '% �. ­,% . , Ed. Fo9tei,"Bei own dhoice. The flor- Mrs. Jas. W. Boathron. , - ' : ; � �. �� ., , Knight and.,-Laurs- I ,.:��10�x v#pmatidvlaq.,of f!re'cqre . . . . needed more . , �1:�:�r.:;,;2 . " " . . ,� .; , After the. wedding the bride, ehose.a �_ * - �� . . . . . . . . . . , .. �, .W6 Were many and beautifjil. Miss Ma�rgar .resid.orrt of � ,j��e.:: liee , - �� -� . . � I . .r. Visft&s' ,it the home of Mr. and al wrei ,Qt Sridth, a uebn'5. Blue two-piece crepe dress I ..:: i r� � thdn'e I I—. Foday. I .. 111. 1. . . I Mfg: 'W,1111�3111 Kea=07 on Chilstinas Re,O. Reb& Herxi Was in"cluirie of the. Loli&n, died ' suddenly-. at 'Wetaria, Q � I 1_ � ..- .. I.. , I :1 ..� ,� I I . . - . .. . � � ­ - I ... K 11 - I trimmed with, royal purple ,bows, a . i � J1 "­ 1. ib*�',- 1, 'were: Mr. and Mrs. Prie Dow. and entire 'service, Intjerment� was made Hospital, I .London, on Wednesday, X., . . . . . '... '..". Even if you can t say to your old friend lhe , � . . 1. I � . . I- '. ; family; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Dow, in Bayfleld cemetery. . , I Dec. 23rd, in her 57th year. Tht de- black coit with silver fdx trim and d - I 6 � . . I 1, I . �� " of Of-omarty,"aud Mr. and'Mrs. Frank ' '? I 00 aler "put on four new ones, I . N - . , .� . hand -made blue ribbon hat' trlrnme� IN, " I G dyear de '!%:I. - 11 � I . -_ __._________ ceased, a na,tive of the Parr Line, had 11. . � , . " I . with royal purple, pd lc�"and- Queen's M- ----,':kV I buddy " go iri'and see him anyway. He's well Kearney, of 'Brussels. � spent some years in Hensall. ­ ng I �.�,�; . She is n , I � . � 1'1,,� . ' I. . . blue flowers completed her ensemble. - . . . . I � . is B t Christmas HkNSAL' . . survived by one sister, Mrs. Bates, of 'Upon their AtUrn from their h4&y- � I . - ,� . I aware that a big responsibility -rests on him . . I . �� - I with,ber sister, Mrs. K -Wight. London. . - -1 . I , , . I . .1 .:i I .. " . j, I , : � . I , I � ' Funeral seiviees were 'held moon the brilde'and groom will fesdW6 the job of - seeing your- tires through this - I. I "'Ir, � 'Many frm Morris attended the Mr. and Mrs. 4. E. McBwan' of S�lturday -last, with burial In Hills- v. . 11r, ,�: . li ' In Hensall. Guests w6re Present from . - � I I I 11 I Christmas tree and conqert at Walton HehsaU, and Arnold McEwan, R'C N gr6et cemetery. Rev. M. A. Grant, of R.1-ebmond Hill, Stouffville, Wes 'Im, . , .,�" � emergency. I . . .1 ...'�;, . ll i .. . . . ... I ,� � , -, and report a very a ecessful Pro- V.R., Toronto, spent the Christmas St. Andrew's United 'Church,, Kippen, Bal-timore, Cookstown, - Newmarket, . ' � , � 4 , . I Yowr 1�,I_ grain. conducted the graveside service. Mrs. St. . Go!d ear dealer is not alone in this , I � �, � holiday t rests of the Misses Ed. Anne. de. tellevia, Tbroiftc, and - _L . __ . .. _. . '. - ith a- 1 . Hensall. L . . � ,,, . ­ . ...., . - ! - , I ., Mr. Harold Cunningham, of Sea nd Er McEwan, of Londoli. William CoiIsitt, of Heusall,, is a -els" ­ �'. � � I , I ,� . -orth, spent the holiday with his Arn'old M an is a- son of the late , . 4 I 11 ii ter-in-la,W. I - . I .- . - cras,ide to gft4i,ej last mile out of iires on 11; . . , -.;1 � m(gher. Mrs..Wm, .Cunningham. . Duncan Mob'wan, of Calgary, Alta. . . Death of James Sangster . . im . .1ft. . 1i � i. - " ` � ­.. ­ _. '. ,. I �- I 1. .. I ,- . The annual Christmas' concer ' t of . . . . .. . ' , - Canadiati cars. Goodyear is right behind h , I , Miss Helen McNaughton, of Toron- Carmel Presbyterian, ChuTeb was � - I.A,& , � " . I ..".. 11.1. . I . - Ist "et' w�re shocked ,t� F,U,41 iI I I I all the way,". . .­, _ . - to, was a Christmas v4slitor with her lield in the school room o� th6 church Hensall. and d n _he�ping.him to render even . �:.,. I 'CEF � 1� f eri, passing . . . - enters its . 4 , . 2�1.W I ' 1 better gerbice as Ca seco�d I a i" ,�, . � I "1,;-",:. EL )- , parents, Mr. and Mrs . . Lorne Mc� on. Wednesday, 1 Dec. 2ard, with the Ao earn o the very sudd nada . , t "I'll, "',"'7" aaaaaaaaaa anoannans000 Naughton, Cromarty. baseme,ot filled to capacity., -Rev: W. of Mr. James gangster, a well known I I �.l �'4'7,1. - I I i;.A1..,,­1 16ii Sviiir; 'of Ohm -thaw, spent Mr. and Mrs.,4eorge Hess, Bob and Weir'was chaftmart. T*o' lantern resident of this village for the paO I � rub6erkss ve;r. . , ,� . �U, ,G .. . -g " a -a wenty-one y6wrs, who died sidd,dinly * , I I . . .. Nj,.',,�, , 7� Jait. Week it We home here. Ruth, spent the Cbristmas holiday lectures- dealing with the file sage - nd t I . I . " .11 ', .1 I I Mr. AllaW Hill -and Miss Preda Hill', with relatives in Watford. spirit of Cbristma.%, "One Night in a� lids home here on "Thursday ev6n- � . I ­ . . I . ,� gjqv�';,,i,�-�; : . . 1, oL At- eik0arineg� are\visiting at their Mr. and Mis. Ted Taman and Toni, Bethlehem" and, the "81lipwreek of Ing, Dec. 24th, f6ilowillig a heart Selz-, I � 1. , � I 'Off�j*,'�,-. _ jb , ­ -towel, spent Christmas with the Swiss RobIhsofi Family," Were ure, . Xr, Sangster had been feeling I � . . I 11 _, '- . __ - . . _", J - � ', ,� i, ere. ome h , of Lis , , ... 11 '. 1� . , 4 t -, 0. CdPhisb, who has been Mrs. C..MeDonell a:nd-Darothy. presented. The message 'Was Tead bY, ]AS usual and was engaged tin. car- 11 ,�. :3 , - . a, exuLmra,auon leave, left on Tiles- - 'Mr. and - work at the home, of .. . . -_ I . . . . . . I �� .. , I � 0 .� - Mrs. Harry Cook of Wind- the minister Rev. Weir. Carols were pelitering Mr, .. I - , :��:. , � ,� . �._ , 9 . ..... . I ! 41Y4 for -duty. I . gor, were Christmas visitors With the also fOatUre . Whdie gift& were Pre- Henry, Harburn, of sitinit, oil, Wa-driew , � , !!! �, � � , . 111�' - . . I , i ,� . -, . ,A ;:;f,. . ,,, o " , , rmer's 0�0r:;:: ')" '1� -- , _ kcbdrn�a�- to 'la ing of* not, 6 .I& ,,�, 3 11 1. . - ;` AOV. Ud Mrs. ,Atkinso i P&tr0_Ats, Mr. and Mrs... 0. gented, Which were forwarded to day, and comp ill e n. , ;L " to -_'T "";;; ,; ,:.. � � � ,,, 11416bw. 4 1 . P ents of . the War Memorial Chil- W I ;;��? *?M.X�14**�'If. � �,�,.; . . ,fip -14,$y t, Left son., murrity, "', l ati ell,"Mr. ftatbuta brbuot� hiXt,W I 19 , I . I . I I ,, - r q 1, �1 "I 11-l' I li I fU, A.C. , . . , N111 ";q i�1;1.11.. I I . ' A, . . k ida*'ibo`rillj�k!':Wh,6i4; " I W I—— - �_ L" _ " 'e, , 'ffiv, �"J' � A,#�, -.,Tdf6fd'& and, WO V 6,., 9V64t All## MIUMe Reid spent.t.be Cbrlst,i; dreli's- HIospital at London,. , home here 11littre �', - 4 11 1� . Mr. Wilson CgrIlIg, of H,engall,'fe- he'died a shoft­time�a,fter jal-D,m- - , �, I 'I . , - , '' , I 1. ,, �� �., . � 11 _; chsaiiii .1'. -, ", � �� 4y-,2T.,�":�'� ,4,;P� ._c4Lt- *1 I fflas 1611"'Y with hek brother a�nd � 7� , , . .041 -of �� "; . gr I , '!L",;' '�' � � " , jip�#' I AeWbidl' Sfi&,6f'4ii-ft*, Mr. and Mrs. 1, D. Reld 11fthbd home last *#ek -titer being In. following a gr6a,t deal , tuf6filik. 1 " NA I;- S., � #%= L, " kh.'W�.X,,_��,L, � I �� 6 -o�"-wgw� , the 0eneril Hospital Toronto, fet The decqss�q Vlho, Was 'In lilip. 49th �* , - *.- w 6 dt Mr. and Mmily, of Lot4ou. , ,, . , I .., . � ,,,, I - , :;� 7 q,`i`3-'1Pf., � 1!:V" i-- , � , : ii -,#.!I, ,.,,�Ii�,�� IR ".,lbi&. .'i, 0 I - Mt. and Mrf�. lWold Sci and tho,'PaSt. WO W66kf, . gi, I � . ., - . 1. wid & baft. Mr ___ , ' ­wd, , "6 wopt6` Una., .. . � ', -1 . � . � . , : !;,10 . I—. 01","I "k , , ,b Chrlgt- Carlffo '*lj,d,q0bj6 week gg6 ft,� r. d N* t � diffeltl-4 in -� ' i � A "Wgr-garet M K- . faillY 'Of Port Dovet, Wo , 8 atu f, ta 6T and )WAY dine " I . - Fq� . "*""� ' th, -Reftd1l 0#,'.oM'd1ted W- �11 . "� . , . W" j, ,,,',!,",..�,. I I Ofy fidlt� , X, I � V11.1ago of , 1 , . g',,,`,",i,�', I �1 0 a - viggoror with kelativea,lin 1rerl- e4 hot1k, b1§,'ho'i6lg iti-a #11-at"Poillay.- � " , . I , - . -1, . , ", I. I . . ''I Vis of' Orkitoit is-;', - ­ "0;. . 16ii W.&f,o_h6USti-` ffengal &II'd -wJJ4, I hft,. He -wag tt Ott I ,�,,!I; 11 � _4 ,� . , .1, , , � 11 � ... I � . "', 11-11, _1 I �, : T $ ! 14 P I ,I li," ,'e� , I i .X� 10 i"IN F��l � , _ I � I I i�l , , � , , if 1, " , , '044 1, - W1 " on i 1 4 a OWO. to djjtad'0,L ;'.. .1' ' � , - ­ I I'. ,­"Ij��,:� �1.­'- *,�,�, ,� . 1, I .:I , . I � 11 1'� 'PUW-=&0i , I An " of Wd§ ,tL 11, "Unt Sedf Momor�itl Rot 9 .-$, . I 'i �, -1 � -`,� - - ��, - -1. ''. .11- I , - I V 144u' , 11 . ., lllrtp�4 1� kuri.s, Imb, .i _ I , . I ,�!!�� . e_',i,,,,,�,�,I'�,i�­ F, " L I . I � " ... . . .. ­ ��111 . ,e lamdg, Scotland; a , , I A�; �, " i� . '' . I � 'f,l , , . 1� .�,,� � 11 11 . � I - ' �� I ,�, ', �,y;?�'," , . �11 - - .. ,4 ill _ _4 , 66A &.'fWAVd'd" I - � ,,, - � - , __ , %"f; �� .1 I 0�' 1,V I I 'A , ,"*#d, !atti dioi ;W;4614_�, I�1�4 didift-h tWd'0'6'AA*Al Mit) In � 1912, ___ __ AV I I., , ­ "I " , k� I �,,­ 14" �X -,�,,*$, I. KEW11 IT, . . I I . I I .. _� ". ­ .. $ , I — _:!­ � ,::� I A �` I 1%,;11`i'1 ��i.�' " F�: ., I . .11 I I I . ., �, - - I �i'� . � i� 1. . ': .. 1 I ul .. _. I 1.. - ; I . I I I L , I � I � . 1. 11 v - " 1 .. ., . ,�t, . " � . I I I . 11 I ,:�L I �,_�, ,, '. :, �* , , 1. �. ,4 . � . , . .. �:r I "I ,'­ . I 1, .. I L I . . " . . . .. 1'0,­-�,.�,�- ­ I . Av� - I , .1 I �, _.�, 'I" � :I. - . � ­, % , . , . . I . " . 1, ,�, �4. . 1 .� ,; ,�,, 11 . , , ,1. I . . . _ 1��.i­ ,, L I �I . . ,,� .1:"�­,, I -,:1 � - 1 . .. QkM .r. - . i, . ,:. , I , . � � I �. I .... ,��­': �, .� . I � ', , ,;.: : , �! 0 . ­ W , I , . ,,, . "I ,,,,, ,�,, � ,:. , . I z �� - ... I 'I i��; �, . " _, . ,I I � � . . . I ­ I 1. "'. , ­� I I . I 'j," �.4.�'. ' . , , . I'll . I t . ... � " � , , I , . I , il, �. . . . .nL. I . . " � , 'I, 4� " ,., .. . ,,, I . I ., ��. �, i 5� , ­;. k,�e ��,� , . � � . 'I'll" . . I '­ I ,�!,! "; ,^ , - .� I e"I .. I 1�. I ��,,: � , �;:., I I . �. , . , I. . �11..'! � � �,.' , X"I ;� " I : I , 74) ,,,, ,__:'. ....... I I . , 1, 1� ,� . '. ­ I .1 I ­%' I 1 I �' .,�. .�-, "'. , ��6 �4­­ � . .. - I I 1.1� ,:� i'i'i"i, , , , ",_;.. ,. I �I; �. �;, " ��--ii��t,,���.���,,,-O.,,�,,,'�,�� .. .�. " -1114, "I'll, ,,! � � .* 4", � ­W.� �­.. - i � �1,41'&P"J,�",­­., .... ". , �;­:�, ", � ­,�­ . I ,�", . - .. . , " "I I . I I . I ­ ­ 14.,-'-j ­y � I ­ � ". ... -ill I 'p. I 1. � , . - - I , P 44 , f "I ��` I I I I -,� ,,, ". , ., . . I. ullllitl �1 -;;;;; I I - I ,. ,,�,Ii - V , - - , 'if", 't, . " , I . , I� I, , ,,,�� I �i , ; V� j, lil; ­ " 't4,:�;�,,.4�,�,,:�':_ " �� .­ . � , , 1. , v e le 1�� ... ,� , . , I 'i , " " C P, , .1 � ��!._, ,� - , �NZ%1111 , ­�,' .�. . ; , "I 1. .i, t, . I I - fl�,",�I� I � 6 �.,. 11 iho, I 11 If"''; 1. . ,- ,�. If,j,J.,!'1,i �..'�:,�', , , ` "� "� , '. ,� 11 Q ",".. -11- 1 ...... 1, � , 1�, "I I - ` I I I , , -"&A�1' , � , , , , , , , 11 " P -�, , 11111111111111 :::: � ("A",���'�ri4l�%-��?,��,3t�4�� %k'._'N4;,44I ."�Illtill",-"i�,�,�,�'�.",",�.�.�'I'�llp'lly,��:1-1."'�'��Lh�.11"!R�,�iur���)U�,�'!,�7�,�,'�'ll"���.!,�,�.'I I , � , , , " . Zz . . . . . . . . . &I, . . ,� , , '1�i�2. �` �., , , , , , , � I '. I � 1� r ,,, _ . A . A ,� =`..�% 11 � 61111 "I'll , .... 2 W1W,J%,u Fl:�i�2. &fila, I'll . "I" L � , 1. q, oili