HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-11-27, Page 4a,-
ec' Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates:
i0rrlwr. Wanted, Lost and Bound. Coming Events, Etc. -Per word:
let week 1 Ceat
and week ,.-.,... Cent
3rd week Cent
y rN a, riimum charge, first insertion-25 Fenn
A ion `flgllre, initial end abbreviation counts as one Word.
Card of 'tomos. Ip. Memoriam Notice -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week.„
? arrquloes may' lie directed to a Box Number, nip The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra,
Ten Oran :oddii t ea$ iper week will be charged of ads in above cl sp ere net paid by the
Sa'tu lea Merit In the week in whishthe ad was run.
'Birti . Marriages end Deaths inserted free of charge.
Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. --Rates on explication.
in good condition. Apply to Box 354.
For Sale
a• pigs. Phone BERT STEPIHENSON, 841
ring 18„ Seaforth- . 39114
tor, 780 lbs.. capacity, in good condition.
May be "seen at John Bach'b, Seaforth.
ROBERT AGAR. Phone 836 r 5, Seaforth-
with fur collar; size 50. Can be
ERCOAT, size 42; color black. Apply to
8904 -mf
chairs : 1 Quis,bec Coad heater. Apply to
ANNA BOWLAND,' Egmondvilie. '
Notice To Creditors
ALEXANDER , BUCHANAN, lata • of the
Township of .• Tnckersmith, Farmer, de=
the Estate of the late Alexander Buchan-
an. who died on the twenty -filet' day of
September, 1942, are hereby notified to send
them to. one of the undersigned, duly veri-
fied, on or before the 15th day of December,
1942. '
ASTER the lust -named date the assets of
the said Estate will be distributed among the
persons entitled thereto, having regard only
to claims of • which the, Administrators shelll
then have notice- .
DATED at Exeter, the 23rd of November,
Miss Margaret L. Buchanan, Hensel], Out
George W. Armstrong, R.R. 1, 'Exeter. Out,
Administrators. „-"'
GLADIl1AN, Exeter, Ontario
Their Solicitor.
' 3911-3
JAMES 1 ORRIS PRIEST, late of the Vil-
lage of Hensall, Gentleman, deceased.
the Estate of the late James Norris
Priest, who' died on the 16th day of October,
1942, are• hereby notified to send then to
either of the undersigned, duly verified, on or
before 'the 1st day of December, 1942.
AFTER the last-named date the' assets of
the said Estate will be distributed among the
persons ' entitled thereto. • having regard only
to claims of which the Executor shall then
have rsotice.
DATED at Exeter, the, 7th day of Novem-
ber, 1942.
MRS. ALPINE ,ItICEWEN, Hensall, Ontario
F. W. GLADMAN, Exeter, Ontario
ti Solicitor for the Executor.
• 8909.3
Auction Sales
in Hensall
sail. Vacant Loin, Household Furniture,
The' undersigned Auctioneer has, been auth-
orized to 'offer for saleby public, auction, on
"the premises, the residence of the late JAMES
NORRIS PRIEST, in . Hensall; on Tuesday,
'December 8th, 1942, at 1.30 o'clock, in the
afternoon, the following:
. Parcel. 1. -Lot Number 268 on 'the north
side of Richmond St. South. Moir's Survey of
Hensall-" On this said Lot is a two-etorea,
brick ..house containing '3' • bedrooms, parlor,
kitchen and dining; room. The' house .bas•
been . recently shingled and there is' a full
sized cellar with, cement floor; well and cis-
tern ; chicken 'pen. •
Parcel 2'. V•acasit Lots 'Number 312 and 813
onthe south side of Richmond Street South,
almost immediateln 'south of the described
residence. .
Parcel B. --Vacant Lots Ntumbers 242 and
9.51 on the west side of Elizabeth. Street be-
tween King Street and , Richmond Street
Five beds, mattresses and springs ; 1 dress-
er; 1 stand; 1 davenport; 1 setee and. two
matching chairs ; 1 organ; 2 glass cupboards;
1 .extension table; 10 chairs; kitchen table;
2 small tables ; 1 6 -foul reed couch; 1 Quebec)
Cook stove; 1 large kitchen range (coal' 'or'
wood) ; 1 coal oil heater ; dishes ; fruit.sealers ;
wheelbarrow; iron sugar kettle; garden and
'ditching tools ; a n>mmber, of pictures and
othen•articles too numaroua to mention. •
Real Estate -10 per +tint at gime of dale'
and balance in 30- days thereafter without
Chattels -Cash.
For further details appig 'to the undersign-
Hensall & Exeter
HansaI% Orin.
ARTHUR WEBER. Auctioneer, "
Dashwood, Ont.
DATED at Exeter this 23rd day of Novem-
ber, 1942. 39112
and Implements,, at Lot 21, Concession
10 • Stanley Township four miles' southwest
Of Varna, on .Friday;, November 27th, at 1
p.m.: HORSES-Matcshed team of Percher -
ens, filly and gelidiilg, 3 years old t 1 three -
'year -old Clyde mare; 1 drivi'hg mare 7 years
old: CATTLE -12 Durham cows, due to
freshen frtom time of sale till March ; 3 baby
Peeves, 450 to 500 pounds ; 4. spring calves; 1
yearling steer; 1 Shorthorn bull rising two
Years; 2 calves one month old. PIGS AND
AND . POULTRY -110 York chunks; 2 months
old ; 140 Rock pullets. MAOHINERY - One
fdcCormick-Deering side rake; 1 Massey -Har-
ris riding plow (like new) ;'1 walking plow;
1 4 -section diamond Marrows ; 1 corn .scuf-'
iter 1 single scuffler; •1 Massey -Harris cream
separator; 1 set of beam scales; feed cooker;
1 grain crusher; 1 cutter; 1 rubber tired
wagon; hay rack; gravel box ; slings ; one
colony house; •brooder stove; 1 set of farm
z'leiglhs, and flat rack ; 1 wheelbarrow: gas
barrels; quantity of ,lumber ; 4i/z squares of
=galvanized roofing (new) ; forks ; shovels;
whif letrees ; neekyhkee, etc. HARNESS -One
tot of', beeechinii harness, like new: 1 back-
bend setof harness; 1 set of single' harness :
3 liaise'. collars. .EtAAY AND :GRAIN - 200
bushels ,of misted grain; 300 Wm:Adis of choice
barley • suitable -for seed; 25 tions of timothy
n-Orie couch eta mahogany table; 1 spool bed:
bed spring•; serialist -end; writing desk : 2' kit-
. 'eft •tables , . 'idtchern impbaa'r l : 4 Wettest
,'res 1 steel,; 1 niece of Linoleum; 1 baby's
" r gee 'bdrtteftit ; : 1 laundry stave;.
tfit r. FARM --•writ s1 `tfi cion 10.
Y' 120 fes Cien 'loam land,
u r,Winn?sell Ory
., '1 'barn 3&a12,
'UAd r rap-;.
Lost and Found
Finder please 'leave at KE &TING'S DRUG
STORE- 3911-1
Property For Sale
roomed, solid brick, in excellent condi-
tion, on the London Road in ilke village; at
present occupied by Miss Jean urray.. Ap-
Ply to JAMES SMILLIE, Hensall, or to A.
G. SM1T.T.1r, 33 Hewitt Ave., Toronto.
• 3910-5
►►JJ effective-" Two weeks supply 11.00, at
41 customers that the Winthrop Chopping
Mill will be closed for repairs the second
week of December, commencing Monday, De -
camber 7th. HAASE & SON.
are open every day and have the follow-
ing Co-operative feeds • in stock: 20% Lay
Mash;, O.A.C. Lay Mash with cereal grass;
Developing Mash; Poultry Concentrate 40%;
Poultry Concentrate 33%; Lime Shell; Oyster
Shell; Hog Concentrate 4,2%; Big Starter;
Dairy Supplement; Dairy Mineral; Call
Meal; Bran, Shorts, Middlings and Oil Cake.
Village of Hensall
the Town Hall, Hehsall, November 27th.
between the hours of 7 to 8 p.m., for the
purpose of nominating candidates for the
offices' of Reeve,' Councillors, three School
Trustees and one Public Utilities Commission-
er. In the event of more qualifying than are
necessary, an election ,will be held on Mon-
day, December 7th, between'the hours' of 9
a,m- and 5 p.m., with the following officials
being in charge: ' Poll 1-A, Gordon Parker,
Deputy Returning Officer, and Harry Horton.
Poll Clerk; and Poll V-13, George Foilii1k,
])eputy Returning Officer and Mervyn Brown,
Poll Clerk.
Returning Officer...
The Voters" List will be revised on Wed-
nesday, November 18th, 'by Judge T. M. Cos-
tello, County Judge.
Card of Thanks
F. Reynolds desire 'to express their sin-
cere appreciation iio_ their many friends and
neighbors who extended to them -sympathy
and kindness during thbir recent bereavement.
Also to thank those whox sent flowers and
loaned ears.
LANNIN-In, Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
forth, on November 20th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Fergus Lamin, Dublin, a daughter.
The funeral of the late Mrs. John,
Dennison, Wingham, passed through
the village .on Sunday en ° route to
Bayfield cemetery. 'We are sorry to
report that her husband, was unable
to attend the funeral owing to illness.
Mrs. Dennison was a native of Stan-
ley Township prior ne her moving to
Wingham. Rev. G. F'. N. Atkinson had
charge of the service at the ceme-
Rev. Mair, of Thames Road Church,
exchanged .pulpits with Dr. Reba Hera
who preached anniversary services' at
the Thames Road Churoh on Sunday
Mrs. Austin, son Russell and daugh-
ter Mary, visited friends in Londes-
bor'o on Sunday.
Miss Mossop and Mrs. M. G. Beat-
ty spent a day in Usborne last week
visiting friends, '
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
John Rathwell is quite ill. ..
Mr. and Mrs. Laythem and family
and Miss Gladys Beatty spent Sun-
day with the latter's mother.
Red Cross Notes
The nursing course,' which the Var-
na Red Cross has been planning for,
will not begin until , after the New
Year. All ladies who wish to take ad-
vantage of this course are requested
to register with the secretary, Miss
Rachael Johnston, as soon as pos-
sible, that final arrangements may 'be
completed. The quilting committee
report a very active season has be-
gun; three quilts finished, which in-
clude a top donated by Mrs. Connell;
a top by Mrs. Ings, assisted by girls;,
another top from the W.M.S. of the
United Church, the lining for which
was donated by Mrs. Helen Clarke. A
top has just been received from the
Junior Institute. Thanks again, girls!
The knitting convener, Miss Edythe
Beatty, has on hand yarn for 30 pairs
seamen's socks and informs us that
knitters are urgently needed. The
treasurer, Mrs. G. H. Beatty, reports
$26.00 which had been pledged, re-
ceived on ,the National Appeal. The
L.O.L. donated $6.45 from their No-
vember supper, which is gratefully
appreciated. Proceeds from salvage,
$8.75; Stash o nhand, $453.35. A new
shipment of material for hospital
gowns' and surgical towels has just
arrived. Able, willing hands will not
be idle by' all appearances. For the
months of September and October the
packing committee has ,taken charge
of 20 sheets; 60 pillow cases,, 25 hos-
pital gowns, 1 pair pyjamas, 10 pneu-
. monia jackets. 20 hot water bottle
covers and 80 hankies.
MORAN-In .Seaforth, on Sunday, November
22nd, Sara Jane Moran, R.N.
McEWAN-In Stanley Totwnship, on Wednes-
day, November 18th, after a brief illness,
Duncan .Stevens McEwen, elder son of Mr.,
and Mrs. John A. McEwen, in his nine-
teenth year.
The Calgary Albertan makes the
following reference toe the [death of a
former, well known Morris Township
resident, who has a number of rela-
tives living in this 'district: "George
'Ross Stubbs, 79, died at his residence,
1324 12th' Ave. W., . Sunday following
a brief illness. Born in Belgrave:; Ont._,
he had been in Calgary 33 years. He
was a building contractor and was in-
strumental in building many homes
that are now part of the new residen-
tial area of, Calgary... His wife, Caro-
line, died in March, 1941. He is sur-
,viyed by two daughters, Mrs. L. A.
Hummason, Lockwood, Sask., and
Mrs. R. I. Baker, . Codldale. Mr. Stubbs
was a member of Wesley United
Church and was able in his lifetime to
render• that phurch many signal) ser-
vices. He has`been a Member of Wes-
ley Church since 1910 and has. been
chairman of the property committee
, of the church for many years. The
!'only things that kept Mr. Stubbs
away from the church were either ill-
ness or absence from the city: He
will be missed greatly and his place
will be hard to. fill. Services were
conducted 'in Wesley Church. Thurs-
day, at 4 p.m. by Rev. r R. Morden.
1 -Burial followed in the family plot,
Burnsland cemetery."
Mr. and Mrs. William Kearney have
returned home after visiting in Lon-
Pte. Walter Bueley, of Kitchener,
;hes been visiting at his home on the
8th line.
The many friends of Mrs Frank
l:•elly, who, has been confined to Wing -
l ham hospital, are glad to know',he is
slowly recovering,
Many of the farmers took advant-
ale of the open deer season and en-
joyed it very much, ;many ' bringing
home fine specimens.
Mrs. Thomas Bolgerds visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. James Sanderson,
Mr. Harold , McCall, of 'Hamilton,
has beenvisiting his brother, Mr,
Arthur McCall.
Mr. Russel Marks returned home
last week from. deer hunting in the
The Walton U,F.W.O; met at the.
Millie of Mrs. JoeelrhBtteley last 'i t'ed-,
riesitay 'afteril ori. ,4,1 etnen,rted, a
s'ialeildid Meet :fit . • a ,
Mrs. adilllalin euttiiingliata had, re-
ri 1 ,x1t lP%' r) t�+ Rf; 7Ci iti7GYl�'
' Mr. Louis Dutot spent the week -end
at 'his home here,
Come on, you folks, especially you
farmers! Bring in your scrap, espec-
ially rubber and iron. ,
Mrs. T. B. Baird left on Friday for
the' West where she will visit 'her sis-
ter. -• `
The Red Cross held their meeting
on Thursday, Nov. 17th. Two quilts
were quilted and the usual business
tools dispensed with,. Next meeting
will be on Thursday, Dec. 3rd. Come.
on out. -We need you to help 'us.
There will be quilting..
The annual meeting of the W. A.
will be held Tuesday, Dec. 1st. Will
all the ladies try and be out, as it is
the election of officers and the Groups
will give their reports_
Mr. John. Smith spent a few days
at Bluevale.
Week -end` visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Zapfe were: Mr. and Mrs. B.
Kaiser and Mr. and Mrs. R. McKen-
zie and family, of Detroit.
We are sorry .to report the serious
illness of Mrs. W., Elliott: We hope
she will soon' be better. •
Mrs. It Collins and Harry spent
tile; week -end with Mrs.' M. McKenzie.
We wish to express our very sin-
cere 'sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. ,John
A. McEwen in the loss of their son,
Duncan, whose death occurred last
week, and also, to Mrs. Frank Taylor,`
whose'mother died Iast-week. ,
Death of Duncan Stevens' McEwgn
On Wednesday evening, November
18th•, there passed away at the fam-
ily home: Duncan Stevens McE,'Wen,
after, an illness of two weeks. . The
deceased was the son of John A. Mc-
Ewen, of .the second • concession of
Stanley, and was born on the 21st of
August, 1924, on the farm, that was
always his' home. Duncan was a
young man of steady habits and good
character, He •was a , member of
Brucefield United Church arid Sunday
;school and was one of the group lead-
ers in' the Young People's Union. He
was also active in the Junior Farm-
ers and was vice-president of that or-,
ganization in Stanley Township. His
early death removes a young man., of
fine promise from the community, and
his passing is 'deeply ,regretted -by
young and old. There remain in the
family circle to mourn his loss, his
father add mother;,' .one sister Marg-
aret, and a younger brother, Walter.
The funeral was • held on Thursday,
Nov. 20th, and owing to the nature of
the illness, was strictly private.
There were floral tributes from the
Family, the Neighbors, the MeGre-
gors, , the Session, of which Mr. Mc-
Ewen is a member, the5Sunday School
Class, the Junior Farmers, the Young
People's Union, the Public School and
the President of the Young People's
Union. '
Mrs. Andrew Bell returned home af-
ter spending a pleasant vacation with
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Stackhouse, of London.
Mrs. William Cole, of Cromarty, is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell
The service on Sunday last was
conducted by the` Rev. GAF. N. Atkin-
son, of tirticefieldn Who delivered an
excellent aermonr on "The Church." -
Th'e. Service next Sunday will b'e„in
charge of the minister, the • Rev. Mr.
Grant, Who' • will discuss the 'Work
of tire'f1;'ingslinet." ' • '•
Mr CiliWii' d'ald0nn and 'i"alailyutti°'
ed tete* �rni`ttlre ''fir: 'their eir 'reddenedon. 110 � ` (an.. Writ *here - Mr,, jtito V,
ritie', is : eiFlllYk'd...:t;
Sim Watson
A quiet wedding was solemnized on
Thursday Andrew's r ay at S t. A d ew's Manse by
Rev. A; M. Grant, B.A., B,., when
Anna Blanche Watson,' daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson:, of Kippen.
was united in marriage to AC. James
Leslie Sim, of Centralia Airport, son
of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Sim, of Mont-
real. The bride was charmingly at-
tired in a sky blue wool dress with
airforce blue hat, and wove' a cors-
age of Ophelia roses. She wasat-
tended by her sister, Miss Idabella
Watson, who wore powder blue crepe
with a corsage of pink carnations.
The 'groom was supported by Corp. G.
Green. 'After the ceremony the bride
and groom left for ,a wedding trip to
.The December meeting' of the Kip -
pen East W. I. will be held at the
home of Mrs. Glenn Slavin on the af-
ternoon of Thursday, Dec. 3rd, at
2.30 p.m. Please note the change of
date. The roll call will' be "a sure
cure for the blues." Will the ' mem-
bers please bring in all the sewing
and knitting to this meeting.
Mrs. John Woods received a cable
on Monday from her husband, Pte.
John Woods, that he had arrived safe-
ly in England.
Mr. and Ml's. Robert Upshall were
hostesses on Tuesday ;night for the
Farm Forum on Circuit 651, and the
meeting of an interesting _ nature.
The secretary, Mr. W. S. Broadfoot,
led in the discussion, and Albert
Alexander, convener, conducted an
interesting quiz. The winners at
cards were: Ladies, Mrs. W. Broad -
foot; consolation, Mrs.- J. Woods; ,
gentlemen, Mr. R. Dalrymple; ,consol-
ation, Mr. Albert Alexander; After
lunch a vote of thanks was tendered
to the hostesses and the meeting
closed with the National Anthem,
and expecte to report for duty thin
month. •
Mr:, C' M Don
c ell and Mrs. Streets,
of Clinton; a guest at the McDowell
1 esidence, °xisited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Taman and -Toni, at
Mr. Roy MacLaren, of St. Cathar-
ines; spent the :week -end' with his
wife 47;d little son, Donald.
Mr. aild Mrs. Plants and Mrs. Deeds
'of Waterloo, were guests on Sunday
last with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drys-
Much sympathy is ektended to Mr.
and Mrs. John A. MoEwan, of Stan-
ley, in the loss of their son, Duncan,
wtho died at his home with spinal
meningitus, following a week's illness,
in his 17th year. He is survived by
one brother, Walter, and one sister,
Margaret. He is a nephew of Mrs. R.
Y. MacLaren, Of Hensall.
The Wohelo Class of the United
Church is holding a crokinole party,
on Friday evening, Nov. 27th. Lunch-
eon will be served.
Services in the United Church Sun-
day last were well attended, with
splendid congregations at both deits
of worship. The minister of the
church, Rev, R. A. Brook, occupied
the pulpit. For his morning theme he
based based his thoughts on the text,'
"They that go down to the sea in
ships." For their contribution the
choir rendered "I Will Tell You Of
My Father." The evening subject was
"Behold the Lamb of God, Which Tak-
eth Away the Sins of the World," and
the choir for their anthem sang "0
God of Love."
Mrs. S. H. Whitmore entertained
'on Wednesday 'afternoon and evening
at a trousseau tea for her daughter,
Miss Florence, a bride-to-be' of this
week. ' Misses 'Ruth Carnochan and
Dorothy Coleman officiated in the up-
stairs '.rooms where the bride's
clothes, linens and quilts were dis-
played, and Mrs. Erlin Whitmore and
Mrs. Warren Whitmore in the down-
stairs rooms where the bride-to-be's
gifts were arranged. Many friends
called 'during the day to wish the
bride-to-be "bon voyage" on her new
The Young 'People of Turner's
Church met at the home of Mn. and,
Ml's. Alden Crich on Thursday even-
ing; where Rev. G. G. Burton showed
slides of some of the beauty spots of
Western Canada. •
The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will
hold their December meeting at the
home of • Ml's. Austin• Matheson on
Wednesday, Dec. 2nd: The roll • call
will he "Recipes for wartime Christ-
mas confections or substitutes for
same." •' Will each member please
bring -a handkerchief to go with the
children's *pees. res. new being made for''^
the Red Cross ' - ' '
Carter - Whitmore
'The United Church Manse, Clinton,
was the scene of a pretty wedding on
Saturday, Nov. 21st, when Christena
Florence Elsie. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel H. Whitmore, Tucker -
smith, became the bride of Mr. John•
Edward Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Carter, Tuckersmith. Rev. G.
G. Burton . performed the ceremony.
The bride was given in. marriage by
her father and was gowned in a street
length dress of dusty rose crepe with
shoulder length veil gathered at the
head with pink carnations., Her flow-
ers were Johanna Hill roses. She was
attended by .her sister, Mrs, Gordon
Elliott, Walton, who was dressed in
coronation 'blue, crepe and carried.
pink carnation's. The groomsman was
Mr. Lorne Carter, brother of the
-•groom. 'The groom's ,gift •to the bride
'was a heart -Shaped gold locket. A re-
ception was -held at the home of the
bride's parents when Mrs. Whitmore
.ti ore a navy blue printed corded silk
dress, and Mrs. Carter wore a black
crepe gown. They each wore a cors-
age of white pompoms. The wedding
'c inner was served by Misses Dorothy
'Coleman, Lobo Haste and Ruth Cain-
octan. The bride's table was center-
ed with the bride's four -storey wed-
ding cake and the rooms were decor-
ated in pink and white streamers.
Following the reception Mr, and Mrs.
Carter left 'on a trip to southern
points in Ontario and on their return
will reside on, the gram's ' farm 'in
Hullett. Guets were present ' from
Dunnville, Oakville, ,Crediton, Sea -
forth and Clinton. -
For Sale At Once. -One bedroom
suite and one borlgoleum rug, Apply
to Mrs, Carmen Hiscocks', Hensall.
Now is the time to select . your
Christmas Greeting Cards at' Middle -
ton's Drug Store, Hensall. Three hun-
dred different cards to choose from in -
a price range from 4 for 5c to' 25d.
Be wise; shop early. 3911.1
Play, "The Poor Married Man,"
presented by ,Seaforth -Women's In-
stitute and sponsored by Kippen East
Women's .Institute, 'i}`own Hall, Hen-
sall, Tuesday, Dec. 1st, at 8.30. Ad-
mission 35c. Proceeds in aid of war
work for both organizations. A real
night's fun! '
Mt -s. Charles Forrest, Terry and
Wayne, visited for the past week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Lytllgoe, of Strathroy.
Pte. Harold $onthron and Mrs. Mac-
Allister '. Gree, both . of London, were
week -end visitors with their parents,,
Mr. and Mrs.•,,Tames Benthron.
Mr. and Mrs.' James Harkne't's, Jean
and Gary, df, 'I'eeswater, spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Norval
Mr. and Mrs. William White, of
London, spent Sunday with Mrs. H.
Bontlir"tin, ann,,0" Mrs. L. Simpson.
' Miss Dorothy McQueen,• of London,
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs,, E.
Mc'Que'en last, week. '
Mr. C. Kennedy ,df' Lindsay, -former-
ly on the,. Stiff Of the Dank of Merit -
real . /lere; Was' it: recent guest With;
Mr,, .and Mrs,,w *IWO..Hoggertli end ,
/kite., He 'ltao 61iiisted with- the 1•ltiv
Mr. and Mrs. Syrus Green, Grand
Bend,' announce the engagement of
their daughter, Beatrice Maurine, to
Mr,. •Colin Douglas McKeen, Ph.D., soh
of Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel McK'een, of
Strathroy, the marriage to take place
Saturday. December 5th, at .12 noon
in"the Grand Bend United Church.
Miss Helen Moil` was hostess at her
home Monday evening for the Nosein-
be' meeting of the Arnold Circle. The
chair was taken 'by the president,
Mise Sally Manson, and the meeting
opened with the singing of "What a
Friend We Have in Jesus." Mrs. Roy
MacLaren led in -prayer and Mrs. Orr
read 'the Bible lesson.. At the De-
cember meeting the 'Circle will enter-
tein' as their guests 'the Home Help-
i- rs, Mrs. Melvin Moir favored with
a reading, "Reconsecration," and the
ionic, "The .World After the War,"
was taken by Miss Violet Hyde. The
meeting closed with the .singing of
"Abide With Me" and the Lord's
Prayer. Delicious refreshments were
The young girls of Hensall are
sponsoring' a dance in the Town Hall,
IIeilsali, on Tuesday. evening; Dec. 8.
Pudnev and his band- of London will
!'urrisl• the music. Proceeds are 'for
war work. At the last, dance the girls
donated $40.00 for wawork.
Mrs. D. C. Cantelon, who has been
a patient at Mrs. Saundercock's nurs-
ing' home, left Sunday for Schrom-
Keith -Buchanan, R.C.A.F., Arnprior,
is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs.
Alex Buchanan, Keith isrecuperating
from a fractured arm,
- Mrs. F. G. Demorest, of Regina,
°Sack.; is -visiting-icer -deters, Miss
Amy Reynolds and Minn T. G. Robin-
son, coming here to attend the fun-
eral of her late brother, the late Wil-
liam Reynolds.
Mrs... D. Steeves, of Vancouver,: who
has' been a guest with' Mr. and Mrs.
M. G. Drysdale, returned to her home
on Wednesday 'of last week. Mrs.
Steeves is a niece of Mr. Drysdale, a
daughter of Jack Drysdale, formerly,
of London.
Miss Lillian Zavitz, of Poplar Hill.
was a' week -end guest with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert rysdale.
,Mr. and M • Carmen Hiscocks, who
have been r idents of this village for
the past year or so, expect to move
shortly to London to take up'resi-
dence. • . '
Mr. William ..Reynolds, much re-
spected resident, died at his 'home
Friday morning, November 20th, from
a week's illness ' ofpneumonia' and
heart condition. Mr. Reynolds first
contracted a sore throat which' de-
veloped into flu, and later into pneu"
monia, which weakened the heart.
Everything possible was done for him
in the way of medical science, and a
registered nurse was in attendance.
Dr. Oakes, of Clinton, •was called into
consultation by 'Dr,• D. G. Steer, his
attending physician, but despite all
that medical care'could do, he passed
peacefully away. In his 73rd year.,
the deceased was born in Tottenham,
England, coming to Canada when very
young with his parents, the late Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Reynolds, who took
up residence in Hensall. He was in
newspaper work ail his life, having
learned 'tart -ding with- the Exeter
Times; worked, in the Globe office for
some time, Debtor/ ' Press, Winnipeg,
and lastly with the Tillsonburg News.
Upon 'retirement a few years ago Mr.
Reynolds calve to reside With his 'sis-
ters,. Miss ' Amy Reynold ; and Mrs.
T. G. Robinson, Who survive him, to-
g'ether with , one . sister, ;Mrs. F. G.
Deiliorest, of Regina,' Sask. TWO aie-
tent; .Mabel ` and Iled'trtce, •and» three
brothers;, Pertly, .fi'red Oft tihnge,
Stied. softie ;''eats ago,. ' 'Mr'c f:'eyno1ds-
''Wae a. 'great I, reader and '; laved 'hie
hame'" where 'he 'Will •"re so ;groatl ',
l iissed iflS,: /Write. habit was ttarx
'delthlk - and ,O4V.4"; had: a eWendelltil;
Hold Enjoyable Euchre and Dance
Kippen's East Women's Institute
staged a most successful euchre arid
dance in th.e Town Hall, Hensall, on
Friday evening,' Nov. 20th, with 45
tables in' ' play at euchre. Prizes,
which' were war savings stamps; were
wan by Mrs. Charles Farquhar,, Kip -
pen; Mrs. Taylor, Brucefield; gents,
Jim Venner, Chiselhurst; Wilmer
Tremeer, Kippen: Richard Taylor,
Sr., Chiselhurst, was' the lucky winner
of the handsome quilt which was,
drawn for, and for which $12.00 was
realized. Over $80 was taken in at
then door, and all proceeds' are used
for war work. Murdoch orchestra
furnished the music for the dance.
This, active organization .is sponsor-
ing a play in the Town Hall, Hensall,
on December 1st, to be presented by
members of Seaforth W. I., and are
also sponsoring a euchre and 'dance
in the hall, Hensall, on Wednesday,
Dec. 9th.
Death of William . Reynolds
garden every summer, lie was a,
familiar figure on the streets, conning
ev i topost down every morning the po t office
for the mail; a. very good converse,
tionist, and took a great interest -in
the current events of the day. A pri-
vate 'funeral service was held from
the late, residence on Monday; Nov.
23rd, at. 8 p.m., Rev. 111..A. Hunt, Rec-
tor of St. Paul's Anglican Church Of-
ficiating. Basing his thoughts from
John 14, "Let not -your heart be trou-
bled, ye believe in God, believe also
in me. In my Father's house are
many mansions," Mr. ,Hunt paid fit-
ting tribute to the life of the deceas-
ed. He said that the deceased led a
quiet life, was a devoted brother, a
good and kindly neighbor, and will be
greatly missed. Favorite hymns of
the -'deceased wtt're sung,, "What a
Friend • We Have- in Jesus," "Rock Of
Ages" and "Peace, Perfect Peace."
The choir of St. Paul's -Anglican
Church assisted. with the . singing,
Miss Ethel, Clark accompanying at the
piano. Following the service the
cortege proceeded' to Hensall Union
Cemetery, where burial took place.
The pallbearers were Thos. Welsh,
John Henderson,' R. H. Middleton,
Peter Moir, W. R. Davidson and Mel-
vyn Brown. 'The floral tributes were
exceptionally beautiful and madly.
Mr. Oliver Geiger
(Fenelon Falls Gazette)
Death came with startling sudden-
ness to Mr. Oliver Geiger, manager
of the local branch of the Bank of
Montreal for the past ten years, on
Friday morning, November 13th.
Mr. Geiger suffered. from a heart and
diabetic condition and succumbed
to a sudden seizure while alone at
the Armstrong garage on Colborne
Street.. He was fifty-eight years', of
age. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Owein Geiger, of Hensall, Ontario,
Mr. Geiger was educated at Hensall
schools and at Stratford Business
College, entering the service of what
was then Molson's Bank at Hensall.
Later he was transferred ,to Toronto
'and then to Waterloo, where he be-
came teller and' accountant in 1905:
He remained about twenty-two years
in the Waterloo district, and during
that, time was . manager of sub-
branches at Bridgeport' and 'Bres-
lau. .In 1924 the Bank of Montreal
took over the Molson's Bank and in
1927 Mr. Geiger was appointed man -
.,ager of 'the' branch at Tara. Five
years later• he was transferred to
Fenelon Falls and would have com-
pleted ten years 'here on December 2.
His marriage to Miss Frances An-
na Longhurst, of Waterloo, took place
in February, 19,10,'at Waterloo, where
they then made their home, Mrs. Gei-
ger survives her 'husband.' There .is
no 'family. Mr. Geiger's demise fol-
lowed that of his father by only two
weeks. Five brothers and one 'sister
also survive: Mr. Edmund, Geiger, of
London; Dr. William Geiger, of Wa-
terloo; Mr. Rora Geiger,, of Kitchen-
er; Mrs.. Kennedy, of .Hensall; Mr.
Sidney Geiger, of Gore Bay, .and Mr.
Ira Geiger, of Hensall. Mr., Geiger
was identified with many local organ-
izations and took an active part in
community and church activities. 'A
member of the 'United Church, he
held the offices of Elder, Steward and
Chairman of the finance committee.
As a young man he 'had been active
in the young people's society and had
always' been greatly' interested' in the
work of the church. He was presi-
dent of the Fenelon Falls Horticul-
tural Society, 'honorary president and
a former president of the Fenelon Ag-
ricultural Siety, a member of the
Business Me 's' Association, a past
master of th Masonic. Order ' and
treasurer of Spry Lodge.,Mr. Geiger.
was also a . member of the curling
club and togk much pleasure, in the
game. . Despi'te his many outside in-
tereats, his home wan l$ centre of
his 'life and be w
a not s-
us a d,~ ., . wad hus-
band. For 'his sorrowing, a pro.
-found sympathy is felt. "Mr. Geigers
kindly and affable. persena).ity'• west
him many friends and 'he was highly
esteemed in the community. The fon-
oral service at his late residence, Oak
Street, on Sunday evening was con-
onducted by his pastor, Rev. F. W. New-
ewell. On 'Monday morning the remains
were removed to Waterloo where in-
terment took place. Service at the
graveside was 'conducted by Rev. Roy'
Geiger, of Paris, .a cousin of deceas-
ed, assisted by Rev.. Mr. Forsythe, of
Waterloo United Church, and Rev. H.
L. Bennle, of Elmira, a, friend of long
standing. Pallbearers in . Fenelon
Falls were Messrs. G. R. Allen, W:
McFarland, C. • W. Burgoyne, M. H.
McCalluin, Dr. G. C. Graham and W.
Moore, • and at Waterloo, Messrs. F.
Edwards, A. B. Learn, A. McCorkin-
dale, E. Rothernal, W. Kress and W.
Whithuhn, old friends. Mr. A. H.
Trueman, manager of . the Bank of
Montreal, Lindsay, represented Head
Office at the - funeral. A profusion of
beautiful floral tributes expressed the•
affection and regard of relati&es and
friends. They were from: Wife, Dr.
and Mrs. *, Geiger and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Edmund Geiger and family
'and Mrs. Kennedy, Mr, Roy Geiger,
Mr. and Mra._ Sidney Geiger and fam-
ily, Benk of • Montreal staff, Fenelon
Falls;' General Managers, Bank of
Montreal; ]'Ir. A. H. Trueman, Lind-
say; Curling Club; Oak Street Neigh-
bors, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Allen, Dr.
and Mrs. G. ,C. Graham, United
Church, Fenelon Falls; Woman's As-
sociation, First-' United Churoh, Wa-
terloo; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Curtis
and/ Miss Ada Curtis, Toronto; Penes
Ion Falls Business Men's Association,
Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society,
Spry Lodge, A.F. & A.M.
A family dinner Sunday marked the
83rd birthday of Mrs. Alex Buchanan,
well known resident of this village.
Members''of the family „present were
Mise Mary Buchanan, superintendent
of the General Hospital, Niagara
Falls; 'Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Buchanan,
London; Warden George Armstrong
and Mrs. Armstrong and family, of
Hay,' and ,Keith Buchanan, R,C.A.F.,
Arnpl'ior. A chicken dinner with all
the trimmings was served, the 'table
being centered with a lovely birthday
cake' and pink and white mums. Mrs.
Buchanan received. many lovely • gifts,
cards and messages. Mrs. Buchanan
some years Pegs; fractured, her hip and
during this summer did all her house-
work, cooking 'and preserving, in a
wheel chair.
Mr. Edward Berry, accompanied by
Mr. Ross RoDeli; K.C., both of Wind-
sor, visited with the former's mother,
Mrs. Anna Berry.' While there with a
party of local men they went on a
hunting expedition in Bruce County.
Mr. Berry, who is an expert hunts -
main, was the only one of the party
to shoot a deer.
Mr. Alex MoKinnon, Casselton, N.
D�sis visiting relatives and friends in
the ' village. • •-
Mrs. Kennedy, the former Miss
Maude Petty, returned to her home
in Winnipeg on Wednesday Of this
week, following a pleasant visit with.
her parents, Mr. and Mrs: G. C. Pet-
ty. Mrs. Kennedy has 'been in the
oast for tis a past. twn months nnpnd_
Mg part of the time with her daugh-
ter apt Ottawa.
Mr. Bob Sangster, who is relieving.
at the C.N.R., Thedford, spent the
week -end with his mother, Mrs. Min-
nie Sangster, and sisters, Margaret ,
and Norma. '
The many friends of Mrs. W. M.
Bell, who resides a mile west of the
village, will' regret to learn' is ser-
iously 'ill at her home..
To The Residents Of
The Scrap Metal Campaign is in full swing, and
where canvassing could not be done this past week,
will continue on until completed. 'December 15th is
the last date. Holders of more than `600 lbs. of ' scrap
metal without a permit to do so are liable to a fine up -
to $5,000 or 5 years' imprisonment, or both. Where:
it is desirable to retain unused machinery, a permit'
for the same must be secured • from the Steel Con-
troller. Canvassers' are requested: to make an esti- -
mate of all scrap metal in their district, nioved 'or
retained,.and 'report to the Reeve.
From The-
Huron Expositor -
May we remind you' again it
• pis most impor nt
all Weekly Newspaper sibscription accounts be paid
into the year 1942.
This is a new ruling' by . -the Publishers; it must
be enforced.
Present-day conditions have made many busi-
ness changes, and this office does not . want to'
antagonize its subscribers. But it is important all
subscriptions be paid. '
Again we ask your favour and prompt payment
of your subscription arrears.
Look at your label. If it doe's - not read "1942
payment is due.
-This' office would appreciate your co-operation.
A prev'iois account Ms been sent you, but no ,
doubt it
was overlooked.