HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-10-23, Page 7� ) . ., . I � . 1. I . . * It. I . '. / , I . , , � . . .. . I , I , I I . . . . .1 � . . I i4 '_ - . - ,% . f A � � � 4, , ,I � .1 I . . f .- , ,5 , *1 . . . I . '. y (, . , . . , . . I'. or . , � ; �, .., �.!, . I I A 11 i 1� . . � � , -�*) - . I � . 6 . . . 4 , - . . . . . - . ? . f�, 14.-O I I i il . I , � I . I t . fl, I / I I I 9 'i I I 1, t , I . 1. I I � % . . I 1 � .� . I . " I I � . . . � - 'k I I . I i - ,�, . . . . ,� f Ir # . . f J� �� . � I I , P ,4 . I Ig , I . Ie';" Q.4 . . r; I" I , q I . . . J I , . . � I � I I . .. . , I . ..) . . I e f.p N, . � , , . il-.1117111,Mlm ".., ..... � ", ..... 11, ­ �-`il i - � � '�4'1 I : � . � , .1, . ".�� '. ,, , . .1 I . . .... , " ":,: ,: 11 r � ,:", . ", I ..�, � I , .". ­­ I ; � I . , �' I 1� ,� �, "... , -11 � I . I 'm . I : ..�ii '. , , . 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I � T% .. ry'sigpiaA# I I � 1� 1 0.3 - 11, I I I ,, .V , , .,r,e te)Iap'. , . ,. Ih q , . , " :, � , . � � . 14 "" - � A on W .. , . . . . I— . I I . ''. , . , ,,, 0 . . ,: 1 '.�7 -, - 15, � ,,� _,V "g - ­ "� . V'hat tilne?", - M .. � �&.�, c. W : I 7T,-774 - . Is Y4 _­ ­ , .�� ,,� "'i 's ' --! , . � . Ill P. 414" , �T � � , : - ­­ �� �-Oiao - fui�a, Y�6ii like, ",#1 I �. , ing�Ab.'Ahe oaMpa 4,a8,',',, ip pinePfA. 'Were YOU t,6�, 4"11,0`14" , 1`0�" �­`­­­ , , ,, i .�, � 1".."" ,U ,�%ff, �q� ,R%r eet, 5 - 1, ��Tit , t ,i, . , ,�� 7F7 , "I.., , �!,,v'.-Tg �.-� mi � T I . 1. P , '' ". �, I.—. , . - , ., ­� .. �`�?1,1 1;i s , "A W,ii , , � ­­ ,;.' : 14 I � ­ -put, ig ithQ -0 V , �., , . I. ,1;,.:..T�';,.1 .. 144,41119 M ,4Xk,d " lid ,,, , X _41,;�, a $houte4, �J , """ . ., , 1, � or - 4n. $13etios the. car."' - - i Is a prax , ty I ., . ,, - p I IT".. � , I . - ,1, wo q t P le , - I 1.,t t ,� f � .1 . _s, 1� - . I 1, �, `�,, � 1, t on� Sty r e a d FIFNN'l M! .. # deP64i A 0, �W' Dl� 'Ushf. x4ev woi A �, 43 :�buAg, of, 0.4ger.,,eii ­` I' ", , PIAN, WNTON, �i4.14000" 0' 1* n *13etsy',' , - , Agn- "; . q4iry... Pr.,640.4tly, the . 0 T M"..., T7 i" 4 d *hG' has JWC �%W � 11HA Wbre I � ,. 4, I � _ � ii 0#40W., ,moqtg . - arg prdq'r� . 11.1. � - L �1­ ­, � ,,,- "� .", � b - - i ileso, A.M.1 . 'dl?% teo)?hone y9g, from. the hotel,-: ,,ye i, Ann , ,491se, from. ,the f rog,t. ,41ed: -away - -4nd Donald. . � :,4 . , - " 1117, I— 11�-A- io I - from our V "I'll co i - .�,--, . J1, � , �� , , " I I -, , . I . r - . P 't k4rthk 0, "6# , D144. iAl I . sld� i.,'J' �' ­ -1 tb� ' " �, ,11 � , jis�,414o, sub B .1 .11,11, - ,414 ft roAr. . , � .%ft mvt I, r. U : -� I'� .. , ML RPM4 __0'N,0*i3(P , uMst, "O 11111 said. "Ten Wbiock too garly?" - usuall - el -i I I rg. � , , �-b 11 ,,, " . i. 11. .. . . Y CIO b .P ",no 7401,111; IT' 11as Their .reports of reap 'b � ':e,. .. Ao0o ah,ea'LLT4 , g. - - , d ; �' 9 Q�'11% . a -'I r '. ,,, "_ our, o , __ I � � . ___ _ am �Ai- ,I No, uot.,* , - '*"art ura - ' In, to the ,egect that dier.' I i. ... . I ; . I , i ".. ,� 1. i",ii� - -, - �. .. all,',' Dian held out ,her "Of vourse.11 91;aAv','TX -,ha smilid. �ck , cy came I , hVi"Pit , "�4 C d",4419 141r, ' ' , �and. b "',But if .-Terom Carr' A,fgts giving you the enemy had, f4obd tq caPtur-'e 4 y , The visitpr with ie,,f from .t, ' ' ;` .0.1 � - L I . from . . a . r' ,, n I .4 11 ,,,, -a - . . . , " ' � . A RgS Claire baa turned You. Good uight,,.� Bill -_--and thanks a rush, you may not �fqye much tl of our in � qn, 'and-, liad lefit /tI.xree ".Of eu4�, some �mhi%§g I ' ' ',�!,b %, Inle . . , � §, I I ­ I Mer,4,­oama J. - , _a�,i ' c `� '10 n Z i I I .,_ � I , . ` i. offiep -,a � , . . I . - ai� , � 71 , that she hea dis,i for vVerything.11 . ' . their own' in .our hands. ,The.. Orst w r .11euton'apt,.- T1,r , " , ,#h ,on � � . I .1 ,, '' .on your hands.'! , - ,. or� -11 � .1 ", � I o6vered she loves . ' � , - , I action of IPIS, �hlad,�Proved a small dressed'400onald - .. � 11W­,ihy.didXk?,t. To �' �, 1i � '7bank you," Bill said, H� held "Ok Lord"' Dian g-�64ned. . ' , bff,icej,_j'03�dP ' �- ; "' ,f?,,, . .14 N�,, 1. � .T.,, I I 1. � � - obey. , 1. r . I �1 I— , PAUL PETERS, a local bqYj "o Is D .. � . -success for us , we, had felled. Fritz M s, - , I . .,�, 11111�' . PIW4.. hand In a Arm clasp. "Want "Gooid WIT'ht, - Dian, -bo-i I '� . . ­ . I nay. = sweet And turned, the tabl�s on ifim, and ' 11 ,paglt _.w�tApatp ,,in order �A "' ,� . . I j o , �m� ! ;; � .1 now an engineer. . me to a ti o,k � . . I . . ,:,�, � '1� �� , � . I I I r 11 . _ -ar,Ound until you see how drqalns.11 - � . -a around fie� .,," was - the r -e y "The 'guies, in � i 1) - I W, I I . % � . , . I . everyou , . - ,. A , 1. . 111 I . qu4rters was in You �! ' L� -, . ** '�� , ., Your, aunt 'receives you?" "Thallks, Aunt- Martha," DWm said, good oplrits. Tue roit of the iiig�t oece� and the -,I.0 " - 4" " �, % . ,, I Wor peviilti� in7 � �,' &'11 ,I 1. I - 0, � ., I ,LAST .VV.MK.- , The four young peo- D! 'laugh, -"N�*, 0anks,11 she "but hi LY pass� With -dI -tructed the V.0.0_.'$�, Aever to 'Jea,v I c� I ill I R _ . . . an, .ed. prob have,.Aightmares.,, and the next dg out. is7 r L ­ P"I ple start to 'drive back & Xrden- ' I .. '.. .. . . ably _ 1.*rb;ince the Pit whIle, P, �, . � I I , �','j "I - xg d, "I've faced her under more dif. ' , _ and in the afternoon. hav- li!s ihat way. #,,,ig J , ., ', � I 1- � � � : I ;�', 1 1. . ,Miss Martha tlptoed�-o t 11 11 ;�'11�1 I dale. I . , I I pit, ,D[an, lef Ing fulfilled our- forty-eight,houis ,we 4'Well," replied,bur. 4leu.-C.", 11 I I ::: I ,.' 11 , I I , . 1. 14, ­ ficAlt circumstances than these. I'll "alone, sat -up In bed !�Ud gazed out I �� . � �� I W I 1� I 11 , ".. returned to the 4un ter this keep ' , I � I - $- a civil tongue' In Your. , "� . I . . . 11 ' ' ­ . I � �, I I . . .manage. , of the window. Jerome' Carr tele- At ,this time our battery� experi- head, and be walked away With the :: 11 ;;.... � CHAPTER SEVENTEEN I ,"Good nlgl,i�, Dian.,, I . p4p,nIng to -ask her toA. ch with him miented with 'two forwa,rd gun , s at see9nd-loot. . i ..."'I" __ I 11 I I ... . . ' - �� It was almok one o'clock, Ii "Good pight, Bill.", .. , I I .4 the . at the Chamber of Commerce ab�Out- the 1500,. iards line, to ombar- Out'bombardier felt a trifle gore. -at' :. I I , grill, I - I 11 . � � 1, morning when -Paul drove has oar in- Still feeling the hardAo-desetibe and Bill Rollins-' telej)honing to find- rass -Fritz by firing from uigh -at. hand this're0riniand from an offic6r.. �Whoi . ,�.�'. I I to Ardendale. ,' . . sense of sadness and futility, Dian orut If be was to on his for -ward roads -and 6 - "good 'head " espec- . � .1, I . 1ko, out t9,Ahe I . trench junc- was lm6wn as a 1. I � . ".,;. Ill "Thbre's an all-night gara' farm tions. For this task the crews, an ially -as, he felt certain fliat 'he was . 1, � . I ge over let herself into the house. She went with 'her. 'M- at -a beck 6f I &, situ* officer and two telephoniets were re- in the right" and his visitor I there," said BIR. "Let' me out, Pat- up the stairs as quietly as possible, tion! 1, '' . I . * the .. - . ,- . I quired, who happened to be -a new wrong. . In ,a' few mu,nut . "'Ce : era and' I'll see about jetting my and entered her room. She switched ,' She la . - , as our 6M . r I - . ­ I . Y back down -presently, a4d man and myself. We,took possesaIou� returned to the pit. � McDonald- A stiff. - I � � .. - I . ­ , I N " ,­­ 11 I , . . . ...... p,�," " " q ea; fixed- right a,way.'7 - on the Jight, an was .surprised- to Arifte of a good, dugout by the gaxtpits 4nd. ened and prepared to .0 I . . I .1 1. A ed.off to el6bp lipping that she , tand' on lils � ­,'­ 1-1 I-.1 . ­­­­_­ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ­ .... I . . . . . . - � . 'I'll get, out, too," said Dian. "I Sao the note to her aunt still leaning could get "Betsy"'staited, -and -an the installed -a b er which blazed day dignity. The lieute .. ��.=: razi ii'ant leqned-'-,6V4 `� - _., ...., .­­­­f� 11--.-..1-1 I ­­ kffil ' ' 1� ,� 0, ' I th a little walking. B& against the dresser mirror where ofie road to'the farm before Jerome Carr . ?11 .. . a-- �_P " C9Pfd do vi . and night 'With a"Warm, Are.— We had and 'Ooke In low tones, "Why �.diwt. - , , I 11, . staps, ws: 'out of your way, Paul, to had left it., Good, heavens, she had time to - -give hij: attinti,on to. our meals served'hot for us by our You, tell hilm'to go to blazes 1, 11,�l I � take I�e �ome.,, thought, hadn't Aunt Martha gotten 'matt Private cook, and looked on thv ,So the Incident ended happily, iour 14? I I � 1. I ,� 'i I . . -ning the tiecond-400t -for �,!: P0, � I , Ing n . FULL S T R F N G T11411 -g, V, ,, ' � � ers- other than those concern as rather Pleasant. The ganners­ men condem I'll - . t 10 : V . I ),i � ,-loll home yet? A little panic *of fear grip- his beloved ,bank. . I'll "Not at all," Paul protested. ' when_our tbinking that the wax existed chiefly i _`; , I ' , � , fir% ,:Prinelbally at night, ' ­'­111­ be,glad -to." I . . . ped her, and she 'ste* kg� 44 M � . r. I , . Pped down,the A11though she hadn'tgotten to sleep friend Fritz could not- spot the flash to flatter big personal vanity. ,I may "tom � � � "Never mdud.,", Bill said. ,,ril walk hall to her aunt's roo-, , 'morning, , Is � �: ` #) . .DEPENDABLE 4 �i_,.. 11" . , I " I ," I . She. stood until after two o'clock -that with aceurac�. 'They ,performed 'their ,say in his excuse thitt as our gunne �ii -111.1 � 4, 0�rtf,::: , E. I , , .?.� Dian home, sure you Ii6t nocturnal task zealously.and in the were .working, dn'theiT shirt -sleeves he- - .?' W�14%��,i�'.u',F�5, 4 . Besides, I'm ening, and then -opened the A�pr Dian wag .up at seveh.: And no �,��-.qj " ' ­' ts did not realize -at first that they " . -M ht T ,,--,,�,�i�""-". , - *6 ­�. -.,�.!,,� ,re� I ­' , " - "G , r 1�5 1."", . veri.,.. carefully. The moonlight lay with the*caressing waj�nfh of the sun 'gouts. The otelephonist off du- I I N H E A I RT I and Claire want to -be �iloue.11 . W' d��yfinla slept or 1gy -around the 134 �' I . � ' . and dt.L � Canadians; and when .he did so,'h4� , I - 'IDon',t be silly," said C14re - across her aunt, who was apparently upon her -back, she ;wag -busy 1. �, 11�1:�, -,?, ��, -.�" . It . I I at work tY welit out to 'forage. for bilankeits'in felt that* he -had committed hInisialf , i . ,-�­7" ". . , ' . Mle";, . ­,�,t..,'�i i "Well,. I sleeping soundly. Well, of all -things! oi th . ` E 111% k,­�.'L",1.­`.11; .., � . - * "� � �. ��­',�,`� You ve get; to reorga�ize i 6 car. She had definitely made .unu"d,du�outs,. for the weather was to an - assertion, a superloil -y. Thi's 1: �:�`­ , �:� ydiur...plans, mustn"t you?", - After all her planning and every- up her mind to drive Bill Boiling out frosty so thaf one was not too warm - ,was the sort of thing that often irrl-. � WRAPP K 1!i, i . ��t";.. I .. . . r �, I �_', � "We've got ,a -week in which to do -thing- Aunt Martha -hadn't even tak- to the farin. Nothing.'was going' to with eveli'six -blankets, let alone the tated us. ... I I .1-L, ,:C, , ,� �� I . ,e-,.� ,. � -.7 ., that.,,- I... I . A . - -,�_ . . ;,,� ­ exi the trouble to look an on her -to st r -Aotted-'by the -army. Our forward, 46ection', r6maine m �- � ------ �-,-------"'-���-t-2r,--��"?--,�,-,Y-".�el.,��.11,17... �., li", , .., 1. .. I . op her -Jerome C4ir, a change In , fou . . ­ ". I � � ;,,,,,o I 'i, - come to her f-oom, to iee It she was the weathe�.' a -or anythi n Several Inches of snow'lAy on the this Position Until the battery left th& ri' � ,�.r,�., *#111 . ;` "I .::"jiLr .L "That's -twhat YOU think' my dar . I . - " �'_, _­­ ,� .. . . gr a White mantle torn here and VImY' front. We' telePbonists, were, . I I .., �,,' ��,: I ".. ­ �� ,�,fj 11 . ,�. .,;7 1 �."V,. I � aul. ,!1Qkay, Dian, since in bed! .. I I . Martha might &Y. T* -Is, of .course . . I , , ... �, [Ing," said P . I ound, I., ,� . . . . . .11 ... . ,., , I ..... . - - ..�� . A 0, She went ba -ragged black patches, the� relieved after about a week . . . . . I �1' � Z, � .. S . . there by: and rp-,, . � .� �, � ..... , ek to her rooT . . . . . . I .. .i. 1. , _ ,., , ... � � ., A4d un- if Betsy finially, decided to respond to -k of shells. -One's tracks s ad - turned ositiou. bialiind : . �' . Bill'o going to s6e you -to the hous' . to the main',� . 9. . . I . I �.� I I I 1. . L wor .how I ,:., , , ,� r1l let, ypu'out. Take -good care%ok dressed-. She �had just gotten into her many urgings. � rither too Well on the white'surface, the railway corner. ' In the ev6 0-an*441. i 11 ,,, ,�,R. I—. . � . . ­ �., I 1, . .. 0ir-A . 11A.. I , 11 I "-,. " - . " . . . . . . . . . i., �� ier, Bill-she's'Ardendale's -pride and bed when there was a tap at the door. As, she worke&ah ' ,and when we set, forth on -our expe- of it,6.30 p.mL, a group ,.. .. I I ­ . . . . . 1-... I , . a thanked the high . - 0 ' � loy-11 I .- I "Yes?" she said, . I . W . I'll, I'll, -,��.."'T­-, 1 , . , ". . , Leavens that she had learned some- ditions, we travelled. along a'trench of us were idhng aboui -the top of 'th'q., _�i.i � "' ' ' .., ` , ' . ,. ' . . 1 1�,14 � "And O' 'It's Aunt Martha, Dian. - gun ,for a , E t - � _­�:"!,, hundred dugout when we heard a loud, shrii6k. . .2 I :A .'.. In rear of the ' f k- . , �.&t . i . . . .�� - . . 1� �, , future, spinst, r," laughed 1, ' . May I thin Wited- and puz- � ... , 1, ., g�. -about the campl I -`,:;1,4 ' , . . I . , I I emerged on,the We -tunibled hiistily downstairs iLud ' \ - ,_ I � I.. . �. ��'­� , . �,_ :)Ia�n. come in?" zling wards or so before we ­ 11 I- _. -, . - __ ­ ... 11,� . . �. .., . - - - - -1 ­_ - - - -- , :. 1,� I . . . I couglome.iatlon of gadgets un., -parapet. W.e thought of the deep'� listened t6 the crash of b. C1 shell , . M. 1�1 , , - : ','1.1,1�' She and Bill got-oAt, alld stood in "Yes, of course." � . der'litath B6tsy's hood. The 'garage snow of winter In our own country, fifty yards away. Three more shells, A Weekly Review of' Dev lopments .. I ,; 1�� , I . I Miss Martha wrapped In a I I . ,e,i:,- I �V,, .ront -of the garage until Claire and " quixed man jitd saii to her, "A sure lietter remembered stories of the. wax of arrived, all close- at hand; thean -Isfl- � ,On the'iHbrwe F= - ."', , , .. ,,. . ..... 3aul had driven off. Bi the' w, nt dressing gown, t or" and show. you s6mething7 aboi�u the innards 1812 .like the � pfure of Ogd ence. We ventured forth and'learn. `.� . .. " . .t A ensburg; .�., I " " . ,, . - . , , n -to tell Ahe garage man where to padded,across -the room. .1 shivererd ""' 11. Britain threatens ,to'manaele Ger_ _ �i, � i . of this here ark, Miss ' and at the thought of,an ac- ed' sad news. One shell had at 1. .� Ian-; el.sewlse . ruck . . . . . . I . . . . . T,!, . , . . P Mau I " � 4;�J, Ind his car. I 'or thought I heard you stirring ilou. in a temperature of 20 or 30 be- the roof of a gunpit while the erewi prisoners unless ,Germans re- ,�, . .9 . . . _ . . you'll be trottin down to me all the . """.. " he said, "I 'hope ' . a B P, U I mov . j-,,.,, 'And, around," she id, seating ,berself.up- time." And h ""The States," we remarked, ,were, in it, and had killed one man 7".,"�.""_, 1 1 . ow. ' a bonds ,P1aced_on,A,he h�nds, of. .. 1 ��13' .0a -o .:,." , , , you'll be had uited a ti _ `�� t a to "were -sensible. When.: they decided (Louis), terribly injured another (Me- [Canadian and tBritish prisoners. cap. ­ ,14 , , bld. to, supply ,a spring in the plac on the side of the bed. "I didn't wake words,, so that Dian, was now able t . , ��, . oi have a big war they picked a good Axthur), and seriously wounded two, tured at Dieppe. � . � .",4 . . .� .., i , - I - 1-:,. I I -r it in Virginia'where We more (Hills and Healy). We,earried . 2. Prices Board announces the up. I � , i�� :1 kf the one I cracked..." . you when I tame In. It was so quiet to adjust. a wite, 'here, fiddle wlthi'A climate fo I . . � I I .. 11' . �', . ,�, �� � .; 'oI'll bry, s ' In. here, I le,cided you were sound . 11 . . _� jr," the mau''said. "Can spark -plug' there, and give Betsy �-a always linin. In trdth, we of" the the three to the dressing statidn in ward revision of',the wholesale ceil-' .�.'�. , ,t � wa _� . . . - ­:], . asleep." I . : .:�, I nake any promises, hi)wever'l -, I general diagnosis. I �. artilf-'ry were not uncomfortable' in Vinly where McArthur died., This was Ing briCe of beefand stricter control. �, - � I * .. p, . I .11 ..." " � _ i, i�� ,.. "Now," s 'd Bill, taking I) an. s arm, "That was thmightM of you, Aunt � And the ust like .Ahat--the car �`,.. � i al d I . - n -J the French winter; it was the infan- our first set of casualties since Pass- of retail prices which also win 11L- _'_ I . . ' ''. , � , a try who had the worst -hardship, oc- chendaele and came as a shock. We crease correspondingly. I . . . . � :_ . " 'which- direction?" . � Martha," said I)dan, glad'that'she had responded. The old engine coughe ... 'j,e� � I . I . �,, t , '. )1� . .;.,!,�, cupying trenches in the same frosty judged, however, that Fritz . . 3. Wartime PriceS,,and T;Ade.Pnk*Xd _ " " ., Dian ismiled. "That's twice youove thought to tear ,up, the note she had a couple of times, and Allin, settled weather with few of the ameliora- shelling, merely ,by chance a ­ aull9jinces that persons requiring new . : .111� ill " �Iv . . . . Nr & fixtur . .. �sked that 'question -tonight," she' left "'Did You have a nice time at down to ,a gentle plirf.in'g; .a sound tions possible to'Us. : not. 60-tted out position. Y : lost %ectric" . :, ',, . . . 0 or parts for ,". � .� ' . , � a-id..!�,,-,,*�,-,.-,,..!�--�---- .--..,- _'. .t4o � .. 1, . : b�, - - 'I" _ ..m,q-W.9.g1:_ _.__ " __1% _* -'- ­ . that,mas. music- to_Diagb.�s, - - - -, � - _;Our -littl e, forwax d, ,s e ctiot. .cI,p=pfed,jn vrg_ ji&qk th r91q0 q uchj. - 4 ve: to, sign a. atate-i � 1, -1 I �1� , _ L __ . -._ _ .s-. I P o � �Pj __ es will ha , , . . '. "Yes, so it is: I don't seem. to know "Illp'untlt biieor two women began "Dian! " Aunt, , Uartba. . called " from two Pits of a six -pit battery position .Ing. than through the c trated ment that,articleo will-Lnot..b�- used to -' ­ v.. list where Piha ' . em 11 to Pump me about yoir," Miss Martha the back door. "Piano wbNif on earth 'built and used during the. previous bombardments which.- we Qxperienced . .:"' . going, it would se . . s -:. 1.11 . , ' replace exi ting instailatioli, -except -5 "Nor 'do I." * Dian was thoughtful rephed.'.. "That's what I want to talk are you doing?" - I � summet but later abandoned by rea- * from time to timal . for ea-senti . al nialntenance:a�d Tepair ��,��,,,,­ , or a moment. "But I guess there ,- son -of its. proximity to Fritz; for ­ . ' ­ i-11,11 . 1. .. to.,you about." .1 "Giving Ei�tsy a beauty treatment!" This was the chief occasion of tr . to fixtures already installed. ' . . 1,", , , . ,` ­ from the crest. in front one cpuld ob- Ou- 1 , . Lre lots of' people in the same fix Not now, Please, Aunt Martha. Dian, r6Plied, Y 4. Munitions 'and,i�Supply D6grt- I "':01 I - ., . . I serve a stretch bf enemy .territory. ble by the enein " while we held the :: towadays." . Why it's morning!"' , "Well, come on in to..your I break- This possibility made in especial ap- front-of-Vinly position. In the 'even- ment ,announces that control of 'ail] -. "', . '.1 I �', "Never mind that," said Miss Mar . constiuction is tightened and no Per- 111, . .1 " �;;; "Anyway, it's been fun," said Bill - fast, It'll be cold as ice." peal to our gunners who normally ing of January 18th we,helped our in- .. , I .A. . ' . . . into Dian's street, tha. I w Jerome -Carr tonight." A little later, after Dian had wash- ' fan -try friends -a little by sending. five son may construct a house costing i �..'�, I,, is they turned "I ea , . . found their vision limited to the ar- mor 0 , , � -, � not knowi , ng'jhst I where I was "Wbere9" I . a'of their pits. They ndw made use shells to the address of a trench mor- a than $5,00'unleas he has. obtain- I. � t, going I . 4 - . ed up, and was facing her aunt across .e . ., .1 Onigh - That Is, after you walked in "He dropped into the meotinjK. You the b of this opportunity to observe the tar Jn Mericourt that was' bothering ed a license, from the Controller of " 1. 1 , I , , " � i ­.. I .t - .1 I reakfast ,table, Miss Martha ey- . them. - ,During the second week Construction. I I _�; ", 11 o -my life." . " . know , he gave a . whole case of wool . I . . . froAt, line and No Man's Land for in . . 1, . . .ed' h6r critically. themselves in the. daytime and car� January, the snow disappeared. Frost 5. Another -Canadian C,Dntingent� ar- " � . . ­ .. " . "I'd hardly say I walked hific, it 11 for our knitting, and be just wanted "You'ie. go.� a smudge .on your ried . persisted �aild at night ice. -formed in riv6s .in Britain. .. . I., � . I . � I out an exploration of their neigh- . . . . . ..�`.,! . )I.an* a -aid. ,"Battered 'Would be to See howAhings were going." poolsAn the shell holes, but our ' 6. Na#onal ,Defence headquarterg , ,' �,- `X , the . nose," she said. "And your heir's a borhoQd. At night they. transferred. the 11! . �. . " B 9. Harol . I .......� I , ietter: word," ,She pointed. "Marbe "He wod�d ' " said Dian. "F hope mess.'o . .. ammunition in largq quantities to dugouts were'warm, dry and,comfdrt- announces promotion 9f ri d '. . . " . , � . . . ­ . . �,."; a years to come there'll be a notice you didp't"*�'cuss. me with him.', , "I'll fix up when I'm ,through eat- Fdtz's.-side of -the line, 250 rounds ox able. In VimY we found a canteen J. Riley,, of Winnipeg�, to the rank of I I .1�, I I . I I Major ' !,- �;��3- - . ­ %. I , , a the elm tree, telling how a certain �* . Ing," Dian said. , .more from sunset to qunrise as a.re- well stocked with- canned cherries,. IMalor General -and added that . , ' � ,.- 'dung mdn nearly -found , . cHAPTeR EIGHTEEN �, "Well, I � sliottld 'hope .you we f, milider to him that the war was still chocolates and biscuits and we vis- General Riley land Major General T.� ' .. ­`1�1:11. . uld. ,1W.. . himself hang- . � ... 1. On the�e .�xpediti ' io';', I I I . . - on, . The expenditure of shells requir- itod it often. . ons . L. Tremblay, ot ,Quebec, have. been , I;, I I . . . . ng from. one of,dts limbs." i. And I want you to put � on -,�hat blue we noticed men in privates' uniforms seconded to the Natio :, "' . 11 ' "'Jerome� Carr -discussed you with ..., ad "packing" every night from the nal Selective' 4 "".., "And � linen frock I shortened lAst. Week. th two or ' three stars on. their . . ,,�t ,. the Picture ;of a shoe on. the m t.,, Miss Martha ohook 'her head . . . . . It wagow, lines and., gave the drivers wi Service Department. I - '. �i,,',' to0ce, with the Inscriptidn, 'This is 'sadly as she looked at Dian. "Poor goes so well with your .blonde hair." plenty to d6'. For recreation the gun- ahould6r-'stra'ps. Tfie6e w6re; infantry . 7. Navy- Minister Hon, Angus Mae.: . , , ' '' i officers, saving their pockets in. re- dona " lit. - he shoe that �tarted it all."' ;Bill mail., � he - doesn't really know much "Yes, Aunt Martha, but I'was sort ners had.'evening practise potting at - .1d announces that �a Canadian. . . �­ . � . ", . �14nced toward the house from which abo t how to. go about his courting." of saving that for second best. It's . -tin cahs with rifles. One day,a Ger- spects of uniforms and'Sam�Browne naval force of five waxships comoper- � � - , In , man plane.attagked one -of our slow belts .and .making themselves less ated with the United Statep fbices � * :t- 1. .. -, )Ian had -run away., only a few hours nice to wear out to the couitry club , , '44 .. .: ' . "Well, it you .think I'm going to .. observing machines and sent it to the conspicuous to 'the enemy. A s9n- which effected recent landing-in'tim . �.�:U � I I , . iel'brii. "What do you suppose Your give him any pointers, Aunt Martha, when I play tennis." , ground near us. Oilr gunners shot sible ,and . truly Canadian Idea, we Aleutian Islands. . . I , ...", I I � . I Lunt (Martha .thought when she, found you're badly mlotakeik." "Maybe so," Mis.$ Martha said, "but furionsty at. the Reinie with- their thought. Our artillery officers neyer Q Canadian, Government announces, . � ::- 11 I I � � . d- 6 1* _,�,,� i"Now, don't 'go flying.off the ban- it's also Just the thing for lunching riffes, but topno--result. We wonder- adopte it, however, n-ot.being' su - it will "reluctantly ,take immediate' .. -34 .. - . . , . "That's -hard to say," Dian replied. dle like yqur mother's people were at the Chamber of Commerc� Grill.,, ec�whether he might have spotted us Ject to the necessities of the infan- action" to put Geridan war',`Prisoners 4'� - . ,, However, -she I evidently' thought it ,alw a:ys I ' 'loll" , , I see. You want� me -to doll and indeed on January Ilth and '12t� t!Ymell. . I in chains if the order'for the fpfter- . I � -1 �', . doing,". MI ,a Martha said. � I 1. ,�2 .. . the area of the fbxwafd position got' - � I I." . , " . i, I I I nnecessary'to come out for me, . quite a severe bombardment - 800- . Aside from the temporary -depres- Ing of Canadidn . prisoners of war is, 4 I to- "Jerome was just sort of sounding .Up for Jerome." on caubed by the casualties of San- not -rescinded. -1 � ­ ight. -She ,hates. driving, and she �me out -trying to learn whether or "Certajaly. I -happen to know that rounds of 5.9's and 4.1's which, de- "' 4 . 4 7, . 1, guld never persuade Miss Aggle to not up blue Is Jerome's favorite color." molished one pit. 1. The�gunners were uar%y 10th, we had a good time in our '9- Postmaster Gen�ral 319n. W. P. . . ..� ..; * � You were mucl% br6'keh ovier ,.. , position. Parcels came in a stream, Mulock returns to Canada from a I ;, 11 . . � rive her out to the 'farm." Fred (Mayhew's actfons.',' ­ Tor heaven's sake! How pon earth safe In the dugout, ,and this. was all duties were light, no great battle w�Ls three-week visit to Britain with -satis . �'j . ,. � ... 1 4 , . 'did you find �hat out?" I thqt mattered. . . . . ­, , ' "What about this b�nker persoh "And I suppose ,that's all you need- . "He told me once, when I was . .One evening about dusk we receiv- in prospect, and the days passed and factory,reports of mail deliveries to, . ".,�;" . -ou were telling me iboutZ Couldnft' e'd to "upset ,the- bearjo cbmPletely,"- - we enjoyed them. During the third the Army overseas and plans for.1-m- : -1`11 , ,,'� , . . � ,tl, I.... I he have asked him to *Come out Xor said Dian. "Oh, Au_-rMartha, I �wearing blue."- - 11 I ,ed a rush order by telephone for gun- week in �anuary we received ordefs. prevenient of the delivery to the Air ''.. � I'll, ,i n . wi.ph . ," - fire on German infantry coming up a . I I .11 * I Dian took a swallow of coffee. to move. .0p the 2ofth we handed the F&ce. . ., 1...-i, . . - ou?" , , You would'leave me -alone, where Jer- sunken road, who had been see4 by . . . i... I I " � I, ,. - -, , - bservet�, ' Our�gunners, of , 1, . .. I: In fact, I've ome Carr's concerned."- . " en our a position o,'ver to a second, division 10. Canada's third Victory Loaar i... "She -co ild have, Yes-., . i Th why don't you wear blue. a I nd :� .1r o . ,.�,­ I . 1, lunch with him.?" . . . battery, the 2 -5th, and took iout our with minimum requirement .,of $750,- - ' . �J . ad.a. feeling that's w,hit she would -"There, there, Dian, ,honey," Miss COUT­se, comp�iied i6stantly and well. uns for the journey to the town. of 660,bOO as its objective, to be offered , ,. 1�� � 0. And Jerome might have consent- Martha' soothed,' suddenly . "Don't sitart, asking fool questions, Th e� 'same order- had gone to a Fifth 9 _ I . , . I . 11 .., 4ssiUming I ' Lievin, in front of Lens. . In two.,ma-turitiep, Mi�mce' Minister , �', .4, if the weather h4d been differ one of her rare momept�s of affection- Dian," said Martha. "Oh, yes, and I Division battery in rear of, us , and . I I ..,". ��, ­ . . .... � Hon. J. L. llsley announces. � , I . . I , nt;" . I ate " ' think you oup& gunners could hear voibes: "No.4 That afternoon, in, e6mpAny with 11. Seven Jap� Va'rs�hips sunk or put � " 1141, � sympathy. ,."Everything's . going .,,,to put -a touch of our' ' blue on that sma-lil whit( . "' , ., I �. " to tell me he to be all ,right," ) hat you've I,- OK.; No. 2, OK -.,11 and the sergeant, ,other telephonists, I want back to tl,ie out of action by .United States Naval , �,, �i� . majorls' ensuing command. "'Fire." �vagon lines, On our arrival, we learzi- and Air F . orces off the Solonion, Is- ' : ,�� ­ . . .. rould let a little thing like a thunder- "Not'it Jerome's goIng to be In the got' This adherence to parade-groqnd for- ed, of a Y.,M.ICA: In La Targ tte and . I . . . . , �. ,.. .. , ch of ,corna 1. . torm keep him *from the girl -he -picture!" ,1 . I . flowers you can ,have." .. .. 1, , P., lands. . I . I :, I . 4: . ' ' . , . . malities'gave us much amusemed after supper we .visited it. I found a 1 � ".��.,,:i�4� 411 1 12. Curtailment of pr6d'%Otion of ' I ,�,i�.�,L�f 7ants to inarry!!" I simply told him that you, seem- "Th�nks,, bUt'I'm not Ili a hait-trim- -and when, the, firing was done, Lleut- servide in progress and a familiar , , I " I "I mban just that! You.doJi't,know . ed to 'realize that Fred wasn't the ming mood." Dian took a long breath ennat John Scatcherd' went over and ftgiir6 in charge, Alberi'Swansion, a nine newsprint mills in Quebec Pro, 1. ,�� . : �� �_ I .. . . erome. 11, . I .. m . an for you after all," Miss Martha and said, "I've got to drive out to the teased . the Fifth Division ,Officer former theological student at Knox vinte to releasia ' 50,000 hor�aepowei �.- I 1:1,". �, ,�, why .1 about his solemn introductory cere- for war Industries announced. I . .. ; I'll .1 -They -were tow,at',I)Ian's farpy this morning; that!e . . College, and in Januaty, 1918, a pa - li.,,� A . P ;i"'O . �".i,4 front contlnue&' '!And Jerome looked too ' I , monies. .1 fancy that our comrades 13. Munitions and Supprly...Depart-...' . , . T,, . '14, " - .. . ,:.., " -, iEfed t6' -get Betsy in good shape.' -zXddr his command lived and learn- I went to see him. He invited me in- ment announces that the total value " ., .�!� ,-. -ate. T%ey, stood In. silence! -for . a' .happy for words. He's g�qing to tele- w ' a U I � tain in the Y.M.C.A. 'After the service . I . I -reluctant to bring th "But why this morning? I told You I I � � ,.,;,;, . - i line, -as if eir phone you tomorrow -or today,. ra- ed better. That evening we recelv- to his but and we spent two hours 'Of qo&rActs awarded and commit- . - Z ,, . d*enturo. to an,end. Dian, glancing tber." Jerome was going to telephoue.11 ed' the combliments of brigade head- discussing the fortunes of 4wit friends ments made by the Department on "f, I � " ,,- . t Bill as he gazed across the welIT ' I ,_1 - * "What for?" - "You can.take the message. Any_ qudrters for -our firing, which pleag- and the work of the 'Y.' He inv:1ted Canadian, United Kingdom and"other -., ,­ '... . � �§ : , ept . �;ard, foudd herself Wolldsong oi`T0 ask you to lunch with him' in way, I'll probably be ba6k 'before he ed us not a little. On, the whole We, me to his hut again for supper for' sccOuUthas-exceeded the $5,500,000;- . 1. . I .�, . 0, , . a , ,J11st what the outcome of to- the Chamber of Commerce GrIlVY,u calls- I 'an early start." this fl)r- the next day, the 21st. I then had 000 mark. . I � ., I � gal, . -got up to get had rather a good time in . r- 01 ward position. (This story is told by the experience �qf a meal in An of- � I �:: 4,14 . � ,�, ,ight1s: adventure "would be, Would know,women canrot go there without a Ut you haven't told me why it's McDc"Id)., I . ­ �` , I I . . ',..;;1ArP!�!.. - lile. tbirtallig man there with h ficer's mess from civilized p!b.tes, cups I , , 1.;Z " ... I , `�,�4§0 , . er male .6scort, and-" necessary for you to go to the %arm One ,evening while Bombardier Me- and saucers, and' enjoyed It. -My . . , ti , . I . . . ­ . ".. ­­­ ,k�'1,51. .. . -14 . I . .., '. .., "'.4,11"& , nally' carry Claire fAter back to -"Did you but him up'to It? ; ' Dian this morning ofall I�nornfngs.11 Donald's crew had their gun ,stripped 'friend informed me that the Rev. Di7. . ,�, I - I I I I anded:. .� . '. . I :_ I Tew Yo ... rk"With him --to share the life dem dit's about G'Tandfathe� 'Weston's for* cleaning and . were working in Pidgeon, .of, Bloor St. -I f I , '. ..." , I . "I., ^ 6 led up ; 6eoief. W06, this- moment. "Dian,' ,what a thing to say!" Daluthtgs." I . .. � I their shirt -sleeves, a head apeared . ,01girch, Toronto, and the Rec. - W. A. I � . " I h.." ".. I 1 : I 11 . . through the door and a voice �n Eng-, I � .. ... . .1 . , .f I I : ,-...41 .1 . I . � � - rfth Bill Rolling ..besI6 .her collec- "Well I xertainly wouldn't Pdt -it ' . "ThP�e things! What Mbout thani?" lish tones ,asked: �`Wb. b is 4a�charge --Gameron, of Bloor St. 'Baptist, Churdh, Tow , .. �� I �.,, n you", . would preach at -the 'Y' on tha�nert . ,1-1, ,:, � ,; .,., I ,�,,t . � . � I 'Of 1!60b�Ort-860"-.iflfdr�"jx,Oth'iflg"elitd? 'bo�� d 1. . "ThevB% -a .man In town, .whwvants her6?".A glance, at the-'UnIform Aho*- I � . I � 1. . � 4 � ' . :Wednesday, night and 101itnday, res -pec-, I 1, 15 I Wj . . , "�. . �� �. - " - - - " . � . , I !. I I . L � , 7 ,� kwiiw�ti , ", ;��_ 1'1.`� 11: ___ _17", 1� 11 - e6 now .we Us- - Oft , *2 ,."", lu"tiolls ,,,� . Questl6fii .,.�­.Ayes- Wss Martha ,got up, "Go to sleep, to see thda­m-a man who kn6vrn ,all ed that the Visitor was a-15,600 d-Heu- tively. I should have liked to reindii .. � �.. I . . .. I .. . 1�s. -' All of them - " f V ' like a good girl," she i,said, "so abduni paintings." Dlaft cud. , momt, and hear them, ,but saw little chance , . � . -­� I �) � I,.,- 11 .i io makin,g her tenbAt -or' 11oEe-star wonder" as n I , 11 �� � li . �� 11 I 11 .9 strange sense of sadness,'*T-futill- You'll look all rested for the lunth- quick thInkifig. "I forgot to �tell ad to say. McDonAld fisplied, "rm of it. . � . I I �;,��'11! 1, , ,, . I �. ,, Y, and 'ij&1.6 40i 'them having dn*,an, , With regrets -I took leave of ,, � mood"' �4 1 4 �Ii !� :'' �':,.:_( ,, i , , 11 I ,", , . � � "" In charge here," aftd looked Inquiring, My friend kfwanston and the 1Y, of ;XftftL:� .", I , �, ,�� , 1. I �': I ion'd�te,, Oh, yes, Jerome also said that dialre'Lester Intltoduced, me TO ly kt- th�6 visitor. . � i�i ' -.� . I 17 %� I �,'�,. Were. . - of him. f1e,s a man s i La Targette. , . ,:.,� .. .. .. I �, �,!3,�i 1 L ;. . In $0, ��, ,4%,vMuted me to make 20 pounds he met In New � "Why didti't you come to attentioti . I I 1. I .. " 1; 4,� 1 � I : , I , 11�tfii'tiIrjy follilt 'ask you , _--dy. 0 . I I '. .� ' , : . - 'kork." I when I spokeOl - I While at the wapbp. lint's I secured 1. ­ . , � - !", I'll ,� � ,, , .. .... ".f . ' . .. '.. aid presently. "But the hour. Is. ' 'Vhat forT Be doesn't eat candy," "Couldn't. you , allow bim Ahe' Vic. , "We don't do thati here," replied ,,,supply of ereoline and,di,915eraed. tho I . ". � v 11 ''. �::11 1".. � 11 . at, y,6U,k1i6*.00 � . .1 . "For 4he ,children fln his SdIladY furas afftli lunch.?" .. , -,McDonald; "our nisibrtdoes-n-It expect inStet compabilons ,W,bi*)Jj?h##­gat'1ker­ .. -Z, - �, . 111. ,� .. I ..'A � �,� �,�, T"11 I " . , � I j AJC"k*"�,!',�, _ , , I., ", . . A F" I'll I'Ve�," said Bill, 111hAt Ton could aAk- se400l dig,".. 7 �, ­- I 0 - . . I � I . O., 1, k � I I R I , �11 . r;0r0,: from '' , _'�'. � . I'll, I You know, to celebrate, `Iolryh aftEd n6t� . -ed ,,about. mde since - my , - , I , 1-010, '': i,',?,� , R 1�1 14 to, dalf , . Hels,biqf 6�lig to I � " I . � . leave. This, done, I relt. r w esheq,44d. . � . , . I., � 1 , ,W,j�A�a . , �:4 'A, Wer datei 46uldwt his. tInth ,r:oir of_t"ehing.11 be ift, �P , . - -1 I'll 'Ail, _11,Rk 4 1 . . , �� udda a sikort t1i,16.4 I ­', � � . -1 _­ . I .. . . nga$, �eoa Xs�tlng k ... 4 � ready for action Ag% A9 ftg - � *046 a iiw M." Ili , . . ` UL41 1 . og -terribly I . . " , 4, I I I am Aar- d, hetfi_takdh �,, ... � , ;a1d V, 40, I., ao� %'QIn . ".. I I I- - ,� - t 6f 60�kiq '03", * . ,, . _�,,,� j,, I _'Ttlud hal W A 7suddelil"- fha sald'. ItPeaklugof 10141'te� fUifd ther4'6-Vor Was a AdIle, W�Albless Into,ld6vin, Wfli part -of ftd, 't J��,'­ , . _ , o.-, 14y6m.'s "fo: )�'tl � 4 1 . bit Inat me, �, Pais, "Andi heaven alone kno*a *'hY* If tbree, days our'gdfig ha �, �,�� , :,� � 14 , �, 1. .. I I I � 1, A. -� L " f I . I I I . . .. . I . , � .7'. 1� I , od"Indi "bly -all *[A" �r',A.,`,Shb 'had it _, Atfifs Marth J* . bL" a, I h - th t the MeAipg 14 t 111 At., f bauitr 010re As it."' the ­24rd,ithe r#8t of jius, � had, *04 �*,- I " ;� 'i IVY. I , I &Los thja�?+* . P ��i' , �P,� 1. `� i �,,� -iik�, torn, . " I , 04"'.20111 'it' , "', V11. 2rQg,.AV1Av.ioiv' 6114��.,I.,g(�iig-iiii,�,16#47�� - , � *kki`,A,",� 11 -1 "!& 19 j, ­ y I _ , I 11 I .,. '' , , '. - Z, , " V"k�o i i T I 06, Iined, aikep _ " S a 1, 1, �T, 4 , , " i �Y#-'*Ja � `t6 'Ifibe A!* fthatqo�� i dhd #aid. - 64ntww!,"� x �, 06d1d , , I&I . - 't .X,j �, I., V %,,r � 616-4 Okf1mi:4 W , , 1. �. 1. 6j. � .4 X, , *6 �' � ,­ .g.Mp�f.. Y� , . , , Itt r6­vn-Wt1Ak4­1'hl4, , , tit. � atwd - "TbAikk 3*011'.,(100166141*11 `�t,g 1, � ;_�� :, 4!1 "'i, ,,��` , �,9�N",.V,S�4 �,,1111 ' '6 61 wq 4 , ., _�_,- V! It., M, %A. cM ": . .. X-, . - - I'll I '� I : ; ..1. ­ . ; , " ;% - *­ 41 � , , , , I ,#6 -66mb � � 9666'. W - thom 'ibaek ivt ' � : � � ." 1. ; , hAA i�,I!M&.'41) W.,.,� ,&k4ff`&V5 h0b,,, iTI&' 'R �111 .�.. I I ou-0. ! ., E I ii. "I 1;11 - - �10t, of 1. �� ­� , Y; � 1�,.�­­ .'�"­­­ ... I ­� I 0 '11, ' '� '" " L 't " � a '. ­�4�,��,� i 11 ;1 k .. I kA ii 'if - .,7.0,*, 1 fii��""�f ��W=000.,01%,,%il �i��, P%- , v I I �� � " q_4_jyf,; j"7 ­ � -.� ��nS'f__L" _�"_ � . N tA AAMM'f ���,-�"""!�Ptobkbt�-..�"Padl),ft�bbbt�,-Iiii�'t,6W �Wll .�l��9.6�"ihi,lt,6,#66,,-cr4-i�,"' , � ., 1 -ib- ,r�l " I ': " - It " I �, "I,, , I . I ­ L , 01", 19 , ­ , L11 . I I ­ I ,� I � ,� ,,:,�i I , , � �, I , , L "' , 'J'N�ajt Week) . "� � - gokj,�,,I�v, 'hut � Y , _ L . ki I , I , ,�:�:Wjj *�, ,t R, I � I �� , � "M6,ko" A #Upply ot *al � . L , 1: "' � � i.��.'. - . ,,, .1 . 1��i,1064 � VIV J4� for 'PA',r 64, , � , , , ' ' � � ' 1,;,' i, ' I L ­' � ft , I I � , I I "o , i, , 1 # , ��, �" , ,"!� _�:": i' : ';' ' " , "�'-' 44�1­ ­'.,'i� ,�,�i,,.�,�L�', " ­' ,��,,��,,�_i'�,,,.' , " ,� o "M . 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