HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-09-25, Page 1, I ­ rs _ 7,7 T -7r r-T­ ),---; ,F" ­_ r ­qmw '-O r ,T­, rr ­­ ­-T,_: " -,- - -7, :-,­; , , _, ­I.-I'l- - 1 7 , - 1, . 11 I I , , - I I `­ - . , r i , 11, ­ ,, T I I P 1 ,; Z,117­7,177, ". , . .11 I L , . - ` "X 4" 11 - I 1, , , . ,W "" N` lt .", -1, 11 .. ". `Tl r I'' " , - - 'I , ___ ,, , I ,7,7rr. ` ­, ,-t:.,7 ,. ;i "1:1 , .1 , " , , ". , . .1 , '' , , I ,;: % : ' ".14"', ,1' , . ;, , I , , , 1 177777' 111" ", . . , " ", . : , " " ,,,,,,, " ,­ I 1, ,. I ' 1_ il 111, 1:;i" . ' -1,:,11." '7, -;',­­7, -`i."',i , .,; 6:!, , I -, t,i, , " ­ ,,Ii* ': 7 - fr - — ­ 1 I I 11 . I ,-i"J , ,_ , , " " !, ,'I, , ,,' ", , , " ;-", ;, ,' ,, , ,, i , ,, ,-' , ,,, ,-', !", ..','!, , I , . 1,11 ". 11111 "i" , !! . " gj 4.' .,,', 1 1 1 ,, lr4. ., 'i 1 , , I ," rr , It , " ".; r ,ri: , i 1 1 1"ni'l' '..,; . 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' , ,9 ;-",11 * ..,' ,p — "'i, K!, _,?r z -g- - - , g " iz , 10 1 . - 11 I ­ . I . . I I- " F , vt ." , .,r : ` 11 Ty 9 05 Tn 91 , . . - ., , . !!!P;l 11 Fi,­ __ .. 1. . , 141, ,, g,; Mk . . . .: ''. - 4f ,kn: . , i , A ., . " . 00ty4mud 71 W - , :, : . :1 . . ­ . I _. ,. A, _ , I . . F I , ­" "..'." 8 "Alp. r - 2ko . " 1W. im. "', ,A , . . , . :` . _ ... . . I-, - I I I I I - ": I, ­ - it, .. I , . . , 0 sEA-rog'. ., kWAX) I ­- :,t%, : V, I . - 'Ir i's I . . I , % . . 1. .16, I , k I, , .. I . :.,; '. I., %­N W1l?1I1P­=i RP -7 0 1 r . . . . . .... . . . . . *** ", " ol: 1. I I 1. .. - , ,,, ­ - M, 5*, A, .1 ! v. . i . I I ,k,- 1. . . ­.....;­, r' -" P+ . .. I --_ I I RP - I . .. P, 0 , ig . '7,h', , - , ,._ 1-1. - 11, .- - I ­ . ­ . I . 1_.1;-11_--,.N '1p, pl mbl 1. — - 11 . . 111 11.1 ,. ; I - 1 -11 1 ",M;,44P Flo i.1-1 ­ ,,, i "', 11 I I .. 1. 1. , i I . - .... .m, _ ..'!+ - " ,",""-",-,--,-""-;"-"",-,-i,,-"--'I ., I I ., I . .11 , -0. , .. - . I - . . . 71V.. 11 ;;; i *1 "IT i4i ; - ,R 4,g , , - I I , - 1, - , .11. I - . - . I ., : , I I -1 . .i . . I . . , --------- """'-V 0., I . . - . , , ., ,- , I . 4""", : '14 , 7 .11 1j;j . I , - - I I I w!" g E, 4K,, 7 1 '.'i 17M -S ill, I g , : i, . I . I . I " . . I I . 1". - .1'.. - . . . :,, '.:, - N . . I , "', I I T 11 11.,iot 6 . t. . - J,fft ' I " ,. ,i"W,._­ -T, . a_ AA', ."i, .. g"i-1, . - ; , i . ' ,! lllffl. , X,.'1111' I * . , , . I . 1) - - - s "o -11 0 ", I . 0 . I a 71 t -armer L , IV - ... S for' h; " F ,'.','; - , I $, is ­. 4 ai d D, ( .; I , , 'A . . , ly ' , =,c i I 8 . , V , 41; I .L ei-,2%. l."th n i . : I V"Frr;%. .­ b , 1, ''.0 , -,,, X . MAR U., PAI, 81 , , , , , ,X.11U9;'D,11.1k1A Ri. W. , I . I .r I . I I I . A .'t" . . -**­FR . I I . I . . I . . . . . ; ,, , ."!.Ni'."t ; I 'r.,;rr;6 . . , , - , ,­ I . 0., . ., . . . . I . 1- - I I Ir " !` .... " . I - I .. 1"!!§ 1 7 ..'. i AP ",I ik,!, i- 10 I " ' ; ' - ' _,"f , , ,, ,, Ay I . . t ,.:.. 11 i 1 ,gi I . I . -S ts ,ft * hl W' _ Pe - ­ , , , . " '' ' . I maj*age orps Up' ON TU E ' . - n ,. - E TIP' , , 011111 C* I e. 1 '- t.r i , ", y , aA ve '% . I , , TAK SD , r . I , uo*mpal y - 4, 1 I I .. . . I - .11, I . ... . . c ­- - Ir, ' . I ' ' . 1. I , I ­, " W I IM -11-1-1Z. f1:1 : , I I , --_`-`_1_1 . qpft . . I . . . I ,­ - , "4 =,x, _' % 1.7 " ..", - ;! I ' ' ffi,: ; `,11, -1-g , Z vr -, ", , , _ , , . I ,111;, I . P h . :- - ,;% I 4 I I , ` ,`i I ­ , , . " HAMM , Me . ­ -- E S" ' ,--11N . . F ilcora * ..A x.vj,,, I Ivu THER -. ­ '' r ve ,,, CE', 'Purchase _.. .- , in 6 Uonth D i '. LOWE9 , I M il I H. e re, . , I I", I ; I I I . I . I : _." , I . — . I I .. , _1111- , . - ­­ . . . , . _, , ....1-1 .1 ­ . I . . I 'it M I . . ­ 1` 0 ',1"­',,,'. - R. " . . I 11 ... 11 _., 1''.. 1. I . I I .. . 0 . . - V 1 1. . *. -6--., !, ii, " , , 'r, ., . I -t% I.Y."N"11, , 'N . . - .,,',,',, :,,,' ' ' - P I . f After Two - - ; ill". 1-11 ... ain Stops Play I . 111 . " I .1. .M., .. . . I :",: ... : .-I.R1,. A ­ 4p. New ' '' " ' , :!"'.111, 1 . ­ " ' - 041A. ;rlo` --,, I'll ' : C By - opera- Big Decrease. Not,_ in n-irst Newly -Organizer Farmers' i* 9 0 a Rules to,0 i . I . _" .. - T .. w. Ganie$ Had, .Be6n. . I I — ' ' _J , ­ I I . ._ T "01- 10 ,11014".1"'I i, " , . t . I . . 1 I r, -A'' - 7* 0­,; ' ... _ W.- - ,."",a l.m."k-i ,- - '11!1-?,.-." !,-i., , .',',,; .,.", '­ ' ' '' . ` 'J. .., . ,.., . - ' , "'iD ,,,` ,;,- ... . . .1 ,ti of -Town * and 11own- Form, But- Tet,41 Down - - Co-operative C 0 m p a n y . I Q+ -il W-44 F h "'. . on I . I ,Stores 5TA 'i D , .' ' . ... ... . I I., . .1 . . e 1. I.. Retail N. I, i .. - f. . . , lb . - ", ­ " ." 5 " , "I'a , . .. , " .. . , .' Leaves - 'in , t,z-;O,' -% ... I . 12 Played. . - ' Seven. sild Residents it - .' Only. Sev6,'A.,.­ - , Purchase J. A. McKenzie ' -­ T r % I 1Z . .. .... . . 11- - - usf"141.. _r­, ., ,_ AM— - '- I . . p . - jid Will , . B -1 , .. .I :?:,- ,.N I , ' I I . - . 1. . . . LARGE "ENTRY " Four-leaf clovers are su* liosed - Mill and Elevator. . There is jus% one .hange in the . - . . . . I . I... , . . - '' , . . . . p ink Volunteers. r '- — 17 , "' ­' , ­ . , ;M I , 'Ni. , I . I , ','r- . ,1, , '..,;-,;, ' , '..'. , . to bring luck . . , - - timeta es T- :. ,'­ - . . q _, 11 .... . - - —if you can find one. i, = C.N.R. ble which 910 ;'.., 1 irl. 14 . O -C -.".`, ONE NEW, tBACHER ; ., UrE TIV.E'd ,.. t,.-',- ':','.',i,, , . . . I . effect on Sunday next, af- , . . , . , I , Tho annual Tip TOP tournamient .of But Miss Elaine. Holmes, daugh- . ... I 41 I , , . , - ' . - ,.­ . I . ", I , .. , . - the Seti&rth Lawn Bowling Club had ter of Mr. and krs* R. B. Holmeli, RAISES $2,279.44 " ) ROMER HUNT TO tepting Seaf.rth. The evening — . .., , ,, ; ,,t ',j . _.. - I , ..., - * . - - , I .V._ Ill" ,, . 11 ," train f rom Toronto, which -now . R Is 111-6 _.- , th - A 1, .`., i The Seaforth Collegiate Inatitute I . I I ever her on VNd- . holds an all -timet record for' a , , f ything but the weat , q e evident at thti PeQR,4 .,.'., I . . - . , L, -I'.. . I ' - , , . , IN SIX MONTHS opented on, Tuesday. after nearly three BE MANAGER reaches here at 9.51, will after . -e -gimni'to ,, ,, ., I sesday of t4is week. 4rnulti-leaf clover. A short. time . .. -1 of 40anada ar , fe,q, the.014 : W, 01 .... .. X .. : , '. . . ty - ago she f oun_d on the, lawn* at her months holidays. The'r,6xtra weeks, I Sunday be, 30 minutes later, - ­ r: ,,* .,-,T I . of wax ,conditions as the' ,days . 4 1. I For -foul 6ntrlea representing ' . . "A' :", , . " . bowling clubs from all oyer Western home a clov6.r with seven leaves of course, came as.* a result of the The . recently or . ganized S I eaforth . reaching §eaforth at 10.20 p.m. wee" o by... I I .., 1,9'.-i'k " - 1.1rh` .. , I i ­­, % , . At a meeting of the Sea4rth and Education Departinaut -ext'4nding ithe Another change . in time that . . ,, . Ontario were in the draw which indi- on the 'same stem. Try and beat Farmers' Go-opeiative Company has In' addition -to restrictionst opf'. gni'_ ­.'%'! r . I ,1.-,:,11 I . District Salvage Corps. in th6 council time to, ehAble stud urti -,who ,,ere do, sh` 6uld be noted by week -end via!- !4,ga,5"7 f:i,,,id'-, ­' cates ,the appeal of -.the perfact Sea- .-thati ' , on Tuesday evening, the Ang farm work, to coptinue until .completed the purchase of the J. A. tiree, , hydro' a6d telepilrone I I , A,t .;, ­ , forth greens, to bowlers of the dlis- chamber . after i tors'ln.this district, is the Sun- ` ..4 I ., . McKenzie'- mill and elevator, situat- was announced this week th4t; ft-& 1 ; :Adi I "", , I , I ;. _ , . I ; ,­; . I I I . work of the past six nion,ths was re- the completion .of -harvest.. . clay night train from Stratford to W,artime Prices and Trade B rA * _ ', , ", . . . . trict. ' 0 10 0 0 * 0 viewed by' the- committee. Druring . ed across 'from - the C.N.R. station, OA P. Or A , ,.,k I The weather In the afternoon was- . I The opening day .showed 118 mgis- 'and expect to have it in operation. by- ­ Tot -onto, which will leave Stmt- der governing the hours during W.hidli*: , "" . __ ­_ I . .:, " that period of time there have been ford every SAnday evening at 7.45, .-retail stores 'may be open'.10r., 1)4"sil.". -­ I , cold, but clear, which enabled tjwo of . trations, which was s@ven less,*than October 15th next. . . .11. .1.1. ii I . , I thirteen salvage collections' in Sea- the peak Of last year, but it s very - I I . .commencing this coming Sunday. - !!I , . the four games to be played, and !a a - , negs has been dirafted and. may come, I ifew cases three, but shortly before T T - forth, and Egmendville, and one col- sible that,,, -the whigfit atten ' The. compauy'will operate on a eo- ' . i.,i. 1. I . SUCCESSFUL FAJLILJ lection each in the McKliloP,' Hullett pos . dance . . —I , . - into , effect on October-lat. I .. :!... " . 0 six o'clock the Pain. came, ag-d con- decrease wil be more .t hian made up 'Operative basis and will handle farm ' . neluded' in . II . I , ' an&'TuckersmIth sections I ) feed of all kinds, fertilizers and obher 19 ' 0 0, 0 , 0 , 0, , Preparations of the order folloyrat, ., biwed to come in-,increasting volum' 11 . by further registration,$ before thE .1 . . ­ . . . . e '- . supplies'for ,agricultural needs. - consultation With t-ffV_-;T0ia1i1 ltrila( i '., 1, , N . the Seaforth Red, Cross Metrict. DIX I ;". I during thiB evening, which madeJur- -271- term closbs.e .. 71 - thmughbut Canada. .Th,6'd6aft pro- ­Ii I.. . "I'',. . FAIR AT EXETER ing this pevioq a to.bal amount of I In addition, a hl l mixer -is no1w be- ther Play out of t -)Ye question. Con- . . I 4 4_ . . 1 092 pounds -of salvage have been col- First Form showed the most not- HIM vides that no retail establiAhmedit. ; _il. - - sequently the winners were declared . able ,attendance decline,. as orily 40 ing installed and the company will do . 11 I . lected, which is, a little Over 138 ,tons. ZURICH FAIR 11 . apail"t from drug stores, restairrints',. , - . . on the scores of the two games p.10.Y. a 9tered this ,wieek, compar-. custom" ohopping for members and - i.:.;i ... ". ed. . Perfect Fall Weather Aids in addition to this, many articles th, t pupils regi. * .. gasoline stations, railway or ptea=- , , ,, ', '. . others -who require it.. . ,:1 I -sold as rum- ed to 55 a year ago, but -the attend- -ship establishments and hotel getvices. , ..' , Of * were collected were re . . . .... ". I I . . , The Tip Top trophy and,a ,suit , . ance 19 slightly more.than when the The new company will fill a long BY COLD WEATHER may . remaiin,open later -than S.,?M4. on, . I I..' , Annual Exhibition of mage, and, brought -Z much higher ' . ro, , r. ,clothes went to a St. Marys rink, W. .. rice than if they had been sold a.9 school closed, in. Jun.a. . I . felt, need of -the farffiers in this dis- , . . aily'day except -that on,any:,one day . .. , I . M. McGregor aad L. Lavell, with 2 I . P trict as well as many others- in ,the 1 . - . . ,., I I Agricultural Society. salvage. To date, t total amount of There will be one less teacher on of each week they may remaiin. open , ", I—" . . . i. . - , -wiJas plus 17. They nosed out George . $2,279:44 -has been realized from the the staff -this year as -nor teacher wa county. In fact it was the lac of any But Classes Were Well Fill- until YO. T. -m- - ' - . . . I .. - . I . Matheson and J. I W. Baker, of Gode- - . . . . And.,,pu I mnlkge. -appointed to fill the '*ancy caused adequate farmers',gupply depdt in ther . . .1 ' . - . 'Ljl, i . I I , . -2 wins Plus nirles in "ale of,tsalvage'. . -hat led to -the organtizati o . -Establishments may remain open a' , ` I, . irich, who finished with Warm weather and large .. , county t a . " I I . Every soldier in this district who is by -the resignation of. Missr,S. 1. Wood. , I . I ed At Annual' -Fall khe weeli Intft, 16, .1 , ' . . . :16. 1 the Ov- The balance of the stW'with Pri qi- . . . . .see '' I *'..' I I I . all classes bTought,out an attOndan e ,overseas was sent'a box by n 'of the- company. . p.m., but the additional two hours 4a : " " The Scores .of over',2,1500 ,at the c)oaing day of . - Show. -, ,!,- '. . erseas Committee, for which the Saf- pal G.- A. Ballantyrre, W14 --he the -same The response to the canvass far . , the evening must -be deducted from -1 . 1, : I ual. Fall Fair. -of the Exeter _. - - . . . . . . I '.. . - . . . I .. , I . W. R. Hamilton., Wingham, I win the ann ' vage Committee donated the " entire with the exception; 6st Mr. James membership was immediate, -and at- " --ir— I / . the morning opening. If the normal " ... - 11 - plus 16; J. A. Wilson, Wingham, 1 Agricultural Society O : ridbty last. amount of $360,12. The Red Cr6si% re- I L. Slatterly, of GeraIdto4 high '9chool, -ter only a few weeks the objective is P.M., - ",.,. * - cattle ,class featull- * ' The weather man clamped .Owrn oll hours were from 11 a.m. to 8 .. . q, V -Win P14.8 14; 0. H,azelgrove,. WIng- - The.Shorthprn I re Russian Medical Aid, who was appointed to t4he the place already In sight. Thi -s will give the . .d . , I . ham, 2 wins plus 14;'.Geo. Williams, ed thaAargest Shorthorn exhibition ceived $600; th 200; of Mr. Allen Smith, Who enlisted . In cornp y ample working ca,pital and the attendance at the annual Fall Fair they would be from I p.m. to 10 p.m. . 1..,-.111 ? "', , One hun . British War Victims_ $ of the Z'4rj*ch Agricultural Society on . * The draft provides that retail stores 1. . z - Canada this year. - - $500; Mr, SlAt- insure its,.succea lul operation from -an, 56 . - 11 Wingbam-, 1 win plus 8; * Ponpld Rae, held in ' nese Relief, $100, and cheques for Abe . 'hall remain open not more th . ;;; I , I Chi R.C.A.F: last spiriu#. . Tuesday. - . . . It, Wingham, -2 losses; Riorrald- Rae, dred animals competed in 17 .claigta,' .forwarded to terly will be instructor.in. Latin, ShoU the start. . ..___1 . - Rain in the morning-wid a strong, hour6 from midnight Sunday to mid- 'I Wingbam, Z losses.; Fred Runt, Gode- arid the . !§.alva,tion Army Home*War Services Practise 'and Def uae Work, Both'the mill and elevator are'sit- cold wind all af;Kernaon did not make night Ahe following Sat9rd,4v. in any. . , .. judging was noi completed $50.00 each are being , . : At - . . ,.,0,1 '!, - . - and Knights of Columbus War Ser- . ­ -claifed by provilr - 1 , , Irich, 3. win plus I ' 0; George Matthe- ' until late in the afternoon. . .. . Udted, on. an ideal location, with rail- a pleasant background for - what one. week. if it is re . ,. 1. P 1 , . aoa-,- Goderich,- 2 wins Plus 16; Bert --In the livestock show, 89r -competi- vices. The committee. is financing the _* .1 ­ . way siding, roads and ample facib. n " , .. . Sanderson,. Goderich, 1, win plus 10; tors disD'Payed their -prize dairy and ". .. . would havd- Otherwise bee a most r,ial sta tute or ,other legisliLtio to . ,,,, . I k ,' ' sending of eiga,retLes to soldier Over- .. . r, osding. Mr. successful show,- and many of the close on Sundays; or for more than . ., `, ! , I a, swine, sheep and . ties for truck and wagon I .-i - . . ,,, . '' - ; .. . . ,J. MeVicar, Goderich, I win plus 2; beef cattle, horse seas by the Seaforth Ove rseas Oona- . .r Homor Hunt, of McKillop', will be the spectators that aIwa:ys ci-owd; the fair 62 'hours in any one week if, there is : _ .".1. . I i. ! , number ".. ... . . 0 : IL J. Wheeler, Goderich, 1 wlW plus poultry. Due to the war, the r mittee. . . I 0 V mill manager. grpund's ,ait Zurich were missing ,this no legislation requiring Sunday Slos- . I . 9; W. A. Miller, Wingh-am, I win plus of cpnces ions and ekhibits was fa I . I . . " " 1- . All this Us been made,possible, by . year. .- ing. I . ... . . 1 . - . . . 2; J. Newcombe, Stratford,, I win plus below normal. The crow'd, however, the People, of Seaforth and district 0-1 . . I. _; . ,-.` . was welL up to standard as were the . There was, however, no shortage of Drug stares may remain open for ... .;. 1 .! `.1 A; E. Wright-, Stratford, I win .plus .... I . I I I I , .1 I . 11 . I 101 of- who have dul dtuwn, deep in cellars — entries, in both the indoor and .stock six hours. on Sunday if this: is. a,I110iW- . :1 : , , 10; W. M. Binkley, Stratford, 1 win indoor and outdoor competitions, ' . ' * : . I and Qttics, woodshecl,s, ,garages, barns ., . I departments, as the usual high stand- ad by ,municipal regulations. Drug , ;, I'll ficials said. . :. I - '414 plus 10; W. H. McK64zie,- Stratford'. . * . HONOR SEAFORTH "', . .11 . and in every nook and corner of their 11 . I : , . ard and. number *ere fully maintain- stores wall be unable to sell metils or , .; ,14 1 wdn plus 4; .Sydney Deem, Strat- Action was. continuous through -out . o: farms. But there Is more salvage— (Weekly Bulletin of the;,,Seaforth and ,, . . ad again this year. lefreshments, ' for oonpumptiou: on 1 1 ." I , rr." . . ford, I win Plus" N-, 160Y SParlirig,' the afternoon in the judging ring and -of it. , . , .. I _ I ' . . Clinton; 2 winsi . lots The c6utinued, co -opera- Distritit'641vage d.orls.) . JT15RIDE - TO - BE - successful Exhibitors the premises after hours. - . : , 1,-.,,il -fflus ; Wes, Leck,- OIL the track. Here the crowd beard . 1 wo hands, the, Exeter band and -a tion of every farmer., -,in the coming Tuckersmith Salvage. . Xt Was' understood. that ietalleis'lu. ;. .,, , , ,f,ollection I P . 1: , . I .Woodstock, I win-;] .plus 2; W. ,M. Me- t * Hors,es—M. Hoo rer, B. Koehl,,er,' T. various commuititties are It I ke* " -, . rurral collections will .ibring. tons of . aing as I .. I I . . --tao,, tnad 7, , '11 11;41 kl . . .. Gregor, St, Maiys, 2 wins plus 17; j mixed b;aud of airmen and ,airwomen Wednesday,,Sept' I . - .ch, Rart Klo,pp, W. -Runro, G. -to agre,6 on -11,&Urg­Vh-t1bff -, , ., ­_ .. nlvuge hadk -jE..to rp.o duefion-strd the ' I . Steiiiba , : . I .1 . , . I..Y , I plus Jx. , . ' 4 - . M 0. Pringle, St. Marys, I win om Cent ralia., . ed ;W, fall salvage col- Trousseau Tea Held For Thi -el, J. H. Turvis, Huron County tions of the hours, ceilin `Wfileu; 75' ,_', rl-I I , ney obtait: be,, used: - for The Tuckersmith 9. ­-, . eeney, London, 2 losses; Phil; In the Shorthorn class, --Robin. Wood ---to . . . . : - - . . worthy -war charltiesk , . . lection. will take place on WedriesdaY 11 Home Stables,. J. Vodden, 0. Mat- . . ,11 f. . to R,obext- . ,W. per cent- ai ree on these hours, the ..iiI., ,. .3 "I I , Pensa, London, 2 losses; H. Cham Colonel, a bull ,belonging I . Sept. 20. This collection will includ Miss . Margaret MacLeod- 'thews,Q I-1. Coleman, E. Hopper, board Drder will make them compul- . I i;,; . i Grerfler, R. Mian -son. Currie and Tur- pion, . Brussels, I win plus 9; Ed. ,son Bros., of St -.Marys, was -judged 0— . ,", , , . .. the 'portion of Tuckersmitb which- is slory. . . - . I' " -1 ,I ) I .Matheson, Clifford, 2 losses& 1-1. -Riv- tb.6 grand efikrupion of the show. . . During Week. - ,Itt, J. Wright, D. Geiger, A. Erb. 11 "..... , . I . ilicluded in the Seaforth Red- Cross I I The draft or -der sets forth the pur- "., , . ers, Exeter, I von plus 10; R. G. Sel- Fp,ature of the unusually small mlid- Cattle—W., Oestre-icher, R. Peck, D. -I ng t aumption- of I." : . . - district,'and which is dellned as fol- . 1, pose of reduL he con I d.:, , :" . don.' Exeter, 2 wins Plus 11; - .M: W. W i was An exhibit of antiques dat NAVY, LEAGUE WILL Geiger, Bert Klopp, B. Koehler, R. r . 1 . Teliet,'Exeter, 2 wili,s Plus 1C. Dr. H. ing back as far as 200 years, shown . lows: ,' 2% miles east of Seatorth. A trousseau tea -in honor of the - I , . . I elect icity arid fuels, and the release- 1, -1 I : _ . - # %, I . _ . . coming marriage of Miss .Alargaret Manson. \ of man power for the war effort. The " .., .. ;i J. Caulfield, Ayr, i win; A. H. Gibb, by the Howick .hranch, No. 307, of ' the,, 1% ruiles south of No. 8 High- Sheep—A. D Steeper, 0. McGowan, . ,:::,., 1". ­ '. MacLeod was held at the home of the order -will cover any building or por- . , . Mitchell, I win plu& 10; H. Owter-1 the Canadian Legion, ,under the direc- " DAY- HERE..iva,y. to 7th Goncession, following west I ";N7. Deering, D. A. Graham, Lamont 1 .)) I . . ' . ... HOLD TAG 11 bride's- -mother: Mrs. Malcolin, MacLeod . tion of building, h ace or' .".) I.. . field, Mitchell, I win Plus 8; F. Moore, I tion of J. H. Neil, of Gorrie. More - . on 7th Concession to the Mill'Road, and Elliott., I ".. . I Tilesday afternoon and evening, The premises whel,e.goods are exposed'Gr. . .... 1 , 4 , , . ,*' . Mitchell, I win pfiLs 8; - W. J. Kerr, I than 10.0 article.s'made 'up the sbow., : - .1 . ijacluditIg part of the 4th Oonce . sslon. ( - 111"Ing . . Hogsi--D. Geiger, R. ianson. red for sale . , i . room table was beautifully -S . offe at rjtail,,'.or, services, ,r;l t, a I . I I Walkerton, I w1h, plus 6; L. McOori- ,:most of them being originally found Asks' For Genero'us 1 e- L.R:S., also '33/4 miles west of Sea- dec"or'aied and was ceutTed with a . pecial Pi,izes—Wm, Decker Spec- ve- supplied. . . I I %.1 I . . . 'I 91 . 4ell, Walkerton, I win plus 170; ,C. P. within 21) miles of Exeter. Proceeds. . . I forth', then . south to 2nd Concession, three-tier wedding cak­6 and pink car- I'll, T. Steinbach. D. Geiger, R. Man- , "Services" covered by -the dra . ft , . ",I ... I I ? -1 Sills, Seafortaf, I win plus 3-, J. J. I of. this -show went entirely to .war 9ponse'Piom Citizeris son; L. Pratg'& :§on Special '- W. board -are laundering, cleaning', tail- .. , I I L.R.S., to Mill Road s6hool, and d1l nations in'silver v;;;ses, I ' , . . . 7 11, . . Uluff, Seaforth, I win Plus 8; Fred.1 char . "ties. ,, I , . I . " - the - territory. within the Munro; M. Oeieh Special—J. H. -Oring and,. dressmakin'g . Jl, * 1 ' ;i Johnit6n, Seaforth, 2 win* plus 10; of Seakorth. I I se boundarIes. Mas Wilma MacLean opened the Tu ner: Dominion Hotel. Special—W. ., hairdressing - . V, ,f i: I J. Hotham, Seaforth,'2 losses; J. Beat- Stock Priie Winners . . . . . I I . . All, farmers in this territory * will be door and, the,guests were recetred by .Munro; Stad & Weido 8pecial—J, .r r servi - ces; 1 arWripg - . . . ' ! : , . - ' oeshining, repairing . at - all 4, 1 ., Mrs. - MacLeod, Miss 'Marg. MacLeod .and sh % I -tie, Seaforth, 2 w.qns,.plus 10.; W. J. . . 11 contacted,'by phone. if 7ou wish a:ny ' . . i, Voclden; , J. W. Merner Speeial, R: 11.1 i .. ' Dany cattle. whineirs were, in the , The Navy League 'of Canada, s I I and , Mrs. Davdd MacLean, mbtber "of kinds. supplying of. meals,' refresh- . , .1.1.. Duncan, Seaforth,, 1- writ. pl-us 10; R. .. I I saes: W. S. O'Neil, Den- asked that a . Tag Day be held in Sea- further information, get in touch with the'bridegro6m. In the afternoon aind Geiger; George Hess Special — R. ments and beverages and suPPIYI-119 - I ,.. , I various c a I . . I ., I ", . J. -Sproat, I win plus.,10; Dr. F. J. field; Howaxd forth on Satunl,Y, Sept. 26, for t e any of the three Tuckersmith com- -e shown ,by Miss Pack; Yourigblut's Special—B. Klopp; of s6rvices peoor merty optometri,sts , 111 I , Wright. Cromarty; k I 11 . 11, . i - I . evening, the gifts wei I -1 I ; - . 1, I .35echely, -Seaforth, I win; & H. Close, Gordor O'Neil, Denfield; 'Edward pur.pose Of ratii:;Ing funds to assist the mittee members: 'Xlessrs. Robert. Audrey Cochrane, the clothes by Miss Johnston & K lb;ileisch--D. Gel er;. and opticians. I .11 . I I .1 . Oeorge,Deichert Speclal D. Geiger; zkZ . . ;0.- - *, Seaforth, 2 1.1ps8es. . , I . if the order'is made -effectivet every', . .1 i Bros., Watford; , J. R, Henry, Bel- League to carry on thelr'6harl table Archibald, Harold Jacks6n,or Wilson Onalea NfOore -and the kitchenware ' , . ., Pl 4 I I Eaton Co. SpecW—R. Gelger; A s t at each . .. ,e. The line -us .,tore NO]-], be required'.to 008 . I ' I v . . . The winners were as fOI1OWS: lSt. Ward -,Hodgiins, Ctanclebbye; who are in cha ­ bf'all by Miss Margaret Dal , .1 I . . . Ing for the comforts. and McCartrr y, rge . liott entnance to its' -pl,ac.e ,of business a. . ' . 1 - W. M. McGregor an L. Lavelle, St' pFave duty of cae Simpson SPecial—Lamon't and El . t I Russell ,Manson, Zurich ; Alfred ,welfare of the seamen of the Mbrch- arran ements, for this collection. we e shown''by Miss Audrey.McGavin . I .X ' , , in I - - 9 . , . . . I , . ' ;,, , . k . Marys; 2nd, Gen. Mathes* aird J. W. Coates; Exeter; Kinsrrian Bros., Crom- ant Marine. I . . in the afternoon,aud by Miss Shirley so-hedule 'of hourg.during. whieb itivill. .. , _­-, I' . I 11 4 Baker, Goderich; 3rd, 0. Hazelg-rove . I., . -tbe schiedirle Will 2,1 I . - \ -! I , ." . and H. Fryfogle, Wingham; 4-th, M. arty. Judge of'the -classes was H. Th'este sailors are the meh who man . * * * . Oldfleld in the evening. . . . . = . . be. open. A copy of board, and A I ... ­ - I 11 . W. Telfer and Bert, Rivers, ,Exeter; Snell. - the merchant vessels which cailry.the . . Those Pouring tea in the afternoon . . 1, be filed with the prices . ', # : I Shorthorn eattle—Robinson Bros., various members of -out, armea forces This is a.. splendid op portunity for wer-6 Mrs. Dunclas and Mrs. Thomas .: 11 may not be-amerided without author- . . ... I Y 11, .. . I . 5th, R. G.' Seldon And W. E. saun- St. Marys: Kinsman , Bros.;' 'R. M. owill farmers to",'disp . ose of their scrap Blake, grandmother of the bride- , .1 ity- of , boaro representative. except " . . ders, Exeter; Oth,,Fredi Johnston and across the- seas, 'to where they iPloafions may be made on a ; . I Pk l -ch; White Bros., evenjual,ly be' called upon to assist in metal ano ,have it tu'rned into .v ar. groom, and those pouring -at night 1 40, that mod 'is . I .John, Boshart., Seaforth. the defeat of the aggrea-sor natdons. mate . rial . a . , Also all rubber krap, were Mrs. T. A. G. Gordon ; public holiday. . " . I 1.1, . 4 11 . ,. 10 .. . popper, Seafoftli; also earry-all the mlinitions tubes, tires,.rubber ,hoots and' any- Russell, Brussels. ' The regulations would ' not. P .1-' ,. 0 , W. Oestreicher, The sbips , _ . sh period . of, Cbristm ._ I I St. Marysi; James Beer, Mitchell; Roy ' ind Mrs. - RED CROSS a I Creditoii,;-- Hon. J. G. qardiner,' Kirk- of war for the use of the armed tore- thing made from rubbefr ire vitally The serving was (lone In the fter- I I I during the ru ember 10th to De- : .1, shopping from Dee ,. . noon by Mi, J. S.haw', Mrs. A, McLean I' . U _e`v S . 1. , I Ask For Blood ton; George Waldie, Strgtfor& J'"'46, es -,s *,]I as the food to sustain them ne ,age materials de- N'4'%T.r,o . , , . l Medonia. eded. Otlier sa.1% and Miss M. Storey, and in'the even- - . cember'"91st, inclusive. I . 141 . .1 I Stanley Douglas, C. . and the civillan populatdon -of Bri- sired are rags Of all Anda, 6ottles, I . I I . I . .1 .. ,, . Donation Swine—John Powell, Jr., seaforth; . Ing by Miss Marie Slorey and IN11s,s I .. I ... 1 1__4 - . fain. I who assis-te it has b,een, arranged ... thdt Monday , * —0--, ..'.. . . " , __ - . Alfred H. Warner, Bayfleld; Iiugh T14J- ' They .h&e been in the-. front line papers.and magazines. grep.selln wide- Clara Russell. Others I ' 11 1 I : I V. .,I . son,t,Olderton; Charles Trout, Cw- mouthed, cans or bottles, and other were M . . ;- . I.S. George McGavin, Mrs. Alex'night will be kept as the regular . You can serve your country and ., ever since war,,was declared against alis including aluminum, brass, Kei-r, Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. William 1 night for the'. work on sutgical dr e ss - I Car Smashes .... : I tralin; George Dedgta§, Mitchell, Rus- i I fig4ting for you bY W, the Axis powers in Se, ember, 1939, waT met - 1 ' . . help Ahe boys sel - I Pt ,ubject bronze, ndek l,and zinc. And don't Kerr, Mrs. Bert Sha* and Mrs, J. T. ,%%,nson, Uricb, Judge—G. - If you are not a worker, will . are daily the s . ,,ilugs. donating a small amount of blood. M,;nexg. I and their ships z Storey, Walton. . .. .1 I I I . This will not , kee you from your I of attack by en-emy. .submarines. and "forget any u-nused articles that could , .1 youi begin nexCweek? . I Sto'r@ Front . 11 . . P -sos —Wilmer Turner, Varna; , a a a 1- I . I . . Hoi aircraft When/their ship is destroy- be resold as. rumm, ge, a Ir useable —0 I — , . I worL The routine is as, follows:' Jack .Wallis & Sons, St. Pauls; Don- ed and' they Rre forced t , o abandon articles -are offered for sale arid bring * * * . I - I 1. . . You are ,asked- a fe,% questions about ald Ho6per, Hay; E.- J. Atwell, Bel- their ship arid take to the li I f eboats good I . . " . MoIrds.y afternoon a car owned , . ­ . Hooper, Exeter; Russel , . prices. All the proceeds go to The draw on the quilt and table- On n ..' . " -!=h. -if sirtlgfaciory, a small ton I M, 1041 or rafts, they lose ,Ill their belongings war charities. . May Choose cloth will be made in the Red Cross by Dr. SiTiillie, of Toronto, 'but drive . .1 rawri. Thlan a, Granton; Ugh it may se( m, I . I at 'the - by a companion, ca.U ed considerable . . ". blood is-witha* , Manson, Zuhch; A. Walli. and, strange tho .' , Fall Fair on Friday. if , ' I I . - James Blair, Centralia! Archie Bable, tbedr pay .stop$ does not start * * * , .excitement on .Main Stra6t. Z. . 3rou are allowed to rest a, few minutes. I Own Investment, "o"' -'11be doctor was on his way to Heir- , i . .. . I and given. refreshments. You %'re C,arlingfoxcl; Alwyn Dayman, Exeter; again until th'e'y On another ship. . . . I you have not purcba%ed your tickets, -r was . 1 1 1. - Currie & TeMt, WinghAm; Dick Jac- a are . *111 dom-bi ' . you may do -so that clay. - sall, but. ,apparently, ,the drive - , "I . .1 , . I .1 . . then free, to.,Ttiturh tiii y9ur work.. obs, Clinton; Mrs. Edgar Darling, Ther Do?e In Seafortb who McKtillop and Hullett . nie I . over . _'. 11rifamili-ar with the route, and re,a,dh- . .1 ' , , I . . .i One quait of bl6oil inakes-orie" P'int Clandeboye; John J. Kreis, Mitchell; have'not ,friends or relatWes overseas their e1forts,-and v:,:',,, have -a salvage Next Saturday's speaker * * * I ed the Main Street Intersection ,at ' - : , - "' who Ao . ,iot owe a debt of grabitude collecildn on jctober '14. The Me. CKNX from 12.45 t6 I o'clock noon. . . - " . I I laama, I - , 11, . . of dried plasmia. " 'Thl's 'p' —W. to these luen for their unflinching de- onnection "" ith War Stamps and A meeting of representatives of the oonstiderable speed before he recog . ' I . . I . ketaits Harry' Coleman, Hensall. Judge . Killop collectiton7 will- be in cha.rge of in c W . L 4 . . . Indefinitely, under, almo$t any dendt- S, Steadman, F'etrolla. votion. to duty arid as a small token committee Member Gordon MeGavin Certlfleatbs will be Mr. Frank Fing- v'arlous organizatf6us of Seaforth and nized it. . . ­ . ttons prevailing in 146*foafidtalid, Ide- .' , Sheep clags6s—S. A. Henry, Bel- I this I Ill ex -,1 rmunity was held in in making a quick turn, he scraped 1* . ?", of your approciation, You have land, X.C., of Clinton, who w . , surrounding coi . "I . land, England, Aftics. or ,the Par East: grave;, Donald Dearing, Exeter; Or- opportunaty of making a contribution whilet Committee Member W.- L' plain how urgently money is nee de,d he Town liall on. Friday last with Dr. a hub cap off the car On the curb In , I !.:, ,,, . .. ' ds Glenn Broad- Whyte.'w-fll be in charge of the Ml front of,tb; G. D. Ferguson ,hardware , " I I . lt'ean.Oe iii;d" On land., at$ alrAle). ,. :val McGowan, Blyth; linton; War. to this very worthy seTvice. lett collection. _.. for warr purposes and the advLiage ;,[. J. Burrows presiding. A letter store and ,before he could straighten "', I I an the smallest Canadian Corvette, or foot, CHaton; E. Snell, C 0— I to people to'i-nvest in Canadian aecur- from headquarters, asking for, blood out, wa.s faced by a large transport 4. 4, . 11 0 . the, large-si ship - In the Royal Navy— Steeper, Wilsa -Cra.1g; Preston. Dear- .. 11 1. . -ities. donors, was, read and after discussion ndi ng On Main Street. . -1 111','. . I t ru ck sle .11 - if arSuffieient 'tiuinbbr of persons sup- ing, IMceter; D. A. Graliam, Parkhill; Cidzeris of Canada are at liberty to ,. . it was unanimously agreed that this In trying to'dodge the truck, the n, . . . I H. Graham, PaTiM, 11, and A. D. $teep- 11 lead injuries. Dr. W. W. McLan- . " I choose where and how thl I ..,i,!" .6 . ql rthe bldod. it fAlves a minimum of Suffer Seri o u s dress, Mdtch.ell, rushed her.to Strat- locality ask t6 have the "Blood Don- driver -smashed into the car of Mr. 4 . . . er, Allan Craig.. J]iidge, Wm. Goddard. I I theIr -own money... What a different, :,: ` ii , i four p1n,t's of 1tk6ma for a severe I PoultriL41 A. GriAam, ParkhIll', - rd Oeneral' Hosl)ltal for Nazi ors' Moblle'JTntF' visit Soafortli and Charles Holme's, standing ra frout of . ..4. . . tmina_ h " %Z , , . i I 11 ` 0 . .1 ,1. now resting story they have %to- bell in t e lence: the S. 'T. Hol,mes Undertaking Par- - ,, ; ,, %,0,1 I -ril c9sO.,011i'lt seVere Injury. Each, . B.'Mills, Ooderich; OrI9,udo,:Bat- tion, but she comfort- Ir conven I, ,"'. " . I . rou .. ..I Itr, Burns in Truck " ­ occupied countries. Hear what Mr. i hold a clinis at tbei ,_ I le 41eua wi I be 3natiled iM class-Ification, tte i',"'Zurieh; George; .Douglas, Mit- - I- . ably at her Khome.' r was driv4n, I I . , Fingland has, to say. This unit works -three towns.in a day IGrs. The Holmes ca. . % oti; i . 1, I , -he,- g, I 1W . of his blood Tifig,"khOVUdge.ot this chell; #F. Me ' - . v 1 Clythont,,Varna; -Preston o Pr the n4newirreh cu.rb by t -1LM'PUCt .,i I - O' , I , , . On Monday noon last, while' Mr. ' ' - 7 and it. 19 hoped to have them here %W I I 1 , , vwn Deaxifig, Exeter; Glenn Br qadfoot, I and smasbied headon into the store , I I'# 1 , may gave -the -ft'; of, ino, Of - "lur c in the ,evening. Blood transfusions . ­ X I "' :14.t , . , . I e er. - e of We —0 ' I ;',' . '. I F, In, inaldni. gio'llsible 4-uloilly 'Clinton; - Mirs. Ewarf rym. ot t TYhorpe Rivers, who drives on front. breaking the wobden founditiOn, . J;".` I t6ly rlot . .,J,o, q ,, " 6 famil,, I . , I. . . Judges—' Ken Weiki and Clarence Pair. Seafiorth Creamery trudks was- In have become so common In, eyeryday of'the window, but fortuna, '0 11 1i ',." ,. I J blood 10,a ftabdtislay. "P-dur trans- Rosedale His Pray'er life that. their value needs no explans.- the large plate glass wi'd-dow. . 1, burn, both of Exeter. ' Kippen, fire broke. out Iff"the truck. I I *r!. I I . ­__ , ., I 11 I , I 4 .1fations 'glvi you,a, 4io tti& butto.n. , . I i I I . It was quickly extinguished, without . don. This work for Red Cross began The bumper of Mr. Holmes! car L "., ii t., . . . -at In the, pro- I A I I In Toronto, ,but since Jativa,ry, 1941, was broken off and, the back and- . 11 7, I You tp . tand you"r, 114me to de Flowers, Grain, Ve-get blft * ,damage to the trtick, b Was Answe'ried I .1.1 . . . I , r.,l 0 represellta,tl4ea to; your comtd-linIty. . L06SIS Mr. Rivers was severely 'burned' . — . clinics have been opened up In Ham- so-mewhat d,entedi, while ,the febidorwg 1. . .... I I .. ;4,11 1 . 4 . - Principal w4nibers -of the 56wet on th.6 fam and arms.' He 'is going AllieIrta - - . .1 ­ K ep In touah Toth this'. s4rvice by ' _ , ton ,Brantford, and fronrt of Dr. Smillit's car; werbo .1 ng '6 lbo sbow wexe Mrs. Norman Nor On Tuesday last Mr. M. A. lbeild, itton, Otta*a, Kings I "."".ji, _%.:M I ' ry, Mrs. dbiout fieusual, althcfug4,t1T-e Wolluds ' similarly b ht and twiAted. The o I .1-11 dJ71ndsor. , 1; i, I I j4l adl th 'Reo' CLUM0 11"it"00. 'L , - 'I, .. ?". . I -1 . I , J. ,Qui-11,11ving, Robert Sanders 9,nd dr,6 rather Painful. - .... - ournsment secretary of ,the Bowling L011dOn, St, Catba,rines an . ,cupanitg of the C9,r were not 11 ura , , ` :X`11' , 4 I larwqeg' ofAhe C9fnmlitid"&ie'6s .fol- Mfg. E, .lSa,,w#6n, all of Exeter. -' ., . . Ciub, received tae. toll -owing post -card: it is hoped that the quota of d6vbrs , , 1. : - I 1; lill .,1 , , , , I I . . . . I , , I , . ! 44 1 seed 0— , , L lovr.§., % khoi4magi,­w. P. ,1. BUtPOwS', . WInn6re of the grain sund St,a Marys, Sept. 21, 1942. will be 8,OOQ a week for i942. ____"_-.W6 ,. I 1,11., 1,11-11 .,.'1111;, , , . I . . ., , , , I .; . Coal * ' .. I I... . , -1 1. ., I '"'T'-", , I ugla." ,WiJX ,,- , 100A - U00 Dr. ghow "n R. &. Vitae., Zurich; , r , W - I... . ,. . , I . .. ; ". . , . 1: '' ., Ai _ I . .- , Hell an entry to Dr. - . .1 . , , 'i 'hWjj,b:oi ,-,L4"!-' l,- '. ,. - . , o M,ert: I -gave I - , I - . I A . 4f; r,r%MU, t , I, OD * iiadil 211ir, ­ but -thought, I . . A- iilsilbifg& & 101 - " ' 111 . - . - IR , - .A , -41.. ".­-, .. I . t — . I . . I e sure, * as - ,T1bU'Ak:" . , , . I ,,, _ . I 1, - . i . , , : ; ! d * 11M 010 X-". cluded i4c , - 1 e1r, , r P , e . ''gifti,40''I. , Wilittft pear mar, -fouir "'. . _ , . , X: P'. 1W1*10"o,", I , 1V _ '' . doit,&,' tikgf; Jae .. e' 9'ihow bl- i! ,;,b , IL—_ -'The fuel, 6 , ,,, 1. I'M , i6h, .. Falls Th"'r U. g Bechely lasit week, I I . 3fierda W. 0, P, sidi ""C' ­' f, - "" 6 Mr. , proper -wou1d, 4rop. a eard to ntak The jam committee made 962 16s, 106kitig' duddi 1h -IJ 0 1 .. 44", ROSS 96Q - 0­r;- `W b 6iilia , -of the v6getabf -am in neeA, of i suit. As ev of apple jelly, and 80 lbs. of. A. &0-:1146k"A L"Li, I , i "' , "' '' ", "I'll I` i $ -1-11 ' ill 'i : 11 4, 1 1 " , , I L . , _., i _ r .i&.4 , 4 N .. "' I I ' I ' ' " I ' "' "I , - 1 ,7,, 1 , '. 11, `_ ""' ," 9 ,1."!'!,i;:z, ,Or, ' 1"q , -1 I .11 1 1-7%11 1-11 "' t"11,111, -, _0 ...... M.1.1 .. ". I # 6,111 1 7 1 , k1. 9 I *­ 1'r Vi -46h. P ,00r MOE ,M`dGIbZGO1t maliado an T(h6sday. Sovlt 1,64YA d"Vid t6id , Z,4bl& ud, fbb . V i-' jw"-,, , ' I ' ' . - . Idbert Sag, . I I., . "_ -f ­ :., - . I I k,4: , Ob jls,014, Zurich,, Mn.' J. ' '.I Tra' 'D '; ' ­ ,or. thig,. "' - I . , . dbitt., Z -4 . .,0S1r7mVl,0;, arogatty,; I — I , . . I . OT li.i'i W , a , ''I ­.o ., 4 I , . I . .We ,dou t know R Mr. ,McGre I i0% tA6:`b oftk , #ti g, , 061iftlnli ft;' V'r .1 6 I V16'rit fttkd r Irw. flit, 4 - at . i "L.,.MtLlog&, ,'Wf ,a#rD 19kdt4r- '00VA Volland' I Matter, I " , . With 'his I ty 40V not, - gf, . I , ,0,, b,6- htd- h *h,44, IL 11 a *'Mr ., .. " aft a elit . iht , , , , 1, 51 ­ 61mab I 11 , V 46AP2 . I , ,,, VLV I PTA"l, . , , I , w1ho ''', 'i, 11 046b" W.'Ade .06 - Wi , I . f . 6 - I _ fbedl R"A AV#160- . , , , t ­'. It 1 itll . W' t:4k';it , , I Mi txvt46 , of , yk. , F . . r Rowe' vikisi i - - -- ; - , .. ­ .. , ! " ., - . , it.. it. hb,',dld, - it VW410 twwlal-v 0 , I , ` .1:,A%T.,ana, . ., lw , ­ . . -1--4 i * o , -, , 4*`04 6 - I'M I . , , : - I 0 - at I "I Olt 00 ft I .. . , _ i , It' t4 4' " . '- . n4i'm Oh". il!4" , , 4. 'I.;-. ".. 1. I . I I " 6161, iloobda ,. : 044"i", , * ,,, W 110JI.q. . I , , , , 0 " I - I I , . 'It "I I I " r '? ..I.. 11 - - " 44 I , . I . . I I I . ­ N11R­ I I r % 1&4 ", `664', ,. , , 1 " glq . 10164 I AA a; I wlfiffi W * " I , , , ", I 0, , -h W. dtW .,:'W " I J . -... . - &I . 0 "k.) ,&':.' " i ,.. I -11-I.— 11, . - Hilm,­!Aff, 11 , I '­: .. 4 I . - .1 , ', . ki '4,;d ... 04 lyp 11 , f"I'l . . : 4 ,-" ,'j 0 0.4al'O"A'44 "" , _0. , , , , I I ft,4 . R, , 11 k " 1 ,i, : 1 , i", #9 , I %,%-.JR4 _ I ' 0 - " - , r ­­­, a 41_ - 11, I . 11 '.. , "kw"- " I'll Ill: ,M.1'111,i , ,-IP74 ,,$V'.i.",),%,- "A", IN ! t;111.11.flltk ;1 11 I.', "', . .; I' , - ­ . . . " ­! ,'i. 't , k,,R% #,'11 , . ; lt';,! ,'i.... %,r,' ,, "" " Zr 1,1 ;A ?.t 20 I 'i