HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-09-18, Page 1AMP , ���,�,. � 7r�T'�I` � �,�., �!"`r '7777!77 _ , 11 .1. , ­� .. ­:.�' � �, , . , � , . ,.-,,--,-q - `� � 11 4�, ��. t e'. � 1,tz��7111f;�` I` -q, .ill � . p I;p " " I I I ­ �q ,,,, - ,. ,,,, "" , V 11�ii`­A, " .: ;;.-�f,�'til, . . te ,15 1. I'M $11111, , 1, " IS!", I . Y.' t;0Q1yL!1 . . . I ­­�, !i:'t, - -, ��- - , - I . � I � � I : N ."'g- , `,.% I .!��"lil"*�'il!i"�,�,�!�lt"'�'ll'- - � I I ! . , 4I .-,'0117.,�;r,7,�� ,;k�l;.4 �'!�'�r,,�,�,,, - I ,'41�,1'440,1�! M �i�.�Ivn"J,�P%!� kf,�,71.-.��- ,,- ,%1,0-47i,� ­­ opm'--�,-?q . 11 , i,&'%?0-- -9 i , jp� i,. J ,� :I'! V -§,� , X %, g �1' . ��Vj,g , -tt,."!N�k,, �.. .,'.,� ,;�,:,,zf-t . 11"', �Yy'­ . , i . it ; , , , ,� . .. , "Oq I , 1�, 1". ,� ... . �1� " , t I ,,4�' "i"i Y�t�','� �T,�";?,�,`�,,V' ,"� �"'�,� -,�-,��Il,�`,��? , d , M ; �;' ,,, T'q tl,�'­��,,til ­ - ­1VT,`7,i`;,! I ...� 0 � w. . , h, '0 " 11. ,.[ " , I i, � �,! "'t'; 1, , , , ", , v tv"k, , . 11-111, � . .11. 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I I .1 I . 1. ­ t ­'�"­­!­­ . ­ , . . , . . . . , , , � , . I , �­ . . I I . . 11'..., ­ I - I " "' �ZUIZ , � � , - 1, � � I : , . . , . 11 Mighty-tAir Tlear �* I , �1. � I . . 1. . . , "' I'll I '. , I . . . � . . , � � � 013I " , �t. 1�'k .-K, '94. - I I " , - "A, ,';,",',t.,V��� "I I ,, d - 4- 1 . . . � Si SEAFORTR, " `1 1 - .., .P 0��'1.11 . '.. . :_ I . I I 11 ,., Z �; . �. 11 t. FRIMATI. , 0.1 ' �L , I wiliole., Number 3901 * t �'. 10�oiffi, . , r! �� :, W I - - , - - I... I � ­ - .11 ., I - . I I - - , .. ­ ­ ", "" .1 .1 . ­­ � I . . .. .� ;.7 �j��, �,.��";�v",�-"�,,,;,�v,�i?*,.I I , ; . .1 I I ti,;"i . =. I I . ;�,7,r'�; , �,M,e L , � I � I . s I ----- � . I I . : . '.1 P';��?`;V`Y;.,Wh KPA, . . . ]:;�: ��:�:- ; ..�::�.-14-",� - . , #1 ,- ,. ` " "" I 1. . ., . . . . . 1, " �, , i I L . . . . , � , �I:. " . � I � . . I , . I , , M T7.0 I . " , I I I . I 0 . . , �t , , mews - a . 10, .., ; ii f, .! 4. , I . I , ,, , . t;,, , ii., I#–" . , - 4 , , IT � : . I , , . ,U S - I r �'] , -k - . I.'' � 'I, b i , , %�,, M- 11 tr*­ua - .emmith -,-.ama 1, o * *.�',, "N , . - ;P ,.�:, 0111 M3 N , Q I ­ F I. .,-.- . I L.A.C. FRANK SILLS Milv-erton . T '' ,,J%,:. 1.3�... . 11 7..:,.,r . . . . . . . . . �.-,. ,Pl� . "IS . � . 11 � , , , , .. - t-, , ke"'; ­ . . . 41a'q(w ,�,, .1 � ­ I I 1P .1 I ti��,RW. 1��,!*VMXIIFIWZIAIM . ­,. .. ., I ' �t,ll ' t - , 1, � ,,� .Z-,. t"', --,'A,It� ­.�-4. I - � ... .''.". ��Iff, r, -I I I.- .,., �, , �- . i i ", q .1,11 � i'i lt.,­­� - . � I . . ���,t�-� ill ­ , i ­ LL I . "'U., I. I kna�'-­:, � U '' , . .3 � -W. , ­:'..-::�, , ., . ' 3 Golf Tout'n­; 4"y'''-, " AL -", 1Y %- Far mers,Bvtu 'n `- ie '03L ­ ­ t-41; . � - , � , Illy 1 "..";;", "i'l-l".1 � "' - - HAS 16 DAYS . , , Z"..'""', .,­"� 11 i .. ­ E � W � - ,,, ,,I 1. � I I I "k,&4,�,� I . .:.m .1 ., �tw II 11. 11% 11MV I I " .0 ", ,; . . -4 I . 4, , �'110 &. � �� !.,'� , 't " .7 " I I vl�lr , , I - ,-.It� I L". "M 3L n . '. �' � I'll n i ,�" T -t 19 I I � ��, ,,, ,,, , , . %el im � �:: I I . . , W A.- esda , , H -R ., 2 Threshion' .Acc dii to I I - . I , " . . - ' ' - e T . , .IN' , - "' ii, , "' I A , � , " 'i W I .. 11 " �,:,�,.�� 11 I., L . �,N' " . � - E' ere on HELD - � tj � T, ;, �11 . E-1 kN D I I , y �. ", "! . . . T � . ,_1 � , i , -111 a ­ , ''.1 11 , , I., ,-Ii I N I R AT 1 , " ' W4.1 -- 1 4 "' - I 11 . , " . . .7 _ �'. ' 11�,I�, . '­." t� ­:�', .., ��,,t,i, �7 1 1 1 , I . .� k . A , ,�, :, . I 11 I . 11 - I J.i , -. �. , , " - . " ;:�, I --O� . I . - _ . ., _�. - ..;-.,;�,.�,r,�,t,`.,,�i'. " , "I . I . . . . I . . _ ­ , - - ��: - -1111, I " ': ,��. " � ­­, . " � !A,W . I ' . . , - 1006' 0 ­� I ' 1", � I -ro ,_ �f , I . I . ­:--�. 'n -f", _ - � � I � . . . . I I I 11 I Getting Civilian Clothes 0- 0 -0 - 0 * Annual Lioni Golf Tourna- Various Conim#ti�bs, Pre- District People Seriously In- ,6 0 0 0 0 40 Benson , ]Vk,' , "I '. . . . . � ' I . . . - . . ' ,- 6-��,,�".­% :� 1�5 . , . , ­�1111. I . . - ineixt . - fured on Farms in Tuck- That 1VIa ,� �'i,',,�'­ , . " . .. Takes, a Lot of Time Featured By Large Sept RepokfA id' ring ciew, ,Q .. .� i il. �� I .." .0 , 1�e .., ii� . �� . I I ­­ 0 �,,,,,,� ; � X I :1 I .1 � � - . ers � Wth and ,McKillo -r Villies,19 .;T­0­,YT,r,r,,�. � I and Trouble. N- � Invitation tAtry;., :. Activities� - I I ' H k I tu. ed , . � I r ,A iw.­ P I- . p . . I I . ! I �. 7,t , �­ .111- 2 - �' �'�.` I 1".� �, , I . � . .". I . . I -,�. ` ,,,�� ... �,g�i .................... . I - , ,(- I . . .� I " , %" ,, �.��,�;,�t­',:i. 11P, �'� ,�,.(i. E nd- . . I . - - , t . " I . -- �� - -�� ; �� I . ''. I . An invitation has beem, e�tfo During Threshing -Opera- The field crop report of,the De- " ­�­�'v'��,',' ��,.­­ . . -shows � - N. - K.,W.S OF - Up , �$ 'LL- V � � ' I . I i I IRISH ARE -FRIENDLY ed to the, public to attend th% SEVXN CLUBS LARGE 11 , 'N. ..- I partment of Agriculture ' �X. A4T.."Abri ,,,'��"�,-','��,��-;."7",,�,;,.�:f DANCE . � .. - I , � , �, �. , . . - " -- 1: 1, -,,I � ... I I that pastulres -in Hurbn County � . . t.,,��'11 I , . I I - . ­ 4�1,�­V �# formal opening of the R.C.A.F. . tions. " i, �� 2E ­.��.,,,�"­,. . , 1, - :;�Jlil , " �,,, . . k1EPRFA5ENTF,.D , — I. '. I I at the present time are consider- I I —.,.. ." , - 1',.",- I I . . I ' Flying Trairilrog School at - . . . , ': " I 1�--' .. tt,'0�,, 1. i I � I Service � - , 11-��11 �t�.,.,.�A,,�. . . . " -y aboAie normal. In this.couti-I � �. 'i", ��' . . The fill rally of, r Prea � pi� �,-, I Wank Sills, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Centralia on thia afternoon of �4 40 QA byter- abi hermen in the far:du#8�1 10'14'Ak� - ��.`;, , I.X- �,i,,i J� � , I fat Women's MlAsionary .PIQcieiy was ,McKILLOP, FARMER ty pastures are given. as 101 per off the WfDUndla coast axe�,It "`,�,� "! i I IL Sills, of'to*n, who has been in the Wednesday,- September 23rd, from ..Milverton golfers all but swept the 1�9 . . ad:r ,,%,p;, �,� ,� I I . hela in Caven Prpabytprian Church, cent, roots 94 per cent,'and corn " ,, �� .11 11, , , 'Ir Force In England for over a year, two to five p.m. Following the , . , _ Perth Ing desperate 'AA'-A��'�', , " . .1 '. 1� A card in the Golfing Lions Zone 3 an, with a for fodder 93 per Cent. in cbmice& � - , *;'4',��', �,'�, a .. , r. ­ � � , , � - ­­ R ' ' F�1. �, 7. ." I Exeter, on Tuesday, Se$`,L 15th, IN HOSPITAL HERE . author-Itied are oing t i' U.t=.,� " t '"J ' "" I writes an unusually interesting letter ceremonies the public will be tak- nual tournament held on the b8aiki- . d heir , o*. ; - County, pastures are 102 percent, .Q. r, 'r, . to his parents, describing his six1een- en on a tour of the station. Grou ful course of the Seaforth Golf and ation fkoih, the' aifroi . . I ;- - ,� I :,.,4,:-1,.'1, . . . . .P ent � organizations in ihe�, , est.tbrial. root crops 91 per cent, and corn discoura e t4gp� Not content to IeV . , ,:,�4- � day leave In Ireland: Capt. E. G. Fullerton ls�,the offil- sday. Forty- r ,* - I 9 . -r ".. � . � I Ment, Mrs. -lb a Ack, of Councillor Arthur Nic Olson, of for fodder 88,per cent. 'T� "M T740 pres,,i Z, , I . their 'young men ,grople wit1t Aeaaiy,­'�'�;--� .- I 1. . August 19, 1,942. cer comrnandlng� Centralia is the eight golfers competed in the tourna- SeMor* welcomed the'd-diegates and Tuckerspi-th, took I ,evolutions . I - . ' - I . . :� '� ,,!�j5 � Dear Mamma and Dad: fourth air station to be operated ment and many morewere present for bJeeta along the sea lane, about 1,00#­�'� , �;'�, ' , I .. 0 . 1q, - ­ . ukers . " "It�l ;, . introdikced the guest spod Miss, - I ... � � Here is, your prodigal'sop, reporting in Huron doubty. . dinner, which followed In the ,club I - in the belt of a separator and lived 10 * 0 40 . * 41 " 49 young Newfoundlanders- are now eii. '.`�V L ' , V I . after 16 da:ys, leave. During -that time I ,� . . . . Adla Adqms'- xisoion,B44d. �Pea'dlalist , I . . � �� ,,, . : ., 4 " house. and former 'missionary. in Formosa: to tell the ,tale, although it was a - ­ L ,,, � :;,�""�� I I sent you post cards from. moM of Ivertan club captured 'the Sea- I . gaged in mine sweeping in.the`R� .t . 1 � , yAl ., ," � � .. � � 1. . �".. . �, I M . � �. . I I - ., .'I"", . ", �,, - 0 0 . 0 40 40 0 Mi and Miss Frieda Matthews, W.M3. close -shave, .., . �: �.:�--I, . forth Golf and Country Club troRhY, field secretary,. 1- : "I Navy. The ;iged fishermen, are .tassel- . � --4��­ 1 the places, but after having one re- . I ith i . I 1. ; � �,,­ ` I - ov - he was Ing wi is.. �i . ...; 1, �. - - 4 er a week ago .11 . turned today I'm not so sure whether . : representative of the zone champion Ak-We morning sesgi(�, Miss, I,. A little LIONS CLUB OPENS mysterious objec, , g#�ed, �� � , " T. I I . . 'Peter Peter- . , ­�... - �.', ' I � 0 ,you'll get them or not. The one re- ship The. Milverton team included A. Somerville and Mrs. ,;�­Taylor, of .threshing on -the farm of . off their shorem Observing a strainge, . . 11 I �, �; 1- � ,j ". xiii!4,1 � f turned was -supposed to be -showing G. bitchfield, A. D. McNairro, G. A.. �1,�. I A - f­lf � ­ .1 . GGderich senior a � were in sOn, Kippeu.Road, south of Seaforth, object at sea'the fishermen. disdainful.-- ,.,.:, Stewart and. H. M. Porteous. . I . ,too much coaAline. .1_reported back I.t . ill . �,;i 1. 9 TOWN COUNCIL HOLD charge ofthe dovot= , eriod, and W�en a platform leading from the U of all -danger, W.1 -.come alongside, '. � ;, . � I . . - for low gross ff4 , . , , The Waters trophy ., 6 . .1 ,Vt, . .� to duty this morning. . � Mrs. W. Sillery exten e : a cordial to the machine on which he I a i"b make the towing, ropie'faist, and, Pull. .., ',�,*�', I I I ning, 1 18 also went Jo Milverton and was granary �... . . ­?.�. I - Well,. to begin at the begin . welcome On behalf of, thii�,?xeter aux- for she' I .*. I , . re. -Once on land, their c4r: . i.� Iffrat had to scout around for a civvy SHORT SESSION won -by A. D. McNalrb, as did also . was standing, gave way . ..... and he fell . . I , V 1. the low net 19 prize, won by A. G. iliary. I I �, into the belt. of the ni�achine. Seven' New � Members'Re- iosity usually got& the better of them, .� .1..:;:�;.!� , . :, I � . , �,siut ,b�cause the place where I -was . The Presbyterial treasurer, -Mrs. T. . � and so they examine the meclio;iism, . .: I " . . At the time Mr. Nicholson. had both. . I , � ::.�;� orted an �!.1,1111 . going to hire one wanted, about $3.00 . . Ditchfield. Swan Smith, of SeafOrth.�. r'? ceived At Monday to see what mak�&,ithe thing tick . I I . 4 . a day (I might just aao well have g.iv- Sale of Three Tax Sale .- Other prizes won were: -Low gross, . . i on last arms above his head adjusting the - . i ': .. I I be .1 I ,.�,,,, , 7 n mdaAt that the -�eV . ":­ ' % �t nin�d, K. 1. McLean, Seafoirth, and increase to date Of $114.10 feed pipes, and was unable to save The 0m7sterious'bbjpct,li may*, 4 q on them all my; money knd stayed Properties, Is Con-, I 'I ,gross, second nine, A. D. . Me_ year, a d hoped this Fortunately, the machine Ni& M ing.' mines, ietlial monsters � that- have . "","t. bore). However, as luck would have .. . . . . allocation would be red&od at the himself. I . rifted across the Atlantic ocean.- I 1. ,,, , . ])a""" , Milvertoin. . - . I was not at top speed At the time, but . . '. I d I '.., I I It an English chap was posted here . . " I'a . .. end of the year. There was ,almost a full .member- Naval Officers, acting in do -operation - , I r., � . "I . . aud he had a suit that he. sild I.could ,firmed.. .1 my Lie scores: I (;,,,, Hdp. Net . A survey.. of - the work. ' it was he was earried for several I ... 11 � I- . . I'll and, I . in, the Past as ,of with the Aircraft Detection. Corps of- I L'R . . 1. use. it was like mothing I'd � ever -, . . I ,five. .years was, made by� the various revolutions before theing brown heav- ship at the opening. fall meeting the R.C.A.F., the Newfound Couttab- ,. .,� '. 1A I * . ,4io. Saigner, Mitchell .. 10,6 18 .88 'Miss � Matthews. ily out on the floor. I the Seaforth Lions Club, held in the � . ..t 1. � � worn, being miles too big, large bell It just took the town council 'an G. D. Ferguson; -S'eaforth 112 26 86 secretaries, led toy. - '" - . '.-� , i , , � . I bottom pants and -the trousers so Ilong hour to tran. ' Durin4 the discussion wbia)v,followed He was r.endered unconscious fbr Commercial Hotel on Monday 6*4w ulary, and the Newfoundland -Ranger .. , ' .� I I 4act its butiness on Mon- J. W. McMillan, Seaforth 98 ' 18 80 . . Force, are ,impressing upon the coui- . .. ...�'.., . - I . All mem many helpful suggestions �*,re given: some time, but later, two X-rays ,als- Ing last. , 11 . .,!, ", I had to have thdin right up under m,y 40. Boswell, Seaforth.. 98 19 80 , ,� - � I I day evening. bers were E. - ageous, but unsuspecting fishermen - --- .P closed no broken �ones. � He was, )Zhe, iheeting was in charge Of the 9 - , - armpits much the same way as I us�-.. .Pfesent except Councillor Keating, K I. McLean Sbafarth... .87 9 78 Departmental RepOrts .m. . .that death ludks, where' lies a mine. .:. - V;�;. I I , . � however, badly bruised from head to ttee, W. J. Duncan, John Beat- I . .� "11 � I I I . . " 1. ed to have to wear the kilts. A also who, *a� out of town, and Mayor J. N* Pearce, Mitchell ...... 97 18 79 lit -the treasurer's department free- foot, -and although he is now at work tie, C. A. Barber and G. C. Brightrall,. The Rendering Mlme� Safe prew. . I : �.,o� I I I got soakeh by rain a coilple of times, J. Cluff pre%ided. . 1 G: Ditelifteld, Milvertan. 96 18 78 will offerings are still ih� besi way again, because, he says, threshers with� W. J. Duncan in the chair. consisting of the commanding officer � ., ��� � . which didn't help the suit any. , 'The minutes of the August, meeting A. D. -TA . Nairn,. Milvert6n $3 10 73 to meet the allocation. ,:. t' I . and five. ratings, including Benson - " 1. . I W have -to Work, it will be quite some During 'the evening seven new ­ i.. i . � . ''My first stop *was Belfast where. I and irton 110 26 84 Mission. Band leaders, a e , more Dick, son of Mr. and Mrsf Robert . '... . . : 1 '. '. I I a special meeting the same G. A. Stewart, Milvc time before the stiffness and sore- members Wbre received in -to the club . '. ,�111,. . . . I caught the train for Dublin-, one of mouth were read and approved. H. M. Porteous, Milvertoji 110.6 22 84 help - se- . - president, Dr. E. A. McMaster, Dick, of Hensail, comprise the ren- . . !, I I ness is out of his body, and lie regains , by th- ; ;,..z- it' to I I . , I � n ±tthde,a, de'ring. mines safe , I've been in yet. 96 16 80 ior auxiliaries can. do a.�+ . I �� , ' I .1 I the finest 'cities Pat Hingst, Mitchell ..... I . The new,members ate W, Teall, R. S. .,,., .Their last jour- " , ;;,. .11 . The sale of three tax properties ' , . his normal activity. . , I ; � . W. Shannon Seriously In Kling, W. G. nay, a most hazard -08. One, returned �� . '. ng. around seeing as 'much as Pos- � W. L Carroll,' Mitchell ... 118 .26 92 To -increase the . � mine, after . . 11. I I' were the Gouinlock -survey lots, to I I in C.G.I.T. threshing acci- Wright, 1. M. Scott, Ross Savauge and r � I 1. . 4 I 15 79 :work it was suggested tha, girls from .11 - 4 . there I stayed three days, wander- were confirmed by motion. These Norm 'Skinner, Mitchell.. 112 2'(; 92 help in this work. interest A second serious jured McKercher, Frank : . ., sible, and as usual as -king questions MT8. Geraldine EZkert; Market Street Dr. W. A. Oakes, Clinton 94 11 eent occiarred on Monday of this week Harvey - Beattie�, each of whom was completing a trip to an isolated island - , , . . I The streets are -very wide, and the lots to I-resky Flax Co., and the Sov- F. Pennybaker, Clinton.. 115 24 79 the country attending , collegiates on the farm of Mr. William Drover, presented with the Code of Ethics OR the Newfoundland ,coast. . . ., it � 1. � .­ " . , lendly. many re, J. Reid, Clinton ........ �'. 104; . I � ,,.;, � ppople very fr in , ' 22, 82 might be Invited Ao atbejnd'C.GXT. i . sau, I The appe'al for -the Salvation Arm� ,41.�11�'. . ereign Production lots, south ,of the - .i . ust north of Seaforth. � of Lionism, byL _�,Ln�t tutions and . I spects the bustle and bustle. seempd. . J. A. Lumsden, Stratford 115 26 89 meetings. ' - . . ­­ � Red Shield Home Front appealstarts, ,, , . .1 .1 railway, to W. R. Belden and -associ- H. M. Harwood, Stratford 106 26, 8,0 the supply depkrt 4 ,has intro- Mr. W. Shannon, of McKillob, was badges. I .., .. � ,� �, . , - -M. In addressing thd club members, f .- :: � � In Hensall on Monday, Sept. 91st, and , , , . muili. more like a city back home, es. . . . � .. I raent� ship Treas-ilrer J., .. 1�1 , I maybe because,of their sto�e fro'bt, or at . J. Wood- Stratford ...... 134 -26 108 duced, a new method, and 43a a-sidng. assisting Town the public is asked to welcome the � IR . ckert!ln threshing operations when the chairman, W. J. Dundan, .asked ,., ". V I The matter of the cost of living Dr W. C. Sproat, Stratford 137 26 Ill fo'r cash instead of mater -141s. These E . .W I . I maybe it was because of the numer- I �- them to lend --every assistance in ob, Personnel of the Salvation Axmy^froXa 1�� I -ous algn�& reading "Restaurant," ra- bonus for permaiient town employees Da'vid tizerman, Mitchell 10S .26 82 will be bought wholesado..­4� the near- the return carrier on the machine bE � �1 .. ., * " III I J ' . I , . . . "Cafe" as' they adopted at -the previous ineidting, of Dr. McMaster, Seaforth­ 116 26 90 est Centre, saving �ip�rioximately came blocked, and it was decided to WE= blood donors for-wir purpos- Seatorth when they, call at the homes. J � Jt�! . 0 .ther than the usual., ' ' es, 65 .being .required from Seaforth The" drive for funds to help -the Sal.' .­.. . I " , ... . are called in England, Scotland and ,council, was reviewed, but no change M. A. Reid, S.baf6r-t'h .... 1,02 20, . 82 $1,000 for freight cha�ge&.� .1 . close down to have it cleared. . . .. ." - , I . 80 � - With - the enralmeik " ' '�- t off the and, the surrounding distriei I V&q,on Army is expected to be as su6- I �.�.,, 6 . I Nqrthern Ireland. Anyway I enj de DY the, council's dOci ,e A�a , . ..,. 30 , ..E,��omen in ,. Before Mr. Eckert could shu I. .. Oyed was ina sion A. W. Blowes, Mitchell.. 100 ,ces-stul as fqrmp, RR-eVP,,­T1.1, ,n -.Ill ii , F -mr, Mr. ,.Shannon ),ad . rtd. -was� -ed.to put.,the­sale Qf � �,­g ,,,�, -would -' ' �': W� T all',S fo,rth-'-'w-,.-' ­, iO,8 26 k2 tl),e, armed � fore; I i ,, M'"d fo power, bowe, .clecid � A ­-. -, . , ,.­� I '. . .1 . . ­,�,­ . - big ,pald. . , , e- I -tickets on competition basis, - D"' � 11 ", ,; . , , , I -my stay a- great -deal,;,. -went to'sev� that, these, el, "I W, 2 5 the., anadian Sal� ,. .� I eral shows, a' dance and also had Councillor Holmes, chairman of the J. A. Ne .1 I eaferth . - 106 24 82 the.women!.% magazine- - - V fe r started to crawl under the machine frolic vation Army, both at home and abroad . ..,. ... I . . I , . I some darn good meals the Ilrst one street committee, reported that he C. A. Barber.%-Ioe af orth ... 117 26 91 jected hitherto; the library depart- and in the process. his elbow struck the Ieadegs to be C. M. Smith, and K. in wartime, are from a base in ,can- .. . ..­ - 'potatoes which was endeavoring to have the bracks . J. J. McLaughlin, St.Marya 11,6 26 90 ment would' welcome good reading the knives, with the result that two 1. McLean, the losers to provide a . . �, I . being sirloin steak and I I .. 11 * in the,kstreet pavements covered by C. Hall,'�St. "Marys..". - - - 110 26 ' 84 material of all kinds for men , and inches of bone was cu"ff at the 61- supper. . I ada. From this ,one base all execu- . I'll 4�., � I . I 0 . .t., U ,t. I., liked so much I ordered another- . tive a d administrative -work is ilone, , - I the first I've had since leaving home, county employees 'before the wintei..' K. M. Roberts, St. Marys 107 �6- 8.1 women in, the armed forces. bow and his arm was badly gashed. During the .evening several excel- covering activities overseas, on be. ..:� , � Letters of appreciation were read J. E. Keating, Seaforth. . 180 26 154 * The literature department urges the Dr J. A. Gorwill was called and lent numbers were given by'the club . Al - `11 I The city was crowded with holiday ' kind of reading In had 'him removed to Scott Memorial quartette, Dr. F. J. Burrows, . -�i -1 a . T. R. Patterson, .06derich 112 26 86 need of the right John 'half ,of soldiers In Canada and len- - by the Clerk from Gunner Ritchie, N. Hill, Goderich ........ 130 26 104 the home. "We hear mudh of propa- Stew route Overseas, and as well ,the usual I 0 . 11 . . people and I had to go to five hotels ' Ilospita,l, where -he is resting As gorn- Beattie, C. A. Barber and J. A. , _ I � ­.. ., , . .Pert4wawa, and from Pie. K. Adams, us gee that -we spread the work of -the Army among underpriv- I I" I # before finding a. room at ,a private tha . nking the . council for the identi- J. A. Graham, Ooderich.. 116 26 90 ganda; let I , � fortably as possible, but it '*Ill be art, accompanied at the�,biano by Mr. ' A -, - hotel. I had a. room up on, the top fication discs sent them by council. 11. _.G- . Hays; Seaforth ... 142 26 116 right kind.' some time bet -ore he regains the use Earl Van Egmdnd. . ileged classes not usually reached by ,, I . :,,�,�. ,, � Iloor. The meals were also good; one I I . . I other charitable organizations. . . . I . ,, I The subscription list for the, Glad 11 � I . . of them I ite with De Valera's bro- The following motions were pass'ed: I I ; Tidings ,has increased, and an even of his arm. . � —0 The present campaign is to provide . I 3" I I . I had a 'claktl, ,,.=aoImes` Smith; That the 'sale of - . I ' A' the time of the accident the ." 11 � 9 ther-in-law, with whom .. larger number is hoped for next year. �� - ' money for the 9tipport of those-activi- ,A� . I machine was, fortunitely, slowing , * . . ..", I Throughout 'the city there are -a num- Lots 97-98, Gbulnlock Survey, to Mrs. The Home Helpers department has ' . . ties at the base in -Canada. Each ac- '' .1 14 ber of beautif6l parks that I ris- Geraldine Eckert, as per motion of down to a .stop, otherwise there is . . I4, ited, leted by SALVATION ARMY. shown a steady'growth anct-a--number .tive SQvatjon Army worker in Can- .t.�', . every possibility that Mr. Shannon ' I . , � �. . as well as Trinity College, August 10i 1942, and comp I have become active ,membeis of the . I, . ada, and this means particularly' -the , I I . I .1 would have lost his arm. . , � Abbey Theatre and several chur4hes. the Solicitor, Mayor and Clerk, be society. . . . . +.. - heads of the o'rganization, ,are all d(�- I ..Id.. 11 Eire ,.are katified and, confirmed. ' 'Several auxiliaries have special con- . . Ing double .duty.* There.!& no ,set-up , , I , . I . I Churches, by. �he- way, in . '. MA . . � I I . . � 4�- -- � . . I .1 -pl6utiful, large and bp&utifui. No �-,%Ills-Parks: That the sale of the , , � . tributionts at regular intervals foi life . I . . RED CROSS. to thke care of the handling of the I ,;: ' ' . . ! � . , ' .. 1: . . I . � I .. .. �. . I '. mutter what time of'the day you go properti6s known as the Win. Holmes . .. m.ombei:shIpp and. this makes a valu- activities of th� Salvation Army, add . I.!.�., , . I. 11 . them you -find . .� unds Need6d, . I GE , CHICK - r :­�, ' I . This , . - ' ' NOTES ted by the war, both the.special wa I . I . .KES,.APPE I Al . '1' I into lots of peoi�le al� and Jane Rulley,and Broadbridge pro- . ,able addition t6 the funds,of the- so- , , portios. purchas , �ie I I i -- 11 -1 . ed'by the town at -tax Service F .. . . ,ty. . STA . -EN work at home and abroad and, the' . , -read -, ,-- - .. . I. . ' ' . . ' . .� ..y there. . . � I .. . � . From'Dublin .1 started out for Cork, sale for $400, be ratifi a - . A large increase, was repd'rted in � I -. . ­ . usual - work in Canada bftg lo.ok4d '' .. - . ., ' � I . I . which Is about 140 miles,.south. Ov- ed. - I . i-- . I � Fall To Carry on, Nee the visits made -in ,the welcome and TOURNAMENT.. The last quota of surgical. supplies. -af r by the saine organizatiIOn,' . "I., � . " I welfare department. Exeter. ahas - ,a . te . . ..�.. A. . � � I I Ing to' the..pre§ent war, ,-coal Is very. - Rold-Smith:' That the transfer of , essary War Work. . I . I I has been completed and anothjer one Miss'Gladys McKenzie was�hostebs, . ". ' i - . ­ . I hard to.get, so -the trains burn'.a aux- thd toWn's interests' in Lots., 69, 70 1 � . . ,ornmitpee- of two women from each . I has been accepted. There . will be assisted by her mother, Mrs. Peter I . . .1�-11 � I . '­ lure of peat ana wood which ceria;lu- and 71, Jarvis survey, and Lot 72, ex-' chur6h,'who arrange for hospitality in . in . .... I I .. . evenings and at week -ends for Outside and Local Rinks At work on Monday, Sept. 21st, and as McKiBnzie, at their he e 'on Thurs- -'. 1 4 ly doesn't give 'much satisfaction, be- copt the northwest corner, having a Because the Canadian Government the the quota is twice as large as any we day, evening, Sept. 10th, for the Sep- . � 3 .1 I girls in cam -p who are a long distance ' 0 . ��­ � , caus(3 the top speed the ,engines hit frontage of 61 feet and -a depth of 66 ha� ruled that th�re can. be'no united from home. This is a fine piece of . - Greens on Friday have 4,%d previously, many workers tember. meeting Of the Hensall Ben- . ". ,, � . . . . � . � I . I is about - 30, and: the ,usual 'speed Is feet, '�Sovereign Production Co. own- campaign by'the National War Ber- work -and greatly app�eciated. - � . . will �e 'iieeded. . ior Mission Circle, the theme of the 1,11 I . � "Prayer." The meet� - - "', I about 1.5:' -or zo, sometimes lower. CFn- era, at a Price ot $1.00, plus trans, vice Organizations this year, the Sal- I Greetings from 'Huron Presbytery Evening. I . . meeting being' �:�., to each place, ferring charges to W. It. Belden, and tion ArrAy find it necessary to all- I I Ing came to ofder - with the theme ' "I" % I �., ly one train a day runs . ,va i . were biought by Rev.'John Galloway, . .!I- ,,, . seat 'you hayp associates be ratified- and confirmed. for funds, this fall. I . Many have been making inquiries song and the Lard' - ��, .. so theref ore to get a peat to the public of Exeter, and the morning session a Prayer; hymn,. I., .11 . . to go early. (I usually went at least r Scott -Parke: That the Lions Club Ist, about donations of blood, lout untl -S v �1� � ��� I . . . . In these critical times, the Salva, was brought to a close With prayer 'The winners were as follows: 1 N eet Hour of Prayer"; po M OIL. �� I I ,. tl - - an hour and. a halt early ,for -every be granted $75:00 Tdr maintenance, of tion Army, will'continue, to fit in and , by Mrs. Jack. , . J. J. -Cluff and F. Johnston; 2nd, B. 1104v it ha's ouly been arranged in the "Prayer," Bdrs. Eric Kennedy. %llow- . . ..',, I , - ' However_ the Red . � . . , train 1'eaught). The aisles are crowd.- Lions' Park. - c . o -operate with the DO-Mini,on auth&ri- '­ Afternoon Session F, 'Christie and Dr. F. J. Bechley; larger. centres. ed with prayer by Mrs. Wm. Smale;, .y,l ' � I ed and sometimes they have to lea,ve The following accounts'were Pas�- t . Jes to -the fullest possible extent; � 3rd, ,C. McManus and George *athe. Cross, is arranging -for the smaller Scripture reading, Mrs. Harvey Me- :.�,;. . , t ed: 1). H. Wilson, $64.17; R. Shinen, e Go The devotional period at the open- Ing in Larnon; devotional re di . ,,Our . I ..W11 . .. people behind. lAence in accordan�e with th vern- . . . I was, in son, Goderich; 44th, H. Fryfogle and places to have a chance of-PhAt-i a ng I ., I �� I . ­ I Arriving at Cork I wasn't so for- $23.16; John A. Wilson, pension, $20-,: ment's ruling we cannot raise 1942 -Ing of the afternoon sessior 0. Hazelgr6ve, Wingham; 5th, M�-M,c- this way too. Dr. Burrows has been Prayer Lire," givoli by Mls� Alne '. . . . . . . .. 'I'll . I . 0 (Continued on Page 5) . J. Cuirie" $41,2�';, J.'Cumm"ings, $13-75; funds by a national campaign as we charge of Mrs. E. Wa-rd, Mrs. J. Sn,!- Kellar and J. Hotham. ' I appointed cbaiTMaU of the local corn- Saundereock. The topic, "Turbid .1.11 I. ' - . ' I .,I . I .0 I . . I .1 T. Storey, $33.75; Municipal World, had done, up to *1941. instead, local der and Mrs. G- Robertsola. of Olin The Scores . m-ittee. A meeting of all those in -1 Waters," based on 'Chinese peasant � :.� ." I . ---�e $7,94; ,Canadian National Railways, I (Continued on P ,� �, I I . appeals are to be conducted in those M. A. Reid, ,Seafortb, 2 wins Plus, tere'sted id to be held in the council, life, was ahly taken by Miss Irene I �." . ' . I 1 $15.52; 'S. T. Holmes & Son, $20; Bell communities -where our work has been Friday evening at eight Douglas. Business was discussed and i .. . —0 1.6; Fred Jobtston, 3 wins plus 19; cloambers on I � ..., - i . I :' Telephone Co., U.77; Uublic 'Utility carried on for many years, and we J. Hotham, 3 wfns plus 12; -W. G. O'cl<)c'k. . the closing hymin, "What a FrIend We li�`, . . .0 Commission $2-3.79; Ros,s I � . . .1. �. Sproat, '�up .* * * . '. I 0 hope .that our kind friends and ' Willis, 2 wins Plus 113; Lorne Dale, 2 1 . . . Have in Jesus" and the Mlzpah bene- , .� . �., �,­ . I I .A . 300; R. rlro�t, $2,88; Watson &Rqld, e asgistance Newly -Weds- wins plus 8; Dr. F. J. Bechely, 3 wins The jam corn diction closed the � -meeting., Mrs. �-�, ­. I �� I � . $14.20; County of Huron, J4,523.79; porters will give the sam � mittee is asking for , - - � . .4 .. . Receiver Ge' era! of and co-operation that they . have . In the. . I . plus 19; Harry Stewart, 3 losses; Jno- donations of apples suitable for mak- Lorne Elder, , president, took the ' - - I-, 4 n __Canada, $6.50; H. past. If . I apple jelly. The . 1 4---.. " � � � y, $12.08; .. Are Honored Beattie, 2 losses; C. P. Sills, 1 win Ing of se apples, may chair for the evening, Luncheon was I ..., ­ '. i 6. V I . Roggarth, $12.60-;--R. Pinkne, 8� is plus 8; R. J. Winter, 2 losses; G. C. be left in McTaviqh'-; vacant store on, served. , . .i - I I he Salvation Army 6f'Canad . I I * �11�1 11 . . P. Reeves, $8.75� Wm.,Montgomery, T . -- - .. :�., . . . ­ . . . I I . .hot Co., operating 117 separate -and distinct - Saturday from 2.30 to 5 o'clock and Mrs. Alex. Buchanan has' received - . Al - I . (yVeek% Bulletin onhe ' Se4forth and $7.20; Bell Engine & Thres ' Winthrop hall was the scene of a Brightrall, 2 losses; D. A. Ronn; Bru-9 . en- word that her grandso'n,-Keitb Buch- . ...�,,� 1. . service centres and, canteens: most or sels, 21osses; W. Hodge, Goderich, 3 from 7 until 10 ,o'clock In the ev �1111. . . . . . I I $10.58. 1 happy gathering im Wednesday,even- theson, ti'oderlch, 3 Ing. The donations of pears, were atan, of. the R.C.A.F., Arn,prior, .had -1� I . 4 latri;3i Salvage Corps)' ' .them What you could call true service- . I I �=; . --�3 � . I . . ... ,,, . '. . ., � I ing1when 150 neighbors and frlei4ds the m4afortune to fracture his arm. . . . �,;.'. , , E;a Side arld 96mondmille,Colleotion . -0 . ,a clubs, 'in military, and urban, ... wins plus, 18; J. Lancaster, St. Marys, generous -thank you! " . men of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. McKereher, - . ,'� �'. � T , [land. 2 wins plus 8; M. W.*Binkley, Strat- . The Young People of the United . 11�11' . uesday, September 29n centres in--Oanada and Newfolln� , I . � , I ,rh ii,ext EaSt Side and zgm�nd- � popular neWly-weds, met to spend a ford, 2'-Iosiseg; E. Harris, Mitchell, 1 . ..... Church from 14 up, ate ask!ed, -to meet. ' '.. 11 . ,11 . , . . .- I . ., " 4, I wine ecollection, will be lierld on JUC,s- S.A. Official' � —* �.. social eVeqing. win plus 8; H. Porterfield, Mitchell, at -the church Monday, Sept. 21st, to I . �1'o �� I., . 51 I ". $ '^ I Dancing was enjoyed for a tirae to laigrave, Wing- discuss plans for activities for a Y. . ..�i , � � I I , . ��111J, . ipt. 22nd, starting - at 4 p.m 2 wins plus 10; 0. Hav Table . , . ,3$ A dasri Be , \ Pryce's Orchestra, after which Mr., I I.% . ham, 3 wins plus 14. . P. ,S. for the fall and winte.r months, 1111 ��t 11 I * Speaks Here C.W.L. Holds and Mrs. McKercher were called up- ' ""? ", .Zhis coifiection will include all homes '' t I . �treet and all business . I � . y The annual rally day serVice, will 21 - � east,of Main, I � . on to accept a beautiful desk and mir- .1 . a , Broadcast ,B be held in the United Church on Bun- � ", 4��, 1 of thL- street., �,i�,',,l I . poces on both sides . . I - I . '', ;, Ali . ­ Regular Meeting ror. The'addres8 was read by Mr day, Sept. 27tb. A, splendid program. &', I ithdi'all' of Eg'niondville -and Little At First Presbyterian �Church on . �,� .. ,,i � I I ,� George Wiliqatley and the presenta- . S. Huron M- e n 1. being arranged and a pageant will ' 1. �� � in case of bad weather, it Sunday morning last the pulpit was I ,PN .9 . — tion was m9de by Messrs. Robert t: 11 �,�t I % I . 066tivid. . SAnd Pictures be presented. . I Ia... �. Will, be IiQstpoted to Thursday-, Sept. oectipled ,by Mgadler H. C. I4abkl,rk, ' . � . - . I . , ym 9 , 24th. I I . - I of the. Salvation Army, when he re- The. C.W.L. Or St. James, Church Campbell and G6Mon Papple. At the � The Wohelo Class of the -UnIted .:�C,411�1, % - 'called having attended Sunday sebool held thetr monthly meeting In the ves- figme time mt: John L. Malone, on From -Egypt National War.Finances, with special Church held a delightful weiner roast . .,�,,� , , . * , * I. 0.4 , t h recently, wlth'th6 behalf of the Federation of Agricul- ,P u Gr . , , tIll � 4 Farmers, -plead, note ! , - The Sea&rth In tha� chur o. I try of the churc I . reference to War Savings Stamps and at the beach at Turnb It's ove on . -i",� . abklr�, who Is e Daly, In charge. ture, spoke a few words to ilie newl�- . ,$ , � Brigadier H a 1�1&tive president, Miss ADC ,Certificates, wiJI be d1selissed over Friday evening, Sept. 11-th. Th,e Wee.- . � .. . � it,"N . . and District Salvage � ,entered offle ss Alice Daly was chosen to iCl married couple and Mr. Alvin Dodds. Mr, J. F. Daly has received a. num- . ! It, Cbt,Os are mak- , CKNX next Saturday, September 19, thtr being Ideal the evening was I ,:, �%'?, . . . -9 fort it fall bolle-oijon of�sal­ of this district I ..� -1 .10 Ing Plitt Convention which presented them with a smoking set. her or most Interesting pictures from from, 12:45 to I o'clodk. The speak, ,spent In gain" 'dimeted by Miss 91- . 'J.", yago Sitillar to th6t ' de'. In the jb9l §41vation ATmy from the local tend the Diocesan b and'A iiry' en- his son, Plying Ofricer T. E. Daly, s will be Merton A. Reid, , 8 . 1�,3't . . . o6it I's hoplect1hit t-het'date of corpito. where he hag now completed Is.b6ing held In Chatham Octo er 6th Dancing was resumed ationed at A.A.F. head_ er Of ' e�, Ids, a sing -song ,enjoyed' and weiners, � , ,',�11 spri . , ,� ao given Father joyablo, evening was speut� The fol- who is now st forth, R. N. Creech, of Exeter, mffd,' ihocolate milk and peaches §,W il IT9 lie ". , , ". � On to 8th. A donation w Were ' ",­�:;;�, these . ictiot.s. can, be. announced 44 years of unbroken service. I I 4 y I ,,, 11 , , � '74 � I I 9tm4y- evening he spoke In the Arm McDonald, of Clinton, to purchase towing Is the address: -.- . quarters In the Middle East. Dr. A. R. Campbell, Heba-all . served around a hug;e �On,fije. � .� ,7��, 4, X I I ... I - ' atis, . 'boys "Dear Greta and Bob: We have. Three years ago Flying Ofticer Dal� ' I X next weeM,i� at any rat6, Drbdlent P . ., I M "' . I :01,tadbi. sobae necessities for the Catholic The discussion will occupy only 15 Miss Irene Douglas is visiting with . 21'�,� , . , . , . I . . tall for .one of the collections during t Church of the Radio School,. Last month EL gathered here tonight to welcome enlisted In the R.A.F. for special radio , In Torolito, !. - . W." I afealige- On'.Monday e*ening in Firs minute's and all who can are urged to friends ,., I ;,',�Ii:�A , I 1,o the first week In October, if seas to one of Our you, Greta, and to congratulate You, work and went overseas over two 'gentlemen W1 .I 1. ,� . ,you � s,ro &Aked BrigaMer i1alokirk gave -an excellent box was sent over hear- what these 11 "hAVIS Hdrveost thanksgt�ing - 13',�,, �� �, , I I Idelits can be made. . his duties _ I , ,"­ T", - . �,,4jty�a4 31 I , � , . I? 1 4 to gather ,all -your .8-alvagd, .00 I't win Illttstft�iod leettire on, "The Prilgoher's 0haPtins of the L6ndon Vocese. Bob, 6nr the. choice you have made. .years ago, Since then . �tL�4t, , " t'l L � t,�', It I . I -to say on, the pressing questlion of be hold In Bt. PAUJI-s Anglicut'diuroji . :�`�: t-,,., .� i3. A,i� I to 6 was. -a former judge Of Mrs, J. Flannigan, .Miss Margaret Since early last spring wilien We.heakd have taken him halt way rount the 1i ncial ass-istamco for our arbied. on Sunday, Oiept, 20th, a � ,ko, ca'11" t..YoUr- Friend." iq in,, posts na . I A , be ready when, the tfu# Kolly,'Mim Lorettq- Faulkner, ,Miss rumtors and when the new. house Was world, He has been stationed 1,i t" Iii , . , it. :"" ` , court, In Calgary, and I t& forces. .1 . I -1 . I OoVer mdnVd4i4fa9 th�t,�'YO'i4Y.:DV,r- 'the; ld'V�hile Ort' started, ,Te have been looking forward from the north of Scotland to Africa. . . 7 pan. 4ueat tpiaWria.z W the )�16 ... 1�1 - , I � ,: I I 111. " - - � re IR .I. -r"!"', ,-i . I 11 A-14 cu., � 1'tttli mdrij6,'' fy.r. six yearis-: and haA spent Alice Daly and MISS K. -010e,ry P Ing 'Rov 9 AfIgO, Wurhb - �mfiff �41- r,.,:,. 4 ,41,,la zttenitlo�i to I in ..W1,11ni, ed 86VOTal calls o1i the- sick during to th-19 bapp event. Each member of and for some time has been Ili Egypt. —0 N 1 7I ,�', sy�obi ------ - � Ni"No-tils., III, eirs ki Prison work Y, from,ihdh N§6:" 64 �r,­,�.!,�,,,� r . ��,.­t di . ment.1%.0f. ,tune, July and August. the M.eKevoUlf &mfl ' ,hag '.. -1.1. $4,11 ­.. !��, lig �,ro�, � "'. �?L - al*A,y9 Tb.0 pictures show, life In Eastern ar, ,,, 1--, .,-, �4 r... �,!- 4 . I I , I�W&F,11�v $6.1 .K"6Nq. t ­', "I �; as- brasi, 1616 ... p-pe'i-t'0Ah1`WW& lgfdo bbg- ", ­ ,.1 - - .1 . and there are I , , , I ,. 7: � �;, '.1t . - '. the ri almbw U - - .,k � such . Mrso. ,01tarlds 8ttWart and Mrs. --14. b9eh active, in t,110 affs, r8 of 'this coin- cities and countries A long�wlnd6d 14,4,,d. I - ; . I �.. - � - f I :Crankth t* - , 14,-64" �4t' . ftlooki0y." 00 " , ,; 0 " . . . I w6r ..t 0 _ 19, atid dilthig the� . t'� 7 $, . % ; 45 oleo that you:,'elftu every.sh, ap or I. , lelpate.= ,some particularly 900a Ones of the clieRe 1111811i0ces0fol .'I 11-1 -1.� 1. ��, ': ,,,�,q ,,ib%,t;r poli '0.gft,_ 'fijI., , . 0 . Melleli w6te &.006inted, to vlaft Luty muniqr' ind kAg, 044 . I 1, 7K � ,.,i�vqj ", � :.,,�. I -vb,V . , . L � -a' -'­,­, ". ­�,ir, �,"., ­­­ A.�­4-, u .11:N .. I 11 I �W . 1� .. I . � . 'if .11 , - "I . I -n " i ; q ­� 1�' ! , " , 1�., � �f "' �- "I �0 "I" � ", . - "I'll t I I t1111 ,I, , I.; f 11 .", , Sol', 111 I i�l * I 4 . I '.�,-411�'111�,I�vli"Li ".. ­., � ti .I ,, � "t, I� 411;:, z 1. ,­ I. 1. "I 'i I .. .i�.; 11" 11. . " ' 11 " I "' '14 " I � ,, i". .4!� , . i .. I ­" """"""' 11 11 I I ILI 11; I I "I", - 1� � ­ , rrr �, - - -1110 I .) , - �, �, on - I . L 11 I I 1. I -11. I I I , - I - I I N . %4­41,6�, : and - -�'­ . — . .. I . ". t I -',w �o r1p,A-elv6d tht. k61r0*1*, ,�i�, aild JW -A, -A"t ; 'T''il "Ibo", , .T - . einther. stolis .h6ft .y,b , Oreta, 0 thfj , no* d6seft. trial the Judg � Im"y ", "A r,4, I . A& 411firIg the' WOlith of Sept I , 12, � "I., 4 4 - nkliek)W -?, WjIl'tako your &A, ; As -a and much bbtel "Thd"Drikohlor humhly *0i I , i , &O I , 4; - 1AM1,11 " rangs ,of b*10Y d0oddkotto ;,ir6, algo. 'A*hsVs� bi-601ab 6,f p'll'. those Ulu, jt"t�tjs Addiddd tb oater 'at 6 IU In. spite bf hard WoTk K " memb16 I. , .1 111 .. , 4ikoka ''MMi X ft 1411 1" � 11! UrgOUtIp fidddodi, �-!Y ;�I-` 00 - .jiL tfil� 0 a-A-'h.,&II 'for. tht, dottorg it- t13'k6;n, Of', our, estooln *4 , " KXI beat, fliwaud soorpiwas. Tod th �,t 11 . a6ipffad Uj,tt(0.#le`&.bf � PLOV, I I� te.-F"­" i �� I , I . � tditgi �Y.60; used � to 966, Ili , tilloo U&I'VOT ,J:op� to , travel, , Z1, , All ' #ft9;'-t,W,131#Jj4j]t,0 , . � .I I . , . . oue'ot, that Ift lh6l '064609- -­` , I , "I'll, 161 � § 0, ;V11141, 0,41#40 . 4 . ". Ifi, 0 1 .." tead019 -tht.ift4d404A. dd11-V;�A(f6A ) .1 i 4 �i , .: V61L "" , � f I 11OW-im, . K'�;:, � . - 'b"'9( te t, a I . - Diaturt A Itailla bdt she � -1 Ame'd �. �, '. .; VO.t bO ,� i bir��thbm- lii4 ak,ivtiiot,:,Id,biaftig,*hbl,d,ifi toft .� st ed the I 0 b � � � A - M, ,-�" 1"­;�, 6�',4040610 � 1I ;"�q"t';'p, 11 0, 't, ,, b� ,0, I 0 � � , � � - �, ,t.,� . . ,L i I .. 1, r. t 0 I 1� ­ . "", 1';"4'­� 4 I at ,*`�b t. . , �, . , , 11 I ;,��,%-, ,-�� �.." -,-�, L I 11 �po 1: ­:,. qli, "'W ffi, P, ��.,,. �i M1%0. �Ep , 1 I 11.� -1'111�­ I :. , ,,, :, � t I 4., t1TWJft1 k W& 11 �;. ,'-, ,..'� . '�L , , iik"111, , 406NI ti-,,i44R��Ifflljlp�eR,:. I " 6%, � gftt,�, it,.OWOO WbTlt h , - I I, � - I.. I .. i FE! A, , - ­'...- ".- ,-A. ­­­ -1-1- ­­­­ . , :,- '� 1, i�'435)1,v; . F V -914M. ,��,!� � -- - , '' , .;­ .d ",I: 1,1, � i� I " , 4 I'll I I,- ­ �Q­ I A 10, 'I. , I L. 01;A ; ,,J,�,Ig� , , Aii!00 " , , �, iry I lk "I 1, .111, ....... 111- -, I . ""I'll ,',,""I'll", ..: I " , -- � ... - , �� ', .... 11,11.1, t' ..... I � ", ,� ,rr I .,,A ­ . � 41111.1`4, " ,,, I 11111131:,,,�, ,%,,�,­%r , �a­'�,,r. " 61,qw 1� 11 laol"vill I . , uih 1. "I ,,�'1012% 1p, I , 511 11TY1 M