HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-09-11, Page 5P'4 WX Ili, , Wt ., "O, ...... '',�'. N �,,..',�,�" � I
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4 I . .. Vva,th of Richard HA7777-Modeland
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in. the death of Mr. A-1chard Hai-
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. # mond (Amon) Modeland, which oc-
- . I
. I
. I . . 1.1-1-ill'.11.11 ... M,
curred auddenly at his home on the
� 1. .,
The WomeWs (1, itiftte 'held;
I 0 12ud conces�s-lon- at noon,_qn, Saturday,
. _
regular- meeting W�qftcigday ci,Vienlrig
. September 5th, this d1strict has suf-
J 9 . ,
at the home of Mrs. Ja.% M. Scott,
. q fered the loss: 'of a 'widely known,
. I—...
I � I
with an attendance of 45, Mrs. Gor-
highly respected and upright pioneer
� ...;?0
`,��.��'-, I
. don Papple presided
,, during the bust-
I - . citizen. MT. Model -arid had complaiii-
I ii�iifl..�ii�'�
- riess period.
ed for a day or two of a tightness In
::::�:; S1*..,:: ;?�'1'1�1;i��;
...... .....
0 -�,
., .
. Large quantities of Red Cross spw-
his chest, but nothing serious was
�!�7��) ... j:
, '.-.K.,
ing were distributed'and finished art -
I � i thought of dt, arid on Saturday, as
:,.: ....
ii;iii, j:111, �i;"�%,�
icles handed tn. lifiethods of raising
� always, he waq busy about the farm.
:.,..,:: - �Iiiil,�ii::
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... 11.1.1
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money for Christmas overseas boxes
. # In, the morning he had been In the
.... .
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q_- i, 11111
i�'$,��. A�.
I 1
. were discussed. . It was decided -to
oichard cutting weeds, and, ap�pareiit-
, .
?15 --ii? 1.�i �g�
-- &'!!!!!. .9-1.
� .
have a play and dance ii October.
. I ly had sat down on a tree stump to
Miss Thelma Elgie gaye a report.on
. crest, when he was stricken Nith a
Jam making to date, 2,192 pounds of
I I sudden heart attack and . pass d
' ea way
honey and Jam having been prepared.
.shortly after Mr. �� it rs Dhn
Mrs. Raymond Nott took charge of
� 4 Modeland found him a n �h d0-
t .00.
the program on '99-ealth." The roll
ceased was born in Chingua ' y
. i ..
call was answered by a health hint.
. I Township, near Brampton, on, Ma ... I
The motto, "Good Health Must Be
1858, 'and three years later moved
Lost to Be Appreciated," was well
. 4 with his Parenta to Ahe 2nd conces-
� -- - . , ;;
taken by Mrs. Paul Doig. Mrs. Leon-
., ision. of Tuckersmith, where th,r., built
�.'.- I
ard Strong gave -a talk on "Emerg-
I . their beautiful stoile home, and where
. Brigadier and Mrs. H. C. lia.likirk, of Winnipeg, are to visit Sea-
ercles of War."
. . � Mr, Madeland lived the remainder of
forth over the week -end of September 12, 13, 14. The Brigadier Is a
"Vitamins" was the subject chosen
. I I his life. He was a ttdy, industrious
native of Seiforth and entered OffIcership in, the Salvation Army
by Dr. 0. A. MeMastet. He stressed
and successful farmer whose bobby
'from the Local Corps. Re has now completed 44 years of unbroloen
the different Vitamins and foods fiec-
was the keeping of hi� fi;rm free of.
service. Among the appointments that the Brigadier basiheld is that
espary for good health. He also spoke
I I weeds, and all about the place were
of Judge of the Juvenile Court in
Calgary and Edno�ontori for six
on communicable diseases and care of
. evidences of his orderly and in-dus-
years. As a prison officer the Brigadier has dealt with 27 murdergLs
munds. � .
I . I I trious,. habits of life. Possibly if he
and has -accompanied seven of these to the gallows. A mors detail-
Interesting moving pictures ' "Fish -
Iliad been given his own, choice Mr.
ed account of this work will be given by the Brigadier in his illus-
Ing in Bayfleld,"- were shown- by Mr.
James M *Vote
. , -Modeland would have chosen to Pass
trated lecture' entitled, "The -Prisoner's Friend," on Monday evi4ning,
-Scott. A of thanks
,away as he did,)busy and occupied
Sept. 14th, at 8 p.m., in the basement of Fingt Presbyterian Cliurch.
was given by Miss Ulgie and the
I I in cultivating and improving'the land
On Sunday,morning, Sept. 13th, the Brigadier will speakAu First,Pres-
meeting closed with "God Save -the
� an which he had spent so many years
bYterian Church and in the Salvation, Army Hall Sunday afternoon
King." Lunch was served.
) 4 and which he loved so well. He is
and eveRing., 'Everyone is welcomd. . . .
the last surviving member of a fam-
� I ily ol eight. Oq.Fdbruary, 13, 1889, ,
Mr. Modeland wag united In. marriage
onto, Mr. Modeland was one of the
David, of Seaforth, visited with Mr.
Misses , Edna ,and Helen, Robinson
A o ,to Miss Susan McConnell, youngest oldest mdmbers of Bgmondville Unit- John Herdman �n Sunday and Mon-
daughter of the late Wllliam McCon-
ed Uhurch. The funeral was held
day. Mr. and -Mrs. Hillson Whiteford
spent Labor Day week -end with -Ethel
4 4 nell, of Tuckersmith, who S rvives
from his late residence on Monday
of Ingersoll, also were there on S1111-
and Tennis Dennis.
him and upon whom will f2 most
� I heavily the loss of a constant com-
afte noon at 2.SO and was very large-
ly attended. Rev. A., W. Gardiner and
day. .
'Miss Joy Whitlock returned to St.
Mr. and'Mrs. ,Camer*on Dennis and
panion. He is also survived by one
and one daughter (011ie), Mrs. IFL
Rev. James Elfofa officiated. Inter-
ment was made in.. Eglondville ceme.-
Thomas on Monday after a month's
and Mrs. George Simpson ,of
North Bay, who �ding
� � . .son
. 0. Henderson, Of Toronto, and John
tery, the pallbearers . being Messrs,
a 0
v cati n. here and at Port Stanley.
Mrs. Reg McDonald,. of Exe r
their vacation there have returned
home. .
. at .home, and two grandchildren,
l . Irene and, Ross Henderson, of Tor-
-Robert Boyes, of Aspilin, Ont., Wil-
liam Irvine, Robert Strong, William
Spent a few days last week '
with her
Mr. Win. Sholdice, of London, spent
I .1
Finnigan, John, Quail and Roy Me-
parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Skinner. �
the Past week with his niotber, Mrs.
I ' . o I . I
G6och. The flower bearers were Rod-
-1 Mrs. Gordon Ford and son, John, of
Fint, Michi'gali, and M�s. Mary Ford,
Adam Sholdice, and ,other relatives in
. .
, . I I
erick McLean, Robert Boyes, Jr., Wil-
liam Boyes, Harry Earle, Edward
of Exeter, were callers at Mr. H.
vicinity. .
'Mrs. Russel Bryans and family,
Drawn and Ross 'Henderson, and
Ford's last Thursday. .
Keith and Franklin, .have' gone to
) #
among the, fiJeads from a 'distance
Mr.'and Mrs. Rich. Johns, R�
Port. Stanley to live for a period of
who attended the funeral we . re:, Mr.
D. Hunter, Mr. Win. Johns, Mr. Gar-
time, where her husband is training
� 4 , . I
and Mrs. R. C. Henderson, Irene arld.
net Miners, Mrs. E. Carsca " dden, also
in the ,Ill- force; *
Ross Henderson, of Toronto; Mrs. Ef.
Mr. W. Pybus, of Exeter, attended
Mr. Donald Murray,,of Woodstock,
I 4
fle Modeland, Mr. and 'Mrs. R,ary
the funeral of a cousin, Mr. Pollard,
.spent the week -end -,witli bis mother,
.. a 5
Nlodeland, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Marsh,
at Tillsonburg last Saturday. "
Mrs. Alex Murray.
I 1�
Mrs. Courtney, Mr's. Walters, Mrs.
' '*\[I,. and Mrs. Allen Johns motored
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Kirkby and fam-
I ..
Ile -ad. Mr. Heil ry �.Fowler, Of London-
to Niagara Falls oil Sunday, return-
ily, of London, are h,&Iidaying in thi's
. I � .
Mr. nail Mrs. .I. C. Richards, of Stra�
ing Monday. "
district. . .
, a
tord: Mi,
ss Florence ,Ind -Mr. Elmer
Mr. arid Mrs. 'Ben Williar , I .
as Ali-
Mr. and Mrs.'Wm. Hoy and ,Doug-
Fowler, of Bluevale:-and Mr. andmrs,
and Mrs. R. IVIlliams and ,Miss JO,v
)as silent the holiday 'with her par-
�� ,
-John Quail, of London.
Whitlock were v isitors on Sunday
PnU at -Goderich.
- -
I 1. I I k .. I Go
with Mr. and Mr�. Lloyd Horton,
S. -Sgt. W- C. Bennett, of.Petawawa,
— -
— — ��
nPar I
is visiting. at. his home here this
� 4 . I
11AY '
.Listowel. . .
Alaster Jackie Cornish. of ( �xoderich,
The Bennett store is undergoing re -
1) 0
* .
The -regular- monthly meeting of the
spent last week With her grand-
mother, 'Mrs. John Cornish here.
I Ig as the beaih in the front was
council of the Township of Hay wns
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hunter and
decaying and had to be ,replaced.
� .
I I : A I
I held kit the Town. Hall, Zurich, on
son, of Kitc,hener. were guests over
--- ,
� Manday. Sept. 8th, with kill members the week -end boliday with Mr. ana
I .
.1 � r
present. ,Minutes of the August meet-
Mrs. 11. D. Hunter.
im-, were adoptpd as road. After dis-
Mr. Howard Pym. of Tillsorlburg
I � i
I I ,
11 -
. , -- - I
posing of the, communic
, lations, the
Airport, spent Sunday at his home.
, The H � ,
-orticultural Sociaty is holding
I � -,
. - I& . I-
following resolutions were passed:�-
its flower shower on Friday afternoon
. . ,�-� - I
That Bylaw No. 12, '1942, Confirming
arid evening of .this week. Tea will
I t �
-, 1�, ,
the genel.al tax rate et 12.56 mills, be
be served. .
1. . .1 ;, � -- I
read three times and fin -ally passed.
� Misses Ina Scott and Margaret Aik-
I f .111 1,11
ThM onl�jrebr's report; plans, etc., re
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Alanley, of Kit_
,on . head, of London, spent the week-
. b I
'Willert Prain, prepared by T. R. Pat-
chener, have returned home after
end ,It their homes here.
� A & � I I ,
LerSOII. be accepted by ,ther council
spending a ,few days with the form:
Mr. and Mrs. B. McKenzie and fam-
and that Clerk notify all persons as-
er's parents.
ily, of Detroit, spent last week with
. I 0 , 11 1. .
sessed under drainage scheme that
Mr, Stephen Manley, of London,
relatives here and in London.
I .
- , , I I
Tepor I
. t, etc., will be read and c,)% -s -'d-
vigi4ed with his parents la s t we e k
Miss Ellen Scott is visiting af; hed
� 14 I .
,� , A
OL -ed by the council at a speCial meet-
Mrs, Conrad Eckert. Mr. J. M. *
home bem' I
I I I t .
Ing of the council to be -held In the
ert, Mrs. W,Itliam J. McKay and Mr.
Mr. ,and Mrs. B. Kaiser, of Detroit,
I * I -
Town Hall, Zurich, on September 'Z4,
a ii d I
, - Mrs. Louis Brall called on
spent the holiday here.
'with 'MrA.
a, 7.11 o'clock tn the evening, That
friends her� last Sunday.
Holiday visitors Mr. and
I � . J I
I - 11,111
at request of Board of Trustees z)f
T. H. Wheeler Nvere: , Mr. and Mrs.
.11 Ill
Policii Vill-agp of Dasliwood' a rate of
- �
Austin Wheeler, and Mr. and Mrs.
I I .
7.3 mills be levied on the rateable
Norm -an Wheeler, of Detroit, Mr. and
I t I 1111,111
property in said for, 1942;
Mrs. C. Halstead and Floyd, of Strat-
;. ,
, I . - .
that accounts covering payments on
0wing to the absence. of the rector,
ford. . *
township Toads, Hay Telephone Sys-
Rev. John Graham, of St. John's
Miss Anna Cornish and friend, of
tem, relief and general accounts be
Church, Mr. H. -G. Mef�; of Seaforth,
Toronto,' and Carlyle Cornish, R.C.A.
I I ) . .
passed as'per vouchers: � .
wh6 is president of the Diocesan Hur-
F., Brockville, ppent the week -end at
. �
Township Roads -W. F. Jennison,
on Deanery, gave a ve-ry interesting
their home here. .
'Miss Doris Dutot, tondor(,
� &
Crushing and trucking, $203.29,' -S.
talk on church going r
of visit- I
, ,
Hey, sect., $3.10; Johnston & Kalb-
work. , I �
ed'at her ,home here. �
.� I , � . �
fleisell, sect., $18.33: Thomas Welsh,
Week -end visitors: �Mr. and Mrs;�
Mr. and Mrs, George Swan 'spent
279 yards gravel;!,$22.32-, M. G. Deitz,
Alvin 'Elliott, of Kitchener; Mrs. Fer.
last week in Chatham. .
� 4 o 10 I o
gas(?Iine and labor, $26.90; pay list,
,�4u8bn and children,. of Sudbury, at
Mr. D. Swan, Miss E. BoWey and
labo,r,* .$163. Total $436.44. -
the boille,of4heir parelats. Mr. .Ind
Mrs. Grainger spent Sunday in Lon-
May Telephone Bell Teleph,pne Co.
Mrs. M. Elliott,,, Mr. and Mrs. Lay-
don. I . � ,;
I I . ,I v
tolls, June -July, $423.01; Hr G. ,Hess,
them and family of London With the
Miss Norma Collins, of Lon -don, is
salary, $175.60; Northern. ElectrieCo.
latter's mother, Mrs. Beatty, and
visiting her grdndmother, Mrs. MaI1
I 1
$41.81; E. R. Guenther, cartage, 5k-;
daughter, Edith; Mr. and Mrs, T.
McKelizip. , I
. .
. I I It 11
T. H..Hoffman, salgry. �183.33; T. H.
Chuter and family and Mrs. Walper,1
Miss Elizabeth Scott is visiting III
I I ..
I �
-Hoffman, extras, $25.45. Total $S49-10.
of London, with the former's parents,
Lon -don. �
'General -and Relief -Zurich Hydro,
Mr. a*nd Mrs. E. Chuter. . I
Mr. Ross Smith, of Wingham, is
I # I
lig4ts, Town Hall, $4.17; H. Lawrence
Mrs. 'T. E. Elliott, of, Oshawa, acm
visidug,Mr. and Mrs, ff. F. Berry.
.. I . I . .
on Zurich 'Drain' South, '$700; Bert
companied by her mother,. Mrs. Welsh
I . . . ..
) 4 I I 0
- - .
Klopp, stock valuer, $6; Hay Station-
of Ripley, Visited-Alle, latter's 'daugh-
, I I y.Co.; filing cabinet, $36, Hay�Sta- ter, Mrs. G. H. BeattY, last week,
t'i'onery Co., fillers for file, $23.50','-
Mrs. Austin' and son, Russell, and
I .
.. I * I i
. Following is a list! of the agrIcul-
Johnston & Kalbfleisch, acet., hall,
$10' 6O- Dr. J. A. Addison, Medical
daughter, Mary, called Sunday on
friends in Loadesboria and Seafortb.
Mr: and Mrs -Walter O'Brien were
I I 1hural .societies' fairs and�. exhibitions
He '
alth, $25: A. W. Shirray, sheep
Rev. Reba Hern, pastor of Varna.
in London on Monday. .. .1
.. Mr. and Mrs. ,G. W. Busfon visited
fin this ilistriet, this fall: '
claim, $41; Treasurer Zurich, on.1942
Urnited Church, is having a vacation.
with Mr. A. Sill, and girls, Mitchell.
� . 'Wellesley ... � ............. 5ept, 8, 9 'taxes, $100; Zurich Fair, grant, $75;
Mrs. Bill Ball and little son,' Clin-
There were no services in Staffs,
. � Plyth ........... � .......... Sept. 9, 10
Exeter Fair, grant, $15; J. Suplat, ra-
ton, spent the week -end with, her
Church on Sunday. The congregation
. I ........ Sept. 10,11
lief, $16.65, Total $962.92. 1
The council adjourned to meet
mother, Mrs. Mossop. I
On Wednesday, Sept. 3rd, fifteen
worshipped with Zion congregation,
I . Tavistock .............. '. - - Sept' -11,. 12
I t Selit. 15
again for regular monthly session on
women of Varna community met in
it being their fifth anniversary.
Staffs, school ope6ed Tuesday with'
.. Underwood .................
Monday, Oct. 5tb, at 1.30 o'clork in
the Red Cross work rooms where
Miss Mary Jacob, Stratford, as the
I r Wildmay ................ Sept, 15, 16
the afterpbon.-A. F. Hess, Clerk.
. .
they were busily engaged in packing,
- -
teacher. I
� 0 9xetbr ................. . Sept. 16, 17
- _..
cutting and sewirig on hospital gowns
A family gathering was held Sun-
....... Sent. 17, 18
and bankles. It had been decided
that during the busy season of Aug-
day -afternoon at Mr. -and Mrs. 'Bert-
. . .Clifford 1. I ..... ,.� ..... Sept. 18, 19
ust and September the ladies meet
Fell's, to celebrate Mrs. J. Worden's
. I �� New Hamburg ... * Sept. 18, 19
Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughin spent a
for werk ervery second Wednesday.
Palmerston ............. Sept. 18, 19
couple of days 'recently with the lat-
Many'Prefer to take work home with
Mr. and Mrs. An -drew Moore, Tor-
. 6 Embro . ..................... S6Pt- 21 -ter's
brotheT, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson
-ttipm where they have `t on, hand
onto, with Mr. and ,Mrs. Robt. Lavery.
I .Stratford ............... Sept. 21-23
Woods on theIr return to London af-
when they find a spare hour. During ,
Mrs. F. ,O�Brlen relurned home from
1 4 ZuTlch ................. Sept. 21, 22 ,ter
a holiday in Muskoka.
thp. month of August the packing com-.
Rondeau Park after -spending a
month'q holidays.
. taicknow ............... Sept. 22, 23
Master Murray, St6pben ,and Mas-
mittee has boxed 25 suits of men's
Mr. W. Bain, ol! Sebringville, with
� � Rayfield ....... ... * ..... Sebt.Y24, 24
ter John Batten visited a fow days in
PYJamas and extra pair, pants,. 10
Mr. and Mrs.'A. Jeffery.
Listowel Sept.'23, 24
London last week at the home of the
Pneumonia jackets, 2.5 hot water bot- .
Miss Isabel Drake, �of - Kitchener,
I 6 Galt . ... . Sept. 24-26
. *
latter's aunt. .
Mrs, Bullock, of Galt, spent Labor
tle covers, 30 bed pan covers, 10 P,OrS
service socks (army), 4. pair seamen's
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. X.
. .
I I -Ilarff,%ton''.*.*.*.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.. . Sept. 24, 25
Day with her daughtef, Mrs. J. Dyke-
hoots, 3 pair seamen's service socks,
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
I Kirkton ................ Sept. 24, 25
man. I
I scarf. At present infants' gowns,
Fell on SiInday were: Mr. and Mrs. '
� 4 .... A.. Sept. 24, 25
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pyrn and two
,hospital gowns, pneumonia jackets
and hankies are in the maklIng. The
J. M. Worden, Mr. and Mrs. A. Won
^ Port Elgin ............... Sept. 25, 21�
i I Owen Sound ......... Sept. 26, 28, 29
daughters from near Sarnia, were
visitors at Mr. S. Pym's over the week
knitting convener, Miss 'Edythe Beat-
den, Mr. and MrA, R. Worden and Mr.
,and Mrs. W. C. Warden.
., Mitchell ................. . Sej5t. 29, 30
end. I
ty, would like all knitting that is out
to be finished up as quickly as pos"
Mrs. William Sadler with Mr. and
. f Dungannon ................ Oct. 1, 2
i is renew-
'Mrs. J. Johns, of To,ron-tc,
Ible �nd brought in.. Woollen sets,
Mrs. A. Earl. of Whalen.
St. Marys ........... Sept. 30, Get. I
ing acQuaAntaneps in the village.
each consisting of I sweater, I scarf,
Mr. and Mrs. J: Worden with Mr.
, I oct. 1, 2
AC.2 Clay -ton Herdman, of Dunn.
Ville, was home for a few days last
I p,,ilt- socks, and I pair gloves, were
and Mrs. Mitchell, Centralia. Mrs.
Mitchell, Mrs. Worden's sister, :a
; I � Vordwich ................. Oct. 2, 3
week. I
on display for the followink local
boys who are in the R,C.A.F.: Mervin
poor health. .
.......... Oct. 15), 6
Mr. and Mrs. Art Jones and faintly
Keyes at' T.S., Toronto; Harry'Reid,
Mrs. George Vivian, has returned
k I # Teeswater .................. Oct. 6, i I Of &t. Thomas, were visitors at Mr. R.
Wm.'Reld' and Rollt, X. Peck, who, are
home after two weeks with her sis-
'Atwood ................... Oct. 9,.10
�Vlllianrs' the first of The week.
stationed at T.T.S., St..Tbomas. The
ter, Miss Janet Cairns, on the farm
i � ,Walkerton ................. Nov. Is
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bradshaw and
Pr'esident told of rece4ving' informa-
In HiUVert. I
tion from headquarters conclarningi .
Mrs. E. W. Aldwortb and Ian re -
I t I �
the sending of messages to friends or
furnpd home Friday 'after visiting
4.1� As A 1.4 41" - � ILN
� �
relatives who are prisoners of war In w rs. WCr s v n ., 1.
alien countri'eq. It I% advisable that and Mrs. Pride.
these cables be sent through your lo- I
Lat Red Gross branch and rhugt be I
a*gned by the president of the so- CROMARTY
6etv. Rev, H�ern gave .an intijrest- ---"�
ing Wk and reported that the Rirls MoKelfar Reunion
of Camp Minnebaba, north 6f Gode- The annual MeKellar reunion ple-
rich, of which she was. director, had nic was held at the pubtle school
donateil the sum of $3.81 io' Varna grounds In Mitchell ,on Labor Day.
Red Cross Society and displayed two .kembtrg 'of the clan gatititered from
lovely knitted wool afghans and sev- ClJntoti Seaf,brtb, . Qrorftarty Staffa,
eral dozen hatikle.s, the work of the Mitch6i'l, Downie Towfisihip, 'Niagam
girls. Falls and other parts. After all [had
WWOU PVXe0 were &Varde,4, T,IA,q
TN r,gq
T '.IQ T140.7., ,
ts resulted ps gollo-w&, ,Cbggren Ug,tl
, , �
aer'. 5 "ars, Shirley Wall4ce 444- I
, I ,
Laverne waalape; orls, $ ye,a.rf), .444, �
und�er, Beggy Uunrb and Audrey 06,'�,' -
dan; boys 'S years and under, Doug,-
Iss McKellar aj4d Douglas WisitgniAn; :
girls, 11 yearsi,and under, 'MRrg . aret
Bray' and Agnes Bray;-bo.ys 11 -years
and under, Mamny MCK,611�r arid. D,on.
41d Munro; girls 14 yeArs and under,
J,ean McKellar and Margaret Colqu,,
Loun; boys, Ili years and under, Fer.
gus WeKellar' and 'Murray Magill;
Young women's race, Dorothy Mepou-
Vald and 01ste Bray; young menla
race, Jimmie .McKellar -and Douglas
Miller; married women's race, Mrs,
John Wallace and Mrs Gordon Scott.;
married men's race, Wesley Russell
and Johri Wallace. Softball was an
attraction for -many of thorze present.
Later in the afternoon the clan g'ath-
ed for a short program of ciammun-
ity singing, speeches and tap dancing,
Nell Gillespie brought greetings from
members of the clan in Seafoith. He I
recalled many Interesting incidents
connected with the MCkelar clan. Fol.
lowing the program officers 'were
elected for the ensuing year. The of-
ficers are as follows: Honorary pres-
ident, Sandy McKellar; president,
Norman R. Park; sderetary Roy H.
Munro; treasurer, Miss Doidthy Mil-
ler. Various com�ilttees were also ap-
Pointed. It was decided to,hold the
Picnic in Mitchell next ye4r, -A vote,
of thanks to the lunch committee was
carried. unanimously. Mrs. Russell, of
Downie township, was Presented with
'a beautiful bouquet of flowers in hon-
or of her heing the oldest member of
the, can, to be present.
Silo filling has co— I
mmenced, Mr. W.'
E. Manning' started the work last
week. He is filling with alfalfa and
t,he Sudan grass which is a new ven-
ture in, this Comm -unity.
Mrs. ,I. Tamblyn is visiting with the
Carters and Mrs. William Hiles ilear I
Se&forth. '%Irs. Hilies is V�,ry poorly
and is confined to her bed most of
the dm6. .. I .
Mrs. George Cowan has returned
home after spending the past week
with Varna friends.
There will be a bingo in the Corn-
InuritY Hall on. Tuesday evening,
Sept. I - 5. Thl,z is for Red Cross work
and. a pleasant way to spend an eve -
ring, . I I
Public school reopened oil Tuesday
when all. Mip youngsters were gather -
led up and �111S,tle-d off for anothei
term of schooling. � , . I
M I's ' ClInrl", WatA611" Is vils"ln.� illis !
Week with- ht -1. vousi? .-,, MI. and
E. Gaunt, T,*LICkrI()1%-, '. . . , , Mrs. I
Quite a/ number of the W.M.S, lad- il
ies attended the JN'.M.S. meeting, at,
Constance on Wednesilay of th!s we?k,
Mrs. Will. 1,3rors was hostes;i to ;I I
miscellareou.A sliowe.r oil Tuesday aE-
terndon fo
. I, Miss Lily Garrett, a bride '
to be. QUIte'a number oil friplid.s. .111,1
r,elglibors ,at1Ie.etI to oxtend their i
gbod wisilles for ber fu -Lu 're happine.�s. ,
Miss Ilene Millar has taken a p3si-
tion in the ClInton Kni-ttinq Pai.-t,)!-.�-.
Mr.,Dorali-1 Sprunz Of Nova Sro,cia,
and .
, Jack Sprung of Kitchener, -ho
' %
arp in training ir the R.C,A.F., are at
T)resent home . on ;eave aad are spend -1
ing it with their, parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sprung. I I
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We've aft set with 'h ; 11 .
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'of Wintir Coats welyc 'Isnol.im". M I ,��
I ,�, ,4. q9,VM"`A H. I 1"'
years-pqp4lgr . , ', �,P4,
� I � , AnoliAh':T*&fi ., ' ,,, ".11 v,,t�, �. I
Cloths, Boucle and Probg,� �h,o', :� i
. I 11 .... . I .
fu.r trimmdd or 4' geir:. to,1411 411P
,types. Every now pha;f6, *0a,i,fe.*n0,-1.:1.4 JA ,
. - I .1, � ,
style. i . I ", � F ,,�,M.
.. is here for your I X e 04"-:i-, 0'!
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..'', $17.50 to $350010 1 , � "",,�.
:,., .
..... � .
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— . -
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, � . � e ,�
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� -1
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. I , i
. I Wisdom
A",,A,orfd is erough to the � Wise.
He hath wisdom at will that brag's
ot of -his skill. .
Many talk, like philosophers and ..
ve like fools.
The wi , se and the fool have -their
,Ilows-. .
Wise men - in' the world are like,
mber trees' ill a hedgq, here and
lere one. .
. , . The Pity ,
Some waste their whole lives in
.udying how ,to arm death with new
Ogine$ ,of i2orror And Invent * ift an
iflnite variety of slaugliter; but. ..
' '
link il beneath men of learning -
�vho "only are capable of doing it) .
).employ. their,learned labor, in the'
Ivention of. riew (or even improving
Ie o4l) instrumerifs for the increas-
g of bread—Jethro Tull in 1773.
Canada, 5
.S .
War Eff ort
Weekly Review of D�velopments
I On the Home Front. .
1. Maximum wholesale " prices for
., based oil prices set for eleven
ail.adlan cit;es fixed -by Wartime
rices and Trade Board. .
2. Dr. J. S. Thomson recommended I
. .
- —
. .1, NOW!
.. I
. ''
andSkirts '"
, 1
You'll be amazed at the grand
' �
showing of new woollens for Fall,
in Tweeds, Worsteds and Serges.
But deliveries are a, little slow
now, so you'd better get your or-
der On now. ' Drop in any day and
see these new Fall fabrics for
suits and coats.
W. R. JOHNSTON. 128,50 up
TIP TOP .......... S2175
.. I
HOUSE OF STONE $2,950 u p ,,
CAMBRIDGE ...... S29a5;0 up
-A Perfect Fit is Guaranteed
Pure Botany Purl -overs *nd
Cardigans in the popqTar
new weaves and shades.
Regular and longtorso styles.
I 1� I .
S1.68 to $3.50,
Alpines, Twills and Herring-
bone weaves in flared, gored
and pleated styles. All new
popular shades. Cleanly
tailored with , - 0
zipper closing .... $2.98
- General NlanagEn, of C.B.C. by the I e .1 .
oard of Governors.
3. Labor Minisler Ron, Humphrey
� ork to enforce demands for wage
itchell warns that any stoppage of ewa. roso
crease,; against the decision of any
hor 'board would constitute a strike . " . . SEAFORTH .
-ainst the governm�nf. , . I
4. Tom Moore ro-cile'cted ,as, Prpsi- ' . . - I I
ant of the Trades and Labor Con- . '
' .. .
rest; of Canada. brueeken. Germany at 2.2 a.m. th�tl I brought under an, allocation �ystevtt.
5. New regulations governing Con- same rhorning. Greeted by Prime .13. Major General G. R. Pearkep,
-at of Canada's manpower announe- Minister and Defence Ministers Ra' 1_ V.C., D.S.O., M.C., named General Of -
J jointly by Labor Minister Hon. ston ,and Power. . ficer Commanding-in-Claief P-acific
. timphrey Mitchell and Director of 12. Canada's newsprint industry CommanV .
. ational Selective Service Elliott M. . . — �
. —
ittle. ,
'6. Unofficial count of DiePPP battle
asualtles reaches 864: 1
7. Another convoy of Canadians ar-
ves ill Britain.. .
9. Air Minister Power velurns to
anada from the United Kingdom. ..
9. Department of National Defence ,
sts 509 Canadlati soldiers known -to '
e held by the Japanese a.4 prisoners
f war at Hong Kong.
. '
10, Persons in possession of scrap,
,On or steel in any form weioblng
DO pounds or moTlo ordered to Atspose
f it before September 15 or otber-
rise report it to the Used Goods Ad-
linistrator of the Wartime Prices
nd Trade Board,, .
11. R.C.A.F, bomber crew of - five
Lnds in Otawa at midn4gR, Wedues-
ay, September 2, after b?mbingSaar-
I .
I I- . I
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�, - , , A ..=ki —.1-41W..; �� 11 I - I——
The World's News Seen Through
I An lnternation�l Daily Newsp4per
1� -isational '
I's Truthful — Constructiloie —Unbiased —Free from Sei -
ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily
Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make
the Monitor an Ideal Newspap;r for the Homo. .
The Chrisliti,in Science Puhlishing Society
One. Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Price $12.06 Yearlv, or $1.00 a Mon�u .
Saturclav Issue, including Majaziih� Section� $2.60 a Yeaz.
Introductory Offer, 6 SAturday rasues 25'Cents. .
I .
Name. -------------- - .
Address ---- ------- - - .
. I SAMPLE COPY ON P.SQUEST . . " I �11 11
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