HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-08-28, Page 6T ANN! ALLAN .
L#.y.itto Him* Beano slst
fello 'Homemakers! Now is.• the
e mothers will be busy getting the
•Vbildren's clothes ready for scllool—
Itnending, letting out, and making ov-
er to make things do. And the young-
sters always seem to "stretch up" so
during the summer!
This year more mothers than ever
will be sewing the children's clothes
—and their own. It is economical
and choice of ready-to-wear styles is
limited. Since government orders
have eliminated "frills," simple,
smart, streamlined styles will be the
fashion in future. A study of govern-
ment regulations " regarding clothing
will repay the homemaker who would
be "fashion -wise."
For example, did you know that
regulations .forbid more than nine
buttons on a dress and allow only
seven or nine -inch zippers limited in
colour to black? There is a ban on
redingotes; jacket dresses are out,
and separate jackets (wotyi with
skirts which must be on a band, not
a bodice) may not be longer than
twenty-six inches; capes., scarves,
matching hats or purses are taboo.
Mems may vary from one-half inch
en a flared skirt to two inches on a
straight cut. Blouses have no double
;back yokes, no pocket cuffs or French
cuffs; pleats in skirts are shallower
but flares may sweep 80 inches.
Nearly every •child is eager to help
and now while mother is busy young
daughter may take over in the kit-
„ eihen. With the encouragement of
'mother's pride and enthusiasm, she
will go a long way towards becoming
an excellent cook. Simple dishes and
guidance in the use of electrical ap-
pliances will `make meal -getting easy
for her.
Potato Salad, Applesauce, Krinkles,
Wheat Porridge, . Toast and Butter,
Honey, Coffee, 'Milk.
% cup rolled oats
cup butter
1/4 teaspoon vanilla •
3 tablespoons water
1/2 cup flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup honey.
Mix oats, flour, soda,
melted fat and vanilla.
water. Mix well. Drop
honey, salt,
Stir in hot
small pieces
on greased pan and pat down. Bake
in oven at 350 degrees for eight min-
,Scallped Meat,' Potatoes—Beets,
Bread and Butter, Peach Sponge:
Devilled Eggs, Sliced Tomatoes —
Peach Sponge
(Recipe for one crust)
3 cups milk
4 eggs
1/4 cup sugar
1/h cup corn pyrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 sliced peaches.
Prepare pastry, fit into the inside
of the pan. Flute the edge. Cover
crust and place in refrigerator to
chill while preparing filling. Turn
oven dial to 450 degrees. Scald milk,
beat eggs, add syrup, sugar and stir
into hot milk slowly. Add vanilla.
Pour into pie shell and drop in hot
oven for 15 minutes. Then reduce to
325 degrees and bake about 25 min-
utes. Cool quickly
The time to cut garden blooms so
that they will last a long time de-
pends on the kind of flower; dah-
lias, when quite open; gladi-
oli, when the first bud opens; ros-
es, when the buds are aS soft as
one's fingers.
Ohe inch of water is sufficient for
,most flowers though
need deep water.
3. Store flowers in a constant cold
atmosphere—near the freezing un-
it of the refrigerator—over night
to have them last for the longest
time possible.
4. Changing water and cutting stems
have comparatively little value in
prolonging the life of a flower.
We' lave'forwarded more details on
:fixing faucets that leak around the
handle, too.
Mrs. D. . D. lgeT. asks: "What causes
pickles to turn black?"
Answer: The hard water in the
district contains a great deal of lime
which prevents proper curing. Add a
tablespoon of vinegar to a gallon of
water to help overcome this.
Anne Allan invites you to write to
her c/o The Huron Expositor. Send
in your questions on homemaking
problems and watch this column for
Need td'le Farm
Fqu,jpment Now
Idle farm machinery across Canada
is going to be moved into action as a
result of the Munitions and Supply
order issued last, .week requiring all
scrap metal weighing 500 pounds or
more to be disposed of or reported to
the Used Goods Administrator before
September 15. The order includes
machinery and equipment not in use
but does not refer to machinery
which may be temporarily idle and
which is used during certain seasons.
Extreme shortage of steel urgently
needed, for ships, guns, tanks, planes
and other war supplies, makes •recov-
ery of this scrap' metal of first im-
portance. By scrap metal the order
means any equipment containing iron
and steel in any form which is<not
now used.
Scrap recovered may be disposed of
through salvage committees, found in
most communities across the country.
or through any recognized salvage
agency. If the farmer has a ma-
chine for which he has no further
need, and can sell it as usable equip-
ment, re is permitted to do so. Oth-
erwise he must give it away or sell
it for scrap. In the case where it is
impossible to deliver bulky scrap or
where immediate arrangements can-
not be made to pick it hp, ownership
of the metal must be reported so that
salvage •authorities will have a com-
plete dist of available scrap metal up-
on which to • call.
Since new farm equipment will be
off the market for the duration; pre-
sent machinery should be kept in
good working order so that there will
be no breakdodrns later in the season.
Farm machinery- srould always be
stored under .cover. The cooling sys-
tem of a tractor may break down ire-,
quently and it is important that the
'fan belt, hose, hose connections and
pump packing are in good condition.
Disks on disk plows should be adjust-
ed to the power of the tractor to pre-
vent overloading.
Mrs. M. ,.C. asks: "How can I re-
pair leaking faucet?"
Answer: Turn off the water lead-
ing to the tap. lysing a monkey
wrench with a soft cloth between the
jaws, unscrew the large nut around
'the faucet. Rembve the screw that
holds the washer in place with a
screwdriver, applying a few drops of
oil if necessary. Replace the worn
washer and screw. Put back the
i,„gg ns
o9 7 1�y
yry(�ruee �utc'his.gn in the 'Vancouver
i 4� �dF i K Sun)
My god friend, Mrs. Noggins, the
Cockneyady who lives with her hus-
band but mostly. with her • flock of
hens down, -the road, tells me that the
tea ration has hit her hardy "Mindju,"
said Mrs. Noggins, leaning confident-
ially over the fence, "it's probably a
good thing. It does bring the war
'ome 'to people, Why, most of the
folks livin' around 'ere went through
the fail of France and out of Dun-
kirk and :through the blitz of London
very brave and without a scratch,'but
when they can't get a cup of tea they
know for the first time there's a war
on, and Mrs. Boggs come oyer 'ere
yestiday with the look of •a 'ero to
say she's not givin' any more tea par-
ties. You'd of thort, by the look of
patriotism on 'er face, she 'ad bins
through the siege of ' Serbasterpool.
"But I tell you wot it is, this tea
ration will, make us value wot we
'ave got. When you could get all the
tea you wanted, wot was the fun of
it? But when you can only 'ave a
cup now and then; ain't.'i.t precious,
thought, • Why, when -I. brew meself
a cup, all alone in the 'ouse about
four o'clock, I •feel like a fifth col-
umnist, and 1 almost pull down the
blinds for fear someone's lookin' in
the winder. Why, you can 'ave all
the pleasure of sin now out of a cup
of tea.
"The trouble with us was that up
to now we never happreciated any. -
think. Why, bless you, I'd got my-
self so I'd go to the movies oncet a
week and never think anythink Of it,
jest sort of took it in my stride as
you might say. Same as -with the
bath tub• we got installed last year.
Before that a bath.oncet a week was
a luxury. Now I take one three° or
four times a week and' never think a
thing about it. We're all spoiled.
"Why, I tell you, sir, 'alf the peo-
ple of America 'as bin livin' 'wild for
twenty years, livin' like kings and
complainin' of poverty. If we'd lived
'alf as . well when I was a gel` in: Lon-
don we'd of thort we was rich. And
even today fellas workin' for a dol-
lar an hour is talkie' about the sacri-
Want Ads Bring Results
Week after week The Huron Expositor hears very gratifying reports of
the results obtained from the Classified Directory from people who have
something they wish to sell and want to find a buyer. For a very small
sum you can tell hundreds of prospective buyers who have something
they are interested in. The same applies to any article you wish to buy.
Make your wishes known through The Huron Expositor and it will sur-
prise you the number of enquiries you will obtain. "
You will- be surprised how really inexpensive this service is. Classified
Ads such as For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, etc., are 1 cents per word for
the first insertion and .less for succeeding insertions. Minimum charge
is 25 cents per insertion. If replies are to be delivered to The Huron Ex-
positor office an extra charge of 10 cents is added. ' Classified Ads are
accepted up until noon on Thursdays.
Want Ads Pave The Way For Easier Living
The large number of people they to quickly sell, trade, rent or buy
reach . always assures the best pos- whatever is the immediate concern
sible deal on short notice. They help or worry.
cquaini Yourself with the Mai Services they render Regularly
Lituii rtA�(
LM. +ilwi
Harder for Tories
faces and 'ardships of the war and
Matilda Pudbury-r--you know, George's
youngest gel ---is °complainin' that. she
only made a ' indred dollars last
month and 'er workin' for twenty up
to now, mindin' Mrs. Boggs' babies.
Quite red and radical Matilda is
since she got mixed up in the class
war. But come peacetime she'll be
married and rdindin five or six babies
of 'er own and tryin' to manage on
twenty dollars a week and. lookin'
back on this as the good old days..
"You might think, sir, as people
would value things they're missin'
now, when they get 'em back again
after the war. Right now I feel like
it would he the last word in luxury
if I could 'ave three Cups of coffee
for breakfast with sugar 'alf way up
the cup. I sit and dream about it,
you know, sippin' ray one cup care-
fully, to make it last as long as pos-
sible. But I dare say when I can get
all I want • it's' seem quite ordinary,
same as ml—vbgkgjxzfifl- ) .'.12378
same as my Uncle 'Erbert, 'e worked
fer years till he finally got to be an
alderman in Liverpool, you know, but
'e said that after a few months of it
'e felt pust like an ordinary mortal
man again. We was allus democratic
in the Noggins family and 'Erbert
was so 'friendly with his inferiors 'e
drunk 'imself to death in the pubs."
(Saturday Night)
When the ,Globe and: Mail, immedi-
ately after the close of the session,
published, a violent editorial demand-
ing the, removal of the Hon. R. B.
Hanson, ' J. R. MacNicoll and J. M.
Macdonliell from all positions of in-
fluence and authority in the Conserv-
ative party, we were mildly surpris-
ed, but attributed it to momentary
-exasperation at the fact that the ses-
sion had closed with Mr. W. L. M.
King still at the head of the Govern-
ment. The Winnipeg Free Press,
thinks that the thing goes deeper. It
thinks that the Globe and Mail was
not merely exasperated at the turn
of events, batt was 'furious' with the
.Hanson element in the party as being
responsible for the failure of the
anti -Bing drive. The Free ''Press
thinks that .the Globe and Mail thinks
that the ,Conservatives in the House,
led by Mr. Hanson and counselled by
such people as Mr. Macdionneli, ut-,
terly failed to rise to the height of
the occasion in the Hong Kong de=
bate, "baulked— at; denouncing -the
Chief Justice of Canada as a senile
partisan," and refused to suggest
that the fall of Hohk Kong was. di-
rectly brought about by the incompet-
ence of the Canadian high command.
We do not think that the Globe and
Mail thinks ,what the Free Press
thinks it thinks; .but the matter ,is of
interest because' the Globe and Mail.
is obviously. v ry actively. concerned
in remodellin the Conservative par-
ty, and''.bot"h people who are Conserv-
atives and people who are opposed to
•Conservatives naturally want to know
what line the remodelling is going to
take. It will be remembered that two
different sections, factions or wings
kof the Conservative party are holding
meetings this autumn to discuss the
remodelling , process, and so far as
we_ can find the Globe and Mail is not
in the inner councils of either of
them, nor can either of them be ex-
pected to do much towards forward-
ing the Globe and Mail's idea of
what the Conservative party ought to
become and ought to do. This seems
to us a more' adequateeexplanation
of the Globe and Mail's• exasperation
than Mr. Hanson's failure to unseat
Mr. King by means of a letter'of Col.
Drew which nobody is allowed to
The Globe and ,Mail, so far as we
can surmise, still sees the remodel-
ling' of the Conservative party in
terms of 'Mr. ••Meighen.. But the sit-
ting members of the party at Ottawa
have notably failed to be co-operative
towards this conception. They have
provided only one vacancy' for Mr.
Meighen to get to Ottawa with, and
that did not' turn out well. On the
other hand the "young !Conservatives"
who are probably glanced at in • the
Globe and Mail's reference to Mr.
'Macdonnell; are known to have had
very little enthusiasm for the Meigh-
en move all along; and what they .had
is• hardly likely to have increased.
The Globe and ;Mail's proper course,
we should think, would be to call yet
a third meeting of Conservatives, at,
hath the leading figures would be
Meighen and his most notable
supporter, kr. HHepbtirn. This would
surely be a much niore practical step
than reading so many good, old and
devoted Conservatlires out of .the par-
ty. That sort of thing snakes aw-
fully hard for the party: to. ge re-
modelled in any way at all.
Couriers Gather
Huge Stock
se -
!o r .oCh10 s °
mere are aquae -4lgh4igbts on toed
needs 1i warble taI>ten firom the iat�
est issue of the Gyt'rent, ;Review of
Agricultural Conditions in Canada:
]?resent and ifuture $pod require-
ments• of the Allied Nations .indicate
that additional large quasi,tities of
wheat and dour, bacon, gheeae, dried
eggs and various types of concentrat-
ed foodstuffs iw•ill, be required, states
the Review.
The present •bacdi4 contract for 600
million pounds has only, a few more
weeks to run, and is nearly 80 -per
cent completed. Although the Unit-
ed Kingdom's. 1942-43 requirements of
Canadian' bacon have not yet been
made public, negotiations have al-
ready entered, prelimip;ary stages, and
it seems probable that export require-
ments , for this commodity will con-
tinue to remain very substantial. Ev-
en under the present rate of exports,m
hog production is insufficient to sat-
isfy fully both overseas and domestic
requirements. , -
Recent figures on cheese production
indicate, that titre should be little
difficulty filling the current overseas
contract of 125 million pounds. The
production increase in the first half
of 1942was over 33 million pounds,
while export requirements for 1942-43
are only 13 million pounds greater
than in 1940-41.
Shipments of dried ,eggs also con-
tinue to go forward in scheduled vol-
ume, under the direction of the Spe-
pecial Products Board. Existing con-
tracts for 45 million dozen run to the
end of 1943.
'Present indications are, therefore,
that the United Kingdom will con-
tinue to be the largest customer . for
Canadian farm product exports, and
her requirements will continue large-
ly along present lines, , and in quanti-
ties.sufficient to tax present agricul-
tural productive capacity.
With rural mail couriers acting as
rubber salvage collectors, the rural
rubber drive which opened August 24
in outlying areas of Ontario and Que-
bec is bringing to light a surprising
variety of rubber articles put out by
summer residents and country dwel-
lers for collection and destined for
use in Canada's war production.
Mail couriers in both these ,provinc-
es are busy with the task of picking
up and bringing in to local salvage
depots all the scrap rubber articles
placed for collection at rural mailbox-
es, Discarded tires and tubes from
cars and tractors are rolling in to
salvage headquarters to be reclaimed
and reprocessed into .Vital war goods.
Also in the collection are to be found
.old hot water bottles, swimming
tubes, fly -swatters, rubber bathing
suits and running shoes.
Every old rubber article is needed,
say salvage officials, pointing out that
the drive, scheduled to end Septem-
ber 8th, includes the Labor Day holi-
day, affording summer residents a
good opportunity to clear out all old
rubber before closii$g up cottages and
camps for winter. Farmers in the
areas are also digging out the scrap
which will help put the axe on the
axis. Estimates of rubber returns on
the drive are not available at this
early date although salvage officials
hope to release figures shortly.
Copies of the four-page printed card
recently distributed to all boxholders
and residents outlining the purpose
and the needs of the ruralrubber
drive may be obtained at any rural
post office. City residents who .re-
ceive their mail by regular letter car-
rier -service are not, included in the
rural postal pick-up service of rubber
scrap as city collections would be too
great a task for the post -office de-
partment in a single drive.
The rubber scrap collected in this
rural drive will eventually reach Can-
ada's rubber reclaiming ,plants to be
sheared, hashed, treated with cliemi-
cals and put into •production again
reappearing in the shape of vital
car goods, ranging from warplane tires
to munition workers' non -spars( sl-
oshes. The scrap rubber is urgently
needed for these war uses, stress
salvage officials, who are frank in
saying that as Canada's rubber shock;
piles go up, the chances of Hitler and
Hirohito go down.
Salvage item! Electric cords that
have outlived their usefulness have
newly discovered salvage value. It's
vouched for that ten 6 -foot cords will
provide the copper scrap equivalent to
the copper used in one thousand 37 -
millimetre anti-aircraft explosives.
From Great Minds
He approaches nearest the gods
who know how to be silent even when
he is in the right.—Cato.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry
about what may never happen. Keep
in the sunlight.—Franklin.
There never -was a person who did
anything worth doing that did not re-
ceive more than he gave. — H. W.
Courage is a quality so necessary
for maintaining virtue, that it is al-
ways respected even when it is as-
sociated with vice.—Dr. Johnson.
In discussing a question more reli-
ance ought to be placed on the influ-
ence of reason than on the weight of
My Business
My business is not to remake my-
self, but make' the absolute best of
what God made.—,Browning:
Friendship is no plant of hasty
growth; though planted in esteem's
deep -fixed soil, the gradual culture of
kind intercourse must bring it to per-
fection.—Joanna Baillie.
Who will ever give counsel, if the
counsel be judged by the event, and
if it be not found wise, shall there-
fore be thought wicked?—Sir P. Sid-
God's Love
The slender capacity of man's heart
canndt, comprehend, _much. less utter
that unsearchable; depth and burning
zeal of :God's love towards' us.—Luth-
To, see, to understand, to remem-
ber, is to know. Always, however,
there must be conscious effort. Know-
ledge is not to be absorbed as by a
Some people think that• rudeness
is a form of humour. Others think
it Is .a manifestation of strength.
Whereas, in both cases it is a sure
sign of an 'inferiority feeling.
As in our lives so also in our stu-
dies, it is most becoming and most
wise, so to temper gravity with cheer -
always carry
Dr. Chase's
For Quick Relief of Pain
fulness, that the former may not im-
bue our minds with melancholy, nor
the latter degenerate .into licentious-
ness.—Pliny. ,
Talk not of wasted affection! Affec-
tion never was wasted;
If it enrich not the heart of another,
its waters returning
Back to their springs, like the rain,
shall fill them full of refresh-
ment.—Longfellow: .Evangeline.
For every good deed of ours, the
world will be better always. ,And per-
haps no day does a man walk down
'a street cheerfully, and like a child
of God, without some passengers be-..
ing brightened by his face, and, un-
knowingly to himself, catching. from
its look a something of religion.
I will not . enter into the questiort,
how much truth is preferable to
peace, Perhaps truth may' be far
better. But as we have scarcely ever
the same certainty in the .one that
we have in the other, I would, unless
the truth were evident indeed', hold
fast to pace.—Edmund Burke.
God is Our Refuge
God is our refuge and strength, a
very present help in trouble. There-
fore will , not we ' fear, though the
earth be removed, and though the
mountains be carried into. the midst
of the sea, though the waters roar
and be troubled,' though .the moun-
tains shake with the swelling there-
] of.—Psalm 46.
Anger is never without reason, but
seldom , with a good one.—D. Frank-
Let us make haste to live. For •
every day is a new life to a wise
Henceforth the majesty of God revere,
Fear Him and you have nothing else
to fear.
Every honest occupation to which
a man sets his hand would raise him
into a philosopher, if he mastered all
the knowledge that 'belongs, to hie
craft.—James Anthony Froude.
You and F toiling for earth, may at
the same time be toiling for heaven,
and every day's work may be a Jac-
ob's ladder reaching up nearer to
God.—Theodore Parker. ;
Sorrow, like a heavy hanging bell,
,ones set on ringing, with his own
weight goes; then little strength
rings out the doleful knell. Shake-
Investigations4I3y medical scientists
indicate that fly -infected fqods are one
of the principaLcauses ofInfangile
Paralysis (Poliomyelitis). • Every fly,
allowed to live is a potential menace to
human health.
At All Groetry,Drug,HdrdwareliG•n*ral'Ster o
Across Canada today girls and Young women who never imagined' they -would ever see the inside of
a factoryhave donned overalls and are Helping buildl Canada's implements of war. At left above,
weariligth a white 'overall uniform of workers in a western aircraft plant, i's.M;argaret RamiSay who
gave ,up a school -teaching lob at ,Summerland, B.C., to do this war job. She is ,an Arte graduate from
the Viniversity. of British Columbia. At the right, busy checking parts in "Ma' aircraft pla-tit stockroom,
is Betty Dawe who graduated fn Arts from Vnvereityl'of Eriti' Columbia: last spiting,. Almost immedi-
ately after 'receiving her degr'.ee Minae Dawe tucked her curls under a banadana, donned overalls and
went to work.
dda.l.._. tr • •u. ,.. .war