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The Huron Expositor, 1942-08-21, Page 8
?t• yc ii Ni ** Bed , N;OW! "74400°,6. :Real. dark 0c 91x::nd 2 i OWN BLEND COb1b itaE 27c round T SARDINES7c 4. TMgE JAM 35c 7 V X11 f. • - ! - ' Tow M!ARM ALA DE 29c „TarL 25c 43.c 6U'c 6c 19c 23c 25c 5c i'TIMER RINC.,r,S—The best 4 dozen ,IIP TOP TOMATO JUICE Gallons 01:TR••-$EST VINEGAR—XXX Cellon d. -LUX TOII4ET SOAP . Cake _QP CHIPS—Loose ' 2lbs. , •i• '!b'L!T Kills flies' Tin FELS NAPTHA SOAP 3 bars -GOLD SOAP Bar TOWN Hand Broke ,T--iWhj,e removing, a, ,tire at hie Su$Qertest Station on Fri, day last, Scott Habkirk had a bone in hiss right hand fractured, when the rim slipped and istruclt, him. He has since been going about with the hard in a cast and his arm in a cling, bet Meting to 'business- as usual. Died in Toronto.—Mrs. R', M. Jones received word. on Wednesday of the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. Stan- ley L. Wright, which occurred in Toronto that morning. A year ago while spending a week -end here, Mr. Wright was taken snlddenly and ser- iously ill, necessitating his removal 'to Scott Memorial Hospital, where he underwent an operation. Since then he had never enjoyed good health. 'rO UFIT P'APEIi 1 O c 3 rolls. MASTER TURKEY ,GROWER Cwt.. A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 $3.25 Has Nose Broken—Jack Hudson, the twelve -Year-old grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hudson, Of town, met with a most 'unfortunate and painful acci- dent at the Lions Park on Thursday evening last. He„ was playing base- ball with some older boys and while acting as catcher was .struck in the face by the ball, and had his nose •badly fractured. He is now on the way to recovery, but still has a sorry looking face. T f C. W. L. Meets.—The C.W.L. held a special meeting in the vestry of the church recently, with the presi- dent, Miss Alice Daly, in charge. It was moved that $10.00 •be,donated to- wards the Jam Fund. It was decid- ed that a picnic would be held Tues- day afternoon, August • 25th, at "the Lions Park. All members are request- ed to attend and bring lunch: The meeting closed with prayer. ' INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS, REAL ESTATE • WE SPECIALIZE' IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Money to Loan on First Mortgages on Improved Farm Property. Slumber of •desira'ble Dwelling Proper- ties for sale. • WAWON. & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 : ' Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 000'000.0000000 ' 4 4> S. T. Holmes & Son o •O FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 O Main Street, Seaforth 0 '4 0 Charles' Holmes' residence, O 0 Goderich Street Fast. Phone 00 0 No. 308. p Ambulance Service 0, 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 00. .0 rent. 4_ . Night Calls—Phone 308 0 0 Day Calls—Phone 119 0 0 Charges. moderate. 0 1247 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..4 . © J. A. BURKE O gFuneral.. Service O 'K, Dublin : Ont. 0 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43 t 10 0 O Cs0400000•O<> 8757-tf The Second Division Court County ,of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build - Aug, :Seaforth. Office hours; Tues- day, Thuicsday. .'and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5 P.m.; Saturday evening 7:30 1.m. to 9 p.m. E. C: CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk Insurance. Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness and Acci- dent. Windstorm and guarantee bonds. linker reasonable. AN risks placed in first-class com.iiandes. Information cheerfully given. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Ch -u rches DANCE ST. COLU'MBAN Wednesday, Aug. 26'th ARTHUR'S ORCHESTRA Dancing 9 to 1 ADMISSION - 35 CENTS Under auspices of C. W. L. nwierll of a#1► i:41, x1 t o ire Loulsa'Streeta, and urp4u> iessiOU. • 'Miss "Murton l ,owla.Psiy who has been the gltedt of her aunt, Mre. W. 11, Steven eigturned to her come in Mrincey' 0111 ;Q ednesday- • Mrs. Gordon Balfour, of Timmins, is spendbag a few holidayswith her mother, Mrs.- Jehn Muir, and other relatives, • Mr. D: Parker, of Own:tarty, has rented Mr • Kenneth^ McLean's home in Egmondville; as he has accepted a position -with The Bell Engine Co. They will .occupy it- on .November • Miss Marjorie Thompson, of Tim- mins is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free. been . taking a summer course at Queen's. University, Kingston, has re- turned home. • -Miss Mary Neville, of Sarnia, was a recent guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. M. 'McMillan. -• LA. Alastair Wigg, R.C.A.F., who has been stationed at Fingal for two -years, has been transferred to Brit- ish Columbia. • Cpl. Tom Sills, R.C.A.F., Camp Borden, spent the, . week -end at his home here.- • Mrs. E. C. McClelland and son, of Toronto, are guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. R. S. Hays. • Mr. Charles Dickson, R.C.A.F., London, spent the week -end with his father, Mr. -Thomas Dickson. • Mrs. Henry En'zensberger and two children, of Detroit, are guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sills. • LA. Donald Scott, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, ,is spending a week's leave at the home of ,his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. • :.Mr. and Mrs. George Love, of Bluevale, were week -end guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott. • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner, of Sarnia, are spending their holidays at the home of his mothe1•, Mrs. F. Faulkner. • Mrs. Huras and Mrs. George Kruse have returned from a two weeks' holiday spent at Port Stanley. • Miss Mary Bell spent a few days with Toronto friends last week. • Mrs. William Black, Tuekersmith, underwent a serious" operation in Scott Memorial Hospital on Thursday last. • Her many friends will •be glad to learn that she is making. a satis= factory recovery, • Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Beaton, who spent a iweek ;with Mr" and Mrs. Bev- erley Beaton, returned to their home in Detroit on .Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cross and son, Keith, of Thames.ville; Mr. Clare Way, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Way, of Egmondville, spent Sun- day with,Mr. and Mrs. Russel Dallas in Tuckersmith. • Mrs. -W. J. F..Mallagh, 'of Tor- onto, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen. • Mrs. J. E. Busby"and daughter, Shirley, of Chatham, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson, Hur- on Highway West. • Mr. and Mrs. R. Rider and Miss Doris, of London, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. C. M. Smith. • Miss Beaufort, of Windsor, is visiting at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Muir. • Mrs. Walter Bagshaw, of Lindsay, is visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Free. • Mrs. A. Harvey, Mrs. James Log- an and Mr. and Mrs: Wilson Carlisle, of; Hensel), were week -end guests at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Red - son. • Miss Marion Lawson has accept- ed a position with the Waterloo Mutual Life Insurance Company and commences her duties on Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. Gladson Campbell, of Hamilton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hunt in MoKiliop. , 0 Miss Dorothy Smith. is spending her holidays with, friends in London., • Mrs. J. C. Ward left for Toronto on Wednesday where • she will make her future home. • Mrs. James Barry spent. a few 'days in Hamilton 'mid Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Reid and little daughter, of Guelph, were week end • guests at the home of M,S, J. Reid - • Miss Mary Bell, Mrs. John Card - no and Miss. Abbie Seip are'on a mo- tor trip to Northern Ontario. • Mrs. William J. McKay, of Seat- tle, Washington, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Conrad Eckert. • Mr. Ralph (Cooney) Weiland, of Boston, spent a few days this week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland, in Egmondville. • Mr. Norman. Henderson, of Tor- onto, a former well known Seaforth Old Bey, spent a . few days with friends in town, this week. • Mr. J. F. Scott' has leased the Thompson residence on John Street and the family is now residing there. • Miss .Helen McDougall, of Eg- mondville, is spending . a few weeks with relatives in Detroit. • Mrs. B. Duncan, of Toronto, is a guest "at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. 'Clarke. • • 1VIr. John Pullman has purchased 'the Gottschalk residence on the cor- Northside United and First. Presby -1 terian Churches.—Services ' in North- side United Church; Sunday. Schools at 10 a.m.; morning subject, "Man's Greater Need"; evening subject, "A Living Faith."—Rev. Hugh Jack, . Mire ister. McKillop Charge—Sunday, August 23rd: Services will be b'eld at regu- lar hours with the minister in charge. —Rev. W. J. Patton, Minister. St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford; 11 a.m., "I Will Lift 1`Jt' Mine Eyes Unto the Hills"; 7 p.m., 'Divine Guidance."• St. Mary's Church', Dublin — 9.25 a.m., "The Inspiration of 'Life." TUCKERSMITH Threshing operations are the order of the day in tells vicinity. Master 'Freddie Pepper had his ton-, sits removed in the Clinton hospital last week and is recovering nioely. ROYS' Northside W. M. S. Holds Meeting. —The W.M.S.of Northside United Church 'held its August meeting -in the school 'room of the church ' on Thursday, August 13th, with Miss An- nie Lawrence presiding in the ab- sence of the president The meeting opened with Hymn 148, "Breathe On Me, Breath of God," after which Miss A. Lawrence led in prayer. The treasurer's report was given ..by the treasurer, Miss Annie Ferguson, and .the roll call by the secretary, Mrs. A. L. Porteous. Mrs. C. C., Kaine gave a talk on Temperance. After the usual business was transacted, the devotional part of -the meeting was taken by Circle 4 with Mrs. C. Glew in charge. Hymn 182 was •sung, "O Word of God Incarnate," and the theme, he Bible, the Word of God" was seed ed, bringing to us many stories' .o the "Bible -hungry world," from China and other countries,. re- fugee shelters and prison camps. The different parts were taken by Mrs. C. C. Kaine, Miss A. Wallace, Mrs. Alice Cudmore, Miss Annie Ferguson •and Mrs. C. Barber. The ,offering was taken by Mrs. J. Barron. .Hymn 165 was sung, "Lord of Our Life and God of Our Salvation-" The meeting dos - .ed with' the benediction. - ,. SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS (FORMERL D W E.bCHAPMAN) Cunningham & Pryde you • are invited to inspect our stock of CEMETERY MEMORIALS Seaforth: Tuesdays & Saturdays ' See Dr, Harburn for appointment any other dme — Phone 150 Box 150 EXETER Phone 41 i , vaaaremegammow.. LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. Elmer Scott and family, of Munroe, visited on . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Dow. MMus. Nelson Brydges and daughter, Geraldine, of London, spent the week- end with her grandparents, ,,Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Dow. Mrs. William Kearney, of Walton, is visiting her d aughter, Mrs. Erle Dow. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Dow and Mrs. Erle Dow and family spent Tues- day with Mr. and 'Mrs. Lawson Kear- ney of Walton. • 'Mr. William Robb and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Robb, of Detroit, spent the week -end at they home of their uncle .and aunt, Miss Robb and Mr. James' Robb. o - • Mr. and . Mns. A. A. Cudmorle and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart, of Kitchener, and Mrs. Edward Slemmon• and children, of Elmira, were week -end ,guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J., A. Westcott. Mise Rhoda Cudmore is remaining for the week, the guest, of 'Miss Marguerite Westcott. • Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Chesney, of Toronto, who have been holidaying at Haileybury, are spendinga few days the guests of Mrs. J. Flett. • M•i.ss Betty Bu'ichard, of Shel- bourne, is a guest of Miss ,Jean Hur- ford. • Mr.- and 'Mrs. A.- H. Carter, of To- ronto, are spending a few weeks at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and lVlrs. N. L. Carter after a return ''from a holiday in Lialiburton. • Mr. and Mrs. William. Brown, of Detroit, returned Monday after a. week's visite with his sisters, Mrs. Richard Rogers "acid Mrs. Marshall Yotin'g in Hullett, ' • Mrrarold D'Aiton, of Toronto, was -calling on friends in town on Fri- day last. He was a member of the Bank of 'Commerce staff here some ni. ieteen years ago. . - • Mise 'Mae Wightman is visiting in Toronto. • Miss Kathleen Hobbes has re- turned from a holiday Spent in Tor- onto. Mr. Francis Phillips, R.C.A.F., Toronto, spent the week -end at his home here. • Miss Mary Rays and Miss Anne Downey are spending two weeks' holi- days at 'Grand Bendt • Mrs. Jessie Fleet has returned. from }taliburton where site spent her holidays. • ,Mrs. W, 11 'teritilcis and datig]iter; Miss Winnifred, of Torontoevent, a few days at i'orito, Spruce Villa, t ig , guest - s • .1r.d'Mg, J.U•rt,yf -o-of abd Mts. L. were the week -end &deb 4bf ' Mrs. J. C. I'italyd, aft- 'h a Gueen•'•6.- mr Mls. W. S Padigett,aiid, brlitiOnff, of 'oronto,n.*ere rod'eekeeiid. gtxedtas' dt Die heMei of 1103''auliki, *a..M$ t►1#1 THEIVIcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y; HEAD OFFICE' — SEAFORTH,' ONT. Oli01+'aCERS : Alex McFwing, Blyth - - Pres. W. R. Archibald, Seafortbr- Vice- P es. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sed. -Tr as. DIRECTORS: William Knox, Londesboro; Chris. Leonhardt, •Brodhagen; E. J. Tre- lvartha, .Clinton; Alex' Broadfoot, R. tt, , Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, 8'„R. 1, Blyth; p'r'ank McGregor, R.R. Clinton; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 2. 'Walton; Thomas ,Moylan, R.R. 5, Sea- 14;irth; William R. Archibald, R.R. 4, itettfOrth. AG WTS: S`i°it%jay Me er'ehpr, R.R. 1, Dublin; . fetter, 'l irlicel18Xd;J, F. P ueter, arodlidgen; .armee wartt, 1:11 rudce l wl' Co pant 1 f ice., 6 t BELGRAVE Me'KILOE- Another link ,with olden dais has been severed• in the, death of Mrs. J. E1. Preston, of St. Thomas, • which oc- eurred 'on .Friday, August 14th. Forret er residents of MeKiliop will remem- ber her as Emma Lockhart, the sec- ond .'daughter of"`the late William A. Lockhart and Jane Johnson, of the 6th 'concession, McKillop. Emma 'at- tended No. 4 public school, 'McKillop, and 'Seaforth Collegiate Institute, lat- er moving with her family to ford and' Windsor. She graduatedStrat- as a nurse frons Grace Hospital, Wind- sor, and in 1924 married J. E. Pres- ton, now a sergeant in the R.C.A.F. at St. Thomas. Five months ago she was stricken with a coronary throm- bosis, which with complications, caus- ed her death, in her 48th year. Sur- viving with :her husband are two daughters and one son; two brothers, George C., and Oliver W., both of De,, troit, and one sister, Eva (Mrs. "E. Ruenergard) of Toronto. She was laid to rest beside her parent in Windsor Grove Cemetery in Winkison The publicity meeting of the Bel - grave Women's Institute was held orn. Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Cyrus Scott, 6tli concession of East Wawanosh, with Miss Mae Fris- by and other members of the branch in charge of the program. , The fea- ture of the meetiny was an address and dem'onstratfon - by Miss Flora Durnin, Dungannon, home economics coach, who spoke on the Garden, Bri- gades .project now in progress in 31 counties of the province and of the need and advantage of canning and storing vegetables. The demonstra- tion was on canning tomatoes. The president, Mei. Earl Anderson, conducted the meeting, opening with the Institute Ode, the national anthem and the Lord's Prayer. Minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report were adopted as read. The roll call was responded to with "One way in which I can bring the Institute before the public." Suffers Accident While helping with Jhe harvest at the farm of his uncle, Mr. Joe Camp- bell, on Tuesday, Edwarii Young, of Port Huron, Mich., had the misfortune to get his arm very badly, torn when one of his boy companions accident- ally drove a pitch fork into it about two and a half inches. There were three boyson the load and•in some manner the accident 'happened. He was rushed to .the doctor and treat- ment ,given, and although his arm is very sore, it is not considered dan- gerous. An invitation to visit the White- church branch on September 8th was accepted. A letter was read regard- ing the plan by the Federated Wo- men's Institutes of Canada to pro- mote the- sale of War Savings Certi- rficates and stamps among Institute members, and it was decided to send for folders for., use in the- local branch. The treasurer was instruct- ed to purchase one certificatt for the branch. The secretary was instructed to send for .a supply of price ceiling re- cord books for use among the mem- bers. A questionnaire on the Garden Brigade was conducted by Miss Patsy Anderson. A. report of Red Cross work completed during the month - was taken and several cutout garm- ents were distributed• to be made up for the Red Cross. A 10 cent collec- tion was received and lunch served by the hostess, assisted by 'Misses Thelma. Cook and Muriel Hopper. ST. COLUMBAN Malone - McGrath A wedding of much interest was solemnized at St. Columban Church, St. Columban, at -9 aim., Tuesday, August. 1.8th, when Miss Gertrude Mc- Grath, of Waterloo,' daughter of the late Patrick McGrath and Mrs. Mc- Grath, of Dublin, became the- bride of 'Charles J. Malone, FlighteSergeant Armourer Instructor, R.C.A.F., Bran- don, Manitoba, son of the, late John Malone and Mrs. Malone, of Seaforth. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Frank. McGrath, ware a mystic blue faci'na crepe dress with an embroidered net bodice and all- around pleated skirt, completed with accessories in the beet root tones and corsage of vanda coeruiea orchids, Miss Agnes McGrath was her sister's bridesmaid, wearing a lotus blue frock with navy accessories and cor- sage of pink roses and white stephan- otis. Mr. John L. Malone, of Sea - forth, assisted as best man, and •the ushers were Mr. Robert McGrath, of Detroit, and Mr. Joseph Malone,' of Seaforth. After dinner at the Royal Hotel; Mitchell, a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mor- ris- (brother-in-law and sister of the bride) followed, where buffet refresh- ments were served. Relatives were in attendance from Detroit, Waterloo, London, Seaforth and Dublin.' Mr. and Mrs. Malone will reside in Bran- don, Manitoba. EACH -ES! NOW READY Come to the orchard, one mile north of Highway 21, at Gravens- wood ' PRICES 'REASONABLE DUFFU°S BROS., R- R. 2, FOREST Lakeview Casino GRAND • BEND Do you • realize Labour Day is only twq, weekif !hence? Better make the beast of DANCING NIGHTLY The "Modernaires" Ontario's, Band Sensation) , SUNDt, AC:'GUST .22nd ttwroncetit g p.r. DASHWOOD ERASE!' BAND BtttTCEFIELD Miss Freda Hill and -IUDs Allan Hill, of St. Catharines, spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and-1Girs. Lyle Hill. , Mrs. E. Forrest, of London, spent a few days in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Paterson and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and: Ina and Miss Mar- garet, of Montreal, are, visiting Mr. and Mrs! A. Paterson. •Mrs. A. McDonald and Miss M. Mc - Ash, of Hensali, visited Mrs. Margaret McKenzie, Miss Betty Moore, of Egmondville, is visiting Miss' Norma Collins. Mr. and Mrs. James • Moody and ease L. MeAsh are spending this week in Bayfield, Kenneth and Douglas Bohner, of London, ' are visiting ,their grand- mother, Mrs. A. Rohner. Misses Elma and Aline Smith,. of Wingham, are visiting their cousin, Miss Genevieve Smith. • Mr. and Mrs. F. Strange, of Chat- ham, and Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Sehilbe and son, of Zurich, spent • Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Swan: Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Addison and children, .of Sudbury, Mrs.' Addison, Grace and Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. H. -Cameron, Mary and Mack and Mrs. D. Cameron, of Clinton; Mrs. C. Moon and s -on, of Londesboro; Mr. and Mrs, G. Lockart and daughter, of Goderich Township; Miss Jean Cameron, of St. Thomadi; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zaffe and family, and IVir. Y. Aldwinkle spent Siinday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Aik- enhead. • >., WALTON a os' Oat behind, -.-ysiir_- load ' land With 'Your 'support. ' hati Yea alit ,ibY •y'ati1 fine StiStrl• f r tienn, it h(" t11!o' ii'itis'n , d1iit1i flit +ti6d 4 ilc, ' i orto. , NOW PLAYING ,--= Thursday, Friday, Saturday Gene' Autry u_ >t. "DOWN MEXICO WAY - ,.... •. One of. Gene's big productions, full of action, romance and laughter. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Double Feature " THE SHOW GOES ON " Starring GRACIE FIELDS in a musical drama. ALSO ----- GEORGE BRENT and MARTHA SCOTT " THEY DARE NOT LOVE " Eight days to live a lifetime! Eight rapturous nights of romance! NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY CONSTAN.CE BENNETT BRUCE CABOT 'WILD BILL ,IIICKOK RIDES" ANOTHER THRILLING WESTERN ! COM ING---•DOUBLE FEATURE "Saloon Bar" • also "Always in My Heart" W When Single Features are shown, last show Starts, at 9,15 When Double Features are shown, last show starts at 8.45 Children cannot be' admitted to EVENING SHOWS unless accompanied by an adult. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE' CLINTON - ONTARIO ENROLL NOW FOR THE FARM TERM, SEPT. 8th Pe ready, in a few months, to do valuable and necessary office work COURSES—Clerical, Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist B. F. WARD, B,A., Vice -Principal. Phone 198 Principal. Misses Muriel and Joyce Racho in Brussels; Dr. S. A. Murray and Louis McGrath --are spending three months in. Northern Ontario; Mrs. Elizabeth Nagle in. Stratford; Miss Florence Smith in Gadshill; Donald Benninger, C.S.B., Toronto, is- spending •two weeks' vacation with his mother, Mrs. Katherine• Benninger; Arthur Looby, C.S.B., Toronto, with , his, mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby; Captain Frank Stapleton, R.C.D.C., Brantford, with his parents, 1VIr, and Mrs. Wm, Staple- ton; Private Joseph and Mrs, Carpen- ter, Chatham, with 'Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Carpenter; Mr. and Mrs. James Han- ley, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hanley; Mr, and Mrs. Doris Monag- han, Mitchell, -with Mr. a"nd 'Mrs. M. McCarthy; Joseph Givlin, London, with his father, Joseph Givlin; -Miss Mary Hulls, Flint, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Darling; Miss Marg- aret O'Reilly, Seaforth, with her aunt, 'Mrs. Lucy Woods; Miss Eileen Dwyer, Kin'kora, with Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton; Mrs. James C. Jordan and daughter, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Jordan; Roy Brown, London, with Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Brown; • Rector Inducted The induction service of Rev. -M. F. Oldham, newly appoibnted rector of the Anglican parish of Brussels, com- prising St. John's, Brussels; S't. George's, Walton;" St. David's, .Hen- fryn, and St. Alban's, Atwood, was' held in the Brussels church on Tues- day, August lith, at 8 p.m. The ser- vice was in charge of the Rural Dean of Huron, Rev. E. O. Gallagher, B.A., B.D., of Wingham, who read the Bishop's mandate and also the license of (Rector to the, parish, preaching the sermon on church in- fluence and duties (both of rector and parishioners -,r Assisting in, the service were Dr. R. P. D. Hurford, Bishop's Chaplain, of Seaforth] ,Rev. P _H, Streeter, of Blyth; Rev. G. W. Moore, of Clinton, who! escorted the newly inducted rector to his place at the prayer desk, and Rev. C. Draper, of Milverton,' After the ser- vice a program and social period w s held in the Sunday 'scheol room, ME T. •Ellis, minister's warden, was chair- man, and etalled upon the various' clergy to speak. Mr. H. Bolger, rec- tor's warden of 'St. George's, Walton, and Mr. J. Fisher, of St. Jahn's, Brus- sels, also spoke briefly. Song selec- tions were' given by Donald and Har- old MdCutcheon, Kathleen Clarke and Frankie Alcock, 'children of the Sun- day school. The new rector, M. F. Oldham, thanked all for .the kindness and welcome extended to his wife, his mother and himself: The ladies of the congregation served lunch. The newly -formed parish is a large one and, embraces an area of 20, miles Long and ten wide. Where -there were for- merly four rectors' in the district, there are now two only, Brusseld and Milverton. At this service hve of the six clergy are graduates of Wycliffe College, Toronto, Rev. P. H. Streeter, of Blyth, being a Trinity College graduate. ,-BLYTH After a life. time agent in this dis- trict as a bleekertith and proprietor of a groceryi`tstore, James Sims left on 'Monday to reside in Seaforth with .his: daughter: Mr. Sims came here when only a few months old. Alter his school dayk. Were over he learn- red the black nift'hfng .trade, from his father. • Some j*e'ai`ax later he started in the grocery and confsetlonery bust- _nes ,_ sellii vett ; only recently, Hes was one of the oldest ibintihe908611#n- town.. ]Blyth eitizena *reedited hint, With, an address 'expressing their Rev. John F. McConnell and Pat Mc- Connell in London. Miss Irene Donnelly will resume her duties as teacher at Wells . Busi- ness College, Goderich, next "week.. Her classes of students 'for the past term have all been placed in posi- tions with the exception of two, who • are awaiting openings at Sky Harbor. Don Benninger, C.S.B., and Arthur -- Looby, C.S.B:, attended the First Mao;- • and reception of Rev. F. J. McCarty at Stratford on iSunday.. Jimmy Hanley has retu'rne'd to his home at Toronto after several weeks with. his grandparents, Mr. and" Mrs. Wm. J. Hanley. Thomas Brown has resumed his du- ties •as Canadian National Railways section foreman, after an illness'' of several months. Dublin War Services Associa'tioa members have been very active dur- ing the summer months. The mem- bers hold meetings in the club roome every Wednesday afternoon and much; sewing has been accomplished. They have completed - eight quilts, dozens of pairs of pyjamas, children's dress- es and bloomers. DUBLIN _111111M ,SMI Personals: Mrs. Gravel), .Mess Eliz- abeth Hurley, Miss Ne11fe Hurley and Mr. Ward, Stratford, with Mrs. Ter- esa Redmond; Thomas ''S. Melady and. family, Toronto, with Mrs. Katherine McQuaid; Mies Dorothy Donnelly, of Goderich, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .Donnelly; Private-Lawr- ence Dillon, London, with' Mr. a;'nd. Mrs. D. Dillon; David and Jack Dingeman have returned to Detroit after spending six weeks with their grandparelrtin Mr.' _and' Mrs, IS: Mee- Connell; emConnell; '1VLr. and Mrs. Wm.' Cuz'tin in Stratford;_ Mrs. Katherine Bentlitk ger in tandbn;' Mrs. M. J. 14ag1e 'and (i`Meherine iStepletonr mn Odd` rich; Mss. W. Mathers in St. Mat• ,1 predation of hit eert1ees ttxr=th do .Mrs; `D'. 1Ji'lldry, six • tr'atfnrcl,• nkuti ty, and an eb Sr ohaft _ a oki'xt - Milligan In etearbdroti ll; 1 ifs get along'. -este i 5t.oi di al s,^ sal: nailing fa Vadatir 's C#IMNEYS.. er common cause of fire ! • Every fourth farm chimney is unsafe„ and liable to start a fire. • Practically'' all farmhouse fires are due to defective chimneys and faulty heating equipment. •Check YOUR chimneys this fall. Get into your attic and inspect the chimneys for cracks, .breaks, rotten mortar, soft bricks and open joints. Make sure that no joist, beam of a)her wood is set into the chimney's brickwork, No chimney built with an offset—or within four inches of any wood should be considered safe: Make sure that all unused pipe openings are dosed with metal, asbestos or cement. Cleats out, your chimneys before they burn you out! Every chimney should extend two feet or 'more above the ridge of a peaked roof or three 1+eet or more above a flat roof. A few dollars spent on your chinmeys now any save you thousands later. c MOST COMMON CAUSES OF FIRE CH1I1NEYS THRESHING ELECTRIC WIRE LIGHTNING SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION #/PrIYT 4 Pieueoti4s9 47vc41 Farmers'' Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co.' WALKERTON, 9NTARIO Hay Township Farmers' 'Mutual' Fire Insurance Co.. ZURICH, ONTARIO East Williams Mutual Fire Insurance Co. NAIRN, ONTARIO • , • 4 • 4 DEAD or DI$ABLED Quiek1'i' emoved its.- Cleats Sanit'aky 'trucks. .L'1toue Collect. MIT IlE Sous Limited 4