HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-08-21, Page 4. . . „ , , , • • 11,4 t ' •31-rs. • .: Flfir Sate' Wanted, peat and Found. Canto* Events, Etc., -,-Per, word; lit.- week• 1 Croat and, week IX Cent 8rd week Cent Irmireum char" first ismerlien.. 26 Oasts • • *Oa Bram, Waal and abbreviation eowst* as ere word. Oard of Thanks, 1.21 Memoriam Ncrhiceer-4 cent per Word. Minimum 60 ands per •weak. rentniries max be 4Ltected to a Box Number. c/o The Huron EsPosVosal. tor IS cents extra. Ten •cente additional per week dU be charged la as in above elms are not paid by the iSaturday night in the week In which ,the ad was run. ' 'Mettle, •Warriaget and Deaths inserted fres ad charge. • Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc. --Rates on altatication. 4-L /LA 1 , " ,.. Wanted ANTED — BABY'S CRADLE •• AJSO baby carriage. PHONE aa -R, Seaforth. For Rent • ROOMS FOR RENT --THREE OR FOUR good ViC(111A., ta, home Of Mrs. Alex. Gor- den, Egmongiville. Convenient to church, sdhOol and store. Box 51, Seaforth. 3897-1 For Sale pm SALE—NEARLY NEW luDHOPE- -' Anderson riding Plow, double disc. AL- FRED MELICK, Zurich. 3397-1 VOIR SALE—SMALL STOVE, FOR COAL, -k or wood. Apply to •211. BICKELL, Sea - forth. 2397x1 ekRGAN FOR. SALE—IN GOOD CONDI- tj ply to ans. JOHN KNIGHT, • Market Slreeta 38,97x1 SALE—TWO WAGONS; 1 SLEIGH; •1-- single set of harness for one horse. Ap- ply 10 JDEIN ABELL, George Street. 3897x1 FOlt SALE—SET OF SCALES, 2,000 LBS. capacity. Apply to DICKSON'S Fnt,o' STORE, Seaforth. Phone 13. 8896x2 Personals VLEEREX CLEARS 111.6 C OM.PT N.VION— • -1-1• Suntrner skin ailnients respond quickly to this quick -healing salve. Keep KLEEREX handy for Suixburn, Poison Ivy, Mosquito Bites, Impetigo, Cuts, Burns, etc. 50c, 31,00; 32.00. (Medium andStrong). Recommended and sold by. KEATING and. McKINDSEY, Seaforth; MIDDLETON'S DRUG STORE, Haman. 8897-1 TIOR INSTANT RELIEF GEE "LLOYD'S 4- Corn Salve" °On:tabling Bennocaine, the new local anesthetic. 50c at KEATING'S DRUG STORE. 3895x4 SLENDOR TABLETS QLENDCrB. TABLETS 'HARMLESS AND " effective. Two weeks supply $1.00, at KEATING'S DRUG STORE. 3889-25 Auction Sales A UCTION SALE—MR. HAROLD JACK - son has been instructed to -sell by public auction in Barfield, on Saturday. August 29, at 1.30 IR.111.., On the premises of the under- signed, a complete line of household furni- ture, kitchen utensils and bedding, etc. Terms —On tchattels. cash. The property will be sold subject to a reserve hid. Further par- ticulars made known on day of sale. MISS MARY JANE TAYLOR, Proprietress; Mar - bid Jaclkson, Auctioneer. 3897-2 A ucTioN SALE—MR. HAROLD JACK - ▪ son has beeb instructed to sell by public auction at Dublin, on Mlonday, August 24th, at 1.30 p.m., the. following household effects: Three-piece chestectfield suite (perfect cond)- tion), 2 leather chairs; Victrola: Spartan radio; small tables and lamps; green -rag 10 x eel_ Wilton rug, 9 x 12; dining room • liffffet and chairs ; hall tree; V841.1111):1 cleaner; 3 complete bedroom suites; Con- golemn rug 6 x 9; new kitchen stove; coal oil stove; electric fan; elecidic grill; electric toaster; kitchen tab384.' and chairs; laundry tubs; lawn mower; crocks, fruit jars, 'dishes and numerous other articles. Terms—Cm h. ILRS. DIARY CRONIN, Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 3897-1 Births KNOX—In Scott Memorial epttal, on 'Aug- ust 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ward Knox, of 'Myth, a daughter. ' TROT'r--In Scott Memorial Hospital, on August ,13,th„, to Mr. ani Mrs. aitrence Trott, Seaford], a daughter. LANE—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on , August Ifith, to Mr.• and Mrs. Joseph J. Lane, McKalop, twin daughters. KENNY—In Scbtt Memorial Hospital, on August 1.61b, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph Kenny, Dublin, a son. HENNINGER—In Scott' Memorial Hospital, on August Dith, ,to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger; Dublin, a son. Deaths took treatments. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Anne Tuerltheim . andefemtly have moved into the dwelling in the mall end of the village ree.ently va- cated by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gascho. Mrs. Edgar 'Schnell, di Tisdale, Sask., and her sister, Mre. Beattie, of Winghein,.. visited relatives here on Saturday. Their lather, Mr. Robert McBride„ of Kippen, a former resi- dent of the Goshen Line, Stanley, is in poor health at present ,which' bis many friends in this 'Section will re- gret to hear. Rev. H. Reble, Hamilton, perform- ed the ceremony in that ci-y on Fri- day which united M marriage- Ger- ;rude, daughter of Mrs. A. Tueltheim and the late Rev. E. Turkheim, of town, and Charles F. Bowden, of To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bowden will re - rade in Toronto. Mr. and Ape. G. K. Farwell -visited -relatives in Kitchener over the wank end. WI:FOP—In New Westminster Hospital, British COlumbia, on August 144ls. Roderick McLeod, *a his 87th year. Husband " of • Margaret McDougall, and both formerly of BAYFIELD Walton. KIPPEN .11=1=111.M. Middle 8c Upper (continued from Page 1) • C; Ohem. F; Latin, F; Fr, P; Health C. Ryan, Frank—Eng. Comp. 2; °Bug. Lit. 2; Mod. Hist. 1; Alg. 0; Geom. 2; Chem. 2;, Latin 3; French, C; Health 3.. Sandford, Beatrix—Eng. Comp. 3; alg. Lit. 3; Mod. Hi.st. C; Alg1; Geom. 2; -Chem. C; Latin 2; French. 3; Health 2. Southgate, (Lillian—Eng, C. F; Eng. 1.4t. F; Mod. Hist. C; Mg. C; Geom. C; Chem. F; Latin C; Fr. C; Health 2. Devereaux, Helen—Eng. C; A. & M. Hist. 0; Latin 1; Fr. C; Health 3; Alg. 2. Dunlop, Annis—Eng. F; A. & M. Hist. C; Phys. F; Latin F; French F; Health 3; Alg. P. Golding,, Marjory—Eng. 0; A. & M. Hist. C;, PlaYs. 2; Latin C; French F; Health F; Alg. 2. Harrison., Keith—Eng. C; A. & M. Hist. C; Latin C; French F; Health 2; Ale. 2! Hicknell, Leo—Eng. C; A. & M. Hist.- C; Phys. C; French F; Health. 3; Alg. 3. Holmes, Kathleen—Eng. C & M. Hist, F; Phys. F; French P; Health 2; Alg. F. Hopper, Neil—Eng. C; A. & M. Hist. 3; Phys.'1; Latin C; French 3; Health 3; Mg. 1. HurfOrd, Jeanne—Eng. 3; A. &. M. Hist. 3; Phys. 3; Latin, F; French, C; Health 2; Alg. C. Mackenzie, Dorothy—Eng. 3; A. & M. Hist. C; Phys. C; Latin 1; French 2; Health C; Alg. 3. McMaster, Joan—Eng. 3; A. 86 M. 'Hist. 2; Phys. 3; Latin, C; French C; Health 1, Alg. C. t. Scott, Harry—Eng. C; Phys. F; -Pr. C; Health 3; Mg. F. Smith, Dorothy—Eng. 2; A. & M. Hist, 1; Phys. C; Latin 2; French 2; Health 2; Alg. C. Southgate, James—Eng. C; A. & M. Hist. C; Phys. C; Latin C; French C; Health' 3; Alg. C. Westcott, Marguerite—Eng. C; A. & M. Hist, 2; Phys. 3; Latin F; French. C; Health 3; Alg. 3. McKellar, Isobel—Latin A., 0; Lat. C., C. Patrick, John—Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lie C. The following pupils will be grant- ed Secondary School Graduation Diplomas—Dale, Keith; Doig, Hugh; Duncan, Mary; Fockert, Teresa; Hay; Wilma; •McKellar, Isobel; Moffat, Janie; Moore, " Ahyvonne; Ryan, Frank; Sandford, Beatrix. The August meeting of the Kippen East Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. William Kyle,' Kippen, on Wednesday evening. next, August 26th. The Varna Institute will be guests at this meeting. As this is the blew -Ica' sesearch meet- ing Mr. 'Paul Doig, of Egreondnelle; will give the topic, The roll call will be "A story from local history." The July meeting was very beneficial and instructive when Dr. Paul Brady, of Seaforth, gave a continuance of 'the First Aid lecture. There was also a good report on jam. making and a sub: stan.tial return from the salvage col- lection. Mr. and Mrs. George Varley return- ed to $t. Catharines last week. Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Dalrymple at- tended the Chappel reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chap- pel at Cromarty. Mr. and. Mrs. James Sproat and family, of Indianapolis, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sproat. 11111=3.1.0=111.1.... CROMARTY /NW 111011111111111151P The sacrament of the Lord's' Sup- per was observed at the morning ser -- vice' on Sunday la9t. Several new members were received into commun- ion. The yoUng son of Mr. and Mrs. Rose Jamieson, of Long Branoh, was baptized by Rev. Peter Jaitieson. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. John Young and daughter, Aileen, Granton, with Mrs. Tufford and Miss Mary Currie; Miss Ilene Faneon, Munro, with Miss Betty McKellar; Mr. and Mrs. Carr Weitzman and family, of -Niagara Falls, with relatives; Mrs. 1 Cooper and son, Archie, Toronto, with "Mr. and MaseE. Allen; ,Miss Marjorie Parker, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. David 'Parker with. Mr.• and Mrs. Os- wald Walker; Private Peter Harburn, Trenton, With Mr. and Mrs. Archie Luxton; Privates Frank and Wilfred Scott, London, with their parents; Mies Mae Quance. London. with her mother, 'Mrs. V. Quance; Mr. and Mrs. James Barr and Mrs. Margaret Barr, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar and ,Mr. and Mrs. John Scott; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stauskoph, Sebringville, with friends,; Helen Kemp has returned. to Mitchell after visiting, Mrs. Houghton. RINIMI611•1661. 'OM VARNA , In 111, - Mrs. Schell and son, Kenneth, of Detroit, are guests at the home of Mrs. Austin and family. Mrs. McCulley, of Hensall, is spend- ing a few days with her niece, Mrs. Nelson Reid_ Mr. and Mee. Billy Mceinb and .ht-, tee son, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Austin and children, of Seaforth, spent,Sun- day at the parental •home. MIIIMMOMMMMMMINIM Miss Jean Fisher, of Waterloo, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. A. Ed -wards. Mrs. Ernie Veciden, of Alberta, 's visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Talbot. Mr. .Bill Carson, of London, is holi- daying 'with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. El- liott. Rev. john Graham, Mrs. Graham, son Pat and daughter Monica, returi- , ed ,hcone Thursday last from summer camp at Kintail. Mr. and Mrs. Carty and Mr. and Mrs. Schofield, of Detroit, called . on friends in the village on Sunday last. Miss Nora -Balkwell aild• friend, of London, are visiting Miss Nora Ferguson this, week. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rhynas and two sons, of Burlington, spent the week- end with his mother, Mrs. Oliver Rhy- a nes. Mr. Louis Sokilbe, of towns receiv- 'Mrs. Mason and son, Gordon, of De- ed the sad news of the death of his troit, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Gee. wife's sister, Martha, Wife of George Castle. Brenner, which tot* place , at herr A vie -tory sale will be held on Fri - horde in. Midland. Mich., last Thurs- day evening at the Town. Hall, con - da y..i -She is survived by her husband sisting of furniture, clothing, glass - and two daughters. Among those ware and other' useful articles. All iron/ this area who attended the fun- proceeds are for war svork. eral held on Sunday were:. , Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Thetns, , of LOUIS Schiibe, John Albrecht, Mufred Detroit, are spending their holidays Schilbe, Kra Henb Krueger and36tri. with his mother, Mrs. Thorns. Ivan Yunghlut. Mr. and Mrs. Wright, of Nilestovsn, I were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Inges. ZURICH sion wan *light with rosebuds, and Ir hrittal rtotquert. was 'Setter Times yad1a. Th.0 attendants were • --'31,ek Reed, sister o th.e bride, hs.A: frau of honor, and the bridesnie4s Mrs. Earl Saraetee. Kra. Atieele those a graceful floor - length ge of white silk jersey, with Pink' boulder veil Caught with pale Neje- owers, and she carried Sweetheart twee. The bridesmaid was costairaed itO *white sheer floor -length, gathered bodice and her blue veil was caught wit4tpale blue flowers. Her bouquet 4. paler pink roses. Leal. - Mg Alper an James Jack, R.C.A.F., Toronto, w4s groomeraan, and the usher wa Ross Sararas. The receptityn was held at the home of the ; jbride's parents. For receivingthe thirty-five gueets, Mrs. SaranSe; mother of the bride, wore a beige dress with blue accessories with corsage of ked roses. She was assist- ed by the groom's mother, Mrs. Gros- ser, gowned in navy blue with ac- cessories inewhite, wearing a corsage of Talisman roses. For their wedding trip to Grand Bend, the bride wore a blue and white print with navy ac- cessories, and her only ornament was a gold locket, the gift of the groom. The bride and groom will re- side in Toronto. Guests we're present from Torento, Kitchener, Cromarty and Heenan, Peacock Harpole 0.1•3111131•1.1.11051M=11113CC, HENSALL Ladies' and Gentlemen's all white shoes reduced 20% at Goodwins. The Huron Expositor is on sale irt Hensel]. at Middleton's Drug Store. Single copies, 4 cents. Gospel Tent, Hensall—Evangelists Blackwood and Wilkie are preaching the gospel in the tent each week night at 8 (except Saturday). "Salvation By Blood," "The Coming of Christ," "Is There a Real Hell?" are some of the subjects nreached. Everybody, Norris McEwan, radio teoheician, of Hamilton, and now transferred to Montreal, and .Alpine McEwan, Jr., of Galt, spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alpine McEw- an.Miss Judd, of Clinton, was a week- end guest with Mr. end Mrs. E. R. Shaddick and Judy. Miss Dolly Carlin, of Seaforth, was a recent guest ,with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook and family. Mrs. NelsoneBlateliforcl has return- ed home following a delightful week's visit' spent with Mr. and Mr. Lloyd Hudson of St. Marys. Mrs. Hudson is a niece of Mrs. Blatchford, Mrs. W. Wagner and son Leonard, and granddaughter, Marlene, of Zur- ich, and Mr. and MrS. Simpson, of Guelph, visited Mrs. W. Luker and Gladys on Sunday last - Miss Grace Brock, of London,' is vacationing at her home here. Mrs. Manning, of Clinton, has re- turned home after spending some holi- days with her daughter, Mrs. How- ard Hyde. Dr. Wm. Joynt, of London, spent a week's vacation with his m'other, Mrs. A. Joynt. Mrs. Bertha Bell, of Hickson, is: visiting with her sister, Mrs. Caw- thorpe. Mrs. Graham, of LondOn, was a re- cent guest with her cousin, Mrs. Manns. Nancy Ann and Murray Scruton, of Port Dover, have returned home af- ter visiting their grandmother, Mrs. A. Scruton. Mrs. Maynard Harman, Stratford, and her sister, Miss Mario!). Drum - Mond, of Toronto, celled on friends in the village Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Haring and children, of Lon- don, have been holidaying with the former's mother, Mrs. Minnie Little. Miss Mary Pybus, of London, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. links last week. Miss Dotathy •McQueen': of Toron- to visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. -McQueen. • Grositr - Sararas Tall standards of pink and white Picardy gladioli formed an attractive - ' background in Hensall 1.Ynited Church Mr. William Luce has leased his The Bayfield 'Golf and Country Club, Saturday,- August 15th, at 6.30 ilenle 75 -acre fame on the Babylon Line' held a, successful bridge at the home for a eharming evening ,wedding, when South, tp Leonard Debus for a term of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Will 011 Doris Sararas, of Toronto, daughter elf jears. Mr. Luce intends locating Pelavan Street. of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sararas, ot in the Western Proffaces. i...:A'illicr. and Mrs. Roy Path . and son, Cromarty, formerly of Heneall, be - Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dionen, who Ronny, of 'Caledonia, are guests' at came , the •bride of Leading Aircraft- epent the past six weeks! at London, the home of iiile. and Mrs, William man Roy Grosser, 11.C.A.F., Toronto, have returned to their home' here. I Jowett. Mr. i•Dinnen attended the glimmer i Mr, and Mrs. James P. Ferguson, son Of Mr. and Mrs. William Grosser, sahOol held in, connection with the, of London, visited Mrs. J. Ferguson of Toronto. The ceremony was sole telvereity Of Western Ontario! over the week-en.d. emnized by Rev. R. A. Brooks minis - The gerviees • in the Lutheran Charles l3alkell and Walter- Allen, ter of the ehurch. Miss Greta Lam- oeteeee •hvir,6_100,,,,,,twagoinn for tee, of 'Landon, were gnosis of Miss Per- rnAe, A.T.C.M., church organist, Was rank titter Slitidalete It illt etpeCted that ,,gnkin. . - at the denieele for the wedding tnnsic, -When regaled the new pkaStor„ 4ter, Migg Maria McKeR, administrator and the soloist, Miss -Florence Welsh, • •, p„, iretiwoh; Wilt be innebarge, I of the -Brantford General Hospital, of I-tensalle -sang in pleasing .,atyle ...•'.''' 4 04*•.:.0,t. liniailinherinnit vrere my , and Mrs, japnis A. Phillips, of Brant- . ,;t0i*itifo•,,,,,t14.,,ive,a`g..onit oh a, 13,0thie.fercii, Were Visitors dining the Wank "Becanie,!*, The InvelY bride, given a. o twi *nesin marriage by her father, was att:rae- -'''04,ti. .., ny. *nver W. riavii,s, , 4 , tively gowned itt floor -length White eill,:Witte ie' 'fiersi „. thar4 YtArk Millard, of 13rantfOrd, returned to her 'home wet a tVos. sheer, With ittsertiona 'Of 'Chantilly ' • nhe itree1ier*d4thift. Iti theVillage !' pee, Her finger-tip veil of White, ilia . 1, Pink and white Picardy gladioli formed the floral background at Hen- sall United .Church, Saturday, August 15th, at 3 pm., for a charming wed- ding of wide interest, when Pearl Jarvis, daughter of Mrs. Grace Bar - pole, of Hensall, became the bride of Flight Officer Douglas Henry Pea- cock, R.C.A.F., Goderich, son of Col. and Mrs. G. PeacoCk, Toronto. The ceremony was solemnized by Col. G. W. Peacock, Toronto, father of the groom, assisted by Rev. R. A. Brook, minister of Hensall United Church. Miss Greta Larnraie, A.T.C.M., was at the console for the bridal music, and during the signing of the register played "Inteemettzo." • Given in mar- riage by her grandfather, Mr. Henry Horton, of Hensall, the lovely young bride those a floor -length gown of white, sheer with lace. inserts, fashion- ed on princess lines. Her floor -length veil of white French illusion was caught with white roses, and her bridal bouquet was Peerless red ros- es and Bouvardia. Her only ornarctent was an air -force locket, gift of the groom. The attendants were Miss Dorothy Peacock, Toronto, sister of the groom, as maid of honor, and Miss Flizabeth Morphy, Loadon, and Miss Mary Beck, Ingersoll, as bridesmaids. Miss Peacock's gown was blue sheer, floor -length, fashioned on princess style, and her blue shoulder -length veil *as taught with red roses. The bridesmaid's were gowned alike in pink seheere 110019ehOli, with mate - log 1.000Vr itatOblx veils Oatiat Wif13, rses Pbt1 Page bruIlze mums 0hIpleted the .ensemble 4:If the trio, AC.2 Gordon. Peacock, R.C.A.F, of Montreal, was his 'brother's grooms - wan, and the Ushers were Lieut. Bill Thompson and W.-0. John Andrew, R.C.A.F„ London. To receive, Mrs. Harpole, mother of the 'bride, wore a gown of powder blue .crepe with white accessories, 'wearing a corsage of Talisman roses. She was assisted by Col. Peacock, mother of the groom, who wore 'the uniform of the SA. Her corsage was Briarclifee roses. Fifty guests were present for the- re- ception which was held on the spa- cious lawn at the lovely residence of Mrs. Anna Berry, Hensall. The bridal table, centered with the wedding cake, was attractive with vases of red ros- es and pink and white tapers. Mrs. C. Eilber, of Zurich, and Mrs. Anna Berry poured tea from silver tea ser- vices at the bridal table. Serving were Miss Helen Hartry, Mrs. Jahn Pecker and Mrs. John Andrew, all of London. For the two weeks' wedding trip to Georgian Hay, the bride don- ned a tan crepe ensemble with dark brown accessories. The bride and groom will take up residence in God- erich. Guests were present from Montreal, Windsor, Toronto; London, Oshawa, Zurich and Hensall. little son, Ponakt. Mr. MorleY Sa,n4Ors. 91' was; a, visitor in town on Tuesday Miss Mona Ifeddeu, of Hensall; and Ronald and Roy Redden, of St. Oatat" arines, spent Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Whitney Carter, Clinton. Miss Patsy Mitchell was the 'gtlest of Mies June Kennedy for enfew days this week. Services in the United .Church 011 Sunday morning last were conducted by Rev. Mr. Bremner, of Seaforth, who delivered a splendid discourse. Miss Mary Goodwin presided very ab- ly at the console of the organ in the absence of Mise Greta' Lammie, who is on vacation. For their anthem the choir rendered, "Thine Ie All the Glory." -Mr, Orville Twitchell, George T. Wren and James A. Paterson, village clerk,. all of Hensall, and Mr. Percy Phillips, of Toronto, motored to Mea - ford Tuesday and spent the day there enjoying a fishing, expedition trip. The quartette was successful in landing 41 pounds of lake trout. Phillips of Toronto caught the third largest fish there title year and stands a chance of winning the silver cup this year, The fish he caught was 34% inches long and weighed 15 pounds 10 ounces. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton are en- joying a week's vacation and are spending the time visiting with eel& tives itt Hamilton. 1r and Mrs. Burley, of Airiaorte, Mich., called on friends in the village Wednesday on their way to vacation Miss Dorothy McQueen, of London, visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. McQueen; and sister, El-. va. Mrs. Olive Knapp, weie has been the guest of her sister and brother-in- law, Dr. and Mrs. James W. Bell, for the past two weeks, left on Tuesday Or her home at Oakland, California. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer haVe returned home following a two weeks' visit spent with their daughter Mavis in Toronto. uMrs. D. A. Cantelon, who suffered i stroke at her home here on Christ- masday, rain 'who since for some weeks was a patient in Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth, and since that time has been with her son, Ferris, wife and fatiaily at Schrombefg, is back in Hensall again and is at pres- ent a patient at Mrs. Saundercock's' nursing home here. Ronald and -Roy Hedden, of St. Catharines, are spending two weeks' holidays with their grandinother, Mrs. C. M. Hedden. Keith Buchanan, R.C.A.F., Arnprior, near Ottawa, spent the week -end with his grandmother, Mrs. A. Buchanan, and his father. Keith, who had been stationed in New Brunswick, was re- cently transferred to Arnprior. Mrs. James A. Paterson epent Tues- day in Zutich, the guest of Mrs. E., Gascho. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, Warren and Carolyn, of Toronto, are holidaying in Hensall. Mr.. and Mrs. Norman Stanlake, (nee Miss Mabel Workman) have re- turned from their wedding trip. ' Mr. Roy McLa.ro'n, of St. Catharines, spent the week -end with bis wife and 1'11•71' • WOMEN. EVERYWHERE are praising the new LU- DO Quick YEAST that keeps without refrigera- tion. Ask your grocer bow you can try 111-130 without obligation. at Georgian Bay. Mrs. Burley is the former Miss Dora Sherritt of Hen- sall. Miss. Elizabeth Scheafer, who has been visiting at the Scott residence, has returned to her home in: Palmer- ston. Opening of the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home in Dashwood We cordially invite the public to inspect our Funeral Home on Sunday, August 30th, at 3 p.m., • and the following week thereafter from 2 to 5, and from 7 to 10 p.m. Before our opening ,on Sunday, August 30th, at.3 p.m., the local clergymen will con:- - duct alorief dedicatory service in the reposing room; After the service, the visitors will be shown through: Fatterals if desired to be held from our Funeral Home have no additional charge-. This -is an added service to our patrons and our desire is to have it used as their own. The living room, which "is converted into the chapel the day at the funeral, has a seating capacity of approximately one hundred people, and if necessary, many more can be seated in other adjoin- ing rooms. Our casket display room, located in the basement, has a wide variety of caskets, where the price of a funeral can be at your own choosing. Our preparation room, located en the main floor, has' been equip- ped with the latest in embalming essentials, approved, by the Board of Examiners and the local Board of Health. We also have a private car for day and night ambulance service for the conveyance of the sick and injured. T. H. HOFFMAN 33 YOu can now 'buy War Savings Certificates ... an investment guaranteed by the' Dominion of Canal . • at all Post Offices, Banks, TrUst -Conipanies- $5 FOR $4 $10 FOR $8 $25 FOR $20 INTEREST AT 3% TAX FREE REDEEMABLE REGISTERED OC3W , . • , . , • • . . , , • • ' I •-•