HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-07-31, Page 3�,",,,��. i t�'. :� _!, 1 �,,�.� '� , , I " � , "�, j:e,,,1i,,I,% � ", , �:, !, ;." �,�. �1[ � I , I., ,,_', ­­.­ '­,,,iI­1,0­,1 -Y,�T��,�.' �,i,�����, ,��"­',� '��,,��!�.l��;;�,'��i*,'i����:,��,'�'ii",,:"t� 10,'� � -4,� ,`��:,, �;: ,I t " �'_,`;`I",i.� �i�:�i�,�� � 111.�,� .., , , ` e,� � .1, ,,A51 t I 11���� , , ,� � 14 "!ill ': ,';,, � , . . " �,,, � , ''; " , 1� ;�tl 'I, �i 11 .� , 1, , 1, I , i, :, , � " ,�;,t .,;? , �1 , , . *,', 11��;'.,,, ,1, , . I . ­ , - , , . ­�,� i; ,';'.' I � ;1!il�,. , .1 � , V, I T! � 1�` I" i� ...... . ,,, � "! ,:1 � ­�l 1 �� ;�,y- �, !"�,�','�,,�...�""!�:�,�,.,�!��,,�:�,�,%j�,; , .� 1 �� � � 4 I , , : I - . �� , , , ?� � .1 I , � " , ;� ': - � , P" %, i ,, . � , , ".. : " I . . I. 1. " I , ��,, ; � . I �e� Is', ,,, � .1 , .. �, .� ,. , � I , i � . . ;- ;., 11 I � I I . . ,�; � T, # . I '� , I , , , 01 �11 A� I . , , , - "' , , 'i . , I I 11"; 11 ` tt" � 1; �� .. 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"""' A T, , "T4 -4 44,!� -,,� ` #P �i" :1 -� I, _ ­ -W , ;... -_i' �:, ,: ,i ...'i� , I I., .. 0 00L I . 11 . "- , . __ �,�' � , ", 011,_ '. � . �' � 01 i 91 , " 9 11 "I " , ,I 1. � . ,�". _ . . I �, "' . ..,". , 71, � . , , ,�2 . , ,. , U , � . - . ., : ,,.�'. n '"��,� , , ." ", � , ., 6 . 7". , I 1. I . - , . , "t" ,,, ,* , "'. . , �� � I ��,T.,, V. � r I � I m", . , �]" I , ,, ,,;�, ' , . " ,& I I ,�,. ��', �, I - . , 11 , � , .�'%' , � A i4 ,�. ;, 1 XX I t . . 1�' 11. ,; .1, '4 I q, P, li'.., , �.`­ �,'� t,j� -L _' �, . 4, �I , gr , M , , I Y - 91k N , r In L ,11y , 1, .1, , I �­:,jl�' 11 I . I I . . , �. 6 �11";�,�`,,; 114�1 . . � " ��,� "I I I I � �, I ','­..�:; �(" ;`L", � �4�k' ��',�'� � I ; �*: � ie,4�,` I ,:, I , I` " ­ If UWA � X, � ­ � 3 � 111"'."P .. ..... I ...... I,,,,- "" . � � , , f"IN, � � ,(Con 4 10, ­ 0i, ,� , , 00 ,., " �",y i ­)p � �, ,,,, V, W.'i ��,�t�A, I "' X"', ,1 r . ,- I I �" ,",,�f�l� , , i�j�% iT , .. .4 . 4_4,fi 4ose ,lbe _� . .) " , , . I I ` "Czar , I . I � I '�Ix '"'.I P ,. � 1. � � . ft , - .11, _ "", o .: JW xi 400''.."._111. I I'; I , "I ,, h 4 I wt "-'i 1�.i R 32, � I ea, ,,��",#,�'4.��,�p"r""�,��,�,, " ,,q . . . I �. ,�.� 11, . -t, , 11 ."; ,,� .1� 11,,� �,ii,' ". � .."N' " I " 6 ­1� �.­ 1- I—., ", ... 1- 11 � V111 p I'— ''I,, I 11 - yli��'T:A*l I .", ­ . '' -fie , I "�� ''II1,00 , ­#,"" "'41, O" "", �'� I I . , 10,11, I I ­ . . - v _ I 1:, I I I , �?;"'i wk0w4g, � , '40 L ',,l g li","-,��"I'Ll�"I'l""""""L,��ill",- 11 .1 , I ... � L. . ''I 141m4tod' , , I : C1410 rmlilito' 0 D "o - 4_�� &, , '".0 LLL Ak �;­" i, , 41". _� . - I'll I".. 1.1, V. . j I . I 1", 74� ;,�, to.r , �,,""",'��,,",�'�I�" I � I U11MV . I I P ,�',� ''" I ­ -, 0 � ' ­ '' � ­ '­­­ "Y"11,* , . ���� , . -t I " %j�l,, , . . R149,44r,p't .. , "I'A i0p 0 " � _.� " I - . . i , I "" � i �� A Week 0 0 . . . � I . �VL'A , , k , �, ­ �Lzv,'x­�­ " "' - 1; ., �,, f �� � � . -_ - --- -1 . - .� , _ �, # - 1, 40usq a14 0,140xi , 0 , �,,� A , "I ... LL , . - - I �tl "111 -IS . , lWl,QTI� .,,.',' , � ---- -T- - -IT - - - P'Ptil'Wri0r;,�, ,,'..� 411-W . 0 1 . Jy A 00w ,of Developments , (Elliott ,Littl% Director at NO, , i,"('.."!� _ " 4,06 ,.. z - , i. .. � :,, I ___ - Then Exete' �.. gj4 , , , 9 I � R1,14 -, * , � ���, . , M. , � � . lid, t.h.& �Iil­;, __ , ... . 6 io � , � - INIF . ,on the Home !Front tional eleetiv-;a. Service � is a'soii- al � t ,igipiod that bo, Ilf ,,,W 111 .1 . , 9.p�.�c,l:j " " , ,.,,, , I . . �--!:' � , , A"I" ��.j� �,,,�I'5 ��,4V�::�1111 � 11 " " r .. I _p &A!FW��#u ., � g- 4 . - I r in,law of John A, Wilson, for . � 1. 7 I I � �,­­,,­ �0, Pio gnv�,g I I � ,, 'ViL�,, - , - town. I !" _ � I , " : .,`�.'!,, '. � - prmthetle rubber pro- I . - 'O - I---- my friends a . turn; 'but shwa 409 V, At. .,6�,i �, `,i1177�7,1'.l::-, �,,� .,,�'q �; , M 1,;�Iifnl,�`0 � , I 11 I � , , I I 1. Canada�s (001ttluned "04 Page X) , have, far', '110, � . �,',r y�7 11 , , -.�tji ... .. . ... _ ... .. .... I,, . - ""; � � I �'' !�,,. R,�� �, 12�,4�� ,'� ,,�',�2i� . I I ., . _111, 7 ...... W")�,� , FN,!, �, � " gq,�,, ,� �;�v , , �� I , `1,��, 1; , ,� 11 ,Y- .. po 1-.1 I I _,`:LL-" ,.� !t -Treasur . � . � i��14 ),� -`,,'��3���"&'� , . ... �� 461"; �, ; , N.,,.6�1� -�?,Ji ,_ . duction for 1943 expected to rea rs Clerk , of . , 0, . r .dears? W I - - ­ , " ,',', ­, ". �j . 4, � ,,,J�q�j�tg - ,'2,,J',,,�­�,,� ��N',"�, er: � J" , e,4.o often. blo�os her, 1� "".1 , . "'I"", Ili I , "o, , 7�,�,,,k",�f�,,�:��­7, :� Ilg -1 "E" I ,i-,'O� " :,:�, _ :4� �41;11 ",'I , " "I" . , . ­ ,�g,�� K ii ... '�;o ,, , '', ", ­Q,01111'�KPi; t," � I ­ �V,A�- 1�1 � . the Town of Seafortly). ' ::,;,��!.' orack -and crevice a.# , _+ i'R, ,rnm % i . I .... ii: WX dt looked 'as a woridex, tha"t, tf , , , , , i ,�;�,., "�,,,�,% 114,!000 tons.' I annual produc- ..1'.$1'1..1..1..1 I I , f sl past Mg. Y�ars. t , �� � -i " " , , "I"' .-Iml. I .P X,,,vW;.-. W. -I , ).;,�i, � ", ill, y 1�111 �;11;�I.i.,,'-�r. ho elesp case, but ift� � the now 4nd - 1 ,t,�.�.�,,,,��.�i;,,,,e,,,-u,.,40""� " ��,�,,�';.��"��,,�, . Vvent I . 11I the " i .1 , _ , �*-,F,O.-",,,L��",T",!"�"!"��,y� � I.h ., But 89 oft , - cqm, � , tion estimated at 40,'.700 tons. ... il"�!�;i�l, r',��X'�i�'.��,f��,--..i�..",::�l".,:.�'I � . - coA - th­ r " 'D ,�,AAAA', I,"�` 1 4 " 1.1� 11. t -��.'f�; �i = , ` ,� ,n�',4 � , � � are..'al, r1i.14-and- +"rq .. tre, All 0 ,� ", WX,'.::%, .*,v��,�.""��,����";�����".",���,�, 'S.111 , . . raising morry , hell. V . .. 9.,Po, : f4f',ff 1�f,.,R NT, I , '��- ..-,1g----.-.i�ii;-�'. --,�� iiii, i. _ . .. I ..; . 1, �,�',_ I ,R 0 MR', - , , . . .. ­ " ".. - M, � 1 2. Canada to projOce 65 merchant , .. -,-?�. ,�i�, " i ........ . � ... I . , ��-,,,.,-bodti u+ �, thd':2 � � Vla, ',,ye,��, I , mp,, one puts, out �' t -b �, i".11 III.P., �.`,- I A, ... ; ­ � . . � #`�:,� .i", ., IV - I U104 MY,, �,,,�� . I 7� TI"i%J, L ; y �M.-,,!-, �-..','�'.I:,'�,*.'.'-,�.!?:.*-.�,�,,,,�,i� !,M�'!i� piin ; 'y 019, R91 i��,��q��"!�,,�"!;I,;;��,,� . ,,� , �` , , The I r I . I IT ,� .,; POwer,ful 11910e fot 111#0 action f6i a we r from that. � " � lilver hour or so the,phone, on Blite's fpew! - -, i 4 wit# .X 4 , 16 . . 0 11 9. . , iikle Lneg or I an ic , I ; _ ,d,oiat, the gas , , * " AI'm , �, �, - Lg 4!t,%0 r, .........;.;.:.;.il".;:K,.....",..,Z.,� .1 " _,V,j�1,u4�47,V,,-,, � �I;' I .-,-i-;-:.%-, ,. ". - 1RFz'iJ,A,#',`A ,S� - 6blps by December lj',,194�. Twenty- . ,p �mask_tbe.. rpaiaty"pA I 1p�P . 40 I I `0 ��. , , a Exeter has ,-r .1 N ,,, �11,esk, would rin � '*Look!" the Old .,,�. �` VI,, P"'fit , 0 . ',*,@,, the b, t, associaup.s. a,,"g -.l,,�gl',r, , , iq , - xwmicAlAiq� ad en- . �. . ' . , + "' ,� pty;�; .,; . " ,,�, li I'. , �4 ";,ii, Ii��_'V ,� , 12 " p '��'�!� - I i�ii;ili;!"�.':�i�i."":..."":!* I I 1'11�1. I �� , . . I . suitcas, ly Gi7l# �e,v . 0"'01, iy,ggg I mr , l", . , , five now delivered Wread ellow. lq�o two ways ,� , , e, near At , Alto,; arod; thqgei , il,l � " _ , ,'', _ "". y for de . . � er n yo)ing m . . , 10 . , .� . "t"", � " . " M� i ,;li�� .Man would b , .. 'et ., ,Q,,�J � , ,�, . , :��!i��!�i�!�i�i�t_ , 0 P was soon "der 9ont.rQI . �fhol�t ',,.e " -;,w 1K " X9 0 " �,,�!,v,I , ' .........'..'... R , An * * ' have shelters - 1� `4,'1;,�,;� ... x. 'A. �., ,o. ,T#1�7""r* 'k ""a. ou've got to "get produc- , iii, ��. 'i I! He m I , ,A? _;,Ldo, tl,,,q ,. ;4, (T l',I�, i."� , "t, did not bur L�UUUY. . I _, _ " 04 j1 i, I livery. Bef&e the war,: shipbuilding about it. Y k , Ah wel ,,yi�. � m 3�, M _11 , 1 � # N_400OV, 'I 'I" "!.,i:., �i�.f;�i.11_i,­.'. : . IL . t be a middle-4ged I . . . __ ;A iijK".. AM tUlb, ilding of WAX �P",R�,,$ ...... I Vp � , i, -e - ii, 1: , , 7 X. t,��.A�am,,:tol�u,,�k,�A.P.�l,�.),���"I " I old If ,e. , a � , ,- - I � , I � . ... .. And those sh Iter !,ax - �.-, ON, Wilt -T, q 4"t, . ` � , , - ; -by n , =1`4 ,, , .. ran to only a f ew tho44nd tons an tion up or we won't be able to I ____ -�.-- W dear ow; and I my � ,.O �;:Aq I , , =1 I , I , :::�:�,;:;:..,.;.:.:.:.,",..:;%,.�l;.�:�:;.�;,: We are Vid that Zur. ,?,st . . -, �111� .1 I th . at, till this h e " --- ' ger ug mQ1V7 I - - , , , -, -, I 11 ,11�tpl.. I -1,..1,-­,)I1�,, ­, I a . . -1�11 bu-M.ps,,of sarui� q,A,d partli- , " , 2'111(11i`11�1' nually. that order." � e t. re engine for ried, I;� AdU L101, I ,� - , a town Qwln&� still Pet,si� - galp.4 1�'f,�'t��, "'' thought of him i13 I , j, ­ ­,�,J:;L:'­1' * ". . MI, r" , I ,,,,,,,, � I- 3. All but 200 of the 11267 Japanese- -Ellie wa &., and ston O�, - for flowers are I -;,",O _ "'I"Y"T "W"11"I""VI", ?�,?��.�!*.*."..���"I...",".'*����li.'.-.'..Iiiiiii!������;.,,�,.,.i��,f,- ",� � size in er il*,�a , and af- I . . , - , ated to haildle the order, 1� i�:;."�.i�, long while. 1, igr F�,,4�,�,,,��,l�-,,���,,��",L."�,�""! $ � ?n M , 'L "" " ... ,,,, , � eople f�ei ng,';,'4,'0P#At -�,:,.;.�-�: ,E� ,I _: .i I,! "I i, " .� i,�,, .,',"�%. .�,; q,� ,iF �,� � , . I if th�y , - "� ,;j�""",,�Lp", -" - a fxon.t',­J;e&t amongst � - ,i, � %',�, . I � i" .* I ,� , , , , I I , - fishing boats detained by Tiomin�ion because orders 'Were what made the .Zi.. �,; I.. open g .1 . I'll - I that ,. It 1's, * . "' ����,'��,.',,��,!.i,,,,,..",,,'�4 ,.� � ��, . authorities whery Japan')!entered the wheels turn and keep on turning. But ..; " � 11 Yes, think of inns en -th�y 1�,� . I .�,' ,��,.,!'.`­ ."-11 � �, "' ­ , ­,�,,1121i'?,� ; �` ' , e most 0eageftit. ,must see.', ?aps in. the gard , . . .; , 'L i . . , . ­ ' 11 ,;­ I -)"V101,5, _P I ec a ... . I 1'� I- �Pl:'�'- f, f"111 _1-0 "I . . - . ­ - _ , ­ " ::,... . ,��- I �I; A ,?n Tuo - no 1. _ -0-d' , i, . . ,;",, , _._-�", .. I . , 7,flay and watch Pla,jee you know, aAq then imagi ay. as we] �e decorativ ­�­­­L R)��,� ,_'�"­' ,jl: _ "; : I i I � - - war are again out fishing but under as a guy who figured he kne 1. P�.. lose ,L* .. e. :,A-' why, ­ i, ", ­ 777 M ��:,,,w�4,,'.-�g 1� . , . w the � :14. _, .fbrman op of the well- .tor,h 'by horrors in: the night. , Th ra Wies. there are noijos and . I , I , .-,i�,� �, ��:""�,, j,,-, '��,.; I I I I I non-Japaryese ownership, -charter or possibilities of his Plant inside out, r . 4� .� .,en not? So I . .. I. ., . I �� I . -1 , 41P�4'1`11ill 711, �,3 1 � . ! � I ! I , I I I ��", 7� �; , inea 0] ' ' - . 'I " I 6.11� K " ,; uldn't for the life Iof him see th ' opinion th4t this saying wilder " O�' - lease. � he co , , � '"I an 'well-equipppil firemen, we You will have som, id the. ,setuch- -1 he' I are R 11, i f the be, vibratlons� Sometimes . 4. Coastal defence of 6nada con I 1111 lights, swinging round, pipri � t . I' � .""T77", 7, , . eiit one feel remembering 'he L ' ,�. �i�r,�Zk liq,MNI % -r 7�, : V I � ", - f ,��.�"� � . - how it could be done, and he'd -told !" must be "ght. There; was no place ; cle, 'a, `�,e - "I , , .� n the 11 scenes, thpse qui 'squaies- blackout and Make the room, ' I V , �i:11'11.1� I I I 10 . , 1.' i C�jk', ��, , ]-�'L I ��� sidered at secret session of'the House the boss so plenty of times during I 0" . . . � almost .: I . I ....' � , I 1� . I—- . , ,� ­ ��'.. ,,-L-;.; . ' . li,ogentle'green paiks: an day; bit 'with' a , 4 for the old bucket ,brigade of 6e an� . .5� l . of Commons (July 18). :Sltuation *x- tiie past few days. slinging' - 1, I I " ,, I ,��i,A, .1 primrose. as light as all these .' � - , I , I of water by pailivis; it was 1 � . "' . . �.!% Z "., . - _. 111:11,11,11, , 1� , t.'. �.. I I ,�, - . sp I tered'lanes. ,I said N f were sen- disquieting things thery are 'lovely - Th aq� �per�L _Paid,,'. ,, , q.,__, I,., il ,- plained by -three ministers'oi Defence. '70t� the last time," he finally roar- all so practical and �is, h ' �*V,:, I I el 1�.�,�;,,',f�V­11�14Q' . I ' . complete.-Zur- 't I? But not too ,sen- things as well. At last t4 n - Y,W ­ , timental, di �,� , 1411311i, 6. Since war began, 7,92�6 B�itish ed into that much abused rittouthpiece, . .__ Herald. . .. . ere. Is,, lau � other pests. but n-voi,- W,i$p,, 1�.11­11 11 IR ;.� 111C . � . o _ �"'p ',�Qzq�',�'�,§ �X, it' . , ,,, R. .. . ­ _T - , . imehiitl to t , n -.h, Q) , . L , po �hildren have entered Can�ada. 1 t I ,shine and wa , �q Ilio ;i "! p " I � � Of "I tell yd'a it can�t be done! Our pro�- ' . first th*gs first. rmth--and one had ai-I truth, . Mies � are, the peaven '.,,,�* ��,�5if'n.L$t I I _,'A -, '­' W j", I ''" " _ - zh,,,'.� t, I . ELLIOTT LITTLE ' We s, all ild in numents, of our most forgn# . 1. I 1-- ,,;'j,,,­�'!�,, Im 1XLj61L, ?"',Q 1'�, � � Hand Cu ,On What the. cosiness of the world. I '� ,,.,�Ii�l ,"W -them, 1,532 came to Canada'�,,Under a duction limit's four hundred And . ,t On MqWer Knife "b"IF.. �� , _ "", , _ 49y" , n,LW._,y F#r. 11�' I ,�, i' , �. I ' i p, �k= �-,01�� ., , "'Xi , 'L " � ", 'i . , I y��'.J __,� �­l;�,�.�,';,; , I, , I own w t is ,over; and in a, few bodily wa'i *3th was like. During ,the, fronts, as carriers ,,,of , L�,,',.,�;;,,�.,�-';,i',%, i Government sponsored schenk; 5,630, eighty units, and we're hitting the �Iir.c dig i�a` I ��v , ,4 .�111111­ ]��!�::Z_�� ", I � � . I " -F " , " 1 . I ­PF,151� .". 1, ��. , ,,,�,,'�, - � ;, um ri­'­ " � Mr. Milo Casonyore�,'of the Ist line hundre& years J time I'maybe, h ans day the bUckbirds siijt, "�,,�,�:�, ". � -under private arrangement; 758 are peak right now." � . the -first year you sow; in the second grople ft deqtb,, they constitute a, mo,40 "".11 _1�1 ., , 'r-f!t'o � 110 ­ ' " I ­ ,?b­;',�,:,.,:, i4l'. i 11, 1 `�'�� . . . . . il'y` R , ' " - ��,,�! ,, 'e'l , ,! , ,1 ,i i . of Morris, while assisting his neigh- will stai,e up, �t thel� and think of sturdy lads, tree-t9l) high, ghouting­�,5& facing the m 1:A01i, 'I � i. I I Tomaining permanently. !,. The boss muttered . , I" ,,�,- ,i�,i,,,. I unprintable you harrow; the third' ,a ,your bar- . ilitary modleal, ' '' 2!��,,��. . ��l,:::::`,, ... . ; � . _1 � I., ., " ` � , � I . � . . I I - 1,�i' I 111. . e 9,qr- ,�ritiea. . � , .., I , I 10i"ll I �,� 11 ","..ill" J - things. Ellie shouted them. The boss vest," - I , : ,�, ',:-..�,-, ;,;,I ". �Ni`i,­ 7 6. -Staff, guests or �inmates i: of ho bor, Mr. Jim Campbe4,. ,on Monday, us in this most stren ous age of ours. defiance to each oth6r across th , ' I 1. 1: S-11 ffl . , ,� " # S. And today, �Granl� called "m - � And ,here, on Ahe-home, fn6n ,, -�,i,"�,�,,gj�� . ; I had his hand severely .9ashed. -Mr. As far as that goes, �Wlo con i , ' 'I 4 telff, inns, clubs, serving meals, staff safil he wa's -fired. Ellie said try and Translated inta industrial terms, I , Id every den � I I . P . 4 � 4* , ' . L - 6- 1'10i� I", I _ ng t4e _W,ar,nin$� Vill 'i, , . s sharpon th e,r rebuild some of� the d -ones, for ,�e down. to the 'garden, where we had withstand! 11 ,�,,wl,';,,,�WV, . � ,, itals are now fire him, and hung up, mad, , I ' . . " a Qf :I,�"4­'� .�,P -dining room and hos,p , the Prime Minister's statement'means Campbell wa 'ng "' 'now . I ,,: . .., I , . I I a .., " , " " . , r . � '00 . . . . . �:�L�� l�)�, � ri, ,. �.�� . . �j�,,�r, " ,. �,� "' �,,, --- required to have s4a� ration cards. that during the first Ye knives by power in ho"g age wit have this great adva tage over the ,tea- on thd�lawn, with the s4eap-409 experts, medical'men and sc1qu0*to,, �15� ,ho'4, been since the day the colored ,at of prepar- � I . . ., i �,,l i . . . I Ing ,I'," i .; the wind blew the doqrs shu . - Mr. Past -we have 1�0_ whinnying with pleasure. At the end, there wJJ1 again be too littl 7, �,��,,'��j� � l2 I- �i 7. Japanese 'In British. Columbia m'an: fell int'o the white water, tank for war, machine tqols have to be . . t � 0 Ph6tographs. . .7 ,I4,, . .11 . ,; - � ".I.... , Casemore in trying to stop the doors body knows qui ' - of a .0 a0w ;,�,,il IV, I' � , 111,11, have been moved from areas consid- and threatened to sue for bleach 0 de; in the seco -id , what a Saxon vil day like 61s, one's las! bedtime . tion. paid to the probipn� ;; � � � ., I f Ina nd plants are Ia. I I A I of_guardIM, 11, ,% �R, 0 e�led by military auilioritles to Ile par- s?mething or other. out; and iii. the .third deliveries ar had his hand thrown against the lage looked like, thought is, Well, .. I 1. � ,�e . ,�, e � and ' t 44Y against the fly � I I ',��`,, ' ' S I W4.1 I . � mena�e. � . r�,'i�,! Rm 1 .1 * \ i"I , .. I t - r wirbs ,e I ever havo� fl , ' And Do you realizq . 4 , , ���:,� �:11-11 � . . knives, giving him a nasty gash t4 than vague about whatl''It �F on ',�s bee 'a goo that.eye�y , . ;4.�r ticularly vulnerable. Put he rang. for his foreman.ji:t.t made, prloduction� rising sharply from . '. � � 11 I One. i 1&4,�,�', , .1 , , _' W ",,�t, . � ,� . 11 ­,� 1, .111, . Wingham Advane ThioL ly think' so. . - I I , ,,,�,,A . �", s , , ,� can 'one �feel more 111�1 � Arbage 2 same. , : � then on. 1. required several stitches to eA44.1, of St. Paul' �'i __ 1 I hard plie " - N 11�R fe jnt� � I - , -, � , - " 1 : I , 8; P i ite. ,Ie� I . I- . . , "� urblyagerg applyyxig for esg,enti�l the, : - � � . ­ L' ' 1� ,- '' , v3 I a , I � ago; but if 0 d pv . , I � al1i th -1 I I hi l �-,,� '14, , - 'i' I . t��orials under -ne* Allocation Pri- ,�41')W.ok, fellows," he said when they The switch from peacetime to war- , I we wished, wef . I , : I I rehise heap on w , k� .,.:, . 4 - . ' . � ''. '. .1 . il . ,., ", 11i _,'. ., , . , I ' time conditions, it has been I�ar�ned, . M` I I must of the things we've treasured up The Allotment is awalie again, with browse around, ig.-a pqt6 . ntiall s'olgg . ,.,,r,," , I . ,arities system.must continue to 1ndiT had'e'rowded into his office. "I'm on . . ­ ,�,i,,� e M1. , , ,t , i ajor Hetherl:on join '94th� ) � ,11 " I I . I turns up -several interesting problems.' "I to 40W. Yet I hope we shall fif9t,of things pushing. through tha crusty of fa;al contamination? 1yo,you �Mo* '' � f", I � . .�cate the exact'Purpose for which the t e.'s' t. The Old Mp,n 'wan ; �;, � i . � �4 po ts us to � I l . � "�,� . a all think - of building things typical of earth. Tile biting northeast wind has ilia"t the"bacteria on one ,smalit, 1. �.", : � " ,,, "I"11, , ,E, . , materials will be us'ed, announces'De- up proolubtion, and I'm damned if In 'the beginning the supply of labor M ,O?r R. �S, Hetherington #ho wa I .I BY's . , !��IV � . , 1 . 43 � ' .1 �i,,�, . . ,, ' greatly exceeds the demand, particu- h me n ick le ve ent our own age; why not? For thus is fallen�at last -and the . Gardening body may nuwb�r 5,000,�,000; � that . , �,,,�.� ;1 - rtment of Munitions and Supp can see how it caA be done. Have . � I',' - 1 �, . .pa 0 0 a a rainedi at Tor- filies i�..�i 1 , 1Y. history made and appreciated. � Partner, inlan aura of furi,ous,grumb- are, possibly, the, most .�rolllc breedir !.l . . I Yougo�t any ideas?', larly when war breaks immediately onto on Wednesday last to r�joiry his . _ ,,,,, " � I - , I I 1% I " 40 after years of dep�essiori. Vhen, once unit, the 99th A r4lative of mine, living near Bath, ling, is enjoying himself ,hugely. All ers in the Insect kingdom, that thqlr,� 11�_ . Those foremen had. And the men . --Battery, 4.C.A., -at Ter- ', I . _ ­ .. 1��,11;11111 l I I . in. the plant had the refitted. factories are in operation, race, -B.C. ,He was aceo,,�paiyied by writes�, and tells me.'that she is shel- the little gardens down the avenue �favorite hAbitat, is the plate mhere .. %.., . . . plenty more. 'They . . f . . ''I'll- � I . I . ' M n,ut them togefher the reverse becomes true, as the uri- Mrs. 'Hetherington . an( . . 0 . .. -,i 1 CKNX . are beginning to shine with flo*ers ni st filth abounds and that, it tA . ,� - WWGHA ,,, / I ,ey will . � . OW I -� � I . ,q . � , .. ­ ��, . .)Dverybody felt . ' . I " - q I . . ' 1. . 111.,�,, . , 920 .Kos. .,326 Mdtres; that he was acting general manager. employed -and those voluntarily at- spend a few days at Jasper Park en - . . ap.0--best of all -the iron, railings pprtunity comes their way, they. will . . �:1 ,�;,91 , . .., . � . �,;�% , . :�I� , , , , . -11 , I . I ; tracted from norinessential industries route. ,On the way back .Mrs. Hotly- , . have disappeared. one can bless the carry disease -breeding ,g6rinil' Jute . �,;��, . I � . - � Had to rally round. within three I . , . . . I'll", ,�,: 1. . I 1, are absorbed. First methods ,of con- 'erington will call on her brother, had always been accorded thiern and munitions -law for that, at least. They, home and store and deposl,t, them p4i -, % . HLIGHTS months production was upped from , � . �7�1,'%, ..... � 480 to 630 units and trol' are usually negative, seeking Flight Lieutenant Jim their. regard foi him as their --friend. always" depk6ssed me, those nasty lit- food, .drink, and human, beings? .. I � III U_ � 7."A" 1 1 ' everybody -felt Thompson and . � I . .11,, I . , 1. 1. .1.11, I � I l, ,,,, ,, i ,, . -iday, July�31-112 noon, Farr� & better. . . ' Good i -fantile paralysis,, a. , 0�4014 . ;"` . Fi . merely to prevent. the transfer . of Mrs. Thompson at Mossbank, Sask.- W'shes for his future work were tle iron barriers and squeaking little . diarrlxoe' . ,.,!,�,, I Honiel-Hoilr; 5 p.m,, Organ Moods.1 H. ' 0 workers already'engaged iii war in, ' also offered. I Included with the lo- gEAes. Maybe their removal has a are a few of the menaces that I .L �, I J, 0 This happened several years ago, - Wingham Advance -Times. . I I Mar I �t4, ., � 1-� I . . . . . . 4_3� _ � , ,- dustry., I I . I .1 cal �guests were friends from Strat- deep .significance, after all! i- , �, 1,'�,��,, I 11 V. ­Pym; 6-.30, Your Wingham , Re- in the Quebec plant of ATigio I am eLme in the wake of open an4l. 11, . . l 1, -Cana- Layin,g New,Sidevvalks ford, Sebringville and this commun- hoping so. . . screened windows or d6i �� I. �. ," , view; 8, Laura at the keyboard. ', Germany, which had the -advantage ' . )rs ­:�,�110. ­ than Pulp Compaily. And today the r I . �? I "" ' ­��'�7 .1 -, � L I . .,,�',,. �, ­. �'IL;, Saturday, August 1-9 ' ty, as well as some travellers who One wa I to eliminate ". ��` � ' �� , . �` . a.m., of preparing for �his war over a much Y the �', � ,,;i: It is one thing to say 'thdt 'an En- 47 men- "? �,11 , ,1 ' , �` , 11; . I ... .. .. .. _ I �..., I , . NAY I name Ellie -as most folks who have Mr. Charlie Riehl -has the contract y the hospitality of the glishman,'s home is his castle, but way .11, 11,11 Kyser Orchestra; 11, Saturday Morn- even a nodding acquaintance call F,I- longer period than the democracies - . ace and a safe, sure, cleaa is it&!, . i., �; I . .1 L � 1, ,son's Fly Pads herip. , W .�L ; .,'�',` � 1 4 1 . . I of laying new sidewalks in the block Hi,cl;s Efouse from time to time. Cam- it,s 'Another (and surely ridiculous?) . . , . 1 Ing Frolic; 6.45. p.m', ,Evenin,g Ne ' suffered less from the. change to zi , place Wil -, ' ws; liott M. Little�ls out to accomplish � extending from Mr. Morrison's garage . � 1:.,� . as. , They.% . ''. I the same miracle on a 'national scale. there in convenient plat !�,, , . 8, CKNX Barn Dance. militant state. . I eron 'Geddes rendered solos. The fol- thing to 'barricade the place. People ,� 11 �� . .5.1? " . 11". .."?, to the corner of the telephone office. lowing evening the women employees with evil intentions, I fancy, are not V ;�_ .. ,.Sunday, August 2-1.45 p.m., Hawai- Canada 'e Boss in any show that Germany also de�lt, wi kill all the -flies and, 'mciden�' � ,. �­ � Ant knile;0 . ", . ". � . . - -th th typical The walk will. only be partially re- 't they're most efficacious . �, l., � " t i ian Memories; 4.30, H. X. Pym, ,*- affects Dominion affairs -has asked Nazi two-faced efficiency, with an- . . of he hotel presented Mrs. Davidson to be kept out by paJtry four -feet- V . , 'V . Nl'-�. I I �. 'i- I "I ,,- I , . , , . I . ­.._. 11 . paired with any good blocks remain' with a beautiful chenille beds ead -high spike too. So, don't only protect yourhome . . ..� , .., -gan; 6.45, C'arsbn Robilitoif." --,-t him to step uli production along the other big factor in an all�out war_eL.ing dowry. - The' work is-- now in, -the _.P.P. s_;..so. what -1s. the.- great . f I . ­ , I I __ . as a token or their regard for her.- _ thought behind these erections? I su._ Y rying o eep _3111211M I. __.__-7LLL. � ,� I � . . : ( 01 ��� Monday, August, 3-8.30 a.m., The entire national front. But it can't, fire fort. - the empolyment of women. process of being done.--�Blyth Stand- Mitchell Advocke. " 'that it is a relic b "'t --- ti k­--r-tWean out.", - . . ;.. i 1, I Early Birds; 11, "At Home With the him, because as Director of National Many -people,,. judging 'solely from . . pect of that curious, doubly sure by. deciding,to mape theal�, �.. " - I �,.4.. - surfacq manifestations, feel that the ` � old-fashioned, small-honae no I . " k - �� ladies"; - 6.15 P.m., Parade of Band�, Selective Service, 911fe works for ard. tion of out! , I L. " 1, t - I Lions Attend Convention at Toronto .; . . " 'I', .�,� i U ! '9.15,'Old Time Varieties. - I Ll free. ,Nazi go,Verriment has been ilogical in Oats Climb To Height *oi 66!/2 Inches , 'keeping myself to myself,' so Wig a I I . I -_ , :�!.. Tuesday, August .4-10 a.m., A'- Tall, thickset, with a bullet-sbaped its attitude toward women, but theLe . . Mr. Frank Pennebaker and Mr. W. qherished ideal. Personally, I've'nev . . 1. ";�, . - I �._­ I mapac News; 10.20, Charles Kun�z . . I . I I ...", ­ , head, a good tan, and a handshake is much to show that the contrary is' The Advocate has a lengthy stalk L. V n,yte a, delegates from the local er been able.to see much -more ill it �-, - ".� " " �'� � .� ��� - I. . �.. .. � i. ., . �. . . , ­ . � . ,�, . .� . piano; 8 p.m., CKNX' Ranch Boyi, that suggests. he knows how ,.o make true. Ini the early stag6s, when labor of oats on display that mbasures 661/z club, are attending the International tban a tacit disparagement of one's � I .1 � ­; . 9.30, Cheers From the Camp. � exceeded the demand, inches from root to tip. It. came from Lions Club convention- in Toronto this neighbours, with a flavortug of per- I . .1", � I ' Hitler forced , ,`.,�,- I � . i a mashie do its stuff, Little is a kind � I Z ; A.6� �._Iol, . Wednesday, August 5--9,3,0 a,, , of bulldog in sports clothes. He wears wo . men back into the home. Every the'farm, of Ed. Mitclyell,� towia, who week. Qther 'Members atteWdirig the, serial conceit- Anyway, the railings . .;; �,,, . I Kate .Smith, songs; 6 1�.111." irig I I , . a tweed coat, corduroy slacks, no one romembers the'propaganda blasts ,tft splenaid convention I on Tuesday were Dick have gone'_and . with them a lot of . , _;." " I , ters, 6.30, -Oscar Rabin Orchestra;11 - 'growth, well -headed out. Crops .are ' ' t . i ,�,:, � I . I , vest. Not for the impression it will from Hitler and Goebbels to the et- . Jacob, A. "Red" Garen, Mel. Schoen. that qreadful, ,,hideous smugness of . . ,I� I *Lauta at I ,� I � . ' 1. the Keyboard. ; . feet that woman's place, -her only splendid in this locality, but we do hals, � Geo. Jenkins, Ken G.'Waters, the' -last century. The roads look wid- � .. I . cause, because. he's not much an un- I �_; .11 Thursday, Aligust 6-8.25 a.m., 0 place, -v'Vas in -the home. It was no not know if many farmers have oats Caryl Draper and Bill Mutch.� Ta ng , ­ L", f. e Y' Pressing People as far as appearance ki 'r' the houses humanised. True, the ..,� � 0 � ,�. §..�: � ,�,�, .ernite News Summary; 9.30, Freddie _- .11.1. change in attitude, merply the next quite this height. If they have, we part in the large parade on Tuesday laurel and privet hedges remain, but ,A- I I ,�,; .,s concerned. . , I I -1, . I .1, I Martin Orchestra; 8 p.m., *ayne King ; .. F �', � . �, I I ' "It's more comfortable," he e--,. step in Progressive organization for hope to hear from them. - Mitchel� was the Clinton Pipe Band, leading there is, something far more friendly' . 11 �. Advocate. I � il . I , �ft 0 . " - , Orchestra; 9, Hawaiian Fantasies, : plains. "I can 'get ,raore doac." Nazi all-out war production, When— the delegates from this district, Zones about a hedge. It is a living � . . ;. . . . .. I.;� I . . . . I . . I I i . -.0- - , . as the demand for labor exceeded 4 2 and 3. Their drum -major, Miss and not a �bristllng array of'half-rusty I 1. , "LL , - Proprietor of Hicks House Honore . 1:1----l....."11111116 I - I 'Jk � I 11 i Absolute lack of side is anAther the,existing supply -German Women . I I Wanda Eliott, from bars. . I . 11 , . .1', I ! I � . Michigah, and , . J , ' ­ , . . - suspect that the . disappeai . :::, I '. , . , : reason. he gets things done. He also were again ,brought into industry. , There was a party at ,the Hici� granddaughter of - Mrs. J. Jacob,' . Yes, I I " . .. �., � I N . I . I . ,., I . I I Picking Up PinS has that trloiW of the really busy man - Here in, ­Canada the utilization of House Frid;iy night for the retiring matron at the Huron, County Home, ance - of those railings is a portent; . . I : . .. %1111 , . . . . .. � . ; He can always spare 1 minute lc�r iwo *omentg services "Wals already, with- proprieior, Dalton Davidson, Who proved to be a sensation. Ia the and it's taken a world war to bring . . . � I ,.'Ili I I I See a,,pin and pick it up, is an old -an -hour, if necessary -to listen, be- out compulsion, reached ai very h" s family to th � to . 1 00. Best of an- By kiness. I "; .. . . on& tiiat should be re- I . igh moved hi__ eir new abode parade were representatives from ev- it al�out. But it, would! Here's 14.0 Cleaz4 I ­�-, �', I I maxim and pause he -figures that one of the see- ,level. I I � , , quiL-k, Anira* I '' ys�. Needles, pins . . I . the following morning. About sixty ery Province in -the Dominion and the tearing down of mote railings, . WI -W cheap. Ask your Drug,. � ` � . . I ., rets of ,running a show like his is But we still have a long way to go fiiends and well-wishers gathered every State in th6 U.S.A.; also in the_ fiye violation of more -smugness. We .. ��`._i . . I 'hairpins and bobby -pins-treat the" I . gist, Grocer or General I . �ir. . . T hearing things, and be places just as as far as streamlinging industry as a to fraternize -together while George parade were an. -elephant and a camel, don't mind, now, -that it's. happened; PAY. stor,,- I I yi� � . I I . I , . � . .1 .1 � . I 1. I �,�� .1 � with care, save theta. This is the much stock in the story.of the waiter. whole is concerned, and fla this con- Seigner, on behalf of the" crowd pre- and -one of the most 'beautiful -floats and anybody who .knows our -little Is- THE WILSON FLY PAII)i -`:. ' i advice given out by . government the man fr6m the corner grocery, the .nection we would do well to study sented him with a purse of money, ever see ' ' MOPUE ­ , . ­,��.11 ' . . ,a I uthorities. I � . I n, from Tennesee. - Clinton land, well will agree that here is a Co� HAMILTON, ONT_ � � -1 I . � ! I . ­ mechanic in the tank plant, the bell- the example set -by Britain, .referring to the fine welcome that News -Record. . lr6volution of no mean order. There, � � . "I I ,� � 4, . � 0 Steel, tin and aluminurry-fliese are h,p I, the hotel as he does in the Over there, industry has been, cen- s I ".. I I , . . , I ... 1. I I I � . . , - � � * I . ," � . I .1 f , .the metals vitally needed for ai�- ponderous statements of Cabinet tralized to a great extent. Certain, I . . . . I . I . . . . ;,i,', planes and tanks, for ships and guni . I I . . I . ,,�, I I . I I . 1. I ,�, .11 ' I S, ministers and others speaking in the plants now'operate full 'blast, while I I I . . ,�.Il I . I I . � 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 E -4 . . . . and these are the metals used in hallowed chamber on Ottawa's Par- others have been closed down for the � . ­ I 1� I . . � I . . . `;1 . I! I � I . � � 1,11, �, V. . i needles, pins, hairpins, bobby pins liament 11111. duration. Certain rion-essential indus- I . I il . . . � I . �� . I . I I . I ,.�,' and curlers. . . -merely been compen- . . , . . 11 11 I I , 1114 se things are still on the roar Elliott M. Little, in short, is a tries have not . ­ . I i ! . 0 . 11 I Ir I The - ' � . � .. �. � member"of that new school of leaders sated for, their loss in busine8s,they , , i . I � I . . 11 . I 1, , , . . ' � � . ket, although in some instances their who have been trickling -or roaring- have�been done away With altogetfier.. I . , IV" ­ I '�. . . ,quality is changing because of the . I . . ..- . I I . I I "N� I 11 into the nation's capital ever since a Further controls have been the ration- . , �.�.� I ii, d'sappearance of 9upplies. You may war -time emergency demanded the Ing -of raw materials, simplification I I .�­, ' ! 1. .. . I � i, � be able to get the, Pod , of hairpins hands of practical, down-to-earth of forms, and, styles in clothing and ,,,,,,a,,n , ri , esu ts 0 0 - 0 ,�� . ,, . � I - . I � . I I ,,; . I ,you like today, and'you may not §P working men. at. the Canadian helm: furnishings, elimination of non-essen- I ,, ., I ; . I .1f;�:,I1 I � I able to get them tomorrow. Thb He Is of a piece with Donald Gordon, tial .seivices. like deliveries, exchang- I I . I . . . .1 1�:� � �,.! . - ' . � I I ,�41; .. .1 I I same thing applies of course to eve4 headTan of the Wartime Prices and es, and so on. Another big factor I ; '' ­ 1. . I . �. � . . . I , ,�': . I D . . lVi, kind of household . equipMent mad�e Trade Board. And the job lie ha,3 ha's been the part-time employment �, I . i :r,�,t ­ , I out of metal. ! . 11 . I I .1 . . 1'.,,:'j 11 � � . tackled is the biggest single one in bf married women with hom� respon- . I", . - I . . .. . . I. Get into the habit of saving thingi, ,Canada, for 1 - f affects the position of sibilities. . . I . . I . . . I . i . -:4 . I authorities advise. Examine the con- I . ��J-I, I �,';, , . . i _-. tents of the dust . pan for stray pins; every Man, woman and child throuth- In. short, the British Ministry of . Week after week The Huron Expositor hears very gratifyin I g reports of * ­. . I 10' 4111 out the Dominion, ..., . , �,,,, . I Labor has become something more t 'O'k, I 1, 'keep needles where they wil! � i I . .- I � �,N . y ory of our na- than'an agency for securing jobs for . 1. . ; the results obtained fro*m'the Classified Directory from people who have .. . � �,,�,6 . "It. -rust and clean those' already Mst- tional government has so much power men and women. It is now ar. ago�ncy � ' I . . k"11 . I I �.' . , something they wish to sell and want to find a buyer. For a very small ,., � ,ed with emery cloth or powder. been given to ' one individual, for foi. redistributing them to essential I -, I . - "­,'�$ . 33Y saving these things now, avail- while Orders in Council must be pasg- jobs, and that is the pattern Elliott sum you can tell hundreds of prospective buyers who have something . I X.t � .,:. �' ., ;. I �/ ,,, ,able supplies will Ia8t longer. ed to 'set up the rules governing hi's Little will have his . .country follow. I . I they are interested irL . The same applies to any article you wish to bliy.. � I . ��IN I � I,— � 11 . I I` . . . I �i ) ­;.�. I 11, . I - � department, the Director of Nati6nal from here on. ' � I Make your wishes known through The Huron Expositor and it'will sur- � ... , � , 11�1 11 . .. . . I - I ,, . � , . . � . .,_,�, . � I . . �,; � Sele'dtive' Service i's permitted almost Much has already �been acdorb- . i I * , � ; Id. I "", , quiries you .q � I �,Vi� .11 ,� . I . I ' numb r. of en will, obtain. . 11 " . Wisdom . � unlimited freedom in making these plished. Many of the controls Out- � . , I ,, I . ., I �, 1. . � . - . . �1!":�. ,Some things Wre, perishable; some rules work and in dealing with those lined above are already beginiling to I ... . . I .. I t V � I I �� . , �Ij� � . . - P, I . . I . . . i , r��',� . . ­ 4,',� are Imperishable. ,To venture 411'up. who, break them, and never, in the take effect, and, although it is not too '�ou will be s � Z how really inexpensive thiA service is-. Classified' ' I ,,,`4,,.' . 1.11 I ,on the pe�isJiable thIngs i's,f Ily of estimation of those who know.Ellilott generally known, Immediately prior I lv I - . j, I � . , s,�,,,, � . �,�T�, nd, even hen it M. L,ittle best, have such powers beer to the ,outbreak of Witt; a speciai , ! Ads.such as For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, etc., are 1 cents per word for It , X,��, . - , ,�v`"7 ,� , - , , M a r, I F,_� " I n -1-1111, ( , I - 1�11`1 1, I � �I 10 I �.-� Q, 11 ! 11 I, , 11, .1, : , 6 I - � TOIR !I I I , , " ` ta,, "' '� , , , I I �� �, .1 - I 11.1 , * . 1�1 11 the moSt foolish ki �l . I :i�,,,,J� . I � looks successful h6re on earth. To placed,, in more capable, more under- Interdep I I t e first insertion and less for succeeding "insertions. Minimum charge . I. . , ,�,'f, artmental committee undlar , 14 % n, . . . ,�� . . ,�venture all upon the Imperishable standing, more thoroughly - human the chairmanship of Lieutenant Gen- . . I is 25 cents per insertion. : If replies are to be delivered to.The Huro' X_ I . , I��, I 4�,�-1 I 1.11 -Y i�,� -things is the soundest sort of Wis.; Hands, because he is the kind of man eral McNaughton, present. comm.,trider ,,.,��, 1�\ / positor o ce an extra charge of 10 cents is added. Classified are -3 . I alk 'of Canada�s army, was appointed to I I " I., I , �dom', !even though It means,'daily self, Who,,when he phoples home, t' s to . :��., 1. '. . I I I I ,,( cept d ,up until noon on Thursdays. 1�9 ­-Ji�,�) " ", I? I Aenldl and apparent failure. ' , each of his four chi , ron. personally. make a study of reserved oacupa- � e I , .l�l ;��� . I " � I . I 1, I I A "Last - nigb , "Iblynny tilons. A similar body still has this ' I - . . 4K . I bia,-, me, I � t I . ", A I I '. I .. __ - I , � I - �Q I I �� ,� � 0 1 I ; had 'the same stbryllf� said, 'I'm be-1problem continuously Under review, 1� . I I I ... I . ��!�T,�i I. I - I 11 I I .. . . I I I d I I . . Ing a good- bo;Y, daddy. I go to bed I dealing particularly ,with the defer- . �, . . I 1. when mother- tells me, I want a ment 8f military service for key men �` � I .1 I 1, "' � . 4 Horse."' In Industry. I �, .. - , � . ,. . � �,� And the .ellances aie Johnny Will : _ - The Department of, Labpr has also . , i I jet that horse, Not e gas establish -ed an inventory which shows - I ., I I shortage makes it more practiedl -than that the nation's man -power pool, I I . .. ,; '..,7 � ,111 I ,� 11 11 ,- _ . a car, but because daddy is &COU81 Which stood at four million when war, . . . � I 1 4 ,�, , �`, I tioneac6m.fort , tomed to giving people -whether theY � broke and comprised all males over , ). ,.air,con I 1, '. . , I 1� I I i traiq, Is' IN61- WEST be his, own childret*, memberi of his staff, or men In his plh�.�6-4dYbiilili- 1( seven -teen, has since contributed a -million men to war Industries, a half � . . . '' . , I , , , A f..,& he thfilks will be good� '� t4cm�: I I -million to the armed forces. . .. I - .1 I � t Dlllt&,� " I . . � 111r, I JASPEA"PARK LOOCE This whole inan-poWer olao, in fact, His, InveAbry also reveals that the I . 9 Alc . �# 4�. )�"�C 0 -�, A0605T 31 ­­: I I . will ego' angW6 th4 qoe'stfon, pt'Vel�r I so mafiy.hav�b6en a�sking, "A�n.l do- 4tural increase of Poo,000 a year, l the' liumbet, loi�aving high school, can- . , . N ) t4, L MINAR'l 10�6t V �� Wid IA - A06UST 21 � g all I i6a�,,�'i�o assl�t Canad4ls' 'War not possibly replenish the niftiriberr, . I . . . I EQ�40VTON, I 11 . _ % I . ' eff,brt?" Xiist.-&, le� ha's Already t* I ,r� n. recently drai-ned from the pool, and 1. �11�, ,,� - L .,��,i: I . _,�,�, �1,�, . , , � ,��,�,,�, � . �,k�.�Ii � . . . 1,;�; , � � I . : �,� � .. . , U, I � . . 1� 1. I .1 . . li .: �,,� , I . ,,,, . ,:1 I " �, �, , I I � �� " 1,�, . , � ,�y��,,,­, �.,�� . , . ,� ,� ,. .t�.)�, � I .,L, �, P " , otilll,!� � �.. ... I- �;,, , 11 i �_' , � . ��i'vv ;1 I . � ,,� ,�� . �, , .._I,i� I , i�lp . L � . , , y I I :,�,_i,lt,'�, � I 1 4��;IlII�014 .1 I . " , , " 1 W`� - � . "�,!;", : , I . . I ,�;" ,,,,, I ,� ­­ " ,I ­',"��i'�,�,: ". !,.�,,, � �,, 1�`I` I I , I, 11 . , "' �,,,.,, ;,,­ " ,�'L,,�I�,1,1,�%, I I L � �. , � " � 1, ", , , , .'' i I , . '' - ­ 1�,C,­' , , �,'��,,-,i�;;�.,j�:"� �_j;.' . 'e i �, , L � "`� ,'�,,,A . . � , �,�", ,,,� "Til". !�, � ,�,l;, 14�;",f,, l',L';7�:, , ;., ,�',"��,,�:",:,�����,,,',,,'��,�,,�,,'I I EX " . ­ . I I. I . . . 1. .", I I I " ­"�'1,04' ,, 1�,"'I'L-1,""'11, ."�. I 1. 00 V � �. . 'her I ... I - I 1. � - ,.I�t, I" �� , , .", k ,,sWored tbe #�nie question in ot silice It is -asknowledged fis ah f con- . _', �1'1 � . . 1� ", 1�,V ,-��.�,I "'I'l,; tl�`,,;,�, . , I . , 11 h,�,Il'l,,��,�� - , ": I �A, . - . t W . I , I " I .11 I � , ,t I I .1 " ��:�4 04,6!�.�,14� � �LI�,�l , 11 . I . � . I III '' �'l �;,.��',��t I li,:,.�t�,�,;� I I I 11 I I � .1 � I , '4 , , � 'i � . . I . � . I I ! ; , ". N ll�,,,,� �P�,�ipW`!,X ""I.,." It ttAythin 11. i , , L ­ I �� I "I �`�. "I'll, 11 � I, A � 1. 111- "'I " I, I I I . .� �11! , . . - ` . 11 .. � g new, talry efficiency of operation 4f � MUOIX I , I 11 �� i", 5,�.4�01t"�1,4',l�,!��.,,� �."_ I '' "a"' "' 41 IN I � U, 1, .V ��'L,�'����,"�'.:.,,��'..,'�.,Y�':T,�4 back '40 - , ." �,'�� . ,,�%, I I � -As far As 1986, Mi. WbWon more than . Pot cont of w4kers are , :� � 1, - � ,'� I ,1,','-' 4"I"'. 11 $11'..,, �:,. Ili-'. 1, . ' I I � , , W �;1";"".� L ,,�?,,I�'­.,, ' huilehill said, Whotl'utgIng tit" Iiii- 6eacotimom lnd�gtrles, It . ICO , - � , � �, III', , ��i,�"',I!!�.I",��,�,�'L - , � I I A :: , I . i shifted � from a. � h et' -a , . 0 I .� 1�1.'.. I ­ � ,�,;,��111.,;",�,,��,,,, �,fl 'I.'' "I'll, ''� 11� . I, .1 � I I , '' 11 , 1.1 . __,; �,�,,��l;"",�;."t"",:�,�,.� ''i, , 0$- , , " , ..' I . ,��,Ri;', YAWOUIVA,�' . I 1� .-. - -ry can main. . . 1, � , , , , . , I'll O&A �-,'O� , . . Darts of,a world At war , I ,omic"truth that no, count I , ` I ..- � - ril _; F,:l..R `UA�1, A -, , I � I - tiiedlat.� orgAlAttation & it mi a of wilt Immediately �6) geft WhY It be- . , , 1. , ; .1; 1, �L ,,;� ,,��,,! , I t � I I I . ..., 11 I .1 �, I � � - ..., � . I . ­ I , . I . , , , , : �,,:, 1, 11 "I �L� �11 ­I;­ �, � I ��� . � . I �� munitions, "In these somber flit , & I -4.k&l1tInU64­6LU NO 6), 1 1 " 1-11-1 ..".. I - 1. , ­ 1, _:,V�­..,­'­:­_­.. I..... 1-11. , - 11.1. � I , 1. 1, I—- � 11 � .I...."..I., "I'll.." ­­ I'll'' ---1-11 ... ­­ 1- 1".."... I.. � I ­­ ­­­­ I., � - 1-11 I �- ­­ ,,, I �­, � _ ,1,11 i'�;;�, I " , i, � I 11 I.. - ­- " � I I ,,, , :� , .1 �l, 11 " I I i��111111 i'��, I .. V ­ I I ., . I I o- . -_ .1 J� , ,,,�,- , T': ­ ­­ , '' � I I I i�� �� ��, 'A , . 1 . - ,kbl� . - - � , . . I - P �L. , '. I " 11 . I., I - �:;;, : 'I' I I li� "Al . I 1.11, � , 7.1 �, 1, , �` , L � 1'1� � � �i �, : �� - , I 1 I . .11 .­ I 1 4 , ,�. , ;l ­�, 1. I " , 1,; � I I � ' . I I , �',�,, , , ,� , ., , . � I 11 �11; I . . ­ � , � : , , ", " 7YI;1, , :, A ', , i�,�, ,� ; � �'. � �/'' .,i,��, .10 - L; - �,� ,i_, L,4�, I , , . I ,�� �:` � ; I , I:L �,I�` , I I .1',�.� ",. , . ,�, , , . : . �41 ,� I '� ": , " L '' " ­ I ,. Ri�,��-,��, ��i� :;� I � ", ,��, " :�:! �, " � .. d ',�L ' ' ", � I l'i ' .'��,L;,�";' �Lql�i�l ", . . ;:: . , . '� , l. , I ., f, � � I I � . ". , I " � '.�;, " 1.11,1`�,'q�­i"' 1. �i_ ","I'll, ,ill,, - , 1, , - ,,, � /� 11,�,,;��',"� _� , ` , '',:, "I I�Wi �',::,, li:ii'��"'.' ,��, : ��.� � . , L' , l, , - 1, " ­� , 1� ,,, . 'L I . 1, '! q� I , ��Ie �� �', � ;;, ,.,� , , ���'��,�,�� -i:;; - 1 1. , �'. � ,,,, . . I -%66 `Iw, T,'r " ")," ; �1 '�,, "��,�,,, ,,, � f, �., , � , , :' " , L , , . 1, , jl�,­,n�',�,,- 1�, - �k 'I ; �; I ,,� ",�,�,,,,, '1'�,." ,,­L'_Y , ,U�111, �,­ ).Ll,", I.- ­L'��, ," ,,�,'�.�,,.,� `,.!:­:,��, "" , _' � I, .� ,.' "I", - ,�j ! .111;` , �;�;� �, � . ;, I , I 1�"V,�, S1 . , �,� �` , 1. I � . � . I , ... . I ' '14, �l"!z,p.1,�,'�����"�JL'i��ll�l',�111,,Y",,."�i W,,;�'­, �,Ij� ll"I'll , I 1 ji %, �" r ',� . , , ,, � ; ,,;� � � ,� ".. 1% I L �, 11 �' ,[,A",�.Ji�!W�tg, ,(­'�,�L,­ 111111-PU'', , ,- ­�,,�­ � , ,�,�, 2 ,,&��q.0 'I'll, : " il, � .4 -ii, 1;1 111�1 ". T , , �, �, I � ��v , .,� ";, 1� , 11 .1 l'IL , k�': "LL4,k I I�V"�; 1. I 1. -.1.111111 ""'''N' _11, -,IV, I , . . ! � . , , .11�, ", .�,�l,'�,�,P:-,�.�,�,,�,,i�"L",."�,.i�� X"i, , 't ,�,,�,!,l ,�, ,�L,�",",�'I;�', ;&4"Ji. .��t i i"'; "�, �� � `,� �,,` , �, .0� �`,,,,, �, , � """ ivl El, ill."MMI, 'g, AL: � �, "L 3� , � ��,�!' i" ,`t4,�,-', ,,�"P,�,,�� �.,Y�t.,i� � ,� � 2 0 m�.[� ,': - i, 'IN '. , lI ,&.,,�q'! ,!, , � v� " �� . . � ,_ i �Yli,5,� . �', �L NX �, ",L"l,�,,�,�,,,,�,��,�,�,�'v" 4'il :V'I'1`;1. Il;��' : ­��'�V"J M,Ali�v,;,'� 1�i,1,',,&1,iLF11M,I?�, .761� .... .. z��,ia��