HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-07-24, Page 4.a.1."`• a • Eia• hh• ified Ads will' be inserted at new low cash rates : Sale, Wanted, Last and Found, Coming Events, Etc.—Per. Words 1 Conti lat week Snd week NI, Cent 8rd week % Cent Minimum charge, first imaertionZ6 Cents Masai esirre, Mit and skihreviation counts es one word. frhik104, n XellaCalt4M Notices -4 cent per weird, Niinimum, 50 cents per week. 641Mairies May be directed to a Box Number, c/o The Hnren Empositer, for 10, cents extra. Tan_ genie addillio.Pal Per week will be charged if ads in above class are not paid by the . astard344 night Au +the week in which the ad was run. ' Martha, Marriages and Deaths inserted tree of 'charge. Auction Sales; Notices to arectitors. Etc.—Mateo on &medication. For Rent • nOUSE TO' itENT—ON „ NORTH MAIN Street. . Available on or &fter August 1st. Appily to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Dominion Bank Bldg. Phones 844 and 220. 3893-tf Property For Sale toR SALE—SEVEN ROOM HOUSE ON Centre St., Seaforth; fully rOode,rn, dou- ble lot. Reasonable price for quick sale., Ap- ply E. R. CRAWFORD. 216 Albea sreet, Stratford. Phone 1210-W. 3893x3 OR SALE—FRAME HOUSE, 1% STOREY, wired for electricity; 26 feet by 21. Ap- ply to ROBERT J. COOPER, Kippen, Ont. ; 3693-2; (By Hal Miller) Beverley •Mey-ers, BWnresta; *tree* legged race. lieverley Meyers an Audrey Elder, Ross Icinaedy end Mervyn Stephan; weelelVe race, Mra, purnett, Mrs. Mary Bnehanan, Mrs. Ross Richa,rdson; men's race, Ken Hicbs,'"Ross Forrest; ladies kick the slipper, Beverley Meyers, Phyllis .Dou- gall; gents ki,ck the slipper, Ross Forrest, Howard Brook; wheelbarrow race, Bobby Rowcliffe, Bill Kress, Bobby Traquair, 11, Dilling; backward race, Bill Kress, Mervyn Stephan; cardboard race, Ross Forrest, George Hess. A _tug-of-war climaxed the sports. A special feature of the event was the presentation of a lovely Kenwopd blanket to Miss Gladys Passmore, bride -elect. The gift from the Sunday school, of which she has been a faith- ful teacher, was, presented by Miss Gladys Lnker, and the address real by Mr. rialisoe Forrest, superintend- ent 'of the S. S. She also was pres- ented with a New Testament from the Senior Mission Circle. Following is the address: 'Dear Gladys: In a very few words and with no intention of causing you embarrassment, we your friends and co-workers -in the Hensall United Church Sunday School, desire to ex- press our sincere appreciation of and gretitude' for the many years of faith- ful service you have rendered to this organization. Your withdrawal in a •short time from our Sunday school staff is going to leave a vacancy dif- ficult to fill, because almost all your lifetime you have been identified with our school, coming through the var- ious classes as a scholar, and then assuming the responsibility of being e teacher ha the primary department. You have brought a splendid spirit of co-operation and cheerfulness to our wok in the Sunday school as aamem- her of the staff. As a teacher you have won, the affection of your schol- ars, and your diligent and faithful services will have an abiding influ- ence in the moulding of their lives. We never can tell how much influence we are exerting in these humble and simple relationships with the young. Seeds sown in those tender' years bring forth, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. But while your association with' ud must be broken because of promises yoti have and no doubt will make before very hong, we shall always feel a bond' of friendship linking us together, and no matter where you go we shall follow your career with interest and with our prayers. And now. -with the future in mind, we desire to take 'this op- portunity to not only thank you for the past but of wishing you sincerely, happiness ac ,prosperity in ti,e days to come. We hope that your new ven- ture and your 'new home will bring you the fulfilment of your highest dreams, and that occasionally you will remember us, and •especially recall this delightful event, and know that these wishes here expressed on behalf of the'scholars and staff of the school have in them for your permanent sat- i:sfaction and joy. We are, therefore, asking you to accept from us this token of our appreciation and good 'wishes. • It inadequately expresses all we feel, but we believe it will some day give you Warmth: and- we want that warmth to be the symbol of the •.deep..enietione yve now most cordial- ly express and the respect we have toward you.—Signed on behalf of the Sunday School, Hensall Unite d. Church: Edison Forrest, •Saperintend- bnt." Marks 93rd Birthday Mrs. Ed. Christie, Exeter's grand old lady, was 93 years old on -Monday. The event was quietly observed at her home in Exeter, where ,she was. the recipient of .many .gift.a. and mes- sages of congratulations. afre. Chris- tie has all her faculties unimpaired. is in splendid health, loves. to cook and sew, and ta,kes a k'een intellect in the current events' of the day. She. was born in Devonshire, England, and her first birthday Was observed •on .,the boaron which she travelled to Canada. For some time shoe lived in New York and London, butkthe great- er part of her life was spent in Exe- ter, where her late husband was. pot - master for many years. She makes - her home 'with her. daughter, Mrs. Rogers; of Exeter. Her only son, 'Ed., died a few. years 'ago. She is a valued member of CaVen 'Presbyterian Church, Exeter, and a like membeeof the W,M.S. Mrs. ,Christie often visits at the home of her nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. J.' E. McEwan, of Hensall. Foi?. SALE—SIX ROOM. HOUSE. ALL Defence Minister Ralston announc- modern conveniences. Reasonably priced ed with regret that the stepped-up to close agitate. Box 533, EXPOSITOR 0E- 4 FICE. " • 39914 training program of the Canadian Army would prevent the granting of I harvest leave to soldiers to relieve 'the shortage of farm labour. ' "Intensified training and operation- '. al requirements make it extreictely doubtful if any harvest leave en be granted, 'and if \ 'granted at all, it I would be pn amost restrietecObasis," the rajniiter said, - 0-6 ials at N'atton'al Defenc II ead- quarters have evinced a .-ken dire to help farmers get off the crepe; 'yet it has been felt that it is equally as important to continue to fit men for combatant service. * * * RTICLES FOUND—°AP LIONS PARK Girls .from the towns, villages and •••••• following Carnival: 'Girth purse; post farms of Canada will sou be called (office key; chest key; 2 sets car keys, and other articles, • Owners may have property upon toserve in the Canadian Wo- , upon application at the Pavilion et the Park. ; ssm4 I men's Army -Corps.. • Farm Stock For Sale poet SALE --•FOUR YEAR OLD AYRSHIRE *4' ow, to freshen. Applly MRS. BYRON McGILL, Harpurh.eY. s895-1 pOR SALE—YOTJNG SOW •COMING IN • •••• August lat; first Litter. Also choice center ewes and rams, suitable for breeding- " Apply to. JOHN L. HENDERSON, Phone s -i 94 r 13. Hensall.• 3893x1 ; wh, • - Lost and Found 1",OST—IN SEAFORTH, HUMIDOR RUB- ' ber- tobacco pouch Finder Please leave at EXPOSITOR OFFICE,. • •3893x1 Malor-General H. F. G. Letson has For Sale revealed that it is planned to triple the Cprps enrolment :withii the next FOR SALE—QUEBEC STOVE AND FOLD - few months. Already 3,600 young ing baby buggy. APPI13+ to MRS. WM. • women from every section of Canada FETTER, East William Street. 3893-1 , are serving in the C.W.A.C., and it is 'OR SAM—GOOD , MASSEY-HAR- planned to bring in 'mew recruits at USED a• ria binder, 7 -foot' cut; brand new can- the rate of 1,000 a month. vases. -Priced right for quick sale. Amide' Opening of the new basic Training P. J. WOODS, RM. 1. Dublin. 3893x1 Centre at Vermilion, Alta., announced by Major Joan. B. Kennedy, officer ad- ministering the Corps, care for 600 recruits, to come largely from the Western Provinces. Tbe Canadian Women's Army Corps training 'Centre at Macdonald Col- lege, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, P.Q., has OF PIANOS. been accommodating 250 recruits dur- at SALE USED summer prices. Such well:known ing axicent months, but it facilities makes as...Heintmnan, Norheizaer, Mason & Will be increased so that around 400 Riseh, etc.All reconditioned, demothed, ete. and guaranteed. Reasonable terms. write girls will be able to take basic train - for list of prices. No obligation. HEINTZ- ing, or instruction , as Off MAN & •CO. LTD.. 242 Dundee St., London. 8892_3 ewe and Specialists. * * * The Roberts family of Kinston favors the, Royal Canadian Artillery. Major-General John Hamilton Rob- erts,- M.C., is General Officer qom- raanding a 'Canadian Division qver- seas. All three of hi. Sons are in the • R.C.A. The 23 -year-old Ovine, cia.":"Winiani—Frainillen Roberts' and Lt. Richard Roberts, are 'both ever - seas, and Sgt. John G. R. Roberts, 19, is with the artillery of the 4th Canadian Armoured Divislott. 14' • IIONEY FOR =SALE — WALLAGE ROSS, ,L -L apiarist, is booking orders for honey in yaw own containers at 12% lb. One delivery a day in town in the evening. PHONE 135-J, Seaforth. • 3893-1 pOR SALE — MASSEY-HARRIS 6 -FOOT -1- cut binder, in good condition. Apply to DR. A. R. CAMPBELL, Bewail. • 3892-2 :Personals INCLUDE KLEEIREX IN YOUR FIRST AID Relieves Sunburn, Poison Ivy, Mos- quito Bites, Cuts, Burns, Impetigo. Also heaths Eczema, Psoriasis, Erythema, etc., while you work. 50c, 161.00, $2.00. (Medium and Strong). Recommended and sold 13y KEAT- ING and McKINDSEY, Seaforth; MIDDLE- ' —TON'S MHO •WPOREe Hensel. 3893-1 At, SLENDOR TABLETS QLEINDOR TAMERS HARMLESS AND effeetlye. Two weeks supply inoo, at 8889-25 HEATING'S DRUG STORE. LLOYD'S CORN AND ,CALLOUS SALVE LYD'S coax SALVE coarrArteS BEN- ' the new local anesthetic. Pets cornlj to sleep invinediately. SOo at KEATL INGS DRUG STORE. ; 8889-6 CROMARTY Mrs.. Munro and daughter, of Mit- chell, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar, re-' turned home on Sunday. , Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mrs. A. Russel and son. George 'Russel, of Carlingford, visited 'with Mrs. Tufford, who is very ill at the IN THE ESTATE OF MARTHA MURDOCH. 'present time. • late of the VSTage of Hensall, in the Genii- ty of Huron, Widow, Deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAIN ST T the Estate of •the above deceased tare re- quired to file the same with the undiarsigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on orli before The 'monthly meeting of -the C.W.L. the 8th day of August, A.D. 1942, after which was held in the parish hall with a , date the assets w01 be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard number present. Eighty-seven mem- • only to the eights of which ' noticeh-shidl bers were reported; 2 boxes of treats have benn given. DATED at Clinton,j this 14th day of anis, were sent to sick members; a dona- A.D. 1942. • tion of $5.00 was ,made to the jam - F. FINGLAND, R.e., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. fund of Seaforth Red Crose, Consid- 8892-2 etaable sewing and knitting was alio done for the Red Cross. - Popular Stallions ST. COLUMBAN The Standard Bred Stallion .- BARON LULLWAYER . 4761 Enrolment No. 8049 Farm 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock for the 909/0/1 of 1042 at his own stable, ° Let 84, Cemeession 6; MeKillop, or will meet mar art a reasonable distance. • Barren Luliwater has taken, Int prize at the Canadian Nationl Exhibition ,f er the past ' five years, end in 1941 was awarded the diploma. G. B. nonnalive, Proprietor and Manager. 66341111 In Memoriam 1... ("1,DiattORkeente EVER LOVING MEMORY %Ohio Pea ed away on July ad, 1982. ; •, ‘•••" elf Tr nierther. Margaret Ann Oarbnore, —SONS Alta) DAUGHTERS .c- 8saireq4 -:- . • , Births - i -11ENSALL - - Tile Huron Expositor is on Sale in Hiansall at Middleton's Drug Store. Single copies, 4 celate. -• Ladies! Gondwins have nice slacks, 'blouses and hats for 'beach and street wear. Gospel Tent, Hensall—Evangelists Blackwood and Wilkie are preaching the .gospel in the tent each week night at 8 (exceot Saturday). "Salvation By Blood,"" "The Corning of Christ," f`Is There a Real Hell?" are some of !the., subjects preached. Everybody itivelcOmeaa(Adv.). Hold* Congregational Picnic The annual congregational and Sun- day school picnic of the United AR hr—In ar Heenttal, nn Church was held at ,Turnhull's Greve EoiVardJab, 14th in ,mat . X neth Ilarrison, Wednesday_ afternoon. The weather $ onwas ideal and there was an attend - II at n s , New 13ranaariolr, on J ance of 175, who enjoyed the time ul Ith. to . Mas. G. IL Bawden. (neO Stella Edth I ), a 9•077. svaimming, .boating ,and horseshee PO Tr -4n Slott 1 Mmoriel Roopital, on My, a nd, to. lis. rid Mrs. aeorge pouvu, Ditching. ' pi Myth, a daughtat.• Following a:' moot sumptuous Sup- COLOtO 6/1--ln i per, Isparta were run off directed by Memorial Hospital, an J 2t54,: ' ror Layton and a aiig 1.60 d lam, Cecil Colelough. Ken Hicks, George Hess, W. R. pou- coo it .a ee 1109rilltaa. 071 pall, P. 11.1cNaughton, Miss Ellis and July; Sty ,,,„„rvinitiooper./ d 0 hte„;,0 a v ,Miss Elva ,McQueen: Races, boys, 3 , -.ha Ado ,, 19.e'aftorial Trooviial. 0 .1'il ears and Under, Billy Rieke, Teddl aletatie Me, '11 a Mei. Frank Maio ' "nton; girlie 6 and under, Janet liteditt ? Nall loll l'fatit;iWt A, Rice.: , Shirley VIYYhtt; boys, 6 auun d - 410. zit% lro';',‘ r, and Mm, S. B. , 1 , 'il Betti. berm Nodeitiqi.-n llmairliteid der, Mataatnon. Ewen. allcEWatl; etele4n, e•te0 Meetiff/a VeaPital; iirli,e 9 aid Wider, Marie Boyd, Seeit i.'?'4VitAir,:*,"6,4,fraLtt'a liffri4" e'' MI"ttli'l''''' llIcAIllateir; ' Nein, 9 and tliider, fylOyd . , . ., . 'Bitehentei, 1111,1y Catlile; girla,. 12 and " .,.. ,' :ttildet, Mat* Ttiowellite, tiOriS Bechteet,. ---- c-: -:',.. . ,,q: '-ien,4 bolt, 'M aft& under; ISOVIV'Tra- .e A egil'0,0`.4a1, V. tilittir, OJherles 'Peel, elOPetilent raCei r. MS. HIS NIGHTMARE He said he couldn't afford to buy War Savings Certificates. pleasure of your company or be able to obtain your valuable assistance in our 'enterprises. You have been so capable and so cheerful, so unselfish and so wholeheartedly willing to fur- ther the interests o the class that we shall miss you vary much indeed. On the other hand, we are glad of your happiness, the :fact' that Lorne also was a valued mernber of our class for several years -adds a special touch to our interest this evening. It is pleasant to think that you two will go on through life tpgether, trying to carry out our class raotto: "Work, Help, Love." So that • you won't for- get the Wohelos we ask you to ac- cept this token of our affection • and apPreciatilina We all wish you every success, and happiness and pray that Gehl may greatly bless your life to- gether. — Signed on behalf of the • Wohelo Class: Margaret Shepherd, President." • ° Roberason - Chambers • A lovely summer wedding *of wide interest took place in St. Catharines, Saturday, July. 18, at 10 a.m., when Norma Mary Augusta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Chambers, of St. Catharines, formerly of Hensall, became the bride of Donald Robert- son, .St. Catharines, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson, St. Catharines. The ceremony was solemnized by Rev. M. Clarkson. , For her wedding the Mrs,' glder will reside in Hamilton, 'Prior to marriage tke pOpulan brldo was much feted at several function% reeeivin,g many beautiful and costly 04. Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster hav6 receiv- ed word that their son, Ray, has ar- rived. avirses,s safely. MI'. Eric Kennedy, of Allentown, Pa., is visiting his wife and family. Will all the busy knitters please have 41 the boys' and girls' sweaters • handed In by the end of the month. We would like to ?get them shipped. We have another large quota. ter', Miss Jean Murray. Miss Dorothy 'Brazzier, who hap been visiting, with Di'.' and Mrs. D. G. Steer, has returne.ci to her home in London. Mr. and lifts. Robert been appointed caretakers 'United 'Church, Mr. Roy ,McLaren, of St. Cathar- ines, spent the •week -end evith his vrife and litire'-son, -Donald. Miss Lettie Love, Toronto, is Vaca- tioning with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Love. Dick have at Hensall ob9ooly.te mii and C41(1Y.,be- evelee 'Jug was enjoyed by cV-PrY999 ' -eeeeto Gladyes..reeelved numerous giAn. Gunner Jack M.Carona and Idra; McFarlane, of .,Sy4ue74 A,ss Mao Schwalm, London; 141.6E1. !Margaret Schwalm, Woodstock; MASS r lotetIce Schwalm, Clinton, and Mr. Lee Schwalin, of Hamilton, were week- end visitors with Mrs. Peter Schwalm and with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Kenzie and family, • • Thomason Family Holds Reunion The annual Thompson reunion,a delightful event, was held at the home of Mr. Samuel W. Thompson, High- way No. 4, north of Flensall: There was a splendid representation of members 'of the clan present from Winnipeg, Dublin, Auburn, Londes- boro, Parry Sound, London, Seaforth, Brucefield, Varna, Hensell and other placez. A splendid line of sports was featured and much enjoyed and de- licious ',meals with chicken on the menu were served. Prizes for the youngest members presept went to David, son of Mr, and Mrs, Norman A.lexander, Londesboro; prize for the oldest member was captured by Mrs. S. Thompson, of Brucefield. The fol- lowing officers were appointed: Presi- dent, Samuel W. Thompson; vice- president, Robert Thompson, Kippene secretary -treasurer, Bert Thompson., Kippen;' sports, Norman Alexander, Elmer Keys, Wellington Good, Au- burn; lunch, Mrs. Albert Alexander. Mrs. S. W. Thompdon, Mrs. E. Thomp- son, Mrs. Wellington Good. -Mr. William Consitt, who recently suffered. a -Sunstroke • while working, is improving nicely, his many friends will be pleased to learn. Mrs. John Henderson, Lois,ajackie and Jean ape spending two weeks' visiting with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henderson, of Glencoe. Mrs. Charles :McDonell and Dorothy have returned home followingka,mpst delightthl -boat trip from Owen Sound to Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. Frank Hedden, who was a week -end guest with Mrs. C. M. Hed- den, returned to St. Catharines on Monday. , Mr. G,eorge Douglas still continues very poorly at his home. Blood aransfusions are being given to him by blood donors of Hensall itt the in- terests of -his health. Miss Delphine Jackson, daughter of :ea-George—Jackson, ii-at--presentea patient in Victoria Hospital, London, in the interests of her health: 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, of Wind- sor, visited over the week -end with the. former'd parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. attractive young bride chose a floor Cpok. length gown of white chiffon with Mr. and Mrs. William' Venner, prom - lace girdle and yoke with leg o' mut- inent residents of -Chiselhurst, recent - ton sleeves, wl veil,tha eaugglhotV epointwihcauffly celebrated their 37th wedding an- waist-lengthef white satin roses, and her floaVers July 12. Thirty-seven relatives and were an old-fashioned nosegay of members of the family were present Briarcliffe roses. She was attended and enjoyed a most delightful day. Chicken, with all the trimmings, was by her sister, Miss Adeen Chambers, Chicken, the menu served at both dinner and St. Catharines, wearing floor -length - supper. Mr. and Mrs. Venner were heavenly blue oyer taffeta with lace : the recipients of many lovely- andine- insets and an Ord-faihioned riosegay. ful gifts And congratulatory messag- of Better -Time roses and baby's es. Relatives and . guests were pros:. breath. Mr, Thomas O'Brien, of St. ent from Parkhill, -London, Detroit, Catharines, was groomsman. Later •Kippen, Seaforth and Hensall. -following the ceremony a ' reception Mrs. C. W. Nicholls and Mrs. Mar - was held at the home of the bride's garet Scott who are - vacationing at parents, Mr. Chambers, mother of their summer cottage, '"Templernore," and Bend,- and Mr. William Dent, the bride, 'receiving the- guests gown- Pr lif Sarnia, spet Saturday with Miss ed.'in old rose with accessoro les in Sutherland. black. Mis. Robertson, mothet of the 'Sgt. James' Stokes and Mrs. Stok. es groom, assisted wearing a wine color-. of Sussex, New Brunswick, are holi- ed gown with white accessories: Both daying with the latter's parents, Mr. wore shoulder .corsage,s of Better and Mrs. Wilson Cathie. rine roses. rThe home" decorations' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson and v, ere in • pink and white, with przfu- son, Bud, of Pontiac, Mich., spent the stens of lovely summer blooms. The week -end with 'Mrs. Logan and ' Mrs. ' • bride's) table , Was centered With the . Harvey. 14414 cake, 'vase of roles and tall allies Pearl .Gallman. and Miss Alice eay.er, of Zurich, have accepted pos- pink atie'rs vreiV used with much ef- . eions at the New- Cothmercial Motel. feet. The bridal couple left for an Mr. and •Mrs. Russell Kyle, of St. extended honeymoon trip north, the Catharines, are spenditig this, week bride denning for .trairelling a light holidaying with the former's parents, blue hog leack linen 'with accessories Mr, and Mrs. Thomas -Kyle. in white. Mr. and Mrs. ' Robertson MisP.Carol Ann Richardson' has re - will reside at 17 Henry Street, St. turned home after spending her holi- Catharines. days with Miss Elaine Carlile. • . Mr. and aMrs. Ezra Williard are be- ' Church Notes ' ing visited by their sons, Harold - and Donald Williard, , of St, Catlaarin,es. Rev, W. Weir left on Monday to Miss Riith Hess and Miss Lenore take charge of the Presbyterian Cam P NOrnainton are spending a week at ' at .Kintail, north of Goderich. In place Goderich, attending summer school, -edTher is Only one this year, a boYe!.. with Mr.' and Mrs. Ted Taman and of the -three camps Usually conduct- Miss Patsy . McDonell is Vacationing' 'and girls' camp and it is being held Toni at Listowel. for children' between the ages of 10 Mr: and Mrs, Walker Carlile attend - Class Meets At Kippen .. and 16. Billy Campbell and Gordon ed the funeral of • Mrs, Carlile's Moir, accompanied Mr. Weir to the nephew, Dayid ;McBrien, of Mullett, on camp, which is to last ten days. Mr. Saturday last. , Weir will have charge of the services Miss Donna McElwan is confined to in . Hensall and Exeter as usual this the home Wit & a severe attack of corning Sunday. poison ivy. During the 'month of August there will be no morningElder - Passmore service at Carmel Presbyterian ,Church. The evening Rev.R. A. Brook officiated. at the service will be conducted by Rev. J. wedding of Gladys Loreen Passmore, Galloway, of Caven -Church, Pxeter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pass - during that month. • • more, Hensall, and Lorne Cavell El - ,Mrs. Weir and Freddy are visiting der, B.Sc., of Hamilton, son of Mr. at the home of Mrs. F. 0..Vireir, God- and Mrs. John Elder, of Hensall. The erich, while Mr. Weir is, attending couple made their vows at the Veit- camp.- ed Church Manse, Hensall, in a The Misses Lily and Edith McEwan charming ceremony on Wedtiesday, of London spent a few days last week July ,22nd, at 3 p.in For her wedding with their brother and sister-in4aw, the lovely young bride chose a floor - Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan. length -gown- of illusion net with Canvassers for the Bible Society at sweetheart neekline, barque walk, the recent 'canvas collected a eplen- ruffled bouffant skirt caught here and did sum of one - hundred dollars and there with petite White • forget -me - eighty' cents, which was very pleas- nots. Her finger-tip veil nr illusion Ing. to the ,:collectors who deserve net was draped front a lovely coronet much credit .for the. splendid showing of mother-of-pearl blossoms. She car - which is creditable at times -like ried a bouquet of pink roses and these . when there ' are so many Calls sweet Dees. Her bridesmaid', Mrs. -and demands. Delbert Geiger, of Zurich,, sister of Mr. and Mr. Clarence Reid and in- the groom, wore . a graceful floor fent soti, Gerald, of Tilbury, visited length goWn Of Pink organza with over the week -end with Mrs. Reid's white picture hat, carrying a helmet parents, Mr. and MO. Wilson Alien; or pink rotsee. Mr. Delbert Geiger, of Mr. Herb Iledd,en, of St. Cathar- Zurich, brother-ifi4aW of the groom, Inn, .10 ebelleihg this week Va0ation" was b6t, man. , Pr ' their ivetlding have atipretiated - her. Our .feelings ..ing with histinether, 41r-0.. G. M. fled-, are sOmetithat mixed/ .There, fa. 5 real , den, and sister:0as' Mona Redden. feeling of Yegret *hen tve realige' that Mr. and Mrs. A.'• G. Smillie, 'Peron. in the Mint We WE Sot have One ' th, are visiting 4With, the Jatter% ale - • 7 ' 4 'At Pyr AO? A "N': .e`' •.1 , .17 Ift,k• ..,A)AAlabalAINNINWEIMFMAINIMINIM WINTHROP Presentation To Bride -Elect ° One of the most enjoyable events of the season was held on the lovely lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaugh- ton en Monday evening, July 20, the occasion being a surprise presentation for Miss Gladys Passmore, very popu- lar bride of Wednesday, July 22: Some fifty friends, relatives and neighbors were present to honor the guest of honor with a miscellaneous shower. The event was arranged by Miss Let, tis Love, Miss Gladys' McKenzie and Mrs. McNaughton. The evening was spent in contests and bingo, the high- light 'being a quiz, married ladies vs. single, with the married ladies win- ning' by one point. Miss Lettie Love directed the quiz. Many novelty num- bers were introduced du ing the ores- I G entation of the gifts, Mr. M. G. Drys- dale and Mrs. George ess holding the spotlight. Luncheon was served, consisting of sandwiches, ice cream, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinelair, of Kip - pen, 'entertained the members of the Wohelo Class at their lovely home Thursday evening. Therii were be - tweed 40 acid 50 Member and guests, f who enjoyed a most de ghtful even - M, the main feature of4which were contests directed by tthp Misses Gladys McKenzie, Elva McQueen and, Mary ,Goodwin. Miele Gladys. Pass- more, a bride -elect of 'next week, and a valued member of the class, was ,presented with. a beautiful clothes, hamper, the accompanying address read by Mrs. ,Dave Kyle and the pres- entation A sx,iade by aviiez Margaret Shepherd, the ptesident, A delicious ltincheon was served and a sing -song With Miss Gladys Luker at the piano was enjoyed at 'the conclusion of the luncheon. Mr. Edison Forrest, on be- half of the class, expressed grateful thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair fair such a pleasing evening. Following is the addresa: "Dear Gladys; The Wohet.0 Class has withered this eve- ning because of a persistent rumour that you are about to Change yollr naine, and before that occurs we witth to WI Gladys Passmore hew tntith.vire Es!, • 41.E,Ithit,4,...,,,M trip the bridal couple Motered to IIVIttal a, the ' ,bride thiingitig to heev TY blue • teditraote etuseinble with. apeeseleriee white— Mt, lei& „. • . "'. • .".•E.)4•••••"...e.aaist. The regular meeting of the W. A. and W.M.S. was held in .the church on Wednesday, July 8th, when the Mission Band was entertained, Mrs. Toll 'presided. The -meeting was op.; ened by singing Hymn, 609, "Wheat Mothers of Salem," followed by pray- er by Mrs. R. Bolton. The roll can showed 28 members Present. Mrs R. McClure gave a Christian Steward- ship reading, entitled,. "The Mission- ary Potato." 1Mrs, Archie Somerville was appointed as treasurer of the W. M. S., replacing 'Mrs. Win. Dolmage. After the business this part of the meeting was closed with a reading by Jean 'Pryce, "To Heroes." The Mission Band then carried on with Edith Blanchard as president. Hymn 590, "The Wise May Bring Their Learning," was sung, after which Gor- don Bettles read the Scripture. Aud- rey Shannon led in prayer. Words of appreciation were extended to the lad- ies by Isobel Currie. Kenneth Hogg gave a reading, "Health Habits of Long Ago." After receiving the offer- ing the "Temperance Alphabet" was' given by the Mission Band. Mrs, H. Kirkby, of Walton, gave a very in- spiring address. She said the home must work with the Mission Band to help raise their children to be Cbris- tian men and women as they villa bei the. ones to carry on the work of, church in the future. During her talk "Jesus Bids Us Shine" was sung. Lois and Doreen Hogg then favored with a duet. In a few well-chosen words Mile Toll thanked Mrs. Kirkby and the children for their part in the grogram. Hymn 252, "In ,Christ There is No East or West," was sung aaidl- the meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem and prayer by Mrs. Patton. Lunch was served and every- one went home feeling that they had spent a very profitable afternoon. TREASURER'S SALE OF LA.NDS' FOR TAXES in' the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT from the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth, under his hand, with the seal of the Corporation of the said Town of Seaforth, bearing date the lst day of April, A.D. 1942, and to me directed, for the col- lection of the arrears of taxes on the undermentioned lands, notice is hereby giaten-thatainileas the said taxes together with' costs and charges be sootier paid, -I shall, on Saturday, August 8th, A.D. 1942, at 10.30 o'clock in the morn- ing, at the Town Hall in the. said Town. of Seaforth, proceed to sell by auction the said lands, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears on taxes and charges thereon.. • • Taxes Costs, Total E3ELot 19.1, Jarvis Survey, Martha Jane Baker, cleaner $131.87 $8.79 $140.66 Lots 58 and 59, Pran No. 7, Gouinlock's 'first survey, Seaforth Curling and Skating Club, owners •239.28 1.1.98 .251.21 Lots 3, 4, 5, Coleman's Survey, Julia H. Bright, owner 233.41 11.82 444.95 Lot 47; F. G. Sperling Survey, Frederick Broadbridge, owner .215.08 1048 225.96 Lot 8, Block F. Jarvis Survey, Mary Carty, owner.... 8.16 • 5.75 13.91 Lot 15, Block G, Jarvis Survey, John McLeod, owner.. 11.22 5.78 17.00 Lot 41, F. 'G. Sperling Survey, Noble T. Cluff, owner.. 22899 13.-.22 240.21 Lot 139, Sarvre Survey, Wm. McDougall, owner • 29.01' 6.22 35.24 Leta 97, 98 Gouinlock Survey,. Geraidine_Eckeri,,owner 656.88 21.92 ,:_678.80 Th d whole of Lot 32, Gouinlock First•Survey (Crombie St.) F. Allen, owner (except part conveyed' to W. J. Duncan by registered deed, numbered 6494.,... " 303.83- 13.10 31.6.911 Lot 142, Jarvis Survey, Minnie Cudmore, owner. 848.54 26.7,1' 875.26 South 1,e Lot 44, Jarvis Survey and rights of we'y de- ' scribed in registered instrument No. 7498; James Dick, owner • 75.26 7.38' ' 82.64 Lots 9 and 10, Block- J, Jarvis Survey;. Lot 11, Block J, Jarvis Sarvey; Let -12, Block J, Jervis Survey; „_, . a.• . Jennie Dickson,: Richard Dickson, Jane Dickson, • owners 518.70 18.47 537.17 Parts Lots 4, 5, North Side Goderich St., Adams Sur- vey, Henry Edge, owner • 657.66 21.94 679.60 'Easterly portions of Lots 5, 6, north side James St., Blk. II, Beattie & Starks' Survey described as ' commencing at south-east angle Lot 5; thence west along South Boundary Lot 5, 35 feet to a post; thence in northerly direction parallel to Vast Boundaries Lots 5,- 6 to Northern Boundary Lot 6; thence E. along N. Boundary Lots 6, 35 feet more or less to N.E. angle Lot 6; thence S. along E. , . boundaries Lots 5, 6 to place of beginning, Eliza- --. - beth Fraiser, owner .-.... '156.49. 9.41 165.90 •. Lot 191, Jarvis Survey, John Gallop, owner 278.48 12.46 290.94 N. part Lot 40, W. side Slain St., Jarvis Survey, ftge 27 ft. on Main street by depth of 150 feet, Violet J. Gillespie, owner 541.22 19.18 666.40 Lots 1, 2, Block G, Jarvis Survey, Andrew P. Joynt, owner 22.904sto 6.07 28.97 Lot • 42, F. G. Sperling Survey, Frances Jane Hulley, • owner - 202.32• 10.56 312.85 Part 'Lot 63, Gouinlock Survey,. described as commenc- ing at N.E. corner Lot 63; thence S. along D. boundary 92 ft.; thence W. parallel to S. boundary 41 ft. 5 inches; thence N. parallel to E. boundary 92 ft. to N. boundary; lienee E. along N. boundary _ - • 41 ft. 5 ins. 'hi place of beginning, James Hughes, owner . 379.27 14.98 . 394.26 . Lot 86, Jarvis Survey:- Jame's 'Hughes, owner 210.84 10.77 221.61 Lots 5, 6, Block K, Jarvis Survey and Lot 222-223 on ' E. Side Jarvis St., being subdivisions of Block 1t, according to plan made by Andrew Bay and an- other plan,made by G. McPhillips, James Hughes, owner . 45.20 6.63 51.83 Lot 43, F. G. Sp.arling Survey, ChristinePayne, owner 295.90 12,90 308.80 Lots 1, 2, 3 Block H. Jarvis Survey, Harry Mills, owner 87.26 643 43.69 Lot 50, Gouinlock Survey, less the W. % of the N. % - and Lot 51, Gouinlock Survey,aMenrietta McLen- nan, owner ... 1,349.92 Lot 133, Gouinlock Survey, Alexander A. McLennan, owner , -• 44.24 6.00 50.84 Lot 206, Jarvis Survey, Jane McLeod, owner ' 542.53 19,06 561.59 Lots 16, 17, 18, Block 0, Jarvis Survey, Vine Pearson, owner 116.02 8.40 , 124.41 Lot 214, Jarvis Survey, George A. Peterson, owner.. 8.24 5.75" 13.99 Lot 83, Jarvis Survey, except E. 39 ft., Violet May Horn, owner 159.85 9.90 169.75 Lot 75, -Jarvis Survey, Gabriel A. Reeves, oWner. 93.74 7.84 101.58 Lot 10, Block I'`, Jarvis Survey and Lots 11-, 12;13, .i Block F. Jarvis surrey, John McLeod and SOY- . ereign Production Co., owners 48.22 6.58 49,80 Lots 69, 70;71 Jarvis Survey, and Lot 72 except N. W corner having ftge.- 61 ft, depth 66, ft., Sovereign ....... Production Co„ owner 288.36 12.71 801.0i Lots 62, 63, 64 P. G. Sperling Survey, Maude Uttley and Joseph P. Uttley, owners 11.79 5.79 1714 Lots 27, 28, Block K, Jarvis Survey, Earl Van Egmond, • owner 41.28 6.53 47.76 Lot 79, Jervis 8urvey, less rear 50 ft; rear.50 h. Lot 79, Jerrie; Surrey, William Master and Amandis Been, owners ' 362.94. 14.57 877.51 Parr farm Lot 24, Coleman \ Survey, Robert Willson,- • 'owner' - . ,.... ,181.56 10.04 191.60 Treasurer's Office, Town of Seltfofth, , . 1011 4th, 1�42 ' , , , D.'11- WILSON, TreteUrer, Town of SeefOrth. ' • . rablielled itial'he Ontario Gazette, May 2nd, 1942 (one llifiertiOS r -, . , i • • • - - • • 39.25 1,389.27 W:41". ,17.1',.AliN't.'.:".irt° ' • , 0. l•• a