HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-05-08, Page 4O
Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates
`i4►}ed. Looe and Found, Coming Events, Eke-- Per word:
let week
1 Cent
and week , % .lent
8rd week tins cent l •
Min/maw charge, first insertion25 Cents
Each figure, initial and abbreviation emnda as Bate word.
In Memoriam Nouse--1 cent per word. �*_ =, 30 cents per week.
be ditested to a Baa Number, care of The Huron Expositor. for 10 cents
:additional/ per week wnOl be charged If ads in above class are not paid by the
tarts night m the Week in which the ad wan run.
]Iterxdsgee and Deaths inn 'ted free of charge.
Paseo. kls,tioea to Creditors. Eta—Rates on application. .
For Sale _..
battery capacity ; good condition: reason-
•a4ble. 'Apply to H. J. MISLLEN, Seaforth.
mane 92- 3882x1
11 3-seotion bartiows. Apply to PETER
REDMOND, North Main Street, Seaforth.
_ -. • 3882-1
Lost and Found
▪ silver '• Weir fox. Reward. JACKSON
BROS., Kippen. Phone. 5-653.
• about 200 pounds. Wil'I keep until owner.
,claims it. WALTER ROGERSON, Seaforth.
Property For Sale
ern conveniences : suitable garage. On
Church Street, Seaforth. Apply M. A. 388
-For Rent
u rent; ,ploughed and harrowed. Apply to
• dro; good garden. Possession May 15th.
For further particulars apply to J. A. E T-
COTT, Seadorth.
TT work in Capable
store. Splendid op-
portunity. for Capable and honest girl. Ap-
ply in writing to Box 323, EXPOSITOR OF-
FIQE. , 3882-1
condition. Apply. 'to' Box 322, HURON
aged, truatwlorthy housekeeper f o.r
Protestant lady. Good' home, conveniences.
BOX 203, Exeter, Ont,
house or apartment: Wired' .for Hydro.
Two adults. Apply Box 319, HURON EX-
POSITOR.. 3881x2
- stone_ and fill in Seaforth may be had
£ree of charge for removing. Aypiy— R'RANK--
KLTNG, Seaforth. 3882-1
f-" advised that.they can get an adequate
supply of 'best Quality binder twine,for 1942
harvest We suggest that you place your
orders early. We are unloading a car of
Western .oats at the week=end. Phone HOMER
HUNT; 832 r 12, Seaforth.
will be a lot of poor fly spray on the
market. this summer, so be on the safe side
and send in your order without delay. to
your Watkins dealer.. WM. BRADSHAW,
Town of Seaforth
apective streets oiled should have the re-
quired petitions in the hands of the Clerk by
May 1.
D. H: WILSON, Clerk.
In Memoriam.
and mother. ltrs. James Smith, who pass-
ed away one year . ago, May 9, 1941:
She suffered patiently and long,
Her hope was bright, her faith was strong,
The 'peace of Jesus filled her breast,
And in His. •arms she sank to rest.
—Sadly missed by Husband and Family.
Card of Thanlu
ed • us with the cooling and rummage sale
last Saturday, 21td May, the .total proceeds
of $110.00 to be used• in war work.
Deans pry Cleaners agent tails at
Goodwin's every Tuesday and Friday.
The Huron Expositor is on sale in
Hensall at Midd'ieton's Drug Store.
Single copies, 4 cents„ -
Mrs. Gordon Appleton, of Exeter,
visited with her father, 'Mr. William
Fairbairn, and Mrs. Jack,Taylor, Fred-
die and Donald last. week.
MI.'S. Ken Hicks will be hostess for
the May meeting of the��,Hensall Sen-
ior W. '1. Wednesday 'evening, May 13.
John Beer has secured a position
with the Canada Bread Co., London,
for the summer months.
Mrs. A. J,*Hunt is visiting friends
in London and Toronto. • •
Mr. W. A. MacLaren has secured' a
good position at Sky Harbor Airport,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Wind-
sor, spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. C. Cook.
The.. high school knitting club of
Hensall met at the hone of Mrs. Min-
nie Sangster on Wednesday evening
last week with Miss Ruth Mcllvenna
in charge. The evening was devoted
to knitting, after which a social hour
was spent. Luncheon was served.
Cpl. Kenneth Brook, Moncton, N.B.,
accompanied by his !bride, the former
Miss Helen Elizabeth MacBeath, and
Cpl. Ralph Brook, Ottawa, returned
the latter part of this week following
a delightful visit with the former's
parents, Rev. R. A. Brook and Mrs.
' "'Miss Margaret SangsterMiss
Barbara Shepherd', of spent
the week .end.'" at : theirve
-homes here:
Mrs. Whitney Carter and little
ughter. Catherine, of -Clinton, spent
e week -end. with Mrs. C. M. Hedden.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff and fam-
have moved into the residence re-
cently vacated by Mrs. Lawrence
aynham on Highway No. 4. •
Members of the Senior W. I. are
sy., this week packing overiea.s box -
for local'" and district soldiers.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bonthron, of
Moose Jaw, Sask., visited over the
eek -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
The LO.O.F. of . Hensall and district
attended' divine worship in Carmel
byterixn Char h on Sunday eve-
ning.. Rev. William Weir delivered a
essage suitable to the occasion, bas -
g his thoughts, on "Friendship, Love
nd Truth." A pleasing duet, "I Will
Lift Up Mine Eyes,' was sung by
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and W. A. Mace
Laren, andtthe" choir rendered an Or
ropriate anthem. Following the ser-
vice the members of the lodge pro-
ceeded to the lodge rooms where brief
addresses were given.
The anniversary services of Car -
el. Presbyterian Church are to be
bserved Sunday, May 17. For. the
ecial services of this day the con-
gregation has invited Rev. John Fleck
• f "•Elmwood Presbyterian, Church,
oadon,. to occupy the ,pulpit.,
Mother's Day will be observed in
e local churches on. Sunday, when
pecial messages will. be presented
y the ministers 'and special music
eSented, 4atilth and .'S?olid ellalwe,
sd lV, . edldy agriculture and •C3l7kr'
adian ' 1)441ea: 1klra". ,. A" Morganti;
yc me eco iolln1 t0+ MrS. • Harty Strang,
wstr wok 'a*: . Keat'le; Y,iaCQr3oa1.
,rsatearch, Mrs• V. Dpw,i; 'peace an:d
international relationlre hip, ;i41r's. R,unr
tile; 'legialafiiol,,. Mrss Kirklande pude
liclty,, • Mrs Wna. filbheiingtou" Calie
trending to the program Were Miss:
Dougall with a piano solo; a, read,
trig, Mrs.' Pyan; • eommu?lity singling
was also a feature. Tlie •Pnaneial reg.
port for the year was presented, dds-
elosin'g that the 'society had had a:
very successful year. 'Since last Oc-
tober they have made 64 quilts, scarfs
turtle -neck • sweaters, and seeks in
aceordanee, The ,following are the
officers: 'Honorary president, Mrs.''
William Kernick; - president, Mrs. J.
Kirkland; vice-presidents, Mrs, Earl
Mitchell and Mr& Harry Strang; sec-.
retary-treasurer, 'Mrs. A. Moir; assist-
ssistant, ;Mrs, A. Morgan; directors, Mrs.
Cann, Mrs. P. Passmore, Mrs. A..
Morgan, Mrs. S. Mitchell; emergency,
Mrs. Ben Case, Mrs. F. Down, Mrs.
-Jack Bolton, Mrs. P. Passmore; re-
presentatives to district annual meet-
ing, Mrs;. ,E irkland; M'rs. A. Morgan,
Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Remick; district
director, Mrs. M. ,' Beckler; pianist,
Mrs. A. 'Morgan; auditors, Miss N.
Keddy and Mrs. Carmen Cann; press
reporter, Mrs. C: Cann; chairmen of
standing committees: Education, Mrs.
G. Bolton; health and child welfare,
Miss N. Keddy; agriculture and Cane
adieu industries, Mrs. \ A. Morgan;
home economics, Mrs. H. Strang; war
work, Mrs. R.. Kestle; historical re-
search, 'Mrs. F. Down; peace and in-
ternational relationship, Mrs. Rundle;
legislation, Mrs. J. Kirkland;' public-
ity, Tylrs. Wm. Etherington.
Holds. May Meeting
The May meeting of vihe Hensall
Senior Mission -Circle was held at the
home of Miss H. Sutherland on Mon-
day '"evening. Miss Maude Hedden
was hgVstess and Miss Gladys Luker
co -hostess. A splendid attendance of
members and guests were present.
The theme was "Temperance." Miss
Margaret . Shepherd was in the chair.
The opening hymn, "Take Time To
Be .Holy" and prayer by Mrs. Eric
Kennedy. Miss Gladys -Luker. gave
the Bible lesson and the roll' call was.
answered with "a reason wily alco-
hol is harmful," Miss Ellis contribut-
ed a most delightful reading,. Which
was enjoyed ;by everyone, Miss Irene
Douglas, superintendent,, presided for
the business period. Discussion took
place regarding the disposal of the
lovely ,articles made by ' the Circle
me'tnbers and which were on display
at this meeting. It was decided • to
send the layette to the Fred' Victor
Mission in Toronto., Some of "the
quilts, crib quilts 'and knitting will be
given to the local Red" Crdss. It was
decided to hold a suppertpicnic at
Hugh 'McEwan's swimming pool • oil
Monday, June 1, after' which the
meeting will be. held at the home of
Miss Gladys' -Passmore. 'Miss Doug-
las .called upon Miss Jean Murray,
e who in a' very ,pleasing manner• intro
duced the guest speaker, -. Miss R.
Duff, provincial field secretary of the
W.C.T.U. Miss Duff spoke on "The
General ••Situation -in the Province To-
day," .and'' of the modern sins of to-
day•, S».e alsoi„denounced the comie.
strip for children which 'site stated,
as' very harmful to the mind of the
young child. Miss Duff in her work
has visited 'many jails and also ..at-'
tended juvenile ' courts in different cit-
i:es and felt sorry to see so many fine
youths appearing before the magis-
trate. She asked the judge the cause
of it and he stated, lack of' home
training. The siseaizer said that -the
people in Ontario have not begun to.
realize the seriousness of the war, sits•
nation, but that it would be brought
nearer to -their doors before it was,
ended. Luncheon was served, byi Mrs.
Howard Hyde,'Mrs. Bryan Kyle, Mrs:
I irvey McLarnon, Miss Gladys Mc
Kenzie, Miss. Margaret Shepher, Miss
Edna Sound:ercok; Miss Gladys Luker,
• Mrs. E. Kennedy and .Miss'Mona Hed-
bythe choir. ' ' '
•• Strader Uftiey
'A lovely spring weddingwas sol-
emnized in London on Saturday, May
2, when Miss Edith , Marguerite Ut-
tley,-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her-
bert Uttley, of Zurich, and Sgt. Ed-
gar Strader, R.C.A,M.C., "^tamp Bor-
den, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Stra-
der, 5f Walkerton, were united in
marriage. For 'her•wedding the' bride
chose a street -length dress of Alice
blue silk jersey with matching acces-
sories and corsage. of American. Beau-
ty roses. 'Miss Carlein Lloyd, of Lon-
don, was bridesmaid, and Miss Hazel
Uttley, of Zurich, maid of honor, and
Glob" wish to thank all those that help Harvey Strader, of Barrie, was The
groomsman. Later following the wed-
ding dinner, served to thirty guests.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Me-
,Kenzies, Quebec Stree'i; London, Sgt.
and Mrs. Strider left for a wedding
trip to Montreal, the ibride travelling
in a tailored tweed suit with brown
Suffers Burns At Borden
Seventy-two men of A-19 R.C.A.S.C.,
training centre, at Canbp Borden,' are
thanking their lucky stars these days
that Pte. A. H. 'Bender, a cook of the
motor transport company kitchen, has
keen eyesight and plenty of nerve.
If Pte. Bender hadn't been.. around on
the night of April 16, . these 72 men
might not the around. today: It 'was
about two o'cloek• ih the morning
when Pte. Bender, 'on night duty
ldIcGINNIS—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Bela -
forth, on May Ob.' to Mr .,and Mrs. Stewart
McGinnis,' Dashwood, to son.
AUSTIN—In. Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea-
forbh, on May 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Austin. Seaforth, a son.
April Waterloo, on'pril 29th, Mrs.
Reuben Stevens,' aged, 57 years.
(Continued from Page 1)
Mrs. A.'W.-Norris at Fordwich; Mr.
and Mts. A. Jeffery andOirs, W. Sad-
ler" in London; Captain N. J. Norris,
Kingston, with his )parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W ` Norris;' Mies Laura Din -
en has been engaged to teach in Shef-
field; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Norris in
London; Mr. and 1Vfrs. Angus Earl,
Whalen, with Mrs, .William Sadler,
Kee. and Mrs, $. '. Friedrick'ed'n,
ifs Utes' Hamburg` with Rev. and Mrs
111oeig; "Mr:.,a'nd Mrs. Behueeries and
Mies Martha, Vietor, with Rev, and
}lilts: Priedriekson;; Mrs. Dolph Sohier
Mitt Hamilton, Clarke,. amilton, with
ell 1 �.el'tv8oil, Beomil'Ier,
, tT bui 'nuked c' lurch :at
tillrla1 "'1#0' R oils' Men -
is a day
rte ;Eit
f1Si'' 04stS1v'elrtr'lae'•
came mit' of his kitchen with a•panful
of cookies and noticed a blaze on the
porch of one of the huts. Knowing
that the men inside must be asleep,
Bender rushed to' the hut and fought
bis way through• the, flames inside.
Soon awake and keenly aware of their
predicament, the soldiers pilled out
and raised a general alarm. In short
order -the camp firefight'hg apparatus
was in motion, and with, ••• the assist-
ance of the hose lines with which the
hut was equipped, the° fire Was ex-
tinguished in about 30 minutes. It
had gained such headway that it gut-
ted ted the interior of the hit and de-
stroyed muchof the equipment In-
side Only °two men were injured—
Pte,' Bender, who was burned slightly -
around the forehead arid ears, end,
Pte, Garnet Allen, of Hggnsall, who
suffered slight burns.of th1p face, head
and feet. Both men were treated at
'tile regimental laid post.
• Harolds! W. L Erecta
Prigs- 21 Ir light was hostess at her
home .Wednes y afternoon, A-prii t•9;
fir 'the' iurondalh W. I,. for their an
• •
11141.4. ii eeting; thlt4041t a 1M -embers
et'e )iiekemrt. p''olld'tving • the ibusi-
ti a;` alders :.lief'tddi: the ethriding "sports Were-
Switzer - Baker
The liome of Mr. and Mrs. John.
Baker, of Stanley township, near Zur-
ich, was the scene of a charming
Spring wedding on Saturday, May 2,
when their youngest daughter, Mar-
garet . Caroline, became the bride of
Eric Denson Switzer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Switzer", • of Kippen.
Rev. Luft, of Dashwood,..w"as the of-
ficiating minister. • The ceremony' was
performed under an arch of ever-
greens, pink and white 'roses and
streamers. The wedding music was
played by Miss Kathleen Hess, cous-
in of the bride. Given in marriage
by her father, the attractive bride
chose- a floor -length gown of tur-
eifbihe blue satin fashioned on pri'n-,
cess lines, short puffed sleeves and
v -neckline. She wore a -coronet of
silver and flowers and carried an arm'
bouquet of white carnations and fern.
Her bridesmaid wah Miss -Betty •Swit-
:zer, of Kippen, sister of the groom,
w+eo was gowned in floor -length pink
taffeta. Marine McLachlan, daughter
of Mr. Mid Mrs. William D. beeLac'h
lan, of Kippen, and -Marjorie. Currie,.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Currie; of Clinton, were dainty little
'flower girls. The groom was attend-
ed by Karl Reichert, of Zurich, bro-
ther of the bride. Following -the cere-
mony the., wedding dinner was served
to fifty guests, the bride's mother• re-
ceivng in a gown\ of green crepe with
corsage of pink carnations. She was
assisted by the groom's mother wear-
ing a blue silk gown with -corsage of
white carnatfons; The bridal table
wail -attractive with pink end. 'white
streamers and pink and ivhite'tapers,
and eentred with a three-tier wedding
cake. Serving were 'the bride's cous-
ins, Mrs.'H. Reichert, Mrs: D, Love,
Laurette Reichert, Elda Reichert,
Margaret Fuss and Marjorie Mars,
of Zurioh; a friend: Mr, and' Mrs.
Switzer left for an extenderl,wedding
trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls,. Ham-
ilton- and other points, the bride don-
ning for travelling a smart iblue en-
semble 'and brown shoes. -
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook were visited
over. the week -end by Mrs Codit's
nepheii, nr. ` Harold Smythe, AA.,
flit P., set' of Mr,. and Mrs. SM he.
of Nelson, i�.C,, the former Miss Lulu
Hemphill of iterfdall. Haroldhas jest
graduated in nie 11 1ne in the Univ'er
ftyof., Cllr', frit Edtnoiitbn, and.,left
this .w`edirr tendon, 61lt., where' he
We fltx 4d1e. the
Guaranteed A 1
Car Bumping
Sp ray
Daly's Garage
will serve his intermanship in Vic-
toria Hospital. He is only 25 years
of age, and was born in Hensall. He
is also a nephew of Mr. A. W. E.
,Reid Cross Notes
Nine million dollars is a lot of
money, but the Canadian ,Red Cross
Society needs every cent of it to' car-
ry on the great work of ministering
to the needy the world over. The so-
ciety plans to spend 40 per cent. of
this amount in sending food parcels
to Canadians -and British prisoners -of -
war, a work, that only the Red Cross
can do. Two thousand, two hundred
dollars is the amount allocated to
Hensall and district. It is an amount
we must raise if we are going tq'keep
faith with our boys in the armed
forces and if we are going to express
practical sympathy to air raid vic-
tims in. Old Britain. Over forty can-
vassers ' have been enlisted in the
work of reaching this objective and
they begin their work nex$ week._
Please give' them a warm welcome,
and please give the Red Cross a gen-
erous donation. In order 'to do the
work at hand' it . means We all must
double We -amount we gave inother•
years. In connection with this can-
vass, the . local branch is also con-
ducting a salvage campaign. The far-
mers: of the district are to be asked
to gather all,,4the old. iron and other
valuable salv'agie and; in due time a
fleet of trucks wilt cover the district
and pick it up. By- doing this both
the war effort and the Red Cross will
-1te greatly helped:
Council Meets
The regular meeting of they village
council was held Monday evening at
8 p.m. in the council chamber with.all
members'" being present. Cameron
and Parkins: That the garbage be
collected May 13 and 14, as usual-
--Carried. Horton and Kerslake: That
Court of Revision 'on the assessment
roll be, held on June 1; 1942,. at 8 p.m.
Carried. T. Ky e reported re the
trees on P. Mo>r's property, stating
they could remain for anotl,gr, year,
Reeve Shaddick reported that the wo-
men were wanting to store salvage ma-
terial in the shed at' the rearv,of the
hall. Correspendent;e: Delft. of Mun-
icipal Affair's, Dept. of Welfare, Mrs.
Cliurchll and Family„ • Huron County
War.. Services Executive:. Hensell Red
Cress, Huron County Plowing Match
Committee, Maurice M. Tudor; same
considered and filed, Cameron and
Parkins: That we refund $24.00 to
Red Cross, hall rent paid on three
rents. Carried. .Bills and accounts
were read as follows: M. G. Drys-
dale, supplies, $21.30; W. Hildebrand',
labor, streets, $1:20; Robinson Dick,
labor, rink, $5.20;. W. Dabus, labor,
streets 60c, sanitary work at hall, $4;
Hensall Hydro, hall, $11.20'; W. 0.
Goodwin, material, hall, $1.37; W. C.
Passmore, repairs, hall, $7,14; G. 'M.
Case, teaming, 'streets, $2.00; A.
Mousseau, cultivating park, $2,50; T.
Kyle„ salary, $70..001 J. Sangster, .lab-
or, hall, $2.00. Total $12$.51. Horton
and Parkins: That 'bills and accounts
as read .be paid. Carried. Cameron
and Kerslake: That we now adjourn:
Carried.—James ' A. Paterson, Clerk.
Anno iticement
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Keen, of Ailsa
Craig, 'wish to announce the engage-
ment of their youngest daughter,
Doris Margery (M'aisiel., to Cpl. Ralph
Sober Brook, R:GAA.P., Ottawa, y'oung-
es't son of Rev. and Mrs. R...A. Brook,
of Hensall. The wedding will take
place in Trinity Anglican Church on
'May 23.
Mi's. Ken Hicks will be hostess at
her home on Wednesday evening,
May 13, 'tor the May' meeting of the
ensall Senior W. L Mrs. A. W.
er$lake will be eo-hostess Roll' call
will be "One nice ,.thing a . neighbor
has done 'fol me." The motto, "Start
at the bottom if you Want to land on
,top"' will be taken by Mrs, 'William
Weir: Current events' 011 be given
by Miss Beryl Pfaff, recipe ,by Mrs,
James A. Paterson (each memtber is
requested to 13ring pencil and paper
in order to copy r'e'cipe).. The guest
-speaker will be Mrs. Glen McLeali,
who will speak tin "Origin' and Aima
of the Women's Institute, Local and
Federah" -
Brook • MacBeath
A pretty home Wedding of intich bi-
lerest took plate • 'Saturday evening,
Aliril 25, at 7 pair., dt the home, of
the bride's parent's; '$ PPOasant Street;
MeletQn, N.R , wlta Mise Helen: the-
abeth Mal Beath, danghtbrtutci
.Mrs. •D. A. Matltgaan, ; ibeeaitele • t'h'e..
b4'1de -of Cpl: Centfbt'h .J#'bweett $'Mott.,`
,It.O.AJF:, of 1lelteali,,- eon of l :ev',,. H,
ra1QlF R �G �04 hrt•,i *14y01i
eV. '►r ,Tr rti jr�h�rQhlRE ,�°i pnI . ht e
St, JOht, s,• M%libAyi 4 .:M'`!I t'n" 5 3,+Fi (reed,
Ole ^cer'ealgna 9}l R klea a,4a t? ,1 a
large nuni3Oerr Qtr lehtt3,, °'1'i4e lucid®,
wllq, w'a.s .g1Ve ... 3 r> cirri,& a byi
lather” 'w"h charming lfk•, • gO.W4 o
White b'rgptideEd Rptint l a'4e On .1►.rin--
cess-' -fines :with . train.,. Her Bead-
dreae was a halo 4f, shirred tulle wok,
;floor -
ed • With .seed pearls and
length veil, arid 's'he earnied a shower
bouquet of Killarney roses and fever -
dew. ,The 'bride's' only ornament was
a sunburst of pearls, a gift of her
mother who wore it at her owl, wed-.
ding, 11'fiss' MacBeath was attended
iby her four sisters. Miss Nedra Mac -
Beath was maid of honor and • the
Misses Flora, Kathleen' and Anne
were bridesmaids. They wore rain
bow dresses of'' pastel shades with
corresponding flowered muffs and
headdress with shouideraength veils,
Flight Sgt. Sydney Hulmer was. the
.groomsman. The bride's mother wore
a floor -length dress of turquoise fac-
onne 'and ,her corsage was of Talis-
man roses. During the signing of the
register Mrs. James MacKay sang
"Because," accompanied by h e r
daughter,- Mrs. Frank Ma'tsDonald, at
the (piano: Mrs. MacDonald also Play-
ed the wedding music. Following the
ceremony a reception was held. The
home was beautifully decorated, for
the occasion with pink and gold' snap-
dragon and pink carnation's in, silver
vases. , The bride's table was attrac-
tively decorated with streamers of
white satin ribbons entwined . with
Smilex and caught at the corners with
roses. A three-tier cake adorned' the
centre of the table. Mrs. Andrew J.
Cook,, aunt of the bride, and' Mrs. Ed-
ward 'McCarthy presided over the tea-
cups and girl friends of the bride
served. Mrs..J. McD. Cooke cut the
bride's cake with the same silver
knife with which she. cut the cake at
the reception, for the bride's mother
at . her marriage 32 years ago. Fol-
lowing .the reception Mr. and Mrs.
Brook . left on the Martine Express
on a wedding trip to Upper Canadian
cities which will include Hensall, Ont.
-where they will visit the groom's par-
ents. For travelling. the •bride wore
a (brown tailored suit with gold acces-
sories and carried a topcoat of match-
ing tweed.' Her corsage was : sof Jo-
hanna Hill roses. Upon their return
they will reside at 47'3/4 Fleet Street.
Previous to the' wedding the bride was
guest of honor at several showers.
sattla;. "7M��,;�,,t' t>l(U.ti4t,Ekg•�•lte 'ITndle,," l•"ea+�
Gngk, ''41/407.4 ` 4:190 410 t?; C,�reart..,
Lai ntat s i" 9"�10119#p', l"�`iQFt n r INP e'R"
M+arrlGlG ren �6^ gik §#41At o "'.
-ROW); • "."Corporal Cclty'
112,,"' Oa13'rie s; "'iasilver Clue$ , to .019
('Rescue,'' OpBrien'; "Jean alai fro LYm
lilted,", Curtis;. ""Patsy,"" '(.trod`; ''1Vlarlr'
joie's May'time,'" Wella; "•(lolly
Farm," Abbott; "Dave Dawson With
"Dave Dawson.
Bowen; a e
the R. A. F., Bowe D
at Singapore,"' ' Bowen; ""'The Lone
Footprint," Judd; "The Double Dis-
guise," Judd.; "Hunting - the Sky
Spies,".• Dixon; ""Brushing the Moun-
tain ' Top," 'Dixon; "'Ainmebiaranne
Goes Touring," . Hewart;. "Raggedy
Anne in the Magic Boole" and "Rag-
gedy Anne ands•the Golden Butterfly,"
Guelie; "Bible Stories," Chalmers•.;
""Happy. Tales," Anon. .
The following books have 'been re-
ceived from the Huron County' Lib-
rary (Association and will be in circu-
lation for three months: Fiction--
""One Who Kills,' Cullum; "The Keys
of the Kingdom,' Cronin; "Great Ar-
guments," 'Gibbs; ' ""Seek Cloth Into
Silk," Deeping; "Who Is this Girl?"
Miller; ""Astra,"...Hili; "The Loon Fea-
ther,"' Fuller. Non -Fiction "The
Balance 'Sheet of the Future," Bevin;
"In Search or"' ' Scotland'" , , Morton;,
""The ' Complete Book of Games,"
Wood -Clement; ""Memory " Hold the
Door," Buchan. Juvenile—"A Child's
Garden of Verse," Stevenson; "Trea-
sure Island," Steveniton;' "Heidi,"
..Spyri; "Northern W Ind• `Witten'
Stories," Burgess; ' nnb of Windy
Poplars," Montgomery.
Dies ,Suddenly in Toronto
Word has been -received here of
the sudden death.,,of .Mrs. John Wil-
son, Of Toronto, who was found dead
in bed Monday morning by her hus-
band upon returning home after work-
ing on a night shift at the Goodyear
Rubber Co. in that city,'' Mrs. Wil-
son was the former Jessie McEwan,
daughter of the late 'Mr, and Mrs.
Duncan McEwan, of Hensall, and -was
born on the homestead farm a short
distance south of Hensall, ,now own-
ed by Mr. Archie"Rowcliffe: 'She re-
ceived her education here. She is
survived by her husband, six brothers,
Alpine, and A. D. McEwan, Hensall;
Earl' and' , Ewen, Toronto; Dr. John
McEwan, Carleton Place, and.William
of Edmonton, and one sister (Nora),
Mrs. Harry Watcher, Grand Prairie,
Alta. The •funeral was held from To-
ronto Wednesday, May 6, at 3.30 p.m.
Mr: J. E. McEwan, of Hensall, 'is a
cousin. Those attending the funeral
from Hensall 'were Mr. .and Mrs. Al-
pine McEwan and Mr. and Mrs. A, D.
, . New Books At, Library
Fictioi ' — "Spencer Brade, M.D.,"
Slaughter; "Spring Magic," Steven-
son; "Pied Piper," Shute;, "West of
the Pecos,"'Grey;. "The Juice of the
Pome Granite," Dell; "Thee Black
Flemmings,"Norris; "Cross Creek,"
Ra'wlings; "".0 rn in Egypt," Deeping;
"'Manhattan ove Song," Norris;
"Army Doctor," Seifert; "Prodigal
Nurse," Phillips; "Edge of Beyond,'
Hendryx; "Western Union," Grey;
"Eary To. Kilt," Christie; :"Murder at
the Vicarage," Christie; "Saddle and
Ride," Harry Cox; "A Vexed Inherit-
ance," Swan; "Trails End," Paine;
`case- of_ilie'._Silent Partner," Gard
ner • . "Not One of Us," Grej�g�; "Marry
ie Haste," Greig; "My Friend Flicka;"
O'Hara; "A Daughter of the Dons,'
Raine; "prelude For War," Charters;
"30;000 on the Hoof," Grey. .Non-
Fiction—"The,: poctora Mayo," Clape-,
Hwtchsrs bye:17 "�'udsdatr a; Thur d r
samnroc ii
Poultry Farm & llateeh .
E. -W. Shantz, Prop.
Farmers:. Attention
The Huron Fish and. Game Club
will ,be prepared after May 1st to
supply a setting" or,- more ot.
Pheasant eggs - to any farmer, in
Huron County who will 'set or
raise, them.
Special feed will be supplied
Free for the chicks, and a Bub-
stantial prize evil be given to the,
party raising the largest percent-
ercentage of chicks.
For information and pamphlets
on raising them, call at
Order Bray Chicks now, and be
"lucky" when egg prices climb
nest Fall. See me, at phone alp
right away Personal aRssaliss.
prompt delivery.
IS'i4AC .HUDSON Seaforth
or ALVIN W; KERSLAKE, Hernial,
• Send your clip of -wool through "Stone's" licensed: local collector
or ship to us direct. We guarantee te .pay-ful'1-Government prices
-give 'honest grading—send prompt 'returns. None can do ,more.
William -toles Sons, td
Ingersoll, Ontario
"Neither snow nor rain nor heat
nor night stays these couriers
froin 'the swift completion of
their appointed rounds."
Ord WAR ErraTt.T:no.IEs oN "Y
0000 COMMuOfTT' OCPCN05 ON rT .a.
.:[0100 £OPPDRY Mon IT 0000N,0 +'
®,When there's a storm, most people' seek shelter, '
but that is when .Hydro is.,busiest. Between darkness
and dawn come hoots' of rest and sleep, but, with
Hydro, every hour begins a new day.
Light for homes, hospitals and Facttpies�:-heat for
,brant furnaces—or '-to cook meals in your • home
energy' to turn thousands of Motors in Factories; mines,.
shipyards". this is the work of your Hydrb
ydrois helping to shorten the war. t ivei• 1,000,000'
Hydro -electric horsepower is' at work on war materials.
Let us allbe thrifty in our•use of Hydro. New war
plants must be energized and existing plants.are con -
stonily being • harnessed to the war effort. ''Let war,.
needs come first.
' You can do so much to save electricity. Don't let the kettle
over boil. Watch the switches ow your electric range—turn out
all lights when not needed. Resolve to save some current every
day to help Ontario's war industries
Where fha doors nevidrr: close:; Every
hour OF the day and night, every day •
in the, year,.,watchful affendtlnts are
' on fhe'alea sf'tidyi ig meters, keeping
records and r, striating fife flow .of
Hydro dissent 4or corifuitting _areal,
N. ARio.
,z'.iwKi li ,V,,,1118��a?c4' tic. :1..
Se/aa' NR,Aiiun!�7yieL'a_'."viG.Ni