HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-04-24, Page 5- 1, 1. *�,, I �: ,,, i, � ,, J�H,� � , v� "", ,I �.�11111_ , I 1, 1� , I ".1 I' _,, 1"', " , ­, �, i,, "'I' , , 'I" ` p-,- ". 11 ­1,1'17­'I� 47, " 'N'�v­­:q, ", �, � �j� "I .l.",- , � � ­wp,�� , , , - , , ,� cf;7'1,�Tlep � I � � ,-,��,, r , " �,­ ,�. " :� ,:1 � .. �'�j, .-,,� � �t� 'i,�� ,::",�,� ,,�P� ,� �t,.O ,;,�,� -,,,I; I �, lil.il,-,�1,;�ll!���-,',�";i,�,�'it,�t, , :;"';,."� .".t" , � , � " P `,', "IS, il. ,, ­� �� - !"111 , '" 11 �, I , , , � 11", , " ,. �, . � �, � i',�Jff,l �,;­l � - , - �i�� " , "t, _90�' ,.� " I I I .", 1", ,,� ,',�,.:!�,�.�� ,,��,�,-;�.!..�;,�,�, V11 I , � , � , , , " , ".. " , � �ii �,.�,, 'i � i I ,�, �,`;��,i ��'c � F,�O' , I `j� .. .... ... .. . 11 ��. , � , �, 1;'141 "11:1, .""�i.", � , ''. 1�1,1 �v'r" _,�� '�111 - - ��-­, , ,� � ", � �,­ , I , I , , , I � , . . �, I , ­'�,, I , . , . , I .� � ...."��,i ;:� ,-���,,��! �p�,,�,'! 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V " .. 5. , , . 1� 11 � :1 , - , - � � IS ! , ��.� . �; . . J, 9i 4 "11V I I ; �, ��. , - ! . e�r.,.,-t� -,-� t­qy­ � 41W , , , . . . "'i . f 1. . w ... � a 1�49 1 .� I . -11 , '# if ni 0-i # 1. 4 g04,,to Aly , "" , � - �4,0,ft4pu" WAV ;0,0"" , .0. , " ' ' , , .. .1. , , -O, _ . _ -, _ " , — ­17t�T 11 - 7 .. I . 46, , . � , , . :� �Ortug si P _., . I., Rint .. I" IT _�, . . � �. I .- - :- ., ` , . -T,", " Ttz - I vill . ... ". I . ; . 'I - � I : � X"PT-04'. 10411w- 00 A li . 'C -0-0 L I D A Y $ " , ' ' u 'pup,gi - . Ing , . 1. ,A , 3XVIC., Ja4LF 1i �turbau, ,%114. gkrrieit$� RIgIL--camations" i � I I. � I I , . I , Fran ' ir"Vow,*�,, vr4t)�lix,,KMA?�, groom. ` % '40 �. , T, "' ' " ' I . . .1 . *wds b6iAo-ttlon � , . and' tbp,wb-ero ,wero. , � I - . A 4-4 'i -P, 4-1, 1 "Thorn-iis uAlliamix. oh-vid 'Mn -am, 'Kel . Iv ", � axrn , , ­ , %�,,%11 �i, P1. 4f"PIM 14P 0 lfk�4w , R 5 Tl% - P� " , , I I 2 ,W.I., .11 , , , R" " - I *1 , I 10.� ���, 17 , " . .., "", �il ­� ��, - �*XV lit"M "' , t-': �,.� �-� i, � -"5,',' i,�,".,-­�:��, : , . ,,;,'� �,,, .1 I , ', ,�� ;��,�. i , ..... - !- ""O" . � .!,. ..'I't g1k, 71 I . ..41 , '110 1 . - I I . C"11 � ' ',I' ... arq1ty of 1, A?��.�""1101'-�X".P_11,0 �04r* . r0 "F10. ,_ ,�, � , ., , ` t'� . I. ,; �, If I - I 1�', v & I , aA , �, I . #�);. 4.,,,��.,J-4� We -­ ­ '71; .� _ , ., , .# - , , �;� ,�� � , - , , "I �;,p -pg . - � 1. �4 P"04 ,. . - , 'Y I ., , - � �- _­ - -1 . �, L ,�: I . I I � :.`%, 1, '. I 11� - ." 'i 1: I "' �, 7,I' � ,,�� . I � I I . 1 'i :. . � 1� ;. 1. . 11-1 I I .,� � . '. , - I .. �� I .7.i , , T, '; �. t� .�� :' , �: . I - . . I � � . . , ; " . L� . I 7 SAS '3.9- h: re�;. , PAX� t 00 . " 11 . , , : ' "M � , 1 " , I - - __,% �, ' �pro I 14; g4 I , ;11 I I �� 11, . , � . , .. � - , . . . , ow .11 1 4,4 . � I , 4 " 1 IN ,.� - I , � Lf � ,, ArY , . , , , _X -'e. S 4 9 ., L? .. A." � 1:� : . .1 - . - � . I i .. . .. , .. . . 1.50, 4101w,' W. �� ... . c �, , �, . - -' ' ' , I., . :., - � ,;. � . ; I .1 1, . . .p&Vi ...... 11 ". , . . . . ("I_ � Nl'.;,�.� .1,41 4 i . � � � 1. � - � %, . . y vav ull V , . I , , . ". . � ' ' I , - .LX0.VP Akt I rp. b@ Xt . remivpd. �Wptlou g � RINUP P1, 1re-4. prepAu-ting, W154 1 490 . r�rj tg*y,treasU line �Njos:..'�Og ,�,Dben . ! ..� �, ! �! ! ... arq1ty of 1, A?��.�""1101'-�X".P_11,0 �04r* . r0 "F10. ,_ ,�, � , ., - Town Cqunqil, in', accordance with'' a petition ', . � . ' i ,ip A goww. of, xii*e­,Print�4! 'Chiffb1l, ;�44 _ ..9f4a.m. r %f I J-1 . I— ­� (, , .. �­. �. � I 111. . r , " ,Np';b, "aids! 'ap�d , I 0 the nes Ita diffi­r, .. 0 - . r I . . ... �. � .. . . . , erchants, to prodlaiM. Wedne 11 frpip �4e loc4l In . & I . . Mrs. Williams kyas. gg"ed in navy I 11- blue crepe -44d wOr0corisges of-yal-, .��,� Oy*- �ola,4. I . - iar. " , � ­', I � mi X. _,­ F 004s.rkob' W � Orr 0, *of . ,�_ r I � 1:� : , . .v "r I , . I O'. I 11�1 � ,nd �' Ity In buying .it a dress : s.0 u tta : � - V� L - day'aftern6oils, from 12.30, noon, in the iiionths " . , a t ismail, rosos. The'Wedding breakf s towiis I .4ip oill 1$ r I OW 'their ,'0aQhter,,, . , Mrs- Sntltkagd..� I th, X �� : I .. . .1 1'�, I I 'boxes, wo,will. Pay*you cash for . . .. , ' ' � July, Au Of- "Xay�,:June, .r gust September and ' . w4s, held at- the Witilsor HQtbl, Strat� 'ford. Later . .X)r. and,'Mrs; W.Illiams� , .% ,# 47 w DO., .q �, , , ,,, P,q " 9%1)�,od,. 44� alid Mrs, - Sm.iQl -,r � %, ,N , -to go. 4 . " I I I . ; . ,,#A'ewA1% d0ess �- I , . - , � . I . . ­Oct6ber' Civic Half Holidays,, " 6xcept when a left. for or bdiloympop trip, to -New 'bride . . an(j,caiIed or .Xrs�. Troyer. - � , ,4 �.'% M - _44j, 7, I I . yt� and oro$." co , . -A . * I .1 � : " . I , ., the york city travelling In . . . , tt, of..Holmes - ,Mr. �anxi! Mrs.�i � PIPIM I returned In good' 0 suit boxes, . 1. - le -&:41 holiday comes in the *eek; and respect� . beige. and brown -accessories. . They . vil1q, ,rp�ut.Sun�04y, with- their daugh- . . .. . � 1. '.. 4=-- . , . I I . ' fully request. the citizens to.� obsery e� the same. will reside in Detroit, I I I.:, I , . �, I 1% , — ,-. . _ - tot*, 'MrW. Murray. Mr., James MprraY in itary -aining -. ' - - I've ,met yet). - - .. . . condition to 9�r store. I I . "I . 1. . I I � . . . --- I - I PS ow ... w. is ti , the mil school ,at --- . . I We cannot call for these box - ' ' i _' "M 't0tchener. - 1KIPP.4N , " ` . . . - . I . I I . I 1. r I . , '� I JOHN J. CLUFF, . - I . . - . .'The in I ._e ., . _�mbers. , f t1pe li,ef ring met I es. They must be returned by , . . r ­ . I . Mayor I comintinity is'' P The, le6sed to 'learn in th , kall on Mond�t,v� �Wxht: ' -0 ' ". Thp . W,. A. of St. 461WS Anglican . I � . I you.., . . . I .1 . I 11 . . _.� , I 'It' . . . . . 1. 'God'Save the King" th4rt Mrs. -W. Horney, who has been so vdrV ill.kor some, time, is showing . .. I . ".- . Church met it the horrie,ot Mrs. John . 'At � I . For, every box so returned i I I � 1� I I 1. . . .. evidence of fiaturm t Mrs.. - Ing beal h. lReatt o n Thursday, the close- of .y me and, went out of his way to drive And the bridegfodm of Western' Uni- we Will pay I . - , . . - , . .1 ''. . . . . . � W. Sinclair is also reco, vering from . ' the rpseting,Mrs., Chuter, the organ- ��' � L I . . '. I I I I I I I I . . . . a heart attack of last week, but ,is still.. con -fined to bed. I I : . Sunday last, iot, was Presented .With. gift in ap- preciation of hot- fititlital'services., . - MI. 'and Mir, Mulfiolftaxid, of' Clin. - �. . I 5C EACH � � . . . I ,,, - I , I . I . I !��- Leave . .. 111'11 out ahead boW much I have ....&SPends and how far. I .can go, so, that I a,_ I IThe service ola was ... �­;, � .:.- - - " 4' � . 'he ton .spent Sunday at't hom or . - . . W- " .- (Contimed from, Page 1) .1 . the-n-lobt-train'for F41inburgh where . ... I am righi 111OW. Th�'train was crowd- ed .As usual and for .about five hburs I slept with two soldiers in the pass- age between coacher: - If sure was. I draughty, but we snuggled close to- .gether,' so it Was pretty good. Both . , fellows wer6 Carradlarls on. leave head- About four in, the ways come out even. The money I con te by but; minister, R . A. aL . saved in camp Is. coming in handy Grant, who preached on the "Call of . . . -st withdrawal a Disciple," in the series, "The E - now and I m4de my fit . ' " I .1 X todai. . � periences of a Disciple." Heck, I forgot to iell you that while Th4 marriage of Evelyn Harriet, I I -was Ili .London I went out to' see daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. ' . Cal-pul Peggy. at- Bramsixott. I didn't tell her � . of the fown of ,Mount Royal, 'to, Mr. I was comin:g, but just walked into I her office in the hospital. She was , Stuart, 'Mitchell Horton, son of'- Mr. - 1. . and i Mri. James Horton, of Rippeh, certainly glad to see me .and I was . . I . . I / Mr. and MKs.'Npls,,oq :R "d, . ., el . .. . ' n4l Miss Rena4ohdq10L11,.. ,U.N., W_spoa.- . ' ing a few days_ I wt It her p 8 ' - t arent , Mr. and 'Mrs.- W. J.-Jolinstqn, prior to her I departure for Africa.. -W46 wish Miss . I I Johnston bon vo"ge. ,,:t . p I . I . ., I � . . I I ", I , : . ' . i . I . I I . . I ... I I I . .. 1! - M ..t 11 ' 1 .':" N BA'"It -: I � ed for Scotiand. the same #bout ]ter. We talked for' took plac . �� quietly on Saturday, April ; . . li,�q. f I : morning �We i nanaged to get -in a, car and'had a dandy ride into . quite a while ana then she took me 11, at iolrr o'clock- in the . Ohapel 6 . r, ' . .. '.- ! I 77 " volume 104 W'if' " have, moved '. ` ,chair . the city. (I interrupt'h�xe.to tell you, . to see Capt. Lance Norris, from Old St.. AndTew's United Church To- . I . I I their new hom. . , into a qu Chiniquy St. I . -that I'm writing 'this in the V. 0 i Bru"field, a doctor, and w of _ - e had, a ronto the Rev. J. E. Munro, D.D,, good chat about folks around h6m­e., ""' ' - ". ficiatin bride" Mr: �nd Mrs. Eugene Sonder, bAv" I ' , and a, com-pletA stra4ger has just I oth and groom ere Next we went in to, siee Ted Reynolds, unattiblid6d. sw I ing speril ,,p tweeks twl t the ,past,,--thre th, * walked up to me and said, out of a I . "How Th6' bride who w as gi Pegg's cousin,.who. iq sick in thehor., I . lv- - � i Mrs. Edwaxds ' reWrnA6dt*to 'their hdme. � ' clear blue sky, many men, hav6 ' . , en..away by her father, wore a silver Pita]. "Bub" Al;erilrt is in arxxtih�e� - . � I - in Kitchener oil ��96A&�. ' '. 1* ' '-., ;'. you out there," s�ys` the, Sgt. -Major. , " 11 blue atfit an 0- brmin hat and acces - section or the hospitall. so Peggy ' I One of Qli� 0­0,f,odbieff " p In . i , reodenj "Three," was -the reply. Well, then form fours." The feilow t b6n laugh- plrQned him ,,and -be, cam!a over to sories witli A "orsa I 'and ., . ,,� ", , the person of,,�dr, j4;rV Little'," 'p'a6s- : ed. I laughed and he walked off. . I white roses. Following the cerem9ny see, nfi�' He s looking great is - ' ... ed.away in'Q-45deXIcl :1 , .x,hqspjt,aI on Xonr 1hese Scotch are ,.veFY friendly, but a Major flow. He certainly is a busy a small reception was held in. the i .. . . gh, ; day evellitig whore! hev, was Alix�di:t ; . . that is thii height of all friendliness I man and has to turn. away patients .Royal York� where rpd"..L9aes and because of no room in his depart-, ' 'de illness the pasi three, wieeks.' Deceas- 1 ' . ' - - I've ,met yet). - - .. . . white sweet Peag were us ed as cor- merit. As a mattej- of fact I think aiionls'. They wiil'reside in'Tor.on'to' ed was ailing the Past three .months. -, . To. cont�ruxe .Where I left off, we ailrived, in -town early in'the morning I t hey overworl�,him.' I was kidding out-' I . of-towa guests In addition to the He had, ,Many frieYtd9'1'ft ithe V,111age , I I I - I ' � � ' _ and after '�having and breakfast I . . "' him, Asking'him whether he was us- Wide's 'Pa' Mrs 14. R. . rents includ'ed , . Ing A brassie or five -iron on the fel- and community, And is survived by . ' . one ghter, Mrs..H. 9. Strad`4 n, of Van an, of �st�xrted out slght,�seeing. The fif8t � . place I -went *as Fdinburgb' Cas- Jones, of Moill-treAl, au�xit of the l5ride . lows and ire �had �a i,ery good chat. I , Miss Eleanor Jones, of Bedford, Que., -Windsor; one son, Ge6rg4*p, at '6me, ,to ­ t1c; a.huge castle overlopkirig the rest was dolka, on a flying visit so there- , , fore didn't hd'�L- a lot of time. One q91tsia.01 �be bride, and Mr. and Mrs. � ' aild, three s�isters, Mrs. Clark, Gode- . I � lof .the city and iway up on topp,of , It has a his- . i of the patients told me that "Bub" is Jarvis Horton, of Kipperi, PA -rents of rich; Mrs. Charles'Giew, J�,onxlon .. 1 a�:nd Mrs. Aaron Coat6s, Seaforth. The some rocks. certOnly -, tory, which ma4y of file buildings !it a - darn. nice' fellow and a good dod- the groom. The bride is a graduate � I . I ''Class . I funeral was -held; on Thursday at 2 1 thi� city have, and I wandered all tor. He certainly seemed glad to see, Of Queen's Uxxlvex�plty, of 1941, . . p.m. Interment was made Ili Bayfield ! over it. ,I met a Canadian signal cor- me and, went out of his way to drive And the bridegfodm of Western' Uni- cenrot6ry- * potal doing: thl., same, so we joined, ' me up to the bus, stop. , versity, class 'pf. 1939. 1 Well,. I'd better get or -I will _ . � ... . . A number of the local Red Cross ' , together and ,.,. be9dri whking the .going 1. . be stranded here s -o hoping every- . I . executive aLlid f1hancial'dommlitee at- roqnds. We walked the Royal Mile I ... I ..­.. . . I - --.--- _� I . to �Holy-roo� Palace,'once the home of thing is ,line and things,aren L geLLlng . - � WALTON texided the. Red -C so meeting in . . , 'Mar , Y Queen of Scots, and went I'all toa tough, I am, your lo , son, ving,, I . . � Rr ucefield on T esday even -Ing, to -11 I I I I � ' . Gray - Drager. . . . . .tlirdugh the building and saw the Fra nk. P.S.-Tell Pa that in Peggy's hbs- i hear Major Watson, Mrs, William FV�gusorx was called spot where the intende(l.murderei- of the Queen was killed. Palace has Pita] his name is a by-word'and, that 'It High Park United Church, Toronto, to- Seaforth on Sunday" owing to the ,,The .. . .. b�e4uiiful ground.§,, with lots of shrubs . they are alWays teasing her that, Pa Sills was doing this, he'd do Ili was. the scene of a very ,pretty and sudden Illness. of -her brother, WAIjim . and ,green -grasa and everything is ' , such and such a way." Peggy intra, quiet wedding when, Jean Driager, EVec- ohd - 'ager and &I of Mrs. Di - - - Caverilock, who und,er40-nt all opera - . � well-kept. . Next we savF-'and-thinbe d � duc6d'-me, to se-vei%�-doct6rs and told _daughter fki� C , - )iarles Drager, Walton,. -became ­ � tiou in Seaforth h6AP-Itak- up to NeNon's. Monument. and ,also' saw there thefile � of a building g . 49. __ -F-IN � ' them I was Pa:.,; gra�rxdson.. She said , Lanee -Norris-mid -some-;nuTft-s- from' 'around t;he bride of " Don I R 17'� Illy S6 I -�24 � bf'MT: Told C ,j3i?fii J�igh par�� . Dies in dod"It I 'B4 d, re d. � : A. well' known fief 84 ent, , rimean Va In memo Ivy built like�_the, Greek Partbinon and is Exeter and Hensall, started ,Trg-. . . , Ave.,'Toronto. Rev. Mr. 'Parks, offici� . Henry Little, 79, dded early Tuesda� called E4ixiburgh'i: Folly, because they teasing her. They l�xxew Pa. I ated. Given in marriage by her bro- in Alexandra Hospital." Goderich' af-.. spent eight million dollars on it and . . . ther, Privai6 R. C. DrIger, the bride ter a few weeks' illnew. Born in,Hul-. � letb township, he farmed most of his ' . CROMARTY . , never ca�xne anywhere, near finishing it. G)asi-ow offered to belp them but wore a powder blue dress with hat ,to match and 'wore a corsage of, pi4,k life. . For, some years, at the- turn of Edinburgh 'wouldn't bear of it,' Go- . 'Talisman r:oses. Miss .Georgina Rut- iledge was'bridesmaid, dress,ed in air- the century, he, drove the stage � coadh from BayfleId to Seafort)h. His wife, - service an Sunday morning ing on we visited a couple o f ,old churches�and then took a trip out,,�f .The' � conducted by Rev. - Peter Jam:leson, force blue. and corsage of yellow ros- before her marriage An-nie-Brownlee, � . , see the Firth of Forth bridge was appreciated' by all present- and . wai held in memory of the late Thes. es. Mr. S ydney Hoy was best, man. ,the reception, was held at the home of Tuckersmith, predeceased hifn in , 1932. TwQ children survive, George, several miles from the city. Yester- I . day went up to see.Edinburgh Co.opef,.a young pilot of the R.C.A.F., of the brid6'a'sister, Mrs. Keiineth . (if Dayfleld, and Mrs. 1-f..' b. Strablian ' ' ) we . . University and there we met, a his- who was fatally Injured in a plane Rutledge, Balmy Ave. After .the re- 'anZ1`.Mis. of Windsor. A great lover of the out- doorr,-the late Mr. Little I . - , tory professor wbo'Aiwdd u's.throtigh � � accident in England a year ago. He . I was a former member- of this vicin- ,6optlou Mh Gray left by motor fox, Montreal. For travelling enjoyed.eill . . cellent he'al-th until -his fa,tak illness. . . the University �and took us out to. see I I old Norman" arcbdtqctvre.,. Af- . ity. The bloom flowers, were.. beauti-' ' the .bride chose 'a printed silk jers'ey, Hi ... ...... funei -a]' took Pla,ce on Thursday, 'at .some terwards he took us'irito the Scottish ful red roses, w-IfIte carnations' -and, with 'black accessories and a silver .2 p'in. from his. son'A home to Bay- cemetery . . I Supreme. Court�. and...slio-,ked. us the blue ,hydrangea's and were. presented fox ", pe. They, will live In Toronto. field, . ­ I � . . I . iaTge bial � wh6ie bh�" lawyers and by his indther, Mrs. Cooper,. and h . . . Word 'its; re6eive*d on Saturday by I w a . - I ­ JL�cliexits Walk �4...,.and,ao*d, di§cussing brother of Toronto, who were pres- Mrs. Charl�p Drager that her hx�other, � . . - I . their cases, before golk�g in befbrj the ent At the service. , An appropriate . 1, ... . �i A Ritchie . du I . N�i . I ADamobell, , of Lac 1 -ti- & Q 7.11MI-M 7121.10 ""if'. I 1, I. -I I 0i �,.r ,� ,, P'.."ai " , VIM.AID-1411 " _,; 1�?.` - , " �� � " . I ,�.,�,, , ., I � ,� .. . .. . � . , I - . , " 1. ­rlf . 11 .1 , ,�, ,, " � ." � C ... I �, , : IN I : - 1� 9� �` . " � I . , �_. 1, �. '.. _- ­ — . . . . K . - — 11171 1� 11 I �� , �ppp �. . , P.�', 71�;,-_. "'I" I"_ ��� .1111, 11 714, �'�� , � 't ,,­ 11 �,.,", �!� .. "". 11�­ L . ,. I., . 11 I ­ � '­ � I'� , ''.. � " 1. �­ ;.��.,, I I 1, W . I I , .-11 w1t.", N � "I , .,� I I _1 i I �; , V . 11 ',!�� � , . 1, a I W� I 1. , N , , , I .1 . , - , , 4 , , . ". - New�iilp � 01�1,0. * 11 1, W i'1'0 - " , "it 100 , . " ,� I , .11��". !M,K'�­,, I %!, � �, .� , �, . ,� - , ,� � I .. k 11�q . 11 11 �- ,, , , .. 1� � , .1, I , " �. � ,"i,, , , � - - Y " -- I ­ I , " ,-1 177'� 11.1 . �, , I I .., '.. -1 el I . 11 � , � I , �N' - , -. - ,� �,.q,�,:r, " ,� .. I I - . ", '' - 4"j" "� I - - �` .. 1. I . ,� .. . ... 9---,-,d.,.--,- - . . �� : �, � � 11 *j?.,�,�,� ,�j�",��;� ,.�e . � I � �n 1. � ­ � I � - 11 -,,,,� ',',,,i�i,& �,�,,�.d'�,`. I � '.."m ­­ 11 I , ,a -- - 1 1-11 � I,, , Gir-Or , �,4�A . � �% � .� "! 0, 0, ,aPsOrXW".,0y.1r,1';.T ,� 0 � . ,I . 1. W1 - , � � , il , �- ,x ,fqets6 , �� q. .. I '. ,,, I %,. . - , I � �� . 1.4.. Por yakd��.,­.,' , 1 I , I , . I � I , ;� I I � , , � ., ',%­­� i. -U,- . ... .. 11, ,�'_�,, 'I, �, . . �, '. p� -,;.. �. I I . . , 1. ­­ ...� � , :-,?,�'!,',.," ��-.;�; I , , , . I . t.t� . , . � � , `�: -i -�f,: !ym,l -1.111, . . ,. .. . , , - 11 .--;,,,-, A3. .,­�X-. � . .), �, I � v .. . � � - -V 4. �,�� 11 - : . .:VM4�. - 1.11 I . ... . .1 / I ", , t, '. . . ­" 1�� , '.� . I'll I , 11 ,w ,. 4'��'. I � .... Fluffy Ppt , . � 1; . V.rxW0,0q#PA.;"�, " ,,,, I �" A" I Cv. , 5 � ._:� .., � d . asagrtm � '. I A � * �� . . I C"t 0 Ift ,�,­ ,:: ", �.,, 11 �. , . ! I . 1,11, 14'. � ' 1, , � . colors, Per.,Y#rd 2' e t _ rrr � 4, ­ I . . , �,p .,.,^" 1 , . ;r. . I . ,f ... , .. � , . - 1 .. . . . .. � �.�, , . I , I p . . . 11 . �. " . ;,�,_,�; . . ., � I � :*1 ��, , ­ - ,.� ; " �:. 1.,,,� , . . I � .,�..:: t� � �,'. �,' , I , , ... 11 1, -1. I . , " , , , , I I . .1. . I 11 . Z '. � , �.: . 1, FINE NET, PAIRED cuiwrmisis ; , " I - t*�i. , � , " ." A I � *��, I :- 2% , y6rd lengths. Per pair .., .... I I . . 3 I . 1 9. ",9P , : . , � . � . . . .- : , . .� .� 1. � � . . 0 1 . . � 11. 1 -i , " ,.!,..,�'. : , . ; -:11 " '1� � I , , 11 .. . . . . 1. � � ,,,�, � �:: � ,,,, � 1, I I I . .. I I I . � , . . I�JILKANJ) RAYO,N PAIRED CURTAIN . S I -Vol 11 ..... '.�,,, I . 1.1� , ­, ,. e' '26 'S �11 . I - I ngths. Per, pair' . .,. . . . . . , *r'!, to! I M5, ; ".' I 2 V4 yard . . , I I � .., " I �, . I I * I . . ­ . � .��. . : : . I . 11 I . . . . . ' . 11 . I , . I . �,� � . . . . . . . . . . . " . 1. I '. . :,-..,- �, ­ .-,:: FRILLED CURTAINS , !, �­,.. I,, Regul . ar frilled or Martha Washington ., � .:. , style, in Rose, Mauve, Green,' White, -, I ' - ., .... . Mau .5 ''. :qnd Yellow. ,Per pair... I .. , $1, ;or t.6 $3.2 , . ; . glue . . I ,,,,,, 1. � � . . I I . . � ... ­� '. . 0. .. I . I 6 - _. .., I.. ­.. ­ . . I � . . . I .. I . . I . *AFtp�GE- DRAPER114P - . I., . . .� - !4. �'-. .". . ' . I ChIntz,'Cretonnes, . Shadow, Cloths and Novelty Draperies in a ifaist showing of new designs 50C_ :. 0 $t.50," . ' and shades ......................... t- . I Yard � , � 1 I . '. . . . I . . . . . . I �7 - �. . . � �. . . . I., ,� .1 I ­ . , ' I NEWtPART LINEN .. I I � 1. I . �..; . . 11 . . .-1,7 . . ; � I I . ­ " . �, 1. . 11 ,I). I .1 ; I f. I . 1� 2 ROLLER TOWELLING '' '' '.. , :96­�­ " " ' J.6, I '. . . , . ", , . 18 inches wide;,iolore4' . ,yders, Special. - -Jiql I , . , . *1 , � yaija - . I V. . . . . I � PART LINEN. . I . �., .. I . I . I : . I . I GIASS TOWELUNG . " I. 130c, . 22-fil wide; red and blue checks. Very Special � Yard � , , I 1- I . . . .. I i".. I I . . . . ._ .- I . .. . . � . , , '. .1 ', . I I . I , I;, . SPECIAL . . . . 11 � I I I I . I , . I . UNBLEACHED SHEETING .. I - I . �. _-- r 1 �. �-, . - An excellek qual'ity' in blea66ed sheet- , !ng i ' n a very fine even weave. Would bleach,, readily. 73 inches wide. SPECIAL.....65C 0 . 11 I I . .1 . . . . � I . I .. ... 11 . . , . . .. I I . � . I � CLEARANCE - , ; I ­ . ... . . I !�. . ... ; . ' . � � I FINE TREWMING IACES '- I " , . . ..... . I f��.� '' . * . Here's a clearance group of 'narrow t7 I ming faces'that we're going to ci6a. Q � r u4j.�,` � ,!'!,-, � and the price will do it quickli. PER YARID4 _,.,Lt ......... 5, C . ��I_;­ . - � _ I..". — I . . .i. W . I KRNKLE�TCREPE . . RAYON -,SAM A'N,D'- BROA�1101LOTH .... "'.. . I : �-, I. I., . - . 1: , .. ­ . �..­ , . . I - I kr�, i'a . - �.. . , � . . InT a I . . �. 4-;'N 1 '7. - , . � I , PS' , Pap, mas 014-- , . ��: - ., Semi-Weas out Slips, daintily -Rebular .or butcher boy ,styles in ' pl,aid Krinkle trimmed., 'All ��ize . I Crepes, o4-,1f1�o_09fI.`br,ohdcloth,'. p . . I .-:i,.,1 . with canii-�*Pt - rinis.AAlVezet., I . . . , dic . -G,Bc 79c 41,19 . . _-, .1; - '. . - . � .. , I _5 OU I . . . . - - ___� - . 1. I I I _. I . I . . I �ia I .. _r- . . .. . I 1. A I I . . .. I L . , . I . I . � . . . in A& - . � r_ I , - i ros. , . tew" , . .11 1. . � b.. I . I I I � � � :. . �� �11 . I I I .selec,tion was rendeieu y a - "Outlet, hau par a away on 6atul'uay j =,%; k im W AL%JA-== . I . I � I . L . I.. ssor Was L certainly .. . - I . . .. judge. The Pro'f6. Saviour, m I . � 111111111111111111111111111 . L% I I . . . a nice follow, . gkve. IjA his' ad(Tkess in qla rtotte entitled, 'AJesus morning, April 18. He was the second , . .11 - IIIIIIII -_ -_ . I 1. � . . I _. _- Pilot Me," and, a solo by Ernest Tem- son Of Mr. Duncan. Campbell. and, Jell- - (By Margaret Butcher)' . . I __ - I . :. - cai�- *e: Wanted 'to - s�e-hiie,LA,bod"-117_ .. I . � . - . I . . L .... 11 � . . I 7115-e'lliam was- duly-7-a-piwoclated. - - � file Ritf,hi _.and_._Am born. at Ainley- I . . I 1 4 .7 . I . . . . thing- and then. he'..gAve'lls. a couple The many-1ciends of Ross McKay, ville now brussels, seventy-twb years Reading, Ehglaxid�­l _h4xe�,.bgen in the least idea-tif how to set about the parable to. the most distant of b.1itzes. wAs of my'friead's dau1glrtEV,.1& 60DW- . ; ; of tickets. to7Jh-'Z- Scottish Zoo. We f his former pupils Of ago.' He leaves to mourn his loss, his disgrace, I regiet to tell yon. -ii�- - ,ansit, for finding iadgf�pog is almost Youti correspondent__hqw!�ver, now ly younorpersoll of twenty-two! Be I I . I Went out ther; in the afternoon and' Including. all o ' Is, h . I � i . � T CromarLy school, are highly pleased -Alfe and a family. of ,three� Three Ali very sad;' but with Irritating stub- an impossibility now. , I *think that -I almost has EL, voic'e, and is on the am - hoxltrly�- ex4meting --Q,n..-im�Dassioned.. - . . . ­ . I � I saw a lot more animals. The z.bo is to learn . -.o - f his. election as M-esident sisters also survivd:' Mrs. George bornriess I still. survive and am none bad a-d'ini conviction that the Author- verge of g�ttlng a.clean Vill-of be'alth. letter from an intrigued y . I , - .. 1. . !;tK,man. ,_ � . I quite large -and has large areas for � I . . .1 '01 . ,� . , -ound. of the public school departm6rit. of.the Peillick, Seaforth; Mrs. Wellington -time I Stop itles-backed, possibly, by.a very an- And the darling -doctor, by way of shall have to disillusioll,t ' p or fel- . bissons And I1qmas-,'to` roam at , l I . I the Wo�se. From time to I ) ' Ontario Educational Association, at Blat�Mord, .London,. and Mrs. 0. ' e, with his fow. naturally. "I shall reply with - . ,!, , I . . .They also have 2; grea * t collection of the annual . coaventioli�, recently' helq- jjr4gJ� Walton, and twI brothers, what I am doing and give myself up noyed doctoy-would lYbt see we sit compensation. has taken in so lighastly candour, telling him the d I . I *1 penquiris 'and we..bad a lot, of fun in Toronto. I . John axid Duncan Campbell. to a dazO wonder 'At the oddness oT for days and nights on my luggage in family, to see a film: todiY; I . . . watching them Waddle around. I've es and the folk in this world. -: Ono Wight, the road; and. that was as far 4s my haven't done so badly. Thank heav- worst and hoping that'lle-won't mind . I only beQn here! .2% days, but we've Quite a number of relathr I ., Four, Generations . I ' i ' h loves - fi',Iends attendiRt the -funeral � * manAged to get'.01;d to a couPle"Of . Or" MOn- Mrs. John Glanville, of Walton, re- suppose that every m.4n, woman and .reasoning ,powers could get. Tlx�n I en for my good fj-iends! They have too much. 131 t perhaps t ore g . I . . . .. dity of the late Mrs. Reginald Piebble, cently brought into thIs7 office a piie- child on this wand of otfro would, by met a -friend., taking a walk with. her banded together, pooled -their wits will find some nice, seasoned Old dear I � . . .shows fuld aft6t,.<me, last - night we for erly Jean, Chalmers, of HamiltoP, ture of.four generations. The mem- now, possess a sense of reality and dog. I whispered huskil' to her.' and and seen to �t that I have been com- who won't mind at all:, gomething . went to crdance: '�'ltwas Supposed to . ra y I '. I I . . ... .. I * ' - who was:born and raised in this vi- hers of this family group are as fol- 4rgekac1­ a contempt for trifles, . a there and then, I assure you� the fortable and well cared for. A cou- busky, perhaps, with' a belard. Ma*- . . a�� be a private daae.o by invitation, but cinity, and whose death from. the flu lows- F' . the beard is all.' rong, yet I can!t .'., � � . 4 us in.,,, it 'was a,vef7 iiiee . red GI&II'ville, of Marift6ul-la; fe6ling that larger issues are All that iii-oblem, (for a time, at least) was pie of crater ,have found refuge in be 1v I . � . � ­ they let occurred., oil, FfIday last very sudden- Harry Gi-inville, of Exeter; J<Yhn.Gl!a,n- matter. Butt,one,yould supi)dse quite solved. By a merciful chance she had somebody's. I�edroom, . around the cor- get it out of my mind ' There MUSt .. . . I I . crowd and we 44d a Pretty good time. ly, which was a shock to the� tom- ville, of Walton� and Lloyd- Glanville, it seems; there are - ' "I could bp� swept Ote m3r .. t � I'm waiting liow fdr,4 train to Ab- wrongly, _. itift ',all u60-c-cupied room., so here I am. ner; ;tnd it you let somebody dump a be a bea.rd, . ' . ieMean that is 1691�fig at -two o'clock. munity. 'Burial took place in. London. son of 'Mr. And Mrs. John Glanville, -e feet, possibly" -1, to]d my frieud,---?'b(y .. . .. � ibbige, whose. lives must run according The actlial removal was .a ,matter couple'of Crater on you-wel], you am . . . - M�s. Archie Russel and'son, George ,whose mother was - Winniffred McCal- 1, ... . . I I a beard." She did 'Act think much of It's about one ndw4tiA I haven't eat � to the good old pattern, with no in- of considerable interest and humor. a, friend. Any Woman Will- tell Yoi . I . . � .. I len, s,o I gu6s&' k,C-better, close. At Russel, of Carlingford, vis-ited MOn' lum of W911ton. The Glarivilles'ha�e erruptions, And 1. it proved, was Around C' . at. . . the ldea,'I ain. afraid. Ah well! Prdb- .. . �.jIwith Miss M. B. Currie and Mrs. IINed in this distrietfor seven ytears. t . ame t -ba Gardening Partner -th .. the present -rat;4; f "be quite a triv- . d, ' who .1 I -nt. . interruption. , 1, have bedn, Ili a with a big hired car, 'and my things These people with troubles 6f tbeii ably thero won't be any .letter at all. � . -1 ' ' . t.uffoi a ill, at pres4� . I . bill I I -_ h - ands --..- 11 . . oiler when I g4-,'�.IlIM6 I got a kick . . in, 4 round ,out, Never mind-, sorn6body7s win " . � Vipit6rs . 'Frank'ltaxniliOn And Leon- . 11 .. manner .of spdAking, li(luldate& - were stacked and on- own, with sons and brothers , :� .' . I I . 1. . -out of going to all the places of 'in- ard Houghton., And little ,son with Mr. , _ I � . � No. it is not wise to have tinte to be smug and ,warm, and that is a3l, , �_�� terest because,the mo?e 11m.-.ou. the GRAND - DFW) . @Xu toe trunks, bags, brooms and crateE, yjitb East' or at sea, have fpun I . I . . 11. . 7 �. - . . I r -4t Bet .. � ' - of sbow kindness, bless tdkqm. that. mlitters. ., � ­ . .. -4.1 er I Illi , e .. - - f"'ll"y - - an armchair on the top,and a sack . I �11 I 4 , b3ove the bett , it; at least and' M's-"1t1arrklxx­1l"d� . lar�uglfls, grand though it may sound help -and more�, Mrs. FrUnk Pbalen, and- � � W - . vi . � *bile Ilift over llere. It costs a cer- $ s;on Grand Bend Red Cross Society. )leld Under itA,baleflul influence.oAe coughs coal leaning -against the bonnet. An one ,of them is busy knittirig glOvos � ­�; . I.. .. . with.*r. -and Mrs. Leonard Hough- ."Do you enjoy ,novel reaftxg�-. U1 , . I tain.. amount ,pt inoue��,. but' I'm 'not tbeIr April Meeting, which was uider s �ss- I I in' the night; worse . still -hideous oil -stove iee'red h9TrIdly -through the for her brother's Men, and she tell '.., I ave ,it ton; Wilfred, Scott and, Ross Hough-- . I 1. . . Worrying be��uboo I gsrfxqrpAY 41 the chairmanship of Mr. Holt, th6 thought! --one sixorres. The Is& that indow, and the Whole thing' bad me that, while she 'knits, she also Pi-im"', I I . . .�?4 . . 0 1 0 1 . � . I . toh, damli Bo�den_ at their respecw - 1. W a "It keeps me'� she "011. Yes, very niiiell. ;One 'ClOn ad- . . . , . _. . .- I , __ .c . I SOINInte with people in"ictf t4i iyne�, * . I ' �1 - , , o � ., ­ . tiVp homes; Mro and, Mrs_ Jim Scott president:! Dr. H. H. Taylor, of Dash ,one feels .rath�r awfal, admittedly, is' that smA k of Impropriety which a reads , book. - . ' . - . .11 . , Was an remax - al Always seems to have, , 1. ,om, thinki ,h.11 All wouldn't dalle,10 ,speak toiareallife.1' �;; . . . 1� * , . - " . � �, and, little son," of Brodhagen�, with wood, guest ... speaker, add�a heither here nor there., In a w6rd,"I for says r,z rig too 1piic � . . , P'-_ -_k___ I- . ....- � _,�­­ -__ - - I . ' ent, 'presentilig 'a h' ' I - my . - Thus Vre � bowled call- the time, underneath, runs1hat dark, I .. . . V ,* , t '4a. , :. I Mr and,' Mrs. Thomas Scott and .Mr. feature of the ev . Ave ibeen' birned out by land ,sonle, reason. ' 0 ; �i . . - - . . .. , Ir I , and Mrs'. Gordon Sxxott� -fidreW . moot able And informative address., A lad:�. ' It was a new experience f6l" tiousiy up the ley, road, 'where the. bitter stream of worry, �por thi'n.g. Last Sunday we went' out. i I a. we � - . � 'I, I- J I . I -1 . I . ­.. . ..d llan, of Seaforth, with frierids committee of eight men was appoint- ino especially as the intlpiation came G,P. and ,the driver set about my ef- but it is'nover allowed to. surge up c, r. . � � - .., Lost ' li,aq` thir I � 'CARR 7, here; .thi��`man,y -relativqs,. of the late ed to 16ok after tbq oalvage earnpaign t6:Vio .In the middle of the.-nighL'SO, fects and made short work & " it. - I and "swamp others. I- . . . Moxxda�,' We .. 11 . . "I. flog . - , Mrs. A - . . k Marion MALaren, torm�411k of this vI- . . - (Unnen . I" " I :1 I "' , which Is irx_progreps., Porty-nine dol- th& next �6ay, with anoW all over the ha:"."already bowed' Good Afternoon A Shocking'Trick , , ' ` I . . 11 � , , , l . I . That'c4 the� answ 0: Whi 9b .. �j, CONSERVATION -S . 'in - oil i "' L'jDees' � - ,�Clnity, at 11 d.,hery forterab All-. I ,11 �,, . t - cents *�as realized, f,r6m Iflitee'and the wOrI& ,frozen, solid, .1 t rged, I - a L ' 1�ts afid At y' '. I 'my ex -landlady, who bad eme A week or two ago I contributed -Rio* I 'i I ,. ,:� . PUM. -ReW 4 , , I he I , . ., ­ � , f I %, P6fer Jamieson with his Cptckh 'Cross thi I �? I I � I E vf!; ... 1, . the I -tultey Gill, Of iirao,e' ,ttiftered into tho.,averme ttrld at t last moment, from the fast" the., cost of an extra'pai� ot gloves: . . - I I I 0 son Re' '� rawford' Jamieson And , qufit dri*,*,'Migs A . . � 0 . � V . - . I .1 ,,.� I I ­ .( TUNE-UP 1 Mr;. travw*d Jowgegion, Dreadvil. Grand Bend, being the winner of the trIM.'to give my mind tb the question nesses of the klt(�hen. .Incidentally,, and now I learn -to my horror -that Brown: "Is there ani'truth in the . �� I . of new lild a shocking trick has been played on the rumor thA,t Angus. M'Tavish bAk., '. I . . 61 - _.� The Young. Pe,jple'6:'- meeting wa,s qufft. "The' silver colleetion amounted gings. I wasfilt * worried In I wonder if the lack of fuss was just .. .'.,:� 11--l' -L---.,.-,.----, - You never .:, � I .1 "I *ej.l attended on ,Sunday evening.. to $6.16. )Dlitertallinient. was provid- the 1,e,ast;.that is one giand thing to a tl1ny bit disappodixting? y friend lies bought that tIllibg station at the cor� �. � ... . me, or on somebody. .,U 11 , .. _ . � , I . ", -?", I . . . 'I',, . 4 . . . �:,;, ... , � I I ". . _.. Mrs. Cliff Alfiler. presided and Miss ed by, Mrs. M. Mason, M.rs. M. Dis- be said for 9, temperitture-.1t raises know, do You? , . . confessed that the gloves were finish- net . � . . . '. i - � , 11 � . "Well, I don't . know W X ; '. , t, I.: I 14- 11" a Velmk- Wallice r6ad, the Scribture jardlile, Mrs. R. Holt and Messrs. E. bile above the level of 'sordid carer.. I - ed* and dispatched, together with Ft Green: I .:j � U ""J rv� ., . - *** 0 i A , - i passage. Miss Margaret Smith gave Disjardifte, *B. Ravelle, Idzra Webb . Dog is Delighted � . qure, but the 'free air, sign was tak- I I �� and There was no -argument . at all. snap-sbot and A note which read: . .1 � J , .1 ,A ' . - ` . , ,� � I Biggaip - ,� - .41--- a fine -paper on. "Christ's LdVe,For the James De rl�s Mr. Ross DisjAr- voiceless lodger does not argue; and Well that's the *story; and though ,, eu down. yesterda,y.11 . �. ,. 4�'.�,, � �` ' * " W These, are from fue-Margaret But- a .14 . I , I , , . . e . . ,: � ? I . 6 � . ' la I 0, qt*rtette fav- ixted t a repbrt'of waild ao I 'give you my ,Ford thilt.there would sinall It"' is warm and clier and Won't I'm . I 1,1� ,�rd��'�',P,L� . World," ar(d ,b e M. I this room is -_ . . '' MOUTH, , -ored-With two selections.. - ,fine pre" , leatiantly furnished. The sacks and I this is my address. I Hgrllis: y daughter is -'havl,ng , . . �.�','J *1941 '66WH — -Z�,,. I... I I . . . .1 . you write, to me?" All �txl Is quift her voice- tritilled abroad4"' ' , �, ,� '. 4.,; �'. . A . � I . I ­ complished and forwIt-rded: Kniffitig not- havo'been any, had I vogs"sed P - . .. -,X.., I � . � I .. 1. - � I - .. - .1 -3, - , � . 11 . ;_M�_ - -24 Pairs service s&ki, 5 pairs sea the voice pf Stentor. I did however what not have been Almost miraell lrf� order, up to a point; 9bt the snap I Neighbor ,,,How 'thoitg,litful-oll Uvl!' �_. � � ­ � -_ .�� I I . I , ' boots, 3 alternative caps, I aero caf). get In ope' whisper: the 8 .1 . .." I I 11.11. I il'.., 1! I I . .�, i, , '. ' I L 'small bui lously itored;'my radio is fixed; the i. . � 'C' 0 -dog-is de-� - � , � � - - - I I;. . � ' $Z . TjM)�N I re Reaso'la. . .. , .1 . .. ,'i�, . �936. ` F�6'0, #0ftD014 SEPAN I ' - dog -an enormous sheep , -1 . I , I turtle�uoack sweater;. 6 .scark,es, 2, r,enetrathig voice of' Vu � I �. ..:­­ -1 .0''i ,,,, -, . " ,�?' � I I I "", I .1 I . . - . I . . � - 0 I& .. , I I . I . .1 I "I"'. 4 - vAu ". - . .�, WJIIIams '.­'kelh . .1 I .1 .. . . , '� Ift, , . F, I pairs wh6j[�%initts, 9 girls, g,k,oatqn� "'But yon snore, you know," Isild-roft- 11ghted. Until I find something Perin . :, , .1. I . . 1980, 0 O'� DUVO , , , �. . �.�. . k - ." ,� '. I ' t I shall be ba:f)py enough here. I .. I � , 1V I � ,M ,,, N.. 11, . .. _ �', �"4 1 0, ov I , I !%''?, .: I � , ��- t,,%;� . 1,1".- - ' 0 . . I I ,N#W Tire& �. .1 A weddft of .Much Int6reft to this SIX 16, 1 girt's ves,ter site 8� � in- ly.. and -.most truthfully..., The- reply allell . A , " IV . ,�, - ; '5" .� I ,., I t`A1 ' � a eems strange that, after dighteen i _Z ., JL. ... NI ... .,� �, .. ; . . an�­ , - - �� 11'11�1_ I I ..1., r . , 'dls-triet.�%d U��Iace at RlDkdtd Oft SAt- Pets; §0*1119­__�I: tialir me4!p py� *as a trifte bafflli�g, atid 1, It VcWt-Yet It s 4% �, 4, ._'? �, '�,,'�,, I .. 14 diik�m�i I . .. .... M - Dead, and. Disabled,.' ' nim-als !­ . 1."VI" ... , , - LET' 1. ',k'-JA6r rig, April, 18, It b6iA,9 tlk06 I=_99-, I lady's Vy%Xas,' 4 ;night-. got -th& logic of It, though I "peelf Illonths, one can dig oneself,out so . I ­­- L . j %,,�'.��... ,�.- 11 1�1 -4 I �. �, I I . I I � #�4 � I ­��,` , . I . , , .1 �, . . . �;­_; KA 4- "' . �, �+'041­ ) pl�­.10:,�j:' '. , � :,.., )", , ,� L,) , . ": I.. 1��;1'1�;L �%t , " - ... -'A". ,,%.I � _,�, ; .. .- . "I ntl �dfi It 'blou . es, I gi 9 dri flet,_ lhduse!,,, Was the stsIft comeback. . f ., " � A,"PI'M .; i ., W'. * ; ,,, , 1, q� It, I " . ­ .4h 1". , . ' ' ' fo that thouglit one gets: that sensa- . - RM" I ' M 1", , ,, -�t-'. . . Its" .. . �,A aage of JoSeph Wifflarri% �ormer_ gOV 0, f � " . . .1's 'f -1� . , ,- , ,,� , �.,; 1. . ijkri 4 1)aIrs bloomerd, It MOkhs, something. "But easily. But the sfringest thing of all ;Irl . . , !,t;. ., ., . , M 2 1 girls' this IsL, my - �. ­�'!f 11 , , . J&D, PRON, 'TY!'- '�,I��;­ im . ... I., ; , ,­ - 'If'dftSt,,-06JbrAban iiii1sh a �os. aiid pautfe . . ­� I , "'. : , ,,� " jL, : .1 A&.' ��, - "� � I . I ,,, , , ' .,�, . �.,_ 1. - I 111,11.-'11". 1, . I .4Zi -L ,, " I , IMAM* 'of I I ... I 1-1,1-1 .1 . I# . . 10.1 I d6in 6f bevvllde�ment. What would ,­ I I . - ,��. �. � less., ,� A, i*. , , . . �' � 0) a Vrr,1,P&frId,k;-W ellve - ! -� I . "Al I M, V I . . 61 tip. -1 . ,a va�rfj'boj4 �autg, 8 dUlks. k6ocial �reo,_), Mm s0re It )As4ho 961316thifig, PHONE COLLECT. � SEAFORT14 I&- �, .'� 11 , , , . I � I �, Y- " .y tililaa Kelly, I . netreft,, , � . rjarV, L"d. hs�lpr to thote 4duiltive lolk In a , . .. #_Xr1T%1% 1 11;1;1��41.1. 11, . I I .- , X � - ne — ;, _��"'_, -,-,,,0-r 1. '_ ). f - " and ititheo '. 1, -.r .­ , . - __ � .. was, opq ' Oerb7 I . - , ' ' ips, -'t.ghkIT! t 1, q.�, ­ , ­_:_ , ,y, . . . . . . . . , ­"' .1 � " _', I I. i - I . If ou6-,, day, _ - etdizO ;�. 51 � � - . ""' 'A, . ,�':�,'��'� �?�"�.,� V � '1,V1ZW , zii­ ,n-. _ - - A Mic. arA`Mrs, ThitibW 'U" . I . t6al�' tz?', 11,rotojjo� about the dine, -- vs, A9 ", . , I . . "A. �, . �'.',i';,y l- ­ ,. ­ , , r1A r VIL the hLotrtesseq 'ROSS.. V .� I 11" . ,� - I I 1'� , -y' ' . , I were - Mrs, k, ., hat . 11 . ? I �. 1, . .1 �, , I i ­,!." I , 97, lakorm- Rev.,in � I . . � I � es " "10, CO. or. r n . 1. t1yo,- 01- X�A L 11 f'dlg. slur4, Would hAve no, evoct., DARLD I * ,V "I". .-,,� . , .1 1.� �_,tA , " ;Iw� - � a1j,d, Dlojaildine, UIPA' M.-DISAWdifteAl I , I I . 111. : ;, dnb e . . I . I . %V, �.il,"1_0,� .,_� - � , .; ,_ . ,�, .,. " 11 -. _ , � _aeremonyr I _` . . � ,,-,. , t'- , I C , � " ", , ,,% , 19. ­ wie - * 1, ­ '; : � I'll, , ., v:! ,� '... ,.k, wepter,0111olatd& atthe �. � ,,, ". P , . �,. '1Z.6'. , il ast � . f�i�- - 1 -.rg.. . gw.i),!)'. " ,�'� " , ,,',q �' ,q, 94714 Ilia I .�_ . , , . ",1...;,%! ��,�g , , ` 1.�i , ", , . LOW -111-i -vrvir 2w... . ,�:_ ,1%11�. — Zelalo, :� , I , 114ti0l", &as& The Wide 14411 Pffin"p,mra.,M, Ma " : -At i Iafid,�_�dftgh-0-1 �61#htj .1 hardly think ­ .. - . , _4 :, ,W,.p . � . , ;­­ 1, I I �1, w;, .1. , 4 , ,^ ,IT, I I - I I �.. _, I v ,of ray,4161tog VoUld be dOTA, .,I; na-,,__ i� .�� _._�i �. I I � I I ". " ��,,, - �';",I'�;,�,,i,�.,,..,'."O,,'PL",�,,, I . tho ­wor* " . '.. 1,11 � . , . -7- ­ q '. itt ' 4:61; bgyIng �, . . . � ,.,,.,- � � 0 R. ,_11.-4'.1�,""t"� I :;' . ­!,­ flIA"WhI., k#4'4� 4 Wj'� 4, aftb. io*rwdmm� . I ; , L W A iii �! �', �:. I. .. ­Wgpr,�,,,,� P ... "". . - , , ,, , 11�,.:f, ,,�:O . . . ­.­%..,_.­­_-_­­_­ � __ __ _ . ., _, , __..,.� - � �,_;-,,'� L �_ � _-_;_1K,_1.1_,"1"__. : i.�'L. `­:�­''­ ­- '._­­1­'�­.1­ � I- � ­ . I � � . I. It ­­­ V111111 'A ,I;. '.. _- � '�":'Z:.!P,�i, AT .,�-,.?J�;;��, ':­.�Ilv', � 11-1,�, ��,­M.' ',�, . " �L � I �_11*�­,;­ �_,�� � , � �� . . 1. -,.,,-�- , .1 . . ..":..., V-*,�.11�.�%",-.,�,-�-'�,,�4�--� Z, ,­'.:4�;!.�, ­�7­, ,., - ".1 .1 ,,, 1. 41'r, 4,"4,g% i 1, I -c�% *0 ­ , . , I.. _1­1­4�.�r­_.­,­_ . _�­ I I , ` � � 1.� I �:p . . . 1, . . .� " , !­­.,A�.:., .W,�, , ,� . , �, 1 4 "� � It " I , , ", - �4 .- . . , ­ 11 , � , "i ; I � �, 4, _� '' ` ", . . . I �. . . . '' . .1 ,. I."� . . �1 , - , _. ;, , . � I . � I " , , , , � . I I ­..� 1, ", . "I _ , _, L.. qgk - , -ph, --Q 7,ijr - - I" L ' :� �� -6 . . .� .1 1, ". I � , �, 1. v � , , . . �� I - . � I . ,, . . . .. - - .. . E %. I -,) I , ";4��,4,' , , , ., � I 11.1 "�, � 11 , 1". - - I , ;, � "' r " . _ .. .... __, ; '. - , _,(', , 1%1� .. 'L � M � � -f.li,,i�^& - nkft`11; -4 411--.e . . , - � �, , ­ 111`1 I ." . - I ,-111. I,. S� .1 P" �, M ,gk -,��q­,,1,,�, � : � '' . 'j;�,." �,,,.�,,.�,�,!�,��;,' � .� I 11 , , 111'1� �L I �i ,.� " !,:! �` , '. ,, - � "q - "\ � ,L ­ " I , , ­4'_Q11W ", g%;,t,'4.4741� '. - � -­,­,.�,­­ ". �" I "' ; 1, i, . ; , . L,.� , , . �, "I. ��O'u� t N%Qi . . .1,11 �! �r, � I _�.,. . ,� P , , _ �,,­' ],.�:, I ,, .1 ��� 1,; � r . ,..5"",�.'r�'i'�,,'�4�',;.�,�,:, ,; ",. �, , , ,". , 1'R6A,V , , '. ,jUi;",,,,.�,�,,�,,�;.,-�V"l�,r�'�-_I,"�,�",.4,�Oi� ,., � �4',V7 ... � 1. I I I ­ --- ­­ . ,� � , , I �,,,Ng%_% -1 , il "' , , 4�1 " g. � -$�'�,'k'�" , , "I ��`�'. , i��, """i, !�.� I., �.*. , I ­­­­1",�,-L' �.,�'f�l�i_ 1j, , IQ _t, � , �w' N ,�j'gg ,�mg� �,-,�,r,�0,�� "I', , I A1�1114 � 1i?'1!X-"1A r . ,"A , ". " , " ,0!11;��igiik" 11 ,� WZ,21 9% 16;,,,�UeW I t �, .11 � �' I ...... � � 0 I'll 1� .')" il, 1, � i �',� 1. �_­ � - I 1;9��11,�Iixy,-.4i'12 -� 1'� ..e,:�%,. '�11'v,"�ffl-�,�';�14;1% '!�," !1�'a' 'r,"g,q'i -,,n,,,g"g'-"x - �0 vg"�s gl; 'eX' "' "' 11, ., ,�", : , ­_ , , ;'% � '%�­�J I __ - . - , - - - _______ ,g ,� I � , ,�"11111U� L� .. �,.,, , %&.�o � , jig! 'l ,� , ;�t � . ,� .., ,� . � k '- �'� 1'4'��y �, , _ .. '. , " *� g�q �.. '__ , '_, ".V�l ��