HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-04-24, Page 1_____ __ _1�7�r ; �_' . . . . . . � I --..,. ­ ... �� __1 13M., ., , , I 1 111�NT;!peg -Wzg 7,;y7, �,, _�,�i.V 1M.I.I.., I, ) r". -1 i.. 7A � I k '.,V�,:; I IF � . 11 11:, �7, 7 ,1'1111� � . � 14N i ;;"U41 ki., 1A, , I �­ ,. , I . I � .. ""' `2x,� � �, �' 01", �c'� � .�o � .���11.1`1i` , . " 1! 11 11 ,!�.,),� r, '11 2. J1 ;�N, , : � ,, 11; iv,NT� �11'�'�,'11,11, �, I I I " .,,4 - , , - ,,, .11; �;, � ��, , �71","Trwp 71�T_WITM t_ ­,;� 13-1.' il; ", 4�',:&'_ ,,,, - .11"N 1_01. ." _.",,�,;�_'. 1�1 "' � � ", ­ '! ,:,il'�, ....-I NI "t 6 � " 'I? -,.",��,,�,'�,"�.;,,'�,"�"�:"� '' "f", "" , ­�� " 11 ,1_11 " , , ".­ � ;� . �,�,�%t",.�,."",�,�,,,,,-,.,.w--, �*!�,�;�414�,',,�,.',�,�� . . 11� lr":��, 'T ��,'%��­Ii:��,_r� ­,;.4,�';:;�;, I . I � 44 ��,,� V � e, "I". 51-9N, 11 . . . . . I 11 '' . - " i I : I I ''"i". ',.b, - .�,�,­ ,�, .. , , , , . _%,.,'� . i4, �','*TTqfli ,��,'J I 1­­1-1­:4;,V,�*, '(117T'.1" " ',� � * �V$121R , ` S. 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I WhOi�, 'N�,10bE1r'39S0 * I . . -_ ­­'....".......- ­­­­ .". _ - , . \, I I I . - - ,,'-,:1--. " : �g�:: .11 ­­ "I'll 1_11-1_.__._... _11111.- -11 I ­ � I . . -1 ­ ; . - . . I . 14� ........ .. "ya' 111- 14�4­. - -,.. �, "i..;- -.1".... � �. � . . . I I � . _ .. .. 111:: � I . . . � . . .. .� ..., 1, ". �, �,r,l � I — � 1111:�. . N�,t�-,%&I�vl� 11 - . . . I - � t . . .. - I I 1. I F � - - , -;_.4!-, — . , . . ,.. � " J;, - _" , I I �, I . , I .1 li, I . �� .. � I kl�,, , -, . I . ' I . . _ 6,,^ - � -, .. 0 !$, ], sll;� .. " .� I . I . I 1 .. ",!j .. . . �-s A I . _6� 'U, 0 - IrW _. 1:1 � _ T, *k I i 1� I I 'ngnpma�!3m-.%;Ap ..., - I" � %ba,01" I , ... ' � �iuron a :C. a , � 4 ._ � .. I . -14, 1!_:�C_..11!'1 I' i �,j; �� "' f W.. r'Serv...xi. � I � � "' � ...'w i . - , ,. � ­ I.. :- , I 11 , _1 I. 1, _., � - 0 1 - .. i , i . �i " i , . I— '�_,_. -` � " 7 , �. I n." ormmg . . -111 XC­ � , � 11� - ­_ ... i_- . . .. , , __ , I I ­­_ _­­ .1. ­:�­ ­ C­_�­-__ 1:__ . . _­ . " --- I � - -_1____,____ I .1 ... , ,V,. ��g�� I .� .� 1 [[",�,."'.4"IX �1 - '' �" - " . ' `4 � '-1,;,- %. I I � f ` __i , 1! F � . '111,41rfi VUTTIVIQI�11, - n . 1, I -4 ,..� '� L 'ead I , " - I - , ' ' - - ' P�bt I ­ - --,i -ALL , , ! , 111, n�'d,Di "' - I � .1 .1 h -a -x c , Iii E ,t - str , Q� x".,., ) _ lee . � I f ar T, - 11 Ir �� `.., ` $1-i'l . ��'', . . 101'' ,.-'...""K�.",��,�l"..11-,��., a 0 % _S �. M W , . , \ . . , . , � -��,�;,'- ­ ... �q ". I I I . , . _., I . I �, , - I �� . I - - -Rais i . I - Z".. - M- � 'S t 14st $ 6-,000'- - . , - . _,j �' e L _,, 0F EG`_�IG";­�,, i77,7 BADLY DAMAGED . .,-. -.1 �.. �<f! ". I .. . . ,�_ _.. , _ - , -el I 0, �� .. ."... !.,:�:� I., . � . I - .1 '. T -, I I - I I . �.� .� .1 , - . .�� , 1-1 �,�; 1'-7�v ­. " 3 ,e I � :1,1,�..... .. . . .: 1. - , I , 177"11 I MR s, 1� � - - - Tc W 0 71 - - . d I ... '' -Of Nec 's i � � 1 1,177 " . . .. I .. I ... I- , , : 40 I . I—_ I HU � e s t ': �f Y6 'V I I � Cross�ca'm` n S ", , ­ "I ,� 01 . . �!?� . , Pam - 1 1 � . , . . .1, t.` 00 �� ­ I ­�_,­'t- , . , B Y HRE., WATER .1`-.' *'R . . . � I - I 0, I � .,!,;,;,I ­ 1. ­­��,, 11��A,q,01 . . . _... I . . . . � � ,�;,! , I . . . . I � I., . . C � � I . ,.A a.-* 1! - i =- -W . ! "I * I _ . , t-, . ­.� . W., 0s,"'( .1 '. . - . � " 9, 01 ,.R,AJs.:X '' - — I I . �r I I ''E' 4 Objec#ve For All Of "'Can- Si* ilir 8urve , Con-Wir,den 6eorgjeArmstrofig , mi - y� Being .. '40 * 0 - 0 W -­ 9., �3 , I I ' I , , .10 ., .." Fe "4,_k"', �) I , i., �,� .. * ,­ . , -"!,. , , , " V I ,­ " �111,1 � .. .. I., 117.1 , , villag . . - . . � -1 _', I -I--* 'ildlance��, 4,00-x , il I * "I ! I e Asked . To Raise * I *1 ­ I' . . I . . -1 .. ­ .1 I , , ;, �_�: .- ada , is - $9,000,000, Half , d*gted -Th'?"ough t 'I in Proclamation, Uurges . � 1. 1 11 a - '. - f .,�.��. I iN � , ,� V . I I r . -ou . - , $1111", 6T#11- 'A . " ''. .1 01140 '0 U0101, , ".34 . , " L' ' . n U I V!4; .',;4-'�1.'.,'kT,1-`P F. , �0 I, - I , , , ... , , ", � Xer" . A . . , , . _i�., . ­ _... I.. ­ 0 ari ��, ,. � Fe .Vote J "I 0 1 1 1 � wer $2,200 in Red Cross ; f 'Which 01it' do Must - Thai� Aff Mectors E' , I � ,,� . ,rs . . ' . '. , : � - . . 11 1. , . 4" , . I .. ;, ", - .�, I .�' . . Races , - ' Canada. , , . ­ I .. j�, ,'-', " �­ " . ,_;, � . I k�.ii",� . _.` ­ 1, . - . , kv% . 1, -�,,1-64�,,i,!�,z.,.�'. �, . 1,11 , 4 I * Campaign.,., . iO4 .� I . f -I Raise. I. . I � A reduction jn the number .of., 11.�; .,,V.' j*� I. .,r---.-------.,,, � , ,,:'. - - _.'. , L . f I . ­ . . 11 I cise4heir Vtanehise. �__,�11 -�, I � ',ej'p. ILA'W .14y-�-Y." 14 . � seg races will be held this �� . . . I . . , P( . ", " � . . . . voters In Hurotn-Perth of nearly. , � ;! I. .G , r "'), 1, .T, , -�R,` - I - � FORMS . . . I.— . - AN) , .1 ..", I ��', _11 I -- I June 10, �c �1,i_ 1 _;i I All n Wednesday, I -CAMPAMN WILL I . I .. a thousand was revealed when . . , �� .... � ,`;�Q- I yea, - I . "�, 11 . 1,4 . I ­;,.. "A� I .1,j,�, , '­ ­. :1 , ­ . - _ , - ,;" 1. r, ". ft� ,,, 1, , �;'_ .�­�,- ' ' AL L . . 11, . " " , - , . _.. i�lj_� ,,;�,;, - � 'I; , . I lqv . . ­ _,�. ""��.,�.! _,NS . I'' Wlt,h at-.%. . _ . I , -��.. 'NE cording to, an .. . . completed , , "" .. - 4;1: �_� , 1,� 11_1`��,;.-,'. ; I '!�,!. ", -. , , Nffi . O'P ' HE announcement this .. - MONDAY . this --week. . , , r kill .. ..'WRI, `._�_ ill 1. -VOTE- ON -i � ­."�,. T 11 01*4 VO `t P1.�,Ilf; � . I 1-1. .. I . , " . 4 , ";I I 1, . I '. ­ e fo6r races . OPEN MAY -11 . . , polling , . ,� �et4r ywin I 0, ie , -# � . most no exception every _�, _04 g in - 10. t - WP�' , -�,�_�� X -11 — week.' ,There will b , will coMme-_ OIL on 9 I . I.q wi '10" , pee in Har * '-� -d - � ' ,,. Aga 1 ,,�, ." . . . ith purses totalting $850.00, :. . —1. .. Work . . ... 11 . j, � ,E; W �y K � .. e olat . . .1 . 'Sea -let' must raise a May'let on A ' - OPEN -8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. suKivisioh. in the riding report- r p4,1 , tW �eel� - .. III , * ; , c � . *4 Wk '' -i ­`� �5,,��,��4 �ir 'broke I in the Brock resi- ,forth and, disti cost of Production sur 1 yr# � _ , .,, '0 _�'A 4 . , g%,, b tu JX 1� OAK*�.`, on I � this ed less voters, whil6­the total in -fris. from, 4. , .,ft., ,,_ , " vey of eggs-, it "Wail. 1!� �. 11 � n the Red;.Cross , , 'e =e'N� ! .,� I., . A . e on' Main Street,, Hensall, announcedi I , , ovp,rs4 69a -'.,t' ',,. 1:. 1:. denc 46 , 9 the electoral dIstrict was 1.3,744, W,9 .' 5, url"A ms, gorl" � 'I, - t ": 1:. i., I I ' ,�'. . , 11, 11�'­, I . -Ogg Canada Week. The survey Is handled through . '. � .. � ��,. � �� . - .� � �. ���' I Sunday . aftemoon, 'starting in the ,46 0 - 0 . O... campaign which opens act With voting takl)ag place on Mon as compared. to" 14,742. in 1940. Wgk�, ., you already should-* know,. .7 - " � ­ . .- . � . � 'I . " . �� �-':, % � . . . I chair- -the Huron County 0 ration, of Agri- day on the plebiscite, preparations for , . �r , chimney, and. whIP11L. mIgyt have re- - on. May 11, district 'Campaign edle 1 4., ' I - d - e'; , ", - , ' . � � 1. I . I I . ys are. being getting the electors to exercise their . . J;'Aj.t egiam., Iv,e passe. my 4901W � 1�-j * . . . I ,� man J. M. McMillan ,stated this week. 'culture, Similar sume . . " - �' . osted,, to'. ; spIted fit disastrous results with- a , � " i ;,4A4ve And have b6eu )? ,a * . .11 I . tor Seaforth will be conducted during. #i, , .�:I-. 11 I 4 , The chairman or month of May franchise are being Speeded up. Head 0 - 46 0 0 , 0 0 g 'now 1'&� In oiie -* 6f` i'ho - ��,, Xtich damag * . . . Ir 140d. *Right " . t4, I . :`�. -- I �� . high wind PireV111111119. ,�,Albqrtx, Sapkat- in the movement to get out,a big Vote - a in, i;"dpix . awaiting :`�'I� 1 .� .� '� . . I . . . I ;, � .,;; I I ­ , " � I . an . . . 10 � �� A. e DUBLIN TENNIS � George D. Ferguson, Mr. McMillan in British Columbla� � .�� . K o,p Oftc -hotel ..'-MA , 11''. I .. A water. Hen . .. I I stated. , . I I ,, criev,-an, Manitoba, .Qbtario and Que- is being.taken by'th:a Huron Wak , . I .1, dl�jer It is a grand �place an4,411 , �.. " � I ' C� �'..", . . - ., � . I . 11a' ­.,_ , " �, ,�,� '..., fire bri . - Services Executive,'who foz,dve, days Ulu ---1 . ,. 1 , sall , Announcement of the Seaforth �,dis_, bee. The surVeysa gaide and hundreds of citi �,tp being c9nduet � . 0 . I . , - tbe fe�lows I've talked TO c aq, 00", :-., re- I., %, 70", ., 7 - Hersall and district. � , - -S ed this week I sending each.day a small auNSALL MANTHREE i ' ' . �-, , . -i , It" k .ens from I . . CLUB ORGANIZE trict q116ta was contained in a letter , by _theV,Vouitry'.-t4dUstrY Comjinli- it i4­�Pe best place, in �, �, , , J'An(Lon. ., _ , . fi;M" ;*` . -sponded. promptly -when the fire siren . . . . rec�ived by the local. Secretary, Mrs. Aces of the- various�*,,';provincos, at the circular tolevery houseboldler in the : . �, ,14a� , k .."', , , �,e,­, . . -­ �.-��.,-!�,,,,,,,�,%41!�,,,'�,', ,�W '. I I . 14? _ ph 19—Sorry for%" the piiu" ip. �,� ,;.,��y . — . - . most valuable 11 . . It. W. Kerslake, which riads az-.tol- request Of the NatiOfta) -Conunittee.of county. .. It -_-i , bo�`Ween but I've beon trAug, to g.e - ­._'�1�11i, . , And rendered . 7. .1, ,.;, �, : I . ' 7 `� . I Poultry. Producer$.,., e q4arI6,mem- E;,,h hay the. ' circular carries a si!h --,*�.?.,-.,. `,ii ' . I � j�pleton is Elect- Iowa: . DAYS IN LIFE BOAT a*n4, to see, so many ,its .. I;; t j� an4- . ,i--,.,. . 11 assistance. ... . Kathleen S - *ber on the, National-Comi6tittee'lie W. ,,to . Ei . I . ,.I 11 . . I . w message. The first four read as . . . hav*, ,met so many f . �� '. I ! Dear Mrs. ,Kerslake: . QPOW I've. I - ,�� ,:,;��ad - ! ' � I li,--�� I :­ ,, I branch has :-. . . i ' 1'�" ` - . ,f,,,�, . The local Red Cross cam- L. Whyte, of Seaforth. , , follOWR: . . nQ'Vr �_ :, '! , C I.. ed � President At% Annual � As you already knqN,.-, the ' , I . usy all th6 time. -Right '�. I " . � 4 . 0 '. , . .. . . ' .!,� . ­ bee.n. Advised that the,. quota allotted I . "At the requeat ,�,,k'produipers the "It As your duty to vote on tAe Pleb- Jack Kaiser Rescued When 11�1i,N$ � ., 'tell ., , �!'..'� , I ", .,. I ...". I . paign for $9,000,000 acrog's, Canada , Edinburgh_ so had better . �!� 11 . 7 1, . I .. :4 14' . top Rensall .And district iA the coming Meeting. ,. Will Commence May Alth. Of this Special. Products Bpra,rd at 0ttaWa, isci,te. -.Go . . . and,, vote 'Yes.' The . )it what has happened - up. to- Aow- . .'-,.'��?. , I . �' - "I " ­ I i 15_* � I I . . 0, t, �* In ask- ,:" . .. I I ' - -a National .C6m- 40-i.il-, -�.�.. �`,,!�. $9%000,0 timount the Ontario DIV'IsIon: objec- made proldsion...,for ,boys i,..the-4rmy,Ahe Navy and the '. 0Q.-CampaikAls. $2,�l . - His Ship Was Tor- - FY4lr.t..o.f'aII,.I sl.�pe­ln laip eVOO.'!1 '' . : I . I ""�' I J'�ducers iii advise Air Force -expe . j, L X�; ln� for j�nerous support the Nat%oli- The annu�i- meeting of the Dublin . 6ve has been set at $4,5ftOOO. The mittee'Of PGUlt1'.Y,P., Ct this of you." . I I ing and bad a grand time IYM'- - in L" ' :_.��,.,� I * . 11.11, �� .1 .. - . the,board on thWiia4uceps Problems, pedoed.. ' I)ed.. ,. The, -first day I went over to the� -`�* ";1�111 . afofflee ofAlte.Red-C-1708 Points Out Tonnis Club was held . on Monday, Ontario. Executive, after eareful 'Con- I - "You say that the Government . 4" . . � $ . .. . . ' ' I.-, ,, . . .:t 11 I 'ecent months the work of quota his costs, his, feed Ei,ft#tI6n,, -etc., be- B�,a'v�er Cliih � , r I- Miss siderati9xi, has set.your branch . .� shlould assume the responsibility. A '.. . , land, met some fellows. .-.'�,�, .. That in Aprit� 20; with the p�resideftt , -e -1 contracts : * � ;., the society jn,'sending parcels to pris- -kithleen Stapleton, in the chair. Fol- ht. *6,000.00. The time be -fore the op, foi . any future egg! . are "�'esl vote gives them that, regg (six) vAho used to be on, the couras. . :,.!:. . , I. �: , Dual' lkr. and Mrs. John Kaiser,, of Hen- ic��. ,�.,,, - - It, . made with our AMOV, Nations. The b"flity." ... I . with me in, Toronto. -,, I I onors of Y/a� in Axis countries has in- lowing a resume of the activities of ening date is short and, the success Special Products- A'ard I. _ - .. ' Two -13f th I.Se , - I � 11 A I, . 0 ,m viffil de' .,p asked the. ,,This I, not a vote for or against sall, were visited by their son, Sack 110iiat, , 11, I and it must at- th�� pas'f'year, an elktioa was hold, or failure ,of the citmpai� . . , came here to the K. -of* C. �. 4 ,; i., . . I ­ ", creased txeit4endously, C"' i 'of the ipti been w�rking in. am, I . ... .... . �. . .1. consen bn, it is a vote tor a.total Kaiser, wito has out fr ' . I,, . . I Lmn -. -d .upon'the thoroughness with Poultry Industry. qamitteea. the6t; we were able Ao Work . . way4 be '16pt i4 11 ag ,. _ ­_ I ' .. . .. � ... L'f te : . - mind- that .the , P�e.d with. the follo.wi ,g . ..... _ptmerita b�� pen ' It I -' �,vhieh each individual branch ,area is provinc6s to appoinfl.stprodueer tove- ,,, effort." I South Africa for the past two years. herti. Thei had just come over, a r.- I I - � .t f Gross, is the 6nlye. , channel throu�h Ing made for the ensuing year- H6n . ... 7. I . Present their� province on the nation- "The Government askR you to free - ­ I . .1 in Out �, 1, I . . - Rev.,' -Dr. Ffoulkes: carlVassed. taking a' course �. ..:�,-�;.o I whI�b parcels -may be sent regularW o.rary President, . t&pl&ton ; The It I igher objective of'the Nation- at committee," -hlt. Whyte said. tbeik hands, See -that they are freed.," as representative for Chryslef Motors, . . 4rioi. go llieinz -1. I I . - president, Miss Katille6n16S, at Detroit. . . . an (?Id -timer I proceeded, -to- show them I I , , ',,�11, . . to th * who were unfortunate 'en ' and your Branch is necessi- I - In a proclamation isgued Ad town. I t1fink *b visitod'6y-' ' �1111..., . Plans vice-president, Mi-&. Fergus StaPlOfQn; at bffce, ' "We am -not 90149. to attempt at' this week, I While he was returning home, ,the arou .I �1.1� . . - Ose . " . :to get houOng Costs,. tabour Huron. County Warden, George Ar . m- .1. 1;111 �. � . ,i- ,. . r' e" t boat he was s n I 'i ough to fall'into �e.nemy 'hands y,.W,-Jl.liajn Hanley; treasurer, ts.itpd by the steadily inereasing'need this- time ailing oi was torpedoed eri place imaginable and- *ent,, to , ,, I . , iocai campa- , .see ar need for'prisoner of ,war parcels. ,At costs,, depreciation boats, or interest strong urged Huron citizens to vote . , We, got Shilling . :'­ . . for the 19d are under way Miss .Monica Byrne. A general dis- I . both sides. Jack Wa:s able to get, most, of the Shows.' .:;1 . . ' " 1, . I � - . I - the time of the last ,appeal prepara. On investment. As; it is, felt that from on Moiida� and pointed out'the neces- �t 'alit 1-diy tickets that ' "9400d on 'un- .: _:._!.4'. and the Canvassers will be ready to cussion took place regard -Ing mem . I to a lifel-oat as -the p started to a] arp �,.!.4,* ' . es, tourngments . and court tions were under way to pack 5,060 authentic feed costs, sad out of pock- sity of 9, 'Yes,.�vote. ' . . in I that we'could .. C. ��, xnake their,�rounds boginuing�Monday. bership f 0 . a iniich stronger argu- "A 'Yes' rote af 'the forthcoming sluk- It was in this lifeboat thAt a d-ergpound .4nd 'buses so .. � , �, . . May 11.- Th� local branch still needs inikintenance., The' club has comPlet- Parcels weekly, arid. today, with th6 et expenses, bdfn while waves 15. feert jump' -from one tQ..Artotber. We,got: -, .,--,!. � I Society wetil can be presented to the Special plebiscite is a vote for bL Unitecb Can- baby wag . ' , I J, .- 4, .. - bahkr 1: � I. . . I Ip in achieving ed a very I iiiiecessful se:asoia, both lack of food in Britain, the ' .17, I' g ' the small craft about in around to the Houses of Parliamenti. 4'. some knitterh -to he . - board. Nbleost of produc- h toBs,ed . , � - -and it playing atand- Is pack 00 , pardels Meekly_ products , ada. To stay away, from the polls is . . b47g� , 40,0 Westminster Abbey, Tiham.es Em, . ­ , _ 'IL . I - fr . , - I "I the heavy sea.-- I 11 ,� " I the quota of. go civilian sweaters. re om a ,financial While Society is only.. asked to UOU survey is entf:r4y"free frdin nits paramount -to votilig No' Warden worked ment St. Panl's Cathedra.I,.: bombed ,.' �'.:4, . . . -to them. Won't You boint. Any person in the district de- �se will takes or loopholes; �Oerefore the.few- Armstrong po Jack and, his companions I . � . l cently Assigned ii 0 of joining the -tennis club Will pay for 23,000 the cost of th( I . . inted out, Hy.,4� Park .: ..:L� . -water 'out. He .areas, Marble Arch; I!:,. . . � - . �\ � . 11 . r us . be approximately $3,150,00,0 during -er ,loopholes ,that ex*- in any coot Of * ., . e,entinually bailing the d), ': �7' , , # 0 1 . help? be very welcome. _ . I at from Sunday u.n. (where .all the meetings are hel , I I I —0— was in. the lifebo 'Ths- . '' . " ' . A,. inafies the presents- . I . � .1 I I .-. 'The W. M. S.'.Eastor 'thankofferilig The Late James O'Connor I the ydar, .PIUS a budget of $4.00;000 production pla . or- and then wenLt uIr to Madame, � � It % I - which his, been set up to-sUPPI 'Can-'. tion of the facts carry much more . til Wedn,es�ay, On arriving at -N . .It is coirtaliaiii ­,". ' Or :11. .. . Carmel Presbytbri.an Church was One of the pioneer residents of Rib y -eight. I � � � , . - I folK, Virginia, be was taken to a hos- suad!s Wax W ks. �. E a 0 '� , !.'z� 1, -, Of . I , died adian prigoners in Hong Hong and N� . . I . , " . . I I quite a place azA the wax figure ,.r . I I field Wednesday afternoon, April 22, beet township, James O'Connor . . pital for some days. - I.. , Of,- t ban O'Coft- the Far "E"t as soon as it is possible "The Huron Cou�LtT Federation was , . .�,'�­ * 1. I . -o human looking that One Of the, '�: _�.,- at 3 p.m., ij ihe school, room ,be at the home -of 'his, son, - *S. *oat,41P to a dummy sta,tding . . 11 I � - church. , Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren, Ist 1 �116 concesryloii ot Rib- to ship food- to' them. It is expected. preparing records to.',.proceed). bu egg I Jack said the captain's lifeboat was . � � . ­ ­ . �" . . I nor, on the . I I ' of e It.was decidi6d then that the . + ,a blown to pieces aml the captain w,s� rellO,`,, .. -.,---.,- - I... I - ., - ,,, ' . 6,rt, AtAllp agel of 93 .Twice ­tbat total shipments of pr soner -.0sts. I - . 1. . . on the 'steps, �dresged -a�i a adorigj4n , .1_111�!,. I vice-preil6eititlo was in -the chair. ,,b years. . industry Committee s1h. uld r4l T5 0 later rescued from a raft. Jack also I 'I,' . . ­... I � Mooney, - war parcels Will have to greatly in-. F'Ouftlt lnr% . own- aiid:asked him whi6w, way to- go.. All I -.4. , .1 -e Was k spleAdid, riprpse�4tatiou jl�-Lrried. his first wife, Ann I - 0 saw boats capsized, and people dx . �1117.11 � " TA.ei ago, and his second crease over these figures as time goes work with the qqr4n, Federatio t Rica.w . %.Am SS the ,well' kuow'z figures in. modern� 4 -; , :;.,.;1' 1 4 1 f' -w en-. � , 0 - ,e his eyes. 'H . - ., .1 �, * . . WbdrW�pro;lleitt and- a very died 48 years . . . . . .- - n I _ . :��";"j : I . . . conduct a survej,.1thtreby eliminating .e& lbefo :e said it Was thog, even, Hitler, Goering, .". "It .4 hold. With the .merly M' it - died 30, on. ITFC-V a terrible �xpeiiouce, one from which tqky,,,,are . . I ar . I .. .. . W . -k.. The Poul- - ,. ,' � . I I- I 1� I �:, I , t . coiu�jkiug meeting s Risen wifd;' for y B tlei -appeal, the So. (111011,cA .... ., . S - one he C�­ 61) � -, a- 1 - � jt�­ . tion of tliit.� *o, How.' All, iare � bi I -y,ars ago. The,depaxted man was, a .1940 , . ,bels ah& . . '-'- Also s!nQe:the . . , NOT, IN .o � "I ­ z1jiging of "Christ the Lord I. L .. I . � . � . A recovered, and ­­. . ".1,11'. ,­'­ 1�1 1. I I . � (Continued6-IrOm I Page 1) '� I , lif0-4oAg..Lr# �er'-. of , St., ColurabbA ciety. has :14'4 Msuj.�, ted' .Blo' r try.Industry Commi.; .g I I I . he has not Ye 11 , . . od ' . . . I � _1, 1. - ,,,, I , ,. ..1. I - ., . _ _ � I . I , .. I .. �, _�� erat 10 I ;.Ul - F4 ­­ :1� I. !, . _.- - 'O try- IR 4-a woow",o , .. . . Pono . . .-.. .jo,wil'takd.care� .. � an:4�,AorgeL-- ,11-6 - is�. - 1411 - '3 - - I , ­ � -3 - - the -_'Trbvi4ft `4'nd' 01- Me I I . affering-4 rom 8lidek and expo re. . �. ,,, � I I I �. Tuey" 11 .1 '.T. ­ - i�! 1�1 11 ,,ftft " L*#; _ f I " I '2*� i -M.' a ! � Ja , , � - -1 - .,. , , ..i,. , , -66�k]Ai * ==E111;d4 in­.g;ettlng� - � � ,�.. ­�..­_ .. "'.T.T.P0. .1 � ,, ea �t ., , , , .. - . -,--- ­ - ., �, �"Paw:.,,.��-- ,:: ., P oftp Xtrb§00,04e�, . .., all I -d Ok D �' 4 ' . , ' . �-­ ­ .r -.--., - ­­,,�t.2n 4!! . .-- , , . ". 11 ,:r iki. rv. I iVjb*-4&, .MU*1-rk � 01, I . - There is great di wastaIrs thereAs a Vbamber ,. . 1�,, , � . .( _- - M'�, � I 'dispos'iti i ,*ihich thes he records, compplated' I IfIcurty in secur- t; - . , 11 41 e must bo' -greatly- augmented as t. . � Do . - . . % . � . on. The funeral, rchie Morgan, of Usbqrne, Ing wool for knitti4 . .. — - . lf� 11 . f . . . I � I y . - of money and facilities. become avail- "Mr. A � . ,g requiremeiftA; —0 .... Honiara -and there they have inst - �., ��, It . 1 $1 was 'attended, by 'a, large group. " :!!, , " I friends and neighbors,, was held at able. , . . . our County Federation President, has: so a definite knitting program has . I I . ., .1 1- . V, . Endeavorto cut ied, to do the #eld work for this been made out by divisional h( --.ad- . ments of torture atd wix figures ,inch objective is @oasen . - Scenes! ­� ,,, I -St. Columban Churcii OIL Friday morn- Remember, your br, . murders and data on each one. .;. I I I - � I . mum to be raised, survey. He'ivill cont.act the president quarters and passed on to L!Ile branel.,- Plan Cooking of murders are enacted, and the "I I Ing, Rev. ftther O'Drowski. officiat- the absolute. -mini . . ., I 5 emphasized t1aut Po articles . ., . e . i . . . oss -43� F* e a wbole chaby-ber is like ii larg: qun- .I I ,.. I I L . W Ing. The,pallbearers were Joseph- P. since the society's work 19 -constantly In each township whO will recommend, ,;�, . IL i , � " ., I I I . I . . ,the poultry producers in their town- other than- those listed -i the quota f the 'build,- .... _.. . . . . . . Stapleton, -koland Kleinfeldt, 'Daniel expanding. , - are to be made from Red Criss wool. Rummage Sale geon. In another Part lo -ick mirrors., .1 �, .P,., � . . . ships to (to this w.or�. 04ce the . I � �. !_ , ,Murphy, Maurice Dal- Yours. sinaerely, Pro . .., . itig is a flin'bousle with ti - " I . 4 ... .4 The annual converrtl6tL of the glkty- Cronin, John F. Y. Surviving GLADYS E. CAMPBELL . . ducer agrees he 'wfll have the plan , articles such ag­-- — . 1 . .- - Mutual 1131re Insur e ton and Patrick. Malone . But don'atinn% of ' - I t i �& penny machines and all kinds I :1 " . elgh� Farm ' . I explained- to.hini personally by, Mr., scarves, made *from'�_wool, see' _'11 Tlie "No Surr9ndtr Club of McKil of mechanical. gadgets. We, had". a � .., ,, q I . I y a lare two danghters; Mrs. Walter Car- . I! li" Cb, '10V of I . ` - .,::, . . Companies . ul;animousl adopted I —0— . ,Morgan, 'and will -be- visited by Mr. from outside the Red Cross, w which Mrs. Annie Watson, is * . - �, . resolution ,to . ondeavq.ur to 'reduce ,penter and 'Mrs: -John Krapskopf, Of . Morgan each week, so that the . re- �ccepted 9 atefully. . . I is plauning a rummage. and �roat time 'there ,.and I think I'll 90. ,,: . � . I . also two sons, Ilan of Rib- . .. . .r , . �- � president., ' again if I get the chance. 11 , ­­, � farm losses. by uat �least 25. per cent. .Dublin, cords can, be kept up id date and *. * * � baking sale in conjunction, witil,the .� . ' ' T,here ' ­ . Afterwards e went out,to, the Lon- 1, . I Arthur �of Detroit . ' w . .1 . I I - I . -year As compared to the average bert, , and . * . possible," 'he ikve, od�, qu,ota Seaforth and District -Salvage 'CO"Ps. do,A Zoo ,which is a -huge place ;with .... .. .. . . , ibis . .110. .1 nri-ade as. accurate as ­ ... �: W. grAndchildren. and . i2 gieat . I There is a call to h 0 ' .. ..., . . ... .1 - losseg- of -;tfie[ -last.:five years. . . are, ? . . .. . 11 continued. of' BriOsh civilian s6Win'g.'. aild h9sPi- The sale will be -held at Salvage head- .. -inable., , .-- ­ 11.1 ..... -1 - . . . every kind of animal im&g . . , I , a 4 , meet- grandchildren. . .. I . - To limplertient this. L � "The iplan is as simple as it -is pos- tal supplies completed quicke'r. They quarters on Saturday Afternoon. May Some -are taken away. for the dura- . ", . . ; I resolve,'a ' Guilcl held . . . . . . .. - -executive members. of this The'Anilican Women's . I I ,,.:.. ' , 4 . . ing bf the � . . i . ,.,Ible to make it," Mr. Whyte said, han,-,.,,bn for lack of sev-e�s. Pareels", ,-Ind. - � . . tion, but there are .pldnty,left- and' it. ' -, - I . . ,provincial body *-iIt,--.meet At the of- rg ular meeting in, the&Var Ser-. � '. 1�­ I llikiid�. yet give-ks nilich'informatiqn as are read)r to -be called for. Come to Anyone irL SeafortIF""'An'd diatrict L , - ­- . ` . . . I fice of the assOciatloh secretary; Wal- :1 ',"M's, lub �Ololns, on Thursday with I . � . . . . we . - Stich short . ti . me . a7rtici,es -suitable for. w6uld .take a, good day to ga.,oveg ev I . .1 10 I , . .,at in-. . can get in '' We the work room�on Friday; offer ,your who ha�e any hem -thing. 'For the goats'and bears ...... � ive attendance. The mi (Weekly Sulleton'of th6 Seaforth and . . ery ., . ter R. Cross, Galt. ,. The. committee a.,represe I . Ithe feed, cou- services.ahtl find.out'.what You can I big craggy cliff uilt I I . . 'of the'Wst meeting were read by . 11 District Salv�oei Corps) are attempting to gc_� . .1 .. . tbe sale are requested to leave t " � have great ' E� - b - - �, . � plans �to use tHe press to appeal to utes , _ � sumption and 'feed cost and any ac- do to help. . � at the headquarters.' All proceeds "�. 7 out 75 feet and a roam, , , , . -, - .1 ­' � :� , & I - ecti-te all 'poisible ,!be secretary. A, quilt Was complet- - .The Seaforth and District Salvage tual cash expenses so that we may � . *' * * will be- for war work. _' I of , ,b tfte'an�mal, ... �, . policy.4olders to . ex .0 . . . . . -1 . a I over them ,� ! care and ' tion' -to j'reved-t -fires, ed during the afternoon, ,And lunorl Corps was organized -to include,'Ati. I I azid make a splendid can ... determine how much the feed and The . Brancla is sending $5q-OJ)O to . � .1 I . . I . . 1,; . ' well sciditioil. to.Seaforth. al Pocket - expdnq.e cost is Per the P�Isonera of, War Fund. This is _____:_VV_ I a . 0 1. .. . tsiarting fr9tii carelessness. Circular. Served to a number of gui'&" as I of the Town" I .1 I picture. ... managed to get , to - - . .. , . . . I .. I I .. ''4ut 'of -ight we ' ... . I . will b he members.. ­ eit mcKtilop and Tuck. . At n . s * I . letters .& sent out from -some of as t I ' friends ships -of Hyll . " . . dozen eggs. Then, we a,re.going to; niade possible by the generous doria- . some shows and' also a couple. of '�'� I I .. . . `mpiniis-to their pollej-holders, . A group of neighbors and 'ersinith that are included in the Sea- - rig results and receipt.9, .t;,,ns' handed in ftom. time to time.h. . shows. was "Cap- �L, sthe co gbt the grad! avelogue - � dances. , One of the � . I . dra*ing attention to fire hazardis and assembled at the home Of Mr. and forth Red Cross' district. 'Each town- so that' we not only, get .the average 0.,Ippiles''of food go regularly to pris- Tr -of' the Clouds," a, story ibout , - - - emedies., . .. . ,Mrs. Andrew Dantzer on. Friday even- ship his its. own regresentati6i on price . received per doze,u erl;g,, but oners at a tremendous' cost. . tailis of- . .honor Mr. and Mrs. Harvey - . ing Here, fhe R.C.A.F.,. and showed pictures 9 �', , � It. Is poiAted, oilt that during 1941 Ing to ".. the comMitto,, 'and ',,each rapresenta get a I�iqtur(l of'how the farm's -flock's * * _*._ . Com Atanning Pool, Toronto, and Also of . . . the farm mu-tuals,of Ontario support- 1�antzJ, whose mafriage'-took' place tive is' making, arrqAKpments for tile eggg are grading. -A piece is prov.id- Mrs. McKenzie, of Beaverton, a dis- I — I ''I .. . . I 14,6kh Day and, Ottawa. We Were , 1. . A .. .j I id in L4)ndon recently. �Ln 'addres was salvage collection, in 1:11s, own district.' -recording mortar- , 8' � , . ed by their 150,000,policyliolders pai . �. Pd in the Sheet for triet commander ,of Emergencies d . . I out 'losses 4 $1,07.9,69.6., and. alpa.-that read -by ,Miss Helen Dantgar and a If you live id the portion 'of Hullett ity, poultry sold, Poultry ealen and War, addressed a meeting . of .Womea "Thirty Moons ArounO the World" able to recogniz a warrant officer . + . . . , over I)V";tntation of miscellaneous gifts of as outlined above' your member on . N 'the title of hn interesting illustrat- kad an officer that we used to have I 11 . I . these Aiurels- show an increase silver was-mide to the new- . if eggs eaten on the farm. alQng with -a In the ]Wbrary Hall on Thursday eve- ed *travelogue belng presented in. at Manning. EverythinIg is in tech- ., . I . 190 by $67,566i Twe_.fact,s, are very lineii and I . , ... I the committee is iir, W. L., Whyte, i. daily egg recoMing column. ;,,Ing. She presented the work -of thol -don't want to MISS it. .1 aignifIcant in these figures . : . ly-weds who graciously. thanked the in IvIcKillop, ge;t in touch with Mr. "We" are, therefore, going to start organization, stre"Ing the idda ,)E., Northsidle United Church oil Friday nicolor and you 11 . . 11. I I - .1 0 `e to donors. The��eveninq wb I Ls spent In Gordon- MeGavin or any member of to get t4e ,cosi' preparedness. -"We ni evening, May 1. . . The dance I was at was- at Covent '': A .1 . ,.*A,(I) ,Som, t6ing sliquliq be don , on May I � for the hs Gardens that l.mentioned in d6other- - . � atop rising fire losses as- they present dancing and a -delicious lunch was 'the Federati�n .of A:gricultuto fox in- , (Qpntlnu�d on i4ge 4) we may have an epi4eraic following Douglas M, Carr Spent 27 mont .. � Ll' . . I . served to the guests. formation about your salvage collec- . I - visiting 42 countries during which letter, and we had a good time. The I I I a. aerlous,probleita.. , , _ . ,e other dance .was in tub �, t I ,�, (2) it a conceited and vigor -c is fire Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Harry in Tuekersmith, � I I this War as has .been th� case follow time he covered 60,000 miles. The t,t, - the Deaver CI - . - 11 Irou d e . tion; if you "live . _ 6 . . I . Ing other wars; we haay be *�called to . h llustrated n _ .�' St. Patrick', Day, .and everybody ,, ... .,� A I pre.1rention progriini. -will save 25 per Krausko9f and family, Detroit, .With Messrs. Wilson McCa,rt4gy, Harold 1� . - cebtl'('s," she said. A I Suit Is travelogue of -Africa Was in thie community Singing of Ir- � I'��, cent . ., it, , , . tion Mr. ditod 'Mrs. John Kraus-kopf; Mr. I hell) in larget -( ' Europe, � . . is a very large �cdntrlbu Jackson 'and Robert Archibald are motion was Passed that. a group fc,l, uorld. � . to . . ;;and Mrs. Dan Manley, Kitcherier, and s ovvr -of "EmEirgencies in War" beland Asia from Coronation to lylitz- i . sih songs. After that dance 1-caugAt .. 1. ��, t - I a national conservation plan. . . those who Are arranging fq,T collee- Take udy li 1� (CoAtinued on Page 5) . . . , . I— -..-- I , A I Prom the � fb - re - going f I acts, it will b� �oseph.Glvlin, Jr, London, with their tion. it you 'have your salvage ready, st . . cre .. I A I � ` ha . fafher,'doseph Givlin; Captain Frank Wn with you, thereby fcrined here. . I - :__ I !.1 I * evident t t -the Fire Prevention 'Cam I . . . bring it in -to to WinghaM,,., Office * *.* . I . . "' .�� I I - mittee has_a, big and 4nipartant job, stapletoti, R.C.D.C., Brantford; with ,saving gas, tires and time oft collee- " 1. I . . . At a I meetingoof the exectitive held . I I ' , , I , ` I . ' , . 3 . . to. -.do. Tbis- committee' is composed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. §tap- '10�adquarters is . I later, officers were elec t r n' * A . a - Coyne, 'Stfatford, tion day. S-41vage. ted as follows'. D Retu iL n g 0 f f 41, C. wl�llr]"- S _� � lof ff. H. McPhdden, Lindsay; Oliver letoft; 'Miss Allei ' . the former Box ITurniture Store. The. Mr. Michael INIcPhail, of Dublin, . epu y � 1% ' . I Drury,. Chatfiamj� 14. K, Either, Credl- with bdr parents, Mt. and Mt�. Mich- key may bb obtained ,at The Tasty who has been with the Stratford Divi- ('ommanding officers, Miss M. Wilson. I 01 . . , . . � � ' . Pte. Herbert Bro . wu has - - Sion of the Mutual Life Assurance, Supt., Scott Memorial Hospital; r, v 1&�.C). C&-, , -:"�." __ � . ­ � - ton _Walt& R bIF el -tie; - A%2 . 1,110"W . . ­ ��, . _ I ,_ , .. , .A.. .. ... . .. rolvs,, M.OLM. Sea . . . . I I -.and.. . .Cross,_Aalt. Jb,i�_ -L _ I _,G6Il_fr,om__­ - - - -P ' " M.O.H.. McKillop- Dr. e * For P16bo. D � 0 , - E� L!�!_ to -14-E ­--we-srifffirmef, R..0 - Mr Crawford Smitb,.com p 'n , has been iii5ofnl6d --district -----I- 'Bu forth; Di, -Ax , Nlarned I � - . f � uMittee Wilf �*,Oik wtth members, "re. ed-- , * W a y I '� I I .. . mittee chairman, or, If you are in a Com , . of the fire marghal's office 1-n C rry- at V spending a furlouglt v�it', hi, hurray, just pile up., your salvage at reptesentative, N41th. headq,larters in J.. A. dorvF111, _. I 1. a I . ;it.ioll jg� A. McMasfer, ryl.O.H., T�cker- 1. !P I . r. and Mrs. Thomas Br .,.n; t e front. door and it will be quickly -Wlngham. ' Be assumes iL.� POE � and, C. -The, EmmeryValtruer, CredlkbV, Ed. � .1 . Atig out � this b3titp6ttant task.. - I p ents, M, , I m smi'th; Misses 0. Laiq.�alv roliowing, are the deputy Pter: -1 I I ,9 . � 11 11 . I � I . . . bert and Friel Gormley,, London, looked -after. I Mt. W. T. Boobh lield. wit1L ithe co - * -fie electoral dis- Deaver, Crediton; James Mawhinfiev � I . I dA %b .. I Holmes. ' - ret&nlng officers for t . ." ___�� ".. F ro . . .. P4rs. Jac c c . I r to -enlistecitit, ., I 'Dash- ' 'T , 4 -, ... . with Mr. and, I M Oarthy; .- * * * , pany prio .1 It is expected t" course will begin .trict of 14uron-Perth, who will act for R.R. 3, Dasbwood: R, A. Goetz, -I- ''I ' 1. ,", , , , .. Mr,, And Wrs.- Jobn ,k6n.ny, - Detroit, .The committee has . secured. good I . e y . 1. 'those eighteen years tile plebis,cite on Monday:- . wood; Joha Houlilian, 4MR. 2, ,Das] , J 11 I . N, nk Keniiyl; Mr. and Mrs. I . I art in May to ' ' cKayt I ' ��, I with Mrs. Fra markets for all salVage,'including pa- - ,R.A. 3, Parkhill;� . 4 - Eight lectures.will be.giv- FULLARTON-Harold T. M t- 4� A , -'il BAPI-111 , PON '. . '' - %1 1R. -I r gland . and over. � r,� , � . . I . . .11 'A. Forster and Mr. Joseph En P�i, po6ks� magazines, rags, metal of I . I - doctors. and' -will be MR. 1, Science Hill: Jamet, Leele�q Niorma�� Tynd'all,', n 1,Bon& - � I . ,- I., I I. � in W ' 1.4 �, � I I.. ­ � ., I . roxeter; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph , . en by the, local ' . im. - �.!] . , all kinds .(excepC tin cans), tin-fo% �*� HITULETT-Janl n,, R. M, 1, / ', . - . . , . a of practical MR. 1'. Mlinro; Ormond McDougall. . I !,� .1 � . . � _ '.�L . - . Donnelly, Misses,, Irene and Dorothy rubber4 bottles, grease, bones,. 66at —5 10, � I followed by eight period Munro; F'red.-WilloNNS. CAI'lidg- Clinton, James INb s, R.k. 1. Lon , ,� . I : 1�1 B., �D . ortnelly In London; is . I ,vork in Charge, of registered nurses, M 1. � , . - i I r,qj It . .. I 11 ... James ,Shea * -c., air,& which are care- Miller. A.R. 1. Science .deSboro-, Lorne Ty R.R. 4, Cli� I :,;,i . . I Hospital - _Il,gngers, et I TIRE RELINERS- A fee, of 75 cents will be charged for ford i, Vercy 11�, .., :� '. �.'., I I � emWat ling, thereby se- I Stitifli, R.R. 2, Mit- ton; Georgle! Mevi tie, Londesbord; - �r., I � -t v , fully -orted before sel ,,his will inelude Hill; William S. ' , . . ,."t� . I I . . I 11 ''I. I . . - ,�!., �'.,-­R ,oer� tift at scot , - - - 600 x 16 - While they last! the entire course; ' n: ]�Ar- . ­ . - . I _,:;., . seaforth, . - Miss Wilson ctiell; bloyd Thiel, R.R. 3. Mitchell.. I Fphriim Snell. R.R. 1, Clint6 �15i If �, _� p 1".." "' I I I, I . . curin� high-6st 'prices. obtainable. SEAFORTH VOTORS the cost of the manual, room Thurs- I-JI13,13FRT-John Holland, St, Col­vey Hunking,..R'R. 1, Auburn, fl.N J. �., �,J I I , . . . � i � - I I i . . * *, * , . I . .14 I . . �� ' . - 11� , ! . 1. '. .. , . , f I . . 11 1.1 . —0- . . . ivill be at the Red Cross , Wilson, MR. 1, Aubum. : , A h. I., 0 . 4 � . t1lizer I/ I. ,olm. 1I.R. 2. Dub .; . I . . I.. I I I I I � . The paper bags in which for � day eveping, Al�ril 2-3, from 7..30 to 9; umban: Jas. T. malp - \, . '� I I' I I I � �J,,�N �, I M I S and cement are now ptributed are . . erhoon, 2-5, and Me fQlIOW- lin�; Fred Carbett. MR. 12, Staffa; I STANLEY-Willl,a�m Sinclair, R. . . "I I I E 1. I - � all . — Friday aft 111. -,taff;l: r(lamr Al -15, Glint6ti: Mrs. Ruth Taylor, Bruce- .',I * . '�__ 1 .4, A I . 1, � P IV. C. J. Dorse'y Ha made of kraft paper. We urge I Ing Monday, 7.30-9, fo� tbc, purpose M Lloyd Colqkl-hol � 11 I . . -1 - . . I . field:. John McMurtrie, RAI, 3, Kip, . _Y 4 . 0 . . farmers to save these,bags; all kraft, interested. ]on, Cromarly. . I - *�, " 11, .� . ;:,-, ,z. . cal units that a . ob- .. �, � . .", paper is urgently required as salvage) .r nter- USBOTINE.-Jo Al � W I .. . with IM ,eqton, �, v2t , 9 ky Ticket . I enrolling those "' Inson. MR. 1, Zurich; Carl Ru -1 . f I . will, tile io, e I hn Hunter, Exeter : pen, Ed. Chutor. Varna; RldhsardR V � I � Luc . . vmd brings good prices. British CAmb a is', 'Farle Nlitchpll, R. M, Fxeter: Win. . . ol .- I � . . ested plealWget in touch - 'e. - I . ­ " 11 *0 . 11 . .. . - . * * * ". . . Wilson -at once, so tha,t hn arran, Jeffery. MR. 1. Hensall: 1�ay Cottle, 4ayfleld. Charles, Laporte,, Zutloh; . , I . ,, , . . . I � _.. 1, , 1. .1 . I * , Fred Watson . �." 14, 1 . , Bayfeld. 1. "', ,;� . 4 . � . . . . . . . . �� . - � 1. '. jwffs .not -as - be, worli:ed Woodhain; Garnet, Jolins. R.R. I .�11, , . . � - ., , ;,,,�,.,, , �,:...., m __ , .1 While the attendance Since the Seatorth and District SAI ' ' ment of co-operation may ;1 - 1"! , I "I � I.. _ . , � d &Mm�� __ Lions- jaclue4. Centralia'.-, MCXI1JLO`P�JoaePh:CarPente,t, R.A.1i.] _ , ­ I large As usual, P . - -go,n4zed, ovet' IS Woodbarn, Wes., - �a_ � _.. I $ � . I I 1, I . roceeds at the vage Corps was ol - alit. * �:.,, A I t '�d , the L,ogion, Bingo, Tliesd Red"Cedar n � D-avi d Shannon, 11.11,,.5, S .. �,�:i � "I ­ As Al at, thiEt - tM4. 6 Y, ar &y night Amount- ons een abld. As I * * * . elarenep Roftley. R. R. ir.-Kirl,ton, 4 Dubli � 1. . ". I I 1, 0, ,� . tnewlier of';the t-adinfiatq.111; Club at's od ,fom $gg,00, � This- will be devoted to all cheques have. not as yet been re- I I Mrg, Aii-drew Archibald has hooked EXETER ­Charles Christie, J. A. forth; John Leeniftig, R.R. i, Wltlt4i.l', . " I �:,"'1111 � ,�,, I . .. .�� I , . . I -olulAn , tway. 1161r, rac- ,the Patriotic funds of the Liona a I nd ceived., it I is impossible to give the k small rug and donated It to the .Stewart, Miss Ladra ieeC611, Andrew barid, Boyd, R. M, Walton. �dll_ . . .. 11 I , gl�,'Of �atbriut, i � . r ft, �,ia '.. -� . tg; 9,11A. -p!#Jij�g their toO Ili tiorth Legion,. I . I � � amount that has been ratted to date. . branth. Tickets are being gold on it Campbell, Mrs. Luella Holkey, Rich- t� TIDOXVUSMITH !� Win. 1)06M. I . 1-.. u ­_ "&� .. � � 4 ., �� - I WAX 4 gea&rth; 16f 10G-eoclil rug- "', . , . evOnt, Lftdl�y - door prize WAS Won by P. J. polumn hopes to tell iby members. Tibe fug may be seen ard Welsh. . I . I ...... A. . . . � tilifil-. jioxt wiritell. 0,11'e However, this., � 'Shi4es Z.h, � %, ,4-0 ft,� ,,.,� � . � L's .. . .. s14 I ted foe',��- y even, Dbtgey WhO Tj�f - $44. The . , - � 11 'it , .1 -ount that has .in St4�Vart Bros.' window. -Edgar Munn. Exeter: Wni.ffhoudville; 'J. W. "!(1,41 , fl , Il . . . . . . : '4 1� � fidwi que I I . - `66 V - :: ., q 10 I �,Var, JFJ _ . . _ , d ticket No you early in May the am ,. RAY ,,� wildoit, V , , Q 'n. I � . - f0al A� I— .'t . .Hensall; ]�Ienry 4s - I . ... . Ilroan,, �Ion;, Loin tk mv tifit, Will Wifig OW, been. raised up to the,last of Aprit ­_ '' �,��. 1, I , : , 'prl�,e,Wgg ..a Kenwodd blanket. I —0— Petty, R. M, 1� �- I., 4�.�- - , - 11 . ., ­­ A�dt DiAil'i"."PAIM I I - w6lo-hig oe . . meigined tbefbTo, all the I ZujIch.; JARoy.�O'Brien, -Urich"Harry 'Bitc.lia'Aah -HR 1,444-:,"U, .�. �, o �.. �t . - ��_ �_ ..."'.... _,, , ,__jiL" , , A,4 has been i . X and 2X . _ _­ ­--IT�!-,,.'�,',�,,? .. . ... �­, 6, ­_,Pr,�_8 &I 16��..�__ � _-_!:t===::.t 15 featuring M eu. .� : k � I I g- btftlt . water., -­tt_V�Mr_0fM . __ pT.oceeds-'�0,.-gLV&4-t�0--tile-99& ---I- 1-1- � , Th,".41tor of a magazine . Hess, , Zurich; J61in Geoffrey, ,R.R. ,2; , .1 " I - , .# I - . "W";"t - dgw`Auft , , , * "" th6 10"Ooft Bill* 4VV6t­aIidUi4bd 101hr YOW � *�' � 11 1jj,dk.%111ypar4uat whI& �UD � . I.. Ot ,har . . I fuln! lea aihd j,dkeEt,;t%mtVlsd-* -let-- ,2. ffl* T011er-.-td8th" � , . , ".... � rr"i Rfmtn ­._. .. (I - V " .. _ � I 0 , -, 06*er'xTftlsr1 .. � . p.ng a number of -Would Garnet Dh - cluytotiiqm� � VeJAUL, I S . , : 1, . 0040001 � " � '".. :- , ." I . I and 1� tot . , u " " . rs, Zurich . �.10 . i _.___ hef WA:t t ltle4, � �, .. . '. 1. ­ . , Now in. al k I't u�� r L, , ta ; .1 V � I I . , . . . , , wv,PqL�.'� . - jig. .411.tls y6tir birthday Oh Pff- � I . � . �,,. gR " V-6., t .1 � ,. 'AAP`.;��id,j , - � . W Oh6irt U4669t; - s, Vt .. � � oqte of th;o next S60orth west 11 riteT asked: ,turich. - � . .1 _4,4- Xllafic 4' � I ...­ , , - j6jo��d,`#Y' � Thi I I 1 -be Jokes, In Which. -the W . � ­ I .. . T.Uy� ill"'Brilig . -_ - . - _, - __­,-,_.. ­_ I.. 1. ._ - -Irf __ " . �Vjqe,, ,101 , -it t6 you *Jth-,** 00tv . , .. X V--" I 1�1 , 1', �' , . 14� , 1, I . , A i , � � L ­ � . � ,�& :'. N "," , - � . ,nr ..9� ,(, � ;.;,, I � ;�`>t' �14 0 ­­;- . ., '00, � �1.1', � . 9 �� 1. 111� �r �, I �11 '11�, L1,12 �_� ; '.. I . . L I .. 11 � �r . I I ; , " ; i �' . � � i � , . . � I � - I "�� - I rl`� V "F ple�111. I I 11`�i. . t , - I - I I 11 , V g, - �, , . �. - . I ot , ,:1_sT-S1?nb9-:-Mrs*._ 4_41d". - 116119190n, � �5cffx­ . , I lebflng�:,A A" "! I � aid# eouedtioft Im-4e0n, teitin't ly, set , , W wil y itv-e me�*c tboe?t� - __ , I�Vt' � I'll ., � -11� , - X X - "., U �;,:'§ �'., 1, 101 , :01 I _- . t .. . I �, .­�.iili.. . olley, ., ,:, i ". L !. 1p . I . � I . � � � , I . � 1, , ! _ I , t. I " �' ­ I I " QnDal � . "I I itifthell Par du a - . '4, 1 I 11 _1 � � . � .1 � i ...., ral"� 0, __ (Al 'tt , , �;,� " `40 I Sol , . a I hXDtft, - ,- 6 --- - WAY MR* G. , M116h, . , the reply. 06utr Ila; , WrIttid S , R4N1,i'_,._=_, lvxi*� - "W", 5� I 'i W,',,DX=. .,L r -, #4 -giatul�AM601 � , ", ne#:. S - . I I � .q.._ � .thi� od&,�O, - _ " 11,;wp, , 9''k rT . , , MA Start,` W0 . � . . ., It, * �,' 01:4. ,i:�� Idu J10 16 ,ft , ... .�',J� - Tan, Yar . 4 - -�;'. . , ­ ,` � I �, 900 .1 �Av ­ - :, J �- *1 " � � '%l - IN I to. . , , I V 1. 1". 1'�,:,. I 1. � I . . 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