HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-04-10, Page 5.. i. ­. I I '111-1, '.. -.� � ­, I � I � � . I f . . , : r-1 1. . . �, � : 11, � 4� �,�.',:.. v,,-, . ., , , . . , '''' ­ ; . I 111, 1� I I I '164� , " I , " , � , i �, ;,,. .. ,.�,:;!"',..­.� , I I I I I � , , ". "". '"', , I ' - �1�1 I , , . �, L. ­�.--- 7- r- 'A� , ,�,;., ,� . ,� , .1. 1! � -:11,1V , -1, � . . ��,�'-.�-;i�.,�:�;,�'i��'-�.-�--�,-,.- " ,--;j" ,, �, � , �'� ,,�,. ,- , � �: " ,:-:4 ,# ,,, � �14 , � .1 ,i,tI'l I V , �4, t , :: 1:11". ; � 'r". I", , � i ;11.:.:, ,,�', , " . e� 1, 'j-,-', , �. ,­.",, : ", � 1, , � -,,�;,.r �. ,,� aq,�;- �,� , , ,' '. ". ��,­': : 1; .1. .1 I . I , , , " ;�.�,, " 1, i'll 1. , " - - " 1. � I , 1- � �, :.1 " I- it -j,F�IN - , - " , ­ , , , ­- 7'+� . ­ --�­4-,-�,�­�-ii� ,V , , , , "' .�,, 4�- � . ': .. , , � , ­ � :. 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I I I I 19:1W -RIP $. 0 ­ ROARYA ... IFf"T7 11, "'.....] . ,. - .. "." 1.� . ; 4.: , T 6 f . - M0., c0t,,age U�rA,�: vjec� 111� tl, : T,1i0;:bqno �� PF W�y I .. " d'vig, Pll-­ " I jtlw � wft—Aer, okrom ,.­ - -1 1i I � � � ) , - ". � 1.111". I ��, � :1. , T % j^1' , i - It' ispeaz;allk ! , X - ,,,, - . � xv � . I I v�ia --,, . , ­. 6 , . . A** ,,w'qpr,v- .� . . ""; ",­ '�',�:�,-Nl%I, I ", . ­ 01C '00- 0UPPAPI!,�, MAO; -T, ,R:, a0fri, . ,�i , , -,�,,i;: � . ��,, ­ -q " � ". q.-�,-s�,62',.,'%��;S,Wll R' , . . � t � " 'i, . ',i ,­ . . . I , m �!�., � '*,� 'I , � " �, I;; : � � ply ­M,X­-,:t4b boaT � . Wrt 4A4-:NTP41'qd , , � "' , �r .� . ,� q X . � . !� I � I * , "�, , , I,: - � i - -071 61i `1 ,.. . i olit MA "" ", ;�­� , " , "' I r . � 7 , ­­--gi, % 12 �� I I I I lf&�.,�;� :tRIN ,� ., , I . .11 � U, Ui ft, . , , , 4 -bl;i" �-��­ , , ­kp .i, . 4,10' , .'�;.�,�,!=..* �ff - � ­­­.. 1- ! ft P " * , � �# � r ­­­ -­­­­ .. ... .. ­­. ­ ­ im ; 1:1Q." . ,:i - r. 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Ir �,' - � - Gej ia "il - Half ': il " '.., � . , .V ..111,019", 14ST, , JAI'l.k.. , ",.- "'. -,,�­ �- I I , "' - . , .1, - 1W 01 ;. 1­;­iwir­ 21 . r I i - �,,i� I " �V ',� q 01 4*0 � t t4b 01'i,�. ­� .:i", '�:���,'�'����:,.-$F;,.;�"2"",.', - '� .1 1. 1, , I . im .. rw f " - �� P, '. ? -0 I . I � I ;, , & 4 . .� � 11 � - C. L, Sm, tu" ­� � , ­. , n - "�­­ , � . I , . -'l ". .. Er . I . li6l` 0 0 �'spe .1 Hesa, 3'montb1s,t ­­I� �,� , �� �A '�.11� ti �`:-:�­�: :.., 0 of, 0 '#.Ad Mft,'T I I ^ I .. 11 . , �tj PtIntiII9,. $4�-60;'A..Z 1�' , �, ,*-e.d' Ch 'i . , W -,4,, r,'# . I 11 171oe . I I ., ,,..r 'Xe*,d o ­ - �` . 01".11111", 11 ". .., 11 with tb -­Ik - i!";.: - ,4014. -4,.v" � . , � -11 at9a, 1007160, I . it .. , IV .., .-:i� I.; - - - � 1;�, " � . " . ssqary' 49Q.0u, W.'s., Jola 11-.'�xf 1i .� .. 1� . . -r,,, .,. ,Jg - er - �, , % ;`�, . . ,, i ,, 41 "" 0 ,,; � � to * . I ,. I � ­ ­ make a . �,, 111� .." , -, 0, IGood Fri, . eir dau a' .�114X.Z��-., . , �400 , I 4,0 -110 of their '.. � , -im .. .' ';;' ,� I �­��;; . Gordon � egge,l at Galt,- . . 1. - $100-00; G. , re, ., -.,.. A0*1, ., A. I ,,,pregOit . man-... red OWES " � , t, �1. �. .... X ;'111 . .1 Slian,nou ., ii" - Il*, .,. , . b " qla ' ft -,brf:40-ele'et . :" - ,, * ,. . I . � . . � ,� 1� �.:­ P I . . . -, .4.ya,, JjJ4 I I , 11 . � . I ;.­, . ­ ,�,%*j, .. .1 . A02, Harry, Qlampbel, R.C,A.F of lief, W-00;-*- H. Edighoffer,-yootAge ­- w - ... -.;�7�,�..A ­'­ �;�iii�;�,., ,,of 0,464,;ti .AA'Adft0g Was read by I I - I , !=? i 1-11 . St. Thomas, SPe4t the week and at *7.90; H.G.Heas, account,liall, 0PU.AV,o �,.,Ak. �:,% � *4V-1, .. � - 0� . I �,:. M.:. � , �.- �::�, ' . I I -, t I , r,.:,..;.,., - ��, �: ., . 'll I , . ia t I I -the f' Mr * 'Mrs. Charles J- SuPlet, relief, $10.4- , I ,., I . I . . Mrs- WA10. 0111)01141F,4�44d'tha preien- . $�;ari. . 19, . ,*�; � � ev`., �: � 01ion"or'a hand -sot' T, I I., ', ..".'t ,,.,Ik�;,:;.�'­ ,. ,�.,, , ;i0iii P-:.".'..�', "ii... " ­ 40'�,"11,'Wrrar ,�raa I I I , Eggert ai2d - Mc, and Mrs. Edward The. council adjourned - a meet --. Nk- --i,:-;, ­­ ,X '.�,;' . !�!::f-.e;.:,; made- by'ARk .T.e4n, rnjR - M . * * . I a \Monday, , , I - 41 ,,,, ", "i'.- .I...., , , , . . - , . , , b 11 � 0 77,�,';� '19 , � . t P �` - ,%. , Glad ,: , . I wee"14i . ` ,Scherbartli, 'LogiC I , - , 4ay P, ad .1 V h. again a - May 4, at.. 1.30 . - 1: *1 `,:.%..!,I .1.1. ., !"... * - 1�11.,.�­ .: !, - ya, in , , I I ­ ­ ,., ,.�, . .­ �. ".X,,...., - worft than . , . .1 ' ' .. . Mr. and M ..' O'clock in tha'afterndon A' . ­.. ,." , ,�, . 1�.,,. -h ­ . -1. ". "011stj - !i��, � - - wellin4waou . e �, I 11� . f Ayr, . .1. - ------. . 1i .t, � . .. ii. � . �.., i a few -*as spent and N - I Polo � rs .4,.Va�apei, a ii ...'... .,...� . . . A social- -hpuf` . Xed the � . ,It?- , I . I . ���" f 1 $ . , A. il ,�.. . . . , "I I I I .. . .� o1r. . 1� '. � , . and lmr.,'Earl HamPel,'ot West Mont- Cleil�'.' � i . . .: ' ' . . I �,� a dainty 71unch 0,ervdd- - - I , . . , . . . . " . . . . " - � . - .. . � 7 .. I % . . . . . , � . .,rose, Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrr - ,. .. mollillow . � ­�. , . OAA s-zl , K11 1� A; _6 -- "'X -, ',.��,. -, - I 0 '' �6,s - . . .. ...'. ., , I ., ... ..,.. . . , . , � ;. . . e ig ,. llm, .,, I: "WN:i::::; i4i . . " k xg r7i"'Y' N4.7. , Ii. I" . ,�v ,�, , / .. V, , ... . � . F R" . ,� - . . 1 9 Charles Eggert. I I = I �1= - ... ., " Im I 1. , ",1 ME X-1 I _­ ,� ,C,R,,= � ; il th - Jareott Nuptials J.'�,gng , ­,�, - I ' * 1, . ,,, * , `� I r Snil I I . ,. ii ,7,* �' 0 14.1, " - I � ,�, g ', Mr., and We. John Keehnie, of Ros- WALTON W . I -­:., I T +E� I �yl .. I �- " ­� , I I . " : �, The home, of' MrL ,aid Mrs. Job r111 , ;;'A : gr' I I I I I r . U Sm"Irtly 1, S, ,, I . *. took, Visited with � Mr. and Mrs . - S-Ii.j"�,'�' ' , ArTott. XJPPen, w a the' sbeuer.,Of df , * Late ' his I ?1;11-1,11t - Z. 11 A-,� . ", A . ;&A , "' . a rr . I � . .,Chas.. Regelp one evening last weer I Mrs. Hugh Campbell MW X I �F , a , Styled nd IV., �,-"T S. , Vp'"rhe �v .I- . a I t . .. . .1 I I pretty -wedding On ,%at4rday,.A.Pril 4,, 1 1 Tailored 1 719 �4 Mr.'and Mrs. Jerry Doerr and fam-' I � , .,:­ ­ MWERNEW I 111. i6 � 0", f, 11 . �� . - - I at 12 O'ClOok-noon, when their only ki I, i Vf c ­-­­ �K,,­" *P- - atten k h- hly esteemed, resident �of Wal. . � . as sketched ,� , " M , .r�, ,�, , -ily ,ded the ConfiFination servic- 7 1 . - daught6r. Gladys Uae'ElIzabeth, be. , 4 . r0-4 I . ton, Aara ,MbRibbon, wife at Hugh , � ;� � � �il.RPX 1�1�� , - I I? i- N iz " V es at MW4�ell Lutheran qhurch..' I William Quinn is chairman, of the came the bride of Edgar Hugh Smith, -il. � �: * 'IFf. ,1'11�.%-,10'; . . .4 a I I " , ,�,!�,��', � I ,�,,� ,,Jv,�� Campbell, was stricken Tuesday night, Horseshoeing, Committee at the In- only son Of Mr. " d - -Smitk, g;:,:,�:� '�,�ftl � . 1. 'Mr. and, Mrs.. John Eckdrt­ and Mrs.' March 31, with a- heart attack to ternationAl -1 H. ,�g-..* - , 'Willia ' _; I 6;1N;,. . I in Flannigan spent a day� at Plowing Match to be held. 'Of. Varna.— �Me ce*rem`*�ny was� per- ��.'.100-1� �,,��.. k I ��,,,­,�'�i­, wq" 'Alt Exeter last week, , . I which *she stlecumbed Wednesday, af- In Huron 'County, near S 61 , I-, i�� A . . . eati on formed bbfore a 1111"...,ii "I - I 111i � " �, I . . I . e . - pre,ttily.. decorated 11 I ­ Suit for ,��,�,,, ...... 81 . . .. I ternoon. Her death came as a Shock October U, 14, 15 and 16. 1 arch of cedar and. I 1111 - - '11/0 . J,�,��.�,��,,��" Vp -- --p- I � i6s, by"Rev. A. INC; ":Ml Casual 1114S, ik�,,�,O, '. * . -- . � I to frie,uds and- relitiv6s Aince sh . e had Some people 1; ck,"ihat M . ros V11i I ,:�� , I , � '. I lightsay,-He . Grant., Given 14, marriage"4y her .I.N.0,11 . ,i,-']. '�!. . �:,-�-;'V.�, .. '. , , '; spring �,` - ' " � . I . 1 E * " 0 � , I been in her usual health, Until the most be an 'easy job. Just get a few ftither, the bride chose 'a !becoming ,�:­ i"', A'111e,�, Wear. . ;�,,,,,;',`�%2, 10, k �,W`?�' t- )� DUBLIN' �$:P- , I . , . , time of- the attar,k. She was born, on horses, together and let. the black- floor -length gown of Vale blue et 1-MIr . ; I I "i. ��.;11'1�: �,;�i�-,�Z"e, --� the 14th concession.,of McKillop, n' - ,�n �K��-',101 SpeciaL 11��.��ay - :,A��;��,,Q`! V . _ ear smiths go to work on them." It is, with 0 i'm :;Clr:��,'q - I� rt and I �",�..,,­;��!;�,,". .1 ...... 1; 1-1 " 11-11 "-,:." . ­.-Bervices were conducted at St;,-Pd:t- 0.1.-- : -.0,; .6. ., %, a . U"'-Xul'el --Walton, October I 10, � -1-860, the� datigh- however, a real. joh requiring fa� ... lot taffeta bele,ro. -Her headdy & .- 0;1� ` ,99.40 1 ­."-: 11.­�� , I xick's Church'. . . - - RM ­` �� - �� �;--­ .. � , 11. -;,A '. .. I- ... '1...-;,N!t , , . " , , " . � tek of the late Thomas McKibben and or direction, tact 'and skill. The rea- band of. orang6blossome. The bride's .. �-;-,.�.�,,-,,,:,.,,,-,�-,;.;,:. SRI- - -- - -- I - � , �'i,, 1g, ,F- . . I I 1. -q, to, - �- ­ . Ail I I ., , �� I �� � 1114. -i-,, I I � ; .,� ,, ,�,; � � . ,� � ; ,,, , " 2 " Personals: Mrs. Mary McGrath Mr. Hugh Campbell, of . Hullett,* 6n tario Plowmen's Association has laid es. . The bridesmaid, MISS Mae Smith, i �,,;��l".?""."..,.'..,."...,-"��ll"�'If�.'-.�.-I, 14�1 �,.' � i . V! ,,, N , . . . . , , Jane 'McCloy. , After her marriage to son for this is the fact that the on- bOuq4et V�as a Sheaf of -OPhelia .ros- � -�;-:-g�� �p'-g-'....g,"s! i .has,returned hor4e after spending the August 4, 1887, they -moved to Kin- a good deal .of emphasis on horse- of Varna, sister of the groom, chose - I @ , ',,�, . I I ', . I ., . .- . . ,,, � winter months in Kitchener; 'Ken- Istino, Sas-k., where they resided for shoelng competitio a each year, be- , " . _'�--','� I ... .� , , gn I ,11. I . % of Years.,� Re�uxn i ' ------ ­�.�-g RA . .�- 'I' , I metli DIU, of Kink, and Miss Marion, a numbe g, .., i" ,.,,.--.% z � .;" i . n a- floor-len.gth gown Of Pink frosted .m � $1 9.50 ' "I � . I . '­­�­­­­.. - . ,. I ... . ­, 1� , -W .- ;�, .1 . � r"....', --- ­ I .1-11.1 .?�,- " . . DIII, of London, witfi their parents, , Ing east lieving them to be an art that 'should organza an44 carried a she f , �., a ,. - N ­ ;i?,, , i I I ' they lived ior a tirhe in' Turnberry, be kept alive. a, of wihite . . ., I. . 3 , ; . I Mr. ,4-nd Mrs. P. Dill; Thomas Me- 1) - carnations and maiden hair fern. Pte, I i,i"`.�,i-1;"Mi ,W­.� 11. . ­.­­ ko ,. . . -1. '. . � .- � , , . � I I � . ,Ca:rthy and Dan. 'McCarthy, Windsor, Ut sPOilt moat of the' married life The �utomobile and the trucklmade Clayton'�'C;a�aPbell, of 'Cornwall, was �� .. NIE . , . ; , In Hulle . 11 �i' Miss Genevieve McCarthy, Torontol ,4t,'exdePtip ?.-,E,���'i��*,,-�r�'���*.��,.�-,,,,, 11 ��, k, . 11 .11 I " . '.... I ­ 1� � Gre�. .9 a few years in Inroa:ds each'year , on old Dobbin. best man. The wedding "March way. . ...... -1-11.,..... ii . . . .. �;­. . -.. I... . , . I ... .. - lf:;01;z � . , I . I , . -1 I . ­ id Mr. and Mrs.. Matt McCarthy,and In IM they moved to Walton. Blacksmith shops switched from Abp - 'Played by Miss.. Audr6y. Cochrane, of .­­ . �� �� Al- 11, ,?., ... I I I ." , �.. 1. ­, I I—. � -c i n . I � .... . .. � I . ­. ­­,�. 11 She was d member of the 'United Ing borses to -filling tanks with gasa- Seaf(;rth. The house decorations were I NOWNWANORM ".. -- - .. -7- 11 . , -, I , " 1 . . I .1 . . . . . . , . :�.-?� . ii�g:� I ­- " . . �; � ­ : ,, I e ,. I . , . :� "', 11 I . I . ., . � . . . . ''! Misses Ve-ra and Genevieve Feeney, -if was to give a competi- wedding cake and pinkand white can- � . 11 �� ... i� labs. three daughters, trade and d ii e centrp wi , usband she leaves dy blacksmiths still kept on. at their � the bri al t bI 'nd wh te, ,.... � .. h*1 r,e , Detroit, *Atli Mr. and Mrs, Cb.prch and a life meni6er of the W. .line. However, in, many centres har- in color schemes.. of Pink i 1!.:.... , . . M. McCarthy; Rev. Harry F. -Feeney M. S. Besides her h , i . d �C.R., and Miss. Rose'keenoy, London, 'to mourn th .d th the ENGLISH WOMTED , - . , . . . . ' , .1 '�- I I . � . I �. � Mrs. John C. McDonald (Gertrude) of don. for,the4e men as, well to eneour- dies and vases -and pink. -Snapdragons. 11� . . ,; -Toroiitd', with their motber,'Mrs. Kath- .. .: i! � . leen Feeney; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grey, Mrs.'George Carter (Edith) of age yating m6n in the trade that the Those serving were Misges.,Edna Day. .. . i Ready. to Wear Spring' Suits ,' - , .. , 1'���,!' I . I .1 . . I . Sniduck and �daughter, Kathleen., Kit- Mllett, Mrs. tiordbn W. Xerr (Hazel) horseshoeing -match was started at man, of London; Wanda Baker, of ; \: I I . 1 -14 .1 . of W-innipeg, Man.; one - Son, Archie the International. . . ��� , . . . . �, . ,.; I � J, ,ehener.; Mr. aud'Mrs. Lloyd Etue and , Clinton; Irma Fergusoia` kippen,'and j.: � I . . ­ . . ��­.. I , I . 0 I baby, Zurich, and John E. Molyneaux, of Toronto; an, adopied s,&n,. John Kel-' Now, when you visit -the Interna- Mrs. K. Colborne, assis't�d by Mrs. I . I . I .,..: . - � I., .. . .1, Assumption College, Windsor, with lar, of Winthrop; seven grandchildren tional you'll find a crowd of 'people W. Mellis an , . I .. . . I I . . 111 I., . Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux-,­ Joseph aud a . d Miss J. Zv1son of Kip- . ".. . I � I �­ � -.Ilk, . 11 . ,s�jRter,, Miss Isobel McKibben, 4�tark,ding around the spot w.h.ere. the Pen. - The- brldc�s mother, Mrs."Jar- I I . �'. . . . I - � . 71111111 . . I .1 I. of Toronto,'� Five brothers and five horsqs -are being shod. There are rott, received iq a. navy sbeer dress I., . 1. I 1. . � "� - . . . ,t: I i I - L. ooby, . Windsor, Miss -Loreen Looby, sisters Predeceased her. The funeral Young. people who see 'the ,,' . I . . I . .1,1 . I nurse4ii-tralaing at St. Joseph's, Has- - OperatiO-a with corsage of'pink carnations. The . . . I I I '.11 -I,, . I I . � . , .4 1. �il putal, London, and Pte. James L. was held.from the late* residence on for the first f1me., There 'are older groom's inotber, Mrs. Smith, wore a I ... . - " - . . fj � , , Looby, Toronta, with' their mother, Friday - afternoon With Rev.. AL W. pe�ople. who recall fondly the, days black Sheer dress with'?Corsage, of New arrkyals in tweeds,. High- quality English I . . . Ab f , Mrs. A. M. Looby; ,LAC. James Cut- . . . :" 7,;, ., , I 'Gardiner an'd Rev, S.* F. Freldrickson when the black�mlth shop was, a -fav- pink carnations. 'The groom's gift -to polos, an& dress cloths I 1�1. . I . . I ,,,, I e ds, 1 n Navy, 1. . ..... � " I . I � ,� , conducting the service. Interment orit spot in which to spend a few -the r de was a gold loickot� to the Worste 11 , tin, �arvis, with his parents, Mr. and 6 I bought in Toronto this- . � . I ,� . . " . i Mrs. William Curtin;' was made in.Brussels Cemetery. Pall- hours. .1. .... I I I si � iver .salt and Depp'ae week., They come Black, teal Blue, Air- 21, ". .... � . . . . . %, . '. force � I � I V I " bearers were.Areble 'Campbell, John" ' Bill, Quinn -farmed for many years bakers, to the.gi!oomsman a Water- swag§er styles, raglans ,and Green,'in pin . I 1. :. ", Miss Ursul bridesmaid in I .Wrauskopf, Toronto, with her. par- . . a I , , 11, Kellar, John McDonaldi George Car- in Usborne tow ; . I � . "I I - nahlp on 011� of the man pen and pencil set, to the pianoist, and. dressy fitted mod- . a n -d cluster � . ­ ­­? , � ( I .ents,:Mr. and Mrs, James Krauskopt' ter, Alvin McDonald and 'Glenn Car- finest tracts of lind in -the 'town -ship, stripes. I ,:11 � , - -Captain P. Stapleton, R.C.D.C., -St. . I ,a silver bon -bon dish Later the bride els. Just the shade a'nd These suits are expert- � .1;'..' I . , , 1. " . I Thomas, with. his ter. I . Lhtely- he has been warking, in the ' 10 for� . style you - wint are ly styled and tailored. ..: I . � aiid groom left on a motor, ti I �:; .Parents, Mr.. and . � ,: �-' . ' ' , a ­ I . 1� � .1 . Mrs. William Stapleton; Mi � I . . building business but he till retains. London, W. g and Chatham, here' in all sizes. i . I . I,; . % as Ger- allacebur . I All ­sizes. I I .1 . ill I . , ___-i.' his farm. He always liked horses and . . I � I . # . ­ -trude Sbqa, Alberta College, Winni- - . - - . kept a fine the bride wearing a tailored teal blue. ' 31951AM . . . 1. ­i'l I -.-peg, wifh her sister, Miss M. Sbea; team for general farm suit with matching accessories. On', � , $1 5 to $35 . IN to 32,6100 . 111 . , , 4 , WALTON - ­ . work. One of'tbe thlhgs he - I I . ", . , . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daptzer and 1. . I was al- their return they­:�wffl .reside in . . ;- . - . .'I I - . WAYS. Particular -about was ,that they Guelph. . . . . � .��'. * -childr6. _)�Iinwoo . Ga-esU'-werd - Present from ' . E . "I ''I 4 - - ; ­ . - -Ri - d; .Xr,... and 'Mrs. An� ', Mr. 4'nd 'Mrs. Tom Watsbn and. Mr.: , were shod Properly. I Cornwall, Niagira-an-the-Lake, `Ldff�' " 1. :", , I , � . . . ,,drew Dantzer and 4aby and Harvey and Mrs, JoeliDavisoix and Mury,ay, of By reason of the Onphasis placed -dcFn t . . . I . . -, I , , . 11. . - ith 'S.- on the horseshoeing be Ill have to *fiela, Hensall and , Hillegrdein. . , . I :� " I I : . , Dantzer,. London, wit& Mr. and � Mrs. .London, ,spent the week -end w Olin on, Varna, Seatorth, Bruce- . ,;, . ,and Mrs. .. 0. Bennett. . -make 'certain oi a Praminent spot or . . I . .." . A. Dantzer; Rev. Joseph A. Fee;ney, Sgt . W W- f I ,. . . 4 A , . London; with his brother, Wilf�ed Word has h6en, received of the , .,,I.:, S - � :- ­ .. - . ,��t , .... . 1 4 I . . I .. Feene�r, and Mr. and Mrs, Dan Cos- Rochester, . loed The pro' death 'of Grace Ella -Anderson, wife� - . 11 prin . . Mr. William Bolton and Dorbthy, of the -tion of this -feature. 1.9 ; 4 , I . spent the week -end in per number of horses will have to be .. I... I N . �,:�4i, ' . I.. . .S.-4 . I , �, 4 4 D ;.;.-,, - -1 I . � 6 � -tello; MISS Doris Mathers, nurse -in. Walton and vici ity.. on the spot. Equi of the late Edward Drake,af,Enchant, . . \;3 I I . . I'll, . I . I 1, . . ... " . . � :11 01nent for the bla �:. ..,:- . . :1. � I I .,. training at Stratford General Hospl- . Stewart Humphri6s. and .Walter amiths will have 6k- Alta., and daughter of the late Win. ­ . ��,-- I , . � .1111. . .�, .1 . a , to.be set up. A . ,­� ,;, t'l with her pare .1.. Play uits , . . ., . . . Tits, Mr. and Mrs . nd,' A derson, of Kippen , fbllo�ring a crit- I 2, . . I j*ing I n I . *� - . ) I W. M,tb,rs; Miss An.. M(�agher, of Bewley repqrt to Kitchener on Thurs� of course, right now .he is, cantae Cal operation in Lithlifift-e YIosp'ltal: . I .. . . ! '), I . . '-1 I - . . . I - ,11 I " I I -, 11 . day for training and Mr. Herb Traviss the most skilful blacksmiths in the f -J, . � j I London, and' Joseph Meagher, Strat- to Chatham. � . . . ' She passed away March 28, two � I I .. I . -d . . .- . - . .. Province and-invitinj them to attend . � I i .i� , !, % . foi _with theW'-a,x M months fqllowing� the death of her � Foi ' ,, I .�:�,� it . Kiddies ' . mpats r and Mrs. -.--q-qgt--W­ C. Bqpnett, qf �Petawawa..' 'the In -tern I . .... . _ J,C ­]�e- � 1 Y-Xgne-s,-FeeneT at'a"L 'a' H-aPan countf li,,Oand, -Edward -Dr9ke. "Idavlog. . I . . .1 I I . "�� *.- 9 81 visited with *his wife and family over this fall, - .11 �� " �:... , ­. � A 1 .."19 A 1,.� with her parents, Mr. and' The week -end. - . . ' . �. . . I I � " 1�1 I �:. I London,, 1 . . I . seveh children to mourn her loss: * Navy Twill.. Overalls, I al ��,-" 'Mrs. Mae Feeney; ­:, . I ,. � lu.11 I I., if I I Miss Jean. Burns, 'and Evelyn, of . � - . . , . ' Mrs. Ken Rutledge ' " Mrs. Harold Jones (Mildred), of Tur- . gaily trimmk Sizes 1� .� . � I'— ,Oalt, *Ith,her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Torqnto, ar . e spending this week at in, Alta.; Bernice, Delbert, Wilma, . I two,to SIX V 1%. �` I I �3 ..­ , I ..,!, Dan Burns;, Miss Mary, Dorsey 'Lon- CE . ..::. , ', .� 4, , ber m6therls,' Mrs. Chas. DrAge4" CONSTAN . . Gilbert, Frances and Beatrice, all at year ............ 50C ,�.� I I ,,�' e . home. The 'funeral took , place I . . . - ,'i I I I % �, don, with her par'nts, Mr. an� Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Rob-1son, of Toraq- -Aiiefaftman , I . Louis Dorsey; Patrick Maloney Spent Kelso Adams, 01 '-*a4, April 1 to Enchant Cemetery. Much . I 0 English Covert Cloth . . . on , . to, s�ent the week -end w tA -her pa-.*- and Miss Donelda Adams, of the staff , �ulh I A',".�". .`?;�.-A . . 1'1,�f , �, . pathy is felt for the family, '*�, I— Overalls in blue, gree.. � - . . 1 ".43 , 1 4 the week -end in Windsor. . , ents, Mr' a.Eld- Mrs. F. Wilson.. of Clinton, public school, spent 'Line 83�m I -4fi), W. A � . . . . P. and sand � . ,- .1 . . . Mr. Gordon Murral is spending a At the United Church on -Sunday,- .... .. �,p `.A, I . . . � 111. I . . . --""It 1; ...... llwwft� , I—. a h I . .... ­ . . . . I - . : 2 to 6 years.. � 14'i 1, , . . .... ...... . - ... Easter. holidays with thbir parents, la t t e chancel wa:S agl,o* with the .z - ..��-`,-�..,... .... 69c t . ii..'.* ... . . . I - , �K ­ A . I . " I , - ' ' . week in'Detroit with frie'nds.� ... Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. �i -- .1.. � . . ,-ill . . - �� HAY. - ' . Miss Edith- Innis, - of - Toronto-,- is� . I . varied colors of spring iloweirs. 4nd .:::. ­ii,,M, . . . . . I I -..,-- NA - 11 I -- ..--. ­ - . - .- . gav �- , K...,.: - - :: , '. ... I -�� 0 Xiddles"Ir Corduroy Double -Breasted Suits, vinhfle they last, or� SUigle :.I � -bolidaying'vVith her parents', Mr.. and � - . e a pleasing setting to the whole . . I ........., " wmm�, . -�lillllwi iwmmmlill The 'clidir re0iFr-ed 7ti0b .1 ..� �'--....-�'..-'�.."".."�,�'.� . ,1,�, I . I I . - , ..--- ­ ) � y, meeting of the Mrs. F. Inials - � service The regular montbl' Overalls- in blue, wine, Breaszed styles - 90. . 5. . . trousers have cuffs,- pleats..and . ­ ­ ---�..4 . 66 1 ­­ , zippers. Everything that's on the, 11taboo"t list to. : . ill n - * - ' - USBORNE - - - -- - -, ­ beautiful Easter anthems, 'in it they ..... . " :. ....,..� N green, brown and red. . . . . : * .'k .. 11 ­.,,..,. . I � . . . . . .... I d Wil '.. ,council of the Township of,11.�y was . Master Do. al son, of Londqn, .. ._, . � ., I excelled themselves, In, the first anthem' ,..:, ... ­;;"� Two qualitlesi ' Sizes 2 1 day can be . had at Stewart . aros. ready-to-wear . I �111� ­ ...�� ... :,�%;;..'�";� . . . I........ ' ': "' to 6 years. We 6ve a' wop 11 . I held at the Town Hall Zurich,.. -on is -holidaying with has grandparents, A very sUccessful commlinity night ,,OjdJi1i&dO e the -skies," Mrs. . I :,.;.. �t . 4epartment. � -- . . wed Ar , .1.1 .Oerful .showing ,of , - ii Monday, April ',Q, with 'all meta�bers Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hoy. ' � in 'connection with the'Federation 4 - I ��,'�'�`.."'-.1`11�'?Al . ,.' � I... ,vr6sent. After disposin . ­ of. j. 13. McLean And Mrs. Butt io6k the � I . ,.:.-WO..'�`.1 �e,:::,,gl­ � . I I English Woriteds and tweeds and in just the color I . . .. . "..� ­ I ng-" ' them, "Bells . , You. w4ilt- for SPHni. -Sizes 35- to 44, . ' . I L � . .1.25 ­ , . I 11 reso u ions,'Windsor, .and Miss Mary Humphries, tion No. 1, Usbarne, �;, I ". �- I :, ,- IT to $1.95 .,:0;� ­ g of tbe� com- Mr. -and 'Mrs. James Humphries, Of Agriculture W4S held-jn�-Schooi See- duet. lb. the .other an I .. I ., munications., the tof3owl 1 tj 11 11 . .. 1. " . ... ' . , . . , . , nader the chair- Of thq, Mon]," the harmony In. the � � I : ­ ". � , . . . , ­ I- were ,Passed: That Mon-teith"& Men-. are holidayl wk, , M . C Z- ... "A I *'Corduroy Coats, man- . WITH TWO PAIR OF TROUSERS , .111, , " , - ai ' 0 rs.. R11444an -manship'of.C�arlle Xeddy. The Com- tenor and bass parts ti�Lkep by ,the '411-� ., .. � ' nish, style. to. . I . �. . . I .1 . . , ,i` . . I I . teith, , chartered, accountan nd-Wm .. . 4 ' I I ts, Strat . mphries. mittee in charge ,provided the fallow- men al6he, was very 2ne. The Pa toy - , ! . 'I I , �; ' . . a � I IUU . � - . . ' � , , $1. 41M . I . %Wd,nshbe appointed. auditors ot.,the ,', There., died In Vancauver,� B,.C., on Ing � gplendid'i program . Community c en scene OIL. the . I. . I match above.. . . I- � ,�.- A P . ' . .1 - I I I . , ,, I .'' I of Hayto'hold office'at -the Wednesday, April 1 Mary Fergus2!�, gong-, ".'O' ChVada"; opening dance by first Easter 'morning , where .�Mary I_: .1 ­. L I . . $28.50 to $35.00 ' . ,;.,I , - ­ . . . . . I . 1. I . '...1; -pleasure of the township; that bylaw daughter of ' M;mh Fe.rg­uson and Joyce Broderick" Eleduor Cook and;.meets the risen'Ohrist. . . . ­ --11 I . I . !"q providing for the-Improvement:'of the Christena McFadzean, formerly Of Betty Mickle, of Hensall, accompin- . . . . . -- .. . . 11 . 4 I . . I . On' . . - - I McDonald Municipal Drain be -read the 17th of Grey. After hot marriage ist Mrs. Broderick; pla .Sunday next the 'l$asthr I will � I .. . -.1.. I ­, �1 . I . � . I . I : . 1, . I I I , no duet, Miss prea�h ,on the message of Gen.esos. asI . t"I I � . � .4 . I , . I al .. . . . I ifirst and second,time, that bj�a*s be td James Strong, of Tuckeismith, she Pe�rl Wood and ,Mrs. McFaul, ot.'By-i the rst';f a monthly series on some 1 . f I- ... "Ill.; t' 1)rInted and serv4d and that Court of went'to thtish Columbia, where she , eflar; teapot song 4y four school girts, Bible books. . I ;.� I � � Revision to consider appeals bd''held died., a She leaves a husband, also four dialogde, "The -Big Hat";. violin selee- - I ." I � ... I . . . The Mission Band expects to bold its . 11 Li . A . at Town. Hall, Zurich, an - Mon,diw, sons, Clarence J., Adrian A., Oswald tions by the Joffrey' brothers; read- -on Sun- . I " I . , .Easter thankoffering, meeting . �? � I :. I -May 4, 1942, at three 't O'clock P.m,; J., of Kamloops,and Major Ilvin; also Ing, "LevinakY At ,the Wedding," day next. - .., ­ � I 1 -.1 . . I . 11 that the purchase. of a small carload one daughter, Mrs, 0-.­Frederickaon, Miss Borland;.com�q, duet, Mra. M, . . . ewar , ros. , ea - t .1-111. . 0 C Mrs. lj�trl- Mitch4il; tap m I . I 1 4 . I Iof telephone poles be and is hereby of Vancouver; One brother, John, of Be bler an , Mr. and 'Mrs. ,Bruce Lithgow and . . ­�" . . fa ily, of.Forest, spent Sunda-ratthe . . I . .11 . I I recommended by the ,qouncil. That Alberta, and five grandchildren. The dance numbers, Joyce Broderick; vo- 4anse. � . I I . .jo . ;.i. 1 o6d'and Mrs. . I .. �� �� ­ . ;i% I `� -authority beL given to purchase ma, fifneral took Place on Saturda�, Apr ­cal duet, Miss Pearl W ­ I I . I I . 1 1,4 . - MON I . . ,:� . terials needed in co'nstru.cting,,teie- 4, from Mount ,Pleasant Chapel to . . I I " _ � , I . I �,z ­ .". . Mall'aul; � plano-Aduetliy Wanda Tuck- � � 1 "i ' .- . . I I I �ill � I I vi?, phone circuit from Dashwood Central Forest Lawn, Memorial Cemetery, - ey and Miss Pearl Wood. The guest ----' ' Watson Garbutt, 6f Carlingford. surance for home -owners u I p to - $3,000 . . .. . . T" A to 'the Giand Bend Emergency Land- with C. R. Batzold officlati � - WINTHROP " Purpose: To cottRe -ve milk fat and i�' I , ag. . I i . speaker, Mr, -Gr4Yt6n Cochrane, bar- . Mrs. Nelson Drydges is spending a wiffi insurance 0� chattels to, a lim- Provide cheese for Britain. ' I , .4', 'Ing Fleld.'-That 1941 collector's roll . . . I . "I rister 'of Exeter, spoke on legal mat- I -, I I la ­ *; be returned Py.the tax collector aild . I ters . of interest to farmers. At the � , -- . I w days in Londox. I - .1 11 . Mr. Wllli�m MeSpadden had an aD� fe ited inaximilm. Bill further authoriz 13. Value of Canada's external trade .., 0 , ,#, .., I . . pendix operation in Scott,Memorial Mr, J. Morgan,, of I;ondon, spent ea Minister of Finance to, enter Into in , I .A . -that the tax collector be paid,his sal- �. I I . . February, excluding 991d, w I 1, 1. election of officers Mr. A. Tudkey Hospital last week a,ud is-dolng as the week -end at his, home. On larger Pra- ,- ar, - ' I .ary, all 1941 tax arrears to be return- 1* TUC"RS31ITH -11 was elected president, and Mr. C. .. cQutract for insurance . $287,752,712 Compared with $294,4X4�- - -'--.-'-,1 , I "" 4 . � ,ed to the bquaty treasure. I well as can be -expected. I - Mr. an(i Mrs. Campbell .Dow, Mr. pertles to a limit of,$60,00. On these 021 in- the previous month. Gain ov- I "Al" . - w. ­.- . . Down, secretaty-treasurer. ! It was Mr. and Mrs . Will" Kearney and Mr. and Mrs . premiums willb be collected . , -ed by la*.' That accounts covering Mr. aAd Mrs. J. CrIch and Mastef arranged to hold the next' meeting ' f . . William. Montgomery, . I la -m er February 1941: $97,596,934. . , , -S I a Brantford, visited over'the holiday Erle C. Dow and. family -spent Satur- Total of 1&3,A60 A.Iij? I* iers 'en- . . `.'� . . .war . , '-" payments. on township. roads, Hay James; alsp Mrs. -Grace Ross, of Sea- early -in May. . "God, Save the King" in the village. . i 'I. day evening with Mrs. Helen Dow, of rolled. I 14. Canadian imports. in Februar ��'; I . . y, . �- . `� Telephone, relief and�gener'al- "count.9" forth;, Mr. and Mrs. Leritils, Oeai�ian was aun'g, followed* with the grand ­ � I excluding gold., valued at $119,556,000, , � i .. .� , ly Hensall. I . - I . nd Miss Browni of Kit- m -, h directed. ­ Mr. - 0113annon Verham .and fami, � 6. Commons adjourns March 27 till an - increase of ,al at $30,q",00() ov- . . I be pass4d�aa per vatichers: and'Ohildr6n4 a I are by ,Harry Strang. I I Mo I_' "I', . . a Re*nolds, of ' Tdr , ... moved- to ­ftmQndvIlle this week April 90. . .. . ei: February, 1941, : . .��. I A I . 40 , I . . .�� I Township Rbads-C. -I.A.---Smith, ad- chpn6r, also Mr . - Luncheon Was Served. 11 .Mrs. George Eaton has been,," ap, Il. 1,Pazific War-Counall- established -15. Major-General Maurice Pope av- � . . , 1;� wertising aect..'$2.85; Tjmes-Advooate onto, were -Sunday guests of Mr. and � i ., . . � . ­ ..". . . . , I ,advertising acet., $8.00i 'M, 6. Deltzi Mrs. Robert McGregor and family. . , pointed rural enumerator lo prepare — . . in Washington. Seven' colintrieS re� pointed to represent War ComMittee I � I !" . " " - .. .11, . -11 . ",-.�l � 11 ,� . Mr. Jonah Green aTrIved home a , - - a voters' list for Polling Division No. I -!q presenW-. Canada, Australia, New of the Cabinet at Washington. Majoj,� � .,d gtis, oil, labor, $68.65; p4 -y list, labor,, ,,a fe . . . ' Zealand, Britain, United.States, ChIlIa, General . 1 128.90; DomiAlon Road Mdchi,nery 06. ly from,Thedf6rd where he spent the KIPRI4. � . 2, McKillop, for the plebiscite.0te to icahada s , Pope *141. maintain contact ` . . " , f amily. 00"*"� take place April 27. --. "e 'voters, list -. ­ I I � ., Netherlands. I . . -.1 *19..01; A C. Kalblielseb, luM. winter with his Prother and r- � . between Ottawa. and' the U.K.-U.6. '' , 1­.'�,, e 'a . The Kipp�n East W. � . will hold .will .be made aut�iaext week from I . . *�",� " -0 r ' Ira 46, . I I on their regular monthly meeting at the Monday. April 1-3, to - Saturday: April . States of high speed steel, -cl-'Chiefs of ,Staff ,Committe6. .1 . ?� I" I 'ber, $ . W..F. .ten�ilsonil SUOT - , ,Mrs. C, Haiser accidentally tell 1. Importation froin t h e Uni.te . . I =oval,. $113.75. 1 -, . � .1 re thepavement at'her h6me which has home of MiIa. I Morley Cooper on , ca.r.bon 1:6. Lieut.�'Gen. A. 0. L. McNaigbo . . P � A . . .. . . .. ...... . ,18. � . , Mar Effort t�!, . . . . 1, I , eel prohibit- ton, commander of Canadian 06rps . ', .�:g c . I '. The Mr. Gordon,Mlai)ehard has i6turned ------- ed except under li pase from the arrt'ves, back'In 'Great, Bri., .111 �, I I , er room for several Tuesday, April'14, at 2.15 p.m. I I , . A co"neA.'her td h . , tool steel, or alloy tool at' , . 1. . � 11 - am' . . I , 1. - addaughter from 'Clinton. . . I ell days. She Is being attended by.her roli,,.Call will be ,the payment of fees- home after spending.,the winter In, A Weekly Review of Developments Steel Controller and to'Y'rSet, i -Ml I - - Ww-~ gm . . approved by the th ,him went thouga4ds of . .1 - The' boxes"will be packed for boy's Stratford. . On the Home Front , chairman of the Wartime Industries. Canadian troops.- - "A"I" -um-K A"I PAW rQW07 ' Mr. and 366. Dan Mellick and chil. - overseas and any donation can be left Misses Helen Na�ehardi `1 , , I � I ­',e�, 0 6�* I -� dren, of Goderich, were holiday at Kippen &to're and will . bHFy a�p Rea- Control Board. Action' taken� to give 40 . ppppp�� . , � . I I gratefulIv trice d . . z i -�, guests of *Mt. 'and 36s. Wm. MeGre- - accepted. ­ Pryce, of Stratfor , 966'fit­the , 1. PraCdcallY all the men Who will Cdntroller an effective regulation ... -o f A benevolent wman was 'doing S&' ,. .1. , . . - . . , I I week -end at their homes. ,. ­ ,CO&Vrise new 7tfi and Sth Army Divi- imports ,of alL such types of steel. round at a m'ental home, and djavivg ' ,,!,:�.1,0, I. � . gor and family. . I k Sh"Ar.Po'r gride-Elect I . . .11 , . I I -1� owe I I I . 4�,;4 I I We . , -Mr. And Mrsi.. S. Atackhouse, of . I . . slons will be &4hiees called up under 9. Oisoline ' rationing' bY coupon chatted with several of the patt ta, . i 1�1 11 I J i . in honor of . en :1 � .. `- . � �iss. Gladys Jarrott, I —N.011-111M.WWWO National Ref,wiirces ,Mobilization Act. went Into effect April 1. she ca;be agross one seated at a t�jble �111 I I . , Lond6n, were .,recent guests of. Mr. brlde�elect, a &Iscellaneous Shower - . . 14 . -i L :,��','O' ' . I � I . 'Indrew Bell. , ROYS � . Fortnation of 7th and 8th divisions 1(t' -'By agreement 'With manufactur- engrossed in -writing. She, aplroached . ,� I d Mrs . I . -, . wa's held atithe home ,of her Parent$, . W� (mobile reserves for coastal derence) era, production of all chain .,�f", - '� 1; Carl make your . "Mr. E. Crich and Mr. and Xrs. 'L Mr, and Mrs. J. ,Jaxrott; on Tuesday , . - link fena- 'eakeTully and said: "What are yda , �",O; I .. - ,­�,4, . ', .i Brown and Miss.1telon, of Ferndale, a' ' Miss Mary Robinson spefit Wednes. will not affect 1942 overseas Program. Ing Will be stopped April 30, ND sales doingo 0 1 � I �.A ?, . I ,,, . . : . -T . I , � I I I vening with. aborlit nfnety�, ladie's pres- day `�vlth Mr. and Mrs, X Moron. . This �calls for formation ov6rqeas of will be made by fabricatorh .after May The! patient replied-. ' ,�.;`,,l ; 11 Mich., were week-ehdvIsItors with the ent. An address was read, eW Mra. Mrs. Ed. Hockings and Mr� and a two -corps army. I U. I I "Ilia *01:1 -..:,i;1 ng I 1- 1. I 11. � , ,,, X 4, �� I I . � . a letter." . � I 49-4 . . : ­ former's brother and sisters ,in, this A. McBeath, after which the"bresents- Mrs. Campbell Dow sp4nt Thursday 2. -Basic training facilities In Can- 11. ,Easter confections and novelties . "'ko .1 '14..f, CAR 7 district, I I we , Then she: ventured to oak: . . . � '�It, �., I ­ . 41i re broughi In In i decorated baa-. afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. 1. Mor- ada to be increased by 50, per cent. were catered by mailmum price regu- whom?" and came -the ready reply: -1 ,:;�� L I - A 1. ,I --i Mr. X Turner, of Goderich, aild. ket by Mrs. ;Me,l,% and. Miss S. For- �gan, to celebrate Mrs; MoIrgan's birth- i.e., to handle,15,000 Irptead of 10,- latioxis., � . ­rm writing. to myself.ft � ..Z. I I �. I ml I A ` .-i: ��; .a I.- I a ,�� , , - - ll� . ,.T. i - Mr. C. Tivener, of Toronto, were guson. After receiving .the M'aftP use- day. 000, traineeg per mantlL 12. Order -in -council passed proVid- "What�ar.e you ffayllig?" 9 . . i -1. � callers -oh friends in this ,vicinity on . . . 1. .� LAST LONGER ful gifts, Gladys thanked the fr nds M I e e I , � :, I � I -i Monday. -` 'e r. F1Dd.-'­Mr-S.- Gleason , �1% 4 �.il,, I . ,,, , T visited "" S., Married men between 30 and 25- Ing that ice cream and fee cream mix wbereupon the Patient replue - . .- . , ­� ' In a few approj6hate Wdrds $ad all ' 0. e . . 411 " I Mr On Friday with Mr. and . . Camp- to b permittlid to enlist in reserve, -shall n& have a fat c - I sban't. know until I a it , &� ­!. " I i'�� ,, . . 11 1, a. 0. Habkirk, Of ,Pontiac, Mich., JoInbd In Singing "Por She's a J4D1 y , W. . ontent In 'ex I - I ,..­ � I �� 0 -- Is with b6r &rent Mr. and Mrs. E- Good-Feltow.lt The kuosta' I I I (111 Do .' army.. , MRS of 13% per cent by weliht. morning." 1, .1. ­ , '. I . jj.,�� were then .... ". � I , �..� � " I ­ .. . `­ . . � .1 . � -�4, .: � , , - ". � ii. � I �, - jg , ,!i! I. . 11. .11.11 . . i� - s, -� , Ou — . ' �-7 ` 7--,.,,,� - 7�­7`7­1,`--`---� . . Ball f ihf� d week. , In-VItod,tii see the trousse'att which 1111, of Munro, called Frid9k evening Minister Mitchell aj�nouncea, may be I , . `�� .,. ,,., � ,, : . , �7, , , J or h9jr,lay Alr. ard Mm Rimer ge�tt and fam- 4. Essential farm workers, Labour . � i '' j 1 -7,11 . . I � . I ­­ . . -- Z;.. I I 4.w, Thd,titaden6,", r. C. WhItboile, of was displayed by AudreyCochrane, I 111W.-M.I., . , '' , i.`;i--��; . . -- 11 Us �. .. I Y' ... to celebrate Mr. Campbell Dowl"s birth- granted Indefinite Dostpoum nf but I . . . , ,;­,,; I , p I . � -,U, I " I . IXT I ; j , .1 . . i0trattiotd, Nakwal, and .Missea Helen the, lindna, by IrIdA Ferguson, and th� . I 0 . . . .� ,llp.,", , .1 . . , .1. . ,. . � , - 1.1W . ­, I . . any, not oxemptiaii from mf�tary service. I . �, , - , 1. � ".�;� . . TUr' ,:* � � ,,;. � . , 1� �11' I , � , I . ­ . I .1 � � �� :!1. . ,i . �,., � L � AX -- HSTIMATFil- ON . 1 ,,,"'Pl' A'"iL'Crlch, Mtha! and (114hes IbY Mrsr,,.#­AfcBekth. . . ­ --.11r, and iWxs..WlnIai31 Xearnor and F4m.worker' who receives a, notice 6 .1 ,� �,,, :, �. . '. I t I I 1. . -1. ' anor N#per and Xathledu,Sellery . W.,M. S.'Maets � � i i ��,5­: .4- ;" 1�� V, .. , . " ' of the Collegiate, 0e holidaying At Mr and Mrs. Lawson ,Kokruey affd to repbrt for military sefrice or viedi- am Aoawo.-A. .i; ­­ .. ­.,;,;.,­' :tUAk�A19PAIRo - I MiiO W.M.N. Met on Wddheaday u. ­ - Xfitday with Cal..elamination must atill answer -the I . I . . . . . , ,..,� I Y()U' a - - . I . I - , "' ­­,,�� I I . , 7 7 . � ­ their resi*dtive home6. Irfit Donnie, visited on " . 11 � .111. ", !. - 1;� . 1. ­ I " ,�­ .11 ; . .,� , . - " I �, tornbon at the Mana,6 f6r, their lgaotef , ' . . " .1 0 . .. ` 4A. -Mrs. .: MOVED, KAM%J1TAJF4A—lCX­ `!. .— , �­ , . i yii�, �,6 . .. �, ­ '' J'" - ­ - - mjs� - ,,Mr. A16V MW. --Mr. Jo Do* ilia bate 'with divisional - registrar who ., i� I . ,-i . . ; ` �� ,�, , , .%.. . , I - ING. Quite t ndrabe'f- Of fariners 6f 'the meeting. k ,The ,0ro9rA% from th# d - Erle -0. Dow. . , ftot!0. Mati called must comintint- - RE � 11 � ­,­ 6,01.5 . . .1 !' '­ I � 7— �.,,,�:,,o; , , 1. v ? I . - , 11, ""L�t.."�;�,�.�,',,�-,z;.,.,,�."..�,..,., � - . d111044t, attabdod the.. 4.1"s--Clob, ban- ,olonitt, Molitbly WAS followed witIr I 1. . I .1 �". ,,! �." ,­ t ., . . , I . ,� � I , � � , i, Y"', . - 4' *. 7xi�.-aad N g aua­fwnoy� r I "'.1'. , I I l,i���,lw;q,�,�',.�O�;""I,rt�i!��� "'! 11 " MV 11 t , , q ii. I I f -F-0 �`ii,01,1` iq�%n � #1 - I ���n-, -'M � , t -@ " '11,10i'a �;gq= , .. , g ,�, .1 " - � � � , I I 00�10�,OiOii 11, ikll-� 1.'.,,�;�:w;:"� "I . � .1 � I , , , V��" I . 'r I : � i�41 , I 1.1--� - � "". 1117 1 1 1 11. 1 - bir Tffftd ayoon. proaldin, ­ - : �­ . . �. . . I 1, I I . � (I.. 1404t at­0lIntdft evening, .,,,,,, L -00"#&-ftl�- -AWA-09t ,Aot],64 bAA way apply fo' I P"'ONP. OOLLftlrl- ', SiA0.611-t" J . - � LL." 01, ". , � . . Ay , ,.- -0-. ''. ..", ­ -nmf I : , � . a -WO X3311 � .. .1U "' ` , I I I '.. I I I ­.% 1 .. I �ill�,A'74) ­ - - . � 4, t,., �,,' ��`­W, I "-I �Z rA." , " vilidti, Mt. deorge-Wils , , , , . . I , I 'N­�' -a " - -1 -.., 1. .1 .. - - . , I 0 . .. I.. . ' I .... � . �-�, ... � , " I . . I I MW I arm W&k. 9"ohdal to WAlawn - -N&I'd oft myd, J. nnilayadit AlItL -Mrs" I ..: . 11 11 orioductibu. - ` - - I . . �� - . - .­; ""' , V . 011, Of t e 4ril dovotional ,parlod was-An-Akailft—of "Alfa ... ­ ft wift's6a 'buti ','Aillag. -big f . . '' , " .; 9- Thig b011ed 6n "Wr4ay s,t tho Pme, (if Mr. �woftlllt _764 �po el�- ..�---dn-� -gimmal : - ­­-­ .... ;��Ir ! "! �, , ','. � �'� : 'f'S - L t1tue Pribe &Q Wade . , M . , I dt -0 I--.. �� 16rd, , .1. I 11 , I'll I 40 " DAU � � .- ­ — ... "'! ! -�,; i "a � I I ,I ��,,Vme, 'WIM66, AA-­-�ftqy- 4 6, �M,'ro,.�-.Fw-i�-OfJI4.lit.ii,-ted�- Ift- 4 a . I I . I . 1-�, I . ,.'' `,��,i -, " �, ,,;. .: I ''I"XI -,�: Ill - & �. �! �� 41,11, I v I '1­47�-,.,ml. 01 10hey , , - a .q , �1 .� I N I 1. I . F'", � �� ­­ ,�- , X - �ftley", ..��,,­-4. '. .1 1­40i..�4*!i i 1 I 4 . "�I, �.,o ''Jt,�,��J' , U . . I ­ � --t�' GOVdftJft"'t wat -rfaik' I 1� I ., I - I � IV10014 ­ . 11 L .. I � ''," llo . ''. . ­ � r � '!� . 1406WIV610 1 , . I � I 0LI�f. � --01'. i., i;�,� �,,`�,� .. - ��.---��-t-:,�-,­�-� �, , . I . I I I -1 I I , I I ,,, 1: I,.; - �1'1 , '1� ­.­­ , . � I . 4 a. 11 bill , -�­,��,IWW,�N 6IL A' - - - � � ­­­ ­ I '. . I I I L ,,, 4 ­� Z- ­t ... :� ­ i, ,�,�,,,,�.".,.,;".�,�,�,.."":. .'11."�'..As-"", 11 ,,... A.i" 11 ­. � `1­�, . 'k�' . , 41,!, �,,­­,"I'­ j.,. . : � f . I " I ".. � "Nod ta. i" i �' ` I i6 ,,� " 42 0, '­ , . '' t4 tobid walb In &i "I"p",., �­Ijt`V­l �' "�­'',�".'.tZ, � .1 ..�, . " 1, � 1, '' W2 , , I . 1611496 I �61 , b4 tot, ualida�s *Ith- mk " � JAV400d Z ConliA098. , I �ak,��­ I-, '. 1-1 "'o, ­��'q , I .1, I . I , I � , , -- , ­----­­-­- ----- , I'L �.. ., 4 ", "..,., 11.1 L I � , , I I .!'1'4.--- � � , '!,!; L ­­ I -- '' , 1� �,',"" �,.��,S,.Oa­ f' 4,N '­­ � . , . ­ I , , � , ,�, � ­-,­�­­ ", 11 I - . I . '' I V � I'll . I . PA -1,1- , ", � ; I - 'P . ,i;,'.""�,!�f!�, , � , ��,?,;"� '14"t "I'' ,., . ': I .. I 1� . 111. 1''... ,,I, p" A.;. li ,�� �, �vo'VA'D,Vf I I Ji,gP11;X � .1 "j��,ii,4'71 :, - ,,%,!�;' J '.­�,�­ . .I " ­V� . .iIk " , "" '' . 1.10­ll� . "IN. , - 1-111: �.:.�� , �'; " i, �`!"", ­­ ` I '112 , ty'A"! � Ll . , r�r , ,;,L" 3 �:�`�-' ::�. . " ,,� ''' ;i,ii," ,:�­ ­',�,:"�.,'�. -111-1, Wf' ,,, , " 1, 4J�`�i,POYL,� , N X� , F .,� "EM., , � §,,�, "I ,­� , ' 1 '-''­­', L :" I '. �",,;'­ ­ L, '11"�' ,0 ,�,�, 1.'� - - ­ �1- 01 ­,,�#, , , '.. , , -, ''w"'), ,",$., "I 1 I I "'� ­ 1 ""7,11 '�' ", i'�, ­ "�il.� "' .. " L'; . I � 1,� �", �Ill""'��.111"..�.11'.1.1'..."! . . 01f,""T ,4 �,*g).�, a , , - I ­1111i��P. I -.1-1- , W , ...... ...., . ,!. I.! ��, �. I ". ­ � .. ! �. , ""' '194711A I I "�­ 1 441;11 -mM& 'T,1,-, A�­­ -j..... " �1111qlli %, " , ­ , . '.. I -`1 .,,;. '"'h " 11 .1 F , , ., ­ �11'1 ­ , ", �,; -A61, ,� .., , .- �?�% A11101NILM. 3'� , , , .1.1 ­,", , ",i, 'i"!, J� I I �� i, , 1*11 ,��"'Nz , , M" ... , I .11 s .4"i.il," � �111,1 ... "I �', ,�,,�, de�, OF , ­­­­.­, k� �.�', ", 11 `-i 11`1-1111 - 'j�,,j,jp fi�,� , w ,� , �'t "'�.",;;j . ",,"i�.� 1. � , r WE"," 1�1 I , 1. ", " . . ., -41�1. 4, � a ��� a ",U7 i"'t'i'S ­­­C�u .� 0. ­'k,WNF, � 0136, - Aa - V� AT, M