HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-04-10, Page 4e- :; 7111 � �'_`, "":, ,� . ; �.! � � ­ 11 �:i .IF � �­. " ,�_f � 1, 11'' ,�';, ��, .� � I , �4 � I I -��,�,, ,,,� I ;,,�S - , I �',. I .... ��, � I ... : I,- 1; jl�, ", I I ., � . -, !, �.�, , - 1,1 ., 1 �­ � - 1'i, (i , ,�1,7� � .� ,I � � - ; �11 17. : � �, . 4, '44'' �T�j , ,��', " I ,,;; 1.`-t,.. _-� " � �'. �� i - I , � % �.:i!%, ,.:,� �,� ,.,'��, � : :�`,�:"!"'.�� ", '' I " ,, �,� � " I , I k � . "', � : -11-i' , , .": , , '��,� ". � ,,� , � ��,, � 1� �, ", " !_ "� � i"11 �;!", - �� �`�� I �, �, I :� I I ­ 11 �: " � "' , 11 ,�,?:' , T, ��,�',,,'�� I i ', .i:,,,-', ,.! ....... P , 1�� , '. ���,!�, �;�_, "I'll, � �, � �,�� 'i "O. "I,- , , ., . '.I, 1;��j 1. ': �f �`,,;,I',',��f�,', .,.. . � ,! ," ,,I,�� �' I ";"N" , _ , , i " � , �.�', ��. I : ,; . �'. :� .. �, -.�`�, 1 4 �. . . , '' �11 . ,� � , � , ", ,,Zf,"�� . ; �, ,� ". 1� I "", ,7�;,�,V,%%f:�'. � , ,;�,,, , , ,, "; 11 ,.J�, 1k., !, ", , � . I � I � .� ,�, - � , . I 11� I I I 1,1 11 �, ,�, '­� ,, � I . 11 � . ." 1, �.. :: n ­o.� ,,-.� . ; � - : , � 4 �­ - I- �11 � .1 " ,� . , � . � ,�. I . , '),f, , �­�,., " � "11* I .1 .1 ", 11,11, .. . I ,. .t I _;�';: , �� , �, , i, I V� il�;� 11 � i I 11 � 1-1. 1 Z,��,("I"Y`, �. .,;, �� �;. ,, I , -1 I � I . � , . ., ". " � , . . -, 1, I �, ", , ��ij, _': , I i ,� ;�j, �j ! , , ­ . I I �:�i� i";�,,'j,'�',t,� , � ,',� �, . . �; � I I � ..", ,.!.,� , ; . . �� f, 1�­;�,,, : � A �%': I . 4, . : 7- . - , . : . I . I '�, - lwl . '" , . i'� ,; _. " - I I I , � I . 10 I ! . . I . .. - 1. � �, Z 1, I, i . I �. � , 1. . I ,,­..,,;� y , ,',,� - . I I . . . � I � . . I I j I � I . . . ­ .. fr F111 , "I .1 j T Vt, ,. ',,'4 1� , 1, � 11 � � I . ;1 - " - �: , " 7 � I I - 4:, 1 1 . 11 . �. �, ,� �7 , , I � � � .. . I �,; , .11 . I I � . ir,-� I , ,, ,�, , .'�: � ,4 , I � 1 I I . r?�,.,, , , � ; � , � , . �' .. ,. I .: . I . ,� � , , , '��I,,��;�,Iq, " !;;�,N�: . I . I , � ,;;; .., � I . . . I . � � .. I 1-_ _­ . ­ . , , *, , ! ,�;' I I I , 11, I I I 11 - � . I I IT v ��, ,� ". 1, - .1, " � I I " . . I . .. . I I I � I , V I I I .�,,, I I ., I , lj��'�,�, � I . I I -6, 0J t . , ", . I '­ I . . ... - 11 � _ , 'HE . I � � I ­: e , 1� �71`7 , ,�V,t.4V, It ,;, 1111,�� �� . . - I - . . , 0, �­­-7 "JI , ' , � 4' 1 ,�". � * �. , . � , , , . , A! 1"; . I I . I . 11P lf� � . � -1 I �� �,;,��;:�;, " ,��,444 � ,,T , ­­',".111�1�, ,�.,,�,,, . _­ - . I . . I , . " - . �"., :.,` .;��", 1 4 . ,� . . f, I ,, ;, �,,, I - 1. ­ .1. - ..." . � ,­ - , - e-1 W�; � - _ �111 ,� " - __ - A.", , .�, I , ,,,, I , , " 11 �1_1. . . -11.1111. i; . j;,�. ,;. � -�;--� , I .- I - �- I I., I . ­ - I ­ 11111.1-11 1� 1L. � ­ 1. I—- - �111 �,­_ _­ . . �� . � . A " , � 7-7 ,',,��'Q '1,;'1),;. � - ,;�­ I - �. --s � I -v. , ­ � - 1Y -4-1" 11�1'g%,",­"', ,,, 71� 71�,777�7,171T'�R i�,�" �.�­��..i­'-_.",, I" , 1, o 1-1 ,!�.,R�i��­_­ .�;;,,..�.'.,� .... 4j.;;- -1.1. 11-10 V.. m �� - ,.. 4,�j�'��4�, 1-11 - -I - ,,, '1%11�j�'T ��-,�� � I i- I . - I . 1. - -.. - -11 - I _1 I , ,_ - - I I - ; , I ' ' - ' jk , I I - I I , , � � �, . ,�, �', " . . , . , _. I - I " I � . � . -1 I 11 ` I , � �'. I 11 I I I , ,;�, . ", �, _ , �, ,." 11 q - �jf'� �' " ' ", I �' !,� _ ,­,,; r " �TF' %, I , , ", . 1. - I - �, ., ite . f . f , " . � I j _,7-11- ), . - ,r - � - I I I .1 11 ", �, �,I, - .... ilatophlow .. T, i r , usall 1. .. . �., ,,, , 'gl�j"�TII�1�1_� ( r'� �o I �, . . V. 7111T(�, ­_ - , 2 ." '' � . , I . ..... , � , T� 11 � ,�, ; 11 , , 1�,, �'. 11 ?-,­� - ,��,�,­ , 1�1 the Engljiibi, 0 1 . �", . ,N,11:�' � ;,� z`.� .A- , ,0 �.,, ,,� . , , -11 I � i. " . , . i � , � _ I.s. A�, (,,� , QY- I 41 f .1 �,,, -)a,A,t.,r.. . .1 -­ -­­ , AM 0; , �. .:t�, ,,, , . , ­' �r .t �� " , I J"-.�� Callow.; Pr,,' R,e4trice I)Ws,' a notod .1 11��'1,11�::,� " V ": NC, E. Mrs.,14 A. M �, 0 f 41 i , - . - � , _b ... , 1-1 '_ I �,'�­."�� g,enp - Afte4,ding froin " ae , , "' "' Mr. and X,rgK'WW,' FOrg4son. . I I , _04111�4 li�oel - ove" _Q9, o - 11 �, ,� - Z�w , - . I � A-"- . ,� . . , 1,4.11 . . roes, A., Paterson, a4ut a d , , *� . � " Zr. �� ;� I . �Ij6bjlity.' Miss Oerfrude 11 W., -twe'lu, and Mr. 44 - t , � ftr�s . , �': �; Were ut" IT, or " , "Ely �r 0. , . � � r , .g ' : I � " " � � ,�'��.f, jobn . . , 11 ,:.: ' ''. ,'� ' r. ` . I I �: ii, "'. �'�..,! , , , ,��,,;j f��, �, .1 _ uncle of the groom; frOm Lend, ­ 1. , `;,��f, ,. I "., 1�,� �0 -�� I �44m. 'Or 30y'd ortwelix, A . I., a 11 �� 1��.�� I `jq 10 , n , a, �,��Vr,�,,-`�4;1 � " allaw W -r ( i 11��',;� , Alto, ost"Patk ,.Vwv-,, rx,owanba, qui, ii 10 44g `,� �A t; I 1%0 , e BroxwA. ,04ward, on ' -Ua�- To n�"� ' -��Iumbjons, 1411ton Ortwein., I I % �� 'n ' ' " 41 - "' _�' 4 - d .0' , , 4 a 5 th :eir p4ml, 1 M, M I , ,,�.� . '10 ' �� 4 y� r 0 11 11 Mxs� UaVd � e, ar. . boaxd S, S -01 i .. - - , .. � ..., � 111;1_ '4 d '�- - -A das , ., _p � , � " "" 1" " ,,ck, q, , � , ., ;', r. ­'."."� . 1. I �j .,�r��p,,.,,,_..�..,J;.._�,��.,,,,I,f,� . - -and Mrs. I 1�11; �1'01,11111 ;_k, "', .,,;,�,,,­., 1 Mr. and Mrs. .I.Rarod Scotchm&r.,. of-, piness, �gg I n EWLA -� . - . , _ 1�1 it) . . I !-�' S, - A -1111-0V i ..... . k44 ii ., . � ,a lgjadqw Nelso - r. , N.V�R., Esquim. .t, , B.C., . I , i . . , 0 `,',''�,­, _,�� I ,,, I I , . 'Ae.,­ �,6 " ,!"� roronto, spent f3laster in t -hp -villa a. victim of h4y fever, Andrew Arksey- ' " .,] ' *'all, Llbyd Ortweln, L 7, ,,�� , . I 9 V , . , � -- , - ,.,I,. I . I 1'. ,�� N N � V I!V",�l�%���,JT�,�.��,,�_li�"- "; ;,�­ ,�, , I , I � , � ,;�Ij ,"��­,­ '� r . ' . week Between s e . I ' ' I - '. i -1 I I _- * -0 new . . _ Marks 91st Birthday jkA . el, � I - , I " , _�,44 ,,: ,�i�,,�,,'��'i'll,�'-��,'�."41�'ll"�ill"I , , jfp�r Ca '� Wordo-was, rqceivii�d here last c rx,os. Miss Gertrude -0amm. .T *0, ( �, � " , , 'C�M , orldon. , � 114,11 . , , ft , , 4 " , 01"), 1, � _A...rateS: I . -Da "" � I 111-11111111111 " I! I ,,, r S will be inserted at � of" the death of Mrs. (pr.). Shepherd, was featured -as I sololst-� For ,,ber k I I.. "I If. . I . � ". � 4 -,��:" �,t�, �* ,'j - ­ ­ Z, Wj ­­ I I I - ". - ' - . �, " . NVEDNI Mrs. John Johnston, Hensall's old � � �� %;"',�,"�-.',11��p �r,- ,,, ,, , ,_%,,,,,,�:,,,A# ' ­ . . , IqSIDAY, .APA'IL 15 , --Pet w0cd: . � � Found. Coming Events, Etc I ,j�",��., Pa;f , '44�, 140t aad which took place on Mkirch. 27 at her number ,slie, sang "Ship Aboy" and . 4 1 1��jl ,�J,,",­"�­­'­�4� ,t­,.jli�, . . 9 I IIITT�qll, '4v,t­�, � Ist week ........................ I Cent 9.30 P,M. est lady, coleVrated her 916t hirthdaY Town Hall, Hensall �: - lv I . . . I _ � -, , 1'. ,",� _ I . . . . . '*�.',,V,105.t�1111��, �V,, -7 I . ,,�,�l,,,'Y�.,,,�,�1,11�4","�I 2nd week .... � ............. ­­ � b,q,%e �xn Ontario Califoru�a'. peceas- "Rose O'l) ' 1 ,4 , % Cent ,ay?� Mr. Andrew A400y at her home fter�e on Tuesday, April . " , . .1 I _1 - . ­ I I ",�',k�� ..""',-, �.",. , � ,A vent ed was the eldest dau I ' Ii '-'select406s* Sponcsolreo by., H.e�isall Continuation 7th, receiving her numerous friends ' FRI-DAY, APRIL I . - -, , '!�!�­',-I-_.. . I 8rd week ... I ... ghter of thLe contribute(! severa vio in i ­V.118T, -,.-., * ­­ 0th , 11, .1. . .... , , ,.,_I� " ,,,".i� � . , I Min . r� - , ji:4 * it��- - - 25 Centp . late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rutledge, Lunch was serve4 and'ftucing enjoy- School.' - . . and neighbors who,called to offer con- I I ­ . � .,4 4 " ,�, . 'rI ,,, �4."Q�'��.�; ��­ . . � , �,�.A( ,, , 1 I . . ' " �W�5.' il�i�,�!,J:: I �. ;,, �, Each figure, initiai anti al�hrtivistion counts - one word- - , I . . Under the a4spiebs. of Canadian . . � . . I piobeer family of the 'village. She ed to the .5traj dock arches- GENERAL ADMISSION - 50 tents her attaining such a . Legion, Post 167. B,E,S.L. I ���'�11 - ,7 or eek � As of Mur � . gl�_atulatfoxxs at �, �'L , ,; � 'It". YZ Memoriam Notice_ ­l CenT per w*rd. Minimum. so cents V W - -as Predeceased by, her busband, Dr. tra. The affair ,Was well patronized, . ­ I , .-4 , , , , "'i "', ,.;,; Mrs. Johnston receiv- - , , , , � . . . . �.,. I � _�. � grand old age. . :, , . .1 I 1, , ';, t. .wv,. I g a beau- �', I I 'I', - �e directed to a Bo. N=A, -r, - of 'Me It- ENV-'itor. 'or 'a 'eat' Shepherd, sq�ne years 9 -go, but is sur- with proceeds for war work. . - i� ""'E" . � . ' ed irrany IW&ly gifts, includin Murdock's Orc4estra ,�� , - it, ��,,,, � ,.A I � the vived by one daughter, Bessie, Of On- Death of �Miss Sarah Fee" aqd . s . jl�V!,!,� . I - 'voldfWqnal ver week win b� ��,­Yved if ads in above clan am not void 41y 1 1 brother-in-law- Mr. ' anti Mrs. tiful bouquet of snapdragons, roses ,_� 14 __ _.,!!�,.­ io, California. . 'Miss Sarah Fee one of Hensall's Jack Faber fand little niec-.e, Joyce and stocks 'from her. son Wiffiam, of - . ;�! ,1�111 � ,, '.... Wght in the week in wb�r V�e ad was ruxL t4ri , 15 - PRIZES � 15 ,, ' I � �� % �'1111 , iusej�t�d tr�, ,f chuMv. I . t I I'll ,',­�'�,­ . .. I.. .. I 11 ; tj� ql�o, � , and Deaths � One of our older ci!izens phsAed beloved �ud very prominent residents, Ann. I Hams & Blankets I Consolation , . Teh- -T,�.,ires ,6o a,praomtibn. , Canora, Sask., of which she Is -v6iY 1:: , I,` U . I � - . I , , �n', I I ph.Us, xVtjVm to Czeitor* , di -ed suddenly at her home-here'Sun- -Mr. Cyril Coughlin, of Camp Bor- 6 Speclala­-:�,25q . N�,� 01, �,',,� � . I . " 41 _a1Vay an Friday in Clinton Hospital . . proud. She was also the recipient of 1 "" , p�,P,,�,, ,� . ' _ �. N 1� �� . ", L iii. the person of Mrs. ate I 'R � V�Ilz Waoted I Rhibs Win. Po' r, day evening -of a, heart. condition, in den', spent Easter with -Mr. and Mrs: gifts of candy, fruit, etq., cards and BLANKETS OR'CA.911 lil � I � , .;I,' -� 11 � . _ __ __ - . . . ' 4 I I I . "I" ", _,gl; �" . .--- - She that' been ailing for some time. her 78th ye4r. Although she had C, Wolff., and. family. Mcious Ladies Please ProvidepLunch `... � , ��I, . . been in delicate health for several messages of felicitations. A de t I',, � 001'_ i . . I � luncheon was served in,cludi,ng a love- LUNCH PRIZB . . 'A �� ,,��J`;; ::, STENOGRAI, - FOR GENERAL OF- JACKSON --In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Her husband predeceased her in -.1939. McClinchey - McClinchey ., 4. .1 , , 11 It I �� I L .1'' . flee work. State experieztce� THE ROBT. April Stb, to -Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ja*- The funeral was 'held on Monday years, she was feeling much better A quiet but pretty Easte� Wedding ly birthday cake. Miss .. Florence General Admission - 35 tents , ip '. ( , ff 7 LTD., wn, T=kersmith, a daughter. from her late home here. Rev. Mr. than usual and -was able � 0 11 4w, ­ & 1rffjtBSHER 00. . I ,� 'BELL ENGINE to attend took Nape at Trivttt Memorial Ree Welsh poured tea, and Miss Annie L "r I* I "I'll Qf ie , Seaf?�r.th, Out, 3378-1 � . . � (Last Bingo of the Season) . 1-2 J� I � T.nne �Nas. the preacher. Many old Communion Paul's An- tory--Exeter on, Wednesday, April 1, Funk and Miss - Margaret John . . , " 31 - ___ I.. ­ . ..... -- � � sorvige at St. ston . , �, �� � __:_ . . I 1�1 t ,i'l 1,!', , . ,11 - glican Church --- I , , j:Z!OARDERS WANTED 4�ev. k. A. Hunt officiated for served. Mrs. Johnston was born near, - --- - ,- ,- I . . I'( "I .,�,; -APPLY TO MRS- friends were in attendance and inter on Suiday morning, a- when 1�� 1�, Marriages . I - ..... . � 11, . ;­. ". '""E, MACKLAA1 Jarvis Street� Sea&raL ment was made in Bayfield cemetery. ter which Rev. X A. Hunt, dedicated the marriage of Mrs, Sarah Lucinda, Tavistock, coming to 'this district 1i .. P , i �-�:_ . 387&xl Lim d Westlake, Pte. Borden a cr' . . � � r-, I - I . . - ELLIOTT - SUTHERLAND -Quietly at Ter- Pte. v edence table in memory of her sis- McClincheY, of Herisall.'and Mr- Ar- when ten years of age. She is In I ji " . . I 1� , I.. their 25th wedding anniversary , �at , . � � . jl ,,, HOGS. SHORT on.to on Thursday, April 22r4A,, the Re,. Clark and Pte. Turner. of London, ter, the. late Miss Margaret Fee, of thur, M-cClinchey, of Stanley. They fairly good health, an -d takes a keen their howiy'here Monday, April S. � t I!e , V. MAN To HELP FEED _ � ...... � � �i, 1_ v,ours., Apply R� RICHARDSON. R� R. F. H -Larldn, D.D., Anna Maxgare% daugh- spent the week -end in the village. kensaii, presented by the Fee family. we%-, unattended. For her wedding interest in the current events of the . 'Z � � Miss Sean The following ,knitting quota was I - ", ": 1, Bruceocid. Plione Clinton Sn r 2- , ter of Mrs, Andrew Duncan Suthe&na and . , . 397 8X1 the late Mr. Sutherland. of Ses.fbrth. QnL Dunn returned to the During -the day she was feeling as the bride chose a triple blue sheer Ises in the morning with _V � . � � I I dav * 'She i i -igad, I,j,K 'village on Sunday- after spending the usual and was able to prepare the street -length received by the Rensall Red Cross � ;il�; ,. to Georve Ga:rdner Kffictt, Ist Bi . . gown, with imported. the' rest of the family and outside .of .4 I F 5 �, - � - Rs�gimeut of Canada. vld�r son of the late W�nter in London. evening meal. About 9 P -m. she com: .navy tricotine 60tit-'and wearing a a brief rest in the afternoon, stays Society for 90 sweitei� 6r boys and , 41 . .. ' ­' .. 11. , . k I Lost and Found Dr. and Mrs. Geome Eabott'of TWvT�tp,, Robert Sauder, of Kitchener, spent plained of not feeling well and died corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs, girls, all homeless, and some have , ... 4� ". - .. up until the faintly retires at night. . P * , W 7. - . - a few days with his aunt, Mrs. Ed- suddenly. of a �heart seizure. lost both parents in air raids. The. so- . I �\ ,, , . _7�� 77- � __ I � . I Miss McMinchey will � reside in Stanley, She is very fond of having (hex- friends ciety is desirous to have these finish- , el � "I � 1. ward - . . . "�� � OS N SF-%FORTH� STEEL $HA-Vr, S. . Fee,, who was a -very. Christian char- wbLe,re the, groom is a Prospero I, T -I e L ­ I - - - . us far- and ii,eighbors call to chat with her, ed as, qgi kly as poossibl�,'_ and ask 4M ­ L 21,j,Pl x V, with hol ra each eu& Re- Deaths ' acter, had been a resident of this vil- mer. . ' - . ,c . ",,,, _, . SEAFORTH PUB14C UTILXrIES . " � Until recently when Ver vision be- a -linif . V - 1� .. 1� ward. -8 - I !age for �8 years, and was barn on .Bronkolt - Ross impalre that all wool be washed'bef6re - - . . ,11 oD-MMISSION. . 381 -1. NEIL -In Senforth. on Wednesday. Arai] 8, came d, she Was very fond Of ting and should tbq wound very.loose- ... , , �,',Sl .'111�1 ", - . . J-6seie Me'luityre. widow of the late Oscar HENSALL .the Goshen Line, about a mile amd a A charming Easter wedding of wide reading. .She attributes her long life 0 , , Tj ill, , - . . � ly its tight winding ,spoils the elas- � . .. � . . half from �Zurich. The deceased was interest was solemnized in S. Watet to plenty of hard work and early ris- ticity and ruins the wool. I'll � �.. I -, Neg. I . .. I , ..� . I I I po'-sess d ith a very fine sweet dis- St. Baptist Church, Galt, on Saturday, ing. Her special hobliy is gardening. Mr. and Mrs. Ja*es Stewart,� of . I I , ., I For Sale The Hensall -Red .Cross, is spoRsor- wi I �, ": . .1 I 1 . , 1, 1) , .4 t. .M I I � I., SAL& --GOOD UTSED CHESTERFIELD VVTNTHROP . ing a play, "-Aunt Tillie Goes To. position and always loved to enter- April 4, at 3.30 P.m., when Margaret Her family consists of two daughters, London, were recent visitors with Mr. I . I I . - _ . Towm," presented by the Junior F`ar- taiii the many friends in the home, Sarah Ross, daughter of Mrs. J. C. Mrs. A. T. .Dougla�s, Hyde Park and 1� Im V- FOP c. Apply to and Mrs. J. D. Stewart of Hensall. " 'te; mers and Junior Institute of Varna, where they were always assured �' Ross Galt, became the bride of Har- Miss Margaret Johnston, on the staff . I ru� also eirtensiori-,*bI 170-W. Sea- - - - N� I ' A. 0 Sl-ENCE'S PRODUCE� Pblo- MS -1 Pte. Art McClure, of Camp, Borden, in 'Hensall Town Hall on Friday, warm welcOme. She will be much old William Brenkolt, Mr. and Mrs, George Hudson spent , t I . I ... 11; . iorth. . 8 ed in the home and by a son, of Mr._aild of, the loca4 post office, -and one son, a few days this week with their son . �N. '� 1. I . . - spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs., April 17, at ,8.30 p,m- Admission 25c mi s large Mrs. S.'Brenkolt, of Kitchener, and William Johnston, of Canora, Sask. Midl daughter-in-law, Air. - and Mrs. '­ . . Ic ..., " HORSES FOR SALE--G,RKY MARE. SIX John McClure- and l5c. 3878.2 c . ircle of relatives, friends and neigh�-' grandson of Mri and -Wrs. j. W. Ort- Mrs. W. A, MacLaren will be ,hos- - . 11, " " .1 . years old; bl-,r-k horse rising 4 years.' I I . - s- bors. ' A private funeral was held wein, of Hen Ca,ey.Hudson, of Listowel. , . 1. A , - . ", �1, " � Aiw- q.x,t,-y .f ... d Lnrley. Apply W11- Look! Goodwin's have nice blou. _gall. The altar- was tess for the April 'meeting of the is ,tlie� urgent f � �, * 4 a , ��. imR s4COT'r, IL'R. 1, Seaforth- LA 26, Oon. es, jerkins, house and wttshable silk from the family residence on Wedne-3- ba:r1ked with Easter lillies and other Hensall Senjor W. 1. On Wednesday, S � I Ic ,M-: I I ducted ,.i � 's, AkKillop. Phone M T 3- 6878%1 dresses for girls and -ladies. - day at 2.30 p.m., -and was con spring flowers. -Miss Ethelw .O.S. message of Sapper Jack Tay-, � �. . � - , CROMARTY . I I 1. , ya Da,w- April 15. The roll call will be the lor, in writing from England to his IV. . 1V I .. . - � 'Huro . bry Rev!. M. A,,Hunt, who. paid special son was at the console for the wed- name of a flower jb' 0 � -C ", . 1�031 SALE -A QUAUNTITY or TIMOTHY The a Expositor is on sale in ­ eginning with the wife," Mrs. Jack Ta or, of Hensall. - ::1 I . � bute, to her life- dizg. mif§ic and the soloist, Miss first letter of your given na IV. .. ., seed for sale. Apply to CEMS. BOYD, Mr. and Mrs. 'Munro, and family, of Hertsall at Middleton's Drug Store. tri me. * Tge . Yi . .�, . EL R. 2, Walton. Pboue'831'w 13, Seaforth. . Isapperjaylor states thatsoap ig ra- . I " . I .. 3878-1 Mitchell, visited oVe��the weet:�end at Single, copbes,. 4 cents. , I . Pallbearers were R_ H. Middleton, Olive Hostettler, sang "I Love On-ly motto will be "It is not what you Coned over there and cannot be � , If - . I . I I W. T. Reynolds, W. R_ Davidson, Hen- Thee." Rev. Alfred Price, of Orillia, start that counts, it is what you fin- bought, and the. authorities have not . � I �11'_­ . I . IN the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Me- (Continued from Page 1) - salk.-Mr. arris, Ailsa Craig; Mr. Pol- was the officiating minister. , Given in ,ish, and will be given by Miss Doug- fl* ' ' . S 1� ';� 1�013, SALE--CFAMNT PIG TROUGHS Kellar. . Mrs� E_ Stapleton and children left lick: Toronto and James Stewart, of marriage by her uncle, 'Mr Harold ]as. Yhe. guest speaker will be Mrs. 6 k" I ".., 31 4� 5 and 6-foat lengths. Guaranteed I ' . '. gured out any way to get soap for ,��: ,it , I them yet. He states that some of the 11 , for service. R. FROST, Seadbrth_ . Mrs. Houghton and family vis ed for Cochrane. Northern Ontaxio On Hamilton. Favorite hymns of the de- Ross, the lovely bride was "charming W. Haugh. ' b 3. � i . �. 887&a fternoon at the home of Saturday where they intend to live. ceased were sung,, "Jesus, Lover Of' in a fl6or-length gown of pink sheer -Mr. and Mrs� A. T. Douglas and boys are using shaving cream-' fur . I .4 ", . I ; I nd Mrs. Robert Dalrymple ,s -id I ,Miss Minnie Reid has returned My Soul" and, "Abide With- Me." Rev% with long net veil, and her head- Nfliss Norxn�a Douglas, of Hyde Park;. washing. - I I 1. I I I I SALF-VANGUARD CATS, 80 CF_N`TS � r. a I 1, I ]FOR Brucefield. . . home after spending the winter in I I I . 11 14 1 - - I I -- §:" family of Hunt spoke very feeling4y of the dress was a coronet,of sea shells. The Mr� and, Mrs. on,'Doug- - ,.��', . bushel; N. -Barb Barley, -90 cents a . ' I'll"", if.,ushei: Proso Millet $5.00 a cwt. F-0-13- Mr. and Mrs. Nell Gille,spie, of,Sea- Toronto. � . beautiful character of the deceased, H. Vair and s . . - - - - I . .! I , Illespie. of To-, - .Mrs. F. Manns, who has been viz- I , � i " Rens.11, seeks incalude&. ALBIL BUCHAN- fortb.,� and son, Tom GI �rixlal attendants were Miss- Gladys las, and Mr. and Mrs ' Allan Douglas - , , I . .. , Zl . . . that she ,had spent her last days in Culley, Ottawa, wearing Iloor-length of London; Mrs, James Green, lvan� . ..., A AN, Hensall, .Ont. � 11 3877-2 rbnto, visited over Sunday at the � ting dix Totonto, for the PwA fe,.w the- church, and her's was a beautiful daffodil yellow I . C tcm � ,1 �1 . I �,., . - - 4 �,��? S OATS FOR SAI.p D. home of Mr. and Mrs. James ScotE wee'", has returned to her home here. gown with matching Stewart and Mrs, J. W. Stew�sft, of - . I . . " .T I death reaching ,her �reat reward On hat trimmed with violets. Miss Inez Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. William firom � , � 41 . , I . O.A.C. No. 3. and Card _vANGUAR - and other relatives here. I . � . , , , .. . '. i f, I - . .aster day. Burial was in Bayfield' Durham, Ottawa- was gowned in floor Parke, of Hay, were. Sunday guests URINA-FED FLOCKS t er. j. W. THOMP Mrs. Louise Simpson, who has spent E I . . 1. � "'i . son. Phone 31 on 833. 9817-2 Mr. Joseph Speare has r;eturned the Pdst month with,members of her cemetery. , . length aqua m'arine with hat trimmed with Mrs. John Johnston and Mar- , . . I 11 . 11 . . 11 I I , - I - I . i .. '.-� -VV7 STILL HAVE A.QTjANTrry'op CON- home afterr. having spent part of the family in Detroit, returned. home on The message of Eazter resounded with pink_ gardenias. Mr. Claude garet. . . I . I I I 1 . . . N�fi . �. I � � F&AWA I I' , L-acz Barley fto 4p� out . among the v0nter with his son. Herman. in Tor- Friday. accompanied by her ­,bxx and in the three local cburche� Sunday. ,Schaefer, of Kit I lf," � ­'� ' - Mrs. Decker and daughter, Ruth; . . .. ..... ., farmers. Get ill touch with us en soon as onto. also at Haiiiston with two sons, daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. With ideal weather conditions pre- chener, was grooms- . I , I 1.� 11 possible. GEORGE T. MICKI SON nian, and ther rishers were. Mr. Her�- Mr.. and Mrs. Ra�ph Goos, Mr. Butch . . . . . I ., (. - . %, '* - G* 1,6rne 4nd Ralph Speare. Simpson, and Billy of Detroit, who v , - .1 � -3 Hensall. 3877-2 ailing, there were splendid congre- bort Telfer, of Brantford, and Mr. Becker, ixx4 Miss Kathleen Boche, of I , � th I. � , . Miss Lila B. McCulloch is speadimz ,were. week -end guests With Mrs. I - gation,, e ministers delivering mes- William Kamiska. Following I FOUR BREEDS TO CHOOSE FROM !� I - . ,, - � I t -he Easte holidays with bc Bonthron. . the Tillsonburg, were week end guests - . 1.� r -r aunt, . I . � . .; sages on the Re,��urrection theme, ceremony # I I .."11 . . . . - . . . . . . 1, . I Mrs. John Landers at Willow Grove. Mr. William Hyde spent last week which were encouraging and hopeful. the reception was held at with Mr. and -Mrs. James Sangster Hatches every Ttiesday & Thurad" . ­ t !,�,�f I the home of the bride's grandfather, 'and Mr.'an(j Mrs. -Leonard Noakes. .1 r . - .. . ­ ­­ �t Property For Sale ..., Mrs. S. Miller has returned to her v_lth friends in Seaforth. United Church: Rev. It, A. Brook, 30 Bond Street, GaR4 For their wed- Pie. 'Fred Beet, of Herball, now sta- 'SEND FOR 10 IATERATURE � , _. . � �1, . , , , . - � ,,�"ri I . . home 'after spending the� winter Mis§ 'Stella Robson, ,of Toronto, *as the iiiiiister, was in the pulpit. Com- ding tri I I , . I ""., , ALF-7-ROO'd MOD_ . . lie , FOR 8 BRIGK HOUSE� r P the bridal couple motored tioned at London, Was honored at . . i months at tibe tome of her son, E. the. guest this week with her sister, munion was administered at the morn;, to ' Toronto and points east, the bride the Legion,, . xooms i -a Exeter when I .111, " .- �, ��' ern conveniences: saitmble gmrsge- Om 'd ' Mrs. Harry Arnold. � ' I I .11, . mem ers,, -Hensall branch I I . , I Seaf I I a miride, 'of Wlindsoy�lrection 'of Mr. W. 0. Goodwin, .with with'pink and navy accessorl0, plaid -,of the Exeter . tz' - - . � . 11, A I , . Church _-treet� S,�. Apply M. A. REW. Lloy Miller, in Stra'Lford. ' La ' ing .service. The choir under the dri- travelling, jil_a .navy-. alrepe­ suit dress - - 6-1 . _ I �", , orth. SK,IX3 Miss M. B. Curx�le has-returned"'t- Miss Amy Sha'n ' I ­ . . �. . 1,� � . 1, � ter having spent the last three ,9pent Easter with her mother, Mrs. of the Canadian Legion met and pre- . .;;; I 4 Miss Greta LammiL:r*�t the console, coat, flowered hat anCsilver fox fur. s' n and Poultry Farm �& H .. , " 11, , I ented him with. a Waterman pe � . atchery A . "I !,��t .- months in Toronto. Mrs. .W. H. Tuf- Agnes.,Lammie and sister, JGreta. sang. "Faster Morning." soloist, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Brenkolt will r6Wde at pendl set, R. E. Pooley, president of . . �, . I . - ' I 11T, 1. ford, of Toronto, also returned with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfa.ff and Sheila, 3 ' . 11 Xlc Maude Redden: ' evening anthem, ,36 Cameron St, Kitchener. . Guests the Legion; I I , , , __ . .1 6 ". . L, N.. I . � The lovely were present from London, Ottawa; ' Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster, well PHONE 48' . I HENSALL;' . I 1 4 . . , , � �41'! 1 - - , - Card of Thanks Miss Currie to spend the summer in were Faster visitors with Mrs. Alice "Dawn of Rede'mQ0on." . doing the honors. E. W. Shantz, Prop "I .:, .1 , . . . . . thi. country. � . basket of.Eastei blooms were sent -by Orillia, Hamilton, Galt, Kitchener and known Hensall residents, celebra'Wd . I t I'll, MR, GEORGE BELI AIM FAM -LY WISH Miss Grace Chalmers. of Stratford. Miss Pearl Harpole, of London, vis- the C- I I . � I . I I - � -1 1* . t N- I . to thank their neighbors and fxiim& for . ampb�ell family of Toroi2to,''in . . . - � t 11 �. ,­' � is spending some months at the home ited with her mother, Mrs. Gract Ha�,- I i*.-' �. I -, I . �1 4he many expressions of sympathy shown to .... I I memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. I I I . 11 . I I o . _W - - . � . - I Pole, over the week -end. Thomas M-urdepk, . � . . I . T, � them during their recent bereavement; those- of Mrs. R. J. Scott. , . I , �, I ' , _` 1 I- - - T - ­ I— � � I - -_ L" .*ho sent, Bowers .-and kaned,, cars; .the nurz,p Mr. and Mrs. E. LloYd Miller spent Mass Ma- PAU,�, ,V,f LoNLdon, was Carmel Pres*�rian, Clitirch: Rev, ­��. X�., _L_ _ � k , - -1 .� . I I . - . . I . I � . , . .. I - 1. . . - � �1, . in Scoft M4a� 1F0Vft4_ Rt, -StODIeR00 - �nt guest with Mr. and Mrs, C. I � , . - I ­ . -, _", ., _ .- . - - I . j 'i" , R#V. Mr. Jack. Riev. Mr. 'Garan,.,, .nd .jjj 'Wednesday at the home of Mrs. S. a recL Win. Weir, the minister, � *conducted . ,. . . . Miller. L Jinks., .1 1; . I � .;" I those, wt. .d.kinAly 2m -L -ted With the music - the service. Under direction of Mr. . I I . . . fl, "I .1u,ing the ..r�ioe at the ehurcili­. I I I Mrs�' Eric Kenriedy-was hostess at W. A. MacLaren, with .Mxs. J. Mur- . . I � " .. 11 I I- ,� I I I A I w6sxi . - � i her home Monday evening, ,April 6, dock- presiding at the organ, the choir . I . . . I " ,- I . � ".. 11 11� . ___ _Mg�,_HUGH CAMPBKEJ AND FAMILY EXETER for ,the April meeting of the Hensall song, t'Wby Weepe,st Thou?" -Miss � � � . I � I 11 - "Ill, , , w1sn W, VXpres . s their shicem� apprecia- Senior Mission Circle, With Mrs. Mar I garet Dougall' Ong. a lovely solo. . I � . � . ti.. for the many ldndu�-sesr and dze'sy=_ I ' . � I I . . I I . I .. pathy extended to them dunng their recent i Newberry - Stanbury Mary Buchanam, - co -hostess.' There- The-- e;�,ening contiribution by the � I . � I - . . . �, I , � , . : . .b.rea��Wemt. fpr ftria tributes' for cars -and The home of Judge and Mrs. J '.. G. 'was a splendid attendance of some So choir was "Raboni,-,alad Miss Irene . . . I ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' , '. I .: to Rev. A- W_ Gardiner imd Rev. S. F. Stanbury,, St. Catharines, was' the members present-. Miss Mary, Cole- Roggartli and Miss. Mabel. Workman . . . I I I . . . . I scen.e on Wednesday for the =rriage man was in the chair. 'Me theme was rendered a pleasing duet, "I Am He I 11 t � rF I . . .. I -1 . . -_ il- - I 0. . I I I �, , I l 'The Hope of Easter." With -the sing- __ I ... I . I � , I � , -,- - Freidrickxon. . 3878=1 _ I - I'll - - � .1 . . . 1. , of their �daughter. Miss Helen j4aud . That Liveth." I I . -WA-H CALLS ' I .1 �,.,V - 1. .. . . Grace Staxibury, to Leading Aiter-aft, ling of the theme song, the meeting :. Rev. I . - . I . � . I ­ . . . . 4 -der. . . I . . �, I..�.,�, I I . I . . I In Memoriam mail George Frederick Jerrai%d -.*vew-. came to ol The roll call.w.as an- H. A. -Hunt, the rector, -was in charge. � . I ) � . V, . . I . _. . I . I berry, R.C.A.F., son of. Mr. and �'Mrs. swered - with "An Easter Thougfit in Holy - Communion , was administered ­ I . W !,, i '" . IN LOVING MEMORY OF DAD,'J.12M]Eig IL G. B. Newberry of Toronto. n1lars Prose 'Or pbetry"; Scripture7ieading, at 9 a -m., after w1tich Rev. Hunt ded- - , . . . . . . I � ... ., I I -1. .. ,1. Spmat, vrko. passed away April. I2, 11�37: of p�nik snapdragons' banked with Miss Annie Funk; Miss Edna Walsh leated, a credence table'in � memory, of . I � 0 I ..." " . 11 . . . . . � I � � . I �, I '.. Ferns and spring .flowers decorated Offered a prayer, and the devotiorial; the late -Miss Margaret Fee, of H I I . . . I � - . R­�tinv where no rhadoft ftil, en7 , _. I ... . I � � � In perfect peace he awaits us, ah; the house. Rev. H., V. Coulter offici- "The Meaning of L'aster," was give,3� sail, presented by the Fee 'family,of .. I . / . 1, , I . 1, . . .1, , � . � 1. ,- 10, .11 I. 1oved dearly in life, and li,-inz yet - ' ated. Mr. J.. C. -Stanbury', of Toron- by Mrs. Maude Redden. 'Miss Doug-' HensalL At the evening service -the I � . I I � to, brother of the bride, played --the las '... . ,- I .. � In the hearts of those wbb ne7er forget. Presenti4 the topic, "the Story choir, tlnd�r the leadershi$ ,of ... Miss . � -Remembered arA loved by bin laughter. 1. � . " I ", ; �. � *:rs. Bert Horton., Tudom� AlbeTta- wedding music. Judge Sthribury gave of the First Easter, the Crucifision," Ethel Clark at. -the console, contribut- . . 1. . . I .... I � I I . I - ­ . - - � I . his daughter in marriage. Her 97d"b. based OD Lou Wallace's Soo C"Ben ed two anthems, ',Faster Dawn!' and � C . k, , & - I mother,s Hur." Thi§ was much enjoyed- Doris . � . d. . I I 11 I I 7��-� ful, gown of ivory silk, her '�He is Risen"'i A�t the �onctusioxx of , . . - . ' . I ", . ! I I I . .1 . I vredding gown, was Trimmed with Buchanan, Elaine Carlile, laura.Sang- the service the choir and congrega- . . I I I ;; : Fams For Sale lace and small pearl button's and a sier, borothy McNaughton and ' , I I .4 I " . Ir., Plean- tion gatliered in the school room of . , I 1111� ,. - . . . � I . - - __ I I I � il[�` �% F-ALRM. 6% LOT 4. skirt forming a -train. Her veil was 017,_Venner favored with a number of the church vrbere a quiet pregeniation . � . I I . 11 5� � ; FOR &&'M�-� full length, and,she wore ber.moitbees choruses, concluding with A bymn, was mad ' I I , g �;4 I and 1xM �; Cbaceet&. ?, Mbbr_-, e to Mr. and Mrs� Arthur . I 11 . �\ 11 , 1� t14 "The . . T 'ilk .I g7g, smes_ Wal sa in one pared dy .M- heirloom I broach, and carried a -re's Not a Friend Like the . . , .. VA. Low- Varley, former,valued members of the � " i . - 'i, I . - . . i . L��gn,; ,. amiely- Aldo -AaMe and lot iu ba'blin- Av- shower of Talisman roses,-, She was Iv Jesils," Miss Douglass accompd.ny- . I . - .... I I . - -, - church, but who have now taken up . . . I I " i� , . I .1 I 01, , vily to JOSCM CRONIN, St. 4:;ohWAb81L � � . M .. ,, . attended by Miss Mario ing at the piano. A quilting win be . � I 89764, � T McNaugh- .. I residence in,Tuckersmith three miles I . �1�1, I in --the school room of the Unit- from $&Lfort t spoke and . . .1 .... . .. "?I ' ­ ton,;' -6f Hamilton-, weailug a gown Of held h. Rev. Hu'a' I TO TELEPH ONE EXPANS1 I h I ,101,_'!" I _._1. . _01 J�, " SAI.z OR RM!iT. blue lace, and ''Miss ]Maine Stan -bury, ed. Church on Thursday afternoon, a 32-pleee set of dishes was present- . I a 0 0 . � 1�1 , h"' ' - 'Cow !Nl% , A7" - V'A'" MR . � I,- ' �,�,,;. 1, . with'jj�cod builldivg. and never foilime her sister,'gowned in pink lace. Both the members of the, W.M.S, assisting ed to therLby 3jr. John Henderson, ; . I - . %, ,� �� 1� �1.1 %prim �vn XAC 99_ Condasim 14, Hibbert, 4 wore matching Jaet- caps with veils tho -embers of tb6 circle. The quilts Mr. and Mrs. Varley will be mqch I . ,4, I 4'.J.JT - T� . I ll , I # gi.,YR�gy�,� , , Res awt of Hema& Aiwly *o FR&NCIS . 'I:._ ,�,, ,� . mf , . I . ". ''.. � RyC19WAN. ErenE211. . 38147-Z and 6arried showers of gpring ffpwers: and crib 01M -will be donated to the missed from the church.- I - . . . ! ��,,, � . )1'09f,�,­:, _. ELEPHONES are in greateF de- --av _ '. " . , ?�, , '. , - - - - Pilot Officer George Anderson R.C. Red Cross.- Mrs. R, Drysdale pres- W. M. S, Holdti-April Meeting ailable supplies.' Eyen when me. - I I �., , 1 fpr�.. �,,�, I VAnx iron sALr_ABouT lie ACBJM3' A I 1 I I _�k ented ths treasurer's ,.r - Miss Mrs. R. A. Brook- joaned he . r home T . , . . "I , ,J�gi .F., Toronto, w -as groomsmalL re� .,pport. - � _. �.Ijl�, ,4-' Lot M Covewrim & ELRAL, Tuaker- . ,0"- mand than ever hefore-ev�n ' 1 A 'd, . sm%L Pramcrffly all ander aduvaden. ception followed, Mrs. Stanlm3ry re- Gladys Luker was appointed, rem6,m- for the April meeting of the W.M.S. . I cewitY demands new instaHatiol'is, 1 .4''. - ,�' � ": � -. Gun& Irmne boubis, bmak barv6 drive sbed. vlo celving in a gown of chiffon velv-et,. branCe card secretary, and a letter of the United Church, Thursday, Apr. I I I t' . ... .... I . greater than in 1941, an all-time . not all types of in I , . � . pen, ben honsi,: never-faffixig artat9an welL matching hat and corsage of roses of thanks 'and appreciation was read 2-nd. Mrs. Cross, the prosident. pre- , .. strumenu and . 'r . WOU drainsel and wal ,fented. Powesffien 11. I April list. For further wticulaza aW Wdte navy crepe, from Mrs. Barry Villiams of Kitchen- I ; ",I, . ., ,y 1. Mrs. Newberry I sided. The opening &Vm, "There is record � year. By far t6 greater . I- I . � 0 I : I . ea. -RaY DrYsdAle, a a Green Hill Far,Away," was follow-. . II � I . . � . . �� , ''�' I A"PMW A. XOORr, IL R. S. matching hat and corsage of' ros er, the former Misff . * services will be available. .1 . � � , " � . I Phoars 666 r IL '2"4-4t Judge Stanbury and Mrs. Stanbury ary former ... . valued member. The Xay ed with prayer. it was disclosed that � pan of tWs demand is for reaMence ow w I 9 N . ariime Pr,ces and T , I � I 1, ,- rad . I -,k-., .- 4 . . . - .., . . former -prominent Ebreter residents. - meeting will be held at, the home of $54.00 was realized at ' the recent 1� . a . 'i ." , 1. � I I . . . I . ­ - - . Mrs. Uarldle Hedden,ah Monday, May- birt�day party; $5.00 will be f6rw:ard- . telephones. . 0 I1, W 1.11, � - . J I J 1. ­ ... .. I - � ii F' - _ . . 1. I . ' 1L.- - t" C - - .. . wevior . . . . . .,. I al ,and 6d W China. Xri� Cross,' 91si Mur- ­ I � , , , , ...... I" , �''. I I I ��� , ,� , . . ­ __ 4. at wbieYMiss D Board es"Iisw py , I . 1. ujT, P 11 - rdvinck I I . - . d.; `W, I ­ ... . - �YMW I I I . Secretary for the V. '� will unpreod . ' - I . � . , N(Wees , BA QT.U., be ray, Mrs. McQueen and Mrs. C. Cook - I Olfly a' part of this.` - I I . ? . . � 1. . � guest sp . '. 11,'� � , � � "kei. -­ . ­ nor -in -Council-, under &e War I A �,,' q� -, � - I - -_ , Miss'� Gladys Luker were apPOnted delegates to attend " . . ,,, - TO" OF� SE"ORTH , . exited volume of ordets can -he fiffed . `�% � I 3fr. E. 'A- Peatherston, of- Mamil- will be co-&*40jess, Thd meeting con- the PresbAerjal to be held May 6 in I . �11 I . . � ,�,� "," . I - . " I 1. . . � 1. . . I �12,,I',"�� . 1, ',� . . Measures Act .. -, 0 -1 � 1�.V -,,_1 ton, spent Emgter vrl'th hid wire here. cluded,-with the National Anthem and Wesley -Willis United C%urch Clinton. , dimaed as; - , 'Mr � � . 1 ,4 has �.. � CeiPt8f 'Mr. James Carneiva, of ' the benedilWon. Luncheon was serv- Mrs., A. Spencer,and Mrs. C.. Cook f4r, - I I I 11� �. Piv-Pay Tax Re �it w'e' are to brave anything left, I .11 ... � . I I - , . Toronto, edby the hostesses, mrs. Lorne Chap . . I I " I 1�,, ��,,� G.n th spent the holidays at his cottage south were appointed a tramportation. odrn- the camps and depots'and "tO "I Slich th4igias Ald , , ,,, 1, �;� . � " " ,,,-�, May be purchased e of the village' I man, Miss Mary 061enlan, Miss Gladys mittee- Following the singi ' ait . . may, . I .1 I . ng., of ....", .... ....... . I requisitetoco - � I * " 111�' C , Fern. Luker and Miss Evelyn Corbett "Whed I Survey th' Wondrous Cross" whools of our armed form -for the aservewt andaU_ �,, . � . ;, ;,�Ii, ! Miss Alice Drouln amd Miss I 'Palmerston, 0 , . . . . ;', � ;�, "' same basis as former years, ,,,tt*'-- of Detroit, spent the holidays in Mrs. Uvi � RAnds, of Mrs. Grace Harpole'took the chair for ' y � . . I �� � 1, �11'� telephone' -7 - " I) I J� ; . .. ... I at the oMw of the Trewar- n-ir cottages. - has been taken ,to Victoria ilos-' the Program. Mrs, Merner gave "the nt and faedifies 5_1.,$�, � .. - plants'and offices of our war indus. . PSU . ,,ev, ,�,', , � I 1!. , , "' ",.W= Miss Betty 4alrdner, of I -in London for further treatmeaL Bible readf � ; Misip -Uk6tygjaz 0 ed I � . 11 i�,,,'�,, - encing Feb. 1. New Vark, Pita 119 ffer . ' . � �, 'r I `.111. % 1941 1 I-- . ' - . . 11" " IL i spent the, bolidays witb her mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cross &,pent a prayer; Miss JeantVurray favored ities. Already telephone'. watedg& - We realize that this win-'eauft .. � ��� �,�F �1,., " ..- . . I I ti" .", 1� � 1. , - ith ' � . , .ni,' . Eutet V their daughtt-r, Gold* with a pleasing f�ejdjjig, and a de- �. � .ni,' _til � _til � , A D. H. WMSONI Mft Gatirdner. I ,n . I 0 . 4? �R �.'­ ' 1, , ,- I . ��,q,,,�r " V11 I __ I . rf�.eag. Dr. Lewis, of,Torointo, spent the nurse4n-tiainiftl In St MichaeVe Hos- lightfIrl 'votal solo 'ViI4-8ong," was are dMoult to obtain. Reser,veg woonvenience-perbaps ev,en. L 'i ��, 1�i� ..,,�,.�, M- � , hQ_ - - "I"', . I � , ,,.��', P��;-:". 1. ­­ I . '- &-' C Ark' with 111.1 . i I . ,4f.,f " ,�'­ . . I .V'r4` " ' " I �� I . � - 1. , Vreek-en4l with Mrs. Margar�t Woods. Pital, ' contriUated by 11 ,16'. -?",v I . ��,f�,,,%%. I—' . . I . SIOPW Miss Je"je Metealf and Miss Milz -Mrs. R_ A. Brook spent the week- Miss an widily dimiiiishing,even tholaph - - - ship- We shah need ' - h�j� in 'U . 111.�. ­ Douglas accompEirlying at' the . ���,Q" �,�'., . . T1_ - 'Pur I � ... I . . I 'Iy�l . ,,,, , '114, :,-, I � 1 7 . 1. . . I r I ler.. Of Detroit. sPeilif last Thutsday end with her daughter Auth, nurseAn- piitno. Miss jime ktinedy corittibill- . . . . ' . . I , - , I"f,."''-.,I,"�f",:"-,i%". I --- V . , I .1 ditioning nd working out wise and justSointio1W . I ." � '. ., . 'to I and Friday witis Mrs. Metmar. training in St. mleha6l's flospiw. ed a lovely pii!6 solo "Ranging (Wr­ we ake re -con a rC*_U8M9 � I ", 4f�*q,;, . - .1. . ., I , M , f&�:�;,�"; 11 ­ . Cred'W,'V Mr. S:�dne-y CaSUL-­.olff-Woodstock, Mrs- Jack T'sylor, F!reddie and Don- dens." Mrs. Albi�r,t, ilil;i;j present. , I - ­. - � 11 ,­, ',f,,� , . ,every last Pieft - of e , , .. I � ­­. .. 4�g %pent E:a&er witit ii;.' A that . to. the telephon , 1 , 1_ 0­5� !i�'­'. gimpment 'i;�,j -L,.- .. L I . X d spent Faster with relatives _e. pfoblema of you, 01 : ,� 'i'� , "010 - ". ORMTORS moder. Ift ed, the topic; an ChGix in a very able I . ji� 'r., ,', , , , . 11 1. . I , � . , 1;,;,�,,-�- � I - _ �:,:l ;,-11 ,Ii , �; - Ift"ibWATi br ZLUW WOMW Mr. Mike Giluer, of W�iterl6o, spent UndolL Maxilaer. The. meeting concluded with em he Salvaged. . �, pl., I , , . I -fiS U&Vjko CLMM AGAn;sr . the week -end with his wife and daugh- A � I I , i . � 0., L,�',Y"A�1­ , POWO ibree-act dramg ."Virele 01 ]JIts the closing hYmn, "Alas and Nd My I I 100011unitY- - And we kubw that you . � 11 A 4, , . �1' ,1 , ", I � �, �,t,',,�'tl, A": , " , *0 SOLVA& i*f - zuen obtso., 1960 Of NIC6 tor. a New Algb," a delightful eamedy- Saviour Efleed." A A41101bus )U&N 7h6re.-caa be oW ' ' I ,�", �"�,�,� 1, �'. L.' 1, 1- ,3i.,�',��" "'. �',, ..,.__,:___. Peak. I . 1. - 11,1n�?.� -4he coubly of Mr. Uftes, Wneipta of the public story based.on S. S. Happinegs, wse was'sirved, The meeting was . 91V another I "I 1, 4 �91 bV6614 ix - - , y one amwer: win"" eit�heerfi:illy,asstin ' .", f,�,��,`M�­? -1 d�6� vAft dW 4*1,or mbA& Alm Pilch - I ,,�,,, 'i "" �;�. �,�, � I 'A' I 1 1�41 - , 1. 11 , �,�,��,,,�;��,� � , Z .1 1, ,. It$ V46tutty 1042 sit tft-46* schooL 19 at his bome in Brussels for presented -in the Town Hall, Itentall, enjoyed. . . waj�� nee& idust ' � . A ,0 ,, 00- I 9'et first eA on kiemssar ' . ",4 1-1 �h k, �. . � 1. I y corluib , ,�.,, .� IN* " ­�­ � fitha Ohl 1-i;;T,ntd M,4nod. on or be- the holwayo. On WedbeidaY evening bY the Wood- , Adam Brock and his Coltimbiaiia a 7uon 6 Vic!". , � j�­ �, L ... � , I I � . . -'1.1 , ­�, "I. � � ! � , - � :�' �,L 01i jqjil ,",41. I � J_ ", ;";�,­!. . . 1. . , . ?.- 09 Ah I of A:001 1949;-�CuU-iW--,,,Ch,tLrle$-'Parko'r,,'of Toronto,. spent ham Drdmatic. Club,- and sPonsoked will ftMish the i#tliie tdr tht� , . I ,�. J �,��vl %:� . V, Itif, ­ . ' .ftrko - � . . 7 . - Soma en Eh9t W. V Rev. . A. . � . . �' I � ��,' � wite .. 0 d*� "it I th# *Wk -end Witt big Vftr6nt8, Mr. 67'kW Writ to bo held in the Tdwa 11,all, " 0AWIL � . . ., , , I . , � 'bf Ofi$, wli AAWW *W * aift-d Wt, Somi Fatker. I -*x§ dli-Airman sLnd the cast *as as 4 1 . . 1* _. . 1, � . � , b"tow, tbi, 0%'*'V*,dWdjA *at",, � ab '%Wni�sdar evening A A 15th, - -- I "s �: , r. and M . I I - I ..-InI I . . . ; . ,,, ___ _ . W it. Sohn Atkingaii, tvro t6lioWse., Undlety, SaVV from Paekin sOonWied by the 6o)jfin on sichool I . . ­ . "­, �V I . �' 1 J."W", .. , 0*ww' be .*M& An­uf 4, I � iIgU , . A. ;foA�00 . 0, 0 . .1 . I , 'daughter* gh . . .. S-aw V4V -* _ I :0, / � rtm, � ��, U ' soy Celltr#* Arizona, -90a, tangfdrd- P ",I, -at- -Tte.vdidl. ­ I 11 I I I . I I I le� . I � " , _4 , I �11 � I" .. '"'I, �, ifi&4' . d MOU, *100 Mr. -Ca � 11 . . . . 410, .11 . �, �;, � 1� I �.'111 V,�, 11 I "r I t� I I � � 40" I 1�. 11 I ,.R 01 ooft , . W 4q, Vast- at Detroit; sj)ftt . . � . . " I I 11.1 -, I . 11 ­ . - _­ - - - to Uirkda-zlir the . I I , ­ .. L� W, � 1; -4 mio - u Zw, t 7 L owleiw , oof-a�v . ­_­ - ­ -- L. ­ � " .- I'l. , the Safte his aitrjjct1v,�',tj*phe1W t�61tkkd Th6 Canadian itj�ojij# gpotwdritig , � . A I I . ,� ".. 11 , �. wibk�ft& in tho vj,flago�. ! , , -'Iftaevor, A", Attiblook ..who , �ba . . ­ - � _. 4_� , �j;4�,.­, ',j,�' ,� 06 ''t , i �!K a#. �.go� iwb* i .. I . .i�,W.111il ,�2 ,44 , "' "I"', oetsoll, , urg, VQ,: wettoft . "a L � I � I 11�1 ""64 11 , - tt�ju babok04- M " , Mill I I . � � �!�. ',i��,,. I I Wfti*' bet UAY I I . ,,,,,4��N 1. ,.7,�,..,O&,;��lil,l-",,�";�'*f'.!I-�"" ek 01171, son, TA*n 'A,411,­96nsafl� ft4ak, AptA 14" . . . . L t_, , , ", , , , 90iing I . . I .. .1 � .. . . " ­,,� , , duvifitkk -itetur'ble'd h6me � gattfmw Regthte,--k IniitoRks fig4rkl ldlit:� of goio, jjkVa7'- ftEl w,uptid 1_1 . I -1", . I 1,11, �11;1 I'll, �, '. ,%Nv� 't',, :,�'�', ,"I "" � , . -", - . I � '' �­ - T� I ., . , 3 , I . L - -b . 6&­V,th,y­ . "as, � ,� I -, , , � I . - , '* , 161i OW 14.0, 0 v6m I C � 5 , ,­! - � I . % I `�-,,� � 'I "; I _V1614, *1th 1) . . � ,�-��,,&`�;,,',,',I`,�, -:� 11 I -1. . . �y':��,,,­ � !�� :­­­o,.��,, 11 #*'14`0 :;11. lintalo lUnkat a, 6". t *dnch ItA by, th6,VUtdodk Ot6t.('trs� "Ifit % - I �!� I ,,, :,'Y�,,�'Vl,:�,,: 1�,&­ ... ., , _ I kr� "I " , 4 1 IWY ,O Is :: I � _,� . . - . � I � � 1 17) . ",;,,, �� ...... �, , , 1, Mr.4, P"- 10 Ahyngs and Webbdr- W-i-Spilhii.114 an OfNo 16, sftk6� 'titr� . I I I;- ,,_�j , - d '? . . ...... �;,'�,i` I __ , " ". if� 1 . ... T. , � k-_ __ . ,", ,;,�:��j, 9W � AW � 0,:Vd&- 66 that NA& .&'A . . I . I 11 I I . , - W � VXF 11 R�Iwo*"�; lvpuxw�. ­: ,, 1. . il�� , -y' auari(k'-4���,6-rx­ -__ -_ - ­ -,�11 - - I , ! t--.-- i _,L___--,_ '­ - ago,111 - ­ - ___ � - .. o � -4-11111.11-, -1 , - -I W , , , Watmit", Aftj 1, , "ce ff,,�w A0 .i3r 111-1.- L _­ ­,,­ I ,.--'- � � ­­ I . 1 1� 1. � ��.i�,�,,,�,;"�,;11,' ( 0 ltoj� 4 prilho ... AtA.. -$,Ah*,- of, trip- et Mls�, T& P. * ,`,��,t��t,,'.J�'� I , - . ­ .1 I ., . A, W I V�l , 11 11 ��,:",;_4�0._ 4" . . I -1 ,se 3 . '. 1 � ., � - I I ��,, �;,i'N� ill i�?­­P�il, I'll 111.� " 160*44' '.',, �`7,,�,�,�_4 4 ""`A'fit 4 (60 A Vlfh Its *fikb * 6 "'i' i - �;" itA ' ' 44 the , _-, "" 1- I &'. 1 ... I �'. I , , �, L , � L . W, , . . U4 � tiet fi ii Vill & k6r V bli�.Wor WE � , %i'J;'�,� � ", I AW * i � "," '�,,,%,-� " ;. 11�1 11 �; . , ,� i , . - . . * I . � I ,,% : � I , . , � � I 1#J"5.A4­- . � , . .- . 1­�, ." 111.1��11 �'. I" . - �!", 4&4L.11� iii, �ivt;a;�Af�� A-4.- 4.*- iig�. " � .. I � . - " I I . ,,, I C 1111� J,,eau. jXern, �fier raediqat Centrd RviWita,' Dc V.�, - yspollt. � , -, "I 1. . � � . . I . . I . . . I - I �il � r 'Pitt' ,Of '(W: *06* it h,6, I � �." " I I ; I I I I � '. ;� I I I I ,,, . ,� 0, al. 4�,)pbm ,, ldqu�611- tho &A * � 11 .- I -1 � . � WIN - -1.1 . - 11, � . ... ... #� � ..-, I,, ­� ". I 11 I ­_�Itt "_,z � � , I I I , . . , , 'Iwi& ­ I 0 1,. I 7 �r � � � . . , I -4 i �� . I I", --­�.,4_.-__­ - - , , A . , , , . , . : W4061M 40. L � � I , ,Wliii- _`T_y,'­.:* '_f.__-_,.,__.. - ­­ ­., � ­­ ,­ 1: ­ I I- ­;­'... ­ .­ -11.- - __ t ,.� I _,.� ____, ��,, h . � . I 46 ­-,�� _.� . V -_ 11 I Sim" �:,,� ,;;, . , ... ,, ',` , ' '­%' A" Wi6wi".,." --,.',-L-:;1- � , , , . . " , """.. � . .11 I !IjE­� . i, , . 1_' "I'L'41"', " � ,,o,�. ,, � � f, � ,., r�,,�, � [ 1", �;,.�,;,� ,,,, , I .. whki0i ,,�­_1ii1i,10'#6'i­-.-- - -, , 1. 1. - �. . . 1, � , , . � , , . 1. . 11 , -, ,­,! " � �. ,: , - - . 1. I 11-1 . �")��, , r"! 11 Al ;11 ..''.1 I,- � ­L� -I" I " "L". , L, � , �1�: � . �,�`�! " ,,' ;; j" �i ,,� -. � , , ,�, 1 11, � '. � �" --111-1_'- _1- ,__ , . L .. . ..... ­,'', .1 15"'.", ,,, "; ,, �- " ". � . " , ", I - " � "''.. � �,', J'-,- 'Ll!" 11 I ��,,11�14 11 I., "'�, , .1i% 1 __!V�,L,., -, �: , �, .. . I " I '' .1 " � � . �7­ 11, I �` , � , '­��;,� i "", ,:, ,,��. L ,s �'. � I e,!� �;�,,,,,-��,-,�, . "''.. � - � I � ". ill '.. 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I I I -1 : ��h ; ,,,, I �,,,'� , 1� LLfff , , " � .,�,,,,, , ", ,, �,�� I'Ll " '� � `� s �, 11.i . T'­�.:­ , ,, 4,�,, ;��1�13�111. �V , "I'll 1'1%�� `e,,, ,'.I )"",,I �­ �,K;Vi' , �� I q,� " 4 ..... . ;, " , `,L", " ' .��.,jj.��,L_J,��, ��4 ,; 9 . ..v - � , I 1 , , - ki! � "'�'; ".jl�, L �, � , I '" ...� �11 41�1­4'1��-�:`;", ­11..�, V� : � I , 4' , , � 11 , "" �-, � i , , o%d � , ., .11 � ". , , , � '�,` , , , L � " �".;, �"".'�r 1: _,'�'. 1 `.", 1,11, , �, ­t'.(,2,,A,,­­ o','!'�,,i�,, 11 �j�L�, , -;, " �; .�, ", .1� 1, " -,,, t, 1 .1 .1 11-11 � J_,�, � , ,�, ., ,.', � , , 1,", : , � i . I'll i,;V, ,�,'�,� 1�1'1`1111111_1��, � LLI I ,,,��,.�_;",",�*� - - �,� �. , �4 I �, 1; ",� "i'V'.4 ` I N" ��',�;, I I— 1, I .... ... � " r� I I �1� -L", ,,,��. ?'tl',V,�� ,�11,�,, i41L ',".�'111�%,6�,,,,��',. - - , 1�j":�,�, _i