HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-03-20, Page 1- .1 � 7- - -17-11 , I I , .'' � �,:�J, � .-, � 1. , `5- . " '.!; I ,_­ 1; ', ,:,:�I�.",�� 10,,M'1' - ��,�i �i 1� ­ ­,�, e I I , , I�i,',­.�,,,�,tl '', I , �1'1 _ 6, : , - I ?`� � `1 �� 11 � � �.'4,�,�,..%,, .,; ,!, ` I � I '. ., , "'. ­11.41i;11­1�1' �;.&",'__:X-�' _:,ii�!',;�,�,' ­ � ��T ,�t,�"' �,� :­;­ ,. , �,*,7, . Y� , . . , �, _� I - - __ i. Z� �,,�'. I , , , , , , .I....1.1 'i, , � ,�,�.� 1, -1 T,;` l�� ., � ,t, IV _� i��'; - �Ip I � 'i 11,�l . 11�1 I 11 UA!R`15:­;C I 0, �;­ ��y n,_ A,t.l ,;�',�":ii 11911%1 : � IN : ! 1% !., 1.1C vi,�,-. . . I " ­ I ­,(( IN '4",-4-J, �V! .w i, 1. �, .... - �� ., V� � 11 ... I 11 .� 11 ��� I � -1 ....... -_-1--_-__. - , 'p -;j, ".0i.11*1 , ". - �l-l�Ill""-�-,-�-,--;.""��.11�..��-."-.-...,.,.�.-I-I��l--"---".-""I'-,� ------ M.".. ,or _­..FRg..j, , , � 0 1--1-_--1 -.-.- i , � MI_— -MISN"', "I"! 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' I i'.1-1- - I I _11 . S . . . . ' ' I M. , Oft. " ,` . !, , . - I I - I I qw," - - cext!� ", , I . IMEASL . i I 1: �- �,. i 1E .11. - to ii�i P , . - ms&4�.e IkAois - on_ �STRIK �,,&4; f A..'"PI, �. I I a -01''i, . I . I -, ...�.4 Mnl �' , ". He I _1 - " ' � t N RRY �' - 'I. ­�,'­ �.;,. � , , - ' �` 11 " I I I - � , * - 1115 XER,1-- -., , I � I ta, 6 ", a I S 0.-,ril, ch ;Zi A K., - `r-'..� _' .n , BEA .-',,,,,',',,,.,, SC , , ,�,, .--- % . . . , I . I "., . -1 , ­'il,l ­­­.. % � .� _,. I .... � , . , _ . f ,-W-.-: ....... I . I �.. .. . . i* .00" � . :, . I --- A' -,. . I , � I I � � .- 11 I'll I . ... I . I . , .".1;,". . 'X 1, W I I _ W'�� �t . ,.1 . . � .� -E I I 'I" 0 U11 I X, 1, 9: �., , -urin-mi " '' ' , i . 11 �, . I . 0 160 I sext' *e � 1. r", - 1, ��- 'IR..' I e ,Z ! " I .- I . I-- . .- I... �� .1 ­ - V �1. - 1, . . . t. ., .,., '10'. W 11 �Pl� , Ivid '� " . ": 6 _ I I - I ; - I , I , 'f . I -AF -; -.11 --- 4 . , ". '.­� 1. LEAD ' . . ".".'... .. 11 4 -4, -11. -tt `W�,� _ *_ . IS ORM � - 0- bol . ,. 11-I �, � . I .10N, '99 9 , . � I I i q , . ! � I 1, .11 I " � Q, ,� !I,,, I � _­!�, I - , '' �_­ � 1� ` - Tff "W ... . ' I ,V , ' ' Q'il", � ;­,.. "LV " ��l,�i��...",."Vev�",�,",Vl"�,j,,, , 5c, I ­ , ' -11 1, -K",_­� 11 " ". " , , . V., ��;, ,. � I V211101 I � . , , .. , . - '1_,1911117W0r.,,W - . . . . . iy� . . ,. ; , 'D". T , I !. � :, ". "� 4� �! . . � - I . . "::/­ . D.. . S. .loco '-_ D A : & - ' . , ,- '44 r , I . . : S.;:E � .. I , It ...''.1''. . ,: S - .. �1! v - . I I . ... W. e . I MN , E � Also = "ood Ga u se !MI. � $ �� I 1,1. .1 . , - . '' Id * . e,I:Lv ry V1 I . , ic I - . Me . , . � 0'Ir . To G M elp SCHOOL CLOSED,,:, adiii a - ..._ I ,� . . _1 .� "..".. � ­,�­, -.,7� ,,�'��$ . 'I . . I � . I'll I. .1 .., ... I � , i, I I ".77 W ,,,,, . . 1 I I . . . , . , . -g I ­,)� I � , , ­ . ,; - �, I_- I -1� _n.". . - & , , 4 I 1 6, i � . '10i -.7 ;.,t;�.f . . .11 ..... ... io ' ��� � :.. 'i , . '.. I , I -.I-,- . ,., .., - , ,� . . I I . . � I - -1 - . � I I", "' - - , , , . . ' � 1. . I I , kl� - , :� . ' - I . . 7 Of'-. I I ; _11`1-11­,­­P'�,_ I.. I . � . --1 1 . �i,��'*"-�11 � I.— I . � 1, I vu 01 _ , ,7 " 1,1 I'll . I � , I �.t '' "' '' � ... 11 ,,,, ,r'_1 . . I . Aces, . Tr4de ­;­ I -ino , - Deaih- Occurs Suddenly - i - ; ­ TV 'I ' A Tut,,_. � , 11.�i­,, I ��`,� , - 0 'Wi%rdwe, P ax,id , � Defeat Windi ,4�$ pen I _ � _& . Seveixty-three Pupils Absent, o . 4p .9 � 0 *._O, . 7i.,i� . . . . OINS SERVICE rmcqs ,, re . . 1 I . . , (1-11 . . . I 1. . l, � I . . . I � 1,- I 0, ,. I I I - '� � . . . . F Pub& , sC11003 Tom I * . . 1.111 7 I I 1-- . 7 �: --: . : . :., ., -BoarC-P - IV -rder, ,rdhibits: '' �:- , Play- t , ing- Ga4w Ivirs. reter lvt,o . .1ir, "Agwy � ' . � I I V �, ' , ,� ail R�4 su :;. Fin. - , - z`- " ' . 4;� )i .:. M 11 �­­,!M 'Ile 4�xr__ 0 ' D, very .. I I I - " wk, , . - " q I I . * Respdkted Resideht�r .. I . . Monda3e Mornin.j. .' . � . .1tai � . . . .�,%?. .V. . ,',.��I�. , . I . I . I I . . . � . . ­­ ­ I I 11 . . , . I .., 'the fotlowinw'am the .. , E�� - 0"' li� Aity One oh �ty .t. �,,. 4, - _. .. ' ` ":� ,� . . . "' L . .1 . . . l SITUATION .'. IMP. -ROVED ...-1 Sul . ts of t e� St ,,.1kPal,ra,- , h i&nd..'VJtto6 Loan 1, ' .. . . _ - . I . , I I . Aii I , I" � , i ST.V,ATFORD. ,,, .� FRIDAY: " I - OF bl,E WEEK NEWS ,, ; . I I . . 1. . f , I Campaign in kuron'CoUnty'.', . , - � . - . �w - . . -.1- - I I—. -11 I I I �,i . . Ili -h- . - . . . I N HENSALL. . - ... . . I I . � � . � . . Measles.' �whieh. - ha�e. .. . ibeen. on -the . - - � dkiiotd -.Total., -9/0� ostrict - - AshfidId. -, _ . _ � 69,500� 0'5' � -�06,90� � $,,�, ,. _­­ -18,500 48,000 '125 . � . :- .). I ; .- I I ,�, - � . � -F i 1B , - C. 10 Qi� , `10-_ MITTEE I - ,. q - 1 Scoring all th.oIr -,Oals in the see- . I ' , and period, Se `,'r ,7defeated Wind- . I i - . . I . . I W I . loose' W Seatorth for I the' Phst two � th wane, aceord- % �. now. on a I We�eks, are' aWancobi , . W . . I . 1. I 'Ir", I . 59"900%in 'Cotborne- ..:, . �0;2064 ''A., I . I '10-joo . . . ,, ,q � ., . , , TAY -LEAD -AEP.E ,�forth ' . In Windloor Wo'.'Weiday night ,4 "'or ,,,,� to 3 in the gq'i"'a of -the 011A. Sur e th p;o a s gaioi:e are in sto�ie for ose r tunke folks"who manage to -- I .. . Di , ows-WediQal - Of- , t I Ing. to .. r .J4. Buji , . . .. , 116, .Goderkoh . I . . .1. . 3 0 ,'369;750 .,7- E..' �5 966" "93 . I .MS -1 . i . . 1. I . � . . I �rk - -4 , � Intermediate "B" _pl�T- it was ' i S`8 e the Red, Cross Revue in Hensall .--. Beer of Healt:h.,- . . � .I. I I - - 2,There. are ini nearly so many ne* � ,Wawanosh, . .27,750 _ ;260, .10 ' Win gh-EL'm ...... 1,44,950' 146' I 3 - . . . . - . -, 'VM6m ­ t4e order o�f_ thet. Wa.rtime . ..., .4dwns. me Qf,­�,',, 9�,'Jdtal the first ga' -It ," -goal s4cond . . next Tir6gday evening, March .24. The committee in charge is lining up a � ... . cases being reported tbe last fefw � , . � I dajy. ,days,", -Dr. Bhrrows said, Thurs . TlikiXte*y .... 97,700 39$00 -105 ' - � Howi I ck ...'.... ""98,900 . 1R,6k 165 I It, B � A -Frice, and rade, oard_:eur w . lIng 're- tail delivery servifees . was, annotin-ced . r1ou nd series. The second, game will " ` be at Stratford, JP'Fffi. 'night. " I . ' ` ' the I ­_ Jack Rob Turing , - fast t pin show whose motto will ';A I ;k . "' va , e 7 The program ranges all "be - . P, .111 . , - � - . "The pul5lie school wiln reoipei� on � � . I I � .' � �.� . , 44,90.0 6 Morris ........ I '00 189 .6 "' ... -61,850 1 3,4 Grey ..... �. .50 102 Tuesday, the merchants com.r nittee of the Chamber of Commerce ar&nged f .. , thorn. in Windsor's -a the game -the ., ... - ��4 ,�ia ' , in a bit of light opera, to i�a ,"f . afaPstick com � ed . y, but of course . the . ,Uonday." . . , ( I '. ,I -The school was closed, last Mond4y -Brussels ...... 47,750 5%300 1-2�' Blyth 24,750 31,150' �126 � a meeting of all interested merchants I for'tha.i; &-ening when the order and -a- climaxed" big.'t 'play with three sit . I I Af seedii "eri Two of 'goals in the 4'.P od. , main course will, be that "Truth .or CoApequence" which should , - '1� morning when a coulat.,of pupils re- .1. . � I � voaled, that there seventy-three ......... . Tuckersmith .. 52,500 ltd.17150 , 1i5 . the effect it would have on Seaforfh his counte rs were jkkde with Wind- '., . quiz .either be a riot or cause one. i The, � Were . � . ^A I � I absentees. While- not all w6re nec- . :1, 46j10Q, . .4Q 000, � 102* McKillog I - - q . , deliveries was discussed. , -: ­­. j1 'The sor short-handed`: g';4s result of Botchini, Windsori f6ward. being off truth of the wbole matter is that you . I , , . . iessarily measles, a large proportion '. � � Hullett � ....... 45,400 ; 75�300 166 j.60,,2,00 meeting was entirely. -M accord ,. . . 4, . I alties. .- for pen- I will have to suffe-r....the conseqtiezee I .. .1 � were,kndwn to be. In addition, the ;� . 'found Seaf Grth ...... 152,1001 105 Clinton, 115,650 14Q,200 121 with the- thought 'that every I possible co-operati4A should be extended and . . . Hu ert gat the '*iiiing Seafortb . if You fall to be at this concert i 'r. 'Hensall, Tuesday, M4!�. 24. Articles ,.,, , staff �that with more than a . - - - ... I— - Af! nnn AQ Qfkn' 107 that e ord7er ahould be strictly ad. goal while Kelly, -,0; Wimsor was . ch . I I ____ I , , i... _ .. � ; "'..'N __; . -1 - I I , �� . Water � Rises itx �, s i.��,�'.,�,,`�;�..,91�'- .1 ­d��;,_� ", �� I P -; . _­_:. �i�li%, � I �.,i" 111 � � ; :� �,­,�I..,'�'],V.l . . 11 . " . � , ��i;'­ I , .. - .. 'I,": ­ _ ; �­.,­ r . �:11, " 0" , - I. .�.i�n­ I I Basemetits,­. , �".:.,-.,-�,, . I 4., , ", I . .i:� ,,,, �. I" .. "!i:, � iv�. . I , , ��,.,_­_ ___7__:,� , I �;.�].�,_,� , . " - I , �4,0. V..'"IF, , 1; i .1": ,. ... - I I � :Al- -` "!.,...Af! , '4..��; ;,., . MONDAY, . � EVE W, `.� .:;;; �,.�"­­, i�4�,!��i­,?,_ I ,�,?. , 1. , _1 . , ... , !,;�14�,t'��'�� I , ;: , - ,:.i�4;, �i' ... I �, " .. . - . I "�,:-,.�-�,,�.�:��,.-�"",e.��;'��-.��� �1'10.0, " _' . ,��:!� !- R�5 . ... .. .. '� 4iZ�;4, , � �:!� "I . , �.:� "..., i �Few werj6.tho Sea,forth col4riq t4t, ", " �;! r ,:, , " � . didn't ,have at least' 70#%o -�. -�. ., , �.., , * , . , � A447 _".. -- �,`," �,�,,, - I X ,- -�,- � ,'�" '. , , Or 4 , , 11 .. 11 ., , 11 gArl_4i. , I , I I'; , , ,,e , "��, , �; !� ,, ,�; . I , I -�.,��,'�! f , I ". " 1h, .. , �;, , ,,, � . rential all -day rahl jitip�.Zo.Aday, .� ;. 'e, 1, � , ' ,;.,...��'. k rArf"'pases, furdacA wtreo 'Plit 'out' I ;" I ", 111 `sl;,�41, ' "I, ... whea the water -rose three, .and ,,four - 1. '� " . ' I - ' '.111. .t� �. , I , . . ' - ' "; �� ' feet. . � . I . ' . 1. "... i� ,., 1, __ I - � ,,�,,]�", The -rain began SundAy' light as. a ,� ,�",�"" , - . i�,` '� . n ,;�i�, ,, - . light drizzle, but 'by Monday w4i ­`, � coming dova 'steadily- and continued, . 1F'­;'1;iX", '� , , I'll Z� ,, �� � . qg I, I 1,;, i . I I jintil early Tuesday. By goV4j.. � , ". _ , 4,v . niglif streets were running with Water-.-;i�_,, _�,:�,., ­,��,,._,-, '', ' r ""I"i " I from curb td curb. At midnight Mbnw� �' � .,0 I . day .night water completely, covered .. "..., . L"', � �� . , Main Street in front of the Post . oV " - * , � .;.. . . ..-1 � flee. ­ I :.. ,: 1". I . I . ..". . ,� According to Sol Williams, care- ,.­�A,;. �er at the Lions park , . the, - ... 11", .11 tal, water - . . 'third of the Pupils absent -it was dIf- OLaLUeY --­ s � . I . .. SUL t tor , . . .. I . I 1. . I . . ' 58,250 � 128 hered to. .. . I -serving a penalty. -�,Wind"�iir sc6red Completed and: ready kur - ­­ girls', Rev. W. A,. Young, .of I 4 Was the highest he has's,seii it .since ! " "�..: I . I fieult 'to carry on, classes. Goderich Twp. 45,250 � the' month of Februaryf 60 ' . I ' . 59,,350 - -.74,850 126 Wi,th thi's in mind, a schedule of de- in each -period. , 'd . I , . -Is' skirts, .20 quilts, 8 -ly of Car ��ergus, be came there fourteen years.4go. At � I 1��.,. I -he number of measles ca, Hensall - May I,. , , , blouses, 30 gii ._-forrner mel Presb)4erian . 1.11 . 11 � T sea in the ' �a , I . -.-r . �� � 4 � -town will not be definitely known, Dr. Zurich-Ha�y W.. 49,950 52,000' 104 , liveries was worKid out I covel-inig all SEAFORTH-Goal,�i Stade; def quilts, 7 pairs' iniftens, 4 girls' blous- Church, Hensall, has recently j�in. one time the highway in front o# the, ' I - . � I ... ence, . park -was under water, while the, - . ...L� i . Burrows said, until all- the r6p6ts Usborne ...... 53,700 50,250 94 'merchants. The town was -divided in- 'Thompson, 'Hubert; - centre, McFall- es. 4 skirts, 6 ambulauf,e pillows, -5 ed .,the 'Qhaplain-'S�ervlce. Capt. I � park ­,.- , ., � . ' ' ' -ee - r. - . LL � . 4 � q Itia,ve . I . . Exeter ........ 130,7010 13�,460 164 to 66 zones in the case of butchersi ener itself was under thi . , 1�t. been recedved. I . din; wings, Roberts,_Carr; alternates, quilts, I blanket, 5 scarves, 5 pairs ,Youn,o is statiolied in Kitch , feet of wate � , . . . . . . . Stephen ...... 71,460 76,450 101 and into four .zolfes in the case of . irs gloves, 5 alternative at present. I Little damage, however, resulted,L .. �. 11.� - . . ^ " .. . I � - . , Nicb6ison, Kennedy McGee, �Binnie, Socks, 5 pa . , �. . . - 11 . ..I....- I . 1. - . - othel� ibusinesses. Deliveries will be Ilincoul. . - .f . . , us NeNvis �) apart from a quantity. of 1111 . that was � .. :.d§' # � � . . � . I . .. . County - - - - -�1,8100,000 �2 112,550 �17 made but once a day in -'each zone, . -I.' ;_ caps, 6 pairs. mitts, 16 pairs socks, 5 (Phub . o wurt,-.y Ferg -Recor4 wasted from all old road ­ � I I... I , I. " pairs seamen's Stockings, * 5 aero - . I W.P71 - . ,. '' . . I . . :. Residences in the soutlipart of ..�,��� , ' 11 I . 0 V I ".. . I 11 and at -the time indicated on a chart WINDSOR -Goal, �.Storie, . defell,ce, caps, 15 turtle -neck s"aters, 5 pairs "'. �,v I I 11 . . � 7TJ town were isolated until th6 waters I 11.11 � . I & . .1 whieli appears on page 4 of this issue. Hordlicka, Clark; ntre, ,Bocchirri; gloves,�') alternative. Caps, 5 pail's ��- .. . 11 . 1.1 - , ­.­ I.... - ___ _-, � ­­ ­ __ _ - . 4F . , started to recede Tu4day morning.' � -111 �. .1 . Under the ne -rangements th Tom% ,Cha#,tier; 1 '5, ,. V 7� . . : L I 4p� � 4p 4p. ., 0 I& ,w ai , ere wing ", I . . . . . . . . I I . __* . a, alternates en's mitts, 5. searneil'S Scarves, CON CT MAN OF I ­ 7� 7 7 7 7 - in 7 1 1 . �,� . . can b6 -no ' Saturday night deliverl�',., Brenner,. Jh quos,. M, �k-ins, 15' ' _� . . 11�. ,,� � .�­ I . e - aero, caps, .15 turtle -neck tu6 ' -_ 7 . - .1 , ,,, I . . I - ... I . . .1 On day� whei half -holidays occur It i.!j.acei. , 1$ge; pl' I oss, I ar' . I � I . i. ­� - . � ;, ?. :, 11 I . special schedule� ... of deliveries will ob- �- . pairs seamdn's socks, 16 pairs soclips S T A F FA I I C., ." . .(Weekly Bulletin of thb Seaforth'and ' . . . Referee-I)6ug Yotog,, Windsor.- 45 pairs socks -S boxes in all. I 4 i, . ' I I taln. ' ' . I . . � .. .. ­ I . I I tt , �., I District ,Salvage Corps) ' WALTON .0 OUPLE .1'1� I 1+1 Death of Mrs. Peter Mloir' ,� , . I I . . .. I Restigetioll. of deliveries to private, . Goa4 SuMinary . - ­ � . :'. , I ' I . I I I I The ,death occurred suddenly Mon- � I. � I 1. .L "I", �� 1. � La - at -Saturday mornlug:� saw thp . h "'es.has been alyticipated for some pjxst-.Win&. r, Clitrk (Ross) 16-10; day afternoon of Mrs. Peter Moir,'one Gerald Agar Tells Of Being ,� .. � ... '�. I �,.,. I - -n S I 'me. AJ.ready bakers and da4rTes are pen-al'ties-7Magee,. k6iiey, Hubert. of Henisall'%�- most respected, and be-' I I 1. I . . . 1. ., fortli, 1�r�en.�.'Arucks, loaned PY local 'PMA R D-- 17- ited to 'one delivery a 'day under Second--Seaft-th , Held Up. At , . � year's,first salvage coffectiopmX ea" t..O -.1.1- + - . I "I . . YEARS .m " Roberts (McIrad- loved citizens. , hilthougli Mrs. Moir 1. .1 1, . .­ , * . . I . � merchants, . togptlh�r. 'with Boy,Scou-ts, . . .1 an order , issued some weeks ago. I .ain) 1.38; Seakorii, Roberts, 7-30; had been jil poor- health, her dpath 11 RED"' CROSS .. i,,O.,.� . . . I 11, � " . . I'll - I � . . . Wait Cubs and committee membeits, " , . I . � I Creamery.' I I . . .'' . I , collect . I 'Mr. and Mrs. ROV .Ben -nett 0- � Seaforffli,'�' Roberts (H34bert),, 11.50;,1was a great ,shack to her family and- . � .':�i' 5 I ed salvage from the east aid I �. . , Windsor, tocchini (Chartier) 16.25; friends. .Mrs. Moir was going around . - . ._ I W .11, -1 . � 1�1, ­ . � . . - . . . !, , � IV stild from the blisidess places. While Honored.on, Anniver,- Seaforth, Hubert (McFaddin), 18.25. her home as usual on Sunday and Twenty -two-year-old 'Peter Stasiak, i, . . . �� � qufte a large selection f salvage was. . ' Legion -Lions Penaltied­aoechint, Biallie, Kelly.. _-WaS able to hel , with the tea dishes, of Now Toronto., was. c6nvicted "Wed- Word has been teceived froj�i headr � , � I . - . � . . I .. p . I ,I',_, - I brought lil, it is felt � that the next ,. ary Occasion. " . Third -Windsor, -Marinacci (Bren- bu,t miffered,. . ki very severe stroke nesday afternoon by Judge S.' L. Kil-' quarters that flannelett6* will no . ": I . � . , . I ,�', I . Bingo,Tuesday ner, Kelly), 8.06.:* kenalties-�-.MaKjn- Sunday evening, lapsing in -to uncon- leran in county court in. Stratford, on .1 � . ... two colle9tions, falling around houseu . . . longer be available for the mAKn9 of, I �­ t I . � . � . . apeli, Thompson,'1hibeKtX_ Blaill K ness a�jd from which Sher never a charge of Criminal assault with in- 1,111 � \ , N_ . . " . . I lo, en- acious , , , cleaning time, should be much hed - �a nWghbors of Mr. -and . - quilts. Hospital supplies- must be . - , Friends. an ­ . . . nedy,'Jacquer, - .:: I � .� . " : , . , . I.. !_ 1�r.. the date for the west aide COI- Mrs. 96i Bennett, Walton, gathered ' . I . . I li� - , rallied, her death coming sudd-onlY tent to rob. StasAk was found guilty givpn the prbf�arence. This will make ": , , , I . ­.: i ... S(3aforth Llone,and Legion. will hold , . :,-.. late Monday afternbon. The former of holding UP Gerald Agar, of Staffa, a d-fference to''t1he ,work, but those I . :1 I , �. . . " �i . 'has: not -been definitely debid- - ,to an th I th ir siories of Bing,ps in . I ----------- 00-0 . I � , . ..'�, I lectioll . at thetr home on Mondhy evening . �Z...Orer ..,, !� I An' le, McAllister, a daughter of the at the point of a gun on the riling I ' -,. I , !", I . . , , X � � � 'th�.., e ­­ .­ _Al�4_ . P. . mo in -charge fi�el that' there. .are many - � .26 . -I A,A--- -, - __ �il - _6&_yet, but, it will prob"y...b,e_..d1.we' .celebrate- their t.h-,.-. -W-edding -AIA141. - -1 ' . ' I -i" " late Mr. , J I - .­W6jW4- -sul; _� . � _� ___ _ __ - Se. orles, ,a Tueedar-ot­xiext� --- ­ . - , John McAllister. I lnd "'. _1� - ., and "Mrs. . -of-ortober 20ih last ,year,, E . , _; --- . ___ . a 0 I -1 . who haVe pitched. 1h tUir ­_iit� -I 7� . .. versary. - Abott .411ve were pres� eek . . . .. . ,to the fifst*6f April. . - . ,t thirty . w ek.. B&Rre did ptizes- featuring IQ I iz -her 70th , yeaX and. was, �S�,Upnded to five years- in Kingston, I I I . I o .. -.r,; . . I I -1 I, H a Inc� ot - I er she was ble 'it S a 116 'I , - ,1& . . 'Euchre, �auia. ChilliQ 6 checkers , wl, - RU -c - I , 1241 1� �_.­U­rl I.,101 .11, � lg.,., `;� abld. ,-m -,cbaqid.jsg,, ivil-s1z. . C ,.0 11 I _i b 0 X. h ims . git. - S I for, ,q ,.. �_, - . . ""t-11 , , , , " , ­­ ­ I'd 0011011-,1 -e 0 � I '.. ,. . .. , '71 , , '' ,_ , ___�6e , � . " ,hr , a-, - - ize, , a I ,''", ..., �,euv ,v _, I . �. '* ,! . .aps, onei, or ....t b, It'' - it, , V,06.010.b , I to . 111s, 1% -and, t4ere.-m! als,6 e . th her parents to Hen- rently with:,i'aimilar se4tende impos- " , . j .�-*oiw��rim� *..,..v .0--, '­�­_ .., , millm , �i W i�,. . . . iie,� - - let- en� ,ixftenitlary.�,�iiie tpym �a- T'"U". , _r ,,.,o,,r, � , 161&3;�-' "' "" . _ _ 0 17 - � � - - 11 __ .. - � I. 4iiiii . ....-b � ­ -, - - ", ­ . '. � ­.. , . - ­ 11 Z - ?k I* �.X. V ,� _ , , - ., born on the Parr�U ..,weat I , - pL�Affr I !ft ; Inter - ,. � - % 'erfi , . ' .� I i 4 P#6 h MOS. , -ii m Burges��, Of ,draw for a door prize. jm .6 a�. . n -it ,I . W � i ..�. were Mr,� and, Mrs. Sa - -Bt4 -News -sail, . -oving� w . . or blocks 18-Irwhes squaii3`ili crazy . �.. I . .!� � I I 6 -. 131roceeds go I . sall where she spe-nt some of her girl- ed by a Cobourg court a short - time .., . . ing of -the Items',961le t.ed`w'as1'- q, Gar Brussels, lon6 hands and- game&;�1911- to the Legion, Clgarett�,.Xund and the , I I . - pattei-A.. will be acceptable. It You . : � .; I.. , - I . '. I main machine gun captured in' the bert McCallum, lone hands for men; - hoQd days. Ilost of her makiried life ago. I -hav-e not enqagh material for a top. . I �._­ � '�; I I Lioni British children. bomb victims'. ,� - last war. 'Its owner, a popular veter. I'— 'William . Alexand,er, Henzall dele- was Spent 6n a farm southeabl; of the When the trial opened for its -third I .. i'll, I I Geo. Ramsay for men's most games; funci -- - I I you may have enough for a block; if ..: . - .. � . I . an -of the first World War, f elt " that consolation for ladies, Mrs'. Cliff . I . le , . gate to the bean convention at 01- villag.,. in Usborn6. town,sOhiP, taking day, ��tasiask was in the witness box you' cannot make A.blo,ck, jl,611 'May . I . a�� I . this'.'souvenir would do a real war' Carnochan; consolatioli Prize for . .. , *---. ------: taws, from this district, has received u -p r�.sidencedn the'village, s,ome four for dross­examinaj�iqn, by the crown bring your patches to the work rooms I � ' . � . . 74ob If it mere meltedf down, and sent .men, -Cliff Carnochan. Stewart Hum- I ,... I— � furthe'r word from Ottawa rega�rding. ,years ago. The deceased was a,fine mid following. this his brother, Steve ,aad­they will ibe used. Tibefe will be ... --to its ' - the bean situation.. With referenoN Cbrig-tian ctaracter,---ot quiet retiring Stasiak a� . :� . . - - I , the Prize for Chinese I also of New Toronto, was tfuilting oil Friday. . - t . I . '4 . lbac�k. hppieland in the form of phries won C -Eckert Has � tO canned beans,jie has!been iqform- natur�, interested in her home and ,put iu +.4i -e box - 'its a defence witness-, I ­ I C- � . _. I ...7 . . - * -.4. - . .1 I �. I bullets.. -No doubt you may have checkers. A,gyaud lunch was served I I d that boat spdo.6 1-8-t6o v'aluFtble aq!4' kamily, a vaIu�d_'nie_uiber of C&Finel . .*. . . I.j . . I . . t 11 by the lidstess and wedding caklc� - Crown Attorney W. E. Goodwin; K.C., I The following new .quota. hao'begn ... .. . I . I - I . many. ardelew, 'lying .around your I . n I - roopived and accepte*d:- . . I . . _ passed. . 1 '62- � d Birthday mlterial­too�-Iiard to Secure. In re- Piesby-teriati Church and attended PrOSLeCIjtc,d the ca,$_e_*hjIe J. Maurice . . home that epuidillbip to win. the war. � . . . I gard to'the.pu're.hase of dry beans by services when health permitted. Mri. Ki;-�g apti - John, And,erson acted to" ' Witisli .Civilian -3 year, old' �antie" . ' 1, I - - . I . . I .'.. Rubber -,Is -teo�d to' equip our war- Ditliffig lunch the- bridie .and" groom . the Ministry of Foo(j, Mr. Alexander Moir will. be much: missed by ber S,,Isiak. I . � dvesses, 50. dresses, 50, pr. sox� � 25 � . ."�. . . ' . t- of't,wenty-five years . were called to the Mr. Con, -Eckert, a widely known asserts the sbipment of 10,000 tons o� hu�,band and family. 'iI'Plghbors .anq-j Ili passing se'ritence Judge Killoran . . . inachines; wetitta of all kinds (.e'xcep , . - . . .. . living -room and, an adliteas read by and esteemed resident of Se4forth, . � . coats and caP, size 8, 25. Shirts and . . . lin cans) drd.,�,aalvageable to be melt- . 'h a 8 beans -from Canada during the cnlLu-, i'riendiq, b�t it will be in the home 1 b,tated. t -hat be, was basing his findirigs '-S" blouses, .1 . .. . . I . y . . . ' ; gu . ns, , tanks and even. .Clarence Grainger As ,follows: . � ,qglebrated I �nd ,birthday oil .1942 has ,been a4pfoved Ijrd i N% hei-6. her loss will be ki.,enly felt. I mainly on the evidence of Gerald I ,� .. . . .1 * ed, into shell,%, I . I I 'Dear Viola.. -and .ROY: We, your Thursday, M�rch 32., at. his resideacO dar. Y . ear. I qurviving- -,ire ,ire her husband,, two �,Ag,r, an enfi . ) ... toyee of the H�bbert Co- Boys, size 6­150� pr. pyjamas_ slz� I I � � . . ,.Otleshlps. Papeli,, rags, bid books, it is proposeol'to inaki.; ' , P -I, 50 pr. pyjalbas.. size 12; *50 Shirts. - � . . A , . 11 . I �, I � .friends, hhve gathered here tonight' to on Coleman Street, when he re-celved authorized: .;M,11', Clifford and._,Nlelvin, Hensall:' . . . . . " . I I � Hospit-al Supplies -60 pffl6w cases., I It 11 .1 ri-Zazines, bottles, bones, grease an4 :,help celebrate- your first 25. years Of many telegrams, and - cards oF congrat- the Durohase�s through. normaf chiii-I lot,,. dauglirters, (Rose) Mrs, Passmore a- 4" surgeohs` gowiis.; 80 surgeons' ' . I I , . , . . . - . . . , 3,�Ilny other jtem� will, be* aga�irl put ed -'bliss; let. wk,hope Y'�Ie'-are witb ulati,ons. Mr. Eckart's host of friends, I Anna) Mr, ,car Tueli- - . - . I .. - 4. . ' r. ��edd ' . . n . 4e a and, to time Ith.6m to fit'in with I ol Usborne. ( - s. 0, I , (1AP", 50 surgival towels, 16.0 gauze i . .1. . "xvtei .r. -- I * . . ..into eirculation by your committee, you both again tb,611� b�xt. twenty-five. however; --will regret to, lear that he indi. e . 3, of ripar E ,. illea'rl) M &. Lawi Music pu-pils . han a' home for' shipping arrangenionts."" This dkerchi(,fs� 5o pr. men's pyjamas, . 0 . iar,d C mon,iy obtained will be used Ho,wever, -in the years that have just has been confined to, his I/euee. Baynhain, I-Teusall, dnol Helen at , : . . �. I . _-, � . . I . . I . � , ess. . cates that jt�. is th�� irAention of Ole -, . % A:rthur Me- , � .i . Ir I- War charities. I . Passed It has seemed a long time some time through. i.11n . . pomo�. ,wo brorhori,, Di I Creamery, . -his . employer, .. 11 , . I . . wbeh'sickliesa, death and, trouble is V ­ .... . British �, mlnistt-� ' to deal directly I Allistel"of, 06orgt-town, and Mr. Chas. I , PassExams 4eratice . ., I -outo. Harvey Leslie, and Lorne McKellgr', ; . aroundl, bu-t. as th# silver clouids-'sliine - )ugh the ti�ade . � . . I ­ ­­ I - . . . . . . . thr( in _'the same Nvayl..'vIcAllister ol Toi Private fun- . ­ . ,. , I I DO 1 -Ru 6t o te - , . I I C, p. d '11olil', eir -1. -�.. I . , again it is only yesterday since you . \ e e I. � �,Vll d Ill igt ' ' . . � - . �revious Years. eral - � rvices lield -from her late res' * ard m. , , * .' j)ap#f' will -produce material for 1,500 an and wife and in dl;.nee on Wedbesday, 9t, 2.30 p.m., ­ ' � d . er. , as has bben' don in . t 1� The following students of Sr. Jos . 1: r� I . 'o' I ... I 19 . . � two were made M' Finals Saturday Mi-, Alerander 'sa id he'llaid reason t6_ eph's. Convent were successfur in the .g _"gar was Confronted by an ­ sbeli containers, 9,000 fuse exponent those years you have been spared the ' I" e con,ducted- by her minister, Rev. - .'I `� . I each other to Jib,lp over, ,b�he'v.p,_ the Pric;,oI*xvlI'l be about the­�A,�111*liam Weil., who paid fittin,g tri- recent mid -winter. ,examina,tions in, I, ,,no d " n when be opened the . �, I A for small ,arms Strength of . . . . I '. , I ,( �', S � I � parts, 47,000 boxes For Duncan,,Cup . I ' connection with tb -4st6rn Ontw4lo il"Y shortly before seven.o'clock . , ... roads . �bat come to . . same.-ai la�t - . - -. life. of'�he deceased- A .-.e WL . . . , ammunition, 3,000 boxes for aer,o can- the rough. . jem �, buLe to th( Conservatory of Music: ,� oii the morning of October'20, 1941. A-, 41 ,, -1 .",*on shells, or 1,000 cases f6i, 'two- strengthen us and make you the gob'd . -0- 1. quartetre cohiVosed- of irene Ho,9- Pjann-Senior Tll: Tber6a O'Neill I He. was ordered to hand over the �, 1.�ill . I ve and kindly eigIl-bors kou have &I- The ires and Hurricanes, top Marih, Alargaret ,Dougall, Rev. W.1 ' � '. 4 pounder shells? Be sure you sa, .n ISpitf tHonot0-s). I . , but In answer, told the ,gun- i-� , A . - . I Ways'been, as nob6dj gets- a negative, *teams, in. the'Duncan lff"u*p League, will ., . Weie and W. A. ',kl(,Laren sang "Abide - Advanced Rudimetits : . 77' oney '. � ev'qry scrap of waste' paper.i ' . , . ans;Wo - - I 'M* ,-Asieep, in Jesus." I Theory man and his. companions that there , . I I � r when asked for lielp in, time 4, ii . play ;i'sudden.tleath game foi .the tro ,WiLll ,No,­,*�ud 11 I . . , -y I. Duncan. Katherine woull be Po money in, the creamery .1 I . . .. St.n.Patricks I - Nis I ThereT. it . .1 It is phy on Saturday afternoon, at 2 p.m. � Rell-vice the cortege pro ' . -0 I of need� 'from either of YOU Following LIlP11 .1i, fttlilem -Holmes, Tber- -Illtil it as , 9 .6 P, . .1 . . . .1, fr�ends' fike you folks that make a Scores on SlaturdaY were: Spitfires ' " -, ceeded, to HensaIL' Union Cemetery, LaudPlibae w, brought over trom th V 4� I - � , a - all. es a . � . " j I , I , I., I community more sdclable,'and fteT 6, Tomab,awks, 4; Hurricaziea.�9,'Aero 'S'' er Sucdes, wthere burial took plAce., The p, (Y,Neill, Patricia Bechely, (all lst bank later in the day. He thus (lid UPP "). I .. I . I ,I Class Honours I not reveal the presenoer of a large 5� . I Atten'd-F' of A. , ' all that is what 'we ard,4ghting for cobras 9. ' . be; rers Wer6'' William T. Reynolds. Musival Rudinients-Jean Hurford, �uru of ca,b'that had -been Concealed _11 I I . ' at th6 -present time as -were were, 26 Goals were scored as, follows: Hil- The St. l6atrivli's' supper which was, .jalj.e­� Sjijjllle� W. St, Davidson, Dr. joan McMaster. Joanne McMillan,- In anothei% Part of the building.` He - I A4 1 P.. . Co� entionycars ago,, and I hope this, year, your debraild 1, O'Cbnnor ' 4, Strofig .1, hold, Ili .St. James' parisif hall on 'James A'. Bel-I.;"J. R. Stewart and Alice McIver, Pegg , ' i L I f . . I . I . . - . .1 silver anniversary year -will -bring the Stewart 1, O'Connor 2, Feeney 1, T day, March 17, 1�as well attend. Alex Buchanan. Included among the . gy Trapnell (all� Ist I was bound. and gagged by the men 1. �. J " . I . . , world war 6ilt 'on, top an.(f you spared F'raiser 4, Doil 1, Eisler 4, Dal 7 u" �. �- __ -tirul. Wul, nkaoy� Zoral tributes Clas!3 Honours).. . .,-____..-___,.-_._. 4w.4o.,e9eape.d­-hr-a­-ca,. , - I �- � " . _ ' ------- - ­- ­-, "44eavj . . I . �i - I I E i 9 __ _... 9 -�- -e& --- ' I . .! HVron Colin trederat,lon of Agrl- 4 11 11 - - - -Lane _ to serve Us- �a�ln-.2a-s­ YOU--fOW �' 1, Riley 1 - " The ball. was beautifuky decorat,d from m%vabers, of. the famil ' y, nelga- . - ­ cWtfir'& 1911 6tid"Ibf-1116- lifl-9-6st- clelega- . � 1 ri, the past. We cannot let this occa- I . . I with colors'af green yellow. gjM 'bors - and o,thers, was a beautiful , i . ­.."..."..'' tions in the provifice, at tb6 annual'sI43n go by without showing In some I � .. . . I ,a�d I the tables looked very attractive with "Wreath from the Session of Carmel . 1. . . convention -of the Canadian Federa" I � tion held,in Toronto this week. � I . . . J;ttle way how much we appreciate your thoughtfulness and ffianyacts of I . Lieut. - Sharpe's bouquets of (Ijiffoolits and grepn-lie�ht- Ju boldiarS,. Church. of which Mr. Moir is.an EDI - der. Much a , ympathy is 'expressed 10 I . Heading the Huron, delegation were � . kindndss and -as the old, old saying . . I- . . . I � ' ed candies silver . Mr �qoir and the, family Ill tbeir Alld I I .. . - 1. _­ . I - A-W. Morgan, Vice- rest- j I - dent W.''L. Willyte and Secretark, W. . IS �'A'frlend 'in 'heed is a . I ki lrleu�d "' ,jeed" Kindly 4ccept thifA gift from Goe*s'to' London There wa.4 a very' 'enjoyable P'ro- U 41, 0 _f +'k Q+ T - I loss. .. I . Expressos Apprecialtion 11 . � .. � e � A� . . . ,�� . _ � .I 1 2 0 _ I , . . .1 ; I If . . . . , gram Y e VUj, ., � . � I .. . . " J-Daleie: iteVre�endng McKill6p*ere �-,our'iielghbor , I Peter ,Njurray. former Seaforth rest! !L,g tbe' fire -in the ,basement, Stu . . _1;1� . . 8, a�d friends,." , . I eph's School of Music, namely:- Laird Mickle, chkirman, wishes to in . , , " ' R. S."��jdlje;r and Roiliert McM11­ . . � .1. I � . 4 . ­ S L A-love-jy sit Of dishes,wag then pre- Lieut. H. G. Sharpe, who 11as been Joanne ' McMillan, Jean MeMaster, thank the people . of Hay township. dent. h­itl serious condition. and his bled over his 'body. I I I . . . % I -an. E.­-_'B'.� Goodie And_fgnatlu to-them�by M-ra. Harold Sed- in charge of the Salvatio CO . brotber-.iii-la.w. John T. O'Donairlitle. "Swarthout told investigating police . I . . . � I ierlted U A.ymy here Ali - McIver Ann Eckert , Theresa including Zurich.and Hensall. for thl, O'Leary ivepteseifted Tuckerfsmith. Ierq I B etty Monre, sijendl(I ,way in which I I . ' ' esides these - they received ffor the -past 41x months, left on Tburs- , O�Neil],- Mary D,Linc@;n, B � - they respond- is de�d as the result of an explo'sion and fire department( officials that the A i 0 1: . Geor 'Watt was prevent from ,HUI- " *- at Wind".r on Sunday, Mot,- wa s in tbe kitchen 'of the limse .*hen .1 . many beautiful pieces at silver to day for No. 3 Corps, London, where Jean Halikirk, Pat Bechely, Kathleen F,5 to the,ai)peal to purchase bonds of and f 7, I go ii� , . I - � . lett. ­ . . .. . . ,, . . .. " -ay and Mrs. O'Dona.ghue, the former the fl , at t I He .said there were 1! . ..., 11 . n�iark . �betr anniversary. A .Suitable he will now be stationed. He will be Holmes, Joan McMaster. The pupils the Second Vict6ry�i Loan. Approxi. I re pr.ec. � . 1-1 . . .. . I - . ' I - . it � I . . - - 6_. , reply was given'by Mr. and Mr8.'Ben- followed -in, Seaforth by Lieut, OlivP were assisted by 'Miss Allce.Daly at mately one, Person' ?`i�� ivery eight in ,Cath'erl-ne Murray, are grand,children t , o ex I . ous and then the whole � . -Ppfer,McCann, of Seafarth I � � . I nett in wl�ichi they tlianked their Phippein, who comes from Strathroy. the piano and Mrs. F. Sills on the -th-1s, district wa's a purchaser, For of Mr. I 14, *0111PX11'elelmed to ',13,reak out in flames. ... . � ,,-.,I _ _ . I . � I . . . - many friends for such 'acts 'df,kilid- ' :- � Swartbout also related how O'Donag-, . ". . h cello. Mrs. C h a rl es McDonald selling purpose% the township was Tile story from Windsor says '. .. . I " I A. eeves' Heads neeao. All shng.,"For They Are Jolly , .. I 0 favoredr-witli a number of Irish solec, divided into two sections, Hay East "One mail. is dead.- and another ser. line carne, dashing up Ahe - stairway I I..:: 11 . 11 I . . I . I _. . I Oood -Fellows." Many old, and, )Iew and .Including iously. burned as result. of a fire tha L lending from Ebe-basement to tho, lat- , . . .. 1-i � 0 , ,,, ,, -the piano. L from the. Parr Line - I I �, , . , . . - "" - ,,,, - Issue Warning . at SWe0i.`A large rooming house here last oben, followed, closely by a. *all of of� wMattict L.O.L,m favorite soligs were sung and all re- Hensall, was asked to sell at lea. -, jort a. yer,V. 'pleasant evening. ' 1 $�9,315.0.00 in bonds,; they have sold ,night. . I . fire. After helping O I '' . " . I . 14.,,,�� I A I . . " I . . , � $74,950,, or 126 per cent of their 4iiota. "John T. O'Donagbue. 28, or 1604 qldA, be ran around to the'side 'of the �.. .14 . . . I . *_ A I . , 'he H111leti District L.O.L. held its . Re, St'o '.Streets IF YOU WANT . P . I -lay, west of the: Parr Line in,eluding Ooyeau' Street, died a hero's teath house, brQke a window and- helped ,.�,�,� � annual ,ift6lating in Seafofth Orange . I . ­­�. . ; " Zurich, was asked to .sell $49"950.00 When lie ivas trapped in the basement Murray out, . . I � i.l.:� � I . , �� . 4 , , ]Aall on Tuesday I evening., Wor. Br6. Condition of -Leo Provixiew trame officers Issued, a . FUEL and Sold $52,00-0.00, or 103 por cent of of the burning house when. be re -en- "O'Donaghue, apparently, unaware 11 , , :; ", I - I - I Irvine Trewdrthaj , WA.M., opendd 1- � . of the rescue efforts of Swartlf6tlt, . ,�'_ I �� . ' db . I waxn4n* this week to' motorists in their quota. The, totals tcor-the wilole tered the -house to try and res -cue his ,- �-'. 11 6 .. lodge -and wislddmed the, , letates, oi.,,,trict is 116 Per adlat higher than brQther4n-IRw. Peter Murray. O'Don. meanewhileI d4tshe'd back Into the ia� . 11� ,"11 from, the diffferenf* li�dges, After re- Okd Is S' erious ,connection with stop streets, Worst that is particularly . "'; �_ � . . � I ,tbaise motdtl9ts In , Ili,, quota set. The total cash sub- aghue wasf-Visiting Murray In his rehio and was unable to escape 4 glee- , . "T"'. , ,: ,%iN . E and, offenders are ' The' three-stovey "bri , .'' vibwfng the yearills work progress, 4 baSement apartment in the rooming ond time. clit, ­� . 11 11 , own, according to Abe officers but scfjptious for -the 'second Victory . '!�, M , "I . I the. Joljow.Ing­--li#J1e;ts I were el6oted . t suitable for this at 697 Victorlia Avenue, when 'house wa� badly damaged. by th4 it � ., 4,�;t, , "do .. .. � on. of Leo Oke, son of Mr, farmers, too, In many 'cases, �ever I I Loan was approximately $25460-00 bOuse �e. . ol ��;- "I i _. 11 and inaitiled for..Ah.jI,,6o,ffl4n9� Ve'ar.- - oke, Seaforth, Inj " greater than the cash - the fire brok6 out!following C-xPlOsiOns All. apartments suffered from, sibokt - ,,, . . , . I A . W. Bro� A,S1r15e6ve6;,. bo.,F I 411011a"t'llill . ured "in an atop when eillering 4 highway. subscriptions I '.. . j);tvn,­, ­�_ � . W.M., _i�._ � . - aix -weeks time of y. e a r for the first Victory Loan of last In the basement. and fire damage. The hbuaw,iq - . I -_ii i Kr -11!4he-motoringg Ru.Wic continues. -to . ' ifiv.-abdident,at ,StondY Creek., I I `�""O .. I . - -, W. 'Bro. 90_tMid ... Lawrol . ' . "Murray Is In a - � 0.1% .", . la, -: ,, "," " N� I goe; 4n.apl, . s-erfolfi; condition ed by Mrs. Amy A�Iwltrd!§,.. . , '. ._ �, �, , , . , M � .Ago, Is vei7 .0er1,otS,_. ,4 jun Pay township has always been , I F . " ., , � 11 # .W. Bt& 90wau 'Sly ", 'Re. pbe . V'�ef W��Is wigdoje stop Signs, prosecutions Will . Dieu from burns about �the few of the baany ocdaplim.f_,�,bpy, � 1 ig , . � k t0b. .1 ., , Wastey, Vaindorburg , ' 1 To" lhlb�med "a . L, OW W t I 1. I � ,arebase of vic- in Hotel _hn,atlk house� w�rb ho �, 4161 . �_ � A � . _ week. � 116 - 'jbilow, the officera- State; TRY, '. , . to ble front In the p ,;l 401T - ftnaridlai?: kk.., .' . ­ ­­ probably will ft,ce and shoulders, Re was We at u . 'A . g6jr, 8tdA6;r '10i6olk, -aft W0&lesdiy.,I,i",i The� patrolmen also Called i1ttention . . tory bonds, and- as there : .. . 11 I.. .%.v �, 1,�19� k,'�vv, I . be more victory loans, It Is hoped ra.. p, . �3v �,; -, �; 1,1 .§.`i,. � � � . . , �_�.N! '. W. ­. , . , , 4 , " ;i xt4; 91 . 0011811; Cortitih; lat. Leet.j, ro,. W.Lu. George Switrtliout, also a tenant of gettIngr 46tif. . � I I . I ,-..40ZIA�i�.115� I . 1-1 4.104 .1101'11P,"�5i� � .. 1: 1. . . I i� . YoUng'Vite'.. 6dn Unit- . , - IF , 'Mi 'i 111,111 � (I Arm' Harry (Iich I t!1ea6Ij1SW. - titOa - will-ife ­i1ding 'k. bleyelia,,! 4:01he liecesistly' of hAVIng an eift pulled to safety th,rough a wf,Ad!O,W by fte gln& t'fte, dth,6 M-0 , 114 I � wg.!�H_'­i; -.. ... . .;1 , I - be high. stand- 96A. ft&4 & . . . . . . I:-- 't _ . N ,� And toot,'. ,Pro ThbrOhi Plittles;* ao�jh 66-11jejoa with 9 car' I 606y. chain When - habling.'-ktall� "' , I eir fin house. 'Are officla,lo gTi6_;4ift:, . .... � . . . . . . . . . - - Iii 0"k., I W . 4Z el"g RO 5" E D k that the pedple will contibile th t � It 1 -, . I �lry' 2t, 101ithroWn ffirough the. . In. A'jL.j,jL4 support ace,of-ding to 11 -1 katwhal . ,vv Bko. $�hn M611t9obl"" ' ffttt[q119 of this regUlatfoh will -al-00 - . . . "O'D6111ghue, 16-Apioft'to &hve es, San# &rj,hp . � � � _7 I I � I I . . . -es . . . . . . . . 6416, 0 , . � f ' ' ery. *Indglijeldf 6f --'aid ,Car. He suffet04'a :j's,tult a., Prosecutions. " - .. I . I ­ ard they blave set,for th6maelv - . eXped, from the burning house *dth. ,.i I 1 '6 � ' on' tbi? . . . � .... 11 . t .0 e I I - ' " `411� 64offtlod. -a-*Oli 1W s I . . _____ _i, e , 1�01d, #6 �� , , - -red td have b, . It wag, d6ddM 44 U . . . 11 I 1. ­ ..... I e s I- N "Ill, 1, . . . -but--then- itturudd-UM.-Me- fty Is ; - . I � 04% "' n4piritly I I I .. .,ftyfflra - re .. ., . , - . iI . 1 �Iit tg" I . Imal me 6k In Wffithrov - � ar , . � , , � C�rmai W. M. 8� Me I q . 41- .. . , . . , ,dk bAdfi''aO 't,40M.1110'.. -ire wa� . I . 1. ; .-� � '. . __: _,.a- "I . -oiltAN0Y In tools fflId.07,1*41, 1 Pn 17r, Tr? I 'rm ;,- � . . . - __The w.r*s f1t4hiiig basom6nt, hpDArft,-Att'y- tb t4' (1!1edtifte4i; , OT . , , -, 1.194a - 4to A I &t , , '' �' im", a � ?" I : L,� llbbu", 1. It , " a &4L*_W X0- __,Aid$*v-, --'!,W,h-y. --ftavpr, - � 71011- e-ght . , , . 11 i: .. � . , ,, tj'A . 'i, A - 1. ,�4 ­: . �,,,,._.. . "' , -� , r"X-j- - , d tlxoiY Iftreh nll�etlng g&id gagiat'MurrRy. It *,is t0t, k116VII bidf-'kviiddlit' by,- 1krp 1. ,�4 ­:. . 1. �4 ­:. . . . R-" 0. I t I , id�.-,I�d"gb,.01696d.�lti.�,,�fid I , ft, Mi 611, , "Ame. wupwio Of ­tsac .6'aft6t, I - gg a," "... , . I I 0 6, . , . . IvLn tChlarch hel We It L,R, ,;, I � I - "Af G . ; . . . Me 4, M . . . . . . . "" i A . . ­.. 11, . t fit ,igh& bdrvdd b91 �. �6VZ Xr( I ntb eoulrt7l, I 1. . I k . 1P ­..": 1 ". in ite bottlidni of bft,6.,dhutr,h,.Thuf#4 tft,j (j4D6fti­,hjj6 hekd(, .V.tjtU Ir f itw , '. I - � 1. . p" 4. , ! , ;""( " , ", ,is jg W!U'Od In1b Uffle'rafok Vt" tow ­i� � -,��O. " I _ ­ - �:� I � I -D&VId ,fiW"d.­,U­ _d",J, h I I .1. ! , I i , _ .� ,'!i ., iL , ; I MVI�i� 00�afbrth bto OIL. . - .. , - , ­ ; ., jt',� * '. .'", , - 0016 It, � .1, 0 � -� :%,-1%_ . _ �, , & : - � 1, - - I . I , � . '� . , 4 . , .,� '' . � W 0 W VA � ­­ 111'��011.. I-, � _' " 1v � I � I ,,, 7"", � � - , ,I4 iq.. .... �, "I'll, � 11, ��sg TIA 1�1.111 � * . il I P.4', �, ". . � :" " "AZ.* '' , � , '. I ;,' , , ,_ ,.�411' " '�:, � . 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