HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-03-13, Page 6f 1� ; �� .. --1'--,T, I I '', I I I I I I 11.1-w — ,
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_. Home 140ROM10 " . . I .. . ...4,111.1 I.. _ . S. W . ash every 'Piece, Of silver that .. I .� -
1''.. - - . 4 � 1.
'l I � . . . ..... . I " 14 you use to set jy-our table even it it I . � .... . - _ I ... 1. � .
6 :'I I � . . ., . �:,. i " .4 -
" . .
�� -1 � I Tilled eggs ,has not been used and'appears clean. i�_ , 'I
..�,, ,, ST. PAT,RICKIS Turn out, gaimish with dev 4. Always wulx dis4es in the, fol� . I . 1� m -, - 1, , ,� I ii., -
Wo� , -h 0 ,� cooked eggs white out In the §hape, I , I.; .. . ... .1 .
Vqmema,kers N w that win- lowing order: Glassware, SlIvArward; �g �
I. io of.. 4 pipe. Serves eight. . ,.;, : I
#on the wane. it's time for stock, Erin's Pistachio Sherbet china_afid Pots and pans. Rinse in ., .., , ,. . I ,#
pg, We see piles of knitted gar- * ' clear hot water., Keep one clean " . X
9'earrying on our I cup hot milk towel for glassware and good silver. ; � . . � �, .
I ts—made Whil I/!, tablespoon flour' Rehaons for the aboye tips: Ord- 1, . I I
n-., .:&--,v.r,,gI@lr housework—and are encour- i,4 cup sugar , . I . I I
.. , '
M", 1 --d. Then, too, there are the hours � inary salt, if left on silver even fxoni , I I �
I �,'N "'R"ge''.. V, teaspoon salt , . -
i�;,.,, . ,:go wartime activities— 9 phaker or dish towel, collects mois- I . ,III ,
" � _,giV on other - egg yolks, beaten 4 r'and forms a',blaCk ' I . . .
�.mik yet, it may be possible for us to - ture from the ai � -1 � �
. � * � %.teaspoon Love's pistachio flavor . ,I. I
�T` " " ore, such as,fini . I
7,--ac6DMPIi8k In ' shing an . deposit ,which is- chloride of silver. I 1
%47, - , ext . ra quilt, baking for a community ing I Black, deeply corroded spots, about . 1, I ... . .1 ...
r f- '. . 1/3 cup bleached raisias . I 1,11.1 I. � . I . ",
,.��., � , -=to parcels, or - .� Ti
,�V,._ 4 -nal packing� I . at Green coloring., . . the size of t4o -point of a lead, pencil I
�,," .. I I I 1. �
I __,:-, teialfing a Red Cro�s meed ng., Combine dry .ingredients and egg go right down into the metaL Ordin.- i ..' .�
U.-:. ary cleansing methods will not I
r, , �#,; "', : , . , �olks, add -part of the hot. malk to egg I 11
- . ** * re- ,
" I . .
,��` But , doift. forget th4t hard work mixt"Ure; .-rettirn, to hot milk and pqok., move. them. . ,
brings the need for re,laxation. So . I . I . . .11,
I'IT -, I until thick, stirring, cQnsiintlY. Add I -I -
. ..
I $1, — - 4 . I
l_�'. . , why not plan a few simple parties flavoring, cream and raisins. -Color a TTI QUESTION BOX I I 11,
.1�, .and make sure that tfie�'children also pale green. Pour into trays of re- I . r
�,�. . r share of happy times. . I
, . have a fai frigerator an:d freeze 2-4 hours. Stir Mr. T. M. asks: ."A bacheloea rec- _. .
�, �
"',- . When neryes. Are tense, a new tested at the end of the first twenty min- ipe for Chili Con Carne" . � .
, . t' - recipe will ainuse the. homemaker- Utes. Serve& eight. I Answer- ,Chili Cl Carne - I lb. I 1� I , -
. .
- . d �in- � �� �
,� as well as please the family -an .ground.,beef, 2 tablespoons bakiAgfai, ; :
I'' Paddy's Sharnrocks, : _4
, -heelT'us all But, . i :
!I :
., teresting meals will L 2 cups t6mat6 juice, 1 (17 oz.) tin : .
I— . I � -up butte'r ;
�' whatever we) are plann4ng. eco�aomy '.'/4 c a � -1-1 -
��,, . I Y, cup �akiug fat - kidney beans., I teaspoon chili -pow- - I . . I I
' �
,,�:O;,; should always be our 'watchword. I egg yolk., beaten der, I tablespoon hour, I teaspoon - . . .. .
IT. - , .. .- 0, * - * ____ --,- I k .
- .1 ". salt, % teaspoon pepper. . , . .
1. .T" S1 V411 lie "St. Patrick's Day IA- teaspoon -vanilla I I --- .. 1, I I .
. I . Put fat in frying pan. When hot I . I �
'' In the 'Mornin"' and one'of the fol- 1 tablespoon orange rind . add beef and stir until browned on a � I .
_: lowing suggestions Way be a' surprise 'I tablespoon Ilemon rind - "I
14�'.. .. and- a real treat. . . .. I tablespoon lemon juice' all sides. ' Add tomato juice and kid- I .
: � . . �, 1 cup sifted pastry flour ney beans. .Cover and', cook on eletm ' I
F".. .1... I , . 1/1 ment turned Low for 15 minutes. Add
_ . .,.. RECIPES . _. teaspoon salt � I I I
r, . I . chili powder an,d flour moistened, to a I .1 .. 11 ".... .. . I I
1 . I egg white, beaten I �. . .. ., . -4 .
' . I . .
"_, - .St. Patrick's Pipe Salad % cup bl.eached .raisins soaked in smooth paste with a small amount of . —k sec . onds, af�er th,is picture, s ; J*ot WAS taien the trail was on the ground., the rubber tired wheels mp on.,their p!atfoLrm, thi'gun traversed 41
I IJ! . I tablespoon gelatine green coloring. water. Ada salt and Pepper. Cover InL,I iline and the first round . Wait on Ji , to waly. . . I . - I . . .. - ... � ..4-1. 1_1 I . ........ -
kI .. I . I � y - ... . . 1. .. - - �
I ., Z'' I 1/4 cup cold water I ',Cream butter and fat, add sugar and continue cooking on element turn- T .1 . � )
� W, . . . . . . . _...
Xr. 11,4-1 2 cups meat stock . gradually, cream well together. Add ed Low or "Simmer" for about forty . � . .. . ' . -1i. I I
..", 14 teaspoon dry mu tard - � . bodies.. But the tangle un- ness; they are ambiagat the iiaost 'en- - . .
�..";:.-. � . _§__ - . , eg&� yolk, and 'flavoring, ,then sifted minutes. Long;, slow cooking . devel- - ' leas and I . ... _J111 . . YOWILL 14 . , �
1, . �, -% . Toughly. OPs flavor -0 db not hurry the pro- Canada's Crash, ravelled, ,fell into place. They un- thusiastic of all Canadian troops,- .
,.... ,� Jeaspoon, salt 4 dry ingredients. Combine thei I I . I . �', 11 , . I
-:1 % teaspoon min I L " , .
'T," ced onion D�op -by teasponofulg' into egg� white, duct. Serve -with toast or',;cracl�ers PIP hooked..the tractor lu,.What seemed a . .1 . . . . . . . 1) .1
..., _ * . ..' . URPRISED, . � .
- - rS single motion,' set up the gun, laid it I . Tank-Wunting Gunners . .,� .
"'. shamro4�. Place on but- Mrs. B. B. suggests: 1. Usinp, ;�Tiil.z Actio "'aunne � .
_ % teaspoon, Worcester sauce I shape into'' I ,
I . A , I .
�, 0. 1% cups diqed. cold veal or chicken -tered baking 'sheet. Trim with green instead of cream on cereals. 2, Us- - .1 1, -then ,stood taut and ,breathless to ' AT THIP I.,
" .Each claims to be the best drilled, , ,
1, _ - .. , ,Il cup .diced pimiento I await the verdict. . : -
, , I � raisin for a stem. Bake in oven at Ing fruits on cereals, such as apple- Page" 2) 1 1 -
. ,... I tablespoon vinegar 1 � �. 350 degrees 'for 15 , minutes. . yield 3, sauce, can-ned quinces, strawberries, (Continued from � . Two and' a half minutes! . to have' the -most important fighting QUICKSHINEli . - , I -
1 '
. !", ,.� % teaspoon celery salt. dozen. - . . veaches, raspberries, stewed dried dian gunner in' .England eats, sloops They were crestfatlen. The No. I job, - The anti-aircraft, gunners tem- I . .1 I . I
...1, I Soak gelatine in c.old Nvater for five. apr ap- and lives with his guns -and for pre- eursed. They knew that anything ov- porarily can win inter -service debate . I. . I I
�; . * E neraid's Biscuits I icots. or Peaches or prunes or IN they ar:94 with a battery actually on . . i
� - � . minutes. Dissolve In hot meat stock, �+ -S. I . cision-speed. From the ,moment heser three minutes expended between
!L -tial- , 2 cups pastry flour . , .pIL . . . ; 1. oper-afions-protecting airdronips 'or �. � s I -
� . h'et you use cream for the alarm, or Order to halt and turn,, vital . communicatib I 11, L i
"l. add seasoning.s, chill. N'Vbeii.. pai . .1 ,�nswer: IV ' arrives in the British Isles, with the i ns .- but 'it is ' . 0 1 1 � .
, �: ly set, add remaining,. iiigi�edients. 1�, teaspoon salt ..
� coffee Qr,tea, the use of milk'with'the elenIntary --- - -de- -no-tes- a bad, .gun-eremf. The ideal I � 4 1 1
": I I 1"our into individual moulds. Chill. 1/3 cup citron peel, - sliced drudgery of the parade- * : 'doubtfiil if the Ack-Ask-awtillerymAn's . -1 � . � .
J. ! . . .. Vereal i.� �i fine suggestion. Fruits re, and most'of his basic artillery speed is. IY2 to 2 minutes, and that.is job I& any more thTilling than the v_1
': I .. — . , 4 teaspoons baking powder served on cereals, is a splendid vailia- squa what they were striving to attaSn. - ' "' I I .
- .
1. . �
... . - training behind him, the process tank h ti gunnel, a.
._ I .. I I 1 .3 tablespoons baking soda . -._.un ing ' , .
.; I . tion and eliminates ' topping cereal , ,No ham-fhahiled4.. slow-witted, or . . I
I " cup milk. approximately. . The latter's first doctrine is tlTat I
i�.' . A . �Vlth sugar. starts which transforms the gun,, the. . clumsy man could .possibly At intol . , - 1 .1 . .
.: Kid hey,. Acids : Sift flour, baking powder. -and ."Ii. Miss C.- D. asks:' "How -,can we tractor and the gun-crew,into a4sin- the modern_ Canadian, gun -crew, not wb�rever the agKillerywan, uses his
I I . . .- .
.. I I Cut in fat, stir in peel. Add �in,ilk. . Iggta and this head hl,� beats the tank. . .. 11 "
,.:. W � gradually to. form a soft dough. On prevent 'starched ,materials from gle entity. "e#en into the -big crews -of the grim, 'as o C* "
1. . The nightmare the . tank w u e -
,,TT . Rob- Four Re'st a slightly floured board pat to requir- sticking to, the shoe -of an iron? Is it, . I It is not the gunner ,lvho complains fi�ld-howitzers. They are just as thought Is nowhem'so thoroughly dis- . Ar - "4
4 � It * old?" . or lack"of solf-propelled.firing plaV . I
U�4",�, , because i is . alldent and 'tireless exponents of" . I
, . I . Many people never seem to 6t a good eLl thickness.' Make a shamrock frorn . Pqlled as amongst the men who hau- ". I .
, l
'T 14 -dboard. -, Answer: No, E� new irdqi frequent- forms. Me is too - bijsy' extracting' speed and pre -is-ion as the crows of I , . . 1.
ll cai Cut out biscuits, tracing'. .f
Ir.l. night's resL They tam and tox"e awake dl�e' the gun with the greates,t veloc- :
.., . 1.11 .. * rful their liLghter, more mobile brethren. ity of all weapons. . The 2 -pounder ' . .
"..i.... and count sheep. Often, they blame it on board. Bake on lightly flour- ly sticks when it is too hot. Add a maxlmum,.spe6d from' his powe ' . I , . ,t19U1D,&r � . I .
,,, . ": . "nerves" when it nol their 6'dney3. ed .sheet 'f6r 12-15 minutes in an ov- I teasp.00Dful. of borax for every two gun -tractor. He is too entlAiMastical- .The formitlable fiel&howitzers have has a r�uz le velocity of 2,800 feet a .
I . . . . . I z I
. �� Healthy kidneys filter poisons from the en at '425 degrees. 1. quarts of starch water. � ngrossed in. his ... team Work, in .a- crew composed. of a "Sergeant, (the I - PASTE
. I . I second, and its almost dead -level tra I �
.. .
.;�. 1. blood. If they are faulty and fA poisons %.. �1.11 I . I making that sl�gle entity tick with No. 1), with a bombardier and eight, Je6tory is nearly as -accuratd' as a W_ _ __ I I
.�. I I . sta� in the system andsleeplessuess, head- I . I �. . . — . . tbe'smooth, clocl precialon-,and men behind him. In coming into -ac- � � I
,.�'. . - - Take A Tip- I . I �. r . . sniper's rifle. Its armour -piercing . . . . I .
",'';_ I ache, backache often follow. If you don't - 1. Do not store your ,'salt shakers Anne' Allan 'Invites you to ,%rrite- to sPeed-of at death -machine. Which a tion in soft ground they have to lto� slug..travels with a high-pitched me- . I . .
,., I I : I
, sleep well, try Dodd's Kidney Pills -for in your china cabinet or buffet. gun or, tr�actor'and'a gim-crew are! h4sky, but -they ,handle their. Pon- 'and,crashea- its target I I
.1"t, , Ihe OThe Htiron' '!Expositor. Just , . I taUtc scream,
.. .
'11,, .. I ... .. 'I . . . derous weapon with skonishing ease. tb secure, the .
li" ) 2. Remove the nikal. to,p of . �e " r I 1� . I
". _. hall a century the favorite remedy. 103 ai�y , Yd in Tyo'�' * quesi"bias on libmemalE.' Gunner, Is Blitzkrieg Pe�rgonlii ,DeApite the slie and weight of the � before'that chilling wail.hits its.peak. attention ,,of 'a waitress for 20 niin- ' I
.. . shaker �Rnd stuff the opening with ing problems and, watch this littlp I . I .
.,���., Dodd's Kidney Pills salt I , .. ku�, . and 'Its P14tf.orm, their powerful Canadian anti-tank gunners boast utes, but at last got up from. -his chair . .
,�,. 11 .�. . a roll of paper before Putting JINNI&Y. � corner of the column for replies. 0 I that it is the top of its kind, able to nd,.. going to. the desk, domanded to � k
"!,�'. . I . 4 - � I .. I . I � It would be unsafe -to make the trabt I ors can turn a whole troop from fire 12 TrOundis -per minute which will a I
, '
, , .... -- - � . 7` .. . comment, V#rOund -a Canadian A",,,- . 6fiimn of',route on a-roaA and, roar ' - . , see the: manager. I -
.. " 4 I I I � , I.. hold any tank In use. .
. I .1. . , , o position, where the gun- , The two -pound pF,9jectile , can -be I
. . � I . IS . '
I..— 4 � . . lery Establishment, but it '.'may - h` "What for?" asked -the girl.. : I
. ' ' - I
___ __ -
:.,. ........".,�.,..:::,....::t:�::�!; w- - t 'b' "I've got a complaint," he replied.,
. . . . . . . . :::::...,. -
- `i:iiilii.` -::i,=. ..:,.,:.,:.:,...:.:.:.:".:.:.:.....:. .�.�',..,.r���,.�.,,,-..-,ii..-..�> 'i���:�,i*�'���i�?:�-..�-"���i�i�,>...,�����:�:�i�:�:�"-.--',
- -` -- - :F Cf* --,-.n -1 - Twork *4 I
T� mii.,*:� ..--.-�::iii -.`Ti`.,TT`.,7iT!� M*M,1':-k%.-...-:-:T.. - . that ,the danger of becoming tha �
. . . T, .. .:".'*T�','TT7:---., 1-1i��. i!imm " . Q : rews .th Uch despatch tha
�: I .. ".. . .., . I .... 11- I .... ;.:-T:-:-`X:-::',; i,i�1"*j:' , , , " I,.. . .. 1 1 ' t huiled 12,000 yards if necessary, but
. .: - - ..._ .,.:.,:,.--...,::::::.,.�,:.,�:,::�;::;:.::.�.;:;R.'r..�.:...:.:.:.:. ,::l '.",',',',',",',',',',,".,.;:.,.,.".,.,. j:j:i:Vi:i:j: solete, whrr_�,or,' with an Outdated w - they are Pumping salvoes with -in, a 11
� """I"" " �:".'�': -, ... . V ...... IT. :iiiiiiiiii:i "40oinplaint," retorted the gf'rl I
p, .
'' _. .
. ii:T" il�,.'4::� ::�i� §�!i�:` il�.,..-.'.'.'.'...;,.-."."'.'..:: .
" ,
� . ,A;,,-::;` " the most effective velocity and range
� ; N .. -� ii:ii:i:i: -red the gunner to lift his fe, Minutes fr6in th 0 .haughitly. "This is -a hoo-
:.1 �.�.�. " K 0, .N."' ,; ". On . . is under 800r.' Canadian gunn . �
... .-:-JL- X ....
..L :7 :::::� ..., :-,'-�. i:�fl.��:: iiii?'i -, �_,'�l .
�.-:- 17:�:�� :. ,
.�� _-.ii,.-':i �iii� ifi.,"i"'...". p , inspi a cafe, not .
, . . ]-.-..--.-..-.-.-,.---..,.:�:li,�c Ei ���A�:':'�*K":��':�]���l�::':��:'������mr,"� -H` I '. .. � e "acti n right."
:..-,::i 7-:': ,;
11, '.
I I , : iI.T& .. , . -:,:,:::, ..,;:T:;:�*:!::TT-:ll:-:-, ,.-.,.-.-.�l-.-...�,.�..-........-.,--.,i�.::.:.:.:.!i.*.".:.,�,;"".*:: era prL- .
ii": �-T':,T�i!. i�:� i�isi-. 7 � 77.::T;: �i:.,.Jl; T :1 T!:: l:1....: i.::: .iii:i:i::ii�i:�:�i�iii�: ��i:i�::�:�i�i�:t�:��ii:��iii!��ij:�ii��,�. 1_�;'::l :: to the,. furious gait of the mill- That included the overhaul
. ...... "... ". .......,.......... :: . . '. .. pltal.'� .
,� _. - %;T`::::::::` ". :: pace
11 ....I.- i:iiiii`,x.:i�ilii�iif ?.`,ii-.`E:2iiiii ,*;,i::�:i:s:i::ii:::�::ii:�:;.�:;�",::�l:i:�-,..:.::::�:.ij:j-�:.,.-.�:�j:�:�.,.,",.,.,.::".:�;:: rush, - for sniping at 300 when it is deadly.
1. , ..�.j:�;jj:�.:i::::.i�.,�:,::i�� ..:.:, ` 1Ki`;_i.X*i1i_i-` i i i i,i:T:*i -i-i il�:iii�i:i::i.:. ,::::"`:Z,T:il : .,,,:::: �... ' . , . � . ,
..,:. I j:i::.li ,::i.:.:,:. �%,-:j:l:!.�.,. .::::i:::::i:.,�j;:. , ..:.:_:::::::::=T %sm. %'T'.. ------- � . I. -1 t,!:- C,�, '. , � . .
. ,:. -1 ���:i��:��iil.i:ii���::�:.:�i!::.,.�:�:i.,-,:I�i�i:��!:��,i�i�iii;."""*,�,,.���,.* .�:;:::;;::::::::::-:::.:;::*;:.:; ....... . ....... ::., .. tary times.,.p]For be ,has done it. Can- - the alt, 6tti ; .
�"-,i�::i:i:..-.:..;:i,ii:i,�;��i -iil*::iT.i:..... -.-.-, .T., ,.* : ...... 10 X.'.:l:::::�iiX.: I . h a ng up: the- gun .,platform, '. I .� . I —
' * ,
I .1 ..... - , - ... _.. ... .����:��iii�i:i:iii�i;,ii:.i:ii�:i; :1T-TK:TXMKk "'...." �-`.iif adlan. gun,,lcrewa -are working inifeli . ". a - I
- --;TT - , - ,iK
." . .,�,- T,.,,,-,._,. il :;;i,� �, — Thef 'train ciii the theorly taht,:only , . _'�, .1 .
, - , , " " 'i;1 - - - " I -11' IR11-A 1'::*:!: ,.,e hugd epade, ea rel against - the sighting shot, is.'per-
- ITT; .�'k . ,
��_ . ...%,%'.TT`-.'.� "'.."i"."T:� iiil%, � , "', - ... I ._.___..`.*,:1 e, -3- �,V
, . I........ .-�..".-.I-fl�.1-111-1.1---.�-I'�-4 ... � - -'::":;:: '. Ti- ,� ,; .'' lr� �,r-�, .J,- " _,
::�:��'...T.��:* �� _... .,_-,.,,,-. ,......M."..... ",...... _--.-:;:-:`:,.,.4 ., ,V , - 'f/ - .'.'.'.-.-.':':-:-:-i*. ;;, r . .
, , -..l.�..... l..;: ,::'....:� -;:.;T.::.._,. . ,..., .._.!:T;�.'�l - and, th I . - one miss,
;� , T �: .._: ; ! :.. .::.. ".:<-.1 ..,,.,: - - � - . - i::*i* iii .�* .... iiiiii:�li_ gettin on than was ..
. ". .. . . . ,lT , . ... .. I faqter in g intoI acti
1, I.I.. 1 IT. -1 ' . _� �"4 1 -11 " .. - I
::.:::, - , , . - . , ,. �
I ,.::.X'; T&- ., iiili�:i�ri�; t"ll,". . .. the' recoil,, which digs in anti holds I tei; the�j Mlisf hit on. the second
_ ..:.:::
" .. .,:, ���:�;�.'�-'�,i:...,..:::.:�:::�:�,.....,,'.....,-.,...,,.��;�,- . : ... .:. ::: Z:1 . ... .. , I mit
I - 1. .:�:!,-, .r..::_ 11; I 10. demanded in the . the .gun on a'firni bas6. I IT
- I T, . ... -T 'i . - . _ :. ... .. :::. , -
I . I .1 .. .1 _ , , ,... ;::. .... _,'...,.,. ::! ..:":;;.:.:::.::;:.:::..,::.��::. .:.:.:.:. ,dT.'.:.;.l.:.::TT evex expected, or I
I , ............_... .... ::,
- ..., ".. I .......... ,.11. I ....... � 6 * :,.:ii*._i*j: :j:iTi:i:.:.:.:.:,TT � I
I - :.1. .. . I 1 ,: i... _:.T,.. .;.: ,��i::���:�:i:i::i�i.�i!iii:.��:�i����i��:ii:;.;..:.;,;:;:;:;:::
'"', _.1 :,: I
-:1;. :. ".,: ;:._.:,;i :�:'..':T1';!,: '���"�,;,".::���.::��:���",:,,...�.'..��,.**.�. %`�:isii:ii:i: .:i .. I
- i::,.: "i��`�;,'.::� �.::��:�li:iill�� _.. .. � or hear,about iL A fast -travelling.
,!" . .. , ::.l .:.i���;Iil�i:: ... ....... i:il;�:i:i:j:�:j:i last war. . .. . . � I
. 4 ]�,
I. I , -,-:t:,:;j:!. T�1: 1:1i:1;i il . . " -i�i.i:i,i,�::�,:,�,i�:�:i:."�:::i:i::!�:�i�i��ii���l����- � .. . I . I
I . . : ,, T1 : ; , :,:,' ,.�:�.:,l,:;:.. .", ",,:i:� _,..:.:::;:.:i� . ��:i����i .;.. - iii:i�i:i�i:ili:iii�i:: . __O . ......
,i��`,;,'.::� �.::��:�",:iill��T.
,i��`,;,'.::� ��.::��:���",:,,...�.'..��..'.*'.
,i��`,;,'.::� �.::��:�",:iill��..
,i��`,;,'.::� ��.::��:���",:,,...�.'..��'....'* �
,i��`,;,'.::� �.::��:�",:iill��T.
. d -,*i:i*::: -
... . ..,
.' ,
. %`-`::i`.-. iii:i-iii-i i::..., �:; '.: "�;',� i,;:,k,::!! - � ; .::;:.' : -:;.,� : ,.'I.:'�:T'-.' T, , :.�. .11 ... I .1. I ,:,i��ili:::ii�i:i:�,.:�l:i:���:����::��:i;:;i:i;i:i:!;i:i;."i;-*..,:.:.:,- .; . kratid, wheel swings the muzzle,'60 degrees I �
.. ,,........"..."," , The.gunner then considered himself I Gunners Stage Demons
,; "' - ii:i::: i :;:::::;;::i:;:;:;:;:::::;::;:;::;..;:::;;;::;::!::::::::::;:::,.:j:........i�:::: � . .
- I ..::':TT,!Yii:t::-, �,:: :,.:��': .;;",:�l I.:" ,.. ::4.'.'::.;::;'.. !�.':j:j -...'� : T".:: ............ . ........
I .. ....................
- . : 11- :-N, , - ln7:a flash. - By r6le"Ing his foot, the I
Z Tt;l'., :--il"..... ,: : TI- 'i , - - ...... .. .-,!i:::: I.- .1 I . 4 t
- .!�!, _.. ', � T., ..�I�ii: :;.Wi I .:..Kii�Ow,iiii� ,,,�iiiiiii�i:�iii�:7:i:i:��,::�.,,�i�i�:i��iii:�i���:"',�.,i�.i:;�i:�,*:,*i the best ... drilled .of all troops, and the I I � "
"" . , - -
1, .._� , , `ii ...k5�1X!:
;.-I""', - l:.��;;�: _��,.".�...,,".�."'.',-.'.-," �i
:::��:. _.".. %. ': .-if' Igunner can slow the trAverse to stalk,
....". ". T.-. ". ;::::::.:!;::.",��::�:��;:::;:TT .�
, T�`;,- �iii--� --T-:�;!!�_. "..,:;I�i'�,'�,:....-:.'...::.-".: _, _. :� . :T...: . . . . . . '. - ii.`�� Gunn,erp, of, the 23rd (T�oponto) and
- " .:;:::::T::T::� . ..f is �i other services felt he vi6re, the super- '' P �.
� �!��:;i,T�: -,.::, : :: -ii,�'.: �, :: .��
., ,. - I . . .r .::�::11 TT� v;:;i;��:::: ..................... . � .;-:.:�:::.:.:.;.:;-:.:.:.:�:.:.:,�'...; .... . " #
T:,:�, _ li� , :,I-..:.::.. - .:%,�,,:��?.�:::�;:::::::"::�:;::::�::::!::::::::::.!.".:i I .
I'� . ;: :. , � ,.l.-..-::: I .. , - .... '.'>',*,i:��i:�,.,%'�.-��:i�:'.-.��",.,.; I 11or of a membei of -'an elit,e C& 7,th (Arblitre.Al).-Field 'Batteries under tollow said. concentrate on a willow- I
�� � :.;. I 4:, :::! - - - ,,,�:�;.,�K�i:i�;iii�i��ii�:iiii:�ri;i���i�i:�:i:�, ... � I air rps. , I .
� -, �, - __ _�,%;:...,:.,.;; .. - __ " ,;-��-'.�':i:i:!:i:i!i-.':i:!:i:li:lz - Yet his drill ppecision is now even . .,
I �,_ .. . ,�� � - ... ".."..Z... .1 .;ii:,' �.4xl 14,_A. MeXgj;Aon, M Medium-ANeid Ing ind doomed', panzerkr ftwagen. ... . .
- . I . ,JT � . � , :.!..,,,:i:;ll.::l::i,:; --g,--,� -.i�� ��11 .... "1*1.li:l . . 1. a '... .
i". : To , -i�'..i,N,:XX1- .,�.i,, __ l, - , . ANkt, , a.* artill6ry's " . I I . . ..,
. -- ,., .. .. � I I I ,
... , . 'l `.`-`--�j '" -.2hor. l His ,drr -"urge for"speed: . ' * -gnk..Boss. I ..� 1. - I __ . I
��, . - � I : �: ��::.: ,.! !,: :,� �:;i'�:�,,.�";i , . gpdT. the ,n
. :,.t . ,_ ;�;,.. f .."'ili:4. I .- , . .4'edfum
I . I -1 .... -ii, - M. iiil-,,?�,.. �
, ., . .., . I
4� . . .. I . I . . $drOarot Is Antfrr-T
,I : ..: �. .r.. . . � , 11, . iiii;.iii!"i",�ii..,., j*.��':- '-,' Ini. the bl4tzkreig-rm.-IijhWh9 "Qr,asik ActiqA1? demonstration for:�U�. . I
T.,.:r. � . ;::;:;�*!*i*:�'i::: 1:.T ::..:.::. .. . . . . . . , �
.;, . I ...... .. , - 'I., .:::. i.. .11.1.11, :: makes Th ' * . 1, ,. ..
. .:I'.!":. . I I I - ...... I K
. :`_::, � ::: - '. , ,; *T-,.1.::.�T;::','..,.-.' 3"ilis ..... . . I - f%%. , , . .4 1
. . ,, ! . * 3,rsonifled and. Tthe Armoui�ed waikijig -from th6 -halt, they' 'were
I :::::,'1:;_ I I . !:.,. . . . ;T1:T::;l t7,`.:::kT: . ar--p . I The Gerfnins ,have kpeclal speed, � ' .
. � . . , "' .... . .
: .,.,. , . , ,: 1 _ .: ;:j..:: j.. .,;:;i--,, .. % . '.
? � I I .;;..,: � .. .::: . - i , ,... i Corps will. have to take that and�. like toady, to &e inJust over five min- commorffinado'n' and ilitdIligeice teats , I . .
.1, � v:�:ls� , . . I
; . ii.., ! � j, , � *;� .1 * I . I . a
1� . I..... :i��, I. .1 .1 4 . . ; t"...,i .. . , , , - .
...., . .
111. . � '....... 11.11::. .i i., I ,: ..w.. I '_ ..:.. l: ... They, .and the irresistible' sense Utes, witha crew who had never pre for finding �. . 1. T.. .. o
I. .
.. . 1 ,,.. T'1, �* T,,� 1'.I�, L , . :: ... . it. 'w9rked ' - good . anilmitank gunners. I .
. ..Ti.. _, _. ,r I ::;:"::* i:::..
. . ..... , _ : _ l : �, - :,.:: A well-' , - - __
� .. .... ., .. :; : -11 o:'I.i Aisly together.'
, , 1, , ... . .1, I , I I of power and might'in their maa�ied -VfO - 6 I I . .
- I - '.:'._,.," � - ., I ,� .
- T...,_:.. .;:.:. I .I.. . Our system is, selection -also, th
.... - : l: 1. . . I
k, I ..iT.: � ., I., :. I -, - I n 4% min- . 1� .
:.. . �. ": Tel, :: - � .:::::, IT,, Ave
'ill�" .., , � . , .. I . �::�`. .. - I dri led crew' can do ;ff I ,eii sef f�
.,.. . I I tank,atiack, will, ,U to' be' satfsfted I .
_ .,: F .. , ""' choice of brilliant, Re geants for.,
E :..,. . . . I .1 . . 1�� �;;TT:: ,"'. 1:::;:: ill:: I I::.T1..:.; - with Wing the embodiment of mod- utes. I . ":
,,, ;: . � . . I i:", . . ...:._...":.; ... .. .. No. I anti-tank gunn��. He a the sole � - - .� . . " ,,, .
. ;:: . ;,,��;:., . I I . 1, :j ,
I : ,i:� . .. ... 1: * i. ... ............. iii
I . . l .... . :::, T:::.,;.i.:*, .. 1:l� . .. .
I I .. . , . . . ..;]; , :il�ool;..:. : , ; I—' ... I ....... V- rs himself, which should be en- It may ,Vq thA't -the - influence of the . I ...
, ___... .. . , � , I .. .� !:;:;i.i:�::::,:;�:�:�:::.:..;::..;;;;,;;:;".*;.;"-,;:;,;,;"";,.;,;* . ern a and "supreme, boss of .the , anti-tank I �
il .::. " I.:. , - � K� �:' I . � ,,T -"i',. , .
. .1. . . .:�,111 .:;:i:;�i;::�;i ��,�;' , ' .. . . .�j 11
., '. . , :_ :�,. *::k - .. .-.,: i I:.. .1 li;..;-"r�i::�;i::;: �t.y.r��!:iili�l .. ough. ne* guns, which depeud,onspeed for . .
. .. : 11 ,;;.-
- . '.L . r . �." - '. ... ,.::�"":,.,!::i:�,�:�,::�"::;,::ii,::::�:;::;..,� f . .. crew. On him pesis -all responsibil-
�hv;. . � I .. . �, "�,. ..."... . . iiiimiiil 'I .
. . g:i�j I . .. sticcess�,.waa, a spur to the'lleld-arti - 11 .
.... .
.... .
.... ..
.. . ... ","...".. 1:
. . I %:l . .�,,.:�,i`ii � :.,i... I .,., , . . .
. -,i:i?` ii .. . � :::i!.. . , �`.-.�-,.'i�... :i. N '�Nb officer helps him, inspires ..
... .
. .
.. .. ::: : TT I
. d ii�;::iii;iii;� ... �
. X: -i:... '' ... I .... .. : ." ` - :, - * .
. .. T, ,. ... :l:, 7-.�: &I :::: :,:'I;, 1:i:i,.V,_�,iili1iii . Canacliarf,prash,Action . Ief#*an, to smarten his ,pb,ce, The . �' - 0
. : �
I �--�iiii::; ..-,.-",".....""..-I"...".,...I
�Il:Ti. � . � ,. .. ., A .... itY.
. . .. - . . ....... I ..".. �
. .. .U -;,;-:l :;:,:�: ..; ITT". ���;����.e,!�..,iii�:i�ii!i".-�,!.,..,-.,:i:ii . -
V� . ... - ..: li.. 11 " 1!:R. , , .I...; . . ; , . .'.....:%�.,�,:;., . .--.,-,.,.-.-,. " '' , ` - ...... In action he - tung .. - . - — 7_
I : -ii: i . `k - is
�.T,-:, ,iiiir �- � - - , ... I him , advises him.
11 ... I . :. ; .,.. - T -'-'X.`,.:-T,.:.;::li- ::'--'-""'b . � 1. great . artillery chang , * .� .
.1 " '. I , " # . .::,--,' . "' .:!:T:j:i:j;jT ;:::;;.X.,,i,:::,.: :1 No matte� what inspire e, bf. cou6e' his own show and must be a high in I
"", ; ,
. ii�, �:, .:;: ....
..:.:�: ....... :ii.%'i� .'-i . . .... j;j.�:: ....... a.
. . _. . 1. . -.-.,.; : ::T ::..:_::l . , 1.1.1'... I
. . . :
I .� , *iiiiii� '. :'L ., 1: :,X-:� %::.-.*o'.�- - � , "'. :,::::T:,:::!: R ,11ill n6w the addition of many batteries of an-
,: . . I.- .. .
, - .....,
, I . ii;i, "., . - ... 4
P I .11 I 11 :.:.:.:,:,:.T., . , ..." I. �:i:ii�i�i�i�:�:!:�i� I-- -:i�i�ii r - J. i
` ,... . ;T - - _-_ ;� .., : 'T" speed, the great impetus has come ti -tank and. anti-aircraft guns, ,,' personal c6lib e as'his gun is In Pre . I .
:il�iiii�ifl ,T: , X I.... ..., ,
.: ,�.'�� .. . :.,:;:.T::::T' ;_ ::::T - j;:: . , F,i
!:,. 11 1' -X -:-:.X:: ::j;:;::l ::, l::,`l:1, - . .... .... .. ...:::T:: I . . .
"I - - .. :.. Till.:.T,)::T:'TT,: '... .:;,::i mon and efficiency, . 1, .
ly�l r-_ , ...".
,� ., �� *T I -,. ..:..., ; ...:;,..-l;, : ::::5:.%.::T,::l frg ,
.! - I . I � . I X'.,.'. 1V ..".... I :::::!:.::.:��::.:�:�.i:;:i:!:i:::i:i:�!::::i::::i� ,X a,new method of field practice, they are, not.fast they -are useless. cl
. ,l,.:::,._ :i.:::;l::::::.:::l: ..",:::� As for the Bofors guirner, the Can -
i .
, - i�� �ii:�i;i:i!]�iiilii��i;ii: � ff I .
� I
. , . Inaugurated by the Canadians, and Their example May haVe-d-napired, the -adian artilleray officers and men who , � .
, 1� . % .. ,X.I... I _
.I. . l:.. I.. ::..��:::�::�iii:�:iii:."�:i:,�,::i:�ii:T :
,_ !:. -_ i ::e�,:�::ii:�,::i::�::.i;i:i:i:i:::, ; d: "Or field nd -. ' I I
; . 1111.T.1fT:11:r I.I.: I.— ,
'ET. -A.; I , . .T::T,::;;::1.! .1 :.:!:,:.::,;�:.;:;,::!:-"",:��..".:::!":::., I.:: 7 -1. . ZT, if dmiri,ti.ally, dubbel ash a ,,Aeld-howitzer gunner to ex- 01
� 1% ... :". .......
� . . - -:r.;-,, .. . :� : - ,- 'i.'1'l::4l:jTi,�. ..
� �T!,..,?` .; ... .... � I.:.i!: i ; :o,: - ,. . T:-:, i,;:: i�:..�i;i:iii�;i��ii. . arriver Without expe�tation of anti- I
l�.. ..:..i:.':i. . ''... , .. .
: . "..I. -TT.", , , L . 1. Action!" It Is meant to fit the artil- In any event, Alaby are I
. :'�;�:;:j:i�j:j ,.1 '::1,F.. :i i1:::1:li*:1::: Ili I - le 1: eel. himself. aircraft fighting show tremendous ela. ' I
".. I ... "' ii T7:, -:::.:...F I . . .:::. ::..::;�:1�,::.:*:..:i j;jliTj:j i ;:,: : -
T! �' I � . .T .,!�.:.,i;�..,:i;:.:��.:i":i:i:,;::...�.:":;:�.. , . 0 ,
1. .. :,. "
. . %iT,:,.T-!'l:T::1"l ''�:::�!i:,:::::��ii:i:i�i::��,'.�.,.;�:�:ii�::::.,,; T7i: � i:. _:::.111-..�;.:1.:-l:;:: '' leryman for fast open, blitz wa�fam:- not only 'taking e'very advantage of . ' _
. ;; . _: . ''.L.' -X; � -
4*..� . ; . . �'X,,:_::;.:: b,.:.:, .. .� ,:.l;:�::T:�!:��jl:,j::ij��: -watch, this tion the moment they start training.
E, . . "; ....''.11 .: It is done to a stop
::*: ,; 11 : ":.:.i:::;:;:,:i.:�:",.:i;:�::::;;;:;:::.:.,.,............,, _ ,_ ... ..;::l;: .: "I. � the hurricane :speed of motor -horses I
� i . IT ....�.:.:�:,.:: ,,..i.��-,-;i.;;:.i;..,.::7:i;:::"...::",!;:.: - � �::::,�..:.:.::.,-Xl ;1 ; . rcise which puts the final, Polish in the reckless race, to, gun-positfon, We saw a, volun,teer crew of Canadian I
i .. 1:::V/�,�.'. . . . .1 �i �, !�',*--'.-.-i..`.�� , " V . exe
I I ... 1.
vl� - .., .. �; ,'.,-":.:::::.:.:.!.:.�'�:,::.".T : ::::�`��'i :, ": 'K , 'going through, a "Grash
1:.... . 1 "-5 :,i?;"�o .1, � - _i:*i;i.:.:*::�:i;:::: ... I . J --,�f . subalterns
V I , . ,;::;T:�: 1 . I
1P . . . . . . . 11112 :, -- ."; ..., , . I . !" d.*1.�.�:,j;�::.;.;.;TI: ... ;. . - .J to the artillerymah before joining his but have also developed new. remark- � I
�Tri� ,.,:,.::i;�;�:::�:�;;.;:i:i::;.::,];i . .... 1.-... ........ . , , ....: 'A
I � ,�,�..'g,�,& ., .:,;.,:.;. , .1 1 I - . Action.- with only six ,days' experi I , , "
. . .1. : !K ,�::� ii::,:,TlP .11 ,. : il: !,..-ili; i:. � , . I J
- ... .... . .
- I .. .:� :;, :�:. :i;:::,;.::,��:::�:i,:i.;::::!.�::;j i... - . ..
. , : i., I.. I i-:,iili�:�:T:i�iiT;i,�:�: i-.,. I ' $ .
. .-I. .,; TT-.I,;.X.::. I battery lh the Corps- or on operations able creV
C, P .! I o ��i .7apeeLd in, getting into action
_ i! ... .1.1 ... - 1. .1
" ,.:.;;::::;:;:i::::.:;.:::::::!:::.. . I 1.11 , , . n. -Westing,
.� - , -:;� �� . ,::,:.. ,�'.1�i�i��"""iii���i'�':'i]:,: - i ence on the gu ,Dirty, a 4t
. : " .. -� --- - . . :T�; � ". -which keeps him polished after' .after the ssid'66'ii, shattering h,alt. �
'' I � , '. � %� �:�,�.-i*. �w,- I . ... � . I .
. I
1� I , -� �:.�::!!�i�i�:�;�i���i�:�i�i;:;:;:��:i .,�� -::_ � - ii:'-:-.;,.:.:.: 11 I happy, they moved and w Ae .
, , I � , � ..�,,:_ ::Ti:i:pT'�*l:i.;,
I .`� : . � I 'T, ,T.....Iffi 1,0; );
I I ,; �T`
... I'll
I %, ..:l ., ... I. ,:�,�,��:]:�:�!!�'!�l:A; �,'� . . '
- , . - i:.V �
I I ,
,F,,,;:i*:,1 ;:T :: ,:'I- :::�.::;::::::::;:::::!.::::::::..::;�.. i . 'l. ":l .:: - .:. i : . l� :..:, he is there. a graduated gunner..,
� ,!,X� 0,: g ,o k d. fur-
. '. " " .,...,::: 11 ,:T: - , , . . We .saw the uttalriate in gunner's r
��,' � I . . . ... *g".� , g::, ,im".
I ,..:::T�T::-TT:-:.:1-::,!:_ "
... ;;T:i:K.. -j: �,�i� ,.": i� -
. :;::i ,�. 1. I iously, to the commands of a Warrarit , _
,`l:i�,i!-*.T..' X. _ . . �� " �
I I � �;:i:�:.�..,..,;:,��;,:,...".���. 7 X"T :::',,:,- I., I � 111. . 1. ....:1 11 -. ?;! : -lou.s. spasm of Tconvulsly.e speed, of course, ,while Canadians Officer with a voice with -a crackle In I
; .., .:; ::::: " , . � .
�,�,. , � . I 1� IN - iii:�ii:,`,i: l�l:,:T': It, is a fuz I .0
I. -, . I , -
i"" ,
ITT. -
. .. .. iTj,i:�:'�,1,jliT::jTTT: :-?:,:..�.. ....'.lil ��i�i�i�:��5" :i:
z I I , , "..", ;:.� � 1 ��:�-,.`i;T::::` 1, .'.�,� ..
! 1--a... I � k 111 ........ '.."'.',..�;�:::%,-,�;;�,;�ll,��A: � :T:,x:: ::i::, , - movement by. gun, tractor, and. gun- handled that beautiful piece of int,
! ..... . . 1'.-._1'.%'.'. ;: ,-.:��...;:. tr-.; ... Ti::.ti. -�.::,::: ;,.��::�l:,�:�:,��,�:..�����:���ii:i :�,?;, . I I it. "Then they challenged. a picked . � .
�'I , ,* V . I I - , "I"', , _ ;:::.,T::�.,]:,T:::.::,; '. ::;,;:*':i1'�,;;�. I .crew, and a s)amming, crashing,,apee- C'hanl§m called the, 'Bofors. Their crew of th r instruftors-�-and. ,beat I
.... t .�,'-` Tio .:,.1, I..
. . ,
` , Tl�'§� . -,.,...::I,:: 1 . , ,.. 1: I I
I . � . , .."'. I ...... .. .11 ,. ... . T:., :.:.;.l.:.;it:. , I
� ,:, *;::.;....,`,T;,,- , _:;,.:.;:::;:T;iT4: ,
11 , I , : ::;:.,-:,....*.,.;:�,:;.�::;".,.� 1�17_l .. civillan;,'""Crash Action lmo�t u'- them. They were, itraHtfiately pleas- I �
,i� V , . tacular performance for a .0
I � . V: , , I I " W6bd is a
i-111.1 . . . .. I �
� � - - I'll I,?. I , ;; : I I
11 � . . . , .1. .
. 1111.1--1 ..., 1.-- 1. I 1. .. , " �,
. .... ....... :tT,, , l�iTi I T1..r:�s:l0,,i4,T. -i and a� revPlation for a cobblel believable. From the halt In a hed-ge - I.
I - ., : I
. � . l. I . ..j..:_ I .11 .
,, I . 111. . . :, *:,:.!:;. ,��`i '�, I. - �
I . ,::;.:,::,_... - - 11 . . ,: I � , " U er, to watch. ' I 'Canadian- Addition to Canadian fire' -power of I I..
�: - - ___.�: . ..... ,� , . 4'.::�:,:�� -6 -d ' ,� . .. .. .. I
. i�l. � � ...... ... : - . . :. .; in&, ex -infantryman such as the TwTit- '-banked lane of a mobile anti-aire'raft .
�� . . . :;:.,;,::%:�i� _& N' 1� �
. ... � " � � ��:.. i �;� i , 'Til�, . .
!1�77R�� . ,::!:: �.:: � 1.T?,iii5:":;;o;:X;::... ,'. �,�.,, ., A ft--; - I c6lumn, I saw 'a batterf of 'a el '
.T, ::;: ��:.. . . _ __ , ample supplies of, the -Bofors ha -
�,:,.. I 11, ,:...''. V�, _ . ". , " . ...... A.. I Mmany different spotg in England, manned, Bofors speaking within . 43' Iminated the..laystem of -attaching gun- 1 4 ..
, .
.. . . -Vis Some of them miles apart, I Viatchedd.0econds. I . il
. , I - r/� ....... ' - ' ;1 ';;o :':: N- -;-:I - ., TT:l .
As� , ..P sh Anti I
. . . I �;,,:-::.-.:T:-:-:-:-:.-:.,; .......... ... .. '. � . ners, tot'Britl -alrertift A.rtlller
F "', T'T�.'..",'.'...'.' ....... � ........" ._* ,v . I
ii",@r N Tim I
0% '. � 11 .1 V -STV x ... I-' , . -I -tank I 1. . .
- .
- . ,'::�:::::%;:;�:;;';::::;:::;;;7:i:'��i�:!:��li:�i����:'*,"�'��i:.:::: ,'. 'TT: whle-Can-adiat crews 'of anti ' I _aI* now training .- �
I ;:;�-,,..;.�.;.;-:;.:.;,;:,;,:,:.;.;,:;.:.:. , On'Target in Three Second's for training. We
" �; - . _--it. _�� � . ... _. . ': . ,
. , - . - , ___._....,... -, Boforo.125-Pouaftr, field guns and. the* . I . �
�4 1 � ..... �_. . .. ,..:, . - I I-
yg 1 . . 0 W :.:�.:,.-,�$.,i.*:.:.:.:.;.:.�.:.;.;,:-:,:,�:-"� I t4rat"itterles,.--and, -1 I . �� -----.
. . �. _.___._1-__-1-- -I--- - r wn air -1 I �
. ... - -
Z . ,- i:i" - -� /I Z .1 M,`.i� .,i! I grimly busiliess-likor 5.5 -held ow4tz- I . - man --- I . �
. . �1' ,�i� I
_,�:. , , , Q0 d . T . , il� . From a stationary pbs#16n protect ,matik guts on act!Ve'diity. � .
� �.*,1;iiiiii11i.ii1'1.ii:i I .
. , 4:.il'.1.0w�*7,121%gi� g...'...." ar - I
�4i- - .. .. SWIP ". ,� � era went throughc their partidtil Ing, an air -field,. when the' gnti-afteraft The Tartill6rr was oner of tife last , . � I .1, I .
.'�', 1. , . TiAlAVY : � : ' � 1.
. . . . . W f j,�e, 300 DiLval " t "Crash Action." EaCh, tiMe 1. *As fELb' breWs are always On their gun, I of the4,lcafiadiat seivices forced to..... "IT . - 9
.I I . I : . I I
.. � . resent' flee� 0 rozes its ," cinated by the perfection of their Pre- - I � � . I
. '1% an tbrn6d gunner, putting so,. 1nstVuctJQn4, the'lalst, long, step- ig thais I � A
. . '. tl�veiztY Et watched Lt. Alan Nobleston, ,a news- rely on the'British fbr equipment and "
� OAX - p - a IS . ardq and ...': cislon training. he exacting old- in . .
�,.�, � , , veasel.S of all LY r L school drillwaster, woutd, have been " I li; . . .1
I . "' ` 1. I 11 -11
I,�,�. , Ort : ". ight A. nearly* accomplished to*gtd,al com.
. I.. - I . - ' Wrow Utis . .' r2illed. . trOoo of the 93rd Camadian'Th . --. L. . . .
I ��,� . . I ,,,-`V,or streSO e ra dema enth . ., . I
� -�,�, a e3tt N A, Battery th-fough -an actual Vra�sh Pleto,ky self�suftalhe& Caijadlan lborpo. - tl� I 1, , .
, a . .
. Locio have M ,e 01� c�� Eiac� man' knew�lhls-o*n )6b with Actlojil,, Tibey flashed on 'their tar. , The gUnhe;r IoT 84U a Proud Man, but "' I I
, I aryd lia6 f6 ?pp .. �
l,� ,r,steel plall -P L.1%ca -
I - o I
"C;l;- : I . . ob. : . . . . . . surb-likuded, atit6mittle familiarity. ot within thyee seconds. . I : hO Is'llofto pridud-that lie doeswt APT. i- .. _. I
, - . 1� �
'�,V,W41, � . rou*g ,tiarbines anu �_ ...... IU.ilso knew that of every 9 I . 1, 11 I
e,K!-;:, , I —, .... other 'Man I."
, AVA", ceving "Works for .. I . , e preol 1z I .1 . k
, , -to vealin . .
... I qorl, wa the cargo- . 1: " i" , '�'� I -in hisof gun-cre-W."'L lb�*ioni 606r 1i ifi, or4fl f6i that r6al action ibb, Ate, despat6hes 'from Libya re. , " I I
. . . ,g that, aitillery, .*given air pro,
. ,� -L - t -U it has sx- - 9 . . . ; . I . "draethil -'flifij Artu p6sition . winle; "thq aIi0tt4is cvaoa VlaAe!" , I ;�
,0 v , , The gun I . I
� I.,
'11; 10, I I WARTIKE 'TELEPHONE TACTICS swifiki lAys: , - 11 ,. I
-S . tectJoh Cali still be 'a supreme wea-
ide by side 101 13,4t that"
I'll ,�,i I , 1� - V I I I moving fib�Sall Ifi that fleet . I
, p; , program * * ' . . acrosi eountryr until the first
I _ I __ 4 I I , IA3* . . - . , I � 'tz6r Arst- threa &,.On talidbot every , Ron. tTh ' i ' RA 7'
t... ", vesgev�bul` 'A ,i � �6:cOn, .T Tel gunners: _ odked. out 49, -
/ V " r, Of .,the:'-. Ati&h6*1 I -%ft#'Jfi'JHZ_'_ffirat two days Of the . . . . . . .
. aj,Lother Story ; - MT. �1. . - ,..) - . I I I-- IRM -06 the 'hearsal. Tt'§ an, ektrtmely brief tItIc . . . . . ... I
� 1417- I :�Iil�.. . . _ I ....... L
M, lf .,.�11 . : . 'Whole and keep - �� I I Zra � 2t-poundoi, first liah"o'k - Llb� I . I'll .
I .
. , , the I I , A � � 330fors, first lightning sta-6 .'of .Tthe an. of time and the precislon-practice to current ydn i%*aigil; createA the �
'., I Trainate �job 2,11 I
"I 1 I ., .� TO - co.e. I - the ways 18 a . I ., I ti-tanker,"each m&p sThinmed Info ac, dttahi it Must be extensive. They'll- ,first -major turning. -point.-They then I '. fA I 4 � W,
I I . I ( �5 jV . " � 61i'ding .do*) ikartas on tele- � .Snor, �SCOM at tb L ' ,� . , I
... . - h den tion with, no waWat-,Mb�emmt, amiiL, metaphor, .but their smashed dn(to Sidt Rezdgh 'with ter. I J !). 'T 4 it
. . . � . e . -
11 can WP by _' .. � . th-h6d, drilled movementp, are as'beati. I
. . wj�a,n 3,iy.odkos he -21'" - . . -c .. I ,riblo, offset, '.simplifying the capture,,
i , .. .. .. . l . YOU t1h 4 wardness or .6n.firglon.', ,
�� i I " . I
g I I ,hties -- .. I - t1ful to,'watch chorus,of aild' cutting down-hifantry dasualtigg). " I I 4' �,
w, � '' fael .. . a.na tj�e leug , as a cadent I .
�; , L . - .1 battety of . ,
4 - - , I I I �. r hc me number : �, �
ak& *� - One The ttir,111 Df wAtclilng'a I Aitir Canadian field, gunfierip .carry ., .
2� . . t - 1 2 nd d Rockettes. I
.:. �". � . . (A your home or I .. . I ' such cl
,� _. �_, . � . Tb6o ,aftfi-taiks ,gun, "Crash Action"
-11 - � � I . , tell .. . t of -a ,balanced, SURE you have the right P 0" _, o�' fl�'* b -&r illuatri-L .
,�, , . . n ,n
�11 1 �7'4i . I. (. yi�,U.,f ri . -0 BE ) r ,demonstration Is a simtJ they are atill considered TwItIlLfbe in, I
,:"..� . .I 6 cone I's pl, .... ,mnecessary' � .. ., her.., consult the directory. al a 'd ti -on ,Of Well I drilled "precision mev.;, dispetisables,. something which both- . 'o 41
9. rltiuliimyl eo0itie-calls. ... � '�V -0 i ing,s; it reassures themAliat, A & ,
, I Aum , . Into P(,4.t
i "!, . - an . I I t ,
.. , E"�, . sme ' 0 SPEAK distift'lift;- -directly into ', . e A.Atl-tank gutiters, can wbIrl,"Into ae I
I " I offi�e: tetep'], 9 01 , The � or
"., , ,, I . intel'I -- tking 4yetem bru 8- .. .. Past lAnd pi%sent 06,nadlan� ,Corps
�!..,� ,,',� I 'ent wartuo,e� - . . �, made a* fineir, braver ahow., 'Gelier4ls VeNaudliton 11 ...
�,V,'. . I I delacy 'arg . , thd mouthpiece. ,� tI6n In- 1-7 seconds With tbelf"gun op. Commandots I . *
. , VPL'y . � . ,, r& I : d �Crerar, both artiller M -on. ,, �gl� . 4
,iK',, F*41 , cin, � t I , Wt Itue 'eiver . . . OV4SWER promptly when the 1 stop-watAkjimi WhOeld-,-And with a spud Ar6pped to 914 I -
,.,. " L'. . � I , -
N' P.K'lV%,L.' .1, .. *a- $4 Tel& ' .
.'.4 , , ��,� . ,who 'Ver yu rfiftio, . . no . ., , solid. .Setting ii,p the Ways kne`w, '040 Af`WAYS, C6V1d 6 I .
"f,�L� , 'ito Wa bell'rings. � I I hold irl'4� gan hav L 4 9
!,! P, - I �V L or, tv -- . I . . tol4, them � , , ' 4.1 , I
I , 1; - .. I . r I ',B,�IEF. dear - line for I The "Chief. 'Jnatr_Ucf&r4`otoodi beside. built-in Vehihanont un -p or to- I - __ .. . . .
,. � , .. Al, . _�111. � � JA00 f._41TAT_ � . 4019 yout : g latf m . . I . . � I . �
I . ., . � thoL . --d. ,� I
: � 1,; M& ----------,-k ....... _:_ ______;..tIt6 next can. � ,-.... .",With-14s-ett6ti�*;i�ioh�'l-7416-,gav, ;qtifte�-Mi,9,0i�V..—Iaii't��-t�h..6-- 4119 an--`A,AkI .-,- -- — - =T- - ��,- -- ------- _�_ t�. - . � T11.1 4'
. I . .i - , I � * I I . Signal. -The batt6itir :ffifiiabod, 'tank gun�ter .1 -6., fait I ii 10, i �, � - l I I I 1 :;4i;� .. . I
througfi . I I 11 .� . �
I ' . -_ . I �,
- ,:�"jj..� ",..,l;,�;"�l t 'Vw '"W, - USE QPPLPEAIK hour' "T" , . ,-� IOR - 'C 0 L L E CTI ON
M(�*;�.' , '' � em .11 410r, your , ,., 1� 0 field 41,Wi rkedIl- to- ido'ait Wfiff6d A_ . I—, I . .
i -��7�� ; , Long 131stanbp loan# - .. . a hedget Into th . _0 . . I � '4 ,9t0VM, looked if-Ahli lefter on . 4 �
, : 'k W40 .. � ; Vrai4 U6, ea " '41.14'lig, .00 , . 1 ,it 9,1 . . 11 I
. .11. dh gw& a- .V - triiAm, , , '' f, ,,, n ,
'1,�!!'� " iwei WA Itile . &0* I _ .-' -�Tlm_ I I .
A 0#4 106-k 141164, Ai2i, ,oiv . I .1 11. 'i"�I� . WO' dtak.; - � , ,,, � .-3. : -o I . . '' .
, , .
O.- , . "W, 06 eg I � "; ,
&K-1.1 ',
% 'I ,
,l7,� '. 6) 0P,000 . 1119, '60fiet behlb - - - � actor, . . miii'll � t" t. , I - I 0 1 . I .
1". . . I . o, . 4�' ;' . "I -Y -Au0f`19bd)?1 It r d
-1 l!'"' wf.. T'r.x-' I ., _tj. I . I . . - 1_ - I -,Jig , I � . I lw&�41*`Vbt PhOn
`i1NVF_1'11W !,','I l, V* _., , W . I � , . . I 6a . I
N -V XMI , ''. . � .. � , ivory ftp&1,4W . Olt Vith ;� go d, ., I . '' . 1:
, , I �', � I � P . 'Agot,04 : � , - "'..it, - �,. 0, 1,!�, � luat, tho� iftbulif. I -;, . -
, V11RI ''; . . , ;; �- - I L I .., . , .- �
� 1. I � N , *dJ,.0..'_ :1-.�,� WO- hihod dftXtftd6a' - - 1, , � I -V . ..
-,!,i"'� . . � I I 'a. fil, i iho. . "I I '04., a- , rr .a aoli�jdn- �,�()'!�,bl,t#lil�.-h-a"�,;htit,1"6.t Amv4d"sy -1 ... I - I
"' M tTaft,0 ;miio; do'n &ftd6 . lco * ,I go!A-.14 loy-, #W io 11 �
4 The Vractl0e-40 da,ttldd
E, ill' , .Y, 10111,; .
. ,
- � ,.. i . . _ I - .1 ,,r �
. 1. I . . , I A dl.�;: � , . I I . ,
, 11 ____ ey, , - , I , I . I . .1
, 9#0 V ,a
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' ,; ,, %wc O&A _� I MIMilth I 119 11 16 Ihm -
� �'L , . �. .�'' ._ . ,,, : " 1. _ .
-il 1. ... I PraAh. tA -�'. b Q'a � a . i. .
w,&.-_-1 171 ... , I �dwg&�, ;c8on" tMA441ifilit Th B41 nefg, 6f. i h
tk4 .. I I . . I . �', , , , I .0 0,,la .
i�;,r; 1;, I - . t� _.�._ I I - I - - ��i A
� ,,, - ". . .. I "I . " . - I 'a 11,
;J',.�:l,l,!1 ", . ", !,! ;Iil� m� pool on .b1JJt454--ti;nd the Crew� ex. An0lit,ftaft batter'lea, it 01 - 0 r6 1, -I.. .� -� _,�,."., . � I 1. . . .J.. �.. '.
, " , ` - , * W "
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'�,21, �; , , - .,., , �6,ugaoz%w :, , '
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&Z , =
1 .4�,.- f. ': �,tr;, " i� 'I!-, : "Al, , " ". " I .
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