HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1942-01-23, Page 4. . . , eue*ietumeee.eueleume4WieetleiMetteet.e.ieer.eitieeeeleieelflieitiege 40. 1 a8sified A.ds' will be inserted, at new low cash iiites• or Hale, Waiinted, 4et and' Emma. Coaiing Evuub4" Etc. -Pr wad: let week • 1 Cent • . 2nd" week • ' % Cent s 314 Week 14 Cent Atinimum etatiege: fziet insertion., as Cents • Each figure, initial arid abbreviation «emits as one word. •L'Oard of Tharos, In Slemoriazu .NOtiope-1cent per ward. DIArroten, 50 cents per week. ,Airetubales may be diteated to a noz Mmber, care ei The Humn Expoeitor, for It cents •' extra. Ten (bide additional per week wS1 be °Imaged if ads m above ehtaa are not paid 143' the - Saturday night in It.e .week in whieli the ad 'was anis •Birtb. Marriages Deaths inserted free of change, • Aueeon Sales, N9t26e o Ceditors. Etc. -Rates on application. For Rent T,TOUSE FOR RENT--8ROomP,D ROUSE,: . • bath, electrically equieped; barn with garage attaced; large lot. Immediate occu- pation. Reasonable rent Apply to Box 305. EXPosnrOn OFFICE. • 3365-4 For Sale poR, MINERAL FOR POULTRY. 110l -1' or cattle, see your Watkins' Deaer, WLLIADSHAW, 3 blocks earet of Sea- orth Lib9y. 8867x1:1 'POR ALE -ONE PAIR GIRLS SKATES fitinkt- elroes elnd 1 spear boy's skates and alies. Per inormation, write Box 304, HTJRON EXPOSITOR. 3866-2 pow SAE-,QUANIITIS 0 ONTARIO barley. oats and what.f feed. GEO. • T. MICKLE & SONS, Bru eld. Buyers of grain at top market prkes. Phone: Clinton • 618 r 5. sfisea - • • - pRIVATE SALE -A PRIVATE SALE: QF furniture bluffing dining room, bedroom 11.4 peeler furniture will be held at the home of thelate R. F. Jones. Jarvis Street NIB& MAUDE SLOA_N, Arecutrix. 3867-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED rrtENDERS WANTED FOR S CORDS MAPLE body wood. 14 inches long. for Sr S. No. 7 School, Tuckersmith. Tenders to be in by January 26, 1942. ART NICHOLSON, R.R. S. Sectforth. Poultry rs. Hugh dao! (Ctentintled teem Page 1), children in the Mission Bands were receiving splendid training aleng mis- sonary lines, and bad contributed a number of toys and small articles for tae missionary bale. A successful ral- ly Was held in the fall et Hensall, Wen Miss S. 1. McLean, of Seaforth, lima the guest speaker. i.• Tae home helpers' secretary, Mies L. jeckelaof Exeter, reported an in- erease in membership and givings. One society „distributes envelopes- to the home helpers at the beginning of the yettr; another subscribes for two copies orthe Glad Tiaings whioh are passed around each month One bas a summer .meeting in the country, to which the home helpers are invited and transportation provided, and an - ether has a supper meeting for them in the fall. There are 185 home help- ers, and ten ihave joined the auxil- The report of Miss Somerville, of Goderich, exchange, library and liter- ature secretary; showed that a num- ber of book e and magazines had' been tient to the various airports, andethat good books and up-to-date magazines are always welome. A splendid pa- per • on "Service," written be: Mrs. Jack, bad proved its worth *ia the Presbyterial, and was sent on to the Provincial exchange secretary. Liter- ature amouating to $42.75 wits so4 during the year, and the secretary emphasized the need for the right kind of literature in these days of difficulty and anxiety. Mrs. C. Illudeen, of Hensell, wel- ocane and welfare secretary, reperted $20 calls made an the sick and Alava ins, and 3S lettere:written, brieging cheer and happiness te many homes. Removals were reported during the year aad the secretary asked that auxiliaries would do this as early as possible. The supply scretary. Miss A. Me - POULTRY -LET US CHECK OVER YOUR J• flock; cull out the unprofitable hens (if an), .and pay you the best market price for them. Place with me your order for 1942 chioks early, so you may get what you went and at the time you want them. 1 handle 011iy the best from carefully selected blood( tested stock. Guaranteed O.K. deliliered. Prices the best for A-1 quality. Yoiar Pout - ti -y Dealer: ,GEORGE WALKER, Box 233. Hensel. Phone 119, 3865x3 Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ANNIE MURRAY A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST 4•-•-t8te estate of Annie Murray, late of the Tewn of Seaforth, Spinster. deceased, who ffieti on or about the 14th day of Deeember, 1941, are hereby notified tlo send in to the endersigned on or before the 7th day of February, 1942. full particulars of their claims. Inamecifately after the said las.tanten,tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed aznongst the parties entitled there- to. having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, te the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whoae claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the asseht se distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth. this 16th day of Jan- uary, 1442. • WALTER W. MURRAY, Executor. By his solicitor • G. MEM.. Safrth. Ontario. • Farms' For Sale VARY! FOR SALE-ABOITT 110 ACRES, • •1-. Lot' 13, Caticension 8. 11-R.S., Tcker- smith. Practically all under cultivation. Good frame house, bank barn. drive shed,' Pig Pen, hen house: never -failing artesian 'well.. Weel drained and well fenced. Possession April let. For further particulars apply to ANDREW A. 51.01111 Seigerth B. 11 3. Phone 666 r3. 3864-tf FA FOR SALE BY PUBLIC TENDER- "- Ste of Lot II% Conc.eseion 2, wet half of ; tiL 16 and north • 1.9 tbres Of Let 16, •Com esee 1, MeKillisp Township. containin,u SO acres. Terms: At least 20 per cent., cash: balence over 15 years at 5 per cent Tenders' will be ope.neti February •6t -ii. Address tenders and inquiries tro 'SOLDIER SETTLEMENT OF CANADA. Termite. IN TOWN II Tuesday, lin. 27 BIG DOOR FilliZE-25 lbs - 01 Sager Clayton Steeper's Orchestra Dance in gketr every. Friday night ADMISSION 35 CENTS ship secretary, Mrs. G. Walker, Hen- sall; Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. F. Ross, Ateburn; press secretary, Mrs. A. Talor, Goderich; exchatige, lib- rary xd,1tature seretary, Miss g. Somer eriehaa Card of Thanks IVIES. FRANK COLEMAN AND rAmex »donald, of Goderich; reported that . to thank their many frierets and complete. outfits ,for four •children e ere. sen•t to the Residential School taighlsore'sf Heneall and' '11.4,0 of the Parr Lie. for th C. kindness and sympathy shown . . Ithem tiering then- recent sad bereavement: at Birtle, Manitoba; a bale' containing .also for"the beautiful floral tributes : special layettes and good used clothing was thanks to Rey. Mr., 'Brook ata the United . , ss -1 sent to the Indian Reserve at.',Lzard CI -torch. . . • • MISS MINNIE SHEA. OF DUBLIN, I'oint, Manitoba; hospital supplies WISH- ze___1.,..i..thsr,b reoetssnceSelyesill-kind f assisted so generously. else loaned ears, etc.. her r..ent sad berenvemehtef her uncle. Daniel Shea. • 386,-1 . . ••• ...• MISS N. -PliYCE WISHES' TO TAKE THIS 'rt runity to expr. her i etraptt;e1:•,eriatio„no duritic her stay in:busines, arid asks far te contriiiititkin of 'the saYlte courtry• , ketchewan, and `Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. Letters of' agpreciation were received' from all points for • these splendid, 6ontributios, the value. of which amounted to $116.81. The life •membership secretary, Mrs.' end patrmagre for her successor, Mr. 15. Ar- t. WaLker. 01 HenalI,,, reported...a ihur Wright. 3867x1 three In Memoriam" certificates, fear life menibersaite, centificates..-three iuni1T'-4certifia4es and sixteen_ seals. were given (hirng the year, with a total value of $270. Mrs..F. Ross. of Auburn, Glad Tid- roperty..„\For Sale , • Births • pciR SALE --- MED?Ulii SIZED BRICK • ' • house on the south Side of King Street. ;-'1IA-1;1•1`. In Scott 54emerial Flespital. an ' . , flage of -all • Co tl lo- ' • Tamen rY 17 t h. to 51r. and M is. Thema: carted to school and hisin Street. Apply to *13in• klOr'Im a sen. ' K. I. McLEAN, Barriter, Etc., seafante and HOCGARTH • InSott MeMorial Hospital, on ings secretary, reported 286 Hog- subcrip- 3360nu , e.i.:b.. C romerty. a daughter. !dons for 1941. and Mrs. _a lTayloer lierarall. -2' Inory PIth. to Mr. and MrsJo . hn --. / ' SID'ARINGl In Scott Mernbrial Hespitl. on lof Goderiele Prase secretary,. reported - , Ammvary isth: to Mr, and Mrs. Elmore' :' hat items' of: terest !rpm the Pres- Sr:car:roe trentftr. a dauglter. 11 RIGHT In Guelph Gen e": Hapit l, an ., Tueday. January. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gtr - Pre -Pay Mx Rceipts • . :-Ln 11'rieht. of Niagara Falls. fsrmerly ,of / • Sch um soh er. a daughter • -Carol Ann. McKILLOP . . Death of Charles Little Charles Little, wel'irnown retired farmer of MoKillop townhip, passed away at the homeof his son, Percy Little, Wednesday morning. For the neat three years Mr. Little has .been in poor health and death was due to a heartaattaele Mr. Little was born in Hullett tovaaship and -would have been 83 years a age on January aath. On July 1, 1886, he was married and spoilt all his life hi this locality. He was a. member of tae 13a,nadian Or- der of Foresters and L.O.L. No. 813, Winthrop. He also belonged to Cav- an Church, Winthrop. Surviving are two sons, Percy Little, R.R. 1, Sea - forth:. r0r. 0. J. S. Little, Toronto; one brother, John Little, MtKillop two sisters, Mrs: William Scarlett; or London, and Mrs. William A. Ross, Brucefield. There aresix grandchil- dren and four great •grandhildren living. The funeral will" take place from the .home of 'Percy tittle, Mc- Killop township, on Friday at 2 p.m. Interment will be made in Maitland - bank cemetery. • TOWN OF SEAR) TH May be purchased on the same basis_ as farther years. at the office of the 'Treasur- er, commencing Ft1). 1, 1942. D. H. WILSON, Treas. Auction Sales . A TiCTION SALE OF ?ARM STOCK ANT) enyeareate Mr leseed Jaelesannuc- tioneer, has remised • inetruellons 10. sell hy .0cl-ilk auction -az 1eei,30, Sone/I-eion 3 13 - borne. on No. 4 Iligh-way„ 3 mile. emelt of Hensalk on Wehielelaer. Janie:cry Seth. re Pm. TORS h el C iyde tea nt 10 yearn. Clyde welding rein: , Fears nia. CeT- 1 HoL:oin ew year's ea. air 1••• f . hen .Tune 1,1 1 Holetein heifer due Ju y 1-ith 1 Holstein heifer. freh 1 Haletein • heifer I pletr old: 2 Holstein heifers 6 maritte. ole. 1 Durham calf. 'PIGS 1 brood sew due March lst: 12 Yerk chunks 1-00 Ib,, IMPLE- MENTS- Maseseelbarris bincle.r 6fore: 1 Cocks -butt manure err...eider; 1 Cocicehutt Deaths •-•• LITTLF Itt MoKilop. en Weinsday. mac- ary 2Iat Charles Little. ro ),is Sari ycar nODDS 1t Oak Park. 'Illinois. on Monday. 43 Till ta ry q:h. Ellen Dorrance, widow of the late Pete odd. ,ROYS 4 Wedding bells are *ingig in. the rommunat y. • Mrs.Erie C. Dow and • baby daugh- ter returned aorne from the Stratford General Hospital on Monday after • Etr.st lmw has been 'seen.e. eee „ere etee with 'act' :lure, :he It;' dr,7 Roarli. Le' eciene,, 1-111. n'0 t.iassel Tre*Sy 07 Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs; Elmer -Scree of Mun- ro. a•ent Monday at the home of alel Mrs, Campbell Dow. knower: 1 Frcet a Wood :111ky rake: 1 Onek IV/AN LEY shult .04 I. 13 discs : 1 lnlertiatinnmi sti IT Moth cultivato. 8 loot: I spring tkoth culti vator: 1 steel roller, 3 drain : 1 set of 4 - section, diarmired harrows: 1 Massey -Harris bean scuffier and limner; • 1 disc harmee : eeeksetem eietticieg tee* (new) :. 1 nourY walki-ng plow ; 1 aubstrae: 1 Chevrolet tremor With pulley 1 24urrow International trwetor Wow; 1 45 -gallon drum: 1 robber tired wag - en. 161100 tires 1 hay rack; lemet sleitais -fiat rack 1 buggy: light wagon: 1 set of wagon wheels and axles:, 1 root pulper. cier-Harris ; 1 VBring cream separator: 1. run- ning mat; 1 extension ladder. 12-1'rot: 1 pig orat: feed boxes; 1 hay fork Cope, 150 feet (new); 1 tiny fork rope. 140 'feet: 1 set or _ sling ropes; 1 sling (Mein and „rope: 1 set et •eloehtle banana: 1 set of breerhings : number" of cellars; 1' coal heater and pipes : forks.. shovels, gram bags. whifilearees. necksekes. eta 250 limffiels of oats: 100 bushels of mix- ed grin; (roarer* of mixed roots: 15 tone df mixed hay. Ilrats-Cash. Everything will Ise said wit:herd •erve.as proprietor bas sold - firns. MIOLVTN MOtR.. Prepriettor: rOonwall. Clerk; litareld • Jacksen....A.uctaneer. 3.867-1 An‘al Meeting ANNUAL MEETING Mr. • Fergus' Iloran'ieears a smile Wince hie wife presented him with a baby boyeearthe lith inst. Quite a number from here attend- ed the annual meeting of the McKil- lop. Logan te: Hibbert Telephone, Co. in Dublin last Wednesday for the ele- tion.of officers. A good deal has been said about the cold aaather We had a couple of weeks ago when Jack Frost was busy te.sting the weak spats, but those that remember> in lpla winter set in De- cember 1t and we had zero weather off and on, till the middle of April, with bilks of snow from eight to ten feet high. byterial 'bad been sent to the .provin• press secretary for the Glad Tid- le. ans. and all Presbyterial meetings had been ,reported for --the local presa. Afternoon Session The;1taferntion •session opened with the singing of the hymn. "Day' By Day the Maetia. Fell." The treasurer, Mrs. T. 'Swazi- Smith, of Seaforth,gaye the financial statement, showing that cote triburtions amountectato $2,813.134 an inereaseeof $196'.69 over last, year. The correSponding secretary, Mrs. M. A. Rail, of Seafortle reported' that there ,wereeleven senior auxiliaries. one young womens auxiliay, one C. G.I.T. groutreesix mission bande arid 1S5 home -helpers. S'eaforth .is the banner eongregation this year. as appointed fo. year: Wardens, G. ca.ch organization reaehed its C. „I. 11 lde1 on; salesmen, R. -- Miss Mary Homphill,of London. allocation, Ilayfield merits -.special H. Miallion.- If. Lawrace, L. Clark, spent -the wceleen with lier parents. litentioa. With may eigIst 'members :IV: Fee. A. L. rae: delegate to Synod. MI'.. and Mrs.., -W, E. Hempaiil,. they reached their alloeation and all G. C. Petty: sub -delegate, 'R. H. Mid- .• Hold SucCese. Bingo arid Dance • subsoribe to the Glad Tidiugs. A num- s''lf.°1'\'''5113- H. La‘tlence• w• EGMONDVILLE 9';1411,114,46.120, A sl Ili th Fhleiatlialair ', a•-*"Cea-4,-F0 Mall i at, POO, TelrOlatta ailiteataathe week -end! ftli Ma gaeadnaether; Mrs., A. Buchanan. Death of,AN. F, Q•„ D1711104 42 • The deathealeetirree 715tf- at • . • Scott The, for:theca Monelaia Jatte• nth, 0 ,Willitee Fred erick George Daniels, tathie in his 69th yea. 1d death -.resulted from an aecident ftich occurred, in Brantford while visiting in that city, when he suffered a fractured hip. He has' received 'hospitalization in Brant- ford, Landon and Seaforth. He was formerly on the postal staff at Arena ford and upon receiving his superan- nuation he took up residence in Hen - salt. Surviving are his widow; Miss, Bella Sparks, of -Hensel', Who for many -years conducted the Yellow Lantern Tea Room at Brantford. A public fa:metal was. held from the home here at 2 pia. Wednesday, con- ducted by 'Rev. R. A. 'Brook, assisted, by Rev: M. A. Huta. . Burial was in °Hensall Union Cemetery. The regular theating of the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held Titesday evening in the school room of the church. Tile meet- ing acilloared the openinghyann. Mr. Frank Farquhar led in prayer. A lauccrber of items of business were discussed. It waa decided that Group 3 would have charge oftheFebruary meeting. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. A ten -cent tea was served by Group 2. Mr. and, Mrs. Ray MacLaren and little son, Donald: left Wednesday of this week for St. Catharines, where they Will take up residence, Mr. Mac - Laren 'hting -a grad position with General Motors in that easy. They will be much *missed in gensall by their many friends. The regular meeting of the Egmonca ville•Y.Earl. wee held Fridaynight in the basement of thecherch. sing• song of favorite hymns •was conduct- ed byathe pianist, Anna Watson,. be- fore the meeting opened. The new preeident Warden. Haney, then took the chair, end opened the meeting _with Hymn 401, followed by a prayer offered by lIr. Gatainer. •The minutes of the last meeting were then read tythe secretary. Grace Wellac. ing the businese period Isabel- Robin- son end Betty Moore were elected aptieof sides to see which could get the most members for the comihe year. .The devotioualconvener. May• ale Watson. then took eeharge and • Hymn '286 was slam The Scripture reading was read from Luke 7:36-50 after which the convener read the poem. "Unawars.'" Betty Moore, lie erary ceneenerethen conducted.•a•••qaaiz which Was enjoyed by everyone. ,Taat missionary convener. Isabel Robiesoa told of the childhood or •Mrs. Goforth The offering. vas- then taken Up Wellitee,„ Mr. Gardiner -eon ductial some canteste and the meetiag closed by singing the National Apo thole end rep1tl:1g the elizaph bene diction. Mei AIuAL MFIETTNG OF THE SE orth itrtca1IsunI Societ` will, be held in -• the Carnegie Library; Seaforth. on Sztordey. Jerre -any 24111i, at 2 pm.. Business: Financial slattement and election of officers fei 1942. • sruatruumr STLis, Pre:ideot- , 0 MRS. .T. A KERR. Seerehary. .3866-2 ,.ANNUAL MEETING* ilISE -ANUAL MEETING OF THE SOUTH I4oren Agrienlearal Societe *ern br held •in the Consmemial Hotel. Henon. on .Sater- • day. beware 24, 1942. se 2 pen.. for the pur- pose of receiving the 'Directors' and Auditors' artaatal mols, the eiectiou of diteenne for, the carrent year. arid the tranietetior, of other • .A. R. CAMPBELL, President, • K. M. toteLEAN. Secretary. • 8566-2 ANN -CAL' MEETING ANNYTAL =WONG OF 711E Mght- ,, bon et the Usecene arid Halbert filetstal atisiitiia-0-0 will be hem in the Public IMOudaan, on Monday, febreare tit fot ti%e, purpose et ramie- ° tit est liaroetere aetie Ateallepre pae, *ye for the elooMett f two e term. and for trey eetse to hit In the erGet, eaeleare. 4e TUCKERSMITH the January meeting of the Tuck- eremith Ladies' Club was held at the bonreof Mee. James Landsbarouglion Thursday, Jan. 15th, with tw-enty-six ladiespresent despite the itclemency of the weather. Mrs. L. Lawson. the new .president, gave: her inaugural, speech and conducted the first half the meeting. Thanks was coned to Mrs. E. Johns and Mts. Wlster for a quilt and hnmjiand to Mrs. Wn. Pepper for litoCks for another quilt_ The second' half of the meeting was the /milting of two quilts. Roll call was responded to by donations ofehandkerchiefs for Red Cross and peyingot of fees for 1942.7111e Febru- ary meeting will be in' tbarge of Group I and will be held al tbeehome of Mrs. Fred Pepper. Roll call will be a remedy for colas. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. tanderlioneugih, Messrs. .Tas. Landeborougla E. Towns- end, F. Teem:end and E/ Whitmore attended ie funeral of—Mrs, Thirt Wlitte,,at Iiliarneafonl on Pettey last_ Mr. Vitiate wan at one tittle a reel. Seta a this distief." MtgeMarybiortytb. of Wilkie,. ask.i a vital-1ft hr ettheiine.4 allirafiell thlinaletat, of Hrucefield, and Mrs. Hitrry M Cheatel4, of Tuckerstnith. • • '';',?••••?"7t..i.•:•f •• • 1Vi'441•;!4PV'e 11•44101...1.1e6leene. 64.4•Me.41ePte • Cermet W. M. S. Meete • . • The W.M.S. of Carbiel Church held their January meeting in the sehool room of the, church Thursday after- noon, with • Mrs. Hudson, the. presi- dnt, In the chair. Master, Let Me Walk With Thee" was the opening hymn, followed with prayer. alhe'l3ibe readipe was taken by Miss Minnie Reid end the • roll call was answered with prayer. - Mrs. Logan led in prayer and Mrs:V. R. Davidson aid Mrs. A. D. •McBwan reported for the visiting &animate°. The Febraery etlea-wata beanaelarge- of-alreaWa A. MacLarena Mrs. Hannah Workman, Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. AaMcEwan. The topic on "Prayer" was ably tak- en by Mrs. C. S. Hudson. sing- ingThe3?-raye, of a hymn aiid the Lards aloeed the meeting.- The any friend of Mr. Jellies Vance, who yesides with -his sister. Mrs. Williain Simmons, of Ushore, Will regret tajearn was. stricken with. a severe 'stroke Friday.evening last While attending agailiering at 'Sliffa. He was taken, to Scott liaemarial Hos- pital, Seafpr-th. whelie his condition is as good aa can be expected. Mrs. William Parke, who ander- went an operation forlappeedieltis at Clin'toe hospital reently, returned to her home on • Saturday. The WolieloClase Of the United hurch will hold their January.' meet - ng 111 the 'basement of the church on Friday evening. Jn, 23rd. H.ensall Womens . Institute will sonsr, a rummage sale inathe Town Hall, Hensel', on Saturday. Jet 24th. Donations of household articles, cloth- ing, furniture, fruit. !ankles, vege- triblesafowl, skates; jeeelie, dishes, books, curtains, plents pictures elec trical appliances or anything that you cant use that someboily else can, May' be left at Hess' or Keretake's stel. Tea will' be, served during the after- noon and evening' and cups read. Clear out yOuaattie and beIp the Rea Crosse, The annual congregational ineeting of the Eaited Church will be held in the basement of the 'church on Mon- day evening. 213th. • el+ ,.....„.............,,,,,., - • HOCKEY TwoBigGamesNextWeek TUESDAY, JANUARY \: 'CLINTON SEAFO-RTH FRIDAY, JANUARY 30th GODERICH S E A—a—FORTH NUFF SED! Adults 350 Children 15c e• • Edith Dick, Bert Selves, Chas. Moore,' Herman Daymau, Mickle. and Mrs. Peter McNaughtata all of Hen- . sail; Mrs. Elgin Jarrtt, Mrs. S. Bell, Kippen, and Earl 'Whiting, Exetr. The doorprizewent to George. Thompson, Hensall. Lunoh prize' was won by Mrs. Alfred Clark, Hensel:1. Reeve. R. Shaddick drew the 4 -in- ning tikets. !Music.was furnished by - the Mardoca orhestra. Peter Mc- Isleagatoreexpressed the thanks of tile,' Legion for the splendid support gven to the organization for 1941. He etat- ed.. that they had exceededtbeir db- jective ef $1,00 for charity and war. work. Miss Irma Broadfoot, dietitiee, of .,..Jamilton, and a daughter of the .late Alex Broacifcit; of Tuckersmith, has been visiting' with ther annt, Mrs. Jas. Broadfoot, and also 'With her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. James McAllister and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell. Dr. and .Mrs. Gerald Collyer and liildren, Robert, James and Anne, oft Londonformerly of Hentsall, will be -I guests in Oshawa on January 31st for the Talbot -Sinclair wedding, at which littleMiss Anne Colryer to be the HE NSA LL Concert and Dance, sponsored by the Kippen East W. Le Friday, Jan. 30th, Hensel" Town. Hall. Irwin's orcbeatra All ladies bring luncli.-Ae: mission 35c. •Proceeds ferewar wade, • St. Paul's Church Elects Officers St. Pallas' Church vestry meeting was beld. on Monday evening. Rev. M. A -Hunt. ehairmatia opened- the meetieg with prayer. . The reports read by Mies M: Fee* showed treas.' titer's report, Mission aCcount, Guild report. W. 4. report, Sunday; School and special rePort. having a surplus leant:we. The folloWifig officers were. • servicewere "Unto the Hills," "Wlhat a Firiend We igave in Jesus" and "Abide With "Mea' Following the ser- vice the cortege proceeded to .Bayfield cemetery, where 'burial-, took place. The bearers were William Coneitt, James Satillie, George Polack, Chaff.: Stephensen, Harvey Turner "pal-. Ralph Stephenson. Flower bearers were Anson Coleman, Elmer Turher, Harvey, Keys, Wilmer Turner, Gordoil i. Johilson, James MNaughton. The floral tributes were many and beauti- ful: • flower girl. •. Mrs. 'George Hass _received word_ lititweek of the death of her father. Mr. Hebert „Pettigrew. • who • passel away in Victoria, B.C., in his 84th year. • Death of Francis Coleman ' Mr. Francis Coalmen, one of Hen sall's 'highly esteemed residents, eiass- 'ed away at his home •-lare an -Tees - day evening.e-Jali: inh, following- a lengthy illness,' in his .70th year. Mr. Coleman ., aaabeen. anefealingelealta. for some time and everything passible done for him in medieal science VS' Peeking his life, .butadespite tais paiiial peacefully away to his great reward. Mr. Coleman Was born on the Parr,tine.on June' 23. 1872, aud was inarrieito....Sara almira Teener on Novembefala 1899eaho Survives him With two sons, Hrvey, resiling her of missionaries were heard during the year, and their message brought, piraten to all Joint meetings were held by several of the auxiliaries and were mos: successful. The slite gan for 1942 is 'A eon:Vete W.M.S." family, in each congregation.," and prayer was offered by Mrs. A. M. Beale of Blyth, dedicating the work for the coming year. In Remembrance Mrs. J. C. Greig, of Seaforth. spoke Of the loss sustained by the sudden pasting of- Miss H: I. Grahan, for many years secretary of Huron Pre:8 byterial. and it was unanimously de- cided that an appreciation of the ser - vies she rendered should be placed in the ininutes. The president ex- pressed the sympathy of the members to all Who had been bereaved during the yar. and to all utiable fo be pres- ent through illness. A vote of thanks was tendered to the Clinton ladies for their *hosptality. and an inviiitiop was accepted te hold the fall rally id 'Exeter. In the absence of the convener of ,the nominating cmmittee. Mrs. Robi- son, of Auburn. the report wa.s read by Mrs. D. J. leane. of Goderich, and the officers were elected and installed for the aiming year. Tae meeting then closed wall prayer and the sing- ing of the hymn, "Come. Let Us Sing of a Wonderful LOve." Officers For 1942 Theoincers for 1942 are: H13110T- ary president. Mrs. H. Arnold. Hen- sall; president, Mrs. H. Jack. Sea - forth; 1st vice-president, Mrs. D. J. Lane, Goderich; 2nd . vice-president, Mrs. 13. F.. Andrew. Clinton; 3rd vice- president, Mrs. E. Lawson, Auburn; 4th vice-president, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop. Goderieb; corresponding secretary.. Vire. M. A. Reid, Seatorth; trasurer, li. T. Swan Smith, Senforthe Y. Via secretary, Aare. A. D. M613/wen, Han- • sen; lifiseion Heed secretary, Mrs -W. •'Welt, Henault; Home Helpern seer- fay;- Mae" L. Seclrell, tieter; 'Wel- coma and Welfare tiltactery, Mrs C. fludsoti, Hen -gall;.. Student secretary, Mrs. A. M. Hoyle. Illytb ; life member- ee. jeoge ,ips. . 11. irnuie- tn, Mrs. Thddleton. Mrs. L. Clark. A. L. C,ase: secretary -treasurer. Miss M. Fee: vestry clerk, A.L. Case. Legion Honors F./O. Pryde F./0. 'Thomas Pryde, of Ex.eter. -home on week -end furltrugh from To- ronto, where he is interviewing 'offi- cer at the R.C.A.F. recruiting post, was guest of honor at a -meeting. of the Exeter-Hensall branch of the Can- adian Legion ounSaturday night. Pres- ent to, do honor to Comrade Pryde, a former president .of the brarrloh, were ex -Warden Percy Passmore,' -and tire reeves and councils of the villages ot Hensel]. Exeter. Stephen, Hay and Usborne. Comte& Sid McArthur pre- sented him with .a handsome Wrist watch.' R. N. Creech paid a tribute to the active work of the guest of. honor in the wartime committee and Red Cross works Services in Carmel Church •were largely attended, iin• Sunday last, the minister, Rev. William Weir, occUpy- fag his own pulpit, delivering sp did discourses. CoMmunion was ministered at the morning service. For their anthem the choir sang "God So Loved the World," soloist, Miss Irene Hoggarth; evening contribution, "Sweet Hour of Prayer." solitials M- ang Mitis Lois Maclaren and Miss June Mutdoek.. • .Rev. R. A. 13rook conducted services, in the UnitedChurch Sunday. Mat, splendid congregations attending bath .deite of 'worehip. Special messages were delivered by the minister. Foi the morning anthena the choir -sang, ."Remetnher Now Thy Creator"; the evening anthem. "Sun Of My Soul." The Arnold Circle met at the hom of Mrs, W. Weir oh Monday' evening for their Janeary ineeti.ng, with Mies Sally Ma.nson, the pretitlent, in the chair. Miss Helen Moir led in prayer and the Bible lesson was taken -by Miss Jean McQueen. Mies Rath 'Mc, Tivenna contributed A reading on "Condition of Wale" and the study Was ably 421ra:rile, M. k. A:. Orr. lAmeibeon was served and the Meet, big ranch enjoyed; Mrs. S. M. Batbota- Of ailcitareal, is vieltitag vilth'be-nil-Vertex, Mt. and Mee. J. Honoree • Mr; and Kra 1, D. Bliteae,tian, of times Mather, Site. A. butshanan, 001 nieMberg of the Lontlen, speet gelidity With the..teirl' The Hensall-Exeter branch or. the Canadian Legion spoesored a very stieceSsfUl binge and dance in the Town Hall on Friday evening with W. C. atone as' master of cereruoniew. Fifteen prizes were given away "dur- ing the • evening and the ten special .prizes of blankets and turkeys were won by Mr. Clyne,.. of London: Miss Women's Association Meets • The annual meeting of the Women's Association of the United Church was held Thursday afternoon in the school roma .auditorium with a splendid at-. tentlance, with Mrs. James McAllister in the chair. With the singing of Take Time To' Be Holy," the nieete ing-came to order. The Bible reading, • 103rd Psalm, was read by (Mrs. Erie. Kennedy, and prayer by Mrs. Agees • . Ll1.111inie. A splendid program was presented and much'exttjoyed by all present. Mrs. M. A. Hunt, ofEeter, the guest speaker, gave a very inter- esting • affd Informative ...adde.st on.- ° "TITS Vtaitic • of Abe Wolnen rn the' World ..Today," which was listened to. with much pleasure. Mrs. Harry. Hess and Miss Shirley Kreuger, ••of Zurich, contributed .a beautiful -diet. accompaaied by Miss Margaret Hey, and a piano trio by Mrs. Hss, Ilia/ Krueger •and *Miss Margaret was meal e'llibyed. Other ;tum -s on he program.. included a piano solo, ,Miss Florence Welsh; solo, Audrey Walsh, accompanied by her mother at the piano eeflanosolo, Eleanere,CoOk4e - vocal duet, Mrs. George Hess and Miss Ruth Heb,'IsAfiVrenee Welsh • acCnpanise; reaTtins- lg. Ellis. This portion or the meeting elosed with the National Anthem and cos- ing- prayer beltev. M. A. Hunt, after which a -deliious luncheon was serv- ed,. - ' At the conclusion of lunch Rv. FL on the homestead, and Lorne living A. Brook took the dhair for the elec- on n farm near the homestead, theAlion and nominatin$ aommatea. Mr farm on which Mr, and Mrs. Coleman ' W. B. Cross, Mrs. C.f Cook and Mrs. resided •before taking up residence in. C. Ballantyne presenting the slate of Hameln in -April, 1933. Also surviv toffieers: Honorary president, Mrs.S. ing are two brothers, Rev. °aver a Colman, Winnipeg, Man.. and George Coleman: Eamondville, and, thiae• sis- ters, Mit. Jolla Shannon. Esmond-, eillee Mrs. John Elgie, Los Angeles. California, and' Mrs. Mary Ortwein. Winnipeg, Man, He isalsosurvived' hy three grandchildren. Two' years. ag,'0 Mr: and, Mrs. Coleman celebrateI their .40th wedding anniversany. The deceased was an active member of the United Church' and always attend- ed 'services when abe. }le was •-tt. very kind husband anefelevotedefather and will be much missed' in tile ..h.one, and les widow and members of his family, and by a large circle of friends in the , village and (Varlet. Puneral services were held from the home at 1.30 Tharsilay afternoon. fol- loWell with a ,service in the .Unied Church' at 2 pm. and was one of the largest funerals held in the church, many Thithg ong distancee to pay their lastrespects to the deceased. Rev. R. A. Brook, his ministerpaid fitting tribute to his life and the choir for their number sang "Jetsam:rem the Golden," arid 'hymn a sun* during the Merrier; president, .Mrs. James Mc- Allister: vice-presidents, Mrs. Erie Kennedy, Mrs. Harry Hortoa-;-and- Mrs. J. Shepherd:seretaryl Mrs. T. J. Sherritta treasurer, lars. W, B. Cross: group leaders, Mrs.Archie Rowell -fie, Alta Grace Harpcile, Mrs, Mary Buchanan, Mrs. Wilson. Mansecommittee, Mrs. C. Cook; Mrs. .Merrier. Mrs. C. 'McDonell; goivet • committee, Mrs. Ken Hicks, Mrs. Walter Speneet; Mrs. Wilsop. garble, Miss Edna 'Wlsh; • nonenating 'com- natter.. Mrs. A. Spencer, Mrs. drape M. Mes. aarea, secretary, .presented the ilnancliel reairt 'for the Tama' dis- closear Ihet thi. eictiee organization Ind , litaile wonderful arogress during the past 3'ear_wih a splendid satalue ' on hand. letter as fad from the secretary of the Ichureh,:•Mr. Drys- • dale expressing thanks for the in- terior decoratitigeOf the school room. auditoriumWhich waS arranged and paid for by the aiiOnien's Associtione. Arranging the prograha were ',Mr. Hedden.,MTS. Hess, and Mies Flarenee Welsh. • •". PH9NE, 207 ' • ! e:;•,.. s '''.;71f4441* 04, • ••;:ri 'OS el •