HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-12-26, Page 8ii • THE Merry Christmas to Lveryone A. C. Routledge AND STAFF Phone 166 1'. , ,lir i ,�.i wl r 1).4- e v. »r.•• _. ..',.. .. ast Let us keep Christmas—for its spirit can never be de- feated. May it bring us faith and courage and cheer to carry us through to final victory. To all our friends, therefore, we wish sincerely A MERRY CHRISTMAS Watson & Reid 4 QA 00000000o00 O O O S. T. Holmes & Son O O FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 o O O Main Street, Seaforth O O Charles Holmes' residence, 0 O Goderich Street East. Phone 0 0 No. 308. O O Ambulance Service O O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O rent. O 0 Night calls—Phone 308 0 O Day calls= -Phone `119 O O Charges moderate. 0 ® 12-37 0 4>0OO00000000 000000000000 ® J. A. BURKE o O Funeral Service 0 O Dublin : Ont. O 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 O o O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 3767-tt The Second Division Court County of Huron sV'Dfce in the Dominion Bank Build- , Seaforth.' Office hours: Tues- day, Ti{ursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. bs 5 p.m.; Saturday evening 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk Insurance Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness and Acci- dent, Windstorm and guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first elasrr companies. Information cheerfully given. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE —• SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Wm. Knox, Londsboro - Pres. W. R. Archibald, Seaforth - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. DIRECTOR S : William Knox, L , Chris. W o ondesboro• ' J.eonhart, Brodhagen ; E. J. Tre- Wartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, R. R. 2, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R,R. 5, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 2, Walton; Thomas Moylan, R.R. 6, Sea - forth; William R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth. SPENCE'S Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry. Phone 170-W, Seaforth NEWS QV THE TOWN Dies In, Orillia. »- Anna Downey, daughter of the late Mr. and Mss. Ino. Downey; died Tuesday in the Soldiers' Memorial Hospital at Oi'i iia. The funeral is taking place from the resi- dence of her niece, Mrs. Joyce Rol- land,, 71 St. Patrick Street, Griffis, on Friday, December 26. Mass will be sung in the Church of the Guardian Angel at 8 a.m., and interment Will follow in Seaforth. Died in Goderich.—The daily papers of December 23111' carried a notice of the death of Mrs. Helen Bruce Col- borne, which occurred the previous day at her home in Goderich. Mrs. Colborne was the widow of the late J. H. Colborne, who was the first pub- lic school teacher in the town of Sea- forth,tand taught, p the first public school which occupied the first store of the residence on Goderich Streot East, now occupied by Mr, Janie' Young, and situated directly across from the Seaforth separate school. Sermon•Subjects For Next Sunday. = St. Thomas' church: Rector,•„ Rev. Dr. Hurford—Christmas Day — 8.30 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m., "A Christmas Message (and Holy Coni - minion), Sunday -11 a.m., "Thank - 'fulness For the Past"; 7 p.m., "Eu - durance." Sunday School at 10 a.m. St. Mary's Church, Dublin — 2.25 p.m., Sunday- School; 3 p.m., "Thank- fulness For the Past," Northside United Church: Rev, fI.. V. Workman, Minister -10 a.m., Sun- day School: 11 a.m., "This Christ We Worship"; 7 p.m., Rev. Harold Vern- on,. Minister i•' and the choir of Mit- chell United Church presenting the Christmas cantata, "Memories Of Bethlehem." Come and enjoy these services. First Presbyterian Church—Sunday school, 10 a.m.; morning subject,"The Value of Reflection"; evening subject, "Between the Years." Special music by the choir.—Rev, Hugh Jack, Min- ister. Evans - Deem.—The home of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Deem, 247 Huron Street, Stratford, was the scene of a lovely December Wedding at two o clock Saturday afternoon, when their otily daughter, Itis Fay Deem, became the bride of William Blake Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Evans, Detroit. Rev, J. R. Thompson, rector of St. Paul's .Anglican Church. performed the ceremony before ;the $replace, attractively arranged with snapdragon and baby mums. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street -length dress of Noble Lady blue crepe with a corsage of orchids. She was attended by Miss Jessie Mae Haynes; as bridesmaid, wearing a dress of Windsor rove crepe and her corsage was of Rapture roses. Harold Reed, Walledo Lake, Michigan, was the groomsman. At the reception following the ceretnonv, the bride's mother received, gowned in blue majestic crepe. and the bride- groom's mother was in lirforce .blue crepe, and they wore cot4akges of pink roses. The rboms were enhanced by bouquets of snapdragon, baby mums and carnations. Those assisting were Mrs. Harry Eyre, Sarnia; Mrs. Jack Ramore, Fergus; Miss Emily Deem, Toronto. Relatives of the bride and bridegroom were among the guests. After a short honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Evans will reside in Detroit. For travelling the bride wore a dress of rust wool with brown accessories and a brown muskrat coat and fur -trim- med bat. The bride is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bristow, Sarnia, who celebrated their 48th wedding anni- versary Saturday, the same day of the wedding. • Mae Lane Meets.—The Christmas meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was held at the home of Mr's, P. Mof- fat. While gifts were brought by the members to.. go to a Northern Hospi- tal. The meeting was opened by the reading of some Christmas poems by Miss Isabel ,..Graham which were given by Mrs. E. H. Close and Mrs. F. J. Bechely. Hymn 308. "Joy To the World," was then sung and Mrs. F. Parsons led in .prayer. Miss Fen- nell t'bok charge of the business of the meeting, the main items of which were the annual reports from the va- rious secretaries and the report of 'the nominating committee, Miss Les- ter, Mrs, Hoggarth and Miss Bremner. Miss Lester read the report which in- cluded the following officers: Honor- ary president, Mrs. H. V. Workman: ;'est president, Mrs. E. H. Close; pres- ident, Miss R. Fennell; 1st vice-pres., Mr's. F. J. Bechely; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. R. Savauge; 3rd vice -prey.,. Mrs. -P. Moffat; recbnding soc., Miss S. Wood; corresponding sec., Mrs. Br•ad- siraw; treasurer, Miss Edna Bremner; assistant treasurer, Mrs. J. Scott; Christian Stewardship sec., Miss r•.. Lester: Temperance sec., Mrs. +1. Westcott; Missionary Monthly sec., Mrs. Brightrall; Baby Band sec., Mrs. Chamberlain; literature sec., 'Noss Mr'l.ean; flower sec., Miss H. Whit- tsl.er; press tec., Mrs. G. Hoggarth; assistant press sec, Mrs. ,I. Scott.; Community Friendship sec., Mrs, E. fT. Close; assistant, Mrs. i. H. Weed - res rk -k : supply convener, Mrs. J. Cu- rie: • Mission (land Leaders, Mrs. W. Barber, Mrs; Hoggarth; social con- vener-, Mrs, Wca'dmark; assistant, Mrs. P. J. T3eehely, Mrs. E. C. Charrr.- berlain; pianists, Miss Winnie Sav- auge and Mrs, 13. F. Christie; Circle captains, Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. Christie, Mrs, Snell, Mrs. Savauge. The meet- ing was then put in charge of Circle 4, with Mrs. F. .1. Bechely presiding. It was opened with "0 Come, All Ye Faithful" and prayer by Mrs. Close. The Scripture reading was read by Mrs. E. B. Candie; Mrs. J. A:' Stew- art favored the group with a solo, and Mrs. R. Savauge read a short Christ- mas story. "Why the Chimes Ra -ng." The meeting closed with "Silent Night" and the Mizpa.h benediction. The Christmas tree was unloaded of its gifts and these were opened for the group to ,see. After lunch a word of appreciation. wa,s given Mrs. f(lof- fat for her 'generosity in opening her home. The meeting closed ,with the' National Anthdnl- • LOCAL BRIEFS Mise r t lad's .1 tOltipeaf, Of r i - k'ara, li'dil, l ''o)pef>irling the holidays rile h00ne Of' hat ItiOfhery midi t. n#804} Season's Greetings With ,most of the coun- tries of the world at war, there is greater need for wider recognition of the Spirit of Christmas, the es- sence of which is peace and goodwill. will. So once again we extend our best wishes for as pleas- ant a Christmas as possible under present wartime con- ditions; to all our friends and customers; and to all those along the far- flung battle line who are fighting to uphold the true spirit of" peace on earth and goodwill to men. Keating's Pharmacy THE REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 28• ▪ Seaforth 11 a few days last week in Toronto. • Mrs. Grace McPherson, of Toron- to, is spending Christmas at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. .Spence. • Mrs, Jessie Flett and little grand- son are spending the Christmas holi- days in Toronto, • Mr. Ronald McKay and Miss Eth- el McKay, of the Toronto teaching staff, are spending the holidays at the home of their mother, Mrs. Hugh McKay. • Cpl. Garnet Free, of Chathain Training Centre, is spending his Christmas leave at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free. • Miss Helen L. McLean, of To- ronto, is spending Christmas with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. K. M. McLean, • Miss Barbara Best, of Toronto, is spending. the holidays at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. H. Best. • Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith and family are spending Christmas in To- ronto. • Mr. Friel Stewart, University of Christmas Dance ST. COLUMBAN MONDAY, DEC. 29th SNEIDERS' ORCHESTRA Admission 40c Lunch served Auspices of C. W. L. SPANK' S Remedy ON TOP 39 YEARS Treating Sore Throats, Colds, Cough, Bronchitis, Tonsil Troubles and other kindred ailments. SPAHR'S STANDS FIRST for Quick Action. First for Safety. First for Value and Results, or money refunded. At KEATING'S in ,Sea - forth, and MIDDLETON' in Hensall, Drug Stores. ''' ;` 3862-10 Social. Evening AND - Annual Meeting Federation of Agriculture WINTHROP HALL TUESDAY, DEC. 30ih at 8 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER WILL BE PRESENT Ladies bring Sandwiches EVERYBODY WELCOME N"C New Year's Eve Huron Fish and Game Club 2nd Annual New Year's Dance Town Hall, Clinton DECEMBER 31, 1941 AFITHUR'S ORCHESTRA Noise Makers, Balloon -Dances and Lots of Novelties ! Bigger and Setter than last year Dancing from 9 p.m. till 2 a.m. t'In0/1 r;F3f t Y '1' LCOME • ADMISSION: tdtis># 200 ' ; (l a tlertten Western Qntalle, London,' iij'` spendlllg the holidays 'at the • home of We mother, Mrs. Charles gtewart.. • Miss' Laura McMillan, of Toron- , to, is spending tpb9 holidays, at the home of ter Mother, Mrs. W. F. MC- 14liilan, Egmoildville. • Mrs. 'A. McTavish, 'Jarvis. Street, is spending Christmas with friends in Sarnia. a Miss Bess Grieve, of Chatham, and_ 'Miss Margaret Grieve, of Dres- den, are spending the holidays at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. - T. M. Grieve. • . Miss Zetta Dunlop, nurse -in -train- ing at Kitchener, is spending Christ- mas Flt the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop. o Miss Irene Workman, Victoria College, Toronto, is'spending the holi- days with her palrents, Rev. and Mrs. H. V. Workman, • Mr. Jack Drover, Veterinary Col- lege, Guelph, is spending Chlistma.s with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drover. • Misses Jean.and Annie Brodie, of Kirkland Lake, are spending the lioli- days at the home: of theirp,.,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brodie. • Mr. Walter McMillan, University of Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays at the home of his mether, Mrs. Helen McMillan, in McKillop. o Mr. Roland Stewart, University of Toronto, and Mr. David Stewart, of Galt, are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr.'and Mrs. Har- ry Stewart, • Mr. H. M. Jackson, of.Toronto, is spending Christmas with his brothers at the Jackson, home in Egmondville. • Sergt. Lionel Fortune, of Kitch- ener, is spending his Christmas leave at his home here. • Mr. Don Scott, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, is spending the holidays at the home of his mother, Mrs.- H. R. Scott, • Miss Margaret Patrick, of Wind- sor, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Patrick, in Tuckersmith. • Pte. Albert Wlltyard, Royal Cana- dian (Medical Corps, Ottawa, is spend- ing Christmas with his family here. • Miss Florence Laidlaw, of To- ronto, is spending the Christmas holi- days at the home of her sisters, the Misses Laidlaw, Goderich Street. • Mr. Frank Hogg, of Woodstock, is spending'the holidays at the home of his' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hogg in McKillop. • Sergt. Stewart Geddes, of Loug Branch, is spending his -holiday leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes. • Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Miller, of Al- lantown, Pennsylvania, are Crhristmas guests at the home of her father, Mr. Thompson. • Miss Marion Watson is spending the Christmas' holidays in Toronto. • .Miss Clarise Lee, of Kincardine, was the guest this week of Miss Alice Hudson. • • Miss Agnes McLellan, of Mitchell, spent last week end the guest of Mrs. William Oliver. • Mr. and Mrs. Hendry, of King- ston, ingston, are spending Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Webster. • Mrs. Alice Cudmore left on Wed- nesday for Toronto, where she will spend two weeks with friends. P Miss Ona Hunt, of the Deacon- ness Training Home, Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays with Rev. Hugh Jack and Mrs. Jack at the Manse. • Mr, Harold McLellan, of Regina, Mrs. Buttenham and' daughter, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mc- Lellan and children, of Stratford, and Mr. Andrew McLellan, of Mitchell, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Eberbart, this week. •• Mr. and Mrs. Harold Purdy and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Don Kerslake.... and daughter, of Toronto, are Christmas guests at -the home of Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. • Mr. William Smith is spending the holidays with relatives in Flint and Lansing, Michigan. o Mr. Percy Hoag, of Thamesville, is spending the holidays at his home here. • Mr, Lloyd Hoggarth, R.C.A.F., Camp Borden, is spending the holiday leave at his home here. • Mr. P. D. McConnell is spending Christmas in Detroit. • Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Stewart, of Montreal, are spending Christmas at the .home•of his parents', Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. • The Misses Ida and Florence Cooper are spending two weeks with friends iu Staffa. • Mr. Tom Sills, R.C.A.F., Camp Borden, is spentg Christmas at the home of his par nts, Mr. and -Mrs. F. S. Sins. • Miss Jean Dempsey is spending the Christmas week -end at her home in Stratford. • Mr. T. R. Cluff, of Montreal, i is spending Christmas at the home of his father, Mr. A. F. Cluff. O Mr. 13. F. Purcell is spending Christmas in Detroit, • Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Edge and two children, of Toronto, are spending Christmas with his father, Mr° H. 13. Edge and sister, Miss ,JBsephine Edge. • , Mr, and Mrs. T. A. G. Gordon are spendin-g Christmas in Toronto. • In.. F. J. Burrows is spending the holidays at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. Shepard, in Niagara Falls. • Mrs, H. R. Spence has been con- fined to her' home for several days - through illness. DUBLIN Dublin public school was filled to Capacity on Thursday. afternoon when tfie annual. Chrlstmas concert was held. Rev. Dr. Hurford acted as chair- man and gave a very interesting ad dress. A splendid program was pres- ented. Those tatting part were Flar- ence Moore, Joyce Racho, . Muriel Darling, Rena Rileyr John Moore, Doris Riley, Phyllts Roney, Emma Riley. The singing was under the direction of Mother Maureen. Miss Roney thanked the audience for their co-operation. A solver collection was taken tip and donated to the Red Cross. Santa Claus was Waiting out- side and calve .stn to present gifts from a brilliantly decorated Christ- mas tree, Melhbei`li of the board ati4 parents of the j p& a Di1bli pi Cont itituttioll �d SC flits Oho t hr100 titer ltfitlu'a pile n4 l�nh $•l ife'14 ihrthe parlsll hall n-Fridaiy night. Roy. Ar. h'foulkes plllesided and .. welcomed a large audi ce. Interessting features Of the program were: High school play, "Legend of the Christmas Rose" in six acts; a playlet by the Separate. school juniors; "Santa Claus Forgets. Something" by Separate School sen- iors; little Dutch dances. The sing- ing was under the direction of Mother Maureen, who also was accompanist. Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes presented diplomas to 14 graduates of the con'tinilation school. A drawing for tickets 'on a doll in aid of - the Red Cross took place, the winner being Daniel Shea. Santa Claus arrived and distributed gifts from a prettily decorated Christ- mas tre3. -- Personals The following teachers and students are spending the :holi- days at their respective homes: John E. Molyneaux, Assumption College, Windsor; Rev. Gordon Dill,'St. Peter's Seminary; Joseph Evans, St. Peter's. Seminary; Miss Gertrude McGrath, Waterloo; Miss Peggy McGrath, Wi',il- sor; Miss Veronica Molyneaux, Drys- dale; Miss Mary Evans, Logan; Miss Rhea Roney, Dublin public school ;' Miss Florence Smith, Kippen; (Miss Marjorie Hannon, Tuckersmith; Miss- es Irene and Dorothy Donnelly, Gode- rich Business College. Holiday visitors: Mn and Mr's.. Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, Chatham, and Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds, De- troit, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Car- penter: Kenneth Dill, King, Miss Mar- ion Dill, London, Dr, and Mrs. D. LI: Sturgis, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. P. Dill; Miss Vera Feeney and Miss Genevieve Feeney, Toronto; Miss Rose Feeney and Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Steinbach, London, with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney; Miss Ursula Kraus- kopf, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Krauskopf; Miss Genevieve McCarthy and Thomas McCarthy, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, M. McCarthy; Mrs. Reta NeVrcombes.- Toronto, and Captain P. Stapleton, R.C.D.C., St. Thomas, with %1r. and Mrs. William Stapleton; Ted Rowland, Kitchener, with Mrs. L. Rowland; Ryan Jordan, Kitchener, with his father, Patrick Jordan; Mk�ss Anna Meagher; "London, with Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher; Clayton Loeby, Windsor; Clarence Looby, Crediton; James Looby, St. Catherines; Miss Loreen Looby, London, with Mrs. A. 1M. Looby; 'Miss Doris Mathers, nurse - in -training ,at Stratford General Hos- pital; with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mathers; Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Maloney, Buffa- lo, with Patrick Maloney; Frank Kdauskopf, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krauskopf; Miss Ethelyn O'Hearn, Goderich, with Mr. and M7•s. E. O'Hearn; Miss Mary Dorsey, Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dorsey; James Curtin, R.C.A.F., Jarvis, with Mr. and 'Mrs. William Curtin. BRUCEFIELD The Late, Mrs. W. R. Henry The death occurred last week at her home in Brucefield of Isabella Mc- Neil, wife of William R. Henry, in her 86th year. • Mrs. Henry was able to go about until three days before her death. Most of her life was spent on the second concession of Stanley .Township until coming to Brucefield twenty-three years ago, She is sur- vived by her husband. A private fun- eral was held from her late residence on Monday conducted by her minis- ter, Rev. Atkinson. Interment was made in Baird's cemetery. The pall, bearers were William Douglas, David Tough, Ross Scott, Cecil Simpson, William Hart and' Sam Thompson- VARNA' Mrs. George Clark is not improving .as we would like and little hope is held out for her recovery. Mrs. A: McConnell received the sad news that her nephew, son of Mr. M - len Easier, had met death in a car accident in the Canadian West. The concert»sponsored by the pup- ils of S. S. No. 6 Wednesday after- noon was well attended and everyone enjoyed it. The children denied'them- selves of the presents and donated $6.50; $5.50 from Miss Frasier and $10.75 collection at the concert, 'mak- ing a total of $22.75 for the children of the :British War Victims' Fund. A Soldier's Prayer This prayer, kindly sent to us by a correspondent to whom it is connect- ed with memories of the loss of a young brother and a V.C. cousin in the Boer War, was' written by the late Archbishop Alexajader for the use of the troops in Sou'Ch Africa. It so exactly expressed the faith and feel- ings of Lord Roberts that he had it printed at his own cost and sent it to An 'his officers, asking them to dis- tribute it to all ranks. To 'Tommy," the fact that'it was sent to him by his beloved "Bob," meant so pouch that it came to be known. as Lord Roberts' Prayer. Many will be glad to copy it for their loved ones at the front: "Almighty God, I have often sinned against Thee. Oh wash me in the precious s kloor of the Lamb of God; fill me with Holy Spirit that I may lead a now life. Spare me to see again those that I lose at home, or -fit me for Thy presence in peace. Strengthen us to quit ourselves like men in our right and just causA. Keep, us faithful until death; calm in dan- ger; patient in suffering." The Red Cross Society held the last meeting of the year last Thursday afternoon, There *as a splendid re- sponse to the appea'I for handker- chiefs for Britain. The, kniting con- vener, Miss Edith Beatty, would trice a check-up on all yarn out at the end of the year, 1A-nttjd all the knitters kindly report" to Miss , Beatty what they have on hand. The annual meet- ing of the Red Cross Society will be held to the township hall on Monday, Jan, 5th, at 8 p.m. Come out and. show your interest in the work. 'The Red Cross needs you. Rev. W. A. Bremner, of Seaforth, will have charge of the services in the United C1i rch next St>fiiday. Miss Hern Mil spend the holidays with her parents at Sault Ste. Marie. Mrd. Stelek has returned to the vil- lage .'after spending a couple of months with Mrs. George Poster, of Windsor, 114, . W, Loiltiatott spent a to* d9stg ttet 'Wde1 fit tier '4iste , rtiy' vii ot` 1> i goo Th eatre seaforkh NOW PLAYING —' Christmas Day Matinee 'J v.m. . MARTHA SCOTT WILLIAM HOLDEN "OUR TOWN" The' most stirring and unconventional picture of all, times! Added — AMusical in Technicolor • Mon., Tues., Wed. TYRONE POWER BETTY GRABLE eL Yank In the RA.F. JOHN SUTTON H S O N REGINALD GARDINER An exciting romantic drama. Coriling— ,"It Started With Eve" Next Thurs., Fri., Sat. . -TWO FEATU'RES-- with " CESAR ROMERO • VIRGINIA GILMORE • MILTON BERLE C:. '� aAI1LOTTE GREENWOOD S.HELDON LEONARD • STANLEY ^y-EMENTS • FRANK JENKS BARNEIT PARKER :y+ n 20.1. CENTURY.FOX PICTURE ALSO— "A Very Young Lady" New Year's Day Matinee 3 p.m. HAVE YOU HEARD THE Good News! Tell Your Neighbors --Tell Your Friends Have You Heard of the Very Special Offer Given by The Huron Expositor for NEW SUBSCRIBERS? The Huron Expositor will be sent to-you.throil b- out the long Winter months, starting from this week until the end of 'March, 1942, for 25 cents. This offer is for New Subscribers only, and covers- subscriptions in Perth and Huron only. Special offer is good only until January 1,,1942, to non -subscribers. Free Sugar—Free Flcu' Name Printed on Mail Box, Free 'Read This Special Announcement! You may win a 100-1b. Bag of Sugar or 100-1b. Bag of Flour FREE! The names of all new•subscribers will be placed in a 'sealed box and on January 1, 1942, •a reliable per- son will draw two tickets from the box. The name of the first person drawn will be awarded a 100-1b.. bag.of Sugar FREE, and the name of the second person, 100 lbs. of the best Flour • FREE. The re- sults will be announced in our issue of Jan. 9, 1942. THAT IS NOT ALL ! When your Huron Exposi- tor expires at the end of next March, an employee from this office will call on you personally and paint your name on both sides of your rural mail box free of charge. ° The' Huron Expositor is giving its readers -a weekly newspaper filled with interesting local news of 'Seaforth, the country, and all surrounding vil- lages. ORDER THE HURON EXPOSITOR TODAY Just place 25c in envelope, fill in and enclose the coupon below and mail to ,The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. Take Advantage of This Wonderful Offer Today! to a chance on the free bag of sugar and bag of flour. a�ri Enclosed herewith 25 teats for which you will send me The Huron Expositor until March 31, 1942. I am also entitled NAME ADDRESS Fire Hazard! voseasessemonsom Your attention its called to the danger to life and,, property from Christmas decorations, such as . draperies, scenery, cotton to represent snow, etc. Displays of this nature and the lighting arrange- ments in connection therewith add greatly to the ordinary risks of fire. See that inflammable material is clear of and" not hung over lighting devices, steam pipes, stove- pipes, electric light bulbs, etc. See that electric,cir- cults are properly fused and not overloaded. I ave all tempos ry deco/cations removed as soon as they have serve their purpose: ' Remember, nothing, can render 'these displays absolutely safe, and that if accidents are not to mar the festive season, constant vigilance and care must be exercised. A W. DICK Fire Chief. r