The Huron Expositor, 1941-12-19, Page 5•• • 4 ti ? 9, i941 LOO.t� rn i rSi • Mr. John"+(l. Murray, of Preston, was here this week attending 'the .funeral of his sister, the late Miss - Annie Murray. • Miss Margaret McKellar, of the Palmerston Collegiate staff, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. ,McKellar. • Mr. Donald Scott, R.C.A.F„ St, Thomas, spent the week -end at the borne of his motrher, Mrs, H. R. Scott. • Miss Dorothy Forrester, of Exe- ter, ,was the week -end guest of Miss Fergus Bell. • P.O. Ian l cTavish, Camp Bor- den, spent the week -end with his par- ents, Mr. and ,Mrs. John. MacTavish. • Mr. Charles Dickson, of London, spent the week -end with his father, Mr. Thomas Dickson. • Mr. and,, Mrs, J. C. Crich spent the week -end in London. • Miss Marjorie Wigg, of London, spent the week -end at the home of • her parents, Mr, and Mrs. F, W. Wigg. • Mr, Jack Stevens, of London, the weekend at his h+�me 'Here. • Mr. Ronald Borden, spent the week -end wih Mrof s McDonald. • The many friends of Mrs. A. W. Gardiner, of Egmondville, will regret to learn that she. had the misfortune to fall and fracture her arm last week. • Mr. end Mrs, Frank Cudmore and Miss Nancy were week -end guests at the home of Mrs. J. F. Reid. • Dr. and Nies, John A. Scott, of Guelph, were week -end guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. John A.' Gor- will, • -Mr! Wright, of Owen Sound, has 'leased Mrs. Oscar Neil's residence for the winter months. • Mr. Douglas Stewart, Presbyter- ian College, Montreal, is spending the Christmas holidays at the home of his parents, .Mr. and'Mrs. Harry Stew- art. • Miss Belle Ballantyne left this wcel; to spend Christmas at the home >r� oin Stf her,'l3bho4nxgithaaer., Mr. John Ballantyne, • Mr. Chamles #Aland; of Clinton,. bas sold this residence In Harpurb.ey to Mrs. James Handy, of 1l gcnondville who is now occupying it with her fam- ily. • Mr. Norman Habktrk, of Detroit, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Robert Habkirk. • Mr. W. E, Southgate was in Fleah- eo on um Wednesday attending the funeral of his aunt, the late Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. • Mr. Ernest Murray, of Regina, was here this week attending the fuu- eral of his sister. • Miss 'Blanche Westcott, who has been in, the Sick Children's Hospital, London, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westcott, • Miss Jean Dale, of Kitchener, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr.' and. Mrs. Harold Dale. e Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. Con Eckert on the death of her brother, the late Frank Kenny, who died at his 'home in Dublin last week in his 75th year. • The many friends of Mrs. T. G. Scott, who has been in Scott Mem: orial Hospital for some time, will be glad to learn that she has sufficient- ly recovered to return to her home. • Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shaw, of Al- liston, were week -end guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Mason. LAND 0' CLOVER HONEY The Tasty Breakfast Treat 1 lb. 19c; 2 lbs. 35c - CIRISTMAS SPECIALS ,New Sunkist ORANGES 19c. 29c, 39c Dozen Large Florida ORANGES—Fol' juice; dozen 20c Large Texas GRAPEFRUTT 6 for 25c Our PEANUTS are roasted daily—per lb.....19c California GRAPES--, 2 lbs. 25c eCHRISTMAS•-FRUIT CAKE- 1.to 4-1b. se 30c and 40c per Ib. Cardno's Deli sous SHORTBREAD - 10c, 15c, 20c per dozen See Our Window Display cf Fine Fruits, Candy, Vegetables CHRISTMAS FLOWERS A Full Line of Fresh Cut Mowers and. Potted Plants Very Attractive at Reasonable Prices. CARDNO'S Grocery and Bakers Phone82 SEAFORTH eel 2.4M-allard- District School (Continued from Page 1) Frances Lostell, Aileen Munn, Bever- 10.y Meyers; dialogue, "The Little l;ebels," Billy Coleman, Ross Corbett, D t+r;ilcl Mousseau, Orvie Taylor, Neil Taylor: two-part song, "Silent Night." Betty Munn, Jean Armstrong, Betty lio't'cliffe, Aileen Munn, Evelyn Tay- lor; recitation, "Bringing in the 'free," Neil -Taylor; stay' drill, Evelyn Taylor, Betty Rciwcli.ffe, Frances Lostell, Jean Arnrstt'olrg, Jean Ingram, Marion Tin• nay, Shirley- Chapman, Batty Arm- strong, Jean 3lousse,au, Ray Ingram, Jimmie Taylor; I'ecitatic)it "A '1'h'tn•c- ful Girl," Jean Ingrain; motion song, "Sin;; a Sotrg of Christmas Day," Bet- ty Lowcliffe, Aileen Munn, Brety Munn, Donald Mousseau. Billie Cole- man, Audrey Elder: pieno solo. Aud- rey Elder; dialogue, "The Party Line.," 1311lie Coleman, Beverley Meyers. Jean Arn'5trorig, orvie 'faylo:., Donald Mousseau, 13. Munn; recita .on, "A S;is;,irious Change." Ross1Corbett; ileshlight drill, Beverley .tTiyyers, Del- i'hirtr' Jackson, Audrey Elder, Betty .Munn, Betty Rowcliffe, Evelyn Tay- lor; dialogue. "Sewing Society." Ev- elyn Taylor, Audrey Elder, Francis Lostell, Jean Armstrong, Delphine' Jackson, ,Aileen Munn, Betty Row- cliffe. Beverley Meyers; piano solo, Aileen Munn; a Christmas broadcast, :Christmas On the Air," including' the whole school with announc at•, Santa Claus, Chtiltmas bells, candles, Mickey" Mouse, Teddy Bear, Peter Itathbit. carollers, Boy • Blue, Christ- mas cook, Popeye. From a. tree lad- en with gifts Santa Claus distributed them to many happy children. The event was much enjoyed. S S. 6, Tuckersmith The annual Christmas program was presented at 0...0r ATP. 6. Tuclrer&llKii iai on Wedueaday aft-0lwon, Dec. 1' • wltk Mr. J ll Howard„ �, o . n�s as e]aa . n, The, pro tat co lalaled qf: O;peui long chorus, b�ynthe � aco1•.17ooi,. "0 Can(alda” and "God Save the 'Nag"; "The Vom- ing of the King"; clnb swinging by Eleanor Johns and Hazel Coleman solo by Betty Johns, "Away in a M.n.t ger"; dialogue, "Christmas Wants Supplied," by E. Johns, K. Carnochan, H. Coleman, E. Cofeman, S. Johns, J. Oa'rnochan and Eleanor Johns; reading, Rutthie Brown; Rhythm Band selection, "Toni Thumb"; reading, Rev. G. Gardner, "Pa' and the Boy" and "The Trapper's Christmas"; solo, Stanley Johns, "A Christmas Candle"; a display of the children's work; quartette "Stand Up, Stand Up For. Jesus," by Messrs. L. Tebbutt, E. Crich, H. Johns and F. Townsend; "The Christmas Story," Evelyn Johns; carol, "O Little Town of Bethlehem" by three girls and two boys, and "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks"; "Silent Night"; reading, Rev. Gardner, "Watermelon Time in the South" and "Mr, Horne's Ohrist- mas"; dialogue, "A Patriotic Famil men's quartette, "Almost Persuade club swinging, Emmerson Cole and John Carnochan as clowns; H land Fling, Hazel Coleman; clos choruses, "Ring Out, Sweet Bells" "Now the Day is Over," after wh Santa arrived with his usual quota gifts and good wishes, Bethel, No, 9, McKillop • Bethel and S. S. No. 9, McKillop, Christmas entertainment was held in the Bethel Church on Wednesday ev- ening and opened. with th.e' National Anthem and a c,liorus by the school "On 'lo Victory";i a recitation of wel- come bq Shirley' Regele: chorus, 'Keep the Christ in Clu•istnras on Thristmas, Day" and "Bird Carol"; chairman's address; address by Rev. W. J. Patton; recitation by Mary Den - 1 itis; recitation by Murray Dennis; cantata by the school, "When Santa Listened In"; solo by Esther Patton; recitation, Marion Godkin; drill by r'ight..Bunnies; guitar selection ny Donna Watson; recitation, Laverene Godl:in; dialogue, "Farmer Browns Christmas"; recitation, Grant Dennis; choruses, "While Shepherd's Watch- ed," "Christmas Hymns" and "Silent Night"; dialogue, "Bill's Wife"; reci- tation, Bruce Boyd. A visit from Santa Claus was male, after which the meeting, closed by one verse of "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." • eek get) pet) l) .. et ,,`g, e e l r e.1) u • ' i "be' u , kr a , uY : .. k..YK .Y ..Y .. K •.Y -Yn Y... S ..,s...,k..' ..,1/4.. KK Kt '1AE I•eet ; ;,.,y: ; ; pw t x� r : ;w• ;r• Here are Gifts for thee Whole Family Gifts that wvitl live through the years—that will be appreciated by mother and dad and all the kiddies Westinghouse WASHER See Westinghouse Cushioned -Action Washer—Canada's latest washer with all the newest advancements . . . Sentinel of Safety Control . . . West- inghouse- Lovell Safety Wringer with Feather -Touch Release . . . Million Dollar Precision Mechanism! Come in, let us show you proof that Westinghouse washes cleaner with- out wear . . Trade in your old washer on a new Westinghouse. THE PERFECT GIFT $103.65 Only Westinghouse RADIOS Again, Westinghouse Steps ahead . in all the exacting phases of modern radio. Greater ease and accuracy in the reception of world -.wide programs . . . richer and more realistic tone anality . , new refinements in automatic tuning, .built-in espec- ially tuned aerials, provision for phonograph and television sound reproduction . . these are among the more outstanding ad- vancements you will discover in these new sets. We have all styles on display in either bat- tery or electric models. May we demonstrate them for you ? Prices ratnge from as $0. 75 little as OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Westinghouse REFRIGERATORS STOVES • Westinghouse 'Refrigerators fea- ture many exclusive°' features that mean dollars to you in maintenance costs. Why not come in and let us tell you all the outstanding improvements that. only Westinghouse offers? 'When you buy a stove you want the best. Day-by-day satis- faction is sure to be yours if you'• choose a Westinghouse, Many leading models on display' which will' prove to you the superiority of Westinghouse. The perfect family gift! From as. low • $121.00 as y";" man igh- ing and ich of Leadbury School The Leadbury school held their Christmas concert on Friday evening of last week when there was a very good attendance and a splendid pro- gram given. ,The chairman was Mr. Gordon MOGSvin. The program con- sisted of •"God Save the King"; chair - mao's address; recitation, Junior Storey, "A Worried: Boy"; recitation, Graham 5holdice, "No Stockings -'I'o Wear"; dialogue, "Visitors F-rom the City," Joan Ryan, Marie Storey, Jun- °ior Storey, Jean Dennison and Robert Ryan; recitation, Prances McGavin, "Father's Christmas Box"; singing dances by the juniors of the school; recitation by' Neil and Elizabeth. Me - Gavin, "Not Too Little To Help"; recitation, Robert Ryan, "A Child's ltii a"; Christras carols and commun- ity singifrg led by Helen Britton; r'eei- tation, Elgin Schade, "Those Pants"; dance, Frances McGavin and Joan Ryan; recitation, Jean Dennison. Town Boy's Lament"; song. Graham. Sholdice and Ruth Boyd, "I Won't Go To Sleep"; recitation, Muriel Schade, "A Secret"; drill, "Christmas Trees " by senior pupils; recitation, John Me - Gavin, "A Source of Trouble"; chorus- es by the• school, ,"Men of the, Air" and "On To Victory"; recitation by Joan Ryan; • reading, Maxine Deni- son; drill, "Christmas Star" by the seniors; recitation, Gerald Ryan, "A Boy Wanted'; dance, "Sailors' Horn- pipe," Marie' and Junior Storey; die-. logue, "Nine Lives 'of Emily," by the people of section. Biii•tie Siemon, An- na Somerville, Mrs. John: Dennison. Maxine Dennison, Campbell Way, Geo. Taylor and Lloyd Driscoll;. Christmas, carols and community 'singing; dia- logue, "Mrs. Hooligan's New Spring Hat"; reading by Maxine Dennis.; chorus by school; recitation by Ruth Boyd, "Good Night." Santa Claus appeared and present- ed gifts to every one. A collection was taken and the proceeds given to the Red Cross. WINTHROP Mr. Archie Kerr, on the 7th con- cession, McKillop, was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital recently for treat, ment.. CONSTANCE The Sunday School of Constance United Church will bold their Christ- mas tree and entertainment on Wed- nescla,y, Dec. 24th, beginning at 8 p.m. All children are requested to come and see Santa Claus and get. a bag of candy.. David 'Willson presented ho;' husband with a son on the 10th,. and Mrs. Fralick had a son, the tnth in Wingham hospital. The Christmas entertainment will be held in the school house on Mon- day, Dec. 22nd, 'at 8 p.m. KTPPEN "_ AN IDEAL, a11F`1'' FOR HER �.i Beautifully boxed or •wrap, ped , in a striking cela- 1'+ phane package, these Towel sets make a very _ acceptable, gift and a sens- ible one too. See our special display of gift sets. Towel and Wash Cloth Celap gone $1,00 Package Towel and 2 Wash Cloths Celaphane $1.39i Package Novel Towel, 2 Wash Cloths Si50 'Christmas boxed ■ 4 Towels, 2 Wash Cloths, Novel.Cela- phane Package $3/00 F 3 Towels,, 2 Wash Cloths, Heavy Celo- $w .g oy, phone Box @4, Other Towels... 30C to n'1 ■50 one afld' �1N ° Piece $�;r`i,o` ,',e Suits, 1Nini 4 Preen, Stye and Navy;=4 it is tQ, 11) Yearat ts 51 it o to '`,A t Misses' Cos and Sleek', Su;fi�it' in Wine. Blue, Brown• and 13I ac,k, Sizes to 20.. New Gabar- dine Ski Jackets, with attached Par- ka ; B I :U Gold, Green and Sand. Four -;,thread Chiffon and Semi -Service Weight, Bemberg and Rayon Hose by Orient and Kayser. These hose are sheer and fine, and closely resemble silk. Colors are "First Call" Shocking, Gypsy, Crov- ette and Crush Petal. EACH PAIR BOXED 79c GIFT parasols $2 to 3.5'4 Made of Oil Silk, Fancy Rayons and Plicose, in novelty shades and pat- terns. Handles and fit- tings are new and nov- el. A welcome gift. $2 to 3.50 "`,('-i r`. Kenwood Blankets THE GIFT FOR THE HOME o Kenwood Satin bound, all -wool Blankets, in Peach, Blue, Green, Rose, Cedar and Wine.6■05 Each Blanket Boxed.. o Kenwood Reversibles, six dif- ferent floral tint colors with ""Sblending cokr or' reverse sides. A real Gift s' $10,50 •. Kenwood and Ayers White Paired Blankets ,,with assorted color borders. Per pair $11■S5to$12■50 Gifts for the Man HE'LL APPRECIATE THINGS TO WEAR SHIRTS Hundreds upon hundreds of fine Shirts in any color style — Stripes, Checks and Plain Shades. Tooke, Ar- row and Forsyth makes. Each shirt Sigbox. . $°1n 65 to $2■50 0. K14 to '18 PYJAMAS Broadcloth, Yama Cloth or Flan- nelette, in a wide assortment of pat- terns and colors. Sizes A to E. Each pair boxed GIVE HER Lingerie Panties' 49c to $1.95 Slips - - $1.19 to $2.95 Pyjamas • $1.19 to $4.95 Gowns 59c to $3.95 House .95House Coats $3.39 to $12 $1.59 to $3■50 TIES No man has, too many Ties, espec- ially of the kind we're showing this Christmas. Each Tie Boxed 50c, 65c, $1,00 r j yr HOSE All -Wool, Silk and Wool and Mixtures, in plain or fancy pat- terns. Each pair in a gift box. • Choose from our big stock at MUFFLERS Silks, Wools and -Cashmeres, in plain Q nn shades, Plaids and Paisleys $1 ■U0 to $2■50 Scarf and Glove Sets 36c to $1.00"p., at $2.25 to33.50 FOR THE BOYS IN THE SERVICE KHAKI AND AIRFORCE SHIRTS $2.25 to $3.00 KHAKI AND AIRFORCE TIES KHAKI AND AIRFORCE HANDKERCHIEFS.- 10c to 25c KHAKI AND AIRFORCE SUSPENDERS ... .........$1.00 KHAKI AND AIRFORCE MONEY BELTS $1,95 KHAKI OR AIRFORCE BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS -75c box 50c to $1.Ot#m .,.• • �-. yi � � is t ,He can choose his own.hat when you givehim a Hat "Gift Certificate' Come in and examine our wide range of Electric Ap- pliances. You are certain to find the perfect gift here. Coffee Makers Heating Pads - Hot Plates Water Heaters - Cleaners Irons - Toasters Waffle Plates . BOSHART ELECTRIC Seafdrth - Ontario i3.r: 'jr rj.a 3,rr� ry • Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and sons visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden,, of Denfeld. Mr. and ,Mrs. Bernard Keyes df near Bayfield, visited on Sunday with the la.tter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. J. Verbeem and sons, of '•liewall, visited on Supda.y at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. W. Horsey. Don't forget the' ' •'S'Uriday school Christmas concert in' the United Church on Tuesday, Dec. 23rd. After the program Santa Claus will appear. The ladies of the congregation met last week in the school room of the church and (milted several quilts for • and young people are lu:;y practising for the Christmas tree which will be held in the church tin Tuesday, Dec. 28rd, at 8 o'clock. On Sunday evening a Special young people's service was, held when the ininister' spoke on "Chungking iu War 'Time," illustrated with beautiful col- ored slides. • The Christmas seirvice will be oon- dueted on Sunday morin"tng, Dec. 21st, by the minister, who will deliver the Christmas message. The, choir Will provide special Christmas music. STEWART BROS. Will remain open on the fol• lowing nights 'as a service to Christmas shoppers: Saturday, Dec. 20th Monday, Dec. 22nd Tuesday, .Dec. 23rd Wednesday, Dec. 24th • ti A miniature hat in a box and a Gift Certificate will be given with each paid order for a hat. He can choose his hat after Christmas. Save yourself a lot of worry and buy a Gift Cer- tificate at t. -440* 3.50 3.95 4.50 LI EN TO "HODS OF DREAMS," CKNX, EVERY FRIDAY, 9 to 9.30, SPO NSOR'ED ey STEWART BROS. tewart Bros. Sea r, r- re s r rad . It