HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-12-19, Page 4NV men was. IA .eit Ads will be. inserted at new low cash rates 1F0.6,04 wonted. Last and ittwaaie cawing Events. Elm,—Por word; let week 1 Cent End week Cent 3r4 week M. Cent 1w 11liairown charge. Hint insertion 6 Cents Each Egurf,.tini, tdsai ond'abbriniation taunts aa me woad. ,. Card of Meeks, In Menuiria n Notice. --1 cent per woad. Ddirdin e. 50 eaves per week. $Akeriptee may be directed tG a Box Nnasbee. oars of 1M Huron Expositor. for 10 oasts orchis„ ' wee eelnta additional per,. week will be charged it ads in above darns ams not paid by the Bke a Marriages ren 'dill week inserted tree oofcheer& ' Auction Sala. Notices to Qz''s2'irrs. Etc. -4 tato on ayplicatiaa,. Help Wanted 'ANTED—RELIABLE MAN FOR GEN- "e.ra1 farm work by the year. Apply to A. B. BELL, R.P. 2. Kippen, or Phone 93 r 2, Hensall. 3861x2 For Sale Deaths BRINE—In Seaforth, on Monday, December 15th, W,dlliam Brine, in his 80th year. MURRAY—In Seafiorth, on Sunday, Decem- bt r 14th, Annie Bella M xray. McN'1CHOLL--dn Scott 1 noriel Hospital, on December 16bh, the in t son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNlichiolll. PUPPIES FOR SALE—SCOTCH AND ENG - Collie pups, about two months old at n Christmas. The ideal gift Males $'_'900 mon. Hullett Group J. , C. SMI E, Hensall. Phone 91 r . 2. . 3862-1 C+PEC IAL --1 VACUUM CLEANER, ALSO 1 washing maohine. Bargain for quick sale. Box 295, HURON Exi'oSI•rolt. 3862x1 "FOR SALE --SPECIAL DE LUXE CHEVRO- let Sedan, 1940: Chevrolet pick-up truck, r._ ton; also a 1997 Chevrolet truck with or without hydraulic hoist and grarol box: also a number of 415-21 used tires. SEAFOR'I'H• MOTORS. 3862.1 For Rent HOUSE TO RENTL HOUSE TO REN•]' IN Eg-monti i'le. APPIy to Rox 209, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR , • 386.2-1 Wanted WANTED-- •.1 TRICYCLE, IN GOOD CON- " dition. Apply to Box 300, HURON EX- POSITOR. 3862-1 WANTED --GOOD COOKING BEANS. .A.13- ply Ap- ply to CLAXENCE MONTGOMERY, R. 1 R. 1, Clinton. Phone 941 r 31. 3862-1 9NTEDMAN TO DRIVE SCAVI*.NG- w -- ins wagon and take care of Loan hutoe for a period of one or two months. `' •Apply to F. S. SILLS, Seaforth, Chairman of. Pn,- perty Committee. 3861-2 Annual Meeting (Continued from Page. 1) ion on how td meet the labor sho: age in 1942; 29, Have you hydro a eresent'.' 30, 1f not, would you instal hydro if available? 31, Have you radio? 32, If so, what station do yo receive your 'farm information from 23, Do you take a' daily paper? 3: Weekly? 35, Or farm magazine? 36 liave you a phone? 37, Have you car or truck?. 38, Give value of tree Lr;tjn purchased in 1941; 39, Hay your retUlar• taxes increased or . ,1e creased over peace time? 40, Git: tr.:Dunt of commercial fertilizer usrl n 1941: 11, Usual rate per acre-; 42 `rate briefly your plans for the pro .luction of field crops and livestock it 1912; 43, Is this an increase or a de crease as compared with 1941? 44 Give percentage. Under livestock the questionair ask's for the numbell' in ,1941 and th piens for )942 in the' following class e Drs: Work horses, dairy cows, sows bacon ,hogs marketed, milking. be: cows, steers and 'heifers, sheep, lav in: hens, other fowl. The number of acres of crops growl :n 1941 and acreage planned for. 194: is asked for under the following ftel, op Barley. oats, mixed grain. ha,: paeture,'corn or sorghum, turnips and nl0:ugels. cash crops like fibre.-'I.a`; field beans, potatoes, etc., grown i 19.11; 64, Are you planning to sedd .down a ,=realer acreage in the snarls: os 1942 65, Are you familiar •w'lth tie work (;rust and present) of the E•: l:erimental Union 66. Have you dfrom . opgrl p.;?mated varie ties of field cor�".'bi'id corn? 67. If o. are you °atisfie Farm Machinery an.' ,l duipme ;t 68; Have you a tracto 9. Powe: rating: 70. Steel or rubber tires; 71 -ear purchased; 72, Does this' tractor ilo any custom work for ne!ghboi-s? 73, State operations; 74, List number and types ,of plows: 75, List number and type of cultivators; 76. Have you a one-way disc? 77, When purchased? 78. Have you a Combine? 79. When Purchased? 80. Have you a grain sep- ai:'ator? 81, When purchased; 82. List type' of seed drill (standard or fer- tilizer) : 83, Have'• you a hay loader? 64, Side delivery rake? 85, Hay rake? 66, Mower? 87, Grain binder? 88, Corn binder?, 89, Have you a milking ma- chine? 90, State year of purchase: 97. HaVe you a fanning mill? 92. Have You a grain grinder? (electric or tr.lc- tor driven).-..--" t - r a the near future. • Personals: Mrs, Glossop, Listowel, spent o week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster, who have opened 'the local bake shop; Captain a Fratltk Stapleton. 11.i'.i).C., St. Thom- as, with his parent,;. Mr. and 1.1:'3. e W'n:. Stapleton; Pte. Herb. Brown, of Nia°arn Falls. and Roy Brown, Lis - O towel. with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1 Brown: :hiss Mary Dorsey, London, with.her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis'• Dorsey; Clarence Looby, Credits„ 1111 his mother, Mrs. A. 1I. Looby; 'Miss hose Fe.•ney. London, with her mother, Mrs. Kathleen Feeney Har- vey 1)anizet', London„ Techniea1 e School, with his parents. Mr. and e Mrs. A. Dantzer; Ryan ,Jordan, Kit.e•hener, with his lather, Patrick Jor- • •clan; Mrs. Mary Cronin•. Lorne Cron - , in and Mrs. Edward 1-Iallihan, of De- _ neat, attended the funeral of Frateas ('ro:inin at St. ('oluhtban ,on Monday; 1 201. and` Mrs. John Kenny, Detroit.' , t'.I9h .''sirs. Frank Kenny' ' A disastrous fire occurred last weer when the hone of ,James ?dorrisson, ea the •1th concession of- Hibbert '1'n',cn-hip , was ccmple:ely destroyed. 1Iorrisson started a fire in Th., trht'n stove and went to the barn. P1:e fire becatse beyond control and , 1 .99 o of the child ren escaped through r. upstairs windo ' ne of the�:vo con- ew Yea ROLIC Hensall Town Hall, DECEMBER 31, 1941 Dance Out the Old Dance in the New All kinds of Novelties, Hats, Noisemakers ADAM Bf1OCK AND HIS COLUMBIANS You enjoyed them before— they'll be better this time ! ADMISSION: Gents 75c Ladies 50c Proceeds 'for War Work Sponsored by Hensall Chamber of Commerce. Delaney. Harvey Dantzer, Louis Brux- er Patrick Woods, Leo lirauskopf and James Krauskopf. Interment took place in St. Po trick's cemetery, Dub- lin. Rel'. Dr. l`foulkes officiating at the grave. Mane floral tributes and spiritual offerings were received. C. Wray, teller of th*Canadian Bank of (`onluneree staff here,. 11:1s been transl:erred to Stratford. He and Mrs, `,Wray will move to Stratford in ANNUAL MEETING Township of McKillop THE q,NNF??I, MEETING OF THE RATE -10 payers of the Township of Me1<iIJop be held at Winthrop Hail on Monday, De - camber 29, 1941, at two o'clock in the after- noon, for' the cansideration of the financial report and any other busim^ws. , a� JOHN McNAY, Clerk, 3962-2 ANNUAL MEETING OF ELECTORS Township of Tuckersmith THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ELEC- ' hors of the Township of Tuckersmith will be held in Watson's Hall, In the Village of 1 Kippen, on Monday, December 29th, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m., to receive the finaneial statement for the year 1941. °" D. F. McGREGOR. CIerk. 3862-2 Property For Sale port SALE -- MEDIUM SIZED BRICK house on the south aide, of King Street in the Village of Hensall. Conveniently lo- cated to school and Main Street. Apply to s _ K. I. McLEAN• Barrister, Etc., Seaforth and Hensall. 3860-tf Notices NOTICE—ALL BOOKS MUST • BE RE- turned .to the Sea4orth Public Library on or before Tuesday, December 23rd. GRETA THOMPSON, Librarian. 3861-2 IOR MINERAL FOR POULTRY, HOGS or cattle, see your Watkins' Dealer. WILLIAM BRADSHAW, 3 blocks east of Sea - forth Library. 3861x3 Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES M. ROBERT- SON. AI.L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of James M. Robertson, late of Town of Seaforth, gentleman. deceased. who died an or about the 26th teas of No- vember, 1941, are hereby notified to send in to the ul,de,aigned on or before the 27th day of ,December, 1941, full particulars of their clruims, together with affidavit, proving same. I.rrrmneediately alter the said last mentioned date, the . essets of, the said estate will be distributed" amongst the parties entitled there- to, •having regard only to claims of which the undeiwigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of a,l,l others, and the nndereigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have no- tice for the asses go distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth this 4th day of De- cember, 1991. K. I. McLEAN, Barrister. Etc., Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for Executors. 41, 3860-3 In Memoriam $ALTON —1n Roving memory of Mary Re- beeca. Bolton. who passed away twenty - Millie years ago. December 21. 1918: In our home she is fondly remembered; .Sweet memories cling to her name; Those who loved her in life sincerely, „Still love her in death .iuxt the same. _Ever remembered ' by Mother and Sisters. 3862x1 cjGRECOR--In loving memory of Elva ALL Fdonettce Anderson who passed away five Yeats ago. Deeenziser 27, 1936: 0 happy hours we 'moe enjoyed. Haw sweet their memory still; But death has Jetta loneliness The world "'can nevelt 511. -4R.enearbered by hes' a Paretets, Sisters and Ba thew. 38&2x1 Tat LOv11VG MEMORY OF OUR DEAR mother. Mrs. Andrew Drrogaall, wfua passed away ane year aajo today. December 28. 1940: Waren evening shades are ragbag. And •5'e sit in quiet alone, Po our .hearts there comes s a teem✓• I If she only could Dome home. i Pthende may 4B1nk we have 'fer of es i When at timers there see isa smile: Bat ,tleey .lithe "mow Mise h'.. he,, When we see her -extant dada. --Sadly. efilla2 by dangletrrr Cassie mod son 13111, land grandams. Births G'ol',l3 to 060,100 14,0i, 1111441t 0 • Welt On Mose teLts were saved. 01'11r.g to the shod: _ :1Irs. Morrisson was taken to the hos- pital, but is now improving. The loss is partially. covered by insurance. Miscellaneous: 93, ;.Do. yea grew your own clo'er and grass seed? 94, If not, starts value of yearly purchase; 95, Have you sufficient seed grain fur 1942? 96, If not, give quantities. and 1 ar`ieties -desired; 97, Are you a mem- ber'of the Hullett Federation of Agri- culture? 98. If not• Why? 99. How many cream trucks -pass your farm? 100, Bread 'trucks? 101, In your opin- ion, what can be done• to better the farmer's position? 102. How best can agriculture be geai*ed feta maximum production for total war effort? MANLEY. Mr. Henry \Weitersea recoiz3ed many congratulations last week on his 71st birthday. His many friends wish him and his partner 111 life many more years in health and happiness. Mr. Stephen Murray wears a smile since his wife presented him with a son' last week. Mr. Stephen Manley, of London, spent a clay .last week with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manley. VARNA We are sorry to report Mrs. George Nis taken to the hospital. There is still hope for her recovery. We are pleased to mention Miss ar recooered as to be able to leave the +hospital, thou6h seal under the doctor's care. Word received from our boys over- seas speak in the highest terms ,,f hospitality received by those so far from home. Let us extend the same courtesy to the strangers in our land who are far from home. A double shower party was held ,n the. hall one night last week in honor- . -of the Rathwell Bros., newlyweds. A rood time was reported. DUBLIN .1 highly respected resident, Fr•aneis • Kenny, died at his home early Satu"- lay. morning following an illness of se.ve'ral mortths. He spent the ,greater part of this life in I,oaa.n Township, retiring -to Duplin about ten years ago. He was in his 75th year, argil was ibarrird to Miss Catherine Pur .tell about 13 years ago. He was a fair,11ful . member of St. Patri' k's Church. Dublin, and of the Holy Name Society,• Surviving are his wife. two soma -John of Detroit, and Joseph of Dublin: also three daughters. Mrs, Cherie% Kleiner. Mrs. Edward Ryer9 and Mrs. Kenneth Thornton, all M Durgin. One eon Peter. died about 2=3 years ago. The Pune al was herd at St, Petrie:lei Cbure , Dublin, • on Monday >aaornflag, Y..e •. Dr. Ffmrlker, cg1ei,raf flsyfuleon High Mase. and Mies Mary Boa1e presided at the or- gan- Durisccg t5zt6' offertory, Mrs. Leo Piftnmo, of F..ef.J rib sang "Lead 'Mad- ly, f i 4- ly, Usage" T'1v off eet,rero were Jan, t HENSALL Suggested Christmas Gifts 'at Goo - wins — Gowns, Pyjamas, Handbags. Knitting Bags, Hose. Scarves, Gloves, Blankets, Parkas, Ties, Braces, Shirts, Slippers,'•Aprons, Tablecloths, Sweat- ers, Galoshes, Parasols, Suits and Overcoats, CENX. Wingham, broadcast to a lull house in the Town Hall, Hensall. Saturday evening last. Featured 911 - the„ program were selections by thc� Kippen 1-Iptshots, Frank Kenny, vio- linist; A -rt Fin-layson, guitar; Mervyn Stelck, banjo; Clark. 'Johnson', comed- ian; Gordon Davidson, accordionist: P!i`yllis and Mildred Monk in vocal duets; guitar selections and many other numbers. 1 During the evening 'Down -Yonder" was requested by 'Mr. Dan McGill, of Blyth, who was form- erly church soloist here. The request was 'dedicated td Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bonthron, Mr. and Mrs.' W. • A. Mac- Lar.en, Mrs. Bertha Bell, Mrs. Fred alannrs, Murdocks and Joynts. Mrs. Robert Bonthron, highly las- teemed resident of this village, quiet- ly celebrated her 88th birthday at her home on Saturday last, Dec.,12th, and during the day received many callers who had remembered the event anal called to offer congratulations. Mrs. Bonthron received many gifts, cards and lovely flowers. In honor' of the event her birthday was broac1 ast over ,CKNX, Wingham, and a selection, "Wheat I Take My Vacation. in Heav- en" was played: Mrs. Bonthron i very smart and active for her years and takes a• keen interest in current, events. Celebrating her birthday with her was her grhncfson ,and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson of De- troit. The message .and spirit of .Christ- mas will be vefy much in evidence at Carmel lir•esbyterian Church next Sunday, particularly at the "morning service, when the members of the Sabbath School will bring ,gifts to he sent to the War Memorial and Chil- dren's Hospital, Londen. At this White Gift Service, ths1 olcler mem- bers of the congregation are invited to bring donations rot the Everting Telegram Christmas Cheer for British Children Fund, A generous response to this request i expected. Thf morning service will also be the occa- sion of the I'rrsentatioe of awards for memory work and regular attend- ance at Sabbath school. Some fifteen scholars will be honored at -this time. The annual Christmas concert of Carmel Sabbath School wilt be held on Monday. Dec. 22nc1, at 8 o'clock, A good program has been prepared and ail friends of the children are cord- ially invited to be present. Christmas Sunday, Dec. 21st, will be observed in Hensall i,'nited Church by two special services. In the morning at 11 a.m. the ohoir will present three inspiring 'Christmas anthems and the minister, Rev, R. A. Brook, will spealt on the them., "The Fullness of Time." The evening service, commencing at 7 p.m., will he a White Gift service, when the members of the Sunday: School will join the congregation :n worship. Through a beautiful cere- mony the classes of the Sunday School will present their gifts intend - (al to bring Christmas cheer to the thousands of boys and girls who have been made homeless through the en- emy bombing in Great Britain, The congregation also will bring their free will offerings for the British Chil- dren's War Victims' fund, The public is cordially invited to worship at both these services. Mr. pen' Tinney, of Hay Township, while hauling wood from the swamp and standing on the sleigh, had the misfortune to overbalance and in try- ing to. regain Ms .balance let the axe fall, which be was carrying, striking his foot, cutting. ft severely, which ,a. rplired. several stitches. Mrs. z*11e Berry returned home on: 'Monday fro.0i a delightful ten days' visit spent "wife her son, Edward, wife and family in Windsor. Mr. Sydney MacArthur has been awarded the contract for R. R. No. 2, Hensall. He will commence his du- ties January 2nd. Mr. Willia i Smale is confined to his home for a month with a frac- tured toot. Announcement Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Carlile, of Hen- sel!, wish to announce the engagement of their; second eldest daughter, Mar- tha Agnes, to Sgt. H.J. Stokes, C.D.C. Canadian Field Ambulance, R.C.A.M. C., Sussex, N.B., youngest sou of Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Stokes of London, •the wedding to take place early in De- cember. Red Cross Notes We have a further report on the blanket fund. The following contri- butions have been received and ac- knowledged: Frank Itycitman $1.50, Rev, Weir $1,00, Mrs. W. M. Bell $2; Harold C. Bell $2.00, Mr, and Mrs. Dat ld Dignan 12,00, Mr. and Mrs. A. oev Moving Pictures "The Lion Has Wings" and "Snow Thrills" SALL TOWN HALL FR DAY, DEC. 19, at 8.15 sharp Seonsored l Hensall Chamber of Commerce. )roceeds for Red ('i oss and Christmas Tree Fund, Adults 25s Children 15c FREE SHOW For the' Children SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20th 00 Saturday. Dec. 20th, at 2.30 pen.. the the Annual Community (-'hr; turas Tree will be held, s,till9 will arrive about 2.30 and :1: sItibnte hags of candy to :Ill the children. After this a Free Moving Picture Show .will be held in the Town Hall.• "Micic'-- ey's Wild Capers", Circus Days," "Jungle Jitters" and oth- er pictures, Pont forget 'to use the Lucky Draw Ticket`.that you reeeived in the mail. Drop your t;cIet in box at the Town Hall on Saturday afternoon, Draw wall he made about 5 p.m, ---Win $5, $4, $3, $2, $1— HENSALL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE , , leeOrta. s 13.. itoweliffe $p.44. tetel. i)ecelpts to date, $128.25. A correOttqu le now made of last week's report on blan- kets received, The name of Mrs. W. Taylor apps_ ares by mistake. It should have read ,Mrs. Thomas Richardson. We apologize for Vale error. An urg- ent rgent request has been reeeived from Great Britain for handkerchiefs for Men, women and children. The Hen- sall. branch held a handkerchief shower Friday and Saturday, Dec. 12 and 13, which was a great success. In our report of 'the annual Red Cross election of officers, the name of Mrs. M. G. Drysdale appeared as corres- poo, in:: secretary. This should ha e read rs. Robert Drysdale. Santa Comes Saturday In lemail on gaturdliy, Dec. 20th, 15 in cash will be given away to five lucky ladies. Spepsored by the Cham- ber of Commerce, the drawing will be held at the community Christmas tree in front Vf the town hall. On Friday moving pictures, "The Lion Has Wings" and "Snow Thrills" will be presented in the Town Hall at 2:30, .p.m. On Saturday the annual community Christmas tree will, be held, when Santa Claus will arrive at _:;ill anti will distribute candy -to the DECEt 9, , . �+ 4I. Children. . A free moving pletnre show will be held in the nou'rr AO '19r the children immediately°d #111)Wii1 to distribution of the catai - 'he Boundary GrroUp' or gurondalei W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Stew, art McQueen Tuesday afternoon of this week and assisted by neighbors quilted two quilts, which will be for- warded for'Red Cross purposes. Miss Dorothy McDougall was a week -end guest with Miss Donna Webb of Grand Bend. Miss Jean McDougall was a recent guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Tuerkheim of Zurich. k7 Among our assets we number one which cannot be measured in dollars .and cents _ your friendship and good will — and so at this Holiday Season we extend to you and yours ' our best wishes for a SEASON'S GREETANGS ! We take this opportunity, of extending to our Customers and General Public, a Mer- ry Christmas! MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR ! THE NEW COMMERCIAL HOTEL STAN TUDOR, Prop. Phone 6 - Hensall PHONE 46 HENSALL t(�yt Happiness is the ultimate that any one can wish. It is that we wish when we say to you all— MERRY CHRISTMAS. HAPPY NEW YEAR Dal n%, i` Yrn 7• Scott's Grocery Phone 34 - Y. ' Hensall eie eee ae Once again we consider it a • itleasure to extend to you and Yours our- best wishes • t'or Christmas and the New Year. 1s .11 CHEERIO! The sincere feeling of Good Cheer and Happiness and all the pleasant associa- tions with Christmas is our wish "to every one of you! Bonthron & Drysdale Phone 11 - Hensall .g.0" 1 .,'5 1 ,r)% I . 110.d' 4.A° With best wishes for a Merry. Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year ! Shoe &• Harness Repair Shop Skates sharpened, . r•,ubber re= pair work done, harness re- pairing, harness parts for sale, shoes repaired. MERRY CHRISTMAS! 'Wishing you rhe best of all things and tt IIappines's this Christmas that will extend throughout the New Year'. Henderson's y .. y... , - ,y ., y ,. .' ,S, ,• y... y, -,1, 193.° 1 „* l ,9f .i1 4 . ii # ..7/ ..711 .X 1 lft appreciation of our pleas- ant: business relations, we value this opportunity of wish- ing you, the Season's Greet- :ngs ! matlisitametaseemetaemenesfaispaoi The old, old Wish— ' A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a t HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Phone 131 Jewellery & Printing Shop Hensall - Ontario k,7. ear a.41 i May this friendly greeting ex- press sincere thanks for your patronage during the past year. Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year ! 1 McMILLAN'S Meat Market and Groceries Phone 17 - Hensall Wishing You and Yours A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a H3APPY AND PROS- PEROUS NEW YEAR ! Agent and Correspondent` for The Hbran Expositor Phone 15 - Hensall r 14, 10 in grateful acknowledgment of this opportunity made possible by the • :post pleasant business relations of the past, the extend to you and yours our hearty Wishes for A MERRY CHRISTMAS and ., A HAPPY NEW YEAR! • w. o. T ;; ', Sons 1 44 1 .rT f .71 1 .v11 I Phone 103 Asit ea, �tf SEASON'S GREETINGS T.O EVERYONE! Goodwin's Drygoods, Gents' Furnish- ings, Boots and Shoes Phone 16 - Hensall 1. 1,..„_„991.9. ea 00000000t00 .nor ear) , ; ,+. 1;!.%i1;r 1;a• 1 .v+• 1;w-) x,• 1 ug. Hensall v .. 1599.. ea' 111 ea a ..v 1 „f ea t eea 01 1 m7 tr MERRY CHRISTMAS ! Wishing to serve you in the future as we did in the past and wishing you one and all A MERRY CHRISTMAS and PROSPEROUS. NEW YEAR A. Spencer & Son' PLANING MILL -Phone 102-J - Hensall ' (.N I .7,' .rii 1 .•T' n9'• ' I .i1'. I .Y(,r1' (.ti )!'yi1f"',h.44), )0 l5'' ,(�' 41 u�'1kr1 ,••• ,,6, .. .. ,5, . ..',s, ..' .. ,.� GOOD WISHES TO YOU THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON ! R. E. Shaddick REEVE Phone 130 (- Hensall YI.,•h 'I,4/1 , '1 Thanks to our Patrons for ,their patronage' in the past and wishing theui the, Sea- son's ('lreetings. MildreO's BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 39 - Hensall N, , •99 MVP 1 ;1 ti as Sa We wish to extend to our fellbw townsmen and friends our most sincere good wishes at this Festive Season! -`We buy Dressed' Poultry of all kinds and Eggs at highest KerslakeYroduce Phone 40 Hensall • Joy to the world„ "Noel," A Merry Christma„s and ev- ery •other expression that• meaes Floppiness. to you! *Fhis.as-our greeting to ev- eryone in the whole town..,. W. R. DAVIDSON COAL DEALER May God-given blessings And Heaven-s'ent cheer, Be with you on Chtistmas, Abide through the year. REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 20 • 4714 .11(1,1it Ary is 4k. We wish tO thank our dus- torners at this time for their patronage in the past year, by wishing them "A Merry Chrittmas and' Happy New Year , Th6 Hensall 5c to $1 Store Phone 122 - Hensel! 1' •