HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-12-19, Page 2'' -�.�::, �. � � � ,,.;�- ,, � �,-�� �.,� I
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�411 �
,'; sEAFloqH, Friday. December 19
; ... I .C.
i�,� Merrp Christmas
- -
11�' ,
"', It is not a merry world illst now-
11,-.1 Too much the other way in faet Per-
� I ! ,.: haps for that reason the ol(L old
, - 11
1� -
".. . "Merry Christmas will mean ..
,. I wish
�1. more to you this year than ever be-
,:, .
11 fore. I
� �... 19 We hope it willL We hope for that '
. I -, one day, at leasT you will be able to
� I 'forget the'sorrows of this war-torn
1. I world. your personal troubles and
I � I anmeties, your fears for the future
� . and unite -with your family and your
I friends in a true celebration of
Christma Day and all its meaning. .
. so we say. -Me mr stma
And Chr6 .-2, - "
� 9 I
. Almost Persuaded
� If the people, of Canada had no
. .
. more information available than that .
. ,supplied by the ' Globe a�nd MaiL they
almost s,urely would be persuaded by
, now that Canada's'war eff art to date
. was n1L That it ne-�er could or would
. amount to what it should be until Mr.
. 11. - in a concenLration
I I King was puL I
camp; his government abolished, and
. q . in their place -what? . I
. Well, �as far as we can make out
I I - t
� from the Toronto paper, wha 11
should fallow the sudden death of I
I . - should be
. the present Government, -
I ernment, corn- I
. the formation of a Gov, ' i
. possed of the cabal that recentl' put.
:. I n- J
. . 31r. Meic-rhen at the head of the Co
L� I servat�ye party. with some ultra loy I
. al Toront� inaus,trialists who -would � !
- r ,
. 11, have for t'heir as_�ststarlts the shade,� �
.. . I of Newt,on Wesley RowelL F. F.
. .
� �
- Pardee, .. W� A_ Buchanan, Michael I
r I
:� . . Cl:hrk- and Sir Cliff ord Sifton. Head- I
i nt� of course,
:.. ing this new govermne
� I
� would be the Globe and Mail a-,
�, Prime Minister and chief adviser.
L - Fortunately. however., there, are
11- -�es of informa-
1� other and surer cours
. I e t Pie I
i ti6n availabl to the Canadian peo.
� . -
� '� . such as the Gallup PoIL reeently
� '
l�'. , sponsored by- the leadinb- newspapers
�1. . -_
�._. . of Canada from coast to coast, with-
I .
,� 1. out regard for their political lean- , .
11 .
�., mg -s- or lack of any political connee-
. . tion- The, results of. this Poll were
. L.
.1 made avaRable on Saturday las� and
I . . . veals is very ii -
the information it re . ..
�. I . . huninating.
. I u? The quee_s�tion asked in this Canada ,
i I
. � . . wide survey of the people was: -Are
.you satis-fied -with Canada*s war ef-
I .1 � '
;.. fort?" 4nd was ppt to a ero-;5�-_secdon
[1-1, .. of the voterz, in every Province in
. - �
1:1,1. the Dominion- The ressult of - this poll
. , . . - sm
.:. was that sixtT--one per cent.,. id they
.. I I -
P.� were satisfied, thirty-five .per cent-
�. . ft '_ d'four
�g! I said they were d-issatisned- an
L. 4'. 1 per cent, were undecided. In other
. words, and in ven- plain and unmis,-
g, .
;� 'he poll shows con-
U... takable oness too. t �
�, dwssivel-
"t y that Canadians. firmly be-
1. lieve that Canada has done e;eeed-
". .
1. indy w411 in her war effort to dat,6-
-11. I I
I .
I � It mig-lit be added. too. that aliss is the
I .
.11 C�_
i . .
� .
V same opimon held—and' of ten ex -
.'I .
R'.. pressed—I)y the people of Great Bri-
��-,: . �, tain and those of every other Domin-
��:_ . ��
1,4;" ion in the Empire. , , I
We are not in a position to speak �
' for the people of Canada as a whole,
g, bat it is not, hard to interpret the '
""'. -
I i thowhts of the people in the rural
fi�, "
6, , sections of this part of Ontario, and ,
k�.,,, . � .
I we can sa-v with a&surance that these
,4-,� I..
1�'p' - I
Pi�, people are �dmo_-It persuaded that the
��,,, '
� I. Globe and Mail, d9y by day. and week
1��,_� .
�,. by wepks, has been doing its utmost
rr ' 'to instill a spirit of fear'and distrust
9,�� .
'x�!,,'. in the people concernmg the war ef-
K� - . � �
�t fort,, and that there is much more of
, ,
;6�,..', -
i, -poplitics much more seeking after
.,!"�,, 7
�;,!,!.'.,�. . power and much more of �ersonal
4'..,. 11 .
Y��',,,-' - amAntions m the effort than there is
ill�;S;,�� .
5'.`�,14, to advance Canada's war effort or
,m�,�;, auything eLse,. in the eyes of the rest
g,, . ,
. ��!",, -
, , of the world
.1 . . . 0. �
Be Considierate—Be Paient !
I . The prwfise of 'exchanging Christ-
I mas greetkigs over the telephone has
. grown to, gu6 proportions in recent
I . . yegra that each Christmas sees an
- . -
t, iperewnig delay in domPleting long
, .9
, * ,
. . Ah��eq ialk � , ,
��,,,, . It&:* " "r wfth thonian& of young
I., I I
.1 . I I Y, ,
I . - ,
�4�1:, 1 . I , A",—
,1� , 9"�..% I dn1bg eanbvq afl itiver Can-
, .�, . I
�7. . I I
.,� V#ft, A�Vd,tjon gpartmgnta and
I!, � a _ _
%: I " . . � I " . 'A , , .
It:;i , . 1, ,Ag0K4j* &W to their td�-
� � . . , . 0 I V:11[-. . "'
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-1 - W�� ;N,:�. ecli, " '. A,?;, " !,',�.� � I '' 1� � I - I
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. I
. .
o TIM RUIRO� wlnwwo� 0
- ___- -----. _ - I -_ . —, - V.
I .
ereased pereentage of delky. I
_%..__-__1--_-W-___.1_�W�_ - - __
a I I .
- - __ - . I I
Be e6nisiderate and be patient
thesse dela.� because no telt-
Years Agene'
- LL I r oi I
s.]IM-il Osae `
about s,
phone system could be built, and no
force could be as-
Interesting Itents Pielmd FroM
0 0
Lazy Meactows 0
skilled operating
sembled that would be adeqiftate to
The Huron Expositor of Fifty and
0 (-y harry .- Bove) I 0
handle the number' of call.--, that the
TVrenty-five Years Ago.
telephone company is asked to com-
.1 -THRILLSM have fan with them . . . at the eX-
Celebrate Golden Wedding
11, uesday, 1�keccm�er 9th, was "a red
plete within the spaee of a few hours
From The Huron Expositor
pense of the pullets who are alrea(y
Tbe.re az* ma.ny new =d differem-t startiag. to Lay thei � r eggs for B itain
je,tter day" for My. and Mrs. Jame's
at Christmas time. This year Cbrist-
December 2?_ 1916
expeneaces tbe--se dars for PatTicla in a very satisfactory manner.
' �
Collinison, esteemed residents of Bly-th.
tile 60th annivers- '
ma comes on a mid -week day, w-hich
Ann it sta,rted vrith the downy Old Barney was muzzling around In
for the day marked .
theil, wedding day, and during .
me.ans that the rush period will be
A _,;ub�zrriber has shown us a vol-
ume of -The Canada F,&Mer.-' pub,
flee -e-,& of snow that came s1fthering1the feed box for stray oats that h(�
dt,wn one night to corer the genemlimight have missed on previous feed-
ary or
the day many frLeado called at their
crowded into a single day, instead o"
liszhed in the year IM. from which
landscape at Lazy Meadow--, ing occasions. Patritia Ann has a)-
1 w eke with the sound Of chOrtliPg� 4' ways been a-greaE fan for the harses,
home to offer hearty congratulations
to them. The genial couple welcomed
(jver'a weel-L-ena if the holiday oc-
we take Ehe feflowing account Of 2
wing, match held in TuckersimLia
. .
glee 'n my eaz--- Clad in her py3am- k her in along the
I however, and I too
their friends warmly, and althoggh V
. I 1*
, .
in thA� fall .of that year: -Our anylual
%_ik. Patricia Ann -as standing un in
. - stall so that she could give Barney a
both are w c,41 advanced along life's
It would help a lot, too, if your
plovri,ng match this year has bae,n
ber crib and trVing to Peer oull Me I �etie pat on the nose and a. lump or
r1fare'S'l m-*ndovr in order To get a k , -_ -
Pee i suggar. Old Barney has been pamper-
highway in point of years, they are
still y)uung In spirit--BlYth Standard.
Christma.s neeessitat�d a
very suc�ce_-,stuL both as r-e�_ to
lbe'va)ue of the prizes and the num-
si Lhe suraz!Lge new world which led for so long I hate to remember
Entertains Belgrave Congregation
long distance call to the Maritime
6er of compelitors. Mr. Bell, thO en-
Mother Naiur& had crira-.c-d 0%t1!Lh,a- :so many years have gone by
_ ,,� We could c:all It snow. N-1 1 3:!ce hi�- was a frisky, frolicking colt
- ,eh - _11 1
On Friday evening, Dec, 54h, Mr.
and Mrs. Boyle entertained the Sun-
Provinces, to We,tern Canada. or to
,erpr-L,-inLg implemen-, maker of SL
Geome�'s. offere,d Lo give a reaper as I
.aat li-sp h way of hers. ft was sim-
- is i -TKho u -e -d EO kick and snort and th'�Tl
'- '
c n
day school and o gregation of Be).
the United States, to put in that call
a prize fo! ihi- match this year. Of��-T
-'.I',- Sbe lquJlKneld 316 P"An' ,-y and catch h ... h ,he kick and snort
Pl. .- t - . '
e.j, wne-n Mrs. Phil was dressin-e hi-ri __ -
th�- eavi mea,dow field %;,here lie
grave, A pleasant. social time vias
in and contests. Before
over the week -end instead of oil
13_0MuonS (-�.Liue in readily. Ron. Me-
$4,P.ff� James I
- . . .n*
and trying to '?t�T b,c� arn-15 IMO Inil � ,,,�-Ured.
spent games
leaving partners were selectwi and all
Christmas Day. It would answer the
[)�o-n-ald- MA -C.. _- mvc
Drekson. E.sq_ -M.P,P-. an iron I -low:
annbole� of ni:-, dr,�-.ss wa_ 1-!:, ,---. , P Ann got along famously
I - - � . wnc,,a
;,� 10 droL, a la.,�z;oo on a reryou$11,� h.'m- She gurgled and gigg!ed
sat down to refreshments provided
same purpose and it would save de-
I .iht
MeTag-gan. Of Clinton- a fa"n'ftz - �he V4_; virlually jump4ng -'i and admired his big teeth. Just as
- �: �r * .
Rumeiman. Goderich. an lrOn,
for the occasion. expressions
of appreciation were tendered to Mr
lay in the desired connection-
plow: Me-Phers--on & Co-. Clinton. all
g,E-Z ?- :-), izzww, We were COMM- out of the st'�ill she
-W-n�,, ' ' 1i
wa re t -o ol a,ge anc. his
and Mrs. Boyle, for the happy evening
getting 1.
.- 3 year4 Tj7jt he�, hand down on shoulder.
' �
Spent in this social way.—Blyth Stan-
But if must, call Ionc- distance
T,'dinz sa4NUe; Fulton & Dadp_, E---
I jw!l 6eginning To apprec,a,e a b�E � You k -law how a horse's bide w;ll
- _"
you Z_n
on Christmas Day, and do not get an,
motdrille, a neekyoke and whifiie�
Jolln Gr -ay. of Ez-jiz
.iorlc around t.�e sigh, of sno'w ;
I , quive! -aben be feels, a gentle touch
ihr�..R. it 11. fly
I .
Miss G irvin Wins Quilt
. i
. .
trec-s: plow-mAke-r
- . of on . - or the itching of a . .
e,E.-taimly .Isomethir_z - a
. A successful card party was held
imnied�ate connection, do not be im-
mondrille. .tl(* in easb: khe Co—:v
., -
I i-atricia was not an eXceP !On -to Me and -,bat is exactly .,.hat Bar -Eley did.
in the Orange Hall, under the auspic-
Da ent over that delav or discourt-
a -ad B,emeb Sociezies making up SI&Cl,
�Ml_ i -A �e_ as
s, a W a - & W
rl-!-, Breakfasz mpr have held a fa.-:. His bide wrinkli-:1 up and Patricia
T . on other `martQigs i
. Amn was af id She drew baek with
on Tuesday night. I
__ - ___ p- _�U_t _�_,E-_,Lainly -not on this- morn I I nabl, �,o� Winners at "500" were Mrs. Percy
eous to the operator. 1�emember that . follows fo:r. ploWing: Ist- A- Thom ,11Z- I a zusp.inz hille, Cry . . . u ohnston and M.r. Emerson Willis, . .
Stan. She -a &=,zed to ge: out in the --No." fa-thom wby Barney rhould do Wat to J
that . operator, and thousands, r,f I -son. Stanley: '-In& PL ShaxPe. I 'We brougfh, he-:-.in�a E�df-). Of The I her, . . . after she 4had slIpped him Mrs. Foster and Mr. Andrew. A,
ley: 3-d- John McTarLs-h, Tucke-1 , h.,j t cuebre, Mrs, Elmer Bell and Mr. Jas. I I
. it ; - , Vaughan and Jack Car-
s as one engineers smi-,h: AEb- D. McLeam� Tuckers h ,cold , �.cy �srow. She rea,ched f6r iT I s,ome sugar. 'But she'll learn t *
_17 L 'L I .
. and equipment men, are all foregoi 5ih. S. Ca.rmocham_ Tucker�sml . 6 in 1he, same way Lha-, She would t'�'re.t zenfle ,old Barmey has a broad back, Leonard, Miss
Ing Pe -ter McDouza-11- Godench: 7th- H. � g�-Asp,e-d a. handful of ca,ndy. She �_ h�ch seems -to ha4 been perfected rick. After cards wIVe over, Mayor
I ,
- . 2ITer,c-1, and dropped it on the' f!oor � ,4;r,e.c;al]y for givmg children, a ri(ic, -Brown made the draw on the pw,riotic . I
the family turk-ey, to make the tele- '%ise. Goderich: R,T-h. J. Carnochan. - - -
. - - - --dand yell,E-d nervou_--iy, Then 1;_-nd-ng;�j� . . I quilt which bad been displayed in Mr.
srvc to you on Tuck.er--mit.h. 9th. W. Chesney. Tul .
. - ' d an in(ra_-sii�:re� Patici Ann is alFo discovering tile I Hibbert's window
.. er-mith: 1(qb_ Alex Broadfw,. Tnc,_ � ov6r zen, ly sh,c- reache I ' I I Miss Isobel Girvin I . . I
__ 4 I � . - .. la
Christmas Day. e�Mmirh.. T�e men al MT. 03--n ban' I I ; 01-�T -.0 --_Ike Cera�r the sMOW -hrill of milkina iiine. She was out I beinF the lucky �vinner. Lunch was
oc S . -----, - - ' 1. i 4n- . . - E
, . -'al 3- cold- IT was mi'd aK r: a�_-- - , _ ,The - vvih us the other- night I served by the ladies to about sixty . . � .
.1 and ,rilae bo*�Lsz at Mr. McLean's we:,el " 'v : .sqablc - I
0 ' i IJ er 1_6nze- Pulled back *_,;,ke a :ftash- I wi,eL ir'e Qt.arl.ed to Milk. Sb -p- had ' guests. The L.9.B.A. thank all who
� treated to a subszarmial d1nner "a I . , - I - - , I
- -no- - -1 -
. O 'T one ol zh.�, .
� *r kee -uiei I Bu, - . I b,F-e�_ stan-ding in tbe- passageway aad I made the evenIng such a success. � I
which. no doubt, the- en appc , - -hing-NN-bang" of ih;!iAbout
At 147ar . I k_rze -oni2(-rs sh e hazs di-t�o ez&d. � when. the h -St -" - $40 was made on the quilt- -
enabled. them to do -ple �assrice_ ! � " , e r�'i�may. stoP i =AIIE Stream h4tt'nz the b,ottom of the i .
, I -,o-ok .h,::- -.0 th 1�arn ' - - ' Goderich Signal -Star. . .
' . *
I a . 1. i ,,:nz �_r at -..he her- hcr.ize on the -Ay. pa2l eame -.o ber. she came paiterin�, Presents Fine Entertainment
� F'n� arE. % hUM11_;Z�e.f_ Vk_Ln;-.� —I�Z'_-0717-71 1_--o-inmd To investizaTe. It waq fur ,o!
' 1 ; . I - . A splendid variety show was pres. I .
officialiv at war and tl�e Associated From T'he Huron Expositor , ,-,;fl,E_z �n'-.he ea.s, par: of the bui1d_- -w _a - ch The Qzo,,,y-white streams 'Wented in the new theatre 9f No. 31 1
: ' , 4, - . I : - - I - ,
Press lists them into four classes as Deceernber,M 1991 I ff and Partr,.�� A::7- .A7,oc s.oc.g s -,`h =-Ik sDaTier4nz �mo the pail and "'(�;Radio School, R.A.F., Clinton, la -:,t - .
, -
� - .�Zhe waz ,� 14- .01- " : -
. .
. � .� 1 - MquisiTli% I firlzf,r Into th;, � Thkrsday evening. Dec. 4th- The , pres-
I I a:1 d _z �a: t - - _ a 11 - . li� b;,. - �. a,
foEow-:,: Tlk- _Modeli-,,es attend'n& 'Clinzon �. Efra'd; of :'he hens a-, Era-. 0--e tr- -' c., a =- on ,op of the rl:ilk'pail Whpn I � entation included several fine solos. A .
Mod -'al S�ch,601, a-, 1 s� the hame ,f , ,�,:� .S,-,,`, -e -� -.Illet ,a alk,�-d 'u:. C"Osp tzp her wazm looKinz.
1—The U, nited State;- r a n g e d . - � - - . '. - �; both vocal and instrumental, mopo-
-7 eaar� Rs7r.�.a A::::, The corz-c-zation _.
- I ' � of (�atz E'"':'- logues and comedy skits by members I I
1,c4p;j Lough on Wednesday ere- :id eyEd h4, -f1jl!T, - " - -
against Germany. Italy. Japan ai,d Z t� ESE -C . . . ��_-e ---,Jlie� 11E -v _�WaY aro-_:nd solemnly waiT;nz for ,lbe:rl '
. n�n of laz� -&ek and Dre_ike'tted li�-- ' . of the school, ard sleigbt-of-hand
i _d! .a 'a ZT;ral n ur,.7. niah-.1y. d;�h of fr�b. �vve(-T milk N-i-;;,
Manchukuo. I v�`-z7�, ,a h-and.somme, -a-Lan 6a�- - i P, __., . �rE� I . I tricks by onp of the instructors, In- . I
. eLr�c-.s C:_zC,0"V__ -f ,hi,:". ZZ--. �Z-? � F�0=�`114_nz to N- �ni�t!gatpd :;:1,-,-
I ,,E� . - . _. . . . . . I terspersed betwee� numbers were
- - (-red z-,00'-, accomnan' -d bT 2 1 . I . �Z h e Z amon.z �hE-tn in o,rder -9 '
11-4c, -
- Co"I'-, f_Z:1.,�= -��e ;,-I.��! ._:�� = lot :a 1
'-?—Britain-. - Canada. Union o f , T'T"`b"v address. expresstve (,f . . . . . ,al selections by the recently or- . .
4celv wo-ded - " I sevei
. . M.�. C e -. "-, 4 D"'. CC -n-- :�, %�-7-17_'�T-.. .;', - , - �'s -.-. P,d �he :a,jzn�! f�xcitf-dlv '.&'bell '
South - . � C - . � - . _ . . -,e - ' .
, - Africa, Australia. -Ne-,v Zea- Zbe'r syqrre la -0n, of Ys iabor-t- and . - - -� Iganized orcbeqtra by the school. As. I
_ -I go" -:.v e7-f_-��- C, , , ).. dis,,:b-.e--,'nL, -be rn;l;�
'07 ... � __ , � :1, 0-,�. ,Of
' I P a"o:i �n zb,s�r behalf. ( � . ' I - .- - , . r - I , sisting ,A ert- Mrs. Saunders and little . I
:tp: 11 'M�- z - - - � -L '-r � Z - , - fing(-�. �-.-_ried 1;ckinz .i.
land, Netherlands. Fre,� French and :11 - C.D. - -, .h�. - v, -�5 a . 'T ,.am oa he- � .
. " ry d, br.n-. .. brill; ,;s -
' � TNE- an-ual me-etir-E: of the pstro � �T� aQ7�.- - '_h.�, 7 M1 �� f,): I Ir -. ,� � e W I , f,D..; Mi - Anne Free]. of Godericb: M,s,
` o' A— -_ , � _Z a- _ . -.x v� ay .. '
China against Germany. Italv. Ja- a_n4 zhare-bolderz of the C*astan' ----' fo �_ Of -.--'4 . h -z--:, -_-i-. I `-_�d :,P_--,n(-:a An::. - *Qh,� 'earns the %% li� , 1 George McLay. of Clinton. and Mis-i I .
I . . , - C�,_. � "- - , �. . __ � I .
�� I . . .� .it'. 4. . "OriLdnaLs." A1
- � *F :L ��_..14_-Z n,�:- a -SN' 7 717�Ln ; a _.- d -h,�re�ores o� th�s big world
paiL- M--anchukuo. Finland. Rumania. cte-ef-e and Bz-,-.er Manufacruring , , Hope Worth of the
� . , " - f I
I - e . -- - - I art-
. . -as .b�id on Mozday las,. There waz � 7h ..i . S -9e -a::.Te-c': io, �,ay an j I aroun d hen the numbers presr�Ltpd by these ,
Croatia and Hungan-. a irz,? :Urnom d�-_PiTe the ba,d wea- . ists were fully Pajoyed by the ,bug-�
. . I - I I
0, -, e, . .i . audience which packed the theatre. --
3 --Russia. Norway. Luxembur , I . ne �[-h-_:e sold remed �'ne , .
' - T�IACKI_ The followlag. , lllll�_ -_ 9WHIZA. Clinton News -Record.
I . I ' pst-orf abou: , ' I I .
Belgium, Cilechoslovakia. Po'lan�d', officers and d�-rec�o�� were elt�ci�ed 'O: 1 a PiPe Band Attends Frolic
YugosNvia. Greece, Ethiopia against . rhe en--aing yeax: Pr-siden;- Jobm i 0 JUSTA SMILE OR TWO The Clintor P ie Band pla�i ,it I
� -to:.ajd� .%e(e,,a:--ea_--are-r. Rot � I
I AICT _�, 0 0 the frolic in Stratford last Thursday
Germanv. Italv. Finland. Rumania. I J-Ie.s�o=: directors. John Vc�Giregu_.' .
I ' . I t 1ning. spowsol-E-d bv the Strazrr)-,i I
Croatia and Hungary. G-c,or__-.e Ste-phhe,nson. John B. He,nder-.1 i ,, I . -s' Band. Among 1,
I -
., I - t WM:, .a:,e -�qu !-.E,- this MO-Miag. Ft: Z Girl: � --George* Bo3 I - the bands pres- I , . . .
. 4- -Costa Rica'. Cuba. Haitii.,El Sall- " ; -,n ;-:;.d John B-1-1,1toz. . � s moustache who pareded from the BoyS' I ,
Aks an -"�cztanee ar the benefizs 6- �13-4<�'NSb- � made, M,�- laugh.- BAnd roorns to the Market Building. I
vador, Honduras, Dominican Repub- advez--i'mg. M:. Wm.. S"Oraerville i--. � -1 --O-.y-z4 my --abe of 'ioovbxe_as_ 1 S-ccond Girl: "ft tickled me. too." - . I .
I I wh�re the frolic was held, were' from �
I 'o- . 0 Clinton, Seaforth. Tavistock. New �
s . .Ms Us -,hat Out of Ewe -MIT -fire mone : , j,00 ias-,L and r -.00k nae haif am hc,r-:-' �
lie- Nicaragus. Guatemala. Panama. , ordj�rs s -olid hrr !24m at the Great \O7, " ' z - �7 back 4n -Lia- tFib,-,- 'Wrrll, dazTng. did you �lee
. ' - . . _ _ _P - er, I - some Hamburg and Elmira, These hand-; . I
Bolivia against Ja an and M�in- Wes-zern Tele,apb Co_ 20f we -re soi,' � i ^
I p * -, prel_�v flowens �n ih,r- Dark?" are members'of tih,p Huron -Perth Band
. ... to Emp,mitor sabs,c�nbers in the c-Lvan-: C . . - 'Milverton Red a 33 , I .
chuk-uo. . �qa-lli_Qh�crn�-5 Mo�_'---: -A- you-, "Oh, TE -s. mumm-v. we �ta- lots and Zone- Se I an,d is
1V who noTiced =.e advertis,emen-_ � bozh:�.d =--jeh b-, Tc�u_- childrem i. i � ot.:- olf beau"ful _M�ckey Mouse dai.�- I also a member but was unable to a-,.
. 'ant neu- ` ' Mr. E. B. Henderson- wbo for soi--l-, 1��_,,�, - 11 ., d. due to the fa6t that most of it.9 I .
. kmong the most import i-- --ff.a,-S,C-h6�_ -:' . �_ I ten
' �
treds are included Argaentina. Bra�zil time haz- been telle- in the Bank ,)-' � -Irl. � *cs . . � Glo'he I Troiter: �khen I wa- in I baiMstrien are employed by a majau- 1.
_" . co-1-m'e-ce here, left au Tac-��day for � 'MO61_� 3'-w0T'?-7' 'fNO' bm,lf SID M11-Ir'.1 - -1.-d 1,g: facturing company. who are at pri-s- I . I
po' - : az- I r- -P V'� e r I -saw a bed -.wenty feet Ic . �
Bulgo-aria. Chile. Colombia. Ecuador. Montreal to astzume a 5-t-ilax ' Ei_ , n. -. h�,;` --:1 �Le Truth a-, - - op� ' I
. . . . * . � azd ten fee -i --ide. , j ent working 24 hours a day. -Clinton
"on mn I-fle Ba-rk- of' Gommerce there. I --'r* -,�-_Z -,�_-b-s. I I . I
Me-,dco, Paraguay, Peru. Portugal. H -_s �Ilcce-_�F-or is Mr. Niavm.rd frr:)m ; , 0 . S:zy-a..-home.- S-ounds like a lot of: Nei�s-.Record.' kN
. I . bunk Zo me.- . . Bridal Couple Honored V I
Spain, S-weden. Svitzerland. Turkey. , , Da,zzt--er: -G�.-,e =IE- so- 0 0 ho. or of Mr. and Mrs. Archie
. , zh;�- Toronto o-Mce. . � , � me mozey., . In
L --z;:, Monday morning as Mr'i�*BTe-n- : 1 Th
d-a6d-r. -tll Fau" . . � ornson, of Lucan. over forty rela. - . I
Uruguay- and Venezuela. . : "A m2n'S oc-cuTe-.1on affects hil- .at,, .
- I 27 St,&]ck and �`R,s wife we7-,.drjv1r, Itives I-athered rec�entlF at the home
. ... i I - I � Fzzb- -'Yo-.:':,& =-az-ied. &-_r.'-1':t1dc-s in &neral.- I
,, I �o _Ur. Hemry Liv-.,rts they mer w'lr.b a' NV�2v &yr_'-. TO-.; ask' -��.;:- b_-__ist_nd a of Nl�.. and Airs. Wm. j. Thom,
I * . - - br' . . -Sure: #�:_t eomrr re Ae manners � _,On. of I I
. bad sc-cidem. One of the rugs. oke 1 Usbol-Pe. The bride and groom..._W�re
. . Daueh,;�,: ' B�L-zu_:- I've' go-, -,o � of -- smles_=n w ---,h those of a Put --
I and in tt-e subs-,�,Jen� cor-l'u-sion Mr -z,. ' I . many beautiful gifrs. . .
. .
A Woman's Purse, I szeick `Z -some way ,fell over,jbe dn_sh- , ha-' e t,he lnon�T. - ,cha._-4inz ag�-w 1 Presented -,v%�jth _ .
I . ,;. Durirg the evening a splendid pra-
" he- a --m broken- I . . (t . . - M . .
, b-oard and hLar, - - - i �:'�,nl N, ; enjoyed with reading -s Dy ,,
Those purs,es which you See rucked I A barz be�,ea.'ag to' Ms. Joh�n' - - ��J'.Nflss Marjorie Arksey and Marion .
. ;L�.—m'z.g. or Lea�dbuzT. Waz W11SUMe-a 0 . CON'land: musio,al numb-e,rs by Mi�s_ I I
under every woman%S a:rm_ are not I , . - - n.�_ght. I: ' es 1-11'erf, and,'Marion Copela�d. 'Mr,
. . w:zh :".z ro::ier's on Mon4iay
� 4 .
for ornament only. They have,,an in- I ic -.hOuZbT To have beoe-a the work o' 41 War On The 0. Angus Farl and arry Hern. _Mr.
cemeisrT. I Archie .Thomson Xpr - 'sed apprecia- /
side and the coni�ents c;� that inside I ' 'E' 41 I 0 0013 on behalf of ,bj e' I .
-t- B_ . mself and M-.,;.-.
The 'Mcl I o-:.. of -, 7tb e,D.,- �
har jnsL . 0 � _Hbme, Fron't . 0 ! Thotw4orj._E\
would amaze anv one but,a woman. I ces:zjon. Hihb-:-, :e,�, comple,.- . I . . eter Times -Advocate. I .
. f . ed ' - .1 . X 1�_ Patient Doing Well I �- 11
- and have the co,ritents of a miall � zb e . erec- -, a,6n of a commaodious b-46- � . . .
I ----. 14 , I Mr. Archie Nvis.
: rnans�ont I . _ a patient at
boy"s pocket beaten by many fiLs,. . . Cbfistie reet Hospital. Toronto. w.�G, I .
Tbe eleventh amnal baII. and sup-: t Th-- z 4c -,' f�rs& of a Z ,�z ot � out of control- as se,en in the 16 ppr' recentiv ,a
. " -_ - - ' �er-� Tad his I ft leg ,amputated
I t*r ai :be S�for-Lh Fire Brigade waz- ' ,ze-rc_ ?,=',cii-c de-_"nz with th� cent Incresze in c�st of living since. below 'thp. Rnee. is now able to be up . .
here L-- one example: _Mis�s Letha , , I ral - I , I ,
S,ailers. of Muncie. Indiana. had -her heid il� Cardno*s Han on FrIdSY ev"E� i 1g;&C-�;m- Pnc-� aa,,; Trade Board ' the -ax against HiXlerism b-e_!,an- and arm.nd with the Use of crut�hes. I . .
st ninz lasi.41�'Tb�e haD was nemtly decor-N�an.d -�Lle OD,e,-a-,`On� of the PriCe Cell- � g,`he declaration of war esta�lisbes' He expects to have an artiftiaj limb., � . .
Purse tolen, and w*n she reparted ated with streamers, .ftags and pic-: law which w,�n-, Jn-' o effect on De- aff absolute ceiling on. prices of ,til before Christmas and is looking for- � .
T U r C's. � i' c-en�b-r 3. w-rn- for the wee�klr kinds, with a very few exceptions, -.s . N;. ard to Christmas le�qve for several
it to the police she said its contents 11-P I
I - the Iat,e� Bayley.; p,-.z_s 0-1 C-arada by Rru4�e 4. they existed during the basic period. 4 11 YS - A number of P -Neter friends - I .
Tpe property of � i
wei�e as follows,: , Lu�rzon was sold by auction �n Sea-! Pe=�-el editor ok the Simcoee R�- her' 15th to OctotK,r 11. .1941. have visited hirn while in the hospi-
'Orib by M7. ; P. Brine on � - 'I
I %,jtarday I 11sue' eTcePtions- are for idevitable se�j. tal.-Exeter Timez-Advocate. 0 1
A hunting-casze watch. an., -open- - .� j fformme� i_ . softal fluctuations as ':
last- It cons �Is of two small frmme' - in the ca!�e of Head -On Gotlision
face wet -CIL a diamond ring. two yel- house -s on one jot in the east ward- Ca n a d a has deel&-ed w-ar-tb,s ttme! fraits and ve�zgetables. The cl�ri-m In a heAd-on collision east -of Till- e .
. low gold rings, a ring ma0e from a an,d these -ere,,purIcha-sed br ]Mis�p'On Ibe hOm' f%1`OmT' . C --all c0mez, tO 2-11 Canadian_q to ensure so.n.burk Saturday John Hunter, driv- 4 ,. ..
Cellery of EUbberc for 'S650. 4r. I.ap- � It -"� war aza.-$t -an enemy as n3th that this OE4�g wUl not be Punctur- er for Tuckey Transport, escaped with,
dime. a gold wire pin. a Redmen's , ton* -s -�sjdence, in Egmondvilie , w�- ie�s, aad -mpiac-able ass Hitler. ; ed. a Shaking up. but the truck he was 4 �
,. i .
Lodge pin. ot,hor pin�. an Americail. purchs-sed bT th,e, pre_-,ed�,ocmpant. i f]6e resul-_:nz combat wUl be felt in 1 Gordqn Officer Commanding driving was damaged to the extent of .
1 every civr. town and 71112.ze in the Do- ReadouartkIrs staff in this war is $ 3 5) (). I ,
hir. James Pcmell_ for $455. 1 . - C. F. Tower. of Detroit. trav-
- flag. a pear�,vhandled knife. a sliding A yaung rrign name -d GATUIn. Of M__ I mimon. in ev-e�ry zo-.-nz�hip and batk; the Wartime Prices and Trade Boa'rd elling, west, s'werved his car to jqiss:
blade knife.'a fountain pen. two aut4)- .. i-:ffliop, n-'ar Be�bwood_ met witb a I comcessi,un -'-, the mn,st remote pam , at Otta-a. Officer Cormnandip- the two children on bicycles an,d ran ill- A I
. I-
' Ter- z-enous accident on S,aturdgy of the cotm zrv. army is Donald Gordon, dvnamic. 40- to the path of the 76ickey Transport,
matic pencil-ts, a flashlight, a driver's Another armT is on the m2rch- j Year-old Scotsman- who is directing the truck . I
. night- He had been in Seafor' ,b ,with I th: . beirig, part.ly off the ,high_
I license, a Social -SeeuHty card. two I I Is T'Ime am armv of twelT-e vnilli-va � an assault such as no country it he Way. Tho truck- went into the ditch. .
I a io�Ld of wood an,d starlted for home I Caaadian--on the -maxch aza:nst a I 07id has hitherto attempte�. There the front wheel,; hi�ing driven back b,
books and ot-hgr things. la -,e in the evening-' When four mil --s I fae ,that would -Teek Canada" __ aTe other SODL%Men on the , slaff. neath the cab. A Nlr-. Mountain in I
. I s I
Out from to --m he fell off the lead and � omy. -an-J dea�l her con�tributior toeK - 1 They axe top-fligg-ht, busit(th.s,,, Indus- tile ToNver Car wils admitted to Till- I
ff. as and when Miss SaileFs purse Zhe hook of a chadn caught in his Pin; d-fen,cee a Now as dM421T es a I 'Tial and agTic-ultural leaders. High- souburg 1loqpjt1jl
is'recov�f6d. it sbould not be a very Oothin_z as he,- fell- Ae was dragg2�d with spinal injurie,- # .
major defes� bv the N-azis I D1
- ; I ' rankinz civil -�errants, too. are mem- and concuss'01", ,111-190 to the car
some dirtawe aloag the bard road Tb,- vtar is ;eclared as: of Dec -m- , bers c�f the General Staff. Tbe men X
difficult problem for the police to- _%"s RbOut $500.-E. c,ter_ -
- who will be CO-Ordinators and Admin- cate. ' .
until be somehow wax freed. Mr. I b,er. 1. 1941. RE:a�nzq spiraUing p -k-- e ea. . Times-AdN,o- I ,
identify it Thos. McFadden found bim hrimg in -e I a- iStr'atOr_1 of Price con to - I
..� . - - I against the hautit�nz speclZ of infl. .. t 1, Child In g . I
an unc,onscioas conditiom- It is fear- t&
0 ' . I .on- I Their Officer Commanding has coill- , On Wrdnegii.,jr last W= Jimmie, 0 . .
ed that he may los,e tbe sight of am �Cause of the war' is too maen men-, m='c=e-d to bis adjutants much c.f F03"ton. 4-yezir-oid son of Mr. and
I . eye, ey in consumers' hands for the avall- his Own enthusiasin for the battle and Nirs. Foxton. BlUe"Rle Road, wa_,� rush.
Special Lines On a Huron Farm Mr. and Mrs- Sihas Eyre, of Ch�4el- able xapp�y of goods. I comfidence in the Outcome. He le- ed- to �,j London h4nIRPItal and plac,ed # .
iThe Farme�q Advoam;,e) burst- are visiting his- pareots in Ac- We4po,ns For New� War i clarlas that' Canada's contribution to in 3n ,iron yng. jinlnji, Nvas stric,k
Clifford H. Keys- of Varma. bas been aading to ton- Wmpous in this gigantic struggle the do-mfall of Hitler will b� the en with in ' ' , _ I I
Mr. and Mrs, D. D. Wilson are ex- 'w -M not be guns, planes. tank and _-'eatP-Qt of any nation if this bome� '111"10 ARMI.Y.Ris a feir'
bfis arig�inqj Ifo) ac -'s of lamid t��) Im- lbe is -W consist of riggance. frant, batde succeeds. ".4nd su . wfek'�t ago 'Alit "v-18 RPN,kre.nUy making A .
, -1
farming 359 aeres. and his zP-6 z-_ are Lee- Pe,czod home from the Old Cmmtry bombs- TbeY v eceed ProgreRs 'whiall "-Ik consl�ered Sati
bcam hens. Sbwlhorn cattle and red Clover SeC11 abcoat, CbrisUrtag time.' self-abnegadon- compromise and the it -UL- is the pronouncement _�_
Golden Rule. , . . bra,.Tny. determined Scotsman, of t&is fActory until lVkldnesday last week .
This Fbil h��, bas so-- 55 acres Lo -�ter -10e�91- Mr- John mcm-nn Humu's oeli- We hare just come from Gemeral wice cefliugs must and ReLail When zhe contrictetj A Cold and it was
and is harvesting 84--,M off 70 lacres of red cloveT. bm,te4 horse k1M sbipped a very fine will be main- found Recessary to 11,9,1 the iron jur : .
�e_ load of horses to Alpena. wlebigWEL for Headquarters wh&-re -we heard the tained- 5g.
OZ top of the ref-rukar farm �Ork has his owm at OnCe. In London ho was taken qut, e I
� threshizL� machine and a combd.ne vritb -Mch he use in the Impbe,7- -woods.' 7"hey were Gememd Staff miip out the plan of UeWl�e�ts - Colonel in the field Of thP lung for about R h'k1f bour each
'does a kde custom wark. We tinderstawl -that an purebased in this vicinity aud xr- campaito in a ma lerly -iray. a plan leading Ga�ada's new army on tb,, dny for a few days and on Sunday . �
for -which aQ blue -print e3dsrted, an. battlefront -ill be thirteen promine,nt and Afondny
the combin* was purchased pT-mcipally for har- eraged from L60 to 16W Tbs. Th-_ � 1'1_-4-q ('Ili of the machine
r-esumf the red Clover. Clover is cut for hay ar iarge-st lot vreigbed 1750 tbs. Inbev, attacK Over a' No Man's Lamd hithec- Canadian -S for as many battle Zoneq for about three .
to untrod- . across the CoUntrY. They are regiou- to folir hours. on
silage -in JzMe. and the Rcoad cro-g goes for seed. wer�e bought at an average v a] Prices -d Supply Representatires Tuesday Ile had mnother bad ,app-li and � .
Mr. KeT-. Ekes c3aver silaze very -WA but tb4s f-om SQO to S'�. te Commanders. are resclzrte in aPPOInted to their commands by Hea,j_ his father lvn,q C..,11,,, to London, Tneq-
year he has a mixture of ctops in the suo. all of , ir detf-=Ination that the plan will i d4y nipht . I
. As Wesley. son of Mr. John Kerr. the ' h(I w1l" '4MIt' better. but be
succeed, zot Just for a sartze bus for, .
wW,cb axe mixed with makdas of Cmdilon_ with bis brothers ,was . 'quarters' E�a� will have' h'q' Own "' '411ffeflng from ,qovproobrotichicai . I .
There are red clover. grekm oats and fox tail. . . aatmmemt of the ftnal objective- It; -?- n "s 0 .
K .(*ed staff of Ma�ors and Captains to C.11, conditionL_AITIRlwa-in Adlranc�, T1 i . �
_ ng to cut straw 0 j a . Straw must "Suf . they aver. or we are ry Out il�sPectjou and 'euforcletuent ACta As Bodyllteard
Tbe laver p -k -w om a field tbal -as pre*-mred f&M W1. had Ws hand magft M the abd to -bitrate dL-43tltes. They To Her majesty 4 .
COM bUt 01-41ne IJD the 1drOU201 the CVTt -as a heked im More ways. than 07fe, . wqI Frltmda hv4 Of PIP. Cjr,yton &hs -
knife and it was neaziy cut OIL Tbree I E're- IaA Canadian is be��g re- hare their divisional headquarter,q in bury %-il,l
faihm We saw some of the silaze made from doctors aftemded htnL .. 150 ,Mort,steti to bear that .
;he fox ta& and the e-Wtle apparently MJshed it craked for tMs figbvto-a-1h_L%dL .11here 8trlal9g' eentre-1 acmss Can�dR, in ,a
, . . here they can le"01' Wdtttln home to jjj�,
and are dolmg 'well an iL Mr, Keys bas lett. i2is vill be no uniforms, no bra -is bamd. -age unrelenti,rLg Wai, luotber, 11" V ,,
tam aga:uist thd"COMIDOU too through. 4011 I . ,,1111sbury, 110 told of .
eutthag box set up em the sito sinee the m5ddle of . ft,m 'whie�, ,Xcenaa b,L�e� Stw* bo th2W or 4amow In th6s battle. ou YP
June, and as he bag" no corn this year he is em- � ''the ci�!Rza t ee territory assigned to them. ng A"t bM1 IRIA to &,r MaJL�,sty
has beeo shipped for severAll yeam Just a niebe in army that Queell, R11RAboth an,, .
sning an:r CZW that Is avafl2lge, inclVdIng weeds. The last fe= yea -M Mr. KeTs &WS been is PGInVing to -in the greatest battle E3,Cb PrO"Ince vffl have one suCh ](01t. durin,g 1% to,11- tho Ehike, of .
E&rb7 ia Septembw there -ertt, 9449 Legborn , serijing Ws,-surojas yo&ag stoa b3r on the home-fronL . beadqm(a� exce9t for d of Insy*cUou of .
. Quebec -hick awmig tb Ontarla an thO ORMIP in Which h() is 14mated. He
pullets im the la3lmg pets that -eire VMKIEWiMg Public aneem and h 131 Aceaunta -Me ttguty is no phantom bat a, .. their 91111r 11"k-,, ()f RIWIAnk, r,9 &. beallUtul
over 50 per cea-L 1-dis Lq maTe tham douNe the tho pwmhasem hime bem weU mUs- real and potewl figm,p- He may be POPULSdOn, WM h"e mpeeUvelyfour t1buntry tint Voteea 1
amber of puBjets usmagy kept amd at U2e pn"ent , fie4. easW dlsc�ed in the rising PrIte of aad tw* GWOM IleaftOutm StUft Ve, haro ill C&tkadA, tbb oplatou mat
I __ know it 6 of the I
ptk* of eggs 39z. Kep oowMen ftat he Aaaft Mr KeM his ,me Bnwe "d me nftOy 03'&Y ty bebW Awd in I 1W UP UM� h=e_�t thtft *% 1hardftkWj WhiCh t,b,o
,114 okirfug t6in ttm* ot *a,-
** w1grake laerealftg the d6elL . hhvd uim 1mve &=Wed 09 v " cmad;16 . Wiwi, tam, oftia. to* a 2ftrINO" t6div mum itme w6usftd� ,10 Fft RM121 Pftl)18 � I I
. .
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