HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-12-12, Page 4d Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates :
F.rSal. Ws ted. Last and Found, Coating Events. Etc. -Per word:
1st week 1 Cemlb
2nd week % Cent
8rd week 3y pent
M.inimum charge, first ihueation 26 Ceara
Each (Ware, initial mind abbreviation amnia as one word.
ad Thmn a, In, Mtaaorittm Notices --S cent par word. Minimum, 50 cents per week.
elsfatirice war be directed to a Boot Number, care of The Huron Minor, for 10 cents
'fir Genu additional per week will be charged If ads in above cases are cot paid by the
• - .Saturday night In the week in which the ad wadi r®,n.
B'4rti8, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge.
Aucti a Sala. Notices to Creditors, Etc--1Rates on application.
Help Wanted
spend the winter with her sisters in
"J�TANTED--BFT•IABLE. MAN FOR GEN- Mrs, Sheldon Ross is visiting bar'l f era farm work by the year. Apply •to sister in London.
A. B. BELL, R.R. 2, Kipper, or Phone 93 r Mr. and Mrs. J, K. Cornish attend -
2, Hensall. 3861x2 cal the funeral of a cousin in London
on Friday.
. Died irk Manitoba
Angus A, Grant, 81, who died No -
ember 301h,. was buried December
2nd from tiie United Church, Kenville,
to Swan River cemetery. Pallbearers
were J. N. Cotton, W. Gordon, J. Sad-
ler and G. Dunn. Born in Brucefield,
Ont„ he came to Manitoba in 1871,
the fancily being among the first set-
tlers on stat Creek. He married in
HSI, Catherine McDougall, of Burn-
side, who survives with three daugh-
ters and twb sons, Mrs. C. R. Shaw,
Vancouver. B.C.; Mrs. George Hen-
derson, Minitonas, and Huldah, at
hood=; Sidney and Duncan, New West-
minster, 13.C.; also two sister's, Mrs,
A.' McDermott, Edwin, Man., and Mrs.
J. Morgan, Vancouver.
For Sale
1 up; 1937 Chevrolet 2 -ton truck, short
wheelbase, with or without h,alrauLk twist
and box. SEAFORTH MOTORS, : s',,t'urh.
sueavtMty of flax need fur feeding par -
poste. We are also supplyin»• a number of
farmers with our ilex shivea for bedding pur-
Poses. For information and prices re alo4o
articles, call • 'lik',SKY FLAX PRODI'C"IS,
LTD. Phone 74, Seaibt+bh. .1861.1
rnaluding Hdiu1irnen piano; walnut chairs
arta rockers; walnut table: bookcase; china-
ware, and numerous other articles. 'I'hrse
can be seen at the late Miss Graham's apart-
ments on :Saturday and Monday afternoon
fr.,m 3 to 6 •p.m. For further information
Phone Noe. 206 or 004. 8861-1
. Wanted
piece outfit for•' girl of six; also snow
suit. Box 297, EXPOSITOR.
lent worker. Apply MRS. N. J.
NICHOLLS, John Street 3861-1
in4; wagon and take care of town horse
for a peri6ti of one or two months. Apply
to F. 9. SILLS, Seaforth, Chairman of Pro-
perty Com '
SS mrttee. 61-2
Property For Sale
house on the 'iouhh.. idde of King Street,
in the Village of Hensall. Conveniently lo -
'cared to school and Main Street. Apply to
K. I. McLEAN. Barrister, Etc., Seaforth and
.Hen )41.11. 3860 -If
burned to the Seallorth Public Library on
or before Tuesday, December 23rd: GRETA
THOMPSON, Librarian. 3861-2
or cattle, see your Watkins' Dealer,
WILLIAM BRADSHAW, 3 blocks east of Sea -
forth Library. 3861x3
Tenders Wanted
Town of Seaforth
snow from roads in the Town of Sea -
forth. For particulars apply to D. H. WIL-
SON, Town Clerk. Tenders to be in the
;hands of the above named by December 17,
1941. Lowest or any tender not necessarily
accepted- . 3861-1
Card of, Thanks
Hensall wish to thank their many friends
and neighbours .for the expresgians of kind-
ness extended la them during their recent
bereavestent: snhoiel thank. + Rwv. Wlvi ts,,,
Weir, Dr_ D. G. 'Steer, the quartette. and those
who Mooned aces and for floral tributes.
Notice to• Creditors
. SON.,, ' - "
the Estate of James M. Robertson, late
of Town of Seaforth, gentlennan, deceased,
who died on or about the 26ath day of No-
vember, 1941, are hereby notified to send in
to the undersigned on or before the 27th day
Of December, 1941, full particulars of their
claims, together with affidavits proving same.
Tmianediat9ly after the said last ^mentioned
data the assets of the said estate will be
distributed amongst the parties entitled there-
to, having reward only to claims of which
the undersigned shall :then have notice, to the
exotusigon of all others, and the undersig:led
will dot be liable to any Person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not then have no-
tice for the easets so distributed or any part
DATED at Seaforth this 4th day of De-
cember, 1941.
' K. I. McLEAN,
Barrister, Etc., Setforth; Ont.,
Soicitol: for Executors, r_
/ 3860-3
In Memoriam
band and grandfather, Jame; S. Brown,
who passed away December 14, 1938:
Deep in our hearts you are fondly .remember,' :
Sweep, happy memories cling 'round your
True hearer that loved you with deepest af-
Always will love you in death the same.
--Ever remembered by Wife wand Grand-
JONES --in Sea4forth, on Monday, December
8th, Robettt F. Jolles, in his 82nd year.
SCOTT Scott r ` •• .• al Hospital, on De-
Cen. t'h, to Mr. ant Mn.sThomas L.
Seat,, arty. a son.
MURRAY-1,n Scott Memo 'al Hospital, on
December 6:th, to Mr. a d Mrs. Step'hen
mummy. McKillop, a Son.
MILLSON- Tn Scott 141eenor : I Hospital, on
December 11th, to Mr. and . David Mil1-
son, afeliett, a son.
WEIGAND- At Scott Memorial Hosp' • , Sea -
forth, on• Sunsday. December 7th, to Mr. and
M.i4. Locus Weigaaul, of Deahweed, (nee
Nellie Fee), a eon----Wiliaann Gerald.
'Stop! The Government wants pa-
pers, Old, new, big or little. Tie them
Op and 'bring into Patterson'�s Garage
by December 19tih, Here is ,a chance
be coo trout' let, ,.-
• 1VIIia Nita, Smith, of Exeter, spent
'�veeltifOid' With Mrs.. A. Rabbet.
The r meeting of the Red
•gg >� ' held an Sanitary 8tb,
sin Celia aft you can.
`te has.left to
Zion Women's• Association held its
monthly meeting in the basement of
the church with al splendid attend-
ance. Mrs. R. Aikens resigned as
president and a committee was ap-
pointed to name a new president be-
fore the New Year. Two quilts were
completed, one being a patriotic quilt.
Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Conlin and baby, Granton, with M..
John McGrath; v.
t nth' R an Jordan,
Kitchener, with his. father. Patrick
Jordan; Captain Frank Stapleton. 11.
'C.D.C., St. Thomas, with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .,Stapleton; P. F,
Beim, Toronto, with Mr. and, Mrs.
hranlc Evans; • Pte. Clarence O'Reilly,
London, With his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William O'Reilly; James Curtin,
R.C.A.F., Jarvis, and Jack Nickle, Il.
C..0..F., St. Thomas, with Mr. arid Mrs.
William Curtin; Pte. Herbert Brown,
St. Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs. T.
Brown.; Misses Irene and Dorothy
Donnelly, Goderich, with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly;
David McConnell and Joseph McCon-
nell in London.
Mr. Martin Wuerm, of this village,
celebrated his 88th birthday• on
Thursday last and on Sund4y Mr. and
Mrs. Wuerrn celebrated their 61st
wedding anniversary. they are both
in good health and enjoy life.
Mr. Rudolph Corriveau sold his 100
acre farm, south of -Zurich, to ..Mr.
Ferdinand Haberer; of town, who gets
possession on March 1st.
Mrs. Caroline England passed away
on Tuesday in her 80th year. She
had lived for 15 years in the village.
She was the. widow of the late John
England, and they lived in Hay Town-
ship before his death.
The local unit' of Federation of Ag,
riculture met on Tuesday evening.in
the Town Hall.
The Zurich school concert will be
held on December 17th in the Town
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Faust, of Mit-
chell, spent Sunday in town visiting
friends. r
The Hay Township Fire Insurance
Co. held a meeting recently in the
hotel here.
Mr, T. R. Patterson, county engin-
eer, of Goderich,. was in the village on
Tuesday while inspecting some 'ditch-
es on the 14th concession.
A dance was held in the Town Hall
on Thursday fIT aid of the Red Cross.
Bachert - Swartzentruber
On Sunday Mabel Swartzentr•uhc'r,•
daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Chris.
Swartzentruber, was united in mar- f
riage to Mr, Albert Bachert, both of a
Hay Township. Rev. Jantzi, of Baden
performed the ceremony. They wall
reside in Hay Township.
Hold Annual Banquet
The' annual banquet of the Kippen I
East Women's Institute was held on
'Wiedne,iday evening of last week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Me -
Lean. A short program followed a de-
licious supper and included interest-
ing slides by J. M. Scott of Seaforth,
Mr.- Scott presented interesting pic-
tures of National Park the year
around, wild Life in the forest of New
Brunswick, and pictures of his well
known chicken farm. Other numbers
included a reading'ay Mrs. W. H. Mc-
Lean; comic selection by the Kippen
quartette of Mrs, Wm. Kyle, Mrs. Geo,
Glenn, Mrs. W. E. Butt and Miss Ma;-
garet Sinclair, all of whom appeared
in costume; a duet by Mrs, N. Tra-
quair and Mrs. W. Dilling. The bal-
ince of the evening was spent playing
bingo. The Institute wishes to ex-
press its appreciation to Mrs. Ed..M'-
Kra.y, Mrs. R. Kinsman, Mrs, E. Kins-
man, Mrs. Thos, Jolly, Mrs. Wilfred
Tremeer and Mrs, Ray McDonald for
donation of $4,00 for the purchase
of ""blankets. A euchre and dance is
planned for Hensall Town Hall on
Monday evening, Dec. 29th. The pro-
gram will 'include a raffle for 11 quilt
and fowl.
Miss Doris Alexander, of London,
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander.
Miss Irma Ferguson and Mr. Arnold
Gackstetter visited recently at.the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gackstetter
of Zurich.
Mr. Clarence McLean, of London,
spent the week -end with her sistar, ,
Mr, and Mrs. Allan .Johnson.
Mrs. B. Bnigthtmore, of London,
pent the week -end with her sister,
r. and Mrs. John Cochrane,
Quite a number from here attended
I funeral of the l.gte David Camer-
on, Stanley TOwmsbip, on Sunday af-
Mr.and Mre. Glen Lockart and
Carol" Anil', of Porter's Hill, visited
4alt Stit:cay wit#i; Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs, R. Torrance and fam-
ily, of Porter's Hill, visited recently
with Mr. H. Ivdson.
Mr. W, Ivdson, who has been. visit-
ing in Toronto, returned to' his home
here last week,.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walker, of
Hiilsgreea, visited on Monday even-
ing at the home of the latter's bro-
ther, Mr. and Mrs, J. Cochrane.
Mr, and Mrs. Rufus, Turnbull, of
Grand Bend, visited mitt Monday with
the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elzar
The teachers and officers of the
Sunday school met at the Manse last
week and among other items of busi-
ness planned for the holding of the
annual Christmas tree on Tuesday
night, Dec. 23rd.
At the morning service on Sunday
the minister will conclude his series
of sermons on "The Living Church"
and will discuss "A Sanctified
Well, Old Man Winter is on an ex-
tended visit this • time. If it keeps
this up, Santa will have good sleigh-
ing for Christmas.
Mr. Andrew Montgomery, of Gait,
spent the week -end with his family
and parents.
Mr. and Mrs, Foster Bennett and
family, Mr,, and Mrs. Tint Eaton and
family and Mr. Mel. Merriam spent
Sunday with Mr, -and Mrs. George
Britain has sent out. an -appeal t')
the Red Cross Societies for a hand-
kerchief shower this week of men's,
women's and children's handkerchiefs.
They may be lett at the Red Cross
rooms on Friday afternoon, or at Mr.
Close's barber shop no later than Sat -
lushly. Surely everyone can send ,a
Mr. Holman held a sale on Satu:'-
day and intends moving his family to
Peterboro in the near future, he hav-
ing secured a good position in that
LadiesGentlemen! and '' r .
e ltlemen.r
Don't fail
to see the Christmas gifts now on di
Play at Goodwins.
5 -
(Continued from Page '1)
lry. .firs, M. G. Drysdale; treasurer,
H. O. Lawrence; assistant; Miss Jean
McQueen; advisory board: Reeves N.
R. Sliaddick, G. Armstrong, W. Kay,
F. Watson, P. Passmore, S. Whit-
more; ministers, Rev. R. A. Brook,
Rev. W. Weir, -Rev, A. M. Grant, Rev,
M. A. Hunt; teachers, Mr. Morley
Sanders, Miss Ruth Mcllvenna, Mr.
Claude Blowes. Miss M. Ellis, Miss
Beryl Pfaff, Miss Mabel Workman,
Miss E. McIlwain; doctors and dent-
ists, Dr. I. . Smillie, Dr. D. G. Steer,
Dr. McTaggart; Masters of Lodges, A.
H. Hyde, C. Harris, L. Clark, Sr,;
president of Chamber of Commerce,
It. H. Middleton; Legion, Sam Dou-
gall; president of W. L, Miss Beryl
Pfaff, Mrs. Glenna. MacLean; chairman
of War Service, Dr. A. R. Campbell;
bank manager, W. B. Cross; president
of W. A. Churches: Miss S. Fee, Mrs.
C. S. Hudson, Mrs, F. Farquhar, Mrs.
J. McAllister, Mrs. W. B. Cross.
Thanks were expressed -te the
president, Rev. R. A. Brook, who for
the past two years rendered such val-
uable service to the organization, and
who was instrumental for the pros-
perity of the organizations assisted
by his band of faithful workers who
,gave him splendid co-operation. Mr.
Brook expressed the wish that they
would continue to give loyal support
to Mr. Weir, the new- president. The
meeting closed with the National An-
Death of Mrs. Agnes Horton
Mrs. Agates Horton, wife of the late
Nicholas B. Horton, Hensall's grand
old lady, passed -peacefully away to
her great reward at the home of her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
R. J,/ Paterson, of this village, on Sat-
urday, Dec. 6th, following a lingering
illness, in het. 85th year. She was the
former Agnes Wren, and was much
beloved by her family and a host of
friends. Mrs. Horton was a member
of Hensall United Church, was a truer
Christian in every sense of the word,
and her every -day life portrayed that
phrase of her character. She receiv-
ed many callers during her last ill-
ness and loved to entertain with har
renditions of poems and loved to sing
to them. Mrs. Horton was a wonder-
ful mother and she will be much, riss-
ed by her family. She was born in 1
Mullett, and has resides; here for the
past 32 years. Surviing ' are five
daughters: Mrs. George McDonald,
Edmonton, 'Alta.; Mrs. Jack Bon-
thron, Moose Jaw, Sask.; Mrs. Carl
Brad, Regina, Sask,; Mrs. Jas. Kim-
ball, Chicago, I11., and Mrs. R. J. Pat-
erson, and on son. Jack Horton, of
Glidden., Sask. A large private fun-
eral, held on Monday from the home
of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Paterson, was conduct- I
ed by her minister, Rev. R. A. Bros':,
who for his address based h']•s theme 1
on the seconri verse of the 14th. Caen'
ter of John, "In -my Father's house'
are many mansions," and in'which be 1
paid fitting tribute to the life of Mrs.
Horton, concluding with one of her p
favorite poems, "The House of Clay,"
w t
Moving Pictures
"The Lion Has. Wings" and
"Snow Thrills"
FRIDAY, DEC. 19, at 8.15 sharp
Sponsored by Hensall Chaniber
of Commerce. Proceeds for Red
Cross and Christmas Tree Fund,
Adults 25s Children 15c
For the Children
On Saturday, Dec. 20th, at 2.3
p.m., the Annual Communit
Christmas Tree will be held.
Santa will arrive about 2.30 and
distribute bags of candy. to all
the children. After this a Free
Moving Picture.Show will. be
held in the/ Town Hall. "Mid'k-
ey's Wild Capers", Circus
Days," "Jungle Jitters" and oth-
er pictures. Don't forget to use
the Lucky Draw 'Picket that you
received in the mail. Drop your
ticket in box at the Town 'Hall
on Saturday afternoon. Draw
will be made about 5 p.m,
-'Win "$5, $4, $3, $2, $l-
S.aundercock and was conducted by
Rev. R. A. Brook, her minister, who
raid splendid tribute to her life, and
at her request Mr'. Brook and Mr. W.
O Goodwin sang a duet, "Nearer My
God To Thee." Beautiful floral
wreaths included the following: Unit-
ed Church, W,C.9'.U„ Sister and• Fam-
ily, Campbell Fancily, Toronto; Miss
Kathryn Sells, London; Mrs, Saunder-
c•ock, and family. Burial ,was in Men-
sal! Union Cemetery, the bearers be-
ingJames•Sniillie, Peter McNaughton,
t. ilson Carlisle. J. R. Steivart,-q^,eorge
1''rpfl and L. Robinson, Exeter. At-
tending from a distance were Miss
Amy •Laramie, Windsor; Mr, and Mrs.
Ray Lammie, Milton, and many rela-
tives and friends, from Exeter.
Death of David A. Cameron
David A. Cameron, life-long ,resli-
dant of Stanley' Township, died at :his
home in his 61st year. He was a son
or the late Peter Cameron and Von -
c -Ida Ross Cameron, and was born in
,Stanley' ,en October 18, 1881. He
farmed in Stanley. and in 1912 mar-
rIe•d Annie Mallin, who,survives. Two
weeks ago Mr. -and Mrs. Cameron took
up residence in Clinton, and it was
there he died. He was a Liberal in
politics, and „a Presbyterian and later
United Church in religion, being a
member 'of Brucefield United Church.
The funeral was held from his Stan-
ley township "home on Sunday, Rev.
G. P. M. Atkinson officiating. -Burial
was in Baird's cemetery, Brucefield.. -
Carmel Y. P. Meets
The regular meeting of the' Young
People's Society of Carmel Church
was held on Monday with the new
efficers in charge, the chair bring tak-
en by the new president, Miss RtM1h
Mcllvenna. The opening prayer was
given by Miss Sally Manson, and the
Scripture reading, Rev. 3, by Robert
Cameron. A musical selection, "The
Charge of the Hussars," was ably
given by Miss Margaret Dougall,. and
a Bible quiz was conducted by Rev.
William Weir; the minister, in con-
junction with the worship meeting.
Interest also, was added by the keen
r'valry between the newly picked
sides. The meeting closed with a
hymn and benediction pronounced b -y
the minister
MacArthur -.Thomson
The marriage was quietly solemniz-
ed at the home of the bride's father
of Margaret, daughter of Dr. Walter
A. Thomson and' the late Mrs. Thom-
son, North London, and Kenneth Mac-
Arthur, son of Mrs.°OMacArthur and
the late John • MacArthur, of London.
Rev. R. J. Watson, of New St. James'
Presbyterian Church, officiated 'at the
family ceremony. The bride was gown-
ed to a beige crepe ensemble with
matching full-length coat of beige
wool. Accessories were in deep bur-
gundy tone, and she wore a corsage
of harmonizing flowers. There were
no attendants, Dr, Thomson giving his
daughter in marriage. At the infor-
mal receptioti'Which followed, MPs. C.
W. Riley, of -Guelph, sister of ,the
bride, assisted in receiving, wearing
a modish black gown and hat. Later
Mr. and Mrs. MacArtliuur left on a
short honeymoon, the bride travelling
n• tailored wool frock of black and
white, with fur topcoat. They will
take up their residence near Ailsa
Craig. The groom is a native of Hen-
sall and nephew of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Arnold of this village.
Legion Bingo Fills Hall
The bingo and dance, sponsored by
the Canadian Legion, held in the
Town Hall on Friday evening last,
was one of the most successful and
argely attended events staged by the
Legion. The hall was taxed to ca-
)acity and over $200 was taken in.
Fifteen prizes were given away and
0 specials (turneys) were won dui --
ng the evening. Miss Jean McQueen
was the winner of the lucky door
rize, and Mrs. Mabel Presacator, (if
Exeter, The lucky lunch ticket. W. C,
tone was master of ceremonies. Dur-
ing the evening ticket sellers did a
rushing business selling tickets on a
hooked ruga donated by Mrs. l('r•ed
Bonthron and a pair of down pillows,
the same to be drawn for December
lath at the bingo in Exeter. Murdock
orchestra furnished music for the
W. M. S. Hold Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the W.M.S.
of the United Church was held in the
school room ,auditorium on Thursday
afternoon with a good attendance.
Mrs. W. B. Cross, president, presid-
ed. Mrs. Eric Kennedy read the scrip-
ture reading, Matthew, 2nd chapter,
and Mrs. J. Walker 'contributed a
pleasing solo, "Haven of Rest," with
Miss Irene Douglas accompanying at
the piano. Speakers included Miss
Jean Murray and Rev. R. A. Brook,
the minister. Reports• submitted dis-'•
closed mueh progress ' accomplished.
The nominating committee, Mrs. C.
Cook, Mrs. W. Carlisle and Mrs. R. J.
Paterson, presented the 1942 slate of
officers who will act. The 'society
had a suceeaefui year; the books are
not closed but they hope to reach
their allocation. The officers area-
-Honorary president, Mrs. C. A. .Mc-
Donnell; President, Mrs, W. B, Cress;
lst vice -prep:, Mrs. C. Balantyne; 2nd.
vice pnes:, Myst, R.' A. Brook; 2r'd Vibe -
one which she had recited to him on
one of his visits to her, During- the
service Mr. R. A. Brook and W. O.
Goodwin sang "The Old Rugged
Cross." Burial took place in Hensall
Union cemetery, the bearers being
George Glenn, G. T. Wren, Campbell
Eyre, John Shepherd, Stanley 'Mit-
chell and James • A. Paterson. The
floral tributes were beautiful and
Death of Miss Martha Hunter
The death of Miss Martha Hunter,
well known resident, 'occurred at Mrs.
Saundercock's nursing home here sir
Thursday morning last, following a
lingering illness which she bore with
much patience and fortitude. The de-
ceased had been a resident of this
village for. -the past 60 years, spend-
ing some of her time in Exeter. She
was always actively engaged in all
church work and was. a member of
the W.M.S. and W.C.T.U. of the Unit.
ed Church in Hensall and in former
years was a faithful Sunday school
teacher. She was very bright and ac-
tive until about a year ago, was a
splendid, conversationist and bright
and chery. Surviving are one sis-
ter, Mrs. Agn4es, Lafnmie, Bengali, anti
one brother, Robert Hunter, of Cali-
fornia. Miss Hunter was in her 81st
year.' A large private funeral was
held Saturday from the 'home of Mrs.
Urea., Mrs.. M. Drysdale; 'treasurer,
Mrs. C. Cook; recording secretary,
Mrs. G. Spencer; assist. secretary,
Mrs. T. S'herritt; corresponding
Mrs. A. Hemphill; Associate Helpers'
secretary, Mrs..N. Cook and Mrs. v..
Fee; Christian. Stewardship and Fin-.
axles, Mrs; W. Carlile and Mrs. Har -
pole; temperance secretary, Miss J.
Murray; strangers' secretary, Mrs.
Mickle and Mrs. Merner; supply com-
mittee, Mrs. J. Elder, Mrs.. C. Cook
and Mrs. Merrier; pianist, Miss Irene
Douglas; assistant pianist, -'Mrs.. T.
Sherritt; press- secretary, Miss H.
Sutherland; Missionary Monthly, Mrs.
M. Drysdale; Mission Circle Supt.,
'Miss Irene Douglas; Mission Band,
Miss Kay Drysdale; Baby Band, Mrs.
McBlarnon, Mrs, Hess, Mrs. Norming-
,ton. Nominating committe for 1942,
Mrs, C. Cook, Mrs. Carlisle and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Reid, of London,
spent Sunday in town, having come
up to attend the funeral of the late
D. 'A. Cameron, of Brucefield.
Death of Mrs. Thomas Hudson
Mrs. Thomas Hudson, the former
Annie Gill. daughter of the late Mr.
and Mi -s, Thomas Gill, ands` one of
liensall's most beloved citizens, pass-
ed away at her home Saturday, Dec.
6th, in her 72nd year. Death follow-
ed an illness which confined• her to
the home -for the past two yearsoa.nd
(luring wliheh illness• she never com-
plained, doing a great deal of church
work during that period. Mrs- Hud-
son received every care and attention
during. her illness and everything
done for her to make her comfortable
by a loving and kind husband and
members of her family. She was a
faithful member of Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church, life member of the W.M.
S. and leader of • the Home Helpers'
Association. She loved her church
and was always active in the different
organizatiort� health permitted.
She will be much niltsed in the hotne
and by a large circle of relatives,
neighbors and friends. Surviving are
her husband, one son Lloyd, of St.
Marys; .ohe daughter (Rena), Mrs.
Earl Mitchell, near Hensall; two bro-
thers, Samuel Gill, Cromarty, and
James, West Monkton, and one sis-
ter, Mrs, William Pullman, Seaforth.
The funeral, held from Carmel Church
Monday, was very largely attended,
many coming to pay their last re-
spects to•the deceased. Rev. William
Weir, her minister, conducted the ser-
vice. "Mrs, Hudson has served, her
generation," he said, and paying tri-
bute to her -life he quoted from the
Glad Tidings of the W.M.S.: "dAtirs.
Hudson, secretary of the Hdme Help-
ers, increased the membershiii and
givings in spite of a two years' ill-
ness." For the Scripture reading the
minister read the '90th Psalm and the
hY?nn sung during the meeting 'was
"Asleep 'in Jesus," 'During the serv-
ice a quartette composed of Mrs, liar.-•
cola Dougall, -Miss Irene Hoggarth,
Rev.' W. Weir and W. A,. MacLaren,
sang an appropriate number, "Abide
With Me." Burial took Tiace in Hen-
sall Union Cemetery„ the pallbearers
being Sydney Macar•thur, Peter Moir,
Thomas Lavendar; Fred Smallacombe,
Robert 'Cameron and James Bengough.
Beautiful floral tributes included num-
erous wreath's and sprays. Attending,
from a distance were: Mr. John Siv-
y:er, Mrs. Robert Law, Detroit; Mr.
and Mrs. R. Strong, Mr. and Mrs. -v.
Hudson 'and Mr, and Mrs. Scott Hata-
kirk, Seaforth,f Mrs, A. Stone, Nor-
wich; Mrs. Shannon and Miss Kath-
leen Shannon, Winthrop; Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Pullman, Tucl*rsmith; Mr.
and Mrs. Jame.; Gill ,and Jack, ,Mr.
and Mos,° Harry Luddington, West
Monkton; Mr. and Mrs. Grieves, Lon-
don; Mr. Arthur Mitchell and Mr. and
Mrs. A. Moir, Exeter. Much sympathy
is expressed to Mr. Hudson and farn-
4ly and to Miss Edna Gill, niece of
Mrs. Hudson, who made her home
with her aunt.
The many friends of Mr. Frank
Coleman, who has been seriously ill
with pneumonia, will be pleased to
learn is now' out, of danger and doing
as well as can be expected, •
Miss Cassie Dougall visited with
relatives in Aylmer on Sunday last.
Friends and neighbors of Mr. and'
Mrs. Melvin Moir, who are taking up
iesfdence in Hensall shortly, met at
their home oh Highway No. 4, south
of Hensall, and presented them with
a lovely floor lamp. A social hour was
spent and luncheon served.
Mr. Mark Drysdale has received
word of the death of hie brother -in -
DECEMBER 12, ' 1941
Monster New Year's Eve Dance
Wednesday,Pec. 31st
Sponsored by Seaforth Women's Institute -•
Come one and all and help a worthy cause !
. Music by Murdock's Orchestra
law. Malcolm MacNeil, who passed a- and Mrs. Tudor were four officers
way at his home in Erskine, Alberta. from Clinton Radio School.
He had been in poor health for the The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres -
past feav months.., Mr. MacNeil, a vet-
eran of the South African War, spent
the most of his life in Alberta. Sur-
viving are his widow, the former.,Miss
Emma Drysdale of Hensall; one son,
and three daughters. Mrs. MacNeil is
a sister of Mr. Mark Drysdale and
Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, of this village.
Burial took place in Erskine ceme-
tery on Saturday last.
Boxing Day will be observed i
Hensall on Friday, Dec. 2,6thh, and -wi
be a. public holiday with all stor
In Hens
$15.00 in
five lucky
ity Christ
all on Saturday, Dec, 20th.
cash will be given away to
ladies. This event is being
by the Hensall business-
men, and
will be held at the commun-
mas tree in front of the
Town Hall.
Mr:, Morris Tudor. of the Galt Navy
School, and Miss Margaret Tudor, of
Dundas,'spent the week -end with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan 'Tudor.
Also week -end house guests with Mr.:
byterian Church held their December
meeting at the home of their presi-
dent, Miss Sally Manson, who also
took the chair. Carol singing was di-
rected bye Miss Irene Hoggarth. Miss
Beryl Pfaff was in charge of the elec-
tion of officers resulting as follows:
President, Miss Sally Manson.; vice-
president, Miss Beryl Pfaff;. -secretary,
Miss Violet Hyde; , treasurer. Miss
Jean McQueen; pianist, Mrs. Malcolm
Dougall; assistant, Miss Irene Hog-
garth; Home Ielpers' secretary, Minn
Melv. Moir; Supply secretary, Mrs.
George idtoir; Welcome and Welfare,
Mrs. W. Weir. The tofiic for the eve-
ning was taken by the president, who
spoke on "A Merry Christmas." Re-
freshments were served.
Mr. J. W. Ortwein, prominent local
resident, will observe his•92nd birth-
day on Christmas Day. Mr. Ortwein
is as -active as ever, attends church
services twice every Sunday, attends
most all public functions, and is a
familiar figure on our streets.
Saturday, Dec 13
8 TO 9.30 P.M.
Come Early!
Quickly removed in Clean Sanitary trucks. Phone collect.
219 Mitchell= • or Ingersoll 21
William Stone Sons Limited -
) tis- ,F -D1) au' 1.1.' "tam xra ra w 515 y raw a w au r a Y1a
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Nothing you can give will please more than Jewelry - Gifts of Enduring
Loveliness for years to come. , Jewelry carries a sentiment that is deep
and sincere. Your selection from our gift stock- will make Christmas
outstanding this year
For Her For Him
Westfield Watch
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(in zipper case)
For the Boyson Active Service
For Quality J. A. WESTCOTT
a. t'
pr+r re :r T^-. ,• : rte , 1,.,','r-n� ,r..� ' ..rr ,�v .rn . " s-
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