HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-11-28, Page 8:.r MAKE, LEAF ake Flour ;With glibber Plate Scraper, 27c ARIOKEN SODA BISCUITS 225c 2 lbs . POWDERS 25c 5 for OUR. OWN BLEND COFFEE hair pouvrd CORN STARCH 3 lbs. 27c 25c 'VAIN CAMP TOMATO SOU P 25c 3 for L HOME RENDERED LARD 1 7c for ORANGE JUICE Large tin PLUM JAM 29c - Tin �T SWEET PICKLES 25c Jar NEWS THE TOWN Landed in England,—Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Archibald. of Tuekersmith, re- ceived a cable on Thursday aunouue- ing the safe arrival in England of their sou, Lieut. Frank J. Archibald, who sailed with the Fifth Contingent. Announcement,'- r, and Mr -s. Fer- gus 'Bullard, of Itintore, Ont., an- uouncae the engage -merit of their only tl:tugh'ter. Margaret Elizabeth (Betty), to Mr. Ralph Kennedy MCLe$d, son of Mr. rid Mrs. J. K. McLeod, Kin- tore, Ont., the marriage to take place early iu Dec'ei ber. -.... Women's Institute Will Meet—The. `c>afu:th Women's Institute meeting is being heli viii the home of Mrs. Mac Scott. on Wednesday, December and thr roll call will be a Christ- mas decoration. The topic will be a Christmas sior•y. Members are asked 19c nr bring in their quilt blocks. W: M. S Meets.—The W.M.S. of rst Pres byte tall Church held i!s November meeting Tuesday, the 25th. Mrs T. B. Govenlock, president, op- eneci' the meeting and conducted the business. A veryinteresting program in the forte of a questionnaire was In charge of Mrs. William Freeman. The responses were given by Mrs. James i 13c Kerr. Mrs. H. Stewart, Mrs. Lentil Davis and Mrs. C. Brodie. Others contributing to the program were Mrs. Helen McMillan, Mrs. J. G, Mullen and Mrs. "T B. Govenlock. The clos- ing prayer was given by Mrs. Free- man- 19c Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets. —The November meeting of the Bar- bara Kirkman Auxiliary was held on Tuesday evening. The president, Miss Ross, opened the meeting and con- ducted the business. The program was in, charge of the Mary Murray group with Mrs. Brugger presiding Mrs. Earl Bell read the Scripture les- son and Mrs. Manson gave the Glad Tidings prayer. A very pleasing duet was sung by Jean Wright and Helen Smith. The guest speaker for the evening was Miss Allan, -who gave a mast interesting story of the life "of James Evans, an Englishman, wno was One of the pioneer missionaries to the Indians in Western) Canada. At the next meeting 'of the Auxiliary a special collection will be taken in or- der that the objective of $500 forLthe year may be raised. NEW IMPROVED IVORY SOAP lfic Large 11 MEDIUM -2 for IVORY FLAKES OR 2'5c TOILET PAPER 25c IVORY SNOW 8 'rolls COMFIOR.T LYE 2 tins CASTILE FLOOR WAX 27c :tin MASTERS MINERAL MIX 25 lbs. 95c A: C. Routledge Phone 166 - INSURA-NCE, INVESTMENTS, REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Money to Loan on Firse Mortgages on Improved Farm Property. Number of desirable Dwelling Proper- ties for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor. Phone 214 Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF �*1NSURANCE - •4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 G. 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son O O FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 O O O Main Street, Seaforth O 0 Charles Holmes' residence, 0 O Goderich Street East. Phone 0 O No. 308. O O Ambulance Service O 0 Adjustable hospital bed for O O rent: Ot O Night calls—Phone 308 0 0 Day calls—Phone 119 0 O 'Charges moderate.,. O O 1!•47 0 040000000000 4 . O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE O O Funeral Service O 0 Dublin : Ont.. O 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 1:0 0 O O O 00000000000 *767-t1 The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build - fn&. Seaforth. Office hours: Tum. day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday 'evening 7.30 p.m. to 9 D.M. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk Insurance Ltfe, Fire, Auto, Sickness and Acci- dent,. Windstorm and guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class oom,panies. Information cheerfully given. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE. CO'Y., HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Win, Knox, Londsboro - Pres. W. R. Archibald, Seaforth - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec: Treas. DIRECTORS: William Knox, Londesboro; Chris. Leonhart, Brodhagen ; ' E, J. Tre- wartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,• R.. U. 2, Seaforth; Alexander, McEwing, IR.R. 1, Myth; Frank M'egor, 6, Clinton; Hugh Alex*ddr, R t,. 2, -Walton; Thomas Moylali'kk,R.. 5", Sear forth; W%11iam R. Are bald, ILR.' 4, Seaforth. 1. A4EN%1'§' 1. Finlay liilktOther, if„R, 1 Di ►lin; E+9. Vetiver, Sxu reld, rJ+6';li`i Xetet, n Cages` : Yeo, abdertatis " P.v',"• Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —St. Thomas° Church: Rector, Rev, Dr. Hurford. --311 a.m.. "Liberty, Love, Victory"; 7 p.m., "Maran-atha"; Su,r- day School at 10 a.m. St. Mary's Church, Dublin —,_2.25 pm., Sunday School; 3 p.m., "Maoan- atha." Northside United Church: Rev. H. V. Work -man, Minister -10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a,tn., "Crumbs and Finagments"; 7 p.m.. Sermons in Hymns, the -introducing and singing of some favourite hyu.rns; Thursday, 7.45 p.m., Prayer Service. Commute ion se'rv'ice December 7th. Firist Presbyterian Church—Sunday School at 10 a_m.; morning subject. "A Skeptical Question'; evening sub- ject. "A .Life of Hope"; mid -week meeting, Thursday, 3 p.m ; Young :People's meeting Tuesday, 3 p.m. -- Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Death of J. Boyd Morrison. — The death took plaice on Sunday in Toron- to of a formes7 resident of Walton dis- trict in. the Person of Mr. James Boyd 5Morris'on, brother, of the late Mrs. R. H. Ferguson. Mr: Morrison, who 'had been living with his daughter, Mrs. K. V. Robertson in Toronto, suffer'd a stroke three weeks. ago. He was horn in Walton .71 years ago ant taught school for three years in Waw- anosh and Morris Townships and then went to Hamiota, Man. He lived in Brandon until three years ago when he and his now bereaved widow, who was the former Miss'Artfiie Little, of Napinka. Man., went -to Toronto to live with their only daughter, Mrs. K. V. Robertson. He was a member of the United' Church and was a School Inspector ' in the Province of Mani- toba. The funeral ,took place Wed- nesday from the • residence of his daughter in Toronto with. interment. in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toron- to. -Death of James M. Robertson.—Mr. .Iamea M. •Robertson, well known resi- dent and former teacher, passed away on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. Samuel Carter, North Main St., where he had been living. He had not been in good 'health for some time, hut was able to be about the house and had been on Main Street several' days ago. On Tuesday after- noon he suffered a stroke and was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, where he passed away the following day. Mr. Robertson was born in Grey township, the son of the late John and Catherine Buchanan Robertson, He attended ,Seaforth and Listowel ischooibs and also Ottawa Normal -School. For many years he taught school and since his retirement in 1927 made a careful study'bf world events. Prior to her death in 1983, Mr. Robertson lived with his sister, Miss Margaret Robertson, in their home on Spading Street He was a valued member of Northside United Church and for a number of- years served on the Seaforth ,public school board. The funeral will take place from t , �sidence of Mr. Samuel Carte irday afternoon with in- terth in Brussels cetbetery, The =paRlbedrere will be W. S. Golding, M.P., Robert Scarlett, M." McKellar, Mr $tichanan, Mr. Elliott and Samuel Chi;ter. ._ V. Workman wan in Lon- e n Itieeday representing line ii'hj+Mi'y of the United Ciiu.rch tontl'om Conference Missionary i'ii,tetal GtonintMee. "Gileni,,Pinkney spent the :Week Tri6lidn flit, town. t Officer /an MacTa^v'isth, of iltdehs, epreflt the week -end ts,• ,lt ,ruff Mtg.:`oltn d lir TRE RON' EXPOSITOR, ' ► rr NOVEMBER 28, 1941 • Mies Irene Workman friend, Miss Jane Dulmage, of Vic- toria College, Toronto, were week -end guests with Rev. H. V, Workman and Mrs, Workman, God,erdch $'rest. • Mr. R. S. McDonald, R.C.A.F., Toronto( spent the week -end with his wile here. • M1 J. Neville McMillan, son of .Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMillan, has joined the R C.A.F. as a pilot and will report for duty on December 29th. • Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Dalrymple and Dorothy attended the funeral of Mr. Dalrmple's niece, Miss Mildred Purdy, of Hensall, on Sunday. a Miss Annie Feng'son was in To- ronto tthis week attending the funeral of her uncle, the late J. Boyd Morri- son. • Mr. anti Mrs. Alexander Hay, of London are spending' a few days with their daughter, Mrs. E. A. McMaster and Dr. McMaster, before leaving for Florida, where they will spend the winter. • Mr. J. P. Bell is spending the week -end at the home of his sou in Grimsby. • Mr. and Mrs. Hilson Whiteford, of ,Ingersoll, spent the week -end 'vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brad- shaw. Mrs. Whiteford and Mrs, Bradshaw are sisters. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGonigle and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Edward' Lennon, of Kitchener, were week -end guests at the berms of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mcttouigle. • Mrs. C. R. Somerville and Miss Jeanette Nilson, of London, were Wednesday guests at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. D. H. Wilson.. • Flying Officer J. A. Munn, of Ot- tawa, spent the week -end at his, home here, • Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith and family spent the week -end in Kit- chener. • Mr. J. C. Crich was -in Toronto this week. • Mr. Roy McGonigle spent the NEW AND OLD TIME DANCE ST. COLUMBAN Friday, December 5th RAU ORCHESTRA Admission 40c - Lunch served Auspices of C. W. L. A LIMITED QUANTITY QF THE BOOK OF POEMS " a "Be:sof Good Cheer" by the late H. Isabel Graharlt are available. This popular book, makes an ex- cellent ,Christmas gift. Each 5J Cents For sale at— CLOSE'S BARBER SHOP SAVAUGE'S Jewelry Store Proceeds of the Sale for the Seaforth Red Cross Blankets for Britain The No -Surrender Club of McKil- lop will hold a Jumble Sale in the Seaforth Armouries ori SATURDAY, NOV. 29th We need your help. Donations of articles -can be left at J. F. Daly's Garage. Let us alit pull together in this I cause. SE AFORTH MONUMENT WORKS (FORMERLY W. E. CHAPMAN) Operated by Cunningham & Pryde• Yon are invited to inspect ear •t•ek of CEMETERY MEMORIALS Seaforth; Tuesdays & Saturdays Bee Dr, Harburn for appointment artiy other time — Phone 160 Box 150 EXETER Phone 41 NOW IS THE TIME To Purchase a New RADIO PHILCO MARCONI RCA VICTOR Electric and Battery Models A FULL LINE OF RADIO TUBES AND BATTERIES ALWAYS IN STOCK LISTEN TO DALY'S ON THE AIR Every Wednesday • 9 to 9.15 over CKNX.— 990 Keys. Presenting "SONGS WITH WILF CARTES" 'QLD' TIME DANCE Box Social --Euchre St. Brigid's, Kennicott FRIDAY, NOV. 28th Admission — Gents 25 cents Ladies bring box week -end in Woodstock. t • 'Mr. and, Mrs. Herman Lindsay, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thomp- son. • Mr. and Mr's, Gerald Stewart, of Toronto, were 'week -end guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. • Mr, Donald Scott, R.C.AeFee St: Thoipas, spent the week -end ar the home of his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Mi. and Mrs. E. A. Christenson, son and daughter, of Detroit, • were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mns. D. 11. Wilson. • Mr. Chester McNay, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, is spending a few days' leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. John McNay, in McKillop, after having been confined to the Military Hospital there far the past five weeks with pneumonia. • The many friends of 11/Ir William Brine will regret to learn' that he has been confined to his home fora week suffering from a heart condition. • Many friends will be sorry to hear that Mee. W.. J. Wood9, of Wal- ton, has been ill but is now convales- cing at the home of Miss A. Lawr- ence. • Mrs. J. H. Reid left on Tuesday for London, where she intends spend- ing the win.ter•. • Mr. and Mrs. Ted Scott, who spent the summer in Newfoundland, where Mr Scott was employed with a congtruction company, are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R B. Soott in Harpurhey. • Mr, R. F. Jones, who has been seriously ill, was taken to Scott Mem- orial Hospital on Tuesday. • The Misses Laidlaw have return- ed to their home after spending some time in Toronto. • Miss Ross, of Port Huron, was a week -end guest at the home o.f Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Reid. • Miss Janet Baker, of Fergus, was a week -end- guest at the 'home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baker. • Mos. F Karl Ament, of Toronto. is a guestat the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ament. • Mr. C. W. Iron.side was in Toron- to this week. it.'Mr. and Mrs. C. Reith. Miss Alice Reid, Mr. and' ,Mrs. J. W. Thompson, Mrs. Ken, Campbell, Mrs A. Nicholson and Rev. Hued Jack were in Hensall on Wednesday evening,attending the teachers' course held in Carmel 'C'hurch • BRUCEFIELD Rev. W. A. Bremner' is' to be the, speaker in Bru'cefield' United Church on Sunday' morning next, represent - Mg the Ontario Temperance Federa- tion.. • Messrs. Will Murdock and Carlyle Cornish, of Hamilton spent the week end at then' homes here. Mr. ,and Mns. Frank Strange, of Chatham, and Mr. and Mrs..E. Schil- be and son, of Z rich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mri. George "Swan. 'Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler spent. Sunday- in Seaiforth. BAYFIELD Mr- and Mrs. John Atkinson, son and daughter, of Detroit, spent the week -end' in their cottage. Messrs. Wjell5am and Frank Camer- on, of Detroit, spent the American Thanksgiving with their' sister, Eliza- beth, here. . Mrs. 'Mullen and Miss Ann Di•ouin, of Detroit. spent the week -end ;n their cottage on Hills Terrace. Dr, and Mrs. Volume spent Monday at Southampton on business. Mise Jos'epthine Stirling is visiting her sister at Port Elgin this week. 'Mns. Rhymes visited friends a at Burlington and Toronto fast week. Mrs. E. Anderson and two daugh- ters, of Lambeth, are visiting Rev. and Mars. Harold l3urr'ie. Mrs. 'Lloyd 'Deakins spent part of last week at Guelph, where her daugh- ter, Marion', underwent an eye opera- tion. HULLETT Another former Hullett Township young man has joined 'the` ranks of the lltened'.ict9, in the person of Mr. antis Arthur Dale, of London, sec- ond son of Mr. Arthur Dale and the late Mrs- Dale of Clinton. Gives Reception For Her Daughter, Mrs. SarahSifton, of 223 Edward St., London, entemtained on .Saturday eve- ning at a reception for her daughter,' Mrs. Francis Arthur Dale, the former Florence Mildred Sifton. Mrs. Dale wore a smart rock or New Zealand blue. Mrs. Sig ton chose a 'own of Park Avenue brown, and Miss Eliza- beth Briekenden, aunt of Mrs, Dale, was gowned in flowered crepe to as - filet in receiving. The guests to the nuntber of forty came from London, Grand Ra.pide,'Mich., Toronto, Wood- stock, St. Thomas,Hilekson, Clinton and Currie. Mrs, Louise Weatherly, of Grand Rlapids;-Mieh., aunt of Mrs. Dale, and Mrs. Danby Bell, of Lon- don, poured tea, assisted by Mrs. Leonard ,Sifton, St. Thomas; Mrs Jack Sifton, of Toronto; Mrs. Allan Douglas, Miss Edith Barter and Mac Jennie Moore. Wing Commander Bit- ten, of Manning !Depot, Toronto, act- ed as toastmaster, catling on a toast to the Ring by panty Belt.. A, toast to Mrs. Dal was given lty her bro- ther, G. 11, SiftoYt* Of St. Thornes'; a too* to Mr. Dale ries g)ven by his farther, W 1atr �, ; thug Dale, of Clin- ton« There Were also itass'ts to Mie, Slatel in liasn li' .of h+er Witi *odding•., 'lt'imet'eary Witt $e bh4 Telik4 States libido' eAteteelealt giItite. 'I'he telae, Atte ft w tl � e yl (+�9tiaai rt lte Toro .toOid8oys Plan Meeting The a'nuiva,l meeting of the Huron' Oki Boy's' Association. of Toronto will be held in the au litoriium of the Y.M. C.A , corner of College and. Dover- court Road, on'Thursday evening, De- cember 4th, at 7.30 p.m. Reports of the (president, secretary, •treasurrer and, auditors will be the or- der of business, followed by the elec- tion of officers for the ensuing year. Refreshments will be served, fol- lowed by euchre and bridge. All Hur- onites in Toronto and throughout the province are especially urged to be present and take part in the program. • Mark 26th Anniversary Ge Monday evening, Nov. 17th, a number of friends and neighbors gath- ered together at the home of Mr. and Mns. Jake Broome, of Seaforth, to spend the evening with them on the occasion of their twenty-sixth weci- ding anniversary. 'The evening was spent in dancing. Lunch was served at midnight, after 'which a tri -light lamp was presented on behalf kid those present. Mrs. Theresa Maloney made the pre-sentation and John Campbell read the ad'd'ress, after which Mr. and Mrs. Broome made a fitting reply, The address was as follows: "To Mr. and Mire. Jake Broome: •We, a few of your loyal neighbors and friends, assemble here tonight to con- gratulate -you and your better half and show how we appreciate the way you have come through the ups and dawns of life. Hard as it may have been at tiimes, and pernhaps ' eas•y at others,, you have both shown you can take the hard with the easy and come through with a smiling' face to meet everybody after twenty-six years of married 'life together. We, with the rest of your friends and neighbors of whom yon;, both have many, wish you ,and' Your wife health, wealth and ,prosperity. We also hope your friends and neighbors will be able to assem- rble an your golden wedding. We ask you to accept this small, gift, a tri - light lamp, as a token of the high es- teem in which you are held,"—Signed on behalf of your friends and neigh- bors. MANLEY Mrs. William Manley visited ,with her parents, Mr. amd Mrs. Con Eckert last week for a few days. Many took advantage of the Indian summer weather to get in their tur- nips and the (balance of their potato crop and a few more got their buck- wheat threshed and' fall plowing done, Messrs. Charlie Regale and Henry. Koehler called. on Mr Con, Eckert, Sr., last Saturday, who is still on the sick list. Mr. Koehler •spent two months, in Regina with his two daugh- ters and 'reports good crops there, but they 'had a hard time to save it with so much wet weather. They us- ed 'reapers' to cut the" grain which leaves it in windrow's to dry, then they use the combine which picks it up and threshes it. ,Mr. Con Eckert. Sr., is improving slowly and his many friends wish hifa a speedy recovery. VARNA Your country needs your scrap metal, papers, rags, bones,. etc., 'to help win, the war. Gather these to- gether now and bring them to Varna to ,tthe building west of Mts. Mossop's store. Don't forget to send in your dollar for membership fee to th•e Red Cross. You are sate and comfortable in your own homes. Help keep the,. boys coinfortable, ,who are defending our' rights and those who are suffering the terrible ravages of war. Mrs. George Connell is in Scott Memorial Hospital at present. . Her many friends hope for a speedy re- cbvery. The beef ring is holding its annual dance in Varna Hall on Friday even Ing of this weeds. DUBLIN Word was received here of the death of Jahn R. Williams at Detroit last week. He was ae native of Drib - lin and spent the greater part of his life in Chicago where he was associ- ated with Western Union -Co. and in Detroit. IIis wife, who. was formerly of Windsor, died only the previous week. John McConnell has gone to London to spend the winter month's. At the seventh series of Marathon 500 games, held at the homes of fMiss Mary Beale, Mrs. Fergus Stapleton, Mrs. Frank Evans and Mrs. Dan Wil- lie/tits. war savings 'stamps were won by Mrs. T. Brown (substituting for Miss Mary Beale), Mr -s. Thos. But- ters, Fr""ank Evans and David McCon- nell. Personals: Mrs. Mary Cronin and Lorne Cronin, Detroit, spent the week end here; M'r. and ^Mrs. Walker and twins and Roy Brown, Listowel, also John Brown, Palmerston, with Mr, a.nd Mrs. Thomas Brown; Mise-Lor- een Looby, nmrse-in-training at St. Joseph's Hospital. London, with her mother, ;VIPs. A. M. Looby; Mr. and Mrs. Blood and Miss Anne McAleer, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ryan; Mr. and Mns. Kele Holland, Leo Hol- land and Mrs. Thomas Holland, Winn, sor, with Mr and Mrs J V Flynn a.nd other relatives; Seim E. M ly- neaux, Assumption College, Windsor, with his parents, M.r. and, Mrs. Thos. J. Molyneaitx; Mr. anal Mrs.. Matt Me- Cartdlry, D'etroi't, with Mr. and Mrs. Micwhe;eI M'CC'arthly ; Mise Hei'en O'Reilly,' student nurse, St. Joseph's hospital, Lotr'd'on:, With her aunt, Mrt. 2Juteyr V0)&11s4 'Was Gera/Mine 'wirers, Geb+.hgetrowil, w'itdi Miss 1Vlarle Evans; Pat •MMllObnmell Vin, Detroit aoaeph. Ctitt 61 1 itlt Obettlfatft; Mrs. MoTy IV/oOttith nand vire 1i11arf i ' 13y5 ire 4re0404,to t.ohttl its IWt , �'a"„ vu+.u.:4 .. J 'i•YY.YJtv9r• q,gy= 1�i,9, >' V.YDI'�: Regent Theatre Seaforth • NOW ' PLAYING PARAM00111 PRMI"n IA MA Or rglE OUT SEAS SEAS,.. /a rEelYIEVOLORV MON., TUES., WED. =61 AMEC Eana MARY MARTINI - s ,BOYSo00ys 0DBYE1") NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Bob Hope Dorothy Lamour in `Caught in the Draft" One of the year's best pictures ! Coming— "UNCERTAIN FEELING" Seaforth On The Air on CKNX 920kcys EVERY TUESDAY — 9 - 9.15 p.m. I{eating's Pharmacy Deg s presents "MEMORIES OF HAWAII" EVERY WEDNESDAY - 9 - 9.15 p.m. Italy's Ford Garage presents SONGS WITH WILF CARTER EVERY THURSDAY -- 9 - 9.15 p.m. The Green Front More presents OLD TYME VARIETIES EVERY FRIDAY —, 9 - 9.30 p.m. Stewart Pros. present "HOUSE OF DREAMS" --For Young and Old YOU ARE INVITED 'TO LISTEN AND YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME REMEMBER SEAFORTH TIME IS 9 P.M. on CKNX 920 keys IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT A special appeal is being made to all Sub- scribers of The Hurol'i Expositor, whose sub- scriptions have expired and are in arrears. It is most important that all subscriptions be paid up to date and. in advance. Look at the date on your newspaper label, and if in arrears this office asks your favour and payment, please. An employee of The Huron Expositor will call on you personally,, and we ask your co- operation with payment when he calls. With your help The Huron Expositor will continue to give its Subscribers the best in reader interest of Seaforth and the surrounding community. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, McLean Bros., Publishers. IMALS D SABLED Quicltly removed in Clean Sanitary Meke. Phone collect. 219 Mth hen • or Ingersoll 21 Stone Soni Limited 1 k 41 N •