HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-11-21, Page 4Classified Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates
v'or $ale, Wasecd, Lest and Faund, Coming Events, Etc.—,Pee word:
1st week I Gent
2nd week % Cent
3rd week % Cent
Minimum charge. fiat insertion . , •, . , 26 Cents
leach figure, initial maid abbreviation counts as ere weird.
Card of Thanks, In Memoriam Notiers 1 vent 'per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week.
Remixes may be directed to a Box Number. care of The Huron Expositor, for 10 costa
Ten cents addittvnal per week will be charged if ads in above elan ars not paid by the
Saturday night in the week in which the ad was nun.
Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge,
Auction Sales, Notices to Creditere. Etc.—.Rates on application.
t t 3.
Farms For Sale -
with some bush; 4 mile: southeast of
Seaforth. Apply 165 NELSON 5'r., Strat-
ford. 3856x4
oral farm work. l,t eur round employ-
ment for good ma.n Apply to J. WESLEY
BEATTIE. Paton 158, 385$x1
Card of Thanks
press her sialeere appreciation of the
kindness and synmatthy extended to her by
the many friends and neighbors in her recent
bereavement; glee Rev, Hugh Jack, the rive-
ters. montes, Scott Memorial Hospital, and for
the Ilene tributes and those who loaned oars.
no desire to express .their sincere apprec-
iation of the many acts of sympathy and
kindness extended to thecal daring their recent
sad bereavement; also to thank those who
sent flowers end loaned emu.
For Sale...
tents rooming house; good furniture. No
meals. Twelve hundred SYDNEY SMYTHE,
260 Dundee, 3856x1
Red Cross Report
This. is the last Red Cross ship-
ment; Seamen's Comforts — h aero
raps, 5 pairs long stockings; 4 turtle-
neck sweater*. 5 pairs whole mitts, 5
pairs plain socks. Army, and Air
Force—•5 scarves, 5 helmets, 5 pairs
gloves, 5 turtle -neck sweaters, 5 pairs
:utki. Come on,eyou knitters. We
need your help!
Miss Anna Cornish, of London,
spent Sunday at her home here.
Mrs, William Swan and family, of
Hamilton, spent the week-eud at the
bonne of Mr. James Swart. Mrs. A.
Hast returned to Hamilton with them.
Mr. C. Cornish spent the week -end
at Alliston.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kleber, of
Goderieh, spent -the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoegy,
Mrs. Fred Hoegy 'is spending • a
week with Mrs. Gordon, Kleber at
Mr.' -and Mrs. Charles Regele spent
Sunday with friends at Sebringville.
1930 FORD COACH IN PERFECT ME- Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
ehanical condition. New battery ; and Mrs. William Hoegy were: Mr.
'new tires and tubes; motor recently ever- Gordon Muegge, of Galt; Mr. and
hauled- Good paint and economical on gas Mrs. Ferdinand Hooey, of Hespler ;
and on. This Qs a i:ttod ear and a ?real ey, p
any. 5175A0 cash. Apply F1UltON EX I- • .. -
Toe OFFICE, Seaforth. • 38•18x1 (milia Hoegy, of Kitchener, ace Mr. in Southampton, and Mrs. Voluifie ar-
FOR SALE — UPRIGHT PIANO. OAK :tttd Mrs. George Hoegy, of tired. rived here on Monday' and have rent -
os Miss Freida eida Hoegy, of Toronto; Miss
death of John Williams is Detrott. Tuesday ,night aad presented her with
He was a native of Dublin and spent a brush and comb and mirror, alvd
the greater part of his. life in Chicago spent a very pleasant thee prior to
and Detroit. His wife, who was form- her leaving for work in London.
erly of Windsor, died only last week.
The Batyfieid branch of the Red
Cross made a shipment to headquar-
ters last week, consisting of 1 pair
children's mitts, 1 pair men's mitts, 1
pair socks, 1 shelter mat, 14 toys and
5 rag dolls by the school children; 4
suits pyjamas (4 years), 9 quilts, 1
shelter rug, 4 pairs overalls (10
y'ear's), 1 blanket, 2 dresses (4 years),
1 dress, 1 slip, 1 pair bloomers, 9
turtle -neck sweaters, 9 seamen's
scarves, 9 helmets and caps, 9 pairs
mitts, 15 pairs seamen's socks, 9
pains long seamen's stockings, 6
scarves, 6 helmets, 6 pairs mitts, 6
turtle -neck khaki sweaters, 73 pair:)
socks. This was the October output
for this, branch.
Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar. ui •I'u-
ronto, spent the week -end with hi,
parents, Mir. and Mrs. David Dewar.
Lewis and John McLeod. who are
working at Port Dover, spent the
week -end with their parents here, M:tc
McLeod returning to Port Dover with
them to also start working.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren and
daughter, of Port Elgin, spent the
week -end with Misses Maud and Jos-
ephine Stirling.
Mr. Ivan Steeple has purchased the
property on Ch.iniquy Street, former-
ly owned' by the late:Mr•s. Toughy.
, Mrs, McMillan and son, Jim, of
London, were in their cottage • -on
Monday. closing it for the winter,.
Mr, and Mrs. Smith, of Ingersoll,
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgins.
.Miss Jean Dunn, of London, spent
the week -end in the village.
Mr. and Mrs, Bennett and Mr. and
Mrs. Barrett, of Detroit; visited their
parents. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Weston,
over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and
daughter, of Waterloo; visited their
aunt, Mae. Edwards, on Thursday of
last week.
Dr. Volume, who sold his practise
davenport walnut cheat of drawers with Misses Marie Koehler and Audrey ed Aire N. W. 1:Voeds' cotta
m.rtvr ma a 'laymen sewtxgmaehtne,
coli heater. radio. Apply to 1%x92, EX -
Hauer -mann. Messrs. Elmer and Hare river hada for the winter and intend
POSITOR OFFICE. vey Koehler, and Wilbur Hoegy, all to either rairchase a home or build
of Galt, spent the week -end af•• th?ir next summer and become permanent
FUR SALE—SUGAR KETTLE, ROYAL 1 espt dtive home;;
Oak heater. board and pipes: barrel, block residents F of the village.,
and 'merle, iron trate with hinges. heti springs. rile friends of .Miss, Miss
Ellen Benne- F-ls]e Thompson purchased the
shoe fast and shank. Seekatehewan robe. num- Mies will be glad to k ow• she ,!s scene: dw•ellih•g and grounds from Robert
ber fws61b.aroYot"proved afterher recent ma- Penhale, which was formerly knowne oDemijohn.windows.
1 sh i sa s
1101 ousoperation,
although still in a se • i as the Spencer property in the vl-
lay nvvser�a121/ quantity
ror•digon.lb. scales. 1, c n r
ti'ar'na-, 3868-tf Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Coghlin and M;•.1 Mrs. Rrow•n Martin, of Detroit, was
and Mrs. Gordon Coghlin, of Listowel, in the village on Moflday looking af-
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas; 1 ter her cottage,
Eggert. The local fishermen are making
gond-0,liauls of perch' lately and are
hoping for good weather for some
time yet.
The teachers and scholars of the
St. George's .Church held their an public school held an educational.eve-
nual bazaar and supper on Saturd:ty .'sing in the' school on Thursday of
afternoon last when it was declared ''•rst week, when a' -goodly number of
an outstanding success.. The pre-: the.parents and ratepayers were•pres-
dent, Mrs. Hu.nrlthries,°pined tli° est. A fine showing of the work ,,f
1•1zaar... end • the Horny attractive lee 5rholars in art and other work
'looths were kept busy- in showit_1 was open for inspection. A program
ee 'contents during the afternoon.' of community 'singing, also speeches
Included in the long list of articl>s ; by Rev. Currie . and Rev. Andrews
were aprons. quilts and other items; were enjoyed, also a lunch was sere -
of fancy work. A home cooking court- ed. A hearty vote of thanks was ten-!
ter was also very popular. From 4 dered the teachers, Mrs. Andrews and
o'clock to seven. a hot supper was. Mrs "Parker• for their great interest
served to a goodly number, The ;taken in their school work.
Guild and W.A. are to be congratulate A large assembly , .of missionary
ed on the splendid work done by these ladies of Varna Goshen Blake- and
Auction Sales
and Hot:tee/told Effect on Lot 44, Con. 2,
L.R.•S.. Tuckersmith. 214 aniles"south of Clin-
ton and 1x; miles east, on Wedne..'.ay, No-
vember 26th, at 1 p.m. JOHN E. BALL, Pro-
prietor; Harold Steinvn, Auctioneer.
Grain and Fl ussehold Effects. Mr. Har-
ohl Jackson }las been tnetruoted , to sell by
oubtic auction on Lot 27, Concession 11, Mc --
Killer.. an Tuesday.. November 25th, at 12.30
pen., the followings. : Horses—Matched teem
of geld, 5 and 6 years odd : mare supposed
to be 3n foal. 7 years old: mare supposed to
be in •fact/. 4 years old: 2 geldings 3 years
cede Oa'ttde—ZS cows stippesed to be in calf;
heifer, 2 years old; heifer. 1 year old: sheer,
1 year cid; 7 Slrrtng calves. Pith -2 sows:
2 pigs, 178 Ms.; 18 pigs. just weaned. Her-
nee—Set breeching harness: set ^ plow bas-
eless: 6 cloihtus. Imp1ement-•-Mamey-Harts
binder 74t. cut; Deering mower 6 -ft, cat;
Massey -Harris side rake; Massey -Barris hay
leader: manaue spreader; land railer; Massey -
Harris Hake seed drill; stiff tooth cultivator;
Massey -Harris disc: 4-seetfon harrows; farm
wagon; gravel box: hay rack : Cockshutt rid-
ing plow: walking plow : cutting box 1 tur-
nip suer.; fanning mill: 2 ,buggies:
.separator: pig crate; 2 sets slelehs ; \•et
slirors; 150 feet hay rope: cutter: set scales.
240 lie.; forks and. shovels :. whiffietrees ; neck
yoke: 40' tons of hay: 100 basheis of mixed
grain: '250 btmhelp of 4taeka cat : 210 bush-
els of Erban oats ; 200 bushels• of barley : 500
bug}iels of marigolds 20 bushels of turnips- Sen Billy- spent Sunday at Clinton
ladies. The proceeds amounted to Bayfield' met in the basement of the
nearly $140.00. 1 i'nired Church on Thursday after -
S. Ser. W. C. Bennett, of Petawawa, ; noon of last week. Rev,a'Miss Hern,
spent the week ;end with his family of Varna. was the speaker and deliv-
ese. ! ered an instructive and devotional ad-
•hdress• which' was well received by all
present. •
ealr. and Mrs. George W. Elliott and
else a- guantier of household after ty some At the sixth eerlea of 'dl.iratlto.i' wird friends.
lumber anti tongues. .•terms --Gest. JOHN.; • • a ' . ` ` �.
CUTHrLa • Proprietor Harold Jackson. Am- ii e Hundred ..antes held at the ! Mr, and Mrs. Philip Rhynes and, two
tioneee 38iu-1 tomes of Mrs. William Lane, Mrs. sons. Philip and John. of Burlington,
Kathleen Feeney, Mrs. Louis Kraus- spent the week -end with his mother,
Notices kapf and Mrs. John Meagher on' Mrs. Margaret Rhynes,
Teureday night. war savings stamps : Mies Margaret Ferguson, of Toren -
tor highest scores were 'won by Mrs.' to• spent the week -end with her per -
PAYMENT FOR WEED, William Stapleton. Joseph Carpenter., ents, Mr. and Mrs Wm Ferguson •
Janes Krauskopf • (substituting for :tie Walter Westlake and John
Urs. Louis Krauskbef) - ar.d Daniel, Howard returned home Sunday from
Township of Tuckersmith Williams._. ' a hunting trip in' the north andreport
_ Zion -Women's Association Mild' deer very scarce where they were.
T l accountsL OFcus cutting To WIds their monthly. meeting at the home of,Mr. and Mrs. Gingerich,. of Bad
to be in the of the Road Soper mend- Mrs. Eimer K]einfeldt, the president,' Ale, Michigan. were here Saturday
'ent. R. Dat pie, during the month of Nn- Mrs. R. Aikens being in charge: Al attending the sale of furniture of the
vember. amounts for weed cutting in resolution was passed that„each meni-1 estate of her mother, the late Mrs.
1941 will be paid after December 15': 1941.
D. F. McGREGOR Clerk. ber contribute $2 ins:menthe ins -teed of ;g a' Cleave,
' 38.;6-8 baking sale. The ladies qui ted a Miss Drouln, of Detroit spent the
"-NOTICE R d . - sen
quilt and pieced another quilt for the, week -end in her cottage here
Red Oro... Datnt”, refreshment•, were lir. Stephenson• of Hamilton p t
TO T RATEPAYERS OF THE VIU.J.AGE ee vel by the hostess, as:'stetl by, the week -end with his wife• and fam-
A Public Meeting will be held in the Mrs, F. Smith and Miss Mildred ily in the village, '
Town Hall ti'^ire.
Friday, Nov. 21st, 1941
At wftielt time the FinancialReportfor the
Fear ending November' 15. 1941. will be prM-
ented and open for deco -mien. All interest-
ed are asked ib attend.
R. E. SHADD1Cii,
Notice to Creditors
the Estate of Hannah Isabetls Graham,
late of the Town of Seventh. deceased, who
hied an or about the 29th day of October.
1041. are hereby notified to send in to the
undersigned on or before the 29th day of
Ndeember. I9i1. fujl particoiata of their
claims. together with affrdaeits proving same
"Immediately after the said Inst men"ioned
date the assets of the said estate will be dis-
rtbuted amongst the parties entitled hereto,
haleing regard only to claims of which the
wndersigned shalt thee have notice. to the ex-
clusion of all ethers. and the undersigned will
not be liable to any petvcn of whose eaten
un named shall not then have notice
for the asset.' so dietrt-bated or any part
DATEr) at Seaforth this 6th day of Novem-
ber. 1941.
Bareeter• - Solicitor,
Saafbrth, Ont
Solicitor for Iceontors.
HOLMKi• elhei "Stottt Memorial, 'litamital, on
Moterribinf. tlltit, to Mr. and Mrs Carl
HUM" Setieferet. a son.
P4 -21y! ScottManorial 1ffospitai, on
,,, Nevetabet 1901. to Me. and Mrs. Grant
Preeeeit, Sesterte, a don.
tYM!!t1�4`I�iWihW- n.uusaa,:
cal Se
Substituting the regular• weekly
meeting of Zion Y.P.U., Rev. Mr. Al-!
bright, of Japan- gave an inspiring!
address to the young people- of both; Mists Isabelle Alexander •of Shed -
Zion and Stafa congregations., Foe; don, spent the week -end with her par -
lowing his talk: an opportunity creel ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Aiexan-
given to make any inquiries desired,' der,
which proved very beneficial. I Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor and family,
Personals: Miss Lettie Lanvin has of Stratford, silent the week -end at
completed her course at Alma Col- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rbbert
lege, St. Thomas, and will enter train -I Dinsdale.
ing as a nurse at Sarnia Hospital i Mrs. H.. Ricker left last week for
shortly; Miss Gertrude McGrat:i and' London, v. -here she will spend a few
Miss L. Hefferan, Kitchener, -,with) months with her, daughter, Mrs. N.
Mrs• Mary McGrath: Miss Camilta Pybus.
Williams. Mt. Carmel, with her aunt,+ Miss Irma Ferguson and Mr. A,
Mrs.' Catherine Carpenter: John Mc-, Gaeksetter, of Guelph, visited on Sun -
Connell celebrated his 85th birthday day with the ratter's brother. Mr. and
at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mrs. Elmore Gaeksetter, of Dashwood.
Many of his friends called to extend Rey. A. .c. Grant is continuing his
congratulations. Mirs. M. Michel], of series on the "Worshipping Church."
The subject for next Sunday's sermon
will be "The Living Church As a
Worshipping Church."
The Mission Band will unite for
worship with the congregation on Sun-
day next, retiring for their own study
period immediately- before the ser-
mon. Mrs. Alan Johnston will explain
the seeond chapter of the study book,
"Lanterns in the China Sky."
The lf.M.S. held its autumn thank -
offer ing meeting last Sunday morning
with members of the auxiliary taking
part in the service. Rev, A. M. Grant
took the address and preselsted , the
varied work of the W.M.S. taking as
his text, St. John 9:4: "We must work
the works of Him that sent Me. wthile
it is day." .
LAC. D. E. Giles, of Toronto, tievir
in training at Siry Harbor Airport,
Goderieh, vietted with his' cousins,
rev. mad 'Mrs. A. M. Grant and faintly
last week.
'rhe Choir afltl friends Of Mich Itu€h„
Bel} ellrpiise'4 her at her h'etne oil'
Mvnrobia. California) Mrs. George
O'Leary and Mica Margaret O'Leary,
Windsor, welt Mr, and • Mrs. James
Krauskopf; Mrs, J. MacDonald, Wind-
sor. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.
Dill; Miss Mary Manley, Toronto, at
Crsuline Conn -est; James Curtin. R.C.
A.F. Jarvis, with his parents. Mr. ani
Mrs. William Curtin: Mrs. Mary Cion -
In and ,Lorne Cronin. Detroit, spent
the week -end, here; Teddy Rowland.
Kitchener, with his mother, Mrs. Lil-
lian Rowland: Ryan Jordan, Kitchen-
er. with his father. Patrick Jordan:
Mass Ursula Krauskopf, Miss Gene-
vieve McCarthy and Mrs. Rita New-
combe, Toronto, at their homes here;
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kenny have re-
turned from Manitoba and have tak-
en up residence with 'Me and Mrs.
Frank Kenny; Job 'McConnell` has
gone to London to spend the winter
menthe; David McConnell and Joseph
McConnell In London; Mrs. C. Byrne
and Mrs, M. Mettratli 'iis 'Detroit,
Word WAS 1`eeatyod kre i .the
See the Wool, Woolcet and Flan -
net rte Blankets, Pyjaniae, Night-
gowsns and Rubber Footwear at Good -
(Contllued from Page 1)
greater efficiency and save time and
needless checking at the receiving de-
pot In ,Toronto. Emphasis on the 'ev-
er increasing amount of work to be
done was made by Mrs. Johnston.
About 1,000 sweaters a week are need-
ed, of the turtle -neck type. More sew-
ing was needed, especially among the
refugees.ta4id the civilians who have
suffered -f;nom bombings. '
it has been suggested that' if the
ladies eould not attend the work
rooms twice a week that they try to
attend once a week. Home work .s
available, if returned promptly, in
time for monthly shipments. Mrs.
Sherritt, Mrs. McKaig :or Mrs. Robin-
son Dick, -wild give you instructions
gladly. To have some part in this
great aim to win the war by keeping
up the morale of'our men:in the ser-
vices through providing them with
warm comforts and seeded supplies,
ought to be the desire of every citi-
zen, There sthould be no shirkers. It
is every per:•ort's responsibility to do
all 'within one's power.
The representatives from the Hen-
sall branch to the Clinton 'meeting
were as follows: Miss A. Consitt,
Miss A. Reynolds, Miss M. Buchanan,
Mrs. R. A. Brook, Miss E. Johnston,
Mrs. Thos. Sherritt and Ma•s, W. 0,
The executive of the Red Cross and
the finance committee will meet Mon-
day at 8 p.m. in, the council chamber,
Hensall. Arrangements will be com-
pleted for concert to be held the fol-
lowing Thursday',
The annua1 meeting of the Red
Cross Society of Hensall will be held
Monday, Dee. 8th, in the Town Hall.
An interested in Red Cross work are
invited to dome to this public gather-
ing. Election of officers for the New
Year will be a part of the program.
Members who have renewed .their
membership fee 'et $1:00 will be elig-
ible. to vote. We are pleased to re-
port that about one-third of our mem-
bers have renewed their membergb'.p
up to this date. We appreciate this
response immensely, and hope that
all will attend to this important mat-
ter. We value every member, be-
cause a member is a booster. Yalu -
vote, too, is of value to yourself, as
well es to the 'branch,
The. October shipment of knitted
goods was . as follows: .Quota of com-
forts for Army and Air Force: 5
scarves, 5 pairs socks, 5 pairs gloves,
S alternative caps; quota of comforts
for seamen -5 scarves, 5 pairs sea -
boot stockings, 5 aero caps. 10 pairs
socks, 5 turtle -neck sweaters, 5 pairs
whole mitts; nos -quota, good for air
force, army and seamen -5 pairs
whole mitts, 5 helmets, 5 seamen's
scarves; 20 pairs socks, size 10, 30
pairs, size 11.
The Canadian Red Cross is appeal-
ing for blankets for the people of Bri-
tain. Canadian --blankets brpught
much comfort last year to the bombed
victims of London, Coventry. Ply-
mouth.and Birmingham. Tbeneed for
blankets or quilts 'is still urgent. If
you can donate either to the Red
Cross they will be thankfully receiv-
wfk at the work rooms on. Monday or
rjdayl or this Week. It you have ne
ilt or blanket and would like to
help, $2.00 will enable the Red Cross
topurohase one for yuan, Such con-
tributdc ns will/ be received by the
Convener In charge of the work
rooms this wek, or by the treasurer,
Mr. Lawrence, or Miss E. Johnston.
Commencing Sunday evening, Nov.
16th, the evening service at Hensall
United Church commenced at 7 p.m„
and will continue to be held at that
hour in the future. Please note the
change .of. time.
• The many friends of Miss Mildred
Purdy will regret to learn) was taken
ill on Saturday last with a sevet•-e,nose
hemorrhage and taken to St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, on •$aturday.
Miss Norma Cook, w'ho is attending
Western University, spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
N. E. Cook.
Doris Smale, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Smale, of Stelae, is in
Stratford General Hospital, with. a
fractured right leg, cracked cheek
bone and lacerations to her face. ,She
was injured Saturday evening when
a car in which she was a passenger,
struck an abutment on the bridge at
the west end of Mitchell's main street.
• Mrs. Norman Baird, of Brucefield,
was a lucky winner of a $5.00 war sav-
ings certificate which• is daily given
away over CKNX, Wingham.
We noticed a handsome model Hur-
ricane in R. H. Middleton's drug store
windrow. which was made and design-
ed by Jim Clark.
Operations are •in progress here for
a cold storage plant with locker•, ser-
vice. Further particulars will be giv-
en at • a- later date.
The new time dance •)laid in the
hall on Friday evening, sponsored by
the Chamber of Commerce, with mus-
ic :by Adam Brock and his seven -piece
band from Thorndale,. was well pa-
tronized and the sponsors well pleas-
ed with the success of the event. This
same orchestra will, return for a New
Year's Eee novelty dance here in the
Town Hall, Hensall.
Carmel Y. P. Elect Officers
The Young People's Society of Car-
mel Presbyterian Church met Monday
evening with th.e president, Miss Irene
Hog.garth, in the chair. "I To the
Hills Will Lift Mine Eyes" was the
opening hymn, followed with prayer
by Miss Mabel Workman; Scripture
reading, Revelations, .2nd chapter,
Miss Beryl Pfaff Mr. Roy Goulding,
organist' of James St. United Church;
Exeter, was guest speaker, and for
his subject he chose •to speak on
"Music Appreciation," which was
much enjoyed by all. Robert Camer-
on presided for the election of 'officers
resulting as follows: President, Miss
Ruth Mcllvenna; vice-president, Ro'bt.
Cameron; secretary -treasurer, Harry
Dougall; social, Misses Irene Hog-
garth, Helen Moir, Lois- MacLaren,
Rev. Wm. Weir; fellowship, Miss
Beryl Pfaff, Mabel Workman, Mrs.
Charles Forrest; worship, • Miss Han-
nah Murray. Sally Manson, Blanche
Thompson; service, Mrs. Melvin Moir,
-Marion MacLaren, Allan Crerar;
pianist, Miss Margaret Dougall.
The W.M.S. of Carmel Church met
Thursday afternoon last for their No-
rember meeting in the basement of
the church. Mrs. Hudson, the presi-
derrt, vas in .. the . chair. Following
..the opening hymn, "I To the Hills Will
Litt Mine Ey-es," the Red Cross pray-
er was repeated in -unison; Scripture
reading; -^Romans, 4th chapter, Mrs. H.
mermen, Roll Call was answered
till "Dove." Daring the business
selsaion arrangements•, were Made ter
a quilting bee to be held in tee base-
ment of the church Tuesday and
Thursday of thin week. Mrs. Hudson,
the president, presented a report of
the executive meeting held do Clinton
recently. The topic, "Christian Di-
versity, and Unity," was given by Mrs.
Hudson; Mrs. Jean Manson led in
prayer. "Blest Be the. Tie That
Riad," was the closing hymn, follow-
ed by the Lord's Prayer.
Young People Have Anniversary
Large congregations attended anni-
versary services in Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church Sunday last under the
auspices of the Young People's So-
ciety. The special speaker for the
occasion was Rev. Austin L. Budge,
of Hamilton. erhe morning service
was of particular interest in that it
followed the lines of the Covenanters
services as held in 1560 A.D. Dr.
Budge, an authority en church history,
led the eongr•egatioe in the form of
worship observed by John Knee. No
musical instruments were used. The
Ten Commandments were read by
Mr. W. R. Davidson, session clerk,
and the readers were Gordon Camp-
bell and Robert Cameron, Jr. Fred
Daters was beadle, and the hymns
were lifted by getting notes- from a
tuning fork in charge of the precen-
tor, W. A. MacLaren. The offering
was taken up in long -handled collec-
tion boxes. The infant children of
Rev. and Mrs. W. Weir. Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Bell, Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Kers-
lake and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell re-
ceived the, rites of Baptism, At the
evening service the speaker spolte on
the theme, "Old -Fashioned Virtues."
The services were much enjoyed and
very successful.
Wohelo Class Meets
Mr: and Mrs. David Kyle lent their
lovely home on Friday evening, Nov.
14th, for the November meeting of
the Wohelo Class, • with Mrs. Peter
McNaughton in the chair. The meet-
ing opened with the singing of the
National Anthem and' the Lord's
Prayer in unison. 'Dhe Scripture was
read by Miss Edna Saund'ercock and
the devotional by Mrs. McNaughton.
The roll call was responded with a
Bible character. During the business
period arrangements were made to
make a quilt, each member to slake
a block 20 by 20. Miss Elva McQueen
and Mrs, Dave Kyle were appointed a
purchasing committee, Several im-
portant discussions took place, includ-
ing wa.es and means of raising funds,
but instead of the usual entertain -
Meats and concert as held in former
years, eacb member—of the class will
donate so much money, the sante to
be .handed in to the December class
meeting to be held 00 Monday, Dec.
5th. Games and contests were en-
joyed and lurnciheen served and the
event much enjoyed.
Council, Meets
The statutory meeting of the viil;rge
council was held Monday ' evening at
7.30 p.m. in the council chamber with
all the members being present. R. J.
Patter , tax collector. reported is
having ' deed $400.00 since cast
cots or
total t to of 90•
€; 3 ., 4 it
$ .� 1 tax-
es to date. J. A. Paterson reported
as sending four soldiers belts since
last meeting, also presented the fin-
ancial 'report for the year. Horton
and Parkin: Tbef the financial report
The Program you have been waiting for
Choral Numbers, Solos, Comte
Sketches and Etc., by the Male
Voice Choir of Port Albert Air-
Under • the auepiocee of the Henaali
Brunch of the Iced *rose.
Thursday, Nov. 27th
Time 8.15 p.m. sharp
Remember chow you enjoyed the Boys
last year? Come out sed hear them
Adults 25c Children 15c
Proceeds for Red Cross Work
be accepted as read and sufficient
copies printed.. Carried. Mrs. W.
Carlile and Miss E.- Walsh appeared',
asking permission to use council
chiti.mber one night a week for the
Girl Guides; same granted. Corres-
pondence was read from Department
of •Municipal Affairs, re assessors'
ineetinf; same filed. Cameron' and
Kerslake: Mat we adjourn to meet
Dec. let. Carried. — J. A. Paterson,
Mrs. Alex Buchanan, prominent
Hensall resident, quietly celebrated
her 82nd birthday at ther home here
on Wednesday, Nov. 19th.
Miss Minnie Reid on Wednesday of
this week picked two dishes of lovely
ripe raspberries out of her garden.
Mr. Keith Buchanan, of the Galt
Navy 'School, spent the week -end with
his grandmother, Mrs. A. Buchanan.
Miss Jessie Paisley, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with relatives
Mr. Alvin McBride, ,of Kippen, is
harvesting a wonderful crop of man -
gels measuring two feet long and two
feet around.'
LMr. and. Mrs. E. L. Mickle have
some beautiful roses blooming in their
garden which are being much admir-
Euchre and Dance Successful
The euchre and dance' held in the
Town Hall Wednesday evening, spon-
sored by the Orange Order, was very
successful and well patronized. Forty
tables were in play for the euchre.
Prize winners were: Ladies, let, Miss
Sarah Harburn, Cromarty; 2nd, Mrs.
William Deeds, Kippen; conwsolatin;l,
Mrs. Love, Hillsgreen; gents, 1st. Mr.
William Hyde, Hewett; 2nd, Ed. Mc-
cI)ou•gall, Hensall; consolation, Jim
Parkins, Hensall. The lucky dance
was won' by Mss Beryl Pfaff, of Hen-
sall, and partner. During the evening
Mr, Parson, grand secretary of the
Orange Order of . London, was the
guest speaker and gave a most in-
formative address on the work of the
Order.Dancing was enjoyed to mus-
ic furnished by Murdock's. orchestra,
with Mr. William Hayter, floor man-
ager. The proceeds amounting to a
considerable sum of money •will be
forwarded to the British War Victims'
Fund. Arranging the affair were
Louis Clark, Sr., Glenn Slavin, George
Petty and James Petty: The event
was a great success and much enjoy
ed, and much credit is due the com-
mittee in charge.
o why delay any longer before selecting your
*J* Christmas Cards -Az**
You will be delighted with our large range of Beautiful Cards—and the
prices, which include your name and any verse which you may select,
are so reasonable.
Hundreds of cards to choose from. Place your order now for delivery
any time before Christmas.
'he Huron Expositor
McLEAN BROS., Publishers - Phone 1, Seaforth, Ontario