HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-11-14, Page 1fr—
Eightj--second Year •
Wlhole Number 3857
REMBEIt, 14, 1941 •
County Committee Hears
'Reports 'of Agricultural
The Agricultural Committee of the
Huron County Council, meeting in
Clinton on Wednesday, approved a
suggestion that it affiliate with the
Huron Federation of Agriculture and -
named the committee chairman, Reeve
J. W. Gamble, as representing direc-
Present at the meeting were: J. W.
Gamble, reeve of Howick Township,
presiding, and the following reeves
present: Fred Watson, Stapley; Percy
'Passmore, Ueborne; Alex McDonald,
Ashfield; S. H. , Wihitmore, Tucker -
smith; N. W. Miller, county clerk,
and J. C. Shearer, 'agricultural repres-
The following reports were present-
ed by Mr. Shearer and adopted: •
Short courses in agriculture and
home economics to be held in the
Village of Ethel, Grey Township, from
November 25 to December ,19, organ-
ized by Reeve T. C. Wilson and mem-
bers of Grey Township council:
Outbreak of hog oholera tip, two
farms in Grey Township near the
Pertlh County border. This being the
second outbreak of the disease in
HurT� rt>at, County in the past 40 years,
the previous one having been in the
spring of 1940.
Plowing demonstrations held in
eight townships, Goderich, Colborne,
Hay, McKillop, Stanley, Stephen,
Tuckersmdth and U,sbot3te. In this
connection it was decided that the
remaining eight townships will have
an opportunity of having similar dem-
onetrations in the summer of 1942.
The objective is to make farmers
plow -minded; for the; big International
iMatch to be held near Seaforth, Oc-
tober 13 to.,16, -1942.
Public speaking contest to be held
at the November session of . county
council on Noveanber 20th at 2 p.m.
I'n this connection the committee.pass-
ed a grant for prize money.
After the meeting adjournedthe
group made a visit of inspection to
the soldiers' recreation room in Clin-
ton and to the site chosen for the In-
ternational Plowing Match for 19.12,
situated between Clinton, and Sea -
forth, and Making in portions of H' -
lett and . McKillop townships.
Choir .Honours
Bride, Groom
Memiiers of the Northside United
Church choir at their practise, held ret
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sav-
,auge on Thursday evening, honored
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cardno, who
were recently married.
Mr. E. C. Chamberlain expressed
congratulations on behalf of the choir.
and Mrs. F. J. Bechely presented.therit
with two lovely pictures. Lunch was
Property Committee Will
Complete Arrangements
For Rest Room Here
Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, Dash-
wood, who was elected 'President
of the Huron County Medical So-
ciety at the society's annual meet-
ing held in Scott Memorial Hos-
pital =here on Wednesday. -
Interesting Papers Present-
ed `At ,Meeting of Hur-
on' Society Here.
Council Receives Chamber
Of Commerce Delegation
At Meeting Wednesday.
Seaforth council .meeting on Wed-
nesday evening received a deputation
of twelve from the Chamber 'of Com -
r erce, who discussed with it the
matter of a rest room and the pro-
vision of stabling accommodation in
the town. The deputation was intro,
duced by R. J. Sproat.
11ir. Sproat told council of the offer
made to the Chamber of Commerce
by Mr. Thomas, of the Imperial Oil,
to provide its new service station as
a rest room until such time as it may
be rented. The question of mainten-
attoe had arisen, and, it was for this
reason that the council was being
approached. It was suggested a lady
'caretaker be appointed.
Maj. Hipwell, of the C.A.M.C., sta-
tioned at Toronto, addressed some •25
members of the Huron County Medi-
cal •S•ooiety at their annual meeting
held in Scott .Memorial Hospital Wed-
nesday! evening.: Dr: O.'Dwyer, Zur-
ich, president of the society, was
Mao. Hipw'elhs paper on -"Diabetes"
proved intensely interesting and • in-
structive to the members of fhe pro-
fession wild. • were present.
Dr. Baker, Woodstock district coun-
cillor of the O.M.A., led a discussion
on state medicine, •while Dr. F. J. Bur-
rows, Seaforth, presented a report on
the- recent district meeting at Guelph.
The . meeting discussed 'arrange-
ments for the district Oay)?.A. meeting
which next year will be held in Hur-
on. • •
Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, of Dashwood,.
was elected pt`esident, succeeding Dr.
O'Dwyer. Dr. W. D. S. Jamieson, of
Brussels, was re-elected secretary -
t reasu rer.
The first round robin; tourney took
place on Wednesday of this week
with .a good turnout. Alt a recent ex-
ecutive meeting
d to
hold one each Wednesday with lunch.
Don't forget that last part: with
lunch. Verna Graves is convener •'of
the lunch committee, and theme isn't
any better, so come up and see us
some time.
* * *
We are sorry to announce that a
very enthusiastic young• couple are
to leave our club because of a
change of address. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Steinberg are moving to New
Rambling in the near future. Good
luck, Edna and Harry! We have ,en-
joyed your association, Drop around
to the club room's whenever you get
a chance.
* *
Executive Meets
The committee examining the barn
situation in Seaforth told the council
that, there was no building available
it 'learned, following an examination
of the town. Lt asked that in the
event of a new building being con-'
sidered, the council co-operate.
Mayor Cltlff thanked the delegation
and assured it of council's serious
Council discussed the requests of
the deputation at some length. The
matter of a rest room had been be-
fore the council two months ago at,
which time it was shelved. Council-
lor. Parke recalled this but Councillor
Keating reminded • him that the
conditions had completely changed.
Now it was not a question of building
and equipping a rest room, but rather
only the maintenance. Council auth-
orized, the property committee to in-
quire further and gave it .full author-
ity to complete arrangements.
No action was taken in connection
, with stabling. Council considered it
would be impossible to take any ac-
tion at this time, but suggested fur -
(Continued on Page 4)
Appreciate. Gifts
From Seaforth
The following letter, marked for
the attention of the late Miss H. I.
Graham, was received this week by
••M'rs. Iteg. Kerslake, Secretary' of the
Red, Cross. here: -
10th• October, 1941
A meeting 'of the Huron Cdunty
Federation of Agriculture was held to
the Agricultural Board Room, Clinton
The meeting 'opened with the presi-
dent in the chair, who thanked the
directors for such a goad turnout.
Scott, Whitmore and Dorrance
SC t,
drof Seaforth,were
and E. B. Goudie,
The following business was trans-
acted: The minutes of the last meet-
ing were ••read and adopted on motion
of J. W.:'Gamble, seconded by G. Kin='s
ahan. Motion by H. Sturdy and Wm.
J. Turnbull that we support one hun-
dred p•er cent. the Brant County brief.
re the amendment of the ,nivestock
Act to include poultry destroyed by
dogs, Motion by C. Renwick and W.
Swei:tzee, that we send a resolution
to the Ontario Federation in rrgard
t0 price fixing.
Motion by M.''Grainger and Gs Kina-
:ian, that the Huron County Federa-
tion of Agriculture 'donate.$20.90 to-
wards organization of Farm Forums.
This motion was defeated.
Motion by G. Feagan and H. Sturdy,
that we write the Ontario Secretary
of the Farm Forums advising that the
time for assembling is one hour too
early.. •
Motion by C. Renwick and H. Stur-
dy, that J' C. Shearer and Ken Jack-
son represent the Huron County Fed-
eration of Agriculture on CKNX,'Nov.
17th and Dec. l•st. ' -
The meeting adjourned at 11.30 and
Will meet again Wednesday, Dec. 3rd.
Results ,of play:
Mixed --Sally Wood and Flt. Gar-
wood 18; John McKenzie and Alice
Reid 16; Geo. Hays and Emily Lester
20, A Smith. and J. Cliff 19; F.O. Bou-
cher and Babe Hays 22, .Flt. Garwood
and Mary "Hari 18; Stan Dorrance and
Jean Dempsey 19, , 0, Hays and Mary
'Hart 18; Al. Siai'th and T. McIver 14,
J. McKenzie and M. Solater 22; F. 0,
Boucher and Mary_ 'Urn, 14, G. Hays
and F. Matthews 22; A. Smith and I.
Flannigan 19c M. Allele and F 0.
Boucher 22; 9. Dorrance end M.
t3elater 22, J. McKenzie and E. Lester
19. -
Laddetteejean Demmlleey and Babe
HOS 22, inor T ndean and P. Mat-
1 • T. 'er 'Wingert and M, Selat-
�ts �" 8;! ,
Began Business
25 Years Ago
Well Known Resident'
Leaves Farrel to Reside
in London.
Friends and neighbors of Mr. J. 1).
Gemmell, well known Tuckersmith
farmer, gathered at his home, High -
view Farm, Tuesday evening to wish
him and his daughter. Mrs. George
Handley, farewell prier to their remov-
al to London. About seventy-five
were present.
Mir. Gemmell is disposing of his
farm equipment and has rented his
Tihe address was read by James
Lane, while W. S.. Broa'dfoot present-
ed Mr. Gemrmell with for gloves and
1VIrs. Handley with a, taw on behalf of
the gathering.
The address is as follows:
rTo Mr. James D. Gennnell: We
have come here ^this evening' to say
adieu, but not farewell, as we hope
that in years to come,you will spend
many happy days in our neighbor-
hood. Op that long trail down which
you have come from the pioneer days
of this settlement you: have gleaned
much of the fruits of wisdom which
you have used freely to enrich the' so,
tial life of this community. We shall
not soon forget the helping hand that
has spt:d so many on their way and
that unusually fine courtesy that has
so often smoothed a tortuous path.
We have not come here to praise, you
but rather to thank you for a noble
example of plain living and high
thinking of a faithful stewardship ov-
eir"those things entrusted to your care.
And• while we cannot pay adequate
tribute to that nobility; we ask you to
accept this sweater and` pair of gloves
which we hope will bring you physi-
cal comfort as well as happy mem ,r-
ies of your old Tuckersmith home.—
Signed on behalf of Neighbors: D.
Fotheringham, L. Finlayson, W.
Broadfoot, A. Brown, iiIt. McLachlan,
H. Moore, A. Forsythe, J. Finlayson,
R. Dalrymple, R. , noneitt, F. Upshall,
W. Trvine, J. UpahalI, . C. Eyre, A.
Alexander, B. Bick, P. Sales, J. Love,
A. Houston, W. Taylor, J. McLachlan,
C. Way, A. Simpson, P. Simpson, T.
Hodgert, J. Howe, McKay Home, T.
Blake; M. Lane, J. Doig, M. Patrick,
W. McCartney, A. Nicholson, E.
Sproat. ' ,
50 Burlington Ave., The Coppice,
Oldham (Lancs). England.
Dear Miss Graham: I am writing
to thank you for the lovely socks T
have `received through the Canadian
Red Cross Comforts Fund.
I am a full-time officer in the Na-
tional Fire Service and you may be
sure that they are greatly appreciate
ed and very useful when wearing
buns -boots at 'Blitz fires. •
You can convey all our personal
thanks to your friends and tell them
from me that they are doing a fine
job. Please write if you can spare
the time; my wife and I would be so
pleased to receive a letter from you.
' In peace -time my job is a buyer for
a• firm of shippers in Manchester
(mostly South American trade, very
little to other parts of the world).
When the war commenced. as I was
a part-time fireman, I joined in a full -
dime capacity. My hobbies are unus-
ual ones: Music (opera),. languages
(Spanish, Portuguese, French; Arabic,
am taking up Russian at the moment)
and particularly meterol'ogy (the stu-
dy of climate and weather all over
the world). My wife is interested in
embroidery, dogs (and particularly
Pussies), and also studies Psychology.
Hope T haven't bored you
with our
' C,mily ibistory, but it's nice to find
mutual interests, isn't it?
I will close now with this message:
"We in Great Britain are all striving
for what we know will unfailingly he
achieved—Victory . — V -and with
the help of all, the Allies and God's
will the end may be nearer than is
at present apparent. No doubt you
hear rumrours of disquiet, despond-
ency and fears for the result of the
war, stories (false) concering condi-
tions over here, but do NOT believe
them; we are UP and staying UP,
and there will be no doubt about the
final issue.
Once more, many thanks for -the
knitwear and please write to yours sin-
cerely, Mr. and Mrs. E. McLeod.
District Citizens Honour
War Dead at Impressive
Remembrance Service
tain at Rintouls.
Wreaths Are Placed On
Monument in Annual Tri-
bute On Tuesday.
Seaforth and district citizens paid
solemn tribute to their war dead at
an impressive service in Victoria Park
on Remembrance Day. Cold, damp
weather lessened the attendance. Ar-
rangements for the services were
made by a committee of the Canadian
Legion, under whose auspices it was
held. ""
_4't 10.30 a parade, headed by the
Seaforth Highlanders Band and in-
cluding representatives of 'D' Com-
pany Middlesex and Huron Regiment,
Boy Scouts, Cubs, Girl Guides and
Brownies,, town and 'district officials
and "wreath bearers left the Town
Hall for the park where the service
oemmenced upon its arrival..
The •service included prayer by
Rev, Hugh Jack; Last Post by Bands -
master E. H. Close; two minutes' sil-
ence; Reveille and the placing of
Dr. R. P. D. Hurford was the spe-
cial speaker and in his remarks com-
pared conditions facing the world in
1919, 1941 and 1951. Benediction was
pronounced by Capt. Rev. T, P. Hus-
sey. Legion President John Earle ex-
pt'essed appreciation of those who as-
sisted in the service.
, Hold Church Parade -
Members of the local Legion, 'D'
Company of the Middlesex -Huron ii.eg-
iment, accompanied by their com-
manding officers, -and the Seafortit
Highlanders Band attended divine
service in Northside United Church
on Sunday morning when the minis-
ter, Rev. H. V. Workman, welcomed
the visitors and preached an appro-
priate and inspiring sermon. After
the closing hymn the National An -
,them was sung and Last Post and
Reveille sounded by Bandmasvter E.
H. Close. Suitable music was render-
ed by the choir.
Mrs. W. 'J. Rintoul,' Huron Road
West, opened' her home for an enjoy-
able Rebekah party on Fridfiy evert-
ing, when about 100 people gathered
despite the •stormy weather, to spend
a few, hours of ' sociability. Euchre
lies enjoyed and was followed by a
dance. Messrs. George Smith and
George Armstrong played the violin.
while 'Miss Mae Smith and Mrs. Frank
Fanner were the accompanists.
The prize winners were as follows:
gent's first, W. G: Nott; consolation.
Mrs. Joe Grummett; ladies' first. Jean
Habkirk; consolation, Mrs. H. E.
Smith; special prize, Mrs. John Gor-
don. The hostesses weeseentiases Jean
Scott„ Jean McLean;- G. Mason and
Mesdames Henderson, Dorrance. Gil-
sBurke,t. W
Westcott, Stevens,Srte ,
Free, Mae Dorrance and - Rjntoul.
A very delightful lunch was served
following the cards and a pleasant
evening spent.
Mr. Thomas Phillips last week
marked the 25th anniversary of the
opening of his fruit business in: Sea -
Commenting on the many changes
that have taken place in the inter-
vening yeai)s, he recalled that when
he first opened here be had a horse
and cart, wlh,ile today he has three
trucks en the road.
' • •
Ship Parcels
Trite Seaforth• Overseas Coth:mittee
last weak rient--f=orward 34 Christmas
parcels to •Seaforth boys overseas.
The work of packing and wrapping
the parcels was completed, on Satur-
Donations to assist in deffaydng the
and D. *Olsen 16; Ellice Reid and T . eytpenses of the parcels and postage
&loo 'er 1"1 M. Sclater art 14:'. Mat -are retlitlreels and these rosy be gli'ett
t�{lh{f� e'�,C���;:�F,!�`�:t� 2y�yple, gait ; t}1� 76T, ,J #1 t 0)1I 1j9� °.ttti theft {Beddj Orme t earularkea sol
,j oi:CIF?t'•tl 1. ;U';l 'i):fii g& tafli,1• of . C;wet k K.,:r 1: G'R',IG 44tH,: !;7'ctuOO
Plan Won -by -one
Service Here
Transferred To
New Hamburg
Mr. H. G. Steinberg, who for a num-
ber of years has been on the staff of
the Canadian Bank of Commerce here.
has been transferred to Wellesley and,
New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Stein-
berg will reside in New Hamburg. •
Succeeding Mr. Steinberg here AS
accountant will be Harold E. Itowe,
of Stratford. He and Mrs. Rowe- and
their. child are expected here by the
end of the month.
A "won -by -one" territorial campaign
will be held in the Svalvation Army Cit-
adel here during the week beginning
November 16th. The meetings will
be held every night for vh;eh special
speakers have been procured.
Sunday, Nov. 16, "Bring .One Sun -
'day," speaker. Lieut . H. G. Sharp:
Monday. "Modern Sins Night," Lieuts.
Deadman and Whidley, Clinton; Tues-
day, "Visitors Night," Rev. H. V.
Workman; Wednesday, "S o l d l e r
Night," Tient H. G. Sharp; Thursday.
"Family Night," Lieut. Ellis, Wing -
ham; 'Frielay, "Revival," Capt and Mrs.
Titcombe, London; Sunday, "Bring
Another," Lieut. McLaren, Kitchener.
The,Sunday meetings are at 11 a.m.
'ands7 p.m., while the week -day meet-
ings commence at 8 p.m.
" D & Iry
,Hard Coal,
Bright, Clean
Snappy and
Full of Meat
New Resident
Is Honoured
Many friends in Mown and coun-
try will join The Expositor, in ex-
tending congratulations and best
wishes to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gov-
enlock, who on November 5th,
quietly celebrated the 57th anni-
versary of their marriage at their
home on East William Street.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Govenlock are
in excellent health and enjoy life
as much as they did many years
Palmerston Speaker Re-
calls Association With
Sir Sam Hughes.
Members of the• Lions.. Club and' Can-
adian Legion held their annual joint
meeting on Monday evening, when
Rev. K. H. Palmer, of Palmerston,
was the guest speaker. Lion H. G.
Meir welcomed the guests on behalf
of the club. Chairman of the meet-
ing was Lion J. E. Keating, and asso-
ciate chairman Rev. T. P. Hussey.
(Continued`t'on Page 5) •
Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Ritchie, who lest
week moved to the McDermid resi-
dence on Goderich Street, were ho.t-
ored prior to leaving Mitchell.
The Mitohell ,Advocate, in a story
in a recent issue says: "Mr. and Mrs.
J. Ritchie, who are moving to Sea-
forth for the Hesky Flax Products
Co.. for which firm the former has
been employed, were remembered by
employees of •the mill Friday evening I
when Wilfred Rock, foreman, and
Jack Phillips, a valued employee led
many years, called to present; then
with an electric clock. A gracious
-expression: of appreciation was voice 1,
Mr. Ritchie will be manager of the
new flax mill at Seaforth which
speaks highly for his ability in this
Suffers"Burns as
Stove Explodes
Local Hunters
Have Good Luck
$1.50..4 Year:j?• ,.
Manager -of 1942 Interna-
tional Approves Arrange;-
meets Made here;
Arrangements for the 1942 Interna-
tional Plowing Match carne a step
nearer Friday with the announceseent
by county offieiais that headquarters
for the big event "w ,ttld be at' the Com-
mercial Hotel, Sea1l ith.
J. A. Carroll, managing. director
who conferred. with lbcai officials on
Friday, approved the choice and con-
firmed arrangements whereby the eh -
tire hotel Will be taken over for the
period of the match next October..
`Already district hotels are practic-
ally all reserved, according to offic-
dais. Seaforth council, at its meeting
Monday, extended full co-operation
for the match and.,offered the use of
the Town Hall for meetings.
Alistair `'1'ige and Stewart Wigg set
a record on Tuesday for Seaforth
hunters, when they returned from
Bruce. County after less than a day's•
shooting with two fine bucks.
Miss Winnie Savauge has been ap-
pointed Treasurer of the local branch
of the Red Cross, succeeding Miss
Janet Cluff.
* *
Ladies who are knitting socks are
asked' when finishing off the toe of
the socks not to run the wool across,
the top of the toe, but to finish it off
by running the thread down the side
o'f the foot.
Ministers Will
.Meet Here`
The Seaforth and district Minister-
ial Association held its regular meet-
ing Monday afternoon, Nov, 10th, in
Northside United Church. Rev. Hugh
Jack was elected president, and Rev.
A. W. Gardiner secretary -treasurer.
Two papers were read, one byRev.
W. J. Patton entitled, "Psychology
and Life," the other by Rev. H. V.
Workman on "The Origin of the He-
brew People." •
' The next meeting will be held on.
December 8th at 2 p.m. in First Pres-
byterian Church, Seaforth.
County` Constable Helmar. Snell and
Tony • Phillips, Wbo -Mee' lie -en- near
Ottawa for the past two weeks, 're-
turned home Wednesday, each with a
Latest reports from the Seaforth
party ..in Northern Ontario indicate
that the party of nine have obtained
seven deer. They expect to return
home at the end of the week.
John Neilson, of the Royal Oann-
dian Nav$•, suffered serious burns to i
his head and face when a stove ex
ploded on a ship on whicb he is sta-
tioned. according to word received fill
town this week. The accident hap-
pc•.aed a short time after he had re-,
turned from a seven-day leave which t
he had spent in Seaforth.
He is at present confined to a hos-
pital at an Eastern Canadian port.
Arrange Farm
Forum Series
Arrangements for the forthcoming
winter series of farm forums were
completed at a meeting held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Finlay McKer-
cher, McKillop, on Tuesday evening.
Chairman of the meeting at Which
there was an attendance of 35, was
R. S. McKercher, while Mrs. N. R.
Dorrance of McKillop *as secretary.
The next meeting will be held at
the hoose of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Dor>
mote, when the subje�dtpµf,or dlsouseien
_t1 be, c e dlxig', (Waft"
tAA,xll, ..fi u t u..•.n-r,, 1 ,.v,.m:.K,., ...... .,..e,.,.:L•.
Anniversary Services
First Presbyterian
Church, Seaforth
Sunday,Novemeber 16
AT 11 A.M. AND 7 P.M.
of New St. James' Church, London, will occupy the
pulpit at both services. '
MATE in'ARTETTE—"One Sweetly Solemn Thought"
Mr. ,T. T. Scott. Mr. L. Hemhurger, Mr. M. R. Rennie, Mr. D. L.' Reid
ANTHF7M—"T Walked Today Where Jesus Walked"
ANTHEM --"The Roseate Hues of Early Dawn"
Soloists-- Mrs. J. A. Minn, Mi Re P. Patterson, Mr., J. T. Scott,
Mr. D. L. Reid.
MALE QtTART1:TTTS—"Crossing the Bar"
14r. J. T. Scott, Mr. L. 1#•emburger, Mr. M. R. Rennie, Mr. D, t > cid •
ANTHEM—"Soft Floating On the Air".. (Quartette =diligent ehbrtisl
Soliois•ts—Mrs. E. A. McMaster, Mks, W. A. Wright, W. J'. ' 1'.• geott,.
Mr. D. L. Reid.
Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister
Mits. M. R. wiz, C)r `anist, M. tt.•'lil4NT1", Choir Laid