HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-10-31, Page 4„..
Cl*SSifr be inserted at new low cash rates
Ow gide, Vilap. •' ` %.'%d: Pseud. Combei Events. Ete,—Per ward;
let week 1 Cent
2nd. Imek-
% Cent
Week 16 Cent
num charge, And insertion 25 Cent
Fi "reteiil$at end abbreviation counts as ane wend.
91.14 if Thank%*Meeseriam. _ Netices.—I went ger word. Minimum, 50 cents per week.
DneMrisso MO bo itlictedt ai Box Number, care of The Huron Expositor. for 10 Cents
Tem mut, additisetaI Bei week will be charged if ads in above elms ore not paid by the
Satordaar idgbiblA the. week in orbit* the ad was run.
Birtha. Marriages end Detabt inserted free of charge.
Auction Sales. lietkea to Creditors. Etc.—Bates on application.
For -Witt
• Card of Thanks
A' an Owed,* Str I modern conveni- / "'L.- sire to thank their many friends for the
emcee, eureee. Apply to Box 282, RNPOSI- loindneos and syntuativ extended to them in
TOR OPRIGS. 3853 -ti their recent bereavement : also to thank those.
who sent flowers and loaned cars,
• • Lost and Found
/Ruud lout North Ment Street Ow-ner may
have dame by paying dhaIRes- A0;43' t°
"-"- Gifts. Please Your friends by giving
them photos for Christmas—featRy photos or
photos of warned' or children. Oar prices
are, reasonable for good work. Phatos taken
day or night. BURGESS STUDIOS, Mitchell
and Clinton.. 3855-2
Farm Stock For 'Sale
j. wean.. Phone 651 r 33. Apply to ALEX
IRVINE. Klippen. 3855-1
Nom Wk. eft ages. R.O.P. stock: Shrop-
shire reran. registered show stock. Apply to
ERNEST TEMPLEMAN, Staffa.• Phone Dub-
lin 61416. 3853x2
For Sale
1- tion: burns wood br ,coal. Suitable :for
.farm or alined). Apply to Box 287, Exgosi-
TOR OFFICE. $$55-1
new washing machine for balance ofLtaY-
!ciente. Ana/ Box 284, EXPOSITOR OF-
FICE. 8854x2
ecat, size 5 years, also hat, -coat andler,
.sey leggings in good oondition. $8.00. Apply
worn only short time; good as new. ITOI
edO cheap or cash. Apply to JOHN BELL,
" R.R. 2, Seaford', or phone 4 on 847.
reasonably priced 2 ocbasional chairs
eh8d's 3 -piece suite. latest design. APPIN....to
Farms For Sale
acres with -frame house and barn, at Lot
5. on the lad sionedsaion of Hallett; well
drained; in a:zee/lent state of cultivation
mile erten Mhos& A,prily to THOMAS 12.
LIVINGSTON, Genteel. 9853x4
'• gond egiudfion, without MadrO5S. BOX
153, Henseld, Ont. 3855-1
pOR SATalf—F.R3,.105 ACRES; srru.
-•• ,ated 41,6 mites from Seafood': 2 storey
brick house; 2 good bank barns, 56 x 36;
water. Apj K. I. McLEAN, Barrister'
and Solicitor, Seaffirth. ' t.f.1
Yorkshireis.—I have pniehased from the
t.dvareed• Registry herd of . C. D. SProle,
Craigvafe, Shady Lawn Pat, born in AO,
1911. I also havo Maple Lodge Wonder,:*-
ed by tile Names Advanced Registry sire aril
:Mow boar, Elmira Wonder 32 It, who sited
ahe C.N.E. Junior Champions in 1940 '4ifAd
1941. t41.50 cob at time of service. JOHN
8 Righiey.
POWELL, Jr., 2 miles Went, of Seaforthag
Township of McKilloW:'
meek as a (hurt- of Itevinion onftlie
assessment roe for the year 1941 ab '"flo
Carnegie Hal/ Seaforth, on Monday, Noveie
her ard, at 9.30 am.
Clerk. ,
Notice to Creditors
4.-L' the Estaffe ad Robert A. Elliott, re-
tired farmer, Jate of the wine- of Zurich,
deceased, wha•died on, or about, ie 3rd day
of October, 1941, are hereby- Sotified to send
in to :the undensigned On or before the 15th
day of Netemmer, 1942, fad particidam of
their ciaiiin With .41110...it attached_
Inenwriately after the &add last mentioned
date, the ansole ,fte said etrite will be dis-
tribute( aingsgost 'She peados entitled thereto,
'having r map to claims of whidi the
undersigned When dsoo have notge„ to the
exchnicee of 013 others. and the undersigned
`Wdi sat. be raligo to occr VeCISOO Of whose
dell. I ebe unidersionesi chef not then have
notice foe the omen a*Ileirseetaa Or any
part CatirtME_
' HAMM es sftosean searle 2-AAa day of Octo.ber, MI.
3114PrITO39 MA:WM ve.era. Ont_
CiLaIntOdaiii Rime Tis -aa, Ont.
13g doer' • Frrifirarrs imeeire
fitectineeeeezen * EDITS
Seradsztat 0011.
-"-L wish to thank their friends and neigh-
bors for the kindness and sympathy shown
them n their recent bereavement, in the loss
of a husband arid father, add also for the
many floral trillmtes. 3855x1
ANDERSON—In Minton Public Hospital, to
Mr. and Mrs, teem Anderson. of Kipper".
(nee Helen Rumble), a daughter—Kathryn
MoCLINCHEY—In Tuakevensitb, on Tuesday,
Odnber 28th. to ?Sr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc-
Clinchey of Rennin (nee Einie MeGregor),
a son.
FAULKNER,--Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner
(-rie4 Mary Finkbener) are happy to an-
nounce the arrival of a daughter, Madeleine
Ann, at Sarnia General Hospital, en Thurs-
day, October 30, 1941.
DANTZER—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
forth, an October alst. Mr. and Mrs. An-
drew Danner, London. a son.
ROWLAND—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on
October 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Row-
land, Dubtin, a daughter.
GRAHAM—In Seaforth. on Wednesday, Oct&
her 298h, 11. Isabel Graham.
BT,TTT—In Seaforth. on Sunday, October 26.
William Daymen Bete in his 90th year.
MOLE—In Seaford), on Friday, October 24,
Edith Mae Snowden, beloved wife of Mr.
Edward Mole, in her 66th year.
''''The'rone and only original Rexall
'.(5-i'iv:4Cent Sale next week. Four big
day Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat.,
No 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th,
and Mrs. Charles Wills, of Lore
dOia, were in the village, TuesdaY
closing their summer -Cottage for the
The Misses Morley andFairburn
left for' .their homes in Detroit last
week after spending the summer, in
their cotteges. •
Dier:and Mrs. of Toronto,
were guests of Mrs. N. W. W. node ov-
er the week: -end and were accompan-
ied hi Miss Lucy' Woods,- who had
spent, the past two weeks in Toron-
The annual meeting' crf the local'
branch of the .British-.. and Foreign
Bible Sotiety was held in the Town
Hall on., lVfonclay evening with a good
attendanCe. 'Phe president, A. E. Er',
win, was chairman of the. meeting
The secretary -treasurer, Miss Lucy
WOOS, read the minutes of the last
annual raeeting, also gave the amount
collected, and sent to headquarters,
after which the election of officers
was held -when A. E. Erwin was elect-
ed president and' Miss Lucy Woods
secretary -treasurer. Rev. Mr. Mct
Cleary, of Torento. was present and
addressed the audience and also' show-,
ed -many pictures of the bombing, of
Louden, Coventry and other parts of
Europe." which were very instructive
as Mr. McCleary'is a•for•cible speaker
on the Bible work which he carries
on.' •
Onyriday evening Of last week a
rectiOn :and presentation; was held
by ,the:' congregation. of the United
Church 'in the basement, in honor of
Rev, and Mrs. Currie, who recently
returned from their honeymoon. A
program of solos, musical nunabers,
and games were enjoyed, after which
the couple were presented with a
beautiful writing desk, Mr. Currie re-
plying in good fashion. The con•gre-
gatioillwas introduced. to Mrs. Currie
who 'vies welcomed by all. A supper
was then enjoyed, concluding a pleas-
ant evening tagether. '
Mee. Robert Watson and son, Ed-
ward, left last week for their home
in Fairlight, Sask., after spending the
summer with her mother, Mrs. Ed-
wa rds.
The one and only original Rexall
One Cent Sale next week. Four big
days, Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat.,
Nov, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th.
Annivereary services were held,
here in the Presbyterian; Church with
a goodly crowd at (both services. Rev.
Crawford Jamieson, of Dresden, con-
ducted the service.
Some of the visitors for the day
were: Miss Lilly F. Ballantyne, of
Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. William
Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Leeming, of
Waltonwith M
• es. Wm. Houghton and
family; Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, •of
Brodhagen, with Mr. and Mrs. John
Walla.ee; Mr. and Mrs. George Waly,
ire_ewes• of Glengoware with Mrs. Robertson.
Mies Sarah McKellar and ber
father, Alex McKellar and Charlie
Wernien attended the funeral of Mr.
Alexander Watson, of St. Marys, In-
te.rme,nt was made in Avonbank
Mise Mary Thompson visited with
Miss lelle MeGuilocie
‘' Mrs. James Stott, of Filmere, visit-
ed with Mr. and Kra. A. McLellan, of
Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
Mrte. leecinard Houghton and son,
Prank, have gone to Mount,Forest to
visit with ther mother. ,
Mr. and Mew. Ralph SPeare. of Her-
ristork, 'rifsit5oe -with Mr. Js. Speare.
Mr. Thomas Gilles•ple, of Tigonto,
Mread Mn. Nell Gillespie, of
forth, were the guests of Mr. and
Ian** Scott
1Zte Serientraelvath antilversaly of
tdOlding of the emMalty Pg-
tej09111.th %%A held on Sunday
etitIslord • dattliadfl,..', of
Wang charge o't the serViee
WV& he ettdribUted tM1P0 Orr
; •
cellent addresses, the ehoir, Mader!
the cePahle leadership of Mrs. Ken-
aeth •McKellar, is to be highly com-
mended for their part which added,
much to the service of worship. 'Phe
numbers rendered in the morning
were: Anthem lay the chair; male
quartette and solo, "The Man of Gali-
lee." by Mrs. K. Drake. In the eye-
rting the &lair sang an, anthem and
numbers were rendered by a male
quartette an -d a mixed quartette. A
large attendance was present at both
services. The pastor, Rev. P. Jamie-
son, exchanged pulpits with.' his, son,
and took charge of the services in, the
Presbyterian Church in Dresden.
Win At Guelph
Percy Wright, Cromart , and Wal-
ter Arbogast, Stratford, c mprised the
team that won the pro\ incial cham-
pionship for judging swi e at the In-
ter -County competitions held at the
Ontario Agrictiltural Co lege, Guelph,
by the Department of 4griculture on
Friday. In all, 153 t me took part
in the various Asdti.tions of the
day. Kirkton Beef Club stood six-
teenth in the beef classes, the mem-
bers of the team being 'Carman. Bragg
and Gordon Nethercott, of St. Marys.
Mitchell Grain Club, consistine of
Emery Leake and Edwin EiCkineyer,
stood sixteenth. At the conclusion of
the competitions,- Dr, G. 1. Christie,
president ,of the college, addressed
the assemblage at a banquet in Nor-
folk -Street United ,Church.
• r
The one and only original Rexnll
One -Cent Sale next week. Four" big
days, Wed., Thurs.,. Fri. and Sat.,
Nov. 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th.
The W. A. and W. M. -S. will hold
their regular meeting at the home of
Mrs. Charles •Dolanage on Wednesday,
Nov. 5-th, at 2 p.m. The roll call will
be on "Trust"
The Red Cross euchre, and dance
held recently was well attended. The
prize winners were; Ladies,. most
games, Mrs. Lorne Webster; lone
thands, ,Mrs. Joseph Dolinage; men,
inost- gam -es, Mr. Sade Broome; lone
hands, Mr. Riabert Dodds; door prize,
• Mr. Wilbur G•od•kin. Ducks were giv-
en for prizes. .After lunch a few hours
were spent in. dancing. -Mr: Joseph
Dolmage was spokesman or the even -
We are sorry to hear of little Wil-
bur Chambers -having scarlet fever,
and hope he will soon be well again -
The school has been closed for a few
The Red Cross workers, met in the
hall last week and quilted four quilts.
Mr. and Mrs_ Joseph Dolmage, Mr.
'ant Mrs. Robert Dodds and Mrs.•Geo.
Eaton visited friends in Stratford
last Thursday. '
Mr. Andrew Montgomery, of Galt,
spent the week -end with his family.
Miss Isabel 'Betties, nunse of Lon-
don, and Mr. Ken Betties, of' Brant-
ford, spent the week -end with their
Mr. and' Mrs'.Walter - Eaton and
family and Mr. and. Mrs. Peter Mc-
Cowan and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton.
The one and only original Rexall
One -Cent Sale next week. Four big
days, Wee.," Thurs., Fri. and Sat.,
No't. 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th.
e, Enka), Institute Card' Party
The card party and dance recently*
Sponsored by the Women's Inetitite
was -The first of a series planned Or
the fall and winter season.' The wenn,'
prize for highest points scored was
won by Mr. Ed..Butson, and the cote
solation for the lowest score went to
Master Jimmie McKellar, while Mrs.
John McDonald won for the ladies
high score and the consolation went
to Mrs. Gordon Floggarth. , Mrs. Dan
Peens sat in -the lucky chair and was
g:ven a 'pack of cards. Sandwiches
and coffee were served in the base=
morn and later dancing was enjoyed
with Mr. Frank Hamilton and Mr. J.
McYlaig supplying the violin music
with Miss Christina MeKaig and Mrs.
Cliff Miller at the piano, while Mr.
Earl Dick was in charge of the danc-
Institute Sponsors Quilting Bee
The quilting bee held by the Wo-
men's Institute was a very successful
one. Six quilts' werp,put in the frames
arid ' • ettailfed - (luting the atter-noon.
These will all be donated to the Mit-
chell Patriotic Society for the. Red
Cross or other war purposes. A good
deal or the material going into these
quilts was donated by ladies in the
distiect and the remainder was sup-
plied by the Institute. The ladles of
e community turned out to the nrum-, ed
William Butt, for many years a
prominent Tuckersmith farmer, ,
died at his home in Seaforth
where he has lived retired for a
number of years. He was in his
90th year.
no quilt or blanket to give, $2.00 will
enable the Red 01088 to buy one for
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wiley, of De-
troit, were week -end visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and
daughter, Jean. _
Mrs. Hymens and son', Ben, of Done-
gal, in company with Mrs. R. J.
Woods, of Listewel, and Mrs. Lottie
MeAsh, of London, attendeclathe sale
of .effects of the late Frank -Weekes
on Friday.
Mrs. McDonald, of Wroxeter, has
returned home after spending a few
days with 'relatives.
Mrs. Harold Elliott spent the week
end in Deteoit.
Anniversary services will be held
in, St. John's Ang-liean •Chureif 'early
,NoVember, 'Of which details Will
appear later. ' "
. .
.the one originaj Rexall
One -Cent Sale 'next week. Four big
claye, Wed., Tlitirg., 'Fri and .S.6.t„
Nov, 5th, 6th, '7th 'and 8the
Mr. James Broadfoot, sena of Mr.
and Mrs. Jaynes Broadfoot, fs' now
stationed at Brattelon with the R.
Quite a numben from this district
attended Kinburn anniyensary on Sun-
day when Rev. G. Burton, of Ontario
St. Church, Clinton, was -the guest
The November meeting of the Tuck-
ersmith Ladies' Club will.be held at
the hone of Mrs. F. Walters on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 5th: ;Come prepared, to
seer, and bring along those pareels for
the. Christmas bOx that were forgot-
ten last month. Roll call will be a
question for a quiz contest. .
The Club ladies quilted three cinilts
for the Red Cross -at the .churth on
Wednesday. • "-
The council has decided to widen
the road and melte further Itiaprove-
merits at the 'BrOadfoot bridge, ,cor-.
ner. Operations are to begin. this,
The -one and Only original keanalt
One-Ceme Sale next week. Four big
dk,ys, Wed., Thurs.,- Fri. and Sat.,
•Nov. 5th, 6th, 7th' and 8th.
. Miss Doris Alexander, of London,
and Miss Isobel' Alexander, of Shed
don, spent the Week -end with their
parents; Mr. and Mts. Wm. Alexander.
MT, Clarence McLean, of London,
spent the week -end with. his sister
anithrother-in-law,• Mr. and Mrs, 'Al-
lan Johnson.
Mrs. Hays and daughter,' Wilraa,
an4Miss Jean McLean, of • Seaforth:
vishted-on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
J. Henderson. •
Mts. Watson and daughters, of
Loadesbero,. visited on Sunday with
the former's daughteir Mrt and Mrs,
J. Sjeuclair.
Miss Edna Dayman, of :London,
epent the week -end, with her parente,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darman.
Miss Kathleen Jones, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with her parent,
Mr. and Mrs. Nornian Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride and
daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Elraore
McBride and daughter, of near 'Zur-
ich, 'visited on Stinday with Mr. and
Mrs:Robert McBride. •
MiSs Bernice Finkbeiner, of Exeter,
spent the week -end' with her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and ' Mrs'. II. *Jones.
Quite a number froni here attended
the CKNX 'barn dance which was
broadcast from the Town Hall in
Hensall on Saturday night.
Successful anniversary 'S•ervices
were observed in St. Andrew's Unit-
, Church, Kippen, on Sunday Oct.
ber of over seventy. ten -cent tea was '26
served by the Institute and all re-
ported an enjoyable afternoon. Tick-
ets were sold on a comforter that had
ale° been donated and little Jimmie
Chappel made the drawing for it.
Mrs. Thomas Worden held the lucky
Lumber. The proceeds from all these
activities will be used for war pur-
The one and only original Rexall
One -Cent Sale next week. Four big
days, Wed., Thurs., Fri, and Sat.,.
Nov. 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wiley, of De-
troit, spent, the week -end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Reid.
Some of the ladies of the Goshen
W. M. S., entertained the Varna Red
Cross workers at a tea ia the hall
on Wedn,esday, Oct. 22. A silver col-
lection was taken for the Red Cross.
54r Bert- Hymers, of Newton, was
renewing acquaintancee in this lOcal-
ity last week, and attended the sale
of the Weekes' estate.
,Thera. Mr. Mair, of Thames Road,
took the services at Varna United
'Church on Sunday last. /Alas Hein
was im charge of anniversary services
at Elirnville.
Meters. Gordon Keyes and Harvey
Hayter leave this- *week for military
training, Gordot in the air Corps and
Harvey in the arillY•
At a relent meeting of the program
committee of the Red 'Ores); it Was
deckled' to hold a euchre party In the
TOWntithiti 'Hall on the eVenitig Of 141,64
ankete are arges't'y need bri re-
lieVe .adfferhig In Britain. If haver
th, at 11 a.m. arid 7.30. pm Rev
Mr. Turnbull, of Notth Street Chinch,
Goderich, was the special speaker for
the day and the guest soloist, Mr:
Benson Stoneman, of ChiselhurSt,
sangein Splendid voice at the morning
service, "0 Loving Father" and "I
Heard the Voice of Jesus Say." His
contributions for the evening service
were "Open the Gates of the Temple"
and "Hold Thou My Hand," Splendid
congregations were pres nt for both
deits of worship.
'k# kr*eat' Giarterkk Spaforth,
00114.0.,Llnt 8434(..4e,n180,11. '
Mr. • and :Acitfi: gt4p, promin,
Hensel Maidents, eiverVed -their
h wedding anniversary en Satur-
day, Oct. 25, celebrating the event at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Plerning,
of Dundas. Members of their family
Present' were Maurice, of Galt Navy
School; Jack, cif Hensall, and Mar-
garet, of Dundas. Guests were pres-
ent from Brantford, Stoney Creek,
Burlington and Dundas.
St. Paul's Anglican Church on Sat-
urday afternoon last was the scene Of
a lovely event when the Little Heip-
ers of that 'church 'held their annual
meeting. There was a splendid at-
tendance. The !basement was lovely
with autumn flowers. Rev! M. A. Hunt
was chairman, and Mrs. J. Henderson
was at the piano for the hymns which
were sung, including- "Jesus Loves
Me," "When He Cometh," and
"Mothers of Salem.", Mrs. M. A. Hunt,
guest speaker, gave a pleasing talk
to the mothers and children. Articles
were brought in for a layette which
will be packed and forwarded to the
Western area, A delicious lunch -ewes
served, Miss Amy Reynolds and Miss
Mary Fee being in charge of the af-
fair, which was much enjoyed.
where prayer was wont to be nuido,
and we sat down and smite MAD the
woman which resorted thither." The
speaker presented a very interesting
message 'bo. the life and conversion
of Lydia,concluding with some in-
formative facts of the work and aims
of the W.M.S. Mr. Sinclair's many
friends were delighted to have the op-
portunity of hearing him again. The
choir for their anthem sang "The
"Morning Light is Breaking." There
was a splendid congregation preseat.
Mr. Lloyd Ortwein, grand -son of Mr.
and _Mrs. J. W. Ortwein, and grand-
son of Ars. Peter Munn, visited over
the week -end 'here .in Hensel'. Lloyd,
who is stationed with the navy at
Halifax, i, hornon a 21 -day leave,
and since leaving his home in Lon-
don in the spring has travelled on
convoys to England, Africa and Bermuda,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Lavender and fam-
ily are being visited by Mr. Laven-
der's niece, Mrs. M. Plane, and fam-
ily of Ma,doc. •
with ,Mrs. Bonthroand Mrs, L.
Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson and
Billy, of Detroit, spent the week -end
Enjoy CKNX Barn Dance
Hensall Town Hall Saturday even -
Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks, well- ing was packed to capacity for the
known Heniall residents, celebrated CKNX barn dance, the first of this
their thirteenth wedding -anniversary form of entertainmentto be held here.
on Friday, Oct. 24. In honor of the Twenty radio artists contributed to
event, CKNX, Wingham, 'broadcast a the program which included selec-
selection for them: entitled "Beyond tions by the Blake Buckle Busters, di -
the Sunset." rectea by Mr. Arthur Finlayson; Kip -
Mrs. Caroline Youngblutt, former pen, Hot Shots, featuring Frank Ken -
well known resident, died on Saner- ny on the violin, Mervyn Stelck, ban
day afternoon at the 'home of her jo, and Arthur Finlayson, guitar; Bay -
daughter, Mrs. Norma,n. Peppier, of field Valley Four; solos by Miss Sar -
Hanover, in her . 89th year. Mrs. ah Cruickshank, accomrpanied by her-
Younglehitt resided in this village for self on the guitar. Mr. Carey Joynt
many years where her late husband sang "On the Road to Mandalay" and
conducted a boot and shoe store, and "For Thine Alone," Miss Florence
will be remembered by a great many Welsh accompanying at the piano.
friends who will mourn the passing . Clark Johnston, the comedian of the
of a grand old .lady. Mrs. Youngblett program, was a. directhit with his
for some years had resided in Han- humorous readings and ,singing num-
over, but generally spent the winter hers. Mr. Cruickshank was master of
anonthe with her daughter and sin -in- ' ceremonies. Judging from the aP-
law,..Mr.' and Mrs. James W. Bon -1 plause from the audience the event
throh. She was remarkably 'bright for was certainly much enjoyed. They
her advanced years, and until her last will return to Hensall within the next
illnese loved to perform her own six or eight weeks to present another
household duties, and took much plea- broadcast. Special numbers were
sure in_eattending church services,' broadcast for W. A. MacLaren, Mrs.
health permitting. Her family con- Annie Saundercock, Mr. and Mrs. Ar -
sista of three 60119: Andrew, of Brit- thur Anderson, Walter McBride, Mr.
ish Columbia; William, of the West, and Mrs. Thomas Lavender and many
and Wesley,, Hamilton, and three others.
daughters, (Rose) Mrs. Hall, McKee's Little - Doan
Rock, Pennsylvania; (Bertha) Mrs. The home of Mr. and. Mes. Stanley
James W.•• Bonthron, Hensel', and Doan, Watford, Wednesday, October
Lillian (Mrs', Norman Peppier), Han- 29th, at 2 p.m., was the scene of a
over, The funeral was held Monday charming autumn wedding, when
afternoon from the Evangelical their daughter, Violet Irene, •became
Church, Waterloo, with interment in the bride of Darland Arthur Little,
a Kitchener cemetery. son of .Mr. and Mrs. Grant Little, of
- The Arnold 'Carole of Carmel Biggare-Sask, Rev. W. Eddy perform -
Church Met for their October meeting ed the ceremony and the bridal music'
,at the home of Miss Jean McQueen was played by Miss Ethel Richard -
with Miss Sally Manson, -president, in son.. Autumn flowers m a d
the their. "Pass Me Not, o Gentle attractiye setting for the cere-
Saviour" was the opening hymn, fol- eiony.,, Given in marriage by her
lowed with prayer by Miss Hannah father, the attractive bride -was leve,
Murray; Scripture, Psalm 64, by Miss ly in a 'streeelength gown of heaven
Helen Moir, and "0 Master, Let Me ly blue crepe and matching accessor-
Walk-With Thee." The roll call was les. She carried a -bouquet of 'Amere
answered with the collection of birth- can beauty roses, and was attended
day fees. Mrs. Melvin M4 dimtribut- by her sister, Miss Marjorie Doan,
ed a splendid, topic, "Sun Of My Soul," wearing a street -length gown of rose
and the. Lord's Prayereconeheded this with accessories in blue with arm
portion of the meeting; after Which a bouquet, of baby mums,- The groom
most delicious luncheonewas served was supported by his consin, Robert
by the hostess. Hess, .of Hensall, and the soloist,
Tee Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presby' Miss Ruth Hess, of Hensali, cousin of
terian Church, is sponsoring a home the groom, attractively frocked in
cooking sale in the basement of the wine taffeta, sang in lovely voice. "I
church on Saturday afternoon, Nov. Love You Truly." Later a reception
8th. Home cooking, vegetables, fowl,, was held at the home of the bride's
etc., will be includedin the sale, and Parents, the 'bride's mother receiving
tea will be served. in a dusky rose .gown, and was as -
sister by the groom's mother wearing
Death of Mrs. Anthony Etue - a. blue celaneSe triple sheer • gown,
both wearing corsages of rose heds,
Fifty guests were -present for the wed-
ding dinner', the 'bri'dal table. being
centered with 'the. wedding cake, pink
tapers in silver containers and vases
of pink and white carnations. Later
the bridal couple left for Toronto and
Niagara FallS, the bride travelling in
a •dark blue •ensenable with matching
Mrs. Anthony Etue, well known resi-
dent of Hay To-wns•hip, died suddenly
at her home on Wednesday, death
being attributed to a cerebral hem-
orrhage. She was the former Miss
Mary Wilds, of Bayfield, and is sur-
vived by her lifishand and two chil-
dren, including a baby of five weeks:
ghe was in •her 33rd year. Funepar
services 'will be held from St. Boni-
face Church, Zeirich, on Friday.
W. C. T. U. Meets
The W.C.T.U, met for their October
meeting in the schoolroom autlitoriinn
of Hensall United .Church on Thurs-
day afternoon, Oct. 23, at 3 p.m., with
a splendid attendance present. Mrs.
C. L. Jinks presided, for the devotion-
al session. Special prayers for the
navy and armed forces were offered
by Mrs. Johns, Mrs. Christie, Miss
Consitt, Miss Jean Murray and. Mrs.
Redden. The Seripture lesson was
read, by Mrs'. R. 'A. Brook. Hyalairs
sung during this period were "0 God
Our Help in Ages Past," "Take My
Life and Let It Be," and "Blest Be
the Tie That Binds," with closing
Prayer by Mrs. -Jinks. Miss Consitt
was in the ehair for the second por-
tion of the program in the- absence
of Mrs. George Hess, president. The
minutes were read by the secretary,
Miss Irene Douglas, and the roll- call
taken. Mrs. Brooks, .recently appoint-
ed county war service superintendent,
took charge of the knitting accom-
plished by members during the past
month and for which interesting sub-
ject Miss Jean Murray spoke briefly
upon. Special thanks of aptirciation
were extended to Howard Brook for
the splendid and efficient way in
HENSALL which he !prepared the directories for
the Huron W.C.T.c, Arrangements
Ladies' and Gentletnen! Goodwins were made for Members to attend the
have Winter tintler*ear, foot ear and Temperance Federatien held in North -
blankets at old prices. side United .Chtirch, Seafdrth, Wed-
nesday, when Rev. C. W. De Mille,
Mark Golden Weddin
D.D., was the guest speaker. Con -
Mr. and Mrs. John Cole, o Exeter, tributing to the musical portion of
observed their golden wesis anni- the program wag' a delightful piano
versary at their home wit sembets solo, "There is a Fountain," by Miss
of their family present fo , family Gladys'Luker. and a. vocal solo, "God's
dinner. The home was be: tifully Tomorrow," by Mrs, Maude Redden,
decorated with yellow gla. '1,, dh-
Miss Luker accompanying at the
lias and marigolds. After dinn rr iano. The guestiVeaker tor the af-
and Mrs. Cole received for the' many very inforthative ant) interesting ac -
served by Mrs. Arthur Cole, MreeW count on the highlights of the 64th
-Cole, MraFred ,Cole and ,Mrs.- Provincial W.C.T.U. Convention held
dre'w Houston, while tea was mired at Devine Street United OluirCh, Sin=
by Miss Alice Haeleney•and Mrs: eat-
Nally. Many lovely gifts were reeeiv, The W. M. S. of Hensall United
Church observed their annual thank-
ed by the 'bridal couple of fifty years
ago who Were married at the old, e
offering meeting Sunday morning,
Thames Road IVIetture by the late Elev.' Mt. 2d; With Rev, Artintr Shanlair,
Conn Pleteheie For some thirty years minister Of Myth United Church and
they Itved lit Henstall district and 'f°116 minister here fol "1" el*"
,thett Ifidved to Eeeteit, Where they tee? 'yars, as guest). speaker, taking
l lath r fit
'hare since reSided. Their union vias r for hit sUbjeet, Acts, 16th Chapter,
hielased tT
defter:10h, and d!
Fre, home. Otte "
sttirint tilitPf the eitr 4' a 14,f;Odep,
• aTorte: "Andon the abhath we
ee,e, 1' eeee,gieeteeeteree.e. _
Town Hall, Bewail'
8.30 p.m.
Sponsored by Canadian Legion
15 Prizes -10 Specials (Turkeys)
Special Consolation Prize
Ladies please provide lunch
accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Little will
reside in Riggar, Sask.' „Quests were
present from Ottawa, Detroit, Peron -
to. Sarnia, Watford, Forest and In-
wood. From Hensall were Mr. and
111re, George Hess and family, Robert
and Ruth; from Biggar, Sask„ Mrs,
Grant Little and daughters, Hazel and
Complete Jam Making
The Hensel -I' W.I.. have completed
their jam making for 1941, having
shipped 1,400 - pound's to Red Cross
headquarters in Toronto. This 'includ-
ed strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry',
plum and grape jam, apple jelly and
pear marmalade. The Institute wish-
es to thank all those who so .gener-
ously donated sugar and fruit, and al-
so those who gave their services, es-
pecially the conveners, Mrs. J. She-ta-
herd, Mrs • W. 0. Goodwin, Mrs. C,'
Cook and Mrs. F. Beer. Thanks are
also tendered to the sessions of the
United and Presbyterian Churches
for the use of their kitchens in this
jam making ,project. Word has been
received from Toronto that this jam
testetivoeVreYrstesghi. and will 'all be
Mr. and Mrs. Hagan, of Kitchener,
spent last week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Alettander of the Boundary.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton, of I.Ts-
borne, spent Sunday last with their
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Milton. Stewart,.
of McKillop.
The Women's Association of Hen-
sall United Church sponsored a very
successful hot Hallowe'en supper in
the basentent of the church Thursday
evening, Oct. 30th, followed with a
splendid program by the Air Force
boys of Clinton Radio School. assist-
ed by ,Mr. Sant Rennie, soloist; Miss
Greta Lanamie, violinist, and Miss M.
Ellis and Miss Velma Ferguson, read-
The annual thankoffering meeting
of the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian
Church was held Tuesday afternoon,
Oct 28th, in the 'school room audi-
torium at 3 p.m., with the president,
Mrs. C. S. Hudson, in the chair, who
gave the opening. prayer ,and We/ -
come. The opening hymn, "Give To
(3od Immortal Praise," was followed
with the Scripture reading, Romans,
loth chapter; by Mrs. A. Logan, and
the hymn, "Freely Ye Have Receiv-
ed, Freely Give," with the offering
dedicated by singing ..the last verse
of the hymn. Miss Margaret Dougall
favored with a lovely solo, accompan-
ied by her mother at the piano, ethe
guest speaker, Miss M. Fowler, of
Alma, gave a very interesting address
on her trip to Jerusalem, Which was
much enjoyed. The closing hymn was
"Our Loved Dominion Bless," with
prayer by the minister, Rev. William
Weir. A social hour was spent and
luncheon served. Autumn flower
decorated the schoolroom.
Commencing Sunday, Nov. 2nd, ev-
ening services at 'Carmel Pr,esbytele.
ian Church will commence at 70p.m.,
instead of 7.30, which was only for
the summer months.
Mrs. John Elder has returned home
after -a lovely visit with her daughter
(Helen) Mrs. A. E. Howe, and chile
dren, Betty and Billy, of Ottawa,
Mrs. Wallace, of New York, is the
guest of Mrs. A. Todd.
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