HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-10-17, Page 4fl r• ,S IS a tt red Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates : wwitwt,,,d, Loot end i+aa*d, Gain Vie. "Eta -Pae word: • Cent 204 t Wweek - eek1r, Cent Bed week ale Cent in era charge. t. hast in+feidien 26 Ceudrs Each Scum Waal l end abbrevatisn coma as one weed. i A? Taeaas. In Memoriam Neiticea--a emit per weed, Minimum, 50 cants per week. may be 'directed to a Bee Number, care of The Huron Espo.itor, for 10 cents gxdy4i ween will be Per ahs l r' ,cbaaated if ads in above night in the week in which the ad was run. addlt }Fe, Marriages and Deaths 'inserted free of cheese. Hou Saler. Notices to C'redit.aa, Etc ---.Rates en epplicatan. For Rent *poR $LENT -8 -ROOMED BRICK HOUSE ▪ on Goderieb Street. All modern conceal- eaoes. ' Garage. Apply to Sox 282, EXPOSI- TOR OFFICE. 3853-tf Help Wanted amass are net paid by the BRUSSELS Withthe death of Di. J. D. War- wick on, Wednesday, there passed away at his. home in Brussels,- one of the district's best known ' citizens. Born in 1865, the son of Robert Wat- SMART CAPABLE GIRL BY NU�(EMJIER tr tt 6 and Isabella Allan, he attended let, as waitress at QUEENS- HOTEL, school at the old stone school, 2nd Stratford. - 33554 litre, Morris Township. Later the at- tended veterinary college in Toronto, '!'ANTED -GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- graduating work; family of three adults. Aid con- veniences. with honors in 1889, the Apply 'tto Box 251, E4POSITOa Came year he started practicing in OFFIGE. 3852-tf 1:3ru'ssels.' He retired in 1940. In Property For Sale HOUSE Fon SALE - NICE COMFORT - able elk -roomed house on Centre Street, with hard and soft water, bath, eleotrie lights. Possession any time: Apply to GOR - .DON LITTLE, 18 Metcalf St.. Galt. Ont. t.f. Lost' and Found STRAYED DOG -BEARING LICENSE NO. 15. Notify REV. MORLEY, New Ham- burg. 3853-1 - Farm Stock For Sale OR SALE -S CHUNKS OF PIGS, AVER- "aginK 60 Pounds. Phone 852 r 13, Sea - forth. PAT MURRAY. 3853-1 FOR SALE -DUAL PURPOSE SHORT - born 'bulls, all ages, R.O.P. stock; Shrop- shire rams, registered show stock: Apply to ERNEST TEMPLEMAN, Stela. 'Phone Dub- lin 61-1¢.. 3853x2 • For Sale FOil, SA -LE -ONE IS-1NCSI 'GRINDER. Ap-. ply to LEO STEPHENSON, R.R. 2, See, forth, Ont. 3853x1 MI he married Isabella Grewar. He leaves besides his wife, Douglas, of Brussels, and Jack, of Gary, Ind.; two sisters, Miss. Jean Stark, of Vancou- ver, and Mrs. Carrie Golley, of Grind- rod•, B.C., and three brothers, Robert, of Morris Township; George, of Grey Township, and Andrew, of Scottsfield, Alta, The funeral will be held from his residence, Turnberry Street, Br4s- sels, at 2 p.m. Friday, October 17th. WALTON • Fora SALE-'rSIBEE-PIECE GOLDEN OAK iindrawn - suite. Cheap ' for cash. h JOHN C. CRICiI, Seaforth. , • 3853-2 • • �rFJS FOR . SALE --190 ONE -YEAR-OLD' " Leghorn hers;. Apply to HOWARD M. ChtICIi, R.R. 3. ,Seaforth. Phone 614 r 8, Cl in ton. 3S53x1 FSR SALE -USED CONNOR FI FCTRIC.+ washer in A-1 condition Apply to BOSHART F,r.u'CTRTC, Seaforth. 3853-2 11ORIVATE SALE - KITCHEN CABINET ; table; 4 chairs ; single bed; heater, and other small iarbic5es. Apply to MRS. JOHN KNIGHT, Market Street. 3852x1 CAR FOR SAT:F 1930 ESSEX. IN GOOD running order; excellent 'tires. Cheap for cash. WILLIAM _FETTER, c/o Grich's Res- taurant. pole S,ALE^-2,000-LB. RENFREW SCALE. Royal Oak .Neater and pipe: and platform, sugar kettle, set •bed springs. small iron gate, , some banners, Saslcalldhewan robe, wire stretchers, 40 -gallon galvanized tank. Apply I to BOX 102, Varna. Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE --AN EXTRA 'GOOD 50 acres, with frame house and barn, at Lot I- 5, on the and doncessgdn of Huilellt ; well ' drained, Sn excellent. state of cultivation; mile from adheeil- Apphir:- to THOMAS E. LIVINGSTON. . Clinton. 38.53x4. Notices Mr. Christie Wilson, of St. Thomas, anti Hugh Wilson, of London, spent the week -end with their sister, Mrs. Fred Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Jeffrey, of Gode'rich, called on friends around Walton on Saturday. WIT\ THFOP• ..,.•. __ The regular autunln thankoffer'ing meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held in the church on Wednesday Oct. 8th. After singing the hymn "Conte, Ye Thankful 'People, Come? Mrs. Somerville led in praye.:. The loll call showed seventeen members present. The C.GI' .. P. then, ^coir charge with Ruth Pethick in the chair. The • hymn, -"Thy Ceaseless is nexhaur ted Love," was sung and the Scripture was. taken from Psalm 723 by Ruth• Campbell, followed with prayer by Margaret Montgomery, Helen Elliott gave two interesting readings, "My Mistake" and "A Mis sionary Wedding," This was follow- ed by a poem. "Our Best." by Mrs. Chambers.. , Mrs. Toll gave a' very interdsting talk- on the,.branch con - erence held at• Woodstock: Jean P•: ece then favored with ,a solo which was very much enjoyed. A 'hearty 'vote .of thanks to the speaker Was e'tended by 'Mrs, Ross, after which rue hymn, "Breathe On Me, Breath of God" was 'sung. The general thanksgiving was repeated.in unison end "God' Save the King" was sung. Mr. Paton• closed the meeting with prayer... VARNA _.. '' Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, in company with Mr. Harold' Rathwell, of Windsor, were guests at the home of • Mr. and Mrs. John Rathwell on Sunday and Monday. • Mr. and Mors. Lay -them, of London, ! spent Sunday with the latter's mother. NOTICE -WILL rem PERSONS 'WHO Mrs. Beatty, and daughter. took the chickens from Mrs. ' cordon Bot- i-V&r."'and Mrs. Rae and Mr. Crei'gh- ton's tarn, return toren at once to save 'fur- ton, of St. Marys, called Sunday on that trouble? ' - 3853-1 FORMINERAL FOR CATTLE, PIGS OR • Ponitrry, see your Watkins Dealer, Wm. BRADISHA.W,. '54 Geatge St.,' Seaforth, 3 blocks east of seat:ate Library. ' es51.x3 Wanted 'WANTED -A SINGLE BED IN GOOD ▪ condition. Apply to Box 233, EXPOSI- TOR OFFICE. 3853-1 r their cousin, Mrs. M. G. Beatty. Mr. and rs. George Coleman and Me. and. Mrs. Nelson Keys, of Eg- mord.ville; • attended anniversary ser- vices in the United Church, ,tivirich were held on Sunday and were very largely attended. Rev. Reba ' Hern took full Charge bath morning and ev- ening and 'delivered two fine sermons, the church being filled to full capac- ty at both servi'cbs,,in'fact 'those who came late could 'not get a seat. 'Mr. and Mr's. Alvin Elliott, of Kit- chener, spent the 'holiday with the former's parents, Me., and Mrs. M, El - WOOLLENS WANTED - GOOD, TRIM- med,• sOft woollens, six cents Dash and seven cents trrde.on Blankets or Rugs. Write the only. authorized company's salesman of this district, H SMELSER, M�iteh5Il. On- tarin- • 3850x5 FOR .SALE -FARM, 106 ACRES; SITU- aied 4% 'miles from Seaforth; 2 storey brick house; 2 good bank barns. 56. x 36; water.. Apply to K. I. 'McLEA.N, Barrister and Solicitor, Seal!arih. t.f, • Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stook and Implements, on Lot 20, Conces- sion 9, Hibbert, 1'% miles west of Staffs, on 3r'r'iriair, Octiber 24rth, at 1 p.m. WILLIAM JEFFREY, Prbprietbr-; Harald Jackson, Auc- tioneer. 3852-2' AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND leapleonents, et Dublin Stock Yards, on Tnehday, 'October 21St;. at 1 p.m.: Catitle- 13erdflord cow due April 1st; '2 Durham Cows coming 4n in October: 2 Durham cows due in February; 7 two-year-old steer's, a to 10 cwt.; 55 Dunham and Hereford cattle, 700 lbs. Pigs --20 'Chunks, 40 oto 60 'bs. Imple- meats-Deering spring tooth cultivator; 2 M'absey-Barris 2 -furrow riding plows: Cock- elrutt single riding plow- Teams -(lash. JOSEPH CRONTN, Proprietor; Harold Jack - ,t 'son: Auctioneer. ' • 3853-1 Card of Thanks G. TROYER AND GORDON WISH to 'Shank their archery friends for the ax- irremsions Of kindness exttended 'to them dur- 'dee flhepr. recent bereavement; also to those who sent flowers and those taking part in the quartette (The Old Rugger Crass). also to Rev. wsr. • Births SHEA�bn StaiSt Memorial] FLosp18a0k 8sai'ot , or: October 16th, to Mr. and M.M. Jbseph Shea, Dublin, a daughter. 4.44 ' Deaths $ Alit* y'i O'ilhiabet ie �} Ann. Catietta L �r(ld,i t�b�, Meed Wife of 'ar•• afiE7y� , k naiba, Wands. y,,Jowls 41-E ee;trrereQd , tattloisait , : Ciffhg . i gir;!itiv rrl, liott. , Mr. and Mrs. Stelck,of Blake, we"e guests at` the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Inges on Sunday. Mr. and Mks. Stewart Beattie, of Flesherton, were rrev.ewing acquaint- ances over the week -end and holiday. Service in St. John's Anglican Church will be held at 11 a.m, until further notice. Mr. ' Garnet Wanless, of Wisconsin, in company with his sister, Mrs. Turnbull, and daughter, Mabel', of Seaforth, spent Sunday with friends and acquaintances in and around the district. Quite a nn} bet from here attend,' ed the abowed on. M.on4ay evendnlgt given in St. I?'atriek's 'Fall; lu:glin;, int hanor,'of Miss Dei'aney, on the eve of her marriage. _ Buckwheat is a good crop, but the late rains and heat is causing it to sprout. TUCKE'SMITH Anniversary services will be held in Turner's United Church on Sunday at 2 p.m., when Rev. A. E. Turnball, of Goderich, will be the preacher, and at 7.30 p.m., when Rev. Reba •Hero, of. -Varna, will be the preacher. The Tuckersprith Ladies' Club were entertained on Tuesday afternoon by the Egmbndviile Taches. Mr. and Mrs. F. Lawrence, of Ham- ilton , and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Trick, of Dorches were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend. A brand new baby girl has come to live with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Town- send, The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club en- tertained the'Brucefield and Winthrop Women's Associations to a delightful program and lunch on Tuesday after- noon in the -basement 'of the Egmond' ville United Church., Mrs. A. W. Gardiner presided over the ,.meeting at which there was a large attend- ance, the church being well filled. The following program was much enjoyed; Duet, Mrs. Allan Johnson and Miss Eva Stackhouse on the piano, violin and organ; duet by Miss Florence Whitmore and Miss Margaret Crich; Miss' Margaret Habkirk, of Winthrop, sang a sok) entitled, "Was That Some- body You?" Dr. Reba 'Herm of Var- na,' was the guest speaker and gave a very interesting talk nn the work of the Women's Association. A veryr pleasant half-houwas spent at the lunch hour. a KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Will Persons aadCromarty,Bobbie, of Cromarty, spent Sunday with the former's brother, Mr. andMrs. Archie Parsons.y'l Mr. and Mrs. E. Tadr and family, + 1 See.tford, spent the week -end at am home of Mr. and Mrs. RobeDins- c: al e. Mr. and MPs. S. Beattie, of Flesher - ton, visited over the'week-end et the /toot of the latter's parents, Mr. and , -obert McBride. :4 W H .Ir id Ire. e a•i 'M niss I o mY I,.ma Ferguson and Mr. A. Gackstet- i ter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. • Amos Ferguson, of Ilderton, Miss S. Finkbeiner, of Crediton, is! spending a couple of weeks with her I • ,'ister, 'drys, H. Jones. Death of George Troyer A shadow of gloom was cost over this community on Friday morning ' hist, when it was learned of the sod -4 den passing of one of its life-long t esid'ents in the person of Mr. George Troyer, in his 60.th-year. He leaves. ' to mourn his loss. his 'sorrowing wife, fermerty Miss Alice .Taylor, and one , son, Gordon, at home,' and three sis- ter. , Mrs. W. Dignan and 'Mrs. W. Iiyde, of Hensall, and Mrs. A. Bell, of London. A private funeral was held - afternoon • ' 0-0,000),'-'I op'en@d, president, 11 8, fa:mitten. al allIty;aell 145 was sung. gamin 118 was ropitr' Mrs. Husselll rScQtt, . followed with prayer by the president. The" Igll utee were read -by Mrs. Russell Scott and the treasurer's fieport by Mrs. Hill; Mrs. Ed. Allen read the Glad Tidings. Prayer; a paper was given by Mrs. Thomas Scott, Sr. Hymn 494 was sung and a paper was given by Miss Pringle, "What We Should Be Thankful For." The current events were given by Mrs. Jas. Scott; Mrs. Laing read a peat of the study book, and the meeting closed by prayer by Mrs. Jamieson and the National , An- them was sung. A social hour was then spent with lunch being served. minizeteammmlanommillik ZURICH Mr. Harold Stade, of Stratford, was a -holiday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade. Harold is a prominent plaayer in the Stratford Nationals baseball team, which 'has just ceinpleted 'the 'season by defeat- ing Merriton, thereby winning the Om tario championship in their class. Mr, Clifford 'Schoch, of Waterloo, and Mr. and, Mrs. Lautenschlager, of Kitchener, eyere holiday visitors at the Schoch home, north of town. Mr. and Mrs. Roland 'Geiger and daughter, Roinayne, and Mrs. Garnet Jaeobe and Miss Ida Brill motored to London 'Saturday. • Messrs. Paul and Fred Hess, of Toronto University, were holiday visi- tore with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A; F. Hess. Mrs. Susan Haberer and Mrs. Wm. Decker spent Sunday at London. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Desjardine And Mrs. Henry Walper spent "Saturday at London. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Haberer and Mr. and Mrs. Ted HabererrS'pent a day at London this week. Mr. and Mr's: Lee Oesch and son, Gerald, of St. Catharines, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesah on Sunday. Miss 'Patricia O'Dwyer, of Loretta College, Stratford, was a visitor with he parents, Dr. and Mrs. P,' J. O'Dwyer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frank and soil, of Waterloo, were Thailksgiving visi- tors at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. F;d•ighoffer. Rev. Roy and Mrs. Geiger and fam- ily, of Welland, spent the holida, w•i`h theformer's -iMr. r s �• h tE: and, e Mr;-. E. Blake Horner 14th concession. Mr, and 'Mrs. Clarence Schade and daughter and ,Mrs. Win. •Scrhade, of the 14th coneessibn, motored to Lon- don on• Sunday,• the latter remaining there for some time. Misses Iveline Zeller', Hilda Bru- der, Mr. Ed. Brenner and Karl Heine' ges, , of Kitchener, and Mr: and Mrs. home Cook, of Guelph, spent the week end at the Brenner home in town. ' Mr. 'and Mrs, Orville Ehnes, of De- troit, were week -end visitors at the 'Williams' Home. • ' Mr, and Mrs'. .Wen. O'Brien, 'Ml's Olive and Mr. and Mrs. Gid Koehler motored to London on Saturday. Miss Doris I3orner, of London, spent a pleasant weekrend with ..• her Termite, Mr. and M':s. B. Horner, 14th nnn nncednn ' a!i auuuay rrour urs ,ace The regular meeting of the A;l- residence, conducted by the Rev. Mr. yi$ory Board of -tyle local Red Cross Weir, of Hensall, with interment In Society will be held in the Town Hall, Hensel]. Union Cemetery. Zurich, on Monday evening next at 8 p.m. Mr and 'firs V1 1' T 1 d "•OMARTY e vin ,aqua rn a son, Bobbie, and Mr, and Mrs. ,Iot.0 e, IMitchell, of Hensall, were Thanksgiv- lug 'guests at the home of Mrs. C. Eil- f I ber, the latter remaining with her' sis- n. ter for•a few •days. Mr'� •Lloyd Crawford and his brid of Hamilton, visited at the home o 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wellingto Cr ''f d aw or , Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barr and fam- ily, Mrs. • M., Barr, of Stratford, and Mr. and , MTs. R. 'H. Munro and fam- ily, of Mitchell, visited with Mr. Dun- can McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Allan,. of Brant- ford, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allan and oilier relatives. Mr. and 'Mrs. Andrew McLellan, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. John Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Macdonald and children visited, with friends in Brus- sels. . The members of 'the ,Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Roy Mc- Culloch on Thursday afternoon. Mr'. McCulloch, as president, conducted the meeting. The general items of business were discussed and agreed. After the clbse of the meeting Mrs. • Houghton assisted the aehostess in serving si very dainty lunch and a very social half-hour was enjoyed, Mr.' Archie Hoggarth, who is teach- ing school' in V`Taliacebrirg, enjoyed , the holiday at his 'parental home. - i .Mr. James D. Walker, of Celg�.Ty, is visitibg with his fIriends in this 'n- cinitY. - ! Some of, the holiday� vistors were J Mr. and Mrs. n.h•tI"Landers at: the home of the tarter's niece, Miss Lila McCulloch; Mn Kenneth Coiquhoun, of Clinton, with some of his rela- ives; Misses Bernice and Betty Mc- Kellar with their cousins, Misses Jean and Marjorie MacDougal; Mrs. Cou- per anal her song Archie Couper, of Torontenewith Mrs. James Barber. Rev. P. Jamieson and Mrs. Jamie- son enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday with members of theft' family at Long Paint and Guelph. Mr. James Scott has returned 'home after a two weeks' business tour by way of London, St. Thomas and other surrounding districts,' Miss Mary 'Crawford, Mrs. Maedon- ald and Miss Olive Speare were bit Toronto during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'McCulloch and family, also Mr. John McCulloch, spent Sunday with ' friends at St. 'Thomas. The Anna Reldde Mission'Band met on Saturday. After singing a, hymn, Betty McKellar read the . Scri'pture lesson, followed' by prayer by Mrs. Houghton. The minutes were read by -the secretary, Main' .Won-"" iit"dn.' The treasurer's report was given by Robt. Ching. Mrs. Houghton read an art- icle bearing ,on the Canteen Work in Britain. Mazer YAW -read a paper on the mode "of Iivling In, Pomona. W. M: S. Meets The regular .monthly meeting of the amdliary--e#-trhe-•Wt:1 ,5. of the Pres- byterian Church wan held at the home of Mrs. ramnes Hill oil TherfaleY ' of last week with a large ero'w l attend: aMIm.0 t BRUC'EFIELD Don't forget 'the Brucefieid anni- versary on Sunday, Oct. 19th. Rev, Gillies Eadie, $.A., of Beecher Street United Church', London, will be the speaker, .and special music is being prepared, Miss Margaret Aikenhead, of Lon- don, spent Thanksgiving at -her home here. Miss Irene Snider, of London, spent the week -end at her home here, Miss Grace Dalrymple, of Stratford, visited at her home here. 1(Ir. and Mrs. C. Halstead and Floyd bf °aStratforet spent a couple of days With Me'e, and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Mr. and Mirs. 'G. Valle and daugh- ter visited the lady's father, Mr. C. D. Slmpe,oli, , Miss I Y.ouise Marshall, of London, spent the week -end with Miss M. Mc- Cully. Misses lna and Ellen, Scott rloght Thartnksgiving at their home there. Mrs. Robert Da'wson,. _a sited .. _ her parents at Inwood this Week,' �. ,t�� i4s t ti Mrs. P. =ei`t--krbaase Worth, visited Mr. and _tiff was Scott. ` Mr. and 'Mrs. Prank Strange, of Chatham, visited Mr.. anti—Mrs. G. Veen. - Mr. sled MTs. ,going ,Mctetosh and faarily, 'hf Toronto, Went the Holiday With Mr. and •Mrs. C. ifaugh. huller' : + d rte '1 emelnt fT' a wine 11ar!'!3 W�nty' a, footwear -and bianket�, a 1d i0. w _. ,Re c'r Work Dthie'on' all kinds of rubber fentweaI. haltsoling a n ti patching; also oe,A dyed, R. et. Orr, Shoe Repairs, Iienea'll. 3853-1 • . Your Annual One Cent Sale will be held at Middieton's Resell Drug Store, Hensall, en Wed.,. Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Oct.. 23, '23', 24 and 25. This is the sale You have been waiting for! It is the sale rttlat saves you money! This is your OneCent Sale. This is the time to buy. Be thrifty. Buy to- day at Middleton'e Rexall Drug Store, Hensall Phone 20. (Continued froin'Page 1) of Detroit, were Thanksgiving visi- tors with Mrs. R. Bonthron. The Arnold Circle of Cannel Pres- byterian. Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Walker on Wed- nesday evening of last week and en- joyed a s'octal evening. Following 'a delightful evening of games and con- tests, a delicious luncheon was semv- , ed. Feeley, Oct. 17th, the 'Chamber cif Commerce is sponsoring a euchre and dance in the 'Hensall Town Hall, with good prizes and music'. by Mur - dock's orchestra. Proceeds are for the Community 'Christmas Tree fund. Be sure to attend as you are assured of a II eal evening's entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, of Mel- ton; Miss Amy Lammie, of Windsor, and Miss Kathryn Sells and Miss !Emily Philipott, of London, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mrs. Ag- nes Lammie and Greta. Miss Dorothy Munn., . of London, spent the week -end and holiday with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs: -R. J. Munn. Mr. and Mire. Fred Pedw ell, of Thornbury, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor. Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Kerslake, Billy and Joan and Mies. Watts spent Thanksgiving with relative's inr St. Marys,. MI-. and Mrs. Stan Tudor spent the iecelt-end with their daughter, Mar- garet at - Dli idas, The lovely farm home of Mr. and Mrs. William' Forrest, of near Hen- ' eel], was the scene of a delightful event on , Friday evening; Oct. 10th, when the Wobelo Class of the United C'lun•ch, with Nike M. Ellis, their teacher, held a social evening. Some fir.';v nle:mbn s •ar ,d guests were pies- ent and enjoyed a lovely evening, the flret portion of which was devoted to ^'+iter-, Chinese clleel;ers, etc., after wane) a delicious luncheon was serv- r'. The committee in charge, was :•ri3 Gladys Luker and Mrs. Maude Hee•''en. A vote ,of thanks was ex - Ie. -need to Mr• and Mrs. Forrest for the Torn of their home and far their eine hosp.italit:. T ,Wnsend - Brock A quiet autumn wedding was r ole:nr.ined . at ngntondville, United enteral 'Meese, eaten "Rev. A. W. Gard-. >r� rifler; tett for the marriage of , `• IS'Ired flute 13 rock, youngest 'laugh- 'er or Mrs. r1aesio'Brock and the late I aeor{e Brock, hi' . Hensall, and Allan! T owns,end. only son of Mr. and Mra. ` " ;:'ll Townsend, of EPplondville. l +e charming young bride was 'gown -I ed in a floor -length pink, rosebud dou- , .bre net over silk with bolero, with applique flowers. on' the net: She wore , a necklace of, sunburst set with brit-' lients and carried• a bouquet of pink carnations • and fern, They were un- attended. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend left fc ' a motor trip to London, Ham- ilton and Burlington. They will re- side in.Herisall,• A'family dinner was held • at the home of the bride's mother SSw4ay, Oct. atb, ilia 't . of the 'bridal couple with ' be i » t ag- ate 'r'enativee teann't, r tut, of -town g►•eente attendleVe, iA ; Emma Hawfihorne, oi'; $ to. T:uas. Successful /wtFrliFferaeni'yrnrvle. Marge congregations at�rtcenlded 'the Thanksgiving services tie' 'remelt United Church on Sunday..A.uttvmn, Rower decorated the Church 'and lovely ,lbaslkete Pt yellow front and red Noses were placed infront of the pulpit in memory of the •late -•Charles A. McDonell by members, of "the faiu- ily. For his morning theenOetlte min- ister, Rev. R. A. Brook, aptdee on "Les- sons From the Charging ;wren," and in the evening the subject . was "The Fine Airt of Being Grateful." Thechoir, under the leaglers'hip of W. G. Goodwin, rendered appropriate' music and their selections were, "Rejoice, Be Glad in the Lord" and "In Glad Thanksgiving," Dr. L G. Smillie sang "Consider and Hear Me," which was much enjoyed ,by the congregation. At the evening,, service Miss Greta Lammie contributed a lovely violin solo, "Cavatina," with Miss Kathryn Seli's, of London, at the piano. The W. A. of Hensall United Church is holding a hot Hallowe'en supper in the basement of the church I on Thursday, Oct, 30, which will.• be followed by' a program. The W.M.S. of •Chiselhurst United I Church is sponsoring a home cooking sale in Mr. C. L. Jinks' shop on Main Street on Satued•ay, Oct. 18, at 2 p.m. Dr. and Mrs. B. R. Campbell, of :Toronto, spent Thanksgiving in Hen- sall. • 'Miss Eleanor Bell, R,N., of London, is spending a week at her' home here. Mr, and .Mrs. Jim 'Miller, of Toren- to, and Mrs. Bernice Kirkpatrick; of Las Angeles; California, sister of Mrs, Miller, were Thanksgiving guests with Mr. Miller's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks, and they also i visited with 'his aunt, Mrs. Nelson Blatchford. Special Thanksgiving services were I held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday last when autumn flowers adorned' the church. The 'minister, Rev. William Weir, delivered appro- priate messages i'n keeping with the I occes:ion. For their mo:'ning anthem the choir, udder the leadersit!p of W,' A. MacLaren, sang "Give: Thanks Un- to God," and at the evening service to trio; composed of Mrs, Andrew Don - gall, Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and Miss Margaret Dougall, sang a 'very pleas- ing number, with ales, J. Murdock at the 'console. Death of Stephen George Troyer Hensall and'. district were shacked upon learning of the very sudden death of Mr. -George , 'Troyer, well- known and highly respected farmer of Hay township, who reside:; three miles west of Hen•snli. eelio'died sud- denly on Friday morning, Oct. 10th. Mr. Troyer 'being in fairly good health .and able to attend to his farm duties, was pumping water for his 'stock, and ; when he did not'return for breakfast; his son, Gordon, upon going to look j for his father, was shocked to find his lifeless body beside 'the water trough: I It is presumed that he °differed ri heart seizure. The deceased, who was I in his 67th year, had lived all his life on the homestead' farm, was a (levet- ed husband and kind father and a' good neighbor, and will be mi,lseed',not only in the home but by. his iela•ttves and hosts of friends who mourn his sudden passing., He was a valued ; member of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensel!. Surviving are his' widow, the former Miss, Alice Taylor,; one son, Gordon, and three sisters, •i Mrs. William Hyde ani' Mrs. W. 1. Dignan, Hensall, and ,'ars, Effie Bell, :. rwavumuwwyw, 414 CHAIM 9F no OPENING 040H, H, a ANC I!At-11.14 in the Hensall Town Hall Friday, October 17, 1941 Euchre at 8.80 Good Prized For Euchre. 12 DQOR PRIZES Music by MurdaciVe• Orchestra Entire proceeds for Community Christmas Tree. Admission 35o. Lunch provided of London. A largely attended pri- vate funeral, service was held from his late home on Sunday, Oct. 12th, at 2.30, conducted by Rev. Wm. Weir, his pastor•, who paid fitting tribute to' the life of the deceased. During the service a ,quartette composed .tt W. A. MacLaren, Rev. Win. Weir, Miss Mabel Workman and Miss Irene Ho•ggarth rendered an appropriate number, "The Old Rugged Cross." The floral tr•ibiltes were many and 'beau- tiful showing the esteem in which the deceased was held. Following the service the cortege proceeded to Hen- sell en salt 'Union Cemetery, where buri4l took place. The pallbearers were Harold Bell, Jack'Faber, Francis Cole- man, Russell Coleman, EIgin Thomp- son and George Johnston. Attending" from •a 'distance were relatives and friend's froth Ingersoll; London, Brig- den., ritedensGede'r'ich, Varna, and. Seaferth. Much sympathy is expressed 'to Alis widow, son and sisters. MacFie - Henderson An October wedding 'took place at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henderson, Glencoe, when their eld- est daughter, Lillian ,Ethel, became the bride of Ronald Walker Boyd Mac - Fie, elder son of Charles M. MarcFiee M.L.A., and Mrs. MacFie, of Annan Rev. Stanley Sw'eetman,- of Trinity Church, officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father-, was gown - rd in a floor -length dress of Amazon blue silk marquisette ' over taffeta, made. with bishop sleeves and full slcu•t failing in a slight train. The' headdress was. of matching silk net and pearls, and she tearried a shower, bouquet of . pink ' delight roses and white baby mums, Mr. and Mrs. New- ton MacFie, of Chatham, were the only attendants, ' en ants, the latter wearing a floe. -length dress of dusky rose triple sheer( and' carrying Queen Elizabeth roses, ' Miss. Alma Henderson, A.T.C. 1a., sister of the bride, played the wedding music from Lohengrin, and during the signing of •the register r,ley'ed softly "I Love You Tauly." Following the ceremony ' the bridal' petty and 'guests motored to Hotel London, where a wedding breakfast 'was served, The bride's mother re- ceived. in a moss green sheer wool dress with black accessories and cor- sage of yellow baby • mums. Mrs. Charles Ma'cFie, 'mother of the gr om, wore black crepe with a cee'sage of American Beauty roses, For travel- ling the bride chosen a pine''gyeen rabbit wool dress, black boucle coat trimmed with mink, black accessor- ies and corsage of bronze baby mums. After a motor trip to . Es, tern On- tario and Quebec, Mr.' and Mrs. E.orr -aikd IMacFie will make their home to Appin. The bride is a cousin of Mr. and Mrs. John,y,'Henderson, of Hensall Mir' Mr. and' s. J. D. Reit mend family, of London, visited Hensall friend's on. Thanksgiving. Mr.' R. McDougall, of Moose Jaw, spent' the week -end with 'his cousin, Mise Minnie Reid. .THE BRITIS LION Gy ROARS DEFIANCE ii 'PRESTONE" / , -&-eze for Motorists curtailed to ' equip our fighting.' ]forces'! 1HE ingredients which go into the making of "Prestoni Anti -Freeze are vital war -time necessities,. These raw materials are so valuable to our fighting forces that pro- duction for"motorists' use has been radically' curtailed. The makers of "Preston" And -Freeze are proud todivert much of their supply to war serv`iices, Motorists who are forked to use a substituteill gladly make this sacrifice. THESE ARE FACTS WORTH ;Ri MEMUERDMIIa' IF YOUR DEALER IS UNARM TO SERVE YOIwWI' N YOUR USUAL d'PRESTONE" ANTI-FREE7tE, Versitlll'i"411£- Presre ss mail. /i6L'' o "Systeme" a.rsd Basiesitt , "Evers eel Radio 8a ie.y "Sia- ay"I a 140W Zation, .Aar l 11 I CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY LIMITED Halifax - Montreal' • sc