HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-10-03, Page 1•a
Elghty-second Year •
Whole Number.. -3851
'cal revu
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Hensall District . Schools
• ,,�
Aid' War • Services
Successful • F.i e
l d Meet
Seafor°�h l
Hold Annual
leglat w
►.� is
•Here Frida .ELE
Collegiate Show Is.
ISenior Women's Institute
Contract For $100,302 Is
Neville McMillan and •Kath-•
E. H. Close; Seal'o'x�th
eing -Held • Next
Arranges To Forward
Announced $y
leen Holmes Win Senior
v • . • • . •
Uniforms , .
Christmas Boxes •To Hen-
, Department
master Is Retiring
President •
Huron County police have only
sail Men,Overseas. ,,.
two seasonw.
s --winter and summer
, rn.•,e than two weeks
Gold," the rollicking mus-
and they • distinguish them by the
the they.
.•search arkmen on Satur_
day located a .Teak that has' daily
e now in rehearsal at the Sea-
legrate Institute, will be the
color of uniforms wear.
Accoledin to regulations winter
9 9 y
arrived on October 1st. and on
Announcement, wasmade wednes-
day by bhe Deparbxnent of Munitions
Cold fall weather on Friday reduced
-both attendance and interest a in the
consumed near] y X200,000 gallons
of .watew--more than twice the
The second annual meeting of the
Perth Huron Bands Asaiica-Oen WO.
f this year's Collegiate Corn-
nt to be held at .Cardno's
a'stdlay and Friday, October 9-
production is being directed
rn E. Turner, who produced
that day County Constable Helmer
Snell a eared in a new dark blue....
serge in place of the summer
Pupiig of primrary schools in the
Hensall area, did their bit to help
along war services on Wednesday
afternoon when they took part in one
of the ]largest and most keenly
and supply than a contract for Muni-
tions has been awarded the Robert
Bell Engine 'and 'T'hres'her Co. Ltil.,
Seeibrth. The amount of the contract
is $100,302, the announcement said.
'Negotiations the Con-
annual field meet of the Seaforth Col-
legiate Institute held at Agricultural
Seior boys sham:
champion -ship and the
Barber -trophy went to Neville Mc-
normal consumption of the town.
The.. leak waif ound to be in a
maim o e
pposith residence of
Wm° Venus South Main street
and was ata point where the main'
held in the room of the Stratford
Boy's Band, on Srinday afternoon, will
about thirty delegates present re
presenting the six bands in the zone,
The President founder 'the
d Misses" last year for the
a the show that caused so
ge • t • • • •
tested field meets ever seen in Hen-
ean. Ideal weather helped increase
tract have been in progress •for some
time and alterations necessary for
Millan, who captured 8 out of 9 events
to pile rrtp a total of ,44 points. Frank
crosses a large sewer. As a result
of the .water escapingassociation
in the sew-
-and of
E. H. Close, B•andmaoter
of the Seaforth Hi
Highlanders Band oc-
orable comment in Seaforth.
gs acts will feature "Pirate
first act will be given
he'antics of Captain Morgan
the attendance and booths which
were an added attraction did a big
its comlpletion, are nota in progress
at the Bell Plant. lit is not known how
soon production will be ander waY
Ryan took the intermediate cham-
pionsfhip with 38 points, while ,the
junior events were won b Alvin
Ryan with 23 paints. He also re-
er there°was no surface indication
of the break and this led to the
difficult g
yin discovering it,
copied the chair. •In his opening ad•
dress, he referred to the outstanding
success the association had enjoyed
pirate crew who with blood
der, capture another pirate
Slponsored and arranged by the
Hensall, Zurich and Kipper War
according to Earle Bell President of
the company but work is being rushed
selves the Ballantyne trophy.
Kathleen Holmes won the senior•increatsed,•and
g the
during past two years. Harmony,
and the spirit, of good -fellowship had
he felt that
d make the prisoners enter-
Services' Committee, the field 'meet
so that as early a start as pos'silble.
•girls championship with 24 points and
also notb-
The lead part ,,,of Captain
s being played by Joe 'Pat
e tenor voice will lead the
singing such numbers as
'rates Bbld," "It's the Last
Horse BadlyInjured In
E g m O ri d V'1 11 a
was tivandled; by a committee which
included R. H. Middleton, chairman,
W. R. Davidson, Ted Oliver,' E,
C,aseho and L. O'Brien. Dr. • A. R.
Campbell is president of the district
commrittee and together with. teachers
may be made.
The Bell Company set an enviable
production record. during Use last war
when a number of contracts for
munition's were completed for the
Damini'on Government.
the intermediate title went. to Beth
Campbell with 25 paints, Betty Dale
with 25 points took the junior chem
The events are as follows:
ing but good had been the result of
this movement. Cb -operation between
the bands had been 1.00 per cent, and
not a single complaint had been heard
from anp of the bands during his terse
of office. He predicted the ass'ocia-
he Old, Ship"and others.
Boys Events
tion • would enjoy another successful
are already on sale for the
lontinued on J'age 5).
of the various schools assisted with
When a horse and buggy driven rr'y the arrangements.
William Sholdice 'of Egmondville was A softball game between pop ar
in collision with a •car said by police teams was a feature of the after-
Junior-1OO and dash, L. Dale, T.
Milliken, A. Ryan, -14 1/5 sec.
220 yard -lash. M. Ryan, M. Hulley,
L. Dale, -34 sec.
vvri es Aunt In Hensall of
Experiences While On'
Year,, and urged every one to maintain
the high standard that had been set.
The remarks of the ' president were
to have been driven by Clarence Vol noon program,
land, of Klippen, Wednesday morning
880, yard dash, K. Doig, L. Dale, A.
• Way To School
confirmed in the report of the band -
masters present. Each in turn spoke
y Golfers
dRed �'orOSS
in Egmon•dwille property damage re- The winners of the events are as
suited- but no persons were injured. followQ:
Jr. Girls broad --jump, Aileen Munn,
Both vehicles were proceeding S.S. 10, Hay; Betty'Munn, S.S. 10,
Baseball throw. A. Ryan, K. Doig,
L. Dale, --I63 ft. r,
Bicycle Race, R. Bennett. D. Grum-
of the benefits their band had ree
That English school rzehil, ale ceived since the association was
in the front line in the war is clearly foamed. All promised to use their best
shown by a letter written by 13 -year- efforts to keep up the good 'work.
embers of the Seaforth Golf
a very successful bridge in.
re Red Cross on Tuesday
The proceeds were in ex-
6:00. •
were won as follows: First,
e Bell; second, Mrs. J. H.
solation; "Mrs. E. B. Goldie,
fling prize, Mrs. J. E. Kent
south, according to police, waren Mr.
Sholdice turned off the highway :nPole
front of the car. The horse' suffered
serious injury and may have to be
Mr. Sholdice was alone salt pass -an,
engers in the V'�ulland car were Wes-
ley Green, Keith Volland and' Betty
Cow Is Killed.
Damage to a car, driven by Melville
H ay; Phyllis Taylor, S.S. 10, Hay.
Jr. Girls 75 yard dash'—Eleanor Mc-..
Kenzie, Marjorie Hoffman, S: S, 7,
Hay; Dorothy Turner, S.S. 7, Stanley,
Jr. Girls high jump—Doris Buchan-
Hensall; Blanche Zaphe, S.S. 10,
Stanley;" Aileen Munn, S.S. 10, Hay,
Jr. Girls ball throw—Betty Munn,
S.S.• 10, Hay; Betty Rot -ell -fie, S. S.
10, Hay; Irene Baker, S.S. 9; Stanley:
Jr. Girls champion—Betty Munn, S.
5-.1-0, Hay (with 8 points).
A Message From The Prime Minister-
•The following message received
from the Prime Minister of the United
Kingdom, Mr. Churchill, is addressed
to every worker for soli every coli-
trilbuter to the Canadian Red Crass.
The Canadian Red Cross Society has
won gratitude of many 'thousands of
people in Great Britain for the energy
and devotionpwith•wlrichit has worked
on their b elf. The quality of cloth-
ing` sent tom Canada has been univ-
mett, T. Milliken, -1 min. 42 sec.
Vault, R. Bennett, M. Hulley,
K. Doig, -5 ft. 3 inches.
High Jump, A. Ryan, G. Wilson', K.
Shot Put, T. (Milliken, ' A Ryan, G.
Running Broad Jump, L. Dale, G.
Nilson, T. Milliken, -13 ft. 10 inches.
pop Step and Jump A. Ryan, T,
Milliken, R. Bennett. -27 ft. --when
Junior Champion—A Ryan, 23 points
old Roy Capperthwaite of Reading, The election- of officers was 'then
England, to his 'aunt, Mrs. Maude
Heiden of 'Hensall. proceeded with. Mr. Close was again
nominated for the office, but de -
Describing bombs' 'dropping near ginned the honorfavour
in of the en -
him while on his way to school he erge'tic First Vice President Mae -
says: , shall Brett Bandmaster of the Strat-
ford Boy's Band. Mr. Brett received
"Recently while I was going to an acclamation and in thanking .the
school, we had football and I had just delegates for' the honor conferred' ap-
gat down to the bottom of the street, •on him, assured the members he would
a German bomber flew- right. carry out the duties • of the office to
over my head, and I saw the rear gun-the utmost of his ability, The election
ampiOn Fishbell,
Grenville, resulted when it was in
collision with a cow about four miles
south of town on the Kipper road
Wednesday night. Tire cow wasin-
jur,ed so badly it had to be destroyed.
Hensall;d fickle-
don Trice, S.S, 8, Hay.
Jr. Boys 75 yard dash—Billy Camp-
Hensall; Orville Taylor, S.S. 10,
Hay; Bill O'Brien,
assal remarkable. Civil Defenceuantity been k
ers and the Fire Fighting . Service
have shared, with innumberable air
raid villins, welcome supplies of
blankets, food
Runner up L. Dale, 17 points; Third
I. Milliken, 13 points; rFourth R. Ben
nett, 11 points. •
Intermediate -110 yards,. G. Hilde-
brands, H. Scott, F. Ryan,= 13 sec.
220 yards, F. Ryan. H. Scott, G.
ter as plain as tiny. Then all of a • d
sudsier(' saiw two bilge high explosive Fred Mu ch of First eBan 'dent Bandmasteroftutee Chin-
bombs dropped right in front of the• p
g tank and then he dro . d another ton. Pipe- Band was also accorded an
PPe acclamation as wasthe second vice
four bombs agd then a couple of Spit- president Ernest Seltzer of the Tav-
fires carne whizzing•over •our heads at 'stock Citizens Band..Bath of these -
town in Seaforth as a golf-
I bannigan, of Hamilton, Who
pends his holidays here has
'Both accidents'were investigated by
Count - Constable Helmer Snell and
County Traffic Officer Norman Lever.
S.S. 7, Hay.
Jr. Boys high jump—Billie O'Brien,
S. S. 7, Hay; Orville Taylor, S.S. 10,
Hay; Billy Campbell, Hensall.
Jr. Boys ball throw—BillyCamp
clothes, and medical
equipment that have reached these
shores. In their name I thank all
those who have contributed with such
tireless to this human
Hildebrands,-31 sec.
4.10 yards, P. Ryan, G. Hildebrande,
J. Anderson, -1 min. 28 sec.
880 yards, F. Ryan, J.• Anderson, G.
360 miles an hour- However h'e was band masters have given excellent
shot down at Bge ga o tank Not long service, and it was felt they were de-
after that the huge' gas we have serving of the honours bestowed upon
the bottom of our road was ma- them , The retiring SecretaryfTreas-
of additional sport-
y according to the follow-
which recently appeared in
Entertain For
bell, Billy rMickle, Hensall; Gordon
Trice S.S. 3, Hay.
blazewell: Odes to aluminum win, i
Hildebrande,-3 lain, 40
(Continued on Page°3)
chine gunned and a vie- of hay and urer, A. E. Scott of the `Malvezton
coal was set alight. Well we have Red Seal Band" was also re-elected
ton Spectator:
us a fevv drays to get around
it we announce with pleas-
Brlde 'Bride-to-be
Junior Boys champion—Bill Gamp-
'bell, ,Hens:all (with 11 points)°
Sr. Girls 100 yards — Elizabeth
presume, be followed by prose to silk
hose, but here was Ruth Hansen's
thought as she tossed a skillet -into
C W L Holds
not had many bombs dropped alto- to that office. ,
getter—I should say about 26 have
1Vlany matters pertaining to the pro-
been dropped around about us."
gram for next season -were discussed.
Grat Flannigan well-knovvn
Mrs. Fran Kling and Mrs. Herbert
Lenore Norm'inton, Hensall.
Sr. Girls hop, step, jump — Jean
the -heap:
Farewell, .as Farewell, old aluminum
• It was decided that owing to the
outstanding success of the massed
agent, can do more than
;off' club. Over the ` la h
Grat and a few of his office
rneyed to,Meaford and after
of struggling Flannigan
seven-pound rainbow trout,
Whuttaker entertained at a` dinner.
party in honor of Miss Mary Barber,
bride -elect of this... month, on Thurs-
day evening last, at the home of the
for•mer. ' There were fourteen guests
present. The table was decorated
Krewger, Ada Hay, Zurich; Lenore
Sr, Girls high • jump — Elizabeth
Grant, Sybil • Grant, L. Norminton,
Hensall. "- '
tee, Girls McDonell,
Oh, the beans that were scorched and
the juices that ran
Dor' n/Gfie sides, on the blaze, the
minute I'd leave
From my cooking, at last,, you'll have
.The C.W.iL; held a • most enjoyable
Parish at home last Friday evening
'when the hall was beautifully decor-
sled with Autumn flowers.
Miss Alice Daly was in charge of
the The first of the
band concert held by the bands in
HURON FEDERATION Seaforth recentl' that one massed
band concert should be put on in the
• home town of each member band dur-
OF AGRICULTURE ing next season. It was also decided
to held the Annual Association
e of it-
s kind 'to be eaeght
d waters in some time. In
convince the boys that he
with pink tapers and white anemones.
Little MarilynfKling and Michael
Whittaker in bringing
Lois MacLaren, Hensall.
Sr, Girls champion — Elizabeth
a reprieve. ' ' ,
In your reincarnation I hope you will
program. part ev-
ening was spent in playing Bingo.
Then prizes and bouquets of flowers
quet in Stratford on , Wednesda ev-
ening Oct. 22nd and a committee corn-
' '
the salve he had
taken holding the prize 'and
scribe along a steak which
assisted a
wagon load of beautiful gifts to the
Mrs. W. C. Barber hostess to
Grant, Hensall (10 points).
Sr. "Soya 100 yards—Donald Joynt,
Gordonan ampensa
Hensall; Jc k a
O'Brien, S.S. 7, Hay. t
As part of a plane, and• with a loud
Do your bit for.es. all, over land, over
were presented to the following pup-
ifs who had passed their Entrance
Examination, Adrianne Bannon, Mar-eration
garet Cooper. Margaret Quinlan,
posed of the Stratford Boys Band was
(Prepared by the Huron .County Fed- appointed to look after details of the
Agriculture): program, and make arrangement for
ofg )-
the dinner. It was also decided to in -
enjoyed. The parte, con-
eight, caught four fish with
�undage of 28 pounds, but
three were lake trout."
Mae Lane Auxiliary of Northside Un-
lied church on Wednesday when about
40 'were present. Miss Rena Fennell
was in charge of Circle two and Miss
Sr. Boys hop, step, jump -- Clair
Bedard, Zurich; Jim Clark, Donald
Joyat, Hensall.
Sr. Boys shot -,put — Donald Joynt,'
sea •
Do your stuff --good old pan—for all
-lands of the free; • ..,
As winter approaches •and the need
is for the Sea-
Margaret •O'Reilly, John Cleary and
Joseph Reiger.
Mary Duncan and Miles McMillan
read their prize essays "W1ty we
Buy Victory Bonds" Ann
For the years 1926 to 1929 the farm- vile the ladies this year. A committee
ors representing one-third of the pop' was also appointed to arrange for a
ulation of Canada received just one- monster frolic to be held in Stratford
sixth of the National Income and in under the eauspices of the Associa-
e -to -be
[s I onoured
Emily Lester conducted the remaind-
or of the evening's program. Miss M.
Allan was the guest speaker and gave
an excellent tali: on the Cree Iindians.
'Mrs, Grace Hoggarth offered prayer.
Following the meeting a mock wed-
Jim Hensall; Keith Ros, Zur-
fah. .,
"Sir. Boys pole vault—Donald Joynt,
Jim Clark, 'Hensall; Ross •Gaseho, Zur-
Sr. Boys champion—Donald Joynt,
ever more apparent
man's comforts our quotas have great-
ly increased, .and we need more knit-
tens to help' us- with this work. We
hope to surpass any previous efforts
to supply the men of our Navy and
should and
Eckert gave 'a speech "When I grow
up" which she had given at the pub-
lic speaking Contest at the Toronto
Exhibition, Theresa McIver was con
gratulated on winning two scholar-
the following years this one-third of tion,
the ph,pulatiorr got less than one- An application from the Elmira
tenth of the National Income. One Boys' Drum and Bugle Band for mem-
more good reason why all farmers bership was , received and, accepted.
should join the Federation of Agric- This is a young band, and although
ulture, . only organized last spring,, his devel-
ant evening was spent'Fri-per
Le home of Mr. and Mrs.tion
Hugi19, on Highway 8, when
guests assembled in honor
de toabe, Miss Eva Holland,
of Mr. and Mm•
Rand, Clinton. The Spllow-enhance
-ding was held when Miss Mary Bar-
was presented With a gift of Cry-
Cry -
stal in honor of her coming marriage.
Mrs. F. J. Beckley Made the presents_
,t'o'n. Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain present
ed Mrs Alex McGavIn 'wit`h a purse
as 'she is leaving to make her home in
Hensall (16 points).
Int. Girls 100 yard dash — Shirley
Wolff, Hensall; Kathleen Powell-,
Tuckersmrith; Beverley Meyers, S.S:
10, Hay.
Int. Girls high jump—Gloria Twitch-
ell Shirley Wolff, Hensall; B. Meye s,
Merchant Marine. Can we count on
you to help out?
Following is the report for the
month of September: Britisth Civil-
len Clothing: 6 boy's windbreakers,
2 pair flannel longs, 5 jackets, 27 boy's
shirts, 1 pair boy's pants, 8 girl's
skirts, 15 girl's knickers, 2 blouses, 1
ships, The University of Western
Ontario Scholarship, and the Seaforth
Collegiate Alumni scholarship.
A quiz contest and Community sing-
ing wasgreatly enjoyed after which a
dainty lunch was served by the Com
mittee in charge.
oped into a most efficient organize -
The Stephen Township Unit of the usrd� r the leadership of band-
Federation are having a meetiazg on master A. Pearson, of Listowel. to
October 13th when 'Mr. Scott of ^Lon- whom great credf t is due for the
don, Editor of. "The Ledger" will be splendid results he has obtained.
guest speaker. Farmers are urged to This addition to the association will
attend. its effectiveness, as they
The officers ilii the Huron County new have brass bands, boys'
ammo was enjoyed, with~
ban Hugill acting as chair-
erybody joined in singing
'Stratford. A delighted lunch was ser-
vel. a„.
Int. Girls broad jump — G 1 o r i a
Twitchell, -Shirley Wolff, Hensall;
Knitting: 80 pair socks, 7 pr, seamans
longs, 28 24
North: Huron
senior a
Federation of Agriculture will meet ba,rrrt, pipe band and drum and bugle
in the Agricultural Board rooms, band.
Clinton. Tuesday, October 7th 8.30
with Mrs. Bert Irwin:
solo, by Bobby Irwin;
Evelyn Taylor, Exeter.
Int. Girls champion—Shirley Wolff,
pr. seamans short sox,
'scarves,' 27 alternative caps, 1 aero
cap, 5 helmets, 3 pr. plain mita, 17 pr,
Mated October 6
During the evening the toast to the
King was honoured, followed by the
The Ontario Federation of Agricul-
guitar selection b Elgin
Nath accompanying them
no; solo, by Mrs. Bert Ir-
0 7 5 on
75th Birthday
' '
(11 points).
p' )
lint. Boys 100 yards—ltoss Gaacho,
Zurich; Claire Bedard, Zurich; Jack
Clark, Hensall.
two w'a.y mitts, 9 V-neck sleeveless
sweaters,. 9 turtle neck sweaters, 7
C. D. Workers scarves, 1 pr. mitts,4
Arrangements have been made by
the North Huron Plowin ne' Associa-
tion to hold their 18th Annual Plow-
, singing of the National Anthem. A
tune are planning to have an exhibit toast to the association was alsogiv'-
at the International Plowing Match
which is to be held on No. 28 High en and a mast enthusiastic meeting
was brought to a close, to meet again
by all, Throu the
waiin selection by 41gin
IMr. W. J. Nott, of Egmondville, cel
his birthday
Int. Boys broad jump --Ross Gaseho,at
Claire Bedard, Zurich; Aubrey Gais
Women's scarves, 1 womans sweater;
1 Baby's jacket, 1 Bonnet, 1 pr. gloves,
ing Match on Monday, October 6th on
the farm of John Holt, 2 miles south
way just west of Peterboro, October the call of the President,
14, 15, 16, and 17. They are planning •
yn. reading by Mrs,
nolo. by' Mrs, Wm,
piano seleetioti by Miss
song by all, "Old Black
'cal selection by the Nott
ebrated seventy -fifty on
Tuesday evening at 7.30 pm, when
Mrs. Nott served a delightful dinner.
The family' were 'present and a most
enjoyable evening was 'spent. Among
er, Crediton, •rl's
Boys shot put, 12 lbs. — Ross
Gaaiho, Claire Bedard, Zurich; .A.
Geiser,' Crediton. z
(Continued on Page 4)
1 g'isweater, size 18, 1'gir1's sweat-
er, size 10. Tatra _239 articles.
48 Quilts, 1 pair flanne'llette blank-
of Fordwich in Howick Township,
The classes will interest Junior
Farmers under 20 years of age:
('a) Single plow—in sod—Prizes,`$10,
$8, $6, $4.
to have officials of the Federation
present to discuss Federation of tlgric- ent stock and equipment to full add
ultture work. The Peterboro. County vantage let alone expand stock and
Federation are acting as hosts. All equipment for maximum pioduction.
members of the Huron County Fedora- To date farm 'people have made a
duet by Mrs. Bert Irwin
solo by Mrs. WM. Rout-
those present ware: Mr. and ,Mrs.-
Keith Webster and family of Tucker-
You Will Find
The three highest young men will
tion are invited to visit their tent and magnitieent war contribution and it
Tire programme ended by
Always be an Eng-
e presentation was• then
r.•Bert Irwin and many ase
to were drawn in on a wag-
smith, Mr, and 'Mrs. Raymond Nott
and family of Tuakerssnitb, Mr. and 'Raises
Mrs. John Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs.
rilormlan Carter and Joyce and Mrs.
Effie Jamrieaon, Mr. and Mra. Harvey
Field, ®
Chat- 'ilpionsp'llds
C' ~�
represent Huron County in the Inter-
County Campo ation at Peterbmro
(single plow section).
(Ib) Tractor class—in sod—Prizes,
$15, $12, $10, $8.
The fwd highest young men- in this
make it their headquarters when at- done without profitable returns.
tending the Plowing Match. To produce to their utmost at er be -
Agriculture in the Front Line 'low costs-, under great handicaps is a
Excerpts from an address by H. H. demonstration of loyelty'wf the first
Hannam, Presidenf, Canadian Fedora- order,'
tion of Agriculture, If prices of farm. From May .5th to Aug a1Ot, 1941,
idly decorated in plink and
drawn -by Miss Donna kits ,Elfrid
iss Anna Glue, `Bea and her
n procaederl' to unroVttaip their
h book altroet. an 'hour of
menta tori both. Via tdrbh�
Masse of appr;eelation to .411
*ere so kind to her: l exy .•
kl lo) ,si 1 "rot Siho" °a:
,,, 1 .,
dotlo�iYuilt tA#npib�dL
„ .;,
.. ,.y
.. M...-.. ..,,t,. .... L....... .,. 1. ,.:..,.. ,, .I..,.,.,i...7.
JenkinselVTr. and firs. Fred, Nott, Rev.
and Mass Elva Elfrid of Eg
Mondville, Mr. and, Mrs, S'tanbury, Mr,
and Mrs. Gord�ln IliG hardson and foam•
11y, Mr, and Mrs, Bernard Nott, Mr.
Mad lytta. '�"lf'os. Docherty; nf.Renl'x'ew. ,
Thai tlereoretion+s In the WOWS :i+ere,
Mauve a pres,, , .
maur� and yell o►. Mr. Nota was p es
silica with a nuriber of sttittimo ;gifts.,,
. tilt., ]rt9it�
1 . .., ��. ,. �...,, .,, .
... . ,.i . ., I .... r ,
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.. ..i. .I .,. 1. .AL..i .i:' c,d , ,,i :... eN'
' •
Mr. Basil Purcell, of The Erapositor•
orice staff, hag a field off potatoes
that are fit to travel it ,any company.°•
One c£ these, picked' up at ,random,
ensured f1lfUteen and a quarter.ing
rre>tt and a half 9nrJheg, and the
w�ltele lot are as Clean and smooth a
0,r, of nr114000 as 'vAll .be iotrol hi
f11,1 fitM alit tloui:UE .,!ti>ll's , On. In
�. „
a ii f�i� a .cb9 leftt. +Con e
+,� k icy
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,.r . .. .i.. ,. i. ...
,..� .. >., ::. ,,,
,, ,,_.. , .AL' 1
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.,. .
A. Wonderfully
Efficient cie�nt F ,
r .
is I e 'f- year.
r' 'I: x
,.,.. r.... .... ,� ,....
:. : ,.
, : � ..L .,.
class will represent Huron at Peter-
' in the Inter -County Tractor
Thti County_Council put up the ®x
penses of iyreirmg men' represent
Huron at Peterboro,
Over $300.00 Is offered at the North
Ma.teh. 'There is a; complete
laseilfieitttofis 5, for horse d
C y hb a mattvn
,, .
ogle ]rill 1 fora�iblo
,. d c ahs #]lilt
�y }•
y ..J •M`. Y..
''4µ ,. }l���, ''j�il'tnW' *Woe, �
'q 4 g• �t �p a,f� 4'�Y.q'"�'AY
,.... w , ,.,. ..... ....�
products are :being held down by con- Huron County farmers marketed ,8'6;
(tract selling or wartime controls, 046 hogs' wliibh graded' 89,45 per cdtft
while no check is placed on the farm- A and RI, netting the .farthere $1,i,1A4,,
er's rising costs of production, how0 In subside.. Hur`,rn 'Corlwitp 1+ ”'
is 3.t $ossilb#e for him to )gay, tn1YCh Countries %n' the Ptowince WO .'
mare for hired, or to put more her of how rn'af'lteted!, a"tttt�'�i`tl:°�b'�l;
capital Into cows, aov a, feed or mach- amount of si til i5Stikit �t ; y4 '
Weil? Without adequate i'litoifa top ,. Thos" Aittiii$44l ooh i40 ii, I .
Mini b r" iltl .e '' • .... ,,, ..;
pea it . iE is hdifrgg 'Nids::sissimllribitri ii:1fa 11*$lt;,+
., . .: ; r ;
. f e
fdlt retrtiettlr5. ,..f#ilrerr!ixY Alla . ► ' ';
ttylyj�:-y,, 'l1. :. � p : }{ ,y ,,.
+#111 V� y�(A '(�,. Tt q � - jy�i y�yV l7 �
.1� N . 4h ... y�� � L, 'FFA
.� ..._ ,.... i... ..,s..l .,.. �.,x. ...a;.C.
, ., ...; Citi' / ,.