HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-09-26, Page 6•
Hydro 'Hems Eeenemiat
aaelio Homemakers! You'd be sur -
t&• find out how many people
halite a favorite coloured egg. All
eggs are good eggs -if they are fresh
4144:meat matter in the least whether
a,. --the shell is brown or white.
* * *
There is a goodly amount of food
value wrapped up in an egg shell.
* * *
1. Eggs are rich in minerals, esp-
-ecially iron and vitamins, wthich the
bodyeineeds. They are ' a eprotective
2. Almbst 70 per cent of their total
weight is water - . slightly more
than is found in beefsteak and less
than is found in milk. (These foods
are often compared in. value with the
3. Protein forms about 15 per cent
of. the egg -greatly needed for re-
pairing or building up tissues.
4. The egg, too, is 10 per cent fat.
• * * *
!Slow 'cooking at a low even heat
is the secret of success for all egg
dishes. Sontrolled heat, by the snap
of .a switch, gives you the amount of
heat necessary- for large or smell,
Pyrex or enamel pans. "Boiled" eggs
should not actually 'be boiled. They
are best if- started in cold water -
then heated till the water simmers.
(Scalloped eggs with cheese sauce or
eggs a -la -king make a good and an
inexpensive dish).'--
* CC
With plenty of eggs in the electric
refrigerator' you always have some-
thing for breakfast, dinner' or supper.
,'Whip up" an omelette and serve with
a salad or steaming hot vegetai6les,
(The dessert could also have protein
value food-i.e. cheese attd crack-
ers). There are many types of omel-
ette; Plain -with vegetables; omel-
ette with ham or bacon a cheese omel-
ette; herb omelette. (thyme, summer
savoury, sweet marjonam) or omelette
with muShrooms. You could serve an
omelette three or four time a week,
when meata it too expensive. •
* * *
Souffles are fancy egg dishes, for
company, (if you can depend on your
pests being there on time). The way
you serve them depends on what ypu
fold into their ' feather -like moulds.
Suggestion: minced chicken, flaked
salmon, or pieces of,weiners. For des-
sert, when you have' a vegetable plate
or similar main course dish -try a
souffle flavoured with a sweet--choa-
elate cause, orange juice or any Can-
adian canned fruitejuioe.
* * *
Fish Fondue
1 clip milk
1 cup soft bread crumbs
tbsp, butter
Ve teaspoon salt.
3 eggs
Scald the milk, add breed crumbs,
butter and salt. Add egg yolk, slight-
ly beaten. Cool to lukewarm. Md 1 to
lee cups of fish, drained and: flaked
or chopped. When ready to bake fold
in stiffly beaten egg whitee. Turn, into
greased baking dish and bake in oven
of .350 degrees F. for 45 to 50 minutes.
Yield: .6 servings.
Creamed Eggs,
2 cups 'well -seasoned medium white
6 hard -cooked eggs cut in thin
2 tablespoons finely chapped pars-
To the hot medium white sauce add
the thinly . eliced ,hard -cooked eggs
and minced parsley. Reheat and serve
on buttered toast rounds, or in patty
shells or 'bread croustares. Make
toast, on broiling rack in over,
Sample Omelette
4 eggs
3 them cold wates
1 tbsp flour
to tsp, baking powder
Salt and pepper
2 tbsp fat,
Beat egg whites until foamy, add
baiting powder and beat mita stiff.
Beat egg yolks until light in colour.
Add watee-and flour. Beat again. Fold
in egg whites. Turn into a buttered
skillet. Turn element High until fat
Is hot. Add omelette mixture and part-
ially cover. Turn switch to Off until
eggs are set (about 3 minutes).. Place
"Don'f you wish we
could shorten the war?"
He: "Well, in a way we can, you know."
She: "But, George, we're not trained to do any-
thing ... "
He: "Training doesn't matter for what I'm thinking
about. I was wondering whether we couldn't put
more of our income into War Savings Certifi-
"She: "And why not? We might have to go without one
or two pet luxuries---butwouldn't it be worth it to
bring back peace again?"
He: "And won't we be glad of the money -and the
interest it will have earned -in a world without
war restrictions!"
The help of every Canadian is needed for Victory. In these days
of war the thoughtless selfish spender is a traitor to our war efort.
A reduction in personal spending is now a vital necessity to re-
lieve the pressure car goods, to enable more and more labour and
materials to be diverted'toting the Welt. The all-out efort,
Which Canada attat_make,dhzands this self-denial of each of us.
cocv--poRgia% 1; jgkie PoweU. alen,
-Dottglafi, I; Jackie Powell, Coeker-
eleaDoughax, i j, Battle, Pullet--/
(Continued frora Page 3)
Douglas 1; J. Battler. Ailabary Ducks
since Sept. 1940 -Douglas Bras„ 1; -Coca-13°141as, 1 and 2. Hen--Dou-
Douglas Bros., 2. 2nd prize 'Expositor. glas, 1 .and 2. lgoekered-Dauglas 1
Sow 1 year or over -Douglas Bros., and 2. Pullet-Dauglas. 1 and 2. In -
1; Douglas. Bros., 2. Sow littered since than Runner Ducks -Cook -J. Battler.
Sept. 1940-4Douglas Bros., 1; Doug- •Hen -J. Battler. Cockerel -J. Bat -
las Bros., 2. tler. Touleuse Geese - Cock -011-
glas. Hen -Douglas. Cockerel -Dou-
glas. Pullet -Douglas. Emden Geese
-Cock-Douglas. Hen -Douglas.
Cockerel -Douglas. Pullet -Douglas.
A.o.y. Geese -Coca --J. Battler. Hen
-J.- Battler. Cockerel -J. Battler.
Pullet -J. Battler, A.O.V. Turkeys-
Cpckerel-P, E. Dewing. Pullet -P.
E. Dearing. A.O.V. Rabbits -Buck,
old -IM, A. Fraser. Doe, old -P. E.
Dearing, M. A. Fraser. Utility Pens
-Wyandottes, A.V. - Cock - T. C.
'Sheen, J. Battler. Plymouth Rook, A.
V. -Cock -Douglas, J. Battler. Leg -
horns, A.V.-Cock-F. McClymont,
Douglas. R. I. Reds, A.V.-Cock-
Douglas. Auconas, A.V.-Cock-T, C.
Shean, M. A. Fraser. Minorcas, A.N.
-Cockerel--let subscription to Hur-
on Expositor. Mm. Carter, Judge.
Brahmas-Cockaala. A. Fraser, 1.
Ren -IM. A. Fraser, 1; M. A. Fraser, 2.
Cockerel -M. A. Fraser, 1. Pullet -
M. A. Fraser, 1. Barred Rocks -
,Cock -M. A. Fraser, 1, Hen -M. A.
Fraser, 1. Cockerel -M. A. Fraser, 1.
Pullet M. A. Fraser, 1. White Rocks -
Cock -Douglas, 1. Hen -Douglas, 1;
Douglas, 2. 'Cockeral-Douglas, 1;
,J. Batter, 2. Pullet -Douglas, 1,;
iDpuglas, 2. A. 0. V. Rocks -Cock -
M. A. Fraser, 1. Hen -M. A. Fraser,
1. Dorkings-Hen--J. Battler, 1.
A. 0. V. Hareburgs-Cock-M. A.
Fraser, 1; J. Battler, 2. Hen -M. A.
Fraser, 1 J. Battler,, 2. Cockerel -
M. A. Fraser, ,a; J. Battler, 2. Pullet
„-em. A. Fraser, 1; J. Battler, 2. Lang-
shans-Cock-M, A. Fraser, 1. Hen -
M. A. Fraser, 1. Orpington-Cocla-
M. A. Fraser, 1; M. A. Fraser, 2.Hen
-M. A,, Fraser, 1; M. A. Fraser, 2.
Hen -41. A. Fraser, 1; M. A. Fraser,
2. Cockerel -Douglas, 1; M. A. Fras-
er, 2. Pullet Douglas, 1; M. A. Fras-
er, 2." White Wyendottes-Cock-
T. C. Shean, 1; J. Battler,' 2. Hen -
T. C. Shean, 1; J. Battler, 2. Cock-
eral-T. C. Sheen, 1; M. A. Fraser, 2.
Pullet -T. C. Shean, 1; J. Battler, 2.
A. 0. V. Wyandottes-Hen- M. A.
Fraser, 1. Cockeral-M. A. Fraser, 1.
Oil Painting- Mrs. F. Turner, L
Livingston. Water Colour,Any Sub
ject-L. Livingston, Mns. P. Turne
Crayon Sketch -L. Livingston, Mr
liymmen. Pencil Drawing -Mrs
Turner, W. Peebles, Drawing o
Sketch Faxen House -Mrs. F. Tuanei
3 prs. hand Painted China -D. Grieve
'Mrs. lay:amen. Decorated Pottery
Mrs. F. Turner. &splay Poster
leers. F. Turner. Pen and Ink Sketc
W. Peebles,„ Mrs. Hymmea, Ca
J. Battler, 2. Pullet -M. A. Fraser, 1. toon-L. Livingston, Mr. F. Turner
J. Battler, 2. Ancohas-Coak--T. C. Wooden Tray Hand Made -L. Living
Shean, 1; M. A. Fraser, 2. Hen- M. ston, Novelties from crepe pape
A. Fraser, 1; T. C. Sateen, 2. Cock- wax or Celephane Mrs. F. Turner
eral-T. C. Shean, 1; M. A. Fraser, 2. Collection Antiques or Relics, 3 artic
Pullet -T, C. Shean; 1; M. A. Fra -Ser, les -L. Livingston, Mrs. Hymmen
2. Rhode Island Reds -Cock -M, A. Tray -L. Livingston. Flower Biake
Fraser, 1; M. A. Fraser, 2. Hen- me -W. Peebles, L. Livingson, Worl
A. Fraser; -1; Douglas, 2. 'Cockerel- Basket -II. Livingston. Collection .
tM A. Fraser, 1, Pullet Douglas, 1; Article.S.-4 Livingston. M. Oliv
'Scott, Bluevale,
ettokiee, plain whipe-Atail. G. 'Vale.
'Mrs. W. Patterson., Loaf Fruit Bread,
yeast--Elecinor StoreY, Mrs. J. Carter,
Raisin Ple--IMrs, W. Pattersoa, Elea-
nor Storey. Short Bread -Mr. Geo.
Dale, Mrs. J. Carter. 8 Tea"Biscuits,
2 var.-Eleanor Storey, Mise G. Dale.
6 Butter Tarts -Mrs. W. 'Patterson,
Mrs. G. Dale. 6 Dropped Cookies -
Eleanor Storey, Mrs. J. Carter. Angel
Cake, not iced -Jean Scott, Mrs. J.
Carter. 6 Parker House Rolls, yeast
-1-Jean Scott, Mrs. J. Carter. Work-
ing Man's Breakfast---IMia. J,' Carter,
Mrs. V. Storey. Sponge Cake,. not
iced - Jean Scott, Eleanor Starey.
Dark Fruit Caklaot ited-Mrs. J.
Carter, Eleanor Storey. Light Yayer
Cake, Forest City -Eleanor Storey,
Mrs. J. Carter. Chocolate Layer Cake
Magic Special -Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs.
F. Storey. Apple Special -Mrs. F.
Turner, Mrs. J. Carter, Eleanor Storey
Pumpkin -Pie--Mrs. P. Storey, Mrs.
G. Dale. Lemon Pie -Mrs. G. Dale,
Mrs. F. Storey. Supper Dish, with
recipe-allars. G. Dale, Eleanor Storey.
Homemade Candy -Mr. W. Patter-
son, Eleanor Storey. 6 Ice Boic Cook-
ies -Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs. J. Carter.
Salads, 3 Ind. Fruit -.Mrs. G. Dale,
Mrs. W. Patterson. Oatmeal Cookies
rolled -Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs. W. Patter-
son. Cup Cakes, iced -Jean Scott,
r. Mrs. G. Dale. Light Fruit Cake, not
s. iced -Mrs. J. Carter, Eleanor Storey.
ae Coll. 'Small Cakes -lairs. J. Carter,
Jean Scott, Date Bread, •not yeast -
Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs. J. Carter. Meat
Loaf -Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs. J. Carter.
Scones, griddle -Eleanor Storey, Mrc.
G. Dale, 'Salads, 3 Ind. Vegetable --
'Mrs W. Patterson. J. J. Cleary Five
r- Roses Bread Special-IVIrsa.F. Storey,
Mrs. J. Garter, Jean Scott."
Dom. Needlecraft --Quilt Applique-
-. Mrs. Pattersom J. Battler. Bedspread
Tufted Candlewick -W. Peebles, Mrs.
t Pellerson. Quilt, best quilting, J. Bat-
t tier, W. Peebles. Pieced cotton quilt,
3', Mrs. T. Barton, W, Peebles. Quilt,
e pieced, woollen, D. Grieve, Mrs. -T.
'Barton. Bedspread, white, Mrs. Hym-
men, W. Peebles. Bedspread, 'Colored,
11W. Peebles., Crochet or knit afghan' in
col. wool, W. Peebles, Mrs. G. Dale.
Ser. work apron, Best idea, Mrs. Pat-
ten, L. Livingston. Mens pyjamas,
machine made, L. Livingston, Mrs. Hy -
'Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. W. Hay. Floor
mmen. 'House Dress, most practical,'
Mat, Braided rags, H. Desjardine.
e' Maar Mat, Hooked rags, J. Battler,
11.1. Desjerdine., Floor Mat, Hooke
yarn, D. Grieve. Hooked chair seat
1.1). Grieve, Bath mat, Mrs.T, OFlynn
Mrs. F. Turner, Mens work sthirala
,Liyingston, Mrs. "G. Dale. 3 hdkfs
hand made, L. Livingston, Mrs. Hy
1mmen. Coanterpanequiltd, w
plique, Mrs. Peerson, L. Livingston
Special, but Work, Mrs. Hemmen, L
Livingston, Spec. Faggoting, L. Liv
ingston. Spec. Satin Stitch, L. Living
ston, Mrs. Hymmen. Spec. Cross
' Stitch, 'Mrs. Patterson„ L..Livingston.
pec. Needle point, Mrs. Hymmen, L.„
• LiVingston. Spec. Tatting, Mrs. G.
' Dale, L. Livingston. Spec. knitting
Cotton Lace, Mrs. G. Dale L. Living-
- ston. Spec any other- work not listed
above, Mrs. °Flynn, Mrs. Hymn:mu.
Dining, Roam Furnishings -Luncheon
set, 5 pieces Enab. L. Livingston, Mrs.
G. Dale. Luncheon se 5 pieces crochet
'Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs. O'Flynn, Lunch-
eon set, 5 pieces a.o.h: work, Mrs, G.
-Dale, Mrs. Hymmen. Tea Cloth Emb.,
Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs. Hymmen, Tea
Cloth a.o.h. work, Mrs. G. Dale, „Mrs.
Hymmen. Centrepiece Lace, Edge,
J, Battler, Mrs. G. Dale. Tray Cloth,
Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs. Hymmen.' Ceatre-
pieae Erob, in cotton white, Mrs. 0.
Dale eL. Livingeon. Bridge set 5 pea.,
Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. O'Flenn. Buffet
set, L. Livingston, Mrs. te'Dale. Tea
Cosy in wool, L. Livingston Mrs. Pet -
low slips pr, white Emb., Mrs. Hymn -
men, L. Livingston, Pilliow slips pr,
col. Emb., Mrs Hymmea, Mrs. Peter-
son, Pillow slips a.o.h. wrok, Mrs: G.
Dale Mrs. Hymmen. , pr. Towels Emb.
Hymmen. pr. Towels ober hand work,
Towels, Crochet, Mrs. G. Dais, Mrs.
Mrs. Hymmen, L. Livingston. pr. of
guest! Towels, Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs. Hy -
'amen, 'Bath Towels ray trim, Mrs.
'Hymmen, L. Livingston. Single fancy
Towel, Mre, Peterson, L. Livingston.
Fancy shee and pillow slips, L. Liv-
ingston, Mrs. Hymmen. Vanity set,
3 pieces, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. G. Dale.
Dresser Runner Mrs. Peterson, J. Bat,
Loungin Pyjamas, Mrs. G. Dale. Bad
Jacket, Mrs. O'Flynn, Mrs: Hytrimen.
Sweater knit Idles, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs.
G. Dale.' Gloves Crochet, Mrs. G. Daae
L. Divines -Ton. Mitts fine knit, L.
Livingston, Grieve. Carriags' cover
crochetaVirs. G. Dale, Mrs. Hynimen.
'Scarf and beret set wool, Mrs. Oa
Flynn, Mrs. G. Dale. Babys set, Mrs.
O'Flynn, Mrs, G. Dale, Childs Dress
knit, Mrs. Ilymmen, Mrs, O'Faynn.
childs knit suit, Mrs. 011ynn. c'hilds
dress Cotton, L. Livingston, Mrs. .0.
Dale. Stuffed Animal Toy, Mrs. G.
Dale, Living Room Furnishings=
Table Runner Col,, Mrs. Hymmen,
Mrs. Peterson. Centrepiece coL
Mrs. G. Dale, L. Livingston. Sofa Pil-
low wool. W. peebles, Mrs. G. Dale.
chair set, L. Livingston', Mrs. O'Flynn.
Sampler or wall' decoration, Mrs. Hy-
mmen, Mrs. O'Flyntr. Best Art from
Table oilcloth, Mrs. J. Carter. piece
Needle/Work over 50 years, Mrs. Hy -
mean, Mrs. O'Flynn. Best Art From
flour Sacks, Mrs. 0. Dale, Mrs. Oa
Flynn. Best Article for Xmas, Mee
O'Flynn, Mrs. G. Dale. Needlework
by woman 70 or over, Mrs. G. Dale,
Mrs. O'Flynn pr. Mens 'Wool mitts
double knit, L. Livingstone pr. Pine
{nit soic, L. Livingstonlee Paree or
handbag, Crochet, M qt. Thrtntftnr
13,a,ttler. Kitchen collection, Mrs. (Y-
Pdyrin, Mrs: Hynianeh. Mens flareat-
r or Pullover, knit, Mrs. O'Flynit Mrs,
Aaliplea---Otolleetiott Vat, 4 "Of
M. A. Fraser, 2. Andalusians-Cock-
J. Battler. 1. Hen -J. Battler, 1.
Cockeral-J Battler, 1. Pullet -J.
Battler, 1. White Minorcas-Cock-
Asters Best • 6 Blooms 1 Var.-W
M. A. Fraser, 1. Hen- M. A. Fraser, ;Peebles.' Display Asters -W. Peebles
1; Douglas, 2. Pullen Douglas, le Cosmos Diaplay-W, Peebles, Dah
Utility .Barred Rocks-Hen-Doaglas, has Best Display -Mrs. Porteous
1. Cockeral-J . Battler, 1. Pullet--Da,h1fas Best 3 Blooms -W. Peebles
Douglas, 1; J. Battler, White D. Grieve. Dahlias Best 6 Bloome-
Legherns-Cock-Douglas, 1; Douglas, W. Peebles, Gladioli Best 3 spikes -
2. Hen -Douglas, ,1; Douglas, 2. Baden Powell, W. Peebles. Gladiol
Cockerel -al. A. Fraser, 1; Douglas,
2. ,Pullet -Douglas, 1; M. A. Fraser,
2. A. 0. V. Leghorns-Cock-M. A.
Fraser, 1; 3, Battler,,2; Hen -M. A.
Fraser, 1; J. Battler, 2. -Cockerel-
al. Fraser,],; M. A. Fraser, 2. Par -
let -M. A. Fraser, 1; M. A. Fraser, 2.
Jersey Gians-Cock-Douglas, 1. Hen
-Douglas, 1. Cockerel -Douglas, 1..
Pullet -Douglas .1.A.O.V. Bantams
Cock -M. A. Fraser, 1; Douglas, 2.
Hen, -i, A. 'Fraser, 1; Douglas, 2.
Ceckerele-JM- A. Fraser.Pulfet-M. A.
Fraser. Game Bantarns-Cock-Dou-
glas, 1; M. A. Fraser 2. Hen -Dou-
glas, 1; M. A. Fraser, 2. Pekin Ducks
-Cock-Douglas, 1; J. Battler. Hen
--Douglas, 1; J. Battler. 'Cockerel -
Douglas, 1; J. Battler, Pullet -Dou-
glas, 1; 3. Battler, Rouen Ducks -
under broiling element to cook top
(about 1 or 2 minutes). Fold over and
serve on hpt platter.
. ,
Baked Eggs Florentine'
3 cups chopped cooked beet taps
6 eggs
Salt and pepper
% cop evaporated mills½cup grated cheese
Dash of paprika
Spread well -seasoned beet tops in
shallow baking dish. Make 6 depres-
sione in beet tops. Break 1 egg, into
each depression. Sprinkle with salt
and 'pepper. Pour milk carefully over
each egg, Sprinkle with grated cheese 'Canned Fruits, Veg-Cannery Ap-
and paprika. Serves 6. ' ples-Mrs. J. Carter, H. Desjardine.
* * *' 'Cannaect Red RaslPbearies-Mh.
Take A Tip Carter, Mrs. 'F, Storey. Canned Red
1. If boiled icing will not set, put it Cherries --H. Desthardine. Canned
in the oven four or rite -minutes. Do Pears F. MeClymoat, J. Battler. Can-
not leave too long as the frosting will ned Strawberries -IL Desjardine, Mrs.
harden. F. Turner. Canned Plums -II. Desjar-
2. Boiled frostings will not become dine, F. MeClymont. Canned peaches
brittle or break when out if a teaspoon Desjardine, J. Battler. Pickled
of vinegar is 'beaten into the frosting Cucumbers sweet -Mrs. (leo. Dale,
wheie the flavoring is added. 'Mrs. P. Store•y. Canned Chicken- F.
3. Sift a lttle granulated sugar over 'McClymont, Mrs. J Carter. anne
the top of sponge cake before putting sausage -J. Battler, Mrs. J. Carter,
it in your oven I will give a rich brown Canned Beef -F. McClymont, Mrs. J.
crust when baked. , Carter. Pickled cucumbers sour -
4. It will not be necessary to use ,Mrs. la Turner, Mrs. J. barter. Claus -
both salt and pepper shakers, when tard Pickles --Mrs. Geo. Dale, H. Des -
seasoning food, if a mixture of 3 parts jardine. Tomato Catsup=J Battler,
salt and 1 part' pepper is placed ill Mrs. J. Carter, Pickled Ch •
one large salt shaker, Jean Scott, Mrs. Geo. Dale, Green I,
* * * Tomato Pickles Sweet H. Desjardine,
QUSETION BOX W. Cornish. Aaple. Jelly -Mrs. Port.Mrs. K. C. asks for a recipe for' jel- eous, H. Desjardine. Black Current
ly frosting. Jelly -Jean Scott,M
rsAnswer: A jelly frosting is made of Orange Marmalade -Mrs..
4eo. apraeler:
% cup of tart jelly, one unbeaten egg 'Mrs. J. Carter. 'Strawberry Jam -'white, and a dash of salt. Heat on 'Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. F. Storey. 'Any
electric element turned to low. Beat ;Conserve -F. McClyrnont, H. Desjar-
until smooth. Remove from element ,dine, Chili Sauce -H. Desjardine, •
and beat unitl the mixture stands n 'Mrs. J. Carter, Canned Tomatoes -ea
peaks,mr113. Desjardine, Mrs. P. Storey. Can -
T. asks: How can I bake ,ned Corn --Mrs. F. Turner, H. Desjar-'
Squash to make it more tasty? 'dine. 'Canned ePeas-Mes, F. Turner,
Answer: Clean out the centre bay- Desjardine. Dairy ProductseeBut-:,
ing left the skin on. Cut in 4 inch 'ter, 5 lbs. Winter -Mrs. P. Storey,
squares. Dot with tasty baking fat Mrs. J. Carter. Butter 10 pounds -
and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Mrs. J. Carter, Mre, P. Storey.lst 100
Drop a little corn syrup Or molasses ,lbs. sugar by A. C. Routledge. Butter
on top for rich flavour, 0.2 Ind, Pats, Fancy -..Mrs, J. Carter,
leers. W. W. askd: What is the dif, ;Mrs. F. Storey. 'Hens Eggs Waite-
ference in the weave of Wilton Rugs? 'Mrs. A, Crozier, W. Cornish. Hens
apool Axminster? Tapestry Velvet? ;Eggs Brown -)Mrs. J. Carter, W. Coria
Chenille 'and' Body Brussels. ash, Dressed Chieken-Jack Carter,
Answer: We have sent you a aretiv-1rt. MoOlymont, Mrs. 'Geo. Dale.
ing diagram Which will 'be self -ex. Domestic Scien.ce--4Loaf White Bread I
Planatore. Other readers may receive '"4M55. Dale.
the same upon request,
* ** lair Storey, Mrs. I. Carter Mrs. • Gee: '
Anne Allan invitee you to '*rite to Dale. '6111/hIffins vehdle wheat flour-- e
her 'c/o ofteltttotpeetoe StMrs,.. Gee. Dale, Mrs.. .0art1.4Aidtsou:ooeioutiitomtaa.tin,epLinwhiteset2mrs.o
proliteinn and Wateh fhit *tie' Car, ea, WITs, Sterela gnu. Panda pea;'
ner the.eolinit tor' hods, , r-altAtior gt6rey, Mi Is, Storey: -
Best 6 spikes-I3aren Powell, W.
Peebles. Gladioli Collection -Baden
Marigolds Display- W.
Peebles, Mrs. Porteous. 'Verlienas
'Best Display -W. Peebles. Petunias
8 or more long stemi'•-aMrs. Porteous,
W . Peebles. Pansies Diplay-W,
Peebles. Zinnias Best 5 Blooms -
Mrs. E. Dickson. Annual Phlox Dis-
play -Mrs. Porteous, W. Peebles,
Snapdragon Display -Mrs. Porteous
Scabiosi Best Quality -Mrs Porteous
W Peebles. Zinnias Display -Mrs. E
Dickson. ,Collection Annuals -D
Grieve. Collection Perennials -D
Grieve. Basket "Table mixed Blooms
-Mrs. Porteous. Table Boquet-aMrs
Porteous, We Peebles. Floral am'
rangement for church -Mrs. Porteous
'Delphinium or Larasatie-Mr•s. Port-
eoue. Pot Plants -Begonias Best 2
flowering -D. Grieve, 'Begonias Tub
erotis-elirs. Porteous. Coll. Potted
Plants, 3 Var.-Mrs. Porteous, Begon-
ia.. Rex -Mrs. F. Storey. Fern
Sword -Mrs. ,J. Carter. Single .House
Plant in Bloom -D. Grieve, Novelty
in cut flower or pot -Mrs. Porteous.
•Colens. ,2 Var.-Mrs. Porteolla Asp-
idistra -Mrs. E. Dickson. Hen and
Chicken Display -D. Grieve Mrs. Port-
eous. Cactus Best any Var-T. M.
Govenlock', Mrs. Parteous.
each, Laitheratte, F afeCIYMent. 2nd
glToeiter. 6 named 'Far, winter up -
Pies, aleCiyanout, aatithwatte„ 4 atten-
ed Var. Fall apples, Laihwaite, Mc-
Clymeut. •Baldwins, MoClymont,
Laithwaite. King of Thompkins,
Laithwaite, aleClyeriont. Northern
Spies„ -IVIcOlymortt, Lattitwalte. rail-
awater Laithwaite. Golden Rakeet,
McClymont Westfield Seek•no further,
Laithwaite. Wealthy, Laitawaite,
McClymont. Peawankee, Sleety-et:Tont,
Laithwaite. Wagner, Laithwaite Rox-
boro Russet, H. Desjardine. Graven -
stein, MeClymont, Laithwaite. .Spit•
zeaburg, Laithwalte, Famouse or
Snow apple, Laithevaite McClymont.
Calvert, Laithwaite, MeClyrnont. Mann
Laithwaite, H. Desjardine. 12 crobs
red, H. Desjardine 3. Battler. 12
crabs, yellow, MeClymont. RI.
tson Pippins Laithwaite. Blenheim
Pippin, Laithwaite. Fall pippin, Mc-
Clymont. St. Lawrence W. Cornish,
Laitiewaite. Canadian Red Laithwaite
McIntosh Red, Laithwaite; Talmon
Sweet, Meelyanont, L.aithwaite. Pears
4 Var. Winter Pears, Laithwaite, Mc-
Clymont. 4 Var Fall pears, Laith-
waite. Flemish Beauty. Laithwaite.
Duchess of Agoaline, Laithwaite.
ClappsaFavourite, McClymont. Bell
Lucrative, Laithwaite. Sheldon,
Laithwaite, McClymont. Louis Bon-
ne' De Jersey, Laithwaite. Bartlett,
Laithwaite, McClymont. Seckel,
Laithwaite. Guerre De Anion, Laith-
waite. Plums -Washington, Laith-
waite. Green Gage McClyrhont,
Laithwaite. Duanes Purple, Laith-
waite. 'Abundant e,Laithwaite. Ponds
Seedling, Laithwaite, Burbank, Leith:
waite. Bradshaw, Laithwaite. Ger-
man prune, McClymont, Laithwaite.
Any other variety plums MeCaymont.
E. B. Goadie.
Grapes Blue, J. M. Govenlock, H. Des-
jardine Green H. Desjardine, MeCly-
12 Tomatoes Red, Mrs. E. Dickson.
6 Tomatoes yellow, J. Battler. 6 on-
ions from seed Spanish, H. Desjardine.
12 'onions from Dutch' sets, Mrs. E.
Dickson., II. Desjardine. Quart, onion
sets, H. Desjardine, Mrs. Si. Dickson.
qt. Cucumbers, Pickling, 3. Battler,
W. Cornish, qt. Butter Beans, Mrs.
F. Turner, Mrs. Porteous. qt, white
Beans, Mrs. E. Dickson, Mrs. F. Tur-
ner. 6 carrots Stump recited, D.
Grieve. 6 'Table Carrots, Long, Mrs.
E. Dickson, Mrs. A, Crozier, qt.
Pickling Beets, Mrs. Porteous, J. Bat -
ii tier. 6 Turnips Blood Beets, D.
Grieve. 3 Cucumbers Ripe or Green,
Mrs. 'F. Turner, Mrs. E. Dickson. 6
• Table Parsnips, J. Battler, D. Grieve.
• 6 Best Peppers, Mrs, Portsous, D.
- Grieve. Coll. of Peppers, D. Grieve.
•. 6 ears sweet Table Corn, H. Desjar-
• dine. 6 ears field Corn . J. Battler,
•1'11/frs. A: Crozier. 6 winter Radish, J.
"'Sealer, H. Desjardine. 2 Sunflower
Heads, H. Desjardine. Best novelly ;n
Vegetables, Geraldine Eckert, Mrs. E.
Dickson. 2 head cauliflower Mrs. Si.
Dickson. J. Battler. 3 head Red cab-
bage, D. Grieve. 3 head Savoy Cab-
bage, J. Battler. 3 head Fall cabbage
Mrs. E. Dickson, Mrs. F. Turner. 3
head Winter Cabbage, Mrs. E. Dickson,
Mrs. Porteous. 'Half Pack Red on-
ion's, Mrs. E. Dickson, J. Battler. %
Pek white or yellow onions, H. Desjar-
EMBER 26, 1041
Rheumatic Pains
Rheunatie pains are sem caaiodby uric
acid in the Hoed. Ibis bleed i*purity
should be minded by the kidneys. If kid-
neys fail, and excess uric acid remains, it
irritates the muscles and joints causing
excruciating pains. Treat thematic Pains
by keeping your kidneys in good condition.
Take, regularly Dead's Kidney Pilhs:-Ifur
half a century. um favothelsidneyremeib,,, lOP
Dodd's Kidney Pills
dine, Mrs. E. Dickson. 2 Milskmelon,,
H. Desjardine, J. Rattler. 2 citron
striped, Mrs. E. Dickson, Ber. Eckert.
Watermelons, H. Desjardine, J. Bat-
tler. 2 veg. Marrow, J. Battler.
pie Pumpkins, Mrs. E. Dickson, Mrs.
J. Carter, Table Squash 3 var. J.
Battler, D. Grieve. Hubbard Squash,
D. Grieve, Mrs. E. Dickson. largest
Pumpkin, Miss g. Storey, Ger. Eckert.
6 field carrots, J. Battler. 6 swede
turnips, Table Mrs. P. Turner, Mrs. A.
Crozier. 6 swede turnips, Feed, Mrs.
P. Turner, W. Cornish. 6 Sugar Man -
golds, J. Battler, W. Cornish. 6 lona
Red marigolds, W. Cornish, Ethel
Beattie, 6 intermediate Marigolds, W.
Cornish, 3 bunches of celery white
Mrs. A. Porteous, D. Grieve, 1/2, bus -
Irish Cobblers, Early, Mrs. F. Turner,
J. Battler. '1, Bus. Any other var.,
Early, W. Cornish, J. Battler. aa Bus.
Green Mountain, Late,, W. Cornish, J.
Battler. la Bus. Any other var. Late,
J. Battler, W. Cornish, 6 Stalks Fod-
der CorneJ. Battler, Mrs. A. Crazier.
Collection Garden Produce, Mrs, A.
Porteous, Mrs, E. Dickson. Grain -
Fall Wheat, any kind, IL Desjardine,
Eleanor Storey. Oats, Any Kind, H.
Desjardine, W. Cornish, Barley, any
kind, H. Desjardine, J. Battler. Beans
any kind, Mrs. F. Turner, J. Battler.
E. B. Goudie.
•Childrens-6 Swede Turnips, Emer-
son Coleman, Hazel Coleman, William
Jack. 6 Garden Carrots, Wm. Jack,
Francis Jack, Marie Jack, 6 Long
Red Man.golds, Francis O'Reilly. 6
Parsnips, Hazel Coleman, Francis
Jack, Emerson. Coleman. 6 Garden
Beets, Hazel Coleman, Francis O'-
Reilly, Leona Stevens. 6 Onions, Em-
erson Coleman, Arnold Storey, Bill.
1. (Continued on. Page, 7)
1 Oc
Best of all fly killers.
Clean, quick, sure,
cheap: Ask your Drug.
gist, Grocer or General
• ee.,:reesati'S'.il'aa,
conie Tax
on the Government Monthly Plan
You , must start at once'!,
Next Tuesdaywill be the la,rt opportunity to pay your
1941 income Tax on the Government Monthly Plan.
This gives- you the privilege of paying in twelve monthly
in,rtallrnente wahout interest instead of by lump .rum
in March, 1942.
Here is how to get the monthly payment privilege!
Divide the total of your 1940 income Tax by -twelve.
This is your first payment - and must be paid to the
Receiver General on or before September 30, 1941.
You will, then pay the same amount before the end of
each month for the balance of 1941. When you have
esfirtatcd your 1941 income tax at the 1941 rate, you
will deduct the four payments,you will have already
made, and pay the remainder in eight equal monthly
installments, starting January, 1942. --
The Government offers the above plan as the most
reasonable and ,convenient method of meeting income
tax obligations. Ask your local Income Tax Office for
f nstallment Income Tax Remittance Form - and any
f-trther information you may require.
te awe Adirtome ttevehtet
C.F. num
Covantssemer fImems Tes