HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-09-26, Page 14 . ' • r • A Mt • ‘4,t . • • Eighty-second Year Whole NuMber 3849 • »» SEAFORTHI FRIDAY, 8 TEMBER,26, 1941 0, WindstormStrikesDistrict Uproots Trees, Disrupts Hydro, Telephone Lines • - • • • • • !Falling Trees Bring Down Lines in Seaforth as Ter - Chief is Charnp rific Wind Sweeps Town 'Thursday. Hensel! Bed Cross is richer to- day because of the versitality of Chief of police Thomas Kyle. It all happened when'the chief, who already has as many. jobs as any man in Hensel], was preparing the grounds at the park for the field meet which tikes place on Wednesday. The Chief had, just finished preparing a hop, step and jump pit when the foreman of a road construction gang at work' in the village bet him he didn't' know how to use it. Chief Kyle in three tries proved he did» and easily outdistanced his competitor. His winnings were handed to -the Red, Cross. • • 0 • 0 0 ARREST YOUTHS AFTER. }EAKINS Windsor Quartette aged 13- 16 Wreck, Stolen Car at Bayfield Huron county had its second visit from a gang of Windsor youths in as Many months, *hen' on Wednesday night few: juvenile's from that cny completely wrecked a stolen car in Hayfield, after first• robbing a sttaa at Dryadale. They were captured in Goderich Thursday morning by pro-• Tindal and County The youths ranging in age from 13 to. 16 escaped from Hayfield in a car sten from J. Sturgeon. Their trail Was picked, •up•in Goderich. early Thursday morning' after an unsuedess- ful -attonipt to. ,rob•••Birechlera SerVice Station at Gloderich. • Welcome New Member at Lions Dr. F. J. Bechley and N. C. Cardno were in charge of the regular meet- ing of the Liens Club on Monday ev- ening: The, program included a glitz Contest and during the eveninglrolic chairmaa, G. D. 'Ferguson »announced Committee chairman for the Hollow- een event., • A neVi-,Liori., Harold Jackson was introduced to the Club by ,Lioa,J. E. &Ceating, and welcomed by the mem- bers.' Insteuctions Re Gun Permits HYDRO WIRES DOWN , AT MO POINTS A wind af hurricane proportions accompanied by a driving rain late Thursday morning left in its wake a trail of damage to hydroand, phone lines hhat will ert many hundreds of dollars to repair. Coming from the South the wind reached its peak during the noon hour. First damage reported was at 12 o'clock, when a large tree on Jar- vis street opposite the residence of 'Robert Joynt was blown dowii and carried with it hydra wires and a wire of the fire alanm system. , An alarm was rung in which ,the brigade an- swered and found it to be the result of the falling tree. While P.U.C. workmen rushed 'zo restore Service to the South corner of the town a tree was uprooted on on Centre street which carried with it both hydro and telephone cables. A Truck owned •by Sproat and Sproat parked on Huron street had 'a narrow escape when a large limb from .a tree south of the Dick hotel crash- ed down beside it. The limb wedged itself between the building and an- other. t: ec. On. Goderich street a iat.ge »maple on the, lawn of Mr. Wm. Drive. 2ell across the. highway part - :any blociiing traffic,. The, v.-ind apparently didn't aohfine its danlage to trees for Thomas Beat- tie caretaker at the Post Office dis- covered that twenty feet 'of metal flashing had been torn from the. (Continued on Page 5) High Counity Coaastable Prank Fox this week clarifies tbe regulatiodsrre- specting the transfer of firearms th .the following announcement: "Before a permit to purchase -"a gun can be obtained through the mail it will be necessary ,to have the letter requesting such transfer O.K.'d by a member of the Huron Counity Police or the Chief Constable of the Munic- upality. The letter must contain the fol- ' lowing inforanation:--)Make of shot- . \ gun or rifle, serial number, if any, and the guage or calibre. Name and address of purchaser and vendor," • • BOWLERS »HOLD» FOWL TOURNEY Name Dates For PlowingMatches Ladies Entertain Men -at Greens on Wednesday • Afternoon Searath Bowlers were .hosts on Menday» to bowlers of the district at a closely contested twilight dotibles tournament. when fowl were the prizes Geo. Mathesoa •and C. Brooks, of Goderich took first prize with 3 wins plus 17. Second prize went to M. W. Binkley and M. McKenzie, of StratfOrd with 3 wins plus 14. , )» A Seaforth rink of E. H. Close and G. C. Brightrall took third with 2 wins plus 20;,while fourth prize Went to F. Hunt and C. McManus, of Goderien, with 2 wins plus 20. John Beattie and M. McKellar won fifth with 2 wins plus 19. The scores:— John Beattie, Seaforth 2 wins plus 19 F. Johnston», Seaforth 2 losses (Continued en Page 5) Plowing Matches and Fairs, in Huronahave.been arranged as follows according to an announcement from Agricultural representative J. C. Shear- er this week: Septenaber 29—Usbtorne Township en the Farm if Roland Williams, east of Exeter. September 30—Grey Township on the farm of John Huether, adjoining the 'Village of Cranibrook. October 1-4(31oderich Tovinnship en the farm of Jas R. Stirling, Con. 6. October 2—Stanley Township on the farm of Elmer Turner on the Parr Line. Octohrer 3.-a-134joKillop Township, oil »the farm of Lorne Elliott, Lot 18, can. 10. • Onteiber 3rd—Dungannon 'tisk Fair. Obtoirer "4-11o,w1ek ToNrimhipFaU - refl' at Gerrie. Oottilset..1-1131y,th Fell Fair. October e-Ilorth Huron PloWing' • Golfers Plan Red Cross Bridge The Lady memibers of the Golf club will hold a Red Cross bridge next Tuesday at 2 p.m.. in the club house. Everybody will be welcome. • Ts Elected Clinton Reeve Nelson W. Trewartha, produce merchant, and former mayor has been elected reeve of Clinton for the re- mainder of this year by acclamation. He is, a former M.L.A. for South Huron and Warden of the county. Mr. Trewartha will fill the vacancy creat- ed by the death of Reeve Fred Liver- more. Kenneth G. Water, who was mayor of Clinton last year, decided against filing his quai4fication papers in order to avoid an election. • Rebeccas Elect New Officers At the regular meeting of the Ed- alweist Rebekah Lodge on Monday evening the officers "Or ' 1941 were re-elected by acclamation and tlie in- stallation will take plate next meet- ing when Mrs. Stewart D.D.G.M. and her» staff from Biussels will visit the local lodge. The Officers are: N.G., Mrs. Alert CBoyee; V.G Mr. Harry igteavart, Eg- 1±WaddVille; »ke�-sec, Mrti; John Pall, %Nth; site no't arranged' yet. .• 11/Atil» f1aat »eeOretary 13ev- AT Se14FORTHj FALL FAIR Delightful Autumn weather attracted many hundreds to the annual exhibition of the Seaforth Agricultural, Society held here on Friday. afternoan. Top left shows Elizabeth Shannon and Iris Byerman of PleKilloP as they admire a prize wining pumpkin. Ephriam Snell,who with his son James captured a majority of sheep prizes in his plasses shown discussing the fair With Wm. J. Dale well known horse breeder of Hullett »town- ship. In the middle pasture W. F. C. Oestricher of Creditomja ,showe with his' prize winning herd following the judging. Many of the R.A.F. men from Clinton Radio school had their »first glimpse of a rural fair at Sea - forth on Friday and in the bottom picture two of them A. C. J. Chambers and A.C. Joe Gormly are shown with Jean Strong and Ruth Fraiser of Seaforth. (Pictures Courtesy of BeacorHerald) Seaforth air Standard of In Attendance, ;xhi Perfect Fag Weather Aid:o Annual Exhibition of Ag- ricultural Society Here. EXHIBITS LIGHT IN SOME CLASSES With an estimated attendance of twenty Sive hundred/the Annual fair of the Seaforth Agricultural Sooiety held here on Thursday and Friday was a successful event according to officers of the society. Perfect weathei helped swell the crowd and made more enjoyable an Lexamination of the many exhibits. ° Classes were well filled on Friday with the exception of heavy horses. ' The long dry summer was reflect- ed in smaller exhibits of fruit and BE BROUGHT UP flowers however. An interesting program on Friday af- " ternoon was -presented in front of the grand stand and included horse races; everY heat of which was fast and close. The parade of school' Children ' to the grounds was possibly better Judge J. A. Jackson Eg- than in previous years the various » mondville old boy schools appearing to have put more . Is Speaker .. • Seaforth to Purchase Naval:Gun Per Month Navy Depends on War Sav- ings of District to obtain $2500 Gun every Month ttomt pIii g etio, fleti; Treaanter, L A. , , , , tite 11.0/t :Wafted, yet. ,f iSeaforth citizens, if they are to do their part in seeing that the armed forces have all the fighting equipment they need must through war savings certificates raise enough money each month to »purchase a naval gun. Each gun costs $250a and the Navy expects one every month as long as tire War lasts. To doalts part the town» must step up conSiderably its War Savings. Statestics released this week by Sea - forth chairmaan J. A. Stewart show that only 1i2 pert cent of the people in Seaforth are regular War Sav- ers. Their average purchase month amount to $6.57. Dnring past POill" months hely $1,506. been subscribed per month. per the has Is your roof in good shapefor Winter ? If not Take advantagc of the fine weather and Shingle with RecKedar 5X N,CIATIFF & RED »CROSS NOTES This is your opportunity, to as- siat, and our last appeal (for this season)' for funds for the jam and honey project that was undettaken some time ago by the Women' Insti- tute, and the Seaforth branch of the Red Cross Society, and'to date the re- sults oFwhich is 1312 lbs. of jam and jelly made and 192 lbs. of honey ship- ped. The balance of the money, on hand will be used for honey. . * * * The Red Cross Society is very well :pleased with the interest shown in their display at the Fall Fair, and we hope that same interest will coritinue during the tall and winter months, as we need many more workers to help us out as the need is growing more urgent day by day. • Ministers» Plan Meeting Here • •e Swallows Tack Ronald Savauge, son of Mr. anca»'' Mrs. M. Ross Sevauge, Segforthr swallowed a thumb tack OW Tues- day while taking down decorat- , ions in thee' Schoolroom of North - aide United church. He had been holding the thumb tack in his, mouth. He was taken to London for »treatmejit and is now resting, at hisalteme here. •••••• ATTITUDE MUST- TOMOTORCARERA effort in their displays. A special feature of the parade was two »battleships, named H.M.S. Nelson and HAI,.s. Rodney which were built on bicycles by two groups of boys in Principal Moffat's roam in the pub- lic school. The boys are Harold Knight, Bill Brugger, Donald Smith, Nedl Beattie, Kenneth Mowbray, Bud , Smith and Kenneth Hart, During the afternoon a recruiting ' unit was on the grounds and in the exhibition hall the Seaforth Red I Cross displayed a quantity of its work. A war Savings booth under the auspic- es of the Junior womens Institute awl operated by Mrs. Elden Kerr and Mre. Gordon Papple was busy throughout theafternoon. The. fair concluded with a largely attended, dance held in Cardno's Hall on Friday 'evening. • ' The program of children's Sports resulted as follows; School Childrens Parade -St. James School, 1st; Public School, 2; Egmondville School 3rd. FOOT RACES • Girls -8 years and under,Leonia Forlbes„ 1; Alva Dupee,2; 10 years and under, Barbara Russell, 1; Ariss Forbes. 2; 12 years and under, Muriel Rivers, l; Maxine Dunlop, 2; 14 years and under, Gladys Forbes, 1; Doreen' Coults, 2.»» Boys -8 .3'ear a and • under:, Ronald Dolmage, 1; Ronald Rennie, 2; 10 years and under, Wm.. Cleary, 1; Bert Shaw, 2; 12 years and ..under Don Brightrall, 1; . Bill Henderson, 2; 14 years and .under, Frank Rolland, 3; Angus Brown, 2; BICYCLE RACES HAVE ,MIRACULOUS ESCAPE AS TRUCK IS DEMOLISHED Three Exeter Men in Ha- pital Here with Serious Injuries The Huron County Ministerial As- sociation will meet in, the United Church at Egmondville, on.. Monday, Sept. 29th, at 2 p.m. :Pipers will be given by Rev. D. C. Hill (on the Sac- ratnents) and Rev. Beetroft (on "The Church and0.4enkion"). All 'cirdnisters of the coutiti Etre invited ' Boys -12 and under, Harry ()Tow nor, 1; Ken Doig, 2; Boys 15 and un- der., Harry O'Connor, 1; Miles McMil- lan, 2 The results of the horse races are as follows: AT BAR.ASSOCIATION 'I am afraid that we, as lawyers and judges, have depended too much ota authority and» not enough on reas- on—reason that keeps changing from time to time to meet modern eondit-: ions. So Judge J. A. Jackson of the of Lethbridge, Alta, • of the Canadian Bar their meeting in. Tor - HORSE RACES 2.30 Pace Carman Henley, L.W. Guy 1 1 '1 Manchester Alberta, E. W. Favrra, Mitchell 3 3 2 Doreen Volo, G. .Morrisey Crediton 4 4 4 Minnie Bars, F. Smith Atwood 2 ,2 3 Time: 2.16, 2.19, 2.17 , 2.25 Pace CRASH INTO TREE 1Conditiort of Wm. Cole, aged 50, of Exeter, i&4 'Still critical according to Dr. Stapleton, his »medical attendant. He was injured Monday evening when the truck in which he was a passenger, struck a large tree in front of the resi- dence of Mr. S. Crawley, Goderich Street, .east, a short distance from Main Street. He is suffering from a fractured jaw, fractured skull, possible fractur- ed wrist and extensive lacerations. Also in hospital here are Ned Arm- stroag, 25, of Exeter, said by the po- lice to have been the driver of the truck, and Robt. Halter, 40, Exeter, dairyman, another passenger. Their injuries include lacerations and shock. The truck was proceeding w'est when for some reason it left the road, ran along the sidewalk and crashed into the tree. So great was the im- pact that the engine was driven into the cab and when the wrecked track was pulled away it fell through te the pavement. The force of the impact swung the truck around so that tire rear of the platform was resting ad the. verandah of the Crawley home. John McKenzie and Harry Stein- berg, on their Way to the Seaforth Golf and Country 6luib, narrowly.. a- voided being run down, as the trunk careened,•,,liong the sidowalk..., ••!, 'I heard a 'noise of something rati fling and the nett thing t kiMil). the' (Ctouttunta on Page 5) told members Association at Texas McKinney, W. Cud.. more, Sea,forth 1 1 1 Winston Graton, G. Morrisey, Crediton » 2 2 2 Sonny Graton, G. I3isback, Auburn » ' 3 3 3 Time: 2.15, 2.141a, 2.16 (Complete list of prize winners on page 3.) • 0114Milai tOriantle -12-04-e, WAR SAVING firrittl,):.-CER IFICATES4 onto on Friday, according a stories appearing .in the daily papers Judge Jackson is a well » known former resident of EgTaondvilie. Prior to the Toronto -meet, ing he spent seine Yisiting his brothers there. I' The legal profession, » he said, had,/ permitted' itself to be influenced by the necessities of past centuries, rath- er than by the conditions of those it is suPposed to serve. "We, as lawyers and judge, have allowed ourselves to be governed by legislation. If t the w law what changes are needed, vve say t legislation should make a n instead of doing in My opinion, we aught to do—bringing our 1frter pretation of the common law up to date' or at least within catching of the times we live in. "The supremacy of Parliament is given a sanctiom.that is nut, in my' Continued an Page 3 • ° Mark Golden Wedding The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Balsden, of inaerman St., 'London, was celebrated on ,September 16th, at their Mite. where their five sons and daughters and six grand- children gathered for a family dinner. 1‘.4r. and Mrs.. Balsden, who have lived in London for the past 25 years, were married in Seaforth on Septem- ber 16, 1891, by the late Rev. J. W. 'Hodgins, then Anglican rector at Sea - forth. Mrs. Balsden was Georgina DaWS011, and she was a daughter of the late Capt. and Mrs. E. J. Dawson, of Seaforth. Balsden was born. at Exeter, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Balsden. After their marriage the coRple re- sided in Melbourne, and Iatet,,or short time, in Stratnord. They cams to London 25 yearA ago. Their family of five are: Edward Balsden, Stratford; Mrs. R. G. kayd;• Sarnia; Prank B, Balsden, Detroit; Mrs. H. M. McKenzie, LendOn, an W. J. Dawson Balsden, Detroit. For' the family dinner a huge, ate traotively decorated Wedding cake Cat- ered tine table; and tti14ii were need effectiVelY thrOugh.' tit.0 . rooms. Presentation.•of radio friimWe ‘Vin lly vat feature. Balsdettk tar*. boultintfee hid:work . are,rualberk• bib* t4140- t'711i • • H.1 , . ; •