HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-09-19, Page 8Ott if ,t. There r e Light Ori, 60 100 WATT BULBS Guaranteed 1000 Hours 5for 95c. 'ORTVARED MUUS'TARD— • 26 oz. jar I7c COWAN BREAKFAST COCOA . 15c, 25c d CORRIN STARCH, Loose -- 25c 3 lbs. RICE for Puddings 3 lbs. 2.5c ,7 KELLOGG'S ALL WHEAT, with ' cup and saucer, all for....34c GINGER SNAPS 12,c lb., AYLMER. TOMATO or Vegetable Soup 5c tin CHOICE PRUNES, 2 lbs. 25c PEANUT BUTTER loose 15c ib. GRAVES' APPLE. JUICE `2 tins 19c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO JUICE 2 tins 19c GLASS TOPS, for sealers "WILLSON FLY PADS Oh/AAP HAND CLEANER W OF THE TOWN Antouncement•--The engageme t is announced of Jessie Evelyn, daughter of Aire. Jackson, and the late Henry Jackson, Coledonlla, to Mr. James Earl Gillespie, son of Mrs. Gillespie and the late William Earle Gillespie, Seaforth, the wedding to take place in Caledonia, on October 111th. Funeral of John McLellan.—Che funeral of the late John MoLellan was held cm Friday of last week from Eg- mondville United Church with .Rey, A. W. Gardiner officiating and Rev., Hugh Jack of Seaforth assisting. The funeraLwas largely attended. The pall- bearers were Messrs A. C. Routledge, Jas. Allen, James Hay, •Harry Ches- ney, R. W. Elberhart and Hugh Mc- Millan. Interment was made in Maitland Bank cemetery. 25c doz. 1Oc pack. 15c tin SNAP CLEANING POWDER. 2 tins 25c WOOIDBVRY SOAP 4 cakes 25c CAUSTIC SODA loose 10c ib. IAWES' FLOOR GLOSS 59c tin MASTER HOG CONCENTRATE $2.70 cwt. A. C. Routledge PHONE tae Girls' W. A. Meets — -The Girls' Branch of the W. A. held their first meetiug of the season on Tuesday, September 16th, in St. Thomas Parish, Hall. The meeting was opened by the singing of a hymn, followed . by prayer. .The minutes were read. The roll call was answered by ten memb- ers. The girls were pleased to wel- come three new members. Mrs. W. R. Shaw gave au interesting talk. The girls were assigned their work to be done for the bale, Games were played after the business meeting was, closed. INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS, REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Honey to Loan on First . Mortgages on Improved Farm Property. Number of desirable Dwelling Proper- rs ties for sale. WATSON & REIN) M. A. REID Proprietor 'hone 214 •▪ Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Death of Mrs. John Copp—The death occurred in Vancouver, B.C., of Mrs. John Copp, a former resident of this town. Mrs. Copp was formerly Miss Hattie Love and lived on North Main Street. It is almost .forty years ago since they.left here and went to the west. She is survived by one son, Stanley, one son having prede- ceased her by seven months and her husband just passed away about sev- en weeks ago. Many friends will re- gret to learn of her death. Inter- ment took place in Vancouver come tery. 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 O 0 O Main Street, Seaforth 0 0 Charles Holmes' residence, 0 0 Goderich Street East. Phone 0 0 No. 308. ' 0 0 Ambulance Service 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 rent. 0 0 Night calls—Phone 308 0 ' 0 Day cels—Phone 119 0 • 0 Charges moderate. 0 0 14-11 0 00000'0'000000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 O 0 O 0 J. A. BURKE ' O 0 Funeral Service 0 O Dublin : Ont. 0 0 , Night or day calls; Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8757-t! The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- fng, Seaforth. Office bourn: Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.tn. to 5 p.n ; Saturday evening 7.30 p.m. to 9P:m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk T:nsurance Life, Fire. Auto, Sickness and Acci- dent. wlhaletorm and guarantee bonds. Ram reasonable. All risks placed in first class eom5amies. Ind.'ormation cheerfully given. . E. C. .CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Ross, J. Sproat - Phone '8 Carnation Milk 2 large tins a Z„ te Green Giant ,Peas 29c 2 16 oz. tins Chase and, Sanborn 1 lb. tin f Sugar, Gran. or Yellow 79c Coffee 49c 10 lbs. We reserve right to limit quantities. Pickling Cucumbers all sizes at real low prices. Thursdays and Fridays each Week, Fresh Frozen Fish. Fillets of Cod lb. Fillets Smo. Haddie lb. Fillets of Haddock lb. Sliced Red Salmon 22cA lb. L4 )Vhele or Half Salmon 20c 18c 20c 22c lb„ Potatoes No. 1 graded 1 .30 per bag 1 tJ Quaker" 4x Bread Flour 2A80, 98s Your Shopping Centre Annrauticerent---Mr.•and Mrs, Frank Walters, ,Ti Ckersmith, 'wish to an- nounce the engagernesit of their sec- ond daughter, Annie Mae Beatrice, to, Allan lames Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Camph1R1 of McKillop, the marriage to take place the latter part of September. Announcement—The g ement is announced` of Lucy., daughter of the late Mr. and MI's. ,Thomas Kenny, of Elm Creek, Manitoba, to Edward Joseph Kenny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenny, of Dublin, The marri- age is to take place quietly on Oc- tober fourth, Storey on the "New Order" stressing the fact that now is the time to pre- pare for the new world order. If left till the conclusion of the war it will be too late, The paper was divided in- to 3 parts and a verse of "Lord of the Lands" was sung between each part. At tl?e conclusion the leader of the cir- cle led in prayer. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Webster also gave interesting papers on different angles of the same subject. Mrs. N. Carter favored with a solo -O Canada." Miss Alex- ander andMissFerguson also contrib- uted readings on the' same subject and Mrs. Koine gave a Temperance Read- ing. The offering was received and the National Anthem sung. The meet- ing was brought to a- close with the Mizpah Benediction. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —Northside United Church: Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister—Sunday School Rally at 10 a.m. 11 a.m., "Christian Emotional Development"; 7 p.m., Service Withdrawn (Attend the Anglican Church, Harvest Thanks- giving Service). St. Thomas' Church: .Rector Rev. R. P. D. Hurford D.D.-11 a.m., Har- vest Thanksgiving, Preacher; 7 pen., Rev. Cannon MacDonald; Sunday School 10 a.m. St. Mary's Dublin -2.25 p.m., Sunday School; 3 p.m., Harvest Thanksgiving, Rev. Cannon MacDonald. First Presbyterian' Church —• 10.30 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Rally Day Service,-- Sunday School and Church. "Christ the hope of the World"; Evening services withdrawn for St. Thomas Anglican Church An- niversary: Thursday at.,, 8 p.m., mid- week meeting Rev: Hugh Jack, Min- ister.• THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. a'4EAD OFFi'CE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Storey - Armstrong.— The United Church at Elora was the scene- of a pretty wedding on Friday September 5, 'when Rev: Perkins of that church united in marriage Beatrice Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Arm- strong of Brucefield and Mr. Alvin Morley 'S1tesey, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Storey of Seaforth. They were attended by Miss Margaret Cameron and Mfr. Stanley Patterson both of Elora. The bride chose an ensemble of black with black accessories and carried roses. The bridesmaid chose black also in a street length dress and carried rosee. Following the ceremony a dinner was held in the Elora Hotel after which they left on a trip to Muskoka. On their return they will live in Seaforth. OFFICERS: Wm. Knox, Londesboro - Pres. W. R. Archibald, Seaforth - Viee•Prea, Allerton A. field, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. t DIRECTORS: . William Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhart, Brodhagen ; E. 3, Tre- irartlia, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander. McEwing, R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. *, Clinton; ugh Alexander RAI 2, Walton; Thomas Moylan, it..ht. 5, Sea - forth; William It Archibald, R.R. 4, AGENTS: Finlay Mcllercher, R.R. 1, Dublin i . Pepper, Rrucefield; 3. F. Prneter, TirMllf ,getly James Watt, Blyth; ft7. A. Yid►, + oY%lch Two. Announcement—Mr. and Mrs. James Richmond, Blyth, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Helen Alberta, to Mr. Will- iam Charles Montgomery, Brantford, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Montgom- ery, Seaforth. The marriage will take place early in October. With The Victory Sign ° Even some of the vegetables are coming out of the ground, with the V for Victory sign on them. At least Mrs. Frank Smale brought to The Ex- positor office this- week one that sported the symbol. It was in the form of a double beet with two roots, one sprouting •,front each end, and joined in the centre,.making a perfect V. days with his family in Tuckersmitll. • Mrs. Alex. Kennedy, Miss Bernice Kennedy, of Detroit, and Mrs. H. Beckley and fancily of St. Thomas, visited with •Seaforth friends on Wled- nesday. • Mr. and Mrs. R. T. McIntosh, of Ingersoll were the guests of Mrs. J. Patterson on Thursday. • Mr. and Mrs. ,,,, Willocks 'and daughter, of Ripley, were guests this week at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. D. Armstrong. ' 1VIr. and Mrs. E. .C. Boswell and Dr. and Mrs. -F. J. Bechley, spent the week -end in Welland, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ryerson Hartry. • Mrs. A. J. Reid and- Miss Bessie Reid, of Ayr were guests this week at the home of Mrs. Hester. • Mr. James Flannery who has completed his course at the Kitchen- er Vocational School has secured a position with the Bell Engine Com- pany, as machinest. • Mr. and Mrs. C. Cs Hart and daughter, Miss Bertha Hart, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hart and daughter•,.. Marie of . Toronto, 'were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott • Mr. Edgar Brownlee, of Windsor, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brownlee. 'Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Dodds, of Oak Park, Illinois, were recent guests at the home o1 his uncle„ Mr. Thomas Dodds, in McKillop. • Mr. Ross McNab of North Bay, is 'spending his holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc - Nab, North Main street. • Mr: and Mrs. Lorne Pinknej and little daughter, of Toronto were week- end guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore. • Mrs. M. White and daughters, Misses Margaret and Ernstine White, motored to London and spent a few days with Capt. W. Gibson White and other relatives. Capt. White is at present stationed at Wolsley Bar- racks, at London. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bristow and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Eyre, of Sarnia; are spending a few days with relat- ives here„ • Mr. Louis Boshart has purchased the Broderick Cottage on Goderich street, Seaforth. • Mrs.` William Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw, Jr., of New York, were guests this week at the home of Mrs. T. G. Scott. • Miss Bell Ballantyne returned to her home this week after spending a month in Brantford, Ste Thomas and Toronto. • Mrs. R. N. Bissonnette, of Strat- ford, was a week -end guest at the home of her sister, Miss Maud Har - try. .- - se Misses Margaret and Ernstine White, graduate nurses ,of Toronto, who have been spending the bast week with their mother returned by motor to the city on Thursday. Their aunt, Miss Margaret. White, •accomp- anied ..them. • L.A.C. Ross Allen, R..C.A.F., Moss- bank, Sask., is spending a few days leave at his home here. • Mr. and Mrs. Vernon and daught- er, of Parkhill, were the week -end -guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McDonald. • Captain R. 5.�teid, Mrs. Reid and family of Camp Borden, were week- end guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. F. Reid: • ''Mrs. Herbert Hinton, of Barrie, is spending the' week with her mother, Mrs. L. C. Jackson. • • Mr. Finlay McKeroher„ leaves next week for the Western Provinces, to purchase feeding cattle for his farms in McKillop. • Mr. and Mrs. John Neely, of London were visiting with •Seaforth friends this week. • Mrs. Stanley F. Grainger, of New Congratulations and Best Wishes. Many friends will join The Exposit- or in expending congratulations and beat wishes for many happy returns of the day, to Mrs. James Beattie, who on Wednesday of this week celebrat- ed her 87th birthday at her home on Church street. Mrs. Beattie is active and enjoys excellent heaitth. ° LOCAL BRIEFS • • • IMrs. George E. Thomson, of Hen - salt returned to her home, having been a guest with her daughter, 'Mrs. Fred R. Parsons and Mr. Parsons, East William „Street. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen, Murray, Donnie and Wanda, of Elim- ville, visited on.. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Bradshaw. • Mr. R. S. MoKerch.er is in Peter- borotigh, acting as assistant to the County Agricultural representative in making 'arrangements for the Inter- national Plowing lVIatch, to be held near that City on October,14-17. • Mrs. R. S. Evans of Oshawa, was visiting Seaforth friends this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ford and family of Exeter, visited with Mrs. Ben Milliken and family on Sunday. • ,Major and Mrs. T. S. Perritt of St. John, Newfoundland, were week- end guests at the Home of her par- ents, Mr. W. H. Golding, M.P. and Mrs. Golding. • 'Vic. and Mrs. G_ Hess, of Niagara Falls; were week -end guests at the home of Mr: and ms's: William Ament. • Mr. George E. Thomson and son William, of Hensel', were the Sunday guests of Mr: and Mrs. F. R. Parsons and son -Walter. • Mr. John O'Neill is attending St. Michael's' College, Toronto. • Mrs. W. D. Meyers, of Chicago, is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs.. J. W. Thomson and .Mr. Thomson, at Constance. • Dr. 'W. A. Campbell and Mr's. Campbell, of Albany Missouri, were guests last week at the home of Mrs. Charles Stewart, Dr. Campbell has been practising in Missouri for a great many years, but has .never lost con- tact with his old home towr};`4and friends, as he pays an annual visit to Canada and spends a month or two motoring through Ontario. • .Mr. and Mrs. Claire Reith, are spending two weeks holidays at Port Elgin and Toronto. • Mrs. McLennan, of Teeswater, 's a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James A. McDonald. • Mrs. W. A. Wright, ' Mr. Bruce Wright and Miss Jessie Grainger, spent the week -end in Wiarton, • Miss Margaret McKellar, of the Palmerston High School staff, spent the week -end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. • Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Westaway and family, of Hamilton, were week -end guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Patrick in Tuckersmith, • Miss Ernestine White, R. N., and Miss Margaret White; R.N. Toronto are spending a few days with their Mother, (Mrs. M. White. • Mr. Stewart Geddes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes, John Street,. has enlisted in the Canadian Artillery and reported for duty at London on Monday, • Miss Marion Slater has joined the staff of the Dominion Bank, here: • Mr. and Mrs.Robert Coates and Miss Gentud'e Coates, of London, Were guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ament, Mrs. Coates will remain for two weeks. • The Women's Association of Northside United Church intend hold- ing a sale of cooking and produce on Saturday, October 4 in Mr. Issas, Hud- son's store, on Main street. • Mr. John Boyd, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Mr. and IMrs. Loris• • :Jackson -anti' little daughter, of Woodstock, were week -end guests at the home of his another, Mrs. t. C. Jackson. • Flying Officer J. A. Munn, of ,Ot- tawa, spent the week -6A , with his family there. • Quartermaster Lil'ltniiiP ` riutte,' Kitchener Training Centi'e.'apent tins week -end at bis home here. ' • vv. and Mrs. Sack Might, of !'erobtoi,, were *eek -end giiegtt, at the fiatine' etf INIt's1 i$: Mutlee's Jon i, i{�r+�,�s'ireftYiccw��k ��iy1r,; g, y Ayn"r� .... Ith Sr0 wrutaplt}q IiVe''i%iiil The Mae Lane Auxiliary Meets.— The monthly meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary of the, United Church was held in the basement of the church on Monday evening. Mrs. F. J. Bech- ely opened the meeting with a medita- tion on "responsibiI.ity" The hymu, "Who calls Thy Glorious Service Hard" was sung, followed by prayer by,Mis's J. McLean, The business was. conducted by the President Miss R. Fennell. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and approved. Seventeen calls were reported by the community 'Friendship group. It was arranged that Mrs. A. Westcott• and Mrs. G. I-Ioggarth would attend the sectional meeting as delegates from our society. The meeting was then conducted by the captain of circle 1, Mrs. H. Snell. Hymn 99 'sFrom Greenlands '•1cy Mountains" was sung, Prayer was of- fered by Mrs. L. Dale and the script- ure reading taken by Mrs. R. Savuage. Mrs. F. J. Bechely and Miss N1 ' ar- ber favored the group with a duet. The topic of the evening "Apostle of The Outposts" was presented by Miss Rena Fennell, Miss S. Wood and Miss W. Savauge. The tbeme "The life of Dr. Jackson proved very interesting. The meeting closed. with the hymn See how great a flame aspires," and theMizpa,h benediction, S.C.I. Girls' Athletic Association— The first meeting for this term of the Girls' Athletic Association was held in. Grade XIII with the president, Helen Moffat, in the chair. The Meeting opened with the reading 'of the minutes of last meeting, which were adopted' by Isobel McKellar and seconded by Janie Moffat. The elec- tion of officers for the coming year took place last Tuesday and are as follows: President, Helen Moffat; vice-president, Kathleen Holmesy sec- retary, Isobel MeKellar; treasurer, Lois Wrigh(; reporter, Lillian South- gate. Form Representatives:-GGraSe XIII, Winifred Russell.; grade XII, Janie Moffat; grade XI, Jean Hur- ford: grade X, Helen Smith, Pauline Matthews; grade IX, Jean Habkirk, Lorna Dale. The date for the local field meet was set for September 26. It was moved by Janie 'Moffat 'and seconded by Helen Smith that the leaders for the two teams, Reds and Blacks, be: Joan McMaster, Mary Duncan and Dorothy Smith, Betty Matthews. The meeting then ad- journed. Northside W.M.S. Meets: The W. MSS. of Northside United Church held their Sept. meeting Thursday. The meeting opened with the sing- ing "Land of our Birth" follovtred by iiteyer by the President Mrs. Lawson. After the busilnese was Bomb eted the etl' itional Service was turned over to' Circle No. $ nitder the leadership Of Atli. Mdlnitoolh who waft assisted by 6 hneinbern of her eirele. The theme for the month beitti 'Segin-, now " Alt irtglrtg "Reecho( the Periehin'g" UtOe4 led its Dreyer ndi(I1 i1I �a .•, t it ' a t, per . by Mr y. DANCE At St. Columban Friday, September 26th Sniders Orchestra Lunch Served Admission 40c "B" BEAUTY SALON IS NOW OPEN Experienced Operator Results Will Tell Prices Right M. Robinson Phone 50 Jack's Shoe and Harness Repair' Crooked heels look terrible SPENCE'S Produce :GOVERNMENT • REGISTERED EG .GRADING STATION H10Seiti ;R$tlaeh Pekoe patd for'. Encs alld Poutltlry, Fho or egent Theatre Seaford) NOW 1'LAYIN'G MON., TUES., WED. JAMES ANN AGNEY SHERI,DAN - ERANN CRAVEN • RONALD CRISP • FRANK &HIGH-ARiHUR KENNEDY M ANAiOLE LnVAN PmdactIna • A WMHER OROS: Nat Nat'l PICWn SW rig uric wits _msal soibsohMU • Nps 4 Yu hose MATINEE ,Friday, 3 PM. GEO. BRENT n MARY ASTOR Lucile Watson • Hattie McDaniel DIRECTED BY EDMUND GOULDING Mom, t/ • t)a,h Plat.,' and • The OW Mad' A WARNER BROS.-P,Rsr Ndri, PICTURE NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY GF''ne JIutrp Smilep Burnett in Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride" FL )glary Lee Jeune Storey COMING— ".SPRING PARADE " death took place on Monday, Sep- tember 15th, of Pearl Fulton, wife of Mr. Joseph Carter, in her 48th year. She was stricken with a severe stroke a few days previous to her death and did not regain consciousness. She is survived by her husband and two daughters, Mrs. J. Caui•pbell, Brussels, and Mrs. Dealoff, of Toronto, also one, son, Ray, of Welland: The funeral took place on Wednesday from her late residence, with Rev. F. A. Gilbert made in officiating. Interment was Brussels cemetery. - Red Cross Notes The monthly meeting of the. Walton unit of the Red Cross will meet in the Community ,Hall on Tuesday next with a Waistline Tea. Save all your coppers as inches count. Anyone wishing to donate apples, grapes or peaches or any racy fruit to make. jam please bring it along, also dop.- at.ions of sugar 'are asked as the jam will be made at the hall as it had to be put in• Red 'Cross tins suitable for shipping and not in glass containers as had been previously spoken of. Woollens are to be collected at this meeting, It is to be "hoped that as large a crowd as last' meeting will be out to help in a most worthy cause. Toronto, was'a week -end guest at the ,home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ament. • Miss Zetta Dunlop, nuree in train- ing at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener and Miss Ferne Dunlop, of Barrow Bay, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.. W. Dunlop. - • Mr. •David Stewart, Aircraft school Galt, spent the week -end- with nis parents,•Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart • Mies Gladys Earle, of Clinton, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Earle. Eg- mondville. • niers. Bertha O'Connell, of Detroit, was a week -end guest at the home of her sister Mrs. Frank Devereaux. • Mr. Ronald McKay and Miss Ethel McKay, of Toronto, spent the week -end with their mother, flVirs. Hugh McKay. - WALTON BAKING SALE Under the Auspices Holmes - Nixon Group of Ladies Aid of First Presbyterian Church on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. Doors open 3.30 p.m. in The MacTavish Store members of the Township Unit; Iu- strumentai by Milton Deitz from No. 8 school; tap dance by Lois Hogg; Rebt. McMillan gave a shoat talk ors the. Radio Forum, after which lunch was' served and dancingwas enjoyed. The meeting closed with God Save the King. McKILLOP McKillop Unit of Federation of Agriculure held a successful meeting in Winthrop Hall on Friday evening Sept. 12 at nine o'clock when score cards were given out. Mr. Percy Little gave the rules and regulations govern- ing the game of progressive Euchre, which was induldged in for one and a half hours with fifteen tables in play. The Ladies first prize went to Mrs. G. B. Dorrance and was a double boiler and ladies' Ione hands to .Miss Margaret Habkirk with, a tea- kettle as the prize. Gentlemen won as follows first George McCall, brush and comb set and lone hands, Ernest Toll a bill fold. -The following programme was given with R. S. McKercher as chair- man and outlining the chief features which had taken place since the Mc- Killop unit had been organized 'OD April 18 1941. He stated that each of us had benefited from the hog bonus- es which had their origin in the com- mittee rooms of , the Peterborough Unit of Federation of Agriculture, duet, Leota Hoegy, Jean' Pryce from No. 6 school; Humorous reading by Mr. Oliver Anderson; Mr. N. R. Dore ranee introduced the guest speaker; Mr.'Fred Watson, president of the Huron Co. Unit of. Federation of Agric. He outlined how the County Unit operated and why we 'should be Large congregations attended the Anniversary services of Duff's Unit- ed Church, Walton, on Sunday, Sep- tember 14th. These services mark- ed the 76th Anniversary of the found- ing of the congregation in 1865. The guest preacher at both services- was Rev. E. F. Chandler, B.A., BJD., a former pastor of the Wlalton charge and now minister of the Parkhill United Church. The choir provided special music and was assisted in the morning by Mrs, Harold Small- Lb.- as soloist, and in the evening Miss Richmond, of 81yth, was the soloist. The •church was decorated by the Women's Association with a profusion of flowers arranged around the front. The services of the Mon-. Crieff congregation were withdrawn and many. friends front there13oined in the services. - Litet'. P. A. t illbert supplied the pull pita of Parkhill and Pletiry Uflitedi Cilinrches in the •ItrEttOne0 of thb 'pari •` r,, -.Fern eleieseree SHOWING • o W IMPLEMENTS FOR FORD TRACTOR with " FERGUSON SYSTEM at THE FALL FAIR Row Crop Spring Tooth Cultivator General Purpose Culti- vator Double Disc Harrow, operated by hydraulic Gasoline for tractors can still be bought in any quantity. I. F. Daly FORD - MERCURY DEALER SEAFORTH Inoculation • Parents or guardians of children of Seaforth who wish' to have them inoculated against Diphtheria, Scarlet -Fever, Whooping -Cough or Small -Pox are requested to promptly fill out and return to the Teachers the forms now being sent out from the • Schools or by giving notice directly. to the Medical Officer of Health, Dr. F. Ja Burrows., The Depart- ment of Health stresses the importance of treat- ment being given to young children froM 6 months to school age. or" *LED Quickly remY vjid its Clean, Saflt,ary true Phone coil, t, • 1p Ite et't� r �►', c .a. A!' A • •s V 4 Y eV 1 4, 4