The Huron Expositor, 1941-09-12, Page 4Ai.
Med Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates t
•ratilmo Wanted. Led and Plead. Conebii >f uclets, Stagy-rer:
lot week - •Cent
2nd week•
_- Cent
Srel week
✓ . Cent
Minimum charge. !kat insertion 26 Coats
Mach Osprey initial sad abitmeartieu muds asgree wad,
C ^d of Thank. bi Memoriam Neitic e ---g coat per ward, Mira--= -s.. 60 Ants per week.
. am
emiriee may be directed to But Number. care of 'The Harem Eapoeiter, fer� 10 cents
Teen cente additional per we will be charged if ads in above stain ane wit_ ta
paid by e
Saturday night in the week in which the ad was run,
Births, Merringes and Deatbe inserted free of chars¢
Auction Stiles. Notices to Creditors. Fye.-Oiabm an spylieat3.m.
For Rent
High Street. Apply ort prism. MRS.
R. J. GIBBON. 3846-tf
'aged woman to do housework and
spend the Winter, apply' to Box No-. 275
Expositor office. 3848x2
good farm property in Hibbert Town-
ship. Money needed to clean up an estate.
Apply to K. L •MeLEAN, Barrister and Solici-
tor, Hensall,and S-Qfnrtih. 3835 -of
Lost and Found
ED -SOW farni of Wm. Drover, on Sunday ev-
ening owner Can have same by Provoig Prop-
*ate end paymng rhargeS. 3848-1
on Na 8 Highway near Seaforth own-
er may have same by proving property and
paying charges. 3848-1
For Sale
Range, A11 Gast" "Solid .Oak Liihrary
e'Iable." "Chesterfield-" Above are all in good
shape. , Apply Box 6. Hensall 3848-1
coal or wood, first class condition, %vsl-
•not finish Apply to John Beattie, Sea -
forth 3848.
range, 4 burners and oven; white en-
amel. In good shape- Apply BOSRART
ELECTRIC, Seaforth- 3847-2
port SALE -HOG TROUGHS," 6, 4, 3, 2.4
feet long, reinforotd dancrete. Will give
yeas of service. Apply REUBEN FROST,
Seaforth- 3847x2
Auction Saks
;at Cadmtores Stables, Seaforth, of the
fnLSowrng hoksea and cat* on (Monday, Sept_
1M� : 1 general purpwe horse, Brod sinx1.2
or double; 1 Hereford, buil, 1 -year-old; 4 '2 -
year -old Dunham hailers ; 6 2 -year-old Dur-
ham steers; 30 steers and heifers, 1-7,•rte•;d .
60 pigs foam weaderi to 100 lbs- Terms
cash. Homer Runt, Prop..... Harold Jackson.
Auctioneer. 3848
G con. 12. • Hunitott Tp. 114 mile north and
21f, miles east of. Londesboro on Saturday
September 20, et 1 p.m., connisting of 3 hor-
ses, 5 ohm:th rn cows, 1 blaek cow, 6 calves,
Sow and 11 pigs 4 months °1(1 -
Full line of Impliments-
•Also 100 acre farm of good cloy loam with 1 '
ba barn 80'x80'- 2 story home, driving shed
and chicken house:'- 8 mores of hardwood, and
a never faSjng snpply of water.
' Terms on Farm. foam stock .and unpiemmts
Cash. Mrs- Albert , Brigham, PProprietoress ;.
Edward W. Elliot Auctioneer.
Mr. Joseph AT. Burke attended Post
Graduate Course in nambalraing and
Funeral Managment held at Boating
Institute Toronto last week.
Scoots open again, if you need shoes,
hose, sweaters, pants, skirts, • or
blouses. etc. call at Goodwins.
Elect A. W. Kerslake
Mr. Alvin William Kerslake, produce
merchant of Hensall was elected coun-
cillor at the election held in Hensall
town hall Monday, He polled 105
votes, Fredrick Deters his opponent
receiving 25 votes. The vote was the
smallest ever polled in Hensall. The
new councillor replaces Donald Mac-
Kinnon who inlisted ' ih the R.C.A.F.
and is stationed at Brandon, Man,
The annual sohool fair will be held
at Hensall school Friday September
12, and gives promise of a bigger and
better fair than ever, with splendid
exhibits to • •be shown by the pupils,
and which will be followed with 'a
concert in the town diall in the near
future', '
Corporal G. Moore, of the R.CA.
M. C., Toronto areornpanied by his
wife and two little sons,,,Douglas and
Bruce returrred to their home on• Mon-
day after a delightful
Hensall, Vie guests of
James A. Paterson. Mrs
former Miss Margafet
Mr. and Robt. Smith
visit spent in
Mr. and Mrs.
, Moore is the
of Seaforth
er Piffle of London are 'holidayTilug
in Toronto.
Mrs. Redmond of Milverton is visit-
ing Mrs. Palmer and with other Friends
in the village.
Dr. and Mrs. • I. G. .Smillie
of Hensall entertained some spveletjr
of their- friends from Hensall and dis-
trict to a 'beach party at Turnbull's
grove Wednesday evening Sept. 10th.
A delightful evening was spent ill
games and sports and a delicious
luncheon served, the occasion being
their third (3rd) wedding annivers-
ary. Irl_ honor of the event they were
presented during the evening with a
Thermos picnic kit, Claude Blowes,
Walter Spencer and Mark Drysdale
doing the honors.
Miss Dorothy Munn, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munn has a-
cepted a position in Kingsmills, Lon-
Douglas and Bob Sangster spent the
week -end with relatives in Windsor.
Eugene Dougall, of the R.C.A-F. St.
Thomas, spent the week -end with his
cousins Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rennie of Sea -
forth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs William Dougall sr-
,. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Day, Mr, and
Mrs. Walter Wood, and Mr. M. Wood,
all of Wingham spent Sunday the
guests of Miss M. Reid.
An interesting ball game was play-
ed in the Hensall Park on Wednesday
afternoon between the town and the
school when the school were theewin-
ners to the score of 11-6. The hitters
for the school were S. 'G. Rennie, and
Donald Joynt and fes' the town Doc
Kyle, and Rev, W. Weir. Dr. Donald
Steir tried hard and chased curves far
back for two fly balls. Batteries for the
school were Claude Blowes and Gor-
don Campbell and for the town Rev.
Weir and -Ted Oliver. At the end of
the eighth innings a draw was made
for war savings certificates and was
won by Miss Beryl Pfaff of the teach-
ing staff. The line up is as follows:-
Town- Rev. Weir, pitcher; Tec! Ol-
iver, catcher; Dr. D. Steir, 1st base;
J. Corbert, 2nd base; Doc Kyle short-
stop; Ken Hicks 3rd base; Cecil Har-
ris, R.F.; R. H. Middleton C:F. Lloyd
Venner, L. F.,
Henry A•tlienet sb#oltership, of the v9J
ue of $300 with free tuition for four
years, of a total possible value., of
1 Delaney -Hoskins
►11 A charming late summer wedding
was solemnized in St. Agnes Church,
Toronto when Irene Gertude Hoskins,
formedly of Hensall, and grandaught-
er of Mrs. M. MacMartin of St. Cath-
arines, recently of Hensall, was united
in marriage to John Joseph Delaney,
sol- of Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney
Tiverton Ave. " Toronto. Rev. Father
Herbert Delaney, cousin of the groom
officiated, and the soloist, Mr. William
Delaney of, Welland sang, " Ava
Marie". The bride given in marriage
by Mr. John Delaney father of the
groom was, lovely in, a floor -length
gown of white chiffon with ,match-
ing jacket covered with -Silver sequens,
shoulder length veil and silver slip-
pers, and she carried a bouquet of
white gladioli and fern. The brides
maid, Miss (leen Delaney, sister of
the groom was costumed in floor -
length powder blue chiffon gown with
matching jacket covered with silver
sequens, powder blue hat and silver
slippers, Mr. Jim Delaney was his
brothers grooms nan, Later the wed-
ding breakfast was held at the home
of the grooms parents, the grooms
Mother receiving gowned in navy blue
crepe with corsage of iimerican
beauty roses. The house decorations
were in pink and white while 1?askers
of gladoili were used with mucb effect.
For their wedding trip the bridal
couple motored to St. Catherines,
Welland, and points south. The bride
travelling in an air force blue dress
and matching accessories. While in
St. Catherines they were the guests
_ of the brides grandmother Mrs. Mac -
Martin, and the brides sister and bro-
ther-in-law. Mr..:. and Mrs. 'Vernon
Hedden. Mr. and Mrs. Delaney will
reside in Toronto.
The Wohelo ,plass of the United
church together with their teacher
Miss M. Ellis•will enjoy a weiner
roast to Turnbulls grove Friday ev-
ening Sept. 12th; members to meet
at the :home of Miss Ellis at 8 p.m,,
in case of rain the event will be held
at the honte of Miss Ellis.
Red Cross Notes
The July shipment of goods from
the Red Cross work room at Hensall
was one of the largest ever made, con-
visited on Sunday with Mrs. John School -C: Blowes, pitcher; G. Camp -
Johnston. bell, catcher; Carey Joynt, 1st base;
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Pretty have re- M. Sanders 2nd. base; Donald Joynt,
f" -red hole following delightful visit stortsto•p;'Sam Rennie 3rd. base; M.
Ito the C.N.E. Toronto. They enjoyed Stephen. R. F.; S. Curer, C. F.; J.
I:1 visit withntheir daughter (Maude) Beer, L. F.
now Mrs. Kennedy and her husband The Proceeds
from Winnipeg Man. Cross and the
Rev. R. A. Brook occupied liis own by Ted Oliver.
pulpit at Hensall United church, Sufi -
day last and the large congregation Dies in British Columbia -Mr. Edward
were pleased to welcome him back Digman passed away at Port Wash
foilowing his months vacation. Mr. ington N. Pander Island B.C. on Aug-
ust 28th after a prolonged illness.
Interment was in First Lawn Memorial
Park Vancouver August 30th. The -late
Mr. Digman was born on the old
Mrs. R. Bonthron and Mrs. 3 miles west of Hensall,
and irk 1902 married Miss Ella Rich-
ardson o1 Hensall. And after' farming
for a !short- tilrie on the old Parr Litre
of Hensall moved to and work-
s ed upland -at Kincaid Sask. south of
Moosejaw where he farmed and ,took
an active interest in all local ;devel'-
opme ets that took 'place in a new
growing country.. March 1936 he' le -
tired and with Mrs. Digman estab-
lished a home in the Island where he
has remained to the time of his death.
Besides his wife he leaves a Son Roy
at Calgary Alberta and a dauu�*nter
Irma (Mrs. Paul Raordan.) 'at Pen.
Alice B.C. •
went to aid the Red
event was arranged
Carey Joynt rendered a pleasing solo.
'God's. tomorrow,"
Mr. and Mrs. William White of Lon -
doe were guests on Sunday last with
M s. L. Simp-
in hie possession a cross cut saw be-
longing to P. U. C., please return it at once.
GORWILL-i-n Scott Memorial Hospita). on
August 9th, .too Dr. earl Mrs. J. A. Gor-
will, a daughter- •
WRI;GHT.-On Sept 9th- in 51. -Joseph's Hos-
Pita], London, to 35'. and Mfrs,
Are-rander Wright. of Clinton (nee Shix4ey Gordon,
Pretty) a son (still bora).
Mrs. Bennett (nee Miss Alma' Ben-
nett) accompanied bee ids •-daugrliter,of
Calgary were guests of Mrs. Bennett's
'sten-in-law Mrs. Charles McDonell on
Monday of this week.
Mrs. H. Perkins was ilostes for the
Hilrondale W.I, Mrs. Kirkland presi-
dent in the chair. The roll was answ-
ered With "A favorite verse of mine".
Arrangements were made for this act-
ive organization to make more ' jam
for overseas, the same to be made at
the home of Mrs. W: Etherington, The
Red• Cross meeting will be .held at
•Thames Road United church, Sept-
ern! er 22nd. The program presented
t this meeting was arranged by the
unior Girls un -der direction of Miss
:;.ice Beckler, their local leader, con-
isting of a skit b.y the Misses G.
Beckler, H, Williams. A Passmore, M.
Kernick, R. Welsh, Ann Luther sang.
Grant Morgan contributed a piano
solo. Reading "Different cuts of meat,
and how to prepare them.`- Miss Nola
Perkins. and a demonstration on- mak-
ing pressed meats given by Miss
Grace Beckler. Luncheon was, served.
Hensall is boasting•a large V sign.
made of wood and which was stung
up on Thursday --last across main
s;re(it by Mr/Ii H. Middleton, drug-
and which presents a very unique
air; earance, symbolic-•• of Victory, Mr,
Sti illiam Fee of Hensall, made the sign.
Sir. and Mrs. Hr•rb Kerrher. Ma gar-
-°. Pose arra ()ora enjoyed a delig
ful trip over the week -end, to Ni ,ht-
Fra1lc and eastern pointe.
Carmel W.M.S. Meets
The W.M.S. of Carmel church met
on Thursday afternoon September 4th
in the school room of the church. Mrs.
James Parkins in the chair. The roll
call was answered with -Courage
Scriptu1e ,reading by Mrs. A. Logan.
prayer by Mrs. J. Dallas. The visiting
1mmittee reported having made 20
11s on the sick and shut irs. Ms,
R. Davidson and Mrs. A. Logen
11 be the vieitine committee for 0c-
?hr, society will• have as their
at the su ,per -me •ging to be
d October 2 in the school room or
F' chu-eh the Home Helpers
be entertained to supper. Mr=,
arkins presented the topic on "sea
rine. Human and Divine.- which
as Most it teresting and much enjov-
i by everyone present. the meeting
mended with a hymn and prayer.
Mr, Thomas Shaddick who has been
timely 111 in St- Josephs hospital
ndon with "nose hemorrhages ,s
ueb better and is expected home the
rst part of this week,
Rev. Wm. Weir pastor of Carmel
resbyterian church conducted ser-
ces'on Sunday'last. For hit's Morning
ems he chose to speak on "War
roe the time of the - sulking of the
h enia until the"•present, The Choir
rdered dplendid music.
!Mrs. Margaret Nair -of near Torofild
th guest of her Mother +Ira.-' . Boal=
rein and Sitter, -Mrs. 1,, Sthipson,
Moe; Atlee Y`elllt naayompatfied •t!q'
'. and !lyra. ilarrjr `dint and. dagli -
Mr.LELLAN-In Seaforth. on Wednesday, a
Sept. 1. 1941, John McLellan, is his _ 88th.
year. G
Notice to Creditors
R. D. Parker, late of No. 31 Radio School
R.A.F. Clinton in the County of Flatiron.
• deceased.
Notice b hereby given ,that any person or
havirany c3' against the estate
of the late Flying Officer R. D. Parker. No.
31 Radio School. R.A.F.. Clinton. shoatd sub-
mit full particalara within twenty-one doss I,
from fire date' to- the 'Commanding Officer of
No. 31 Radio School. SLAP'.. Clinton
Dated at Seaforthis 12th, day of Sept-
ember. A.D., 1941. 3848.1
�. LL r'l;k.BONS HAvrNG C L .A 15I S
L agaire' Low Er=tate. of Roger Rice. 1
,f the Township of h
r-Tnekerstni , Coen` of
'aS deca-=-rd, crap ..died ab or z the
Sri say of July. 1941, am he•e1".r notified to
send in to the nndersigm� on or before the
18th day o'- September. 1041. fu,I particulars
, f their chinas: -
Irramediaaely after the said last mentioned
ram. the asset; of the said state ;i11 be
d:Eti bou
ted-sanogst the prlle,
arties etrt4 *wro-
th. 1w- -.,n
1w -zing regard 1'y.tb daisaw
s "rf hieb the
:+^s3ers geed sk-r then hove notice. to the
exclu'9on of a+11 others. and the undersigned
vr,t1 not be liable to any ue a-, n of wbosA„
r; 4'r the novo'- rsirzrwd eircil not then have
:Notice for roe aeeib
no so distributed or any
pdrt ereaf-
DA i L�JiS xW Seaforth this 2 -8th day of
A mgr t, 1941
K. 1. 344LEAX.
c Earth and Ba'L
Sao itor for Exp imr.
The Baby Band and Mothers were
iha'itej guests to the August meel.inz
of Goshen W.M.S. c�: b was as held at
the bonne of Mrs. R.- M. Peck, whose
group was; in charge • of the program.
Mrs. W. J. Clark pree ided at rhe
plane. Moi. R. Ewalt corr,lurled open-
ing devotional period and the bu3i-
ne . The social we fare programme
th "Orr Canadian Homes" was used.
and Rev. Reba Hern gave a sliort talk' which was most interesting to all.
Delightful musical numbers were con-
t:!ted by --Li
bttle Miss Phyllis
Tiit�ste a who sang -very sweetly
Vans fovea Me- Mrs. Elmer Keyes
tp'iib abib game a weal solo and_ ;4f iss
Rot hart. a My! itantrnmental
o hti'`irt e`. raittl variations.
McKiti1e.e aji took up the of -
a, at. hour ..,w' enjoy+
Kist r &uO served
Set Towp Rate At 34 Mills - -
The regular meeting of the Village
Council was held Monday evening, at
8 p.m„ in .the Council Chamber with
all members being present.
Alvin W, Kerslake tbe newly elect-
ed member of Council having taken
Itis Declaration of Office was intro-
duced to council.
T. Kyle reported re the Trees on
P. Moira property for the Park also
Fire Tanks. J. A. Paterson reported
re the Taxes an the Stock Scales also
the notice from Hay Township re the
North Branch of the Black Creek
:;rain same referred to the County
Engineer, -
School Board, Department of, Mun-
icitial Affairs, County Treasurer, D.
F. ila1Kinnoh. .11. Passmore, National
S•'lvage C; repaign. Department of
Welfare, Victoria Hospital, C.N.R.,
C. V. Pickard, Hay Township re
Black ,reek Drain,
Same considered and filed.
Municipal World. Supplies, 3.20;
O. Geiger, Tearing, .40; T. Sterritt,
Teeming, 1,20: T. Kyle, Salary, 70.00;
Flydro Commission; Hall. 5.89; H. Day -
man, Supplies, -.50; G. H. Foilick,
P.R.O. Election ;.n0: G, M. Brown,
P.C. 2.50; G. Parker. D,R:O. Election
:1.110: H. Horten. P.C. Election 2.50;
J. A. Petersen. R.O. Election 5.0177; J.
1, Pa'crso . mileage to Goderich 2.50;
Tr,:ai F92.51
Perkirs-Kprrlake That tbe accounts
he paid. Carried
Cameron-Hrl:lon That we strike the
Tax rate 31 trifle for the•year 1941
Parkins -Kerslake That By Lav No. 8
striking the '19.41 Tax Rate be given•
First and Second reading. Carried
Horten -Cameron That By Law No.
8 be .given Third 'and Final reading
and Finally passed.'`` Carried'
Horton -Cameron That By Law No.
instructed to add the following to the
'Collector's Roll for Weed Cutting,
`G. Mcaewan Estate, 3 hrs. 2.10; P.
Stewart Estate, 1 hr. .30; Carried r
Cameron -Kerslake That we now
aeljeiurn, ' Carried
James A. Paterson, Clerk.
Paul M. Laughton, son of Mr. alid
Mre. Ci-. V, Laughton of 'rorontn, and
grandson 4 of ' Mrs. Charles McDonnell
of tengali, a Strident at the Ii`hi'rera-
lt• 'et Toronto ,eeh4io1s ti9eiti the Moat*
ta;!nlhg 179 articles of clothing. The I
fpllowin,g is a list of the various art:
isles : -
Knitted goods -52 •prs, of soeka, 7
sleeveless, lt, steel helmet caps, 10
scarfs, 6 turtle -neck Tuckins, Fi er,
grey mitts, 5 pr two-way mitts, 5 sea -
boot stoclings, 5 helmets, 1 girl's
sweater. �'
Hospital Supplies 28 bed jackets,
10 suits pyjamas; 2 pr. extra pyjamas
' Civilian 'Supplies -10 three piece
suits for girls, 5 boys' -suits, 6 ladies
nightgowns, 6 girl's nightgowns, 3
dresses, 2 slips, 1 lady's coat.
The local Executive expresses its
sincere thanks to the Red Cross, work
era who have- diligently worked at
these supplies through summer
months, and who bty. their faithfulness
)cave made it possible to keep the
work roofs open during the summer.
It has become necessary to aug-
ment the personelle of the working
staff owing to certain changes that
nave taken- place recently. We hope
after the necessary adjustments have
been made that we shall be all set for
increased activity duringthe Fall and
Winter months.
It is our sad dUty to record the loss
of one of our most vigorous and in-
genuitive workers who did all that
she was able to do to advance the
activities of our Branch %n' the '£tilt-
ing department. We speak of the faith-
ful and patriotic services of Mrs. An-
drew Love. Those who banded around
her will miss her splendid leadership
and when the efforts of the Branch
are finally recorded the name of our
departed friend who did'all that it was
possible for a single person to do to
help forward the war effort, will stand
very high. Our sincerest sympathy is
again extended to her coved ones
who have suffered an 'irretrievable
We regret that three faithful mem-
bers of our executive have moved
away from our village since the exec-
utive last met, Mr. Ross McKay who
was the Convenor of our shipping De-
partment will have to be replaced by
another. This will not be an easy ap-
pointment tot make because Mr. Mc-
Kay has been most faithful and dep-
endable in the discharge of his dut-
ies as our shipper. Indeed the execut-
ive will greatly miss the counsel and
good judgment of Mr. McKay at its
meetings. Our good wishes go with
Mr. McKay, his wife and daughter to
their new •field of labour and we
Hereby elrprese our sincere thankt
for Mr. McKay's hearty to -operation
and. tireless devotion to 'his task.
Then we have had to bid farewell
to Mr. and. Kra. Robert Moore. `Mr.
Moore always was 'willing to do all
that he was asked to do, and his part-
icular contribution •on our -Salvage
Committee, and the manner In which
he -organized the boys of the school
to collect waste material for war pur-
poses is worthy of the highest praise,
Mrs. Moore, since the organization
started 'has been our most efficient
Secretary, and during the past few
month s, our work room con-
venor. Mrs. Moore has done all she
could to make our Branch successful,
Being full of energy and talented in
SQ many ways, and having a strong
desire to see things move forward,
according to plan, we who worked
with her esteemed her highly, and'
feel the vacancy that she has left
will be difficult to fill- Our thanks are
tendered'them both and our best wish-
es for their success in the days to
come . are herewith sincerely expres-
We appreciate the response of our
Citizens to the Aluminum Drive of
last Friday and Saturday, carried on
by the Boys of the Continuation
School under the leadreship of Mr.
M. Sanders. We were not able to give
this drive as much 'publicity as we
would have liked to. But for the bene-
fit of those who did not know about
it, and especially for the benefit of
those who live on the farms, we wish
to announce that it is not too late to
bring in any old aluminum that you
may have. A place is being prepared
by the members of our Salvage' Com-
mittee, Mark Drysdale, George Hess
and William Davidson where your al-
uminum may -'be deposited, Bring in
all you have. The more aluminum we
can accumulate the more planes can
be manufactured.
The Salvage Committee desire to
announce that there will be another
drive for OId Papers and 'Magazines
during the 'week commencing Sept-
ember 15. Please have them ready,
tied up in bundles, so that when tbe
High School Boys call there will be
no delay.
We notice that the junk pile is be-
ginning to grow again. Any old iron
and scrap metal that you can contrib-
ute Will help the work' along. 024
cheer the hearts of Laird Micitler ,and
George Reea; who. see to it that the
Red Cross Treasury* is relnfoiced . y'
by the necessary funds in securing
from prospective buyers the highest
Our Branch has received subetantr
ial increases in its revenue during
the summer months by a portion of
the gate receipts at the two ball
games, the one played between the
men and the other a soft ball game
played iby the girls. Splendid writo
ups were made of bhese games by
our Press Correspondent. We desire to
express our heart felt thanks to Ted
Oliver who arranged these games.
The Hensall Branch of the Red
Cross bas enjoyed from its inception`
the hearty co-operation of the
Wonnen's Institute of the village, un-
der the wise leadership of Miss Beryl
Pfaff. During the summer the mem-
bers of the Institute have been busy
preserving all kinds of fruits to ship
„overseas. The Red Cross Executive
desires oto express' its thanks to all
the members and friends who have
donated fruit and sugar and given of
their time to Make this jam making
project successful, under the direct-
ion of the Women's Institute,
I pass on to the women of Hensall
and vicinity a paragraph copied from
a letter recently received from Mrs.
Allan Stevenson, the convenor of the
Jam.,Commi•ttee for Western Ontario.
"Your district has been doing except-
ionally well in this effort to send help
to Britain, and we would appreciate
it if you convey thanks and appreciat-
ion to the women."
Harvest Thanksgiving services will
be held in St. Paul's Anglican' Church
Sunday, Sept. 21st at 11 a.m., and 7p.m.
Mr, `and Mrs. C. L. Jinks prominent
and highly esteemed Hensel]. resi-
dents quietly celebrated their 125th
wedding anniversary at their home
here' Thursday, September 11th.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Park, Mrs.
Donald .McKinnon, and sons Donald,
and i.onald attended the MacKellar
reunion at Mitchell .September 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor spent the
week -end and first part of this week
with relatives in Dundas,
Mrs- Charles Forrest, (nee Miss
Helen Dick), and -infant son .Clarence
came home from Scott Merioiial hos-
pital, Seaforth, on Wednesday of
this week.
Trials of Speed
2.30 and 225, Class
for Purses of $75.00
* •Bigger and Better Entries Bigger and Better Attractions *
Complete New Grandstand Programme * Tests of Speed with $150.00
in Purses * Pinot and Bicycle Races * Midway * Fun for Everybody
* Seaforth. Highlanders Band ¥ Ferris Wheel and -Merry-go-round
Jldmission :' Adults 25c, Children 15c, Autos and Carriages 25c
Admission to Exhibition Hall -THURSDAY -EVENING, SEPT- 18th, IQc
Seaforth, Cardno's Hall, FNightSept.-l9th
Old and New Time Music by L n Outstanding Orchestra
Come with the crowd and enjop a real night's fun --=Admission 35c
Se'atcorth Agricultural Society
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