HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-08-22, Page 4lig
will be inserted at new low cash rates
• *Duo.. Loot area Found, Costing R ecall,. Etc. -Per ward:
isn't week 1 Cent
2nd week % Cent
3rd weekCent
, Minimum charge, first insertion 25 Ceuta
Each figure. initial and abbreviation Daunts as one word.
of "1hatnka, In biem riam Nation -1 cent per ward- iSistiirausn, 50 cents per week.
Etnl may be directed to a Box Number. care of The $urns Expositor, for 10 cents
'Cep' gents, additional per week will be charmed if ads in above class are mos Paid be
.*a tax$ night in the week in which the ad was rain
Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge,.
Auction Sales, Notices to Orediteas, Em=-rRstee on agyucatian.
For Rent
e;'•' r:mctin duplex, with all con, eaieeos.
P2ONE.25, Seaford:-
eaforth, E�45-1
'by Jolla Beattie. Set NRS. D. R,E:t7ELE
in the block- 33:31-:#
Institute student Two hist^. frum
seFMol, with all 000vera:•enroa•. MPS. WAL-
LACE ROSS, Phone i3.;-1, vafort_st.
Rooeeve v. -AN -rep -HIGH SCHOOL
Students. T-ao b]..,c ra ftiri •res l'�+i:.. ,•
aro- rr,l tr.•• h an Main Street Apply to
MAity GILSSPIE. North Man St.
Saleswomen Wanted
°� Mss Anna Mae Johnston is visiting
at the Thome her grandmother and
aunt. '_Mary Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manson, of
Toronto, were recent visitors with kis
mother, Mrs. Manson. •
Miss Phyllis McBride and bmther.
Keith, returned from a holiday with
cousins near Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Finlay are be-
ing visited by a 'Fresh Air' girl from
Mrs: Roy Gingerieh was operated, on
at the Clinton hospital recently. Her
n?aLy- friends wish her a speedy re-
rner.: orr.�,na demand for Fano?ex Flaeor-
:n-.,, I\ ,a-. 'T'-. FL, tt,c+:e.,1di Recned,es,
-k+rt c'+:b,, 'ern ' 0, mars.•: e, er I9
yet r.. '."-i :c• mimed.atsiy for tr -r:::.r: eat
ear. •� - :*c tavt At:r:xiiee eaalwvr
r: I.E:: Mi S G. ST- GEORGE, -Z St 1
l'! ,-41t`.t, 5! c,;4•e•.::. 3S45-1
Lost and Found
Mr. and Mrs. John Butt and daugh-
ter, t,f Flint. Mich., v;sr,ted over the
re1:•e::d u-i:h tl1e folmer's bro:hrt•.
Mr. anti Mrs. E.?r_-a'- But:.
anti Mr:. John Casey. of Lucar,
and Mr. ar:d Mrs. J. Remick and
L-tughtcr. of nix- Ex«•:er, visited o?.
Sunday u:t:: M:. ;r::+i Mrs. W. Harney.
Miss Dona 'bell -i.ie, n' near Brune.
LOST- A 1?LACI: LEATHER BILLFOLD,' field, is vis'.till4 11,-: aunt and uncle.
e'•+'w:� r•.r.r a ;um of incwey a tins era+ Mr, anti Mrs. John. Jarrow,
and rcc�s^,•re.riori card. Finder please, Mr. and Mrs. Arebie Parsons and
•'.',r at •I't:• I:to:et:o,r Office, ur Phone _' on sons visited on SLeniay at the home
S: _ acid recx.:•c reward_ 3 rsx1
' of lir, ter_•i sirs, J. Calter, Clandebove,
<1r. J. Baker and Miss Margaret,
Es"I'RAY Sr'F.:ER- BLACK AND WHITE , keic•hert• of Hiilsgteeu, visited recent -
e -r w Winismo'htii last _� Broadhagen•s ly with the former's daughter and son -
3h i i!i arm re FOR tarty inf 'F'i•bbert Town- have same uy paying charge aOwner
d p o.•t�.,tgg n i iL'•latr, lir. and' Mrs. W. MCLarttlau.
son -
WAN rupea•r,.
ship. Money needed w dean up an Mate 3S4s-a.i
K. I. lt1' rLE_A_4. Barrismr and Solici
tor, Hensall and Scsforah- 383s-rf - ; DUBLIN .
For Sale or Rent' ± Ar-hur• Looby. C.S.B., Toronto, is
Farms For Sale
:n Fuller:, hydr.,. modern conveniences,
good land. good builldings, close to school
and 1' miles to Londe.:Moro : also 1 .Geson
tie -••e -i silo, original cost, -5300 for 375. J. E.
Ht'G:LL. R. R. 2,' Seaforth- ' 3844-2 •
Auction Sale ,
of the late Mary S 'Init`5a er, opp'--Site
Memorises Hospital, Seafortdt, the undersMned
auctioneer bas been instructed to sell the
residence (subject to a reserved bid) and all
the chattels of Mary Whittaker, dere set
Teruo on .l +* rs-,r sh: on residence --10'"c
at 1 p -m -down. balance on closing- Friday,
pert). 21S aeras, on 5th Concession,
1... n.'., Tm kerstn th. Rank Bares, brick
hOuse. Water in house and barn. I.an-i in
R.R. 4 condition.
Appy m J. D. GEMMELL,
3242 -1
Help Wanted
w -Tee-GIRL Poe (1 4ERAL HOUSE
w-nrk, tithe can do coo:.ltng for 'home in
Seafos..'h. AFFiy to 23 ,, 273, HURON EX-
POSITOR. 3845-1
work. who can do cooking for benne in
Hamilton. Good wages, were, stating a
Aug. 22nd, at 1 p.m. HAROLD JACKSON. •end experience, to MRS. J. B. RAINS. 2
Auc.tiionee-. 3544-2 Bay St.$„ Hazailtoa 3338-1
of Ore late W A. Crich, Main St„ Sea -
for h, the underpinned Ane loner has been
4 reels ted to sell all chattels on said premises
including as Mcetlent Hostess refrigerates,
tove, furnitaro. kitchen u gas jyy
beds, eta Time of sale, 1 p.m.., Saturday.
Aug. 2Srd. Terms cash. , HAROLD JACK-
SON, Auctioneer 3844-2
Tenders Wanted
For Sale,
t'. ::he ?0th Conon:si-,n of ]Sets:i:-
rcn. formerly owned by Tiros. McKay. Fur
Particulars dppiy to 1]eCONN'ELL & HAYS,
Seaforth, 3845-1
e . iyr, in your own containers. WAL-
LACE' ROSS, North? Main Street Sceforth.
Phone 135-J. , 3845-1
Tender w -H1 be received up to 7 p.m-. Aug. in room s•r:•r rr odern, and flood as new:
2'a., 1941, for ;uhf• cleaning our of Branch A. one bcr:..read and - all dr • i
sm tabs
of 12re Brabant Swamp Drain, • also one hand -hooked wool rug, 114 xg21., yds- .
Plans and., Specifications may be seen ' at inlY to BOX 39. Sea,Ptrrh. Ottt- • ®.o..
the Weems Office, Loudesboro- - 3845-3
.pendins two weeks' r:acation wi:h
his mo:imr, Mrs. A. M: Looby, '
Vi:itnrs: lir. and Mrs, M. Mcca:-
:hy :':d ern'.Id:•en. Detroit. with M.
and Mrs.' Michael McCarthy; Mee
Jan)c•s Donnelly and recd children, of
Detroit. with her grandmother. Mrs.
;Jane Burns: Miss Loreen Looby,
Tulse-in•trainink at St. Joseph's Hoa-
; p!ral, L)tndon, with her another, Mfrs.
A. ,Mr. Looby: ,Mr. and Mrs. Fergus.
°Reynold:_ Detrit. with Mr, "and Mrs.
Joseph Carpenter. and attending the
Carpenter-Crice wedding on Satan
Mass Rose Feeney, London, with
her mother. Mrs. Kathleen Feeney;
Mr's. Edward Jordan and family, St.
Clements. with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
an... Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Evans
and M!ss Olive Evans. Galt, with Mr.
and Mrs, P. Matthews; Misses Mary
and Eileen Jordan. London, with their
Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Jordan;
Mr. and Mrs. Edward 'McGrath, Ildes-
tor., with Frank McConnell; Miss H',1-
d:t.Kennedy- and Miss Marion Meagher
of London with Mr. and Mrs. John
Meagher: Miss Loretta O'Rourke. To-.
r•onto,- wit) . her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Joseph O'Rourke: Mr. and M's. Ches-
ter Routledge, Miss Gladys Routledge
and Mrs. M. Routledge, London, with
Mrs. Philip Kenny.
The Iow•ts t 'or any Tender not nes rily " A
accepted and a marked cheque for 5100.00 FOR SALE ---1 RL'MLEY OIL PULL TRAC- r i •
mus_,aceompairy each Tender •' a- n t,• wI c^ .ii is>::, z•, n,r et®o�rc•r.
JAS. W. MuCOOL, Clerk. nllett Twp. r-4:ee': 1 Fra: 8 'Woad an moth cui;i The many frim('- Of '4I Frank
arse V711ick' nee,! -2' No. ' ''-,
e the tea-•••p�raior o; std si,. .,snot improving as we would like to re -
•'a : 1 N:o. 4 ^ties„p:•_xa_ri.. - _. h . r.
�preader: 1 'tVurkes will he, sorry to hear he is
c e ill
Notices . -.,_. I.. -ac -r. Cm% Phme 9: r ,, Esnea;l. Joy Iiaaar of Hensall, called.
^ 1 Tea noble Tor n•a.,y E. MOUS- port.
Wntk os dealer lives three hlocla eat of
Seaforth Public Library. Will be at home
in eieraaas_ '+ •- 39,44-3,
3945-2 . .
i on.M:', M -;^dices last week. +
-----• ___ -__--• -----__ :+Ir. ar-rl Mrs. McBride, of Windsor.
Et.el.t a day at the home of Mr. and •
Mrs. Stewart Beattie.
I HO.Y• In Sirl- fior, nn, Auenet 17th. ;, fir.: e _,n', Duma s- th' andhson,,,,K? rmnie;
Huck it and arthan n Price; bet_ pert Sunday with the former',
Mr and grain better bran in 79;0. We buy aux! 31rr. ti'i'li:.zr, I?oq, a da:rrhter..
.for Geo. -r Tl:oa-pson. Hen-cali. Phone us '`'•.. Tr i''• '.: Mesut•_:s2 Hos:tits). on Amnia t -len her, Mrs, : mith, and lir, Denni-
.for • information. SPROAT B. SPP.OAT j'=�• - Mr, and Mr,'. Mer:•yn .iv: Lobe, , `071. M. John Dennison, of Vein.gham a
..a.._ Sha .xfot•+.2, "'•a.':_
- 3S;v c-a-ri_. .ccer: Id;_rno••tal Hn`pital nn Au �l •
electric Wender at the Radish Frederick David, returned toss the
Sehoa gtlnttorh, while driving into the home last week from. St. Joseph"
village, carne on au open culvert and Hospital, London. •
the ear jumped• clear over into a pile :Bliss, Joyce Seruton, of Toronto,
Qf clay on the of►posite side. Mr. Bry--' ited with *her 'mother, Mrs. A. Sc
ant was rushed to 'Clinton hospital. ton, over the week-eed.
where hiR•snai ,friends --hope for his • Mr, Robert Mac Martin left th
speedy recovery week for Detroit, wi}ere he will vis
The timber arr=ived this week from with his son for a few weeks.
Vaneouver for t3;ie,repa,ir work on the Mr. Raye Paterson, of Toronto, i
south pier'. s enjoying two weeks' vacation with hi
Miss Elizabeth Reid, .of 'g�,r�xo,*�t . is parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Paterson
visiting her sis r, Miss Maggie Reid.) and grandmother, Mrs. -Agnes Horton
Mrs. Koehler, of Lurich, is visiting, The largest camp of 1941 resery
her sisters, Misses. Frances• and Ethel v army summer training season a
Fowlie, `•'Thames Valley officially got uncle
Annquncement way on Sunday morning as 1,60
Rev. Eric L.and Mrs. Anderson,' troops marched in from London, Hut
Lambeth, announce the engagement on aad 13?uce ri'nttes. A •specie
n' their daughter, Bernice. to Rev, train carrrying troops from norther
H.eold F. Currie. Bayfield. son of lir. •:':t' ed through Hensel' Sun
. i Mrs. John Currie, Lambeth, he
day morning and many villagers tort
marriage to take place in Lambeth, e*, out to greet ahem as they passe
marril through. The .,current. camp a
Church on Saturday- tnarnil:g. i '1h:titles Valley will be the last
fig, ;,•:ul"er 6th. i the yet and will conclude on Sep
^:d. ::tending from Hensall wit
"'the First Hussars were Lieut. Sa
i{,•:. ni.•, Sam 1)ougall, Fred Beer, Har
01 i .E _on. .Man Davidson, Joh
\ion's. women's and children's run- t•,.;.,, and Geore.e and Dave Sang
rang shoes and stacks, all reduced at irr
(leo.: v. in'
it rite W-i44,S. of 4azinel Presbytex-
s aan Church met Thurs4ay' atte:Ire iz,
August 14th, at the home of Mrs. Ban-
e- nah Workman with Mrs. Jean Man-
rli- son fir the chair. Following the open-
ing hymn the Rod Cross prayer was
is repeated in Watson; Scripture reading,
it. Psalm 37, by Mrs. R. Y. MaoLaren;
prayer by Mrs. James Parkin, and the
s roll call was answered- with 'Peape.'
s The visiting committee for the mouth
of September will be Mrs. W. A. Mac-
• Laren and Miss Minnie Reid, The
e topic, "The Young Church Speaks,"
t was ably presented by Mrs. Manson.
✓ The September meeting will be held
0 ett Thursday, Sept. 4th. The meeting
concluded with a hymn and the
1 Lord's Prayer in unison.
n Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drysdale re-
- turned Saturday evenink from their
1- wedding trip spent at Quebec; and the
d Thousand Islands,
t -Miss Gladys Luker, the efficient
of bookkeeper and clerk at '1'. C, Joynt';i
t sto:e, is enjoying a weatt4:,4 t"a4ation,,
h airs. Roy Fleur and 1•amiiy, of Doe -
m Chester. are visiting, with Mrs. 1•'Irrar';
- parents, Mr. and Mrs. James 1iogl4arth
ne and sister, Irene.
Mr,', and Mrs. Harold Scruton and
c'_r:Id:en, of Port Dover, visited with,
- relatives here over the weeleend.
e Dr. CI. Saheliing, of Detroit, spent
• the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Gro,
e-' Miees, Donna Mitchell, of 1'sbrArrt•'.
, is eli ding her holidays with hsi-
- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
, , Hudson.
e Mr. Earl McEwan, of London, u't>Js
a week -end visitor with his brother,
A. D. McEwan„ -
Miss Kate McEwan figs returners to
Galt following a visit spent with her
s : brother, Hugh McEwarr, and other 11'1-
c'l- I
at aures and friends in Hensall and li.s-
e trict. -
The Woreens Association of Hen
Fier. Mr. Bremner. of Seaforth, toll- `ills l nr*.e.i Church rill hold a hos
d'ie'ted divine worship in the t'uited COO :ins sale in C. L. Jinks' shop p
('::urch Sunday morning, contributing
Main ;treat on Saturday, August 23
a splerdid me„sane. A delightfel, ° J'oranion, including baking,' veg
,suet, "Pm a Pilgrim. I'm a Stranger.'
tcrb]es, trust. odes, butter, cream, etc.
w::_ sung by Miss Eleanor Milley, of :will be arc,:ec•:aterd. Mrs. James Mc
Tornrlto and Miss Ruth Brook. Miss All:s+er, president of the association
Gladys Luker accompanied at the
and committee are arranging for th
piano in her usually pleasing manner gale. and a splendid - respdnse is hop -
in the absence of the organist, Miss • ed for.
Greta Laramie.• i Hedden - Simpson
The Misses Jean and Helen Mc -i
Qt:eer, accompanied by their pie A charming summer wedding wa
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Do I solemnized at the bride's homer
Rigby, of Blenheim. enjoyed a deli gilt. Tiippervi'-le: when Miss Gertrud
fol vacation to Manitoulin. ' Simpson, daughter of the tate Mr. and
Mr. George Camber:, of St. Cathar-. Mrs. W. Simpson. of Tunperville, was
'noir. sent the week -end with his wife! united in ularriare to Pte. Hero!
:Cita family here. He was accompan- i Hedden, No. 1 Battalion, No. 10-1 (A}
i - i back by Junior Hedden, who hail T.C. Caxnp Borten_ seventh eon o
been wending the Past week with his, Mrs. Catherine Hedden and the late
:esti:mother, Mrs, Catrl?erine Hedden. George Hedden, • of Hensall. The
Mr. Ed. Trewin, R.A.F. Clinton Ra-; Young couple were unattended. For
i ',1 School, was a . week -end guest her ;vet]ding the bride chose a lovely
:h Mrs. Minnie Sangster and fam-, tloor-length gown of embroidered chif
ify. Yon over satin. Sager -tip veil caught
Mr. Robert Tinney, who was recent-• with orange blossoms, and she ear-
ly- operated on in St. 'Joseph's Hosni- ried a bouquet of American beauty
tail, London, is improving, his mese- -.rosebuds. Later following the cere-
t•r'.ends will be pleased to learn. many a wedding dinner was served
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Rvekman and' to the immediate relatives and
family, of Flint, Michigan, are vaca- friends. The table ' was attractive,
tioning at Turnbull's Grove, centered with the w=edding cake, flags,
The auction sale of the household gladiolus and pink tapers. The din
effects and property of the late Peter ing room was lovely in color scheme
Stewart was largely attended on Sat-. of red, white and blue. For their
urday last. The property went for, wedding trip Mr. and Mrs: Hedden
r,270 and ,was purphased by Thomas.. motored to Niagara Falls, the bride
Hat;-llestone, and the two lots realiz travelling in a navy blue ensemble
ed 5150, : with matching accessories.
Mr: and Mrs. Prank .Ryckman are' Pilot Officer Fred Jones, of Tren-
building an addition to their" fine real- I ton, and Mrs. Jones were week -end
dense. Mr. Kadbiieisoh. of Zurich, haw -I guests with _Mr; and Mrs. R,' J. Pat-
ina the contract. .. arson. '
M••, and Mrs, "William Simpson and Albert Mitchell. of Windsor, who
Billy-, of Detroit; Miss Cadelle Hol-
ol- has been spending his holidays with
lard. of Kitchener, and Mrs. Jas. _sic- 1115 cousins, Mr. arid Mrs, Wm. Kyle,
Martin. of Barrie, were week -end of Kippen; captured first Mrs.,
at e
The Misses Florence and'Iiea:trie&'
Cucinlore, of Toronto,' are holidaying
d-, in Hensall, .
! Messrs. Gerald Johnson attic Harvey
f Hudson left on Sunday with the Hur-
on -Middlesex Regiment. for Thames
Valley to train for 18 days. •
Mrs. Perkins, of Exeter, k visitlnX
with Mr. and Mrs. G. Gram.
Miss Mavis Spencer, of Toronto,
was a week -end visitor with her par-
ents. Mr, and Mrs. A. Spencer.
i Miss Myrtle Peart is spending this
week with friends in. Bayfield
AMAMI' 22, 1941,..
Lrn gut of law perk. I4nanp: '
gle Minn -Ed. Little, Weber; Tedi 011-
ver, catcher; Dr. W. Joynt, Int base;
D. -Sheplfard, ?and base;, 11. Joynt, p.s,;
C. Schwalm, 8rd base;'Gordon Camp-
bell, 1.f. f. Beer, c.f.; Carey Joynxt,
r.f. Married Men -Claude Blower,
pitcher; Rev, Wm. Weir, catcher; Dr.
D. G. Steer, 1st ba¢e; E. L. Mickle,
2nd base; Dr, A. !1, Campbell, s.s,;
Iien hicks, 8rd base; Reeve Shad -
dick, r.f.; R. H. Middleton, c.f.; Doc
Kyle, Lf,
M155 Mildred Forrest, R-NR.N.,daugh-
ter of Mr. enc( Mrs. William Forrest,
left last week for Montreal, where
she will take a post graduate course
in the Royal Victoria l-1ospit41 in that
Mr. It. C. and Mrs. McLean and
sons, Jim and Don, of Waubaushene,
visited with Mr. McLean's mother,
Mr», J. 13. McLean, of Kippen, and
-with his sister, Mrs. Allan Johnson,
and brother, Ferns McLean, the first
Part of this week. On their way home
tlit•y called on Mr. McLean's sister,
Dorothy McLean, ILN., at Clin-
ton Public Hospital..
Miss Ida Link, of Brantford, was
111.• nire:t this week of Mr. and Mrs.
1'.rtreets and she also visited with res-
at it t•s in Dashwood.
Mrs. Jarnea Dick and Arthur have
moved from the Petty -block and are
getting settled in the home owned by
Mr, T. Hth
uddiestone, one street nor
of the,'t'nited Church,
St. Paul's Anglican congregation
and Sunday school enjoyed their an-
nual picnic to Turnbull's Grove on:
lVediwsday afternoon, 'August 20th.
Sports were enjoyed and a delicious served. erved, The weatiher was'
ideal and the event was greatly en- _
Members of the Howell Senior In-
stitute composed Of Mrs, Ken Hicks
M.. James A. Paterson, Mrs. H. Day-
ayrear, assisted by Mrs. Frank Farqu-
lirtr, Mrs, Victor Fee and+ Mrs. Mary
Mit,Kaig, matte 2+)0 pounds of plumn jam
i1, the kitchen of the United Church
on Tuesday-' afternoon of this week.
This jam will be for'w.:rile:1 o:..rseas.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson spent
the fir:lit part -of this week the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacMartin
and family at Barrie.
Mr. turd Mrs. Ferris Can4.elon-and
1iru,ce and Betty, of Sehromberg, are
Misss Marjorie Johnson., daughter of t a('atinning with the former's mother,
Mrs. Kate C•antelon.
. -Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Johnson, Find.
"lIr. Eric Kennedy, of Chicago III
sor, is visiting her grandmother. Mrs.
l Adeline Johnson.
;. Single Men Win ,
in a softball game played in Ile.n-
sail Park on Monday evening, the
single men uozl by tie score of i4
to 13. Jby'nt and Oliver wet -e • the
'l leading hitters fo: the single men
with 3 for. 5. ' D. Steer hail a home
run for the married men, as did Doc
Kyle. In the fi -
. Catcher Oliver '
the game and
inning of the game
'as ordered out of
out of the park
for talking back
who called Chief
Kyle 10 take
is spending a week visiting with his
wife and family, June and Ross,
MIr. Sydney Geiger and sons, Don-
' aid, Louis and Kenneth, o.f Gore Bay, '
who ,are visiting at the Geiger resi-
dence, accompanied by Mr. Owen ,Gel -
ger and Ross and 'June Kennedy, mo-
tored to Waterloo an Wednesday of
this week and were the guests of Dr_
andMrs:• William, Geiger and family
of that city.
Mr. and Mrs, Claude Biowes, Claud-
ette and Sandra, accompanied h'y Mr.
and Mrs. J. Grant and daughter, Joan,
are spending a week camping at Turn -
bull's Grove. .. '
guests with Mrs, • R. Bonthron and arnateur contest held at Lakeview
Mrs. L. Simpson, Casino. Grand Bend, Monday evening.
Itos- Hedden is srendir.-g this week "Albert, who is 17 years of age, will be i
vis'ttng' with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tay-- remembered .as a soloist with an ex -
10:'. Jr.. and family. of Chiselhurst, cept:onally lovely voice, and has of -
Miss Elizabeth ala:•in is enjoying a ten sang at Hensall United Church.
holiday visiting at the home of Mr. Mr= and Mrs, John Steinrider and
and Mrs. F., -towar•t, of, London- •vo sons, and niece. Miss Winkler, all
Terry Drumrnnnd. of the •R.C.A,F.,' nI' W nterloo, and' Mrs. Brenkolt, of
Toronto, vjsited with friends itt Hen-' l<:trhaner. were Sunday guests with
-ail on Saturday-.. Jerry i5 .a former •• nrd ]lis. James A. Paterson and
Hel:•sa11 boy, ,sen of Mr.. and Mrs. Er- at':be (irru•e;n residence. Mrs. Bren-
el,1 D uTnr,:ond, former Hensall resi-' knit is a sister of Mrs, Paterson. -
deriss but n',C-•-of Toronto. and his. •
many friend, were pleased to see him Principal Resigns ,
The many friends of Mrs. Sydney; Mr. R. J. Moore. who has been a
M- ullur, who ds been seriously' ; very efficient p::rci.pal of "Hensall
i continuation school here • for seven
iJ: ;n St. Josephs Hospital, London, : ;eerie has t nd•-reel his resignation
v. 111 be pif-aseci to lea:n is making a o ---..r.,:,:' I+t 111 health and together with
s;,), -r -,:lid recti e y and was taken to M•• Moore ;(•:cs• Enmity will take .up
L nr 1:rrme on ) sy of this trees: ;'ra•s:da:;ee' 40 l -tai say in the near
Mi' c Enid Pa: kins, of London., fu-
els- :lt r .',: ',1:'. Moor trill, engage in
.ed" with her parents. Mr. and Mrs: o:::e:• h,.•ine,5. Mr. rind Mrs
*PHa-e5 Parki» -o -e, the is Moore
+ rs e.. w t) 1,,---mu-Ob nei=ti r1 from the village"
(•-,:'1 _: o'is, Mrs. Margar-' ee; dire, ?ruche took a live inter-
_' a "�' SO 'called. on his brother.
Mr. ani Mrs. Rutherford and chi.!-
. dren, of Hamilton-.. were guests at the
' • WEED CU'T'TING 'oar 10-O. Mr. end Mrs. Jvs,n Nessa, o
a- daughter. ' •
Township of Tuckersr�iith one Mr. ear, MTrs. G. H. Beatty
on Sunday,
Miss Logan.. of Hensel], in company
The council w h to r.e-'tify rrrnei s. owners
In Mr: w-ea•1•l On )_ci id. np;,-ni a :'air pr„ -
if p.➢•,,; 4 '•r tt k y they will he nail
V.0 ore of 1 ., -en- perio4 lar "." rat
sir • u ,1' he r i v. omen done trod '
e r-`t,,'tS,n.and aup.nGion . of the road
'The T' :: ' e'ul ; :-: re?• la:' n)ea
••traiointerrdent, 9 El T r:n'n Atin-ist 11
r. F. meet: GOR, clerk, ' • The meetinr u a o; etta.? by - „ T
t'•'ith Hiss Dorothy he- s. of Nashville.
d Miss C:nl..•eria. Qf Detroit, called •
• • T:: -.,o'!$ tn :he viii? e last week.
':: Ieen MMcC1yn;oat had his
•- To:. 1, rt -moved or: 'Monday in the
Seaforth Clinic.- • •
Mfrs. Sc•he11 and son, Kenneth, Of
1-artioii, spent the week -end with the
.;'rt riser's mother, Mrs. Austin, and
Mess Car nochan. in company with
M'-= May Shortreed, of Wingham-
,spent the rest felt- days arranging
hr'~, house here prior to moving in
• with her father, Mr, Carnoehan, of
Seafor tb. •.Miss Carnahan, as teach-
er in S. S. No. 6. will succeed Mr.
_ I:eretie, who will move shortly to his
tree- post of duty in Flesherton.
Miss Shortreed and Miss Carnochan
purpose attending Toronto Exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs, M. Elliott attended
the funeral -of the late Roy Morrison
• in Kitchener on Saturday.
Pte. Waller Smith, of -Kitchener,
spent the week -end with his parents,
• Mr. and Mrs. J. •Smith.
— L.: u av :r. the .. 7?. rre o; Mr•• t ri,-
NOTIf_E w. r, ; c .
:ler. ,.,,.; ,,r ;xs ofi't•:'i ..star
Tc •n.jhip ,, f Tnckerswith .r._, _lir.. 1.:,,: : a ere l eraser.
The Council of Tac. m wish t, secure er,
the u -,e of ten s -res of s•Ailoble land and ten r: ''•:. ' a- «Lit'.rl•2 the
.acre,' of ,.sd fes. r •- the ------ . f ] i-
e]," :r,7 by a real;nom by
Acca _ rratiaa err r ire='rac"tion in plowing- to
be held this fail and will .imMtlrs- Hua.li ,;d one by Mrs, Robert
pleased b7 borer
from any parties having suitable land. + Law -son on the Bible. A temperance
D. F. 9t• �REGOP Clerk. `r"2.d:nz •;c•: 3 „ •; e -j h: Mrs. B. -'i
354.4-2 a rt:oa, 7a by :•Trp.
r"' Geer, -
:+072, The.. hymn, "Pa -ss lie Not. O
Gentle Saviour" was sung and Mrs
Notice to Creditors . , Snell and Mrs. Addison led in pray
ELLEN FORD, late of the Vilhtpe of Hen-
selL m the County of Huron, Spinster, de- 1
creditors, and others having claims , against s
the •e'tnt . ,or clai,:,ci;�r� y interest am therein •1-
sT h. -i -s nr o:lse: orithe said EA of en Fore_
who died on or ahreit the 1391, day of May,
all, at the Village of Heraser), 10 t$,$ Prov- 31ince of Ontario, are I.sru' d, on or
before the 2nd day of 1941, 5o
the undcns oed• GUARANTY TRUST COM -
i•7 ('
PAY OF CANADA- their and ad- t
er. Mrs. Liedsav closed the meeting.
The reenter meeting of the W. A.
*as held in the basemet7:t of the
church on Thursday afternoon, Aug.
4th, with the vice-president, Mrs. J.
W. Carter. in the chair in the ab -
nee of • Mr=. AM Mans. the president.
he. meeting ripened by the use of
fl nin 362. followed with prayer by
rs. Lindsay. ,After the business was
ransactacd this part of the meeting
lensed with Hymn 19f) and repeating
Ire Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs.
paries Dexter took charge for Group
Hymn '111 was sung andeMrs, Joe
Bey -read the Scripture taken from
41st. Psalm. Mrs. Robert Lawson
ave a reading, "The- World's Bible."
rs. P. Lindsay -took the chair for
tfile W..S.
CTed is sen
acrd full
claims a stem
mature of
Yuba said
01� G
the a�
ns enrf3t3esn
the claims c
rw,'*ce, axed COMPANY
Liable for the
eel "mega
DATED at 1`oa ao, t sat day of Aug-
ust. 394L
Execrator of the Estate of Ellen Ford
ywimmE stAN. BLACKWELL A.. 1AYWOof)
trig Say street,Tomato
sesame= herein -
.are os and dose p',sons. particle 'C
Rats ,n citing of their eta eon
of their nceaunts, -and the dm se- 4
clarifies, if any, held by R
AND TAKE NOTICE tdse said 1
End day of Sessteni r..J41. GUAB.-
will proceed to drstritxrteof the M
said estate ami the vG, ., ¢Derr
to, Pacing regard only to t - f ride:
R shall , then base trail that the
CANADA. *i5 trot besail 7T7►7►P1 Tf!
ease:., or ,may past thernif, any person; ii 11: > stop
of whose claim It abal] not then have receiv-
Popular Stallions
Enrolment No- 1951
_Hes been rats. the Cleat Ctseesdale stoek
%t in Ontario on Field Days by men of
the Ageiesenwel Collage. and has sown more
i+ed 814ks8s thou any Clyde horse in Ontario.
lir *ift Bedard' for the season of 1941 et
Coytke liras, Cence*5on 1 ii`bdsert. and win
• /keg by 1 for at reasefi3bid disiortiee to
ii(iEt - nfeiielti - Pars. -
I" 4141 air *mares 145.00 for baro
•y lyirHer+
The ladies of Cavan Church met a
the `hail and quilted and finished fou
quilts for thea1ied Cross. Twenty-fiv
ladies were present.
Miss Margaret Montgomery spent
•few days with Mr. and •Mrs. Nell
Montgomery of Lond
The Red Cross carnival, which was
held on Wednesday evening of last.
i ;seek, was a grand success After
paying all expenses the proceeds
,,-amourted to 1525. The local commit-
tees wish to thank all those who
helped to make it a success.
MissSylvester, of Detroit, and Miss
Mallard, of Brantford. are spending
their holidays in the village.
m. Murray, of Detroit, is
t visiting Mrs. JohnJohn-Moms..
r Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Erwin and
e soil, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with
Mrs. • Edwards.
a Mr. and Mrs Harold Weston f
Mrs W
, o
Dettoit, are visiting friends in the
on village.
The Misses Turnbull, of Grand Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Robinson are
Behd, are visiting their cousins, the visiting theird h
Misses Berra and Edith Blanchard-
Ptes. Alex Kerr and George Case.
of the Elgin Regiment, spent a few
days with their families.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little spent
Wednesday with Mrs. Little's father,
of Belgrave, who is ill•-
Miss Ellis Armstrong and Marie, Mr,
and Mrs. Matt. Armstriing, and Miss
Elva Pine spent a week -end in To
Moto recently':
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan, Bob-
by avid Jackie and Mone and Billie Visited sited Mr. and Mrs. George
Eaton, •.
11 r. George Stewart. ottr mailman,
and Mr, William Oke who are both'80 yens y6i1nmilt deliver Our It or.
dtwJ dl53 r -rata etre as spry as lots Ot
_#ig-Th U.
au ter at Montreal
Rev, and Mrs. Paull, of Windsor,
are spending their holidays in the
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rodgers anti two
sons, of Montreal, are spending Aug-
ust at the Pitz Hotel.
Miss Gower, of Toronto, is a guest
at the Little Iron.
Captain Brown and wife, of Detroit,
arrived In the harbor with theitr yaebt
and are spending two weeks here.
Mrs. K. Moorebouse, of London,
spent the week -end with j!(llrs. John
Perguson5 •
Lanae Corporal Jack Chtirehvwaril
ie visiting this pa.rerr`ts, Mr. and Mrs.
Air-aeeident happened en Satiday
evening ,hist east of the village , on
the Varna condi Mien, Mr. Bryant+
Fi..,:,:-‘:"t t,!_ rt .,.i 11111•? e..
cors, Charles, oi''Loncion. who are v , t..: the tic iraie; of the Red Crosti,
• a l .e -:•:e „r_cr.TarC cis :hat organization,
^ationing Gia:;,:: Bend, here Tues ,.I,•:o it1 church work and Hensall Sere
City auestee•,vi:h `MHattieies H'tie Snther-
ianci. - '•o:• I"Sri:utr. T'r.,_y were both ardentwoekers in Hensall - United Church
MI^s. li'illiam Weir and 'tittle son, teed Sunday school work.
Summer's Last
Loin Week -End
GO: From Noon Friday, Aug. 29,
until 2.00 P.M. Monday, Sept, 1,
RETURN: Leave sleet:Mat]on inp to
midnight, Tuesday, Sept, 2, 1941
Times shown are Standard.
For fares and further information apply to your nearest Ticket Agent.
visit a Bonze to which you have not been invited ?
Perhaps you do occassionally, but do you really feel
quite comfortable
And that is just how people feel when they go into a
store that doesn't advertise, or in other words, invite
them in.
The Huron Expositor
can easily solve that problenz for you.