HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-08-22, Page 1EIghty-second Year Whole Number 3845 • SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, MITCHELL MAN WINS CEDAR CHEST AT GARDEN PARTY HERE Eighth Annual Band -Legion Affair is Well Patronized. SPLENDID, PROGRAM The eighth an• nual garden party, 'sponsored by the Seaforth Highland- ers Band and the Canadian Legion on 'Thursday evening in Victoria Park was quite successful and as a result of the affair both organaizatious w111 benefit. The evening got under way' with a parade of bands from ,the Town Hall to the park, where the program was presented. Among the numbers were selections' by the Seaforth. Highland- ers Band .and Clinton Pipe , Band; solos by James A. Stewart and James „, solos by James A. Stewart, James T. Scott and Willett Kelterhorn, of .Mil- verton, end comic .selections by Syd. ;pence, of Milverton. Chairman for the ettning was Mr. Frank Sills. The drawing for the cedar chest took place late in the evening and the lucky ticket was held by Martin Michael, of Mitchell. The lucky gate prize was won by Mrs. James Flanni- gan, Seaforth. During the evening bingo and other games were in progress and dancing took place at the Armories, • HURON BRIDGE IN NEED OF REPIR 1VIr. justice J. C: Makins Assesses Damages of $4625 Again's'tCo. • Finding the County of Huron negli- gent in maintaining .the Earl bridge over the Maitland Rive: in a state of non -repair, Mr. Justice J. C. Makins this week assessed damages of $4,- 625.25 against the county. Plaintiffs had asked $19,500.'. The judgment grants, a 16 -day stay in case et ap- peal. The action arose cut of an accident on July 7, 1940, when two girls were killed in a car accident on the bridge. T,he action was tried . at London aur. one witness testified the structure ratt,'iifeo-,: much the noise could be hearery rbl miles away. • • Jan,•'es. A. Edwards • and bis wire, who sued on account of the death of their .daughter, Mary Elizabeth, aged 16, are given judgment for $600; Mrs. Clara Ritchie, who sued on account •of the death of heer daughter, Ida. 18, for $750; Miss Edith Ritchie, In• jured, for $567:75; Miss Rita Gallow- an,-18, injured, for $975; her father, through whom she Sited, for $225; Eleanor Carson, 16, injured, --for $1.- 125, and -Everard Carson, ; through whom She sued, for $382.50. The Carsons lived in Gorrie and the others in Howick township. The amounts awarded .would have. been -25 per cent higher had his lord- ship pot found that the driver of the car, going 60 miles an hour, on •the way from a dance, was 25' per cent negligent in not keeping a proper lookout. "The bridge,” said Mr. Justice Mak ins, "1 mist find had been badly out of. repair before the .accident for :tome year's. The neighbors up to a distance of three miles away tell of the floisr: of shaking of the bridge when a ve- hicle goes over it." Brucefield • Groups Hold Annual Gathering At Seaforth Lions Park • •- • • • • At Camp Members of 'co'. Co. Middlesex and Huron Regiment are in Lon- don this week attending a two weeks' military camp at Thames Valley. According "to Major T. Moran, there are about one hun- dred`men from the Seaforth Com- pany at the camp. • • • 0 • • NO SURRENDER CLUB" PLAN PICNIC 'Community Affair Will Be Held At Lions Park Next Wednesday. The ladies of the "'No Surrender Club" of McKillop are planning a community picnic at the Lions Park .on Wednesday afternoon of next week. Feature of the program will he the draw for the studio couch fol• which the ladies have been selling tickets for some time. Other numbers o a splendid pro- gram, will inclu an address by Clarke Johnston, •of Station CKNX. T7•e'e ":111 be races and novelty prizes for the w'in'ners. , Tho r•nn:r,lit.tee, which includes Mts. .1:';de '.:.rt bn and Mrs, 'John Gordon, :lint 'ladies bring baskets and points out that everybody is welcome. • Out On Bail Takes Own Life Wilfred Champion, of Brussels, who was to have appeared in police court in Seaforth last Tuesday on a charge of • theft of gasoline, ended his o-wn. life Saturday morning by shooting himself in the head. Scene of the tragedy was a shed at th,p rear of his home, according to county police. Ten days ago Champion was arrested by ,County Constable Helmar 'Snell' of Seaforth, who had 'been investigating systematic pilfering. of gasoline from pumps in the. village.of Brussels..He had 'been released on .$500 bail and the case was to have come up„in. Sea, forth police court on Tuesday morn- ing • , Dr. McRae. of Brussels, was sum- 'moned to the scene of ,the. shooting, and, pronounced the victim dead. There has been no decisions yet re- garding an inquest. Champion, who was 30®years of age, was born in Bluevale: • License Plates LessAfterSept.1 As has been the custom in former years, prices for Ontario, motor ve- hicle plates will be reduced by fifty net- cert, starting Monday, September; js.i. Thr reduction in'' the price of the permit plates will apply to the period frontSeptember SE r .rrlbEi' 1st to December 31, 1941, at which time the new plates. for 1942 should adorn• the car. The • reduced prices apply to commercial trucks, two purpose motor vehicles, Airma,n's Wife motorcycles, trailers, increased capac- ity trucks and original chauffeurs' lic- Will�j�] `� en aet. Fees for these motor vehicle �94��° plates. run all the way from $2 per set for the smaller passenger cars to $34.00 per set for the large ,com- mercial trucks,• 'Among a number of English women •who arrived hero this week to .loifa their husbands on service in Canada' was Mrs. Taylor, wife of LAC. Alec Taylor. of Port Albert. She will re- side in Seaforth. Embarking at an English bort, Mrs. Taylor said ,there were 50 ladies on the boat of whom ten were returning to Canada. Others were joining their husbands at various airports• in this Country. The crossing was an uneventfuUhe and was made in only seven days. "We were well looked after all the way, first class arrangements having been' made,” Mrs. Taylor remarked a she enthusiastically told of the com- forts provided for the passengers. Approve New Water Supply A joint • meeting of the County , Heine altid Wartlen's Committees of Huron County Council on Friday de- cided to spend approximately $3,000 to provide an adequate water supply for fire protection of the Home for the Aged, one mile :south, of Clinton en No. 4 Highway. The Grant Constructieh Co, of To- ronto was• awardo'd the °entreat for the laying of 'IMO feet of .four+dnreli i-;Ilni#iny tit ltl ng• the no's. gi Fttsoh' Win, Lots At Bayfield Frolic The Bayfield Red Cross Society, through its carnival and . drawing last week, cleared over $500 for its war work. Attendance was good, con- sidering chilly weather. Winners of the prizes in the drawing are: Three building lots, John L. Par5o'ns, Gode- rich; radio, John, Howard, Bayfield; war savings certificate, Mr. and Mrs. H. Talbot, Bayfield•; fawn chairs, Carl Johnson, Clinton.; quilt, Mrs. Mabel Mason, Detroit;• last chance prize of a percolator, Miss M.argaret Reid, Bayfield. Twenty other prizes were distributed. • "Now, Johnny," said the teacher, "tan yotr tell ore -what a hypocrite is?" `Yee, Miss," replied Johnny. "It's a boy what comes to school with a smile on his face." • main to the Radio School, Three hydrants are to be installed. A new $1.,800 automatic fire alat'm system in the 'County Home will be connected writih',Cllntnn fire hall, a• .rt .:1': 7ta •''�`v Oddfellows and Stanley Township Beef Ring Un- ite For Annual Picnic. 1SEAFORTH INSTITUTE HAS OUTING Members of the Brucefield I.O.O.F. and of the Stanley Township Beef Ring eonnbined for the annual picnic on Wednesday afternoon at the Sea- fortb.Lions Park. There were more than two hundred in attendance. Many of the members enjoyed a swim, while others took advantage of the pleasant surroundings to rest and visit - An, extensive program of sports was enjoyed with old and young conepe;- ing. Highlight of .the program was the tug-of-war which was 'iron by the Beef Ring: Following an exciting softball game a delicious lunch was served. The winners of the .sports events were as follows:— Toddlers' race, Verna;—.Eyre,„ Mar- jorie Webster; girls, 5-7, 'Donna Tav- lor. Gladys Chapman; boys 5-7. Grant; Webster, Lorne Thompson; girls 8-12, Lillian- Stewart, Betty Wooley;. --boys 8-12', Donald, Jones, James Patterson; girls 13-15, Joyce Aike.ndiead, Betty' Wooley; boys 13-15, Jack Stewart, Melvin. Graham; young 1d1R , 3Y:rr : McCully, Joyce Aikerihead; young men, George Wilson, Adam Wilson; married •ladies•, Mrs. Ross Chapman., Mrs. Elgin Thompson; married men, Elgin Thompson, William McKenzie; ladies' novelty, Joyce and Amy Aik- eahead, Mrs. Elgin Thompson and Mrs. Ross Chapman: • boys' wheelbar- row race, Melvin Graham and Hugh Zapfe,• Jack Stewart and John Gra- ham; ladies'• and men's neck -tie race, rvlrs. Ross Chapman and Watson Webster, Mrs. Ai1:enhead and Private Abe Zapfe; clothespin race, Doreen Pepper; ladies'. kick-the-sli' ter, Dor- een Pepper, Mary McCully; men', kick -the -slipper, Williams Graham, El- gin Thompson.. The committee' in charge of ar- rangements for the day included:-= Oddfellow's—H, 'Berry, Bert McKay, -13Qse-.Sett.;...Beef..,Ring_=...J.-_Ai-kenhead,-- Gordon Elliott, John Ostrom. • Junior W. I. Picnic , A very enjoyable picnic under the auspices .of the Junior Women's In- stitute was: held at the Lions Park on Wednesday afternoon: The fol- lowing is the result of the races: Boys •4 and under, Jack Crozier, Billy Chesney; girls 6 and 'under, Kaye Pudgier, Carold Chesney;' girls 8 and under, Dorothy Chesney; boys S and under, Grant` Chesney, Lorne Goudie; boys 10 and under, Bobbie .. Doig, Glen Nixon; girls 12 and under, Edna Papple, Margaret Chesney; fat - ladies, Mrs. Agnes Eyre, Mrs. Sarie. Chesney; thin ladies, Mrs. L. Strong, Mrs.- E. Papple; married ladies, Mrs. Hugh Chesney, Mrs. Raymond Nott; kick -the -slipper; Alice \W'ight, Olive Papple; gum -drop, Mrs. Agnes Eyre. Mrs. -Doreen Coleman, Mrs. Sadie Chesney. Mrs. Mabel Strong. . Fol. lowing'a ball garlie a delicious lunch wat,s served by the ladies. Hold Annual Picnic The annual Sur -day school picnic of the Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday afternoon at the Lions.Parlc in Seaforth with an attendance of ov- er one hundred. The afternoon wags spent in bathing and races. The fol- lowing were the winners: Gill; or boys under 6, Barbara Hill. Wilma Harper; girls under; . 111, Blanche Mc- Laren; boys under 10, Ross Macdon- ald; girls under 14. Jeanette McK,'t- lar, Blanclhe McLaren; boys under 14, Fergus McIKellar; young women, Haz- el Hamilton; women's walking race, ?Mrs. Ken McKellar; relay, Velma Wallace's team; clothes pin, Mrs. Deichert and Dorothy Deicbert; lucky spot, Grace_ McLachlin; feeding the •monkey, Pearl Houghton, Frank Bruce; women's kicking the slipper. Grace McLachlin; men's slipper, Dav- id I-Iflt and John Wallace; three-leg- ged race, Hazel Hamilton, John Wal- lace. Supper was served and every one returned to their home feeling that they had a real_ sociable after- noon. Dalrymple Picnic Some seventy-five descendants of the late Robert Dalrymple geld, their annual reunion picnic at the • Lions Park here on • Thursday afternoon, Following swimming and an interest- ing program sof sports, the ladies serv- ed a delicious and bountiful supper. Chairman .of the association was Harry Dalrymple, of Brucefield. • "Do you like your dinner, George?" inquired the farmer's wife of the new hand who had come to live -in. "Oh, yes," he replied slowly, "It's a good dinner—what there is of it," And then, reflectively, "And there's plenty of it, too—stick as It, is!" • Maths. Master: "Now, boys, this is a very difficult. problem. Watch the board Carefully while I go through it," • Teacher: 'Wliere are the kings of England Crowned?" EOry: ill khelr lheSideyu 1t?i • AIT UST 22, 1941 • .:Seaforth Scouts 'In Camp At Bay.' field The First. Troop .of the Seaforin Boy Scouts are now in camp. The above camera scenes were taken at the camp on Tuesday af..ernoon by the Stratford Beacon -Herald photographer. In the top photo the cook tent is shown with Gordon Wilson, the cook, standing, at the tent flap. The other boys are from left to right: Don Smith, Dan Grummett, Assistant Scoutmaster Harry Scott and Scoutmaster Stuart Wigg, who are in char -de of the camp. Ted Milliken in cerltr, photo with the bugle, was disturb- ing these boys from left to right., Harald Knight, Donald Stevenson, Ross McLelland, Gordon McGill and Donald Thorne who had picked a sunny spot for dozing. Washing the dishes in the bottom photo, from left to right are Walter Boswell, Don Stewart, Billy Munn, Bud Smith, Don Briglltrall and Wm. Bond. On Wednesday afternoon the camp held open house and entertained parents. The Scout Committee of the Lions Club arranged to take the Cubs to the camp, and they enjoyed 'a splendid afternoon. New Air Port For Huron Construction of a bombing and gun- nery air training school for the Royal Canadian Air Force became assured Saturday as it was learned that the Dominion f)oanrtniet:t of 'rrnnsnort has under option 485 acres of farm lands in the vi'. ieity- of Centralia. The sites ore all located in Stephen town- ship. Department enirinoers have opened offices in 11•honsr' one mile west of Centralia. where' surveying operations are proceeding. llyrlro and Bell Tele- phone offii Ia1s have been con•fadfed and already .smile survey work by these two division;: is under way, The Stephen township council has been called into special session to consider closing one and a half miles of roads a gtfal'ter mile west of the village. The properties iinder...pption are list; ed as follows: Lloyd, Hodgson, 150 tacres; Mrs. Ida Hodgkins, 100 acres; part. of Charles Isaacs' farm, 40 ac- res; Louis Davey, 150 acres, and John Edwards, 45 acres. The location has been established at a point 12 miles off .Lake Huron, 30 miles from London and one and a quarter miles off No. 4 Highway on the 2nd concession of the township. • Plan Gala Aquatic Meet A gala aquatic meet will be field in Goderich on Saturday afternoon, .Aug. 30, sponsored by the R.A.F. of Port Albert. The three local airports are entering teams in all the water ev- ents.., Open events for men end women, and fancy diving by the Mermeids of Toronto, Beauty contest for the title of Miss Lake Huron fop siit�er ottp and $50 in prizes, 'Gir`nif polo. Carnival int the a ening? in t!he CeeUtt ]ihuse lark, rrlioee*,,to mar vit.. time. :Wet„ y, (� ! ',t b ,•, : ED CROSS NOTES The Indira who are knitting sop are once again reminded not to cast on e';rir' stitches too tightly. • * 0 The •Seaforth branch of the R•erl Cross. together with the Women's In- stitute, have already shipped 188 pounds of ,ja111 and 192 pounds df honey, • This •woalt is bring continued anti any one wishing to have a share in it may do so, as donations will be gratefully received. • 5 :, donations nt crab apples a n d' Duchess apples for ,felly will be grate- fully received at First Presbyterian Church on Saturday or Monday, Aug-. 23rd or 25th, by the committee in ; charge. Massed Bands In Concert Here j Despite cold weatdrer on Sunday evening there was a large attendance at the •baerl concert in Victoria Park, when a splendid program was pres- ented by a massed band of sixty men representative of bands in the Hur'on- Perth band zone. The band was eondvcted in turn by Bandmasters E. H. Close, Seaforth; Marshall Brett, Stratford; . E. Scott; Milverton, and 13. Seltzer, Tavistock, So successful was the affair• and ao well conducted that the bandmasters, following the program, arranged. to lrol;d a similar concert in each of the towns next season. Seaforth next: Sunday evening will have the opportunity of bearing the StretfOrd Boys' Hand under' Band - ter Marshall Brett, The progritn 1 f%id tot 8� O h t}l " ,Yu,it';, 'C,.•.w�„l o)t�, br�,`l,.lY,'i` NNIF LEADS' SCHOOL E {k I. H. Weedmark,Named Act- ing Principal As School Opens Sept. 2. ANNOUNCE RESULTS Announcement on Thursday of the Middle School ' ekaminati.ons of their Seaforth Collegiate Institute cie'.rs up last year's work and leaves the stu- dents free to think of the next term` which opens on September 2nd, Pending the recovery of i'riaeipal G. A. Ballantyne; Mr. I- H. Weedmark will be,, acting principal, accor:itug to Chairman of the Board, iV.. J. Dun- can. Mrs. J. B. Russell, S.eatorth, will supply on the. staff and teach mathematics, he said. Similararrangements 'will be in, effect this Year whereby students working on farms may continue their work through September and not be at a disadvantage •when, they return to school. M•iddle•School,results'reveal that of . 204 papers written by 46 pupils, 148 were successfuL Papers failed in to ' tailed 56. Top pupil among those writ•,ng • Middle School, 'according to the re- sults,, is E. Winnifred Russell, who obtained nine firsts and two seconds in eleven paper's written, The results ar•e as follows: Mildred :v 1. Aitcheson—A.H. f, Phys. 0. Hazel A.. Anderson—E.C. c, E.L. c, A.H. c, Geom. c, Chem. 2, L.A'. 3, LC. 3, P.A. 3, F.C. 3. Arnold R. Archibald—A,H, 2, Phys. 3. H. Maxine Baynes—A.I-L- 3, Geom., c, Chem. 2. Fe.t gus A. Bell—A.H, 3, Phys. c, - Frank A. Casson—A:H. f. Keith R. Dale—A,H, c, • Phys. 3. Helen V. Devereaux—A.H. f, Phys.. 0. Thelma D. Dolmage—E.C. f, E.L. t, A.H. c, Geom. 2, Chem. c, L.A. c, L.C: c. - Mary T. Duncan—E.C, 3, E.L. 3„ A.xI. f, Geom. c, Chem' f,'L:A, f, L.C. T.. F.A. i;,' F.C. f: ' .-.. ter,_- „ Gladys A. Earle—E.C. 3, E.L.•3, A. H. 3, Phys. 2, Chem. '2, L.A. 3; L.C. 3. M. F. Teresa Eckert—A.H. c, Phys. c. Madeline T. Fortune—A.H. f, Phys. F. Dorothy H.. Gallop—E.C. 3, E.L. 3, 1.Ii. c, Geom. c, Chem: c, L.A. c, L. C. c. • Wilma, M. Hay—A.H. 1, Phys. 1. Margaret V. Hudson,----E.C. f, E.L. I'. A,H. 1', Geom.. c, Chem. f; L.A. f; L.p, f. Anna M.,Jack—.E-C. c, E.L. 'c, A.H. c, Geom_ 2,. Chem. c, L,A- f, L,C, f. Kenneth E. Keating—A.H. c, Phys. 2. Scott A, Kerr—A,H. f, Phys: f. Gordon W. Keys—L.A. c, L.C. c. Marion E..Lawson--E.C. c, E:L, c, A.H. f, Alg. f, Geom. f. Chem..f. L.A. c. L.C. c, F.A. f, F.C. (- Dorothy E. McKenzie—A.H. f, Phys. f. 4 : Margaret F. McDaid-A,H, 2, Phys. If Audrey A. McGavin—E.C. f, E.L. f, A..H. c, Geont. f, Cheju, c, • L.A. f, .L.C. Lois J. Mc•Gavin•--Phys. c. Address Soldier i Isabel i,. Me Kellar—E.C. c, E.L. c, Mail In Ink • Tose::aster General R'iiliam P. Mal- a shown ,•- ocl: h;is nlu'n•r. ...10 0 l:ec�n lease• n1 .11 interest in providing a safe and r':pe(lilious servies for mail to our c•verscas troops. One frequent cause nl' dr L ---a direct fault of the serd''r --is !llog:lalc addressee on maul mat - ti r. (1st has frequently been found that. penc!t written ;Ida ICS' .•es bee 0111 '11111dg('d and 11nroyidabl,e .1111110.1z course of transnlissirrrl• with -the re - ,:it: that it is very d'ffir•ult for the. (';.n;ul!nu I'o.sial Coins to effect drliv- (•t y. 'liber 111: is used 111010 is loss dan- ger ((i CIO ❑11.11'(', s f:lriina 11' b(Cemillg 1hiITr'•ratod ;1:111 por.z4011:4 S011(11 g' ioi- :1':: 111 0 parcels to 501 .1111.5 overseas c11n help ensure their sato and speedy rti li ;,! , ;ty s ha, ir„ care taken to see that the acldaess is written in a clear and legible planner in INK. All mail should be fully prepaid and a return address given in the up- per left -'hand corner. Letters, parcels and newspapers for our troops over- seas should be addressed in ink as follows: Regimental Number, Rank and Name Name and Details of T'nit (i.e, Com- pany, Section, Squadron, Battery, Holding Unit, etc.) Name of Regiment. or Branch of Service Canadia.n Almy Overseas, • if the soldier is' still in Canada, mail should be addressed to him giv- ing the: Regimental Number, Rank land Name Name and Details of t'nit (as above) 'Name of Regiment or Branch of Service Name of the Place in Canada where the Unit is stationed. a n. 1., • • Kindness • Be kind and seek always to be kinder, and all the riltiatice of Mien and; the ,rd9hi. , .. moi: u did. is of '�ai:e. �',. f�t~,1 land. AM., 0, Geom. 0,, Chert. c, L.A. f, L.C. , f , J. MTile.4 `ic 1Till:ui—A.II. f. Phys. c. T. Nev41lc• `lrMillan•--E,C. 2, E.L. 2, A.H. c. 1h-oln. c, Chem. f, L.A. f, L.C. F.A. 2, F.C. 2. Elizabeth G. Matthews—E.C. 3, E.L. ^_. A.H. 2, Geom. c, Chem. 2, L.A. 3, L.C. 3, F.A. 3, F.C. $. Janie 13. Moffat—A.H. c, Phys. 1. .1,hyvotinii.,L. Moore—A.H, 3, Phys. r. John A. i'airick—E.C. f, E.L. f, A.H. c•, Geom. 1, C'hetn. 3. Ruth M. Pretty—Phys. f. 1). ,lean hapson—A.H, c, Phys. c. F.�'elvn' M, It:tars—E, C. f, E.L. f, A.H. e, Geoin. v, Chem. c, L.A. c, L.C. r. E. R-innifrod Russell—E.C. 2, E.L. 2, A..11, 1, Ca ons. 1, Chem. 1. L.A. 1, L.C. 1, T•'..1. 1, .'•.c. 1. G.A. 1, G.C. 1. Francis J. A. Ryan—A.1f 2, Phys. 1. Beatrice \T. Sandford --.1.H, 2, Phys..., Marian I. Sclater—E.C. c, E.L. c, A.H. c, Geom. 3, Chem, c, L,A. c, L.C. c, F.A. c, F.C. c. Harry R. Scott-'-A.H, 3, Phys. f. J. Kenneth Southgate—A.H. f, Phys, f. Lillian I. Southgate—A.H; c, Phys. f. Anna M. Watson—%E.C. f; E,L. f, A. H. f, Ale. c, Geom. c, Chem. e, L.A. e, L.C. c, F.A. c. F.C. c. 1Wayme S. Watson—A.H. 3, Hazel E. J. Wilson—E.C. 3, E.L. 3, A.H. c, Geom. e, Chem. c, P.A. c, F. C. c. Lois F. Wlr•ight—E,C. 3, E.L. 3, A.H. 3. Geom. 3, Qhem. c, L.A. c, L.c. 0, F.A. c, P.C. c. i Additional ,tipper S'c'hool results ai3 flounced are as follows:•--- James G. Broadfoot-•-E,C, 'e, 1114 e _ Alg. c, Geom. 2, ''rig, e, Phys. Chem. c, P.A. 2, P.C. 2. "Dome R. McIver--- O, e M Phys. ' c, Chenix 2. Walter McMillen -4A 'rig itt..4 got. 8, Zool, 8, r.A. e, Ivan W. Ste1Yhehgo - o Alg.2, taeetri. � `i`i ".. 8„. ' g , Ch tiav 2N d�'.Av , PA, .:2r A,'C"i lii n, i a a Cfihiti(5ke y