HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-08-15, Page 4I'• 0 �61 ified *u Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates anted, Last and Found, emcees Events Eta—Per words .o 1st week 1 Cert 2nd week i tit 8rd week IA Cent Minimum charge, drat ,hrsertion 25 Bente Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts aa enc ward. ,,ett',Thaeks. re Memoriam Notice¢ -1 coat. per word. Minimum, 50 'eenta per week. rr+Joa Te• lly be directed to a Boa Number, care of The Huron .Expositor, for 10 cents its additional per weak will be charged if ala in shove dlaaa ars not paid by the 'Yesterday sight in the week in which the ad war ieun, Sire, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of char. eeta= Saler, Notice( to Oreo tem, Etc. --Rates on uprilica'tsnt. For Ment ' ' Farm Stock For Sale ROOMS TO LET—RECENTLY VACATED Ft OR SALE—GOOD MILKING: COW, FOUR by John Beattie. See MRS. D. REGF.T F. years old in calf. Apply to the late in the block- 83834-t[ 'JOHN F. PURfIEI,T, ESTATE. Wanted Help Wanted 1 OOMERS WANTED --RI G 1 " SCHOOL WANTED—d,IRI, FOR GENERAL HOUSE tee Student:. Two 'l oe1 s from the Oallegi- ! work, who can do 000kit+g for house in ate and two `from Main Street. Aa,ply to Hamilbn. Good wages. Write, stating age MARY GIJJ:fi;SPIE, North Main St. and experience, to MRS. J. B. KAINE, 269 3344-x Bay St- S., Hamilton- 3888-t8 WANTED—$800.00 FOR MORTGAGE ON ' WANTED --GIRL FOR I NERAL HOUSE good farm property in Hibbert Town- work. Apply lo Box 259, EXPOSITOR ship- Money needed to dean up an estate.. OFFICE. 8828-tr Apply to K. I. McLEAN, Barrister and Solici- tor, elenaall and Seaforth. 3335-tf Lost and Found Tenders wanted TENDERS Tendem will be received up to 7 p.na, Aug. E$'PRAY STzurt__BLAOK AND wales . 25. 1941, tor the cleaning out of Branch A. stent- came TO William A. Brnadhag'eses I of the Rinburn Swsaap Drarhi, fern, Teeker mEt6 last week. Owner can Plans acrd Specifications n+ay be seers- at have same by paying charge and proving the lowest s Office, I�onderhlore. property. 3844-s The lowest or any Tender 'root neeeiseaue ' accepted and'a marked cheque for 5100.00 must accompany each Tender. j JAS. W. McCOOL, Clerk, Hull -eft Thep. Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE—GOOD 50 ACRE FARM t Auction Sales .. in Hallett, hydro, modern conveniences, 'good tend, good buildings, a o0 clan to act l end 114 miles to-Londeaboro ; also, 1 Galleon I tweeted silo, original cost' $300 for 873.' HUGILL, R. R. 2, Seaforth. 3844-2 For 0 Sale or Rent •Fj OR SALE OR RENT—GOOD FARM PRO- , peaty, 218 acres,. .art nth Concession 1 L.R.S., Tuckersmith'"' Bank Barn. brick • house. Water in house and barn. Land in geed e4'onsd%, Apply to, J. D. GFMMelT L, 3842-4 For Sale 'Pelt SALE—BLACK SHETLAND PONY, 7 years .old with cart, cutter and harness. Perfectly quiet. J. C. ALTON, Dungannon. .{TOR SALE -1 RUMI EY OIL PULL TRAC- t^r in: gree axmdrt:nn, e0-50 he:xeoower. on steel: 1 set never drag harrows, LILC.. 25 tooth 8-seett�on, also have 4th section de's:red, draws bars for same: 1 Massey-Har- rts hay leader. will work well for picking up straw after combine: 1 Frost & Wood spring tooth cultivator: 1 No," 4 Massey -Har- ris spreader: 1 ,,McCormick-Deerinng No. 3 cream separator, new. This is the last "set- - arator of old series left ; reasonable ssonable for quick A UCTION SANE—AT THE RESIDENCE of the late Mary W itleaker, oppceite Memorial Hbspitlad, Seafortia, the tsndeesigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell the residence (subject to a reserved bid) and all the chabbals of • Maly Whittaker, decerased, Teams on chattels'—cash ; on residence -10'q c At 1 pan-dcwr, balance on 'closing. Friday, Aug.22nd, et 1 p.m. HAROLD JACKSON. 8844-2 AUCTION SALE—AT lila RESIDENCE of the late W A. Crich, Main St, Sea- te:eh, the undersigned Auctioneer has been requested to sell all chattels on said premises ir.cludinx en excellent Hostess refri.gera'tor, elict.ric stove, furniture, kitchen uteesits, beds, etc. Time of sale, 1 p.m., Saturs!ay. Ater. etre. Terms cash. HAROLD JACK- ON. auctioneer , 3844-2 A U C T I O N SALE OF HOUSEHOLD a'•tiele,: Mr Harold Jackson has been in- truc-c'd rte Sell by public eu-tion at the prem- ise.; of bits, Then. Babkirk, the following referee en Theeelae-i Attsrx,'t 2'ist, st 2 kecsiwm .lite, springs and mattresses; eeeen, who contracted ea th We trust she •,va;nut bureau. kitchen cabinet, small tables,. � pneumonia a will a e$COIed t0 rhealth. ry+rks, ldttlia over snook ac•o Lair. chete far. bedding, and Turner- WIN be •well .. remembered by many ; by her two granaldau ht . „cele;. Terart:: Ce h.J. c. here a, he attended school in Varna ' tree of Mr. and Mrs. 1 g ors, laugh - it• ;nkc Proprertoress. 14AROLD JAC le SO for a time. Much .sympathy is es'.' of 'Windsor3844-1 Mervyn Johnston . A:utioreer. Loring, inspecting Aldworth, WildfAng, Eecrett and McDonald drains, $10.00. The epuneil adjourned to meet again on Monday, Sept, 13th, at 1.3Q o'clock p.nr.—A. F. Hess, Clerk. VARNA Carter Chuter A charming summer wedding was solemnized in St. James' Church, Lon- don, on Monday evening, August llth, when Mona Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Chuter, of Varna, was united in marriage to Frederick James Carter, Phm.B., son of Mrs. Carter and bhe late Alfred Carter. of London, Canon W. A. Townshend officiated, and Mrs. Wilfred Stephens was at' the console. Given ,in marriage by her father, the attractive bride wore a graceful gown of white crepe in street -length, white accessories and a white straw hat with drooping brim° completed her ensenjble. • She car- ried red roses. She was attended by her twin sister, Mrs. Walter McBride, of Zurich, wearing rose sheer' crepe ,with matching hat and carrying cream roses. Stanley Carter, brother of the groom, was '"best man. Later a re- ception was held at Glen Alien, after which Mr. and Mrs. Carter left for Muskoka, the bride donning for trav- olllng a teal blu?sheer with white accessories. Miss Essler, of Minneapolis, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Mc- Connell, last week. Mr. and Mrs. McBride, of Kippen, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Stewart Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartman spent the week -end in Kitchener. - Master Ross Marks, of Toronto, 'Is holidaying with his grandmother, Mr's,. Connell, ard uncle and aunt. Mrs: Lottie McAsh, of London, call- ed on her brother, Mr. Frank Weekes J who is quite ill. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Chuter and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Chuter attended the s wedding b of their daughter, Mary, to I h Mr. Carter, of London. The marriage took place in St. James' Church, Lon -1 - don, on Monday„ g Miss Olive Johnston has taken a! H position in the office of G. H. Beatty la stra9AT wow() AUGUST 15, in Heneell and received his education here. HrislIt t o er was as the f arn►er Nellie Palmer of Hensall by whore he is survived along with his wife and three sisters, Misses -Violet and Jean of Kitchener and Mrs. E. A. .Fines of Ciinttetb, and one brother, Lorne on active service overseas. The Barbers of this district met at Zurich on Monday , evening when representatives from Hensel!, ' Ex- eter, Zurich, Dashwood, Grand Bend, Crediton and Centralia were present. Mrs. Carey Ballantyne and lylies Katie Scott are being visited by Mrs. Horning and daughter Elizabeth of Palmerston. Mr. Chas. Grassick of North Bay' is visiting his eister, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. Mrs. Devlin is being visited by her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ingram of Pleasantville, N. Y. Mrs. R. Higgins, Mrs. A. Bowen and 'son Wayne of Exeter, and Mrs. Bert North and daughter, visited Mrs. E. McQueen, Rey. Sheldon Coleman, wife and family, of Detroit, were recent visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cole- man and family and Miss A. Consitt. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Coleman are getting nicely settled in their own home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser. Mr. Ed. Fink, who has enjoyed a week's' vacation, has returned to his position at Bonthron & Drysdale's, Lois Henderson, attractive little daughter of •Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Hen- derson, will entertain a few of her little girl friends to tea Friday after- noon on the •.occasion of her seventh birthday. Mr. T: C. Joynt, was recently visit- ed by his brother, Mr, P. E. Joynt, of Grand Dapids, Mich. ' Mrs. E. Marshall and members of her family, of London, and her son, elm, of Flint, Mich„ -recently visited with Mrs. W. Luker and' Gladys, Mr. Al. Bell, R,C.A.F., Montreal, is pending two -weeks' vacation with is parents,. Mr. 'and Mrs. W. G. Bell. Mrs'. John Smith and daughter, llrs. Reg Scatter and Miss Hazel, of agersville, called on Miss Margaret abkirk and other friends on Friday St. . The Arnold Circle met on Monday vening at the home of Hiss Violet. Mr. and Mrs. Coon and son, of Illinois, called on Mrs. M. Reid last' e !Hyde and held a work meeting for week. - lliss Mary Elizabeth Beatty is at -- tending the Anglican Camp in Kintail.: • Mr, George McLeod and - son, of , T.`�ameefOrd, were the guests of tbe latter's grandmother, Mrs. Smith, on Sunday. -'Che community was a`hocked to Icern of the death of Mr. Ro Mor the Red Cross and have commenced knitting socks for the refugees: Lunch was served, The many friends of Mrs. • Sydney MacArthur will regret to learn was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, on Saturday evening iu the in- terests of h tospend,' g s nd B a week at a girls' mails p near Godertch. Mr. Kenneth Brook. of the 'it,C,A.F„ New Brunswick, is •vidi'I ing ' his par- ents, Rev: R. A. Brook and Mid Brook. Mx'r. and 'Mrs. N. P. W;arrener, of Pontile, Mich., were in Hensall over the week -end renewing acquaintances.' Former Hensel! residents, Mr. War- rener at one time conducted a bake shop here. Dr. William Joynt, of London, ac- companied by Donald Joynt, of Hen - sail, are spending a week's vacation in Toronto, Barrie, Brockville and Algonquin Park. Miss Edna Gill, clerk at•Middleton's drug store, is enjoying a week's vaca- tion, Miss Greta Laramie is enjoying a few days holidays with her sister, Miss Amy Laramie, at Windsor and visiting with friends. Rev. Mr. Bremner "' o',ducted ser- vices in the United Church on Sun- day morning last. Miss. Gladys Luk- er uk er very ably presided at the piano in the absence of the organist, Miss Greta Lamnlie. Mr. W. O. Goodwin rendered a pleasing solo, Rev. Wm. Weir occupied his own pulpit at Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday evening, delivering a splen- did, discourse. The choir, under the direction of W. A. MacLaren, sang "Rock of Ages." Miss M. Ellis, Mrs. E. Norminton, Lenore and Teddy, of Hensall, and Marie and Jack Boyd, of Guelph, are spending this week camping at Turn - bull's Grove, Miss Elaine Carlisle is spending a week or two visiting her grand- mother, ' Mi•s, Landsborough, of Sea - forth. The many .friends of Mrs. Stan Tu- dor, who has been ill for the past six, months with a heart condition, are pleased to .see her 'able to be opt again. • , Airs. P. H. Devlin is spending a few days this is w y eek visiting Mr, and Mrs. Jack Corbett, of Hay. • Mr. Robert Morrison, of Woodstock was a, recent visitor wit Mr. James McQueen,_ 3rd base; Goldie Cross, Left Priest and Mr. and Mrs. Alpine Mc - Ewan and family, We believe a boot and shoe repair - es will open up business in the Petty block the est of September. Marie and Jack Boyd, of Guelph; are spending their holidays with their tle Ha,y, 2nd base; June Saundercock, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 3rd. base; - Patsy McWDonell, s.s.; Sniallaeombe at the Kosy Korner Ruth Hess, centre field; Helen Moir, Restaurant. - ri_ht field; Lenore Norminton, left Mr, Harvey- MacLarnon was called field. The heavy hitter, for the North - to Toronto Iast week owing to the sides were Beryl Pfaff With four hits of four times at bat, including one home run; Bell Smale, three out of four; Elva McQueen starred in: the field with "nice catches. Heavy (hit - Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, of St. teas for the South were Dorothy Mum: Marys', spent the week -end with Mr. :t•itdl three out of four; Gladys Mc - ion it 1 h h g nes When s b, >f a frufterecl a frac- >t tared hill laet winter, this being the first meeting she bas been able to at- tend since. Mrs. E. McQueen, arrang- ed the meeting. The closing hymn, "AU the Way My Saviour Leads Me” was sung, followed by benediction, Drysdale - MacVicar A quiet but charming wedding was solemnized at the home of Rev. Robt, Hicks, London, on Saturday, Aug, 9, when Margaret Vera MacVicar, young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs,, Hugh MacVicar, of Poplar Hill, became the bride of Robert Jtack Drysdale, eldest son of Mr. and •Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, of Hensall... -'or-her- wedding` -•the -at- tractive bride 'chose a street -length dress of white sillt jersey with white accessories and corsage of pale pink roses and mauve sweet peas. Her 'bridesmaid, Miss Hazel Mackay, wore pink sheer with white accessories and blue delphinium. The best man was Mr. William L. Craig, of London. Af- ter a trip through the Thousand Is- lands and Quebec, Mr. and Mrs. Drys- dale will reside la Hensel!. For trav- elling the bride chose a„navy blue en- semble trimmed with white. The groom is a very popular Hensall young man and congraeulations are extended to the young bridal couple. Prior to marriage, Mrs. Dorothy Ad- cock, of Elmwood Ave., London, en- tertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of :Miss .MacVicar. Many useful and attractive gifts were re- ceived. • Girls Play Softball, For Red Cross The Red Cross benefit softball game held in the Hensall Park between Beryl Pfaff's Northsiders and Gladys McKenzie's Southsiders, was, attend- ed by,,a large number of interested fans. The girls played a good brand of ball co .sider'ing they had only two nights' practise. Northsiders were the winners with a score of 16-5. r No thsi line-up---Agnesd e Appleton, catcher; Bella Smale, "pitcher; Beryl Pfaff, 1st base; Ruth Brook, 2nd base; Florence Schwalm, s.s • Elva. field; Marion Sangster, •centre; Hel- en Farquhar, right field; Gloria Twit- chell, utility. Southsiders — Gladys McKenzie, Catcher; Dorothy Munn, pitcher, Norma Cook, 1st base; Myr- el'iou's illness of his sister. y er health, 1Miss Emily Morrison, of Toronto, soot: b x ing chairs, kitchen table and chr:ir,,, Itoy, as a boy, Mrs. A. Johnston Is being visited sale. E. MOUSSEAU, Kipper., Ont. Phone '• 04 .r 5, Hensan. 3841-tf • Card of Thanks recently visited with friends in Hen- salt and district, - • tonere!lhis sister, Mrs. M. Elliott, and 11r.. and .Mrs. Ed. Fink have return 1 and Mrs. Thomas • Hudson and other Kenzie, two out of four, Ronald Pass- t:^ele. Mr. T. Dennison, relatives. °% more won the $1.00 worth of war say- ed home after a delightful week's va- • 'lir, and. Mfg. A. W. E. Hem }rill ' lags s�.amps and $20.00 was realized c'r'ion spent through Northern On -I P are •stationing at. their summer cot -1 fol• Rer! Cross purposes. Ted Oliver, of the New Commercial, arranged the event. T :a -:o, including a rrip to see the N�r,.,,r.,„:,;,,,,,../.,,,,tis Cs: r'.eeHill. wishes to express her G1, ���� ' Ouirts at Callander and also through' otices a,. Mune whir in any .�,ay help- � A•t r er.ee 'her home on the nleht of tier fee ' During the heavy electrical storm lf,sl`rki Lal.es. •;n i:g-:n,n::vil:r. 334.1-1 tart• other ni,ht lightning "� .Miss Loretta Bel and Miss Glady- g. ning struck a1 McKenzie are enamin '�1r, Amine. Arne trove anti family wise Le; notaes of Mr•. T. C. Haberer and cation. • e.': who have sho;en such kindntes _lir. ,Tns'ph Foster, in town. and calls -I :empathy r say `uhe' regent b - i^,;t d Mr. Fd, Gibson and Mr. Gordo pent,•3844-1 1 arlae•a to the buildings • etc' guests t With i a f, t', eui.,g end completed ttrrangemet is • •,r,f. )t y, date.. i.\RTF.R---In Loncl.,n. cm Sb'rinrsday, A Miss 'Margaret Tudor. Of Dunda: August ; for the annual •fall' fair, to be held s int rhe week -end with, her parent le, 1941, Ronald Reseed Carter. son. i,f Rus- 1,,•r to Se,'tornbei•. Changes were r.. Cartse McKillop, I..,t -, ten. ., ages t'' �... and Mrs. Stan Tudor. nary will be reseed from Aueuet Stir to 'ear:. r ':-- in tee 1:51 a.t1d maIl S r• Pe- )I r. and Alt,. George Hudson, a Aueuet 13th. ' G. TIionnseee Librarian. '•t'"'^-niJNc:staidly. August 9, 1941, r"t?1 2e:1.2es lee:e ridded ,for comneti- tr 3842-2V J: •\n,irett D: .�r•nvetrong, in his •"9th rear, ;ton, cnnil•ani , by itis. Harvey alrrl tfo IT \RTRi'_ -in Fart Franca , on Thu=d p, A. Logan. FOR RAleeneigers 0erT3fENTe. TONICS. lervrx,t. 1041, Russel Edgar Hartme 1 Lt:nlber from th -n attended the l ena week's vaC8L10• •a bier,. demon an,i:nrenee`nectars. home- �t•D•' . funeral at. KitchenerSl Pat Owen Sound and Harris() $y sttraY, cattle spray, $1.3S 'lfor '133 ounce � � t on VG ednestlay Park, , -� _• 01 ti:e, la •e William Dumart, 73eceas= hiss Margaret Johnston, • assistan can. ..Phone . S r 5. Prompt delivery. A. '•- --• - :,{ Wee a f01':77er reSideIlt of this vil- • at RRICnWOOD. Seafortlr.' 3843x3 " -,II,"•asall Births ]tire ,aril was in his filth soli. He Post office, is enjoying WEED CUTTING ' • ' vieitetd with the Deiehert and Yung.' 1. r vacation and together 'wit Township. of Tuekersmitil Bongs a seas Memorial Edward on hint familieseach year. He her mother, ..cls. John Johnston. wh - Ates -act 7th. to Mr. and lata. Boyea„'�' passed'.i's ill her 91st year, are sending thi The courxci]"wsb to troYtfy prkrpestq owners T+a: kc-airiht. a dankhter. . away in, Kitchener on Saturday. week with Air. and airs. A to clot weeds an road aide apJnsite their pro. t Sl' In S... t. Nrmral J5 pital oT..Aua- The Thiel reunion held at dowett's ` ]as at T$ • T. Doug rerte. if pecaible, for whkh they will be paid u -•t 8th, to _Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Burke, Sea- Hyde Park, Mrs. Johnston's 'rt the rate of 1�3 cerate per,rod bat no erica "rill, a eon_ ; Grove. BaYFeld,, on Monday of "last' daughter and sots -in-law. cutthe win be wig for ierod done .miter BEL In Hensall nn Tuesday, Augut 12th, week. wit .*ell attendedrelatives be -j Junior Redden f the ireetreetem and sepervision of tbe rose eo Mr. and Mn. Glenn Len .elf Tule:- ing plesoht trop Mitchell, London,. spending h1S vacation St. Catharines, - the smith rA Son). I grand - It. F. McGREGOR, clerk, ! Zurich and .many other points. An' mother, Mrs. Catherine Hedden. 3844.2 interesting program was held in--tiae! Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook' and' Mrs. B AY VEELD — , afternoon. Next year's reunion w -i11 I Smythe spent tbe week -end witil, M. NOTICE be held at Stratford. -'' I. Township of Tacketsm;Hr l The young daughter of Mr, and r and Mrs. Harry Cook, •of Windsor.' , The Cof to a Tuckersmith wish to eecrrre1 C. .1. Whiddon died very suddenly Mrs. :Milton Deitz met with a nasty1 Patsy IyieDonell, Marion Sangster, he use of tee scree of stubble lana end ten Hur- l': l:lmonion from a heart attack- Mr. and Andrei' Elder left Monday morn- arres of sod (rat cloven for the pnpese ofaccident last Saturday which caused demamiration and instruction in plowing. to! Na'hirldon was born tri"•Bayfield, Hur- rbe held this fan and wet be pleased to hear ; nn. County. in December. 1835, and many- bruises. to the• little girl. Sh.e, ' im. any parties having suiiitable land, ,. ,• • mtentpted to close the door of the! ved to Ripley, ' D. F. McCRe;Gole•crerk- ' _Bruce County,s where ents che was ed-ucat Pre: while it was in motion and was j' ss4a-z th-rrnvn out on to the. road landing, on i. Pu and raised. in 1902 he moved to he face. Helen, the eldest daughter' ,he Rainy River district. with his par- of sir• and firs. Reitz, is recovering Notice .to Creditors I eats, farmed for a year or two. and sat a London hospital from an a .1 in 1915 be• slurried a niece of Mr., C. Ppen= NOTICE TO CREDITORS McConl, Hiss Ir ez Smith. G4'hen the dieit'.s operation at present. IN THE MATTED, of THE ESTATE of Great War broke out in 1914 'he . en- lir. and Mrs. Lirldray Warm, of ELLEN FORD. late of the Village of Hen -'listed in the Bull Moose Battalion Chicrgo, vdsitee at the -home of the sail, in the County of Huron. Spinster, de-' ,o mess aunt, Mrs,. A. Fuss, °V�r the ceased: i and ' went overseas. After the war • NOME re HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL , he was sent homed to Canada and was it eek -end. cretertors and other 'ravine, claims atrainet trained in a civil service course and Miss Ethel Hess spent a few days ire r<tate yr claiming any 4rterest therein e' titin o, ottie wise of ere (mid Even ere e+entuaily gained a position in the this week at the home of her sister, w•tix+ died en for ae• t the 13th day ee May, immigration department in Winnipeg. lits• (Rev,) L. H. KalbfleSkv Elmira, 1941, at the Village of Bewail, in the Prov- and was transferred .to Edmonton,' Mr. Ken Routle,frie of Sky Harbor, itee df Ontario, are required txl`send, on or alta. He leaves t0 mourn his loss, Goderich, visited friends in town on before the 2nd day of September. 1841. toSaturday. the undersigned. GUARANTY UST a - his w•ld;r, al s, Inez Whiddon, de -ugh- .• Suaveyors are doing more survey PANT OF CANADA: their ter Marjorie, son Donald; his mother, drevaa and dcser1errrons, sand fall part'`°- itis, Samuel Whiddon, of Winnipeg• ing on. the Sautes Line, near St. Jos- 6arS in writing of •their• claims, a statement of thew enemata, and the nature of the se- curities, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said 2nd day of September. 194i. the said GIIA$- AitrTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA. w141 proceed 40 distribute the assets of the has b� i rail estate anions the persons entitled there- - wall be used for storing building ma- , having, regard otrI.y to t'ire clatens of which terials and coal. a . en we Bad notice, and that the � NOTICE—DO YOL' KNOW THA Yee./e. Ra,tkiru dealer live: throe Week, east of Se<aforth Pubiir Literary, Will be at hien.? in evenings. 3844-3 ono ,••r• d - e.e,i.e r ,. } gs. o T svis.. R. C.A.F., I'rer,torl, were wee ea George Hudson. of Hensall, The G. bride ,e v:o:•e a navy blue ensemble with :0;,p,'rr• of American beauty rosebuds tage a,t Oakwood, near Grand Bend.' as• , 'C11E, t; oildiine was quietly solemniz- s:1 '3 1-iarott•cl of :oris Helen Steiss, n era Walton, and Mr. Casey Hudson, of k. T• = marl. youneest son of Mr. and The offi:•ial.s of Zurich Agricultural y,r• and airs. M. ^ciet , h: id a meeting on Monday. 1n? a`i, le. Air. Gib=o:r is a cousltl o f Hudson - Steiss BUY YOUR GRAIN — WE ALSO truck it and supaiy barna. •Prices hat- ter and grain better than in 1940. - We buy for • Georte Thompson. HensaU, Phone us for information. SPROAT & SPROAT. Phone .665 r 22, Seaferte. 3842-3 NOTICE—Tris SEAFORTH PUBLIC LIB - Deaths Former Resident Takes Part in Rescue Sefferirig considerably- from expo- sure, but otherwise unharmed, Mrs:; C. I tigene Sennett, 3008 Peter Street, Windsor, and her sister-in-law, Miss i' Florence Sennett. of San Francisco, were brought ashore at Celar Beach, -• shore dict not t r !mow Of . e d t �v their e Pal:' and it wad not until evening that their absentee wan noted,, •and. by thhie. time the boat was out of night .of land, When it was found that they were missing, R. W. Keeley, manager of Bendbi Eclipse of Canada Limited, who has a cottage nearby, accompan- ied by Mrs. Ed. Berry, put out in the Berry motorboat. They found a heavy sea running, however, and the fact that both were inexperienced in the handling of the boat, forced, them to put back to shore. Meanwhile Mr.' Sennett, owner of the Curtis Publish- ing Co., of Windsor, who was lir Wind_ -sor•fi was summoned by telephone. Ho immediately summoned Mr. ,Berry, and the two men made a fast trip by' motor car to Cedar Beach, arriving after midnight. They put out im- mediately in Mr. Berry's boat and commenced a search which Iasted throughout the night, Phe owner' of ' the Silver Swan had been notified and he also set out to look for the mise- ing boat. The two rescue craft comb!, ed the Lake Erie waters for hours, zig-zagging back and fort& across the steamer lane from the shore to a point five or'six miles out. It was a hazardous search as a thigh sea was running throughout the, night. They covered an area extending from Kingsville almost to Amherstburg. Just before daybreak the Silver Swan encountered a tanker which hailed the fishing boat to report that it had a short time before Picked up the women. They had been drifting throughout the hours of darkness, helpless to pilot the little boat and in constant danger of being Swamped. They had suffered considerably from exposure, as both were clad only in sunsuits, The Silver Swan took them oft the tanker and a short time later encountered Mr. Berry's boat, to which it transferred the women, and they were rushed to 'shore just at dawn. Mr. Gerald Passmore left Mon- day for Manning Pool, Tor !be has" enlisted' with the i o AI - OII Toronto, where iLC,A.F. - Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hayter and Don ald, of London, are spending their va- cation with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bell. MissPearl Herpole, of London, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Grace Her•pole. Miss Margaret Sangster has accept- ed a position as clerk in Rennie's store. Mr. Clarence McLean, of London, is . spending his vacation with -all i s mother, Mrs. J. B. McLean;. and with other relatives. 'Miss Margaret Schwalm, of London, . la holidaying at her home bere. Phyllis Taylor. is visiting her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. William Taylor. . Miss Edith -Foster, of Tonawanda, N. V., was a recent visitor In town. Mr. Ross MacKay, highly esteemed rcr id•ent and for many years popular teacher at Cromarty school, has ac- cepted a similar position •at Hillsboro and together} with Mrs: MacKay and little daughter, June, will leave , for tante place the latter part of August. :Mr. and Mrs. MacKay .will be much ' miseeci in:this village, where he was a o well known. lir. Ken Passmore, of the R,C.A.F., has returned to Trenton after spend- g- his holidays with his parents. Mr,` tat: Mrs. J. Passmore, The aVomerr's Association of Hen-• sell 'United Church will hold a home r•ooking sale in C. L. Jinks' shop on a`. in Street. Saturday, Aug, 23rd, at 11•l,i, Donations, ` including bakin 1 Fcr. 11:�ir tit lding trip they motored near Kingsvlile, after spending a i' le C olbnr•nt" a::e. Niagara Falls. Mr. night cdrift in a small open boat on M;s. Ilud:•on 111 take 'Up L•esi- hake Erie. They were picked up : iN::,'N 1:: Listowel where the groom near dawn' by a passing tanker from c ' which they wai ' t r;is. a splendid ;,osition,e traneferred to the n1 • W. M. S. Meets The W.M.S. of the United Church t! n'et's:1 Tllurs l;ty afternoon, August a: ,th, in Ibe eel] 1 r'Oom of t13 boat, Silt-er Swan, of Kings-. ,. viUn, and thence'•to a motorboat own- .r ed by -lir. Ed. Berry, manager'of the • 1 Guaranty Trust Co. of Windsor, 'and . son of „Mrs: Anne Berry, of- Hensall, ' t •rs:;etabtest, fruit•, eggs,: butter,' cream, t!o„ will be appreciated... Mrs. Jas': fcAlllster,, president of the associa- ion, and committee are arranging for he safe. tiara Dougall, Fred Beer, Harold onthron, Allan Davidson, .Jelin Far e. uhar and George and Dave Sangster vho have been in training. with the irst Hussars, will leave on - Supday ceompanied by Lieut. Sam Rennie • or. Thames Valley for 18 days train - e ebueeh in which Mr. Berry and Mr, Sennett h i and the president. Mrs..W, B. Cross, had been making 'an all-night sesrch 111 o! is:•osided. The' sleeting opened with for the two women. Leaving the Sen-: s stile singing of `'•'O Master, Let Me Rett's summer home • at Cedar Beach! t Wt31k With' Thee,". followed with the about 6 p.m. Tuesday evening they! F Lord's Prayer in unison; Scripture and four brothers, Henry Whiddon, op eph, 'where it may be de'c'ided that an Winnipeg, Arthur Whiddon of Fort airport wall be located. Frances, tiff . J. Whiddon of Ottawa. The new Wp1doe building -erected and A. D. Whiddon of Devlin. for Stade & millet on Vietoraa Street been completed: The Wilding 'it hx31 tri have said GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF Masons are busy laying the brick CANADA will stir be ble for fire said , at the new home which Mr. Ed. Reich- ae els. or any part tberliiab to any person Mr. Clarence McLean, of London, ert is having erected for occupancy of wh,cae claim ft shalt not then .have receive visited over the week -end with his by himself. ed notice. siater•,and brother-in-law, Mr. and DATED at Tlai;onee :nee let day of Ang- Mrs. Allan Johnson. GUARANTY TRUST CO,M•PANYofCANADA Little Dorothy Jaques is visiting HEN SALL -� Fa`e.0, r of the agate of Ellen !Ford her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ,, . ZI Ferguson, of Thames Road. ZGMII ElrMAN, rsLACloe,E1,L & EAT-Ne000 Men's, woman's and Children's run - 312 Rstr Street. 'fol+onto ]•lids Dora Pybua. who spent a week .Hing shoes and slacks, all reduced at Srtlicitora herein.. with her grandmother, Mrs. H, Rick - G er, returned to her borne in London Auction last Creek, Auction Sale—Air, Baroid Jackson"! Mrs. Joseph Stacey, of'd;xeter, is has been. instructed to sell at the r ersa rs. g . ghter, her date riesidenr'e of the late Peter Stewart, FAVORl1`E AGAIN(24337) Honin, Mrs. W. Hensall, all gaods, chattels, house and Enrolment Na. 1961 properties, on Saturda` y, August 16th, 'Ens been ratteed�d the Amt CIrciesdale stock home' in Otte trla an Field Days by meat of at 2 p.m. K:'t :McLean, Solicitor of the Agrrcultut r# Cotleta'ri end has won more �A�-` Antsier etratOe; Harold Jackson, Auc- t'ed tiettets tAaa anis CIy'le horse in Ontario. i tioneer, tie Will Otdiitt for to season of 1941 at 3843.2 . Cone reek t�oireession 7. Hibbert: and will Hay Tele btme .S Jimmie Sdtltlth, who of spending travel be trailer for a reasonable' distance to p ys`�m•—Siromberg- big vacation at the home his tlricle, trwetavel partite. Carlson, supplies. `$5.42: E. R. Gum- Mr, James Petty, of Ha$r Township, Terttr.�-418.00 •t, itntum; 11,25.09 for two ther, cartage, $2.75; T. H. Hoffman, had the misfortune to fall from the met fro-tz the rG3rirt+ owner tttyl trttsalary and extres, $254.16; Northern tractor on which he was riding and BirfCrCS,. warner Geteel Co Wessel: -• yieetris Co., siep]Jos, $694.13; T. caught t his le in the wheel,Ex- Seven Klumipp, balancecontract, $259: Bell rays at the Clinton Public Uos.pitai elepibone- Co,, tolls to July, $592.19; revealed a fractured leg. Jimitnie is h. Fire Ins. Co., insurance, Dash- the , 10 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. 11rood: $25; Ilec3, hese, Salary and ell For Siddall of Denfield., trite, $213.60 J, Fischer, labor, Dash- Word has been received ,here in weed, $6.80 Hen -sail of the drowning ieneral and Relief AedoutitsAlbert J. W1Tltesldtle,, son of the late Aliiurt. Suplet . allswafide, $i0; 4/11 10ZI Alai 'Cll'ijitohides end Mrs. Whit ices, of g, : 'titlidtfit 8ein ttarillot; refill, ,$111; t - I hoboser, Mr: Whitesidog wan 'horst alt, 1941: Popular Stallions llatwAart ll.4Staodia4 Ettialtot SOLI1MY of sofr t lifiaidr} l t t Silt) "• adirg by Hiss Irene ad planned on going on a short fish- tt pouglas; pray- ing trip off shore. Tale open boat in'. f er by ails. S. Mel'ner, Miss Jean, which they set out carried an out-, Afurray epntrib board motor, but neitker of the wo- 1 men were familiar with its operation i and they rowed the. boat. Some din- I tance out in the lake they encounter- ;'n ed a stiff off -shore breeze and found • 0 that they were unable to make any' p headway toward . land.. Friends out d uted a pl•easing address taking for her theme, "Temperance.” Mrs•, Dow- gave the study, speaking on "China," which was very interest- ing. , Miss _Murray e x utessed her 'thanks to the society for kindness shown her by the•members during her Dr. ,and Mrs. William Geiger, of Waterloo, were -week -end guests with Ir• Owen Geiger and, family. They •ere accompanied home by their son, tt'en, who has been spending the ant month or so at the Geiger resi- ence. - DO YOU EVER visit a home to which you have not been invited ? Perhaps you do occassionally, but do you really feel quite comfortable P And that is just how people feel when they go into a' store that doesn't advertise, or in other Words, invite them in. - The Huron Expositor can easily solve that problem for you.