HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-08-08, Page 8A ill 'ell ++7s•�!!-i� OS OR . ►' UGUST 1941 1 XXX EXTRA - c Gal. TS',`IF'S SALTED new a ERS ---2 Mrs. L C 'Ara: DINNER for 'hot day's pa �>l age .'ll'I.tivAgit GOLDEN BANTAM 25c .RN -2 tins Lilt; + ilS4 O• -:-For better baking et,3C ` Tin i ,B WNTREE'S COCOATin -10c, 2 c Id;SBY'S SPAGHETTI L tins 19C TUNA FISH FLAKES 1 Tin 9c MAPLE LEAF CAKE FLOUR 25c package 'TENDER i,91AF TEA BAGS Dozen NABOB' COFFEE half pound 1OMATO JUICE gallon: JAVEL WATEI 3 bottles ZINC RINGS—For sealers per dozen TWO -IN -ONE WHITE SHOE POLISH—Bottle WOODBURY SOAP 4 cakes ZINC WASH BOARDS 35c Each• a7 JOHNSTON GLOW COAT 1'5c 25c 40c 25c 25c 15c ,.,..25c Tin TURP. +ENTINE—For ,painting; .bottle 59c 19c, 29c LER RANGE MASH , 32,A5 Cw A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS, REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE .. Money to Loan on First Mortgages on improved Farm Property. Plumber of desirable Dwelling Proper- ties for sane. WATSON & - REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LiNES OF - INSURANCE: O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • S. T. Holmes & Son 0( FUNERAL DIRECTORS O O O O Main Street, Seaforth 0 0 Charles Holmes' residence, 0 O Goderieh Street East. Phone 0 0 No. 308. 0 O Ambulance 'Service 0 O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 rent, 0 O Night calls—Phone 308 0 0 Day calls -Phone 119 O O , Charges moderate. 0 0 12-37 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0'O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 'Q • Ili, C. BOX 0 O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 OALicensed Embalmer 0 '0 mbulance Service 0 0 Hospital Bed 0 0 with adjustable rachet °per- 0 0 ated/s ring for rent. O O Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 18 Phone 43 0 0 12-47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00000000000 0/' .. . 0 o J. A..:.;BURKE o O Funeral Service - - O Dublin Ont. 0 0 Night or day Calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 '0 O 00000.00 0. 0 0 0 0' 8767-tf THE SECOND DIVISION COURT. County of Huron -Oft ce in the Dominion Bank Build- ing. Seaforth. Office hours: Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.20 p.m. fp 6 p.m.; Saturday evening 7.80 p.m. to9p.m. E. C.. CIIAMRERLIN insurance Agencies.... Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of the insurance business of Hays & Moir, mala The addition of their eempamdes to our previous facili- ties enablko in to gybe unexcelled ervi*ce in gull limes. SEAFORTH •ONTARIO 10-21 THE MeKILLOP MUTUAL ME INSURANCE 'CO'Y. li4EAD OFFICE -- SEAFORTH, ONT. 01PVICERS : ' 1710I. Knox, Londesboro - Pres. WC. Archibald, Seaforth - Vice -Pres. erten A. Reid, Seaforth - See.'lreas. DIRECTORS: William: Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leon arty ".Brodit gen ; E. 1. TTN•-- ifar'tfi,a, Clinton, Alex Ilroadtoot, 2r Seitforth; Alexander McEwb g,. D4 Vii, ' ank McGregor, Pat, titltailr Thigh Alexander, 'X"lldfrldia 1I,CNylhflr It,it, •g, 'if MIX i , ;Archibald, LL 4, cwir'ir+. Mkt NEWS OF TRU TOWN in,ritittite 1A/ifI Meet. -.-Tie Seaforth W enra Institute will meet on Wed- A-14gliats 13th, for the regular ''utbnthiy .meeting at the home of Mrs. James 114- Scott. The roll call will be a- favorite verse, and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Intosh will give ,the topic on "Educa- tion:” .Steet - Davis,—The marriage was solemnized at Saginaw, ,Michigan, on Tuesday, July 29th, when Miss Am- elia Davis was united in marriage to Mr: George Steen, both of that city. Mr. Steet is a well known Egmc d- ville old boy and a graduate of Tike Expositor office. Mr. and Mrs. Steet were in town on Friday on their ex- tensive wedding trip, which included Meaford, to see his sister-in-law, Mrs, Thomas Steet, and from there to Picton" where he will visit his bro- ther, Mr. William Steet, after which Mr. and ,Mrs. Steet will motor to Cali- fornia. Mr. Steet has sold the ex- tensive printing plant w'hieh he car- ried on successfully for many years, and will live retired in Saginaw. Many friends here will extend con- gratulations and best wishes. SermonSubjects For . Next Sunday. —St- Thoinas' Church: Rector, Rev. R. P. D. Hurford, D.D.-11 a.m., The Rector. No evening service during August. Sunday School at 10.45 a.m, St. Mary's, Dublin -9.30 a.m„ The Rector. Union Services: First Presbyterian and Northside United, congregations at First Presbyterian Church; Rev. H. V Workman in charge -10 a.m., Sun- day, .School; 11 a.m "The Despised Birthright"; 7 p.m., "The Acknow- ledgement of Sin." The church we] - comes yorl. McKillop Charge—Bethel and Win- throp will worship at Duff's Church en Sunday, August 10th, at 11 a.m. On. Sunday. August 17th, Winthrop and Duff's congregations will worship at Bethel at 11 a.m. Mir. F. S. Sav- auge, of Seaforth, will preach at both services. Services on August 24th and 31st will be arranged later. Alien - Keys.—St, Andrew's Church, Bayfield,ewas the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday at 11 'a.m. 'when• Sybil Lorraine, daughter" of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Keys, of Varna, be- came the bride of William Russell Allen, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Syiventer Allen, of Seaforth. Rev: Harold Currie performed the cere- mony. The bride was given away by her father and wore a gown of white net over satin, Iong veil -of French net, and carried an arm bouquet of Briarcliffe roses. The maid of honor, Miss Ella Bohn, of Zurich, wore • a pink' gown and carried white asters, and the bridesmaids, Miss Zereida Sturdy, of Goderich, and Miss Doris Clark, of Varna, carried Hollywood roses and wore marquiesette net ov- er silk. Mr. Bruce Keys, Varna, the bride's brother, was groomsman. The ushers were Mr. Roy Kerr, of "Sea - forth, and Mr. Gordon Keys,' of Zur- ich. Mrs. W. J. Clark, of Varna, played the wedding music, while Mrs. Elmore Keys sang "I Love You Truly." Following, the ceremony a reception w-aS held at the McKenzie House, Clinton. Mr. and MTs. Allen left later on - a trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Mellen were in Ottawa over the weekend. • Mr. and Mrs. John Crane, oI1 Cane, Mr and rs. M William Fagan, Billie an Joslyn, of 'Chicago, were the recen guests of Mr. and Mrs, E. •Mole. • Mr, and Mrs. R. Frost and Mr and Mrs. Howard Burgess, of Flint, Michigan, have returned from a mo- tor trip to thenorth, visiting •Sud bury, South River, Huntsville an other points. • Mr. G. A. -Ballantyne, Principe of the Collegiate, who recently under went an -Operation in Toronto, has sufficiently recovered to return to his home here. • Miss Mildred Shinen and Miss Ethel Belatsky, of Toronto, were holi day week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Shinen. • James and Gordon McKindsey are attending the Boys' Camp at ••Kin - tai 1. • Little Mies' Marleen Austin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Austin, underwent an operation for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hos pital on Wednesday last. • Rev. Father Goetz, of Wallace - burg, was the week -end guest of Rev. Father T. P. Hussey. • Mr, and Mrs. "Norman Habkirk, of Detroit, are visiting friends in Sea - forth and vicinity. "' . a Miss Joan Govenlock, of Water ford, who has been visiting her grand- parents,. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Goven- lock, is spending a few days with Miss Shirley Bennett in Walton. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore, Miss Nancy• and Mr. D. L. Reid, of Toronto, are Fuests at the home of Mrs. J. F. Reid. • Lieut- W. G. White, Essex Tank Regiment, Who has been stationed at Chatham Training Centre as instfuc: tor, has been promoted to the rank of Captain. • Mr. Sam" Walker, of Timmins, and Miss Mary Walker, of Ottawa, were week -end guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walker. • M•r, and Mrs. David Mole left on Friday for their home in Rochester, N.Y., after spending a few days with Mr. and Mra•. E. Mole. • Miss D. Carlin, of Windsor, is visiting Miss 'Margaret Kellyse '• Mr., and Mrs. J. MacTavish, Oban and Donald are apending a holiday at Bayfield-,, • Mr. and Abu, C. E'ekart, Mrs. C. P. Silla and MiSA. Len% Drell visited Dublin friends during the Weekend, ei Me. and Mrs. Harry Steinberg are spending the holidays with friends at Brantford and othertvoiiits. Mi't :' l3el1 of l AO' topic, eta 'i .. els etf�T t+��tlr hie fatuity hNre. S''a kw 1. Lama*, of 1r�IlkYiaz. d t d 1 Sask., is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. John Smith, in Rullett. • Mrs. Lloyd Hoggarth spent the week -end in Toronto. • Mr. Leo Hagan, ' of North Bay, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hagan. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pinkney and little daughter were holiday 'guests at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. S." Cudmore. • Mrs. Thomas McKay, daughter Mary, and sorts, Clem, Gerald, Steph- en, Cecil and Joseph, of Galt, spent Sunday with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs, C. Eckart. • Miss Helen Beattie; of Hamilton, is a guest at the home of Mrs. L. T. DeLacey. • • Mr. and Mrs. George Scofield and daughter, Miss Nancy, of Detroit, were week -end guests at the liome of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Case. • Mr. Arthur Wallace, of Roche ter, N..Y., spent the week -end at th home of his tootber• and sister, M Samuel Wallace and Miss Wallace. • Miss Zetta Dunlop, who has been on the post office staff, has resigned to take a course in nursing at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. Her place in th•e post office has been tak- en by Miss Teresa McIver. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Forrester, of Wallaceburg, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. -E. Mole. • Mrs. State and Miss Rochell Ann State, of Sirecoe. and Miss Elite Shinen, of Toronto, are guests at th home of Mr. and Mrs, S. Shinen, • Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ellis and family, :of Toronto, ,spent the week- end with Mi•. and Mrs. F. Storey- and other relatives. . • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and family, of Pontiac, Michigan, and Mrs. C. R. Hunter and children, of Toron- to„ were week -end guests at the home of 1VIrs. John L. Smith. • Miss Alice Devereaux, of Toron- to, spent the holiday week -end at the home of her mother, iVld-s. Frank Dev- ereaux. s- r. Lakevi€w Casinoh' GRAND BEND Dancing' Nightly WILLIS TIP.PING'S.•CASCADE RHYTHMiORCHESTRA Free admission before 9 p.m. Tues- day, Thursday, Friday, GREAT AMATEUR -CONTEST MONDAY, AUGUST 11th Cash Prizes—'$5, $3, 32. Prize winners enter Final Contest Aug. 25th. Grand Cash Prize. Came and Hear a Great Boys' Band ! ' SUNDAY, AUG. 10th, 9 p.m. and Afternoon on the Beach STRATFORD'BOYS' BAND SURF SHOP AND BATHHOUSE Open until 10 p.m. every night' BEACH FLOODLIGHTED! are guests at the home of Mrs. gorse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Oase. • Mr. and Mrs_ H. Minnett and Miss Giaratania, of Toronto, are guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. e • Mr. and Mrs. Max Hudson, of Windsor, were week -ends guests at e the home ot,' Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hud- son. Mrs. Hudson returned to Wind- sor with' them. • Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dundas and son, of Toronto, were guests this week at the home of his mother, Mrs. W. A. Dundas. • Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Weston and their guests!, Mr. McDaid, Mar- garet and Mrs-' Van Horn and Betty, spent the week -end at Niagara Falls. • Mr. 'and Mrs. M. R. Rennie and son,, Ronald, thave returned from Grand Bend, where .they spent a month at their summer cottage. • Miss Janet Baker,,,'of St: Cather- ines, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baiter. • Mr. Laurence Jubenville and sis- ter, Mrs. Edward Carron, of Pain - court, motored to Seaforth where they spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. J. W. Jones. Mgrs. Carron's husband, Edward Oarton, is a grand- son.of Mrs, Jones. He is in active serice as a driver-mecthanic ., with the Royal Canadian Regiment some- where in England, • Mrs- W. W. Cole, of Toronto, is v siting her sister, Mrs. 3'. J. Sclater, who has been ill for some time. • *a. Mrs. G. A. Christensen, Margaret Ann and Buddy, Roberta Graham and Mrs, G. R. Henderson, of Detroit, are guegts at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 1). H. Wilson. • Mins S. J. Moran, R.N., of \Sagi- naw, Michigan, is visiting her sister, Mrs, J. W. Jones. • Mr. Leonard Hudson, of Toron- to, •spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Isaac Hudson. - •. Mrs. Nelson Aubry and' family, of Nakina, are guests at the home of her father, Mr, A. F. Cluff. • Rev. Dr. Hurford, Mrs. Hurford and Miss Jean are spending two weeks' holiday at Egerton Beach. • Mr. and Mrs, Harry Brown, of New York,; are guests at the home of Miss Marion Watson: • Mr. Jack Lippert, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with his grand- mother, Mrs. J. W. Jones. • Dr. Reid Edmunds, Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. John Edmunds and family. of Mitchell, were week -end guests at the Koine of Mrs. W. G. Ed- munds. • iMias Flora Gibbins, et Clinton, is the "guest of Miss Mae Wightman, Royal Apartments, • Miss Mabel "..Turnbull has return- ed nom a motor trip to Muskoka. • • Mr. James McKinley, of Winni- peg, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott.. ' • Miss Verna Graves and Miss Barbara Atkineon, of Loudon, are on a motor trip to Muskoka, • Mr, and Mrs. Rialph McLennan•, of Harriston, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James A. MacDonald- • Mr. and Mrs- John McKenzie spent the week-eucl at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Branscombe, in Hamilton. • Mrs. M. Gillen and Miss Mary' Noreen, of Londion, visited Mrs. J. S. Larry on Sunday. • Dr. E. A. McMaster and Mrs. McMaster are in Muskoka this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edmunds and daughter; Messrs. Gordon, and Harold Finnigan, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. W. Rollins and Mr, Grant Finnigan, -of Sarnia, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan, in Egmondville. • Messrs. Hugh, Edwin and James Chesney were in Rochester, N.Y., last week attending the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Luther Robbins. • Mrs. J. Flett and grandson, James Higgins, and Mr: and Mrs. G. M. Chesney, of Toronto, are spending two weeks' holidays in North Bay. • Mrs. Louis Brett and daughters, Mary and June, returned to their home in Detroit on Monday after spendingthree weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckart. Her son, Gordon,"- will remain for a time at the home of his uncle, Mr. J.. M. Eckart. - •- ". • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Millson and daughter, Carol Mae, were week -end guests at the home of Mrs. Millson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mole. • Mrs. T. G. Scott left on Thurs- day for Detroit to attend the wed-, ding of her granddaughter, Miss Betty Scott. • Rev. W. A. Bremner will • have charge of the morning service in•-' en- sail United Church during the month of August, in the holiday- absence .of the minister, Rev. R. A. Brook. • Rev. Hugh Jack, Mrs. Jack and family left on Thursday for a Month's holidays at Bala. M'usl:oka.. • Misses Joan and Jean McMaster are spending their holidays with friends at Collingwood. • • .Mrs. John Finlayson is visiting with friends do Galt, - • Mrs. D. 1F7.. Stewart, of Toronto„ was visiting with Seaforth, friends this week. • Miss Karen Kidd is visiting rel- atives in Listowel. • Miss Ruth Shinen has been Oaf in O to S d stenographer o a Pp her in theoffice of the Public Utility. Commission. Al' illrs. Bruce Kilpatrick, of Rox- bury, N.Y., is the guest of Mrs, L. C. Jackson. - • Mrs. D. H. Wilson has returned from a three weeks' holiday spent in Detroit and Northern Michigan. • Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Lippert, of Kitchener, spent the week -end at the hone of Mrs. Lippert's mother, Mrs. J. W. Jones. Their daughter, Jane, returned 'hone with them. • Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Lennon and son, Peter, who have been holidaying at Oakwood inn, Grand Bend, were guests of Mn. and Mrs, .Tames Dev- ereaux this week before returning to 'their home in Montreal. • Miss •Phyllis Knuckle, of Wood- stock, was the repent guest of Miss Mildred Aitebeson, . Roxboro. • • .Miss Mabe] Etue, of London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. L. De La Fr"aoier,", • 'Mrs. •S. F. Carron and daughter, Annette, of Paincourt, are visiting at the home of h3r Mother, Mrs,. J. W. Jones. - • Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Morse and' Miss Patricia Anne, of Roxbury, N.Y., • Jack's Shoe and Harness Repair - White Cleaner Reg. 25c, for ..20c SPENCE'S Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED ECG. GRADING STATION Highest Cash Pricea paid for Eggs and Poultry, Phone 170-W, Seaforth SEAFORTH. MONUMENT WORKS (mith g,1Lie W. 1C. CHAPMAN) Obetrated by Cuinghn n & Pr rde lfdit TOre llnOted to Inspect ser 'meek of O MBTIOMP MR OitIAte Seaforthra TtlettlaYS 4LSattledayil see Dir. Herbst* tat u]i oMthieift any Oar 4 + ll'Ieeiub 150 Sex 160 )(ETER Phone 41 MANLEY Mrs. Thomas Purcell -has returned from Huntsville after visiting her husband, who is working on the good roads scheme, Miss, Helen O'Hara, of Toronto, splint the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O'Hara. Mr. Stephen Manley., of London, spent the ,week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley. Mrs, `rhos. McKay and her daugh- ter, Mary, 'and eons, Clement, Gerald and Stephen, of Galt, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O'Hara last Sunday. nee EGIVIONDVILLE The Egmondville W.M.S. held its regular meeting •one week ahead of time in the vestry of the church. MTs. T. Richardson, vice-president, presid- ed in the absence of Mrs. Gardiner who •is away on vacation. The meet ing opened by singing Hymn 502 and prayer. 'Roll call Was 'responded to by nine members. The treasurer's report was •received. I•t was request- ed that Mra. Keys, corresponding secretary, send a note of sympathy to the Charters family:,._ Mira. Keys, the temperance convener., gave a reading passed by a Synod,' requesting total abstinence for the duration" of the war. The sick cotilrhldttee was reap- pointed. Mrs. Watson, Christian Stewardship, gave a paper on devel- oping talent. The ,offering was re- ceived and Hymn •110 sting. Mrs. R. McGonigle gave a splendid paper on "The Way of Christ in Social Wel- fare." Mrs. ' McQtiarrie • favored with a reading on "F11en in in W. 14t. Mrs. Haney gave ,e, reading as an ex- tra item on the progratn, Mrs, Wat- son condo 'ted the . • 'Worehlp service from the.Missionaljr. Monthly, assist- ed by Mrs, lideMilIan, who read the Scripture, Luke 1$i'gg5 atld Mrs: Wat- son, .marl a ,prayer.' ` kIAM], 5O was sting aid M. Keys eios$d the meet, ink with pray. n3I3.E RNT The Hibbert township council met in the Tpwnship Hall, Staffa, on'•Sat urday, August 2nd, all nreniher's, pres- ent, the reeve presiding. The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting which were adopted as read', Bylaw No. 9, forthe levying of the township rates, was read a third time and finally passed, The following ac- counts were paid; Board of Health meeting, $9.50; Municipal World, sup- plies, $5.33; direct relief, $29.22.— Thos..)). 22.22,-- Thos,.D. Wren, Clerk. BRUSSELS A trousseau tea was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George one, on the 4th concession, Morris town- ship, in honor of their daughter, Doro- thy. Seventy-five guests were pres- ent and wer,sreceived by Mrs. Bone and . Dorothy. The home was pret- tily decorated for the occasion., Mrs. George Lowry, of Brussels, great aunt of the. bride -elect, poured tea, assisted ;by' Velma Duncan, Betty Currie, Isabel Lowe, Adella' Bryers and Dorothy Jardine. The table was' most attractive with lace cloth, sil- ver tea service and centre of mauve dahlias. Mrs. Ward Sellers and Miss Ruby Bone displayed the trousseau. Miss Bone is One of Morris' popular young ladies being a member of the Junior Women's Institute. Miss Shirley Moser, of Stratford, ie the guest of Miss Jessie Little, Miss Isobel Lowery' spent the week end in 'Seaforth and Goderich, CONSTANCE Mrs. Wm. Clark and Mr. Ephriam Clark left on Tuesday for New York. City, ,where they' attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs, G. F, Coates on Wednesday, August 6th. Mrs. M. Armstrong and daughters, Ella and Marie, spent t'he week -end. with Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong in Toronto. Mrs, William Jewitt and babe re- turned from Scott Memorial Hospital on Saturday. Miss Ethel Dexter and girl friend, of Kitchener. spent the`holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin,' Dex- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dale on the Huron Road, on Sunday. Those who were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Britton over the holiday were: Rev. J. C. Britton, of the -R.C.As,F. Station , at Dunnville, and Mrs, Britton and fam- ily, of •Clinton; Mrs. Wynne and daugher, Helen; Mr. and Mrs. George Wynne and Mrs. Ferguson, of Forest on Monday. Mrs, Ferguson remained to visit. Mr. and Mrs. • C. Ferguson and fam- ily, , of Watford, called on friends in Carleton Place and Ottawa and took Mrs. Ferguson, Miss E. Britton went as far as Belleville and will visit her sister, Mrs. Andrew Reekie. Mr. and Mrs, ,Clarence Rath, Joyce 'Colleen, and Sandra, of Belgrave; Mrs. Bert Wiggins and daughter, Valerie. of Brantford, and Mrs. T. Noble, of Blyth, visited Mr.' and Mrs. 1' Fergu- son over the week -end: ' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson were in Goderich on Sunday. WINTHROP' The W. A. and W. M. S. of Cavan Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Johnston, on Wednesday, A'ug. 13th, at "2 p.m. The roll call will be on "Temperance." Death ,of Harold Hart The sad death of Harold Hart," of Wroxeter, 'son of the late. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hart, formerly of this village, took place on Sunday night in Byron Sanatorium," He had been in Byron for over three years. He is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Alonzo Sparling, Gorrie; Mrs. A. Car- michael, Grey Township; .Mrs, Joe Hart, Morris Township, and Mrs, Wm. Hannah, of• Kingsville, and two bro- thers, William, of Wroxeter, and Har i y Hart, of Seaforth. Interment was made in Maitlandbank cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Elliott, of Listowel, spent Sunday, with Mrlind Mrs. Albert Sperling and also with Mr. and- Mrs. Walter Baton. Mr. and Mrs:. Alonzo Sparling, Gorrie;-Miss Hazel Sparling, Wroxeter, and Mr. and Mrs:'`William Hart, of Wroxeter,` also called on Mr, and Mrs. Albert Sparling, Mrs. John M. Gillies, Isabel, Bruce and Jack are spending their holidays in Collingwood, Mr. William Montgomery, of Strat- ford, spent Sunday at his home here. Twenty-two ladies met in the hall on Wednesday and completed four quilts. a ZURICH The funeral of the late Menne D. Steckle was held from the family home in Stanley Township on Wed- nesday afternoon. Deceased was a well-known resident of that township and had spent ,nearly all his life on the Bronson Line, near Blake. He was in his 73rd year and was highly esteemed by a host of friends. Strick- en with a heart attack on Monday he passed away suddenly While tending choree in the barn, Surviving are his widow, five sons and three daughters. Interment took place .in the Amish cemetery', south of Blake. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dietrich, of Kit- chener, have moved to town: and are living with the latter's lather, Mr. W. S. Ruby. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith are spend-, ing the week along the shores of Lake Erie for their vacation. Rev. E. Tuerkheim and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Klopp attended mission- ary services at I3enbeigh in the Ot- tawa Valley.. Hay council will meet next Monday eveningthe for b e A2r'gust session, Rev. 0. Martin performed...the eere- mony at Drysdale• R. C. Chttreh on Saturday whish united in marriage Rita, Slighter of Mra and Mine,' ty. Ducharnie and Mr Enitery Bedard, son of Mrs. J, S. Bedard' and the late S. Bedard, all of II'l"ysdale. Mr, td, Silapei, " tjf Lansing, Midli., Visited relatives .1i1, the coninun1tl' this Week. NOW PLAYING GENE AVTRY ANN MILLER —. int — '"MELODY RANCH" "GABBY" HAKES JIMMY DURANTE The greatest person'alities on the stage and screen in the year's most dazzling and"funpacked musical show! MON., TUES., WED. THURS., FRI., SAT. DOUBLE BILL Conrad Veidt - Valerie Hobson "BLACKOUT" — ALSO — Pocomame pr s.nta Dick Erten Powell. Drew in PRESTON STURGES' "CNRISTMAS 00 N Coming— ."The Great American , Broadcast" Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fraud visited relatives in Detroit for a few days this ',reek. - Mr. Paul Hess, of Toronto,, spent the Lhoi'day, at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Turner, of Windsor, are visiting at the home of the 'former -'s sister, Mrs. Geo. Camp- bell, of near Blake. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ward Fritz and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Haberer spent the week -end at Manitoulin Island. Dr. W. B. Conon is' haying a build- ing erected at the rear of his lot which will be used as an animal hos- pital. When completed this should prove a convenience . to local mei-, dents when sick aniniials peed atten- tion and care, • KIPPEN Mr. Clarence McLean, of London, spent the week -end with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mcdlymorrt and sons, 'of Fort Erie, spent the week -end with the former's father, Mr. and Mrs. J. McClymont, Mrs. S. Bowers of Centralia, is vis- iting her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. W. Homey and -Miss Irma Ferguson, Mr. A. Gackstetter and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cochrane at- tended the Horney reunion at Grand Bend on Monday, • - Mr. Ernest Horney, of Ridgeway, and Miss Virginia Hicken, of Fort Erie, visited' over the week -end with the former's uncle, Mr. and Mrs W. }Forney ney and attended the Horney re- union at Grand Bend on Monday. Miss Irma. Ferguson and. Mr, A. Gacksetetter, of Guelph, spent Sun- day with the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ferguson, of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright, of Niagara Falls, spent last week visit- ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. •James Wright. Mr, and "Mrs. James Wright, Mr. Frank Wright, Miss Laurabelle Wright and Mrs. M. Gregg, of Moose Jaw, attended the H'amilton.Davidsorr- Boyd reunion on Monday in Stratford Park, dinner and supper being" serv- ed to eighty-five in Parkview Church. Save Gasoline ! • Follow the sugges- tions made by the Gov-. ernment, and - have a check-up of your car to see: —i f the carburetor needs cleaning or ad- justing '—if the motor , needs tuning up or timing —if the spark plugs and valves are clean —if the cooling system is efficient o Drive your car to ou'r garage and 'let" us. show you- how you can get better mileage and save gasoline. DO IT NOW! Check-up Your Car Daly's Garage SEAFORTH AsesmagEr Band and Legion EiGHTH ANNUAL arden P -`i rty VICTORIA PARK, SEAFORTH Thursday, August 14 at 8 p,m. GOOD PROGRAM BY LOCAL AND OUTSIDE TALENT CLINTON PIPE BAND SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS BAND JITNEY DANCING - IN 'D' COMPANY ARMORIES BINGO REFRESHMENT BOOTHS FUN GALORE GAMES OF SKILL DRAW FOR BEAUTIFUL CEDAR CHEST This is the Big Night of , the Year ! ADMiSSION 25c CHILDREN AND MEN IN UNIFFORM, • FREE Gate Prize — $10.00. in War Savings Certificates LEGION—President, John Earle; Secretary, B. O. Muir. BAND --President, D'Orleon Sills; Secretary, Arthur Golding In event of rain, Garden Party will be postponed to Friday, Aug. •15th " •o "GOD SAVE THE KING" ANIMA'Ls DEADor DISABLED S Quickly removed its Clean Sanitary trucks. Phone. collect. 219 Mitchell - Or Ingersoll 21 ., William t Limited • a