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1, •
EghtY,setrond Year
Whole Number 31343
Continuation School An-
nounces Results of Pro-
motion Exams,.
Reports of -faie recent Dublin con
tinuation. school promotion examina-
tions arreas follows:
• Grade IX
Geraldine Dillon-Englsh C, Social
Studies, C, Maths. C, Business P. C,
Science C, French 0; Music 3, Art. C.
• Cecilia Eckert -ng. C, Social Stu-
dies C, Maths. 3, Bug. P., 2, Science
C, Fr. 2, Music C, Art B.,
Mildred Elliottig. d, Social Stu-
dis 0, Business P. 2, Science C, Mus -
c C, Art B. ,
Eileen Evans -English 1, Social
Studies 3, Maths, 2, Business P. 3,
Science 2, French C, Musie.0, Art B.
Marie Evans -Eng. .3, Social Stu-
dies 3, Maths. 2, Buitress, P. 3, Sci-
ence 1, French 3, ,Muic 1, Art A.
Tom Feeney -Eng. C, Social Stu-
dies 3, Maths. C, Business P. i, Sci-
nce 3, French C,. Art C.
Margaret Hollan-English 3, So-
cial Studies 2, Maths. 2, Business. P.
2, Science 1, French 0, Music 1, Art
Marion Kale -Eng. 3, Social Studies
C, Maths. 1, Business P..2, Science 3,
Freneh 2, Music 0, Art B. •
Patricia Kale -Eng. C, Social eStu-
dies C. Maths. 1, Bus. P. 3, Science 3,
Fr. 2, Music 0, Art B.
Donatby Krauskodd-Eng. 3, Social
Studies 3, Maths. 1, Bus. P. 3, Sci-
ence 3, Fr. 3, Music 2, Art Ai
Michael •McGrath --Science C, Bui-
nese C, Art O.
James Morrisoz-Eng. 3, Soda' Stu-
diea 2, Mahs. 3, Bus. P. 1, Science
2, Fr. 3. Music 0, Art Q.
Mayda Mueller -Eng. 3, Social Stu-
dies 3, Maths. 1, Bus, P. 2, Science 1,
Pr. 1, Music 1, Art A.
Marie Nagle -Eng. C, Social Studies
C. Maths. 3, Bus. P. 3, Science C, Fr.
C, Music 1. Art B.
Frank O'Connor -.-Maths. C, Bus. P.
0, Science C, recommended in Eng-
Basil •O'Reilly -Eng. 0, Social Stu-
dies C, Bus.-'?. 3, •Slence- lealusie 0,
Art A.
Dan Williams-Socal Studies C,
Maths: .C, Bus. P. C„ Science 3, re-
commended Di English.
Grade X
Marie Dillon -Eng. C, Fr. C, Latin
3, Maths. C, Science 3, Social Studies
3, Music 1.
Bernice, Donnelly -Eng. C, Maths.
3, Science C, Social Studies 3, Music
Maurice Fitzpatrick -Eng: 3; Fr. "1,
Latin 1, Science C, Social Studies C,
Music C.
Anna C, Fr. III, Sci-
ence 3. Social Studies 3, Music C,
xecemmended in Maths.
Jean Jordan -Eng. C, Fr. 3, Latin
0, Science 3, Sobial-Studiree C, Mus -
lc 1.
Marion Malcolm -Eng. 3, Fr. 1, Sea
ence 1, Social Studies C, Music 1.
• Rose McIver -Eng. 3, Fr. 1, Latin,
3, Maths. C, Science C, Social Stu-
dies 3, Music 2..
Andrey Moore -Fr. 3, Latin 3,
Maths. 0, Science 3, Social Studies C.
Marjorie Moore -Eng. C, Fr. 3,
Maths. C, Science 3, Social Studies 0,
Music 1.
Mary Ellen Muray-Eng. C, Fr. 3,
Latin- 3, Maths. 3, Science 1, Social
Studies 3, Music 3.
Angela O'Reilly -Eng. C, Fr. 1, Lat.
1, Maths. 3, Science 1, Social Studies
1, Music 1. •
Theresa Ryan -Eng. C, Fr. 3, Maths.
3, Science C,, Social Studries C, ,Music
1, recommended in"Latin.
Catherine Woods -Eng. C, Fr., 3,
Latin C, Maths. 0, Science 1, Social
Studies 3, Music 3. • '
Grade XI
Warren Eyers-Eng. 3, French C.
Helen Flanagan -Eng. C, French 3,
Latin C.
George Hart -trig. C, French 3.
Eleanor McGrath -Eng. 1, French
.3, Latin 1. '
Gordon Kleinfeldt-Ehig. 1, French
3, Latin 3.
Rita Moore -Eng. 0, Fr. 1, Latin 3.
Tommy Morris -Eng. 2, Pr. 1, Lat-
in 3.
Mary O'Reilly -En. C, French, Lat-
in. .
Note - Departmental Certificates
will be forwarded, toPupils of...Grades
Xt. XII and XIII, who have domplet-
ed• the requirements in DePartmental
Golfers Here
The ladies of the Seaforth poll arid
•Couttry Club entertained the. Mitchell
ladies or golf and bridge onWecanes-
day afterneon. Bridge prized Were
won by Mrs. Thorne, Of 1Vlitchell, and
Mrs. Bruce Klipat,rick, of Roxbury,
Y. The golf Prizes Went to Maa: F.
S. Sills, loW score: Mrs. Gallagher,
of 'Mitchell, .hidden hole; Mrs.
ker, of Mitchell, patting; end
ook, of lVfitoliell, Ugh score. An
laucknow Kan Receive.'s
Fatal Injuries as -Gar
dumps Ditch, Fence
0 0 • • • •
P cnic s
Nearly two hundred members
and friends of Thamee Road Unit-
ed Church held their annual pic-
nic at the Lions Park on Thurs-
day afternoon. The ,church is but
one of the many groups through-
out the district who during the
past few days have taken advant-
age of the free facilities at the
Lions Park,
• • ei • o. • •
Council Pasies Bylaw St -
ting Speed in Egmond-
vine at 30 M.P.H.
Tuckersmith council met on Satur
day, Augest ad, with all members
present, the Reeve presiding. The
minutes of the last meeting were
readand adopted.. Communications
were read and delt with as folloWse'
Department of Highways, amounts
paid for unem'ployment iesurance not
eliaible, for subsidy; Department of
Municipal Affairs, re Unekaployment,
insurance; Deaartment of Public
Welfare. re monthly direct relief ac-
crmnts; Department of Agriculture,
W. J. Stephen, chemist, re spraying
material; Electric, Reaucation Sales
Co., re spraying material.
The council.decided that'on aceount
of the scarcity and doubt of securing
swaying material owing .to the ex-
cessie demand, that no spraying of
weeds on the roads will be done the
year, but will revert to same proce-
dare as ,in past years, and request
owners of property to cut opposite
their property.
Bylaw Neal? to limat the speed 'of
Motor Vehiclea to 30 miles per hour
was passed and ordered to be for-
warded to Department of Highways
for approval.
Bylaw No. 9, authorizing the Tele-
pboire Commission to invest a portion
of the depreciation fund in Dominion
of Canada bonds, .was also aassed
ard forwarded to the Ontario Muni-
caial Board for approval.
Tenders were surmaitted for repair
of portibria of the Alexander and
Broadfoot drains by: McGeoch and
Chesney. $565.00 for ,euire work, and
Ed. Gormley, $490.00 for entire work.
The council -accepted the Nagler of
Mr. Gormley, .work to Istartimmedi-
ately, and appointed Frank UpShall
inspector on the upper portion, and,
James Fialayean, Mipector on tha
icwer portin.
Accounts were paid as follows: --
Relif, supplies, 03.90; rent, $5.0.);
fuel, $6.25; road account, $387.63;
hospitaliation, $7L70; salaries and
fees, $5745.
Council edjournedto meet Saturday,
.September 60a, at 7.30 p.m. -D. F.
McGregor, Clerk.
Logan Barn
Is Destroyed
The large barn ore the farm of W.
A. McKerzie, -Logan township,. was
completely destroyed by fire on Tues,
clay night. The fire started about 8
o'clock in the pump house near the
north side of the barn, when the gasa-•
line engine used for pumping water
exploded. Walter McKen,zie was in
the pump house at the time and mir-
aculously escaped with only a few
burns. His father, William McKenzie,
who was milking ran to the biulding
and threw a pail of milk on the en-
gine, For a moment the flames died
down but thei spread rapidly from
the roof to the, barn. A pig shed and
chicken house on, the east side of
the barn were destrOyadas well as 60
tons of they, sane stock, a corn blow-
er, a corn binder, a trailer loaded
with chop, a seed drill and other farm
equipment, brining the total loss to
well over $,060. The Mitchell ilia
brigade was called and through their
efforts a large hen houae yme saved.
At one time the residence also was
thretened. Sparks ayiere Carifed a-
cros to the barn adia straw stack Of
Dan Eickmeier wheNrcianaged to ex-
arguish them. T ` teafin of horses,
.several head of c ileand About SO
pigs were taken 'from the burning,
building, but it was believed that
some of the animals, had Made their
wayr back in again. Nope of this
ear's grain was destroyed, as Mr.
MCKentle intended to kart drawing
In Wednesdaa vidth three teaMs.
There was aome ineurane. ,
. ' .
Think -Seldom of your- enendes, of-
ten '1:)f your friends, and everydot
mijoyahre super Wet SerVed t Oe*'
• •„It %13 One Of the trWeeteet PrIVIlegen
Next Illeid" the 'bilcie 411 lie ?ti tuntite oncoof and
obarge Of ntto. 0i PA Bina the`
Olt if eharteof Mr & ,;,ithet'
Wilfred Mintz, Injured in
Crash Friday Night, Dies
in Hospital Here Monday.
There will be no inquest into the
death of Wilfred Mintz, of Lucknow,
who died in Scott Memorial Hospital
here on Monday as a -result of -injur-
ies received Friday evening, accord
ing to Huron County Coroner Da S.
W. Shaw, of Clinton, who indestigat-
71Mintz, idaiver of the car: a ligbt
Model, was accompanied • by William
Fitzpatrick, Winghara; Lois Farqu-
har, .and Doris Tyndall, of
and in passing a car about three
miles west. of Seaforth late Friday
night, lost control of the car. Miss
Farquhar suffered minor mite and was
eorifined in the hospital over the
week -end. The other couple were not
The car shot across the road, jump
ed a five-foot ditch and ended upside
down in the field of Bert Irwin, ad-
joining the bighway.° ,As the Car 'pall-
ed against the fence, Mintz was
thrown clear and, landed on his head
45 feet from the 'wreck by actual
measurement Miss Farquhar was
thrown violently against the vide of
the car body. The men, were engag-
ed in cOrmtructioa work at the Clin-
ton Razio School and the party
had been spending the evening at
Provincial Traffic Officer Frank
Tayor; Clinton, investigated. -
• • R.A.. Officer Injured
Flight -Lieutenant V. -C Morris, of
No. 31' Clinton Radio School is in
Scott Memorial Hospital suffering
from serious scalp lacerations and an
injured chest, the result of an acci-
dent early Saturday evening, when
bis car was in collision with a car
driven by E. Elliott of Toronto, form-
erly of Clinton.
Flt. -Lieut. Morris who is adjutant
at the Milton school and as but. re-
cently from England, Was defying eat
and had reached the turn in the high-
way 11/2 miles west of town when his
car veered to the, left as the Elliott
car approached from the east. a,oth
.vehicles were seriously damaged.
Provincial Traffic Officer George.
GoviM• and County Constable H. Snell
Twelve Are Injured
Twelve people were injtfred and
three cars damaged, two of them be-
yond repair, shortly before 1 o'clock
Sunday morning about a mile and. a
half sbuth of Exeter on No. 4 High-
Cars driven by Thomas Quinton, of
Usborne Township; and Joseph North
cott, of McGillivhary Township, were
meeting when a blown tire caused
the two be collide. A car driven by
William McGuire, of Concession 12,
McGillivray, was following and could
not escape impact.
In the Northcott car, Joseph North -
Mitt. his 'daughter, Mrs. L. Hirtzel;
William Boyle and Mrs. Wm. Wfter-
ing all required medical attention,
while the occupants of the Quinton
car escaped. William McGuire suf-
fered cuts on the face and an injured
back, his we had her ankle broken
and of their children, Beverly bad
chest injuries, Murray a gash in the
face, Philip a broken nose, Fred a
sprained back while two others were
severely shaken.
Auburn Boy
Is Injured
While stook threshing on the farm
of Frank Raithby, on Wednesday, his
eldest son, Grant, aged seven years,
was on his little wagon on the gang -
Way to the barn, when his wagon
started down the gangway and ran
into a team of horses with a load of
grain. The ;horses kickd, and smash-
ed the little wagon, but Grant was
tlirown, clear of the horses He was
shaken up and bruised, but escaped
Serious injury.
Visitors: M. and Mrs. Clubb aid
family, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Scott; Charles and: Donald
McIlveene, Dorothy Jones of Bow-
manville, Misses, Mary and a Betty As-
quith, Toronto, with relatiwes here;
MN. Charles E: Asquith returned to
Toronto and Miss 'Betty Asquith re-
mained, at her home here; guests
with Mrs. Thomas Doyle and Margar-
et King: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ander-
son, Luclthowe M and. Mr. Fred
Mittch, of Clinton; Mrs. King and son
Harty Xing, Toronto; Joan Ball,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ball
Wins Crochet
Table Cloth
The lOroclatted table cloth donated
by Mee. Virhyard tO the Canadian
Legionhas teen, Well by MI eSe Teresa
'Lynch, of ivtamot, who held troket
ttitaibor 03862.
One -Time McGee Store and
Residence Completely
Fine removed an Egraondville land,
mark early Thursday morning when
the frame building, in the early days
of the village occupiedby the late
Joseph McGee as a store and resi-
dence, wad completely destroyed.
Me building, occupied uatil recent-
ly by Gorden Cook, was being renov-
ated for Mr. Lake Nigh, who intend-
ed to move in shortly. The house is
owned, by the estate of the late Mrs.
fohn Sproat. The lase was covered
by inurance.
Cause of the fire is uncertain,, but
it is thought that wallpaper which.
had beria removed that afternoon
may, have been set afireM some fnan-
ner and in turn, set fire to the house.
The blaze was discovered bai Miss
Ria Hill shortly after Midnight.
The aeaforth are brigade answered
tave ' alarm and used their. chemical
equipment ..to protect , neighboring
buildins. 'Lack of -water prevented
the brigade from saving the dwelling
through which the ficnee spread
quickly and blazed furdenislaid
The flames were visible for a long
distance and attracted aalarge crowd.
Joseph Ryan's Loss May
Run'As High As
Damage. that may run as high as
$10,000 wes caused late Thursday af-
ternoon when the large barn, artving
ehed and residence of Joseph Ryan,
lid miles, southwest of Dublin, was
e,destroyed by fire. If is believed the
loss was partially covered by insur-
aiteSome household furniture and, a
few implements were saved, but a
large portion of the crop .which was
the barn was lost. Nobody was
late when the fire started, and the
cause has not yet been determined.
W. E. Southgate, • Seaforth coin-
mrcial 'traveller, • was at the scene
shortly after the fire started. He
had seen heavy smoke from No, S
Highway. ° There wasn'tany water,
So it was iinpossible to save anything,
he said. The flames completely en-
veloped the barn and went from
there to the driving shed and, then to
the houee.° All that is left snding
is the silo, he said.
So hot Was the blaze that it was
impossible to come within• a hundred
yards of the buildings. Dense smoke
that poured -out.was visible for miles
and attracted 'hundreds- of people
from Dublin and the neighboring dis-
trict who were powerless to help.
Is Honoured
County and provincial constables in
Huron gathered at the home of new-
ly -married Provincial Constable Frank
Talor, Clintou, on Friday night.
They presented him with an occas-
ional chair.
News of
Rev. Peter and Mrs. Jamieson are
spending their holidays In a cottage
at Streetsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruttan and family, of
Toronto, spent the week -end at the
Manse with Rev. and Mrs. Jamieson.
Sit Brooks, soldier-inetraining at
the aerial training camp at London,
niade a -visit at the home of Mr. and.
Mrs. T. L. Scott on Sunday.
Mr. Emmanuel Spears returned to
his home in Toronto.
Mrs. Dveight Fischer, of Guelh,
who spent the last four month' with
her mother, Mrs. Butler, now deceas-
ed, returned home this week:
Mrs. Batten and daughter, of Win-
ohelsea. Mr. and Mrs. E'Lloyd Miller
of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Alf.
Miller, of Toronto, visited with Mrs.
S. Miller on Sunday.
Miss Jean Bennie, of Acton, is
spending a Week's holidaata *With Mrs.
McIntosh and Mr. and Mas. *lex Ram-
Mr. Alex Gardiner, Mr. and) Mrs.
Kenneth IVIoKellar and daughte, 13et-
ty, also Miss Bernice Niet(illar went
on a Motor trip to Kihgsville and
other Points on Senn*, •
1.„1V1.1aa'ritorathP temp Of I/Mellen, is
OblIdiligthe hada* With Mrs.
8eaforth C. of C. Plans
Local Acjcortiodatipn For
R.AF. at Rslio School
Meeting Authorizes Com-
mittee To Investigate Pos-
sible Locations.
-delicate need exists in Seaforth
for accommodation for the many ILA.
F. men who make thetown their off
Akation headquarers, a meeting of
the Chamber of Commerce held Fri-
day evening decided. The Civic Im-
provement committee was instructed
to immediately investigate places that
might be suitable, and also to inquire
as to 'what arrangements have been
made in other towns.
Every day may of the men visit
Seaforth and have no recreation, room
in which to meet or to rest. As more
men arrive at the radio school, the
need of some kind of accommodation
here Will become more serious, .the
meeting believed.
A suggestion that the former coun-
cil chamber could be used yeas refer-
red do the committee. Other loca-
tions are also available and are ap-
ing considered. ,
The room when obtained will be
attractively furnished and will pro-
vide, a centre in the town for the
R.A.F. men..
Friends Honour
Joseph Gibson
Miss Janet M: Smith, sixth conces-
sion North Plympton, entertained in-
formally, recently in honor of Joseph
Gibsords eighty-eighth birthday, ac-
cording to a story in the Sarnia Can-
sdian Observer. The early, evening
games on the lawn were enjoyed, af-
ter which Miss Smith invited the
guests into the living room where a
buffet luncheon was served by the
hosteaSa assisted by Mrs, Leslie Min-
ielly and Miss Jean • IVII'Smith. The
table cif the guests of hopor was cov-
ered with a• white lace •aroth.cntred
ah a birthday cake decorated in
pink and White. 0, W. J. Smith, of
Camlachie, proposed a toast to Mr.
Gison. Mr. Gibson replied thanking
his niece for the splendid evening
and thanking ,the guests for calling
on him. All joined in alaging "For
He's a Jolly Good Fellpw."
Mr. Gibson is spending a month
with Ids niece and resides at Sea -
forth, Ont. He has been known hi
the community for many years as
"Uncle Joe." ,
NeiArs of
Miss EveleanGrainger, R.N., of God -
each, is visiting at her home here. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Kay and. family
of Niagara Falls. visited Mr. and Mrs.
T. Wheeler one day last Week.
Ma. and Mrs. George ,Doan, of Inn -
wood, are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Robt.
Rev. and Mrs. Atkinson are speud-
ing their vacation at Bruce Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Wilcox and
alds."Ray Doan, of Alvinston, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dawson.
Miss Tena Grainger. of Clintou,
spent a few clays with Mr. and Mrs.
d. Grainger.
Misles Ellen and Ina Scott, of Lon-
don 'pent the holiday at their home
Mr. and Mrs'. C. Halstead and son,
dif Stratford, spent the week -end with
Mr and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler.
Mr. and Mrs. John Calvert and fam-
ily, of 'Merton, spent Sunday with
Mr. arm Mrs. J. Grainger.
Mr. Hugli McGregor, of Detroit, is
spending his holidays with his father.
Mr. H. McGregor.
Mr. A. .Murdoch, of Detroit, is vis-
iting his sister, Mrs. J. Cairns and Mr.
Cairns. •
Mrs. Mary McKenzie and Mrs. H.
Collins, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
R. McKenzie and family are on a trip
through the North.
News of
Mr. and Mrs, F. W. 'awe -pence, of
Hamilton; Mrs. A. L. Trick, of Dor-
chester, and Miss Genevieve Walker,
ofLondola, visited with Mr. an.d Mrs.
F. Townsend over the week -end.
Mrs. Edward Hamather and two
children, of Walkerton, are visiting
with the lad's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
R. Fear.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Tebbutt, of Gode-
rich, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Tebbutt,
Tucker -smith, visited With Mr. and
Mrs. George Addison, of Kinhurn, last
Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner visited With,
Mre. A. Cousens, of Wingham, on
day last last.
Miss Jean, Faleoner, of Kitchener,
is holidaying at her home on -No. 4
Mt*: Allan johns and young- son, of
Toront, are guests With Mr. and Mrs.
. ohns.
• • • • • •
Garden Evarty
The annual Band -Legion garden
party is being held in Victoria
Park next Thursday eVening,
when an outstanding program
will be presented. Other features
will include booths and dancing.
• - • • • •
Question Thoroughly Dis-
cussed By Representa-
tive Meeting.
A meeting called by Mayor Cluff
on Thursday evening at the request
of the Chamber of Coramerce, thor-
oughly' discussed thequestion of pro-
viding a ret Nora in Seaforth. The
matter has been before various
groups for more than a year, but no
action has been taken.,
At the meetlo.gawere members of
the, council, Reeve Dorrance of Me-
Killop, representatives of the Wo-
men's Institute,- and Chenaber of Com-
The meeting, after full discussion,
adopted the following resolution:
Moved by J. H. Scott, seconded by
Dr. E. A. McMaster: "That the pro-
positian discussed by the meeting be
referred to the Seaforth council for
distussion with the councils of Tuck-
ersmith arid McKillop for immediate
action." -Carried.
Advisability of building -A separate
building or of enlarging or remodel-
ling existing accommodation was the
principal question which concerned
the meeting. The Women's Institute
who first raisedthe question. and
pointed out the need for•such accom-
modation here, recommended a room
at least twelve by sixteen.
Buy Cucumbers
At Dublin
• Kranskopf Bros, have the comeact
of purchasing cucumbers in this die-,
trict, anti"the industry is paoying to
be a velar aci lye one. They have leas-
ed the barn of Geo. E. Hollaad on
Ann Street and Albert Rock has been
ap,pointed manager. Cucumbers • has
to be a uniform size and are paid .for
by the hundred.- They are, plated an.
a brine in vats for pickling. Quanti-
ties will be shipped to the solder
Miss Rose Feeney has . entered
V ells' Academy, London, . as .a stu-
dent for A course on comptometer and
al'ae Kathleen Stapleton has' secur-
ed. a position in the Bank of ' 'COM -
mer ce, Dublin.
Visitor: Rev, Father Simpson, St,
Peter's Seminary, London, with Rev.
Dr. F. Ffoulkes; Mrs. .T. V. Ryan,
Stcatford, with her sister, Mrs. M.
Schulman; Mr. end Mrs. Andrea- Kel-
ly, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. John.
Walsh: Mrs. C. O'Reilly; Detroit.
with her sister, Mrs. Thos, J. Moly-
neaux; Thomas McCarthy and Miss
Genevieve McCarthy, Toronto, with
their parnts. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc-
Carthy; Kenneth Dill, Toronto, 'Miss
Marton Dill, London, and Mr, and
Mrs. Ralph Dill, Stratford, with Mr.
and Mrs. r. Dill; ;Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Counter and da.ughter, Patricia, To-
ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Toronto;
Mrs. Flanagan, Hamilton, and MN.
M. Horan. Senforthe cia the ,home of,
alas. Catharine Carpenter ; Mrs. Bfood
and Miss Alice McAleer. Detroit, with
thelr sistr, Mrs. Patrick Ryan: Mise
Roberta Burgan, Detroit, with Mr,
and Mrs. James Krauslabpf; Mr. 'and
Mrs. James Hanley and son, jimmy,
Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Hanley; Frank Erauskopf, Toronto,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Krauslopf; Miss Ruth Dillon, Strat7
ford, with her aunt, Miss Ella d. Dil-
lon; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Roney and
ardss Edith Roney, Mitchell, ..with
Mrs. Teresa Redmond; Miss Pauline
Matthews, •Seaforth, with Mr: and
Mrs. 'Thos. Butters; ;Tames Akyroyd,
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
O'Rourke; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tel -
son and son, Donald, Detroit, with Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. E. Holland; Lloyd Mc-
Carthy, Windsor, with friends; Ro-y.
Murphy, Pontiac, Mich., with Mr. abd
Mrs. John Meagher; Mrs. Murphy and
children, returned home with hian
Miss Teresa Ryan: Obetarati; with her
aunt, Mrs. Katharine .1,01cDermeatt
Clayton Looby, Windsor, with -his
mother, Mrs. A. M: Looby...
Miss Veronlett'Molyneaux and 'Miss
Helen Dantzer attended the Young
Ladies' Retreat et Brescia Hall, Lon-
don, last week-eltd.
Word. was, rettethd here that. Delta&
Crafbrd, oa;Terofitti, a fetter •tetii»
dent of •itibI4i had the -.MSerte16
to ffl frost high ladder t %OW
flow eittamgotiotteithi end, Otherin-4
Police Hold Five Youth
Connection With Series,
Of Thfts.
. . .
'A tour of Huron County Thursday• ,
night in a stolen car as believed by
police to have" ended eerly the next a.
morning when, the ' car crashed a •
hydro pule on No. 4 Highway, near
Ild•erton, and the five teen •age occu
pants, including two soldiers of the
Essex Scottish -from the Chatham
training centre, were taken, tate 'ens- ,
tatty by provincial police following a
mile and a half Meese througle
The youth, Ernest Rupert, 18, of 812
Obilyer Road, Windsor; Max Glassco,
19, 641 St. Patal St., Windsor; Ralph
a. Delduca, 19, 585 Chatham St. East,
Windsor; Pte. Francis Arpintignen
19, a member of the Esse,F Scottish
atationed at No. 12 Basic Training
Centre, Chatham, no home address,
and Pte. Robert Enright, 19, of the
same regiment and same training con
tre, said to be formerly of Stratford,
are in Huron County jail at Goderich
charged with car theft.
While the youths are only charged
with car theft, they 're suspected of
having been, responsible for breakins
in five Huron centres that night. Pro-
vincial and, county police are Continu-
ing their investigations.
Kalbfleisch lumber mill at Zurich
was entered some. time during the
night and the thieves are believed to
have continued through Hensall where
the, car they were using was aban-
doned and the car of James Smillie
stolen. It was this car that police
discovered smashed near Ilderton.
' Next stop, it is believed, was at,
Nediger's Garage at Clinton, where -
nine gallons of gas were stolen. The
Sunoco service station at , Blyth was
next entered, and from here the
party, police believe, continued on to
B-russels where Baeker' Bros. butcher
shop was entered.
County Constable He'lmar Snell
was called to Brussels early that
morning and found that the gash reg-
ister had been stolen from the store.
He later discovered it on a sidmoad
between. 'Brussels and-- Seaforth. -Be-
tween nine and ten dollars had been
removed from it.
,Tools Stolen
A quantity of tools, the property of
A. E. Jones Coa working on a con-
tract at Clinton Radio School,were
reported stolen on Wednesday. Coun-
ty Constable Helmer Snell is investi-
NeWs'of -Blake *
Mrs. Carnie and sons are being vis-
ited by frienchi from Toronto.,
MrsReissel Heardof the Bronson
Line Nortia called on friends in the
vicinity one day.
Many of the friends and neigbbor5
were shocked to learn of the death.
of Mr. Menno Steckle. of the Bron-
son Line North. The heartfelt sym-•
pathy of this community is express-
ed to his serrowing Wife and family.
Misses Elva Hey, ola Michigan;
Jean, of London; Mildrea'and Kath-
leen, of Toronto, visited their par-
. ents, Mr. aud Mrs. Sam Hey.
Mr. Gus Clark and sisters, of tee-
ter and Goderih, visited their mother
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Robb and
and brother during the week.
family. of near Ripley, visited Mr.
anci Mrs. Roy McBride.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Parke and family -
visited friends at Thornloe and mo-
tored through by Callender and saw
the quintuplets.
INews of Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dundas, Of
Toronto. are holidaying with' his bro-
ther, Mr. Willis Dupdas, and other -
Mr. Ralph Traviss, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with his parents,
M1 and Mrs. A. Traviss.
Miss Jean Drager, of Toronto, spent
the week -end with her mother, Mrs,
Charles Drager.
Miss Joan Govenlock is visiting
Miss Shirley- Bennett.
Death of James Houston
The death occurred in Goderich
hospital of James Houston, of -neat'
Walton, on Saturday last. He was in
his 68th year and had .been in falling
health, having been in the hospital
for the peat five weeks. He Was a
life-long resident of the 16th of Grey,
and- was a son of the late Mr. and
Mrs; Houston. He retired from farm -
ng a year ago. The funeral toieliaa '•
place from Walton United 'Ohigeh on .
Tueday, with Rev. Mr. Mntes, a
forMer rainiater, conducting the ser-
vces. Interment was made in Brno -
sets centtery in the fafrillY
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