HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-08-01, Page 8aur • AINUST 1, 19411 i„ 1,... `6 OF TOWN Hold Trotlene,au Tea. -Mrs, N �Ijoh• oils held a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Ana, prior to her mar- riage.. Mrs. Joe Dill, of Dublin, ae• slated in the gift room, while Mr's. James B tirity, Miss Muriel Cameron, and Miss Phyllis Barry served a der lightful lunch to the many guests. +3If„cCOR,MICKS'S MARSHl1'�[AL- LOrWS•- 1.•b.• .$A,NDWICH CAKES --Assorted lb. APPLE AND STRAWBERRY Jam -4-1b. tin MINUTE TAPIOCA package TAPIOCA—Large 2 lbs. PLOWFRDALE TEA—None bett,,,te half pound LONDON HOUSE COFFEE half pound OLD CHEESE—Real sharp .pound SALT BACON ib. 2 PKGS. ALL WHEAT—With cup and saucer; all for ZINC WASH BOARDS each LAUNDRY STARCH 2 lbs. ° WHIZZ FLY SPRAY 16 -oz. bottle AEROXON FLY COILS, dozen TANGLEFOOT Double .sheet TWO -IN -ONE WHITE POLISH—Bottle SHOE 15c 17c 45'c, 10c 25c 45c 27c 27c 20c 34c 35'c "19c 30c 25c 5c 15c j'AVEX—Makes gallon Javel '15c Water; bottle 'MASTER'S TURKEY . GROWER—Cwt. $2.90 A. C. Routledge' PHONE 186 - INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS, WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Money to Loan on First Mortgages on on Improved Farm Property. Weanbsr of desirable Dwelling Proper. ties for sale.. WATSON & REID M. A. REID -. Proprietor Phone 214 Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN AL:L LINES OF INSURANCE REAL ESTATE o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O'O O O S. T. Holmes & Son O O FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 0 0 O Main Street, Seaforth O O Charles Holmes' residence, 0 O .Goderich Street East. Phone 0 O No. 308. o O Ambulance Service 0 O Adjustable hospital bed for o 0 rent. O O Night calls—Phone 308 , O 0 Day calls—Phone 119 0 0 'Charges moderate. O 0 •is -i7 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.000000000 O 0 H. C. BOX O FUNERAL SERVICE" 0 O Licensed Embalmer 0 Ambulance Service O Hospital Bed O 0 with adjustable rachet oper• 0 0 ated spring for rent. 0 C5 Night Calls - Day Calls O: 0 Phone 1& Phone 43 O O - 12-87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 Announcement. — Miss Gertrude Crich, Seaforth, announces the en- gagement of her sister, Helen Agnes, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wt', A. Crich, to, Mr. Jon Jos- eph Carpenter, son of Mr. add Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, of Dublin, .the mar- riage to take place the middle of August. Lady Golfers Win Prizes.—Mrs. R. M. Jones was hostess at the ladies' brige at the Golf Club on Tuesday, when Mrs. Earl Bell won the prize. Mrs. E. J. Keating was in charge of golf on Wednesday when Mrs. F. Sills and Mrs, H. G. Meir tied for the prize. Next week Miss McLean will have charge of bridge on Tuesday and Mrs. J. A. Munn the golf on Wed- nesday. Elliott - McGregor.—The marriage took place on Saturday last in Doul- andos United' Church, Toronto, of Verna Agnes, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James McGregor, of Tuckersmith, to Mr, Robert John El- liott, son of Mrs. Elliott and the late John Elliott, of Toronto, Rev, P. Wing performing the ceremony. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tambling,. of Toronto. Following the ceremony a reception wast held at Hayden Hall. After a honeymoon trip to the North Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will reside in, Toronto. G0000'0000000' J. A. BURKE - 0 O Funeral Service O O Dublin : : Ont. 0 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 , 0 O • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8757-tf THE SECOND DIVISION COURT County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours : Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday evening 7.80 p.m. to. 9.p. E.'CHAMBERLAIN. Insdrance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES -the 'purehnse.ef the insurance business of nays & "Mehr, and the addition of their comas/des to onin :previous faedi- hie�s enables us to gi'e unexcelled e ervkce' 3n all lines. SEAFORTH ONTARIO 1441 1 Coombs - Jones.—The wedding took place at St. Michael's Parish Church, England, of Sapper Cleave'Coombs, second son of Mr.' and •Mrs. H. Coombs, of Seaforth, Ontario, Can ada, and Miss Marguerite Helen Jones, daughter of Mrs. L. Jones and the late Mr. Jones, of 21 Jugate St. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs H. Coombs, of Seaforth. The bride who was given away by• her grand father, Mr. W. C. Weavers, wore ' powder blue dress and hat to match. She had a spray of pink carnation and carried an ivory prayer book. Th bridesmaid, Miss • Joyce Howard, wa attired in silver grey. The Rector the Rev. H. L. Birch, •officiated, an the best man was Mr. R. Jones, -bm ether of the bride. LE.MeKILLQP MUTUAL ARE. INSURANCE, COT. 114EA it 'OFFICE SEAFORTH, ;ONT. 0e1.10011.4: 11o]k', tdridedboro - Pres. Archibald, •Seaforth • °'!Ride res. " .A., . ; i , y',S�.e�3' f��{�sYrrth 'S 4. 4'saaa. lOOPPO!u . M ",- if 'f Alrtkl f•#,t inc a from",,, Chris 11V0[ a 13e3" 'r `,�J +s. 'rte. ? �roddoo2, f. lido": 4�G1't i rr 1t, .13444 Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday —Union Services: First Presbyteria and Northside United congregation in First Presbyterian Church; Rev. H V. Workman in charge -10 a.m., Sun day School; 11 a.m., "A Little Fire" .7 p.m., "That Moment of Temptation.' "0 Come, Let Us Worship." St. Thomas' Church: Rector, , Re R. P. D. Hurford, D.D.-11 a.m., -"Th Task and Challenge of the Church. No evening service during Angus Sunday School at 10.45 a.m. St. Mary's, Dublin -9.30 a.m., "Tit, Church's Task." Fortune - Nicholls.—The marriag of Ona Gertrude, only daughter of M and Mrs. Norman J. Nicholls, Se forth, to Sergeant Lionel Joseph Fo tune. Kitchener, son of Mr. and Mr Albert Fortune, Seaforth, was . so emni^.ed' at 11 o'clock on Wednesda, morning. The bridesmaid was Mis Mary Fortune, sister of ,the brid groom. Mr. Stanley Nicholls, cousi of the bride. attendedthe• bridegroo The bride wore a white and •nav redingote with hat. shoes and acce 'sories to match, and a corsage o pink roses. Her jewel was a hrac let worn by her grandmother on he wedding day.' The bridesmaid wor red and• white printed silk with larg picture hat, matching accessorie and a corsage of red roses. A buffe lunch was served, following the cer mony at the home of the bride's pa ents. Later Sergeant and Mrs. Fo tune left for Kitchener ' where th bridegroom is stationed at presen and where a reception was held at o'clock, after which the young co ple left on a honeymoon trip to T ronto, Hamilton and other point Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mr Marshall Thomas, London, and Majo and Mrs, Morgan, Clinton. The brid was recently honored by her 'friend at a shower given by Mrs. Jame Barry and Miss Muriel, Cameron an was the recipient of many beautif gifts. She was also presented wit a handsome floor lamp by the stn of .Criah's store. Death of Mrs. Hugh J. Grieve.—Th death occurred.,. on Saturday mornin July ,26th, at Scott Memorial Hosp tal of Carolyn Leslie, widow of th late Hugh Grieve, in her 90th yea Mrs. Grieve had been remarkably we and active for a person of her a vanced years until last Tues -da when she suffered • a stroke. Born' i York Township, Peel County, in 185 she was a daughter of the late Jam Leslie of McKillop. She was marrie to Mr. Hugh Grieve more than six, years ago and lived for some time Grieve's bridge, two, and• a half mil north of Seaforth. Returning lar from North Dakota _where they spe two years, they settled on a farm i Tuckersmith where Mr. Grieve die in 1905. After this death Mrs. One resided in Eginonrlville until thr years ago when she came to live i Seaforth with Mrs. W. M. Stews and later with her niece, Mrs. T. Habkirk. She was one- of the olds members of First . Presby'teri Church. Three of her family surviv two sons, James Grieve, of Tiann North Dakota; Joseph Grieve, Gros Isle, Michigan, and o'tte deughte 'Mrs. John C. Illeinkey arallten, The were six 'grandchildre t and. four gre grandchildren. 'tw'o brothers a two sisters also suiwi'ce: tier, Mobsotnin, gash., an+t1. N'ortsan Lesiie, Lander, M,snitobaa, The , fu 0%1 .19%0 held on Monday, J'u'lie 28 at ttto Welt)* from the retti&nee 7. P,11.ktkist George fatted. l' i(;ere**Lt ivae' . made tit' Maitland tl0 ' ; 040v itek gcli 416 010 riYJ'(1''.df' G7�" I of OgMOnidvilte . 'United C'huroh, wbile Ilea• ,A, Gardiner and ¥rs. T TIC Gardiner ar ,.,,cin .vacation. • MissWood is spending the THE SUTHERLAND BEAUTY holiday&� at dean Lakes, - • • Mr. auk. t's�. Gratton `Flannigan SHOP. and family, l of Hamilton, are guests at the home,�of her another, Mrs. John' will be closed for holidays from •+ Horan. • t - - August 11th to August SOth. • M•r. Albert MCFaddeu and Miss Maxine. Kelly, of Brantford', were CALL EARLY NEXT WEEK FOR week -end guests at the home of Mr. APPOINTMENTS• a rd Mrs. Ralph McFadden. • • Messrs, R. M. anjl Ken South - ate and Miss+ Betty Southgate spent week-end'in Toronto. • Rev. W. A. Bremner is spending a week at Tara. • Mrs. J. A. Munn and two sons, Donald and Bill, who have been spending a month at Ottawa with Flying Officer J. A. Munn, returned to their home last week. • Mr. J. M. Hinchley and Master John McDougall Hinchley, of Owen' Sound, are spending a 'few days at the home of ')lis ,;pother, Mrs'. J. D. Hinchley, • Mr. John C. Ward, of Toronto, who recently purchased the Queen's Hotel from Mr. T. D. O'Neill, took possession on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neill and family are spending a month's holidays at Phelpston, and on their return will- occupy the Crich residence on North Main Street. • Mrs. Jack Yoes, of London, is a - a s e s d n v r. a; r- i• s s e� r_ o- s, s, ul fy g' at es ve ee an a 9e nd tTi isatili the LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs. R. A. Wilson, of New York, is a guest at the ,home of her_ bre ther, Mr: W. E. Southgate, and M. Southgate. • Mrs. Loffree, of Toronto, is a ° guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell. • Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Faulkner and children, of Detroit, spent the week- end here, gloria and Fred, Jr., re- maining for their vacation. • Lieut. A. W. Sillery, Camp Bor- den, was' the week -end guest of Mr. -and Mrs. J. C. Crich. • Mr. Ronnie Bennett, of Walton, is the guest of Mr. Don Smith. • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant of St. Marys, and Miss Edna Plant, of To- ronto, were visiting with Seaforth friends t!1i'is week. I • Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kent, of Toronto, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. • Mr. Keith Sharp, R.C.A.F., Moss- •ibank, Sack„ is visiting , his mother, Mrs. T. Sharp. • Cpl. W. C. W. Barber, of Sussex, New Brunswick, is spending a short •leave at his home here. • Mrs. John Horton and little daughter, of Gledden, Sask:, were guests this week at the home of her niece, Mrs. Gordon Hildebrand. • Miss Palmer, R.N., of the Sea - forth Clinic, has been called to To- ronto, owing to the illness of her mother, , • Miss Thelma Moore, of Dublin, is the guest of Miss Jean Hurford at `.he Rectory. • Mrs. I. Currie and Mrs. Alex Mc - Nab were visiting with Ridgetown friends this week. • LAC. Sterling Habkirk, R.C.A.F„ Montreal, spent the week -end at the home of his mother, Mrs. T. R. Hab- kirk, • Mr•s. W. C. Manson and son, Lon- don, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Hazeltine, of Chicago, were week -end guests at ,• • the home of Mr. J. D. Gemmell, in Tuckersmith. •, • Miss.Olive Eberhart. of Nova Scotia, is' spending her holidays at the home of her father, Mr. George Eberhart, in McKillop. • Misses Fergus Bell, Jean Wright, Helen Smith, Dorothy Smith, Dorothy Forrester, Janet Handley, Beth Mur- • dooh, June Murdoch', Ann McClelland and Pat Bechely are spending two weeks at a cottage at Bayfield. s • Miss Frances Houston, of Brant- ford, is spending the holidays at the home of her brother, Mr. Andrew Houston, in Tuckersmith. , • Dr. and Mrs. Hubert McInnis, of Detroit, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and M., G. W. Ironside. P • Mr. and Mrs. Hah•ry Clancey, of Detroit, were the week -end guests of Mrs. Charles Stewart. • Misses .Ida and Eva Love left e last week on a trip to the Maritime Provinces. • Rev, J. Elford will occupy the pul- e B n f Gladioli CHOICE Gladioli Blooms - FOR SALE BADEN POWELL '. 'SEAFORTH r s e t 4 . r e s ' s d h e i- e r. II I 2 a y it d rt it e, a, r' t s- 1.. n ee ' itis Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND 9ANCING EVERY NIGHT , Willis Tipping and His Cascade Rhythm Orchestra , Civic Holiday Week -End MIDNITE DANCE, AUG. 4, 12.05 a.m. Big Holiday Dance Monday Night Free,ad'rnission on Tuesday, Thurs. day, Friday. before 9 p.m. SUNDAY EVEN'G. CONCERT, Aug. 3 DASHWOOD BRASS BAND Directed Iby H. Hoffman Thank you, one and all, for your support on British Bomb Victims' Fund last Sunday. We made our objective of $200,00. Beach Floodlighted until 1 a,m. Come and enjoy a late swim. e • Jack's Shoe and,. Harness Repair For Binder Canvas Repairs ° SPENCE'S Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING `STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for - .. Eggs and Poultry. Phone 170-W, Seaforth S +'AFOR.TEE MONUMENT WORKS (POItMtleti ' W.12. CUAPMA.N) Operated by Cun iughatki . & . Pryde Yon, tire, inii'(a'1- to Wood aur. bract, of 'he'll iC ' ° 'T� 1r l�bi"olx>t�►lL Seaforth : Tuetidayp &, Satin ' aYy :. see bir.' for *Meant*** t lety • :ether a. Pie t8 • 'Boit 180 B10ELT'riEt Plie. '�.. in the Park. on Cluny Gregor Square. Bingo, wheels, • fah -pen a and other attractions will be held that even- ing, also a draw for twenty prizes for tvhich tickets are beim sold, first, prize being "three building lots on River Street. - Mrs. Mary Cox, of Grand Forks, N. D., is visiting the Parker families in the village. Mrs. Ross and her daughter, Mrs. Gardner, of Edmonton, are visiting friends here and at Clinton. . The excessive heat the `past week has drawn ,many to ,the lake 'front and a dip in Lake Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'Ford, of the London Free Press, are spending two week's holidays at the Little Inn. Mr. Laurie Fowlie, of London, spent last week with his sisters in the vil- lage, Mr. and Mrs. George Peck, of Sas- katchewan, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Dowson. Mrs. Ken Smith and daughter, of London, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Charles Parker. Mrs. (Dr.) Lewis, of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Margaret Woods. McKILLOP at the Royal Apartments. • Miss `.Laidlaw, Miss Olive and Miss Florence Laidlaw have returned from a three weeks' motor trip to Gaspe and New Brunswick. • Dr. and Mrs. Paul Brady are spending a week's holidays at' Algon- quin Park. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Stewart and little son have returned to Mon- treal after a holiday spent at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. • Miss Marjorie Wigg has been ap- pointed to a position in the office of the National Defence Tax, London. • Mr. and Mrs. J. B. 'Crich and Mrs. Grace Rossi attended the Elliott - McGregor wedding in Toronto• on Sat- urday last. • Miss Theresa Burke, of Detroit, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary.. • Mr. Donald McTavish,, who taught near Kincardine last year, has been engaged to teach at S. S. No. 3, Tuck- ersmith, for the coming year. • Mrs. F. S. Beattie, Miss Holmes, and Miss' Muriel Beattie, of Butler. Pennsylvania, and Miss Ruth Holines of Toronto, ;have returned from a pleasant mote; trip to Kawartha Lakes. • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trott have moved into the Hudson Apartments on High Street. .' • Mrs. Alice Cudmore, of Ushorne, has leased the home on John Street, formerly occupied by Miss FIargan, from Mrs. F: S. Savauge. '• Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hickey, of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rider, of London, and Douglas Marsh and John; Mason, of the Port Albert Flying School, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.,M. Smith. • Mise Mary Brall, of Detroit, who has: been spending her holidays with relatives here, had the misfortune to slip and fall 'at the swimming pool on Monday and fracture.. her .left wrist. • Miss Zetta Dunlop is spending two weeks' holidays at Barrow Bay. • Miss Catherine Luckha>;t, of New. Hamburg, is a guest at' the home of Mr,, George Seip. • Miss Marguerite Snell, of the Hamilton Collegiate staff, who has been spending the Holidays with her cousin, Miss Jean Turner,. underwent an operation far appendicitis' in Scott Memorial Hospital on Sunday. • Miss Mary Buchanan, Superin- tendent of the Niagara Falls General Hospital, and Mrs; Detweiler, of Ham- ilton, were the week -end' guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. • Mr. and Mrs. Garsides, of Lon- don, were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Currie. - • Miss Beryl Callender, of Hartney, Manitoba, was a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Glew. • Messrs. Stephen and Gerald Mc- Kay, of Galt, visited Tuesday with their grandparents, Mr. 'and Mrs. C. Eckert. On their return they were accompanied by their cousins, Missos Mary Breit and Nelcy • Desborough. • Miss Clarice Lee, of Londesboro, and Miss Shirley Rose, of Toronto, are the guests this week of Miss Alice Hudson. • Mrs. R. H. Sproat was in Toron- to on .Monday. - • Mr. and Mrs. W. Rathamer, of St. Catharines, are the guests of Mrs. R. E. Richards. • Mr. J. M. Eckert is getting his large threshing outfit ready for the season. • Mr. John• Howes met with a ser- ious accident on Thursday of last week. While working.,at the Hesky Flax Mills his hand was caught in an endless chain and it was found nec- essary to amputate one finger. • Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen re- turned on Thursday from a pleasant motor trip to Gaspe and other eastern points. • Mr, T. A. G. Gordon was in Ot- tawa this week on business. • Mr. James A. Stewart was in Toronto on Wednesday. • Mr. and' Mfrs. Wesley Harrison, of Los Angeles, Cal., were guests at the 'home of Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Koine. • ' Rev. Hugh.. Jack is 'spending ten days at the 'Pres'byterian Church camp at Kintail, BAYFIFL Anniversary services were .held in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sun- day last. Rev. William Weir, of Hen - sail, was the preacher morning and evening. The choir was assisted by a .quartette from Mr. Weir's church, Hensall, which Was well received. Mr. and Mrs,;;thanles Ferguson" and two sons, of Suitlbury, are visiting his parents, Mr° and Mrs. Wm.1 Ferguson, this week. - • . Mir. and Mrs, Harry Baker and. chil- dren, of Londo*, visited: his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fled Baker, last week. Mr. and Mrp°` Wm. Brandon and •'M•r;+, and Mrs. „Thomas, Brandon and gone, of Witterloo, anent Sttnday' last with their ialotli'er, Mre, Brandon, in the 'eil1ogeY , ,lr 'he ;ilo"col ted: 4 rooa C'orut ittee,10 .14141014on ti l 13th The engagement is announced of Jessie Margaret, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis, to Mr. Stanley Arthur Hillen, son of iVir. and Mrs. Calvin Hillen, the marriage to take place in August. VARNA Mrs. Brodie and little sons, of To- ronto, in company with her mother, Mrs. R. J. Beatty, of Seaforth, were renewing acquaintances in the vil- lage Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, in com- pany with their son, Pte. Walter Smith, motored to ,Kitchener on Sun- day. Mrs. Elliott, of Toronto, spent Mon- day with her sister, Mrs. G. H. Beat- ty. CONSTANCE While the minister, Rev. J. E. Men- zies, is away on holidays during Aug- ust, the regular church services will be dispensed with, but Sunday school will be held each Sunday morning at 10.30. Mr. and Mks. A. Reekie, Patricia and Margaret returned to their home in Belleville on Friday last, after spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Britton. Miss Donelda Adams returned home Sunday after a holiday spent at Wasaga Beach. Miss Doris Lawson, of London, re- turned home Sunday and is recuper- ating after an attack of measles and pneumonia. Her many friends hope she will soon be fully restored to health. Miss Jean Wakefield is in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, where she underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis on Friday last. It is hoped that Jean will be sufficiently recov- ered to return home soon. A new furnace has been installed in Constance United Church,::the work being done by Messrs. G. A. Sills .& Sons of Seaforth. Miss Mary Moore and Mr. Stan Smith, of Toronto, spent •the week- end with Mr. Wm. Moore. WINTHROP An enjoyable picnic'for the children of the Mission Band was held on Monday afternoon, July 21st, at the home of Mrs. William Dodds. During, '1Ghe afternoon a candy scramble and races were enjoyed. The winners of the different .races were: Boys and girls, 6 years and under, Iris Beur- m'an, Irene Montgomery, Max Mont- gomery; girls,, 7 years to 10, Dorothy Dodds, Shirley Montgomery,., Lois Hogg; boys„ 7 years to 10, Keith Blan- chard, Rosa M'cCiure; girls over 10, Audrey Shannon;; " Eleanor Shannon, Berva Blanchard; boys, over 10, Gor- c'on Betties, Arnold Storey, Ross Montgomery; clothespin race, Gordon reales and Ross Montgomery; shot race, ''Audrey Shannon and Ross Mc- Clure; balloon race; 8 years and un- der, 'Lois Hogg, Elizabeth Shannon, Yvonne Holman; over 8 years, Ruth 13uerman, Doreen Hogg, Alice Buer- man; wheelbarrow race. Gordon Bet - tides and Arnold Storey; leap frog race, Audrey and Eleanor Shannon ; hopping, Audrey Shannon, Arnold Storey; frog jumping, Ross McClure, Audrey Shannon. Lunch was .sertvei to the happy crowd before leaving fox home. CROMARTY The Late Mrs. Susanna Butler The death occurred at her home in Cromarty of Susanna Speare, widow of the late Wil'liam Butter, on Thurs- day, July 24th, after an illness of four months. Mrs. Butler was born in England and was 86 years of` age. She was married in Cromarty, in 1878 to Mr. Butler, who passed away 16 years ago. She is survived by ,one (4ughter, Mrs. D. M. Fisher, of Guelph, and three sons, William, of London, and Bert and Russel at home. Two daughters predeceased her, Mrs. Earl Chappel and Miss Sarah Butler. She is also survived by one sister, Mrs. James Shute, Kirkton, and three brothers, Richard Speare, Calgary; Emmanuel Speare, Toronto, and Jos- eph •Speare, Cromartyh The late Mrs. Butler came to Canada from England at the age of 14 years and had lived here -ever since. She was' a member of Staffa United Church. The funeral took place on Sunday, July 27th, from her late home with Rev. Aldworth, of ,Staffa, officiating, Interment was made in Staffa cemetery. - The pall- bearers were Messrs. David Bruce, Calder McKaig, William Kay, Prank Harburn, William Chappell and John Leary. The flowet'-bearers were her four grandohildren, Ross Maher, of Toronto; Lorne Fischer, Guelph; Lloyd Fischer, i attallton, and Aller Ch'ap1re11, ° Croi i'ty. ' Miss • Pearl Peavoy'ol, Orangeville, Is holida x at: a ;home of 112 ' J � .� � � � olit� M�eCullosh and Mis's ,iia Mo deli, Mtts. Tuf1ord, Of Teronte, arrir*,e't this ;'eek to talo We of her ci t r.' Mists . B CYtst'i0i, 'rho had the mfo • iegellt Theatre Seaf�rtb BUD ABBOTT in " BUCK PRIVATES"" The Andrew Sisters end 24 World Champion Boogie-Woogie Boys and Beauties! It's one of the top comedies of the year! LOUoCOSTELLO MON., TUES., WED. FRANCBOT TONE WALTER BRENNAN SOBER STACK ROBERT DENCBLET N HELEN MODEM A UNIVERSAL PICTURE THURS., FRI., SAT. GENE AUTRY • ANN MILLER in" • "MELODY RANCH" JIMMY DURANTE "GABBY" HAYES "A landslide of laughs, music and fun for 1941." COMING— "Blackout" and "Christmas in July" PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING BOARDMAN, 11 years with Heintzman & intzman, will be in Seaforth an Please leave orders with MRS. Church Parsonage, or at 'OFFICE. , 25 YEARS' .EXPERIENCE — S. Co. and Gerhard, He d district shortly. WORK- MAN, UnitedTHE EX- POSITOR ' O • — tortune to fall on Sunday evening and was rather seriously injured,� A large number of relatives ane I friends attended the funeral of the late Mrs. William' Butler, coming,1 from Toronto, • Hamilton, Vineland, I Guelph,' London, Hensall, Seaforth, Harriston, Exeter and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Houghton, Of Harriston, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. ilougthton and family. Mr.;and Mrs. John Saunders and family, of Windsor, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Roy McCulloch and family, - Reg Stagg ls holidaying with his father at Mr. Albert Norris's. ,, „ DUBLIN The funeral of Edward Jordan, St. Clements Bank Manager, who was drowned near Kitchener last Friday, was held at St. Clements on Tuesday morning and interment took place at St. Patrick's cemetery, Dublin. He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Helen Judge, of Kinkora, and five chil- dren, also one sister, Miss Mary Jor- dan, of Toronto, and seven brothers': John and Frank, of Copper Cliff; Jos- eph, of Hibbert Township; Patrick, of Dublin; James, of Toronto; Albert, of Detroit, and Lyle, of Wellwood, Alta. Mrs. Mary Cronin has returned home 'after spending a month with her daughter in Detroit, „, Father John F. McConnell, M.M., has returned to New York following a month's 'vacation .,with his parents, Mr. and •i_Vlrs, D. McConnell. Rev. Norman Wolff, Wood River, Illinois; who was a former resident -of Dublin, conducted the service at Grace Lutheran Church, Mitchell, last Sunday. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Devereux and Miss Mary Hults, Chicago, •with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Darling; Mr. and. Mrs. Len Ansley, Sault Ste. Marie; Mrs. Collins, • Buffalo•; Mr. `and' Mrs. Dean, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Bar- ney Benninger, Dungannon, with Mrs. Katharine Benninger; Miss Frances Dalton, Kingsbridge, with Miss. Ver- onica Molyneaux; • Private Clarence O'Reilly, London; John O'Reilly, To- ronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Joseph O'Reilly, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. William O'Reilly; Miss Shirley Feen- ey, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Feeney; Miss ..Peggy Walsh and friend, Toronto,-, with Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh- Mr. and Mrs. .William Ryan, London, with . Mr. and Mrs. Terry Flannery; Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Flowers, Caledonia; With Mr. •and Mrs. F. Smith, Mrs. :Smith returned with them for a short visit; Mrs. William Byrne and daughter, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs: James Jordan; Lorne Cronin, Detroit, with his mother, Mrs. Mary Cronin; Miss Rose Feeney, To- ronto, with her another, Mrs. K. Feen- ey, ' Mrs. D.• McConnell is absent' on a motor trip- to Montreal and Quebec Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux spent a week with her sister at Kingsbridge. KIPPEN A very enjoyable timie was spent by the congregation of ,the United Church .here and Hillsgreen on nes- day of last week when they journey- ed to Jowett's Grove; Bayfield, for their annual Sunday school picnic. Many enjoyed a ball game 'during the, afternoon. The sports, were in charge of Hillegreen and were as foll'ows:,— Boys, 4. and under, Jack Bell and Mc-` Millan. Grant; boys, 8 and blinder, Tommy Consitt, Don Kyle; bolo, 12 and 'under, Harold Caldwell, Ray' Consitt; 'girls, 12 and tinder, Alice Wren., Barbara Grant; boys, 15 and under, Jack Watson, Roy Consitt; girls, 15 and over, Elizabeth Grant, Sybil Grant; married ladies, Mrs. S.. Baird, Mrs. E. Chipchase; young, men, Jack ,Coneitt, Ivison Torrance; mar- ried men, John Sinclair, Ernie Chip - ch -ase; kicking the slipper, Norma, Deitz, Elizabeth Grant; three-legged race, Alice Wren and Shirley Cald- well, Elizabeth and Sybil Grant; sack race, juniors, Alice Wren, Norma Deitz; sack race,' seniors, Mrs. E. Chipchase, ,Mrs. S.. Baird; biscuit. race, Ruth Bell, Norma Deitz. ' Mr. and Mrs. Watson and clau_gh- ters and Mrs. Bruce, • of Anderson ; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson and Roy, of Thames Road; Mr. Norman Fergu- son, of Crediton; Miss M. Purdy, of Hensall; , Mr.. Wilmer Ferguson and Miss Simpson, of Exeter, spent 'Sun- day with iEr. and Lirs. Oliver Jaques. Mrs. Norman Pybus, who has spent the ,past couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. H. Ricker, returned to• her home in London on Thursday last. - Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Ger- ald and Harold, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden, . of Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ferguson, Miss Doris- Fergusson -,.and• Mr: Arthur Ash- worth, 'of Ilderton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. W. Homey. •Miss Margaret ,Pybus, of Zurich. and Miss•Dora Pybus, of London, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. H. Ricker. Mrs. J. McGregor and Miss F. Me.- Cloy, of Seaforth, are visiting their sister, Mr. and Mrs, E. Butt Solitude is the audience -chamber of God.—Anne C. Lyngh. Every man is the architect of his• own fortunes,' • , Save. G a Udine • Follow the sugges- tions made by the Gov- ernment., and have a check-up of your car to see: —i f the carburetor needs cleaning or ad- justing —if the motor" needs tuning up or timing —if the spark plugs and valves are 'clean —if the cooling system its efficient • Drive your car to our garage and let us show you how you can get better mileage and save gasoline: DO IT NOW! Check-up Your Car Dab's Garage SEAFORTH /' ell c' is 4uiekly retnot+ed in Clean Sanitary trueke, Phone Collect. 219. llilltc+ol 1 - qm1121 t