HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-08-01, Page 4AUGUST 1„s y,. 0 A be inserted .at new low cash rates : 4.4, Lot surd Fouad, Coming Events. Ete.—Per were; let week •t 1 Cent find week % Cent zed week > , tent, Mritimmum charge, first insertion 26 Cents Each figure,, initial and abbreviation counts as ono word. $deed of Thanlra,. In Memoriam Notices -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week - u eceet be directed' 'to a Baa Number, ogre of The Huron Expositor, for 10 gems Tee cents e.dditlonal per week will be charged if ads hr above clans ere not Veld by the Saturday eight in the week in which the ad was rare. Births, Mortgagee and Deaths inetrted free of change. Auetlon Saks. Entices to Creditors, Etc.—iftates on application. Men Waned B •I •, FAIMILEX PRODUCTS. NEEDED IN every home. Easily sold and repeated. Pleasant work. Stant with good earnings and increase rapidly. Five Commission pro - Position. Write immediately for free cata- $ogue, intern and details. FAMILEX, 570 Stz Clement, Montreal. 3842-1 For Rent OOMS TO LET—RECENTLY VACATED by John Beattie, See MRS. D. REGELE in the block-- 58834 ffi Property For Sale FOR SALE—ROUSE OF THE LATH JAS. Rankin on Railway. Street. Apply to K. L MCLEAN, Seafarth. 3840-3 For Sale or Rent 'p OR SALE OR RENT—'GOOD FARM PRO- perty. 218 arses, on 6th Concession. L.R.S., Tucke smith. Bank Barn, brick house... Water in house and barn. Land in good condition. • Apply to J. D. GEMMEILL, 11.R. 4, Seafood:- . 38424 Notices WE BUY YOUR GRAIN .- WE ALSO ' • truck it and supply legs- Prices bet- ter and grain better than in 1940. We buy .i'or, George Thompson, Beasall. Phone' us far information. SPROAT & SPROAT. Phone '665 r' 2, Seafortt. 3842-6 Farm Stock For Sale Q213IILL PIGS FOR SALE --PHONE N. 3- 84, Zurich. SOLOMON G1NGERICI3, R. IL, Zurich. 3840-2 Help Wanted WANTED -,.GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, who can do cooking far house in Hamilton- Good wages. Write, stating age and experience, to MRS. J. B. KAINE, 269 Bay St. S.. Hamilton. . 3:- 8-tf W ANTED--GiRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply lo Box 259. EXPOSITOR O FFI OE. 8328-tf , Wanted APPRENTICE WANTED --!PEE SEAH FOR'r Public Utility Commission require, an apprentice. Applicaruts should have secondary school education, .driver's license, be of good physique, :able and willing fbolearn all branch- er of the Commission's work, including pole climbing. Applications must be in the hands of the Chairman, E. L. BOX, by Saturday night, August ;and. 3842-1 W ANTED_$380.00 FOR MORTGAGE ON rate was set at 10 mills, the same a'la in 1940. . Hydro Rates Reduced Notiee has been received from the Hydro -Electric, Caminiseion, Toronto, of a reduction' in the horsepower rate and the domestic and commercial rates to be charged to cop;sumers at the next billing of accounts. The horsepower rate has been reduced from $55.00 to $50.00. Domestic rates have been reduced from 4.2 to 4 cents for first 60 hours with minimum bill of $1.U0. Commercial rates are re- duced 'froth 3.901) to 3.7 cents for first 100 hours use with minimum bill of $1,00, - Friday evening Miss Dorothy Pieck entertained at her parent's home, "Mapledale Farris," Zurich, in honor of Miss Sybil Keys, of Varna. The occasion was a miscellaneous shower for the bride of the corning month. MANLEY We are sorry tolearn that Mrs. John A. Eckert is not as well as her many *lends wish her to be. Mrs, Louis Beall and. her daughter. June, of Detroit,' .accompanied by Clare Eckert, speht Wednesday with her sister, Mrs, W. Manley, Messrs. John Deitz, John A. Eckert and Ale;c Mitchell are busy making their rotfnds threshing..' The late rain has improved the corn .and root crop, but the potato crop is going to be light. AMMO HENSALL White shoes, straw hats, summer pants, sport shirts, silk and voile dresses on sale at GOedwins. sued farm property in .Hibbert Town- Miss Dorothy Dougal ie at Wasagr :.hip. Money needed to clean up an estate Leach, the guest of Miss Norma Cook. Apply to K. I. McLEAN, Barrister and Solici- tor, Hensall and Sea%iiQr sestet don Arrand, of Hyde Park, spent Sun- day with Mrs. John Johnston. • Mr. and Airs. Albert Smith and baby daughter, Karen, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith. tRev. and Mrs. Keith Love and baby daughter, of BIenheim, are• spending their vacation with the former's par- ents,•Mr. and Mrs: William Love. Mr. LJ\ e will be incharge of both ser vices at Grand Bend United Church on Sunday, August 3rd. Mrs. Dodds and Mrs. G. Habkirk, ;tie) h ve been visiting with their sis tet• .and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. \l alter Fairbairn for the past few t�r'ei ks, left for their home in' the West on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cudmore aud :feniity. of Toronto; are vacationing in Ilonsall. For Sale FOR SALE—BLACK SHETLAND PONY, 7 years old, with cart, cutter and harness. Perfectly quiet J. C. ALTON, Dungannon, TOTICE—r, . SEAFORTH PUBLIC LIB- r RIVATE SALE -1 ORGAN, 1 WOOL nary will be closed frown August 5th to •r -u;;. 9' N. 12', and several pieces antique August 19th. G.' THOMPSON, Librarian. furniture. MBS. ADAM DODDS, Centre St. 3842-2 -' t 3842-1 'p OR RAWLEIGI3'S OINTMENTS, TONICS, FOR SALE—PRACTICALLY NEW, 2 AND tablets, lemon and orange nectars, house- 3 furrow disc plows. for either tractor or, fly spray, cattle spray, 81.35 for 133 %ince homes. G. H. BEATTY, Varna ' can. Phone 663 r 5. Prompt delivery. A. s 3841x3 '. BRICKWOOD, Seaforth. 3842x3 - •• • PROCLAMATION ! Town of Seaforth , • CIVIC HOLIDAY; MONDAY,..AUG. 4tu �..... I hereby proclaim that 'Montia9``' Angust 4, 1841, be Civic Holiday. for the Town of Sea - forth, and regnant' that title citizens observe the same 'by aping fheir places of business for ..that day JOHN J. CLUFF, Mayor. "God Save the King” • Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuckersmith BY 'i'H.e, COUNCIL -.OF lila TOWNSHIP Of Tnekenamith for the repair of a par- tioz4'-ef the A,lexaridcr'^Dia3n and the Broad - foot Drain. Plans may be seen at the Office of the Clerk. Tenders .to be in the hands of the Council by Saturday. August Zed. D. F. McGREGOR, • Clerk. 3841-2 Notice to `Creditors • NOTICE TO CREDITORS " IN' 711E MA'rSER OF THE ESTATE 01' ELLEN' FORD, Late of the Village of Ben- son, in the County of Huron, Spinster, de- XaOTiCE IS lIEP31BY GIVEN THAT ALL arietl5tors and Mimi having claims against the estate; err • claiming; any an•termt, therein as heirs or otherwise, of the said Ellen Ford., wifoo 'died" en br dliovt ddie 13411 day of May. 1941, at the • VlJisge of HerbaaI, in the Prov - 'i ce of Ontta* le, .arc regaired to send, • on or ' before the' 2nd day of September, 1941, Vo the undersigned. GUARANTY TRUST COM- ; BANY OF CANADA. their names and ad- tir .res end descriptions. and full particu- lars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accbua/a, and the nature of the se- curities, :if any, hiel'd by them- AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said 2nd day of September, 1941, the said GUAR- j A NTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA, I will proceed •to dictrcbute the assets of the. said estate among the persons entitled there - having regard only to. the clatiani. of which , it shall then have had notice, and that the said GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF . CANADA will net be Liable for the said assets, or any 'part thereof, to any person ; of whose c}aim it shall not then .have receiv- ; ed notice. • DATED at Toronto, th 1st day of Aug- ust. 1941. • GUARANTY TRUST- COMPANY of CANADA' Executor of the Estate of Ellen ?cad By. ZIMMERMAN, BLACKKWELL '& HAYWOOD - 372 Bevy Street, Toronto Solicitors heaein- NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY WHITTAKER A LL PERSONS HAVING Claims AGAINST the Estate of . Mary Whittaker. late of the Town of Seadbrth, County of ,Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of July, 1941, are hereby notified -to send in to the undersigned an or before the 2nd day aB August, 1941, full particulars of their claims, duly proven by affidavits Immediately after the said last mentioned data. the meets o,' ,the said estate will be dis- tributed amongst 'the parties entitled thereto, having hard only to claims of which the ..undersigned shall then have notiee, to the exp c,nzin of all others, and the und%,isigned will not he liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall ' reit notice for the insets so distribu part thereof. DA i'J u) at Seaforth, this 17th day 1941. K. 6. McTFtAN, Seaforth & firm Solicitor for Executors. r: pO;: CLEARANCE SALE OF USED PIANOS, et summer price:. Such well-known makes as 2Ieintzman, Nordheimer, Mason & Ruch, etc, Alt recan-doned, demod etc. and guaranteed, Reasonable terms. Write f"- ,i•t oft psi-•':. Nn oblioation• HEINTZ". MAN & CO. LTD., 242 Dundas St,, London. I •• • r 3841-3 ; FOR SALE -1 RUMMY OIL PULL TRAC- for in geed eondition. 20=30 •homepower, on steel: 1 set lever drag harrows I.H, ., :cf. tooth 3-xct,bn, also, have 4th section if dr:ired, draws bars for same: 1 Massey -Har-' • Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dick and daugher, Ruth, of Canton, Ohio, are visiting in Hensall and 'districk. Mr. Dick was a former Hensall boy, • a u hay leader, will work wells for picking son of the tat Mr d M G" b rt up straw after combine; 1 Frost & Wood srr'tng $•doth cultivator: 1 No. 4 Massey.Har- ris • spreader: 1 McCormick -Deering Na. 3 cream separator, new. This is tine last rep arst:.ur of old series left; reasonable for quick 1119 many friends were delighted to :,ale. E. MOUSSEAU, Eippen, Ont. Phone ^4 r 5, Hensall. t3841 -f 'Lee him. Dr. and Mrs. ,Harry Joynt and babe, Judith Ann, also Dr. W. Joynt, Lon - Dick, and this is his firsts visit e to by hundreds of spectators. He has Lon- a house g'uiest with Mrs.'. Let:4Mie and Greta. ' Pte. L'aence Baynham, of .Calarp Borden, spent the week -end with his wife and two Miele sons Pte. Hare Vedden, of i a 'p Ber- gen,. spent the ,Week -end with friends ill Chathairr and Tupperville. Mr. and are.* -Ed. Fink have erect- ed a very $n a .... their prop- erty doing Atli •elves. Mr. and MI's, Delbert Geiger and little daughter, ti4f Zurich, spent Sun- day with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. • Stratford folioi row rage, Carl Raters and Norris MG Ewalt. • ' Death of Dekrid 'Robison Mr. David Robison, prOminent and we11-known Hensall \resident, passed away early Monday morning 'at the home of hili, 'dell -Miter and eon:in-law. Mr. and Mrs. James. Sangster, in his 78th year.— The deceased had been in failing health for some montths, but had only been confined to bis bed' for the past week, and was -able to d Mrs. John Elder. gb up town on Saturday to ,at(end to v Wilson returned to some business. For many years he 'a vacation spent held the office of Reeve at Copper - at Montreal, Tbronte and Hensall. clitT, Deputy Reeve and Councillor at They were aefrompanied home by Millbrook, 'and else served on the Mrs. Mary BI -own., who will Visit with council here at different tinges- and them. up until the end of 1940 when he Jack Tudor, son of Mr. and Mrs. gave up that office owing to i11 health. Stag Tudor, of, this village, young He took up residence here some 13 outfielder fronR.4iensall; is -the newest years ago, coming here from Mill - member of the London Pirates fain- brook. In politics he uveas a staunch ily. Jeck, has been working out with Liberal and a member of the Orange the London club for several weeks Order, Mrs. Robison died six years for conditioning purposes and will ago. He is survived by one son, Rob - likely get into action with the Baby ere, at Huntsville, and three daugh- Bucs soon. Tudor has been known ters, Mrs. Margaret Cook, Calgary; for his heavy ;Mugging in amateur Mrs. James Sangster and Mrs. Levi ranks. Rands,' of Hensall. One daughter, 'With the mercury- soaring up 'to 95 l Luella) Mrs. Carveth, of Peter'boro, here on Friday, still the Rad Crods died five years ago. He is ,also' sur - workers were at their posts in the vived by two brother8, Tom and Sam, Red Cross rooms, cutting and sewing and one sister, Mrs. .John McInnis, ail as usual.Miss .Berry Pfaff, president of Alberta; also 17 grandchildren and of the 'r .I., reported 43 pounds of one great granddaughter, Annie 'Jean apple jelly were.'nuade that dap at the Noakes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. home of 'Mrs. Fred Beer. Assisting Noakes, of Hensall. The flower -bear - were Mrs. Bertha Bell, Mrs. C, L. ers were three gran'dsons', David, Jinks and Miss Beryl Pfaff. • George and James Sangster, and Relit. We believe that Mr. Donald Mac- Cooper, Leonard Noakes and E. R. Kinnon 'has signed up with the R.C. Shaddick. The wreaths included A.F. and expects to be called early in t'ho'se of E. R. S•haddiek, Hensall, Mr. August. and Mrs. Jas. Vincent and Mrs. Cas- tles, Clinton. Th,e deceased was a well read man, took a great interest in religious matters, was interested in the;,•welfare of the village, and was kind to his family. A. public funeral was held from the Sangster residence. on Wednesday, July 30th, at 2.30, conducted by'Ret'. W. 'Weir, minister of Carmel Presbyterian Church, who paid fitting tribute to the life of the Bell - Curtis. '" deceased. Burial- was ire Hensall. ion Cemetery. • The United Church at Banff, Alta.. Al. Bell, sonof Mr. and Mrs. W. G. was the scene of a charming summer Pell, of Hensel], flashy R.C.A,F. hurt - wedding when Miss Ruth R. Curtis, er in the .Westmount Municipal 'sott- o! Sad Francisco, Calif,, was united ball league, showed in Montreal Mon- in marriage' to Dr. James W. Bell, clay evening just why he is regarded prominent Hensall resident, and• for-' as one of the top pitchers in,..the city mercy of Harrisburg, Pa., Rev. Ed as he twirled a no -hit no -run exhibi- ward T. Scragg officiating. The at- tion game against the Canada Steam- te_:'dants were Miles K. Curtis, and ship Lines Squad. The airmen. won Evelyn Curtis, brother and sister -in- 9-0. , The effort was his second per - law o1' the bride. For their wedding feet game, his first• occurring back trip they went to Banff, Lake Louise! here in his home town. 'Pacing only anti Jasper Park, Dr. • Bell 'met his i 21 men in the Seven -inning tussle, 1-• de on shipboard while on a world! not one man 'got near first .bas'e as tour eight years ago. Dr. and . Mrs. he whiffed 15 and issued no bases on Bell will reside in Hensall. Dr. Bell. balls. Por the first time this season who has travelled extensively, has his the boys in blue played flawless ball, beautiful resider ce made most att a - besides cuffing the ball around for tive with .souvenirs from all parts of their hce hurler. As the team came the world, which have been admired Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. MacVicar, of Poplar Hill, wish to announce the en- gagement of their youngest daughter, Margaret Vera; to Mr. Robert Jack Drysdale, eldest son of Mrti, and Mrs. M, G. Drysdale, of Hensall, the- wed- ding to take place quietly the ea:ly' part of August. Digit, since, leaving 17 many hundreds of beautiful views g years ago, which he has shown at many gather - He noted a great many changes .and Ings, church functions, and at his home here. Card of Thanks. MttS. RICICER AND DAUGHTERS WISH 10 thank their many friends aged neigh- bors and also Dr. Smillie for all their ex - missions of syanpathy ward kindness in their recent sad bereavement in the 'Ms of a be- loved son and brother. 3842-1 THE FAMILY - OF THE LATE MRS. their sincere. appreelatiom for the many ex- pressions of syngratiry extended to 'them in their recent sad berdavement, also. to thank the Clersryanan, Mr. Jdhn Beattie and -Mr. E. Van Ei;-mond. and: those who loaned cars. 8842x1 Elizabetih Charters • desire to agnits Births .T 5WITT—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 244th; to Mr. and Mas, Williapn Jewitt. Hallett. a sen- ' Mf tttRAY—In Scott Memorial Hospital. on July 28t1r, to Mr.. and .Mrs. John Murray. •McKillop,, a son. Red Cross Benefits From Ball Game don, visited with their mother, Mrs. .The Red Cross softball game one Alice Joynt, over the week -end: of the biggest events of the season, Mrs. E. Fisher, of Gravenhurst, is featuring Squire Tudor's Northsiders spending -a few days with her brother, and Middleton's §outhsiders, was Alt Andrew Love. played here on the Hensall park, the Mrs. Anne Berry has returned to 'teams consisting of some former well her home there following a delightful known Hensall players. Dr. D. G. visit spent with her son, .Edward, Steer Crashed two home runs for the highly taunted norths. Fielding Pea= tures were provided by Chief of Po- lice Thos. (Dixie) Kyle, who though. the game was football. Walter Spen- cer .stole the show with his costume, locking as if lie got dressed in the dark and got !into his wife's wardrobe bx- mistake. Car Schwalm, of Hen - sail, won, the $1.0 worth of War Say - rife and family at Windsor. • The W.M.S. of Chiseihurst 'United Church will observe their annivers- ary services on Sunday, August 3rd, at- 7.30 p.m. Rev. E. Aldsworth, of Staffa, will •be the guest speaker. A ladies' choir will furnish special Mus- ic. .Mrs. William Ballantyne, of Fort William, is spending two weeks visit- '-ngs stamps. Rev. W. Weir drawing ing with her brother and sister-in-law, .the winning ticket. The event was a Mr. and Firs, J. R. McDonald, of 'the great Success with Ted Oliver of the London Road South, Highway .Nq. ,4, New Commercial arranging the affair a ,short distance south of. Hensall. Tudor's Northsiders were judged win. —, She will also visit with friends •in tale nets. of the event. There was a large Deaths GRIEVE$ --In Seaforth. on Saturday, July 26. Carolyn ,Leslie, widow of the late Hugh Grieve, in her 90th Year. ZURICH Mr. and. Mrs,, Henry Eicitmeier at- tended the funeral of the elatter' mother, 'Mrs. Cole, held at St. 'Marys on Monday. Mr. T. R. Patterson, C.E., of Gode- rich, was in town on Tuesday mak- ing the necessary arrangements to survey and make a report on the North Branch of the Black Creek which the council of Hay Township is planning to have 'cleaned out. Mrs. (Dr.) Pink and two daughters of Delaware. were visitors at, the C. z on Tuesday. Mr. are? Mrs. A. - Atrlerich, of De- troit, visited at the home of the lat- 'ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Prang for a few days this week. Rev. and Mrs.'L. H. Kalbfleisch, of Elmira, are spending t relatives here. rr The new warehouseL being erected by Stade Weide, now has the roof completed and will soon he ready for occupancy. The heavy electric storm on Tues - ay evening relieved the heat to some Vent and more rains seem to be •Coming. 1kIT. W. fferd7, *If Owen''' gottagottaaudited the 1940 road accounts of the, Township of 1%y Toad system. 35$8-a The many friends of Dr. W. tt Cox - home of Mr, and Mrs Frit week with Victoria St, Popular Stallions on, local veterinary, will be sorry.. that he is not enjoying his usual good health and has been taken to Clinton hospital for treatment. FAVORITE AGAIN (24337] Farmers ins this area have report- Eiu&olmeat No. 1.961 ` i ed a shortage of water and many Rea been rated the beat Clydesdale steak . have had t0; Haul supplies from near- , home in Ontario on Field Daye by men of , b creeks • • the Aarrieulfa tel Colles and has won MOM , y tied tiekeatr than any Gude horses in Ontaria.l The members of the Board of Po - Re will stated for the season of 1941 at , lice Trustees met on Monday evening Conte; BeCkh. 'Odncfa04°11 7. 11rbbelrk and will and the following (business qhs tran' str leovel bait' tanner for a rea,onabie distance to s: .iced 4iitrrred ad pariies acted. Plans were discusser) for im- 'rera 106 es tooriteis $21t,$0 tor two . proving the entrance door at the fire roarer 6 the seine fir: hall. 'Regulations weremade govern- mer isig the new dire truck when called : i i'' 388 12 . out of town in case of a'call tb the • " ` rural area. Wile'n called and no ser - s filiaHh► vice can be rendered, $25.00 will be biritoik7' the charge,, anti *hen Services ren,-, , dered the chargevr;ili be $50;00. When, link. ,is taken'' out of toit'tn .,. at least„ of the Bigoted ni'tiItberti of the ufiteer' hire.brigade mst u'atteohi bang it. to arc life. The 19 *Magi cr liippen district where she is well crowd of interested fans and the pro known.. needs were for 'tier Cross. Rev. W. Weir, .,minister of Carmel Presbyterian Church, will conduct ev-. Kyle - Follick .t ening services only in his church A quiet but charming wedding was during the month of 'August. solemnized at the home of Mr, and Mr: and Mrs. John -Roberts; of -Lon- Mrs. George Follick, of Hensall, on dost, were recent guests with Mr. and Saturday, July 2fith, ,at 4 Mrs. J. R. McDonald and Lloyd. p.m, when Rev. George and Mrs. Logit, of their. youngest daughter, Mildred PIiorink, .Arizona, ! Mrs. Morrow, To- diene,' was-oUnited` in marriage to ror.to-; Mrs. Smith. Muirkirk, ?and David Hugh, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Rodney, spent • Monday Mrs: Thomas Kyle, of Hensall, ., Rev. the guests er Mrs. R. Bonthron ••and •R. A. Brook, of Hensall United Church Mrs. L. Simpson, officiating. The lovely young bride, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman and baby given in marriage by her father, look - daughter, Toni Jeanette, of Listowel, ed smart in a graceful floor -length spent Sunday with Mrs. Charles Mc- gown of white chiffon with white pde- Doneli and family, . tura hat, and she carried a bouquet Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks and of pink rosebuds, white sweet peas deughter, Patsy, of Detroit, Michigan, and bouvardia. The bride was at - were week -end visitors with Mr. Alex tended by •her sister, Mrs. William Sparks. Soldan, of Hensall, 'as matron of Miss Stella Robson, of Toronto, is honor, who wore a floor -length gown the guest of her sister and brother- of beige chiffon with matching acces- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold. sordes, and carried' a bouquet of Mr. and Mrs. James W. 'Bonthron Sweetheart roses. Mr. William Soi- ai are vaCationittg at their summer cot- dan attended the groom. ,Later fol. rage at Grand Bend. lowing the ceremony a buffet lunch- Mlss Vera MacVieor, of London, eon was served to the immediate rel - w'a's a weekrend guest with Mr. and atives. The bridal couple left for an Mrs. M. G. Drysdale. extended motor trip through North - Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook visited with ern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle will reside in Hensall. The popular bride is a graduate of Victoria Hospital, London. ' Carrh l 'Church 'Holds "Picnic - r Carmel Presbyterian. congregation and Sunday School enjoyed a delight - fill picnic at Turnbull's Grove on Wednesday afternoon, July 23rd, The weather was ideal and the picnic which included numerous sports with attractive prizes, left nothing to be desired. A sumptuous supper was serv- ed to • which everyone did ample jus- tice. Rev. W. Weir directed the sports and the following are the prize winners Little tots, Dotty. Hilde- brandt, Claudette Blowes, Bobby Bell, Ewan Me13w+an, Gerard Moir, Pante Hanson, Gerald. Bell, Gerald Moir, Gladys Moir; boyd,R 7.8, Ronald Me- Iiinnoil, Bruce Moir; boya, 7.11,- Billy Campbell, Donald ' McKinnOn; girls under 11, Claudette Browes, Lila Moir; boys under 11, Billy Campbell, John' Sangster; girls under 14, Norma Sairgater, Marion Sangster; young l Men, Oar] atars, Ai ' erslake; g#`sis Over 14, b'lore1see Schwalm, Malone Furd r; t'otin'g ladies, Beryl Pfaff, Ir. ene I'1oggatth; married ladies, Mrs. Boy Maclaren, Mrs. Howard 11'yde; girlsf three-legged ,taCe, Martell Sang- Stet and M41110. 1/1b1i n; 6d eblbarly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hemphill, at Wroxeter, , for the week -end. Mr. Herb. Hedden, of St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Cartelr Cath- erine and Donald, of Clinton, were week -end visitors with Mrs. C. M. Hedden and 'Mone.. Commencing Sunday, August 3rd, morning service will be observed on- ly throughout the month of August in the ;United Cthtirch. Rev, Mr. Brem- ner, remner, of Seaforth, Will conduct the services for that month, while the minister, Rev. R. A. Brook, will be on holidays. Mr. Homer Tanney, of St. Cathar- ines, spent the week-en'd at his home in Hay Township. Miss M. Ellis 1, vacationing for this week at Turnbull's Grove. June MacKay, attractive little daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Mac- Kay, observed her seventh. 'birthday cn Monday of this week, a party be- ing held in her honor, when a num- ber 'of her little girl friend were \present. Games and fun of ail kinds were featured and lunch served. Jane, received , sortie "Very nice gifts. levi.:...It A. Brook rendered a splen- did solo in excellent voice at the Morning CerVid+e In the United Church tvliiith *tis moth enjoyed by alt - • 3tilr3a Xatiittli Sella, tilt > oIttldtiy i'ti aT through,, with punch at the plate, Bell took Practically 11he whole job of fielding „oft their hands, as he made four putouts' himself on -•'figs, So good Was his iiu'>ing .that,.not one ball. got 'beyond the infi.;e'id on Mien. igbef they two, leen, ties$, he 4 dfi't put out personally Were thrown sett by the second baseman and the' short- stop. Mel. Snyder slapped a homer • off Pitcher Dodds, of C.S.L. team with two on. C.S L 000 000 0-0 0 3 R.C.A.F. ............ 000 036 x-9 8 0 Dodds and. Thail; Bell and House. Mrs. E. Adams, of Leamington, was the. guest recently of Mrs. R. Bon- thron. Mrs. Anne Berry has returned from spending two weeks at Cedar Beach, near Kingsville, with her son, Ed., and wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, who have been visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hud- son, udson, - have returned to their home at St. Marys. • _Max aid Laird Hudson, of London, are spending their holidays with rel- atives here. Mr, Joe Hagan spent a'few days in Detroit this week. . Mr. James Smillie, popular resident en t of Hensall, upon arising early Thurs- day morning;a discovered that his car, a Hudson model, had been stolen from the lane in front of his house where he had parked it. County Constable John Ferguson,. Traffic .Officer Frank Taylor and Chief of Police Thomas Kyle, of Hensall, are investigating. Hensall suffered a blackout Tues- day evening when the electrical storm put the hydro transformer out of commission on Main St. Dr, and Mrs. D. G. Steer and Pa- tricia attended the Steer reunion on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Parkins and Mr. and Mrs. Cline, of London, are visit- ing in Quebec. Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. aced Mrs. VJm. Dougall. Misses Margaret McGregor, ' and Dorothea and Helen Munn are holi- daying at Turnbull's Grove. Kerslake Reunion is Held Grand Bend was the setting for the Kerslake reunion on Sunday last. Among those- present were Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, Billy and Joan and Mrs. Walks, Mr, Wm. Kersla7te and son, Clarence, of Granton; M'. and Mrs, Cecil Jerymn, of Sebring - Miss Verde. Kerslake, of Lon- don; Nelson Tate, of Prospect Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Westman, of Wesley. Don' and Ronald McKinnon, sons; of Mr. and Mrs, Donald McKinnon, had their tonsils removed in Hensall.• Kenneth Brooks, R,C.A.F.. New Brunswick. expects to visit his par- ents shortly. fforisehoI6ers-!?o your bill UT METL, JONES CLEAN GS,PAPE Look, find and save old articles of metal—junior's old toys, brass and metal lamp stands ---old maga. nines and papers—old sweaters and wool or part wool materials --every scrap counts These are your war weapons. Save them. Give them. Canada will use them for tanks, guns, planes and outer war' production material. - • is ISSUED BY DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES Tris space doriated by 'dile Miro;, &pod s When ou Require Letterheads Envelopes Billheads' Statements Dodger Counter CheckBooks Ledgers hooklets Tags or any other Printing Phone 41 The Huron Expositor 9 'e 401