HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-06-20, Page 4�. !.��'­, �1 �, I ­��11.�,�, I- , I , ­� . . " , " " ,.. � ,�:'r I �111 I �11 �!i : , . . � 1 " , : I hllp, , 1, ­�. '' . .� �� , � - � " �' ! � 1� , I �il;, �,� . : P �� I'; ". : � , ,, , I I , . 1, , � - J I ,It V ,�q',��:�,,� � �,�,!,;� ,`t�,,,`.' '' i "' I .; � , 1:, I ,�, 11' � 7 ,:: .::i, ;�: �.�:,_,,;!.,� '1 �.� , , ,.,,�,,,, `1, ,�,� '': ., T� 1��, , ."� . ,� , � , , , 1. - , , , , : , , . '. ,'J, , P , �, J ;11 I i;� 11 I � 1 7 ,,,��i 4 " �­:'­1;� "" ,;.: I a , , I , 0 �`, � ,,;,, �.�_': � , , . ., , ,, ,'.' ., ,�' , , �,`,`�: " I ,�'1'1­11)­',�, 1�;, % ', I . ,,, 1 I �. I 1 , ; 'i,',.�� 1, I 11 jl��`,,!!'� t,"�-,,�� , , , 1. I �: '� , � . I � I � I I ,��'"' ,�, 7'. ". �"- 111��' � .� , i� . . , . � ., . . I . i I . . . I . - . . I I I �,� 4,�!, t, " g�� !',,',� 14 ,� �, ,,, I . , ., � , "I . - , . . , . I k;,� , . � �,�� , � � �," �" � !,.,' ''!`,21i"�',� , ,� , I � , 'i �­` ", ,I , . �, ", � p - � . . . , : � I . 11 1­,Pn�� - ­_ ­ . I . I . 1. . � I I.- . 1� � ,. ,� , I I, � � I , ". I I I t , ��i;,.,, �, . I . . I . I . I 11, I k I . � ;1 . . .r : . I 0 ... � I I 4 �1 I - . . . I I , A XF119SIT0,14. . ­%. . I � I � J"R 1,194 . e, I :_ I , 1. I 11 , , I '. I . 4 1 - N - I I . . I 1. I II, ,,, I - � 0 W,M,11,1,�, 11 ., : -.1.1 4�7�, I � I , I � "'I"W"N P"", ;�26,�­,,I� " . , �. � . I ,1�,�', , 1 . 1. I 1.1 ; N. , I " 1�7 1 1 1 1 1 , -_ , , ,;(',',� - ,,, 11.111,­­'�, " �,,,''�o, 17-1.1. 1� ­­. "I I . I . I . - �, . . . *-PR-4w-� , , . - I I . ­ . . I . � . . I ; I , - 1. Il- 6 1 ;� I ­.. 1. 1. �. . . . o .. I I I 1: I I .. �, i , 'I 11 ", I", � � i - . _. . 71!1�� __ � ! _,� , :� �., , �.� � , , � - - I . . ­ - I I -1. -1 -1 .- .11 I .1 -1-1:11 I ­­­ ­ �i �i' .'e' ; .'. � ;, ;� � I "" . I I I ;, - ,� 41%. ,; , I M � �,;,,"�'6 .�;;,,,,�;�',�"""�i,,;,��,,�ii�;�-";""lt,.,, ,�, ", ;1 . I I � ,;, i, ;�;�, . 11 11 i — I ­ . . I � � ; ; , � I ! , � . . . . . ii p � "I 1,3., 11 �illl�i"'�'V�11'1`1" 41'1113',�,�, ��:, � , . � . 11 � � � I . . ___ - - __ I I . ,. 4'. 1 .. . .1 1 ;�==7"_ . 1. � , I -1 . I , . . -_ - , . .. � . I.- 1- .. I I I . . .. � I I I I .1 ', ?,� " ,,,,,�,�, ;�,,,�Jj;�� ',��,, " 1`11�1�4��; - � �' . �:, - � � , -� . "', - , -�, , . , li'.'a I I . � .... 0 . . . . � _­ " ' ' "" � � � ' I ,�, � 6 r,��4",;!�,�',',"'�,,je,�l . I" I ", of her grazdparepts, who pxp in Poor ' . ­ ­ . '' ' , �1. :1. , .. - Best Window In r?, X "I , Uvalt]lli, Her position bus 'beelt WWII " ; , ". � _ ,,, . ­ I I '.. STRA I ._�' " �,�,,, , ,!�, � �;�,'�'i�,�,',i�:�;�,',���-":��',��'��,�,,;',,� �,"�"i,,.,�"."!",."���,l"; �,�: ,1� ", �J C CE I I , I 0". 1 ffu . , � I . !�,,!,�,:,�,"; !� , I " � � � � "14. m­,�, :� �. _k . ,:""�-�l'���/-"",,��,'�'��,",���;-�,� " ��, i "pop"=" --- � �, " �7 �111 �, , ' - , ". �, . I . .— — I ! . 11 " ''I by Miss Toar0retAwkigster. ,, E Ry"', '���,':.��,���,'�l'f,'���,:�;'!�,���� ,.,;�'; ;�, I � , 1. - .11 �,, I The regular meeting of the W.M.S. roster an,a litt% son. � ,, ­ �, - I �. ­-,,- ` - � - ­F,111111114''4�,-� .. .... �1,1,1 . I ;; 711 ted-,- AdSO of -Con ., I � 11 ,_ Mrs,'Harold .. I , .. . ... �,., " t-.11 .#xue , �, , � i,�', �,11.17 1.�, VT 2!" tt� 1: � . ,.e United Ctu:rcb. was heI4 Billy, og Blyth, are visiting with Mr, , ,;I I � ,;� �:, 11 1 " -j.. ,�.� I :, �. .1 , I .... �.. � Lt, ,, � � .11 "', �_ , ` 1 , , ,��,,� � - �" - o � � L, ��L!­� �_ on .: ,�,�,� 'e� �,.,',, .;,,,',!�';'ti - 1�., J,�­' ­�,,­i0 11 ­mll�, .-,71-'-- @"?,% Thursday, Julie 12th, with Mrs, W. . and Mrs. Alphonsei-�Fbster. SUPPER , ,, . ­Z:�%,:,-`77 1 " I ,. I .... . , , :.: 1. �.I�,';��',,".,���!�,.�p,i,:,".�ll,�,�,-��,,.�,,��,,,-�,��.� 77,7 � . � Britton presiding, The theme for MTs. Margaret McLean, who has . "' � I., - 11 �­ : ,� . , : , 1 1�1�� "I I . , . I U,,�;�;',��, ����:��,,i,,,,,,';��i"",,�;.,-"��,,', ,,, . I �. be inserted at new low cash rates: June was "Friendship For Other ��:: weeks Sponsored by the Kippen Eaot V I `�� "I - � I , '' __i" "I � s.11 A ,?�:,I�!,.;`�� !Z, . I., I " I , . ' ix . ' %' ' ' 'I moft RVftt.L Etc -For word: hymn was sung and, Mrs. Britton led i! 1, with her sister Mrs. MacTavis#, of .1 -!I��,�; Mlf ,�, 0. � �, ", ­:, I. "" E" N. been spending the vast two �i%��'.101, ,1, ,: 11 . -j- �� ,;; . . . . . . . . , . .,t* ., . t*�4i . P4, C I - , ,es _A i���;,,'�,,���,-��,���',,"����, , - 111,,14,.' 01, . _ JAw " � - . §'., . , W, I., it the . -1 .,�. 1. � I: ? I , � I in prayer. ThE) treasurer reported oil t, 11, �. St. Thomas, and other relatives, has �.. . � ,��.,,� ' I �� * % Gent 11'.` , �,�yi.�,,,��7�;,, �. : _'. I I . I 2isd . =­ -::-� ......................... I cent .. w,�,i­. * I I.. ....... *.*.­*­;*­******"* the last quarten A temperance mad- �. .g returned hollip- White School, 1 % Miles . 41�'-,`�';�;,I;',�­'... . . - T 11;1,'�, �, �.' '1� -;, , 'iM:::0:'. The Kipp)%li East W. 1. are spons , , ,�.:�, ,3X4,,N,V_*0k .......... % Celit . Ing Nyas given by Mrs. Fralick,. "T , " i�_ 1 .1 " or- �', , ,� I "J.", - inan gboraC6 ant � bsertion ..... 25 Cenis � '%vo ... i�;Irz,.-.- ,��4.)-,,7t,4,�-­ 6�, � , , -i; ,,, 41;,�, ximv ., *`-.�?:- % I 4� - � A..... i;i;��. fl� - 5,,,�Iz I , 0,� ", , ', �, ;�. . - Reasolis For Total Abstin,euce." A : ;. ,,� :: Ing a strawberry festival to be held in 111.1�'i? , ", ,: , _ "V . ..'� I I �gz". � �'� �A'�, , � *Reb ftam Wbal and abbrevintion counts as one wermL . �i ­- S-:1 East. of Hensall . � , Christian Stewardship pa � the white school, S.S. No. 1, Tucker- ;',t4.:�,,��4'i�l � - ' 'r*!�o,f"'�' ,per was giv- � . , - f ICM -4 cen� -, , "44701 14 lKelvorWa. &.01ti per word. bfinimusn, 60 cents per weet. . .,:.-'­��',";. ; I ay evenring, June 20th, . 11-I.R ��.,�,'6".'.�"��; , ,-. J444,4ni ie -direct d to, A Box d)qf 71 Celit; en b� Mrs. Robert Lawson; a wis- I .:: , mo�� ! smitil, on Frid FRIDAY, JUNE 2fth ,� ... �,,� � " I.,,, _ �nf % zW be P Nun . " Of As HUZOU FOWWit0r. fOr 10 .1 .... :,x . 1: , r��%il� .�,:�zz%%%,��'. �. 1. ,,�,,��, � �', L''. , ....... sionbry talL by Mrs. J. Nottingham : ..,' �.t i I which gives promise of a real Wat. ,ql_1�61 " 1, � .o �: _1 , , JMt3MIk. .;. 1, � 6.30 to 8 p.7n. ' ,.,"�4"),�,"41�""j: �. "'; Supper from N 4, . �,k;;:: � .. �*,;,,� .1 T,= pepto addl#mW per-weck wM be chamwed if ads in abo,m d4us we not paid by the 6r. "Personal Evangelism," and a I %;.�.:";��::,.-., ",;::1-,',1R The supper will be followed with a � .1 ��4�.�:�::::, .L �: vx.;­�,�,:,. ­."x,.;;1�: � �? 1'4ilk!�,,��� . . . ;.,; ­�,-.;�,",�:., , " ��w � 3 r"y, night. in the Week M WWCM 14ke ad was run. , N__.. . - I - X4U a , .Z�.11; �%, .�.I.I.,�,-,,,'::':�'i'�;;�i",:: _ . " tAs XSW=W 4nd umme inse" free of chmue. reading by- ,Mrs. E. Adams 'entitled-, .J 11"". .,. I .. IN1,;.. . ��S,_ dance with music furnished by Mu , r . -, ADMISSION . 25c and 15c -es to ureawro. !,. . - ,�� o""..." . . . �WJ;W,4,Tg, " k2w.--naves On applicatioam. I ��; i .".�.�ll,�'..,.,L,...".",.�,,�;,;�,��-:1.�;I .: I - ... . '... , �"., - dock's orellestra. ,., 'A' - 1. - i . . :: .*T' ; : �, L : I . . '. '.. - ,� #Uouon sales. litatic . ,be Touch of the Master's Hand." ; , . __ , PI.....'%, ........1-'.1 . . . . . ,�,�,' . ,_, ..­ I ,J,.�� This part of the meeting then closed . .. ... -11 . sud, MDOOR DANCING 11"��­ . .. '� Word has been received, of the � - . , ,Ai ,I, 6 Notices For Rent and the W,A, took charge. . ­­­".' J den death of Mrs. Alexander Ellis, of . . . . IM4 i I � I : I I Murdock's Orchestra � I '14 I I I . — I - ., 111, :.: ;! � Aberdeen, S.D., whose sudden death 1. f ,, . PERHAM BERRIE%— CALL A RQOMS TO %ET -RECENTLY VACATED . , L..": M"'m, . .. Proceeds for War Work S� , T ,. last Thursday was attributed to a ,4ki,� v,,� ,. - . . " . � , ,)3',`,,,T�,1 *1 I Vat& for betber. che"er berries. W.k I by John Beattie- See MRS. D. REGELE VARNA :: I .. 11. � . . "We need, your help to carry on" , I I'll, ,,r - your owln if you wish. , One nxU* west of iv the block. &3834-tf . heart condition. The former Miss '. .. ,I � ��4 , Winthrop. 38afts . . Jane Murray, she was born in Hen- I . I � �� L7Y,',�; � 1. I . - - . - Mr. and Mrs. Diriniii, of Zurich, ,:::,.;,� . sall, the daughter of the late Mr. and - — � ,��,, - - I � - - 1. . — ',;_4� . � I For Sale were Sunday guests at the home of I '.." MTs. George Murray of this villagp, , . , 't "I'';�­t'.- S_ 4p or Rent It" 11 spending her earlier years here until rooms. L "'. . For I ' .A......, :: . : I JL, , . ��, � " . - .Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie. . ;, � _ i �� 7$ 1 17OR SALE -DRIVING OUTFIT: I RQAD I w , to her h'sband, 'who The jam season is now opening. The �,_��, '.. her marriage u , 1. . I :::: '. ; I RENT - BATH. - home, 2 buggies, rubber tired, cutter; 2 Rev. and Mrs. Peters spent a few I ..... I . vl passed away so . me years ago. Their Canadian Red Cross in co-operatiqn ,I HOUSE FOR '%AJ--' OR days last week at their summer home .,. ­� 1...-,�. �%`111 : .".". . �.. �11 town wabeA lbrdro, Immediate posses- sets single harness, an in good condition. May .". ..1. marriage was the first one solem.pized with the Women's Institutes and (Aher'_ sion. Avoty to J_ F. DALY, Seaforth- b.- seen on Saturday or Mkindav at McKIL. in Muskoka. ' , 3836-tf LOP� MANS& - I in Carmel Presbyterian Ch-urcli here .�worrlen's -organizatiobs, is sp6lisoring , . !� 1�1`: `�, - - � 11 I .. � . , � 1; � Mrs, Cora Beatty and son, Bill, call- '�Ic.�.11` , " 383GXI . � �,� . . 11" � I I � ;...,. _ aking for shipping overseas. 11 �;* .. : . I ... . many years ago following its erection, Jam in I I-, . ­ - ==_ CAR FOR SALF-1929 ESSEX COAC ed on friends in the village on Sun- - . i - , H, FOR ..-1_-:" 1`1":":"L�... I . ;�� :!,_�:­, . , .Xi�i. :," they being presented by the Sessioll The Henaall W.I. (have already order I . 1, ""'i :, *Wt*.*��Ii �',.,. I sale cheap. Apply at MELVIN CLARKE'S day. I , ". , .. �.x.;,,:::::�:.".. ,V1 . : I .�, or-, "I of the church With a Bible in honor of ed through the Hensall branch 100 Property For Sale SMVICE STATION. Phone 146. On Sunday, June 22nd. service in I. . 9�`­"`i:`_-,.�;i...:� .... i !� . � P'1N"`,1;.:,.,1_�;;.n .­., - 1 306XI :;::. 'L�,,�:�:::�,,,j.:.,.,i::�:- .:. : . When the cans come, please ;� )i L '.. St. John's Anglican Church will be at .,�:, I I .. .. . ],:� . I the occasion. Surviving are a grown cans , . . � Y OR SALE AT A SACRIFICE�-WE WILL' . ,�:: 1.i� :.;. I offer your services. - I *:_ .`��.� up family and four sisters Misses I., � I . . , . � , _____ — ... :!. I '" . walk out und leave the home furnished or — 1.30 p.m. I i,%.�:;;:;�:�,:�;.;::;; ��:. . .. . � .. .1 :;:��hs. : Margaret and,Georgina Mur�ay, (Bel- The success of the Red Cross con- . . ,,� � '" e are sorry to report 'Mrs. L. . . ,. 601 .. I .1 , , ;;"..". "i �11 "I Mrs. J. Lindsay, all of London, e . . , ...:;. , ,,1:7:- c rt, presented by the Young People . �i. 11 ,�­,`ii7: -ace to live. We . . � � . 11 uiifurnished� a J�eantiftl pl, r . !��,��."--,�� ,i - Card of Thanks ..., .1, must sell around ,one oxwe of lauO. cause of . . tt lal ,I .,� Beattv has been confined to the house .... 1, � "..., ".....: I ­�­ . se2ling, old age and failing -.health.' First '. .; . . .!.,... X I ,:. I . ,:...;;':! � ��`,.,..:�,:,�,.-�,-, - �,_ ,�. of the R.A.F. from Fort Albert on 11 1; �., _ I . _ and Mrs. Mary Lindsay, of Hensall. �, house �outb of R.-IEL crossing, a stucco house. MRS. JOHN F. PURCELL AND FAMILY for the past week, but we hope .;1 � , I "..., ,.._,:._ � . -permission of CapL . .:" ..: .;::w,..."� �.::� , ; ,.�1, . At the Continuation School picnic, June. 4th, by kind . ' S ­ .:: �;:. ::`:�:j:;:�;;:: i::.,,:i ,:".:! I RNIRS. W. C. HERBISON, Victoria St., Cainton, .desire to thank theirr many friends for see her about oon. ',, .�" � ,.-11-1?. ? ��`--` , ; . . ... . .',.:�.,�,:. .. - .. - G. - , - �::�:;, I. , , I. . . , ,� `x,�',,.'�,�i7,1::..-. .-Y" . � i � !: , i*.i,�l,� held at Turnbull!s grove on Friday ev � � No. 4 Highway. 3,83G-2 the ,xpr-,*i-n- of kiiianem extended' to thern 1 �7.�. � : . . . . . . k .,:.,�x�*�.".-,�::�;,,i����.!.i:::: ..', .P. Robertson, was a decided sue . ,; . . . I during their reomt berea"ment � also to .. ,The township council has purchas- :,:::. ::.�. ..-z:1:: .V1. , ^ "'K&I , _ :,�!�. . ening last, Miss Dorothy Chandler, cess, The fLn-ance cdlnmittee� deserve !� 7- - thank those who sent flowers. spiritual bou- ed a lot north of the township ball : : . i .1 .:�, �;:.F-,-,�.�,', J%:...�,�� . i .. i " . , who is leaving shortly for Parkhill, congratulations for this outstanding " � . quets and loaned cars. I 11 ,; 1. 0 .1 -1 , .. . Help Wanted . from Mr. George Beatty, $r., where . � . . ,. I, ,;x; _ Iii3-ii lzll� _ .���:,i:�,;.:., ,;... � � vas present,6d' with a silk umbrella, event of the seapa which has result- , "",,.,.,.".,,.".,,.".'�:��;,. "', I '� _ . :%.::;�5%* - -...". , , A .: .jx: ", '! I i�"'%' . .'.1 , �,?Kl:�:�:_�. . � '. : I ., � . . � - -:� �- ,'-,..-i,;' , . �. 'over � ., �..,. , I 1CM. . '. _ ,� , ,., 1 ". . ,.!,.:�::..�-.;�:::�,','.'�;'';�l;.-� --. ... . . ____ . "M � ... ,��.,..;::. 1.�;,.­;;.:�. : K�, '. 1; Miss Gwen Cooper doing the. honors. ed Ili our funds 'being increased, � . they purpose erecting a building to I v,m . . "I ,,:-,:.: ..... . ;, I "': � ." .1 � .. ... .,--.��,i. % i, i - — . . . ,:.\111;;1.;1 ili;�,::,�:�.::"_;_, �. .". li, . WANTED - EXYWIRIENCED 4AID FOR store the tommship machinery. I ­­:".... . . � . Kt:.: ­. 11.1 ­_K�;;<:":�.;.v;��:�,,, �.L;",� ,, ::: ,. -:­' ­­� ... , . I * i:::: .i%:�;,:i. , '. The event was much enjoyed. . , � . `1 " , ""' ".., $80.00. The branch desires to thank 1. general �housework; good wages� Apply Births I . � .. xp.:. ,:. -�::.:!;�:i�',�,�., ; .,. �'.', I _i�­ K1,11. %.T.....'.2. ... 2r, I � IN Mr. an -d Mrs. Keith McLaren. - of ­ "" 1.1.-�:,::�., �:..' , .." 1, I I I , -1. I 1 - .'...,. � %. - ..1111 A �'�':� - -s. again.the Blue Boys of Port Albert, , , - 266, EXPOSITOR OFFICE I .1 ", .� - .1.1 pi,,::,�: Howard Smale, son of Mr, and Mi - .� . ;­ .; . 1, I _11. ' Box I : ...... I I I i "I I I �4 _ _ ........, �­­,,;,... - I , Clomarty, were, Sunday visitors at t, . . ".., ,. , - , , I � . George Smale of the village, an, em. Miss' Florence Welsh for acting as � . 7:,.. ,..,! .", � . �. I I 3836-2 CbLEMAN-In Scott MemortbA Hospittal sea_ I , .. - , .... V. I - � , , I forth, on Thursday, June 12th, to Mr. I Tihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson �, � . 1�11 , .. � ", . - 1: ".1, ,.;;,: , -a Senior Hensall . ,. .;. ��� I _�. 1, . and, . ., ._.', :. '. :: . ..... ployee of Spencer' ' s Planing Mill, had accompanist, and tb � . WANTED-GHa� FOR � GENERAL HOUSE Mrs. Harold Coleman, Hibbert Township, a Reid. . ,,:�'. - rile sawing lumber Institute for servin-k .quell a delightful I ,-;g� ". __', -IN I �_ the misfortune wh . daughter. __ . work- , Apply 110 Dox 259, 'EXPOSITOR W., � ..... �_ .... ,. I Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reid, of Windsor, "...."$ I... , ..... . ... ,�'.� - - � - ­ , . I . OFFICE- I., 382$­tf COLE AN -In Scott Memorial Hospital, ,n,n . .. _ I . . while his attention was diverted for a lunoch. , . June 12th. to Mr. and. Mirs. Howard Cole- I spent Sunday with Mrs� M. Reid. '' . � -to have his hand caught in These notes might well end with , . I , ­ moment, .. _1 d I = man, Staffs, a daughter. I .1' Rgm6adville voung peopI6 will'pre.- 'ring the los'* of one fln- the s-logan used at the end of the bul- F, , � COLEMAN -In !�cott Memoria,l Hospital., l - - - the sa*. suffe 8 ...... � . I on ,ent a Play entitled, "All On Account, , I p ger and receiving si�rious injury to one letia-mentioned- above: "Women of I 1� , June 12th, t.,,Mr, .nd,Mrs. Wilfrid Ccile-� .1 ;- � . . Wanted 'ftan. Tuckersmith, a'son. . ' of Luella." in Stanley Townehip Hall, : In the contest conducted by the Huron Coutity Victory. � 41 an or- other finger. He received treatment the Red Cross!' Work, Knit, Sew, . ". I!, - SLOAN-In Scott Wrnorj*�l Hospital. on June I Varna, on'Friday evening, June 2'0th ganization to find the best decorated � window in the " - �ounty, first at Scott Memorial Hos9ital_Seaforth. Pray The men, wdmen and child ILP 1: _ . WANTED --STRAWBERRY PICKERS. Ap- I' 1�'h, "to Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan, Mc- I The Proceeds frorn this play will be ' The home -cooking sale', sponsored of Britain deserve no less of us." 'n; 11 1: ply to W -11 -T -TA COLLINS. Phone 6iG Killop, a soti- � �. prize was awarded to R. H. Middleton, Hensall druggist. The Hen- 1�1 1 :­ ir 42, Clinton,. I . 383r�xl i TAYLOR -in Scott Manibrisi ncs�itsl. 012 used for the purchase. of jam for ov- .sail window, shown above, comp6ted with entries in eight other by the W.M.S. of the United, Church, The Hensall Senior Women's lnst�- 1'1� " 0 [ June 17th. to M,r. an,d Mrs. I. f,rseas shipment. for use of civilian centres in the county. ' I I . . held .Saturday, June 14th, was very tute beld a very -qnjoyable picnic at r � . WANTED-01800�00 Fd`R MORTGA-GE X I Staffa, a con- Garnet Taylor'� victims and Canadian troo . I I ­ W, esday even- ,..:. , good farm property in Hibbert To* . t- I I ps in hos- '' 11 1, . I . successful ar,,d the results very grat- Tuinbull's Grove on edn 1, . � - . I. ��� , pitals or camps overseas. Come out . .. ifying. In the booth were Mrs. W. ,ing when sports and boat ridirg were I IL ship. Mbney needed to dean up an estate. -- ___ . . I 11 . . . . . 1.nd help the. Red Cross Society in outlet for ' B. Cross. Pres ..... 1, . . Apply td'K. L -MeLFIAN. Ba�ter and Solici- I I . considerable -water from thn! ��N eeR ,with Mr, and, Mrs. J. 'Linden, uf ident, Mrs' C. Ballan- indulged in. Mrs. 1�;aac Jarrotc and �� 1. �. I ter, Heiisall ..d. 3mf.rth_ � 3835 rf Deaths ) this worthy cause. 1. . . Mrs. Garnet Jacobi had made ai3d I . I pa r t of ,the township lying north of I Denfield tync, Mrs. C. Cook and Mrs. T. J. il�� . �' I — � JAMIESON--In Seafarth, on Thursday, June, I . ­ I town,and leads into the Ba -,field I . . � S . berritt. . donated two quilts and- the lucky tick- , �§, ',. I . %, 19th. Jame, A. Jamieson, in his 66th ye;ar� . -1 -e drawn as follows: Miss Olive W . Auction Sales , — . River. The dredge operates day and i The Hensall Public Library -will e�s we' "I 1; I ,, HILLSGREEN night shifts and is making s' Q for two Papple, Seaforth, and- Mrs. Fred . . 1� � close. Saturday, June 28th, I "I ... I � Peed�-,"l HENSALL i ' it . SmalIllcombe, Hensall,' $55.00 beirg, . "I i D EF I . I headway. The dredge at presen is I I made on the two quilts. Mrs.,Hedden , ..v .. OF HOUSEHOL � weeks. .Please have all books re"I'll'u- "�[. AUCTION 'AT Mr. Alf. Westgate spent a day. in near the boundary Toad between Stan- ! See the new range of Tip Top Tail- ed by that date. , , ". ; . fects, at the residence ��f Kiss Eliza,L� 1 S.C. Pupils'Win ley and Hay Tom-'aships. s. sold the lucky ticket to Miss Papple, , ­­ Neflans, in Seafortb, on Godenich -Street, on ,,� , q. London recently. I I ors suit samples at Goodwin -Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clevqland, of Rnd Mrs. Fred Beer sold the other one .1 ". . . ,Frirfoy. .Inne 243th. at 1 pm_ th� following: � (Continued from Paze 1) � * The anniversary service held here The ne-,v home being built for M Pepper Clan Picnics Goderich, were Sunday guests with to Mrs. Smallacombe. r I I .�, I I I oak dining room,suite; I oal, library table Z � Canada want* its people to le,nd six I t i N, - - . I writing desk; I oak ovad table- 3 small: on Sunday � evening was well attend- 1 Ed. Reichert, on, Centre Stre,e nl' 'The annual reunion of the Pepper Mr. and Mlrs. James A. Paterson. Tl�e Cavalcade "in copnection witfi . I I'll I . 11 i .., tables; I pedestal; 4 rockers; 2 cane botwm� bu,ndred million dollars. A similar ed. Rev. W. E. Aldsworth, of Staffa, town, is under construction and soon I Clan was held at the Park, Stratford, I I . I I . I" chairs: I davenport. I extens,ion table, sLN � drf;�e lalinched in the closing year of � ON -livered a very inspiring message, will be ready for the roof. 11 some hundre'd members of the clan be- Red Cross Notes' - the Victory Loan campaign p,,u_.;P,1 ,,, - tbrough Hens'all at 9a.m. on Tbars-' I . kitchen chairs; I kitchen table; I kitchert! the last war exceeded the set amount � ' bard. of Mitchell. visit- - The new home on the farra of Mr. ing present from Brucefleld, Clintot, The following goods were,. shipped day with Reeve E, R. Sbaddick and '� 11. mrwe;.2 w7ingei�.: 1 ice box: I fruit cu'p- I tremendously. This, is� the I -Mrs. M. Lum . 11 I I ;� I board: I ball rack; I Axminster rug 9xiol-12; hope of I ed -one day last .week at the home of Ted Rader, Goshen Line', South, is I Seaforth. Hensall. London, and Toron- .on or about Juhe 2-nd: Army Quota Dr, A� R. Campbell leading the pro- �� 1, I � , I rug'lft14; several small rugz; I floor i the DoWinlon. durin-1- this drive in the M'r-_ar�d '.Nirs. Win. Davidson. - uearing. ,completion and when com- I to. Former office�s Were returned to -8 pairs socks, 5 pairs two-way initts, cession. , � lamp. 3 electrdc table Umps - 3 mattresses - 11 present War. � . . ) 1, ' I Some of the. farmers in ,this vicin-, pleted 'will be, occupied by his son, office. the cb,jrman being C. P. Pep- 3 sleeveless sweat6ls. Navy,Quota- Alvin, Bell struck out 11 batters and' ­ feather mattresses: I clock: 3 iron b6d` : ' 1 This must be done with unflailingi 'R ' ;, I . dressers; 2 wash stands; 3 sets of springs; I I . , ity are .tarted Naying and report a 'Mr, Harold Rader. Pei-, Toronto. At the close of the, pro- 5 searves. 5 pairs seat boot socks, 6 gave up four scattered hits as the R. 1, ., � I., ' Singer sewing machine, 2 quilt boxes; 9 morale and unflinching courage.. Af-1 very ligbt crop. Members of the Deichert a'nd Yung grari I a motion was introduced by Geo. turtle -neck sweaters, 5 pairs ln�tts, 1 C.A.F. No. 3 Training Command " � I . 11 . trunks;, I chest iDf 4rawers.; quantity of lid- I t,.,. twenty-one moriths of ,wAr, - . Read- , e . � Wei blut families, attended,'the funeral 0; I N47. Pepper, cf London. seconded by he.Imet. Besides .these quotas, the foi- quarters defeated Dodgers '19-3 in a l 4� . ding and linen ; dishes. sealers. garden tools , have felt no pressure here in Canada,! � . . I .. I I - MWNNN� I ., I and seveml othetr articles too numerous to I � . the late Mrs. Louis Peine held at N_?W [ John Pepner. of Hensall, that a letter lo,,ving articles 'were forwarded to Westmo-drit Municipal League game, I I entlessly �1_ i � , fle the. Britiah''are rel� . ., ., '. mentaon. Terms -Cash- WSS ELIZABETH I V%_111 afterunol ": to genstor Claude Pepper of hea&quarte,rs: 15 scarves, '50 pairs of the Montreal Daily Star said in a re- .. ,% � ... I son, Auc- I ing driven from their homes bv Nazi 1 ,ZURICH , ' Hamburg on We;dnesday 1. ,.)e sen,v "I .1 NEILANM. Proprietress; 11. Jacks I . . I .. . _ �1� , i -_ ww� 6; the United States. A motion to dis- socks, 10 pairs mitts, 2 turtle-nec-1 cent i,"ue. Alvin- Bell is a son of Mr. I , I t .. . I ti"Oer- 3835-21 co" - Deceased had rea . ched the age of 8 11 1. � 11 i , . . savagery. Do we find them mplain- i n I years. i contivue these events for the duration tuck -ins and 2 shoulder wraps; also and Mrs. W.- G. Bell of Hensall. . I � — ing? Noi Then-wby should we put � A umber from town and vicinity I _. . I ", . '. .r ; � .� . up aJus-�,,if we have to . atte-;dded the Wedding at Dashwood �1 - , i,ot the war was defeated, so the pic- 2 complete layettes, 14 pair� of ward The W.M.S. of Carmel'Presbyterian 1, - .1. . .1 pay, a - ___ - __ - .. .1 ,� . . Notice 0 Creditors two �,xlrd for butter, cheese, or on Saturd4y afternoon of Miss Doro-, I nic will be held the same place and slippers, 20 women's night gowns, 3 Church met on Thursday afternoon I .1 . - " ., , . other commodities? What does it tby,� oldest daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. KIPPEN ­ date next year. boys' suits, I pair boys' pants, 1 b)an- last Ili the school room of the church . , .. I '. , . NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' -s. -er, of Mount k4t and, 4 quilts. We express thanks with -Mrs. John. Dallas in ,the ch dr. I'll : I , I'. I I IN . ,, � r 'M matter if we cammot .obtaln foreign Ernest H. Rader, of StePhen Town- - I Mr. and Mi Ste � `� , . I 1. I FISTA . OF ISAAC MOORE. - . . Mr. and Mrs% .'Fred. Parsons -and'Wal- I Brydges.'and.Mr7s. brilzzler and dhugh- to all 'workers at the sewing rooms .The opening prayer was given by Mrs. . � i . ,", goods from countries in the war zone ship, and Joseph - Merner, of Dash- �, � , . . HAVING CI.AIMS AGAINST ter, of S.eafoT6, and Mrs. E. Keys, of I ter, 150iothy.-of London, were Sunday and in the homes for the splendid jeau Manson; Scripture reading, Miss . '� ALL lv�RSONs d. The ceremony was performed g,o 'Esftte 4 Isaac Moore, retired farmer, or in enemy,occupied territo es 0 Varna, visited recently at the -home I guests with Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer. work achieved, and to' the, conveners Minnie Reid; roll call answered With ;�� _ the I ri ? WO �, ERA" late of Iffie TowInsWP of Tu,eloerstnitb, deceas- The, British people though undergoing at the A I ' , : 2� V; . I 'theran Church , DashWood, of * and Mrs. George E Thomson, Mr. Gus Voth, of Detroft, spent the of committees for their loyal co-opef-'a. "Love.-, Mrs. James Bonthron sang a t . t. ea. who 4fied on b` �ab"t the Ist day Pf the fiercest bombings of any civilians Rev. T. Luft tying the knot. Mr. and * 1,.�,,,,,:1,, . April, 1941, =e,hereby -notified to send in to ' -Miss Lifflaa Ryckman, I ,� , of Norta week -end, with his Wite and daughter, tion in all matters. - beautiful solo, "Let th ' . ,:. . the undersigned on or ,before the 12th day- are holding out extraordinarily. We Mrs. MerneT will reside !a Dashwood. q Lower Lights , �!, - .. : - of July, 194J, ftll parffienjars of. th-i C)a1lus do not know, what it is like to be ,in- The decoration and memorial spr- � Dako,ta, U.S.! �yho has been visiting 'Gwen, Who are vacationing at the A bulletin was, received a few ,days Be Burning," Miss Minnie Reid accom- , �,)�� � . . g",, ,. . relatives and friends in this- vicinity, home of Mrs. R. Bonthron. Mrs. L. ago from the Women's War Work panying, Mrs, Dallas - presented . the ,,�',J - v�-iffi affildavit attached. , n" our i2ight's sleep by the vices'held'� at the Evangelical ceme- . . � . � Immediately after, the said Tast mentioned - I underivent an- operation for appendi- Simps returned to Detroit with him -Committee of the Ontario, Division topic,. "India As, It Stands, Today." date, the aBsets of the said mtate wsl he dis- waHing of air-raid sirens. We -do 'not ter � y?, Bronso�n Line, on. Sunday after- itis in Scott 'Memorial Hospital. Sea- whereolsahe intends 'to- vacation Nr a containing a very pressing ap-peal th4t The visiting committee reported hav- I!,%f: . tributed amongst ;the parties entitled thereto, know what'At ig like to be bombed nooli, were well attended. The Dash- e . . I ' � , 4orth, on' Saturday last. week. , " 1��1�Ii,�!. - 'having, revvird only to claints -of. which tbe-work be 'maintained at all costs. ing made Z5 calls to sick and shlit,� " , .. the ,from our homes without a single ob- '�odd Band -furnished music fo the Mrs. S. Bowers, oi Centralia. ,spent Mrs. K. ,Cantelon, ,accompanied by Mrs. W. R.,Campbell, Natio - Lo ' �; r ,-�,; I undersigned shall ibm' have motace, -to t1he . . " � . nal Chair- ins, -s. Jas. Pat - T, f. -9 'othw%� and:the, undertig.ed jpct bel , gan and, Mr ,. . .11, .exclusion Of a ng salvaged. The. undaunted' event. I M rs. § _� I � -01 not be Rable to any person of whose Britishers simply find another place to . Rev. E. Tuerkheim. pastor of th6 a few days. WA 'Bel- brother, Mr. and Mrs. P. .4anns. left Wednesduy . for mand, gaid this: -" erson were appointe!i the visiting com- i�;;- Airs. Oliver Jaques. Little Dorothy Pike Bay. where they intend to spend "As we have been forrtunaAe enough miite . � 1, ,,I,---- I�Islm dhe UrderaWned 61hall nlot them have�staY-out of reach of the Nazi invad� Lutheran Church, of towli, and Mr, E_ . . I e for the,month of July.. Mrs. , "': I . ­ I licitiole for the essets, so Ai�� or my ; ers. . F.' Klop- - Jaques returned bomie with her for a two weeks' vacation. to -secure some addftional ' shipping C. S. Hudso gav ' i report of the ex - I . Mrt thereat I I . P, delegate, attended the 'an I . n e -, t days. M17. and Mrs. James Bduthron. spent r,l3ace for th� month of June and are ecutive meetilig ''. . few ,­ I DATED -at' Seesorth this - i9th day o,f June. I We should follow the Wight Honour. nual conference held near Petawawa I '7' , , . held in Clinton on �­ 1941, . Don't forget the strawberry festival the first pairt of the week in Toronto, I most anxious to get as much civilian June �,:! 11 able Winston Churchill in his first last week of the Canada,Synod of the , . 170th., A � hymn: amd ,prayer by �,'�� - 11 McCONNELL & RAYS, i e on the church lawn Friday, June 27. '.Mr. Bon ,:: speech broadcast as Prime Minister Lutheran Church. I thron attend'ing a;R. emballn,11 clothing and, knitted. comforts over- Mrs. Workmall,closed the meeting. �111;;` . I $011ciftias ,for Execuwml ' Th�e .Paul Bros. of Kirkton and Miss ers' conviention. , seas as can be possibly managed, will , fhe'salva&& campaiM sponsored by �",-. . Seafor%L . of Great Britain. "A-rin yourselves A reception was held at the-bome ' ill," .... othy Green, of Exeter, will be the ----The many friends of Mr. Frank' you urge.your workers to redouble the KiPPelf East W. 1. realized the ,� I . I - ­ I �'3836_3 and be. Ye men of valour and be in of Mx. and Mrs. Moses Gerber, Goshen Doi- ' . %-, entertainers. Coleman will be pleased to learn 4s their efforts and ship everything you sum of $116.00, proceeds for war work. ,';,� , - diness fo�� the conflict, for it is Line. North, on Saturday for Mr. and � iv?�,��11 . . NOTICE TO CREDITORS rea - ... ____ Mr. and Mrs. S. Ropp. spent the able to b -e uli and around, and is,ablc; .. possibly can, , ��,�- A�ra. Albert Clausius, newly . . 4..­at,your earliest con- Xlr. and Mrs. W. Harding and Mrs. ,� - , better for us to perish in battle, than -mi-i�fe-d- I , 11, . IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN SPROAT. I week -end with reiatives near Tavi- to enjoy sitting on, his verandah and, v -,n I � . . � I ". PERSOiQ8 HAVING to look upon- the outrage of, our al- couple. The bride is a daughter of stock. 1. .1 . ieuc!e- It is earnestly hoped that Ida Harding, of Lqndon, were week- 1- � 43LAINS AGAR%�ST j4, ALU - enjoy the 101%]Y eaTly summer days, there will be no slackening, on the end visitors with -Mr. and rs. Fr�. %L I against the Estate Of John Sprout retir- taTs. As the will of'God is in Heaven. Mr. aA3d ,Mrs. Gerber and the groom. Mr. and Mrs. , Gordon -Mildred and ,following his recent serious illness. since thpL need Corbett. Iff d C , ,ZV" ed fiarwer� late ofthe Towla of sesforW de� even so'let Him do." a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Clausius, Jean, of Zurich visited on Sunday Mrs. George Ness and daughter, grows more urgent hourly and- since The W.M.S. , 8 . . . R, I eeas who died'611 or 12bout the 14th day We in Canada are now accustomed Blin,d Line. They will reside o-1 the . of Cavell Presbyterian ." '' ,ed. I . ''. with Mrs. H. Ricker. Ruth, left last week by motor-f,or Big - M , I of"May. 19*1,' are bereby motified to "end in ' I I � _ to bear Canadian plan Gerber farm. we must do our utm,Dst-,to encourage Church, Exeter, will be the guests of ­ � to t1re undersigmed an ,or %efore the i2th day es flying qver 'Air. and. Mrs. Robert Munn. of Hefi- gar, Sask_ to visit with Mrs. Hess' the people of Britain by our gifts, the W.M.S. of Ca el Church, 116n- ,�, I ,!, Messrs. G, Hess and Len WA*u ' .11, �,� o of July, 1941. -full particular% of their*018ims our homes every day. We must con- _,er, sail, viattedl on Sunday at tho� home Parents,, her father being ill. They I'm ,, ,With affidavit.,aftneffied. of town, and T. H. Hoffman adcf` .which we know are being so gratefully Sall, Thursday, june 2-604- at 8 p.m., ,I � �e sider ourselves fortunate that these .A- of - the latter'r, brother and sister -in- will b away a mouth. - receiv4d and which really mean 911 furn he nti p o ,. I . Immediately after,tbe said tast mentioned plan4s are not . und Goetz, of DiiMwood, attended-' I .M L ". 1 ,, date, the wft% of the a,a� eetate will be di.- er Nazi control, t e on- - tb so the ests to . ish t e re r - ­ � lau-, Mr. and rs. H. Jones. , 'y ' Walters, accompanied by ri�uch more an just clothes . . . gram. . - �;r, - - amongst the parties entitled uwwew, bombing our homes and ruining our nual convention of the Westernp, Dr. red � ': tribv&-d Cou,n- I 1, 1) I , I undersigned al- then have uotice� to the .� � Miss Mary Westlake, of Exeter. his mother and Miss Henderson, R.N., 'While we realize it is a difficult time The Troyer family held- its annual I I 1--ag regard ordY to eWnWof which Qkb industries. If countries such as Aus- Eles Telephone Association h4i at ibe'we6k with 'Miss Irma Per, all of London, visited with Mrs. Chas- of the year for many People, it should pfidnic at . Jewitt's Grove,, Bgyfield, On ',��It,,, spent � � tria, Sudenteniand, Czechoslovakia London last Thursday-,, I . 11,,),� ;,'..� I eX-CIUSLiOn of' all others, and the tt.de.igne-3 ­ .. , � 'k; 1� _ �1 11 ,��'. - . -M not ,be ,tib,We, t6 sny version of whose Poland, Norway, Holland, Denmarj - Mr. and Mprs. Ivan Willert alid guson. McDoriell on Sunday last. be remembered that for the�people of Saturday last with a good &owd at- � ,. p many friends of Mrs. Edwards, Britain the lwar' is gatheriug'momen- terding. After_a�, I . daughter left for Manitoba a few days ald and Harold, 'visited `-on SundAy W I , bou.m , 1, F claim the undomigned shall mot th& bave and France, could have held off the t Mk. and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Ger- Th 1, .�,� . 'notice for the onsets so distrwixited or any ho is over 90k years of age, will re-, tum and for us 'it is little enoug.h. to games wei,6 'indul' � , V"� dinner, I li I enemy as Great Britain and the Bri- ago. Mr. Willert is an instructor in 90d J -i �- - I 1. . I 11", vat� tbereot ' - , ., . A,, 6 8 6l . I , " . i4 I., v. DATED at Seaforlb this 19th day of June, ti -9b Empire ,are now doing, Hitler flying ai�Dff will be attached, to a base with Mr. and,Mrs. Thomas Coward, of gr1et to learn she is seriously Ill at give a few hours each day to a. job Follow,311-: is a ijuit 6F eg �, - I I ".;. . . ' .1 - . . �A.,, ,J,�14 (194L . . Rannoch. WT� home. ' ' 1. 11 I -ould,be a mail of bygon,6 days and in that -prov�nce. of tb e. R.C.A.F.- - - I I . we can still accomplish from the safe- G2'r' S race, Hazel Colemall.,' loys, ", Mrs. ,4,Alex, McMurtrie and Carol . 'Mi" Mary Hemphill, of London, ,Vis- ty of comfortable workroo s or t ck e0MoWQWM8AWQrAW,W,4,1- � � &�,,, � ,'Iv , ti` �,�, � WC61SWELL & RAYS, I all The 'isms' would be 'wasms.' The census pnumerators ,are hard ­ I M . L � 1 17�1�5..� � Solieftra for Erewators. spent the week-eAd with Mr. and Mrs I ited ov�r the week -end with her par- shelter .of our homke,." __ " 1. - � I 1. �,-,, , ","i- . Seafamil. To keep these 'massacres from our at 'Work In this section and are mak- � � t4l; clothespin race lBobet Morrell,4­ 0'i" ,��:, . . - I ­ . . Neeb G. Ingram of ueai Exeter. ents,,M.r. and Mrs. A. W. R Hemphill, d - .. 1 3836-3 country, the people of 'Canada must 1119 Quite a ,number from here attended Tb4- annual convention ol� tibe W.C. of many of our workers. But ajaill�we Mi�, y D Image; marshmallqw.con- , ' 4, I good prog-res�. Mrs. Herbert We do appreciate the flaitbfuluess G,(J.F.don Johnston; tie'contest,'Mr. an I i "i", ., . . & .lend money to its govern�aent. The has charge of the south part and Mr . try 'seMe6s in JUllogrepp ,T.U., will -be -held -in Goderich,oft Tues- .plead for additional workers at our . tq�lft, Lorne Lawson-,- ladles � I �f� I NOTIC-IiE To CkEDITORS �i ., ',�:, I , tl) . i best form to. do this Is to lend the . Milton-Oesch the north part of the le. ftnluversl . a " , , �, " , . ay evening. Th'e . i .il," � � � , �," ­ � F THE MTATE OF NUMCE A. LEATH- ' , United Church S�nd ' day, June 24th. Hensall branch. Never did,time i6an w * ", . t - , ,� �� I . . erland. , I money in the,form of Victory Bonds. cal district. . � ,. , g, Mrs- Geor:g6 Hoggar ", special speaker -�vas Rev. Alds'Worth, W. A166d.'Taylor,' who has' been 4op '*; � , , , 11,�,�� . I 11.1 4, ,,�'.'.,� AM perso- having elainis against -the estau These bonds, which will come into Mr. Paul Hes� is spending a fe%v - so much to bur cause and assist', _e ine�v siren, Mr. Russell Colem6s; �, ''..".111 3 4 I ­� Of VoWne A- Leaffierland, late of tfie Town- of Staffa. , The Kippen eli6ir wa� in confined to his room for the past week Now is' worth much more than later. y�'dugNadles' race, Miss 1,oi7etta H61); ' 1. .7l" ,, , C�%, .9 ;,,�, I ,',�i.."� 1, 9 M*v of Tuekerarnith, in Oe Cowzty of 3%ur- effect In the near kuture, are in con- weeks near Pontiac, Mich., visiting hi attendance. I or so Wfth pleurisy, is improving, hie on. We have quotag to fill and -the yo nx Men's race, Mr. Roy Dolmage; I R� , vetkiout denominations - fifty dollar, uncle, Mr. William Hess. . � L�', , ,,�', , on, decea0e& wbo died'on or about the 17th ,�,�,; - ,��, .. . f". �1 k� 1 �:�� I Mr. and MTs. L., Gaiser, of Detr,oi+, Miss S. Firikbein,er, who has spent many friends will be pleased to learn. women that are working thave stuck w4a,ll, pin '; �.- ,q�,ail. iI . �1! da3F 'Of. AvAL 1941, we Thereby no ed to one hundred dollar, five hundred dol- ' cl ow race &Ad rlx�i """ .)_1 ��� , I ! $,�' 20th day of JunC 194, Od much amuserdent. 1� �, notes. v1sited relatives 'here and in the Mrs. H. Jones, returned to'her home recent guest.with Mr. and Mrs. R. M, along and- lend a band? Ring INMrs. , 'Afte ,, � �, send in to 4he UndersigqMd on or before the Jar the past few webks with her sister, Miss Lucy Wood, of Bayfield, was a, to the task nobly. Won't you come � , , and one thousand dollar t4ok also calls I ,,�,,, . t3teir claims wilh S"Vit fVvZMbVC*rH6e=W80Tft of Creditan section the Past week. . � . ffig c r the ga7mes everyone enjoyed a I'll �l` - � 1.11 �J I,." .1 � ommittee, � V, �;q�_ 1--edistely aft has I 'or get -d talk of MAC.n .These may -be obtained at any ,time 'ir, Cr�Ait6n on Sunday." M*dd;leton. ,, - I Goodwin of the knitt '�� , , , , ,11�1 ,er 41he asia ,last bsentioned during the loan when the pure er Mrs. Ed.'Aopel, of New Hamburg, a -ice � 11 , 'N.,., I.i d0e, the osietl� of the eWd Will fo � - sewin ..�togbther an jimes, I � Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons'al.iA Miss Beati Gerber, who ihas been Mrs. T. Sherritt of the g � f01101%4d by an, a,ppetlzing supper. Ile , ,,,,,;,.-., �, be bas the rkmired sum. There will be rmer resident of 'town, is visiting oiri�, ,., 1. . I 1, there- telatives .and, friends here for, a few Irma Ferguson spent all evening las,k I -�wo years, has. resigned, to take care home if You cannvt c me to the woillv hiald Mrs. T. G. Levitt, of IngeisolL 111 .1 .11, fttributed amongst the parVws entifled I son and Misses Lillian Ryckman and I with Mrs. Alex Buchanan for the past mittee. for. material to work ' . :: 1 ,,��,��,,, to, bavina regai:d only W clatma of which three types of bonds: The first type . . witiv at ,OIXO coming the farthest were Mr. , " , �,1,1�' "I" - M�,�, , - '. ths.00derviiMed shall timu hmm unflep weeks. .9 ­'r��..A�r 9 �;, ,,�i.,(�i, ,- to. the Is the Coupon Bearer Boild. If the � 1 I , . . I I , 1',�,',, exclusion of AM othe", Apd-the -2demigned purchaser of the bond - requires The many friends of Miss Lydi , . ! . . . . . . �� � (*', �, wffl b6t be HAI. *i*.'av* a I I. I �, I . . I �S" �,,,. � . Person of whose money before the duration of thefFaust will be,sorry that she is on the I I I �� I -,� � . v , I claim the unden*uM sb%M net Then baw I I ,. � I ___�_ * ��;� �,� � , . I .1 I . I . � ,I , 4�` �;�,, . . lebtice for tIie,-,,&*eW- 06 dkh6buW or am loan is up, he may redeem the bond, sick! list at present. , . ­ . . 111 I I,j,j , . IIIIIIIIIIIIII ,,, ? b I .1 . ,,��;. , Vart thereof- " 7 - - - I , . Vi�itors at the home of . 11 ''.1 "I, ­� . 1, I 5" Q t face value. A -writio-It Mr. and . �,,,�U, K ..... . DAI�ED�,atz;geqkrdtWd"'tM,,df*r,dr- i ��t 9,hT time a �' � �'i,"­ . I .1 I i I : � I . I I ,"I", ��,. F, , . . -_ jr not necessary nor' �db airs. Charles Fritz over Sunday were .�10�7. ='..i ......... I , , , I � . . . .'�j.. � .,I ''. 194 a ..greement is , I . � I i 2", � , � � 5 ,� ok . . , , . . �, VAUR D4 9sm .,.. 14r. and Mrs. Alf Moritz, of (Iltelph, - M .3r - i I . , ", ; ,,�,:)� 4be Parties concerned -have t ol"la . ,.', �. - �, 0 n6tify _.4k,1�1;:1 A . - ' .1 -1, . I , . I - -� ve .�� I I A , �11 I ,-"-, �be 9-0 ernment. The couponi aire ex- . . � x , �­A��,,, "'; , Is co PA .", Am" ,,, �, - . a�d Mr, Wes, Kiblei aiid Miss Flos:j;10 .11 A�� I . . ­ - - ��.�',4' �;'­ - I . , � 1 , , .- � '. � 14 = V.- , "changed semi-yearly at thd banks fo'r . I .! , , . - �� I IN 11 I ., �, I , , Kibler, Of Cletleland, Ohio. I , ., �, i�41�[,� C�k': ... .� � . L "' ­ , . . � ', , _ . 382" , . � , I I ihi�!,. ��,,,,' ,�,'.14 1 . . . ��,,, � I ;."'I �! " � ,�� - ._ - 'I., � Interest money. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Faust, of Mit - . .1, I ." � , - , I . . I . * : a �!, . � I .)f,,, 'jl�, . I � . � I � - The second type is the Coupon Re- Obell, and Mrs, W. Fibirbellier, .9trat: I Is W LET US SHOW YOU THE FAMOU 1. � A !�'JJ­j'-"',1­ . I gistered 13011d� a safer bond as it is ford, were visitors at the home of MT. . , _� . :01 . 11-�, `�!(..;.Jj P0i&,t,'8taflioW � '�LL �.�,,, Y460 1, � '' . , . I . ��4' 1 " .Lk� � �­. I �­ ­­­ ­ registered by the govertiment and has and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman on Sunday. , I ,r ,,. � , . ... . I R1 1 1 . P�,rl 'NK,- 0 the Purchaser's na Mr. Herb Kalbfleisp,h, of Lond-ou, . ID NJ N CO P VO T r � ' �,.r'c,,il�t�,'�­- . ,K)VJ60'trft',`A6A1* (24337) .me imprinted on the I L - TNE ONLY TIRE IN TNE WORL-1 WIT11416 TIE!T� . - r 111, �',�,­: . I , ";.� , )§��*:Nb. 1961 :1,4 1;4�, - I." bond Woo. This ty#6 requires a writ- who Is camping at Bayfield with Ill , IfA6 Uk- . ij��,,� 4i�,�41,-, . , * JJV�,":Jb)gr'r"bk�$t'c!,*Joodwe stock tell agtVementfor sale by the original family, Visited his brother, Mr.- A . " I TO 01)? TNE 4001 . � ,�.. , ", ., . . ,,, I I I 11�111 ,,'j�r��,'.�,:', . hd**4 40, 0**56,; lon, V-seld"4100 uY men of purcb4ijerq. it too, Ilke th Coupon alb el here o Su a .,, . . . Jh'e,,, -A., �.6,07 , - "r�.- e K 11 Sch n lid y ... , , , . ,*Wtd*4 , ;�Ir�, f',,,�`;', " 1 _... � ,� . has won more �;,i;,:��t��;,� , ��:,,"`�jg��W!�� tilik" A#Ar6r2ond,.,has coupons on it which The t0wilsh4p power g The 'eomplete ranp of thes4� world. , ", -hdfia ifi Ontaxia. . rader in I I � �,��,!;, ��,`,,j;�,;��, .3,,':�,.:; ,- **,00d'i 0e tramferred­-- aemi.Teavly at, the charge of Mr. M. Ct. Deit%� la'daf;'St� . famous tims Inchidies a Dunlop for ­ I ." �;ff . I -,­­� ''I..", ,.#,'�,,'W'W"�'VMf,""*$",,'i;* . " ,.f , 4 , l . ..... �! ' 4 � .Q ­,� I" ' �. , . 0�,�$�A�,.a W1 At - every porm and pu"se_ - � .4 �,�%'.,,,,,,",,­ 7=6�"XP64,�, -04%4ddg'�','1i,`JM�� �md will b�� for bhe Money due by interest Ing ID the paving Of the,coulity road, � ".,:"� J*jVje�., ,t 1. r. .- 1, � " � �,�Z�,,'_'_ r w4ftik �04 M44". dMabse *0 The 146t lype ig the Fully Itegistered from Brucellold to Seaforth for a fe-W . � . I _*P , "."r, $*. :, "1, 4 . , r' . , , j, �" ;, "I � *jr( P,',,',:�2" " "�� i;;":,'*1 . . . �' � , _ , , � " . i " '* "Ir , W, I &t I � ", , .,,'e,;.� , , , ,0 , ,�: ��"',17,,�;4,�';; , ;7 ,_R tvft 94". This is the s'afeat bolld to be *4elcs� Wfh�n this Dbftio� is complet- "I � " � _., "I . ._4��,�,,�,�,:�'. ,,,r,,,.,J!JJMW,,� ',." �,)"#A'1,6~­;, "I, , I Put On 'AWO. It dalb he solid out, ed a -hard slfiTA6e ro"�wln b13 av$01- I'� r, '�,,�,,�"j�-.I�i,!?�., , 11 I . I ,1.1 ,111'1�1­, I y 1)3r , - ;�" ��f,'j�,'�J"�­,,'9�1;� ��',,',�1.,t";: = �qttetj Agraemeh�t to flire I govern tt . - " I'VAR ", , I '' JN0. Ir'. 'DALY ., j.� , I 06ft4r, . 0!0 , ". , it *4� . I , frolh Bayfield to geafbrth. - . 1. . J �,�,4 1�'�"""4� ? _,�'r:, ' � .,.��, "j, . , ", �'. " " ilili,04 I � ;`,��":"" "'; ' I , "j,". "', '' � . "' j'�J,14V , amevt; . "t I � I . _ . " po �.�;�11�",J'61��,,�,,,j � Thfif ty,b&.h&.jj'6 06upon, ,, 'r. Slain Iriellatid, df 4riiid, -send, bag . . ,,.�, �, . Poid — . .�_It,,', " I na , -,�­ , - ,. �.�.,;_�,�,�,,,,�"" ,.�,_ ,,, r ,", ,) 1" r ,4, - � 4.; j, � ",.,., ";"�, ,� ��, �.,,,,", �, 'r, - 1, ""I 11 ­ I , .­ 0 I %� . taler � , , , , , , _� _� �."�, ­,.'�J'( r " ' ' . %11� , , � 4 r . � , �,'J,�,'I,,,I.,').­ r �;,� r I .�� I .. � .- � 1, Its !lit eogt is 1)$fi*d �hgf�jojrl-y Vj . hill drdilge 'at woric cleaning out tM� I � . . I . . I , , _ I � 1� . ­ "d'i 6) per- �? �-, �� .";, � � 11 . ,._?"",F�", " T" " ,�,,�:�. I "� 'i � �:�)�1,1�1, , :,�:�,:::, I � r,,:,. 16W, 1'111. %r,� 6: ,� 110iftbA OtW51446 ftift th4 96Verhflient to tha Adrlth�' � , I I "r .�­r �,�;" V644bau AVV4rd DrbJim In � . � to �'�'�,'�'�'J , . " 0 '� �A..V'�r ' i S I . �,. V� _,.�I'Z,",";,"r;'',��"' "'� IV ", _. , 11 ,6 "I" "r "­',­­­ ­,­,,,,",,j,?,,q�,,�K, L " Me Ourdbasii. I 0; I tAterh part of the t6*Xydhj0. The ­ .. I � I 1,'r� " 11 T fll�W ft6ft, �� � � . �r ,"'. W. I 11"Ak r; ,,,r ­_, 'I �_,,�, "i , '. I 11 .1 " " '' � ,,*'',r, - 'r go *fie1**#r "#d.d fft, WiF Itt din. ork IS '46006t6d to W .061406ted in r - , " , ­ ... ... *� "o , , , , Jj _� - -1 , g.y h ��" ;'!�­�,'��,�,��'�"r�: ';��.',:",g� ,, r 1`1'_�,: 1, ­.., � :.", ;2"",,,,, �r­i _ "' - " V6 I a . , �`, ,_, _ :�;,!:� 1�f'�i,��;��,�,�";�,,�;', ,4,:r , ,f 0 . .�. �Iq� 'I Past �r Wdgf� i, - � �� � �*0.11*900@OAI , a,T,�tocjl Ad. --N,6ftk .gootk �,�.�f ., I �,,,,,r,�,,,f�,�,",,,!",::, , � _. �,��M ' *04"� r ", 'fi(& I 66fbre&��;Jft&,"'Wrj,� .Y&t� , , ��, 2 . �� . 01!.j,� I "" �. � � 4," , , � � ', �,,�,."4, . w 1; P, . . , .. � P � -, � I , " � *W'. , � , .,� I , It are Wo , r . , q " 4, #, - .,­'.T�A . . I Blau;% _Dt6*1T- *09,,j of A, Mt, t k� . I . ��:.".O, � 1-1 11 I ­,�i�,�, 0,1,:,,�:�� I id"�&,fh,6 d, � 6,,& �� I 1, I " ­­,., � W , �, f &ti&ii detftiwiw�t, hig. pja Old, Oiarmt of di-6dg-Itt the . I . I . '7.1". 1 1 r I I I . 11 .� , r'i 11;1,1'i,;:�7;�i'4;�:, N&NI" -, _,, r', 4'..' g, I . . . I .�, �; $ 0 1 110*1 I— , 11 , I r I 0, W,41C.: �: ) 01% ,. ". �, .1 , ,� I �-, " ,�,';' 1 '1'1'4"� 1 r �,Y�, 1 , I ��'.,; : e , _1 . I : .� yv� : MM * * Awbrafft` ,: T%ilg aft% JA th 11 - r , , ' Q,_, 1".. �� . , . . ,!, , , I r , ,��, , , MW Iff""t". ik0V.'16ft't*ftL: ' - �111.. �;:$fllMll ,r,,:,,,,,, , � & .11, 11 ­ � �L"��, "":.;"",�,,�,',"��,�;,'',��'"' '' . I : .11A i . ,,,Ir ,�,.,,.',�,,,,, " � , ,, r�'. �', �_ �r . , ,� ­­_ r : � - ',,,:' r r I r r r .. r r �� � r I;r I V. , - , I . .1 I , ..''.r". .11.1, .11111 �,,�!'t, 1 � - L ­� I r ,­�'. rl, '�r" ­igi�1111­11, I , , " , 1, , " . , , � �� ,,,,Irr, 1� I � ' I . 1. . � �. , ­ �. � t: � ea�,,,�,� � , ,,,, 11 ": �. 1­4�., �.! , :,�, ", _ *I. - .1 I ` I. � I � �, ,, f, , , I 1. ,',J� I ',L�.. r / . :_ I 1, ;�,,, i �­., q -,-i, �,;11,'le�;.�" , I", ­��.!' ­',:,,,rr: � e, ""'. 4" ". I .r :� , I , �­i,��_ � I " `Ij'��I',��.�I��','��' I " ",� "r I " �4:� � ... ��:;� � ­ 1, ,q. 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