The Huron Expositor, 1941-06-20, Page 2LW!
Ectal lishe ' 1860
eith McPhail McLean, Editor.
Published at Seaforth, Ontario, ev-
Thursday afternoon by McLean
did not last long enough to do any
damage. There was fear for a time
that with so much standing water
that the soil would cake and the '
grain be scalded.
But fortune favored us again. The
weather remained cool and the water
soaked into the ground where it was
so badly needed. Perhaps the rain
came a little late to ensure a bumper
hay crop, and with the wheat headed
out, perhaps the straw will not be as
long as could be desired, but there is
one certain thing—the rains will do
these crops no harm.
Subscription rates, $1.50 a year in'
advance; foreign, $x.00 a year. Single
copies, 4'cents each.
Advertising rates on application.
EAFORTH, Friday, June 20, 1941
Parliament Closes
The Dominion Parliament ceased
its . labors on Saturday last and ad-
journed until November 3rd, when if
prorogation takes place, it will mark
the close of the longest parliament-
ary session` in Canadian history.
The session was„ notable in many
respects, but not for its legislation.
In fact, there was but little legisla-
tion introduced, because .new legisla-
tion had, necessarily, to give place to
war expenditures and taxation.
The.. problems of agriculture were
almost, exclusively the only non -war
problems to engage the attention of'
the House, but these were given more
than usual attention.
When the members gather at Ot-
tawa again in November, the session
will be four days short of a full year
since it started.
Lord Bennett
Among the birthday honors con-
ferred by, King George last week was
a Viscountancy bestowed upon Rt.
Hon. R. B. Bennett, former Prime
Minister of. Canada, but for the past
two years a resident of England.
Mr. Bennett is Canadian born, and ,
for the, greater part of ,his life has
been a noted figure in the public life
of Canada. He is a man with a bril-
liant mind, who used his talents to
further Canadian welfare.` And
while his speech and actions both
within and -without the •Government,
did not always march in step With
the opinions of many Canadian peo-
ple, nor always with members of his
own party, his great ability, was gen-
erously recognized and his honesty
of purpose was never questioned.
He was one of the most flueutial
and eloquent debaters and one of the
most able Parliamentary statesmen
that Canada has ever produced, and
his entrance to the British House of
Lords will be welcomed by the peo-
ple of Britain as well as by the peo-
ple of Canada.
His elevation to the peerage, of
course, will not increase his stature,
but if he chooses to accept his new
(honors, as a reward of merit for his
life of public 'service, the people of
Canada will find not the , slightest
fault with his choice, but will, on the
other hand, extend their sincerest..
congratulations, and will follow his
political life in, England, with inter-
est, knowing that his great talents
and expedience will be of immense
value to the British Government and
will likewise be used to interpret
Canadaa{{'s viewpoint and advance her
interest as well.
In The Millionaire , Clash
How often have you heard the ex-
pression: "That rain was worth a
dollars?”- Well, that was just
the kind of rain we had over ' the
,week end.
In fact that rain went over the mil-
Iio •`Mark and' Well into the million-
aire class. In this section and to the
south of us, farifiers were becoming
anxious, and with cause too.
TIereha,d of 6eonr'se, been no
drought, but the growth of hay, pas-
tures"' and even grainwas- pretty
much a, 4` standsti/li While strawber
other garden vegetables
ally "'suffering' for want of
entpicture today T_ e.
even sayy the
elied arils, be-
Pest" do;potr' ..
by6.LC cfl,F
• WeShan Not Falter Or Fail
Tint all the Poisrors of llell ea Eadh assail ...
Tie r from este frigidly skies swIft-Nhtgeil Death
Spew nameless Horror with iash fiery breath...
Though Bleed. aid Marsha Aloe limb sped-
" WaShall Go On To TheEnd:
*•* * *�*4,-*a'!
As for the pastures, the spring
grains, the vegetables, the strawber- '
ries, et al, they have got 'a new lease
of life, and the country generally
could' scarcely look better than it
does to -day.
Machines, Not Men
This war against Hitler and all he
represents, is 'a war of machinery
and not a war of men.
The official statistics. of British ,
casualties which was issued the end
of last month, are an impressive evi-
dence of that fact.
These statistics show that during
the thirty months of this war 18,627
'British , sailors, soldiers and airmen
were killed, while during the average
twenty months of the World 'War
356,220 British sailors, soldiers and
airmen were killed, which means that
the losses in this war are only five
per cent. of those in a similar period
of 1914-18. 'It also means that at this
rate, it would take some fifty-three'
years for a million British forces to
be killed.
The same is true of the wounded.
During twenty months of this war
24,501.: British .soldiers, sailors and
airmen were wounded, while during -.
the average twenty months of the
World War 818,700 British soldiers,
sailor's and airi'nen were wounded,
which is a percentage of only one
decimal two compared with the last
. These are facts, and a further fact
is that as the countries at .war speed
up the production of tank's', guns and
planes, the .demands will be more for
machinery, and less' for men.
" Going .Up, Mister ? "
The new. National Denfence 'High"-
way Bill in the United States con-
tains a . clause which proposes the
construction of roadside landing
sti'ips for airplanes.
Wh'at'a boon that will be for the
American hitch -hiker. Perhaps be:
fore long he -and there are also quite
a number of shes—will be able to
choose travel 'by air or automobile
as the spirit moves.
Or, perhaps, they will use both
modes of transportation. -Cars to
take them to - the roadside landing.
fields, and the air from there on.
But we suppose the approach will
be just the same familiar one we
know .so well now—thumbs up. How-
ever, the hitch -hiker will have one
advantage witha plane over the car:
If the plane is grounded the pilot can
not pass him with a cold stare, "as the
motorist can and often does.
In addition to the. internationally
known signal the hitch -hiker will
soon have the direct approach: "Go-
up, Mister?"
Different Conditions
(Goderich Signal -Star)
Those who think they detect some difference
between this and the last War in the keenness of
interest shown by the people at horne in Canada
are forgetting a eery important difference in con-
ditions. At this period in the last war Canadians
were in the, tdiiek of the fight, 'lames of Canadian
soldiers were appearing regularly in the easuai-
rty Beta, and thus there was a deep ,peonal in-
terest WIlIdh IS so far, lacking, except 1,to a mluor
degree, in this War. One bears Seine cerribioiata
that' Canadian troops are nut, its the ? ittiai . battle
fine, , but, are kept fa•Brytalin to help repel the
etpeeted Nazi invasion:. Foe one thing, it is muck
eaiiith's to tranalitert 'Arlsti"a taii;e,NO. Zeplattlierti
sial t S(ltrth Afrleaiis hi' the Mediterranean area ',
tiinot ill' *out be to got tlOddan trilair$, ' a ii�1
'ldhi'Te atti cii tt ha n6ip Ark t$,re'd•"ti'ie Bony of
the ri malty 1st11 ejaiu#tlfa cii>iiod tti and thtltaiz
n fill
rr testasifdtl'e i° lit that their soriz dt'e oft
c' rij a,1li edits
rtcaiV;-mo L•9xauy..aay.,a.. sWm,tr:vin,u..:, `)u, . i.a..✓1,nr'
;� tlxx" aria tltlr .
We Shall Not Fairer Or Fail ,
Though tenez'river hearts mind as quell
As Evil, maestro's, shakes with iron tread
, Oar ancient Landmarks, ihep'rirg Hoaoared Dead
Whose very dust commands as to defend...
We Shall Go On To The End!
* * * *
We Shall Not Falter Or Fail ...
ihoagh, to all eyes int pars, the Holy Grail
Of Freedom be by hopelessness obscured
Ours is the Vision -nor may we be lured
From this, our Birthright easier'palhs to weed.
we Shall Go Orf To The End!
* * * * .*
We Shall Not Falter Or Fail ...
Tbougb all our straggles seem without avail ...
Though all our treasure go to pay the Price,
Leaving hut Life itself to sacrifice .. .
Though from us all bat Faith the foe may read -
We Shall Go On To The End!
*... *. * * *
We Shall Not Falter Or Fail ..,
Though hearts bereft shall ache .,, though lips grow pate
Thal murmured with a twisted smile, "Farewell("
Such hearts Oat! still bold Freedom's Giiadel-
Suchlips, grim -set, the Tyrant's Doom portend ...
We Shall Go On To The End!
* * '* '* *
We Shall Not Falter Or Fail ...
Let Mose who follow after tet Ike tale
- Of how, for all men's Freedom, tree moo fought,
Selling their lives aid liberties al naught -
Deeming that Freedom ail else mast transcend.,.
We Shall Go On To The End!
Years Agone
Interesting items Picked From
Th. Huron Expositor of Fifty �n
Twenty-five Years Ago.
interesting items Picked From
Huron Expositor Fifty and
Twenty-five Years Aga
From The • Huron Expositor
June 19, 1891
The Seaforth Fire Brigade put oni
tournament on Tuesday and. Wednes-
day of this week and it was a very
gratifying • supeess. Every bublic
building was neatly decorated and the
residences were decorated with ever-
greens, arches, flags, and Chinese lan-
terns. The prize for the best appear-
ing fire company in. the .parade was
awarded to the Stratford Grand Trunk
Hose Company,
On Tuesday night the dry goods
palace of Edward McFauI, being bril-
liantly illuminated and the interior
very •tastefully decorated', attracted
much notice and admiration from
On Sunday a load of the Seaforth
Salvation Army went to Bayfield to
take part in the camp meeting there.
When going into the village the wheel
of the vehicle collapsed and there
was a general spill, but none were
seriously injured. I
During the thunder storm of Wed-
nesday afternoon last week the barn'
of Mr. H. P. Wright, of the 5th "con-
cession of Morris, was struck -by light-
ning. A young'Holstein bull' was tied
in the stable and was so badly injur-
ed that,he died soon afterwards.
The annual #ection 'picnic was held
in Mr. .H- W. Allen's bush on Friday
last. 'It was under the direction of
ash able managing committee includ-
ing the teacher, Mr, , Wm. Kerr, and
proved quite a success. Among those
who took part in the picnic program
were Miss I. 'Britton, Kinbutn; Wm.
Pollard and' sister and Miss William-
son, of Walton; Mr. and Mrs. A. H:
Plummer, of No. 7; M. Floody, of
Blyth; G. A. Newtons of Clinton, and
local talent.
Mr. Hugh Ross, who thas been in
charge of the business of Duncan &
Duncan, in Seaforth for several week's,
has been recalled! to Toronto, and 11fr.
J. H. Pyper has been appointed man-
ager in his plate.
Mr. George Fitzgerald has purchas-
ed the residence of Mr. Sy.'dney Jae -
obs, near Beattie's grope, for $1,100.
Mr. Thomas '''Boole, Of the firm of
Miller & Soold, printers,.. Toronto,
spent a couple of days with friends
in town this week,
The Huron F'odtbaili Club of Sea -
forth is now the champion club' of
Western .Ontario.
Mr. John Rae, stir, of Mr. John Rae,
of the 14th concession of McKillop,
has gone on, a 'trip to the Old Conn-
orintry for the benefit of; his, health.
,Uossie, (Iauglite, of het D. Forrest,
of Walton, hada vers' narrow escape
from being pmstined! ( etting. • poases-
siort of a bott1 of carbolic acid on
Sattii d y, she di'aiik some,' though not
-enough to dd bore 1si 11ry tahan, barn
her triMith,'sevorely.
Mrs. (fir,) Stitubltril, of Bay eit' r&
edntly received; train New 't'ork a
Bchn icon, whip(} wilt proVo a velli=
able assistance to her ariusic unarms.
It is taiettloitcd to dooloo the Chins-
hi s -cies of the s
lIng ftti* jyiaGittti lilalcdng.
11Lr, VII-10C/14066f- 01110.166114010 • j)Yft .
osos tatting al,t o tet m d
dotlattrt ori the lE al'lalait' et the- At-
church, Brucefield, on Friday last held
a social party at the residence of Mrs.
Ross. , Miss A. Beattie presented Mrs.
Ross with a purse containing $106.25.
From The Huron Expositor
• June 23, 1916
The honor class at the Seaforth
Collegiate Institute is as follows: Pro-
moted from Form I to Form II—Lew
Chesney, Edward ,Archibald, M. Mc-
Naughton, Elizabeth Keating, E.
Waghorn, M. Hays•, J. Ress, I. Hart,
E. Adams, R. Boyd, D. O'Connell, V.
-Adams, E. Wright, H. Burrows, F.
Coates, J. Archibald, M. Crosbie, M.
Reeves, C. Colbert, Ed. Keating,
Mr, W. Glenny, who has 'been the
accountant in the Dominion Bank here
for some years, has been appointed
manager of the branch. •in Hespler.
What might have proved a serious
if not fatal accident occurred at the
'Main Street crossing of the G.T.R.,
Seaforth,' on Tuesday last, when
Messrs Fred and Con Eckert, 1 -Mur
: -Murray and T. Moylan were motoring ov-
er to Hensall to attend a Liberal
meeting, and not noticing a freight
engine pulling out they drove directly
in front of it, Tihe train was not
moving fast and fortunately they were
not severely injured.
Rev, •C. W, DeWitt Cosens, B,A.,
who has been minister of the' -Bruce -
field Methodist Church for the past
nine months, will occupy the pulpat
and preach his farewell sermon on
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. George Cardno and Mr. Arnold'
Habkirk, of Seaforth, have purchaded
Ford cars from Mr. J. F. Daly, the
local agent.
Mr. Harold' Deem, of Wingham, and
son of Mr. Wm. Deem, has enlisted
with the 161st Battalion,
Mr. Finlay Ross, who has been at-
tending the Faculty of Education, has
gone to the West, where he has se-
cured a' good position: for the summer
Mayor Stewart and Messrs, J. A.
Williams, 3'. Taman and J. );..Wilks•
are in London this week competing
in the bowling tournament in that
Messrs. Armstrong and Cass, who
have been conducting a butcher -shop
here for two or three years, have (los-
ed their store and Mr. and Mrs. Cass
and family are removing from town.
A well -contested football match was
played' ort the recreation grounds in
Seaforth last week between the Kick-
ers of Tuokersmith and those of Stan-
ley. The Tuckersmith boys scored
the only goal of the evening, thus'
winning the round by one goal. The
following is the Tuckereneith line-up:
Goal, J. Hawthorne; 'backs, P. Ryan
and J. McIver; halves, Chesney, Nich-
olsen and, McGeoch; forwards, Mc-
Millen, -Wilson, Wright, J,. McKay, J.
McMillan and Win. Wright; referee,
A. W. Dick.
112r. James Jarrott, son elf Mr. and
Mi% Isaac Jarrett, of Kiribati, who
had enlisted with. the 16lat battalion
at H'ensall, 'has been transferred to
the medical comps and will shortly
leave for overseas,
Cbl' Alex Wrflson spent Suhday at
the hone. et Mite. A. Young, He had
recently been revtailed, front ldn_glatid,,
where he was in tom rantln e'f',.the 33rd
attalien to act as, Irlst itrtor for the
neve battalions being tabled in Canada,,
,, After CONMest ttiiile Iiiigitit S��b dfl
tifties,�for iaa .the ,battle with. Oasi,
;cher, Vint)htii; tint' abniio;6r ar�flhd ti
W inn t ar e4 : t r 0.-
Brief Backgrounds in the Careers of
Canada's Captains -in War
'A .German taught Air Vice -Marshal
Lloyd Sam Breadner, D.S.C., Chief of
Canada's Air Staff, to fly. The Reich
has lived to rue the day when that
German was born, as months ahead of
schedule, hundreds of fighter pilots,
products of the Commonwealth Air
Training Plan, stream across the At=
ladtic to help in the Battle of Britain,
and to carry war deep into industrial
Breadner was born in Carleton
Place, Ont„ in 1894. Later he moved
-to Ottawa, where his father is a
wholesale manufacturing jeweller with
a factory on Somerset Street.
In 1915, •wishing to qualify for the
Royal Naval Air Service ir?Great Bri-
tain, Breadner joined the Wright Fly-
ing School in Dayton, Ohio, paid
about $60 per flying hour out of his
own pocket — and upkeep as well,
Air Vice -Marshal Lloyd Sam
Breadner, D,S.C., • Chief of Can-
ada's Air Staff,
while wafting his turn to coMbiete
this course. This comprised a total
of tiree hours flying experience. Af-
ter that his German instructor quali-
fied him as, a pilot. Two=and-a,half
flying hours were spent in, learning,
the Last half hour in running lhroxgh
the tests ter a license.
June, 1916; saw Breathier over the
Belgian coast as a fighter pilot. With-
in a year he commanded! a squadron
of his own and had won the Dis-
tinguished Service Cross. With the
formation of the Royal Air Force in
1918, he was transferred .to that or-
ganization and served with it till the
end of the War. When, the Arnojstice
:was signed he took his discharge at
the Crystal Palace, London, and Im-
mediately returned to Ottawa.
Breadner, welcomed into , hie
.father's ".business, spent just sixteen
'Months 'out of the country's service,
Then his former commanding officer,
Col. J. Stanley Scatt, 'newly 7ppoinrted
first. 'Controller: of Civil Aviation kr
Canada, Dersuaded iron to become his
.assistant. Not eili>ee then has tlread-
,ner been 'djs'S; tsajd1atae'd 'frons a 1 i1at-
ties, air
'Vliem• tho Royal C`anaddau Air
Force was 01i idett in 10240 arbitdttOr;
fineri lS»�ll ni1 'i.; tl •6111x 1
Goes To War Again
Dr. A. Harold Talo who was or',
erseas wish the Canadian Army Medi-
cal C'orpslin the last war,- has again
heard the call to patriotic service, and
like the ardent Britisher he is he bas
closed his office here and on. Tuesday
left for London to report at military,
iheadquarters for -service again with
the R.C.A.M.C. Dr. Taylor was at 1
Calgary when the last war broke out
and he served with the medical corps
from April, 1915, until late in 1919. it
was after this that he established his
practice' in Goderich, succeeding his
father, the late Dr. A. Taylor.--Gode-
rich Signal -Star.
-.Shower For Bride Elect
A miscellaneous shower was given
for Miss Lenore Stothers on Wednes-
day evening of last week at the home
of Mrs. Harry Bradley. The bride-to-
be was taken by complete surprise
when she entered the room to find
some twenty-five people waiting to
greet her. The room was prettily de-
corated with flowers, the table bou-
quet' being white and pink carnation
and sweet peas. An enjoyable even-
ing was spent and a dainty lunch was
served, ' The' party gathered in a cir-
cle and the bride -elect was led into
the centre to a basket decorated in
pink and white and containing many
beautiful gifts. Miss Stothers re:
sponded very nicely and the remain-
der of the evening was spent in com-
munity singing,—Goderich Signal -Star.
Two More For the R.C.A,F.
Gerald O'Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs.
D, M. O'Brien, who enlisted with the
Royal Canadian Air Force some weeks
ago, Left on Wednesday of this week
for London, whence he expected to be
sent to the Manning Pool at St, Hub-
ert, Que., near Montreal, for training
as a pilot observer. "Jerry" has been,
on the Signal -Star's reportorial staff
the last two years, and the best wish-
es of ibis fellow workers, as well as
of a host of friends in the,town go
'With him. Another Goderich young'
man, Albert Gauley, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Gauley, Oxford Street,
has' entered upon active service with
the R.C.A.F. He left' on Monday for
Toronto for training as a wireless op-
erator and air gunner.—Goderich Sig-
nal -Star.
Comes To Clinton -
Rev. George Wilson Moore, L.Th.,
now in charge of Millbank and Mil-
verton parishes, comes to Clinton to
succeed Rev. A. H. O'Neil, in ')St.
Paul's Anglican Church. — Clinton
News -Record.
Honored By Alumni
Dr. J. W. Shaw, who for the past
fifty years has practised in Clinton,
was honored at a Iuncheon last
Thursday, by the Medical Alumni of
the -University of Toronto. The lunch -
.eon was given in honor of the doc-
tors still practising medicine, who ---
were in the medical class that gradu-
ated in 1871. Five. practising phyisi-
cians attended, coming from Glinton,
Galt, Paris, -Grand Rapids, Mich:", and
Spencerville, olio, •The dionored
guests were given a' platform seat at .
the graduation exercises at which
seven hundred students received their
degrees this year.—Clinton News -Re-
cord, • ,.
Couple Fifty Years Married
It is our great pleasure to extend
congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, John
Galbraith, of town, on the .celebration
of their golden wedding anniversary.
They were married June 10, 1891, in
Wingham,' by the Rey. John Scott,.
the Methodist minister who was serv-
ing here at that time. Mr. Galbraith
said that it 'is not often that a bride
and groom go away on a train decor-
ated with bunting from .the front to
the back. Smiling, he told us this and
then .said imagine black bunting. He
then explained that -the train.was thus
draped as Sir John A. Macdonald had
passed.away and that the C.P.R. thus
honored his passing, — Wingham Ask
Named Director of Golf Club,
At a meeting of the directors of
the. Mitchell Golf and Country Club
held on Tuesday, T. E. E. Bucking-
ham was elected to the directorate to
take the place of Lieutenant ,W,
, ,F
Elliott.' His duties of secretary -treas-
urer will also 'be taken over by Mr.
Buckingham. David Eizerman was
named chairman of the greens com-
mittee,—Mitchell Advocate.
Aged Lady is Seriously Injured.
Mrs. Ann McCurdy, of Exeter, was
seriously injured in an automobile
accident on Sunday afternoon while
riding with her daughter, Miss Tena
McCurdy. The two, were motoring
south on N. 4 highway. At the Hur-
on -Middlesex boundary, five miles
south of Exeter, a car travelling ahead
of Mills McCurdy stopped to make a
left turn as there was a car coming
(Continued on Page 3),
Officer Commanding, R.C.A.F. Station,
Camp Borden, and on his return, with
the 'rank of Wing Commander, became
Acting Director of the 'Royal Cana-
dian Air Force. For another three
Years after that he was C.O. Trenton
R.C.A.F, Station, "organizing the early
development of what Is today Can-
ada's number one tratining station.
In 19$5 he returned to England' to
attend Imperial Defence "cfollege. Soon
after war, broke oii't, he was back ire
England, this time as Mr Adviser to
the Honourable T. A. Crerar, during
a eonferenee to co-ordinate the Etn-
pi•re war effort. Breadoor, who re-
turned to Ottawa on Christmas Day
of '39, just a vaitiii after the launch-
rrg of the I3ritislh CdxnYnon
weaith Mr
'ra,inxng Plan, was .plated; : gym, charge
till operationa. May, 29th, &e heearne
cht'ef -•of Air Staff :: ( rli anda;ggres"
sive, ,Air io'e Ata*toln MarshalBreadner Is
ntodoi shing tri Air '°';Training
, v: kuit..1ryn.:,.